Total Books (Physics) - 6260

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
520 BER 04003748 Smithsonian Intimate Guide to the Cosmos Berry, Dana Collins Business 2004 9780061196669 176 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 DIC 04003736 Universe and Beyond Dickinson, Terence Firefly Books 2006 9781552979013 180 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 SUB 05075342 ISRO Exploring New Frontier : Subramaniam T.S Nirmala Lakshman, 2024 9789393875877 first 356 p, ; Knowledge Centre
520 ABH 04008568 Astrophysics of the Solar System Abhyankar, K D Universities Press 2009 9788173711244 255 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 ABH 04011114 Astrophysics : Abhyankar K D University Press, 2001 9788173713811 xv,543 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 ARN 00128922 Explorations Arny, Thomas T Mc-Graw Hill, 2010 9780077154837 7th edition 520p : . UG Library
520 ASH 05031075 Astronomy / Ash, Kevin ABD Publishers, 2003 8185771723 216 p Knowledge Centre
520 BAK 00017639 Astronomy :London Baker, H Robert D.Van 1957 530 UG Library
520 BAK 04008690 50 Universe ideas : Baker, Joanne Quercus, 2010 9780857381231 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 BAK 00117895 1,001 Celestial Wonders to See Before You Die : Bakich, Michael E. Springer, 2010 9781441917768 xiii, 479 p. : UG Library
520 BAL 00132113 Recent Photographs In Astronomy: Baldwin Audria, Callisto reference, 2015 9781632395399 vi,208 p.; UG Library
520 BEL 00131130 A Question and Answer Guide To Astronomy / Bely, Pierre-Yves. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781107601710 xiii, 280 p. ; UG Library
520 BHA 00059386 Textbook of Astronomy and Astrophysics with Elements of Cosmology Bhatia, V. B. Narosa Pub. House, 2001 8173193398 | 9788173193392 | 0 x, 386 p. : UG Library
520 BIS 04009718 9 secrets : Biswas, Dipankar Life management academy, 2009 9788190815604 336 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 BLA 04008681 The big questions : Blackburn, Simon Quercus, 2010 9781849162388 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 BLE 00117490 Discovering The Cosmos / Bless, Robert C., University Science Books, 2013 9781891389719 2nd ed. xxv, 727 p. : UG Library
520 BLE 03009890 Discovering The Cosmos / Bless, Robert C., University Science Books, 2013 9781891389719 2nd ed. xxv, 727 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520 CHA 05060129 Astronomy : Chaisson,Eric. Pearson, 2017 9789332586871 7th ed. xvi,503,s9p.; Knowledge Centre
520 COR 04008125 The secret life of the universe : Corzine, Amy Watkins publishing, 2008 xii, 276p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 DIC 03007603 Summer Stargazing : Dickinson, Terence. Firefly Books Press ; 1996 9781552090145 64 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520 DIC 04021507 The Universe and Beyond / Dickinson, Terence Firely Books, 2001 9781552093610 168p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 DIE 00109919 Astronomy with radioactivities / Diehl,Roland. Springer, 2011 3642126979 | 9783642126970 xii, 564 p. : UG Library
520 DIE 00104714 Astronomy with radioactivities / Diehl,Roland. Springer, 2011 3642126979 | 9783642126970 xii, 564 p. : UG Library
520 DYS 04008460 20th century science : Space and astronomy / Dyson, Marianne J. Viva books, 2010 9788130913018 xix, 283p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 EIC 00123127 The New Cosmos : Eicher, David J., Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107068858 xviii, 279 p.: UG Library
520 ENG 04010614 Choosing and using a refracting telescope / English, Neil, Springer, 2011 9781441964021 | 1441964029 | 9 xii, 283 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 GOL 03008357 The Astronomers : Goldsmith, Donald. St. Martin's Press, 1991 0312053800 : | 9780312053802 1st ed. xviii, 332 p., [24] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520 HAR 05057929 Astronomy, the cosmic journey / Hartmann, William K. Wadsworth, 1982 0534010059 2nd ed. xxii, 530 p., 32 p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
520 HAW 00061864 On the Shoulders of Giants: Hawking, Stephen Viva Books Private Limited, 2002 8176494518 | 9788176494519 1260p.; UG Library
520 HAW 00115538 On the Shoulders of Giants: Hawking, Stephen Viva Books Private Limited, 2002 8176494518 | 9788176494519 1260p.; UG Library
520 HAW 04012099 The illustrated On the shoulders of giants : Hawking, Stephen. Running Press, 2004 9780762418985 256 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 HAW 00058511 On the Shoulders of Giants: Hawking, Stephen Viva Books Private Limited, 2002 8176494518 | 9788176494519 1260p.; UG Library
520 HEN 00041447 The New Astronomy. Henbest, Nigel 0521408717 240 p UG Library
520 HES 00112967 21st Century Astronomy Hester Jeff Norton, & Company, 2002 9780393974003 xix, 540 p,: UG Library
520 JAI 00121400 An Introduction to astronomy and astrophysics Jain, Pankaj CRC Press 2015 9781439885901 351p. UG Library
520 KAU 00117435 Discovering the universe / Kaufmann, William J. W.H. Freeman and Co., 1996 0716726467 (softcover) | 97802 4th ed. xxii, 436 p. : UG Library
520 KRI 00132068 Understanding cosmic panorama Krishna Swamy,K.S New Age international pvt ltd., 2018 9789386286925 126p.; UG Library
520 KUH 00045373 Astronomy - a Journey into Science Kuhn, F Karl West Publishing Company 1989 0314470093 620p UG Library
520 KUH 00050240 Astronomy - a Journey into Science Kuhn, F Karl 0314470093 478p UG Library
520 KUM 00019731 Astronomy Kumaravelu S. Diocesan Press 1977 5th ed. 571 p. : UG Library
520 KUM 00019732 Astronomy Kumaravelu S. Diocesan Press 1977 5th ed. 571 p. : UG Library
520 KUM 00019733 Astronomy Kumaravelu S. Diocesan Press 1977 5th ed. 571 p. : UG Library
520 KUM 00019734 Astronomy Kumaravelu S. Diocesan Press 1977 5th ed. 571 p. : UG Library
520 KUT 00117383 Astronomy : Kutner, Marc Leslie. Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521529273 | 0521529271 (pb 2nd ed. xviii, 582 p. : UG Library
520 KUT 00117384 Astronomy : Kutner, Marc Leslie. Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521529273 | 0521529271 (pb 2nd ed. xviii, 582 p. : UG Library
520 KUT 00067239 Astronomy: a Physical Perspective. Kutner, Marc L 0521529271 582p UG Library
520 MOO 03007495 Firefly Atlas of the Universe / Moore, Patrick. Firefly Books, 2005 9781554070718 3rd ed. 288 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520 MOO 04009909 Firefly Atlas of the Universe / Moore, Patrick. Firefly Books, 2005 9781554070718 3rd ed. 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 MOO 00027495 The Sky at Night Moore Patrick Patrick 192 p UG Library
520 MOR 05070274 The New Observer's book of astronomy / Moore, Patrick. Fredrick warne, 1962 192p.; Knowledge Centre
520 NAR 00058512 Seven Wonders of the Cosmos Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521638984 (pbk.) | 0521630878 x, 324 p. : UG Library
520 NAR 00047584 Seven Wonders of the Cosmos Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521638984 (pbk.) | 0521630878 x, 324 p. : UG Library
520 NAR 00047846 Seven Wonders of the Cosmos Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521638984 (pbk.) | 0521630878 x, 324 p. : UG Library
520 OBR 00148065 A Deep Sky Astrophotography Primer: Obrien, Michael Springer, 2023 9783031157615 xxxi,327p. ; UG Library
520 PAL 00132301 Understanding our universe / Palen, Stacy, W.W.Norton and company inc., 2018 9780393614428 (pbk.) | 9780393631715 Third edition. xvii,501p.; UG Library
520 PAL 07011591 Understanding our Universe/ Palen,Stacy W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393631715 501 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
520 PAS 05068385 The cosmos : Pasachoff, Jay M., Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108431385 Fifth edition. xxiii,707p.; Knowledge Centre
520 PET 03012593 Astronomy 101 : Petersen, Carolyn Collins. Adams Media, 2017 9781440563591 | 1440563594 288 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520 PLE 00130576 On to mars !: Pletser, Vladimir Springer nature, 2018 9789811070297 xvi,253p.; UG Library
520 PLO 00080344 Night Sky Companion:A Yearly Guide to Sky-Watching 2008-2009 Plotner, Tammy 2007 0387716084 669 p.: UG Library
520 RAM 00017917 Astronomy Ramachandran, G V Rukmani Ramachandran 1970 7th ed 555 p. viii, : UG Library
520 RAO 10000664 Modern Physics / Narayana Rao,B.V New Age international pvt ltd.publishers, 2018 9789386649447 2nd ed. xviii,470p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
520 ROT 00120069 Handbook of practical astronomy / Roth, Gunter D Springer, 2009 9783540763772 (hbk.) | 3540763 xxiv, 712 p. : UG Library
520 ROY 04013135 Astronomy : Roy, A. E. Institute of Physics Pub., 2003 9780750309172 4th ed. xxiii, 475 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 ROY 00107159 Astronomy Roy, A. E. Institute of Physics Publishing 2003 0750309172 4th ed. xxiii, 475 p. : UG Library
520 SAG 05032517 Cosmos / Sagan Carl Ballantine Books, 1980 9780345331359 xxi,324p.: Knowledge Centre
520 SAG 00139319 Cosmos/ Sagan, Carl Hachette 1980 9780349107035 413p UG Library
520 SAG 00139320 Cosmos/ Sagan, Carl Hachette 1980 9780349107035 413p UG Library
520 SAG 00109442 Cosmos Sagan, Carl, Random House, 1980 0394502949 : 1st ed. xvi, 365 p. : UG Library
520 SAG 07006099 Cosmos / Sagan, Carl, Ballantine, 2013 9780345539434 (pbk.) | 0345539 Ballantine Books Trade Paperbacks, 2013. xxix, 396 p. : Library - BR Campus
520 SAG 00028543 Cosmos Sagan, Carl, Random House, 1980 0394502949 : 1st ed. xvi, 365 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
520 SCH 05046106 The Copernicus complex : Scharf, Caleb A. Allen Lane, 2014 9781846147128 (hbk.) | 1846147123 (hbk.) 278 pages : Knowledge Centre
520 SEE 00069383 Astronomy: the Solar System and Beyond: Seeds, A Michael 0534377645 440p UG Library
520 SEE 00132640 Universe: Seeds, Michael A Brooks/Cole Cengage learning, 2012 9781111427238 xiv,514p.; UG Library
520 SHU 10000779 Practical Physics / Shukla, R K. New age International (p) Limited, 2017 9789386286048 2nd ed. xv, 324, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
520 SPA 08000665 Cosmos / Sparrow, Giles, Querus Publishing, 2013 9781623650360 [2013 ed.]. 224 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 SUT 00139827 Observational Astronomy : Sutton,Edmund C. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107010468 xxiv,394p.; UG Library
520 THO 00055222 Visions of the Future Thompson, J. M. T. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521805376 (pbk.) viii, 237 p. : UG Library
520 UPG 04007177 The turtle and the stars : Upgren, Arthur R. Times Books/Henry Holt and Co., 2002 080507094X 1st ed. xx, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520 WYA 00028213 Principles of Astronomy Third Edition Stanley Wyatt, P Allen 1977 730 p UG Library
520 ZEI 00055220 Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics. Zeilik, Michael 1998 0030062284 517p UG Library
520.11 ARO 04002321 Encyclopaedia of Nanotechnology V Molecular Engineering Arora, M P Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd. 2008 9788183562812 288 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.222 KER 04009637 Hubble : Kerrod, Robin. Firefly Books, 2003 9781552977811 192 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.222 PET 04017290 Visions of the cosmos / Petersen, Carolyn Collins. Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521818982 (hardback) viii, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.3 MIT 00060192 Cambridge Dictionary of Astronomy Mitton, Jacqueline 0521804809 443p UG Library
520.3 MUR 04015714 The Firefly encyclopedia of astronomy / Murdin, Paul Firefly Books, 2004 1552977978 vii, 472 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.3MUR 00087989 Canopus Encyclopedia Astronomy Murdin, Paul ISB0953786889 472p UG Library
520.5 BHA 04005497 Astronomy and Astrophysics Bhattacharya, A B Overseas Press 2010 9788189938413 427 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.5 BHA 04003992 Astronomy and Astrophysics Bhattacharya, A B Overseas Press 2010 9788189938413 427 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.5 BHA 04012472 Astronomy and Astrophysics Bhattacharya, A B Overseas Press 2010 9788189938413 427 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.5 GRA 00042341 Planets, Stars and Orbs - the Medieval Cosmos - 1200 - 1687 Grant, Edward 0052156509 816 p UG Library
520.5 MAR 05037685 The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein / Sterling, 2013 9781454907763 xxiii,151p.: Knowledge Centre
520.5 PHI 00124078 Carbon nanotube graphene device physics / Wong, Hon-Sum Philip, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521519052 x, 251 p. : UG Library
520.5 PHI 04007874 Carbon nanotube graphene device physics / Wong, Hon-Sum Philip, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521519052 x, 251 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.711 POM 00067242 Great Ideas for Teaching Astronomy Pompea, Stephen M. Brooks/Cole, 2000 0534373011 3rd ed. xii, 244 p. : UG Library
520.9 BAR 03002799 Archives of the Universe : Bartusiak, Marcia. Vintage Books, 2009 9780375713682 | 0375713689 695 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520.9 MCE 03002829 A Brief History of Universe : Mcevoy, J. P. Robinson, 2010 9781845296841 317 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520.9 BAR 04009700 Archives of the universe : Pantheon Books, 2004 9780375421709 1st ed. xvii, 695 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.9 HOS 00053054 The Cambridge Illustrated History of Astronomy Hoskin, Michael A. Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521411580 (hc) ix, 392 p. : UG Library
520.9 HOS 00059137 History of Astronomy: Hoskin, Michael Oxford University Press. 2003 0192803069 | 9780192803061 123p UG Library
520.9 HOS 00085459 History of Astronomy: Hoskin, Michael Oxford University Press. 2003 0192803069 | 9780192803061 123p UG Library
520.9 HOS 01016426 The History of Astronomy : Hoskin, Michael. Oxford Unversity Press, 2006 9780195681758 123 p. Knowledge Centre
520.9 SEN 07009861 Astronomy in India,1784-1876/ Sen,Joydeep Routledge, 2016 9781138678996 XIII,253 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
520.9034 CLE 00106025 A popular history of astronomy during the nineteenth century Clerke, Agnes M. Scholarly Press, 1977 0403072220 | 9781108014328 xv, 489 p. UG Library
520.91 BAR 04003773 Day We Found the Universe Bartusiak, Marcia Vintage Books 2009 9780375424298 337 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.91724 HEA 05050972 Astronomy for the developing world : Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521876575 (cased) | 052187 xii, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
520.92 SHE 03002292 Galileo in Rome: The Rise and Fall of a Troublesome Genins Shea, William R Oxford Universtiy Press 9780195165982 226 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520.92 DRA 00101774 Galileo: Drake, Stillman. Oxford University Press, 2001 9780192854568 127 p. : UG Library
520.92 DRA 01016422 Galileo / Drake, Stillman. Oxford University Press, 2001 0192854569 127 p. : Knowledge Centre
520.92 DRA 05048844 Galileo: Drake, Stillman. Oxford University Press, 2001 9780192854568 127 p. : Knowledge Centre
520.92 HEI 00110113 Galileo Heilbron, J. L. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199583522 (acidfree paper) xiv, 508 p. [16] p. of plates : UG Library
520.922 MCC 00078943 Space and Astronomy McCutcheon, Scott. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2006 8130903601 | 0816054673 (hardc Indian Edition xvi, 192 p. : UG Library
520.922 MIL 03008369 Empire of the Stars : Miller, Arthur I. Houghton Mifflin, 2005 9780618341511 | 9780316725552 xx, 364 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
520.922 MIL 04009786 Empire of the Stars : Miller, Arthur I. Houghton Mifflin, 2005 9780618341511 | 9780316725552 xx, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.924 RAM 04007151 S.Chandrasekhar Man of Science/ Ramnath, Radhika Harper collins publishers India, 2011 9789350290293 xiv;248p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.924 RAM 00109149 S.Chandrasekhar Man of Science/ Ramnath, Radhika Harper collins publishers India, 2011 9789350290293 xiv;248p. UG Library
520.92GAL.M 00070135 Cambridge Companion to Galileo: [ Dharmaram College} Galileo 0521588413 462p UG Library
520.92MAC 00083671 Cambridge Companion to Galileo Machamer, Peter 1998 0521588413 462p UG Library
520.934 PIL 00132713 Indian emphemeris: Pillai,Dewan Bahadur L D Swamikannu B R Publishing corporation, 2019 9789387587663 xx,432p.; UG Library
520.937 GAR 04030276 Heavens and Earth : Garg, Garima Penguin, 2022 9780143459040 285p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
520.954 JYE 05049384 Gaṇita-yukti-bhāṣā (rationales in mathematical astronomy) of Jyeṣṭhadeva / Jyeṣṭhadeva, Hindustan Book Agency, 2008 9788185931838 liv,470 p. : Knowledge Centre
520.954 MOH 05066709 The Story of Astronomy in India / Mohan,Chander. Viva Books, 2019 9789389166033 ix,128p.; Knowledge Centre
520.954 NAR 05028762 Science in India / Narlikar J V Viva Books for the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture, 9788130912686 | 8130912684 xliii, 370 p. ; Knowledge Centre
520.954 SAC 01017242 Outer space : Sachdeva, G. S. KW Publishers, in association with Centre for Air Power Studies, 2010 9789380502281 | 9380502281 xvi, 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
520.954 SUB 05028763 Tradition of Astronomy in India Jyotihsastra:History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civlization [PHYSICS SECTION] Subbarayappa, B V Imh Press 0ISB818758632 509p Knowledge Centre
520.954 VIS 00105255 Science in India Jayant Vishnu Narlikar. Viva Books for the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture, 2009 9788130912684 | 8130912686 xliii, 370 pages : UG Library
520BVN 00011473 I Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN 00011474 I Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN 00011477 I Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN 00011476 I Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN 00011475 I Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN2 00011482 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN2 00011483 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN2 00011485 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN2 00011486 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520BVN2 00011484 Pre University Physics II Year Rao, B V N Indra Prakasan UG Library
520COLM 00028544 Skywatcher`s Handbook Colin Ronan, A 224 p UG Library
520DAV 00007764 Discovery of Electron David L, Anderson East West UG Library
520DIT 00011183 Light Ditchlurr, R W UG Library
520GAM 00010113 Introductory Physics Gambhir, R S UG Library
520GAM 00010115 Introductory Physics Gambhir, R S UG Library
520HAW 00090477 On the Shoulders of Giants Hawking, Stephen Viva Books Private Limited 8176494518 1264p UG Library
520KHA 00012366 Text Book of Physics Khaleelur, Rahman Subhas Prakashana UG Library
520KHA 00012367 Text Book of Physics Khaleelur, Rahman Subhas Prakashana UG Library
520NAR1 00011173 II Year Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, R V Ambika UG Library
520OUS 00010126 Practical Physics Ouseph, Devassy UG Library
520OUS 00010127 Practical Physics Ouseph, Devassy UG Library
520OUS 00010128 Practical Physics Ouseph, Devassy UG Library
520RAH 00011440 Text Book of Physics for I Year p u c Rahman, Khaleelur Subhas Pub UG Library
520RAH 00011441 Text Book of Physics for I Year p u c Rahman, Khaleelur Subhas Pub UG Library
520RAH 00011442 Text Book of Physics for I Year p u c Rahman, Khaleelur Subhas Pub UG Library
520RAH1 00011443 Text Book of Physics for II Year p u c Rahman, M D Subash UG Library
520RAH1 00011445 Text Book of Physics for II Year p u c Rahman, M D Subash UG Library
520RAH1 00011444 Text Book of Physics for II Year p u c Rahman, M D Subash UG Library
520RAM 00012360 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAM 00012361 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAM 00012362 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAM1 00017634 Astronomy Ramachandran, UG Library
520RAM1 00012368 Text Book of Physics Ramakumar, I V Asia UG Library
520RAO 00005942 Modern Physics Rao, B V N B v n Rao UG Library
520RAO1 00006533 II Year Bsc Physics Rao, B V N Anbika UG Library
520RAO2 00007915 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra M A Geetha UG Library
520RAO2 00007916 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra M A Geetha UG Library
520RAO2 00007917 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra M A Geetha UG Library
520RAO3 00010068 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO3 00010071 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO3 00010073 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO3 00010075 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO3 00010077 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO3 00010076 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO3 00010074 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO3 00010072 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO3 00010069 Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO4 00010225 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Indira UG Library
520RAO4 00010226 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Indira UG Library
520RAO4 00010227 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Indira UG Library
520RAO5 00011446 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011449 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011447 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011448 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011450 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011452 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011461 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011460 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011459 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011458 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011457 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011456 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011455 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011454 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011453 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011472 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011470 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011468 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011467 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011465 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011463 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011462 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO5 00011451 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao, Ramachandra Geetha Book House UG Library
520RAO6 00012350 I Year Pre University Physics Rao, B V N UG Library
520RAO6 00012353 I Year Pre University Physics Rao, B V N UG Library
520RAO6 00012359 I Year Pre University Physics Rao, B V N UG Library
520RAO6 00012358 I Year Pre University Physics Rao, B V N UG Library
520RAO6 00012352 I Year Pre University Physics Rao, B V N UG Library
520RAO6 00012351 I Year Pre University Physics Rao, B V N UG Library
520RED 00006617 Pre University Physics Reddy G, Subbi Maruthi b d UG Library
520RID 00028542 Night Sky Ridpath, Ian Collins 236 p UG Library
520SAR 00007944 Text Book on Dynamics Saran, Shant Ramprasad & Co UG Library
520SUN 00010286 Text Book of Physics I Bsc Sundarajan, N Subhas Prakashana UG Library
520SUN 00010287 Text Book of Physics I Bsc Sundarajan, N Subhas Prakashana UG Library
520SUN1 00010814 Text Book of Physics Sundara Rajan, Subhas Prakashana UG Library
520SUN2 00011303 Text Book of Physics Sundararajan, N Subash UG Library
521 CHA 00126587 Principles of Stellar Dynamics / Chandrasekhar, S. Dover Publications, 2005 9780486442730 Dover Phoenix ed. x, 313 p. : UG Library
521 JAR 05042444 Theories of figures of celestial bodies / Jardetzky, Wenceslas S., Dover Publications, 2005 0486441482 (pbk.) xiii, 186 p. ; Knowledge Centre
521 JAR 05033627 Theories of figures of celestial bodies / Jardetzky, Wenceslas S., Dover Publications, 2005 0486441482 (pbk.) xiii, 186 p. ; Knowledge Centre
521 NEE 00020545 The Stars by Clock & Fist Neely, Henry M. Viking Press 1972 0670668265 Rev. ed., 192 p. UG Library
521 TIM 05068388 Finding our place in the solar system : Timberlake, Todd. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107182295 xvii, 378p.; Knowledge Centre
521.1 MAG 00138073 Gravitational waves / Maggiore, Michele. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780198570745 (v. 1) | 0198570740 (v. 1) | 9780198570899 (v. 2) | 0198570899 (v. 2) v. <1-2> : UG Library
521.1 MAG 00138074 Gravitational waves / Maggiore, Michele. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780198570745 (v. 1) | 0198570740 (v. 1) | 9780198570899 (v. 2) | 0198570899 (v. 2) v. <1-2> : UG Library
521.4 ABO 00135493 Delta N formalism in cosmological perturbation theory / Abolhasani, Ali Akbar, World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd, 2019 9789813238756 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9813238755 (hardcover : alk. paper) vii,173p.; UG Library
521.5 SAG 00042782 Cosmos: One of the Bet Selling Science Books Ever Published in English Lang Sagan, Carl 0345331354 320 p UG Library
521.5 SHA 05063730 Black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars : Shapiro, Stuart L. Wiley, 1983 0471873179 : | 0471873160 (pbk.) : | 9780471873167 xvii, 645 p. : Knowledge Centre
521.58 CLA 05051619 Principles of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis : Clayton, Donald D. University of Chicago Press, 1983 0226109534 (pbk.) : | 02261095 University of Chicago Press ed. xxii, 612 p. : Knowledge Centre
521.582GRI 00085500 Galaxies a Very Short Introduction Gribbin, John 9780199234349 121p UG Library
521.6 RAM 00002315 Bahya Antriksh Men Upgrah Ramesh Varma, AITBS UG Library
522 KIT 04005595 Astrophysical Techniques Kitchin, C R Overseas Press 2005 8188689076 474 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522 KIT 04003987 Astrophysical Techniques Kitchin, C R Overseas Press 2005 8188689076 474 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522 COV 00121996 Celestial objects for modern telescopes Covington, Michael A., Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521524199 (pbk.) 268p. UG Library
522 CUD 00117897 Faint Objects and How to Observe Them / Cudnik, Brian. Springer, 2013 9781441967565 xxii, 241 p.: UG Library
522 KIT 04012473 Astrophysical techniques / Kitchin, C. R. Institute of Physics Pub., 1998 9788188689070 3rd ed. xv, 474 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522 MIZ 00121998 Light pollution Mizon, Bob, Springer, 2002 1852334975 (acidfree paper) 216p. UG Library
522 RON 00004243 Optical Astronomy Ronan,Colin A. English Language Book Society 1964 68 p. UG Library
522 RON 00008017 Optical Astronomy Ronan,Colin A. English Language Book Society 1964 68 p. UG Library
522.015195 FEI 05049563 Statistical challenges in modern astronomy / Springer-Verlag, 1992 0387979115 | 3540979115 xxi, 527 p. : Knowledge Centre
522.091732 BER 00071829 Urban Astronomy Berthier, Denis Cambridge University Press, 2003 052153190X 107 p. : UG Library
522.195456 MUK 08000532 Jantar Mantar : Mukherji, Anisha Shekhar Ambi Knowledge Resources, 2010 8190359118 1st ed. ; 224p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522.2 LEM 04010605 Astronomical optics and elasticity theory : Lemaitre, Ge Springer, 2009 9783540689041 (acidfree paper) xxi, 573 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522.2 BUT 00130568 Building and using binoscopes / Butler, Norman P. Springer international publishing ag, 2017 9783319467887 2nd ed., xiii,386p.; UG Library
522.2 CLA 00052347 Universe in Focus Clark, Stuart Cassell 1997 0304349453 | 9780304349456 128p UG Library
522.2 CLA 00117896 Amateur Telescope Making in the Internet Age : Clark, Robert L. Springer, 2011 9781441964144 xi, 204 p. : UG Library
522.2 HOW 05062617 Handbook of CCD astronomy / Howell, Steve B. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521852159 (hardback) | 0521852153 (hardback) | 9780521617628 (pbk.) | 0521617626 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre
522.209 SCH 04015488 Eyes on the skies : Schilling, Govert. Wiley-VCH ; | John Wiley [distributor], 2009 9783527408658 | 3527408657 132 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522.2919 DEV 04008127 Hubble : DeVorkin, David H., Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum : | In association with National Geographic, 2008 9781426203220 (hardcover : alk 223 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522.33SPE 00004397 English for Proficiency Spencer, D H Penguin UG Library
522.62 SHE 05062122 Introduction to planetary photometry / Shepard, Michael K., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107131743 | 110713174X xii, 250 pages : Knowledge Centre
522.67 EME 00106569 Interpreting astronomical spectra Emerson, David. J. Wiley & Sons, 1996 047194176X (acidfree paper) | vii, 461 p. : UG Library
522.67 MED 04013296 3D spectroscopy in astronomy : Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521895415 (hardback) | 0521895413 (hardback) xv, 271 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522.682 BUR 00041440 Introduction to Radio Astronomy Burke, F Bernard 0052155604 294 p UG Library
522.686 FRA 04013232 X-ray detectors in astronomy / Fraser, G. W. Cambridge University Press, 1989 052132663X | 9780521106030 ix, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522.6863 ARN 05058056 Handbook of X-ray astronomy / Keith Arnaud A., ed. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521883733 (hardback) viii, 197 p. : Knowledge Centre
522.6863 FAB 00106011 Frontiers of X-ray astronomy Fabian.A. C. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521827590 | 0521534879 (pbk.) x, 246 p. : UG Library
522.6863 LEW 05055520 Compact stellar X ray sources / Lewin, Walter. ed. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521826594 | 9780521826594 xv, 690 p. : Knowledge Centre
522.7 CHA 00037667 Spherical Astronomy Chatterji, P.N. Rajhans Agencies 1990 7th ed. 232 p. : UG Library
522.7 KHA 00026117 Spherical Astronomy Khanna, M L Jai Prakash Nath & Co 1983 9th ed. xvi, 448 p. : UG Library
522.7 KHA 00020355 Spherical Trignometry Khanna, M L Jai Prakash Nath & Co 1974 6th ed. xvi, 173 p. : UG Library
522.7 MAL 00019013 Spherical Astronomy Malik, G S Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1978 viii, 397 p. : UG Library
522.7 MAL 00019014 Spherical Astronomy Malik, G S Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1978 viii, 397 p. : UG Library
522.7 MAL 00019297 Spherical Astronomy Malik, G S Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1978 viii, 397 p. : UG Library
522.7 SHA 00020368 Spherical Astronomy Sharma, S Krishna Prakashan Mandir 1979 2nd ed. v, 384 p. : UG Library
522.7 SHA 00020367 Spherical Astronomy Sharma, S Krishna Prakashan Mandir 1979 2nd ed. v, 384 p. : UG Library
522.7 SMA 00019828 Textbook on Spherical Astronomy Smart, W. M. Cambridge University Press, | Vikas Publishing House, 1977 0521215161 | 0521291801 (pbk.) 6th ed. xiii, 431 p. : UG Library
522.7 SMA 00019630 Textbook on Spherical Astronomy Smart, W. M. Cambridge University Press, | Vikas Publishing House, 1977 0521215161 | 0521291801 (pbk.) 6th ed. xiii, 431 p. : UG Library
522.8 KHA 00098787 Cell and molecular biology; Khanna,Pragya I,K,International publishing house; 9788189866594 412 p. UG Library
522.9 KUM 04001225 Correlation Pattern Recognition Kumar, Vijaya B V K Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521865234 390p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
522SHA 00020356 First Course of Elementary Astronomy Sharma, P N J N.S.Vasan 1919 p UG Library
523 FRA 04005750 Universe: The Definitive Visual Guide Frances, Peter D k 2009 9780756636708 512 p[ Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523 WEB 04000493 Webster's Dictionary & Thesaurus for Students With Full-Color World Atlas / Federal Street Press, 2008 9781596950177 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523 BON 00127832 Observing Mteors, Comets, Supernovae, and other Transient Phenomena Bone, Neil, Springer 1999 1852330171 (pbk. : acidfree pa x, 198 p. : UG Library
523 DOR 05056369 The planets : the definitive visual guide to our Solar System Dorling kindersley Dorling Kindersley, 2014 9781409353058 256p.; Knowledge Centre
523 GOT 04008130 Sizing up the universe : Gott, J. Richard. National Geographic, 2011 9781426206511 (hbk.) 246 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523 HAW 00140272 Black Holes : Hawking Stephen Bantam Books, 2016 9780857503572 70p.: UG Library
523 HAW 07005594 Black Holes : Hawking Stephen Bantam Books, 2016 9780857503572 70p.: Library - BR Campus
523 MOO 04009631 Astronomica : Moore, Patrick Millennium House, 2007 9781921209734 524 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523 MOO 00053062 Stargazing Moore, Patrick. Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521794455 (pbk.) | 0521790522 2nd ed. vi, 209 p. : UG Library
523 NOV 00052246 Black Holes and the Universe Novikov, Igor Cambridge 1995 0521558700 174 p . UG Library
523 RAI 00125625 Black Holes : Raine, Derek. Imperial College Press, 2015 9781783264810 | 9781783264827 3rd edition. 282 p.: UG Library
523 SMI 00124942 Astrophysical Jets and Beams / Smith, Michael D. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521834766 xii, 228 p, : UG Library
523.001 COM 00058536 Discovering the Universe Comins, F Neil 0716796732 456p UG Library
523.001 PAS 00058543 The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium. Pasachoff, M Jay 0053440734 395p UG Library
523.0026 WAS 00147082 The Journey to Infinity: Wasnik, Kanak Nation Press Platform, 2024 9798894462004 xvii,77p. ; UG Library
523.0026 WAS 05074654 The Journey to Infinity: Wasnik, Kanak Nation Press Platform, 2024 9798894462004 xvii,77p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.0026 WAS 05074657 The Journey to Infinity: Wasnik, Kanak Nation Press Platform, 2024 9798894462004 xvii,77p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.0026 WAS 05074658 The Journey to Infinity: Wasnik, Kanak Nation Press Platform, 2024 9798894462004 xvii,77p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.0026 WAS 05074659 The Journey to Infinity: Wasnik, Kanak Nation Press Platform, 2024 9798894462004 xvii,77p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.0026 WAS 05074660 The Journey to Infinity: Wasnik, Kanak Nation Press Platform, 2024 9798894462004 xvii,77p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.0026 WAS 05074661 The Journey to Infinity: Wasnik, Kanak Nation Press Platform, 2024 9798894462004 xvii,77p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.01 NAR 04003716 Violent Phenomena in the Universe Narlikar, Jayant B Dover Publications 2007 9780486457970 218 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.01 ABH 00058770 Astrophysics of the Solar System Abhyankar, K. D. Universities Press (India) Ltd 1999 8173711240 | 9788173711244 xiv, 255 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00037676 Astrophysics Abhyankar, K D Universities Press (India) Ltd 1992 8173713812 | 9788173713811 xv, 542 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00060724 Astrophysics Abhyankar, K D Universities Press (India) Ltd 1992 8173713812 | 9788173713811 xv, 542 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00056481 Astrophysics Abhyankar, K D Universities Press (India) Ltd 1992 8173713812 | 9788173713811 xv, 542 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00056482 Astrophysics Abhyankar, K D Universities Press (India) Ltd 1992 8173713812 | 9788173713811 xv, 542 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00058767 Astrophysics Abhyankar, K D Universities Press (India) Ltd 1992 8173713812 | 9788173713811 xv, 542 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00071560 Astrophysics of the Solar System Abhyankar, K. D. Universities Press (India) Ltd 1999 8173711240 | 9788173711244 xiv, 255 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00061329 Astrophysics - Stars and Galaxies Abhyankar, K D Universities Press 2001 8173713812 | 9788173713811 xv, 543 p.: UG Library
523.01 ABH 00056461 Astrophysics of the Solar System Abhyankar, K. D. Universities Press (India) Ltd 1999 8173711240 | 9788173711244 xiv, 255 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00056462 Astrophysics of the Solar System Abhyankar, K. D. Universities Press (India) Ltd 1999 8173711240 | 9788173711244 xiv, 255 p. : UG Library
523.01 ABH 00060725 Astrophysics of the Solar System Abhyankar, K. D. Universities Press (India) Ltd 1999 8173711240 | 9788173711244 xiv, 255 p. : UG Library
523.01 APA 00048016 Stellar Astrophysics for Local Group Aparicio, A 0521632552 594 p UG Library
523.01 BAR 00109437 The book of universes Barrow, John D., Vintage Bokks 2012 9781847920980 (hbk.) | 9780099 xiv, 354 p. : UG Library
523.01 BAS 00051491 An Introduction to Astrophysics Basu, Baidyanath Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120311213 xvi, 488 p. : UG Library
523.01 BAS 00102174 An Introduction to Astrophysics Basu, Baidyanath Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120311213 xvi, 488 p. : UG Library
523.01 BAS 00062207 An Introduction to Astrophysics Basu, Baidyanath Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120311213 xvi, 488 p. : UG Library
523.01 BAS 00062206 An Introduction to Astrophysics Basu, Baidyanath Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120311213 xvi, 488 p. : UG Library
523.01 BAS 00043220 An Introduction to Astrophysics Basu, Baidyanath Prentice Hall of India 2004 8120311213 xvi, 488 p. : UG Library
523.01 BAS 00051492 Introduction to Astrophysics Basu, Baidyanath Prentice Hall of India 2001 8120311213 486p UG Library
523.01 BAU 00147233 Basic space plasma physics / Baumjohann, Wolfgang World Scienctific, 2023 9781944660727 Third edition. xx,506p. ; UG Library
523.01 BIN 05048808 Astrophysics : Binney, James, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198752851 | 0198752857 First edition. xv, 160 pages : Knowledge Centre
523.01 CHA 00061751 Frontiers in Astrophysics/ Chakrabarti Spandip K Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 2002 8177643770 Vol. 2 303p UG Library
523.01 CHO 00131132 Astrophysics for physicists / Choudhuri, Arnab Rai. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521176934 xviii, 471 p. ; UG Library
523.01 CHO 00102165 Astrophysics for physicists / Choudhuri, Arnab Rai. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521176934 xviii, 471 p. ; UG Library
523.01 CHO 10000323 Astrophysics for physicists / Choudhuri, Arnab Rai. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521176934 xviii, 471 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.01 CLA 00120768 Principles of astrophysical fluid dynamics / Clarke, Catherine Jane. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521853316 (hbk.) | 0521853 ix, 226 p. : UG Library
523.01 CLA 05051590 Principles of astrophysical fluid dynamics / Clarke, Catherine Jane. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521853316 (hbk.) | 0521853 ix, 226 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.01 DYS 05071697 Astrophysics and Space Science / Dyson, John Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000 0004640X90320009153527314010 x, 348 p. Knowledge Centre
523.01 DYS 05050288 Astrophysics and Space Science / Dyson, John Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000 0004640X90320009153527314010 x, 348 p. Knowledge Centre
523.01 DYS 05050289 Astrophysics and Space Science / Dyson, John Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000 0004640X90320009153527314010 x, 348 p. Knowledge Centre
523.01 GEA 05072290 Five Photons : Geach, James. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2018 9781789142952 184p., Knowledge Centre
523.01 HAR 00117530 Astrophysical concepts Harwit, Martin, Springer, 2006 0387329439 4th ed. xvi: 714p.; UG Library
523.01 KIT 00069382 Astrophyiscal Techniques: Kitchin, C R Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2005 8188689076 473p UG Library
523.01 KOL 00120761 Extreme environment astrophysics / Kolb, Ulrich. Open University ; | Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521193443 (hbk.) | 0521193 287 p. : UG Library
523.01 KRI 00145932 Astrophysics : Swamy, K S Krishna. New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers, 2022 9789393159489 2nd ed. xi, 334p. ; UG Library
523.01 MOF 05068392 Self-exciting fluid dynamos / Moffatt, H. K. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108717052 xviii,520p.; Knowledge Centre
523.01 NAR 05033597 Violent phenomena in the universe / Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu, Dover Publications, 2007 0486457974 Dover ed. vii, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.01 PAD 04015348 Theoretical astrophysics / Padmanabhan, T Cambridge University Press, 2002 9781107400610 xvii , 619 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.01 PAD 00102163 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.01 PAD 00102162 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.01 PAD 00102161 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.01 PAD 10000825 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.01 PAD 10000826 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.01 PAD 10000827 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.01 PRI 00126119 Astrophysical Flows Pringle, Jim Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521869362 | 0521869366 x, 206 p. : UG Library
523.01 RYB 05063733 Radiative processes in astrophysics / Rybicki, George B. Wiley-VCH, 2004 9780471827597 xv, 382p. Knowledge Centre
523.01 SAI 05066836 Fluid flows to black holes : World Scientific, 2011 9789814374767 | 9814374768 x, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.01 SKE 07006227 Dark Energy : Skerry Philip.J Bloomsbury, 2016 9789385936845 175p.: Library - BR Campus
523.01 SKE 05048125 Dark Energy : Skerry Philip.J Bloomsbury, 2016 9789385936845 175p.: Knowledge Centre
523.01 TYA 00116554 Astro Physics Tyagi, Piyoosh Kumar Random Publications, 2013 9789351110415 274p. ; UG Library
523.01 TYS 00137998 Astrophysics for young people in a hurry / Tyson, Neil deGrasse. Norton Young Readers, 2019 9781324003281 | 9780393356502 176p.; UG Library
523.01 TYS 07013958 Astrophysics for people in a hurry / Tyson, Neil deGrasse, W W Norton & Company, 2017 9780393609394 | 0393609391 First edition. 222 pages ; Library - BR Campus
523.01 UCH 00130572 Fractional kinetics in space : Uchaĭkin, V. V. World scientific publishing co pte ltd., 2018 9789813225428 (hardcover : alk ix, 289 pages ; UG Library
523.01 VBN 00040591 From Chavos to Cosmos 0 740 p UG Library
523.01 WAL 05067450 A quest for perspectives : World Scientific, 2001 9781860942082 | 9781860942860 2 v. Knowledge Centre
523.01 WAL 05067451 A quest for perspectives : World Scientific, 2001 9781860942082 | 9781860942860 2 v. Knowledge Centre
523.01 ZEL 05051682 Relativistic astrophysics / Zelʹdovich, I︠A︡. B. University of Chicago Press, 1971 0226979555 (v. 1) | 0226979571 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
523.0103 BAS 04003128 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Astrophysics Basu, S K Global Vision 2007 8182202205 408 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.010904 LON 05051558 The cosmic century : Longair, Malcolm S., Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521474361 (hbk.) | 9780521474 xvi, 545 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.01092 BOS 00104581 Stephen Hawking's Universe Boslough, john. Avon Books 1980 0380707632 149 p. UG Library
523.01092 SAL 00109474 S. Chandrasekhar Salwi, Dilip M. Rupa & Co., 2004 8129104911 | 9788129104915 79 p. : UG Library
523.01092 SRI 00047847 From White Dwarfs to Black Holes Chandrasekhar, S. University Press (India) Ltd 1999 8173712387 | 0226769968 (alk. xiii, 240 p. : UG Library
523.01092 SRI 00058769 From White Dwarfs to Black Holes Chandrasekhar, S. University Press (India) Ltd 1999 8173712387 | 0226769968 (alk. xiii, 240 p. : UG Library
523.01092 VEN 05048989 Chandrashekar and his limit Venkataraman.G Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2015 9788173710353 viii,139p.; Knowledge Centre
523.01092 WIC 00125158 Where did we come from? : Wickramasinghe, Chandra, World Scientific Publishing 2015 9789814641395 (hardcover : alk xi, 198 pages : UG Library
523.013 JOH 00035951 Solar System Astrophysics John, C Brant M G H 1964 1 UG Library
523.013BRA.H 00035950 Solar System Astrophysics Brandt, C John MGH 456 p UG Library
523.019 COL 05058079 Physics of relativistic objects in compact binaries : Colpi, Monica., ed. Springer, 2009 9781402092633 (hbk.) | 1402092 xiv, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.019 ROS 05055519 Introduction to high energy astrophysics / Rosswog, Stephan. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521857697 (hbk.) | 0521857 x, 355 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.0192 MIH 05057822 Foundations of radiation hydrodynamics / Mihalas, Dimitri, Dover, 1999 0486409252 (pbk.) | 9780486409 xv, 718 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.0197 LON 00048180 High Energy Astrophysics Longair, M. S. Cambridge University Press, 1994 0521383749 | 0521387736 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvii, 418 p. : UG Library
523.0197 LON 05062618 High energy astrophysics / Longair, Malcolm S., Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521756181 (hardback) 3rd ed. xxii, 861 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.0197 PRA. 05059424 Atomic Astrophysics And Spectroscopy/ Pradhan Anil K, Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107483583. x,363p,; Knowledge Centre
523.01972 PER 04002517 Praticle Astrophysics Perkins, Donald Oxford Universtiy Press 2003 9780199545032 256 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.01ABE 00040592 Exploration of the Universe Abell, George Holt, Reinehalt and Winston 722 p UG Library
523.02 CHA 00106033 Light elements in the universe : Charbonnel,Corrinne. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521765060 (hbk.) xvi, 504 p. : UG Library
523.1 COS 04005720 In search of Our Universe's Missing Mass and Energy/ Cosmos, Dark Collins Business 2006 9780061130335 240 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 GRE 04003740 Fabric of the Cosmos : Greene, Brian. Vintage Books, 2004 0375412883 | 9780375727207 569 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 GRI 03003607 Origins of the Future: Ten Question for the Next Ten Years Gribbin, John Yale University Press 9780300119985 292 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 MCF 04005758 Universe: from Ancient Babylon to the Big Bang Mcevoy, J P Robinson 2010 9781845296841 317 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 PEE 04003234 Principles of Physical Cosmology Peebles, P J E Princeton University Publishers 2008 9780691019338 718 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 PIC 04005724 Surfing Through Hyperspace : Pickover, Cliford A. Oxford Universtiy Press, 1999 9780195142419 | 0195142411 239 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 ALT 00141629 Mysteries of the Universe: Altman,Peter Jaico Publishing House 2021 9789389305500 304p UG Library
523.1 ASI 05059824 The exploding suns : Asimov, Isaac. Dutton, 1985 0525243232 : 1st ed. x, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.1 BAR 04008088 The book of universes : Barrow, John D., W.W. Norton, 2011 9780393081213 (hardcover) 1st American ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 BAU 00124076 Inflation and String Theory / Baumann, Daniel, 9781107089693 | 1107089697 xxii, 371 pages : UG Library
523.1 BER 04012543 Priniciples of Cosmology and Gravitation / Berry M. V. Overseas Press ; 2005 9798188689179 179 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 BIN 05062802 Galactic astronomy / Binney, James, Princeton University Press, 1998 0691004021 (cloth : acidfree paper) | 0691025657 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 796 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.1 BON 00120258 Cosmology / Bondi, Hermann. Dover Publications, 2010 9780486474830 | 0486474836 2nd ed., Dover ed. vii, 182 p. : UG Library
523.1 BRI 04008147 Britannica Illustrated Science Library / Britannica Illustrated Science Library 2009 9781593398453 101p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 CHA 00135286 Cooking cosmos : Chaudhuri, Asis Kumar, World scientific publishing pte.lte., 2017 9789813145764 | 9813145765 | 9789813145771 | 9813145773 xii, 199 pages : UG Library
523.1 CHR 00142101 Beyond the boundaries of science: Christie,Latha Kumar Brothers Publishing 2019 9789353511975 192p UG Library
523.1 CLE 10004330 Interstellar Tours : Clegg, Brian Icon Books, 2023 9781837730759 274 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.1 COL 00081751 Cosmology: The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure. Coles, Peter 0000471093 492p UG Library
523.1 COU 05074992 The Universal History of Us : Coulson, Tim. Penguin Random House, 2024 9781405968874 453 p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.1 COU 10004193 The Universal History of Us : Coulson, Tim. Penguin Random House, 2024 9781405968874 453 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.1 DAN 00058768 Concepts in Space and Science Daniel R R University Press 2002 9788173714108 392 p UG Library
523.1 DAV 03007487 Don't Know Much about the Universe : Davis, Kenneth C. HarperCollins, 2001 0060194596 | 9780060194598 1st ed. xxiv, 344 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 DAV 05075216 Simulating the Cosmos : Dave, Romeel. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2023 9781789147148 199 p.; Knowledge Centre
523.1 DAV 00127116 The Accidental Universe Davies, P. C. W. Cambridge University Press, 1982 9780521286923 xii, 139 p. : UG Library
523.1 DAV 04009817 Don't know much about the universe : Davis, Kenneth C. HarperCollins, 2001 9780060932565 1st ed. xxiv, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 DAV 04009818 Don't know much about the universe : Davis, Kenneth C. HarperCollins, 2001 9780060932565 1st ed. xxiv, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 ELL 00124884 From the Universe to The Elementary Particles : Ellwanger, Ulrich. Springer, 2012 9783642243745 | 3642243746 | xi, 189 p. : UG Library
523.1 FIL 04009783 Stephen Hawking's universe : Filkin, David. BasicBooks, 1997 9780465081981 | 0465081983 (pb 1st ed. xv, 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 GAR 00093495 Biocosm Gardner, James N New age international pvt ltd 9788122417876 317p UG Library
523.1 GAR 00093496 Biocosm Gardner, James N New age international pvt ltd 9788122417876 317p UG Library
523.1 GIB 00141038 The future of theoretical physics and cosmology : Gibbons G W Cambridge University Press, 2010 0521820812 | 9780521820813 (ha xxvi, 879 p. : UG Library
523.1 GIB 00126129 The future of theoretical physics and cosmology : Gibbons G W Cambridge University Press, 2010 0521820812 | 9780521820813 (ha xxvi, 879 p. : UG Library
523.1 GIB 00120552 The future of theoretical physics and cosmology : Gibbons G W Cambridge University Press, 2010 0521820812 | 9780521820813 (ha xxvi, 879 p. : UG Library
523.1 GLE 00067815 The Prophet and the Astronomer Gleiser, Marcelo. W.W. Norton, 2001 0393324311 (pbk.) | 0393049876 xv, 256 p. : UG Library
523.1 GLE 04009695 A tear at the edge of creation : Gleiser, Marcelo. Free Press, 2010 9781439108321 : | 1439108323 1st Free Press hardcover ed. xvii, 285 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 GRE 03007525 Fabric of the Cosmos : Greene, Brian. Vintage Books, 2004 0375412883 | 9780375727207 569 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 GRE 00125628 Cosmology With Matlab Green,Dan World Scientific, 2016 9789813108400 250 p.: UG Library
523.1 GRE 03007777 Fabric of the Cosmos : Greene, Brian. Vintage Books, 2004 0375412883 | 9780375727207 569 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 GRE 03007778 Fabric of the Cosmos : Greene, Brian. Vintage Books, 2004 0375412883 | 9780375727207 569 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 HAR 00102988 Masks of the universe : Harrison, Edward Robert. Cambridge University Press, 0521773512 ix, 331 p. : UG Library
523.1 HAR 00134726 Discovering the cosmos with small spacecraft : Harvey, Brian Springer, 2018 9783319681382 xii,281p.; UG Library
523.1 HAW 04015731 A Brief History of Time : Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books, 1996 9780307291226 216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 HAW 04017815 A Brief History of Time : Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books, 1996 9780307291226 216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 HAW 04017298 A Brief History of Time : Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books, 1996 9780307291226 216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 HAW 00098524 The Grand Design: Hawking, Stephen Bantam Press, 9780593058305 200 p. UG Library
523.1 HAW 07006649 A briefer history of time / Hawking, Stephen: Bantam Press Publication, 2008 9780593056974 xi,155p. Library - BR Campus
523.1 HAW 07005614 A Brief History of Time Hawking,Stephen W. Bantam Books 1995 211 p. Library - BR Campus
523.1 HAW 07006648 A brief history of time / Hawking, Stephen Bantam publication, 1995 9780553175219 xiii,209p. Library - BR Campus
523.1 HAW 00138839 A brief history of time / Hawking, Stephen Bantam publication, 1995 9780553175219 xiii,209p. UG Library
523.1 HAW 00138840 A brief history of time / Hawking, Stephen Bantam publication, 1995 9780553175219 xiii,209p. UG Library
523.1 HAW 05063980 The Theory Of Everything : Hawking, Stephen W. Jaico Publishing House, 2009 9788179925911 viii, 132p.: Knowledge Centre
523.1 HAW 03008382 A Brief History of Time : Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books, 1996 9780307291226 216 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 HAW 10002280 A brief history of time / Hawking, Stephen Bantam publication, 1995 9780553175219 xiii,209p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.1 HAW 03007546 A Briefer History of Time / Hawking, S. W. Bantam Books, 2008 9780553385465 (pbk.) Bantam trade pbk. ed. xi, 162 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 HAW 05056356 A brief history of time / Hawking, Stephen Bantam publication, 1995 9780553175219 xiii,209p. Knowledge Centre
523.1 HAW 04009628 A Briefer History of Time / Hawking, S. W. Bantam Books, 2008 9780553385465 (pbk.) Bantam trade pbk. ed. xi, 162 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 HOO 04008108 Dark Cosmos ; Hooper, Dan Collins, 2006 xiii, 240p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 HOY 00053063 A Different Approach to Cosmology Hoyle, Fred, Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521662230 (hbk.) xi, 357 p. : UG Library
523.1 JAS R 00127710 Origins of life in the universe / Jastrow, Robert, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521825764 (hbk.) | 0521825 xx, 395 p. : UG Library
523.1 KAK 05056365 Parallel worlds : the science of alternative universes and our future in the cosmos Kaku, Michio Penguin books, 2005 9780141014630 xvii,428p.; Knowledge Centre
523.1 KNI 00143163 Modern Cosmology / Knight, Alicia. Murphy & Moore, 2022 9781639873708 vii, 232p.; UG Library
523.1 LEM 04012121 Echo of the big bang / Lemonick, Michael D., Princeton University Press, 2003 9780691102788 215 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 LEV 04009755 How the Universe Got its Spots Levin, Janna Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002 9780297646518 208 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 LEV 00054835 How the Universe Got its Spots Levin, Janna Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002 9780297646518 208 p. : UG Library
523.1 LID 07007983 The Oxford companion to cosmology Liddle, Andrew R. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199560844 Oxford University Press pbk. Library - BR Campus
523.1 MAJ 05038356 On space and time / Majid Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521889261 (hard back) | 05 xx, 287 p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.1 MCF 04016064 Universe: from Ancient Babylon to the Big Bang Mcevoy, J P Robinson 2010 9781845296841 317 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 NAR 00117296 An Introduction to Cosmology Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu, Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521531411 | 9780521531412 | 8 3rd ed. xvii, 541 p. : UG Library
523.1 NAR 00117297 An Introduction to Cosmology Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu, Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521531411 | 9780521531412 | 8 3rd ed. xvii, 541 p. : UG Library
523.1 NAR 00106013 Facts and Speculations in Cosmology Narlikar, V Jayanth Cambridge Universtiy Press 2009 9780521134248 287 p UG Library
523.1 NAR 00058102 An Introduction to Cosmology Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu, Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521531411 | 9780521531412 | 8 3rd ed. xvii, 541 p. : UG Library
523.1 NAR 00045303 An Introduction to Cosmology Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu, Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521531411 | 9780521531412 | 8 3rd ed. xvii, 541 p. : UG Library
523.1 NAT 00068049 Dawn of the Universe Nath, Biman B Universities Press 8173715203 160p UG Library
523.1 PAD 00042346 Structure Formation in the Universe Padmanabhan, T 0521424860 483 p UG Library
523.1 PAD 00041441 Cosmology and Astrophysics Through Problems Padmanabhan, T 0521467837 484p UG Library
523.1 PAD 00117387 Structure formation in the universe Padmanabhan, T. Cambridge University Press, 1993 9780521424868 | 0521424860 (pb 2nd ed. xvi, 483 p. : UG Library
523.1 PAD 00117388 Structure formation in the universe Padmanabhan, T. Cambridge University Press, 1993 9780521424868 | 0521424860 (pb 2nd ed. xvi, 483 p. : UG Library
523.1 PAD 00067005 New Challenges in Astrophysics Padmanabhan, T New Age International Publishers 1997 8122411207 iii, 173 p. : UG Library
523.1 PAR 00130574 How the universe works : Parnovsky,Serge World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813234949 xxii,160p.; UG Library
523.1 PAT 04011998 Space : Moore, Patrick. Mitchell Beazley 2007 224 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 PEA 00117385 Cosmological physics / Peacock, John A. Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521422701 (paperback) xi, 682 p. : UG Library
523.1 PEA 00117386 Cosmological physics / Peacock, John A. Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521422701 (paperback) xi, 682 p. : UG Library
523.1 PEA 05051559 Cosmological physics / Peacock, John A. Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521422701 (paperback) xi, 682 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.1 PEA 00118372 Cosmological physics / Peacock, John A. Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521422701 (paperback) xi, 682 p. : UG Library
523.1 PEN 04007195 Cycles of time : Penrose, Roger. Knopf, 2011 9780224080361 (hbk.) | 9780307 1st U.S. ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 PEN 00108225 Cycles of time : Penrose, Roger. Bodley Head, 0224080369 (cloth) 400 p. ; UG Library
523.1 PEN 00101396 Cycles of time : Penrose, Roger. Bodley Head, 0224080369 (cloth) 400 p. ; UG Library
523.1 PIC 03003776 Surfing Through Hyperspace : Pickover, Cliford A. Oxford Universtiy Press, 1999 9780195142419 | 0195142411 239 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 RAT 05011263 Cosmology and the evolution of the universe / Ratcliffe, Martin. Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313340796 (hard copy : alk xvii, 207 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.1 ROB 07013414 Alumni of the year / Robert, Tomson Notion Press, 2019 9781684668250 156p.; Library - BR Campus
523.1 ROD 05045744 From Big Bang to Galactic Civilizations : Primus Books, 2015 9789384082451 357p.: Knowledge Centre
523.1 ROO 00125620 Introducation to Cosmology Roos,Matts Wiley, 2015 9781118923320 5th ed, 270 p.: UG Library
523.1 SCI 00120275 The unity of the universe / Sciama, D. W. Dover Publications, 2009 9780486472058 | 0486472051 Dover ed. xix, 213 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
523.1 SER 00119163 Observational cosmology / Serjeant, Stephen. Cambridge University Press ; | Open University, 2010 9780521192316 (hbk.) | 0521192 324 p. : UG Library
523.1 SEV 00022010 The Universe and Civilisation Sevastyanov, V Progress Publicayion 1981 239 p. : UG Library
523.1 SHU 05036957 The universe within : Shubin, Neil. Penguin Books, 2013 9781846142208 x, 225 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.1 SIE 00125217 Beyond the galaxy : Siegel, Ethan, World Scientific, 2016 9789814667234 | 9789814667166 x, 376 pages : UG Library
523.1 SIL 04008616 The infinite cosmos : Silk, Joseph, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199533619 (pbk.) | 0199533 248 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 SPA 07007065 The Universe In 100 Key Discoveries / Sparrow Giles Quercus, 2012 9781780872254 416p.: Library - BR Campus
523.1 SRI 00106851 Can Stars Find Peace? / Srinivasan G. Universities Press, 2011 9788173717420 xiii, 254 p.: UG Library
523.1 SRI 00106861 What Are The Stars? Srinivasan G. Univrsities Press; 2011 9788173717413 xiii, 246 p. UG Library
523.1 SRI 03005982 Can Stars Find Peace? / Srinivasan G. Universities Press, 2011 9788173717420 xiii, 254 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.1 STO 04009702 Space / DK, 2010 9780756667382 1st American ed. 360 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1 STO 03007572 Space / DK, 2010 9780756667382 1st American ed. 360 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.101 PAS 10004483 The one : how an ancient idea holds the future of physics / by Heinrich Päs. Päs, Heinrich [Author] Icon Books Ltd., 2023 9781837730308 1st Ed. 358 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.10151 TEG 10004707 Our mathematical universe : Tegmark, Max, Penguin books, 2014 9780241954638 First edition. viii, 421 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.10151636 MAR 00130557 Noncommutative cosmology / Marcolli, Matilde, World scientific publishing co pte ltd., 2018 9789813202832 (hardcover : alk xv, 275 pages : UG Library
523.109 DAN 04005745 Book of the Cosmos : Danielson, Dennis R. Perseus, 2000 9780738202471 555 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.109 DAN 04005813 Book of the Cosmos : Danielson, Dennis R. Perseus, 2000 9780738202471 555 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.109 DAN 03007517 Book of the Cosmos : Danielson, Dennis R. Perseus, 2000 9780738202471 555 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.109 DEV 03009537 Beyond Earth : Devorkin, David. National Geographic Society , 2002 9780792264675 255 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.109 KRA 05049806 Conceptions of cosmos : Kragh, Helge S. Oxford University Press, 2007 0199209162 (acidfree paper) | 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.11 GRE 04003754 Universe: All the Information You Need to Understand the Cosmos Grego, Peter Harper Collins 2006 0007214383 191 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.11 COM 00117532 Galaxies and cosmology Combes, F. Springer, 2002 3540419276 (hardcover : acid f 2nd ed. xviii, 444 p. : UG Library
523.111 TEN 00055014 Universal Principles of Space and Matter Tewari, Paramahamsa Crest Publishing House 2002 8124202818 | 9788124202814 xviii, 187 p. : UG Library
523.111 TEW 00055015 Universal Of Space And Matter Tewari, Paramahamsa Crest 2002 8124202818 | 9788124202814 187p UG Library
523.112 BIN 05063731 Galactic dynamics / Binney, James, Princeton University Press, 2008 9780691130262 (cloth : acidfree paper) | 9780691130279 (paper : acidfree paper) 2nd ed. xvi, 885 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.112 BIN 00105980 Galactic dynamics / Binney, James, Princeton University Press, 2008 9780691130262 (cloth : acidfree paper) | 9780691130279 (paper : acidfree paper) 2nd ed. xvi, 885 p. : UG Library
523.112 KON 05059691 The Cambridge photographic atlas of galaxies / König, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107189485 (hardback : alk. vii,344p,; Knowledge Centre
523.112 MUK 00138664 Particle Physics and Cosmology / Mukherjee,S N. New Age International Publishers, 2019 9789387788404 x,480p.; UG Library
523.112 ROY 05059694 Unveiling galaxies : Roy, Jean-René, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108417013 (alk. paper) xv,278p,; Knowledge Centre
523.112 ROY 00134731 Unveiling galaxies : Roy, Jean-René, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108417013 (alk. paper) xv,278p,; UG Library
523.112 SCH 05062803 Extragalactic astronomy and cosmology : Schneider, P. Springer, 2006 9783642069710 xiv, 459 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.112 SPA 05062616 Galaxies in the universe : Sparke, Linda Siobhan. Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521855934 (hbk.) | 9780521855938 (hbk.) | 0521671868 (pbk.) | 9780521671866 (pbk.) 2nd ed. ix, 431 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.112 SPI 05063732 Physical processes in the interstellar medium / Spitzer, Lyman, Wiley, 1998 0471293350 | 9780471293354 Wiley classics library ed. xvii, 318 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.112 SPI 00106571 Physical processes in the interstellar medium / Spitzer, Lyman, Wiley, 1998 0471293350 | 9780471293354 Wiley classics library ed. xvii, 318 p. : UG Library
523.1125 DYS 05062801 The physics of the interstellar medium / Dyson, J. E. 1997 9780750304603 | 075030460X (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xiii 165 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.1125 DYS 00106294 The physics of the interstellar medium / Dyson, J. E. 1997 9780750304603 | 075030460X (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xiii 165 p. : UG Library
523.1125 KRU 00104022 An introduction to the physics of interstellar dust / Krügel, Endrik. Taylor & Francis, 2008 9781584887072 (alk. paper) | 1 xiii, 387 p. : UG Library
523.1126 BAH 05066677 Dark matter in the universe / World Scientific, 2004 9789812388414 2nd ed. xii, 233 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.113 CHI 05064351 Rediscovering our galaxy : Cambridge University press, 2018 9781107192348 | 110719234X xxii, 399 pages : Knowledge Centre
523.1135 DRA 05062800 Physics of the interstellar and intergalactic medium / Draine, Bruce T., Princeton University Press, 2011 9780691122137 (hardback : alk. paper) | 069112213X (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780691122144 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0691122148 (pbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 540 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.1135 DRA 00105981 Physics of the interstellar and intergalactic medium / Draine, Bruce T., Princeton University Press, 2011 9780691122137 (hardback : alk. paper) | 069112213X (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780691122144 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0691122148 (pbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 540 p. : UG Library
523.1135 KWO 00106293 Physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium Kwok, Sun University Science Books, 2007 9781891389467 | 9781891389467 xiii, 569 p. UG Library
523.1135 LEQ 00106570 The interstellar medium Lequeux, James. Springer, 2005 3540213260 | 9783540213260 xvi, 437 p. : UG Library
523.12 HAW 04003769 Endless Universe : Steinhardt, Paul J. Broadway Books, 2006 9780767915014 284 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.12 MAT 04005755 Very First Light: The True Inside Story of the Scientific Journey Back to the Dawn of the Universe Mather, John C Member of the Perseus Books Group 2008 9780465005291 353 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.12 CAR 00119480 Universe Or Multiverse edited by Carr. Bernard Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521848411 | 9780521140690 xvi, 517 p. : UG Library
523.12 HAW 05011011 The Nature Of Space and Time / Hawking Stephen Princeton University Press, 1996 9780691150949 viii,145 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.12 HAW 04015478 Endless Universe : Steinhardt, Paul J. Broadway Books, 2006 9780767915014 284 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.12 HAW 00038450 A Brief History of Time Hawking,Stephen W. Bantam Books 1995 211 p. UG Library
523.12 HAW 03003768 Endless Universe : Steinhardt, Paul J. Broadway Books, 2006 9780767915014 284 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.12 HER 10004939 On the origin of time : Stephen Hawking's final theory / by Thomas Hertog. Hertog, Thomas [Ed.] Penguin Books, 2023 9781804991121 1st Ed. xxiv, 313 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.12 MAT 04017231 Very First Light: The True Inside Story of the Scientific Journey Back to the Dawn of the Universe Mather, John C Member of the Perseus Books Group 2008 9780465005291 353 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.12 SOS 04008115 Cosmic landscape : Susskind, Leonard. Little, Brown and Co., 2005 0316155799 (hardcover : alk. p 1st ed. xii, 403 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.12 SUS 03007520 Cosmic landscape : Susskind, Leonard. Little, Brown and Co., 2005 0316155799 (hardcover : alk. p 1st ed. xii, 403 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.18 KRA 00109433 A universe from nothing Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. Free Press, 2012 9781451624458 (hardback) | 145 1st Free Press hardcover ed. xix, 202 p. : UG Library
523.18 LID 00060224 The Bigger Bang Lidsey, James E., Cambridge University Press, 2000 052158289X (hbk.) | 0521012732 ix, 134 p. : UG Library
523.18 SIN 00068811 Big Bang Singh, Simon Harper Perennial 2004 0007152523 | 9780007152520 | 9 532, 18 p. : UG Library
523.18 SIN 00109436 Big Bang Singh, Simon Harper Perennial 2004 0007152523 | 9780007152520 | 9 532, 18 p. : UG Library
523.18 SIN 07007043 Big Bang Singh, Simon Harper Perennial 2004 0007152523 | 9780007152520 | 9 532, 18 p. : Library - BR Campus
523.1HAW 00046533 Brief History of Time: the Updated and Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition Hawking, Stephen 0553380168 212 p UG Library
523.1HAW1 04022855 Brief History of Time from the Big Bang to Black Holes / Hawking, Stephen RHUK, 1989 9780553176988 210p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.1HAW1 00084339 Brief History of Time from the Big Bang to Black Holes / Hawking, Stephen RHUK, 1989 9780553176988 210p UG Library
523.1NAR 00081118 Introduction to Cosmology Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu Cambridge University Press 541p UG Library
523.1NAR0 00089645 Facts and Speculations in Cosmology Narlikar, V Jayanth Cambridge Universtiy Press 2009 9780521134248 287 p UG Library
523.2 ABH 04003572 Astrophysics of the Solar System Abhyankar, K D Universities Press 2009 9788173711244 255 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.2 COP 04003782 On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres Copernicus, Nicolaus Running Press 2002 9780762420216 382 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.2 COR 04003707 Lives of the Planets: A Natural History of the Solar System Corfield, Richard Member of the Perseus Books Group 2007 9780465014033 268 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.2 APA 00119017 Protoplanetary Dust Apai, Daniel Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521517720 (hardback) | 052 xviii:377p.; UG Library
523.2 BEN 00071827 The Solar System: The Cosmic Perspective Bennett, Jeffrey 2002 0805385533 | 9780805385533 398p UG Library
523.2 BRU 00106006 Solar system voyage Brunier, Serge. Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521807247 (hardback) | 978052 248 p. : UG Library
523.2 COR 04009743 Lives of the Planets: A Natural History of the Solar System Corfield, Richard Member of the Perseus Books Group 2007 9780465014033 268 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.2 COR 03003779 Lives of the Planets: A Natural History of the Solar System Corfield, Richard Member of the Perseus Books Group 2007 9780465014033 268 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.2 FER 00106024 Icy bodies of the solar system : Fernández,Julio A. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521764889 | 0521764882 x, 331 p. : UG Library
523.2 HAN 00135490 Planetary Habitability and Stellar Activity / Hanslmeier,Arnold. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd, 2018 9789813237421 xxvi,235p.; UG Library
523.2 LEW 00110688 Physics and Chemistry of The Solar System / Lewis, John S. Elsevier Academic Press, 2004 9780124467446 | 9780124467446 2nd ed. xiii, 655 p. : UG Library
523.2 PET 00106032 Co-evolution of central black holes and galaxies : Peterson,Bradley.M Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521765022 | 0521765021 xxiii, 469 p. : UG Library
523.2 PIC 00001135 Captives of the Sun. Pickering, James S. Dodd, Mead 1961 326 p. UG Library
523.2 RIV 05047035 Asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets / Rivkin, Andrew S. Greenwood Press, 2009 9780313344329 (hard copy : alk xvii, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.2 SEE 00126929 The Solar System : Seeds, Michael Brooks/Cole, 2013 9781133363958 xii, 650 p.: UG Library
523.2 WOO 05033915 On the origin of planets Woolfson, M. M. Imperial College Press, 2011 xliii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.2 WOO 04019007 On the origin of planets Woolfson, M. M. Imperial College Press, 2011 xliii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.2 WOO 00125639 The Formation of The Solar System : Woolfson, Michael M. Imperial College Press, 2015 9781783265213 | 9781783265220 2nd edition. xxii, 418 pages : UG Library
523.201 LIS 05068390 Fundamental planetary science : Lissauer, Jack J. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108411981 Updated edition. xv,604p.; Knowledge Centre
523.24 BAR 00106889 Formation and evolution of exoplanets Edited By Barnes Rory Wiley-VCH, Verlag Gmbh; 2010 9783527408962 (hbk.) | 9783527 xiv, 275 p. : UG Library
523.24 BOS 04009778 The crowded universe : Boss, Alan, Basic Books, 2009 9780465020393 ix, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.24 KAL 10004067 Alien earths : Kaltenegger, Lisa, Allen Lane, 2024 9780241680988 First edition. 275 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.24 KAL 05074857 Alien earths : Kaltenegger, Lisa, Allen Lane, 2024 9780241680988 First edition. 275 pages : Knowledge Centre
523.3 BEN 05054446 Max goes to the Moon : Bennett,Jeffrey. Big Kid Science, 2013 9781937548209 32p.; Knowledge Centre
523.3 BUS 00061744 The Clementine Atlas of the Moon. Bussey, Ben 0521815282 316p UG Library
523.3 GRE 00068641 Fabric of the Cosmos. Greene, Brian 2004 0375727205 569p UG Library
523.3 WAR 00009862 Target Moon Warshofsky Fred Four winds Press, a division of Scholastic Magazines 1966 216p UG Library
523.3KNI 00080908 Who Built the Moon? Knight, Christopher Viva Books 2007 1842931326 262 p.: UG Library
523.4 ARM 05062667 Astrophysics of planet formation / Armitage, Philip J. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781107653085 x, 284p. Knowledge Centre
523.4 BLU 00106909 Solar system moons Blunck, Juergen. Springer, 2010 978354068825 (hardcover : alk. 1st ed. x;142 P. UG Library
523.4 COL 00121876 Planetary science : Cole, George. H. A. CRC Press, 2013 9781466563155 2nd ed. xxxii, 575 p. : UG Library
523.4 DEA 05072300 Twenty : Deacon, Naill. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2020 9781789143386 208p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.4 HAS 00138452 Nuclear planetary science : Hasebe, Nobuyuki, World Scientific publishing, 2018 9789813209701 (hbk.) | 9813209704 (hbk.) xvi, 164 pages : UG Library
523.4 MIL 00120070 Solar System Astrophysics Milone, Eugene F., Springer, 2008 9780387731537 (hbk.) | 0387731 XV:405p.; UG Library
523.4 MIL 00118857 Solar System Astrophysics Milone, Eugene F., Springer, 2008 9780387731537 (hbk.) | 0387731 XV:405p.; UG Library
523.4 OHR 00008475 Weather on the Planets Ohring, George. Anchor Books, 1966 x, 144 p. UG Library
523.4 ROT 00106206 Planets : Rothery, David A. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199573509 (pbk.) | 0199573 xii, 135 p. : UG Library
523.4 WOO 00130563 A dialogue concerning the two chief models of planet formation / Woolfson, Michael M. World scientific publishing europe ltd., 2017 9781786342720 | 1786342723 | 9 xxviii, 219 pages : UG Library
523.43 DAS 00112427 Destnation mars: Das,S.K Red turtle 2013 9788129129390 xiv,161p.; UG Library
523.43 RAE 04015579 Mars : Raeburn, Paul. National Geographic Society, 1998 0792273737 | 9780792273738 231 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.44 CUN 05072287 Asterods / Cunningham, Clifford j. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2021 9781789143584 190p., Knowledge Centre
523.45 SHE 05075218 Jupiter : Sheehan, William. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2023 9781789147056 191 p.; Knowledge Centre
523.46 BOR 04019010 Exploring Saturn / Bortolotti, Dan. Firefly Books, 2003 155297765X (pbk.) | 9781552977 64 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.46 BOR 04019094 Exploring Saturn / Bortolotti, Dan. Firefly Books, 2003 155297765X (pbk.) | 9781552977 64 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.46 MAX 05054396 Maxwell on Saturn's rings / Maxwell, James Clerk, MIT Press, 1983 0262131900 xii, 199 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.47 LIT 04011982 Planets beyond : Littmann, Mark, Dover Publications, 2004 0486436020 (pbk.) | 9780486436 xiv, 319 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.481 MOR 00026095 The Discovery of Neptune Grosser, Morton. Dover Publications, 1979 0486237265 : 172 p. ; UG Library
523.51 LAP 00006940 Space Nomads LaPaz, Lincoln. Holiday House 1961 187 p. UG Library
523.58 CRA 00048179 Physics of Solar System Plasmas Cravens, E Thomas 0521352800 472 p UG Library
523.6 RIC 00135487 Origin and Evolution of Comets : Rickman,Hans. World Scientific Publishing Co., 2018 9789813222571 x,363p.; UG Library
523.6 SAG 00027498 Comet Sagan Carl Michael Joseph 1985 0718126319 344 p UG Library
523.6b HAR 00026116 Viewer,S Guide to Halley,S Hart, Mathew Pocket Books 1985 200 p , UG Library
523.7 FOU 00117438 Solar astrophysics / Foukal, Peter. Wiley, 1990 9783527411740 xvii, 475 p. : UG Library
523.7 GAM 00001270 Star Called the Sen Gamow, George Macmillan UG Library
523.7 JON 10001721 Here comes the sun : Jones, Steve. Abacus, 2020 9780349143378 360p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.7 JON 05073364 Here comes the sun : Jones, Steve. Abacus, 2020 9780349143378 360p, ; Knowledge Centre
523.7 KOS 00119965 Solar and stellar variability : Kosovichev Alexander G Cambridge University Press, 2010 0521764920 (hbk.) | 9780521764 xxii, 530 p. : UG Library
523.7 SCH 00106029 Heliophysics : Schrijver,Carolus J. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521112949 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 495 p. : UG Library
523.7 SMI 00017959 Radio Exploration of the Planetary System Smith, Alex G. Published for the Commission on College Physics [by] Van Nostrand 1964 vi, 148 p. UG Library
523.7 SMI 00007768 Radio Exploration of the Planetary System Smith, Alex G. Published for the Commission on College Physics [by] Van Nostrand 1964 vi, 148 p. UG Library
523.7 VEN 00135503 Daystar : Venkatakrishnan, P., World Scientific publishing, 2018 9789813228528 | 9813228520 xii, 102 pages : UG Library
523.72 AGA 00026247 Solar Energy Agarwal, M.P. S. Chand & Company 1983 viii, 134 p. UG Library
523.72 GOR 00067241 Solar Energy: the State of the Art. Gordon, Jeffrey Viva Books Pvt Ltd 1902916239 706p UG Library
523.72 SCH 05059688 Heliophysics : Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521760515 xi,447p,; Knowledge Centre
523.72 SCH 05062123 Heliophysics : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107462397 xiii, 383 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
523.74 BRA 00026096 Sunspots Bray, R. J. Dover Publications, 1964 048663731X xvi, 303 p., [23] leaves of plates : UG Library
523.76 ZIR 04008041 Sunquakes : Zirker, Jack B. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003 080187419X (acidfree paper) x, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.78 CLO 00138344 Eclipses/ Close,Frank Oxford University Press 2019 9780170902469 187p UG Library
523.8 PIC 04005737 Stars of Heaven Pickover, Clifford A Oxford Universtiy Press 2001 9780195171594 233 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.8 GRE 00124083 An introduction to the sun and stars / Green,Simon F Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107492639 (paperback) 2nd ed. 372 pages : UG Library
523.8 KIN 00110135 Stars King, Andrew Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199602926 xii, 119 p. : UG Library
523.8 KIP 00117529 Stellar Structure and Evolution Kippenhahn, Rudolf Springer 2012 9783642302558 | 3642302556 (Tr 2nd ed. xviii: 604p. ; UG Library
523.8 LAM 05062804 Introduction to stellar winds / Lamers, Henny J. G. L. M., Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521593980 (hardback) | 0521595657 (paperback) xiv, 438 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.8 LEN 00117533 Observational astrophysics Lena, Pierre, Springer, 2012 9783642218149 (hard cover : ac 3rd ed. xv: 719p.; UG Library
523.8 MIL 00080904 Empire of the Stars:friendship, Obsession and Betrayal in the Quest for Black Holes Miller, Arthur I 2006 0034911627 400p UG Library
523.8 PAD 00126606 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.8 PAD 00126607 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.8 PAD 00126608 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.8 PAD 00126609 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.8 PAD 00126610 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.8 PAD 00126611 Theoretical Astrophysics Padmanabhan T Cambridge University Press, 2000 9781107400597 xix, 601 p. UG Library
523.8 PHI 00081753 The Physics of Stars. Phillips, A C 9780471987987 246p UG Library
523.8 SMI 05059216 The origin of stars / Smith, Michael D. Imperial College Press, 2004 9781860945014 xiii, 248 p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.8 TAY 00129231 The Stars : Tayler, R. J. Cambridge University Press, 1994 9780521458856 | 0521458854 2nd ed. xiii, 241 p. : UG Library
523.8 VIT 05062669 Introduction to stellar astrophysics : Vitense-Bohm, Erika. Cambridge University Press, 1992 9780521348713 xv, 285p. Knowledge Centre
523.8 VIT 00126910 Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics Vitense Bohm Erika Cambridge University Press, 1992 9780521348713 xv, 285 p.: UG Library
523.8442 STR 00106008 Light curves of variable stars : Sterken.C Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521390168 (hardback) xx, 229 p. : UG Library
523.84465 GRA 05073825 Supernova / Graur, Or The MIT Press, 2022 9780262543149 xx, 212 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.855 ASH 05062668 Globular cluster systems / Ashman, Keith M. Cambridge University Press, 1998 9780521087834 x, 171p. Knowledge Centre
523.88 22 PRI 04008579 Stars : Prinja, Raman. New Holland Publishers Ltd., 2008 9781847730633 | 1847730639 192 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
523.88 HAR 05062615 Accretion processes in star formation / Hartmann, Lee. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521531993 (pbk.) | 0521531993 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 332 p. : Knowledge Centre
523.88 KRU 00135295 Star formation / Krumholz, Mark R., World scientific publishing, 2017 9789813142022 | 9813142022 | 9789813142039 | 9813142030 xx, 507 pages : UG Library
523.88 PRI 00129232 An Introduction to the Theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution / Prialnik, Dina. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9780521866040 (hardback) 2nd ed. xv, 314 p. : UG Library
523.8822 PRI 03006350 Stars : Prinja, Raman. New Holland Publishers Ltd., 2008 9781847730633 | 1847730639 192 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
523.8874 LOR 00120763 Handbook of pulsar astronomy / Lorimer, D. R. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521828236 (hardback : alk. pa ix, 301 p. : UG Library
523.8​875 BEL 00135508 Hawking radiation: Belgiorno,Franhcesco D World scientific publishing co, 2019 9789814508537 xv,323p.; UG Library
523.8875 BAI 05042670 What Does A Black Hole Look Like ? Bailyn Charles.D Princetone University, 2014 9780691148823 xii,210p.: Knowledge Centre
523.8875 BEG 00117381 Gravity's fatal attraction : Begelman, Mitchell C. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521889445 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. 302 p. : UG Library
523.8875 BEG 00106017 Gravity's fatal attraction : Begelman, Mitchell C. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521889445 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. 302 p. : UG Library
523.8875 BEG 00117382 Gravity's fatal attraction : Begelman, Mitchell C. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521889445 (hardback) | 978 2nd ed. 302 p. : UG Library
523.8875 IMP 05064985 Einstein's monsters : Impey, Chris, 9781324000938 (hardcover) First edition. xix, 295 p. ; Knowledge Centre
523.8875 LUM 00117379 Black holes Luminet, Jean-Pierre. Cambridge University Press, 1992 9780521409063 | 0521409063 (pb xviii, 312 p. : UG Library
523.8875 LUM 00117380 Black holes Luminet, Jean-Pierre. Cambridge University Press, 1992 9780521409063 | 0521409063 (pb xviii, 312 p. : UG Library
523.8875 LUM 00118371 Black holes Luminet, Jean-Pierre. Cambridge University Press, 1992 9780521409063 | 0521409063 (pb xviii, 312 p. : UG Library
523.8875 MIT 10004914 The rise and fall of the black hole paradigm / by Abhas Mitra. Mitra, Abhas [Author] Macmillan, 2021 9789361132278 1st Ed. xiv, 279 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
523.8875 WIL 00128803 The Kerr spacetime : Wiltshire, David L Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521885126 xvi, 362 p. : UG Library
523.98 LIS 00124949 Fundamental Planetary Science : Lissauer, Jack Jonathan. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521853309 | 0521853303 | xiv, 583 p,: UG Library
523.985 BAR 00106037 Galileo's Medicean Moons : Barbieri,Cesare. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521195560 (hbk.) | 0521195 xxii, 271 p. : UG Library
523GAA 00071983 Maya [dharmaram Library] Gaarde, Jostein 0753811464 344 UG Library
524.64 VAR 04011925 Global Positioning and Remote Sensing / Varma Anil The Icfai University Press, 2012 9788131427187 xii,277 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
525 STA 04001236 Physics of the Earth Stacey, Frank D Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521873628 532p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
525.01 WAR 04012135 The life and death of planet Earth : Ward, Peter Douglas, Times Books, 2002 9780805067811 240 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
526 PAL 00137267 The DBS handbook of cartography Pal,Mahendra DBS Imprints, 2018 9789386648020 xix,780p.; UG Library
526.0285 PET 00099347 Maps And The Internet: Elsevier Ltd , 9780080449449 xvi, 451 p. UG Library
526.0285 SIL 05032563 Mapping in the age of digital media : Mike Silver and Diana Balmori Wiley-Academy, 2003 9780470850763 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
526.09 BRO 05073001 Trading Territories : Brotton, Jerry. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2018 9781780239293 285p.; Knowledge Centre
526.0938 BER 05030937 Ptolemy's Geography : Berggren,J.Lennart. Princeton University Press, 2000 9780691092591 xii,192p.; Knowledge Centre
526.0956 ANT 05060774 Mapping the middle east / Antrim, Zayde. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2018 9781780238500 331p. Knowledge Centre
526.1 KUM 00140107 Geophysics and enery physics Kumar,Rajendra Random publications, 2020 9789352696505 viii,316p.; UG Library
526.101517222 JEK 00129584 Spectral Methods in Geodesy and Geophysics / Jekeli, Christopher, CRC Press, 2017 9781482245257 (hardback : alk. xiii, 415 p. ; UG Library
526.10954 KEA 00068644 The Great Arc Keay, John. HarperCollins, 2000 0006531237 | 9780006531234 | 0 Paperback ed. xxi, 182 p. : UG Library
526.3 HOF 05005751 G P S : Wellenhof, Hofmann B Springer India Pvt. Ltd., 2001 9788181287519 5th xxii, 382 p. Knowledge Centre
526.3 SUB 05041368 Fundamentals of Surveying and Levelling / Subramanian.R Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199454723 xiv, 622p.: Knowledge Centre
526.3254GOL 01008625 Indian Maps and Plans: from Earliest Times to the Advent of European Surveys(law Lib) Susan Gole Manohar 8185054584 206 p Knowledge Centre
526.9 KAV 04027233 Surveying with Construction Applications / Kavanagh, Barry F Perason Publications, 2016 9781292062006 8th ed. ; 619p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
526.98MAD 01008626 Indian Cartography Madan, P. L. Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 1997 8173041776 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
526MAC 00086010 How Maps Mork Representation, Visualization, and Design Maceacheren, Alan M Rawat Publications 8131602133 513 p UG Library
526MAC 00086450 How Maps Mork Representation, Visualization, and Design Maceacheren, Alan M Rawat Publications 8131602133 513 p UG Library
528.62 VIE 00138829 Molecular Markers in Plant Genetics and Biotechnology / Science Publishers Inc., 2020 9780367412838 rep xii,235p.; UG Library
528.854 SWA 00132706 An Indian Ephemeris: Swamikkannu Pillai,L.D B R Publishing corporation, 2019 9789387587571 Volumes UG Library
528.854 SWA 00132707 An Indian Ephemeris: Swamikkannu Pillai,L.D B R Publishing corporation, 2019 9789387587571 Volumes UG Library
528.854 SWA 00132708 An Indian Ephemeris: Swamikkannu Pillai,L.D B R Publishing corporation, 2019 9789387587571 Volumes UG Library
528.854 SWA 00132709 An Indian Ephemeris: Swamikkannu Pillai,L.D B R Publishing corporation, 2019 9789387587571 Volumes UG Library
528.854 SWA 00132710 An Indian Ephemeris: Swamikkannu Pillai,L.D B R Publishing corporation, 2019 9789387587571 Volumes UG Library
528.854 SWA 00132711 An Indian Ephemeris: Swamikkannu Pillai,L.D B R Publishing corporation, 2019 9789387587571 Volumes UG Library
528.854 SWA 00132712 An Indian Ephemeris: Swamikkannu Pillai,L.D B R Publishing corporation, 2019 9789387587571 Volumes UG Library
529.09034 GAM 00144151 Making Deep History : Gamble, Clive. Oxford universitys press, 2021 9780198870692 ix,306p,; UG Library
529.0954 PIL 00096085 Indian chronology (solar, lunar, and planetary) : Swamikannu Pillai, L. D. Asian Educational Services, ii, 12, 114, 233, xii p. ; UG Library
529.1 SIM 03009544 Apollo's Fire : Sims, Michael. Viking, 2007 9780670063284 | 0670063282 xxiv, 296 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
529.2 HEN 00145342 The week : Henkin, David M., Yale University Press 2021 9780300257328 | 0300257325 xix, 264p. UG Library
529.3 DER 00121625 Calendrical calculations / Dershowitz, Nachum. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521885409 (hardback) | 052 3rd ed. xxix, 479 p. : UG Library
529.309 HOL 00081535 History of Time: A Very Short Introduction. Holford-Stevens, Leofranc 2007 0195687353 144p UG Library
529.309 HOL 05048857 A history of time / Holford-Strevens, Leofranc. Oxford University Press, 2005 0192804995 (alk. paper) | 9780 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
529.309515HEN 01010054 Kalacakra and the Tibetan Calender (law Lib) Edward Henning American Institue of Buddhist Studies 9780975373491 389 p Knowledge Centre
529.309HOL1 00083973 History of Time: A Very Short Introduction [msc.Physics Section] Holford-Strevens, Leofranc 0195687353 144p UG Library
529.309HOL1 00085473 History of Time: A Very Short Introduction [msc.Physics Section] Holford-Strevens, Leofranc 0195687353 144p UG Library
529.327 BLA 00110889 Time in early modern Islam Blake, Stephen P. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107030237 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 209 p. ; UG Library
529.7 NEW 04002903 Galileo's Pendulum Newton, Roger G Viva Books 2008 9788130900117 153 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
529.7 LIV 00140791 Galileo and the Science Deniers / Livio, Mario Simon & Schuster Paperbacks; 2020 9781982147167 286 p. ; UG Library
529.7 OBR 00123146 Game Time O'Brien, Terry Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9788129137920 159 p:. UG Library
529.72 PER 04005605 Introduction to High Energy Physics Perkins, Donald H Cambridge University Press 2009 9780521138468 426 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
529.72 PON 00148186 Introduction To High Energy Physics: Pondrom, Lee G. World Scientific, 2023 9781944660369 xv,534p. ; UG Library
529.72 PER 00093869 Introduction To High Energy Physics Perkins Donald.H Cambridge 9780521138468 426p UG Library
530 KAR 04002532 Applied Physics Karkare, Manasi I K International Publishing 2009 9788189866136 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 AGG 00132823 Fundamentals of physics Aggarwal,Vibha Swastik publishers and distributors, 2018 9788190480345 vi,272p.; UG Library
530 ATK 00016626 Physics Atkins, Kenneth R John Wiley & Sons 772 p UG Library
530 AVA 04011959 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BAS 04024153 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BEN 04003977 Hand Book of Physics Benenson, Walter Springer International 2006 9788181284563 1181 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BRE 04001932 Physics Breithaupt, Jim Macmillan 2008 1403905649 484 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CUM 04000497 Understanding Physics / Cummings, Karen John Wiley and Sons, 2004 8126508825 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CUM 04002285 Understanding Physics / Cummings, Karen John Wiley and Sons, 2004 8126508825 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CUM 04003355 Understanding Physics / Cummings, Karen John Wiley and Sons, 2004 8126508825 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CUM 04001109 Understanding Physics / Cummings, Karen John Wiley and Sons, 2004 8126508825 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CUT 04002557 Physics Cutnell, John D John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126514519 1002 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CUT 04002286 Physics Cutnell, John D John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126514519 1002 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 DAV 04003208 New Physics Davies, Paul Cambridge University Press 1989 9780521438315 516 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 DUD 04000322 Pearson Guide to Objective Physics for IIT-JEE / Dudeja, Ravi Raj Pearson Education, 2008 9788131700259 1260 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 DUN 00061745 Advanced Physics/ Duncan, Tom John Murray Publishers Ltd 2000 0719546265 | 9780719586057 5th ed. 245 p UG Library
530 DUN 00058515 Advanced Physics/ Duncan, Tom John Murray Publishers Ltd 2000 0719546265 | 9780719586057 5th ed. 245 p UG Library
530 ENG 04002878 Physics Matters England, Nick Hodder Education 2008 9780340790540 344 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 FEY 03007515 Six Easy Pieces : Feynman, Richard P. Addison-Wesley, 1995 9780465023929 xxix, 145 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530 FEY 00115615 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 05047085 The feynman Lecture on Physics / Feynman,Richard P. Pearson Education Pub, 2008 9788131721698 1st ed , 10/51 p. Knowledge Centre
530 GIA 04006559 Fundamentals of Physics Giabattista, Alan Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070648500 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GIA 04006558 Fundamentals of Physics Giabattista, Alan Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070648500 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GUP 00131592 Physics for JEE (Main and advanced) Gupta,Amit Wiley india pvt ltd., 2018 9788126573783 xxiii,904p.; UG Library
530 HAL 04019418 Principles of Physics/ Halliday John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9788126536047 Extended 9th Ed. xxii: 1248p,; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 HAL 04019987 Principles of Physics/ Halliday John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9788126536047 Extended 9th Ed. xxii: 1248p,; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 HAL 00111366 Principles of Physics/ Halliday John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9788126536047 Extended 9th Ed. xxii: 1248p,; UG Library
530 HAL 00111368 Principles of Physics/ Halliday John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9788126536047 Extended 9th Ed. xxii: 1248p,; UG Library
530 HAL1 04001093 Fundamentals of Physics: Includes Extended Chapters Halliday, David Wiley 2004 9971513331 367p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 HAR 04001828 Mastering Physics Harrison, Martin Palgrave Macmillan 2004 9781403944207 316 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 IRO 00111461 Solutions to I e Irodov`s Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E CBS Publishers & Distibutors 2002 0812390486 | 812390486x 2nd ed, 394 p.: UG Library
530 IRO 00111462 Solutions to I e Irodov`s Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E CBS Publishers & Distibutors 2002 0812390486 | 812390486x 2nd ed, 394 p.: UG Library
530 IRO 10000572 Problems in General Physics / Irodov, Igor Evgenyevich. New Age International Publishers, 2019 9789386418166 xi, 388p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 IRO 00021995 Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E Maxford Publishers 2003 8181160142 386p UG Library
530 IRO 00055316 Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E Maxford Publishers 2003 8181160142 386p UG Library
530 IRO 00055326 Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E Maxford Publishers 2003 8181160142 386p UG Library
530 KAK 04001504 Comprehensive Physics Concepts and Problems Kakani, S L CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123916329 837p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 KAM 00028006 Solutions to Resnick & Halliday Physics. Part I Anwar Kamal, Ahmed W E 1986 424 p.: UG Library
530 KAR 04001837 Applied Physics Karkare, Manasi I K International Publishing 2009 9788189866136 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 KHA 04003280 Basics of Relativity Khan, Alimuddin Anmol Publications 2008 9788126133833 320 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 KUM 00131581 Physics:Refresher course for JEE, Kumar Anil, Wiley, 2017 9788126559176 x,c-24 p.; UG Library
530 KUM 04011612 Applied Physics Kumar J. Vijay Nicole Pvt Ltd 2009 9788182092518 2nd Ed. xv; 363 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 LAV 04003720 Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down Laughlin, Rober B Member of the Perseus Books Group 2005 9780465038282 254 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 LU 04001502 University Physics Lu, Dexin CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123913087 566p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MIT 04001839 Applied Physics Mittal, P K I K International Publishing 2006 9788189866723 402 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MUL 04002111 Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines Muller, Richard A W W Norton & Company 2008 9780393066272 380 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MUL 04003798 Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines Muller, Richard A W W Norton & Company 2008 9780393066272 380 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 NAR 00132073 Modern Physics / Narayana Rao,B.V New Age international pvt ltd.publishers, 2018 9789386649447 2nd ed. xviii,470p.; UG Library
530 NEL 04001552 Advanced Level Physics Nelkon, CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123904002 927p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 NEW 03001956 Truth of Science : Newton, Roger G. Viva Books, 2008 9788130909172 260 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530 NEW 03008166 The Truth of Science : Newton, Roger G. Viva Books, 2008 9788130913810 viii,260 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530 NOR 04003985 Physics Handbook for Science and Engineering Nordling, Carl Overseas Press 2009 9788188689514 499 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 RES 04001188 Physics Resnick, Robert John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126510887 566 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 RES 04001189 Physics Resnick, Robert John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126510887 566 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 RES 04002302 Physics Resnick, Robert John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126510887 566 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 RES 04002303 Physics Resnick, Robert John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126510887 566 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 ROW 04000359 Physics / Rowell, Gilbert Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521498586 409 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SEA 00127714 University Physics with Modern Physics / Sears, Francis Weston, Pearson: 2016 9781292100319 14th Edition. 1593p. UG Library
530 SER 04000237 Physics: Serway, Raymond A. Thomson South Western, 2004 9788131503171 4th Ed. 1552 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SER 04000242 Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text Serway, Raymond A Thomson South Western, 2008 9788131500576 1206 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SHI 04015273 Engineering Physics / Shivakumar, G.K. PRISM, 2011 9788172866372 306 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SRE 05053541 Remembering Einstein : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198064497 (hbk.) | 0198064497 (hbk.) xvi, 148 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 TIP1 04001442 Physics Tipler, Paul A W h Freeman and Company 2008 9780716789642 1412p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TOU 04002317 Introductory Physis Building Understanding Touger, Jerold John Wiley and Sons 2006 9788126508686 875 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 VEN 04003881 Big and the Small: Journey into the Microcosm the Story of Elementary Particles Venkataraman, G Universities Press 2001 9788173712272 276 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 VEN 04003880 Big and the Small: Journey into the Microcosm the Story of Elementary Particles Venkataraman, G Universities Press 2001 9788173712272 276 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 VER 00042364 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 WAL 00137170 Principles of Physics/ Walker, Jearl Wiley India 2022 9788126552566 10th ed. xxii: 1244p,I-22 UG Library
530 WAL 00137171 Principles of Physics/ Walker, Jearl Wiley India 2022 9788126552566 10th ed. xxii: 1244p,I-22 UG Library
530 WIL 00131599 Problems in physics for JEE Wiley Wiley india pvt ltd., 2018 9788126573684 | 9788126573691 xi,711p.; UG Library
530 WIL 00131600 Problems in physics for JEE Wiley Wiley india pvt ltd., 2018 9788126573684 | 9788126573691 xi,711p.; UG Library
530 YAD 04002710 Applied Physics Yadav, Vinita Swastik Publishers & Distributors 2008 9788190480338 200 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 ABA 10000782 Problems in Physics / Singh, Abhay Kumar New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412432 | 8122411401 | 9788122412437 4th ed. 606p Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 ABA 00070358 Problems in Physics / Singh, Abhay Kumar New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412432 | 8122411401 | 9788122412437 4th ed. 606p UG Library
530 ABB 00026003 Ordinary Level Physics Abbott, A F Arnold-Heinemann 1972 4th ed. 615 p UG Library
530 ABB 00007554 Ordinary Level Physics Abbott, A F Heinemann Educational Book 1970 2nd ed, xxiv, 616 p.: UG Library
530 ABB 00007553 Ordinary Level Physics Abbott, A F Arnold-Heinemann 1972 4th ed. 615 p UG Library
530 ABB 00007555 Ordinary Level Physics Abbott, A F Arnold-Heinemann 1972 4th ed. 615 p UG Library
530 ABB 00014324 Ordinary Level Physics Abbott, A F Arnold-Heinemann 1972 4th ed. 615 p UG Library
530 ABB 00014325 Ordinary Level Physics Abbott, A F Arnold-Heinemann 1972 4th ed. 615 p UG Library
530 ABB 00026102 Ordinary Level Physics Abbott, A F Arnold-Heinemann 1972 4th ed. 615 p UG Library
530 ABH 00069214 Solutions to I.E Irodov's Problems in General Physics(2 volumes) Abhay, Kumar Singh Cbs 2005 8123903995 2nd ed. 423p UG Library
530 ABH 00069215 Solutions to I.E Irodov's Problems in General Physics(2 volumes) Abhay, Kumar Singh Cbs 2005 8123903995 2nd ed. 423p UG Library
530 ABH 00099616 An overview of basic theoretical physics: Abhyankar K D University Press 9788173716553 493 p. UG Library
530 ADA 00058378 Physics Quiz Adamson, R Anmol 1996 247p UG Library
530 AEG 04029903 Introductory physics for biological scientists / Aegerter, Christof M., Cambridge, 2018 9781108423342 (hardback) | 9781108466509 451 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 ALL 00017598 T/b of Practical Physics Allen, H S Mc Millan 592 p UG Library
530 ALL 05069966 Physics for the IB Diploma Study and Revision Guide / Allum, John. Hodder Education, 2017 9781471899720 iv, 226p.; Knowledge Centre
530 ALL 05069967 Physics for the IB diploma / Allum, John. Hodder Education, 2014 9781471829048 2nd ed. vii, 592p.; Knowledge Centre
530 ALL 00143318 Physics for Geeks: Allain, Rhett Jaico 2019 9789388423809 238p UG Library
530 ALO 00033811 Fundamental University Physics Marcelo, Alonso WesleyPublishing Company, 1975 xviii, 965 p.: UG Library
530 AMO 00125152 Topics in Modern Physics : Amore, Paolo, World Scientific, 2015 9789814618953 x, 271 pages : UG Library
530 ANA 00058377 Objective Physics Anand, S C Anmol 247p UG Library
530 ANA 04012115 The Edge of Physics : Ananthaswamy, Anil. Mariner Books; 2011 9780547394527 322 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 AND 00004235 Physics for the Modern World / Andrade, E N Da. The English Language Book Society, 1962 98 p.; UG Library
530 AND 00008179 Physics for the Modern World / Andrade, E N Da. The English Language Book Society, 1962 98 p.; UG Library
530 AND 05054300 Physics for the Modern World / Andrade, E N Da. The English Language Book Society, 1962 98 p.; Knowledge Centre
530 AR0 00024534 Physics / Vol 1 Arora, C L Schand 1984 800p UG Library
530 ARN 00115644 Science Scope Phyiscs Arnold,Brian. Hodder And Stoughton 2000 0340804785 | 9780340804780 166 p. UG Library
530 ARO 00039810 Group Theory in Chemistry and Physics Arora, M G Anmol 336 p UG Library
530 ARO 00111316 B.Sc. Practical Physics/ Arora, C.L. S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1995 9788121909099 xiv:693p.; UG Library
530 ARO 00014847 Physics / Arora, C L S Chand 1971 UG Library
530 ARO 00128156 Physics for degree Students Arora C L S Chand & Co. 2016 9788121933506 882p. UG Library
530 ARO 00128157 Physics for Degree Students : Arora, C L. S Chand & Co, 2012 9788121933506 | 9788121940597 xxiv, 1022p.; UG Library
530 ARO 10000619 Physics for Degree Students : Arora, C L. S Chand & Co, 2012 9788121933506 | 9788121940597 xxiv, 1022p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 ARO 10000620 Physics for Degree Students : Arora, C L. S Chand & Co, 2010 9789352837281 xxii, 882p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 ARO 10000621 Physics for Degree Students : Arora, C L. S Chand & Co, 2014 9788121942874 xxi, 946p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 ARO 00024548 Physics / Arora, C L S Chand 1971 UG Library
530 ART 05070906 A physicist's ABC on Plasma / Artsimovich. L.A. MIR Publishers, 1978 124p.; Knowledge Centre
530 ASI 00026098 Asimov`s Guide to Science:Vol I.The Physical Sciences Asimov, Issac PENGUIN 550 p UG Library
530 BAG 00133688 Mass : Baggott, J. E., Oxford university press, 2017 9780198759713 | 0198759711 First Edition. xvi, 346 pages : UG Library
530 BAJ 00069704 Complete Physics for All India Engineering Entrance Examination Bajaj N K 2005 0070075903 | 9780070585904 19.35p UG Library
530 BAK 00140522 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know Physics Baker,Joanne Quercus 9781848667068 208p UG Library
530 BAK 05068933 Modern physics and antiphysics / Baker, Adolph, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. 1970 261 p. Knowledge Centre
530 BAK 04008684 50 Physics ideas : Baker, Joanne Quercus, 2007 9781847240071 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BAL 00007759 Physics Principles Ballard, Stanley S Affliliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1954 757 p UG Library
530 BAL 00014339 Physics Principles Ballard, Stanley S Affliliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1954 757 p UG Library
530 BAL 00014340 Physics Principles Ballard, Stanley S Affliliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1954 757 p UG Library
530 BAR 00027728 Senior Level Physics :Book 2.Kinematics Barrell, F T Jacaranda 2.40 p UG Library
530 BAR 00027729 Senior Level Physics :Book 3.Mechanics Barrell, F T Jacaranda 3.60 p UG Library
530 BAR 00027730 Senior Level Physics.Bool-6.Heat Barrell, F T Jacaranda 1980 6th 47 p.: UG Library
530 BAR 00027731 Senior Level Physics .Book-11.Light Barrell, F T Jacaranda 1980 11th 71 p.: UG Library
530 BAS 00010101 Higher Secondary & Intermediate Physics Basu,Nath Nagendra B.Chand & Sons 1972 20th Ed, xii, 114 p.: UG Library
530 BAS 00010102 Higher Secondary and Intermediate Physics- Part II Basu, Nagendra Nath B.Chand 294 p UG Library
530 BAU 00146490 University physics : Bauer, Wolfgang McGraw Hill, 2024 9781266084089 3rd edition. xxviii,1308, I-28p. ; UG Library
530 BAU 00120769 University physics Bauer, W. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780072857368 (hard copy : alk xxxi, 1368, [67] p. : UG Library
530 BEI 05049348 Concepts of modern physics / Beiser, Arthur. McGraw-Hill, 1987 0070044732 4th ed. viii, 616 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 BEI 04002749 Applied Physics Beiser, Arthur Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 0070634424 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BEI 10000069 Fundamentals of Physics With Applicaions / Beiser, Arthur. McGraw Hill, 2011 9780070700390 5th Ed. xviii, 37.21p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 BEI 04011518 Fundamentals of Physics With Applicaions / Beiser, Arthur. McGraw Hill, 2011 9780070700390 5th Ed. xviii, 37.21p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BEI 04017119 Fundamentals of Physics With Applicaions / Beiser, Arthur. McGraw Hill, 2011 9780070700390 5th Ed. xviii, 37.21p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BEK 00024553 Book of Practical Physics Belani, J.D OXFORD 1979 9th 113 p.: UG Library
530 BEN 04011478 University Physics / Benson, Harris. John Wiley & sons , 2004 9788126518944 Revised ed xvi, 941 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BEN 04011189 University Physics / Benson, Harris. John Wiley & sons , 2004 9788126518944 Revised ed xvi, 941 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BEN 00102170 University Physics Benson, Harris Wiley India, 9788126518944 xvi, 942 p. UG Library
530 BHA 00104652 Tata Institute of Fundnental Research Annual Technical Report 2010 Saran Sukant Tata Institute 2010 09724168 276 p. UG Library
530 BHA 00104646 Homi Jehangir Bhabha on Indian Science and The Atomic Energy Programme Sing Virendra Sreekantan B.M Tata Institute of Fundmentel Research 2009 lxxix 1023 p. UG Library
530 BHA 00104642 Homi Jehangir Bhabha on Indian Science and The Atomic Energy Programme Sing Virendra Sreekantan B.M Tata Institute of Fundmentel Research 2009 lxxix 1023 p. UG Library
530 BLO 00077830 How Everything Works Making Physics Out of the Ordinary. Bloomfield, Louis 2007 0047174817 720p UG Library
530 BOK 05065578 P.G. De Gennes' Impact on Science / Bok, Julien World Scientific, 2009 9789814280655 (set) | 98142806 2 v. :400p.; Knowledge Centre
530 BOK 00119165 P.G. De Gennes' Impact on Science / Bok, Julien World Scientific, 2009 9789814280655 (set) | 98142806 2 v. :400p.; UG Library
530 BOK 00119166 P.G. De Gennes' Impact on Science / Bok, Julien World Scientific, 2009 9789814280655 (set) | 98142806 2 v. :400p.; UG Library
530 BOO 00109285 Revise IGCSE Physics Booth,Graham Foundation Books 2008 9788175965560 219 p. UG Library
530 BOR 00033796 Contemporary View of Elementary Physics Sidney, Borowitz Mcgraw 896 p UG Library
530 BOR 04008463 20th Century Science : Physics / Bortz, Alfred B. Viva books, 2010 9788130913018 xxiii, 264p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 BOR 00138966 The story of antimatter : Borissov, Guennadi, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813228757 | 981322875X xi, 294 pages : UG Library
530 BOS 00103114 A-Z Physics; Bose G.K Centrum press; 9789380106328 291 p. UG Library
530 BRE 00063047 Physics Breithaupt, Jim Macmillan 2008 1403905649 484 p UG Library
530 BRE 00127914 Physics / Breithaupt, Jim, Palgrave, 2015 9781137443236 4th edition. xi, 548 p.: UG Library
530 BRI 05065560 Memorial volume for Y. Nambu / World Scientific, 2016 9789813108318 | 9813108312 | 9789813108325 | 9813108320 viii, 159p. ; Knowledge Centre
530 BRI 00115639 Numerical Examples in Physics Brijlal S Chand 2003 9788121912570 744p UG Library
530 BRO 00002560 Physics and Microphysics Borglie, Louis De Hutchinsons 290 p UG Library
530 BRO 05066791 Hans Bethe and his physics / World Scientific, 2006 9812566090 | 9812566104 (pbk.) xiii, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 BUE 00034382 Princples of Physics Bueche J, Frederick M G H 1988 741 p.: UG Library
530 BUK 00022005 Problems in Elementary Physics Bukhovtsev, B MIR 430 p UG Library
530 BUK 00115614 Problems in Elementry Physics Bukhovtsen, B Cbs 8123910142 438 UG Library
530 BUK 04010776 Problems In Elementary Physics/ B. Bukhovtsev CBS Publishers Disstributors PVT, LTD. 1971 9788123910147 438 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CAP 00082485 Tao of Physics / An Exploration of the Parrallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism Capra, Fritjof Flamingo 1991 9780006544890 412p UG Library
530 CAS 00093867 Understanding Physics Cassidy David Springer 9788184892758 851p UG Library
530 CAS 00093868 Understanding Physics: Student Guide Cassidy,David Springer 9788184892765 165p UG Library
530 CHA 00117812 Enjoyable Physics Chatterjee, Neil Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, 2009 9780230639034 xiv:807p.; A1-23, I 1-12 UG Library
530 CHA 00068759 Elements of Physics (2 volumes) Chattopadhyay, D New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415385 | 9788122415384 652p UG Library
530 CHA 00035034 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhyaya, P K Sameera UG Library
530 CHA 00138075 Mathematical Physics/ Chattopadhyay,P K. New Age International Limited, 2018 9788122434408 2nd edition (rep) xii,352p.; UG Library
530 CHA 00080047 Philosophy of Physics Chandrankunnel, Mathew Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126105887 xv, 421 p.: UG Library
530 CHA 00069663 Advanced Course in Practical Physics Chattopadhyaya, D New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 8173810540 720p UG Library
530 CHA 00115152 Complete A-Z Physics: Handbook Chapple, Michael 2003 0340872721 | 9780340872789 3rd Ed. 304p UG Library
530 CHA 00069664 Advanced Course in Practical Physics Chattopadhyaya, D New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 8173810540 720p UG Library
530 CHA 00132874 The Quantum Dice: Chauhan, Lincoln, Cyber Tech Publications, 2018 9789350536513 x,200 p.; UG Library
530 CHA 00030575 Fundamental Practical Physics Chaudhuri, D.p Ray & Ray A.Mukerjee 170 p UG Library
530 CHA 00061754 Complete A-Z Physics Handbook Chapple, Michael 0340872721 306p UG Library
530 CHA 00080417 Explaining the Universe Charap, John M. Univeristy Press (India) Pvt Ltd 2002 8173714673 | 9788173714672 | 0 xii, 226 p. : UG Library
530 CHA 00068758 Elements of Physics (2 volumes) Chattopadhyay, D New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415385 | 9788122415384 652p UG Library
530 CHA 00035247 Advanced Course in Practical Physics Chattopadhyaya, D New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 8173810540 720p UG Library
530 CHA 04023070 University Physics : Chaddha, Gurbachan S. Narosa Publishing, 2015 9788184873665 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CHE 00030469 University of California Berkeley Physics Problems With Solution Min Chen, Prentice Hall 356 p UG Library
530 CHE 00033781 University of California Berkeley Physics Problems With Solution Min Chen, Prentice Hall 356 p UG Library
530 CHO 00125145 Proceedings of the 15th Asian Physics Olympiad, National University of Singapore, 11-18 May 2014 / Chowdari B V R World Scientifc Publishing 2015 9789814689113 (pbk) ix, 231 pages : UG Library
530 CLE 04013297 The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell / Maxwell, James Clerk, Dover Publications, 2003 0486495604 (v. 1) | 0486495612 2 v. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CLE 04013298 The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell / Maxwell, James Clerk, Dover Publications, 2003 0486495604 (v. 1) | 0486495612 2 v. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CLE 04008126 The God effect : Clegg, Brian. St. Martin's Press, 2006 0312343418 | 9780312343415 1st ed. x, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CLM 00136623 Objective physics for NEET 2020 C L Media CL Media pvt ltd., 2019 9789389161618 Pages UG Library
530 CLO 04008632 Antimattter / Close, Frank Oxford University press, 2009 9780199578870 x, 166p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 COH 00003445 Birth of a New Physics Cohen, I Bernard Doubleday 1955 200 p UG Library
530 CON 00005028 Hand Book of Physics Condon, E U McGraw_Hill Book Company 1967 2nd Ed, xxix, 9-354 p.: UG Library
530 CON 00033803 EMF Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. 1978 0706906438 xvi, 143 p. : UG Library
530 COU 00050713 Space Encyclopedia Couper, Heather 0751354139 304p UG Library
530 CRO 00033809 Physics for the Life Sciences Croiver, Alan H Congess 531 p UG Library
530 CRU 00041821 University Physics : Models and Applications Crummett, P William 0697111997 1224 p UG Library
530 CUM 04012890 Understanding Physics / Cummings, Karen John Wiley and Sons, 2004 8126508825 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 CUR 00069195 PHYSICS: Homeowkr Helpers By CBS Series Greg, Curran Cbs 8123912536 351p UG Library
530 CUT 00062806 Physics / Cutnell, John D John Wiley & Sons 2001 5th ed. 1002p UG Library
530 CUT 00102175 Physics Cutnell Wiley India, 9788126514519 xxiv, 1002 p. UG Library
530 CZE 00143362 Storm in a Teacup: Czerski, Helen Black Swan 2016 9781784160753 383p UG Library
530 DAS 00141128 Mathematical Physics. Dass, H .K S Chand, 2019 9789352533572 1416 p.; UG Library
530 DAV 00058513 The New Physics. Davies, Paul 0521438314 516p UG Library
530 DEV 05050068 A first course in computational physics / Devries, Paul L. Jones & Bartlett, 2011 9789380108940 2nd ed. x, 433p.; Knowledge Centre
530 DEX 04010830 University Physics Dexin LU CBS Publisher & Distributors PVT.LTD, 2006 9788123913087 2nd ed. 566 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 DHA 00031575 Numerical Probems in Physics Dhar, B L Sultan Chand & Sons 1989 30.22 p.: UG Library
530 DIN 05072537 This Way to the Universe: Dine, Michael. Penguin Random House, 2022 9780241506806 x, 338. ; Knowledge Centre
530 DIS 00129878 NEET Physics Guide Disha Publication, 2018 9789386320773 5th Edition 784 p . : UG Library
530 DIV 00125034 GATE Physics Division Research Atlantic Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126921287 xvi, 278 p.: UG Library
530 DOR 00047793 Physics Dorling, Geoffrey Longman Group UK Limited 1992 0582093961 331p UG Library
530 DUN 00034301 Advanced Physics: Fields Waves and Atoms Duncan Tom John Murray 1986 522 p UG Library
530 DUN 00048017 Advanced Physics/ Duncan, Tom John Murray Publishers Ltd 2000 0719546265 | 9780719586057 5th ed. 245 p UG Library
530 DUN 00048018 Advanced Physics/ Duncan, Tom John Murray Publishers Ltd 2000 0719546265 | 9780719586057 5th ed. 245 p UG Library
530 DUN 04000014 Advanced Physics / Duncan, Tom John Murray, 2004 0719576695 587 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 DUN 00115630 Physics: IGCSE Duncan, Tom London 2002 9780719578496 322p. UG Library
530 DUN 00115631 Physics: IGCSE Duncan, Tom London 2002 9780719578496 322p. UG Library
530 EBE 00070482 Game Physics/ Eberly, David H ELSEVIER 2005 8181476174 776p UG Library
530 ECO 00128520 From Quarks to the Universe Economou, Eleftherios N. Springer, 2016 9783319206530 2nd ed, xviii,326 p.: UG Library
530 EHR 00056489 Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations Ehrlich, Robert Universities Press 8173713294 216p UG Library
530 EHR 00056490 Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations Ehrlich, Robert Universities Press 8173713294 216p UG Library
530 EIN 00010085 Evolution of Physics Einstein, Albert Cambridge University 302 UG Library
530 ENG 04002896 Physical Process Engaland, Nick Hodder Education 2008 9780340554326 283 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 ETK 00129280 Active learning guide for college physics / Etkina,Eugenia Pearson 2014 9780321864451 29-6p. UG Library
530 FAU 04010963 Surway's College Physics Faughn,Jerry S. Thomson Brooks/ Cole 2006 9780534493189 xxxii; 1008 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 FEY 00041822 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00041823 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00041824 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00070549 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00070550 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00070551 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00115616 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00116084 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 05004203 The feynman Lecture on Physics / Feynman,Richard P. Pearson Education Pub, 2008 9788131721698 1st ed , 10/51 p. Knowledge Centre
530 FEY 04023181 The Feynman lectures on physics / Feynman, Richard P. Narosa publication, 1965 382 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 FEY 04023111 The Feynman Lectures on Physics / Feyman, Richard P. Narosa Publications, 1964 9788185015835 Vol - 2 674p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 FEY 00003458 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 00003459 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 05050430 The Feynman lectures on physics : Feynman, Richard P. Narosa Publishing House, 1965 v.2 Knowledge Centre
530 FEY 00018005 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 00018007 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 00018006 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 00008574 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 00008859 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 00008860 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 00008861 The Feyman Lectures on Physics Feyman, Richard P Addision Wesley publishing Company 1964 41-11 p UG Library
530 FEY 05067730 The Feynman lectures on physics : Feynman, Richard P. Narosa Publishing House, 1965 v.2 Knowledge Centre
530 FEY 05033499 Six easy pieces : Feynman, Richard P. Perseus Books, 1995 0738200220 (set) : | 0201408252 (pbk.) : | 0738200719 (CD) | 0201409550 xxix, 146 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 FEY 00061793 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00061795 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00061331 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00061332 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00061330 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00061794 Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes) Feynman, Richard P Narosa 1963 8185015821 | 818501583X | 8185 1820 p UG Library
530 FEY 00109478 Six Easy Pieces Feynmas Richard P. Basic Books 1995 9780465023929 xxix; 144 p. UG Library
530 FEY 04012116 Six Easy Pieces : Feynman, Richard P. Addison-Wesley, 1995 9780465023929 xxix, 145 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 FIT 00056484 Critical Problems in Physics Fitch, Val L Universities Press 2000 9788173712760 308p UG Library
530 FIT 00056483 Critical Problems in Physics Fitch, Val L Universities Press 2000 9788173712760 308p UG Library
530 FIT 00115617 Critical Problems in Physics Fitch, Val L Universities Press 2000 9788173712760 308p UG Library
530 FOR 00033789 Classical and Modern Physics: Vol 2 Ford, Kenneth W XEROX COLLEGE UG Library
530 FOR 00033807 Classical and Modern Physics: Vol 2 Ford, Kenneth W XEROX COLLEGE UG Library
530 FOW 00017631 Physics/ Fowler, Richard G Allyn And Bacon 1958 548 p UG Library
530 FRE 00003609 Physics Made Simple Freeman, M Allen 1967 272 p UG Library
530 GAM 00002565 Physics Foundations and Frontires Gamow, Cleveland Prentice-Hall 550 p UG Library
530 GAM 05011002 One Two Three Infinity : Gamow george Dover Publications,INC, 1974 9780486450841 xii,840 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 GAM 00026107 Physics: Foundations & Frontiers Gamow, George Prentice Hall 604 p UG Library
530 GAM 00026125 Physics Foundations and Frontiers George, Gamow PRENTICE-HALL 598 p UG Library
530 GAM 00035149 Foundations of Physics.Vol I Gambhir, R S Wiley 258 p UG Library
530 GAM 00010114 Introductory Physics Gambhir R.S. Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd 1972 147 p. UG Library
530 GAU 00033915 Engineering Physics Gaur, R K Drs 1128 P UG Library
530 GHA 00126097 Einstein Relation in Compound Emiconductors and Their Nanostructures / Ghatak, Kamakhya Prasad. Springer, 2009 9783540795568 | 9783540795575 xx, 457 p. : UG Library
530 GHO 00067816 Numerical Examples in Physics Ghosh N.N. Bharti Bhavan 1999 8177091263 | 9788177091267 9th Ed. 717 p. UG Library
530 GHO 00120237 Recent developments in theoretical physics / Ghosh, Subir World Scientific, 2010 9789814287326 (hbk.) | 9814287 xiii, 423 p. : UG Library
530 GIA 04011560 Fundamentals of Physics Giabattista, Alan Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070648500 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GIA 00146036 Physics: Giancoli Douglas Pearson Education Limited, 2023 9781292440279 5th ed. A-83,1382P.; UG Library
530 GIA 00126849 College Physics Giambattista, Alan Higher Education, 2010 9780077263218 xxxii, 1120 p.: UG Library
530 GIB 04000360 Advanced Physics / Gibbs, Keith Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521688888 493 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GIN 00017350 Key Problems of Physics and Astrophysics Ginzburg, V L Mir 148 p UG Library
530 GIO 00131774 College Physics Reasoning and Relationships: Giordano, Nicholas, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2013 9781111571344 xxxi,I-26 p.; UG Library
530 GKP 05058441 GATE 2018 : Physics GKP C L Media, 2018 9789386601230 9.240p.; Knowledge Centre
530 GKP 05058449 GATE 2018 : Physics C L Media, 2018 9789386601506 9.18p.; Knowledge Centre
530 GOD 42000123 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GOD 42000124 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GOD 42000125 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GOD 42000126 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GOD 42000127 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GOD 42000128 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GOD 42000219 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GOD 42000220 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GOD 42000221 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2014 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 GRA 05059776 Hollyweird science : Grazier, Kevin R. Springer, 2017 9783319542133 xv, 420p. Knowledge Centre
530 GRE 00125139 More Physics with MATLAB / Green, Dan World Scientific, 2015 9789814623933 | 9789814623940 xiv, 313 pages : UG Library
530 GUP 00055998 Practical Physics Gupta S L Pragati Prakashan 2002 25th ed. 568 p UG Library
530 GUP 00055016 Objective Physics for Medical And Engineering Entrance Examinations Gupta, R K Cyber Tech Publications 2002 8178840499 | 9788178840499 1335p UG Library
530 GUP 00062897 Objective Physics for Medical And Engineering Entrance Examinations Gupta, R K Cyber Tech Publications 2002 8178840499 | 9788178840499 1335p UG Library
530 GUP 10003459 Physics : Gupta, R Ramesh Publishing House , 2016 75 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 GUP 00115180 A Handbook Of Physics Gupta, R K Cyber Tech Publications 2004 8178841215 1334p UG Library
530 GUP 00108244 College Physics Gupta A.B. Books And Allied Pvt Ltd 2001 8187134992 xii; 214 p. UG Library
530 GUP 00146181 Modern Physics Gupta, A. B. Books & Allied, 2019 9788193897461 4th ed xiv,867p. ; UG Library
530 GUP 00115627 Physics: Question Bank for CBSE Class XI Gupta, M K S Chand 2003 9788121923224 448p UG Library
530 GUP 00108245 College Physics Gupta A.B. Books And Allied Pvt Ltd 2001 8187134992 xii; 214 p. UG Library
530 HAL 00045607 Fundamentals of Physics. Halliday, David John Wiley & Sons 1997 9971512289 5th ed. 1142p UG Library
530 HAL 00055012 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David Wiley India, 2001 9788126508235 6th ed. c1144p. UG Library
530 HAL 00055011 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David Wiley India, 2001 9788126508235 6th ed. c1144p. UG Library
530 HAL 00069893 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David Wiley India, 2001 9788126508235 6th ed. c1144p. UG Library
530 HAL 04011277 Fundamental of Physics - Student solution Manual / David, Halliday. John Wiley & sons , 2008 9788126526482 8th ed 266 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 HAL 00069708 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David Wiley India, 2001 9788126508235 6th ed. c1144p. UG Library
530 HAL 00115629 3000 Solved Problems in Physics Halpern, Alvin TMH 2000 9780070540743 752p UG Library
530 HAL 00005374 Physics/ Part II Resnick, Robert Wiley Eatern Private Limited 1970 647-1215 p UG Library
530 HAL 00005375 Physics/ Part II Resnick, Robert Wiley Eatern Private Limited 1970 647-1215 p UG Library
530 HAL 00005376 Physics/ Part II Resnick, Robert Wiley Eatern Private Limited 1970 647-1215 p UG Library
530 HAL 04000752 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David Wiley India, 2001 9788126508235 6th ed. c1144p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 HAL 00070546 Physics / Vol 1 Resnick, Robert Wiley 1970 5th ed. 646 p UG Library
530 HAL 04001119 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David Wiley India, 2001 9788126508235 6th ed. c1144p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 HAL 00034379 Physics Part II David, Halliday Wiley 1992 . UG Library
530 HAL 00060212 Student Study Guide- Physics 1 & 2 Halliday, David John Wiley 2002 981412642X 5th ed. 285p UG Library
530 HAL 00120204 physics Halliday, Divid Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2005 9788126510894 | 9788126510887 5th Ed XIV,1198 p :. | 566p.; UG Library
530 HAL 00120205 physics Halliday, Divid Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2005 9788126510894 | 9788126510887 5th Ed XIV,1198 p :. | 566p.; UG Library
530 HAL 00060730 Fundamentals of Physics / Extended Halliway, David John Wiley & Sons 2001 9971513307 6th ed. 1124p UG Library
530 HAL 00001212 Physics / Vol 1 Resnick, Robert Wiley 1970 5th ed. 646 p UG Library
530 HAL 00005372 Physics / Vol 1 Resnick, Robert Wiley 1970 5th ed. 646 p UG Library
530 HAL 00001213 Physics / Vol 1 Resnick, Robert Wiley 1970 5th ed. 646 p UG Library
530 HAL 00005370 Physics / Vol 1 Resnick, Robert Wiley 1970 5th ed. 646 p UG Library
530 HAL 00005371 Physics / Vol 1 Resnick, Robert Wiley 1970 5th ed. 646 p UG Library
530 HAL 04019812 Fundamental of Physics - Student solution Manual / David, Halliday. John Wiley & sons , 2008 9788126526482 8th ed 266 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 HAL 00111367 Principles of Physics/ Halliday John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9788126536047 Extended 9th Ed. xxii: 1248p,; UG Library
530 HAL 00130651 physics Halliday, Divid Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2005 9788126510894 | 9788126510887 5th Ed XIV,1198 p :. | 566p.; UG Library
530 HAL 00060930 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David Asian Books Private Limited 1994 8186299009 4th ed xxx, 1205 p UG Library
530 HAL 00070547 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David John Wiley & Sons 2001 9971513307 6th ed, xxii, 1144 p.: UG Library
530 HAL 00070548 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David John Wiley & Sons 2001 9971513307 6th ed, xxii, 1144 p.: UG Library
530 HAL 00130652 Physics Halliday, Divid Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2002 9788126510887 5th Ed XIV, 567-1198 p. : | 566p.; UG Library
530 HAL 00039795 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David Asian Books Private Limited 1994 8186299009 4th ed xxx, 1205 p UG Library
530 HALL 00061796 Fundamentals of Physics [ Sixth Edition ] Halliday, David John Wiley & Sons 9971513307 1144p UG Library
530 HAN 00147948 Problems and Solutions in University physics: Han, Fuxiang World Scientific, 2024 9780000991713 xxi,425p. ; UG Library
530 HAN 00142641 A modern course in university physics / Han, Fuxiang, World Scientific, 2020 9789813227484 | 9789813226180 | 9780000988393 654 p.; UG Library
530 HAR 00005578 Senior Examples in Physics Harnam Singh, S. Chand 328 p UG Library
530 HAR 00010084 Experiments in Applied Physics Harris, Norman C M G H 1968 2nd ed. 304 p UG Library
530 HAR 00014338 Physics Matter Energy & The Universe Harnwell, Gaylord P Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1975 557 p UG Library
530 HAR 00014374 Physics Matter Energy & The Universe Harnwell, Gaylord P Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1975 557 p UG Library
530 HAR 00019920 Physics Matter Energy & The Universe Harnwell, Gaylord P Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1975 557 p UG Library
530 HAR 00014391 Physics Matter Energy & The Universe Harnwell, Gaylord P Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1975 557 p UG Library
530 HAR 00019820 Physics Matter Energy & The Universe Harnwell, Gaylord P Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1975 557 p UG Library
530 HAR 00024880 Physics Matter Energy & The Universe Harnwell, Gaylord P Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1975 557 p UG Library
530 HAR 00026000 Physics Matter Energy & The Universe Harnwell, Gaylord P Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd 1975 557 p UG Library
530 HEL 00129124 College physics : Hellings, Ronald W., University Science Books 2018 9781938787935 | 1938787935 623p. UG Library
530 HEM 00142657 Physics : Hemne,P S. S Chand and company limited, 2022 9789355013927 xvi,7.6p.; UG Library
530 HEW 10000386 Conceptual Physics / Hewitt, Paul G. Pearson, 2023 9789352861774 12th ed. 812p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 HEW 05060131 Conceptual Physics / Hewitt, Paul G. Pearson, 2023 9789352861774 12th ed. 812p. : Knowledge Centre
530 HEW 04021196 Conceptual Physics / Hewitt, Paul G. Pearson, 2006 9788131715536 788p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 HEW 00145307 Conceptual Physics / Hewitt, Paul G. Pearson, 2023 9789352861774 12th ed. 812p. : UG Library
530 HIL 00060227 Complete Physics for IIT-JEE 2003 Hill's, Tata Mcgraw 2003 0070499845 1884p UG Library
530 HOM 05070013 Physics : Homer, David, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198392132 (pbk.) | 0198392133 (pbk.) 2014 edition. viii, 698 pages : Knowledge Centre
530 HOO 05065558 Playing with planets / Hooft, Gerard 't. World Scientific, 2006 9789812793072 (alk. paper) | 9812793070 (alk. paper) | 9789812790200 (alk. paper) | 9812790209 (alk. paper) vii, 143p. ; Knowledge Centre
530 HUL 00033502 World of Physics Hulsizer, I Robert & Lazarus Addison 518 p UG Library
530 IAS 42000483 Pramana Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Sciences, 2015 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 IAS 42000484 Pramana Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Sciences, 2015 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 IAS 42000391 Pramana Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Sciences, 2015 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 IAS 42000392 Pramana Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Sciences, 2015 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 IIT 05060110 Pearson IIT Foundation Series Physics / Trishna Knowledg Systems Pearson, 2018 9789352866809 7th ed. xxi,11.41p.; Knowledge Centre
530 IIT 05060111 Pearson IIT Foundation Series Physics / Trishna Knowledg Systems Pearson, 2018 9789352866779 6th ed. xv,8.36p.; Knowledge Centre
530 IIT 05060112 Pearson IIT Foundation Series Physics / Trishna Knowledg Systems Pearson, 2018 9789352866786 7th ed. xix,11.21p.; Knowledge Centre
530 IIT 05060113 Pearson IIT Foundation Series Physics / Trishna Knowledg Systems Pearson, 2018 9789352866793 7th ed. xxi,12.14p.; Knowledge Centre
530 IRO 00115623 Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E Maxford Publishers 2003 8181160142 386p UG Library
530 IRO 04003563 Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123902514 386p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 IRO 04010808 Problems in General Physics/ Irodov I.E. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT. LTD. 1981 9788123902517 384 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 IRO 00060221 Solutions to I e Irodov`s Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E CBS Publishers & Distibutors 2002 0812390486 | 812390486x 2nd ed, 394 p.: UG Library
530 IRO 04001529 Problems in General Physics Irodov, I E CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123902514 386p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 ISE 00058700 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00058818 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00058819 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00058820 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00045786 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00045787 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00045788 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00061748 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00061749 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00058701 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 ISE 00058702 Physics Experiments and Projects for Students Isenberg C. Viva Books Private Ltd 1998 8185617694 (pbk.) | 9788185617 230 p. UG Library
530 IVA 04010809 Fundamental of Physics/ Ivanov B.N. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT. LTD. 1994 9788123903026 455 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 IVA 00069208 Fundamental of Physics/ Ivanov B.N. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT. LTD. 1994 9788123903026 455 p. UG Library
530 IVA 00060206 Fundamental of Physics/ Ivanov B.N. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT. LTD. 1994 9788123903026 455 p. UG Library
530 JAI 00112361 Applied Physics, Jain,Sanjay D. Universities press pvt ltd., 2013 9788173717734 viii,352p.; UG Library
530 JAI 00018997 Numerical Problems in Physics Jain K C S Chand 1978 538 p UG Library
530 JAI 00022006 Numerical Problems in Physics Jain K C S Chand 1978 538 p UG Library
530 JAI 00031574 Numercial Problems in Physics Jain, K C S C 638 p UG Library
530 JAI 00115628 Numerical Problems in Physics Jain, K C S Chand 2003 9788121908702 492p UG Library
530 JAI 00115626 Physics for CBSE Class XII: Question Bank Jain, Mahesh S Chand 2003 9788121917353 532p UG Library
530 JER 00034091 Physics and the Physical Universe Jerry Marion, B Johnc Wiley & Sons 1975 2nd 604 p.: UG Library
530 JEW 00102164 Physics: for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics Jewett,John W. Cengage 2008 9788131514047 7th Ed. xxxi; 1392 p. UG Library
530 JON 00052240 Physics Jones, Mary Foundation Books 2000 9788175960572 2nd ed. 248p UG Library
530 JON 00115600 Physics Jones, Mary Foundation Books 2000 9788175960572 2nd ed. 248p UG Library
530 JON 00052239 Physics Jones, Mary Foundation Books 2000 9788175960572 2nd ed. 248p UG Library
530 JON 00059408 Physics Jones, Mary Foundation Books 2000 9788175960572 2nd ed. 248p UG Library
530 JOO 00014730 Theoretical Physics Joos,Georg. Hafner Publishing and Co Inc 1932 748 p. UG Library
530 JOO 00037658 Theoretical Physics Joos,Georg. Dover Publications Inc 1986 9780486652276 885 p. UG Library
530 KAK 00106546 Comprehensive Physics Concepts and Problems Kakani, S L CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123916329 837p UG Library
530 KAK 00131147 Modern Physics / Kakani, S.L. Viva Books, 2013 9788130923079 2nd Ed. xvi, 1513 p. ; UG Library
530 KAK 05011023 Physics of the Impossible / Kaku Michio Penguin Books, 2008 9780141030906 xviii,329 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 KAK 05064895 The physics everyday things : Kakalios, James. Robinson, 2017 9780349421384 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530 KAK 00129551 The Physics of Everyday Things : Kakalios, James, Crown 2017 9780770437732 First edition. 245 p. : UG Library
530 KAK 04016971 Physics of the Impossible / Kaku Michio Penguin Books, 2008 9780141030906 xviii,329 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 KAK 04010814 Comprehensive Physics Concepts & Problems/ Kakani CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD. 2008 9788123916323 xxiii, 837 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 KAK 00086023 Modern Physics Kakani, S L Multilingual Matters Limited 2006 8130900394 1183 p UG Library
530 KAM 00030492 Solutions Resnick to and Halliday Physics Part 1 Kamal Ahmed Anwar Wiley Eastern Limited 1989 398 p UG Library
530 KAM 00039897 Solutions To Halliday And Resnick Physics: Part II Kamal, A A W E 1986 398 p UG Library
530 KAM 00030493 Solutions Resnick to and Halliday Physics Part 1 Kamal Ahmed Anwar Wiley Eastern Limited 1989 398 p UG Library
530 KAM 00028005 Solutions to Resnick and Halliday Physics Part 1 Ahmed Anwar, Kamal Wiley 420 p UG Library
530 KAM 00028007 Solutions To Halliday And Resnick Physics: Part II Kamal, A A W E 1986 398 p UG Library
530 KAM 00028008 Solution to Halliday and Resnick Physics Kamal, Ahmed Anwar Wiley 1986 Part II 398p UG Library
530 KAR 04001838 Applied Physics Karkare, Manasi I K International Publishing 2009 9788189866136 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 KAR 04002531 Applied Physics Karkare, Manasi I K International Publishing 2009 9788189866136 241 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 KEI 00115624 Mastering Physics Keighley, H J P Mc Millan 1982 9780333420539 3rd ed. 356 p UG Library
530 KEI 00026084 Mastering Physics Keighley, H J P Mc Millan 1982 9780333420539 3rd ed. 356 p UG Library
530 KEI 00045724 Mastering Physics Keighley, H J P Mc Millan 1982 9780333420539 3rd ed. 356 p UG Library
530 KEL 04024642 Properties of materials / Kelly, P. F., CRC Press, 2015 9781482206227 xvi, 411 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 KHA 00010090 College Practical Physics Khanna, D R R.Chand 504 p UG Library
530 KHA 00017493 T/b of Numerical Problems in Physics Khanna, D R S. Nagin 264 p UG Library
530 KHA 00026004 Text Book of Sound Kanna, D R Atmaram UG Library
530 KIN 00014336 Elements of Physics/ Kingsbury, Robert F Affiliated East-West press private Ltd 1966 590 p UG Library
530 KIN 00014388 Elements of Physics/ Kingsbury, Robert F Affiliated East-West press private Ltd 1966 590 p UG Library
530 KIN 00014337 Elements of Physics/ Kingsbury, Robert F Affiliated East-West press private Ltd 1966 590 p UG Library
530 KIT 00022007 Introduction to Physics Kitaigorodsky, A MIR 710 p UG Library
530 KIT 00022008 Introduction to Physics Kitaigorodsky, A MIR 710 p UG Library
530 KIT 00022024 Physics for Everyone - Photons and Nuclei Kitaigorodsky, A I MIR 1981 325 p.: UG Library
530 KIT 00147106 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: UG Library
530 KIT 00055013 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kittel, Chrales 2000 1 UG Library
530 KNI 00131153 Physics For Scientists And Engineers : Knight, Randall D. Pearson, 2016 9789332575721 Third Ed. xxix, 1435 p. ; UG Library
530 KNI 00145868 College Physics Knight, Randall D. Pearson, 2023 9781292277769 4th ed, 1125,I-12p. ; UG Library
530 KOS 00021998 Handbook of Elementary Pyhsics Koshkin, N I MIR 272 p UG Library
530 KOT 00006175 Basic Physical and Chemical Data Kothari, L S Affiliated East West Press 1970 98p UG Library
530 KOT 00007414 Basic Physical and Chemical Data Kothari, L S Affiliated East West Press 1970 98p UG Library
530 KOT 00008150 Basic Physical and Chemical Data Kothari, L S Affiliated East West Press 1970 98p UG Library
530 KRA 00109451 Fear of physics Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. Basic Books, 2007 9780465002184 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 259 p. : UG Library
530 KRI 10000564 Astrophysics : Swamy, K S Krishna. New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers, 2022 9789393159489 2nd ed. xi, 334p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 KRI 00039794 Astrophysics : a Modern Perspective Krishna Swamy, K S New Age International 330 p UG Library
530 KRO 00060220 Aptitude Test Problems In Physics: Krotov S.S. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD: 1996 9788123904887 310 p.: UG Library
530 KUC 00027943 Physics/ Matter Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 334 p UG Library
530 KUC 00027944 Physics/ Matter Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 334 p UG Library
530 KUC 00027945 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00027948 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00027949 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00027947 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00027950 Physics/ Matter Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 334 p UG Library
530 KUC 00017402 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00017403 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00017404 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00017405 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00017406 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00030359 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00030361 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00030362 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00030363 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUC 00027951 Physics/ Matter, Motion Force and Energy Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1980 UG Library
530 KUM 00131644 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics: Kumar Ajit, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108465939 xvi,430 p.; UG Library
530 KUM 00125038 Problems in Physics Kumar Arun Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126921201 viii, 398 p.: UG Library
530 KUM 00125039 Problems in Physics Kumar Arun Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126921201 viii, 398 p.: UG Library
530 KUM 00125040 Problems in Physics Kumar Arun Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126921201 viii, 398 p.: UG Library
530 KUM 00125041 Problems in Physics Kumar Arun Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126921201 viii, 398 p.: UG Library
530 KUM 00123897 Numerical Problems in Physics Kumar, P 397 p:. UG Library
530 LA 04019377 Nobel Laureates in Physics 1901-2011 / La, Sathish CBS Publisher, 2012 9788123922119 441p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 LAK 00077843 The Handbook of Nanotechnology Nanometer StructuresTheory, Modeling Simulation Prentice Hall of India, 2007 9788120330948 xiii, 474 p.; UG Library
530 LAN 00022013 Physical Problems for Robinsons Lange, V Mir Publishers 1976 135 p. : UG Library
530 LAN 00022014 Physics for Everyone Motion heat Landau, L Moscow 1978 480 p.: UG Library
530 LAN 00022021 Physics for Everyone - Physical Bodies Landau, L D MIR 1980 248p UG Library
530 LAN 00022022 Physics for Everyone - Molecules Landau, L D MIR 248p. UG Library
530 LAN 00026092 Physics for Everyone: Physical Bodies: Landu, L D Mir 248 p UG Library
530 LAN 00126547 Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2010 9788181477866 3th ed, 170p. : UG Library
530 LAN 00126548 Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2010 9788181477866 3th ed, 170p. : UG Library
530 LAN 10000394 Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2010 9788181477866 3th ed, 170p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530 LAN 00080346 Computational Physics:Problem Solving With Computers Seconds, Revised and Enlarged Edition/ Landau, Rubin H Wiley 593p UG Library
530 LAN 05070907 Physical Problems for Robinsons Lange, V Mir Publishers 1976 135 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 LAN 00110389 Head First Physics Lang, Heather. Shroff Publisher & Distributors Pvt Ltd 2008 9788184045994 1st Ed. xliv; 895 p. UG Library
530 LAN 22001535 Computational Physics:Problem Solving With Computers Seconds, Revised and Enlarged Edition/ Landau, Rubin H Wiley 593p Knowledge Centre
530 LAV 04009813 Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down Laughlin, Rober B Member of the Perseus Books Group 2005 9780465038282 254 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 LEA 00061746 Physics: the Nature of Things Lea, M Susan 0534357342 762p UG Library
530 LEA 00061747 Physics: the Nature of Things Lea, M Susan 0534357342 762p UG Library
530 LEA 00000706 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000720 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000719 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000718 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000717 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000716 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000715 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000709 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000710 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000711 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000713 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000712 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000708 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LEA 00000707 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 LED 04016145 SAT Physics Subject Test / Leduc, Steven A. Random House, 2011 9780375428135 495 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 LEH 00005380 Foundations Of Physics Lehrman, Robert L. Holt Rinehart And Winston Inc 1969 030673054 758 p. UG Library
530 LEI 00035984 Larousse:Gasrtonomique Leith, Prue Mandarin 1992 1 UG Library
530 LER 00061887 Physics for Scientists and Engineers Lawrence S Lerner Jones and Bartlett Publishers 1996 0867204796 1089p UG Library
530 LER 00035088 Encyclopeadia of Physics Lerner, G Rita VCH Publishers INC, 1991 0895737523 | 3527269541 2nd ed, xiv, 1408 p.: UG Library
530 LIV 00061800 Introduction to Physics/ Livesey, Derek L Wuerz Publishing Ltd 2001 0920063403 810 p UG Library
530 LU 00081733 University Physics Lu Dexin Cbs 8123913087 565 UG Library
530 LUD 00130486 Pohl's introduction to physics : Lueders, Klaus. Springer 2017 9783319400440 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 525p. UG Library
530 MAH 00115618 S Chand's Question bank in I S C Physics / Jain, Mahesh S Chand 2005 9788121919883 421p. UG Library
530 MAJ 42001261 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001262 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001263 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001264 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001265 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001266 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001412 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001267 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001413 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001414 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001415 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001416 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001417 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42000734 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42000794 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42000896 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42000897 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42000898 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42000899 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001045 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001046 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001047 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001048 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001049 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001050 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42000773 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42000791 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001257 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001258 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001259 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAJ 42001260 Indian journal of physics: Springer, 2018 136p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MAR 00033780 Essential Physics in the World Around Us Marion, Jerry B. Wiley, 1977 0471569054. | 0471569062 vii, 444 p. : UG Library
530 MAT 00026248 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00002555 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00005378 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00141122 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S S Chand and company ltd., 2020 9788121908153 xi,580p.; UG Library
530 MAT 00006616 T/b of Practical Physics Mathias, T A Maruthi 1974 376 p UG Library
530 MAT 00124496 Theoretical Physics V.K. Mathur Random Publications, 2016 9789351119685 328 p.: UG Library
530 MAT 00005379 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00006557 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00006032 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00005576 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00005913 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00005389 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 MAT 00005381 Elements of Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Changanacherry Lilly, 1970 615 p ; UG Library
530 McC 00138990 No-frills physics : McCluskey, Matthew D., CRC Press, 2019 9781138583870 | 9780367219338 xvii, 241 p. : UG Library
530 MEH 00115838 Principles of Physics for Class XII Mehta, V K S Chand 8121917697 1530p UG Library
530 MEH 00115594 S Chand's Principls of Phycis for Class XI Mehta, V K S Chand 2004 9788121919340 1336p UG Library
530 MEY 00137291 Electrochemical storage materials : De Gruyter, 2019 9783110491371 (print) | 9783110493986 (ebk. (pdf) | 9783110491876 (ebk. (epub) 1st edition. xviii,416p.; UG Library
530 MEY 00145630 Return of the God Hypothesis: Meyer, Stephen C Harper One 2021 9780062071514 568p UG Library
530 MIL 00115593 Core Physics Milner, Bryan Foundation Books 1999 8175961694 | 9788175961692 191 p.: UG Library
530 MIT 04002533 Applied Physics Mittal, P K I K International Publishing 2006 9788189866723 402 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 MOC 00148066 Introductory physics for the life sciences / Mochrie, Simon Springer, 2023 9783031058073 First edition. xxiv,847p. ; UG Library
530 MOR 05069968 Physics : Morris, Paul. Hodder Education, 2015 9781471839337 280p.; Knowledge Centre
530 MOT 05066833 Sir Nevill Mott : World Scientific, 1995 9810222521 (pbk.) vii, 743 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 MUK 00126794 Physics MCQ Mukherji. D Bharati Bhawan, 2015 9788177098570 9-104 p.: UG Library
530 MUK 05072681 Statistical physics letcures given at a symposium celebrating fifty years of bose statistics / Mukunda N. Journal of the indian institute of science, 1975 vii,197p.; Knowledge Centre
530 MUL 00106724 The instant physicist Muller, Richard. W.W. Norton & Co., 2011 9780393078268 (hardcover) 1st ed. 138 p. : UG Library
530 NAI 00118776 Physics for Science and Engineering / Naik, Promod V. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788130927251 376 p. : UG Library
530 NAI 00052077 Principles of Physics Naik, P V Prentice Hall of India 8120317254 286p UG Library
530 NAI 00120767 Physics for Science and Engineering / Naik, Promod V. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788130927251 376 p. : UG Library
530 NAI 00102173 Principles of Physics Naik P V PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 9788120341593 xii, 349 p. UG Library
530 NAI 00045792 Applied Physics Naik, P V Narosa 1998 8173191980 190 p.: UG Library
530 NAR 00046137 Physis (2nd Bsc ) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411843 3rd ed. 333p UG Library
530 NAR 00046138 Physis (2nd Bsc ) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411843 3rd ed. 333p UG Library
530 NAR 00046139 Physis (2nd Bsc ) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411843 3rd ed. 333p UG Library
530 NAR 00115454 Physics for Class XI Narula, Gurdeep Kaur Vikas 2003 8125901833 614p UG Library
530 NAR 00115455 Physics for Class XII Narual, Gurdeep Kaur Vikas 2003 8125904042 1202p UG Library
530 NAR 00081030 Second Year Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V New Age International Publishers 1990 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 NAR 00041670 Physics [ for First Year B.Sc. ] Narayana Rao, B V New Age International 1996 Second,Ed. 344p UG Library
530 NAR 00041978 Physics. Narayana Rao, B V New Age International 1997 463p UG Library
530 NAR 00041979 Physics. Narayana Rao, B V New Age International 1997 463p UG Library
530 NAR 00041980 Physics. Narayana Rao, B V New Age International 1997 463p UG Library
530 NAR 00041981 Physics. Narayana Rao, B V New Age International 1997 463p UG Library
530 NAR 00041982 Physics. Narayana Rao, B V New Age International 1997 463p UG Library
530 NAR 00010093 Introduction to Physics Narasappaya, N Kitab Mahal 1972 637 p.: UG Library
530 NAR 00001261 II B.Sc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 274 p UG Library
530 NAR 00006531 II B.Sc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 274 p UG Library
530 NAR 00005960 II B.Sc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 274 p UG Library
530 NAR 00046135 Physis (2nd Bsc ) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411843 3rd ed. 333p UG Library
530 NAR 00046136 Physis (2nd Bsc ) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411843 3rd ed. 333p UG Library
530 NAT 00040211 Horizons of Physicsl: Vol II Nath, Narendra New Age International 310 p UG Library
530 NAT 00125636 Physics matters / Natarajan, Vasant, World Scientific, 2017 9789813142503 | 9789813142510 128 p.: UG Library
530 NCE 00115828 Physics Part II textbook for Class XII National Council Of Educational Research National Council Of Educational Research 2007 558 p.: UG Library
530 NEL 00106549 Advanced Level Physics Nelkon, CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123904002 927p UG Library
530 NEL 04010838 Advanced Level Physics/ Nelkon Michael CBS Publishers Distributors PVT. LTD. 1958 9788123904009 7th ed. XV,913 P.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 NEL 00018894 Advanced Level Practical Physics Nelkon, M Heinneman 1977 4th 245 p UG Library
530 NEW 00056486 Princeton Problems in Physics With Solutions Newbury, Nathan Universities Press 8173712778 319p UG Library
530 NEW 00056485 Princeton Problems in Physics With Solutions Newbury, Nathan Universities Press 8173712778 319p UG Library
530 NEW 00104370 The Truth of Science : Newton, Roger G. Viva Books, 2008 9788130913810 viii,260 p.: UG Library
530 NEW 00061327 Princeton Problems in Physics With Solutions Newbury, Nathan Universities Press 8173712778 319p UG Library
530 NI 00147251 Principles of physics : Ni, JUN World Scientific, 2024 9780000991737 2nd ed, xix,537p. : UG Library
530 NIE 05067439 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Frontiers of Science : in celebration of the 80th birthday of C.N. Yang : World Scientific, 2016 9789812384140 xvi,549p.; Knowledge Centre
530 NIT 05021620 The manga guide to physics / Nitta, Hideo, No Starch Press ; | Ohmsha, 2009 9781593271961 (pbk.) | 1593271 ix, 232 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 NOA 00002562 New Intermediate Physics Noakes, G R Mc Millan 1963 3rd 982 p.: UG Library
530 NOA 00002041 A Textbook of General Physics / Noakes, G R Mc Millan 1963 422 p UG Library
530 NOA 00003453 A Textbook of General Physics / Noakes, G R Mc Millan 1963 422 p UG Library
530 NOA 00003455 A Textbook of General Physics / Noakes, G R Mc Millan 1963 422 p UG Library
530 NOA 00003456 A Textbook of General Physics / Noakes, G R Mc Millan 1963 422 p UG Library
530 NOA 00005030 A Textbook of General Physics / Noakes, G R Mc Millan 1963 422 p UG Library
530 NOA 00003452 A Textbook of General Physics / Noakes, G R Mc Millan 1963 422 p UG Library
530 NOA 00003454 A Textbook of General Physics / Noakes, G R Mc Millan 1963 422 p UG Library
530 NOA 00003451 A Textbook of General Physics/ Noakes G R Macmillian & Co Ltd 1963 415 p UG Library
530 NOA 00014373 Foundations of Physics Noakes, G R McMillan 1969 653 p UG Library
530 NON 00069210 Concise College Physics / Vol 2 Nonie Samuel E. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD. 2005 9788123911625 xix,416 p.: UG Library
530 NON 04010839 Concise College Physics / Vol 2 Nonie Samuel E. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD. 2005 9788123911625 xix,416 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 NOR 04012541 Physics Handbook for Science and Engineering Nordling, Carl Overseas Press 2009 9788188689514 499 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 ODE 05011238 An introduction to mathematical modeling Oden, J. Tinsley Wiley, 2011 9781118019030 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 OHA 00110162 Physics Ohanian,Hans C. W.W. Norton 2007 9780393109719 li: 1430 p. UG Library
530 ONS 05066823 The collected works of Lars Onsager : Onsager, Lars, World Scientific, 1996 9810225636 (hardcover) x, 1075 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 OST 00126922 Inquiry Into Physics / Ostdiek, Vern J. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2013 9781133104681 | 9781133109952 7th ed. 523 p. : UG Library
530 OUS 00010125 Text Book of Practical Physics Ouseph, C.c Vishwanathan S 283 p UG Library
530 OUS 00123892 Pre-Professional Physics Ouseph, C C 620 p:. UG Library
530 PAN 00050345 Textbook of Mechanics Pande, H D Dominant Publishers 2000 8187336765 | 9788187336761 218p UG Library
530 PAR 00033822 Introductory Physics. Paramaivaiah, P Vikas Publishing House 1977 330 p.: UG Library
530 PAR 00010112 Basic Physics Paramashivayya, G S Bharat 1971 302 p.: UG Library
530 PEN 05048303 Fashion Faith and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe / Penrose, Roger Princeton University Press, 2016 9780691119793 xi, 501 p. Knowledge Centre
530 PER 00022019 Physics for Entertainment Perelman, Ya MIR 1980 1st 264 p.: UG Library
530 PER 00022020 Physics for Entertainment Perelman, Ya MIR 1980 1st 264 p.: UG Library
530 PIN 00022003 Problems in Physics Pinsky, A A MIR 330 p UG Library
530 PIN 00022004 Problems in Physics Pinsky, A A MIR 1980 333 p.: UG Library
530 PSS 00013360 Physics. Heath 1965 2d ed. xvii, 686 p. UG Library
530 PSSC 00005001 Physics Heath, D C & Company NCERT 1965 2nd ed. 686 p UG Library
530 PUR 00006939 Advanced Examples in Physics Puri .A.N. ATMA RAM & SONS 1965 4th 296 p.: UG Library
530 PUR 00123891 Numerical Examples in Physics Puri, A N 357 p:. UG Library
530 QUI 03005311 The mystery of the missing antimatter / Quinn, Helen R. Princeton University Press, 2008 9780691133096 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 278 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530 RAI 00123403 Physics and New Dimension of Nano Technology Raiyani, Jayantilal G Cyber Tech Publications, 2015 9789350533833 232 p:. UG Library
530 RAJ 00038072 Mathematical Physics Rajput, B.S. Pragats 1993 Tenth Revised ed. xvi, 982 p. : UG Library
530 RAJ 00019298 Mathematical Physics Rajput, B.S. Pragats 1993 Tenth Revised ed. xvi, 982 p. : UG Library
530 RAJ 00037088 Mathematical Physics Rajput, B.S. Pragats 1993 Tenth Revised ed. xvi, 982 p. : UG Library
530 RAJ 00071420 Advanced Physics Laboratory Manual Kumar, Raj Kedar Nath Ram Nath & Co. 2002 156 p. : UG Library
530 RAJ 00055317 Applied Physics Rajendran, V New Delhi 2002 0070483760 4th ed. 335p UG Library
530 RAJ 00123899 Mathematical Physics Rajput, B.S. Pragats 1993 Tenth Revised ed. xvi, 982 p. : UG Library
530 RAM 00021855 Textbook of Pre-University Physics Ramachandra M A Geetha Press 1982 299 p UG Library
530 RAM 00021857 Textbook of Pre-University Physics Ramachandra M A Geetha Press 1982 299 p UG Library
530 RAM 00021859 Textbook of Pre-University Physics Ramachandra M A Geetha Press 1982 299 p UG Library
530 RAM 00021858 Textbook of Pre-University Physics Ramachandra M A Geetha Press 1982 299 p UG Library
530 RAM 00021856 Textbook of Pre-University Physics Ramachandra M A Geetha Press 1982 299 p UG Library
530 RAM 00028754 Physiology of Vision Raman, C.v Tiaos 164 p UG Library
530 RAO 00115575 Text Book of Physics for I PUC Rao, B V N Sapna Book House 8128002724 354p UG Library
530 RAO 00042411 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042412 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042413 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042414 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042415 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042416 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042417 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042418 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042419 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00042420 College Physics (1 Bsc) Rao, B V Narayana New Age International Publishers 1997 8122402712 356p UG Library
530 RAO 00064300 Physics Rao, B.V.N Sapna Book House 2005 8128003798 | 9798128003799 ii, 163 p. : UG Library
530 RAO 00064299 Physics Rao, B.V.N Sapna Book House 2005 8128003798 | 9798128003799 ii, 163 p. : UG Library
530 REE 00124145 University physics / Reese, Ronald Lane, Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 2000 0534246559 | 9780534369620 xxxii, 1267, 24, 30, 3 p. : UG Library
530 REE 00045629 Physics by Example 200 Problems and Solutions. Rees, W G Cambridge University Press 1994 0521566975 | 9780521566971 372p UG Library
530 RES 00039894 Physics - Part I Resnick, Robert New Age International 700 p UG Library
530 RES 04001133 Physics Resnick, Robert John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126510887 566 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 RES 00010107 Introduction to Special Relativity Resnick, Robert Wiley 226 p UG Library
530 RES 00017606 Introduction to Special Relativity Resnick, Robert Wiley 226 p UG Library
530 RES 00015873 Introduction to Special Relativity Resnick, Robert Wiley 226 p UG Library
530 RES 00145311 Physics/ Volume 2 Resnick, Robert Wiley India 2021 9789354640438 5th ed. xiv:784p. UG Library
530 RES 00060210 Introduction to Special Relativity Resnick, Robert Wiley 226 p UG Library
530 RID 00059409 Time, Space and Things Ridley, B K 1995 0521484863 191p UG Library
530 RIL 00115175 Physics Now. Riley, Petr D Hodder Headline Group. 1999 0719580641 | 9780719580642 2nd ed. 234p UG Library
530 RIL 00116001 Physics Now! Riley, D Peter John Murray 2004 9780719580642 232p UG Library
530 RIV 00000714 Experiments in Elementary Science Lead H D Sir Isac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd 1962 511 p UG Library
530 ROB 00005377 World of Physics Robert Hulsizer, I Wesley 518 p UG Library
530 ROB 00034378 Physics Part I Robert, Resnick Wileyeastren 646 p UG Library
530 ROH 00146483 Guide to Modern Physics: Rohlf, James W. CRC Press, 2024 9781032496863 xiv,204p. ; UG Library
530 ROM 05031085 Applied Physics : Romine, Gregory S Prentice Hall, 2001 0135324661 711 p Knowledge Centre
530 ROM 22000342 Applied Physics : Romine, Gregory S Prentice Hall, 2001 0135324661 711 p Knowledge Centre
530 ROW 00130556 Newton and modern physics / Rowlands, Peter, World scientific publishing europe ltd., 2017 9781786343291 | 1786343290 | 9 xii, 298 pages ; UG Library
530 ROW 00047839 Physics / Rowell, Gilbert Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521498586 409 p. : UG Library
530 ROW 00068609 Physics / Rowell, Gilbert Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521498586 409 p. : UG Library
530 ROW 00115596 Physics / Rowell, Gilbert Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521498586 409 p. : UG Library
530 ROW 00052235 Physics Rowell, Gillbert 0521498589 408p UG Library
530 ROW 00052236 Physics Rowell, Gillbret Cambridge University Press 1995 0521498589 408p UG Library
530 RUS 05037982 Analysis of Matter / Russell, Bertrand Routledge, 2001 0415082978 408p.; Knowledge Centre
530 SAL 05066829 Ideals and realities : Salam, Abdus, World Scientific, 1989 9810200811 (pbk.) | 9810200803 3rd ed. xiv, 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 SAL 00109466 Meghnad Saha Salwi,Dilip M. Rupa.Co 2002 9788171678983 68 p. UG Library
530 SAL 00109472 S.N.Bose: The Immortal Scientist Salwi,Dilip Rupa.Co 2002 9788129100207 88 p. UG Library
530 SAN 00109286 Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics Course Book Sang David Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521183086 viii; 600 p. UG Library
530 SAN 00058514 Physics Sang, David 0521778026 458p UG Library
530 SAT 00080271 New Pattern IIT PHYSICS Prakash, Satya Pragats 1988 1248 p.: UG Library
530 SAT 04005679 Laboratory Manual in Applied Physics Sathyaseelan, Hannah New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122421798 69 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SAT 41000056 Engineering Physics Satish, L A CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123916094 291p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SAT 04005682 Laboratory Manual in Applied Physics Sathyaseelan, Hannah New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122421798 69 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SAT 04001547 Engineering Physics Satish, L A CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123916094 291p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SAT 04005680 Laboratory Manual in Applied Physics Sathyaseelan, Hannah New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122421798 69 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SAT 04005681 Laboratory Manual in Applied Physics Sathyaseelan, Hannah New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122421798 69 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SAT 04005683 Laboratory Manual in Applied Physics Sathyaseelan, Hannah New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122421798 69 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SAV 05051230 Physics : I V Savelyev MIR Publishers, 1980 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
530 SAV 05050630 Physics : I V Savelyev MIR Publishers, 1980 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
530 SAV 05051128 Physics : I V Savelyev MIR Publishers, 1980 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
530 SAW 00033919 Physics Schaum`s Solved Problems Series Alvin Halpen, Interscience UG Library
530 SCH 05066820 Selected papers of J. Robert Schrieffer : Schrieffer, J. R. World Scientific, 2002 9789812380791 xiii, 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 SCH 00122917 Computational Physics : Scherer, Philipp O.J. Springer, 2013 9783319004006 2nd edition. xviiii, 454 p.: UG Library
530 SEA 00042135 University Physics Sears, Francis Weston, Narosa Publishing House 1997 8185015635 | 0201071959 6th ed. xiii, 929, [28] p. : UG Library
530 SEA 00042136 University Physics Sears, Francis Weston, Narosa Publishing House 1997 8185015635 | 0201071959 6th ed. xiii, 929, [28] p. : UG Library
530 SEA 00062807 University Physics Sears, Francis Weston, Narosa Publishing House 1997 8185015635 | 0201071959 6th ed. xiii, 929, [28] p. : UG Library
530 SEA 00070488 University Physics Sears, Francis Weston, Narosa Publishing House 1997 8185015635 | 0201071959 6th ed. xiii, 929, [28] p. : UG Library
530 SEA 00070487 University Physics Sears, Francis Weston, Narosa Publishing House 1997 8185015635 | 0201071959 6th ed. xiii, 929, [28] p. : UG Library
530 SEA 00115581 University Physics Sears, Francis Weston, Narosa Publishing House 1997 8185015635 | 0201071959 6th ed. xiii, 929, [28] p. : UG Library
530 SEA 00033924 University Physics Sears, Francis Weston, Narosa Publishing House 1997 8185015635 | 0201071959 6th ed. xiii, 929, [28] p. : UG Library
530 SEA 00069660 University Physics Sears, Francis Weston, Narosa Publishing House 1997 8185015635 | 0201071959 6th ed. xiii, 929, [28] p. : UG Library
530 SEH 00017353 Basic College Physics Sehgal D.L Sultan Chand & Company Ltd 1967 xvi, 930 p,: UG Library
530 SER 00075304 Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text Serway, Raymond A Thomson South Western, 2008 9788131500576 1206 p.: UG Library
530 SER 00058909 Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text Serway, Raymond A Thomson South Western, 2008 9788131500576 1206 p.: UG Library
530 SER 00061328 Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text Serway, Raymond A Thomson South Western, 2008 9788131500576 1206 p.: UG Library
530 SER 00061884 Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text Serway, Raymond A Thomson South Western, 2008 9788131500576 1206 p.: UG Library
530 SER 00115580 Principles of Physics/ Serway, Raymond A Thomson Learning 2004 9789812438737 3rd ed. 1240p UG Library
530 SER 00070441 College Physics / Serway, A Raymond New Delhi 2003 0030035627 | 9789812656841 6th ed. 1042p UG Library
530 SER 00061798 Principles of physics / Serway, Raymond A. Saunders College Pub., 1998 0030204577 2nd ed. xxxii, 954 p. : UG Library
530 SER 00026115 Physics: for Scientists and Engineers Serway, Raymond A. Saunders College Publishing 1982 833700999 883 p. UG Library
530 SER 00052543 Physics: Serway, Raymond A. Thomson South Western, 2004 9788131503171 4th Ed. 1552 p. : UG Library
530 SER 00045976 College Physics. Serway, Faughn Saunders College Publishing. 1989 0030229529 | 9780030229527 2nd ed. 928p UG Library
530 SER 00051862 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, A Raymond New York 2000 0030226546 | 9780030226540 5th ed. 1282 p UG Library
530 SER 22000175 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, A Raymond New York 2000 0030226546 | 9780030226540 5th ed. 1282 p Knowledge Centre
530 SER 00051864 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, A Raymond New York 2000 0030226546 | 9780030226540 5th ed. 1282 p UG Library
530 SER 22000176 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, A Raymond New York 2000 0030226546 | 9780030226540 5th ed. 1282 p Knowledge Centre
530 SER 00051863 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, A Raymond New York 2000 0030226546 | 9780030226540 5th ed. 1282 p UG Library
530 SER 00063966 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, A Raymond New York 2000 0030226546 | 9780030226540 5th ed. 1282 p UG Library
530 SER 00126459 Physics: for Scientists and Engineers With Modern Physics Serway, Raymond A. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2005 9788131503171 | 9780495385745 7th Ed. xxxi, 1392 p.: UG Library
530 SER 00146598 Physics: for Scientists and Engineers with modern physics/ Serway, Raymond A. Cengage, 2019 9789355739223 1258,I-22p. ; UG Library
530 SER 00075303 College Physics Serway,Raymond A. Thomson 2003 9812656847 | 9789812656841 6th Ed. 966 p. UG Library
530 SER 00043331 Physics:For Scientists and Engineers Serway Harcourt Brace & College Publishers 1996 9780030156595 | 0030156599 4th Ed. 454 p. UG Library
530 SER 00043333 Physics: For Scientists and Engineers Serway,Raymond. Harcourt Brace & Company 1996 9780030156632 4th Ed. 1160 p. UG Library
530 SER 00043332 Physics: For Scientists and Engineers Serway,Raymond. Harcourt Brace & Company 1996 9780030156632 4th Ed. 1160 p. UG Library
530 SER 00075305 Physics: for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics Serway,Raymond A. Thomson 2004 9788131514047 6th Ed. 1510 p. UG Library
530 SER 00061799 College Physics / Serway, A Raymond New Delhi 2003 0030035627 | 9789812656841 6th ed. 1042p UG Library
530 SER 00043334 Physics: for Scientists and Engineers With Modern Physics Serway, Raymond A. Saunders College Publishers 1996 9780030156670 4th Ed. 816 p. UG Library
530 SER 00076436 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, Raymond A USA 2004 9780534408428 6th ed. 1281p UG Library
530 SER 00076437 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, Raymond A USA 2004 9780534408428 6th ed. 1281p UG Library
530 SER 00076438 Physics / for Scientists and Engineers Serway, Raymond A USA 2004 9780534408428 6th ed. 1281p UG Library
530 SER 00076439 Physics for Scientists and Engineers [WMU] Jewett, Serway 0534408427 1283p UG Library
530 SHA 04010852 Scientia Physics/ Sharma Avnish CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD, 2000 8123907141 647 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SHA 04010854 Scientia Physics/ Sharma Avnish CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD, 2006 9788123912967 viii,A.46 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SHA 00125033 Fundamentals of Physics : Shankar , Ramamurti. Yale University Press, 2014 9780300192209 | 0300192207 xiv, 446 P,: : UG Library
530 SHA 00142290 Physics lab in Sky / Shah,M A. New Delhi publishers, 2021 9789391012069 232p.; UG Library
530 SHA 04027395 Physics / Sharma, B K Modern Publisher, 2015 9789351841241 1478p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SHA 00092153 Physics for IIT-JEE 2010: Sharma B M Cengage Learning 9788131511572 A3.60p UG Library
530 SHA 00092158 Physics for IIT-JEE 2010: Sharma B M Cengage Learning 9788131512180 A-26p UG Library
530 SHA 04010944 Physics for IIT-JEE Machanics Sharma B.M. Cengage Learning 2010 9788131513408 P.V Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SHA 00131504 Plasma and plasomnics Shah,Kushal Ane books pvt ltd., 2017 9789385462849 xi,185p.; UG Library
530 SHE 00016351 Text Book of Chemistry II Shnoi, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530 SHR 04021591 Basic Theoretical Physics / Shrivastava, Sarita Anmol Publication, 2014 9788126159246 280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SHR 05069847 Physics For I PUC / Shridhar, A. Boscoss Publications, 2014 548p.; Knowledge Centre
530 SID 00056471 Frontiers of Fundamental Physics Sidharth B. G. Universities Press 1999 8173711542 | 9788173711541 191 p. UG Library
530 SID 00056472 Frontiers of Fundamental Physics Sidharth B. G. Universities Press 1999 8173711542 | 9788173711541 191 p. UG Library
530 SID 00056473 Frontiers of Fundamental Physics Sidharth B.G. Universities Press 2000 8173712492 | 9788173712494 203 p. UG Library
530 SID 00056474 Frontiers of Fundamental Physics Sidharth B.G. Universities Press 2000 8173712492 | 9788173712494 203 p. UG Library
530 SID 00115583 Frontiers of Fundamental Physics Sidharth B.G. Universities Press 2000 8173712492 | 9788173712494 203 p. UG Library
530 SIN 00115595 Objective Physics Singh, R B Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd 0817515456 367p UG Library
530 SIN 04010865 Solutions To Irodov's Problems in General Physics: Singh Kumar Abhay Wiley India, 2010 9788126520763 3th ed. 508 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SIN 04010864 Solutions To Irodov's Problems in General Physics: Singh Kumar Abhay CBS Publisher & Distributors PVT.LTD, 2010 9788126520770 3th ed. 429 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SIN 00030498 Physics Answers to Halliday and Resnick Singhal, K N Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1989 Part 1-2 133 p.: UG Library
530 SIN 00120212 Solutions to Irodov's Problems in General Physics Vol II Singh, Abhay Kumar Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, | Imported Publications [distributor], 2014 5030008004 | 9788126551194 4th Ed 342 p. ; UG Library
530 SIN 00120214 Solutions to Irodov's Problems in General Physics Vol I Singh, Abhay Kumar Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2014 9788126551187 4th Ed, XI, 408 p.: UG Library
530 SIN 00068714 Problems in Physics / Singh, Abhay Kumar New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412432 | 8122411401 | 9788122412437 4th ed. 606p UG Library
530 SIN 04023134 Concepts in Applied Physics / Singh, Gopal Anmol Publications, 2013 9788126153572 192p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SIN 00102166 Basic Physics Singh, Kongbam Chandramani PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 9788120337084 xvii, 787 p. UG Library
530 SIN 00070262 Physics for Civil Services Sinha, Madhusudan Prasad S Chand & Company Ltd 2004 8121924138 | 9788121924139 387 p. : UG Library
530 SIN 00045795 Problems in Physics / Singh, Abhay Kumar New Age International Publishers 2000 8122412432 | 8122411401 | 9788122412437 4th ed. 606p UG Library
530 SIN 00024778 Physics Answers to Halliday and Resnick Singhal, K N Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1989 Part 1-2 133 p.: UG Library
530 SMI 04017812 The Usborne Internet-Linked Library of Science : Smith, Alastair USborne Publishing, 2001 9780746046302 63p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SMI 00140533 How to Think Like Stephen Hawking Smith,Daniel Michael O'Mara Books Limited 2020 9781789292251 205p UG Library
530 SMI 00062811 Environmental Physics/ Smith, Clare New York 2001 0415201918 | 9780415201919 304 p UG Library
530 SMI 00063007 Environmental Physics/ Smith, Clare New York 2001 0415201918 | 9780415201919 304 p UG Library
530 SMI 00068036 Environmental Physics/ Smith, Clare New York 2001 0415201918 | 9780415201919 304 p UG Library
530 STA 00007974 Physics Starling, Sydney G. Longmans, Green 1958 [2d ed.] 1328 p. UG Library
530 STA 00007973 Physics Starling, Sydney G. Longmans, Green 1958 [2d ed.] 1328 p. UG Library
530 STA 00004247 Physics Starling, Sydney G. Longmans, Green 1958 [2d ed.] 1328 p. UG Library
530 STE 00106015 Problems & solutions in theoretical & mathematical physics Steeb, W.-H. World Scientific, 2009 9789814282147 (v. 1) | 9814282 3rd ed. x,248 p. UG Library
530 STE 00035967 General Physcs Sternhein&kane, Kane John Wiley & Sons 1933 xvi, 765 p.: UG Library
530 SUB 05043660 Indian Perspectives on the Physical World.Vol.4.Part.3 [ug.Lib.Physics Reference Section] Subbarayappa, B V Imh Press 8187586176 435p Knowledge Centre
530 SUB 00033912 Principles of Physics Subrahmanyam, N S Chand 1111 p UG Library
530 SUB 00033913 Numerical Problems in Physics Subramanyam, S C 1992 516 p.: UG Library
530 SUN 00042092 Physics Practical Manual Sundararajan, N United Publishers 1997 1st ed. 133 p. : UG Library
530 SUN 00042093 Physics Practical Manual Sundararajan, N United Publishers 1997 1st ed. 133 p. : UG Library
530 SUN 00042094 Physics Practical Manual Sundararajan, N United Publishers 1997 1st ed. 133 p. : UG Library
530 SUN 00042096 Physics Practical Manual Sundararajan, N United Publishers 1997 1st ed. 133 p. : UG Library
530 SUN 00042369 Physics Practical Manual Sundararajan, N United Publishers 1997 1st ed. 133 p. : UG Library
530 SUN 04027393 All IN ONE Sunstar Exam Scanner B E : Sunstar Publishers, 2016 9789385155819 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 SUN 00047554 College Physics Sundararajan, N United 1999 582p UG Library
530 SUN 00047555 College Physics Sundararajan, N United 1999 582p UG Library
530 SUN 00047556 College Physics Sundararajan, N United 1999 582p UG Library
530 SUN 00047557 College Physics Sundararajan, N United 1999 582p UG Library
530 SUN 00047558 College Physics Sundararajan, N United 1999 582p UG Library
530 SUN 00054420 College Physics Sundararajan, N United 1999 582p UG Library
530 SUN 00054421 College Physics Sundararajan, N United 1999 582p UG Library
530 SUN 00046125 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046126 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046127 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046128 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046129 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046231 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046130 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046131 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046132 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046133 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUN 00046134 College Physics Sundararajan N. United 1998 1st Ed. 420p UG Library
530 SUR 00030573 PROBLEMS IN PHYSICS FOR II Puc Board and Entrance Examinations Suresh, Rao Guru 225 p UG Library
530 TAL 04012113 The Holographic Universe : Talbot, Michael. Harper perennial; 2011 9780062014108 338 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TAY 00131148 Modern Physics For Scientists And Engineers / Taylor, John R. Viva Books, 2017 013805715X | 9789386105264 2nd Ed. xvi, 720 p. : UG Library
530 TAY 00125238 Modern Physics For Scientists And Engineers / Taylor, John R. Viva Books, 2017 013805715X | 9789386105264 2nd Ed. xvi, 720 p. : UG Library
530 TAY 00120744 Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers. Taylor, John R. University Science Books, 2015 9781938787751 2nd ed, xviii, 720 p.: UG Library
530 THE 05034409 A Text Book of Engineering Physics / Theraja, B L S Chand & Co., 1984 776 p. Knowledge Centre
530 THE 00021043 Textbook of Engineering Physics Theraja, B L S Chand 775p UG Library
530 THO 00104091 Elements Of Natural Philosophy : Thomson William Cambridge Universtiy Press ; 2010 9781108014489 279 p. UG Library
530 THO 00127457 Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers Thornton, Stephen T. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2013 9781133103721 | 1133103723 | 9 4th ed. xiv, 615 [A-50]p. : UG Library
530 TIP 00106545 Physics Tipler, Paul A W h Freeman and Company 2008 9780716789642 1412p UG Library
530 TIP 00106544 Physics Tipler, Paul A W h Freeman and Company 2008 9780716789642 1412p UG Library
530 TIP 04013904 Solution for Selected Exercises and Problems to accompany Physics / Tipler, Paul A. CBS Publishers, 2004 8123900589 2nd ed. 293 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TIP 04013903 Physics/ Tipler A. Paul CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD, 1992 9788123900704 2nd ed. xxiv,621 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TIP 04013902 Physics/ Tipler A. Paul CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD, 1992 9788123900704 2nd ed. xxiv,621 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TIP 04001548 Solution for Selected Exercises and Problems to accompany Physics / Tipler, Paul A. CBS Publishers, 2004 8123900589 2nd ed. 293 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TIP 00073718 Solution for Selected Exercises and Problems to accompany Physics / Tipler, Paul A. CBS Publishers, 2004 8123900589 2nd ed. 293 p. : UG Library
530 TIP 04010858 Physics / Tipler A. Paul CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD. 1992 9788123900711 2nd Ed. xix, 1062 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TIP 04010859 Physics/ Tipler A. Paul CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD, 1992 9788123900704 2nd ed. xxiv,621 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TMH 00070418 Complete Physics for AIEEE: 2005 - 2006 Tata Mcgraw Hill Series McGraw Hill 2006 0070585903 684p UG Library
530 TMH 00070421 Course In Physics For IIT-JEE Tata Mcgraw Hill Series McGraw Hill 2006 0070589194 1047p UG Library
530 TOU 04022886 Introductory Physis Building Understanding Touger, Jerold John Wiley and Sons 2006 9788126508686 875 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 TYL 04029027 Dictionary of Physics / Tyler, Shaun Venus Books, 2016 9789351541059 200p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 VAN 00043335 Study Guide and Student Solutions Manual to Accompany: Physics for Scientists and Engineers Van Wyk, Steven. Sauders College Publishing 1996 9780030156649 | 0030156645 4th ed. 446 p. : UG Library
530 VED 00130573 From micro to macro : Vedral, Vlatko, World scientific publishing co pte ltd., 2018 9789813229518 | 9813229519 | 9 184 pages ; UG Library
530 VEN 05052091 The big and small : Venkataraman, G. University Press, 2007 9788173715747 | 8173715742 xix, 211p. Knowledge Centre
530 VEN 00047549 University Physics Venkatesh, G Subhas Publications 2000 1st ed. 650 p. : UG Library
530 VEN 00047550 University Physics Venkatesh, G Subhas Publications 2000 1st ed. 650 p. : UG Library
530 VEN 00047552 University Physics Venkatesh, G Subhas Publications 2000 1st ed. 650 p. : UG Library
530 VEN 00047553 University Physics Venkatesh, G Subhas Publications 2000 1st ed. 650 p. : UG Library
530 VEN 00047551 University Physics Venkatesh, G Subhas Publications 2000 1st ed. 650 p. : UG Library
530 VEN 05033580 The Many Phases Of Matter / G Venkataraman Universities Press, 1991 9788173710346 98 p. Knowledge Centre
530 VER 00104609 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00042360 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00060726 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00042367 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 VER 00060729 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 VER 00104610 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00083277 Computational Physics/ Verma, R C New Age International Publishers 2007 8122411959 377p UG Library
530 VER 00104611 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 VER 00104612 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 VER 00042356 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00042361 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00042357 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00042358 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00042359 Concepts of Physics [ Part.1 ] Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan, 1997 462 p.; UG Library
530 VER 00042362 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 VER 00042363 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 VER 00042365 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 VER 00042366 Concepts of Physics Verma, H C Bharathi Bhavan 1997 056317047173 466 p. UG Library
530 VER 00048169 Computational Physics/ Verma, R C New Age International Publishers 2007 8122411959 377p UG Library
530 VIS 04022970 Applied Physics / Vishwakarma, H. L. Wiley, 2013 9788126536122 762p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 VIS 00120213 Applied Physics / Vishwakarma, H. L. Wiley, 2013 9788126536122 762p. : UG Library
530 VIV 00114754 Textbook of Physics for Class XI: HSC, HSE and CBSE Vivekanandan, P S Chand 8121912679 528p UG Library
530 VIV 00115741 Pre University Phyics for I Year Vivekanandan, P S Chand 8121914140 532p UG Library
530 VIV 00115742 Pre University Physics for II Year Vivekanandan, P S Chand 2002 8121914159 626p UG Library
530 VIV 00115740 ISC Physics for Calss XI: Book I Vivekandan, P S Chand 8121918979 935p UG Library
530 VIV 00115582 ISC Physics for Class XII: Book II Vivekanandan, P S Chand 2004 9788121920360 1420p UG Library
530 WAG 42000733 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000742 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000665 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000666 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000485 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000667 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000486 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000668 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000487 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000488 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000489 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000490 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000762 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000910 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000911 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000912 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000913 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000914 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 42000915 Pramana : Journal of Physics / Indian Academy of Science, 2016 03044289 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAG 00112378 Essentials of Physics Wagh, Sanjay Moreshwar PHI Learning 2013 9788120346420 | 9788120346437 580p.,670p. UG Library
530 WAG 00112379 Essentials of Physics Wagh, Sanjay Moreshwar PHI Learning 2013 9788120346420 | 9788120346437 580p.,670p. UG Library
530 WAG 42000821 Pramana : Journal of Physics / IAS, 2017 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAL 00145313 Principles of Physics/ Walker, Jearl Wiley India 2022 9788126552566 10th ed. xxii: 1244p,I-22 UG Library
530 WAL 04011156 The Flying Circus of Physics / Walker Jearl John Wiley & Sons,INC, 2007 9788126531998 331 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAL 00119850 Computational Physics by, Walker Darren Medtec, 2013 9789384007416 x, 371 p.: UG Library
530 WAL 00119851 Computational Physics by, Walker Darren Medtec, 2013 9789384007416 x, 371 p.: UG Library
530 WAL 00119852 Computational Physics by, Walker Darren Medtec, 2013 9789384007416 x, 371 p.: UG Library
530 WAL 00033795 Flying Circus of Physics With Answers Jearl, Walker John 1977 295 p.: UG Library
530 WAL 04013009 Flying Circus of Physics With Answers Jearl, Walker John 1977 295 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 WAL 00142642 Advanced modern physics : Walecka, John Dirk World Scientific, 2021 9789814291514 | 981429151X | 9789814291521 | 9814291528 | 9780000990037 xviii, 479 p. : UG Library
530 WAT 00006926 Understanding Physics Today Watson, W H Cambridge 1967 218 p UG Library
530 WEB 00045371 College Physics Weber, L Robert 0070996636 912 p UG Library
530 WEB 00034403 College Physics Weber, L Robert 0070996636 912 p UG Library
530 WEB 00017557 Advanced Theoretical Physics Webber, D 264 p UG Library
530 WEN 00033808 Physics Concepts and Models Wenham, E. J E L B S, 1973 544 p.; UG Library
530 WHI 00005015 Modern College Physics White,Harvey, E Affiliated 1108 p UG Library
530 WHI 00005014 Modern College Physics White,Harvey, E Affiliated 1108 p UG Library
530 WHI 00014334 Modern College Physics White,Harvey, E Affiliated 1108 p UG Library
530 WHI 00000603 Experimental College Physics White, Marsh W Mc Graw Hill 0019 3rd 347 p.: UG Library
530 WHI 00003448 Modern College Physics White, Harvery S UG Library
530 WHI 00010103 Basic Physics White, Marsh .W. M G H 1963 592 p.: UG Library
530 WHI 00014333 Modern College Physics White,Harvey, E Affiliated 1108 p UG Library
530 WHI 00014335 Modern College Physics White,Harvey, E Affiliated 1108 p UG Library
530 WIG 05050841 Physical science, with environmental applications / Wiggins, Arthur W. Houghton Mifflin, 1974 0395170729 xiii, 305 p. Knowledge Centre
530 WIL 05066813 Fantastic realities : Wilczek, Frank. World Scientific, 2006 981256649X | 9812566554 (pbk.) | 9789812566553 ix, 522 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 WIL 00138718 College Physics Essentials Vol 2 : Wilson,Jerry D. CRC Press, 2020 9781138476080 | 9781138476325 8th ed. vii,791p.; UG Library
530 WIL 05070930 Numerical Computation / Williams. P.W. Thomas nelson and sons ltd, 1972 viii,191p.; Knowledge Centre
530 WIL 00138967 College Physics Essentials Vol 2 : Wilson,Jerry D. CRC Press, 2020 9781138476080 | 9781138476325 8th ed. vii,791p.; UG Library
530 WOL 00022025 Problems in General Physics Wolkenstein, V S MIR 1980 352 p UG Library
530 WOL 00022026 Problems in General Physics Wolkenstein, V S MIR 1980 352 p UG Library
530 WOO 00105987 Materials, matter & particles : Woolfson, M. M. Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific Pub., 2010 9781848164598 | 1848164599 | 9 ix, 316 p. : UG Library
530 WOR 00018893 Advanced Practical Physics Worsnop, B L Asia 754 p UG Library
530 YAN 05066809 Selected papers II, with commentaries / Yang, Chen Ning, World Scientific, 2013 9789814449007 (hard cover) | 9814449008 (hard cover) | 9789814449014 (paperback) | 9814449016 (paperback) x, 346 pages : Knowledge Centre
530 YAN 05066824 Selected papers (1945-1980), with commentary / Yang, Chen Ning, World Scientific, 2005 9812563679 2005 ed. 603 p. : Knowledge Centre
530 YAV 00017347 Fundamentals of Physics (2 volumes) Yavorsky, B M MIR Publishers 1971 546 p UG Library
530 YAV 00021999 Handbook of Physics Yavorsky, B MIR 1120 p UG Library
530 YAV 00017346 Fundamentals of Physics (2 volumes) Yavorsky, B M MIR Publishers 1971 546 p UG Library
530 YAV 00022000 Handbook of Physics Yavorsky, B MIR 1120 p UG Library
530 YAV 00132632 Handbook of physics Yavorsky,B Medtech, 2018 9789387210943 1131p.; UG Library
530 YAV 05057956 Handbook of physics Yavorsky,B MIR Publishers, 1975 964p.; Knowledge Centre
530 YAV 04029138 Handbook of physics Yavorsky,B Medtech, 2018 9789387210943 1131p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 YOU 00136943 Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics / Young, Hugh. D. Pearson, 2018 9789332586284 14th REP edition 1593p.; UG Library
530 YOU 00136944 Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics / Young, Hugh. D. Pearson, 2018 9789332586284 14th REP edition 1593p.; UG Library
530 YOU 05060127 Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics / Young, Hugh. D. Pearson, 2017 9789332586284 14th ed. 1593p.; Knowledge Centre
530 YOU 00124309 Sears and Zemansky`s University Physics / Young, D Hugh Pearson, 2013 9788131790274 13th ed. xxiv, 1521p UG Library
530 YOU 00070224 Sears and Zemansky`s University Physics / Young, D Hugh Pearson Education 2005 9788129704641 11th ed. 1724p UG Library
530 YOU 04003354 University Physics Youn, Hugh D Addison Wesley Longman 1998 9780201327564 1484 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 YOU 00142664 Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics / Young, Hugh. D. Pearson india educational services pvt ltd., 2022 9789353949297 15th ed., 1552p.; UG Library
530 YOU 00128914 Collage Physics Young, Hugh. D Pearson Education Limited, 2016 9781292112541 10th Edition 1094 p. : UG Library
530 YOU 04030564 Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics / Young, Hugh. D. Pearson, 2017 9789332586284 14th ed. 1593p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530 ZAP 00033779 Physics Chris, Zafiratos .D. John Wiley 1976 911 p.: UG Library
530 ZYK 00029306 Dancing Wu Li Masters Zukav, Gary Torontom Bantam 1985 337 p.: UG Library
530.0 MIL 00131025 Representing Space in the Scientific Revolution Miller,David Marshall Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107624719 235p UG Library
530.01 HIL 04003204 Physics and Our View of the World Hilgevoord, Jan Cambridge University Press 1994 9780521476805 304 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.01 CAP 00109485 The Web Of Life Capra,Fritjof Flamingo 1997 9780007453047 xv; 320 p. UG Library
530.01 CAP 00130582 The Tao of physics : Capra, Fritjof. HarperCollins publishers, 1991 0877735948 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd ed., 412p.; UG Library
530.01 CAP 05053646 The Tao of physics : Capra, Fritjof. Shambhala ; | Distributed in the U.S. by Random House, 1983 0877732469 (pbk.) : | 03947161 2nd ed., rev. and updated. 347 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.01 CAP 07012179 The Tao of physics : Capra, Fritjof. HarperCollins publishers, 1991 0877735948 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd ed., 412p.; Library - BR Campus
530.01 CAP 00074425 Tao of Physics / An Exploration of the Parrallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism Capra, Fritjof Flamingo 1991 9780006544890 412p UG Library
530.01 CAP 00107465 Tao of Physics / An Exploration of the Parrallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism Capra, Fritjof Flamingo 1991 9780006544890 412p UG Library
530.01 CAP 00055379 Turning Point - Science, Society and the Rising Culture Capra, Fritjof 0006540171 516p UG Library
530.01 CAP 00086573 Tao of Physics / An Exploration of the Parrallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism Capra, Fritjof Flamingo 1991 9780006544890 412p UG Library
530.01 CLO 00102140 Nothing : Close, F. E. Oxford University Press, 9780199225866 (pbk.) | 0199225 157 p. ; UG Library
530.01 HUG 00103896 The theoretical practices of physics : Hughes, R. I. G. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199546107 (hc : alk. paper 278 p. ; UG Library
530.01 JEA 00111519 Physics and philosophy / Jeans, James Hopwood, Dover Publications, 1981 0486241173 (pbk.) : | 97804862 222 p. : UG Library
530.01 JEA 05054427 Physics and philosophy / Jeans, James, The Macmillan Company, 1944 vii,222p.; Knowledge Centre
530.01 JEA 00120270 Physics and philosophy / Jeans, James Hopwood, Dover Publications, 1981 0486241173 (pbk.) : | 97804862 222 p. : UG Library
530.01 MIT 00109914 Rational Reconstructions of Modern Physics Mittelstaedt, Peter Springer 2010 9789400700765 | 9400700768 (Tr 126 p. UG Library
530.01 QUI 00131633 The (pre-)dawning of functional specialization in physics / Quinn, Terrance J. World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd., 2017 9789813209091 | 9813209097 xviii, 192 pages : UG Library
530.01 RAN 03007859 Warped Passages : Randall, Lisa. Harper, 2005 9780060531096 xii , 499 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.01 RIC 00128121 The philosophy of physics / Rickles, Dean. Polity Press 2016 9780745669816 (hardback) | 978 x, 238 pages : UG Library
530.01 RIC 00130194 The philosophy of physics / Rickles, Dean. Polity Press 2016 9780745669816 (hardback) | 978 x, 238 pages : UG Library
530.01 SPI 00037956 Theory and Problems of Theoritical Mechanics Spiegel, A Murray M g h 1982 368 p.: UG Library
530.011 BER 00122002 Simulating the Physical World Berendsen, Herman J. C. Cambridge University Press. 2007 xxvii, 596 p:. UG Library
530.02 WOA 04001012 Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas / Woan, Graham Cambridge University Press, 1999 9780521573498 220p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.0246 BET 00033820 Physics for Technology Betts,John E. Reston Publishing Co Inc 1976 721 p. UG Library
530.02462 KUM 04013894 Text Book of Engineering Physics / Kumar Subhash publication, 1995 423p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PRA 04002193 Engineering Physics Practical Manual With Viva-Voce Prakash, V Subhas Stores 2008 82 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002160 Engineering Physics Basavaraju, S P Subhas Stores 2008 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002161 Engineering Physics Basavaraju, S P Subhas Stores 2008 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DWI 04001831 Textbook of Engineering Physics Dwivedi, S K I K International Publishing 2007 9788189866471 275 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DWI 04002535 Textbook of Engineering Physics Dwivedi, S K I K International Publishing 2007 9788189866471 275 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 JAI 04003966 Textbook of Engineering Physics Jain, Mahesh C Prentice-Hall of Inida 2009 9788120338623 350 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 JAI 04003849 Engineering Physics Jain, Sanjay D Universities Press 2010 9788173716782 593 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 JOS 04011588 Engineering Physics/ Joshi Dattu R. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2010 9780070704770 xxxvi, 1.11 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAL 04011623 Engineering Physics Malik, Hitendra K Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070671539 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAL 04006960 Engineering Physics Malik, Hitendra K Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070671539 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAL 04006932 Engineering Physics Malik, Hitendra K Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070671539 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAL 04006933 Engineering Physics Malik, Hitendra K Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070671539 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MEH 04003964 Textbook of Engineering / Mehta, Neeraj Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120333611 225 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MEH 04003965 Textbook of Engineering / Mehta, Neeraj Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120333611 225 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAN 04021587 Engineering Physics / Pandey, B.K Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517611 867 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAN 04003302 Engineering Physics Volume 1 Pandey, B K Thomson South-Western 2010 9788131511787 303 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAN 04003303 Engineering Physics Volume 1 Pandey, B K Thomson South-Western 2010 9788131511787 303 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAR 04002792 Advanced Engineering Physics Parthasarathy, Haris Ane Books 2006 9788180520921 679 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAJ 04003963 Texbook of Engineering Physics Rajagopal, K Prentice-Hall of Inida 2009 9788120337572 201 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAJ 04021775 Applied Physics for Engineers / Raja, R. Scitech Publishers 2012 9788183714310 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAJ 04021776 Applied Physics for Engineers / Raja, R. Scitech Publishers 2012 9788183714310 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAJ 04023406 Engineering Physics/ Rajendran Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt, Ltd, 2011 9780071070140 xx, 27:34 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAJ 04011681 Engineering Physics/ Rajendran Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt, Ltd, 2011 9780071070140 xx, 27:34 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAJ 04011679 Engineering Physics/ V. Rajendran Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780071068307 viii, 8.59 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAJ 04011680 Engineering Physics/ Rajendran V Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2009 9780070671867 xviii, 27:32 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SHI 04003989 Engineering Physics Shivakumar, G K Prism Books Pvt. Ltd 2007 9788172865504 225 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SHI 04003552 Engineering Physics Shivakumar, G K Prism Books Pvt. Ltd 2007 9788172865504 225 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 VIB 04022479 Engineering Physics / Vibhu, Isht Word Press, 2010 9789380257051 310p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 ARU 04023034 Engineering Physics / Aruldhas, G PHI, 2012 9788120339163 389 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011955 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011956 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011957 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011958 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011960 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011961 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011962 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011963 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04027383 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011964 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011965 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04011966 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 AVA 04015369 A Textbook of Engineering Physics / Avadhanulu, M.N S.Chand & Company Ltd., 1992 9788121908177 758 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04030576 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04022718 Engineering Physics / Basavaraj, B. Vikas Publications, 2015 9789325982307 387p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04028725 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04028726 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04027385 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S P Subhas Stores, 2013 11111115 636p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002637 Solid State Engineering Physics Basu, Prabir K Ane Books 2008 8180522938 169 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04019299 Engineering Physics / Basu, Prabir K. Ane Books, 2010 9788190832243 2nd ed. 296p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04024151 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04024152 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04024154 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04024155 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002158 Engineering Physics Basavaraju, S P Subhas Stores 2008 577 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002159 Engineering Physics Basavaraju, S P Subhas Stores 2008 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002162 Engineering Physics Basavaraju, S P Subhas Stores 2008 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002599 Solid State Engineering Physics Basu, Prabir K Ane Books 2008 8180522938 169 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04027712 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04027713 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04027714 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04027715 Engineering Physics / Basavaraju, S. P. Subhas Stores, 2015 9789383214501 540p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002629 Engineering Physics Basu, Prabir K Ane Books 2009 8180522334 257 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002672 Engineering Physics Basu, Prabir K Ane Books 2009 8180522334 257 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BAS 04002628 Engineering Physics Basu, Prabir K Ane Books 2009 8180522334 257 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 BHA 04012313 Enigneering Physics / Bhattacharya, D. K. Oxford University Press ; 2011 9780198065425 374 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 CHA 04022473 Engineering Physics / Chandel, Vishal Singh Word Press, 2009 9788190750561 vol-2 264p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 CHA 04017466 A Concise Laboratory Manual On Engineering Physics / Charles, J William Vijay Nicol Pvt ltd, 2004 9788182090545 111p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 CHA 04027183 Engineering Physics / Chandel, Vishal Singh Word Press, 2009 9788190750561 vol-2 264p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 CHA 04026504 Engineering Physics / Chandel, Vishal Singh Word Press, 2009 9788190750561 vol-2 264p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 CHO 04005640 Perspective of Engieering Physics I Choudhary, Nityanand ACME Learning P Ltd 2009 9788190710459 309 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 CHO 04009982 Perspective of Engineering Physics II / Choudhary, Nityanand Acme Learning, 2010 9789380408125 357 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DAS 04025310 Textbook of Engineering Physics Practical / Das, Ruby University Science Press, 2015 9789380386867 270p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DAS 04017634 Engineering Pysics / Das, Parth Pratim Vikas Publication, 2010 9788125950011 vol-1 375p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DAS 04017616 Engineering Physics / Das, Partha Pratim Vikas Publication , 2012 9788125950851 Vol-2 389p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DIN 04003680 Viva Catchup Engineering Physics Vol I: for Firest Year BE/BTECH Students Dinesh, Sivalingam Viva Books 2009 9788130912585 170 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DIN 04003802 Viva Catchup Engineering Physics Vol I: for Firest Year BE/BTECH Students Dinesh, Sivalingam Viva Books 2009 9788130912585 170 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DIN 04007452 Viva Catchup Engineering Physics Vol I: for Firest Year BE/BTECH Students Dinesh, Sivalingam Viva Books 2009 9788130912585 170 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DIN 04007453 Viva Catchup Engineering Physics/ Dinesh, Sivalingam Viva Books, 2010 9788130915524 viii,160p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DIN 04008483 Viva Catchup Engineering Physics Vol I: for Firest Year BE/BTECH Students Dinesh, Sivalingam Viva Books 2009 9788130912585 170 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 DIN 04030561 Viva Catchup Engineering Physics Vol I: for Firest Year BE/BTECH Students Dinesh, Sivalingam Viva Books 2009 9788130912585 170 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 GAU 04025514 Engineering Physics / Gaur, R K Dhanpat Publications, 2015 9788189928223 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 GAU 04025515 Engineering Physics / Gaur, R K Dhanpat Publications, 2015 9788189928223 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 GAU 04025516 Engineering Physics / Gaur, R K Dhanpat Publications, 2015 9788189928223 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 GAU 04027251 Engineering Physics / Gaur, R K Dhanpat Publications, 2015 9788189928223 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 GHO 04025460 Engineering Physics / Ghosh, Dipak Chandra University Science Press, 2016 9788131803660 465p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 GHO 04025461 Engineering Physics / Ghosh, Dipak Chandra University Science Press, 2016 9788131803660 465p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KAK 04016385 Engineering Practical Physics / Kakani, S. L. CBS publisher, 2007 9788123914374 158 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KAK 04010815 Textbook of Engineering Physics/ Kakani S.L CBS Publisher & Distributors, 2008 9788123916552 xvii,681 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KAK 04019365 Textbook of Engineering Physics/ Kakani S.L CBS Publisher & Distributors, 2008 9788123916552 xvii,681 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KAK 04001553 Engineering Physics Kakani, S L CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123915225 1114p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KAK 04010813 Engineering Physics/ Kakani S.L CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD. 2008 9788123915227 2nd ed. xxix, 1114 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KAT 04025924 Engineering Physics-II / Katiyar, A K University Science Press, 2013 9789381159538 261p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KAT 04025925 Engineering Physics-II / Katiyar, A K University Science Press, 2013 9789381159538 261p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KHA 04027358 Principles of Enineering Physics - 2 / Khan Md. N Cambridge, 2016 9781316635650 xix, 492p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 KHA 04027357 Principles of Engineering Physics - 1 / Khan Md. N Cambridge, 2016 9781316635643 xxiii, 873p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAL 04030162 Engineering Physics / Malik, H K McGraw Hill, 2018 9789352606955 2nd ed. 816p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAL 04006934 Engineering Physics Malik, Hitendra K Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070671539 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAR 04023395 Engineering Physics / Marikani, A. PHI, 2013 9788120348233 490p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAT 04025456 Textbook of Engineering Physics-II / Mathur, Vishal University Science Press, 2015 9789383828449 170p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 MAT 04025457 Textbook of Engineering Physics-II / Mathur, Vishal University Science Press, 2015 9789383828449 170p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 NAI 04000568 Engineering Physics / Naik, P V Pearson Education, 2008 9788129705204 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 NAI 04021068 Physics for Science and Engineering / Naik, Promod V. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788130927251 376 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAL 04021785 Engineering Physics / Palanisamy, P. K. Scitech Publishers, 2009 9788183712163 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAL 04021786 Engineering Physics / Palanisamy, P. K. Scitech Publishers, 2009 9788183712163 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAL 04021783 Engineering Physics - II / Palanisamy, P. K. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183715133 2nd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAL 04021784 Engineering Physics - II / Palanisamy, P. K. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183715133 2nd ed. V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAL 04021779 Physics for Engineers / Palanisamy, P. K. Schitech Publishers, 2003 9788187328896 Vol - 2 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAL 04021780 Physics for Engineers / Palanisamy, P. K. Schitech Publishers, 2003 9788187328896 Vol - 2 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAL 04012165 Engineering Physics / Palanisamy, P K SciTech, 2013 9788183711012 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PAN 00145308 Engineering Physics / Pandey, B.K Cengage Learning, 2022 9788195353675 2nd ed. xxxvi:27.48p,B2: UG Library
530.02462 PIL 04005153 Textbook of Engineering Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122420753 3rd ed. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PIL 04025695 Texbook of Engineering Physics / Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122434538 xiii,587p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PIL 04025696 Texbook of Engineering Physics / Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122434538 xiii,587p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PIL 04001982 Textbook of Engineering Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122420753 3rd ed. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 PIL 04005154 Textbook of Engineering Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122420753 3rd ed. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAI 04021592 Concepts in Engineering Physics / Rai, L.N Anmol Publication, 2013 9788126153503 216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 RAJ 04030193 Engineering Physics/ Rajendran Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt, Ltd, 2011 9780071070140 xx, 27:34 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SAR 04024959 Engineering Physics / Sarin, Amit Wiley, 2014 9788126550098 492p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SAT 04010847 Engineering Physics/ Sathish L.A. CBS Publishers & Distributors PVT.LTD. 2007 9788123914404 xx,291 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SHA 04025314 Physics for Engineers / Sharma, H C University Science Press, 2012 9788131805015 416p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SIN 04010919 Engineering Physics Singh Vanchna Cengage 2010 9788131511923 P.V Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SRI 00138081 Physics for Engineers / Srinivasan,M R. New Age International Limited, 2018 9788122426038 2nd edition (rep) xii,736p.; UG Library
530.02462 SRI 04000031 Physics for Engineers / Srinivasan, M R New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2007 8122408923 519 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SRI 04002002 Physics for Engineers / Srinivasan, M R New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2007 8122408923 519 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SRI 04004588 Physics for Engineers / Srinivasan, M R New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2007 8122408923 519 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 SRI 04004589 Physics for Engineers / Srinivasan, M R New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2007 8122408923 519 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 VIJ 04017606 Engineering Physics-I / Vijayakumari, G. Vikas Publication, 2010 9788125939290 350p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 VIJ 04017611 Engineering Physics -II / Vijayakumari, G. Vikas Publication, 2011 9788125942320 Vol-II 297p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 WIL 04022236 Engineering Physics / Wiley Publications, 2014 9788126550968 526p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 WIL 04022237 Engineering Physics / Wiley India, 2014 9788126543151 374p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 WIL 04026139 Engineering Physics / Wiley Publications, 2014 9788126550968 526p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.02462 WIL 04024960 Engineering Physics / Wiley Publications, 2014 9788126550968 526p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.0285 NAP 00134896 A Mathematica Primer for Physicists / Napolitano, Jim. CRC Press, 2018 9781138035096(pbk) | 1138035092 | 9781138486560 | 1138486566 xiv, 200p. ; UG Library
530.0285 PAN 00106849 An Introduction to Computational Physics Pang Tao Cambridge University Press; 2006 9780521532761 2nd edition xv, 385 p, UG Library
530.0285 VAR 04007893 Computational nanoscience : Driscoll A Joseph ,Varga, Kalman, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107001701 (hardback) xii, 431 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.0285 VER 10000843 C for computational physics / Verma, R.C. New Age International Publishers, 2022 9789393159168 318p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.0285 ZAC 00148064 Theory of Disordered Solids: Zaccone, Alessio Springer, 2023 9783031247057 xvii,299p. ; UG Library
530.028553 GAN 04004245 Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and MARLAB Gander, Walter Springer International 2008 9788181287922 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.028553 GAN 04004244 Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and MARLAB Gander, Walter Springer International 2008 9788181287922 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.028553 GAN 41000192 Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and MARLAB Gander, Walter Springer International 2008 9788181287922 476 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.028553 RAU 00142472 Physics of data science and machine learning / Rauf, Ijaz A., CRC press, 2022 9780367768584 | 9781032074016 First edition. xvi,194p.; UG Library
530.03 BHA 04003120 Encyclopaedia of Physics Bhardwaj, Anandi Anmol Publications 2008 8126128380 288 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.03 ROS 04002123 Encyclopedia of Physics / Rosen, Joe Viva Books, 2008 9788130900674 386 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.03 ROS 04000001 Encyclopedia of Physics / Rosen, Joe Viva Books, 2008 9788130900674 386 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.03 CUL 01014938 Penguin Dictionary of Physics / Penguin, 9780141036830 | 0141036834 537p.; Knowledge Centre
530.03 DAI 01014551 A dictionary of physics. Daintith, John. Oxford University Press, 9780199233991 (pbk.) 616 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.03 HEI 00094191 The Oxford guide to the history of physics and astronomy / Oxford University Press, 9780195171983 (acidfree paper) xxi, 358 p. : UG Library
530.03 HEI 00115739 Oxford Guide to the History of Physics and Astronomy Heilbron, John L 0195171985 UG Library
530.03 HEI 04019060 The Oxford guide to the history of physics and astronomy / Oxford University Press, 9780195171983 (acidfree paper) xxi, 358 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.03 MCW 00075576 Dictionary of Physics. Mc Graw Hill 2004 0070593817 483p UG Library
530.03 OXU 05003809 A dictionary of physics. Oxford University Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199233991 (pbk.) 6th ed. 616 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.03 PEN 00075935 Dictionary of Physics: Penguin Publications, London 2000 0140514597 468p UG Library
530.03 ROS 00105253 Viva-Facts On File: Encyclopedia Of Physics Rosen ,Joe. Viva Boks. 2005 9788130915401 xi,389 p. UG Library
530.03 ROS 00118431 Encyclopedia of physics / Rosen, Joe, Facts on File, 2014 9788130927190 xii, 386 p. : UG Library
530.03 ROS 00115640 Encyclopedia of Physics Rosen, Joe Multilingual Matters Limited 2005 9788130900674 386p UG Library
530.03 ROS 04007460 Viva-Facts On File: Encyclopedia Of Physics Rosen ,Joe. Viva Boks. 2005 9788130915401 xi,389 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.032 ISA 00033837 Dictionary of Physics Alan, Isaacs Penguin 1985 070993007959 292 p UG Library
530.0321PAR 00033925 Mcgraw Hill Dictionary of Physics Parker P, Sybil M G H UG Library
530.03RAM 00065672 Dictionary of Physics Raju, Dr A R Rama Academic (india) 0818518531 387p UG Library
530.05 CSI 42000146 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics NISCAIR 2011 222 P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.05 CSI 42000147 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics NISCAIR 2011 222 P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.05 CSI 42000541 Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics / NISCAIR, 2015 00195596 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.05 CSI 42000319 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics NISCAIR 2011 222 P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.05 CSI 42000320 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics NISCAIR 2011 222 P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.05 CSI 42000408 Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics / NISCAIR, 2015 00195596 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.05 CSI 42000409 Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics / NISCAIR, 2015 00195596 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.071 VEE 00128371 Modern Teaching of Physics Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd , 2008 8126119845 | 9788126119844 323p : . UG Library
530.071 KEE 00128445 45 New Force and Motion Assessment Probes / Keeley, Page. Viva Books, 2017 9788130930046 xxvi, 214 p. : UG Library
530.071 NAY 00115156 Teaching of Physics Nayak, A. K. A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176485180 242 p. UG Library
530.071 NAY 00115736 Teaching of Physics Nayak, A. K. A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176485180 242 p. UG Library
530.071 NAY 00115733 Teaching of Physics Nayak, A. K. A P H Publishing Corporation 2004 9788176485180 242 p. UG Library
530.071 OSB 00047582 Teaching Physics/ a Guide for the Non-Specialist Osborne, Jonathan Cambridge University Press 1989 0521349958 | 9780521349956 170 p UG Library
530.071 RAO 00115735 Teaching of Physics Rao, Aman Anomal Publications Pvt Ltd. 2006 9788126117253 218 p. UG Library
530.071 RAO 00105246 Teaching of Physics Rao, Aman Anomal Publications Pvt Ltd. 2006 9788126117253 218 p. UG Library
530.071 RAO 00115153 Teaching of Physics Rao, Aman Anomal Publications Pvt Ltd. 2006 9788126117253 218 p. UG Library
530.071 SIN 00105245 Teacher's handbook of Physics Singh M.P. Anmol Publications 2007 9788126134540 x,261 p. UG Library
530.071 VAN 00115734 Methods of Teaching Physics Vanaja, M Discovery Publishing House 8171418678 339p UG Library
530.071 VEE 00115737 Modern Teaching of Physics Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119845 324p UG Library
530.071 VEE 00115738 Modern Teaching of Physics Veer, Udai Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119845 324p UG Library
530.0727 SUD 00128817 Informetric Studies Sudhier K.G B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2017 9789386223548 xiii, 240 p. : UG Library
530.076 KRO 10000573 Science for Everyone : New Age International Publishers, 2018 9789386418319 210 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.076 AKR 00106857 Parctice in Physics Akrill Tim Hodder Education; 2011 9781444121254 4th edition vi,257 p. UG Library
530.076 AMO 00125111 Advanced modern physics : Amore, Paolo, World Scientific 2015 9789814704519 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 339 pages ; UG Library
530.076 BUE 00075602 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of College Physics / Bueche, J Frederick 1997 0070089418 9th ed. 420p UG Library
530.076 BUE 00004350 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of College Physics / Bueche, J Frederick 1997 0070089418 9th ed. 420p UG Library
530.076 CEN 04002402 Physics for AIEEE 2009 Centage Learning Thomson South-Western 2008 9788131508619 p v Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 DUD 04003149 Pearson Guide to Objective Physics for IIT-JEE / Dudeja, Ravi Raj Pearson Education, 2008 9788131700259 1260 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 FRE 00119874 Undergraduate Physics By, French M. Matthew Medtec, 2013 9789384007454 xvi, 280 p.: UG Library
530.076 FRE 00119875 Undergraduate Physics By, French M. Matthew Medtec, 2013 9789384007454 xvi, 280 p.: UG Library
530.076 FRE 00119876 Undergraduate Physics By, French M. Matthew Medtec, 2013 9789384007454 xvi, 280 p.: UG Library
530.076 GKP 04011276 GATE 2011 Physics / G. K. Publisher , 2010 9788183550284 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 GKP 04016120 GATE 2013 : G. K. Publisher, 2012 9788183556125 9.240p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 GNA 00052542 200 Puzzling Physics Problems Gnadig, Peter 0521774802 257p UG Library
530.076 GNA 00058792 200 Puzzling Physics Problems Gnadig, Peter 0521774802 257p UG Library
530.076 GNA 00059404 200 Puzzling Physics Problems Gnadig, Peter 0521774802 257p UG Library
530.076 GNA 05059436 200 More Puzzling Physics Problems With Hints And Solutions / Gnädig, Péter, Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107103856 | 1107103851 | 9781107503823 | 1107503825 xvi,480p.; Knowledge Centre
530.076 GNA 00068975 200 Puzzling Physics Problems Gnadig, Peter 0521774802 257p UG Library
530.076 GNA 00057978 200 Puzzling Physics Problems Gnadig, P Cambridge University Press 2002 0521774802 | 9780521774802 xiv, 257 p,: UG Library
530.076 IRO 00133496 Problems in general physics / Irodov, I. E. New age international pvt ltd., | 2019 5030008004 388p.; UG Library
530.076 KAM 00105590 1000 Solved Problems in Classical Physics Kamal, Ahmad A. Springer London, Limited | Springer [Distributor] 2011 9783642119422 | 3642119425 (Tr xiv,802 p. UG Library
530.076 KIN 00047583 Physics With Answers / 500 Problems and Solutions King, A R Cambridge University Press 1997 9780521483698 317 p UG Library
530.076 KRO 04010826 Aptitude Test Problems In Physics: Krotov S.S. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD: 1996 9788123904887 310 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 REE 00052233 Physics by Example 200 Problems and Solutions. Rees, W G Cambridge University Press 1994 0521566975 | 9780521566971 372p UG Library
530.076 REE 00054892 Physics by Example 200 Problems and Solutions. Rees, W G Cambridge University Press 1994 0521566975 | 9780521566971 372p UG Library
530.076 REE 00047845 Physics by Example 200 Problems and Solutions. Rees, W G Cambridge University Press 1994 0521566975 | 9780521566971 372p UG Library
530.076 REE 00045793 Physics by Example 200 Problems and Solutions. Rees, W G Cambridge University Press 1994 0521566975 | 9780521566971 372p UG Library
530.076 REE 00045984 Physics by Example 200 Problems and Solutions. Rees, W G Cambridge University Press 1994 0521566975 | 9780521566971 372p UG Library
530.076 REE 00068601 Physics by Example 200 Problems and Solutions. Rees, W G Cambridge University Press 1994 0521566975 | 9780521566971 372p UG Library
530.076 REE 00052234 Physics by Example 200 Problems and Solutions. Rees, W G Cambridge University Press 1994 0521566975 | 9780521566971 372p UG Library
530.076 SAW 04011074 Mechanics Made Easy / Sawhney G.S Acme Learning Private Limited, 2011 9789380408750 466 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 SEN 04016392 A Collection of Questions and Problems in Physics / Sena, L. A. CBS publisher, 1988 9788123903057 335 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 SHA 04011465 Physics For Aieee 2012/ Sharma B.M. Cengage Learning, 2011 9788131515426 xiv.17.25 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 SHA 04011291 Physics For Aieee 2012/ Sharma B.M. Cengage Learning, 2011 9788131515426 xiv.17.25 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.076 WAN 00135284 Competitive physics : Wang, Jinhui World scientific publishing co, 2019 9789813239418 (hardcover) | 9789813238534 | 9813238534 xiv, 946 pages : UG Library
530.076 WAN 00142644 Competitive physics : Wang, Jinhui World scientific publishing, 2022 9789813239418 (hardcover) | 9789813238534 | 9813238534 | 9781944660017 xiv, 946 pages : UG Library
530.078 JAN 00146179 Laboratory Manual of Physics Vol 2 Jana, Madhusudan Books & Allied, 2022 9789394107021 538p. ; UG Library
530.078 LOY 00088233 Physics and Laboratory Manual. Loyd, David H 9780495114529 493p UG Library
530.078 ROE 00109348 Probability and statistics in experimental physics Roe, Byron P. Springer, 2001 0387951636 (alk. paper) | 9780 2nd ed. xi, 252 p. : UG Library
530.078 SMI 00141578 Experimental physics : Smith, Walter Fox.-ed CRC Press, 2020 9781498778473 xi, 437 p.; UG Library
530.0785 LAN 00087911 Computational Physics: Problem Solving With Computers . Landau, Robin H Wiley VCH 9783527406265 593p UG Library
530.0785 CHA 00125982 Computer Applications in Physics / Chandra, Suresh Narosa, 2014 9788184872743 3rd ed, xv,490 p. : UG Library
530.0785 LAN 22002061 Computational Physics: Problem Solving With Computers . Landau, Robin H Wiley VCH 9783527406265 593p Knowledge Centre
530.08 FEY 00045785 Six Easy Pieces Feynman, Richard P Helix Book 1997 0201408252 146 p. : UG Library
530.082 LEI 05001947 Out of the shadows : Leighton, Patricia. Elsevier,, 0521821975 (hbk.) xxv,288p. : Knowledge Centre
530.09 EIN 04003735 Evolution of Physics from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta Einstein, Albert Scribner 2008 9781416559450 302 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.09 EIN 04005699 Evolution of Physics from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta Einstein, Albert Scribner 2008 9781416559450 302 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.09 EIN 03008231 Evolution of Physics from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta Einstein, Albert Scribner 2008 9781416559450 302 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.09 EIN 04015711 Evolution of Physics from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta Einstein, Albert Scribner 2008 9781416559450 302 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.09 HEI 05062711 The history of physics : Heilbron, J. L., Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199684120 | 019968412X First edition. xvi, 175 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.09 PED 00053058 Early Physics and Astronomy - a Historical Introduction Pedersen, Plaf Cambrige University Press 1974 9780521408998 412p UG Library
530.09 SEG 05033621 From falling bodies to radio waves : Segrè, Emilio. Dover Publications, 2007 9780486458083 | 0486458083 Dover ed. xi, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.09 SEG 05033681 From x-rays to quarks : Segrè, Emilio. Dover Publications, 2007 0486457834 | 9780486457833 Dover ed. ix, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.09 SEG 04009641 From x-rays to quarks : Segrè, Emilio. Dover Publications, 2007 0486457834 | 9780486457833 Dover ed. ix, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.09 SHA 00069389 Great Experiments in Physics Shamos,Morris H. Dover Publications 1987 9780486253466 369 p. UG Library
530.09 SHA 00055802 Great Experiments in Physics Shamos,Morris H. Dover Publications 1987 9780486253466 369 p. UG Library
530.09 SIM 05017497 A cultural history of physics / Simonyi, Károly. CRC Press, 2012 9781568813295 (alk. paper) xiv, 622 p. Knowledge Centre
530.0904 DAR 04000351 Nobel Laureates and Twentieth-Century Physics Dardo, Mauro Cambridge University Press, 2008 0521540089 533 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.0904 BEN 00055715 Encyclopaedia of Nobel Laureates Physics 2001-1901 Benette, Raymond Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002 8178880644 Vol 1-2 284p UG Library
530.0904 BEN 00055714 Encyclopaedia of Nobel Laureates Physics 2001-1901 Benette, Raymond Dominant Publishers and Distributors 2002 8178880644 Vol 1-2 284p UG Library
530.0905 FRA 04002075 New Physics for the Twenty-First Century Fraser, Gordon Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521816007 548 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.0905 KAK 10004708 Physics of the future: Kaku, Michio Penguin books ltd., 2011 9780141044248 xvi,389 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.092 ISA 00116582 Einstein Isaacson, Walter. Simon & Schuster, 2007 9780743264730 | 9781847390547 xxii, 675, [16] p. of plates : UG Library
530.092 ISA 04003717 Einstein: His Life and Universe Isaacson, Walter Simon & Schuster 2007 675 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 ISA 00109445 Einstein : Isaacson Walter Pocket Books, 2007 9781847390547 xxii,675 p. : UG Library
530.092 JAM 04000356 Remarkable Physicists from Galileo to Yukawa / James, Ioan Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521670876 389 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 JAM 04001271 Remarkable Physicists from Galileo to Yukawa / James, Ioan Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521670876 389 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 UDF 05066819 Salam + 50 : Imperial College Press ; | Distributed by World Scientific, 2008 9781848161900 | 1848161905 x, 84 p., [12] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
530.092 ACZ 04015611 Pendulum : Aczel, Amir D. Atria Books, 2003 9780743464789 1st Atria Books hardcover ed. x, 275 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 BAS 00077974 Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Great Physicists 5 Volume Sets Basu S K Global Vision Publishing House 8182201608 p v UG Library
530.092 BAS 00077970 Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Great Physicists 5 Volume Sets Basu S K Global Vision Publishing House 8182201608 p v UG Library
530.092 BAS 00077971 Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Great Physicists 5 Volume Sets Basu S K Global Vision Publishing House 8182201608 p v UG Library
530.092 BAS 00077973 Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Great Physicists 5 Volume Sets Basu S K Global Vision Publishing House 8182201608 p v UG Library
530.092 BAS 00077972 Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Great Physicists 5 Volume Sets Basu S K Global Vision Publishing House 8182201608 p v UG Library
530.092 BER 00117645 Secrets of the old one : Bernstein, Jeremy, Copernicus Books, 2006 9780387260051 | 0387260056 | 0 200 p. : UG Library
530.092 BRO 03007507 My Einstein : VInyage Books, 2006 0375423451 | 9780375423451 | 9 1st ed. xvi, 261 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.092 BRO 04008005 My Einstein : Vintage books, 2006 xvi, 261p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 CAL 00118752 Albert Einstein : Calaprice, Alice. Jaico Publishing House, 2014 9788184953541 xxiii, 161 p. : UG Library
530.092 DAY 00125229 The hope and vision of J. Robert Oppenheimer / Day, Michael World Scientific 2016 9789814656733 (hardcover : alk xvii, 264 pages ; UG Library
530.092 EIN 03007482 Stubbornly Persistent Illusion : Hawking, Stephen. Running Press, 2007 9780762430031 468 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.092 EIN 05033673 Einstein's essays in science / Einstein, Albert, Dover Publications, 2009 9780486470115 | 0486470113 Dover ed. xi, 114 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.092 EIN 03007549 Stubbornly Persistent Illusion : Hawking, Stephen. Running Press, 2007 9780762430031 468 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.092 EIN 00081752 Stubbornly Persistent Illusion : Hawking, Stephen. Running Press, 2007 9780762430031 468 p.: UG Library
530.092 FAR 04017229 The Strangest Man : Farmelo, Graham Basic Books : 2009 9780465022106 539p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 FEY 04028769 Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman! / Feynman, Richard P. Vintage, 1992 9780099173311 350p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 FRA 04009692 Einstein His life and Times : Frank, Philipp Da Capo, 1947 9780306811098 298p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 FRI 05066680 Murray Gell-Mann : Gell-Mann, Murray. World Scientific, 2010 9789812836847 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9812836845 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789814261623 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9814261629 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 449 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.092 GAM 00125984 Einstein His Life and Works Gamalath Wijewardena K. A.I.L Narosa Publishing House, 2012 9788184871777 ix, 386 p.: UG Library
530.092 GIA 05065561 "I Am The Smartest Man I Know" : Giaever, Ivar. World Scientific, 2017 9789813109179 | 9813109173 | 9789813109186 | 9813109181 vi, 272p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.092 GLE 00076892 Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics. Gleick, James 2003 0349105324 530p UG Library
530.092 HAR 00102746 Judging Edward Teller : Hargittai, István. Prometheus Books, 9781616142216 (cloth : alk. pa 575 P. UG Library
530.092 HAW 07005705 My Brief History / Hawking Stephen Bantam Prass, 2013 9780593072523 127p.: Library - BR Campus
530.092 HIL 05054566 Big science : Hiltzik, Michael A., Simon & Schuster, 2015 9781451675757 (hardcover : alk x, 512 pages, 24 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
530.092 ILI 07010273 The Cambridge companion to Newton / Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107601741 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xviii, 637 pages : Library - BR Campus
530.092 ISA 05017266 Einstein : Isaacson Walter Pocket Books, 2007 9781847390547 xxii,675 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.092 ISA 04022712 Einstein Isaacson, Walter. Simon & Schuster, 2007 9780743264730 | 9781847390547 xxii, 675, [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 JAM 00106203 Michael Faraday : James, Frank A. J. L., Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199574315 (pbk.) | 0199574 xvi, 162 p. : UG Library
530.092 JAR 00138928 You can be the next einstein Jaroszkiewicz,George World scientific publishing, 2020 9789811212093 xxi,300p.; UG Library
530.092 KAP 00137805 Resilience the Hawking Way / Kapoor,Virender. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353336660 xi,97p.; UG Library
530.092 KAP 00137738 Resilience the Hawking Way / Kapoor,Virender. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353336660 xi,97p.; UG Library
530.092 KRA 00107046 Quantum man Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. W.W. Norton, 2011 9780393064711 (hardcover) 1st ed. xvii, 350 p. : UG Library
530.092 KRA 04017199 Quantum man Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. W.W. Norton, 2011 9780393064711 (hardcover) 1st ed. xvii, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 KRA 05024332 Quantum Man Krauss,Lawrence M. 9780393340655 xvii,350p.; Knowledge Centre
530.092 LEW 04008111 For the love of physics : Lewin, Walter H. G. Free Press, 2011 9781439108277 (hardcover) | 14 1st Free Press hardcover ed. xvi, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 MAU 04012101 Newton : Maury, Jean-Pierre, Thames and Hudson, 1992 9780500300237 143 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 MLO 00109452 Feynman's rainbow Mlodinow, Leonard, Vintage Books, 2011 9780307946492 (pbk.) | 9780307 1st Vintage Books ed. xiv, 171 p. ; UG Library
530.092 MLO 00143301 Stephen Hawking : Mlodinow, Leonard, Allen Lane, 2020 9781524748692 | 9780241438091 First edition. 219p UG Library
530.092 MOD 00059406 Life of Erwin Schrodinger Moore, Walter cambridge University Press 1994 9780521469340 349p UG Library
530.092 MOD 00052245 Life of Erwin Schrodinger Moore, Walter cambridge University Press 1994 9780521469340 349p UG Library
530.092 MUR 03010041 Albert Einstein : Murthi, R. K. Rupa, co., 2005 9798129107113 School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.092 MUR 04022680 Albert Einstein : A Short Biography / Murthi, R. K. Rupa Publications, 2005 9798129107113 127p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 NGY 05067344 Julian Schwinger : World Scientific, 1996 9810225318 | 9810225326 (pbk.) xiv, 195 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.092 PAR 04023330 C.V.Raman A Biography / Parmeshwaran Uma Penguin Books, 2011 9780143066897 274 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 PAR 05009293 C.V.Raman A Biography / Parmeshwaran Uma Penguin Books, 2011 9780143066897 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.092 PLE 05066840 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes : Plévert, Laurence. World Scientific, 2011 9789814355254 (pbk.) | 9814355259 (pbk.) xii, 341 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
530.092 RAM 00078027 C V. Raman: a Pictorial Biography Ramaseshan S Indian Academy of Sciences 8185324077 177p UG Library
530.092 REE 04008594 A force of nature : Reeves, Richard Atlas & Co. 2008 9780393333695 207p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 ROW 00136687 Newton Rowlands, Peter, World Scientific, 2018 9781786344014 | 1786344017 x, 311 pages ; UG Library
530.092 ROW 04008050 Einstein on politics : Princeton University Press, 2007 9780691120942 (cloth : alk. pa xxxiv, 523 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 ROW 00129907 Newton -- Rowlands, Peter, World Scientific Publications, 2018 9781786344014 | 1786344017 ix p.:311 p.: UG Library
530.092 SHA 00143382 Vikram Sarabhai: Shah,Amrita Penguin Books 2016 9780143426745 248p UG Library
530.092 SIN 00091804 Nobel Laureate C V Raman's Science, Philosophy and Religion Singh Rajinder Dharmaram Publications 8186861734 383p UG Library
530.092 SPE 00126859 Albert Einstein : Speregen, Devra Newberger. Jewish Publication Society, 2006 0827608241 (alk. paper) | 9780 1st ed. xii, 124 p. UG Library
530.092 SRE 04008622 Remembering Einstein : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198064497 (hbk.) | 0198064497 (hbk.) xvi, 148 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 SRE 04008599 Remembering Einstein : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198064497 (hbk.) | 0198064497 (hbk.) xvi, 148 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 STE 05033934 Stephen Hawking : Larsen, Kristine M., Greenwood Press, 2005 0313323925 (alk. paper) xix, 165 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.092 VEN 05048984 Bhabha and his Managnificent Obsessions / Venkataraman, G. Universities Press, 1994 9788173710070 209p. : Knowledge Centre
530.092 VEN 04017822 Bhabha and his Managnificent Obsessions / Venkataraman, G. Universities Press, 1994 9788173710070 209p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.092 VIS 00077717 Einstein`s Enigma or Black Holes in My Bubble Bath. Vishveshwara, C V Springer 3540331999 360p UG Library
530.092 WES 05059314 The Life of Issac Newton / Westfall, Richard S. Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107569850 xv,328p.; Knowledge Centre
530.092 WES 07011729 The Life of Issac Newton / Westfall, Richard S. Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107569850 xv,328p.; Library - BR Campus
530.092 WES 00052243 Life of Isaac Newton Westfall, Richard New York: 1999 0521477379 328 p.; UG Library
530.092 WHI 00141388 Stephen Hawking: White,Michael Penguin Books 2016 9780140156157 447p UG Library
530.092 WIS 00116948 Albert Einstein Wishinsky, Frieda. DK Publishing, 2005 0756612470 (pbk.) | 9780756612 1st American ed. 128 p. : UG Library
530.092 ZIC 05066796 A lesson for the future of our science : Zichichi, Antonino, World Scientific, 2016 9789814719414 273 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.0922 BER 00130550 A bouquet of Dyson / Bernstein, Jeremy, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813231924 | 9813231920 | 9 175p.; UG Library
530.0922 CRD 00074347 Great Physicists / Cropper, William H Oxford University Press 2001 0195173244 500 p UG Library
530.0922 CRD 00007438 Great Physicists / Cropper, William H Oxford University Press 2001 0195173244 500 p UG Library
530.0922 CRD 00007440 Great Physicists / Cropper, William H Oxford University Press 2001 0195173244 500 p UG Library
530.0922 CRD 00007437 Great Physicists / Cropper, William H Oxford University Press 2001 0195173244 500 p UG Library
530.0922 CUL 00078941 Physics Cullen, Katherine E. Viva Books Private Ltd. 2007 8130903601(hbk.) | 0816054630 xviii, 174 p. : UG Library
530.0922 GOL 00125142 Physics in a Mad World / Golfand, Houtermans World Scientific, 2016 9789814619288 | 9789814619295 xiv, 540 pages : UG Library
530.0922 HAR 04008615 Martians of Science : Hargitta, Istvan Oxford University press, 2006 9780195365566 xxiv, 313p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.0922 JAM 00103412 Remarkable physicists: James Ioan Cambridge university press; 9780521670876 389 p. UG Library
530.0922 JAM 00068955 Remarkable physicists: James Ioan Cambridge university press; 9780521670876 389 p. UG Library
530.0922 VEN 04003873 Saha and His Formula Venkataraman, G Universities Press 2009 9788173710179 194 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.09227 KAI 00111841 How the hippies saved physics : Kaiser, David. W.W. Norton, 2011 9780393076363 (hardcover) | 03 1st ed. xxvi, 372 p. : UG Library
530.0922HAR 00085904 Martins of Science Hargittai, Istvan 9780195178456 313 p UG Library
530.0924 CAM 04013236 The life of James Clerk Maxwell / Campbell, Lewis Cambridge University Press, 2010 9781108013703 662 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.0924 CLA 03007490 Einstein : Clark, Ronald William. World Pub. Co., 1971 9780062075468 878 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.0924 FEY 00134741 "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!" : Feynman, Richard P. W.W. Norton, 1985 0393019217 350 p. ; UG Library
530.0924 FEY 07007121 "What do you care what other people think?" : Feynman, Richard P. Norton, 1988 9780141030883 255 p. : Library - BR Campus
530.0924 GHA 00105907 Albert Einstein/ Ghatak Ajoy Viva Books 2011 9788130917467 209p UG Library
530.0924 KUR 00106002 Reminiscences about a great physicist : Kursunoglu,Behram N. Cambridge University Press, 1987 0521340136 | 9780521386883 xviii, 297 p. : UG Library
530.0924 LIV 05052592 The master of light : Livingston, Dorothy Michelson. Charles Scribners sons, 1973 xi, 376p. Knowledge Centre
530.0924 MAJ 05051805 S N Bose : C K Majumdar Graf-M Publisher, 1994 336 p. Knowledge Centre
530.0924 MAL 00107714 kariamanikkam Srinivasa Krishnan His life and Work Malilk D.C.V. Universities Press Private Limited 2012 9788173717482 xxiii; 461 P. UG Library
530.0924 MOR 05051912 In at the beginnings : Morse, Philip M. MIT Press, 1977 0262131242 vii, 375 p., [6] leaves of plates : Knowledge Centre
530.0924 PAI 00069118 Subtle Is the Lord: the Science and the Life of Albert Einstein Pais, Abraham Oxford Charendon Press 552p UG Library
530.0924 YUK 05066667 Tabibito = Yukawa, Hideki, World Scientific, 1982 997195009X | 9971950103 (pbk.) | 9789971950101 vi, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.0924PAA 00068452 Science and the Life of Albert Einstein Pais, Abraham 0195673433 552p UG Library
530.092COH 00068421 Newton Cohen, I Bernard 0521656966 500p UG Library
530.0954 MIT 05028766 India in the world of physics : Mitra, Asoke N Pearson Education, 9788131715796 (hardback) lxxiv, 579 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.1 BAL 04002808 Elements of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Balakrishnan, V Ane Books 2008 8180521559 314 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 BOA 04002279 Mathematical Methds in the Physical Science Boas, Mary L John Wiley and Sons 2008 8126508108 839 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 EIN 03002435 Meaning of Relativity / Einstein, Albert. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2010 9780415285889 177 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.1 PEN 04003709 Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe Penrose, Roger Alfred a Knopf 2004 0739458477 1099 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 PEN 04005770 Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe Penrose, Roger Alfred a Knopf 2004 0739458477 1099 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 SIN 04002720 Elementary Physics Sinha, R K Cyber Tech Publications 2008 9788178845241 267 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 SIN 04004570 Thermal and Statistical Physics Singh, R B New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2010 9788122427226 364 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 SIN 04004571 Thermal and Statistical Physics Singh, R B New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2010 9788122427226 364 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 WEI 04002388 Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Therory of Relativity Weinberg, Steven John Wiley and Sons 2008 9788126517558 656 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 AND 05066678 A career in theoretical physics / Anderson, P. W. World Scientific, 2004 9789812388667 xix, 862 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.1 BOA 04012813 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences Boas, Mary L John Wiley, 1980 9788126508105 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 BOA 00126572 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences Boas, Mary L John Wiley, 1980 9788126508105 UG Library
530.1 BOA 00126573 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences Boas, Mary L John Wiley, 1980 9788126508105 UG Library
530.1 BOA 04001209 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences Boas, Mary L John Wiley, 1980 9788126508105 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 BRO 05054305 Proceedings of the Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference / Brown, J. David, SIAM, 1994 0898713390 lxv, 644 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.1 CHA 00119844 Basic Concepts in Physics edited by M. Chaichian. Springer, 2014 9783642195976 xii, 377 p.: UG Library
530.1 CHA 00143871 Basic Concepts in Physics Chaichian, Masud. Springer, 2021 9783662623152 xiv,451p,; UG Library
530.1 CHA 00144840 Basic Concepts in Physics : Chaichian, Masud Springer, 2021 9783662623121 2nd ed, xiv,451p, ; UG Library
530.1 DAS 04011224 Mathematical Methods in Classical and Quantum Physics / Dass Tulsi Universities Press, 2009 9788173710896 xi,703 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 DAS 10000704 Mathematical Physics / Dass H K 978352837229 xxiv,1416p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.1 DAS 00056466 Mathematical Methods in Classical and Quantum Physics / Dass Tulsi Universities Press, 2009 9788173710896 xi,703 p. : UG Library
530.1 DAS 00056465 Mathematical Methods in Classical and Quantum Physics / Dass Tulsi Universities Press, 2009 9788173710896 xi,703 p. : UG Library
530.1 DAS 00091175 Mathematical Methods in Classical and Quantum Physics / Dass Tulsi Universities Press, 2009 9788173710896 xi,703 p. : UG Library
530.1 EIN 00108227 A stubbornly persistent illusion : Einstein,Albert, Running, 2007 0762430036 | 0762430036 (hbk.) xi, 468 p. : UG Library
530.1 GHI 05040801 Topics in geophysical fluid dynamics : Ghil, Michael. Springer-Verlag, 1987 0387964754 (pbk.) : xv, 485 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.1 GOR 00147131 Complex Integration / Gordon, Ron Springer, 2023 9783031242274 xviii,239p. ; UG Library
530.1 HAG 01005367 Ferful Symmetry- India - Pakistan Crisis in the Shadow of Nuclear Weapons ( Law Lib.) Devin T Hagerty Oxford University Press 0195665864 223p. Knowledge Centre
530.1 HAR 00033824 Introduction to Modern Theoretical Physics Edward Harris, G John 1975 1st 383 p UG Library
530.1 HAR 00033825 Introduction to Modern Theretical Physics Harris, Edward G John Wiley 1975 2nd 780 p.: UG Library
530.1 HAW 04011999 A stubbornly persistent illusion : Einstein, Albert, Running, 2007 9780762430031 (hbk.) | 0762430 xi, 468 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 HAW 03010680 Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays / Hawking, Stephen. Bantam Books, 1993 9780553406634 173 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.1 HAW 04022693 Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays / Hawking, Stephen. Bantam Books, 1993 9780553406634 173 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 HAW 00141401 Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays / Hawking, Stephen. Bantam Books, 1993 9780553406634 173 p. : UG Library
530.1 HAW 07005571 Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays / Hawking, Stephen. Bantam Books, 1993 9780553406634 173 p. : Library - BR Campus
530.1 JOS 00093613 Matrices and Tensors in Physics A. W. Joshi New Age International Pvt Ltd, Publishers 2005 8122405630 | 9788122405637 3rd Ed. 342 p. UG Library
530.1 JOS 00074583 Matrices and Tensors in Physics A. W. Joshi New Age International Pvt Ltd, Publishers 2005 8122405630 | 9788122405637 3rd Ed. 342 p. UG Library
530.1 KAK 04009767 Beyond Einstein : Kaku, Michio. Anchor Books, 1995 9780385477819 Rev. and updated., 1st Anchor Books ed. xi, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 MUL 00147232 Basics of Statistical Physics/ Muller-Kirsten, Harald J. W. World Scientific, 2024 9798886130584 xvi,254p. : UG Library
530.1 NAR 00125243 Particles and the universe : Narison, S., World Scientific 2016 9789814644686 | 9789814644693 369p. UG Library
530.1 PEI 00131157 Quantum Theory Of Solids / Peierls, R. E. Clarendon Press, 2009 9780198507819 viii, 229 p. ; UG Library
530.1 PEN 00108233 The Road To Reality : Penrose, Roger. Vintage Books, 2004 9780099440680 | 9790739458470 xxviii; 1099 p.: UG Library
530.1 PEN 03006354 The Road To Reality : Penrose, Roger. Vintage Books, 2004 9780099440680 | 9790739458470 xxviii; 1099 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.1 RAM 05050463 Symposia on theoretical physics and mathematics: Plenum Press, 1970 xiii, 157p. Knowledge Centre
530.1 SIV 05047192 100 years of Einstein's Theory of Relativity : Sivaram,C. Ane Books Pvt, 2016 9789385462405 xiv,225p.; Knowledge Centre
530.1 SRE 00144834 Modern Perspectives in Theoretical Physics : Sreelatha, K S. Springer, 2021 9789811593123 xi,182p, ; UG Library
530.1 STI 00124702 Basic Concepts in Computational Physics A. Stickler, Benjamin. Springer 2014 9783319024356 | 9783319024349 377p. UG Library
530.1 SYN 00119006 Geometrical Mechanics and De Broglie Waves Synge, J.L. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521156882 vi: 167p.; UG Library
530.1 YAU 04008038 The shape of inner space : Yau, Shing-Tung Basic books, 2010 xix, 377p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 YAU 03007534 The Shape of Inner Space : Yau, Shing-Tung, Basic Books, 2010 9780465020232 (alk. paper) | 9 xix, 377 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.1 YAU 04009808 The Shape of Inner Space : Yau, Shing-Tung, Basic Books, 2010 9780465020232 (alk. paper) | 9 xix, 377 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1 ZEE 00130325 Fearful Symmetry Zee,A Princeton University Press 2007 9780691173269 356p UG Library
530.1092 BAA 05065562 Ken Wilson Memorial Volume : World Scientific, 2015 9789814619219 | 9814619213 | 9789814619226 | 9814619221 x, 385p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.1092 CHA 00103608 Stephen Hawking's Quest For A Theory Of Everything Chackalackal, Saju Dharmaram Publications, 79 p. UG Library
530.11 COX 04005703 Why Does E=mc2? : And Why Should We Care Cox, Brian Da Capo Press 2009 9780306818769 249 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 GHA 03003445 Einstein and the Special Theory of Relativity / Ghatak, Ajoy. Viva Books, 2010 9788130914787 139 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.11 GHA 04002931 Special Theory of Relativity Ghatak, Ajoy Viva Books 2008 9788130912028 114 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 ODO 00133110 Essential dynamics and relativity Odonnell,Steve Oxford book company, 2019 9789350304273 viii,312p.; UG Library
530.11 ODO 04030048 Essential dynamics and relativity Odonnell,Steve Oxford book company, 2019 9789350304273 viii,312p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 PAR 04003706 Albert Einstein's Vision: Remarkable Discoveries That Shaped Modern Science Parker, Barry Prometheus Books 2005 9781591021865 286 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 ABB 00090315 Flatland Abbott, Edwin A Oxford 2008 9780199537501 124 p.: UG Library
530.11 ABB 00119474 Flatland : ed by, Abbott, Edwin Cambridge University Press ; 2010 9780521769884 | 0521769884 | ix, 294 p. : UG Library
530.11 ABB 07006598 Flatland Abbott, Edwin A Oxford 2008 9780199537501 124 p.: Library - BR Campus
530.11 B0S 00021050 Introduction to General Relativity Bose, S K Wiley 1980 120 p UG Library
530.11 B0S 00030578 Introduction to General Relativity Bose, S K Wiley 1980 120 p UG Library
530.11 B0S 00027736 Introduction to General Relativity Bose, S K Wiley 1980 120 p UG Library
530.11 B0S 00024776 Introduction to General Relativity Bose, S K Wiley 1980 120 p UG Library
530.11 BAC 00144730 Introduction to Relativity / Backer, Juliette. Willford press, 2023 9781647284268 vii,243p, ; UG Library
530.11 BAN 05023902 The Special Theory of Relativity / Banerji Sriranjan PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012 9788120346444 2nd ed xi,230 p.: Knowledge Centre
530.11 BEN 05048695 What is relativity? : Bennett, Jeffrey O. Columbia University Press, 1893 viii, 192 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.11 BEN 05048395 What is relativity? : Bennett, Jeffrey O. Columbia University Press, 1893 viii, 192 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.11 BER 00033813 Introduction to the Theory of Relativity Peter Gabriel, Bergmann PRENTICE-HALL 1977 287 p UG Library
530.11 BER 05050317 Introduction to the theory of relativity / Bergmann, Peter Gabriel. Dover Publications, 1976 0486632822 : xii, 307 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.11 BLE 00147242 General Relativity : Blecher, Marvin World Scientific, 2024 9798886130539 xiii,223p.: UG Library
530.11 BLE 00125630 General Relativity : Blecher, Marvin World Scientific, 2016 9789813108462 | 9789813108479 176 p.: UG Library
530.11 BOH 00119757 The Special Theory of Relativity Bohm, David Routledge, 1996 9780415404259 xxi: 282p.; UG Library
530.11 BRU 00148091 Introduction to Relativity : Vols. I & 2 Bruma, Paul CRC Press,, 2023 9781032056746 | 9781032056760 xxii,243p. ; xvi,275p. UG Library
530.11 BRU 00148027 Introduction to Relativity : Vols. I & 2 Bruma, Paul CRC Press,, 2023 9781032056746 | 9781032056760 xxii,243p. ; xvi,275p. UG Library
530.11 CAL 00052513 Einstein's Universe Calder, Nigel Penguin Books 1979 0140135162 | 9780140135169 254p UG Library
530.11 COX 00109492 Why Does E=mc2? : And Why Should We Care Cox, Brian Da Capo Press 2009 9780306818769 249 p UG Library
530.11 DES 00144637 Special Relativity : Deshko Yury. Springer, 2022 9783030911416 xiv,348p, ; UG Library
530.11 DRA 00144335 Unusually Special Relativity / Dragan, Andrzej. World scientific publishing, 2023 9781944660536 xii,192p,; UG Library
530.11 EDD 05051105 The mathematical theory of relativity / Eddington, Arthur Stanley, The University Press, 1923 9780521091657 ix, 270p.; Knowledge Centre
530.11 EIN 00128118 Relativity : Einstein, Albert, Routledge, 2001 0203226607 (electronic bk.) | x, 166 p. : UG Library
530.11 EIN 00069062 Selection from the Principle of Relativity Einstein, Albert Philadelphia 2002 0762420235 100 p UG Library
530.11 EIN 10000749 Relativity : Einstein, Albert New age international publishing. 2017 9789385923623 viii, 100p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.11 EIN 00000605 The Meaning of Relativity Einstein, Albert Oxford &IBH 1968 9780415285889 6th 161 p.: UG Library
530.11 EIN 00001301 The Meaning of Relativity Einstein, Albert Oxford &IBH 1968 9780415285889 6th 161 p.: UG Library
530.11 EIN 00008453 The Meaning of Relativity Einstein, Albert Oxford &IBH 1968 9780415285889 6th 161 p.: UG Library
530.11 EIN 04017200 Relativity : Einstein, Albert, Pi Press, 2005 0131862618 The masterpiece science ed. xxvi, 259 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 EIN 00078546 The Meaning of Relativity Einstein, Albert Oxford &IBH 1968 9780415285889 6th 161 p.: UG Library
530.11 EIN 00076208 The Meaning of Relativity Einstein, Albert Oxford &IBH 1968 9780415285889 6th 161 p.: UG Library
530.11 ELE 00136212 General relativity Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680955774 x,262p.; UG Library
530.11 FAY 00125151 Theory of Relativity / Fayyazuddin, World Scientific, 2015 9789814641890 xii, 213 pages : UG Library
530.11 GHA 00124716 Einstein and the Special Theory of Relativity Ghatak,Ajoy Viva Books 2014 9788130928463 141p UG Library
530.11 GHA 00092115 Einstein and the special theory of relativity Ghatak Ajoy Viva Books 9788130914787 141p UG Library
530.11 GRA 05064342 A student's guide to general relativity / Gray, Norman, Cambridged university press, 2019 9781107183469 (hardback : alk. paper) | 1107183464 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781316634790 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1316634795 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii,151p.; Knowledge Centre
530.11 GRE 00143759 Relativity : Green, Megan. States academic press, 2022 9781639894697 vi, 205p,; UG Library
530.11 GRI 00119014 Exact Space-Times in Einstein's General Relativity Griffiths, Jerry B. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521889278 | 0521889278 xvii:525p.; UG Library
530.11 GRO 05066682 Quantum structure of space and time / World Scientific, 2007 9812569537 | 9789812569530 272 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.11 GRU 05041652 Galilean Newtonean - Rebuttal to Einstein's Relativity Theory / Gruyitch, Lyubomir T. Viva Books, 2015 9788130930244 xix,376p.; Knowledge Centre
530.11 HAL 00144430 Gravitational and Cosmology : Hall, August. Claneye International, 2023 9781647266776 vi,237p, ; UG Library
530.11 HEL 00096615 Special relativity / Helliwell, T. M. University Science Books, 2010 9781891389610 | 1891389610 xv, 305 p. : UG Library
530.11 HPA 00010095 Special Theory of Relativity Upadhyaya, J C Ramprasad And Sons 1972 72 p UG Library
530.11 HPA 00010096 Special Theory of Relativity Upadhyaya, J C Ramprasad And Sons 1972 72 p UG Library
530.11 HPA 00010097 Special Theory of Relativity Upadhyaya, J C Ramprasad And Sons 1972 72 p UG Library
530.11 KAK 04008564 Einstein's cosmos : Kaku, Michio. W. W. Norton, 2004 0393051650X (hardcover) 1st ed. 251 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 KIM 00135297 New perspectives on Einstein's E=mc² / Kim, Y. S., World scientific publishing, 2019 9789813237704 | 9813237708 xi, 185 pages : UG Library
530.11 KIM 00138313 New Perspectives on Einstein's E=MC^2/ Kim,Young Suh. World Scientific Publishing, 2019 9789813237704 xi,185p.; UG Library
530.11 KRA 00129191 The Greatest Story Ever Told...So Far : Krauss, Lawrence M., Simom and Schuster, 2017 9781476777610 | 1476777616 | 9 First Atria hardcover edition. xii, 322 p. : UG Library
530.11 KUM 00133682 Gravitation and cosmology Kumar,Ravinder Random publication, 2018 9789386391452 viii,297p.; UG Library
530.11 LAN 00022015 What Is the Theory of Relativity? Landau, L MIR Publishers 1979 70 p.: UG Library
530.11 LOR 05050498 Tensors, relativity, and cosmology / Lord, Eric. A. Tata Mcgraw Hill publishing co ltd, 1979 9780128033975 vi, 208p. Knowledge Centre
530.11 LUS 00137279 Core principles of special and general relativity / Luscombe, James H., CRC press, 2019 9781138542945 (hardback : alk. paper) xii,388p.; UG Library
530.11 LYT 00139039 The road to Einstein's relativity : Lyth,David CRC press, 2019 9780367002534 (pbk) | 9780367022853 (hbk) vii,160p.; UG Library
530.11 MAN 00021042 Relativity Mechanics and Statistical Physics Mann, D S Wiley 1981 228 p UG Library
530.11 MCG 04025117 Dynamics and Relativity / McComb, W D OUP, 2008 9780195685275 372p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 MOL 05068912 The theory of relativity / Moller, C Oxford University Press, 1972 2nd Ed. xiii,557p.; Knowledge Centre
530.11 MOR 00117121 A general relativity workbook / Moore, Thomas A. University Science Books 2013 9781891389825 (pbk. : acidfree xx, 476 pages : UG Library
530.11 MOR 00119871 The Special Theory Of Relativity By, Morris Dennis Medtec, 2013 9789384007430 xii, 314 p.: UG Library
530.11 MOR 00119872 The Special Theory Of Relativity By, Morris Dennis Medtec, 2013 9789384007430 xii, 314 p.: UG Library
530.11 MOR 00119873 The Special Theory Of Relativity By, Morris Dennis Medtec, 2013 9789384007430 xii, 314 p.: UG Library
530.11 MOU 00068809 Basic Relativity. Mould, Richard A Springer 2004 9788181282163 451p UG Library
530.11 NAR 04015313 An Introduction to Relativity / Narlikar, Jayant V. CUP, 2010 9780521178778 363 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 NAR 00102154 An Introduction to Relativity Narlikar, Jayant V Cambridge University Press, 9780521178778 vii, 363 p. UG Library
530.11 PAL 04021929 Relativity and Quantum Mechanics / Palanisamy, P. K. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183715560 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 PAL 04021930 Relativity and Quantum Mechanics / Palanisamy, P. K. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183715560 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 PAR 00141628 Relativity Made Relatively Easy! Parker,Barry Jaico Publishing House 2021 9788195062782 280p UG Library
530.11 PAR 05047171 Introduction to General Relativity / Parthasarathy,R. Narosa, 2016 9788184874280 viii,293p.; Knowledge Centre
530.11 RAY 05068680 Theory of relativity special and general / Ray M. S Chand & Co, 1970 293p.; Knowledge Centre
530.11 REL 04015648 Six not-so-easy pieces : Feynman, Richard P. Basic Books, 2011 9780465025268 (ebk. : alk. pap p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 RES 00030496 Introduction to Special Relativity Robert, Resnick Wiley 1989 226 p UG Library
530.11 RES 00030577 Introduction to Special Relativity Robert, Resnick Wiley 1989 226 p UG Library
530.11 ROV 05069375 The order of time / Rovelli, Carlo. Penguin Books, 2017 9780141984964 213p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.11 RUS 05005144 ABC of relativity / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2009 9780415473828 (pbk) xvii, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.11 SAR 00074200 Primer of Special Relativity Sardesai P L New Age International Publishers 2005 8122415202 177p UG Library
530.11 SCH 04009936 An Introduction to Special Relativity / Schumacher, Benjamin Overseas press, 2007 9781589490451 291 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 SHA 05042244 Beyond Einstein And E = mc2 Sharma,Ajay. Viva Books, 2015 9788130930954 526 p. Knowledge Centre
530.11 SKI 05057690 Relativity for scientists and engineers / Skinner, Ray Dover, 2014 9780486781365 (paperback) | 04 Dover edition. xiv, 348 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.11 STE 00109441 Cosmic numbers Stein, James D., Basic Books, 2011 9780465021987 (hardback) | 046 xii, 228 p. ; UG Library
530.11 STE 00145870 Relativity Made Relatively Easy Vol-2: General Relativity and Cosmology/ Steane, Andrew M. Oxford, 2021 9780192893543 494p, ; UG Library
530.11 STE 00133695 The wonderful world of relativity : Steane, Andrew M. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199694617 (alk. paper) | 0199694613 (alk. paper) | 9780198789208 viii, 240 p. : UG Library
530.11 SUS 10004675 General relativity : Susskind, Leonard, Penguin random house, 2023 9780141999869 First edition. xiv, 373 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.11 SVO 00142655 Mathematical methods of theoretical physics Svozil, Karl World scienrific publishing, 2021 9780000990303 xvii,312p.; UG Library
530.11 THO 07012069 Black Holes and Time Warps : Thorne Kip.S W.W.Norton & Company, 1994 9780393312768 619p.: Library - BR Campus
530.11 THO 07001725 Black Holes and Time Warps : Thorne Kip.S W.W.Norton & Company, 1994 9780393312768 619p.: Library - BR Campus
530.11 THO 05044446 Black Holes and Time Warps : Thorne Kip.S W.W.Norton & Company, 1994 9780393312768 619p.: Knowledge Centre
530.11 TOO 04009742 The new time travelers : Toomey, David M. W. W. Norton, 2007 9780393060133 (hardcover) | 03 1st ed. 391 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 TOU 00041445 Relativity and Gravitation Rourrenc, Philippe 0521456851 240 p UG Library
530.11 UGA 00021996 Special Theory of Relativity Ugarov, V A MIR 1979 406 p.: UG Library
530.11 VEN 05048987 At the speed of light Venkataraman,G Universities press Pvt Ltd., 2016 9788173710094 viii,128p.; Knowledge Centre
530.11 WAL 04012506 General relativity / Wald, Robert M. Overseas press, 2006 9781886892705 xiii, 491 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.11 WEI 05050995 Gravitation and cosmology: principles and applications of the general theory of relativity / Weinberg, Steven, Wiley, 1972 0471925675 xxviii, 657 p. Knowledge Centre
530.11 WIL 00127706 Introducing Special Relativity / Williams, W.S.C Taylor & Francis: 2002 9780415277624 | 9780415277620 xiii,249p. UG Library
530.11 WIL 00132405 Introducing Special Relativity: Williams, W.S.C Taylor & Francis: 2002 9780415277624 xiii,249p. UG Library
530.11 WOD 00074529 Special Relativity Woodhouse, N M J Springer 2000 8181281721 188p UG Library
530.11015153 DRA 05044116 Differential forms and the geometry of general relativity Dray, Tevian. CRC Press, 2015 9781466510326 | 1466510323 1 online resource (xxv, 286 p.) : Knowledge Centre
530.110151636 FAB 05050507 Differential geometry and relativity theory : Faber, Richard L., M. Dekker, 1983 082471749X x, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.1107 BUB 00144411 Reimagining time : Bub, Tanya, Yale universitys press, 2021 9780300250121 | 0300250126 xv, 173 pages : UG Library
530.1109 CON 00136035 Michelson-Morley experiments: Consoli, Maurizio World scientic publishing, 2019 9789813278189 xii,181p.; UG Library
530.1109 VAN 00106026 Einstein's unification Dongen, Jeroen van, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521883467 | 0521883466 | 4 x, 213 p. : UG Library
530.1121 BOD 04003700 E=mc2 : Bodanis, David. Pan Books, 2000 9780330391658 330 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1121 BOD 03010698 E=mc2 : Bodanis, David. Pan Books, 2000 9780330391658 330 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.11BOS 00024775 Introduction to General Relativity Bose, S K Wiley 120 p UG Library
530.11RUS 00002623 Abc of Relativity Russel, Bertrand Signet 142 p UG Library
530.11RUS1 00064724 ABC of Relativity Russell, Bertland 0415154294 154p UG Library
530.11STA 00085504 Relativity: A Very Short Introduction Stannard, Rusell 9780199236220 114 p UG Library
530.12 GUP 04011036 Elements of Quantum Mechanics / Gupta, Nisha Anmol Publications , 2011 9788126147700 vii, 288 p . : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 AL 04005785 Quantum Al-Khalili, Jim Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2009 9780297843054 280 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 BLI 04002814 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology Blinder, S M Morgan Kaufmann Pubishers 2004 9780121060510 319 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 BOH 04005611 Quantum Mechanics Foundations and Applications Bohm, Arno Springer International 2003 8181280725 688 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 BOH 1 04005728 Quantum theory / Bohm, David, Dover Publications, 1979 0486659690 : | 9780486659695 ix, 646 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 CHA 00111354 Quantum Mechanics Chandra, Suresh CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123916095 x: 373 p. UG Library
530.12 CHA 00111356 Quantum Mechanics Chandra, Suresh CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123916095 x: 373 p. UG Library
530.12 CHA 00098464 Quantum Mechanics Chandra, Suresh CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123916095 x: 373 p. UG Library
530.12 CLA 04001532 Physics Mechanics Clark, E CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123905696 464p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 DAS 10000677 Lectures on Quantum Mechanics / Das, Ashok. Hindustan book agency. 2012 9789380250250 2nd ed. xvi,527, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 DAV 00052201 The Ghost in the Atom Davies, P C W Cambridge University Press 2000 0521457289 | 9780521457286 xi, 157 p,: UG Library
530.12 DUT 04004941 Elements of Quantum Mechanics Dutta-Roy, Binayak New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122424522 466 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 DUT 04004861 Elements of Quantum Mechanics Dutta-Roy, Binayak New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122424522 466 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ELE 00135634 Illustrated handbook of quantum mechanics E-learning 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680946536 350p.; UG Library
530.12 FOR 03001939 Quantum World : Ford, Kenneth W. Viva Books, 2008 9788130900087 | 8130900084 270 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.12 GOS 04005524 Quantum Mechanics Goswami, Amit Overseas Press 2009 9788189938147 554 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 GRE 04005540 Quantum Mechanics Special Chapters Greiner, Walter Springer International 2009 9788184890358 378 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 GRE 1 04005598 Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction Greiner, W Springer International, 2001 9788181281234 4th ed., xxi, 485 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 HER 10004705 on the origin of time: Hertog,Thomas Transworld publishers, 2023 9781911709091 xxiv,313 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 JHA 04003176 Basics of the Hard Sciences: Basics of Quantum Mechanics Jha, Pankaj Anmol Publications 2008 9788126135653 279 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 JHA 04003542 Basics of the Hard Sciences: Basics of Quantum Mechanics Jha, Pankaj Anmol Publications 2008 9788126135653 279 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 MAT 04001025 Text Book of Quantum Mechanics / Mathews, P M Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070965102 387p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 MIL 04001215 QUANTUM MECHANICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS Miller, David A B Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521540858 551p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 POW 00041826 Quantum Mechanics Powell, L John Narosa Publishing 8185198020 508 p UG Library
530.12 RAE 03001884 Quantum Physics: Rae, Alastair I. M. One World, 2008 9781851683697 193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.12 SHA 00126585 Principles of Quantum Mechanics Shankar, R Springer 2015 0306447908 | 9788181286864 2nd ed. xviii, 676 p.: UG Library
530.12 SHA 00126586 Principles of Quantum Mechanics Shankar, R Springer 2015 0306447908 | 9788181286864 2nd ed. xviii, 676 p.: UG Library
530.12 TOW 04005559 A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics / Townsend, John S Viva Books, 2010 9788130913148 xiv,476 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 WAE 05033586 Sources of quantum mechanics / B L Van Der Waerden Dover Publications, 2007 048645892X (pbk.) 427 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
530.12 ZET 04003206 Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications Zettili, Nouredine Willey Publication 2001 9780471489443 649 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ADE 00144360 Basic molecular quantum mechanics / Adelman, Steven A., Crc press, 2022 9781032010656 | 9781498733991 First edition. xvi,447p.; UG Library
530.12 ALB 00137283 Principles of Continuum mechanics / Intelliz Press , 2018 9781682513170 270 pages .; UG Library
530.12 ALK 04015622 Quantum / Al-Khalili, Jim, Weidenfeld & Nicolson ; | Sterling, 2003 0297843052 280 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ANI 00033786 Intermediate Quantum Theory of Crystalline Solids Animalu, Alexandar O.E Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1977 xi, 516 p UG Library
530.12 ANI 00019827 Intermediate Quantum Theory of Crystalline Solids Animalu, Alexander O E Prentice -Hall 1978 516 p.: UG Library
530.12 ARU 00131155 Quantum Mechanics / Aruldhas, G. PHI Learning Pvt, 2009 9788120336353 2nd ed, xvi, 504 p. : UG Library
530.12 ARU 00126125 Quantum Mechanics / Aruldhas, G. PHI Learning Pvt, 2009 9788120336353 2nd ed, xvi, 504 p. : UG Library
530.12 ARU 00102158 Quantum Mechanics : Aruldhas G PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9788120340695 x, 363 p. UG Library
530.12 ATK 00077955 Quantum Mechanics a Self-Contained Course. Atkinson, David Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689785 197p UG Library
530.12 ATK 00077956 Quantum Mechanics a Self-Contained Course. Atkinson, David Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689785 197p UG Library
530.12 ATK 00077957 Exercises in Quantum Mechanics Atkinson,David. Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689769 | 9781589490260 187 p. UG Library
530.12 ATK 04012550 Quantum Mechanics a Self-Contained Course. Atkinson, David Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689785 197p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ATK 04012551 Quantum Mechanics a Self-Contained Course. Atkinson, David Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689785 197p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ATK 04012552 Quantum Mechanics a Self-Contained Course. Atkinson, David Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689785 197p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ATK 04012553 Quantum Mechanics a Self-Contained Course. Atkinson, David Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689785 197p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 BAC 00106014 Quantum theory at the crossroads : Bacciagaluppi, Guido. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521814218 (hbk.) | 0521814 xxv, 530 p. : UG Library
530.12 BAL 00080345 Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development Ballentine, Leslie E World Scientific 2006 9810241054 658 p.: UG Library
530.12 BAL 05066539 Beyond weird : Ball, Philip, Vintage, 2018 9781784706081 377 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.12 BEL 05066821 Quantum mechanics, high energy physics and accelerators : Bell, J. S. World Scientific, 1995 9810221150 xvii, 933 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 BEL 05067349 John S. Bell on the foundations of quantum mechanics / Bell, J. S. World Scientific, 2001 9789810246884 viii, 239 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 BER 00126555 Quantum Electrodynamics : Berestetskii, V B Elsevier, 2010 9788181477897 652p. : UG Library
530.12 BER 00126556 Quantum Electrodynamics : Berestetskii, V B Elsevier, 2010 9788181477897 652p. : UG Library
530.12 BER 10000398 Quantum Electrodynamics : Berestetskii, V B Elsevier, 2010 9788181477897 652p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 BER 04024496 Quantum Electrodynamics : Berestetskii, V B Elsevier, 2010 9788181477897 652p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 BER 04026500 Quantum Electrodynamics : Berestetskii, V B Elsevier, 2010 9788181477897 652p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 BES 00120163 Quantum mechanics : Bès, Daniel R. Springer, 2007 9783540462156 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd rev. ed. xix, 239 p. : UG Library
530.12 BET 00073257 Intermediate Quantum Mechanics Bethe, Hans A Levant Books 2005 8187169559 3rd ed. 396 p UG Library
530.12 BET 00072965 Intermediate Quantum Mechanics Bethe, Hans A Levant Books 2005 8187169559 3rd ed. 396 p UG Library
530.12 BHA 00124740 A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy Bhagwan Pooja International Scientific Publishing Academy, 2016 9788182930759 v, 236 p.: UG Library
530.12 BLU 00111840 Foundations of quantum mechanics : Blümel, R. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763776282 (hardcover) | 07 xii, 331 p. : UG Library
530.12 BLU 04025313 Advanced Quantum Mechanics / Blumel, Reinhold Firewall Media, 2012 9789380298795 425p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 BOH 05033697 Quantum theory / Bohm, David, Dover Publications, 1979 0486659690 : ix, 646 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 BOH 05057750 Quantum theory / Bohm, David, Dover Publications, 1979 0486659690 : | 9780486659695 ix, 646 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 BOH 00104836 The Undivided Universe/ Bohm.D Routledge 1993 9780415121859 xii,397p UG Library
530.12 BOH 00058902 Quantum Mechanics - Foundations and Applications Bohm, Arno Springer 688p UG Library
530.12 BOH 00058676 Quantum Mechanics - Foundations and Applications Bohm, Arno Springer 688p UG Library
530.12 BRA 05000999 Quantum Mechanics / Bransden,B.H. Pearson, 2007 9788131708392 2nd ed. xiv,803p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 CAM 00093948 Heisenberg and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Camilleri Kristian Cambridge University Press 9780521884846 199p UG Library
530.12 CAP 00144997 A Mathematical Journey to Quantum Mechanics / Capozziello, Salvatore Springer, 2021 9783030861001 xv,289p.; UG Library
530.12 CAS 00014372 Basic Quantum Mechanics Cassels, J M McGraw-Hill 1975 184 p UG Library
530.12 CHA 00058832 Quantum Mechanics Anand, Chatwal HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2002 8178663597 740p UG Library
530.12 CHA 05066832 PWA90 : World Scientific, 2016 9789814733618 | 981473361X | 9789814733625 | 9814733628 ix, 222 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.12 CHA 04023350 Continuum Mechanics / Chandramouli, P. N. Yesdee, 2014 9789380381398 826p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 CHA 04027284 Continuum Mechanics / Chandramouli, P. N. Yesdee, 2014 9789380381398 826p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 CHA 00128136 Quantum Mechanics statistical mechanics and solid state physics Chattopadhyay D S.Chand & Co. 2016 9788121909310 344p. UG Library
530.12 CHA 00063527 Quantum Mechanics Chatwal, G R Himalaya Publishing House, 2002 8178663597 740p.; UG Library
530.12 CHA 00106564 Quantum Mechanics Chandra, Suresh CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123916095 x: 373 p. UG Library
530.12 CHA 00111355 Quantum Mechanics Chandra, Suresh CBS Publishers & Distributors; 9788123916095 x: 373 p. UG Library
530.12 CHA 04001498 Quntum Mechanics / Chandra, Suresh CBS Publisher & Distributors, 2008 9788123916095 373p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 CLA 05034707 Physics Mechanics / Clark.E CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd, 2001 9788123905693 464p.: Knowledge Centre
530.12 COE 05059331 Picturing quantum processes : Coecke, Bob, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107104228 | 110710422X xvii, 827 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.12 CRE 05041663 The quantum moment : Crease, Robert P. W.W.Norton, 2014 9780393067927 (hardcover) First edition. viii,327p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 CRE 07009350 The quantum moment : Crease, Robert P. W.W.Norton, 2014 9780393067927 (hardcover) First edition. viii,327p.; Library - BR Campus
530.12 DAS 00073496 Lectures on Quantum Mechanics Das Ashok Hindustan Book Agency 2003 8585931380 528 p UG Library
530.12 DAV 00052231 The Ghost in the Atom Davies, P C W Cambridge University Press 2000 0521457289 | 9780521457286 xi, 157 p,: UG Library
530.12 DEM 00108588 Problems in quantum mechanics D'Emilio, Emilio. Springer, 2011 9788847023055 ix, 354 p. : UG Library
530.12 DEM 00130487 Problems in quantum mechanics. Demilio Emilio Springer 2017 9783319532660 383p. UG Library
530.12 DES 04013833 Classical and quantum information theory : Desurvire, Emmanuel, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521881715 | 0521881714 xx, 691 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 DEV 00063849 Quantum Mechanics Devanarayanan, S Scitech Publications (india) Pvt. Ltd. 8188429619 2600p UG Library
530.12 DEV 00063850 Quantum Mechanics Devanarayanan, S Scitech Publications (india) Pvt. Ltd. 8188429619 2600p UG Library
530.12 DEY 00135631 Advanced undergraduate quantum mechanics / Deych,Lev I Springer, 2018 9783319715490 xix,610p.; UG Library
530.12 DIM 00106038 Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory : Dimock, Jonathan, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107005099 (hardback) | 110 xi, 226 p. : UG Library
530.12 DIR 05067696 The principles of quamtum mechanics / Dirac.P.A.M. Oxford University Press, 1958 4th Ed xii,314p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 DIR 00020296 Princples of Quantum Mechanics Dirac, P A M O u p 1979 314 p UG Library
530.12 DIR 05033646 Lectures on quantum mechanics / Dirac, P. A. M. Dover Publications, 2001 0486417131 (pbk.) v, 87 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.12 DIT 00129559 Classical and quantum dynamics : Dittrich, Walter. Springer 2017 9783319582979 (alk. paper) 489p. UG Library
530.12 DUT 00135263 Elements of quantum mechanics Dutta-Roy,Binayak New age intenational ppvt ltd., 2017 9788122440997 2nd ed., vi,487p.; UG Library
530.12 EIS 00060216 Quantum Phyiscs of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles Eisberg, Robert John Wiley & Sons 2002 9814126152 2nd ed. 725 p.: UG Library
530.12 EIS 00086203 Quantum Phyiscs of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles Eisberg, Robert John Wiley & Sons 2002 9814126152 2nd ed. 725 p.: UG Library
530.12 EKS 05066668 The Oskar Klein memorial lectures / World Scientific, 1991 9810203535 (pbk. : v. 1) | 9810203527 (hard : v. 1) 123p.; : Knowledge Centre
530.12 ENG 04015336 Lectures on Quantum Mechanics : Englert, Berthold-george CUP, 2010 9788175967243 201.p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ENG 00106018 Lectures on quantum mechanics: Englert, Berthold-Georg, World Scientific, 2006 9789812567901 (set : hard) | 9 x,201p. UG Library
530.12 ENG 00106019 Lectures On Quantum Mechanics: Englert Berthold-Georg Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175967250 xi,197 p. UG Library
530.12 ENG 00106020 Lectures On Quantum Mechanics: Englert Berthold-Georg Cambridge University Press 2006 9788175967236 xi,219 p. UG Library
530.12 ENG 00121709 Lectures on Quantum Mechanics Englert, Berthold-Georg Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788175967243 x, 201 p:. UG Library
530.12 ENG 04015334 Lectures on Quantum Mechanics: Englert, Berthold-Georg World Scientific, 2006 9788175967236 219 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ENG 04015335 Lectures on quantum mechanics : Englert, Berthold-Georg CUP , 2006 9788175967250 197 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ERK 04013150 Fundamentals of quantum mechanics / Erkoç, Şakir. Taylor&Francis, 2007 9781584887324 | 158488732X 433 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ERK 00107167 Fundamentals of quantum mechanics Erkoc, Sakir. Taylor&Francis, 2011 1584887338 (alk paper) | 15848 433 p. : UG Library
530.12 FAY 04012307 Elements of Quantum Mechanics / Fayer, D. Michael. Oxford University Press; 2010 9780198068853 320 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 FAY 05000931 Elements of quantum mechanics / Fayer, Michael D. Oxford University Press, 2001 0195141954 (alk. paper) xi, 320 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 FEY 07010258 Physics and philosophy / Feyerabend, Paul, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9780521881302 (hardback : alk. xxxv,401p.: Library - BR Campus
530.12 FIC 00124883 Quantum Physics For Benginners Ficek Zbigniew Pan Stanford, 2016 9789814669382 xiii, 322 p.: UG Library
530.12 FIS 00138957 The geometry of quantum potential : Fiscaletti, Davide, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813227972 | 9813227974 xix, 323 pages ; UG Library
530.12 FOC 05051102 Fundamentals of quantum mechanics Fock,V.A. Mir Publishers, 1978 367 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 FON 04015323 Elementary quantum mechanics. / Fong, Peter CUP, 2005 9788175967182 377 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 FON 00121706 Elementary quantum mechanics. / Fong, Peter CUP, 2005 9788175967182 377 p. : UG Library
530.12 FUR 04023438 Quantum teleportation and entanglement Furusawa, Akira. Wiley-VCH ; | John Wiley [distributor], 2011 9783527409303 | 3527409300 341p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 GAS 00069181 Quantum Physics Gasiorowicz, Stephen John Wiley & Sons 2000 9971513137 469p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00064136 Basic Quantum Mechanics: Ghatak, Ajoy 2002 0333936809 300p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00071869 Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications: Ghatak, Ajoy Macmillian India Ltd 2004 1403923418 5th ed. 702p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00071870 Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications: Ghatak, Ajoy Macmillian India Ltd 2004 1403923418 5th ed. 702p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00044867 Quantum Mechanics: Ghatak, A K Macmillan India Ltd, 1997 3rd ed. 640p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00044870 Quantum Mechanics: Ghatak, A K Macmillan India Ltd, 1997 3rd ed. 640p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00044869 Quantum Mechanics: Ghatak, A K Macmillan India Ltd, 1997 3rd ed. 640p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00044868 Quantum Mechanics: Ghatak, A K Macmillan India Ltd, 1997 3rd ed. 640p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00035026 QUANTUM MECHANICS:THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Ghatak, A.k Macmillan 1992 640 P UG Library
530.12 GHA 00035028 Quantum Mechanics Theory & Applications Ghatak, A K Macmillan 639 p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00133371 Quantum Mechanics Theorey & Applications Ghatak, Ajoy Trinity, 2015 9789351382966 762 p.: UG Library
530.12 GHA 00133372 Quantum Mechanics Theorey & Applications Ghatak, Ajoy Trinity, 2015 9789351382966 762 p.: UG Library
530.12 GHA 00133373 Quantum Mechanics Theorey & Applications Ghatak, Ajoy Trinity, 2015 9789351382966 762 p.: UG Library
530.12 GHA 00133374 Quantum Mechanics Theorey & Applications Ghatak, Ajoy Trinity, 2015 9789351382966 762 p.: UG Library
530.12 GHA 00133375 Quantum Mechanics Theorey & Applications Ghatak, Ajoy Trinity, 2015 9789351382966 762 p.: UG Library
530.12 GHA 00018895 Quantum Mechanics. Ghatak, A K Macmillan 1975 552 p UG Library
530.12 GHA 00018958 Quantum Mechanics. Ghatak, A K Macmillan 1975 552 p UG Library
530.12 GHA. 00035027 Quantum Mechanics Theorey & Applications Ghatak, A K Mds Macmillan 640 p UG Library
530.12 GIL 04012067 The age of entanglement : Gilder, Louisa. Alfred A. Knopf, 2008 9781400044177 1st ed. xvi, 443 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 GOS 04012549 Quantum mechanics / Goswami, Amit Overseas Press, 2009 9788189938147 xx , 554 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 GOS 00087913 Quantum Mechanics. Goswami, Amit Overseas 2009 9788189938147 554p UG Library
530.12 GOS 00087914 Quantum Mechanics. Goswami, Amit Overseas 2009 9788189938147 554p UG Library
530.12 GOS 00087915 Quantum Mechanics. Goswami, Amit Overseas 2009 9788189938147 554p UG Library
530.12 GOS 00129903 Emergence of the quantum from the classical : Gosson, Maurice de, World Scientific Publications, 9781786344144 (hc : alk. paper xix p.; 285 p.: UG Library
530.12 GOT 04026067 Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals Kurt Gottfried Springer, 2003 9780387955766 2nd ed. xvii, 620 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 GOT 00124428 Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals Kurt Gottfried Springer, 2003 9780387955766 2nd ed. xvii, 620 p.: UG Library
530.12 GRE 00126596 Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction Greiner, W Springer International, 2001 9788181281234 4th ed., xxi, 485 p.: UG Library
530.12 GRE 00126597 Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction Greiner, W Springer International, 2001 9788181281234 4th ed., xxi, 485 p.: UG Library
530.12 GRE 00091320 Quantum mechanics : Greiner, Walter, Springer, 9788181581234 xxi, 485 p. : UG Library
530.12 GRE 05033960 The hidden reality : Greene, B. Alfred A. Knopf, 2011 9780307265630 1st ed. xi, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 GRE 03007527 The Hidden Reality : Greene, B. Alfred A. Knopf, 2011 9780307265630 1st ed. xi, 370 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.12 GRE 04008032 The Hidden reality : Greene, Brain Alfred A. Knopf, 2011 xi, 370p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 GRE 04008089 The Hidden Reality : Greene, B. Alfred A. Knopf, 2011 9780307265630 1st ed. xi, 370 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 GRI 00139502 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Griffinths David J Pearson Educatin 2016 9789332542891 2nd ed. 480p. UG Library
530.12 GRI 00125210 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Griffinths David J Pearson Educatin 2016 9789332542891 2nd ed. 480p. UG Library
530.12 GRI 10000540 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics / Griffiths, David J. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108791106 Third edition. xi, 495 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 GUD 05042438 Stochastic methods in quantum mechanics / Gudder, Stanley. Dover Publications, 2005 0486445321 (pbk.) Dover ed. x, 219 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 GUD 05049409 Stochastic methods in quantum mechanics / Gudder, Stanley. Dover Publications, 2005 0486445321 (pbk.) Dover ed. x, 219 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 GUH 00112411 Quantum Mechanics (Theory, Problems & Solutions) Guha, Jyotirmoy. Books and Allied (P) Ltd 2012 9788187134091 1012p UG Library
530.12 GUH 00112412 Quantum Mechanics (Theory, Problems & Solutions) Guha, Jyotirmoy. Books and Allied (P) Ltd 2012 9788187134091 1012p UG Library
530.12 GUP 00050337 Quantum Mechanics Gupta, Monica Campus Books 8187815140 276p UG Library
530.12 GUP 00035082 Quantum Mechanics Gupta, S L Meerut Jpnath 1992 11th ed. 736p UG Library
530.12 GUP 00146175 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics / Gupta, A. B. Books & Allied, 2022 9788195318988 544p, ; UG Library
530.12 GUT 00124423 Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics Martin C. Gutzwiller Springer, 1990 9788184898101 xiii, 432 p.: UG Library
530.12 HAU 00104717 Particle Physics Experments at high Energy colliders Hauptman,john. WILEY-VCH Verlag Gmbh & Co. KGaA 2011 9783527408252 xiii: 210 P.: UG Library
530.12 HAW 00140472 The universe in a nutshell Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books, 2001 055380202X | 9780593048153 viii, 216 p. ; UG Library
530.12 HAW 00109489 The universe in a nutshell Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books, 2001 055380202X | 9780593048153 viii, 216 p. ; UG Library
530.12 HAW 04008635 The universe in a nutshell / Hawking, S. W. Bantam Books, 2001 9780553802023 viii, 216 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 HAW 07005508 The universe in a nutshell Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books, 2001 055380202X | 9780593048153 viii, 216 p. ; Library - BR Campus
530.12 HAW 00071828 The universe in a nutshell Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books, 2001 055380202X | 9780593048153 viii, 216 p. ; UG Library
530.12 HAW 04012006 The Dreams that Stuff is Made Of : Hawking, Stephen. Running Press, 2011 9780762434343 xi, 1071 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 HAW 03007521 The Dreams that Stuff is Made Of : Hawking, Stephen. Running Press, 2011 9780762434343 xi, 1071 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.12 HAW 00109479 The Dreams that Stuff is Made Of : Hawking, Stephen. Running Press, 2011 9780762434343 xi, 1071 p. : UG Library
530.12 HEA 00143477 The quantum revolution in philosophy / Healey, Richard, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198714057 (hbk. : acidfree paper) | 019871405X | 9780198844679 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 292 p. : UG Library
530.12 HEL 00144768 Epistemic Processes : Helland, Inge S. Springer, 2021 9783030819224 2nd ed. xviii,245p, ; UG Library
530.12 HEU 00126126 Quantum Physics and Linguistics : Heunen, Chris Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199646296 | 0199646295 First edition. xx, 409 p, : UG Library
530.12 HEY 00067344 New Quantum Universe Hey, Tony 2003 0521564573 357p UG Library
530.12 HOL 05057856 Topics in advanced quantum mechanics / Holstein, Barry R., Dover, 2015 9780486499857 (alk. paper) | 0 437 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.12 ISH 00142650 Lectures on Quantum Theory : Isham,Chris J. Imperial College Press, 2022 9781944659967 xi,262p.; UG Library
530.12 ITZ 04020611 Quantum Field Theory / Itzykson, Claude Tata McGraw Hill, 1980 9789332901445 705p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ITZ 04023303 Quantum Field Theory / Itzykson, Claude Tata McGraw Hill, 1980 9789332901445 705p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ITZ 00125195 Quantum Field Theory / Itzykson, Claude Tata McGraw Hill, 1980 9789332901445 705p. : UG Library
530.12 JAI 00131508 Quantum physics Jain,V.K Ane books pvt ltd., 2017 9789385462573 x,304p.; UG Library
530.12 JOG 04028782 Continuum Mechanics : Jog C. S Cambridge, 2017 9781108437141 852p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 KAK 04009903 The amazing story of quantum mechanics : Kakalios, James, Gotham Books, 2010 9781592404797 (hardcover) xv, 318 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 KAP 00140115 Quantum mechanics kapil,Ashutosh Pearl books, 2021 9789383026845 viii,276p.; UG Library
530.12 KAR 00124226 Quantum Mechanics Kar R. K Books & Allied (P) Ltd, 2016 9789384294793 xix,725 p.; UG Library
530.12 KAR 00124227 Quantum Mechanics Kar R. K Books & Allied (P) Ltd, 2016 9789384294793 xix,725 p.; UG Library
530.12 KAR 00126623 Quantum Mechanics Kar R. K Books & Allied (P) Ltd, 2016 9789384294793 xix,725 p.; UG Library
530.12 KAR 00126624 Quantum Mechanics Kar R. K Books & Allied (P) Ltd, 2016 9789384294793 xix,725 p.; UG Library
530.12 KAS 00125156 Understanding our unseen reality : Kastner, Ruth E., Imperial College Press 2015 9781783266951 (hardcover : alk vii, 240 pages : UG Library
530.12 KIT 05038452 Classical and Quantum Computation / Kitaev A.Yu American Mathematical Society, 2002 9781470409272 xiii,257p.: Knowledge Centre
530.12 KOK 00146613 A First Introduction to quantum physics/ Kok, Pieter Springer, 2023 9783031161643 2nd ed, xvii,296p. ; UG Library
530.12 KON 00137281 Quantum mechanics: Kong Wan,K Jenny Stanford publishing pte ltd., 2019 9789814774659 xxiv,695p.; UG Library
530.12 KUI 00120151 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics Statistical Mechanics & Solid State Physics Kulia, S.P. Books and Allied(P) Ltd 2012 9788187134794 974p UG Library
530.12 KUI 00112413 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics Statistical Mechanics & Solid State Physics Kulia, S.P. Books and Allied(P) Ltd 2012 9788187134794 974p UG Library
530.12 KUI 00112414 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics Statistical Mechanics & Solid State Physics Kulia, S.P. Books and Allied(P) Ltd 2012 9788187134794 974p UG Library
530.12 KUN 00144633 A First Course on Symmetry, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics : Kunstatter,Gabor. Springer, 2022 9783030923457 xxxi,390p, ; UG Library
530.12 LAH 00126124 Quantum Theory J. Lahiri Medtech, 2016 9789384007966 vii, 167 p.: UG Library
530.12 LAI 04009446 Introduction to continuum mechanics Lai, W. Michael, Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier, 2010 9789380501581 | 0080942520 (electronic bk.) 4th ed. xiv, 520 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 LAL 05068389 Do we really understand quantum mechanics? / Laloe, Franck. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108477000 Second edition. xviii,530p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 LAN 00126553 Quantum Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2016 9788181477880 Vol-3 3rd Edtion 677p. : UG Library
530.12 LAN 00126554 Quantum Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2016 9788181477880 Vol-3 3rd Edtion 677p. : UG Library
530.12 LAN 10000397 Quantum Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2016 9788181477880 Vol-3 3rd Edtion 677p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 LAN 04026730 Quantum Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2016 9788181477880 Vol-3 3rd Edtion 677p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 LAN 04026498 Quantum Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2016 9788181477880 Vol-3 3rd Edtion 677p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 LAR 05074448 Quantum Mechanics : Larkoski, Andrew J. Cambridge University Press, 2023 9781009100502 xvi, 380p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 LEV 00133690 Surfing the quantum world / Levin, F. S. Oxford university press, 2017 9780198808275 (hbk.) | 0198808275 (hbk.) First edition. vi, 284 pages : UG Library
530.12 LEV 00106012 Applied Quantum Mechanics Levi, A F J Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521138444 2nd xvi,558 p. UG Library
530.12 LEV 00067243 Applied Quantum Mechanics Levi, A F J Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521138444 2nd xvi,558 p. UG Library
530.12 LEV 22000912 Applied Quantum Mechanics Levi, A F J Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521138444 2nd xvi,558 p. Knowledge Centre
530.12 LEV 00089032 Applid Quantum Mechanics. Levi, A F Cambridge 2006 558p UG Library
530.12 LEV 00102159 Applied Quantum Mechanics Levi, A F J Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521138444 2nd xvi,558 p. UG Library
530.12 LIB 00061436 Introductory Quantum Mechanics Liboff, L Richard Pearson 2004 8129700433 872p UG Library
530.12 LIB 00061437 Introduction Quantum Mechanics Liboh, C Richard Pearson Educations 2003 1 UG Library
530.12 LIP 05033655 Quantum mechanics : Lipkin, Harry J. Dover Publications, 2007 0486458938 | 9780486458939 Dover ed. xiii, 465 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 LLO 04015619 Programming the universe : Lloyd, Seth, Knopf, 2006 1400040922 (alk. paper) | 1400 1st ed. xii, 221 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 MAN 04022463 Quantum mechanics / Mandl, F. Wiley, 1992 0471929719 (cloth) : | 0471931 xii, 301 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 MAR 00124945 Constructing Reality : Marburger, John H. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107004832 | 1107004837 viii, 287 p. : UG Library
530.12 MAT 00055942 Text Book of Quantum Mechanics / Mathews, P M Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070965102 387p. : UG Library
530.12 MAT 00019824 Text Book of Quantum Mechanics / Mathews, P M Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070965102 387p. : UG Library
530.12 MAT 00037650 Text Book of Quantum Mechanics / Mathews, P M Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 0070965102 387p. : UG Library
530.12 MAT 00035021 Textbook of Quantum Mechanics Mathews, P M TMH 1976 387 p.: UG Library
530.12 MAT 00035022 Textbook of Quantum Mechanics Mathews, P M TMH 1976 387 p.: UG Library
530.12 MAT 00035023 Textbook of Quantum Mechanics Mathews, P M TMH 1976 387 p.: UG Library
530.12 MAT 00026111 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Matthews P.T. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1985 0070994439 3rd Ed. 208 p. UG Library
530.12 MAT 00024547 Textbook of Quantum Mechanics Mathews, P M TMH 1976 387 p.: UG Library
530.12 MAT 00137329 Text Book of Quantum Mechanics Mathews, P M McGraw Hill education pvt ltd., 2018 2nd ed., xvi,467p.; UG Library
530.12 MAT 00016623 Textbook of Quantum Mechanics Mathews, P M TMH 1976 387 p.: UG Library
530.12 MAT 00021967 Textbook of Quantum Mechanics Mathews, P M TMH 1976 387 p.: UG Library
530.12 MER 00126592 Quantum Mechanics / Merzbacher, Eugen. Wiley, 2014 9788126533176 3rd ed. xvi, 656 p. ; UG Library
530.12 MER 00126593 Quantum Mechanics / Merzbacher, Eugen. Wiley, 2014 9788126533176 3rd ed. xvi, 656 p. ; UG Library
530.12 MER 00056376 Quantum mechanics Merzbacher, Eugen. J. Wiley 1970 0471596701 2d ed. x, 621 p. UG Library
530.12 MER 04010498 Quantum mechanics Merzbacher, Eugen. J. Wiley 1970 0471596701 2d ed. x, 621 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 MES 05057837 Quantum mechanics / Messiah, Albert. Dover Publications, 2014 9780486784557 xxi, 1136 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 MES 05033708 Quantum Mechanics. Messiah, Albert 1999 0486409244 1136p Knowledge Centre
530.12 MES. 00074414 Quantum Mechanics. Messiah, Albert 1999 0486409244 1136p UG Library
530.12 MET 22001619 Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics/ Metiu, Horia 0815340877 481p Knowledge Centre
530.12 MET 00082700 Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics/ Metiu, Horia 0815340877 481p UG Library
530.12 MOH 00106039 The world according to quantum mechanics : Mohrhoff, Ulrich. World Scientific, 2011 9789814293372 | 9814293377 xvii, 298 p. : UG Library
530.12 MOH 00106860 The world according to quantum mechanics : Mohrhoff, Ulrich. World Scientific, 2011 9789814293372 | 9814293377 xvii, 298 p. : UG Library
530.12 MOR 00129377 Quantum Mechanics Morris Dennis Medtec, 2014 9789384007447 xiii, 406 p.: UG Library
530.12 MOR 00119868 Quantum Mechanics Morris Dennis Medtec, 2014 9789384007447 xiii, 406 p.: UG Library
530.12 MOR 00119869 Quantum Mechanics Morris Dennis Medtec, 2014 9789384007447 xiii, 406 p.: UG Library
530.12 MOR 00119870 Quantum Mechanics Morris Dennis Medtec, 2014 9789384007447 xiii, 406 p.: UG Library
530.12 MOR 04025100 Quantum Mechanics Morris Dennis Medtec, 2014 9789384007447 xiii, 406 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 MUR 05001000 Quantum Mechanics / Murugan,V. Pearson, 2014 9788131773628 xix,707p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 NAZ 00131131 Advanced quantum mechanics / Nazarov, Yuli V. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781316610008 xiv, 354 p. ; UG Library
530.12 NAZ 00124074 Advanced quantum mechanics / Nazarov, Yuli V. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781316610008 xiv, 354 p. ; UG Library
530.12 NEG 00073259 Quantum Many-Particle Systems Negele, John W Levant Books 2006 8187169656 459 UG Library
530.12 NEW 00069699 Quantum Physics Newton, Roger G Springer 2006 8181284100 411p UG Library
530.12 ORZ 03008280 How to Teach Physics to Your Dog / Orzel, Chad. Scribner, 2009 9781416572282 | 1416572287 1st Scribner hardcover ed. viii, 241 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.12 PAR 04009801 Quantum legacy : Parker, Barry R. Prometheus Books, 2002 9781573929936 282 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 PAR 05033691 Introduction to the Quantum Theory: Park, David Tata McGrawHill, 2005 0486441377 | 9780486441375 601p Knowledge Centre
530.12 PAR 05051417 Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics / Parthasarathy, K. R. Hindustan Book Agency, 2005 8185931593 viii, 170p. Knowledge Centre
530.12 PAR 04018715 Introduction to the Quantum Theory: Park, David Tata McGrawHill, 2005 0486441377 | 9780486441375 601p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 PAR 00069390 Introduction to the Quantum Theory: Park, David Tata McGrawHill, 2005 0486441377 | 9780486441375 601p UG Library
530.12 PAT 05066698 Lectures on quantum mechanics / Viva Books, 2019 9788130929958 viii,100 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.12 PAU 05033527 Introduction to quantum mechanics : Pauling, Linus, Dover Publications, 1963 0486648710 (pbk.) : xi, 468 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 PAU 00035934 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Pauling, Linus MGH 1935 467 p.: UG Library
530.12 PEL 04011668 Quantum Mechanics/ Peleg Yoav Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd. 2011 9780071333535 2nd ed. ix,361 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 PHI 04023297 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics / Philips, A. C. Wiley, 2003 9788126546701 266p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 PHI 04020823 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics / Philips, A. C. Wiley, 2003 9788126546701 266p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 PLO 00126091 Epistemology and Probability : Plotnitsky, Arkady. Springer, 2010 9780387853338 xxviii, 402 p. : UG Library
530.12 POL 00084236 Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Polkinghorne, John 2008 0195678729 113p UG Library
530.12 POL 00085449 Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Polkinghorne, John 2008 0195678729 113p UG Library
530.12 POL 05048911 Quantum theory : Polkinghorne, J. C., Oxford University Press, 2002 0192802526 | 9780192802521 113 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 POL 01016448 Quantum Theory : Polkinghorne,John. Oxford University Press, 2002 9780195678727 113p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 POR 00143750 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics / Porter, Kendrick. States academic press, 2022 9781639892174 233p,; UG Library
530.12 POW 05057838 Quantum mechanics / Powell, John L. Dover. 2015 9780486794594 x,495 p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 POW 00035025 Quantum Mechanics. Powell, John L Narosa 1960 508 p.: UG Library
530.12 POW 00026104 Quantum Mechanics Powell John, L Oxdord 498 p UG Library
530.12 POW 00037669 Quantum Mechanics Powell L John New Delhi 1988 508 p UG Library
530.12 POW 00060731 Quantum Mechanics Powell, L John Narosa Publishing 8185198020 508p UG Library
530.12 POW 00037950 Quantum Mechanics Powell, L John Narosa Publishing 8185198020 508 p UG Library
530.12 POW 00029059 Quantum Mechanics John Powell, L Narosa 1988 508p UG Library
530.12 PRA 00037665 Quantium Mechanics Prakash, Satya Kedarnath Ram Nath 500 p UG Library
530.12 PUR 00128410 Quantum Mechanics & Spectroscopy Puri Vishal Publications Co., 2017 9788192143255 160 : . UG Library
530.12 PUR 00128409 Quantum Mechanics & Spectroscopy Puri Vishal Publications Co., 2017 9788192143255 160 : . UG Library
530.12 PUR 00122579 Quantum Mechanics Purohit, Dheeraj Crescent Publishing Corporation, 2015 9788183423502 253 p:. UG Library
530.12 PUR 00137698 Non-relativistic quantum mechanics / Puri, Ravinder R. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107164369 | 1107164362 xvii, 438p.; UG Library
530.12 PUT 00133120 Introduction to advanced quantum physics Putz,Horia V Oxford book company, 2019 9789350304297 viii,272p.; UG Library
530.12 RAE 00092361 Quantum Physics: A Beginner's Guide Rae,Alastair I.M. Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851683690 | 9781851683697 193 p. UG Library
530.12 RAE 00060217 Quantum Physics: Illusion or Reality? Rae,Alastair. Cambridge University Press 1986 0521467160 | 9780521467162 123 p. UG Library
530.12 RAE 00059410 Quantum Physics: Illusion or Reality? Rae,Alastair. Cambridge University Press 1986 0521467160 | 9780521467162 123 p. UG Library
530.12 RAE 00078456 Quantum Physics: A Beginner's Guide Rae,Alastair I.M. Oneworld Publishers 2007 1851683690 | 9781851683697 193 p. UG Library
530.12 RAI 00123401 Problems In Quantum Mechanics Raiyani G. Jayantilal Cyber Tech Publications, 2015 9789350533840 v, 224 p.: UG Library
530.12 RAJ 00118768 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Raju, R.D.Ratna I.K.International Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2011 9789380578644 xvi:407p.; UG Library
530.12 RAJ 00058404 Problems in Quantum Mechanics Raj, M G Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1998 8126100508 261p UG Library
530.12 RAJ 00145005 Quantum mechanics:the fundamentals/ Rajasekar, S. CRC Press, 2023 9780367769987 Second edition. 585p. ; UG Library
530.12 RAJ 00124177 Quantum mechanics II : Rajasekar, S. CRC Press, 2015 9781482263459 xvii, 295 pages : UG Library
530.12 RAJ 00144398 Quantum mechanics II : Rajasekar, S CRC press, 2023 9780367770006 2nd ed xvii,414p,; UG Library
530.12 RAY 00129586 Quantum Physics : Raymer, Michael G., Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190250720 | 0190250712 | 9 xxii, 306 p. : UG Library
530.12 RED 04025268 An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics / Reddy, J N CUP, 2013 9781316614204 450p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 REE 00127000 Quantum Mechanics / Reed, Bruce Cameron Jones and Bartlett, 2010 9789380108247 xiv, 422p.; UG Library
530.12 REE 04007443 Quantum Mechanics / Reed, Bruce Cameron Jones and Bartlett, 2010 9789380108247 xiv, 422p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 REE 05008449 Quantum Mechanics / Reed, Bruce Cameron Jones and Bartlett, 2010 9789380108247 xiv, 422p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 ROW 00125631 How Schrödinger's Cat Escaped the Box / Rowlands, Peter. World Scientific, 2015 9789814644617 | 9789814635196 x, 187 pages ; UG Library
530.12 SAK 00129493 Modern Quantum Mechanics / Sakurai, J. J. Pearson, 2014 9789332519008 2nd ed. xviii, 520 p. : UG Library
530.12 SAK 00129494 Modern Quantum Mechanics / Sakurai, J. J. Pearson, 2014 9789332519008 2nd ed. xviii, 520 p. : UG Library
530.12 SAK 00055318 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Sakurai, J J Pearson Education 0817808421 336p UG Library
530.12 SAK 00126576 Modern Quantum Mechanics / Sakurai, J. J. Pearson, 2014 9789332519008 2nd ed. xviii, 520 p. : UG Library
530.12 SAK 00126577 Modern Quantum Mechanics / Sakurai, J. J. Pearson, 2014 9789332519008 2nd ed. xviii, 520 p. : UG Library
530.12 SAK 04000130 Modern Quantum Mechanics / Sakurai, J J Pearson Education, 2008 8177585487 508 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SAK 00055941 Modern Quantum Mechanics Sakurai, J J Pearson Education 2002 8178080060 499p UG Library
530.12 SAL 05066808 Supergravities in diverse dimensions /​ World Scientific, 1989 9971501198 xix,749p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 SAX 00106550 Textbook Of Quantum Mechanics Saxena A K CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2010 9788123918990 xxi,745 p. UG Library
530.12 SAX 00143144 Quantum mechanics: Saxena, Ajay Kumar Dreamtech Press, 2021 9781617289668 (hardcover) | 9789391029708 xx,1004p. : UG Library
530.12 SAX 00111360 Textbook Of Quantum Mechanics Saxena A K CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2010 9788123918990 xxi,745 p. UG Library
530.12 SAX 00111361 Textbook Of Quantum Mechanics Saxena A K CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2010 9788123918990 xxi,745 p. UG Library
530.12 SAX 00111362 Textbook Of Quantum Mechanics Saxena A K CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2010 9788123918990 xxi,745 p. UG Library
530.12 SAX 04010850 Textbook Of Quantum Mechanics Saxena A K CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2010 9788123918990 xxi,745 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SAX 05057816 Elementary quantum mechanics / Saxon, David S. Dover Publications, Inc., 2012 9780486485966 (pbk.) | 0486485 Dover ed. xii, 426 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.12 SCH 04010718 Quantum mechanics Schwabl, Franz, Springer, 2007 9783540719328 (acidfree paper) 4th ed. 424 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SCH 05066814 Quantum legacy : Schwinger, Julian. World Scientific, 2000 9789810240066 xiv,793p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 SCH 00065524 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Schwabl, F Springer 0818128111 405p UG Library
530.12 SCH 00065523 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Schwabl, F Springer 0818128111 405p UG Library
530.12 SCH 00065522 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Schwabl, F Springer 0818128111 405p UG Library
530.12 SCH 00062204 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 1968 0070856435 | 9780070856431 3d ed. xviii, 544 p. UG Library
530.12 SCH 00062205 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 1968 0070856435 | 9780070856431 3d ed. xviii, 544 p. UG Library
530.12 SCH 00015952 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 1968 0070856435 | 9780070856431 3d ed. xviii, 544 p. UG Library
530.12 SCH 00142473 The theory of everything: Schwarzer,Nobert Jenny stanford publishing, 2020 9789814774475 xii,203p.; UG Library
530.12 SCH 00068030 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Schwabl, F Springer 0818128111 405p UG Library
530.12 SCH 00061756 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Schwabl, F Springer 0818128111 405p UG Library
530.12 SCH 05057684 Techniques and applications of path integration / Schulman, L. S. Dover Publications, 2005 0486445283 (pbk.) | 9780486445 xiii, 416 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.12 SCH 04013867 Quantum processes, systems, and information / Schumacher, Benjamin. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521875349 (hardback) | 052 xi, 469 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SCH 00126590 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 2016 9781259062865 4th ed. xi, 547 p. UG Library
530.12 SCH 00126591 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 2016 9781259062865 4th ed. xi, 547 p. UG Library
530.12 SCH 00041827 Quantum Mechanics Schwabl, Franz Narosa Publishing 8185198888 406 p UG Library
530.12 SCH 00055938 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 1968 0070856435 | 9780070856431 3d ed. xviii, 544 p. UG Library
530.12 SCH 00055939 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 1968 0070856435 | 9780070856431 3d ed. xviii, 544 p. UG Library
530.12 SCH 00055940 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 1968 0070856435 | 9780070856431 3d ed. xviii, 544 p. UG Library
530.12 SCH 00021968 Quantum Mechanics Schiff, Leonard I. McGraw-Hill 1968 0070856435 | 9780070856431 3d ed. xviii, 544 p. UG Library
530.12 SHA 00077959 Principles of Quantum Mechanics Shankar R Springer 2007 0306447908 2nd ed. 676p UG Library
530.12 SHA 00077960 Principles of Quantum Mechanics Shankar R Springer 2007 0306447908 2nd ed. 676p UG Library
530.12 SHA 05053633 Principles of Quantum Mechanics Shankar R Springer 2007 0306447908 2nd ed. 676p Knowledge Centre
530.12 SHA 00146216 Some Unusual Topics in Quantum Mechanics Sharan, Pankaj Springer, 2023 9783031359613 2nd ed, xxii,314p. ; UG Library
530.12 SHE 00129713 Introducation to Quantum Mechanics / Sherwin, C. W. New Age International, 2017 9789385923418 x, 351 p.: UG Library
530.12 SHE 10000576 Introducation to Quantum Mechanics / Sherwin, C. W. New Age International, 2017 9789385923418 x, 351 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 SHR 04021662 Concepts in Quantum Mechanics Shrivastava Sarita Anmol Publications Pvt, Ltd, 2013 9788126153565 viiii, 216 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SHR 00111247 Concepts in Quantum Mechanics Shrivastava Sarita Anmol Publications Pvt, Ltd, 2013 9788126153565 viiii, 216 p.: UG Library
530.12 SIN 00146002 Quantum Mechanics / Singh, A. K. Asia Publishers & Distributors, 2023 9788119391011 ix,246p. ; UG Library
530.12 SIN 04025109 Quantum Mechanics / Singh, Amrendra Kumar Ramdom Publishers, 2015 9789351117476 328p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SMO 00110964 Time reborn Smolin, Lee, Penguin Books 2013 9781846142994 xxxi; 319 pages cm UG Library
530.12 SPE 04003713 Continuum Mechanics Spencer, A J M Dover Publications 2004 0486435946 178 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SPR 05057737 Modern physics : Sproull, Robert L. Dover, 1980 9780486783260 (pbk.) | 0486783 Dover edition, third edition. xi, 682 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.12 SRI 00019477 Quantum Mechanics Srivastava, B N Pragati Prakashan 1974 214p UG Library
530.12 SRI 00135318 Quantum Physics : Srinivasan,S. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789388264556 xvii,258p.; UG Library
530.12 SRI 00086204 Quantum Mechanics Srivastava, R K Prentice Hall of India 2007 9788120332737 368 p.: UG Library
530.12 STO 05045405 Einstein and the quantum : Stone, A. Douglas, Prinction University Press, 2013 9780691139685 (hardback : acidfree paper) x, 332 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.12 STR 05054390 An introduction to the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics : Strocchi, F. World Scientific, 2005 9812564314 (alk. paper) | 9789 x, 146 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.12 STR 05057965 Quantum mechanics, an introduction / Strauss, Herbert L. Prentice-Hall 1968 xiii, 192 p. Knowledge Centre
530.12 STY 00053061 Strange World of Quantum Mechanics Styer, F Daniel Cambridge 152p UG Library
530.12 SUS 10004713 Quantum Mechanics : Susskind, Leonard. Penguin Books, 2014 9780141977812 xx, 364 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 SUS 04015683 The black hole war : Susskind, Leonard. Little, Brown, 2008 9780316016407 | 0316016403 1st ed. viii, 470 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SUS 04015684 The black hole war : Susskind, Leonard. Little, Brown, 2008 9780316016407 | 0316016403 1st ed. viii, 470 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 SUS 05062825 Quantum Mechanics : Susskind, Leonard. Penguin Books, 2014 9780141977812 xx, 364 p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 TAN 00127030 Quantum Mechanics / Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude, Hermann Publishers, 2005 9780471164333 | 9780471164333 2 v. (xv, 1524 p.) : UG Library
530.12 TAN 00127031 Quantum Mechanics / Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude, Hermann Publishers, 2005 9780471164333 | 9780471164333 2 v. (xv, 1524 p.) : UG Library
530.12 TAR 00022002 Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics Tarasov, L V MIR 1980 169 p UG Library
530.12 TAR 00022001 Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics Tarasov, L V MIR 1980 169 p UG Library
530.12 TEO 00125233 Introduction to quantum-state estimation / Teo, Yong Siah, World Scientific 2016 9789814678834 | 9789814678841 xxxii, 363 pages ; UG Library
530.12 THA 05031063 Quantum Mechanics : Thankappan, V K New Age International Publishers, 2002 293 p Knowledge Centre
530.12 THA 05052263 Quantum Mechanics / Thankappan, V K Wiley, 1985 0852268629 xi,516p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 THA 00073260 Quantum Mechanics Thankappan, V. K New Age International Publishers, 2020 9789388818544 Fifth ed, 560p.; UG Library
530.12 THA 00035916 Quantum Mechanics Thangappan, V K Wiley Eastern Limited 1993 2nd ed. 539p UG Library
530.12 THA 00037691 Quantum Mechanics Thankappan, V K Wiley 539 p UG Library
530.12 THA 10000819 Quantum Mechanics : Thankappan, V K New Age International Publishers, 2022 9789388818544 5th ed. 293 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 THA 10000820 Quantum Mechanics : Thankappan, V K New Age International Publishers, 2002 9788122414035 293 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 TIN 00119996 Group theory and quantum mechanics Tinkham, Michael. Dover Publications, 2003 9781621985938 (electronic bk.) 1 online resource (xii, 340 p.) : UG Library
530.12 TOW 04012629 A modern approach to quantum mechanics / Townsend, John S. University Science Books, 2012 9781891389788 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. 571 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 TOW 05041301 A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics / Townsend, John S Viva Books, 2010 9788130913148 xiv,476 p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12 TOW 00109876 A modern approach to quantum mechanics / Townsend, John S. University Science Books, 2012 9781891389788 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. 571 p. : UG Library
530.12 TSA 00146614 Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics: Tsallis, Constantino Springer, 2023 9783030795689 2nd ed, xvii,569p. ; UG Library
530.12 VEN 00045981 QED the Jewel of Physics Venkataraman, G Universities Press 8173710031 136p UG Library
530.12 VEN 00126598 The Breakthrough Venkataraman, G Universities Press 2014 9788173710025 189 p.: UG Library
530.12 VEN 00126599 The Breakthrough Venkataraman, G Universities Press 2014 9788173710025 189 p.: UG Library
530.12 WAG 00030464 Introductory Quantum Mechanics Waghmare, Y R S Chand 1988 438 p UG Library
530.12 WAG 00030465 Introductory Quantum Mechanics Waghmare, Y R S Chand 436 p UG Library
530.12 WAG 00033819 Introductory Quantum Mechanics Waghmare, Y R Eurasia 1989 436 p UG Library
530.12 WAL 00147245 Introduction to Quantum mechanics : Walecka, John Dirk World scientific, 2024 9798886130591 xi,148p. ; UG Library
530.12 WAL 00142663 Topics in modern physics : Walecka, John Dirk, World Scientific, 2021 9789814436885 (hbk.) | 9814436887 (hbk.) | 9789814436892 (pbk.) | 9814436895 (pbk.) | 9780000990020 xviii, 480 p. : UG Library
530.12 WAL 00105995 The bell that rings light: Wallace,Dorothy I. World Scientific, 2006 9789812567062 xiv,136 p. UG Library
530.12 WEI 04011298 The Quantum Theory of Fields ( VOl - III ) / Weinberg, Steven Cambridge University Press , 2000 9780521769433 xxii, 419 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 WIC 00123934 Quantum Physics/ Wichmann Eyvind H. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702189 xix, 411 p.: UG Library
530.12 WIC 00123935 Quantum Physics/ Wichmann Eyvind H. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702189 xix, 411 p.: UG Library
530.12 YAD 00035150 Text Book of Quantum Mechanics. Yadav, M B Anmol 1991 294 p UG Library
530.12 ZAM 04029437 Quantum mechanics and electrodynamics / Zamastil, Jaroslav. Springer, 2017 9783319657790 464p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12 ZEL 00104716 Quantum physics / Zelevinsky, Vladimir. Wiley-VCH, 2011 9783527410576 (set) | 35274105 xiv: 566 P.; UG Library
530.12 ZEL 00104715 Quantum physics / Zelevinsky, Vladimir. Wiley-VCH, 2011 9783527410576 (set) | 35274105 xiv: 566 P.; UG Library
530.12 ZET 00126594 Quantum Mechanics : Zettili, Nouredine. Wiley, 2016 9780470026786 | 9788126561056 2nd ed. xvi, 671 p. : UG Library
530.12 ZET 00126595 Quantum Mechanics : Zettili, Nouredine. Wiley, 2016 9780470026786 | 9788126561056 2nd ed. xvi, 671 p. : UG Library
530.12 ZET 00131156 Quantum Mechanics : Zettili, Nouredine. Wiley, 2016 9780470026786 | 9788126561056 2nd ed. xvi, 671 p. : UG Library
530.12 ZET 10000655 Quantum Mechanics : Zettili, Nouredine. Wiley, 2016 9780470026786 | 9788126561056 2nd ed. xvi, 671 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12 ZIM 00053059 Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory Ziman, J M Cambridge University Press 2000 0521099498 268p UG Library
530.1201 VEN 05048985 Quantum revolution III What is reality? Venkataraman, G. Universities press Pvt Ltd., 2015 9788173710049 ix,128p.; Knowledge Centre
530.12011 KUM 00137597 Control of Quantum Systems / Kumar,Manoj. Random Publications, 2019 9789352693146 viii,331p.; UG Library
530.12011 BOR 00132255 Formulation and numerical solution of quantum control problems / Borzì, Alfio. Society for industrial and applied mathematics, 2017 9781611974836 (print) x, 390 pages ; UG Library
530.120113 THA 00122278 Visual Quantum Mechanics Thaller, Bernd Springer, 2009 9788184892390 xiii, 283 p:. UG Library
530.12015 CHE 00135635 Introductory quantum mechanics with matlab: Chelikowsky,James R Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co., 2019 9783527409266 xii,212p.; UG Library
530.12015 PIC 00146754 Introduction to the maths and physics of quantum mechanics / Piccirillo, Lucio CRC Press, 2024 9780367703028 First edition. xiii, 231 p. : UG Library
530.120151 PAU 00085965 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: With Applications to Chemistry. Pauling, Linus 2008 9780486467412 468 p UG Library
530.120151 TES 05046769 Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics : Teschi Gerald American Mathematical Society, 2014 9781470425630 2nd ed xiv,358p.: Knowledge Centre
530.12015115 BER 05046777 Introduction to Quantum Graphs / Berkolaiko Gregory American Mathematical Society, 2012 9781470425999 xiii,270p.: Knowledge Centre
530.12015115 BER 10000539 Introduction to Quantum Graphs / Berkolaiko Gregory American Mathematical Society, 2012 9781470425999 xiii,270p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.12015122 PET 05042371 Applications of group theory in quantum mechanics / Petrashenʹ, M. I. Dover Publications, 2009 9780486472232 | 048647223X Dover ed. 318 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.120151255 HEU 09000584 Categories for quantum theory : Heunen, Christiaan Johan Marie, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198739616 | 9780198739623 First edition. xii, 324 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1201515733 PRU 05057749 Quantum mechanics in Hilbert space / Prugovečki, Eduard. Dover Publications, 2007 0486453278 (pbk.) | 9780486453 2nd ed. xxi, 685 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.1202 STE 00119139 Quantum Mechanics Using Computer Algebra : Steeb, Willi-Hans World Scientific, 2010 9789814307161 | 9814307165 2nd ed. x, 234 p. : UG Library
530.120246213 SUL 04010543 Quantum mechanics for electrical engineers / Sullivan, Dennis Michael, IEEE Press, 2011 9780470874097 xvii, 429 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12076 HAA 05057836 Problems in quantum mechanics / Haar, D. ter, Dover, 2014 0850860504 : | 9780486780801 3rd ed. 468 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.121DAV.B 00052232 Ghost in the Atom Davies, J R 0521457289 157p UG Library
530.122 CRO 04002521 Quantum Matrix Croker, Robert Ane Books 2008 9788180522062 132 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.122 JOS 00131144 Matrices And Tensors In Physics / Joshi, A W. New Age International (P) Limited, 2017 9789386070906 4th Ed. xiv, 32 p. ; UG Library
530.122 JOS 00016631 Matrices and tensors in physics / Joshi, A. W. New Age International 2010 0470234385 (J. Wiley & Sons) | xvi, 250 p.: UG Library
530.122 JOS 00067011 Matrices and tensors in physics / Joshi, A. W. New Age International 2010 0470234385 (J. Wiley & Sons) | xvi, 250 p.: UG Library
530.122 JOS 00029036 Matrices and tensors in physics / Joshi, A. W. New Age International 2010 0470234385 (J. Wiley & Sons) | xvi, 250 p.: UG Library
530.122 JOS 00037664 Matrices and tensors in physics / Joshi, A. W. New Age International 2010 0470234385 (J. Wiley & Sons) | xvi, 250 p.: UG Library
530.122 JOS 00045626 Matrices and tensors in physics / Joshi, A. W. New Age International 2010 0470234385 (J. Wiley & Sons) | xvi, 250 p.: UG Library
530.122 JOS 00093614 Matrices and tensors in physics / Joshi, A. W. New Age International 2010 0470234385 (J. Wiley & Sons) | xvi, 250 p.: UG Library
530.122 WEA 00029040 Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures Weaver, William J R CBS 1986 2nd 492 p UG Library
530.123 MEH 05050114 Random matrices and the statistical theory of energy levels / Mehta, M. L. Academic Press, 1967 x, 259 p. Knowledge Centre
530.123 SAK 04019910 Advanced quantum mechanics Sakurai, J. J. Pearson, 1967 9788177589160 xii, 344 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.124 BIN 00130485 Optical multi-bound solitons / Binh, Le Nguyen. CRC Press 2016 9781482237634 (acidfree paper) xv, 547 pages : UG Library
530.124 GAO 00134730 The meaning of the wave function / Gao, Shan, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107124356 | 1107124352 | 9781108464239 x,189p.; UG Library
530.124 HEI 00017985 Elementary Wave Mechanics Heitler, W Oxford University 1966 150 p.: UG Library
530.124 MOT 00017828 Wave Mechanics and Its Applications Mott, N F Oxford University 1948 393 p.: UG Library
530.124 PIE 05033547 Almost all about waves / Pierce, John Robinson, Dover Publications, 2006 0486453022 (pbk.) Dover ed. x, 209 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.124 SMI 00131166 Waves And Oscillations : Smith, Walter Fox. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198078043 xiv, 399 p. ; UG Library
530.124KUC 00018834 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018836 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018838 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018840 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018843 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018842 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018841 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018839 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018837 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.124KUC 00018835 Text Book for Bsc Second Year Kuchela, K N Blr University UG Library
530.12BOHM 00068029 Quantum Mechanics - Foundations and Applications Bohm, Arno Springer 688p UG Library
530.12CHA 00058903 Quantum Mechanics Chaddha, G S New Age International Publishers 8122414656 561p UG Library
530.12COH 00048184 Quantum Mechanics- Vol 1 Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude 0471164321 896 p UG Library
530.12COH 00048185 Quantum Mechanics- Vol 1 Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude 0471164321 896 p UG Library
530.12DEV 04021935 Quantum Mechanics Devanarayanan, S Scitech Publications (india) Pvt. Ltd. 8188429619 2600p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12DEV 04021936 Quantum Mechanics Devanarayanan, S Scitech Publications (india) Pvt. Ltd. 8188429619 2600p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12PAR 04019056 Introduction to the Quantum Theory: Park, David Tata McGrawHill, 2005 0486441377 | 9780486441375 601p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.12POW.C 00021954 Quantum Mechanics Powell John, L Oxford 494 p UG Library
530.12PRADH 00088235 Qantum Mechanics [MSC.PHYSICS SECTION] Pradhan, Triochan Universities Press 8173716242 240p UG Library
530.12THI 00035152 Course in Mathematical Physics Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems Thirring, Walter Ny 290 p UG Library
530.12VEN 05048988 QED the Jewel of Physics Venkataraman, G Universities Press 8173710031 136p Knowledge Centre
530.13 AGA 00055991 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. New Age International Publishers 2002 8122411576 2nd Ed. 276 p. UG Library
530.13 AGA 00068038 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. New Age International Publishers 2002 8122411576 2nd Ed. 276 p. UG Library
530.13 DIE 00142660 Statistical physics: Diep,Hung T World scientific publishing, 2020 9780000989079 xxv,621p.; UG Library
530.13 HIL 04005830 Statistical Mechanical: Principles and Selected Applications Hill, Terrell L Dover Publications 1956 9780486653907 432 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 LAU 10000674 Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics / Laud, B B. New age international publishers. 2022 9789393159380 3rd ed. xiv,278p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.13 SET 04002673 Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity Sethna, James P Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0199545049 349 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 TSA 04005589 Statistical Mechanics Tsang, Tung Overseas Press 2007 9788188689828 390 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 ABA 00148191 The statistical physics of data assimilation and machine learning / Abarbanel, Henry D. I. Cambridge, 2022 9781316519639 xvii,187p. ; UG Library
530.13 AGA 00055992 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. New Age International Publishers 2002 8122411576 2nd Ed. 276 p. UG Library
530.13 AGA 00074204 Statistical Mechanics. Agarwal, Bk New Age International Publishers 2005 8122411576 279p UG Library
530.13 AGA. 00055993 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. New Age International Publishers 2002 8122411576 2nd Ed. 276 p. UG Library
530.13 ALB 00035151 Ideas and Methods in Quantum and Statistical Physics Albeverio, Sergio Cambrdige Univ 1992 2nd 541 p.: UG Library
530.13 AMI 00142661 Statistical physics : Amit,Daniel J World Scientific, 2022 9810248636 (electronic bk.) | 981023192X | 9810234767 (sc) | 9781944659974 xii, 565 p. : UG Library
530.13 BER 00144700 Statistical Physics of Complex Systems : Bertin, Eric Springer, 2021 9783030799489 3rd ed. xvii,291p, ; UG Library
530.13 BHA 00128406 Statistical Physica, Thermodynamics & Kinetic Theory Bhatia, V. S Vishal Publishing Co., 2017 9788188646951 part A 255p: . UG Library
530.13 BHA 00128405 Statistical Physica, Thermodynamics & Kinetic Theory Bhatia, V. S Vishal Publishing Co., 2017 9788188646951 part A 255p: . UG Library
530.13 BHA 00033794 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics Bhatia, V.s University Leader Ship 180 p UG Library
530.13 BHA 00124689 Statistical Physica, Thermodynamics & Kinetic Theory Bhatia, V. S Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9788188646951 part A 214 p.: UG Library
530.13 BHA 00124690 Statistical Physica, Thermodynamics & Kinetic Theory Bhatia, V. S Vishal Publishing Co., 2015 9788188646951 part A 214 p.: UG Library
530.13 BHA 00045311 Statistical Physics : Bhattacharjee, J K Allied Publications, 1997 8170236312 504 p UG Library
530.13 BHA 05031084 Statistical Physics : Bhattacharjee, J K Allied Publications, 1997 8170236312 504 p Knowledge Centre
530.13 BOL 10000617 Percolation / Bollobás, Béla. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521168939 x, 323 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.13 BOW 04012358 Introductory Statistical Mechanics / Bowley, Roger. Oxford University Press; 2007 9780199236794 | 0199236798 2nd ed. 352 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 BRI 00144634 Making Sense of Statistical Mechanics / Bricmont, Jean Springer, 2022 9783030917937 x,368p, ; UG Library
530.13 CHH 00122575 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics Chhikara, Baldev Singh RBSA Publishers, 2015 9788176117227 271 p:. UG Library
530.13 DAS 04018827 An Introduction to Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics / Das, Palash I K International Publishing House, 2012 9789381141250 374p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 DAV 05042437 Statistical mechanics / Davidson, Norman R. Dover Publications, 2003 0486432645 (pbk.) Dover ed. ix, 540 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.13 DOR 00144708 Statistical Mechanics : Dorlas, Teunis. C. CRC press, 2021 9780367471750 | 9780367478810 Second edition. xxi,325p, ; UG Library
530.13 DOR 04012560 Statistical Mechanics : Dor;as C. Teunis. Overseas Press ; 2004 9788188689064 273 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 EMC 05033609 Algebraic methods in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory / Emch, Gérard G. Dover Publications, 2009 9780486472096 | 0486472094 Dover ed. xiv, 333 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.13 FEY 00148190 Statistical Mechanics / Feynman, Richard P. CRC Press, 2024 9781138329843 ix,354p. ; UG Library
530.13 GEL 05051527 Nonextensive entropy : Oxford University Press, 2004 0195159764 (acidfree paper) | xv, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.13 HAK 04012433 Introduction to Relativistic Statistical Mechanics : Hakim, Remi, World Scientific, 2011 9789814322430 | 9814322431 xxvii, 538 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 HEI 00146616 Classical and Quantum Statistical Physics: Heissenberg, Carlo Cambridge, 2022 9781108844628 xi,369p. ; UG Library
530.13 HIL 05033604 Statistical mechanics : Hill, Terrell L. Dover Publications, 1956 0486653900 (pbk.) xiii, 432 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.13 HON 00069696 Statistical Physics: an Advanced Approach With Applications Honerkamp, J Springer 0818128125 515p UG Library
530.13 HON 00124429 Statistical Physics Josef HonerKamp Springer, 2002 9788181281258 2nd ed. xiv, 515 p.: UG Library
530.13 HUA 05057897 Statistical Mechanics Huang, Kerson Wiley 1991 470 p Knowledge Centre
530.13 HUA 00035208 Statistical Mechanics Huang, Kerson Wiley 1991 470 p UG Library
530.13 KAD 00067240 Statistical Physics Kadanoff, Leo P World Scientific 2005 9810237642 483p UG Library
530.13 KAR 00129273 Statistical physics of particles / Kardar, Mehran. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521873420 | 9781108448239 x, 320 p. : UG Library
530.13 KAR 10000805 Statistical physics of particles / Kardar, Mehran. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521873420 | 9781108448239 x, 320 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.13 KRY 05053632 Works on the foundations of statistical physics / Krylov, Nikolaĭ Sergeevich, Princeton University Press, 1979 0691082308 : | 0691082278 (pbk xxviii, 283 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.13 LAH 05006763 Statistical Mechanics : Lahiri Avijit Universities Press, 2008 9788173716140 ix,290 p. Knowledge Centre
530.13 LAN 00126557 Statistical Physics : Landau, L D. Elsevier, 2008 9788181477903 544p. : UG Library
530.13 LAN 00126558 Statistical Physics : Landau, L D. Elsevier, 2008 9788181477903 544p. : UG Library
530.13 LAN 10000399 Statistical Physics : Landau, L D. Elsevier, 2008 9788181477903 544p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.13 LAN 10000403 Statistical Physics Part-2 Landau.L.D Elsevier, 2014 9788181477941 x,387 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.13 LAN 00126565 Statistical Physics Part-2 Landau.L.D Elsevier, 2014 9788181477941 x,387 p.: UG Library
530.13 LAN 00126566 Statistical Physics Part-2 Landau.L.D Elsevier, 2014 9788181477941 x,387 p.: UG Library
530.13 LAN 04024497 Statistical Physics : Landau, L D. Elsevier, 2008 9788181477903 544p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 LAN 04026499 Statistical Physics : Landau, L D. Elsevier, 2008 9788181477903 544p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 LAU 00067010 Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics. Laud, B B New Age International Publishers 2003 8122411606 260p UG Library
530.13 LIF 04024494 Statistical Physics : Lifshitz, E M Elsevier, 2014 9788181477941 387p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 LIV 05059689 Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics : Livi, Roberto. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107049543 xvii, 420p. Knowledge Centre
530.13 MAC 00120263 Introductory statistical mechanics for physicists. MacDonald, D. K. C. Wiley 1963 176 p. UG Library
530.13 MAN 04020822 Statistical physics / Mandl, F. Wiley, 1988 9788126546725 2nd ed. xv, 385 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 MCC 05057705 The two-dimensional Ising model / McCoy, Barry M., Dover, 2014 9780486493350 (pbk.) | 0486493 xvi, 454 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.13 MCQ 04007444 Statistical Mechanics / Mcquarrie, Donald A Viva Books, 2011 9788130918938 xii, 641p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 MCQ 00107354 Statistical Mechanics / Mcquarrie, Donald A Viva Books, 2011 9788130918938 xii, 641p.; UG Library
530.13 MEH 00132839 Statistical mechanics Mehta,Maharshi M Authors nation, 2018 9788193426043 232p; UG Library
530.13 MET 22001620 Physical Chemistry: Statistical Mechanics/ Metiu, Horia 0815340850 292p Knowledge Centre
530.13 MET 00082698 Physical Chemistry: Statistical Mechanics/ Metiu, Horia 0815340850 292p UG Library
530.13 MIT 00143147 Statiatical Mechanics Mitchell, Mateo States academic press, 2022 9781639894963 243 p.; UG Library
530.13 PAT 00040593 Statisticsl Mechanics Pathria, R K Pergamon Press 530 p UG Library
530.13 PAT 00076968 Statistical mechanics / Pathria, R. K. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996 9789380931890 2nd ed. xiv, 529 p. : UG Library
530.13 PEN 05033625 Foundations of statistical mechanics; Penrose, O. Pergamon Press 1970 0080133142 [1st ed.] ix, 260 p. Knowledge Centre
530.13 REI 00123936 Statistical physics Reif F McGraw Hill 2011 9780070702196 398p. UG Library
530.13 REI 00131138 Fundamentals Of Statistical And Thermal Physics / Reif, F. Levant, 2010 9789380663142 x, 651 p. ; UG Library
530.13 REI 00123937 Statistical physics Reif F McGraw Hill 2011 9780070702196 398p. UG Library
530.13 REI 10000338 Statistical physics Reif F McGraw Hill 2011 9780070702196 398p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.13 RUD 00106021 Basic statistical physics Rudra, Nandita. World Scientific, 2010 9789814293259 (hbk.) | 9814293 xvii, 229 p. : UG Library
530.13 SAL 00146035 Modern Physics: Salasnich Luca Springer, 2022 9783030937423 X,194P.; UG Library
530.13 SAL 00080326 Introduction to Statistical Physics. Salinas, Silvio R A Springer 2006 8181281969 377p UG Library
530.13 SAT 00146485 Statistical Physics Sator, nicolas CRC Press, 2024 9781032223964 xiii,436p. ; UG Library
530.13 SHR 04021655 Concepts in Statistical Mechanics / Shrivastava, Sarita Almol Publishing, 2013 9788126153527 192p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 SIN 00124209 Introduction To Statistical Mechanics Sinha S.K. Narosa Publishing House 2005 9788173197178 xv; 450 p. UG Library
530.13 SIN 00108836 Introduction To Statistical Mechanics Sinha S.K. Narosa Publishing House 2005 9788173197178 xv; 450 p. UG Library
530.13 SKL 05054438 Physics and chance : Sklar,Lawrence. Cambridge University Press, 1993 9780521558815 xiii,437p.; Knowledge Centre
530.13 TAN 00120236 Methods of statistical physics / Tanaka, Tomoyasu, Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521580560 | 0521589584 (pb.) xv, 293 p. : UG Library
530.13 TOL 05057846 The principles of statistical mechanics / Tolman, Richard C. Dover Publications, 1979 0486638960 (pbk.) : | 97804866 xix, 660 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.13 TSA 00077949 Statistical Mechanics Tsang, Tung Overseas Press 2007 9788188689828 390 p UG Library
530.13 TSA 00077950 Statistical Mechanics Tsang, Tung Overseas Press 2007 9788188689828 390 p UG Library
530.13 TSA 04012559 Statistical Mechanics Tsang, Tung Overseas Press 2007 9788188689828 390 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.13 WAN 00144336 Advanced Statistical Mechanics / Wang Jian Sheng World scientific, 2023 9781944660499 xiii, 210p, ; UG Library
530.13 WID 00059450 Statistical Mechanics Widom, Benjamin 2002 0521009669 170p UG Library
530.13076 DAL 00119867 Problems on Statistical Mechanics Dalvit, Diego A. R. Institute of Physics Pub., 1999 9780750305204 v, 280p. : UG Library
530.13076 ROY 00132069 Thermal physics and statistical mechanics Roy, S. K New age international pvt ltd,publishers, 2019 9789386418388 2n ed., xv,408p.; UG Library
530.132 KRA 04002794 Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations Krauth, Werner Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780199545025 342 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.132 BHA 00041834 Classical Mechanics With Introduction to Nonliear Osciallations & Chaos Bhatia, V B Narosa 8173191042 354 p UG Library
530.132 BHA 00041835 Classical Mechanics With Introduction to Nonliear Osciallations & Chaos Bhatia, V B Narosa 8173191042 354 p UG Library
530.132 CHA 04010777 A Textbook Of Statistical Mechanics/ Chandra Suresh CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2008 9788123916088 xiii.326 P.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.132 ELT 00033787 Concepts of Classical Mechanics Elton, L.R.B McG RAW-HILL 1971 177 p.: UG Library
530.132 KAC 05051817 Quelques problemes mathematiques en physique statistique / Kac, Mark Les Presses de, 1974 79 p. Knowledge Centre
530.132 KRA 41000078 Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations Krauth, Werner Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 9780199545025 342 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.132 LAH 00083275 Statistical Mechanics: An Elementary Outline: Lahiri, Avijit Universities Press 8173716145 290p UG Library
530.132 LAH 00102230 Statistical Mechanics: An Elementary Outline: Lahiri, Avijit Universities Press 8173716145 290p UG Library
530.132 LAH 00056492 Statistical Mechanics: An Elementary Outline: Lahiri, Avijit Universities Press 8173716145 290p UG Library
530.132 LAH 00056491 Statistical Mechanics: An Elementary Outline: Lahiri, Avijit Universities Press 8173716145 290p UG Library
530.132 PAU 05033616 Statistical mechanics / Pauli, Wolfgang, Dover Publications, 2000 0486414604 (pbk.) Dover ed. x, 121 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.132 SAT 00039858 Statistical Mechanics Satyaprakash Kedar Nath Ram Nath 494 p UG Library
530.132 THO 05054349 Mathematical statistical mechanics / Thompson, Colin J. Macmillan 1972 0691082197 ix, 278 p. Knowledge Centre
530.133 FOR 04002884 Quantum World: Quantum Physics for Everyone Ford, Kenneth W Viva Books 2008 9788130900087 270 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 RAI 04003256 Quantume Physics: Illusion or Reality? Rae, Alastair Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521542661 155 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 BAE 00138955 Quantum techniques in stochastic mechanics / Baez, John C., World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813226937 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813226944 (pbk : alk. paper) xii, 263 pages : UG Library
530.133 EIS 04011091 Quantum Physics : Eisberg Robert Wiley India, 2011 9788126508181 712 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 EIS 04011309 Quantum Physics : Eisberg Robert Wiley India, 2011 9788126508181 712 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 GAS 04001091 Quantum Physics Gasiorowicz, Stephen John Wiley & Sons 2005 9812532110 336 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 GRI 00056480 Q Is for Quantum - Praticle Physics from A to Z Gribbin, John Universities Press 1999 8173712433 545 p.: UG Library
530.133 GRI 00056479 Q Is for Quantum - Praticle Physics from A to Z Gribbin, John Universities Press 1999 8173712433 545 p.: UG Library
530.133 GRI 00126728 Q Is for Quantum - Praticle Physics from A to Z Gribbin, John Universities Press 1999 8173712433 545 p.: UG Library
530.133 GRI 00126729 Q Is for Quantum - Praticle Physics from A to Z Gribbin, John Universities Press 1999 8173712433 545 p.: UG Library
530.133 GRI 00047843 Q Is for Quantum - Praticle Physics from A to Z Gribbin, John Universities Press 1999 8173712433 545 p.: UG Library
530.133 GRI 00126751 Q Is for Quantum - Praticle Physics from A to Z Gribbin, John Phornix Press, 2002 8173712433 | 9781842126042 680 p.: UG Library
530.133 KIR 04021195 Mathematical physics with partial differential equations / Kirkwood, James R. Academic Press, 2013 9780123869111 xii, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 PAT 10000801 Statistical mechanics / Pathria, R. K. Elsevier, 2022 9789351073970 4th ed. xiv, 529 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.133 PAT 04011234 Statistical mechanics / Pathria, R. K. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996 9789380931890 2nd ed. xiv, 529 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 SCH 04004545 Quantum Physics Scheck, Florian Springer International 2007 9788184891294 738 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 SCH 04004546 Quantum Physics Scheck, Florian Springer International 2007 9788184891294 738 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.133 SIN 00144777 Elmentary Particles / Singh, Jagjeet. Random publications, 2022 9789393884329 vii,310p, ; UG Library
530.133 WIC 00137302 Quantum Physics/ Vol 4 Wichmann Eyvind H. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2015 9780070702189 xix, 423 p.: UG Library
530.133 WIC 00137303 Quantum Physics/ Vol 4 Wichmann Eyvind H. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2015 9780070702189 xix, 423 p.: UG Library
530.133 WIC 04011787 Quantum Physics/ Wichmann Eyvind H. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702189 xix, 411 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.14 MAH 04005578 Many-Particle Physics Mahan, Gerald D Springer International 2000 9788181289414 785 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.14 PAR 04001854 Electromagnetic Field Theory Parthasarathy, H I K International Publishing 2008 8189866028 | 9788188237098 353p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.14 BUL 04023460 Phase optimization problems : Wiley-VCH, 2010 9783527407996 | 3527407995 x, 309 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.14 CAB 05060846 An introduction to gauge theories / Cabibbo, Nicola. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2018 9781498734516 | 1498734510 xvi, 303p.; Knowledge Centre
530.14 DAE 05050300 Trieste Conference on Recent Developments in Conformal Field Theories : Daemi, Randjbar S World Scientific, 1990 9810202792 viii, 307 p. Knowledge Centre
530.14 DAU 00106030 Physics of solitons Dauxois, T. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521854210 (hbk.) | 9780521854 xii, 422 p. : UG Library
530.14 FAI 00137700 Quantum Field Theory : Fai,Lukong Cornelius. CRC Press, 2020 9780367185749 xiii,521p.; UG Library
530.14 GAR 07007802 Relativity Simply Explained / Gardner Martin Dover Publications,Inc, 1976 9780486447032 179 p. : Library - BR Campus
530.14 GAR 05010965 Relativity Simply Explained / Gardner Martin Dover Publications,Inc, 1976 9780486447032 179 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.14 GEL 05068391 Quantum field theory : Gelis, Francois. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108480901 | 110848090X xvi,591p.; Knowledge Centre
530.14 HUB 00124172 Advanced concepts in particle and field theory / Hübsch, Tristan Combridge University Press, 2015 9781107097483 xv, 563 pages : UG Library
530.14 INF 00126998 Nonlinear Waves, Solitons, and Chaos / Infeld, Eryk Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521635578 2nd ed. xiii, 391 p. : UG Library
530.14 KAR 00129272 Statistical physics of fields / Kardar, Mehran. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521873413 (hbk.) | 9781108 x, 359 p. : UG Library
530.14 KAR 10000804 Statistical physics of fields / Kardar, Mehran. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9780521873413 (hbk.) | 9781108 x, 359 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.14 KEN 00133100 Course In Field Theory: Kennet, Alexander, Oxford Book Company, 2019 9789350304266 viii,304 p.; UG Library
530.14 KIV 04010578 Optical solitons : Kivshar, Y. S. Academic Press, 2003 9780124105904 xvi, 540 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.14 KLE 00017857 Dispersion Relations and the Abstract Approach to Field Theory Klein, Lewis Gordon 1961 1st 273 p.: UG Library
530.14 LIL 00080335 Foundations of Stress Waves. Li-Li, Wang 0080444946 533p UG Library
530.14 LOG 05051216 Gravitation and elementary particle physics / Mir Publishers, 1983 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.14 MAH 10000700 Many-Particle Physics Mahan, Gerald D Springer International 2000 9788181289414 785 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.14 PAR 04002548 Electromagnetic Field Theory Parthasarathy, H I K International Publishing 2008 8189866028 | 9788188237098 353p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.14 PHI 00081459 Advanced Solid State Physics. Phillips, Philip Overseas Press Pvt Ltd 2008 386p UG Library
530.14 PHI 00081460 Advanced Solid State Physics. Phillips, Philip Overseas Press Pvt Ltd 2008 386p UG Library
530.14 POL 04029306 String Theory / Polchinski, Joseph CUP, 2005 9781316616864 531p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.14 POL 10000811 String Theory : Polchinski, Joseph. CUP, 2018 9781316616857 xviii, 402p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.14 POL 10000812 String Theory : Polchinski, Joseph. CUP, 2018 9781316616857 xviii, 402p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.14 ROY 00122916 Causal Physics : Roychoudhuri, Chandrasekhar. CRC Press, 2014 9781466515314 xxii, 273 p.: UG Library
530.14 SCH 00137692 Classical field theory : Scheck,Florian. Springer, 2018 9783662555774 2nd edition xv,464p.; UG Library
530.14 SMO 05011010 The Trouble With Physics : Smolin Lee Penguin Books, 2008 9780141018355 xxiii,392 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.14 SMO 07007326 The Trouble With Physics : Smolin Lee Penguin Books, 2008 9780141018355 xxiii,392 p. : Library - BR Campus
530.14 ZWI 04015309 A first course in string theory / Zwiebach, Barton, CUP, 2009 9780521176330 673 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.14 ZWI 00102167 A First Course in String Theory Zwiebach, Barton Cambridge University Press, 9780521176330 xxii, 673 p. UG Library
530.141 GIR 04000344 Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals Guru, Bhag Singh Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521670425 681 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 GIR 04001261 Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals Guru, Bhag Singh Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521670425 681 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 MEE 04004716 Electromagnetic Fields Meenakumari, R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122420166 438 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 MEE 04004717 Electromagnetic Fields Meenakumari, R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122420166 438 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 RAJ 04000583 Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines / Raju, G S N Pearson Education, 2008 9788131701713 584 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 SAR 04002029 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Sarwate, V V New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122404685 | 9788122437805 2nd ed. 457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 SAR 04004758 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Sarwate, V V New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122404685 | 9788122437805 2nd ed. 457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 SAR 04004759 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Sarwate, V V New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122404685 | 9788122437805 2nd ed. 457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 SIV 04004776 Electromagnetic Fields Sivanagaraju, S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122423785 299 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 SIV 04004777 Electromagnetic Fields Sivanagaraju, S New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122423785 299 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 ANG 05052272 Optimization methods in electromagnetic radiation / Angell, Thomas S. Springer, 2004 0387204504 (acidfree paper) | xiii, 331 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.141 BAB 04024898 Basic Electromagnetic Theory / Babington, James Scientific Internationals, 2015 9789384007423 186p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 BAB 04022607 Basic Electromagnetic Theory / Babington, James Scientific Internationals, 2015 9789384007423 186p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 BAS 04017858 Electromagnetics Theory / Basu, Prabir K. Ane Books, 2010 9789380156781 228p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 BAS 00131496 Electromagnetic theory Basu,Prabhir K Ane books pvt ltd., 2016 9789384726812 224p.; UG Library
530.141 BEC 05057799 Electromagnetic fields and interactions / Becker, Richard, Dover Publications, 1964 0486642909 (pbk.) : | 97804866 402p.; Knowledge Centre
530.141 CHO 04012620 Introduction to electromagnetic theory : Chow, Tai L. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2012 9789380853529 xix, 523 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 DAS 04024846 Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory / Dash, Saroj K. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343962 903 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 DAS 04018176 Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory / Dash, Saroj K. PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343962 903 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 FLE 04015310 A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations / Fleesich, Daniel CUP, 2008 9780521187312 134 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 GAN 04026832 Electromagnetic Field Theory / Gangadhar, K A Khanna Publishers, 2015 8174092145 614p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 GAN 04026833 Electromagnetic Field Theory / Gangadhar, K A Khanna Publishers, 2015 8174092145 614p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 GIR 04028037 Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals Guru, Bhag Singh Cambridge University Press 2007 9780521670425 681 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 IRO 04010807 Basic Laws Of Electromagnetism/ Irodov I.E. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD, 1986 9788123903064 309 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 IRO 10000751 Basic Laws of Electromagnetism / Irodov, Igor Evgenyevich New age international publishing. 2019 9789386418159 xi,236p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.141 IRO 04019363 Basic Laws Of Electromagnetism/ Irodov I.E. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD, 1986 9788123903064 309 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 IRO 04029693 Basic Laws Of Electromagnetism/ Irodov I.E. CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD, 1986 9788123903064 309 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 ISK 04012491 Electromagnetic fields and waves / Iskander, Magdy F. Overseas press, 2011 9788189938659 xi, 756 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 ISO 00138942 Maxwell equation : Isozaki, Hiroshi World Scientific, 2018 9789813232693 | 9813232692 xv, 283 p. : UG Library
530.141 JAY 00131495 Electromagnetic field Jayanthy Ane books pvt ltd., 2017 9789384726669 xiv,330p.; UG Library
530.141 JAY 00131497 Electromagnetic theory Jayanthy,T Ane books pvt ltd., 2017 9789384726737 xv,344p.; UG Library
530.141 JAY 04028036 Electromagnetic Field / Jayanthy Ane Books, 2017 9789385462627 330p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 KAR 04021812 Electromagnetic Field Theory / Karthikeyan, M. Sams Publishers, 2008 9789380485072 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 KAR 04021813 Electromagnetic Field Theory / Karthikeyan, M. Sams Publishers, 2008 9789380485072 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 KSH 04011313 Electromagnetic Field Theory / Kshetrimayum, Rakhesh Singh. Cengage Learning , 2012 9788131516584 x, 390 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 KUE 04024654 Electromagnetic boundary problems / Kuester, Edward F. CRC Press, 2016 9781498730266 341p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 LAN 00126551 The Classical Theory of Fields : Landau, L. D. Elsevier, 2015 9788181477873 428p. : UG Library
530.141 LAN 00126552 The Classical Theory of Fields : Landau, L. D. Elsevier, 2015 9788181477873 428p. : UG Library
530.141 LAN 10000396 The Classical Theory of Fields : Landau, L. D. Elsevier, 2015 9788181477873 428p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.141 LAN 04024495 The Classical Theory of Fields : Landau, L. D. Elsevier, 2015 9788181477873 428p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 LOR 04010829 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves/ Lorrain Paul CBS Publishers Distributors PVT.LTD. 1986 9788123909806 xxv, 706 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 MEE 10000727 Electromagnetic Fields Meenakumari, R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2015 9788122420166 438 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.141 MOR 04021002 The power and beauty of electromagnetic fields / Morgenthaler, Frederic R. Wiley, 2011 9781118057575 (hardback) | 111 xxxiii, 639 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 MUR 04022514 Electromagnetic Fields : Murthy, T. V. S. Arun S. Chand and Co, 2008 9788121929967 744p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 PAN 05033613 Classical electricity and magnetism / Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. Dover Publications, 2005 0486439240 2nd ed. xvi, 494 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.141 PAN 05057794 Classical electricity and magnetism / Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. Dover Publications, 2005 0486439240 | 9780486439242 2nd ed. xvi, 494 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.141 PRA 04026835 Electromagnetic Field Waves and Antennas / Prasad, D V Khanna Publishers, 2015 386p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 RAO 04023274 Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines / Rao, Gottapu Sasibhushana Wiley, 2013 9788126536153 410 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 RAY 10000378 Classical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism : Raychaudhuri, A.K. Hindustan Book Agency, 2021 9788195196159 xiv, 291, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.141 RED 04026743 Electromagnetic Fields / Reddy, Y Mallikarjuna University Press, 2013 9788173718861 421p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 SAR 10000764 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Sarwate, V V New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122404685 | 9788122437805 2nd ed. 457 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.141 SAT 04021867 Electromagnetic Fields / Sathaiah, D. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183715911 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 SAT 04021868 Electromagnetic Fields / Sathaiah, D. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183715911 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 VOL 04028933 Electromagnetic Field Theories for Engineering / Volkov, Tudor Scitus Academics, 2016 9781681171173 277p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.141 YAN 04028160 Electromagnetic Field and Waves / Yang, Robert R G MedTech, 2017 9789385998522 476p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1410113 INA 04008187 Numerical electromagnetics : Inan, Umran S. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521190695 (hardback) | 052119069X (hardback) xiv, 390 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.142 HAW 03003625 Grand Design Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books 2010 9780553805376 198 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
530.142 ERI 00109141 Microcontinuum field theories Eringen, A. Cemal. Springer, 1999 0387986200 (v. 1 : acidfree pa xvi; 325 p. : UG Library
530.142 HAW 07005695 The Grand Design/ Hawking,Stephen Bantam Books, 2010 9780553819229 237 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
530.142 HAW 07005696 A Brief History of time/ Hawking,Stephen Bantam Books, 2011 9780857501004 IX,233 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
530.142 HAW 04008118 Grand Design Hawking, Stephen Bantam Books 2010 9780553805376 198 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.142 KAK 04008567 Hyperspace : Kaku, Michio Oxford Universtiy press, 1999 9780192861894 xvi, 359p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.142 KAK 00109458 Hyperspace Kaku, Michio. Anchor Books, 1994 0385477058 | 9780385477055 xvi, 359 p. : UG Library
530.1423 DAL 00144713 Supergravity : Dall Agata, Gianguido Springer, 2021 9783662639788 xiv,291p, ; UG Library
530.143 GRE 04005542 Field Quantization Greiner, Walter Springer International 1996 9788184890372 440 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.143 RAD 04005596 Problem Book in Quantum Field Theory Radovanovic, Voja Springer International 2008 9788184893939 243 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.143 RAM 04005513 Field Theory: Amodern Primer Ramond, Pierre Sarat Book Distributors 2007 8187169842 329 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.143 ALI 05066805 Selected papers of Abdus Salam : Salam, Abdus, World Scientific, 1994 9810216629 | 9810216637 (pbk.) xiv, 679 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.143 CAL 05044113 Mathematical aspects of quantum field theories / Springer, 2015 9783319099484 xxviii,556p.: Knowledge Centre
530.143 CAR 05050823 Statistical theory and random matrices / Carmeli, Moshe, M. Dekker, 1983 0824717791 ix, 203 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.143 CAS 00147939 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory/ Casalbuoni, Roberto World Scientific, 2024 9781944660901 2nd ed, xiv,365p. ; UG Library
530.143 CHR 05059685 A philosophical approach to quantum field theory / Öttinger, Hans Christian, Cambridge Unversity Press, 2017 9781108415118 | 1108415113 xiii,260p,; Knowledge Centre
530.143 CHR 05062121 A philosophical approach to quantum field theory / Öttinger, Hans Christian, Cambridge Unversity Press, 2017 9781108415118 | 1108415113 xiii,260p,; Knowledge Centre
530.143 CLO 00120065 The Infinity Puzzle : Close, Frank Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199673308 | 0199673306 x, 413 p. UG Library
530.143 CLO 05018016 The Infinity Puzzle / Close Frank Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199593507 x,399 p.: Knowledge Centre
530.143 DAS 00142683 Field theory : Das, Ashok, World scientific publishing, 2022 9781944659950 Third edition. xiv, 474 pages : UG Library
530.143 DAS 00142649 Lectures on quantum field theory Das, Ashok World publishing, 2020 9780000988836 xiii,775p.; UG Library
530.143 FAR 05051466 Dynamical gauge symmetry breaking : Farhi, E. ed. World Scientific Publishing, 1982 9971950251 vii, 403p. Knowledge Centre
530.143 HWA 00138961 Relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum fields : Hwang, W.-Y. P. World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813270022 | 9813270020 Second edition for the 21st-century edition. xiii, 402 pages : UG Library
530.143 ITZ 05033699 Quantum field theory / Itzykson, Claude. Dover Publications, 2005 0486445682 (pbk.) Dover ed. xxxiv, 705 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.143 ITZ 00058403 Quantum Field Theory Itzykson, Claude New York 1980 9780070663534 705p UG Library
530.143 ITZ 05057804 Quantum field theory / Itzykson, Claude. Dover Publications, 2005 0486445682 (pbk.) | 9780486445 Dover ed. xxxiv, 705 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.143 LEH 05040855 Mathematical methods of many-body quantum field theory / Lehmann, Detlef. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2005 1584884908 (alk. paper) ix, 253 p. ; Knowledge Centre
530.143 LOP 00035155 An Introduction of Symmetry and Supersymmetry in Quantum Field Theory Lopuszanski, Jan Workd Scientific 1991 373 p. : UG Library
530.143 MAR 00106022 Feynman motives Marcolli, Matilde. World Scientific, 2010 9789814271202 (hbk.) | 9814271 xiii, 220 p. : UG Library
530.143 MOF 04008152 Reinventing gravity : Moffat, John W. Smithsonian Books/Collins, 2008 9780061170881 | 0061170887 1st ed. xiv, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.143 NIE 05052036 Selected topics in QFT and Mathematical physics / World Scientific, 1990 9810201168 xvi, 447p. Knowledge Centre
530.143 PAU 05033665 Selected topics in field quantization / Pauli, Wolfgang, Dover Publications, 2000 0486414590 (pbk.) Dover ed. x, 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.143 PAU 05047153 Towards the mathematics of quantum field theory / Paugam, Frédéric. Springer, 2014 9783319045634 (alk. paper) | 3 xvi, 487 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.143 PES 00073255 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory [ PHYSICS ] Peskin, Michael E Levant Books 8187169524 842 UG Library
530.143 PES 10000308 An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory / Peskin, Michael Edward, CRC Press, 2021 9781138329249 xxii, 842 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.143 ROT 00142645 Foundations of quantum field theory / Rothe, Klaus D. World scientific publishing co.pte.ld., 2021 9789811221927 | 9789811223006 | 9780000990365 xii,337p.; UG Library
530.143 ROV 10004714 Reality is Not What it Seems : Rovelli, Carlo, Penguin Books, 2014 9780735213920 | 0735213925 | First American edition. 254 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.143 ROV 00129536 Reality is Not What it Seems : Rovelli, Carlo, Penguin Books, 2014 9780735213920 | 0735213925 | First American edition. 254 p. : UG Library
530.143 SCH 05057716 An introduction to relativistic quantum field theory / Schweber, S. S. Dover Publications, 2005 0486442284 (pbk.) | 9780486442 xiv, 913 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.143 SCH 00142653 Mathematical foundations of quantum field theory / Schwarz,Albert. World Scientific, 2022 9780000989246 rep. xlvi,414p.; UG Library
530.143 SHA 00131154 Quantum Field Theory And Condensed Matter : Shankar, R. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781108454926 xiv, 439 p. ; UG Library
530.143 SRE 05051542 Introduction to Quantum field theory / Srednicki, Mark Allen Cambridge,, 2007 9780521864497 xxi641p. : Knowledge Centre
530.143 TUR 05010799 Quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds Turaev, V. G. De Gruyter, 2010 2nd rev. ed. xii, 592 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.143 WEI 10000824 The quantum theory of fields / Weinberg, Steven, Cambridge University Press, 1995 0521550017 (v. 1) | 0521550025 (v. 2) | 0521660009 (v. 3) 3 v. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.143 WEI 04016423 The quantum theory of fields / Weinberg, Steven, Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521769365 | 0521550025 (v. 2) | 0521660009 (v. 3) 489 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.143 YAU 00138314 Homotopical Quantum Field Theory / Yau,Donald. World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd., 2020 9789811212857 xi,298p.; UG Library
530.143 ZEE 00064074 Quantum Field Theory in a Nut Shell Zee, A Universities Press 2004 8173715122 518p UG Library
530.1430 HER 05067681 Lie algebras and quamtum mechanics / Hermann, Robert. W.A Benjamin INC, 1970 805339434 xvi,319p.; Knowledge Centre
530.1433 JOS 04001867 Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics and Particle Physics Joshi, Deep Chandra I K International Publishing 2008 9788188237937 550p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1433 JOS 04002651 Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics and Particle Physics Joshi, Deep Chandra I K International Publishing 2008 9788188237937 550p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1433 ELE 00136218 Quantum electrodynamics Elearning 3G E-learning, 2017 9781680955835 x,200p.; UG Library
530.1433 JOS 00143730 Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics and Particle Physics / Joshi, Deep Chandra. I K International, 2022 9789390620760 2nd ed xv, 653p ,; UG Library
530.1433 SCH 05057723 Finite quantum electrodynamics : Scharf, G. Dover, 2014 9780486492735 (pbk.) | 0486492 Third edition. ii, 416 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.1433 SIM 00125128 Forces of The Quantum Vacuum : Simpson, William M. R World Scientific, 2015 9789814632904 | 9789814632911 x, 264 pages : UG Library
530.1435 AKH 05067440 Gauge theories, past and future : World Scientific, 1992 9810210280 (hb) | 9810210299 (sb) x, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.1435 BAI 04012513 Introduction to Gauge Field Theory / Bailin, David. Overseas Press ; 2004 0852748175 | 0852748183 (pbk.) Rev. ed. xv, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1435 BRI 05065569 Proceedings of the Conference on 60 years of Yang-Mills gauge field theories : World Scientific, 2016 9789814725545 | 9814725544 | 9789814725552 | 9814725552 xvii, 521p.; Knowledge Centre
530.1435 HOO 05067343 50 years of Yang-Mills theory / World Scientific, 2005 9789812389343 (hbk.) | 9812389342 (hbk.) | 9789812560070 (pbk.) | 9812560076 (pbk.) ix, 487 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.144 FET 05057751 Quantum theory of many-particle systems / Fetter, Alexander L., Dover Publications, 2003 0486428273 (pbk.) | 9780486428 xvi, 601 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.144 FET 05033479 Quantum theory of many-particle systems / Fetter, Alexander L., Dover Publications, 2003 0486428273 (pbk.) | 9780486428 xvi, 601 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.144 MAT 04015393 A guide to Feynman diagrams in the many-body problem / Mattuck, Richard D. Dover Publications, 1992 0486670473 (pbk.) : 2nd ed. xv, 429 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 AGO 04001069 Methods of Solving Mathematical Physics Problems Agoshkov, V I Viva Books 2008 8130909731 320p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 BER 04005480 Mathematical Physics for Engineers Bera, R K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122422276 183 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 BER 04005479 Mathematical Physics for Engineers Bera, R K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122422276 183 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 DAS 00081466 Mathematical Physics. Dass, H K S Chand 2007 8121914698 1216p UG Library
530.15 DAS 00081467 Mathematical Physics. Dass, H K S Chand 2007 8121914698 1216p UG Library
530.15 DAS 00081468 Mathematical Physics. Dass, H K S Chand 2007 8121914698 1216p UG Library
530.15 ELE 00136215 Mathematical methods of physics Elearning 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680955842 xii,222p.; UG Library
530.15 HAR 00033802 Introduction to Mathematical Physics Harper,Charlie. Prentice -Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1976 301 p. UG Library
530.15 HAR 00035029 Introduction to Mathematical Physics Harper,Charlie. Prentice -Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1976 301 p. UG Library
530.15 HAR 00035031 Introduction to Mathematical Physics Harper,Charlie. Prentice -Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1976 301 p. UG Library
530.15 HAR 00035030 Introduction to Mathematical Physics Harper,Charlie. Prentice -Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1976 301 p. UG Library
530.15 KAL 10001120 Mathematical Physics : Kalkani, SL. CBS Publishers, 2018 9789386478238 3rd ed. xiv, 919p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.15 KAL 10001121 Mathematical Physics : Kalkani, SL. CBS Publishers, 2018 9789386478238 3rd ed. xiv, 919p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.15 KAL 10001122 Mathematical Physics : Kalkani, SL. CBS Publishers, 2018 9789386478238 3rd ed. xiv, 919p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.15 RIL 04000018 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering / Riley, K F Cambridge University Press, 2008 0521612969 1232 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 SIN 04003102 Encyclopaedia of Applied Physics Singh, Manpal Anmol Publications 2008 8126130865 319 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 SIN 04003103 Encyclopaedia of Applied Physics Singh, Manpal Anmol Publications 2008 8126130865 319 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 SIN 04003101 Encyclopaedia of Applied Physics Singh, Manpal Anmol Publications 2008 8126130865 319 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 STE 10000645 Problems And Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics / Steeb, Willi Hans. Sarat Books, 2001 8187169109 | 9788187169116 2 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.15 STE 10000646 Problems And Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics / Steeb, Willi Hans. Sarat Books, 2001 8187169109 | 9788187169116 2 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.15 VER 04004240 Computationsl Physics: An Introduction Verma, R C New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122416596 377 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 VER 04004241 Computationsl Physics: An Introduction Verma, R C New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122416596 377 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 WAN 00130554 International young physicists' tournament : Wang, Sihui, World scientific publishing, 2018 9789813225916 viii, 168 pages : UG Library
530.15 WEB 04002696 Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists Weber, Hans J Academic Press 2008 9788181476166 932 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 ALI 00105434 Contributions in mathematical physics: Ali,Twareque .S Hindustan Book Agency, 2007 9788185931791 (alk. paper) | 8 xviii, 217 p. : UG Library
530.15 ALT 00137697 Mathematics for Physicists : Altland,Alexander. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108471220 xxi,700p.; UG Library
530.15 ARF 04012653 Mathematical Methods for Physicists : Arfken, B. George. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269558 Seventh Edition. 1205 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 ARF 00055988 Mathematical Methods for Physicists Arfken, George B Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670712 5th ed. 1108 UG Library
530.15 ARF 00055989 Mathematical Methods for Physicists Arfken, George B Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670712 5th ed. 1108 UG Library
530.15 ARF 00055990 Mathematical Methods for Physicists Arfken, George B Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670712 5th ed. 1108 UG Library
530.15 ARF 04007782 Mathematical Methods for Physicists / Arfken, George B Elsevier, 2008 9788131200803 6th ed. 1182 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 ARF 04000666 Mathematical Methods for Physicists / Arfken, George B Elsevier, 2008 9788131200803 6th ed. 1182 p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 ARF 00141087 Mathematical Methods for Physicists : Arfken, B. George. Elsevier ; 2012 9789381269558 Seventh Edition. 1205 p.: UG Library
530.15 ARF 04027175 Mathematical Methods for Physicists / Arfken, George B. Elsevier, 2005 9789381269282 1182p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 ARF 00039781 Mathematical Methods for Physicists Arfken, George B Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670712 5th ed. 1108 UG Library
530.15 ARF 00052586 Mathematical Methods for Physicists Arfken, George B Harcourt India Private Limited 2001 8178670712 5th ed. 1108 UG Library
530.15 BAB 00142654 Mathematical methods for physicists Babusci, Danilo World sicentific publishing, 2020 9780000988904 xiv,463p.; UG Library
530.15 BAL 00130014 Mathematical Physics Balakrishnan.V. Ane Books Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789386761118 xxvi,852 p.: UG Library
530.15 BAN 00021049 Introduction to Mathematical Physics Band, William Affiliated East West Press 1970 326 p UG Library
530.15 BAR 05051528 Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics Barenblatt, G. I. Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521435161 (hardcover) | 05214 xv, 386 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.15 BAR 00109144 Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics Barenblatt, G. I. Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521435161 (hardcover) | 05214 xv, 386 p. : UG Library
530.15 BAS 00120031 The origin of discrete particles / Bastin, Ted. World Scientific, 2009 9789814261678 (hardcover : alk x, 180 p. ; UG Library
530.15 BAY 04010461 Mathematical methods in science and engineering / Bayin, Ş. Selçuk, Wiley-Interscience, 2006 9788126529681 xxvii, 679 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 BER 10000337 Mathematical Physic for Engineers / Beera R.K. New Age International (P) Ltd, 2017 9788122428209 2nd Ed. xvii,228p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.15 BER 05040267 Mathematical Physics for Engineers / Bera R.K New Age International(P)Limited Publishers, 2008 9788122422276 183p.: Knowledge Centre
530.15 BLE 00130595 Mathematical Methods For Physics And Engineering / Blennow, Mattias, CRC Press, 2018 9781138056909 | 1138056901 | 9 xvii, 710 p. : UG Library
530.15 BYR 05057734 Mathematics of classical and quantum physics / Byron, Frederick W. Dover Publications, 1992 048667164X (pbk.) | 9780486671 2 v. in 1 : Knowledge Centre
530.15 CAH 05032474 Physical mathematics Cahill, Kevin, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107005211 (hardback) xvii,666p.; Knowledge Centre
530.15 CAH 05059301 Physical mathematics Cahill, Kevin, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107005211 (hardback) xvii,666p.; Knowledge Centre
530.15 CAN 04000017 Modern Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineering / Cantrell, C D Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521865234 763p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 CAN 04015338 Modern Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers / Cantrell, C.D Cambridge University Press, 2000 9780521670494 763 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 CAN 04001227 Modern Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineering / Cantrell, C D Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521865234 763p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 CHA 00093554 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhyay P.K. New Age International 1990 9788122402834 1st Ed. 352 p. UG Library
530.15 CHA 00093553 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhyay P.K. New Age International 1990 9788122402834 1st Ed. 352 p. UG Library
530.15 CHA 00067009 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhayay P. K. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1990 81222402836 352 p. UG Library
530.15 CHA 00055994 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhayay P. K. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1990 81222402836 352 p. UG Library
530.15 CHA 00055995 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhayay P. K. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1990 81222402836 352 p. UG Library
530.15 CHA 00035032 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhayay P. K. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1990 81222402836 352 p. UG Library
530.15 CHA 00145897 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhyay, P. K. New Age Publishers, 2023 9789393159861 3rd ed, xii,356p. ; UG Library
530.15 CHA 00035033 Mathematical Physics Chattopadhayay P. K. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1990 81222402836 352 p. UG Library
530.15 CHA 00147764 Mathematical Physics and Newtonian Mechanics/ Chandra, Suresh Pearson, 2023 9789357053242 xviii,496p. ; UG Library
530.15 CHA 00125992 An Introducation to Mathematical Physics Chandra, Suresh Narosa, 2013 9788184872385 458 p.: UG Library
530.15 DAS 00122647 Higher mathematical physics Dass, H K S Chand & Company 2014 9789383746774 1500p. UG Library
530.15 DEN 04019070 Mathematics for physicists / Dennery, Philippe. Dover Publications, 1996 0486691934 (pbk.) Dover ed. xiii, 384 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 DEV 04007408 A first course in computational physics / Devries, Paul L. Jones & Bartlett, 2011 9789380108940 2nd ed. x, 433p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 DEV 41000060 A first course in computational physics / Devries, Paul L. Jones & Bartlett, 2011 9789380108940 2nd ed. x, 433p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 DEV 04021080 A first course in computational physics / DeVries, Paul L., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763773144 (hardcover) | 07 2nd ed. x, 433 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 FIT 00048181 Principles of Quantum Mechanics as Applied to Chemistry and Chemical Physic Fitts, D Donald 0521658411 338 p UG Library
530.15 FLY 00135898 Physical Mathematics / Willford Press, 2019 9781682855911 204p.; UG Library
530.15 FRA 00124080 Computational methods for physics / Franklin, Joel, CUP, 2013 9781107034303 | 9781316612187 400p. : UG Library
530.15 FRA 04025267 Computational methods for physics / Franklin, Joel, CUP, 2013 9781107034303 | 9781316612187 400p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 GAP 05049364 Nonlinearities in action : Gaponov-Grekhov, A. V. Springer-Verlag, 1992 3540519882 (Berlin) | 03875198 xi, 191 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.15 GHA 00071863 Mathematical Physics: Differential Equations and Transform Theory: Ghatak, A K 0333925483 612p UG Library
530.15 GHA 00071864 Mathematical Physics: Differential Equations and Transform Theory: Ghatak, A K 0333925483 612p UG Library
530.15 GHA 00143540 Mathematical Physics : Ghatak, A.K. Trinity, 2017 9789386202017 xv,610p, ; UG Library
530.15 GHA 00039782 Mathematical Physics Ghatak, A K Macmillan 1995 613 p.: UG Library
530.15 GOS 00121682 Mathematical Physics Goswami Partha Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517864 xi,:557 p.: UG Library
530.15 GRE 00048183 Quantum Mechanics: an Introduction. Greiner, Walter Springer 1999 3540780459 444 p UG Library
530.15 GUH 00108838 Statisticals Mechanics Guha,Evelyn Narosa Publishing House 2008 9788173197482 x; 246 p. UG Library
530.15 GUI 05057759 Theory of linear physical systems : Guillemin, Ernst A. Dover, 2013 9780486497747 (pbk.) | 0486497 Dover edition. xvii, 586 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.15 GUP 00128127 Mathematical physics Gupta B D Vikas Publishing House 2016 9788125930969 4th ed. 15.120p UG Library
530.15 GUP 00029170 Mathematical Physics Gupta, B D Vikas Publishing 1997 0706996836 2nd 1238 p UG Library
530.15 GUP 00016415 Mathematical Physics Gupta, B D Vikas Publishing 1997 0706996836 2nd 1238 p UG Library
530.15 GUP 00029066 Mathematical Physics Gupta, B D Vikas Publishing 1997 0706996836 2nd 1238 p UG Library
530.15 GUP 00045988 Mathematical Physics Gupta, B D Vikas Publishing 1997 0706996836 2nd 1238 p UG Library
530.15 GUP 00045989 Mathematical Physics Gupta, B D Vikas Publishing 1997 0706996836 2nd 1238 p UG Library
530.15 GUP 00108246 Fundamentals Of Mathematical Physics Gupta A.B. Books And Allied Pvt Ltd 2010 9788187134237 3rd Ed. xii; 629 p. UG Library
530.15 GUP 00123363 Fundamentals Of Mathematical Physics Gupta A.B. Books And Allied Pvt Ltd 2010 9788187134237 3rd Ed. xii; 629 p. UG Library
530.15 GUP 00027994 Mathematical Physics Gupta, B D Vikas Publishing 1997 0706996836 2nd 1238 p UG Library
530.15 HAR 00026112 Introduction to Mathematical Physics Harper,Charlie. Prentice -Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1976 301 p. UG Library
530.15 HOC 00143868 Statistical and Thermal Physics An Introducation / Hoch, Michael J R. CRC press, 2021 9780367464103 xxii,326p,; UG Library
530.15 HOO 05067444 Under the spell of the gauge principle / Hooft, G. 't. World Scientific, 1994 9789810213091 xi, 683p.; Knowledge Centre
530.15 JHA 00132606 Course in Mathematical Methods for Physicists: Jha, Naveen Kumar,, Oxford Book Company, 2018 9789350303368 viii,296 p.; UG Library
530.15 JOG 00064070 Mathematical Physics: the Basics Joglekar, S D Universities Press 2004 8173714223 246p UG Library
530.15 JOG 00064071 Mathematical Physics: the Basics Joglekar, S D Universities Press 2004 8173714223 246p UG Library
530.15 KAK 00037087 Mathematical Physics Kakani, S L Himalaya 8174930418 798 p UG Library
530.15 KAK 00069191 Mathematical Physics Kakani, S L Himalaya 8174930418 798 p UG Library
530.15 KAK 04010812 Mathematical Physics/ Kakani S.L CBS Publishers Distributors, 2004 9788123910598 2nd Ed. xi,938 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 KAK 00039798 Mathematical Physics Kakani, S L Himalaya 8174930418 798 p UG Library
530.15 KAK 05026770 Mathematical Physics Kakani, S L Himalaya 8174930418 798 p Knowledge Centre
530.15 KAM 00046014 Electronics and Mathematical Data Book Kamble, S S Allied Publications 1997 8170236207 168 p.: UG Library
530.15 KAM 00046015 Electronics and Mathematical Data Book Kamble, S S Allied Publications 1997 8170236207 168 p.: UG Library
530.15 KIC 00093629 Fuchsian Reduction:Applications to geometry cosmology and mathematical physics Kichenassamy,Satyanad Birkhouser 9788184893830 289p UG Library
530.15 KIC 00093630 Fuchsian Reduction:Applications to geometry cosmology and mathematical physics Kichenassamy,Satyanad Birkhouser 9788184893830 289p UG Library
530.15 KOM 05057758 Theoretical physics / Kompaneet︠s︡, A. S. (Aleksandr Solomonovich) Dover, 2012 9780486609720 2nd ed. 592p.; Knowledge Centre
530.15 KRA 05057729 Fundamentals of mathematical physics / Kraut, Edgar A. Dover Publications, 2007 0486458091 (pbk.) | 9780486458 Dover ed. xiii, 466 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.15 LAI 04012530 Methods of mathematical physics / Liu, Lianshou. Overseas press, 2007 9788188689750 p. cm. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 LAK 00095597 Nonlinear Dynamic: Lakshman.M Springer 9788181280121 619P UG Library
530.15 LAN 00133932 A FORTRAN course Ratzer, Gerald F. G. Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada; distributed in the U.S. by Winston Press [Minneapolis, Minn., 1972 0039281159 ix, 211 p. UG Library
530.15 LAN 04012462 A Survey of Computational Physics / Landau, H. Rubin Overseas Press ; 2011 9788189938703 658 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 LAS 05033612 Elements of pure and applied mathematics / Lass, Harry. Dover Publications, 2009 9780486471860 | 0486471861 Dover ed. xi, 491 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.15 LEB 05049547 Problems of mathematical physics Lebedev, N. N. Prentice-Hall 1965 Rev., enl. and corrected English ed. xi, 429 p. Knowledge Centre
530.15 LEG 05049366 Transform calculus for electrical engineers Legros, Roger. Prentice-Hall, 1961 342 p. Knowledge Centre
530.15 LIA 00077951 Methods of Mathematical Physics. Lianshou, Liu Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689750 404p UG Library
530.15 LIA 00077952 Methods of Mathematical Physics. Lianshou, Liu Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689750 404p UG Library
530.15 LIA 00077953 Exercise in Mathematical Physics. Lianshou, Liu Overseas Press India Pvt Ltd 2007 320p UG Library
530.15 LIA 00077954 Exercise in Mathematical Physics. Lianshou, Liu Overseas Press India Pvt Ltd 2007 320p UG Library
530.15 LIA 04009939 Exercise in Mathematical Physics. Lianshou, Liu Overseas Press India Pvt Ltd 2007 320p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 LIN 00055187 Mathematical Methods in Physics Lindenbaum, Samul D Allied 8177643185 463p UG Library
530.15 LIN 00061755 Mathematical Methods in Physics Lindenbaum, Samul D Allied 8177643185 463p UG Library
530.15 LOH 00137915 Computational Methods for Physics / Lohar,Debasish. Scientific International (Pvt)Ltd, 2019 9789388716178 xiii,330p.; UG Library
530.15 LOK 00037673 Statistical and Thermal Physics An Introducation Lokanathan, S Prentice-Hall of India 1991 vii, 272 p.: UG Library
530.15 LOK 00037674 Statistical and Thermal Physics An Introducation Lokanathan, S Prentice-Hall of India 1991 vii, 272 p.: UG Library
530.15 MAT 05068729 Mathematical methods of physics / Mathews, Jon. W A Benjamin, 1979 2nd Ed xiii,501p.; Knowledge Centre
530.15 MAU 00129562 Introduction to methods of approximation in physics and astronomy. Springer 2017 9789811029318 345p. UG Library
530.15 MEH 00132903 Quantum mechanics Mehta,Maharshi A. Rawat prakshan, 2018 9789386687579 192p.; UG Library
530.15 MIT 04002800 Computational Physics Mittal, V K Ane Books 2008 9788180522383 280 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 NAP 00147777 A short introduction to mathematical concepts in physics / Napolitano, Jim CRC Press, 2024 9781032404301 First edition. xv,226p. : UG Library
530.15 PAL 00108839 An Introductoy Course Of Statistical Mechanics Pal Palash B. Narosa Publishing House 2008 9788173198649 xxii;372 p. UG Library
530.15 PAR 04018970 Advanced Signal Analysis and its Applications to Mathematical Physics / Parthasarathy, Harish I K International Publishing, 2009 9789380026541 704p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 PET 00142640 A guide to mathematical methods for physicists : Petrini, Michela World Scientific, 2020 9781786345486 | 9780000988386 ix, 295 p.: UG Library
530.15 PRA 00143539 Mathematical Physics : Prakash, Satya. Sultan chand and sons, 2021 9788180549281 xl,1687p, ; UG Library
530.15 PRA 00039787 Mathematical Physics Prakash, Satya Sultan Chand 1996 1174 p UG Library
530.15 REI 00055928 Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics Reif, Federick Singapore 1985 0007085615 651 p UG Library
530.15 REI 00037656 Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics Reif, Federick Singapore 1985 0007085615 651 p UG Library
530.15 RIL 04009482 Mathematical methods for physics and engineering / Riley, K. F. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521139878 | 0521679710 (pbk.) | 9780521861533 | 9780521679718 3rd ed. xxvii, 1333 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 ROM 00137693 Classical mechanics with mathematica / Romano,Antonio. Birkhauser, 2018 9783319775944 2nd edition xvi,644p.; UG Library
530.15 SAG 00017597 Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems in Mathematical Physics Sagan, Hans JOHN WILEY 1961 381 p.: UG Library
530.15 SAX 04023247 Mathematical Physics / Saxena, A.K Narosa publication, 2015 9788184873368 v p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 SHA 05067443 Geometric phases in physics / Shapere, Alfred. World Scientific, 1989 9971505991 | 9971506211 (pbk.) xiv, 509p.; Knowledge Centre
530.15 SHR 04021590 Concepts in Mathematical Physics / Shrivastava, Sarita Anmol Publication, 2013 9788126153602 184 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 SIN 00033821 Quantum Mechanics Singh, S P S Chand 1990 183 p.: UG Library
530.15 STE 00142662 Theoretical and mathematical physics : Steeb, Willi.-Hans., world scientific publishing, 2020 9789813275379 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9813275375 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813275966 (pbk.) | 9780000989116 x, 723 pages ; UG Library
530.15 STE 00073265 Problems And Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics / Steeb, Willi Hans. Sarat Books, 2001 8187169109 | 9788187169116 2 v.; UG Library
530.15 STO 00092007 Mathematics for physics : Stone, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 9780521854030 (hbk.) | 0521854 xiii, 806 p. : UG Library
530.15 TIK 00125204 Equations of mathematical physics / Tikhonov, A. N. Dover Publications, 1990 0486664228 (pbk.) | 9780486664 xvi, 765 p. : UG Library
530.15 TIK 05057721 Equations of mathematical physics / Tikhonov, A. N. Dover Publications, 1990 0486664228 (pbk.) | 9780486664 xvi, 765 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.15 VAU 04022470 Introduction to mathematical physics / Vaughn, Michael T. Wiley-VCH, 2007 9783527406272 | 9788126540655 xiv, 527 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 VAU 05044147 Introduction to mathematical physics / Vaughn, Michael T. Wiley-VCH, 2007 9783527406272 | 9788126540655 xiv, 527 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.15 VER 00045985 Mathematical Physics Verma, P D S Vikas 1997 8125904085 818 p.: UG Library
530.15 VER 41000085 Computationsl Physics: An Introduction Verma, R C New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122416596 377 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 VER 41000086 Computationsl Physics: An Introduction Verma, R C New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122416596 377 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15 WEB 00069959 Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists Weber, Arker Acadmic Press 2004 8181476166 | 9788181476166 xxii, 932 p.: UG Library
530.15 WIP 00144703 Statistical approach to Quantum Field Theory : Wipf, Andreas Springer, 2021 9783030832629 2nd ed. xxiv,554p, ; UG Library
530.15 YOU 05054410 Variational principles in dynamics and quantum theory / Yourgrau, Wolfgang. Dover Publications, 1968 0486637735 : xiii, 201 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.151 ABH 00102172 An Overview of Basic Theoretical Physics Abhyankar Universities Press, 9788173716553 xv, 493 p UG Library
530.151 LIN 00007415 Introduction to Physical Statistics Lindsay, Robert Bruce. Dover Publications Inc 1941 306 p. UG Library
530.1518 00117127 Multiphysics modeling using COMSOL Pryor, Roger W. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 82p. UG Library
530.1518 PRY 04017944 Multiphysics modeling using COMSOL : Pryor, Roger W. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763779993 (casebound) | 07 xviii, 852 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1518 PRY 00117802 Multiphysics modeling using COMSOL Pryor, Roger W. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9789380298603 xviii:852 p.; UG Library
530.1522 DUF 05057621 Applied group theory : Duffey, George H. Dover, 1992 9780486783147 | 0486783146 Dover edition. ix, 373 pages ; Knowledge Centre
530.1522 MAZ 00088234 Problems & Solutions in Group Theory for Physicists. Ma, Qi-Zhong World Scientific Publishing Co Pte.Ltd. ISB9812388338 464p UG Library
530.15535 HOW 05051626 Practical applied mathematics : Howison, Sam. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521842743 | 0521603692 (pbk.) xiv, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.15535 HOW 00099742 Practical applied mathematics : Howison, Sam. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521842743 | 0521603692 (pbk.) xiv, 326 p. : UG Library
530.155353 GUE 05057744 Partial differential equations of mathematical physics and integral equations / Guenther, Ronald B. Dover Publications, 1996 0486688895 (pbk.) | 9780486688 Dover ed. xii, 562 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.155353 LI 05041779 Physics and partial differential equations / Li, Tatsien Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ; | Higher Education Press, 2012 9781611972269 | 1611972264 x, 264 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.1553533 BER 05033671 Kernel functions and elliptic differential equations in mathematical physics / Bergman, Stefan, Dover Publications, 2005 0486445534 (pbk.) | 9780486445 423 p. Knowledge Centre
530.1553533 BER 05042400 Kernel functions and elliptic differential equations in mathematical physics / Bergman, Stefan, Dover Publications, 2005 0486445534 (pbk.) xiii,432p.: Knowledge Centre
530.1553533 BER 00120264 Kernel functions and elliptic differential equations in mathematical physics / Bergman, Stefan, Dover Publications, 2005 0486445534 (pbk.) | 9780486445 423 p. UG Library
530.155355 VAJ 04028857 Keller-box method and its application / Vajravelu, K., Walter de Gruyter & Co., 2014 9783110271379 | 3110271370 (hb xi, 401 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.15563 FLE 04017490 A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors / Fleisch, Daniel CUP, 2012 9781107608689 197p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1557 JAN 00103051 Methods of spectral analysis in mathematical physics : Janas, Jan. 9783764387549 (alk. paper) | 9 vi, 443 p. ; UG Library
530.15636 ALD 00135281 An introduction to geometrical physics / Aldrovandi, R. World scientific publishing, 2017 9789813146808 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 981314680X (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813146815 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9813146818 (pbk : alk. paper) Second edition. xxvi, 817 pages ; UG Library
530.15636 CAR 00146211 mathematical Concepts in Geometrical Physics Carter, Josef Oxford, 2024 9789355240620 viii,312p. ; UG Library
530.1582 LAN 00118993 A guide to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics Landau, David P. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521768481 (hbk.) | 0521768 3rd ed. xv:471p.; UG Library
530.15828 LAX 00126128 Random Processes in Physics and Finance Lax Melvin Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199673803 xiii, 327 p.: UG Library
530.15828 LAX 00130629 Random Processes in Physics and Finance Lax Melvin Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199673803 xiii, 327 p.: UG Library
530.1592 REF 04010476 Noise theory and application to physics : Réfrégier, Philippe. Springer, 2004 0387201548 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiii, 288 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1595 SAL 04005496 Introduction to Statistical Physics Salinas, Silvio R A Springer International 2001 9788181281968 377 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1595 HUA 04013158 Introduction to statistical physics / Huang, Kerson, CRC Press, 2010 9781420079029 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. xiii, 318 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1595 VAS 05054299 Introduction to statistical physics / Vasilyev,A.M. MIr Publishers, 1980 359p.; Knowledge Centre
530.1595076 LAN 05057748 Problems in thermodynamics and statistical physics / Dover, 1971 9780486780757 (paperback) | 04 Dover edition. viii, 573 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.15JOG1 00083279 Mathematical Physics: Advanced Topics Joglekar, S D Universities Press 253p UG Library
530.15JOG1 00083278 Mathematical Physics: Advanced Topics Joglekar, S D Universities Press 253p UG Library
530.16 TAY 00117112 An introduction to error analysis : Taylor, John R. University Science Books, 1997 9780935702422 | 093570275X (pb 2nd ed. xvii, 327 p. : UG Library
530.18 GUS 00104010 Analysis and mathematical physics / Gustafsson, Bjorn, Birkhäuser, 2009 9783764399054 (hbk.) | 3764399 viii, 514 p. : UG Library
530.181 HOO 04003228 Solid State Physics Hook, J R Willey Publication 2008 9780471928058 474 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.1GUP 00027993 Mathematical Physics Guptha, B D UG Library
530.1HAR2 00033842 Introduction to Modern Theoretical Physics Edward Harris, G John 383 p UG Library
530.1LEA 00062805 Mathematics for Physicists Lea, M Susan Thomson 2004 602p UG Library
530.2 GIB 00042343 Advanced Physics Gibbs, Keith 0521567017 493p UG Library
530.2 GIB 00047840 Advanced Physics Gibbs, Keith 0521567017 493p UG Library
530.2 GIB 00052237 Advanced Physics Gibbs, Keith 0521567017 493p UG Library
530.2 GIB 00054891 Advanced Physics Gibbs, Keith 0521567017 493p UG Library
530.2 GIB 00068572 Advanced Physics Gibbs, Keith 0521567017 493p UG Library
530.2 GIB 00052238 Advanced Physics Gibbs, Keith 0521567017 493p UG Library
530.2 LAH 00083276 Statistical Mechanics: An Elementary Outline: Lahiri, Avijit Universities Press 8173716145 290p UG Library
530.2 ZHD 00021997 Physics for Technician Zhdanov, L S Moscow 1980 650p. UG Library
530.22 CUL 00106904 Physics Cullen, Katherine Ph.D Viva Books 2007 0816054630 (hardcover : acidfr xviii, 174 p. : UG Library
530.3 ANM 00047841 Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Physics Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104724 244 p UG Library
530.3 ARO 00115151 Dictionary of Physics Arora, Deepak A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2004 8174732160 424p UG Library
530.3 ARO 04024924 Dictionary of Physics: Arora, Deepak Er A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors, 2004 8174732160 | 9788174732163 424p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.3 BHA 00086223 Encyclopaedia of Physics Bhardwaj, Anandi Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126128380 288 p UG Library
530.3 HAW 00115176 Penguin Dictionary of Physics Hawking, Stephen 2003 0140514597 496p UG Library
530.3 PAR 00058402 Dictionary of Physics. Parker, P Sybil 0070524297 498p UG Library
530.3 RAO 00115154 Dictionary of Physics Rao, Aman Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 1987 8126119411 300p UG Library
530.3 SHA 00115155 Dictionary of Physics Sharma, L K Sahni 2002 8175640804 282p UG Library
530.33 KUC 00027941 Physics of Waves Kuchela, K N Prasaranga 1990 107 p.: UG Library
530.39873 NAR 00003628 PUC Physics Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 1969 350 p UG Library
530.4 CHA 00053171 Why Things Are the Way They Are/ Chandrashekar, B S Cambridge University Press 2002 0521456606 | 9780521456609 254p UG Library
530.4 FEY 04000492 Lectures on Physics / Feynman, Richard P Narosa Publishing House, 2008 9788185015828 608 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.4 FEY 04000604 Lectures on Physics / Feynman, Richard P Narosa Publishing House, 2008 9788185015828 608 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.4 FEY 04000605 Lectures on Physics / Feynman, Richard P Narosa Publishing House, 2008 9788185015828 608 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.4 SOP 04005769 Classical Field Theory Soper, Davision E Dover Publications 2008 9780486462608 259 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.4 TIN 00135008 Introduction To Superconductivity/ Tinkham Michael Medtech, 2017 9780486467399 | 9789385998737 viii,296p.; UG Library
530.4 BAL 00001294 Properties of Matter Bali, R N Atma Ram & Sons 1942 483 p.: UG Library
530.4 BAR 04012558 States of Matter, States of Mind / Barton, Allan. Overseas Press ; 2005 9798188689186 384 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.4 BER 00138083 Plasma Physics and Fusion Plasma Electrodynamics / Bers,Abraham. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198812630 xlix,1199p.; UG Library
530.4 BER 00138084 Plasma Physics and Fusion Plasma Electrodynamics / Bers,Abraham. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198812647 xlix,2511p.; UG Library
530.4 CHA 00063547 Why Things Are the Way They Are/ Chandrashekar, B S Cambridge University Press 2002 0521456606 | 9780521456609 254p UG Library
530.4 FIN 00130597 Condensed-matter physics / Finley, Jaron C Willford Press, 2017 9781682853658 234 p. : UG Library
530.4 FLO 00033806 Properties of Matter Flowers, B H John Wiley 1970 320 p.: UG Library
530.4 FRE 00119865 Physics of Functional Materials Fredriksson, Hasse. Wiley india Pvt, 2008 9788126553600 viii, 480 p. : UG Library
530.4 FRE 00119866 Physics of Functional Materials Fredriksson, Hasse. Wiley india Pvt, 2008 9788126553600 viii, 480 p. : UG Library
530.4 GOO 00039806 States of Matter Goodstein, L David DOVER 500 p UG Library
530.4 GOO 05057755 States of matter / Goodstein, David L., Dover, 1985 048664927X (pbk.) | 9780486649 Dover ed. xii, 500 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.4 GUL 00010091 Fundamentals of General Properties of Matter Gulati, H R R Chand & Co. 1978 440 p.: UG Library
530.4 KHA 00026121 A Textbook of General Properties of Matter Khare, N S Atmaram 1983 447 p.: UG Library
530.4 KHA 00026001 Text Book of General Properties of Matter Khare, N.S Atma Ram 1983 2nd 447 p.: UG Library
530.4 KIT 00126600 Quantum Theory of Solids. C.Kittel Wiley India, 2015 9788126554997 2nd ed, xiii, 425 p.: UG Library
530.4 KIT 00126601 Quantum Theory of Solids. C.Kittel Wiley India, 2015 9788126554997 2nd ed, xiii, 425 p.: UG Library
530.4 LAL 00030487 Properties of Matter Brij Lal, Eurasia Publishers, 1989 xv, 466 p,: UG Library
530.4 LAL 00026242 Properties of Matter Brij Lal, Eurasia Publishers, 1989 xv, 466 p,: UG Library
530.4 LIU 00137695 High-power laser-plasma interaction / Liu, C. S. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108480635 | 1108480632 xx, 285p.; UG Library
530.4 MAT 00001293 Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Ram Chand & Company, 1967 240 p, UG Library
530.4 MAT 00039839 Properties of Matter Mathur, D S Ram Chand & Company, 1967 240 p, UG Library
530.4 MIC 00148025 Introduction to laser-plasma interaction / Michel, Pierre Springer, 2023 9783031234231 xiv,416p. ; UG Library
530.4 MUR 00128168 Properties of matter and acoustics Murugeshan R S Chand & Co. 2016 9788121924474 130p. UG Library
530.4 NAR 00003636 General Physical and Properties of Matter Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 208 p UG Library
530.4 NAR 00003638 General Physical and Properties of Matter Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 208 p UG Library
530.4 NAR 00003634 General Physical and Properties of Matter Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 208 p UG Library
530.4 NAR 00003639 General Physical and Properties of Matter Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 208 p UG Library
530.4 NAR 00003635 General Physical and Properties of Matter Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 208 p UG Library
530.4 NAR 00003637 General Physical and Properties of Matter Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 208 p UG Library
530.4 NRC 00056475 Elementary- Particle Physics / Revealing the Secrets of Energy and Matter National Research Council Universities Press 2000 8173712727 172p UG Library
530.4 NRC 00049979 Elementary- Particle Physics / Revealing the Secrets of Energy and Matter National Research Council Universities Press 2000 8173712727 172p UG Library
530.4 ORE 00078614 Quantum Theory of Solids. O`Reilly, Eoin 2002 0074840628 249p UG Library
530.4 PRI 00146670 General Properties of Matter/ Priyadarshi, Brajesh Venus Books, 2023 9789386559920 ix,268p. ; UG Library
530.4 RAD 00014830 Numerical Problems in Properties of Matter and Sound Radhey Shyam, Meerut Rajeeva 1970 194 p.: UG Library
530.4 RED 00045862 Symmetry and Spectroscpy of Molecules Reddy, K Veera New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411428 684 p.: UG Library
530.4 RED 00145926 Symmetry and Spectroscpy of Molecules/ Reddy, K. Veera New Age International Publishers, 2023 9789393159694 3rd ed, 684 p. ; UG Library
530.4 SIM 00138953 Introductory matter physics / Simoni, Francesco, World scientific publishing, 2019 9789813235717 | 9813235713 xi,467p.; UG Library
530.4 STA 00003449 Mechanical Properties of Matter Starling, S G Mac Millan 1961 336 p.: UG Library
530.4 STA 00005036 Mechanical Properties of Matter Starling, S G Mac Millan 1961 336 p.: UG Library
530.4 STA 00003450 Mechanical Properties of Matter Starling, S G Mac Millan 1961 336 p.: UG Library
530.4 TIL 04012565 Superfluidity and Superconductivity Tilley, David R. Oversease Press ; 2005 0470867884 | 9798188689193 | 8 viii, 262 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.4 UPA 00014879 General Properties of Matter Upadhyaya, J C Ramprasad and Sons 1970 160 p.: UG Library
530.4 VEN 00038451 The Many Phases of Matter Venkataraman, G Orient Longman 1993 96 p.: UG Library
530.4 ZHO 00147246 Introduction to Soft Matter Physics/ Zhou, Liwei World Scientific, 2024 9798886130188 xxxii,320p. ; UG Library
530.401 MAD 04005630 Introduction to Solid-State Theory Madelung, Otfried Springer International 2010 9788181282378 488 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 AHA 00135290 Introduction to solid state of physics. Aharony,Amnon World scientific publishing co pte ltd., 2019 9789813272248 ix,628p.; UG Library
530.41 DOV 04002601 Structure and Dynamics: An Atomic View of Materials Dove, Martin T Oxford Universtiy Press 2003 0199545006 334 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 GOS 04004449 Thin Film Fundamentals Goswami, A New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122408584 548 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 GOS 04004450 Thin Film Fundamentals Goswami, A New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122408584 548 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 OMA 04000993 Elemetary Solid State Physics Omar, Ali M Pearson Education 2008 9788177583779 669p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PAT 04004525 Solid-State Physics: Introduction to the Theory Patterson, James D Springer International 2007 9788184891218 717 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PAT 04004526 Solid-State Physics: Introduction to the Theory Patterson, James D Springer International 2007 9788184891218 717 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 04000038 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 04004732 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 04004733 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 04005835 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 04005836 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 04005837 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 00068713 Problems and Solutions in Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 2001 8122412351 2nd ed, 454 p.: UG Library
530.41 PIL 04001971 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 SAX 04002712 Basic Solid State Physics Saxena, Kaushal Pacific Books International 2008 9788190774536 266 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 VER 04004801 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma, A R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 8122403212 464 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 VER 04004800 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics Verma, A R New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 8122403212 464 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 WAH 00131979 Solid State Physics Wahab, M A Narosa 2015 9788184874938 596 p.: UG Library
530.41 WAH 00112376 Solid State Physics / Wahab, M A Narosa Publishing House 2005 9788173196034 2nd ed. 596p. UG Library
530.41 WAH 00125988 Solid State Physics Wahab, M A Narosa 2015 9788184874938 596 p.: UG Library
530.41 AGA 00122583 Condensed Matter Physics Agarwal Kumar Atul Oxford Book Company, 2014 9789350301661 vii, 264 p.: UG Library
530.41 AGG 00122578 Solid State Physics Aggrawal, Pankaj Crescent Publishing Corporation, 2015 9788183423496 244 p:. UG Library
530.41 ALI 00060323 Elementary Solid State Physics Ali, Omar M Addison Wesley 9814053104 666p UG Library
530.41 ALI 00051487 Elementary Solid State Physics Ali, Omar M Addison Wesley 9814053104 666p UG Library
530.41 ALI 00051488 Elementary Solid State Physics Ali, Omar M Addison Wesley 9814053104 666p UG Library
530.41 ASH 00037083 Solid State Physics Ashcroft, W Neil Harcourt Brace College Publishers 1976 9780030493461 xxi, 826 p.: UG Library
530.41 ASH 00037695 Solid State Physics Ashcroft, W Neil Harcourt Brace College Publishers 1976 9780030493461 xxi, 826 p.: UG Library
530.41 ASH 00136942 Solid State Physics Ashcroft,Neil W. Brooks /Cole, 2017 9788131500521 xxi; 826 p. UG Library
530.41 ASH 00058901 Solid State Physics Ashcroft, Neil W Thomson Learning 1976 9812438645 826 p.: UG Library
530.41 ASH 00126602 Solid State Physics Ashcroft,Neil W. Brooks /Cole 1976 9788131500521 xxi; 826 p. UG Library
530.41 ASH 00126603 Solid State Physics Ashcroft,Neil W. Brooks /Cole 1976 9788131500521 xxi; 826 p. UG Library
530.41 ASH 00121523 Solid State Physics Ashcroft,Neil W. Brooks /Cole 1976 9788131500521 xxi; 826 p. UG Library
530.41 ASH 04010925 Solid State Physics Ashcroft,Neil W. Brooks /Cole 1976 9788131500521 xxi; 826 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 AZA 00055023 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA 00055021 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA 00037685 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA 00055022 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA 00055020 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA 00035977 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA 00017352 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA 00055024 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA 00045305 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 AZA. 00045306 Introduction to Solids Azaroff,Leonid V. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1997 0070992193 460 p. UG Library
530.41 BAL 00045633 Solid-State Devices and Circuits Bali, S P New Age International Publishers 1995 8122406947 375 p.: UG Library
530.41 BAS 00146486 Topological Phases in Condensed Matter Physics/ Basu, Saurabh Springer, 2023 9789819953202 xix,216p. ; UG Library
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530.41 CAZ 00124710 Understanding solid state physics problems and solutions Cazaux, Jacques Pan Stanford Publishing 2016 9789814267892 646p. UG Library
530.41 CHA 00054893 Principles of Condensed Matter Physics Chaikin, P M Cambridge University Press 1998 9788175960251 | 9788175960251 xx, 699 p.: UG Library
530.41 CHA 00045791 Principles of Condensed Matter Physics Chaikin, P M Cambridge University Press 1998 9788175960251 | 9788175960251 xx, 699 p.: UG Library
530.41 CHA 00039783 Principles of Condensed Matter Physics Chaikin, P M Cambridge University Press 1998 9788175960251 | 9788175960251 xx, 699 p.: UG Library
530.41 CHA 00045302 Principles of Condensed Matter Physics Chaikin, P M Cambridge University Press 1998 9788175960251 | 9788175960251 xx, 699 p.: UG Library
530.41 CHA 00058108 Principles of Condensed Matter Physics Chaikin, P M Cambridge University Press 1998 9788175960251 | 9788175960251 xx, 699 p.: UG Library
530.41 CHH 00122574 Principles of Condensed Matter Physics Chhikara, Baldev Singh RBSA Publishers, 2015 9788176117210 289 p:. UG Library
530.41 CHO 00035947 Thin Film Phenomenon. Chopra, K L M G H 1969 1 UG Library
530.41 CHR 00037659 Fundamentals of Solid Stete Physics Christman, J Richard John Wiley 1988 520 p UG Library
530.41 CHR 00051489 Fundamentals of Solid State Physics Christman, J Richard 0471810959 518p UG Library
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530.41 DEC 00035944 Solid State Physics J Decker, Andranus PHI 1963 1 UG Library
530.41 DEK 00054894 Solid State Physics Dekker, A J Macmillan 1993 538 p UG Library
530.41 DEK 00035935 Solid State Physics Dekker, A J Macmillan 1993 538 p UG Library
530.41 DEK 00045307 Solid State Physics Dekker, A J Macmillan 1993 538 p UG Library
530.41 E-LE 00135249 Theory, practice and techniques in solid state physics E-learning, 3G 3G E-learning, 2018 9781680949100 234 p.; UG Library
530.41 FER 04015349 Transport In Nanostructure / Ferry, David K CUP, 2009 9781107605299 659 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 GEN 05067448 Simple views on condensed matter / Gennes, Pierre-Gilles de. World Scientific, 2003 981238278X | 9812382828 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xii, 559p.; Knowledge Centre
530.41 GOS 04029480 Thin Film Fundamentals Goswami, A New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122408584 548 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 GOS 00094887 Thin Film Fundamentals Goswami A New Age International Publishers 9788122408584 548p UG Library
530.41 GRO 04017767 Solid State Physics / Grosso, Giuseppe Elesevier, 2000 9789382291060 727p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 GRO 04017768 Solid State Physics / Grosso, Giuseppe Elesevier, 2000 9789382291060 727p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 GRO 10000790 Solid State Physics / Grosso, Giuseppe Elesevier, 2000 9789382291060 727p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.41 GUH 00131274 Solid state physics: Guha,Jyotirmoy Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9788194243748 | 9789384294007 xvi,1277p.; UG Library
530.41 GUH 00131275 Solid state physics: Guha,Jyotirmoy Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9788194243748 | 9789384294007 xvi,1277p.; UG Library
530.41 GUH 00131276 Solid state physics: Guha,Jyotirmoy Books and allied pvt ltd., 2018 9788194243748 | 9789384294007 xvi,1277p.; UG Library
530.41 GUH 00146188 Solid state physics: Guha, Jyotirmoy Books and allied pvt ltd., 2019 9788194243748 2nd ed, xvi,1277p. ; UG Library
530.41 GUP 04020934 Solid State Physics / Gupta, Nisha Sonali Publications, 2012 9788184114386 313p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 GUP 00039857 Solid State Physics Gupta, S L KNATH 1996 598 p UG Library
530.41 GUP 00044899 Solid State Physics Gupta, H C Vikas Publishing 1995 0706990048 404 p.: UG Library
530.41 GUP 00044901 Solid State Physics Gupta, H C Vikas Publishing 1995 0706990048 404 p.: UG Library
530.41 GUP 00044902 Solid State Physics Gupta, H C Vikas Publishing 1995 0706990048 404 p.: UG Library
530.41 GUP 00044900 Solid State Physics Gupta, H C Vikas Publishing 1995 0706990048 404 p.: UG Library
530.41 GUP 00045986 Solid State Physics Gupta, H C Vikas Publishing 1995 0706990048 404 p.: UG Library
530.41 GUP 00045987 Solid State Physics Gupta, H C Vikas Publishing 1995 0706990048 404 p.: UG Library
530.41 GUP 00044898 Solid State Physics Gupta, H C Vikas Publishing 1995 0706990048 404 p.: UG Library
530.41 GUP 00131280 Solid state Physics and Electronics Gupta A.B Books and allied pvt ltd., 2017 9788187134831 2nd ed xv,886p.; UG Library
530.41 GUP 00131281 Solid state Physics and Electronics Gupta A.B Books and allied pvt ltd., 2017 9788187134831 2nd ed xv,886p.; UG Library
530.41 GUP 00131282 Solid state Physics and Electronics Gupta A.B Books and allied pvt ltd., 2017 9788187134831 2nd ed xv,886p.; UG Library
530.41 GUP 04010992 Elements of Solid State Physics / Gupta, Nisha Anmol Publications , 2011 9788126147687 vii, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 GUP 00037696 Solid State Physics Gupta, S L KNRN 1994 0706990048 404 p UG Library
530.41 GUP 00037697 Solid State Physics Gupta, S L Kumar K.Nath 1994 600 p UG Library
530.41 GUP 00146187 Solid State Physics and Electronics Gupta, A. B. Books & Allied (P) Ltd, 2019 9788187134831 2nd ed. xv,886p.; UG Library
530.41 GUP 00061750 Fronties in Materials Physics Gupta Sen S.P Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2002 8177643363 v. 247 p.; UG Library
530.41 GUP 00112415 Solid State Physics and Electronics / Gupta, A. B. Books & Allied (P) Ltd, 2012 9788187134831 xv,588p.; UG Library
530.41 GUP 00112416 Solid State Physics and Electronics / Gupta, A. B. Books & Allied (P) Ltd, 2012 9788187134831 xv,588p.; UG Library
530.41 HAL 00018945 Solid State Physics Hall, H E English Language Book Society and John Wiley & Sons 1978 351 p.: UG Library
530.41 HAL 00033783 Solid State Physics Hall, H.E John Wiley 1974 351 p.: UG Library
530.41 HAY 05033651 Scattering of light by crystals / Hayes, W. Wiley, 1978 0471031917 | 9780486438665 x, 360 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.41 HAY 05042381 Defects and defect processes in nonmetallic solids / Hayes, W. Dover Publications, 2004 0486434834 (pbk.) Dover edition. vii, 472 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.41 HAY 05033710 Defects and defect processes in nonmetallic solids / Hayes, W. Dover Publications, 2004 0486434834 (pbk.) Dover edition. vii, 472 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.41 HAY 00120273 Scattering of light by crystals / Hayes, W. Wiley, 1978 0471031917 | 9780486438665 x, 360 p. : UG Library
530.41 HOD 00035158 Out of the Crystal Maze Chapters from the History of Solid State Physics Hoddeson, Lillian OUP UG Library
530.41 HOF 04020818 Solid state physics : Hofmann, Philip. Wiley, 2008 9788126546718 ix, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 HOL 00142474 Understanding solid state physics / Holgate, Sharon Ann, CRC prese, 2021 9780367249854 | 9780367255282 Second edition. xxiii,367p.; UG Library
530.41 HUM 00107986 Electronic Properties of Materials Hummel E. Role Springer: 2001 34540780874 3th ed xvii, 438 p. UG Library
530.41 HUM 00107987 Electronic Properties of Materials Hummel E. Role Springer: 2001 34540780874 3th ed xvii, 438 p. UG Library
530.41 IAD 00119853 Introduction to Solid State Physics and Crystalline Nanostructures Iadonisi, Giuseppe. Springer, 2014 9788847028043 1st edition. xxiv, 685 p.: UG Library
530.41 IBA 00039801 Solid State Physics : an Introduction to Theory and Experiment Ibach, Harold Narosa 1996 339 p UG Library
530.41 IBA 00065527 Solid-State Physics. Ibach, Harald Springer 2004 8181281616 | 9788181281616 xii, 501 p.: UG Library
530.41 IBA 00065528 Solid-State Physics. Ibach, Harald Springer 2004 8181281616 | 9788181281616 xii, 501 p.: UG Library
530.41 IBA 00065529 Solid-State Physics. Ibach, Harald Springer 2004 8181281616 | 9788181281616 xii, 501 p.: UG Library
530.41 IBA 00068045 Solid-State Physics. Ibach, Harald Springer 2004 8181281616 | 9788181281616 xii, 501 p.: UG Library
530.41 IBA 00124611 Solid-state physics Ibach, Harald Springer, 2009 9783540938033 4th extensively updated and enlarged ed. 533p. UG Library
530.41 JON 05033557 Theoretical solid state physics / Jones, William, Dover Publications, 1973 0486650154 (pbk. : v. 1) : | 0 2 v. (xvi, 1301 p.) : Knowledge Centre
530.41 JON 00037700 Theoretical Solid State Physics Jones, William Dover 1973 1 UG Library
530.41 JON 00037701 Theoretical Solid State Physics Jones, William Dover 1973 1 UG Library
530.41 KAC 00068048 Solid State Physics Solid State Devices and Electronics Kachhava, C M New Age International Publishers 2003 8122415008 13.49 UG Library
530.41 KAC 00037693 Solid State Physics Kachava, C M T M H 222 p UG Library
530.41 KAK 00026118 Solid State Physics Kakani, S L S C 1985 590 p UG Library
530.41 KAS 00137587 Applications of Fourier Transform / Kashyap,Ramesh Chandra. Random Publications, 2019 9789352691388 viii,319p.; UG Library
530.41 KAV 00121690 Solid State Physics Kavitha, C Manglam Publications, 2015 9789382983415 241 p:. UG Library
530.41 KHO 00120155 Basic Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Solids : Khomskii, Daniel, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521835213 xiv, 301 p. : UG Library
530.41 KIT 00016625 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kittel, C Wiley Eastern University, 1969 5th ed, 599 p.: UG Library
530.41 KIT 00017354 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kittel, C Wiley Eastern University, 1969 5th ed, 599 p.: UG Library
530.41 KIT 04001121 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kittel, C Wiley Eastern University, 1969 5th ed, 599 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 KIT 00060209 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kittel, C Wiley Eastern University, 1969 5th ed, 599 p.: UG Library
530.41 KIT 00060728 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kittel, C Wiley Eastern University, 1969 5th ed, 599 p.: UG Library
530.41 KIT 00024882 Solid State Physics Kittel, C 1 UG Library
530.41 KIT 00037684 Introducation To Solid State Physics Kittel Charles John Wiely & Sons Inc, 1991 6th ed, x, 646 p.: UG Library
530.41 KIT 04023833 Introduction to Solid State Physics / Kittel, Charles Wiley, 2005 9788126535187 680p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 KIT 04023834 Introduction to Solid State Physics / Kittel, Charles Wiley, 2005 9788126535187 680p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 KIT 00030484 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kittel, C Wiley Eastern University, 1969 5th ed, 599 p.: UG Library
530.41 KIT 00139630 Introduction to Solid State Physics / Kittel, Charles Wiley india pvt ltd., 2020 9788126578436 xix,692p.; UG Library
530.41 KIT 00139631 Introduction to Solid State Physics / Kittel, Charles Wiley india pvt ltd., 2020 9788126578436 xix,692p.; UG Library
530.41 KIT 04020190 Introduction to Solid State Physics / Kittel, Charles Wiley, 2005 9788126535187 680p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 KIT 00037085 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kittel, C Wiley Eastern University, 1969 5th ed, 599 p.: UG Library
530.41 KUM 04011173 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kumar, Arun PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9788120340701 xiii, 492 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 KUM 00102160 Introduction to Solid State Physics Kumar, Arun PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9788120340701 xiii, 492 p. UG Library
530.41 LIP 00085139 Modern Many-Particle Physics: Atomic Gases Nan Strutures and Quantum Liquids . Lipprani, Enrico World Scientific 2008 9789812709318 582p UG Library
530.41 MAD 00065759 Introduction to Solid State Theory / Madelung, Otfried Springer 2004 0818128237 488p UG Library
530.41 MAD 00065520 Introduction to Solid State Theory / Madelung, Otfried Springer 2004 0818128237 488p UG Library
530.41 MAD 00065521 Introduction to Solid State Theory / Madelung, Otfried Springer 2004 0818128237 488p UG Library
530.41 MAH 00019822 Green Function Method in Solid State Physics Mahanty, J Affiliated 77 p UG Library
530.41 MAL 04021826 Solid State Drives / Malarvizhi, K. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183716116 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 MAL 04021827 Solid State Drives / Malarvizhi, K. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183716116 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 MAR 10000387 Condensed Matter Physics Marder, Michael P. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2010 9788126565054 xxii, 913p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.41 MIZ 00106894 Introduction to the electron theory of metals Mizutani, Uichiro Cambridge University Press, 2001 0521583349 | 0521587093 (pbk.) xii, 590 p. : UG Library
530.41 MOL 00108591 Solid-state physics for Electronics Moliton,Andre. Wiley, 2009 9781848210622 389 p. cm. UG Library
530.41 MYE 00116714 Introductory solid state physics / Myers, H. P., Taylor & Francis, 1997 074840659X (cased) | 978074840 2nd ed. xiii, 522 p. : UG Library
530.41 MYE 04017473 Introductory solid state physics / Myers, H. P., Taylor & Francis, 1997 074840659X (cased) | 074840660 2nd ed. xiii, 522 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 MYE 04018132 Introductory solid state physics / Myers, H. P., Taylor & Francis, 1997 074840659X (cased) | 978074840 2nd ed. xiii, 522 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 MYE 00042345 Introductory solid state physics Myers, H. P. CRC Press 1997 0748406603 | 9780748406609 2nd ed. xiii, 522 p. : UG Library
530.41 MYE 00057977 Introductory solid state physics Myers, H. P. CRC Press 1997 0748406603 | 9780748406609 2nd ed. xiii, 522 p. : UG Library
530.41 MYE 00107170 Introductory solid state physics Myers, H. P. CRC Press 1997 0748406603 | 9780748406609 2nd ed. xiii, 522 p. : UG Library
530.41 OMA 00136932 Elemetary Solid State Physics Omar,M Ali Pearson Education services pvt ltd., 2019 9788177583779 669p.; UG Library
530.41 OMA 00136933 Elemetary Solid State Physics Omar,M Ali Pearson Education services pvt ltd., 2019 9788177583779 669p.; UG Library
530.41 OMA 04019916 Elemetary Solid State Physics Omar, Ali M Pearson Education 2008 9788177583779 669p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PAL 04021777 Solid State Physics / Palanisamy, P. K. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183716321 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PAL 04021778 Solid State Physics / Palanisamy, P. K. Scitech Publishers, 2014 9788183716321 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PHI 04012465 Advanced solid state physics / Phillips, Philip Overseas Press, 2008 9788189938161 xiii, 386 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 00044855 Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410480 673 p,: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00044856 Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410480 673 p,: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00044857 Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410480 673 p,: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00044858 Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410480 673 p,: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00044860 Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410480 673 p,: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00044859 Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410480 673 p,: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00037084 Problems & Solutions in Solid State Physics Pillai, S O Wiley 377 p UG Library
530.41 PIL 00055800 Problems and Solutions in Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 2001 8122412351 2nd ed, 454 p.: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00037670 Solid State Physics. Structure and Electron Related Properties Pillai, S O Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1994 zxv, 388 p.: UG Library
530.41 PIL 04027735 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 04027736 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 04027737 Solid State Physics / Pillai, S O New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2005 9788122416824 7th ed. ; 819 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 PIL 00037954 Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410480 673 p,: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00039856 Solid State Physics Pillai, S O New Age International Publishers 1997 8122410480 673 p,: UG Library
530.41 PIL 00138445 Solid state physics Pillai,S O New age international pvt ltd., 2018 9789386070920 xxix,887p.; UG Library
530.41 PIN 00146673 Condensed Matter Physics/ Pinto, Samson Venus Books, 2023 9789386559937 x,316p. ; UG Library
530.41 PUR 00128125 Solid State Physics Puri R.K. S.Chand & Company 2016 9788121914765 1st Ed. 311 p. UG Library
530.41 PUR 10000789 Solid State Physics Puri R.K. S.Chand & Company 2016 9788121914765 1st Ed. 311 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.41 RAJ 04010391 Applied solid state physics / Rajnikant Wiley India, 2011 978812652283 vii, 244 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 RAJ 00058407 Solid State Physics Raj, G D Anmol Publications, 2002 8170419018 441 p UG Library
530.41 RAJ 00037698 Solid State Physics Raj, G D Anmol Publications, 2002 8170419018 441 p UG Library
530.41 ROB 05067685 Introduction to optics geometrical and physical / Robertson,John K. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd, 1954 4th Ed xv,416p.; Knowledge Centre
530.41 ROG 00055801 Solid State Physics Rogalski, Mircea S GORDON AND BREACH SCIENCE 2005 9056992732 467p UG Library
530.41 ROG 00079151 Solid State Physics Rogalski, Mircea S GORDON AND BREACH SCIENCE 2005 9056992732 467p UG Library
530.41 ROS 04010734 Solid state theory : Rossler, Ulrich. Springer, 2004 3540222448 (hd. bd.) xix, 345 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 SAN 00126118 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics Sander, Leonard M. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521872904 | 0521872901 ix, 274 p. : UG Library
530.41 SAX 00071865 Solid State Physics: An Introduction to Solid State Electronic Devices: Saxena, Ajay Kumar 2006 1403929513 408p UG Library
530.41 SAX 00071866 Solid State Physics: An Introduction to Solid State Electronic Devices: Saxena, Ajay Kumar 2006 1403929513 408p UG Library
530.41 SAX 00035921 Fundamentals of Solid State Physics Saxena, Gupta Pragats 978 p UG Library
530.41 SAX 00037692 Fundamentals of Solid State Physics. Saxena, B S 1995 1 UG Library
530.41 SCH 00119854 Introductory Solid State Physics by, Schmool David Medtec, 2014 9789384007409 xvi, 628 p.: UG Library
530.41 SCH 00119855 Introductory Solid State Physics by, Schmool David Medtec, 2014 9789384007409 xvi, 628 p.: UG Library
530.41 SCH 00119856 Introductory Solid State Physics by, Schmool David Medtec, 2014 9789384007409 xvi, 628 p.: UG Library
530.41 SIG 00143760 Solid State Physics / Singh, N. I K International 2021 9789390455249 xiii,314p,; UG Library
530.41 SIN 00143146 Solid State Physics : Singh, N I. K. International, 2021 9780735413122 (vol.1665 B) | 9780735413108 (vol.1665 A) xiii,314p.; UG Library
530.41 SIN 04010505 Solid-State Devices and Materials / Singh Dr.R.K John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2011 9788126529612 xiv,298 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.41 SIN 00021969 Solid State Physics Singhal, R L Kedar Nath Ram Nath 602 p UG Library
530.41 SPI 05062039 Solid State / Spinks, Gordon M. Oxford Book Company, 2019 9789350304686 viii, 296p.; Knowledge Centre
530.41 SRI 00053332 Elements of Solid State Physics Srivastava, J P Prentice Hall of India 2001 8120317483 | 9788120317482 xiv, 540 p.: UG Library
530.41 SRI 00053333 Elements of Solid State Physics Srivastava, J P Prentice Hall of India 2001 8120317483 | 9788120317482 xiv, 540 p.: UG Library
530.41 SRI 00120208 Elements of Solid State Physics Srivastava, J P Prentice Hall of India, 2015 9788120350663 4th Ed, xvi: 666 p.: UG Library
530.41 STO 00051811 Theory of Defects in Solids: Electronic Structure of Defects in Insulators Stoneham, A M New York 2001 0198507801 | 9780198507802 xix, 955 p.: UG Library
530.41 WAH 00078026 Solid State Physics / Structure and Properties of Materials Wahab, M A Narosa 1999 8173192669 596 p.: UG Library
530.41 WAH 00048170 Solid State Physics / Structure and Properties of Materials Wahab, M A Narosa 1999 8173192669 596 p.: UG Library
530.41 WAH 00048178 Solid State Physics / Structure and Properties of Materials Wahab, M A Narosa 1999 8173192669 596 p.: UG Library
530.41 WAH 00048393 Solid State Physics / Structure and Properties of Materials Wahab, M A Narosa 1999 8173192669 596 p.: UG Library
530.41 WAH 00048394 Solid State Physics / Structure and Properties of Materials Wahab, M A Narosa 1999 8173192669 596 p.: UG Library
530.41. IBA 00041842 Solid State Physics: an Introduction to Theory and Experiment Ibach, Harold Narosa Publishing 8185198780 341 p UG Library
530.4101MAD2 00068559 Introduction to Solid-State Theory Made;ung, Otfried Springer 0818128237 488p UG Library
530.411 HAR 05033629 Electronic structure and the properties of solids : Harrison, Walter A. Dover Publications, 1989 0486660214 Dover ed. xx, 586 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.411 HAR 05057800 Electronic structure and the properties of solids : Harrison, Walter A. Dover Publications, 1989 0486660214 | 9780486660219 Dover ed. xx, 586 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.411 MAR 05059307 Electronic structure : Martin, Richard M., Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521534406 (pbk.) 1st pbk. ed. with corrections xxii, 624 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.412 GRA 05033606 Wave motion in elastic solids / Graff, Karl F. Dover Publications, 1975 0486667456 : xv, 649 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.412 NEL 00126994 Defects and Geometry in Condensed Matter Physics / Nelson, David R., Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521801591 xiii, 377 p. : UG Library
530.412 NEL 00058101 Defects and Geometry in Condensed Matter Physics Nelson, R David Cambridge University Press 2002 0521004004 375p UG Library
530.413 IBA 04001886 Solid State Physics, an Introduction to Principles of Materials Science Ibach, H Springer International 2008 9788181281616 501p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.413 KIT 04000082 Introduction to Solid State Physics / Kittel, Charles John Wiley and Sons, 2008 8126510455 2nd Ed. 673p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.413 DEL 00068028 Nanostructures Theory and Modelling. Delerue, C Springer 2004 8181282000 303p UG Library
530.413 TAN 00107233 Amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors and related materials / Tanaka Keiji Springer, 2011 9781441995094 (hard cover : al xv, 242 p. UG Library
530.413 TAN 05059406 Quantum spin glasses, annealing and computation / Tanaka, Shu, Cambridge university press, 2017 1107113199 | 9781107113190 xxix, 388 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.413 VER 00068034 Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics. Verma, Ar New Age 2005 464p UG Library
530.414 AAR 04027205 Mechanisms of diffusional phase transformations in metals and alloys / Aaronson, Hubert I. CRC Press, 2010 9781420062991 | 1420062999 | xvii, 667 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.415 GUS 04023444 Diffusion-controlled solid state reactions : Gusak, Andriy M. Wiley-VCH, 2010 9783527408849 | 3527408843 xxi, 476 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.416 AND 05066674 Concepts in solids : Anderson, P. W. World Scientific, 1997 9789810232313 xiii, 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.416 BUT 00142368 Simulations of oscillatory systems : Butikov, E. I. CRC press, 2015 9781498707688 | 1498707688 | 9781498707701 | 149870770X | 9781498717144 | 1498717144 xxiv, 340 pages : UG Library
530.417 NEL 05065580 Statistical mechanics of membranes and surfaces / World Scientific, 2004 9812387609 | 9812387722 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvi, 426p.; Knowledge Centre
530.417 SUB 04019302 Kelvin Probe for Surface Engineering : Subrahmanyam, A. Ane Books, 2009 9788190840637 182p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.417 XUJ 05050393 Interfacial wave theory of pattern formation : Xu, Jian-Jun, Springer, 1998 3540631453 (alk. paper) | 9783 xii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.4175 ZHU 00144353 Thin film physics and devices : Zhu, Jianguo World Scientific, 2023 9781944660376 xvii,687p.; UG Library
530.41DEK 00037694 Solid State Physics Dekker, J Adrianus Macmillan 540 p UG Library
530.41GUP 00018957 Solid State Physics Gupta, K NATH UG Library
530.41MCK 00036872 Solid State & Semi Conductor Physics Mckelvey, P John Harper & Row 494 p UG Library
530.41SAX 00037086 Fundamentals of Solid State Physics Saxena, B S Pragats 983 p UG Library
530.41SAX 00039841 Fundamentals of Solid State Physics Saxena, B S Pragats 983 p UG Library
530.42 ANN 04002602 Superconductivity, Superfluids and Condensates Annett, James F Oxford Universtiy Press 2008 0199544999 186 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.42 BAH 00035157 Liquid Crystals Applications and Uses Vol.3 Bahadur, Birendra Spr Ws 402 p UG Library
530.42 GRA 00035147 Liquid Crystals & Plastic Crystals. Winsor, P A J W] 1974 314 P UG Library
530.427 BEC 00067818 Principles of Surface Physics Bechstedt, F Springer 2003 3540006354 342p UG Library
530.427 DAD 00129292 Thermodynamics of Surface Phenomena Dadashev, R. Kh. Viva Books, 2017 9788130931432 279 p.: UG Library
530.4275 KUM 00091527 Organic Photo Chemistry Kumar Jyoti Sonali Publications 9788184111958 295p UG Library
530.429 BIS 00147138 A Beginner's Guide to Lasers and Their Application, part-1: Biswas, Dhruba J. Springer, 2023 9783031243295 xvi,321p. ; UG Library
530.429 CHA 00035086 Liquid Crystals Chandrasekhar, S 1992 460 p UG Library
530.429 DUN 00102800 Soap, Science, & Flat-Screen TVs : Dunmur, David Oxford University Press, 9780199549405 xiii, 345 p. UG Library
530.429 LAM 00035083 Solitons in Liquid Crystals Lam, Lui Spinger Wesley 1991 338 p.: UG Library
530.429 LI 04021353 Liquid crystals beyond displays John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012 9781118078617 | 9781118259498 x, 573 p., [12] p. of col plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 CHA 04004995 Principles of Plasma Mechanics Chakraborty, Bishwan New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122414462 490 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 CHA 04004994 Principles of Plasma Mechanics Chakraborty, Bishwan New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2009 9788122414462 490 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 DIN 04004442 Plasma Physics: Confinement, Transport and Collective Effects Dinklage, A Springer International 2008 9788181288349 496 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 DIN 04004443 Plasma Physics: Confinement, Transport and Collective Effects Dinklage, A Springer International 2008 9788181288349 496 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 DRA 04004444 High-Energy-density Physics: Fundamentals, Inertial Fusion, and Experimental Astrophysics Drake, R P Springer International 2006 9788181288592 534 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 DRA 04004445 Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma: Statistical Quality Control and Design of ... Allen, Thendore T Springer International 2006 9788181288592 528 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 BIS 00035918 Principles of Plasma Mechanics Chakravarthy, Biswanath New Delhi 1990 2nd ed, xvi,612 p.: UG Library
530.44 BIT 00107241 Fundamentals of Plasma Physics Bittencourt J. A Springer 2010 9781441919304 | 9788181284549 3rd ed. xxiii, 678 p.: UG Library
530.44 BIT 00073495 Fundamentals of Plasma Physics Bittencourt J. A Springer 2010 9781441919304 | 9788181284549 3rd ed. xxiii, 678 p.: UG Library
530.44 BIT 00074415 Fundamentals of Plasma Physics Bittencourt J. A Springer 2010 9781441919304 | 9788181284549 3rd ed. xxiii, 678 p.: UG Library
530.44 BIT 00079150 Fundamentals of Plasma Physics Bittencourt J. A Springer 2010 9781441919304 | 9788181284549 3rd ed. xxiii, 678 p.: UG Library
530.44 BUC 00144728 Foundation of Plasma Physics / Buchanan, Eric. Murphy and moore publishing house, 2023 9781639876716 viii,228p, ; UG Library
530.44 CHA 00072923 Principles of Plasma Mechanics Chakraborthy, Biswanath New Age International Publishers 2003 0812241446 4th ed, x, 490 p.: UG Library
530.44 CHA 00027732 Principles of Plasma Mechanics Chakraborthy, Bishwanata Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1983 xiii, 410 p.: UG Library
530.44 CHI 00121871 Basics of Plasma Astrophysics. Chiuderi, Claudio Springer, 2015 9788847052796 279 p.: UG Library
530.44 CHO 00054895 Physics of Fluids and Plasmas - an Introduction for Astrophysicists Choudhuri, Arnab Rai Cambridge University press 1999 8175960663 | 9788175960664 xvii, 427 p.: UG Library
530.44 FIT 00144981 Plasma physics : Fitzpatrick, Richard CRC Press, 2022 9781032202518 Second edition. xiii, 291p. ; UG Library
530.44 FIT 00124173 Plasma physics : Fitzpatrick, Richard, CRC Press, 2015 9781466594265 xi, 281 pages : UG Library
530.44 GON 04029167 An introduction to graphene plasmonics / Peres, N M R and Goncalves, P A D World Scientific, 2016 9789814749978 | 9814749974 | 9789814749985 | 9814749982 xxix, 431 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 INA 04007899 Principles of plasma physics for engineers and scientists / Inan, Umran S. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521193726 (hardback) xiv, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 KAD 05068916 Plasma Physics / Kadomtsev, B B. MIR Publishers, 1981 191p.; Knowledge Centre
530.44 KAM 00040207 Plasma Physics. Raj Kamal Wiley Eastern Ltd 1 UG Library
530.44 KLI 00125197 Nanoplasmonics / Klimov, V. V. Pan Stanford Publishing Pte.Ltd 2014 9789814267168 | 9814267163 xiv, 581 pages : UG Library
530.44 KRI 05059376 Physics of partially Lonized plasmas / Krishan, V. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107117396 (hardback) | 110 xiv, 261 pages : Knowledge Centre
530.44 KRI 10000624 Plasmas : Krishan, V. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107037571 (hardback) xx, 250 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.44 LIF 00126550 Physical kinetics Lifshit︠s︡, E. M Butterworth - Heinemann 2010 0080264808 | 9788181477958 xi, 452 p.: UG Library
530.44 LIF 00126549 Physical kinetics Lifshit︠s︡, E. M Butterworth - Heinemann 2010 0080264808 | 9788181477958 xi, 452 p.: UG Library
530.44 LON 00015874 Elementary plasma physics / Longmire, Conrad L. Interscience Publishers, 1963 xi, 296 p. UG Library
530.44 PRI 00132605 Computational methods in plasma physics: Priyadarshi, Brajesh, Oxford Book Company, 2018 9789350303931 viii,272 p.; UG Library
530.44 RAJ 00035919 Plasma Physics Raj Kamal, Wiley Eastern LTD 1992 212 p.: UG Library
530.44 SAR 04013855 Modern introduction to surface plasmons : Sarid, Dror. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521767170 (hardback) | 0521767172 (hardback) xiv, 371 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44 SEN 00039788 Plasma Physics: Plasma State of Matter Sen, S N Prerana 328 p UG Library
530.44 SMI 00017348 Introduction to Plasma Physics Smirnov, B M Mir 176 p UG Library
530.44 SUD 00142274 Computational Plasma Physics / Sudan,Madhu. Random Publications, 2020 9789352696468 viii,296p.; UG Library
530.44 TNA 00106036 Principles of plasma physics for engineers and scientists Inan, Umran S. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521193726 (hardback) xiv,270 p. UG Library
530.44 UBE 00037686 Introduction to Unmagnetized Plasmas Uberoi,Chanchal. Prentice-Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1988 0876925727 182 p. UG Library
530.44015195 ICH 04012561 Statistical Plasma Physics / Ichimaru, Setsuo. Oversears Press ; 2008 9780813341781 | 0813341787 (v. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.44015195 ICH 04012562 Statistical Plasma Physics / Ichimaru, Setsuo. Oversears Press ; 2008 9780813341781 | 0813341787 (v. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.474 DOB 00120257 Conductor-insulator quantum phase transitions Dobrosavljevic, Vladimir Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199592593 | 0199592594 1st ed. 566p. UG Library
530.474 MA 00126578 Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena / Ma, Shang-Keng Levant, 2007 9788187169864 xxiii, 561 p. ; UG Library
530.475 BIR 04001169 Transport Phenomena Bird, Byron R John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126508082 895 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.475 BIR 04027971 Transport Phenomena Bird, Byron R John Wiley and Sons 2007 9788126508082 895 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.475 GLA 04010378 Transport phenomena : Glasgow, Larry A., Wiley, 2010 9780470381748 (cloth) | 047038 ix, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.475 KOL 04008373 Grain boundary diffusion and properties of nanostructured materials / Kolobov, Yu R Viva books, 2008 9788130908328 x, 236p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.475 MOR 10000348 Brownian Motion / Morters, Peter. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521168847 xii, 402p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.475 VEN 05059695 A Modern Course In Transport Phenomena / Venerus, David C. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107129207 xxviii, 508p. Knowledge Centre
530.4JAY.7 00027946 MATTER ,Motion,Energy Jayaram, T.r 336 P UG Library
530.4NRC 00056476 Elementary- Particle Physics / Revealing the Secrets of Energy and Matter National Research Council Universities Press 2000 8173712727 172p UG Library
530.4VER 00017821 Textbook on Properties of Matter [ Ug.Lib.Physics Section] Verma, K L S Nagin 650 p UG Library
530.5 SEN 00026126 Treatise on General Properties of Matter Vol.1 & 11 Sengupta, Ratneshwar Ncb 1984 800 P.: UG Library
530.7 MAT 00128942 Pc-Based Instrumentation Mathivanan N Prentice -Hall 2007 9788120330764 xv, 683 p.: UG Library
530.7 MAT 00128943 Pc-Based Instrumentation Mathivanan N Prentice -Hall 2007 9788120330764 xv, 683 p.: UG Library
530.7 WIL 00069229 Instrumental Methods of Analysis. Willard, Merritt CBs Publishers, 1986 8123909438 7th ed, xxi, 492 p.: UG Library
530.7 DAV 00045254 Superstrings: a Theory of Everything? Davies, P C W Cambridge University Press 1997 0052143775 | 9780521437752 x 234 p.: UG Library
530.7 JON 00061297 Instrumentation, Measurement and Feedback Jones, E Barry Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2001 0070993831 283 p.: UG Library
530.7 KAC 00058370 Handbook of Measuring Units and Conversions Kachru R.P. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd. 1999 8126102128 1st Ed. 180 p. UG Library
530.7 MAT 00077847 Pc-Based Instrumentation Mathivanan N Prentice -Hall 2007 9788120330764 xv, 683 p.: UG Library
530.7 MAT 00077845 Pc-Based Instrumentation Mathivanan N Prentice -Hall 2007 9788120330764 xv, 683 p.: UG Library
530.7 MAT 00077846 Pc-Based Instrumentation Mathivanan N Prentice -Hall 2007 9788120330764 xv, 683 p.: UG Library
530.7 NAK 00035975 Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis Nakra, B C Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1985 x, 534 p.: UG Library
530.7 PAT 00037690 Principles of Industrial Instrumentation Patranabis, D T M H 1994 419 p.: UG Library
530.7 SAY 00077850 Measurement, Instrumentation and Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering Sayer, Michael Prentice Hall of India 2005 8120312694 | 9788120312692 xii, 360 p.: UG Library
530.7 SAY 00077849 Measurement, Instrumentation and Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering Sayer, Michael Prentice Hall of India 2005 8120312694 | 9788120312692 xii, 360 p.: UG Library
530.7 SAY 00077848 Measurement, Instrumentation and Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering Sayer, Michael Prentice Hall of India 2005 8120312694 | 9788120312692 xii, 360 p.: UG Library
530.7 SKO 00061296 Principles of Instrumental Analysis Skoog, A Douglas Thomson Learning 9812438696 988p UG Library
530.8 DOT 04003018 Dimensional Metrology Dotson, Connie Thomson South-Western 2012 9788131508237 578 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.8 GUP 04004698 Comprehensive Volume and Capacity Measurements Gupta, S V New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418194 398 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.8 GUP 04004699 Comprehensive Volume and Capacity Measurements Gupta, S V New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418194 398 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.8 GUP 04005034 Comprehensive Volume and Capacity Measurements Gupta, S V New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418194 398 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.8 GUP 04005035 Comprehensive Volume and Capacity Measurements Gupta, S V New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418194 398 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.8 BLA 05054544 Precision measurement and calibration : For sale by Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1972 xii,555p.; Knowledge Centre
530.8 DOT 04025014 Dimensional Metrology Dotson, Connie Thomson South-Western 2012 9788131508237 578 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.8 DUN 04029442 Measurement and data analysis for engineering and science / Dunn, Patrick F., CRC Press, 2018 9781138050860 (hardback) Fourth edition. 574p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.8 FRA 05033568 Foundations of measurement David H Krants, Academic Press 1990 0124254012 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
530.8 LUC 05033598 Foundations of measurement. R Duncan Luce Dover, 2007 0486453154 (v. 2 : pbk.) | 048 v. <2-3> : Knowledge Centre
530.8 LUC 05033599 Foundations of measurement. R Duncan Luce Dover, 2007 0486453154 (v. 2 : pbk.) | 048 v. <2-3> : Knowledge Centre
530.8 NAG 00115619 Handbook for Teaching Physical Sciences: Methods and Techniques Nagaraju, M T V Kanishka 9788184570625 227p UG Library
530.8 SMI 10004406 Size : Smil, Vaclav Penguin Random House, 2023 9780241507001 ix, 292 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
530.809 KLE 05057848 The science of measurement : Klein, H. Arthur. Dover Publications, 1974 0486258394 (pbk.) : | 97804862 736 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.809 MOR 00097953 The archaeology of measurement : Morley, Iain, Cambridge University Press, 9780521119900 (hbk.) | 0521119 xv, 267 p. : UG Library
530.81 BAR 04005807 Constants of Nature: from Alpha to Omega Barrow, John D Vintage Books 2002 9780375422218 352 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.81 BAR 04005771 Constants of Nature: from Alpha to Omega Barrow, John D Vintage Books 2002 9780375422218 352 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.81 BAR 04019039 Constants of Nature: from Alpha to Omega Barrow, John D Vintage Books 2002 9780375422218 352 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.81 BAR 05048168 The constants of nature : Barrow, John D., Vintage, 2002 9780099286479 xv, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.81 CRE 00108118 World in the balance Crease,Robert P. W.W. Norton, 2011 9780393072983 | 0393072983 (ha 1st ed. 317 p. : UG Library
530.81 CRE 00109820 World in the balance Crease,Robert P. W.W. Norton, 2011 9780393072983 | 0393072983 (ha 1st ed. 317 p. : UG Library
530.812 SOM 04014962 International system of units : Soman, K. PHI Learning, 2009 9788120336537 viii , 106 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.9 AGA 00115622 Noble Prize Winners in Physics Agarwal, Arun APH 2005 9788176487436 331p. UG Library
530.9 AGA 00115621 Noble Prize Winners in Physics Agarwal, Arun APH 2005 9788176487436 331p. UG Library
530.9 AGA 00115620 Noble Prize Winners in Physics Agarwal, Arun APH 2005 9788176487436 331p. UG Library
530.9 ALB 05033501 The evolution of physics from early concepts to relativity and quanta / Einstein, Albert, Simon and Schuster, 1938 0671201565 | 9780671201562 [New ed.]. xvi, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre
530.92 DAN 04018999 The first Copernican : Danielson, Dennis Richard, Walker & Company, 2006 0802715303 | 9780802715302 | 9 1st U.S. ed. 264 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
530.92NEW 00073863 Newton a Beginners Guide [DHARMARAM LIBRARY] Jakeman, Jane 0340799951 75p UG Library
530.OUS 00001299 Text of Practical Physics. Pat I Ouseph, E C Vishwanath 1966 1 UG Library
530.OUS 00001300 Text of Practical Physics. Pat I Ouseph, E C Vishwanath 1966 1 UG Library
530ALO.F 00033829 Fundamental University Physics Marcelo Alonso, Addison 435 p UG Library
530ALO1 00033815 Fundamental Unit Physics III Alonso, Marcelo Wesley UG Library
530AROI 00024535 Bsc Physics Vol II Arora, C L S Chand & Co. UG Library
530ASW.B2 00041699 Solved Problems in Physics Aswathanarayana Rao T UNITED PUBLISHER UG Library
530ASW.B2 00041700 Solved Problems in Physics Aswathanarayana Rao T UNITED PUBLISHER UG Library
530BHO 00010111 Basic Physics. Bhooshanmath, Katti Anand 438 p UG Library
530BHOI 00024667 Courrse of Physics Bhoosnurmath, R S S Chand & Co UG Library
530BON 00033698 Principles of Catalysis Bond, G C R I c UG Library
530BPL 00005006 Laboratory Physics B p l , UG Library
530BPL 00005007 Laboratory Physics B p l , UG Library
530BPL 00005008 Laboratory Physics B p l , UG Library
530CLAR 00003655 New Physical and Mathematical Tables Clarks, Oliver UG Library
530CSR 00025712 Physics:For Admission on the Test to Engineering and Medical Colleges Competetion Success Review, Csr 200 p UG Library
530DES 00010092 Examples in Physics Desai, D D Kitab Mahal 260 p UG Library
530FEY1 00058008 Six Easy Pieces - Essentials of Physics Explained By Its Most Brilliant Teacher Feynman, P Richard 0201408252 146p UG Library
530FOR.2 00033788 Classical and Modern Physics Kenneth Ford, W John 543 p UG Library
530FUL 00052172 Physics Fullick, Patrick Heinemann educational Publishers 1994 9780435570781 588p UG Library
530GAM.2 00035148 Foundations of Physics .Vol.2. Gambhir, R S Wiley 278 p UG Library
530GET 00035966 Physics: Classical and Modern Gettys, W Edward MGH 1090 p UG Library
530GUN 00038301 Physics Text I Puc Gunashekaran, G Saraswati UG Library
530GUN 00038304 Physics Text I Puc Gunashekaran, G Saraswati UG Library
530GUN 00038303 Physics Text I Puc Gunashekaran, G Saraswati UG Library
530GUN 00038302 Physics Text I Puc Gunashekaran, G Saraswati UG Library
530GUP.2 00049082 Modern Abc of Physics for II PUC Gupta, K Satish Modern 468p UG Library
530GUP.2 00049085 Modern Abc of Physics for II PUC Gupta, K Satish Modern 468p UG Library
530GUP.2 00049086 Modern Abc of Physics for II PUC Gupta, K Satish Modern 468p UG Library
530GUP.2 00049084 Modern Abc of Physics for II PUC Gupta, K Satish Modern 468p UG Library
530GUP.2 00049083 Modern Abc of Physics for II PUC Gupta, K Satish Modern 468p UG Library
530GUP1 00047395 Modern ABC Physics Gupta, K Nadesh UG Library
530GUP1 00047397 Modern ABC Physics Gupta, K Nadesh UG Library
530GUP1 00047396 Modern ABC Physics Gupta, K Nadesh UG Library
530GUP2 00041673 Modern ABC of Physics Gupta, Satish K Modern Pub UG Library
530GUP2 00041674 Modern ABC of Physics Gupta, Satish K Modern Pub UG Library
530HALR.1 00005373 Physics Part I Halliday, David Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530HEH 00006498 Noble Prize Winners in Physics Heathcote, Niels H Henry Schuman 473 p UG Library
530HOL 00019705 P U C Physics I Year Holla, S N United Pub 280p UG Library
530HOL 00019707 P U C Physics I Year Holla, S N United Pub 280p UG Library
530HOL 00005711 P U C Physics I Year Holla, S N United Pub 280p UG Library
530HOL 00019706 Puc Physics Holla, United Pub UG Library
530HOL1 00008568 II PUC Physics Holla, S N United 304 p UG Library
530JOS 00029035 Elements of Group Theory for Physicist Joshi, A W W E 334 p UG Library
530KAL.2 00028381 Introductory Physics for IIPUC Kaldura, A N Himalaya UG Library
530KAL1 00028377 Introductory Physics Kalkura, Himalaya UG Library
530KAL1 00028379 Introductory Physics Kalkura, Himalaya UG Library
530KAL1 00028380 Introductory Physics Kalkura, Himalaya UG Library
530KAL1 00028378 Introductory Physics Kalkura, Himalaya UG Library
530KAM.1 00039896 Solutions to Resnick and Halliday Physics Part I Kamal, A A New Age International 422 p UG Library
530KHA2 00030475 Optics and Atomic Physics Khandelwal, D P Himalaya UG Library
530KIN.S.I 00021840 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Damodara K K R 288p UG Library
530KIN.S.I 00021842 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Damodara K K R 288p UG Library
530KIN.S.I 00021843 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Damodara K K R 288p UG Library
530KIN.S.I 00021844 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Damodara K K R 288p UG Library
530KIN.S.I 00021841 Pre University Chemistry Kini, Damodara K K R 288p UG Library
530KIN.S.II 00021845 Pre-University Chemistry Kini, Damodar K K R 318 p UG Library
530KIN.S.II 00021846 Pre-University Chemistry Kini, Damodar K K R 318 p UG Library
530KIN.S.II 00021848 Pre-University Chemistry Kini, Damodar K K R 318 p UG Library
530KIN.S.II 00021847 Pre-University Chemistry Kini, Damodar K K R 318 p UG Library
530KIN.S.II 00021849 Pre-University Chemistry Kini, Damodar K K R 318 p UG Library
530KUC 00027942 Matter Motionforceand Energy Kuchala, Prasaranga 334p UG Library
530KUC2 00018534 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018563 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018562 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018561 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018560 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018559 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018558 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018557 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018556 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018546 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018545 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018544 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018543 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018542 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018541 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018540 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018539 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018538 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018555 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018554 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018553 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018552 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018551 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018550 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018549 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018548 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018547 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018535 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018537 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530KUC2 00018536 Physics Kuchela, Prasaranga UG Library
530MAR 00024672 I Year Puc Physics Narayanarao, B V W E L 260p UG Library
530MAT3 00033785 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Matthews, P T T M H UG Library
530MBD1 00041690 Companinon Physics I M.B.D Malhotra UG Library
530MIN 00030468 Physics Problems With Solutions Min Chen, Prentice -Hall 350p UG Library
530NAG 00036806 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG 00036810 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG 00036809 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG 00036807 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG 00036808 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG 00036863 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline UG Library
530NAG 00036866 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline UG Library
530NAG 00036867 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline UG Library
530NAG 00036865 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline UG Library
530NAG 00036864 I Puc Physics Text Nagaraja, H S Interline UG Library
530NAG1 00038635 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG1 00038642 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG1 00038643 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG1 00038641 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG1 00038636 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG1 00038638 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG1 00038639 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG1 00038640 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG1 00038637 II Puc Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG2 00038933 Pre University Physics Nagaraja, H S Interline Pub UG Library
530NAG3 00049039 Physics Composition: A Problem Solve for II Puc Nagaraja, H S Interline UG Library
530NAR.1 00024666 Puc Physics Vol I Narayana Murthy, P S R Chand & Co 234 p UG Library
530NAR.2 00024759 Second Year Puc Physics Narayana Roa, B V Wishwa Prakash 304 p UG Library
530NAR1 00007003 II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 308 p UG Library
530NAR1 00012355 II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 308 p UG Library
530NAR1 00012356 II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 308 p UG Library
530NAR1 00017000 II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Ambika 308 p UG Library
530NAR10 00029300 III Bsc Physics Part II Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR10 00029302 III Bsc Physics Part II Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR10 00029303 III Bsc Physics Part II Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR10 00029304 III Bsc Physics Part II Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR10 00029301 III Bsc Physics Part II Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR11 00030281 First Year Bsc Physics Text Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR11 00030284 First Year Bsc Physics Text Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR11 00030285 First Year Bsc Physics Text Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR11 00030283 First Year Bsc Physics Text Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR11 00030282 First Year Bsc Physics Text Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR13 00033798 I Bsc Physics Text Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR14 00033909 I Bsc Physics Text Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR14 00033910 I Bsc Physics Text Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR15 00038839 Numerical Physics II Puc Narayana Rao, B V Cambridge UG Library
530NAR15 00038840 Numerical Physics II Puc Narayana Rao, B V Cambridge UG Library
530NAR15 00038841 Numerical Physics II Puc Narayana Rao, B V Cambridge UG Library
530NAR15 00038843 Numerical Physics II Puc Narayana Rao, B V Cambridge UG Library
530NAR15 00038842 Numerical Physics II Puc Narayana Rao, B V Cambridge UG Library
530NAR16 00038922 Physics: Text Book for II Puc Narayana Rao, B V New Age UG Library
530NAR16 00038924 Physics: Text Book for II Puc Narayana Rao, B V New Age UG Library
530NAR16 00038926 Physics: Text Book for II Puc Narayana Rao, B V New Age UG Library
530NAR16 00038925 Physics: Text Book for II Puc Narayana Rao, B V New Age UG Library
530NAR16 00038923 Physics: Text Book for II Puc Narayana Rao, B V New Age UG Library
530NAR17 00041684 Physics II: Text Book for II Puc Narayana Rao, B V New Age International UG Library
530NAR2 00024756 II Puc Physics Text Books Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR2 00024758 II Puc Physics Text Books Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR2 00024757 II Puc Physics Text Books Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR4 00024665 Pre University Physics Narayana Murthy, R Chand & Co UG Library
530NAR5 00024765 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR5 00024770 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR5 00024771 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR5 00024769 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR5 00024766 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR5 00024768 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR5 00024767 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR6 00024772 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR6 00024773 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR6 00024774 I Bsc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR7 00028382 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028388 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028390 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028391 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028389 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028387 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028383 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028384 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028386 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR7 00028385 Text Book of II Puc Physics Narayana Rao, B V Archana UG Library
530NAR8 00028670 II BSC Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR8 00028674 II BSC Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR8 00028675 II BSC Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR8 00028677 II BSC Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR8 00028673 II BSC Physics Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR9 00029297 III Bsc Physics Part I Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR9 00029299 III Bsc Physics Part I Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR9 00029298 III Bsc Physics Part I Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR9 00029295 III Bsc Physics Part I Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NAR9 00029296 III Bsc Physics Part I Narayana Rao, B V Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NARI 00024750 I Puc Physics Text Book Narayana Rao, B K Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NARI 00024751 I Puc Physics Text Book Narayana Rao, B K Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NARI 00024753 I Puc Physics Text Book Narayana Rao, B K Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NARI 00024754 I Puc Physics Text Book Narayana Rao, B K Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530NARI 00024752 I Puc Physics Text Book Narayana Rao, B K Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd UG Library
530OUS.8 00010129 Text Book of Practical Physics Ouseph, C.c Vishwanathan S 283 p UG Library
530OUS.8 00010130 Text Book of Practical Physics Ouseph, C.c Vishwanathan S 283 p UG Library
530OUS3 00002554 Text Book of Physic Ouseph, C C S Vishvanathan UG Library
530OUS4 00002558 Text Book of Heat Part II Ouseph, C C S Vishwanath UG Library
530PAR1 00086066 Advanced Engineering Physics [MSC.PHYSICS SECTION] Parthasarathy, Harish Ane Books 8180520927 679 p UG Library
530PAT1 00026591 Solved Examples in Physics Patil, G C U p UG Library
530PAT2 00036776 Text Book of I Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha Pub UG Library
530PAT2 00036779 Text Book of I Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha Pub UG Library
530PAT2 00036780 Text Book of I Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha Pub UG Library
530PAT2 00036777 Text Book of I Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha Pub UG Library
530PAT2 00036778 Text Book of I Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha Pub UG Library
530PAT3 00038690 Text Book of II Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha UG Library
530PAT3 00038693 Text Book of II Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha UG Library
530PAT3 00038691 Text Book of II Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha UG Library
530PAT3 00038692 Text Book of II Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha UG Library
530PAT4 00038940 Text Book of II Puc Physics Patil, G C Megha Pub UG Library
530PAT5 00038936 Text Book of Physics Patil, S M Himalaya 342 p UG Library
530PAT6 00041682 Text Book of Physics II PUC Patil, S M HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE UG Library
530PSS1 00005002 Physics P S S C, Nat Cou UG Library
530PSS1 00005004 Physics P S S C, Nat Cou UG Library
530PSS1 00005005 Physics P S S C, Nat Cou UG Library
530PSS1 00005003 Physics P S S C, Nat Cou UG Library
530RA0 00016768 Puc Physics Rao Narayana, B V Indian Society for Tech Education UG Library
530RAB 00013435 Puc Physics Rabella, Rama UG Library
530RAG.II 00021794 Physics Vol II Ragavendra Rao, K S United Pub UG Library
530RAG.II 00021795 Physics Vol II Ragavendra Rao, K S United Pub UG Library
530RAG.II 00021797 Physics Vol II Ragavendra Rao, K S United Pub UG Library
530RAG.II 00021799 Physics Vol II Ragavendra Rao, K S United Pub UG Library
530RAG.II 00021798 Physics Vol II Ragavendra Rao, K S United Pub UG Library
530RAG.II 00021796 Physics Vol II Ragavendra Rao, K S United Pub UG Library
530RAG1 00028392 Text Book of II Puc Physics Raghavendara Rao, Nudi UG Library
530RAG1 00028394 Text Book of II Puc Physics Raghavendara Rao, Nudi UG Library
530RAG1 00028395 Text Book of II Puc Physics Raghavendara Rao, Nudi UG Library
530RAG1 00028393 Text Book of II Puc Physics Raghavendara Rao, Nudi UG Library
530RAG2 00030288 Text Book of I Puc Physics Raghavendra Rao, K S Nudi UG Library
530RAG2 00030290 Text Book of I Puc Physics Raghavendra Rao, K S Nudi UG Library
530RAG2 00030289 Text Book of I Puc Physics Raghavendra Rao, K S Nudi UG Library
530RAJ1 00005573 Automic Physics Rajam, J B S Chand & Co. UG Library
530RAM 00026592 Practical Exercises in Objective Type for Engineering & Medical Entrance Ec Ramachandra, R Eee 184 p UG Library
530RAM 00020855 Textbook of I PUC Physics ( New Syllabus) Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha 366 p UG Library
530RAM 00020860 Textbook of I PUC Physics ( New Syllabus) Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha 366 p UG Library
530RAM 00020856 Textbook of Pre University Physics Ramachandra Rao, M V Geetha UG Library
530RAM 00020857 Textbook of Pre University Physics Ramachandra Rao, M V Geetha UG Library
530RAM 00020859 Textbook of Pre University Physics Ramachandra Rao, M V Geetha UG Library
530RAM 00020858 Textbook of Pre University Physics Ramachandra Rao, M V Geetha UG Library
530RAM.R 00021721 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021722 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021720 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021718 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021716 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021714 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021715 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021713 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021717 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM.R 00021719 Text Book of Physics Ramachandra, R R CHAND UG Library
530RAM0 00038721 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038730 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038729 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038728 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038727 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038722 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038723 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038724 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038726 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM0 00038725 Text Book for II PUC for Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent 496 p UG Library
530RAM11 00024670 Pre University Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM11 00024671 Pre University Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM12 00024722 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM12 00024723 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM13 00027970 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rama Rao, UG Library
530RAM13 00027972 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rama Rao, UG Library
530RAM13 00027973 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rama Rao, UG Library
530RAM13 00027974 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rama Rao, UG Library
530RAM13 00027971 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rama Rao, UG Library
530RAM14 00028362 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM14 00028366 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM14 00028365 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM14 00028363 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM14 00028364 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028367 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028370 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028371 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028373 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028375 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028376 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028374 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028372 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM15 00028369 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ramachandra Rao, M A Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAM16 00028731 Text Book of II Puc Physics Text Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM16 00028733 Text Book of II Puc Physics Text Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM16 00028734 Text Book of II Puc Physics Text Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM16 00028735 Text Book of II Puc Physics Text Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM16 00028732 Text Book of II Puc Physics Text Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM17 00029112 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, L Excellent UG Library
530RAM17 00029113 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, L Excellent UG Library
530RAM17 00029114 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, L Excellent UG Library
530RAM17 00029116 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, L Excellent UG Library
530RAM17 00029115 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, L Excellent UG Library
530RAM18 00031935 Text Book of Physics I Puc Ramachandra, R Excellent Blr UG Library
530RAM18 00031938 Text Book of Physics I Puc Ramachandra, R Excellent Blr UG Library
530RAM18 00031936 Text Book of Physics I Puc Ramachandra, R Excellent Blr UG Library
530RAM18 00031937 Text Book of Physics I Puc Ramachandra, R Excellent Blr UG Library
530RAM19 00037336 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037343 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037345 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037344 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037342 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037338 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037339 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037341 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037340 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM19 00037337 Text Book of I Puc Physics Ramachandra, R Excellent UG Library
530RAM3 00010066 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00012977 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00011471 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00010070 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00007918 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00011464 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00011469 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00011466 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00016850 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM3 00016849 T/b of Puc Physics .Vol II Ramachandra Rao, M A Neyxre 320 p UG Library
530RAM4 00012971 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao UG Library
530RAM4 00012973 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao UG Library
530RAM4 00012974 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao UG Library
530RAM4 00012972 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao UG Library
530RAM4 00012975 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao UG Library
530RAM4 00012976 Text Book of Puc Physics Ramachandra, Rao UG Library
530RAM8 00016730 Puc Physics Ramchandara, Rao Geetha Book House UG Library
530RAN1 00034157 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ranganayaki, MES UG Library
530RAN1 00034161 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ranganayaki, MES UG Library
530RAN1 00034158 Text Book of II Puc Physics Ranganayaki, MES UG Library
530RAN2 00038975 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V MES UG Library
530RAN2 00038979 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V MES UG Library
530RAN2 00038976 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V MES UG Library
530RAN2 00038977 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V MES UG Library
530RAN2 00038978 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V MES UG Library
530RAN3 00039188 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V Model Edu Science UG Library
530RAN3 00039192 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V Model Edu Science UG Library
530RAN3 00039191 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V Model Edu Science UG Library
530RAN3 00039189 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V Model Edu Science UG Library
530RAN3 00039190 Text Book of Physics II Puc Ranganayaki Rao, V Model Edu Science UG Library
530RAO 00028669 Second Year B Sc Physics Rao, Narayana B V Wishwa Prakash 314 p UG Library
530RAO 00028672 Second Year B Sc Physics Rao, Narayana B V Wishwa Prakash 314 p UG Library
530RAO 00028671 Second Year B Sc Physics Rao, Narayana B V Wishwa Prakash 314 p UG Library
530RAO 00028676 Second Year B Sc Physics Rao, Narayana B V Wishwa Prakash 314 p UG Library
530RAO 00028678 Second Year B Sc Physics Rao, Narayana B V Wishwa Prakash 314 p UG Library
530RAO.2 00028396 Text Book of Physics for II Puc Rao, Ragahvendra K S Nudi 420 p UG Library
530RAO10 00033326 Text Book of II Puc Physics Rao, Raghavendra K S Nudi UG Library
530RAO4 00003629 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
530RAO4 00003630 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
530RAO4 00003632 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
530RAO4 00003633 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
530RAO4 00003631 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
530RAO5 00005427 II nd Year b Sc Physics Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
530RAO6 00005508 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao M A, Ramachandra Geetha UG Library
530RAO6 00005509 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao M A, Ramachandra Geetha UG Library
530RAO6 00005510 Text Book of Pre University Physics Rao M A, Ramachandra Geetha UG Library
530RAO7 00017198 Puc Physics Rao Ramachandra, Geetha UG Library
530RAO7 00017199 Puc Physics Rao Ramachandra, Geetha UG Library
530RAO8 00027898 Text Book of I Puc Physics Rao, B V N Trupthi UG Library
530RAO8 00027901 Text Book of I Puc Physics Rao, B V N Trupthi UG Library
530RAO8 00027902 Text Book of I Puc Physics Rao, B V N Trupthi UG Library
530RAO8 00027900 Text Book of I Puc Physics Rao, B V N Trupthi UG Library
530RAO8 00027899 Text Book of I Puc Physics Rao, B V N Trupthi UG Library
530RAO9 00016847 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
530RAO9 00016848 Pre University Physics Rao, B V N Ambika UG Library
530RES.H.2 00039895 Physics Part II Resnick, David New Age International 70 p UG Library
530SAT1 00036786 Modern Abc of Physics for I Puc Satish K, Gupta Modern UG Library
530SAT1 00036790 Modern Abc of Physics for I Puc Satish K, Gupta Modern UG Library
530SAT1 00036787 Modern Abc of Physics for I Puc Satish K, Gupta Modern UG Library
530SAT1 00036789 Modern Abc of Physics for I Puc Satish K, Gupta Modern UG Library
530SAT1 00036788 Modern Abc of Physics for I Puc Satish K, Gupta Modern UG Library
530SEA 00023038 College Physics Sears, Francis W Addison 880 p UG Library
530SEAR 00002655 College Physics Sears, Francis Westron Addision Wiley Mass UG Library
530SHE 00014023 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014025 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014026 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014024 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014027 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014029 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014031 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014032 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014030 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE 00014028 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE1 00014115 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, K G Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE1 00014118 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, K G Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE1 00014119 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, K G Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE1 00014117 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, K G Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE1 00014116 Text Book of Puc Chemistry I Shenoy, K G Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE2 00016350 Text Book of Chemistry II Shnoi, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE2 00016352 Text Book of Chemistry II Shnoi, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHE2 00016353 Text Book of Chemistry II Shnoi, Pai Geetha Book House UG Library
530SHR 00040900 C e t Physics Shridhar, A Deepa UG Library
530SHR1 00041683 Text Book of Physics II Puc Shridhar, A Deepa UG Library
530SID 00022397 Textbook of Numerical Problems in Physics Sidana, H S Vishal UG Library
530SQU 00068600 Practical Physics Squires, G L 0521658209 213p UG Library
530SRE.II 00021706 Text Book of Physics for II Puc Sreedharan, T D Sheth UG Library
530SRE.S.2 00038918 Text Book of Physics Volume 2 Sreedharan, T D United 424 p UG Library
530SRE.SII 00021732 Text Book of Physics Sreedharan, T D Sheth UG Library
530SRE.SII 00021733 Text Book of Physics Sreedharan, T D Sheth UG Library
530SRE0 00038712 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United Publication UG Library
530SRE10 00041677 Text Book of Physics for Puc Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE10 00041681 Text Book of Physics for Puc Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE10 00041680 Text Book of Physics for Puc Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE10 00041678 Text Book of Physics for Puc Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE4 00028756 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Shubadha Prakashana UG Library
530SRE5 00028759 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE6 00028836 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE6 00028838 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE6 00028839 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE6 00028840 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE6 00028837 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE7 00030156 Text Book of I Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE7 00030160 Text Book of I Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE7 00030157 Text Book of I Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE7 00030158 Text Book of I Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE7 00030159 Text Book of I Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Subhas Pub UG Library
530SRE8 00033325 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D Shubhada Prakasana UG Library
530SRE9 00038703 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE9 00038710 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE9 00038711 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE9 00038709 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE9 00038704 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE9 00038706 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE9 00038707 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE9 00038708 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SRE9 00038705 Text Book of II Puc Physics Sreedharan, T D United UG Library
530SREE 00047402 Text Book of Physics [ for Second Year PUC ] Sreedharan, Dr T D United 423p UG Library
530SREE 00047403 Text Book of Physics [ for Second Year PUC ] Sreedharan, Dr T D United 423p UG Library
530SREE 00041679 Text Book of Physics [ for Second Year PUC ] Sreedharan, Dr T D United 423p UG Library
530SRI 00033831 Cohesive Role of Sanskritization Srinivas, M N Oxford Univeristy Press UG Library
530SRI 00115576 Solved Problems in Physics Srivastava, S L Atlantic 2004 9788126904020 582p UG Library
530SRI1 00042101 First Year Puc Physics Srinivasan, T T Jupiter UG Library
530SRI1 00042102 First Year Puc Physics Srinivasan, T T Jupiter UG Library
530SRI1 00042104 First Year Puc Physics Srinivasan, T T Jupiter UG Library
530SRI1 00042103 First Year Puc Physics Srinivasan, T T Jupiter UG Library
530SRI1 00042105 First Year Puc Physics Srinivasan, T T Jupiter UG Library
530SUB.B1 00024887 Principles of Physics Subramanyam, N SCM 1096 p UG Library
530SUN 00016438 II B.Sc Physics Sundarajan, N Subhas UG Library
530SUN 00016442 II B.Sc Physics Sundarajan, N Subhas UG Library
530SUN.1 00042368 College Physics. for First Year B.Sc. Sundararajan, N United 352p UG Library
530SUN.S 00021723 Text Book of Physics (puc) Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00021724 Text Book of Physics (puc) Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00021725 Text Book of Physics (puc) Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00021726 Text Book of Physics (puc) Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00021727 Text Book of Physics Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00021729 Text Book of Physics Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00021731 Text Book of Physics Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00021730 Text Book of Physics Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00021728 Text Book of Physics Sundararajan, N Sheh Publishers UG Library
530SUN.S 00024668 Text Book of Physics Sundararajan, C N Seth Pub UG Library
530SUN.S 00024669 Text Book of Physics Sundararajan, C N Seth Pub UG Library
530SUN.S 00020831 Textbook of Physics (puc) Sundar Raja N N, United UG Library
530SUN.S 00020919 Textbook of Physics (new Syllabus Puc) Sundar Rajan, N United Pub UG Library
530SUN.S 00020923 Textbook of Physics (new Syllabus Puc) Sundar Rajan, N United Pub UG Library
530SUN.S 00020922 Textbook of Physics (new Syllabus Puc) Sundar Rajan, N United Pub UG Library
530SUN.S 00020920 Textbook of Physics (new Syllabus Puc) Sundar Rajan, N United Pub UG Library
530SUN.S 00020921 Textbook of Physics (new Syllabus Puc) Sundar Rajan, N United Pub UG Library
530SUN1 00010281 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00010817 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00010284 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00013721 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00013722 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00013723 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00013724 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00013725 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00014085 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00010815 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00010818 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00010283 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00010282 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00010285 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN1 00010816 T/b of Physics for I B. Sc Sundarajan, Subhas UG Library
530SUN10 00036811 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036820 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036819 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036814 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036815 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036816 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036818 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036817 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036813 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN10 00036812 Text Book of I Physics I Puc Sundarajan, T D United UG Library
530SUN3 00031704 College Physics for Second Year B.Sc. Sundararajan, N United Pub 422p UG Library
530SUN4 00013720 Text Book of Physics Sundaranarayan, Subhas Pub UG Library
530SUN5 00014082 Text Book of Physics I Bsc Sundararajan, N Subhas Prakashana UG Library
530SUN5 00014086 Text Book of Physics I Bsc Sundararajan, N Subhas Prakashana UG Library
530SUN5 00014084 Text Book of Physics I Bsc Sundararajan, N Subhas Prakashana UG Library
530SUN9 00030155 Text Book of I Puc Physics Sundara Rajan, N Subhas Pub UG Library
530SUNDA 00042095 Physics Practical Manual Sundararajan, N United Publishers 1997 1st ed. 133 p. : UG Library
530THO 00005382 Predegree Physics Thomas, S L Lilly UG Library
530THO 00005391 Predegree Physics Thomas, S L Lilly UG Library
530THO 00005384 Predegree Physics Thomas, S L Lilly UG Library
530THO 00005385 Predegree Physics Thomas, S L Lilly UG Library
530THO 00005387 Predegree Physics Thomas, S L Lilly UG Library
530THO 00005390 Predegree Physics Thomas, S L Lilly UG Library
530THO 00005388 Predegree Physics Thomas, S L Lilly UG Library
530THO 00005383 Predegree Physics Thomas, S L Lilly UG Library
530UNI 00002175 Terms in Physics University of Travankore , UG Library
530VAS 00090180 Matter and Man Vasilyev, M Union 178p UG Library
530VIS 00036781 Text Book of Physics for I Puc Viswasanth, C K Sarswathi UG Library
530VIS 00036783 Text Book of Physics for I Puc Viswasanth, C K Sarswathi UG Library
530VIS 00036785 Text Book of Physics for I Puc Viswasanth, C K Sarswathi UG Library
530VIS 00036784 Text Book of Physics for I Puc Viswasanth, C K Sarswathi UG Library
530VIS 00036782 Text Book of Physics for I Puc Viswasanth, C K Sarswathi UG Library
530VIS1 00039406 Text Book of Physics for Ii Puc Vishwanath, C K Saraswati UG Library
530VIS1 00039410 Text Book of Physics for Ii Puc Vishwanath, C K Saraswati UG Library
530VIS1 00039407 Text Book of Physics for Ii Puc Vishwanath, C K Saraswati UG Library
530VIS1 00039408 Text Book of Physics for Ii Puc Vishwanath, C K Saraswati UG Library
530VIS1 00039409 Text Book of Physics for Ii Puc Vishwanath, C K Saraswati UG Library
530VIS2 00041697 Text Book of Physics II Puc Vishwanath, C K Sarswathi UG Library
530VIS3 00052694 Text Book of I Puc Physics Vishwanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS3 00052698 Text Book of I Puc Physics Vishwanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS3 00052697 Text Book of I Puc Physics Vishwanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS3 00052696 Text Book of I Puc Physics Vishwanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS3 00052695 Text Book of I Puc Physics Vishwanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS4 00052699 Text Book of II Puc Physics Viswanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS4 00052703 Text Book of II Puc Physics Viswanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS4 00052702 Text Book of II Puc Physics Viswanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS4 00052701 Text Book of II Puc Physics Viswanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530VIS4 00052700 Text Book of II Puc Physics Viswanatha Sastry, M Y MES UG Library
530WEB1 00002557 College Technical Physics Webber, MGH 696 p UG Library
530WHI.8 00005912 General Physics Whiteley, W.l University 627 p UG Library
530YAR 00030490 Atomic Physics Yarwood, J 600p UG Library
531 BRE 04001068 Approches in Computational Mechanics Breitkopf, Piotr Viva Books 2008 8130909731 174p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 CLA 04010780 Physics Mechanics/ Clark E. CBS Publishers Distributros PVT.LTD. 1992 9788123905693 464 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 HAR 04003757 Mechanics Hartog, J P Den Dover Publications 1948 0486607542 462 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 JAI 00131492 Classical mechanics Jain,VImal kumar Ane books pvt ltd., 2016 9789384726706 xii,284p.; UG Library
531 JAI 04003810 Classical Mechanics Jain, Bimal Kumar Ane Books 2009 9788190840613 284 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 KLE 04006538 An Introduction To Mechanics Kleppner, Daniel Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070647787 xxii, 546 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 KLE 04006539 An Introduction To Mechanics Kleppner, Daniel Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070647787 xxii, 546 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 MAR 00035010 Introduction to Classical Mechanics (msc Maths) Marshak, Alexander Sameera UG Library
531 MAR 00035012 Introduction to Classical Mechanics (msc Maths) Marshak, Alexander Sameera UG Library
531 MAT 10000724 Mechanics Mathur D.S. S Chand & Co Ltd 1981 8121905990 | 9788121905992 1st Ed. 818 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
531 MOR 10000528 Introduction to Classical Mechanics : Morin, David Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521185028 xvii, 719 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
531 MOR 04015330 Introduction to Classical Mechanics : Morin, David Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521185028 xvii, 719 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 MOR 04001246 Introduction to Classical Mechanics With Problems and Solutions Morin, David Cambridge University Press 2008 9780521670517 719p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 MOR 00102169 Introduction to Classical Mechanics : Morin, David Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521185028 xvii, 719 p. UG Library
531 RAN 05040286 Classical Mechanics / Rana N.C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1991 0074603159 | 9780074603154 xx,607 p.; Knowledge Centre
531 RAN 05040287 Classical Mechanics / Rana N.C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1991 0074603159 | 9780074603154 xx,607 p.; Knowledge Centre
531 SHU 04004885 Mechancis Shukla, R K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418750 714 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SHU 04004884 Mechancis Shukla, R K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418750 714 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SIN 04023257 Fundamentals of Classical Mechanics / Singh, A.K Anmol Publication, 2014 9788126161478 312 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 04004919 Mechanics Srivastava, P K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122419054 457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 04003578 Advanced Mechanics of Solids Srinath, L S Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2008 0070494819 459 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 04004918 Mechanics Srivastava, P K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2007 9788122419054 457 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 .1133 HIR 04010654 Fundamentals of wave phenomena Hirose, Akira, SciTech Publishing; 2010 9781891121920 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. xv, 384 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 ABB 00004346 Teach Yourself Mechanics Abbott, P E L B S 1969 271 p.: UG Library
531 AGA 00039838 Elements of Mechanics Agarwal J.P. Pragati Prakashan, 1995 9th Ed. 658 p. UG Library
531 AGA 00035035 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. Sameera 1988 270 p. UG Library
531 AGA 00035036 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. Sameera 1988 270 p. UG Library
531 AGA 00035037 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. Sameera 1988 270 p. UG Library
531 AGA 00007946 Mechanics- Part II Agashe K.M. Ram Chand & Co. 1967 140 p. UG Library
531 AGA 00007954 Mechanics- Part II Agashe K.M. Ram Chand & Co. 1967 140 p. UG Library
531 AGA 00014805 Mechanics- Part II Agashe K.M. Ram Chand & Co. 1967 140 p. UG Library
531 AGA 00014806 Mechanics- Part II Agashe K.M. Ram Chand & Co. 1967 140 p. UG Library
531 AGA 00014807 Mechanics- Part II Agashe K.M. Ram Chand & Co. 1967 140 p. UG Library
531 AGR 00132125 Classic Mechanics: Agrawal H.M, New Age International Pvt .Ltd, Publishers, 2019 9789387788206 xv,359 p.; UG Library
531 ARM 05051706 Mechanics, waves, and thermal physics / Armstrong, Robin L., Prentice-Hall 1970 0135718104 x, 563 p. Knowledge Centre
531 ARY 00080416 How and Why in Basic Mechanics Kumar, Arvind Universities Press 2002 8173714207 290 p.: UG Library
531 AWR 05038728 Classical Mechanics : Awrejcewicz Jan Springer, 2012 9781461439776 xxi,250p.: Knowledge Centre
531 AZA 04000382 Introduction to Solids / Azaroff, Leonid V Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008 9780070992191 460 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 BAR 00039784 Classical Mechanics: a Modern Perspective Barger, Vernon 0071139850 418 p UG Library
531 BAS 00070394 Mechanics and Thermodynamics Basavaraju G. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 1988 0074515373 482 p. UG Library
531 BEC 00014731 Introduction to Theoretical Mechanics Becker, Robert A M G H 420 p UG Library
531 BHA 04017578 Solid Mechanics / Bhavikatti, S S Vikas Publication, 2010 9788125939382 412p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 BIS 00073764 Classical Mechanics Biswal S. Vrinda Publications Pvt Ltd 2006 8182810515 1st Ed. 259 p.: UG Library
531 BIS 00108242 Classical Mechanics Biswas S.N. Books And Allied Pvt Ltd 1998 8187134186 iii; 286 p. UG Library
531 BIS 04028830 Classical mechanics / Biswas S.N Bools and Allied, 2015 9788187134183 286p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 BIT 04024458 Computational solid mechanics : Bittencourt, Marco L. CRC Press, 2015 9781439860014 | 1439860017 xxvii, 647 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 BOS 00127702 Continuum Mechanics Theory Bose, Sujit Kumar Narose Publishing House, 2017 9788184875713 165 p.: UG Library
531 BOW 04018713 Introduction to continuum mechanics for engineers / Bowen, Ray M., Dover Publications, 2009 9780486474601 (pbk.) | 0486474 Rev. ed., Dover ed. vi, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 BOW 05042393 Introduction to continuum mechanics for engineers / Bowen, Ray M., Dover Publications, 2009 9780486474601 (pbk.) | 0486474 Rev. ed., Dover ed. vi, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 BUL 04027230 Fluid and Solid Mechanics : Bullett, Shaun World Scientific, 2016 9781786340269 v, 217p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 CHA 04011032 Encyclopaedia of Classical Mechanics / Chakraborty, Mrinal Anmol Publications , 2011 9788126142354 vii, 309 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 CHA 00019478 Advanced Practical Physics {2 vols} Chauhan, M S Pragathi 1974 396 p.: UG Library
531 CHA 00055997 Advanced Practical Physics {2 vols} Chauhan, M S Pragathi 1974 396 p.: UG Library
531 CHA 00074203 Mechanics Chadha T.K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2004 8122415539 | 9788122415537 531 p. UG Library
531 CHA 00019476 Advanced Practical Physics {2 vols} Chauhan, M S Pragathi 1974 396 p.: UG Library
531 CHA 00014820 Elementaty Mechanics Chaki, M C Ghosh 1966 306 p.: UG Library
531 CHA 04023244 Mechanics Chadha T.K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2004 8122415539 | 9788122415537 531 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 CHA 04023245 Mechanics Chadha T.K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2004 8122415539 | 9788122415537 531 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 CHA 00072925 Mechanics Chadha T.K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2004 8122415539 | 9788122415537 531 p. UG Library
531 CHA 00068041 Mechanics Chadha T.K. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2004 8122415539 | 9788122415537 531 p. UG Library
531 CHA 00123379 Mechanics Chaichian, Masud. Springer, 2012 9783642172342 | 9783642163906 xvii, 468 p.: UG Library
531 CHH 00122576 Statistical Mechanics Chhikara, Baldev Singh RBSA Publishers, 2016 9788176117289 249 p:. UG Library
531 CLA 00073717 Physics Mechanics Clark E. CBS Publishiers & Distributors 1992 8123905696 | 9654220016 464 p. UG Library
531 CLA 00106547 Physics Mechanics Clark E. CBS Publishiers & Distributors 1992 8123905696 | 9654220016 464 p. UG Library
531 CLA 00069223 Physics Mechanics Clark E. CBS Publishiers & Distributors 1992 8123905696 | 9654220016 464 p. UG Library
531 COR 05033660 Classical mechanics / Corben, H. C. Dover Publications, 1994 0486680630 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xi, 389 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 DUR 00070315 Mechanics Duraipandian P. S Chand & Co Ltd 2005 0812190272 | 9788121902724 6th Ed. 386 p. UG Library
531 ECK 05042178 Unilateral contact problems Eck, Christof. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2005 1574446290 (alk. paper) 398p.: Knowledge Centre
531 ENG 00125137 Lectures on Classical Mechanics / Englert, Berthold-Georg, World Scientific, 2015 9789814678445 | 9814678449 | 9 xx, 353 pages : UG Library
531 ENG 00147303 Lectures on Classical Mechanics / Englert, Berthold-Georg World Scientific, 2024 9780000991812 xx,353p. : UG Library
531 FAW 00127707 Mechanics : Fawkes,Howard Medtech: 2017 9789385998867 404p. UG Library
531 FAW 41000839 Mechanics : Fawkes,Howard Medtech: 2017 9789385998867 404p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 FET 05033543 Theoretical mechanics of particles and continua / Fetter, Alexander L., Dover Publications, 2003 0486432610 (pbk.) | 9780486432 xvii, 570 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 FET 05052135 Theoretical mechanics of particles and continua / Fetter, Alexander L., Dover Publications, 2003 0486432610 (pbk.) | 9780486432 xvii, 570 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 FRE 04007436 Newtonian Mechanics : French, A.p. Viva Books, 2011 9788130917320 xiii, 743p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 GAN 00005646 Lectures in Analytical Mechanics Gantmacher F. Mir Publishers 1970 264 p. UG Library
531 GIB 05057949 Elementary principles in statistical mechanics : Gibbs, J. Willard Dover, 1902 xviii, 207 p. Knowledge Centre
531 GOE 00122570 Classical Mechanics Goel, Rajneesh Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126161430 281 p:. UG Library
531 GOL 00139496 Classical Mechanics / Goldstein, Herbert Pearson, 2019 9788131758915 3rd Ed. ; xvi, 646p. ; UG Library
531 GOL 00035081 Classical Mechanics Goldstein,Herbert. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8185015538 2nd Ed. 684 p. UG Library
531 GOL 00131966 Classical Mechanics / Goldstein, Herbert Narosa Publishing, 1987 8185015538 680 p UG Library
531 GOL 00042131 Classical Mechanics Goldstein,Herbert. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8185015538 2nd Ed. 684 p. UG Library
531 GOL 00042130 Classical Mechanics Goldstein,Herbert. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8185015538 2nd Ed. 684 p. UG Library
531 GOL 00073763 Classical Mechanics Goldstein,Herbert. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8185015538 2nd Ed. 684 p. UG Library
531 GOL 00039789 Classical Mechanics Goldstein,Herbert. Narosa Publishing House 2000 8185015538 2nd Ed. 684 p. UG Library
531 GOL 05031062 Classical Mechanics / Goldstein, Herbert Narosa Publishing, 1987 8185015538 680 p Knowledge Centre
531 GOL 04029971 Classical Mechanics / Goldstein, Herbert Pearson, 2019 9788131758915 3rd Ed. ; xvi, 646p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 GRA 05051518 Continuum mechanics and its applications / Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1989 0891168893 : xviii, 972 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 GRE 00131135 Classical Mechanics : Gregory, Douglas R. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521733120 xii, 596 p. UG Library
531 GRE 00068046 Classical Mechanics. Greiner, Walter Springer 2004 8181281284 542p UG Library
531 GRE 04011396 Classical mechanics : Greiner, Walter, Springer, 2003 9788181281289 xviii, 542 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 GRE 00102168 Classical Mechanics : Gregory, Douglas R. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521733120 xii, 596 p. UG Library
531 GUP 00068037 Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies Gupta,Kiran C. New Age International 1997 8122410243 2nd Ed. 667 p. UG Library
531 GUP 10000496 Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies / Gupta,Kiran C. New Age International, 2018 9789386649782 3rd ed. xxi, 688p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
531 GUP 00118839 Fundamentals of Classical Mechanics Gupta, A.B Books & Allied(P) Ltd, 2014 9788187134961 vii:478p.; UG Library
531 GUP 00118838 Fundamentals of Classical Mechanics Gupta, A.B Books & Allied(P) Ltd, 2014 9788187134961 vii:478p.; UG Library
531 GUP 00119366 Statistical Mechanics Kumar Gupta Pragat Prakashan, 2013 9789350062487 x, 384 p.: UG Library
531 GUP 00119367 Statistical Mechanics Kumar Gupta Pragat Prakashan, 2013 9789350062487 x, 384 p.: UG Library
531 GUP 00119349 Classical Mechanics Gupta Pragati Prakashan, 2013 9789350062371 26th ed I 398 p.: UG Library
531 GUP 00119350 Classical Mechanics Gupta Pragati Prakashan, 2013 9789350062371 26th ed I 398 p.: UG Library
531 GUP 00119351 Classical Mechanics Gupta Pragati Prakashan, 2013 9789350062371 26th ed I 398 p.: UG Library
531 GUP 00119352 Classical Mechanics Gupta Pragati Prakashan, 2013 9789350062371 26th ed I 398 p.: UG Library
531 GUP 00120150 Classical Mechanics and Properties of Matter Gupta A.B. Books and Allied Ltd, 2015 9789384294601 xi,744 p.: UG Library
531 GUP 00146180 Mechanics and Properties of Matter Gupta, A.B. Books and Allied Ltd, 2023 9789394107908 xi,846p. ; UG Library
531 GUP 00123362 Fundamentals of Classical Mechanics Gupta, A.B Books & Allied(P) Ltd, 2014 9788187134961 vii:478p.; UG Library
531 GUP 00146177 Fundamentals of Classical Mechanics/ Gupta, A.B Books & Allied(P) Ltd, 2023 9789394107038 3rd ed. vii,539p. ; UG Library
531 GUP 00067012 Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies Gupta,Kiran C. New Age International 1997 8122410243 2nd Ed. 667 p. UG Library
531 GUP 00039790 Classical Mechanics Gupta S.L. Pragati Prakashan, 1996 12th Ed. 442 p.; UG Library
531 GUP 00039791 Classical Mechanics Gupta B.D. Kedar Nath Ram Nath 1991 9th Ed. 462 p. UG Library
531 GUP 00039793 Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies Gupta,Kiran C. Wiley Eastern Ltd 1988 8122400043 645 p. UG Library
531 HAB 00147235 Classical Mechanics: Lecture Notes/ Haberzettl, Helmut World Scientific, 2024 9798886130652 xiii,369p. ; UG Library
531 HAC 00148026 A Brief Introduction to classical mechanics : Hacyan, Shahen World scientific publishing, 2024 9789811274725 xii,169p. ; UG Library
531 HAN 00030479 Mechanics Hans H.S. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 1984 07451671x 386 p. UG Library
531 HAN 00033793 Mechanics Hans H.S. University Leadership Project In Physics 1980 269 p. UG Library
531 HAR 04018711 Mechanics Hartog, J P Den Dover Publications 1948 0486607542 462 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 HAR 04015582 Mechanics Hartog, J P Den Dover Publications 1948 0486607542 462 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 HAS 04029381 Classical mechanics with MATLAB applications / Hasbun, Javier Ernesto. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763746360 | 0763746363 xvi, 548 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 HAS 05008415 Classical Mechanics With MATLAB Applications Hasbun, Javier E Jones and Bartlett India P Limited 2010 9789380108162 548 p Knowledge Centre
531 HEN 00129560 Classical mechanics / Hentschke, Reinhard Springer 2017 9783319487090 380p. UG Library
531 IRO 00125236 A modern approach to classical mechanics / Iro, Harald. World Scientific, 2016 9812382135 | 9789814704113 2nd ed, xii, 442 p. : UG Library
531 IRO 00147356 A modern approach to classical mechanics / Iro, Harald World Scientific, 2024 9798886130065 Second edition. xii,515p. : UG Library
531 JAI 00124082 Mechanics, waves and thermodynamics : Jain, Sudhir Ranjan, Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107145191 | 1107145198 210pages cm UG Library
531 JAI 00131145 Mechanics, waves and thermodynamics : Jain, Sudhir Ranjan, Cambridge University Press 2016 9781107145191 | 1107145198 210pages cm UG Library
531 JAI 00123521 Classical Mechanics Jain, Bimal Kumar Ane Books 2009 9788190840613 284 p UG Library
531 JOG 00121404 Continuum Mechanics/ Jog C S Cambridge 2015 9781107091351 3rd ed.Volume 1 852p. UG Library
531 KAK 00120765 Mechanics Kakani S L Viva Books 2015 9788130929163 3rd ed. 912p. UG Library
531 KAP 00010105 Mechanics Kapoor Chand R 1972 viii, 108 p. UG Library
531 KAS 00122577 Statistical Mechanics Kashyap, R C Book Enclave, 2015 9788181523693 304 p:. UG Library
531 KIB 00015945 Classical Mechanics Kibble T.W.B. McGraw-Hill 1966 070941440 296 p. UG Library
531 KIT 00123928 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: UG Library
531 KIT 00123929 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: UG Library
531 KIT 00124140 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: UG Library
531 KIT 00124141 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: UG Library
531 KIT 00124142 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: UG Library
531 KIT 00124143 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: UG Library
531 KIT 00124144 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: UG Library
531 KIT 04025116 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 KIT 00014857 Mechanics I Kittel, UG Library
531 KIT 00104594 Mechanics Kittel,Charles. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1973 9780070667280 2nd Edition xix: 426 P. UG Library
531 KIT 04011599 Mechanics/ Kittel Charles Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2011 9780070702134 2nd ed, xix, 451 p,: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 KIT 00026097 Mechanics Kittel,Charles. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1973 9780070667280 2nd Edition xix: 426 P. UG Library
531 KLE 04011600 An Introduction To Mechanics Kleppner, Daniel Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070647787 xxii, 546 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 KLE 04019984 An Introduction To Mechanics Kleppner, Daniel Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 9780070647787 xxii, 546 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 KLE 05051261 An introduction to mechanics / Kleppner, Daniel. McGraw-Hill, 1973 0070350485 xxii, 546 p. Knowledge Centre
531 KLE 10000304 An Introduction to Mechanics / Kleppner, Daniel. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781009013826 2nd ed. xx, 542 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
531 KLE 00060737 An Introduction to Mechanics Kleppner,Daniel. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2000 0074636855 546 p. UG Library
531 KUM 04029847 Advances in Classical Mechanics / Kumar, Ashish Oxford Book Company, 2020 9789350305379 viii, 286p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 LAI 05040492 Introduction to continuum mechanics Lai, W. Michael, Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier, 2010 9789380501581 | 0080942520 (electronic bk.) 4th ed. xiv, 520 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 LAI 05040493 Introduction to continuum mechanics Lai, W. Michael, Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier, 2010 9789380501581 | 0080942520 (electronic bk.) 4th ed. xiv, 520 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 LAL 00033828 Mechanics and Relativity Lal, Brij. S. Chand And Co Ltd 1990 1st Ed. 308 p. UG Library
531 LAN 04024493 Mechanics : Landau, L D Elsevier, 2010 9788181477866 3th ed, 170p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 LEE 00138951 Essential classical mechanics / Lee, Choonkyu, World Scientific publishing, 2018 9789813234642 | 9813234644 xii, 752 pages : UG Library
531 LEV 05046765 Classical Mechanics with Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control An Intuitive Introduction / Levi Mark American Mathematical Society, 2014 9781470425982 xx,299p.: Knowledge Centre
531 LIN 00017725 Physical Mechanics Lindsay, Robert Bruce. D.Van Nostrand Co Inc 1993 436 p. UG Library
531 MAJ 00039808 Quantum Mechanics Majumdar, S Datta 0070699924 554 p UG Library
531 MAS 00071341 Theory And Problems Of Continuum Mechanics Mase,George E. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2005 0070606072 | 9780070606074 221 p. UG Library
531 MAT 00039844 Mechanics Mathur D.S. S Chand & Co Ltd 1984 8121905990 2nd Ed. 816 p. UG Library
531 MAT 00026243 Mechanics Mathur D.S. S Chand & Co Ltd 1984 8121905990 2nd Ed. 816 p. UG Library
531 MAT 00111315 Mechanics Mathur D.S. S Chand & Co Ltd 1984 8121905990 2nd Ed. 816 p. UG Library
531 MAT 00033814 Mechanics Mathur D.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1978 824 p. UG Library
531 MAT 00127805 Mechanics Mathur D.S. S Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd 2016 9788121905992 2nd Ed. 834 p. UG Library
531 MAT 00115638 Mechanics Mathur D.S. S Chand & Co Ltd 1981 8121905990 | 9788121905992 1st Ed. 818 p. UG Library
531 MAT 04011232 Classical Mechanics and General Properties of Matter / Maiti Satyendra Nath New Age International (P)Limited,Publishers, 2006 9788122417388 xxvi,676 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 MAT 00019044 Mechanics Mathur D.S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1978 824 p. UG Library
531 MAX 05033558 Matter and motion / Maxwell, James Clerk, Dover Publications, 1991 9780486668956 (pbk.) : 163 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 MEH 00132864 Mechanics: Mehta, Maharshi A., Cyber Tech Publications, 2016 9789350536520 x,216 p.; UG Library
531 MOR 00106016 Introduction to Classical Mechanics : Morin, David Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521185028 xvii, 719 p. UG Library
531 MOR 00004347 Applied Mechanics Morley,Arthur. The English Language Book Society 1959 2nd Ed. 376 p. UG Library
531 NAI 00120764 Introduction to continuum mechanics / Nair, Sudhakar, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521875622 (hardback) xii, 237 p. : UG Library
531 NAR 00021960 Mechanics Narayana,Shankara S.R. Sultan Chand & Sons 1982 2nd Ed. 436 p. UG Library
531 NEL 00010078 Mechanics and Properties of Matter Nelkon M. Arnold-Heinemann India 1972 1st Ed. 246 p. UG Library
531 NEL 00014328 Mechanics and Properties of Matter Nelkon M. Arnold-Heinemann India 1972 1st Ed. 246 p. UG Library
531 NEL 00014326 Mechanics and Properties of Matter Nelkon M. Arnold-Heinemann India 1972 1st Ed. 246 p. UG Library
531 NEL 00010080 Mechanics and Properties of Matter Nelkon M. Arnold-Heinemann India 1972 1st Ed. 246 p. UG Library
531 NEL 00010079 Mechanics and Properties of Matter Nelkon M. Arnold-Heinemann India 1972 1st Ed. 246 p. UG Library
531 NEL 00024871 Mechanics and Properties of Matter Nelkon M. Arnold-Heinemann India 1972 1st Ed. 246 p. UG Library
531 NEW 05048753 The Principia : Newton, Isaac, University of California Press, 1999 9780520290747 xvii, 591 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 NEW 00147913 The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Newton, Sir Isaac Sanage Publishing House LLP 2020 9789390575664 784p UG Library
531 ODE 05057722 Finite elements of nonlinear continua / Oden, J. Tinsley Dover Publications, 2006 0486449734 (pbk.) | 9780486449 Dover ed. xv, 432 p. : Knowledge Centre
531 PAN 04021659 A Textbook of Mechanics / Pande, H. D. Dominant, 2014 9789382007692 219p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 PRA 00080256 Classical Mechanics Prakash, Satya Kedar Nath Ram Nath 2012 9789380803159 600 p.: UG Library
531 PRA 00026124 Relativistic Mechanics Prakash,Satya. Pragati Prakashan 1995 7th Ed. 442 p. UG Library
531 PRA 00039855 Relativistic Mechanics Prakash,Satya. Pragati Prakashan 1995 7th Ed. 442 p. UG Library
531 PRI 00146001 Classicial Mechanics / Priyadarshi, Brajesh Asia Publishers & Distributors, 2023 9788119391004 xii,244p. ; UG Library
531 RAJ 00039831 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Rajput B.S. Pragati Prakashan 1995 3rd Ed. 896 p. UG Library
531 RAN 00069915 Classical Mechanics / Rana N.C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1991 0074603159 | 9780074603154 xx,607 p.; UG Library
531 RAN 00037679 Classical Mechanics / Rana N.C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1991 0074603159 | 9780074603154 xx,607 p.; UG Library
531 RAN 00069738 Classical Mechanics / Rana N.C. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1991 0074603159 | 9780074603154 xx,607 p.; UG Library
531 RAO 00056477 Classical Mechanics Rao,Srinivasa K.N. Universities Press 2003 8173714363 | 9788173714368 346 p. UG Library
531 RAO 00056478 Classical Mechanics Rao,Srinivasa K.N. Universities Press 2003 8173714363 | 9788173714368 346 p. UG Library
531 RAO 04025114 Classical Mechanics Rao,Srinivasa K.N. Universities Press 2003 8173714363 | 9788173714368 346 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 RED 05040277 An introduction to continuum mechanics : Reddy, J. N. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107025431 (hardback) 2nd ed. xxvi,450p.; Knowledge Centre
531 ROM 05043456 Continuum mechanics : Romano, Antonio. Springer, 2010 9780817648695 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 347 p. Knowledge Centre
531 ROM 04011287 Continuum mechanics : Romano, Antonio. Springer, 2010 9780817648695 (hardcover : alk 1st ed. 347 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 RUC 00000739 Orbit Ruchils, H Y Harper & Brothers 1958 147 p.: UG Library
531 SAR 00033804 Mechanical Systems Saraf B. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 070690771x 194 p. UG Library
531 SAR 00132879 An introduction to mechanics Saradva,A.R Cyber tech publications, 2018 9789350536377 240p.; UG Library
531 SAX 00106548 Classical Mechanics Saxena A K CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2010 9788123918969 x,317 p. UG Library
531 SAX 04010849 Classical Mechanics Saxena A K CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2010 9788123918969 x,317 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SCH 00039802 Quantum Mechanics Schwabl, Franz Narosa Publishing 8185198888 407 UG Library
531 SHA 00119133 Computational Continuum Mechanics Shabana, Ahmed A., Cambridge University Press, 2012 2nd ed. xii:335p.; UG Library
531 SHU 10000778 Mechancis Shukla, R K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2006 9788122418750 714 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
531 SHU 00145936 Mechanics Shukla, R. K. New Age Publishers, 2024 9789395161893 2nd ed, xv,718p. ; UG Library
531 SIN 04026445 Mechanics and Wave Motion / Singh, Vinod Kumar I K International Publishing House, 2013 9789382332329 409p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SIN 04021681 Concepts in Classical Mechanics / Singh, Gopal ALMOL PUBLICATION, 2013 9788126153497 200p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SIN 00038532 Degree Level Mechanics Singh,Prahlad. Bharathi Bhavan 1989 2nd Ed. 379 p. UG Library
531 SMI 00019046 Mechanics Smith, R C English Language Book Socitey & John Wiley & Sons LTD 1977 263 p. : UG Library
531 SPE 05033644 Continuum Mechanics Spencer, A J M Dover Publications 2004 0486435946 178 p Knowledge Centre
531 SPI 00002938 Theory and Problems of Theoretical Mechanics Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum Publishing Co 1967 368 p. UG Library
531 SPI 00075596 Theory and Problems of Theoretical Mechanics Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum Publishing Co 1967 368 p. UG Library
531 SPI 00037654 Theory and Problems of Theoretical Mechanics Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum Publishing Co 1967 368 p. UG Library
531 SRI 10000276 Advanced Mechanics of Solids / Srinath, L S Tata McGraw Hill Education PVt Ltd, 2009 9780070139886 3rd ed. xv, 504p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
531 SRI 04013032 Advanced Mechanics of Solids / Srinath, L S Tata McGraw Hill Education PVt Ltd, 2009 9780070139886 3rd ed. xv, 504p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 04013033 Advanced Mechanics of Solids / Srinath, L S Tata McGraw Hill Education PVt Ltd, 2009 9780070139886 3rd ed. xv, 504p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 00073767 Advanced Mechanics of Solids Srinath L.S. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2006 0070494819 | 9780070494817 2nd Ed. 459 p. UG Library
531 SRI 04027974 Advanced mechanics of solids / Srinath, L S Tata McGraw Hill Education PVt Ltd, 2009 9780070139886 3rd ed. xv, 395.00 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 04007627 Advanced mechanics of solids / Srinath, L S Tata McGraw Hill Education PVt Ltd, 2009 9780070139886 3rd ed. xv, 395.00 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 04007626 Advanced Mechanics of Solids / Srinath, L S Tata McGraw Hill Education PVt Ltd, 2009 9780070139886 3rd ed. xv, 504p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 04030807 Advanced Mechanics of Solids Srinath L.S. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 2006 0070494819 | 9780070494817 2nd Ed. 459 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 SRI 04024992 Advanced Mechanics of Solids / Srinath, L S Tata McGraw Hill Education PVt Ltd, 2009 9780070139886 3rd ed. xv, 504p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 STR 00106886 Classical mechanics Strauch, Dieter. Springer, 2009 9783540736158 xxi, 405 p. UG Library
531 STR 00147136 Special Relativity for the Enthusiast Strohm, Thomas Springer, 2023 9783031219238 xvi,344p. ; UG Library
531 SUB 00005029 Mechanics Subramanyanm P R S Vishvanathan 1966 399 p UG Library
531 SYM 00126574 Mechanics Symon, Keith R. Pearson, 2016 9789332573918 3rd ed., xii, 639 p.: UG Library
531 SYM 00126575 Mechanics Symon, Keith R. Pearson, 2016 9789332573918 3rd ed., xii, 639 p.: UG Library
531 SYN 00009892 Principles of Mechanics Synge,John L. McGraw-Hill Book Co Inc 1970 3rd Ed. 552 p. UG Library
531 TAK 00035011 Introduction to Classical Mechanics Takwale, R G T M H 424 p UG Library
531 TAL 04001067 Mechanics Tensors and Virtual Works Talpaert, Yves R Viva Books 2008 8130909731 460p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 TYM 00125240 Newtonian Mechanics for Undergraduates / Tymms, Vijay, World Scientific, 2016 9781786340078 | 9781786340085 xiv, 254 pages ; UG Library
531 VER 10000535 Introduction to Mechanics / Verma, Mahendra K. Universities Press, 2016 9788173716270 xvi, 608 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
531 VER 04016309 Introduction to Mechanics / Verma, Mahendra K Universities Press, 2008 9788173716270 341 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531 WAG 00039792 Classical Mechanics Waghmare, R Yashwant Prentice -Hall 310 p UG Library
531 WAL 00147247 Introduction to Classical Mechanics: Solutions to Problems/ Walecka, John Dirk World Scientific, 2024 9798886130799 x,141p. ; UG Library
531 WAL 00142647 Introduction to classical mechanics : Walecka, John Dirk, World scientific publishing, 2021 9789811224942 | 9789811227622 | 9780000990013 xiv,169p.; UG Library
531 ZIM 04015343 Principles of the theory of solids / Ziman, J. M. Cambridge University Press, 1972 9781107641341 2nd ed. xiii , 435 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.01 MCC 05067847 Applications of tensor analysis / McConnell. A.J. Dover Publicatons, 1931 xii,318p.; Knowledge Centre
531.0151 GRE 04005654 Classical Mechanics: Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics Greiner, Walter Springer 2009 9783642034336 576 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.0151 CAL 00123383 Discrete Mechanics Caltagirone, Jean-Paul. John Wiley & Sons, 2015 9781848216785 viii, 221 p.: UG Library
531.0151 CON 05040859 Numerical methods in mechanics / Longman, 1997 0582313201 (pbk) 174 p. : Knowledge Centre
531.0151 GRE 04015315 Classical Mechanics / Gregory, R. Douglas CUP, 2006 9780521733120 596 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.0151 KIB 04015316 Classical mechanics / Kibble, Tom W.B. Imperial Collerge Press, 2004 9788175967205 5th ed. 478 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.0151 LAN 05057849 The variational principles of mechanics / Lanczos, Cornelius, Dover Publications, 1970 0486650677 (pbk.) : | 97804866 4th ed. xxix, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
531.0151 NEJ 00133115 Fundamentals Of Continuum: Nejad, Yavari Mohammad, Oxford Book Company, 2019 9789350304280 viii,280 p.; UG Library
531.0151 RUD 04024633 Fundamentals of continuum mechanics / Rudnicki, John W. John Wiley, 2015 9781118479919 199p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.0151 RUD 00123380 Fundamentals of continuum mechanics / Rudnicki, John W. John Wiley, 2015 9781118479919 199p. : UG Library
531.01515 ABR 05006726 Foundations of Mechanics / Abraham,Ralph. AMS Chelsea Publishing, 1978 9788173713989 | 9780821868751 2nd ed. xxiv,826 p. Knowledge Centre
531.01515 ABR 05051561 Foundations of Mechanics / Abraham,Ralph. AMS Chelsea Publishing, 1978 9788173713989 | 9780821868751 2nd ed. xxiv,826 p. Knowledge Centre
531.01515 ARN 05049945 Mathematical methods of classical mechanics / Arnolʹd, V. I. Springer-Verlag, 1989 0387968903 | 9780387968902 2nd ed. ix, 516 p. : Knowledge Centre
531.01515 ERE 00137288 Plane elastic systems / Milne-Thomson, L. M. Springer, 1960 2nd Ed 211p.; UG Library
531.01515 LAM 00128385 Fundamental principles of classical mechanics : Lam, Kai S. World Scientific Publishing 2014 9789814551489 (hardcover : alk xv, 574 pages : UG Library
531.01515 MER 04024163 Analytical Mechanics Solutions to Problems in Classical Physics / Merches, Ioan CRC Press, 2015 9781482239393 442p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.01515352 MCC 00041446 Classical Mechanics-Transformation,Flows,Integrable and Chaotic Dynamics Mc Cauley, J Joseph 0521578825 466 p UG Library
531.01517 TAR 05051483 Theoretical mechanics: Targ, S. Mir Publishers, 1976 525 p. with diagrs. Knowledge Centre
531.017 KAL 05051422 Mathematical methods of two dimensional elasticity / Kalandiya, A.I. Mir Publishers, 1975 351p. Knowledge Centre
531.05 PM 42001289 Popular Mechanics (Journals) Bill Congdon, 2009 v. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.05 PM 42001290 Popular Mechanics (Journals) Bill Congdon, 2009 v. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.05 PM 42000047 Popular Mechanics (Journals) Bill Congdon, 2009 v. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.05 PM 42000046 Popular Mechanics (Journals) Bill Congdon, 2009 v. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.076 ILI 05075141 Classical mechanics : Ilie, Carolina C., CRC Press, 2023 9781032983608 First edition. xvi, 263p.; Knowledge Centre
531.1 ARO 04002708 Analytical Mechanics Arora, G D Sarup & Sons Publishers 2008 9788176257855 126 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1 GAM 04001528 Mechanics Gambhir, R S CBS Publishers and Distributors 2008 8123908849 374p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1 KAM 04001993 Mechanics of Particles, Waves and Oscillations Kamal, Anwar New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122415902 428 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1 LAG 00106023 Mecanique analytique Lagrange, J. L. Librairie scientifique et technique, 1965 9781108001755 x,422p. UG Library
531.11 RAI 00141120 Dynamics Raisinghania M.D. S Chand 2006 8121926491 | 9788121926492 1st Ed. P.V. UG Library
531.11 RAI 00118686 Dynamics Raisinghania M.D. S Chand 2006 8121926491 | 9788121926492 1st Ed. P.V. UG Library
531.11 RAI 00118685 Dynamics Raisinghania M.D. S Chand 2006 8121926491 | 9788121926492 1st Ed. P.V. UG Library
531.11 RAI 00111343 Dynamics Raisinghania M.D. S Chand 2006 8121926491 | 9788121926492 1st Ed. P.V. UG Library
531.11 BAL 00069966 Dynamics Bali N.P. Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 9th Ed. 660 p. UG Library
531.11 BAL 00028590 Golden Dynamics Bali N.P. Laxmi Publications 1989 8th Ed. 582 p. UG Library
531.11 BAL 00029229 Golden Dynamics Bali N.P. Laxmi Publications 1989 8th Ed. 582 p. UG Library
531.11 BAL 00029183 Golden Dynamics Bali N.P. Laxmi Publications 1989 8th Ed. 582 p. UG Library
531.11 BAL 00030993 Golden Dynamics Bali N.P. Laxmi Publications 1989 8th Ed. 582 p. UG Library
531.11 BAL 00070483 Dynamics Bali N.P. Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 9th Ed. 660 p. UG Library
531.11 BAL 00118467 Dynamics Bali N.P. Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 9th Ed. 660 p. UG Library
531.11 CHO 05040327 Textbook of fluid dynamics / Chorlton,F. CBS Publishers, 1985 9788123908816 xiv,399p.; Knowledge Centre
531.11 CHO 05040328 Textbook of fluid dynamics / Chorlton,F. CBS Publishers, 1985 9788123908816 xiv,399p.; Knowledge Centre
531.11 CHO 00004345 Textbook of Dynamics Chorlton F. English Language Book Society 1969 263 p. UG Library
531.11 CHO 00005644 Textbook of Dynamics Chorlton F. English Language Book Society 1969 263 p. UG Library
531.11 CHO 00014597 Textbook of Dynamics Chorlton F. English Language Book Society 1969 263 p. UG Library
531.11 CHO 00029089 Textbook of Dynamics Chorlton F. CBS Publishing & Distributors 1985 2nd Ed. 271 p. UG Library
531.11 DAS 05057823 Fundamentals of dynamics and analysis of motion / Da Silva, M. R. M. Crespo. Dover, 2016 9780486797373 xi,705p.; Knowledge Centre
531.11 DES 00074202 Particle Dynamics Deshwal P.S. New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers 2000 8122412262 180 p. UG Library
531.11 IOM 00138441 Fractional dynamics in comb-like structures / Iomin, Alexander. World Scientific, 2018 9789813273436 xv, 229p.; UG Library
531.11 KAH 05057679 Nonlinear dynamics : Kahn, Peter B., Dover publications Inc., 2014 9780486780450 (pbk.) | 0486780 Dover edition. xiii, 401 pages : Knowledge Centre
531.11 KAP 00014827 A Text Book of Dynamics Kapur J.N. Ram Chand & Co 1967 1st Ed. 302 p UG Library
531.11 KAP 00014828 A Text Book of Dynamics Kapur J.N. Ram Chand & Co 1967 1st Ed. 302 p UG Library
531.11 LAM 05068712 Dynamics / Lamb, Hopace. Cambridge at the university press, 1929 xi, 351p.; Knowledge Centre
531.11 LOV 04029996 Theoretical mechanics : Love, Augustus Edward Hough, University press, 2015 9781107593459 2d ed. xvi, 367 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.11 LOW 00128829 Essentials of Hamiltonian Dynamics / Lowenstein, John H., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107005204 xiii, 188 p. : UG Library
531.11 MOL 00131271 Advanced dynamics of a particle Mollah,S.A Books & Alied pvt ltd., 2018 9789384294977 vi,396p.; UG Library
531.11 MOL 00131272 Advanced dynamics of a particle Mollah,S.A Books & Alied pvt ltd., 2018 9789384294977 vi,396p.; UG Library
531.11 MOL 00131273 Advanced dynamics of a particle Mollah,S.A Books & Alied pvt ltd., 2018 9789384294977 vi,396p.; UG Library
531.11 MOL 00136161 Advanced dynamics of a particle Mollah,S.A Books & Alied pvt ltd., 2019 9789384294977 | 9788193984857 2nd ed, vi,397 p.; UG Library
531.11 MOL 00136162 Advanced dynamics of a particle Mollah,S.A Books & Alied pvt ltd., 2019 9789384294977 | 9788193984857 2nd ed, vi,397 p.; UG Library
531.11 MOL 00136163 Advanced dynamics of a particle Mollah,S.A Books & Alied pvt ltd., 2019 9789384294977 | 9788193984857 2nd ed, vi,397 p.; UG Library
531.11 NAR 00026086 Dynamics Narayanan S. S. Chand & Co Ltd 1986 16th Ed. 316 p. UG Library
531.11 NAR 00026085 Dynamics Narayanan S. S. Chand & Co Ltd 1986 16th Ed. 316 p. UG Library
531.11 NAR 00026087 Dynamics Narayanan S. S. Chand & Co Ltd 1986 16th Ed. 316 p. UG Library
531.11 NOL 00138367 Introduction to modern dynamics : Nolte,David D Oxford university press, 2019 9780198844624 | 019884462X | 9780198844631 | 0198844638 Second edition. xviii, 479 pages : UG Library
531.11 RAI 00070316 Dynamics Raisinghania M.D. S Chand 2006 8121926491 | 9788121926492 1st Ed. P.V. UG Library
531.11 RAM 00029045 Dynamics Ramsey A.S. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2000 2nd Ed. 344 p. UG Library
531.11 RAM 00029044 Dynamics Ramsey A.S. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2000 2nd Ed. 344 p. UG Library
531.11 RAM 00029214 Dynamics Ramsey A.S. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2000 2nd Ed. 344 p. UG Library
531.11 RAM 00069186 Dynamics Ramsey A.S. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2000 2nd Ed. 344 p. UG Library
531.11 RAM 00069187 Dynamics Ramsey A.S. CBS Publishers & Distributors 2000 2nd Ed. 344 p. UG Library
531.11 RAY 00007986 Dynamics of a Particle Ray, M Students Friends & Co 1964 314 p.: UG Library
531.11 RAY 00029190 A Text Book On Dynamics Ray M. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1981 8121903424 11th Ed. 318 p. UG Library
531.11 RAY 10000264 A Text Book on Dynamics / Ray, M. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788121903424 327 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
531.11 RAY 00128128 A Text Book on Dynamics / Ray, M. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788121903424 327 p.; UG Library
531.11 RAY 00014756 Elements of Dynamics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 197 p. UG Library
531.11 RAY 00014825 Elements of Dynamics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 197 p. UG Library
531.11 RAY 00014824 Elements of Dynamics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 197 p. UG Library
531.11 RAY 00017912 Elements of Dynamics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 197 p. UG Library
531.11 RAY 00014845 Elements of Dynamics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 197 p. UG Library
531.11 SAR 00007956 Text-Book of Dynamics Saran,Shanthi. Pothishala Pvt Ltd 1968 2nd Ed. 254 p. UG Library
531.11 SIN 00007658 Dynamics of a Particle Sinha, H C Ram Prasad 1966 210 p.: UG Library
531.11 SIN 00014826 Elements of Dynamics Sinha A.S. Siva Lal Agarwal & Company 1968 1st Ed. 160 p. UG Library
531.11 SIN 00008108 Dynamics of a Particle Sinha, H.C Ram Prasad 1966 210 p.: UG Library
531.11 SIN 04014443 Textbook of Dynamics / Singh, Kaushal Kumar PHI, 2011 9788120341906 397p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.11 SIN 00146668 Dynamics of Particles/ Singh, A. K. Venus Books, 2023 9789386559906 ix,282p. ; UG Library
531.11 THO 00126749 Classical dynamics of particles and systems. Thornton, Stephen T. Cengage Learning, 2008 9788131518472 5th ed. / xvi, 656 p. : UG Library
531.11 THO 00126750 Classical dynamics of particles and systems. Thornton, Stephen T. Cengage Learning, 2008 9788131518472 5th ed. / xvi, 656 p. : UG Library
531.1101 SKL 00124932 Philosophy and the foundations of dynamics Sklar, Lawrence. Cambridge University Press 2013 9780521888196 (hardback) | 978 ix, 272 pages; UG Library
531.11015 GRE 00131134 Classical dynamics / Greenwood, Donald T. Dover Publications, 1997 9780486696904 x, 337 p. : UG Library
531.1101515 GRE 04027234 Classical dynamics / Greenwood, Donald T. Dover Publications, 1997 9780486696904 x, 337 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1101515 GRE 05033634 Classical dynamics / Greenwood, Donald T. Dover Publications, 1997 0486696901 (pbk.) x, 337 p. : Knowledge Centre
531.112 RAN 00058703 Mysterious Motions and Other Intriguing Phenomena In Physics Ranganath, G S Universities Press 2001 8173714010 148p UG Library
531.112 RAN 00068050 Mysterious Motions and Other Intriguing Phenomena In Physics Ranganath, G S Universities Press 2001 8173714010 148p UG Library
531.112 SYL 05050992 The Oxford Calculators and the mathematics of motion, 1320-1350 : Sylla, Edith Dudley. Garland Pub., 1991 0824074475 (alk. paper) : xiv, 745 p. ; Knowledge Centre
531.1133 KNO 04011816 An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory Of Waves Knobel Roger American Mathematics Society 2000 9780821887295 xiv; 196 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 KNO 05038490 An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory Of Waves Knobel Roger American Mathematics Society 2000 9780821887295 xiv; 196 p. Knowledge Centre
531.1133 PAI 04002479 Physics of Vibrations and Waves Pain, H J John Wiley and Sons 2005 9788126508860 556 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 PAI 04002554 Physics of Vibrations and Waves Pain, H J John Wiley and Sons 2005 9788126508860 556 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 PAI 04003198 Physics of Vibrations and Waves Pain, H J John Wiley and Sons 2005 9788126508860 556 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 ARO 00024541 Waves, Vibrations and Sound Arora C L S.Chand & Company Ltd 2000 170p UG Library
531.1133 ARO 00024543 Waves, Vibrations and Sound Arora C L S.Chand & Company Ltd 2000 170p UG Library
531.1133 DOR 00146213 Wave Phenomena Dorfler, Willy Birkhauser, 2023 9783031057922 xiv,368p. ; UG Library
531.1133 FRE 04019357 Vibrations and Waves/ French A.P. CBS Publishers & Distributors PVT.LTD, 1987 9788123909141 xi, 316 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 FRE 00014329 Vibrations and Waves French, A P Arnold 1971 316p UG Library
531.1133 FRE 00014331 Vibrations and Waves French, A P Arnold 1971 316p UG Library
531.1133 FRE 00014330 Vibrations and Waves French, A P Arnold 1971 316p UG Library
531.1133 FRE 04010787 Vibrations and Waves/ French A.P. CBS Publishers & Distributors PVT.LTD, 1987 9788123909141 xi, 316 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 GAU 00139862 Waves and Vibrations / Gautam,Satyendra Kumar. Random Publications, 2020 9789352696512 viii,288p.; UG Library
531.1133 HIR 00106891 Fundamentals of wave phenomena Hirose, Akira, SciTech Publishing; 2010 9781891121920 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. xv, 384 p. : UG Library
531.1133 KUM 04023076 Shock Waves Made Simple / Kumar, C. S. Wiley, 2014 9788126551415 106p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 LOP 05059687 Geophysical waves and flows : Loper, David E., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107186194 (hardback : alk. xiii,505p,; Knowledge Centre
531.1133 LUD 00120268 Nonlinear waves and solitons on contours and closed surfaces Ludu, Andrei. Springer, 2007 9783540728726 (hardcover : alk 466p. UG Library
531.1133 MAI 05051132 Fractional calculus and waves in linear viscoelasticity Mainardi, F. Imperial College Press, 2010 9781848163294 (hbk.) | 1848163 xx, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre
531.1133 PAI 00069182 Physics of Vibrations and Waves Pain, H J John Wiley 2003 9814126594 5th ed. 559p UG Library
531.1133 PAI 04012888 Physics of Vibrations and Waves Pain, H J John Wiley and Sons 2005 9788126508860 556 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 PAI 00060226 Physics of Vibrations and Waves Pain, H J John Wiley 2003 9814126594 5th ed. 559p UG Library
531.1133 PAI 00015947 The Physics of Vibrations and Waves Pain H.J. John Wiley 1968 0471657611 1st Ed. 241 p. UG Library
531.1133 PAU 04029060 Wave mechanics / Pauli, Wolfgang, Dover Publications, 2000 0486414620 (pbk.) | 9780486414621 xv, 205 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
531.1133 TOU 00147780 Theory of elastic wave propagation and its application to scattering problems / Touhei, Terumi CRC Press, 2024 9781032170770 xix,263p. ; UG Library
531.1133 YOS 00132300 Waves: Yoshida,Sanichiro Morgan and claypool publiashers, 2017 9781681745725 pages UG Library
531.12 ARU 00063983 Quantum Mechanics: Aruldhas G. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 2002 8120319621 | 9788120319622 357 p. UG Library
531.12 ATK 00077958 Exercises in Quantum Mechanics Atkinson,David. Overseas Press (india) Private Limited 2007 8188689769 | 9781589490260 187 p. UG Library
531.12 CHA 00083834 Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics; Quantum Holism to Cosmic Holism: The Physics and Metaphysics of Bohm Chandrankunnel, Mathew Global Vision Publishing House 2008 8182202582 405p UG Library
531.12 CHA 00139415 Quantum Mechanics / Chatwal,G R. himalaya Publishing house, 2019 9789352020881 rep 740p.; UG Library
531.12 CHA 00139416 Quantum Mechanics / Chatwal,G R. himalaya Publishing house, 2019 9789352020881 rep 740p.; UG Library
531.12 GOO 05033661 Statics / Goodman, Lawrence E. Dover Publications, 2001 0486420051 (pbk.) Dover ed. 367 p. : Knowledge Centre
531.12 LON 00115637 Elements of Statics and Dynamics: Part II Dynamics Loney S.L. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2003 8174731342 | 9788174731340 272 p. UG Library
531.12 LON 00115633 Elements of Statics and Dynamics: Part II Dynamics Loney S.L. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2003 8174731342 | 9788174731340 272 p. UG Library
531.12 LON 00115636 An Elementary Treatise on Statics Loney S.L. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2003 8174731237 | 9788174731234 392 p. UG Library
531.12 LON 00029232 Elements of Statics Aand Dynamics: Part 1-Statics Loney S.L. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1983 7th Ed. 348 p. UG Library
531.12 LON 00029233 Solutions of the Examples In The Elements Of Statics And Dynamics Loney S.L. S Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1906 4th Ed. 391 p. UG Library
531.12 LON 00115634 An Elementary Treatise on Statics Loney S.L. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2003 8174731237 | 9788174731234 392 p. UG Library
531.12 LON 00129728 Elements of Statics and Dynamics: Part II Dynamics Loney S.L. New Age International, 2017 8174731342 | 9789385923654 220 p.: UG Library
531.12 LON 00070534 An Elementary Treatise on Statics Loney S.L. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2003 8174731237 | 9788174731234 392 p. UG Library
531.12 LON 00115635 Elements of Statics and Dynamics: Part I- Statics Loney S.L. A.I.T.B.S Publishers & Distributors 2004 8174731385 | 9788174731388 367 p. UG Library
531.12 PAU 00015951 Quantum Mechanics Pauling, Linus UG Library
531.12 RAY 00017627 Elements of Statics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 208 p. UG Library
531.12 RAY 00014822 Elements of Statics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 208 p. UG Library
531.12 RAY 00014823 Elements of Statics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 208 p. UG Library
531.12 RAY 00017819 Elements of Statics Ray M. Ram Prasad And Sons 1971 3rd Ed. 208 p. UG Library
531.14 DAR 00110531 Gravity's arc Darling, David J. John Wiley & Sons Inc 2006 0471719897 (cloth) | 978047171 ix, 278 p. ; UG Library
531.14 MIS 00129050 Gravitation / Misner, Charles W. Princeton University Press 9780691177793 (hardback) 1279p. UG Library
531.14 NAR 00045304 Lighter Side of Gravity Narlikar, V Jayant 0521565650 217 p UG Library
531.14 PAD 00107794 Gravitation: Padmanabhan.T Cambridge University Press. 2010 9780521178761 xxviii,700 p. UG Library
531.14 PAD 00106027 Gravitation: Padmanabhan.T Cambridge University Press. 2010 9780521178761 xxviii,700 p. UG Library
531.163 LAK 00065532 Nonlinear Dynamics Lakshmanan M. Springer 2003 8181280121 619 p. UG Library
531.163 LAK 00065530 Nonlinear Dynamics Lakshmanan M. Springer 2003 8181280121 619 p. UG Library
531.163 LAK 05043296 Nonlinear Dynamics Lakshmanan M. Springer 2003 8181280121 619 p. Knowledge Centre
531.2 AGA 00044883 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal, B K New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411576 viii, 280 p. : UG Library
531.2 AGA 00044886 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal, B K New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411576 viii, 280 p. : UG Library
531.2 AGA 00044885 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal, B K New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411576 viii, 280 p. : UG Library
531.2 AGA 00044884 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal, B K New Age International Publishers 1998 8122411576 viii, 280 p. : UG Library
531.2 AGA 00129491 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. New Age International Pvt, 2016 9788122433548 3th ed, xvii, 302 p.: UG Library
531.2 AGA 00129492 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. New Age International Pvt, 2016 9788122433548 3th ed, xvii, 302 p.: UG Library
531.2 AGA 00126605 Statistical Mechanics Agarwal B.K. New Age International Pvt, 2016 9788122433548 3th ed, xvii, 302 p.: UG Library
531.2 AGA 00126604