Total Books (Political Science) - 9210

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
320 DAH 00018012 Modern Political Analysis Dahl, Robert A Prentice-Hall 1965 118 p. : UG Library
320 DUG 00111781 Social and Political Thought in Modern India/ Dugar, Navneet. Cyber Tech Publications, 2012 9788178849973 280p.; UG Library
320 FIE 00024021 Political Theory. Field, G.C B.I. Publications 1980 297 p.: UG Library
320 GOK 00029518 Political Science Gokhale, B K Himalaya Publishing House: 1984 7th ed 518 p. UG Library
320 GOK 00025349 Political Science Gokhale, B K Himalaya Publishing House: 1984 7th ed 518 p. UG Library
320 GOK 00029520 Political Science Gokhale, B K Himalaya Publishing House: 1984 7th ed 518 p. UG Library
320 GOK 00024042 A Study of Political Theory Gokhale, B K Himalaya, 1982 594 p.: UG Library
320 HEY 00083837 Palgrave Key Concepts Key Concepts in Politics. Heywood Andrew Palgrave 2000 9781403994981 281 p. UG Library
320 HEY 00121843 Palgrave Key Concepts Key Concepts in Politics. Heywood Andrew Palgrave 2000 9781403994981 281 p. UG Library
320 JOH 00022114 Foundation of Political Science Johari, J C Vishal Publcations 1979 181 p. : UG Library
320 MUK 00021302 Modern Political Theory Mukhi H R Surjeet Book Depot: 1981 336 p. UG Library
320 RAM 04000026 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics / Ram, Raja M New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122422535 235 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 RAM 04005319 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics / Ram, Raja M New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122422535 235 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 RAM 04005320 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics / Ram, Raja M New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122422535 235 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 RAM 04001963 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics / Ram, Raja M New Age Internations (P) Ltd, 2008 9788122422535 235 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 RED 04002542 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics Reddy, G B I K International Publishing 2008 9788189866013 192 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 VEN 04002182 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics Venkataramana, K Subhas Stores 2008 183 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 VEN 04002183 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics Venkataramana, K Subhas Stores 2008 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 VEN 04002184 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics Venkataramana, K Subhas Stores 2008 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 AGA 07007873 Gender and Green Governance/ Agarwal,Bina Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199457076 XIX,489 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320 AGA 00004315 Principles of Political Science Agarwal, N N 1969 1 UG Library
320 AGA 00005734 Principles of Political Science Agarwal, N N Ramchand & Co 1969 1 UG Library
320 AGR 00009772 Political Science Agarwal, N.n 1967 164 p UG Library
320 AIN 00082230 Psychology and Policing in a Changing World Ainsworth, Peteer, B 0471942251 xii,266 UG Library
320 AKH 00119483 A Textbook of Political Science Akhtar, Naseema Wisdom Press, 2014 9789383318100 400 p.: UG Library
320 ALT 00015508 State and Government in Ancient India Altekar A S Motilal Banarsidass 1977 407 p UG Library
320 ANM 00051845 Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Political Science Anmol Publications Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2000 8126104805 256p UG Library
320 ANT 00018019 A Hand Book of Civics Antony, E. P Pricd Publishing House 1971 223 p. : UG Library
320 APA 00016547 Political Science Aparangi, N R Vijaya 1972 1 UG Library
320 APA 00021870 Political Science for I PUC Aparanji, N R Vijaya 1981 1 UG Library
320 APA 00021874 Political Science for I PUC Aparanji, N R Vijaya 1981 1 UG Library
320 APA 00021873 Political Science for I PUC Aparanji, N R Vijaya 1981 1 UG Library
320 APA 00021871 Political Science for I PUC Aparanji, N R Vijaya 1981 1 UG Library
320 APA 00021872 Political Science for I PUC Aparanji, N R Vijaya 1981 1 UG Library
320 APA 00038965 Elements of Government Aparanji, N R Cambridge University Press 1996 1 UG Library
320 APA 00038966 Elements of Government Aparanji, N R Cambridge University Press 1996 1 UG Library
320 APA 00038967 Elements of Government Aparanji, N R Cambridge University Press 1996 1 UG Library
320 APA 00038969 Elements of Government Aparanji, N R Cambridge University Press 1996 1 UG Library
320 APA 00038968 Elements of Government Aparanji, N R Cambridge University Press 1996 1 UG Library
320 APH 00005432 Political Science Aphrinji, N R Vijaya 1970 1 UG Library
320 APP 00069978 Substance of Politics Appadorai, A Oxford University Press 1968 10th Ed. 590 p. UG Library
320 APP 01001190 Substance of Politics / A Appadorai Oxford University Press, 2005 583p.; Knowledge Centre
320 APP 00126190 The Substance of Politics Appadorai, A. Oxford University Press 2000 0195656334 | 9780195656336 583 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320 APP 00088381 The Substance of Politics Appadorai, A. Oxford University Press 2000 0195656334 | 9780195656336 583 p.: UG Library
320 APP 00094157 The Substance of Politics Appadorai, A. Oxford University Press 2000 0195656334 | 9780195656336 583 p.: UG Library
320 APP 00003527 Substance of Politics Appadorai, A Oxford University Press 1968 10th Ed. 590 p. UG Library
320 APP 00051962 The Substance of Politics Appadorai, A. Oxford University Press 2000 0195656334 | 9780195656336 583 p.: UG Library
320 APT 00022128 Introduction to Political Analysis Apter, David E Prentice -Hall 1981 558 p. : UG Library
320 ARI 00024084 Aristotle's Political Theory Mulgan R. G Oxford 1977 156 p.: UG Library
320 ARI 00000581 The Politics Aristolle, PENGUIN 1967 320 p. UG Library
320 ARI 00090336 The Politics Aristolle, PENGUIN 1967 320 p. UG Library
320 ARI 00090501 The Politics Aristolle, PENGUIN 1967 320 p. UG Library
320 ARO 07008626 Pociatical Science / Arora N D McGraw Hill Publication, 2016 9789385965890 2nd ed. ix,48.15p. Library - BR Campus
320 ARO 00140394 Delhi Riots 2020: Arora,Monika Garuda Prakashan 2020 9781942426295 174p UG Library
320 ARO 07008633 Polictical science / Arora, N D McGraw Hill Publication, 2015 9780071074780 vii,24.26p. Library - BR Campus
320 ASH 05007217 Locke's Two treatises of government / Ashcraft, Richard. Allen & Unwin, 1987 0048000795 (alk. paper) | 9780 xiii, 316 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320 ASI 00005319 Political Theory Asirvatham, Eddy The Upper India Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 1971 9th ed 894 p. : UG Library
320 ASI 00005322 Political Theory Asirvatham, Eddy The Upper India Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 1971 9th ed 894 p. : UG Library
320 ASI 00005320 Political Theory Asirvatham, Eddy The Upper India Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 1971 9th ed 894 p. : UG Library
320 ASI 00005321 Political Theory Asirvatham, Eddy The Upper India Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 1971 9th ed 894 p. : UG Library
320 ATL 00108813 Political Science For UGC-NET/SLET Atlantic Research Division Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (p) Ltd 2011 9788126915392 618 p. UG Library
320 AVA 00015415 Nature of Politics Avasthi, Rajendra Asia 1972 160p UG Library
320 AXF 01000962 Introduction Politics / Barrie Axford ROUTLEDGE, 2002 0415226422 600p.; Knowledge Centre
320 AXF 00135426 Politics : Axford, Barrie, Routledge, 2019 9780415571890 (hardback) | 9780415571906 (paperback) Third edition. xv, 566 pages ; UG Library
320 BAI 00023707 Political Science in Transition Bains, J.s Gitanjali Prakashan 1981 288p UG Library
320 BAJ 00139757 Capital Contest: Bajpai,Deepak Rupa Publications Pvt.Ltd 2020 9789390356201 148 pages UG Library
320 BAL 01013084 Modern politics and government / Ball, Alan R. Macmillan, 1971 9780230226920 x, 287 p.; Knowledge Centre
320 BAL 00025347 Modern Politics and Government. R Ball Alan Macmillan press Ltd 1983 2nd Edition 276 p. : UG Library
320 BAL 01004858 Modern politics and government / Ball, Alan R. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 0333961609 (cloth) | 0333961617 (pbk.) 7th ed. xii, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
320 BAR 01011875 Comparative Politics : Sage Publications, 2009 9788132102922 viii,334p.; Knowledge Centre
320 BAR 01011430 Comparative Politics : Sage Publications, 2009 9788132102922 viii,334p.; Knowledge Centre
320 BAR 07015246 The Functions of the Executive / Barnard Chester.I Harvard University Press, 1968 9780674328037 334p.: Library - BR Campus
320 BAR 00141425 India's power elite : Baru,Sanjaya Viking 2021 9780670092444 xvii, 243 pages UG Library
320 BAR 05036707 Comparative Politics : Sage Publications, 2009 9788132102922 viii,334p.; Knowledge Centre
320 BAS 00019753 Political Science Basava, K D Vijaya 1974 1 UG Library
320 BAS 05062392 Political Ecology of Survival : Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352873616 xvi, 254p. : Knowledge Centre
320 BAT 00006619 Varma`s Essay`s for I a s Batri, S K Varma Bros 1971 1 UG Library
320 BEA 00079883 Elements in Political Science. Bealey, Frank 1999 0748611096 391p UG Library
320 BEL 00127041 A novel approach to politics : Van Belle, Douglas A., Sage 2016 9781483368498 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. xxiv, 508 pages : UG Library
320 BHA 00006618 IAS Essays Bakrid, S S New Light Pub 1971 1 UG Library
320 BHA 00027127 Political Theory:an Introduction. Batnager S, MEENAKSHI 1985 368P UG Library
320 BHA 00027160 Political Theory Bhattacharya, D C Vijoya Publishing House 1984 5th Ed. 780 p. UG Library
320 BHA 00026264 Political Theory Bhattacharya, D C Vijoya Publishing House 1984 5th Ed. 780 p. UG Library
320 BHN 00005431 Making of Indian Foreign Policy Bhndyopadhyaya, J Allied 1970 1 UG Library
320 BOO 00040613 National Movement in India Bookhive`s Study Circle Jaipur 2000 129 p. UG Library
320 CHA 00089353 Kautilya or an Exposition of His Social Ideal and Political Theory Chandra, Narayan Fine Art Press 1927 0817536386 318p UG Library
320 CHA 00050279 Ethnicity, Security, Separatism in India Chadda, Maya 1997 0195642406 286p UG Library
320 CHA 00145666 Every Vote Counts: Chawla, Navin HarperCollins Publishers 2023 9789356994300 362p UG Library
320 CHA 00017716 Outline of Political Science Chakraborthy, Arun Kumar WPP 1968 138 p. UG Library
320 CHA 01007194 Hill Pollitics in Northeast India / Chaube,S K. Orient Longman Private Limited, 1999 9788125016953 278p.; Knowledge Centre
320 CHA 01000328 Politics of the Governed : Partha Chatterjee Permanent Black, 2006 0000817824 | 9788178241487 173p.; Knowledge Centre
320 CHA 01007431 Politics of the Governed : Partha Chatterjee Permanent Black, 2006 0000817824 | 9788178241487 173p.; Knowledge Centre
320 CHA 00003532 Studies in Political Science Chakravarthi, Raghuveer WPP 289p UG Library
320 CHA 00058734 Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India Chandra, Bipan Orient Longman Publications 2003 8125008101 402p UG Library
320 CHA 00000455 An Outline of political science A.K. Chakraborty World Press 1968 157 p UG Library
320 CHA 00147435 Chambers Book of Indian Election: Chatterjee, Kingshuk Hachette India, 2024 9789357318389 563p UG Library
320 CHO 05056334 Understanding power : Chomsky, Noam. Penguin books, 2002 1565847032 (pbk.) xiii, 416 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320 CHO 05045726 Understanding power : Chomsky.Noam. Vintage, 2003 9780099466062 xiii,416p.; Knowledge Centre
320 CHO 00057932 Powers and Prospects Chomsky, Noam Madhyam Books : 2002 818681602x 244 p. UG Library
320 CHO 07001269 Understanding power : Chomsky.Noam. Vintage, 2003 9780099466062 xiii,416p.; Library - BR Campus
320 CHO 00109321 How The World Works Chomsky, Noam Hamish Hamilton 2011 9780241145388 335 p. UG Library
320 CHU 00135196 Political tribes : Chua, Amy, Bloomsbury publishing, 2018 9780399562853 (hardcover) | 9781526602053 293 pages ; UG Library
320 CHU 00135776 Political tribes : Chua, Amy, Bloomsbury publishing, 2018 9780399562853 (hardcover) | 9781526602053 293 pages ; UG Library
320 COH 00148353 Geopolitics Cohen, Saul Bernard Dev Publishers; 2024 9789359449449 489p UG Library
320 COM 01005126 Politics Books : Nicholas Comfort Research Press, 2005 8173141363 911 p.; Knowledge Centre
320 COR 00015882 Political Science an Introduction Cord, Robert .l Appleton-Century-Croftas 1974 673p. : UG Library
320 COS 00093039 Development dramas Costa, Dia Da Routledge press 9780415553735 302p UG Library
320 CRI 00005820 In Defence of Politics Crick, Bernard PENGUIN BOOKS 1964 198 p. : UG Library
320 DAH 00010261 Modern Political Analysis Dahl, Robert PRENTICE-HALL 1972 2nd Edition 118 p.: UG Library
320 DAH 00018009 Modern Political Analysis Dahl, Robert A Prentice-Hall 1965 118 p. : UG Library
320 DAH 00018020 Modern Political Analysis Dahl, Robert A Prentice-Hall 1965 118 p. : UG Library
320 DAH 00018010 Modern Political Analysis Dahl, Robert A Prentice-Hall 1965 118 p. : UG Library
320 DAH 00018013 Modern Political Analysis Dahl, Robert A Prentice-Hall 1965 118 p. : UG Library
320 DAH 00018011 Modern Political Analysis Dahl, Robert A Prentice-Hall 1965 118 p. : UG Library
320 DAH 00022111 Modern Political Analysis. Dahl, Robert A Prentice -Hall 1987 156P UG Library
320 DAN 05036988 Understanding the political world : Danziger, James N. Pearson, 2012 9780205854929 11th ed. xxi, 494 p. : Knowledge Centre
320 DAN 10004682 Identity, ignorance, innovation / d'Ancona, Matthew, Hodder and stoughton, 2021 9781529303995 vii, 279 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320 DAS 00039823 Political Secnices 1900 1 UG Library
320 DAS 00045187 Principles of Political Science Das, Harihara Kalyani Publishers 1993 296 p. : UG Library
320 DAS 00042542 Political Sociolgy Das, G Manu Enterprises 1996 416 p. ; UG Library
320 DAS 00042545 Principles of Political Science. Harihara Das Kalyani 1995 295p UG Library
320 DEB 00016563 Political Science Debello, J M United 1975 1 UG Library
320 DEB 00016564 Political Science Debello, J M United 1975 1 UG Library
320 DEH 00016555 Political Science De Huzar, George Vakils, Feffer and Simons Private LTD 1965 226 p. : UG Library
320 DES 00041742 Text Book of Political Science for II Puc Deshpande, K B Sagar Books 1996 1 UG Library
320 DES 00020848 Textbook of Political Science. Deshpande, K B VIDYANIDHI 1981 134P UG Library
320 DEW 00003556 Freedom and Culture Dewey, John Bharat Book 1964 1 UG Library
320 DIL 00010263 Introduction to Political Science Dillon, Conley H Affiliated East-West Press PVT. LTD 1968 298 p. : UG Library
320 DOC 00026716 Issues in Political Theory Doctor, Adi. H Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1985 197 p. : UG Library
320 DOC 00027158 Issues in Political Theory Doctor, Adi. H Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1985 197 p. : UG Library
320 EAS 00015902 The Political system Easton, David Science Book 1971 480 P. UG Library
320 EMM 00018144 Political Science Emmi, 2008 1 UG Library
320 EMM 00017564 Political Science. Emmi, 2008 1 UG Library
320 FLA 00140944 Politics Hacks : Flanders, Julian Cassell; 2018 9781788400404 208 p. ; UG Library
320 FRI 00005240 Introdution to Political Theory Friendrich, Carl J Jaico Publishing House 1967 143 p. : UG Library
320 FRO 00015886 Normative Political Theory Frohock, Fred M Prentic-Hall 1974 118 p. : UG Library
320 GAN 00024025 Modern Political Theory Gandhi, G Madan Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1982 276 p. : UG Library
320 GAN 00034010 Modern Political Analysis Gandhi Madan, G Oxford University Press 1988 218 p UG Library
320 GAN 00034011 Modern Political Theory Gandhi, Madan. G Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd 1988 276 p. : UG Library
320 GAN 00022112 Modern Political Analysis Gandhi Madan, G Oxford University Press 1988 218 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320 GAN 00004306 Political and National Life and Affairs Gandhi M.K. Navajivan Publishing House 1967 1st Ed. 208 p. UG Library
320 GAN 00004307 Political and National Life and Affairs Gandhi, M K Navjivan An Publishing House 1967 327 p. : UG Library
320 GAR 00017591 Political Science Garner Wilford James, World Press Private LTD 1935 750 p. : UG Library
320 GAR 00017931 Political Science and Government Garner, James Wilford The World Press Private LTD 1951 750 p. : UG Library
320 GAR 00005654 Political Science and Government Garner, James Wilford Bhattacharjee 1951 750 p. : UG Library
320 GAR 05034323 Introduction to politics / Garner, Robert, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199231331 (pbk.) | 9780199 xxv, 527 p. : Knowledge Centre
320 GAR 00035374 Political Science and Government Garner Wilford James, World Press 1951 748 p UG Library
320 GAR 01025156 Introduction to politics / Garner, Robert. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198704386 (paperback) Third Edition. xxv, 524 pages : Knowledge Centre
320 GAR 00011791 Political Science and Government Garner, J W UG Library
320 GAT 00012281 Political Science Revised Gattell, Raymond Garfield Asia World Press 1950 1 UG Library
320 GAT 00012282 Political Science Revised Gattell, Raymond Garfield Asia World Press 1950 1 UG Library
320 GAU 00128941 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Mayur Paperbacks 2017 9788121403627 7th ed. 685p. UG Library
320 GAU 00025335 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan 1981 360 p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132351 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132352 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132353 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132354 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132355 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132356 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132357 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320 GAU 00132358 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132359 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132360 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132361 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132362 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132363 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132364 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132365 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132366 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132367 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132368 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GAU 00132369 Introduction to Poltical Theory Gauba, O P Macmillan Publishers 2013 93505993300 6th ed. 653p. UG Library
320 GET 00012283 Political Scince Gettell, Raymond Garfied WPP 1950 506 p. UG Library
320 GET 00012284 Political Scince Gettell, Raymond Garfied WPP 1950 506 p. UG Library
320 GET 00005668 Political Scince Gettell, Raymond Garfied WPP 1950 506 p. UG Library
320 GET 00015423 Political Scince Gettell, Raymond Garfied WPP 1950 506 p. UG Library
320 GET 00017822 Political Scince Gettell, Raymond Garfied WPP 1950 506 p. UG Library
320 GET 00017826 Political Scince Gettell, Raymond Garfied WPP 1950 506 p. UG Library
320 GHA 00141706 Introduction to Political science : Ghai,K K. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327279955 312p.; UG Library
320 GHA 00141703 Major Governments : Ghai,K K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327281439 9th rev rep ed. 691p.; UG Library
320 GHA 00145399 Major Governments : Ghai,K K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327281439 9th rev rep ed. 691p.; UG Library
320 GHA 00145394 A Book of Political Science for Beginners/ Ghai, K K Kalyani Publishers 2022 9789327277289 7th Revised Edition 261p UG Library
320 GIN 05007232 Modern political thought : Gingell, John Routledge, 2000 9780415194624 (pbk) x, 293 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320 GOK 00015308 Political Science(theory and Government Machinery Gokhale, B K A.R.Sheth 1226 p UG Library
320 GOK 00005430 Political Science(theory and Government Machinery Gokhale, B K A.R.Sheth 1226 p UG Library
320 GOK 00008145 Political Science(theory and Government Machinery Gokhale, B K A.R.Sheth 1226 p UG Library
320 GOK 00007420 Political Science(theory and Government Machinery Gokhale, B K A.R.Sheth 1226 p UG Library
320 GOK 01002691 Political Science : Gokhale,B K. Himalaya, 2006 335p.; Knowledge Centre
320 GOK 01002689 Political Science : Gokhale,B K. Himalaya, 2006 335p.; Knowledge Centre
320 GOK 01002692 Political Science : Gokhale,B K. Himalaya, 2006 335p.; Knowledge Centre
320 GOK 01002707 Political Science : Gokhale,B K. Himalaya, 2006 335p.; Knowledge Centre
320 GOK 01002690 Political Science : Gokhale,B K. Himalaya, 2006 335p.; Knowledge Centre
320 GOK 01002693 Political Science : Gokhale,B K. Himalaya, 2006 335p.; Knowledge Centre
320 GOK 00126457 Political Science B K Gokhale Himalaya Publishing House, 2016 9789352022847 742 p.: UG Library
320 GOK 00029519 Political Science Gokhale, B K Himalaya Publishing House: 1984 7th ed 518 p. UG Library
320 GOK 00005429 Political Science Gokhale, B K R 1969 1 UG Library
320 GOK 00008144 Political Science Gokhale, B K Ar Seth 1972 1 UG Library
320 GOK 00024041 Political Science: Gokhale B K Himalaya Publishing House 2013 9789350974889 19th ed. 335p; UG Library
320 GOK 00025392 Political Science Gokhale, B K Himalaya Publishing House: 1984 7th ed 518 p. UG Library
320 GOK 00024043 A Study of Political Theory Gokhale, B K Himalaya, 1982 594 p.: UG Library
320 GOO 00136181 Contemporary political philosophy : John Wiley & Sons,Inc., 2019 9781119154174 (Adobe PDF) | 9781119154181 (ePub) Third edition. 726 p. ; UG Library
320 GOO 05008472 The Oxford Handbook of Politicl Science / Goodin, Robert E Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199604456 xvii, 1291 p. Knowledge Centre
320 GOO 05007271 The Routledge reader in politics and performance / Goodman, Lizbeth Routledge, 2000 9780415174732 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvii, 322 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320 GOO 00082719 Contemporary Political Philosophy Goodwin, Robert E Blackwell 2006 9781405130653 2nd,ed. 754p UG Library
320 GOO 05064968 Contemporary Political Philosophy Goodwin, Robert E Blackwell 2006 9781405130653 2nd,ed. 754p Knowledge Centre
320 GOO 01012076 The Oxford handbook of political science / Oxford University Press, 9780199562954 xvii, 1291 p. Knowledge Centre
320 GOR 00141226 Agenda and Ideologies: Goradia, Prafull Vitasta Publishing 2021 9788194964001 287p UG Library
320 GOR 00142037 Agenda and ideologies : Goradia,Prafull. Vitasta, 2021 9788194964001 287p.; UG Library
320 GOY 00066014 Comparative Governments Goyal, O.P S.G WASANI 1985 447 P UG Library
320 GOY 00027116 Comparative Government Goyal, O P Macmillan 1985 1 UG Library
320 GOY 00027126 Comparative Governments Goyal, O.P S.G WASANI 1985 447 P UG Library
320 GRA 07010895 Selections from political writings 1910-1920 / Gramsci, Antonio Aakar Publication, 1977 9789350022573 xix, 389p. Library - BR Campus
320 GUL 07011895 Deteriorating Relationship between India & China/ Gulabbhai,Sayyad Yasinbhai International Publications, 2018 9788193615829 288 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320 GUP 00017986 Harold J. Laski - A Critical Analysis of His Political Ideas Gupta R C Ram Prasad & Sons 1966 140 p UG Library
320 GUR 00015883 Polimetrices an Introduction to Quantitive Mactopolitics Gurr, Ted Robert PrentIce -Hall 1972 214 p. : UG Library
320 HAL 00003528 Introduciton to Political Science Hallayya, M Asia 1967 1 UG Library
320 HAL 00003534 Introduciton to Political Science Hallayya, M Asia 1967 1 UG Library
320 HAL 00012280 Introduction to Political Science Halayya, 1950 1 UG Library
320 HAL 00011515 Introduction to Political Science Halayya, M P h 1973 1 UG Library
320 HAL 00011518 Introduction to Political Science Halayya, M P h 1973 1 UG Library
320 HAL 00011519 Introduction to Political Science Halayya, M P h 1973 1 UG Library
320 HAL 00011517 Introduction to Political Science Halayya, M P h 1973 1 UG Library
320 HAL 00011516 Introduction to Political Science Halayya, M P h 1973 1 UG Library
320 HAY 01013085 Political analysis / Hay, Colin, Palgrave, 9780230327207 | 0333750039 (pb xiii, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
320 HAY 00091536 Political analysis / Hay, Colin, Palgrave, 0333750020 (hbk.) | 0333750039 xiii, 314 p. : UG Library
320 HEM 05060674 The uses of social investment / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198790495 First edition. xxiii, 475 pages : Knowledge Centre
320 HEP 00148406 In pursuit of democracy: Heptula, Najma Rupa Publications; 2024 9789361569371 238p UG Library
320 HEY 00110124 Politics Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave, 2007 9780230224940 3nd ed. xvii, 478 p. : UG Library
320 HEY 01013088 politics Heywood, Andrew. St. Martin's Press, 0312233817 (paper) xi, 281 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320 HEY 05062405 Key Concepts In Politics and International Relations / Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave, 2017 9781137612090 2nd ed. xiv, 260p.; Knowledge Centre
320 HEY 00083840 Politics / Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave, 2002 0333986296 (cloth) | 033397131 2nd ed. xvi, 453 p. : UG Library
320 HEY 00086261 Politics / Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave, 2002 0333986296 (cloth) | 033397131 2nd ed. xvi, 453 p. : UG Library
320 HEY 00079084 Politics Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave, 2007 9780230224940 3nd ed. xvii, 478 p. : UG Library
320 HEY 00073286 Palgrave Key Concepts Key Concepts in Politics. Heywood Andrew Palgrave 2000 9781403994981 281 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320 HEY 00076180 Palgrave Keyconcepts in Politics: [dharmaram Library] Heywood, Andrew 2005 1403994986 282p UG Library
320 HOB 00140537 On Nationalism Hobsbawn,Eric Little Brown 2021 9781408711576 364p UG Library
320 HYM 00007789 Political Socialization Hyman, Herbert H Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd 1974 140 p. : UG Library
320 ICW 05074190 ICWA Global Review 2022 / Indian Council of World Affairs. Indian Council of world affairs, 2022 9789394915701 xix,901p.; Knowledge Centre
320 ICW 05074706 ICWA Global Review 2023 / Indian Council of World Affairs. Indian Council of world affairs, 2024 9788196790011 xxiv, 1090p.; Knowledge Centre
320 JAI 00024032 Political Theory Jain, M. P Authors Guild Publications 1982 632 p. : UG Library
320 JAN 00049809 Current Issues: Critical Issues Confronting the Nation and the World. Janger, A Stephen Close Up Publications 1995 350p UG Library
320 JAN 00012808 Principles of Political Science Jangam, R.T Somaiya Publications Pvt Ltd 1970 206 p. : UG Library
320 JAT 00021300 Political Theory and Institions Jatkar, S D Sterling Publishers: 1981 204 P. UG Library
320 JAT 00023827 Political Theory and Institions Jatkar, S D Sterling Publishers: 1981 204 P. UG Library
320 JAY 01012365 The Oxford Companion to Politics in India / Jayal, Niraja Gopal Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195669763 618p.; Knowledge Centre
320 JAY 00094553 The Oxford Companion to Politics in India / Jayal, Niraja Gopal Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195669763 618p.; UG Library
320 JAY 00098966 The Oxford Companion to Politics in India / Jayal, Niraja Gopal Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195669763 618p.; UG Library
320 JEN 00046715 Global Challenge: Change and Continuity in World Politics. Jensen, Lloyd 1997 0155019619 448 p UG Library
320 JEN 00046716 Global Challenge: Change and Continuity in World Politics. Jensen, Lloyd 1997 0155019619 448 p UG Library
320 JEN 00046717 Global Challenge: Change and Continuity in World Politics. Jensen, Lloyd 1997 0155019619 448 p UG Library
320 JEN 05046348 Mission Accomplishes ? : Jenkins Simon I.B.Tauris, 2015 9781784531324 xviii,195p.: Knowledge Centre
320 JOH 00060091 Principles of Modern Political Science Johari J C Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 2003 8120709349 856 p UG Library
320 JOH 07013906 Political Theory: Johari R C Wisdom Press, 2018 9789386053527 190 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320 JOH 00022115 Foundation of Political Science Johari, J C Vishal Publcations 1979 181 p. : UG Library
320 JOH 07015514 Comparative Politcs / Johari J.C Sterling Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9788120757585 xvi,520p.: Library - BR Campus
320 JOH 00032613 Principles of Modern Political Science Johari, J C Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd: 1989 856 p. UG Library
320 JOH 00030591 Principles of Modern Political Science Johari, J C Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd: 1989 856 p. UG Library
320 JOH 00030592 Principles of Modern Political Science Johari, J C Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd: 1989 856 p. UG Library
320 JOH 00032612 Principles of Modern Political Science Johari, J C Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd: 1989 856 p. UG Library
320 JOH 00038323 Principles of Modern Political Science Johari, J C Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd: 1989 856 p. UG Library
320 JOU 01017689 The pure theory of politics / Jouvenel, Bertrand de, Liberty Fund, 2000 0865972648 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxi, 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
320 JOY 00076228 Teach Yourself Politics: [dharmaram Library] Joyce, Peter 2003 0340859881 280p UG Library
320 KAE 00014301 Political Science Theory - Full View at A Glance Kaeley S L Sudha Publications 1974 10th Ed. 454 p UG Library
320 KAE 00014302 Political Science Theory - Full View at A Glance Kaeley S L Sudha Publications 1974 10th Ed. 454 p UG Library
320 KAE 00012810 Political Science Theory - Full View at A Glance Kaeley S L Sudha Publications 1974 10th Ed. 454 p UG Library
320 KAP 00070317 Principles of Political Science Kapur Chand Anup S Chand 2005 8121902762 | 9788121902762 20th Ed. 885 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00070318 Principles of Political Science Kapur Chand Anup S Chand 2005 8121902762 | 9788121902762 20th Ed. 885 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00115864 Principles of Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand 1950 8121902762 888p UG Library
320 KAP 00005323 Principles of Poltical Science Kapoor, A C S Chand & Co. 1969 1 UG Library
320 KAP 00038324 Principles of Modern Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand 1995 19th Ed. 888 p UG Library
320 KAP 00008005 Principles of Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand & Company: 1990 11th ed 767 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00009751 Principles of Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand & Co 1969 722p UG Library
320 KAP 01000075 Principles of Poltical Science / A C Kapur S.Chand&company Ltd, 2006 8121902762 | 9788121902762 888p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KAP 01001240 Principles of Poltical Science / A C Kapur S.Chand&company Ltd, 2006 8121902762 | 9788121902762 888p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KAP 01002699 Principles of Poltical Science / A C Kapur S.Chand&company Ltd, 2006 8121902762 | 9788121902762 888p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KAP 01002710 Principles of Poltical Science / A C Kapur S.Chand&company Ltd, 2006 8121902762 | 9788121902762 888p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KAP 01002700 Principles of Poltical Science / A C Kapur S.Chand&company Ltd, 2006 8121902762 | 9788121902762 888p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KAP 00009771 Principles of Political Science Kapoor, A C S Chand & Co 1971 1 UG Library
320 KAP 01002698 Principles of Poltical Science / A C Kapur S.Chand&company Ltd, 2006 8121902762 | 9788121902762 888p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KAP 00009773 Principles of Politcal Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand & Co 2000 714p UG Library
320 KAP 00002903 Principles of Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand 2007 17th Ed. 767 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00030799 Principles of Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand & Company: 1990 11th ed 767 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00017994 Principles of Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand & Company: 1990 11th ed 767 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00020301 Principles of Political Science Kapur, A .C. S Chand & Company Ltd 1979 14th Ed. 703 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00092169 Principles of Political Science Kapur Chand Anup S Chand 2005 8121902762 | 9788121902762 20th Ed. 885 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320 KAP 00020300 Principles of Political Science Kapur Chand Anup S Chand 2005 8121902762 | 9788121902762 20th Ed. 885 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00020299 Principles of Political Science Kapur Chand Anup S Chand 2005 8121902762 | 9788121902762 20th Ed. 885 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00020304 Principles of Political Science Kapur Chand Anup S Chand 2005 8121902762 | 9788121902762 20th Ed. 885 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00020302 Principles of Political Science Kapur, A .C. S Chand & Company Ltd 1979 14th Ed. 703 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00020303 Principles of Political Science Kapur, A .C. S Chand & Company Ltd 1979 14th Ed. 703 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00141701 Principles of political science / Kapur,Anup Chand. S Chand and Company Limited, 2021 9788121902762 rep viii,832p.; UG Library
320 KAP 00030798 Principles of Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand 2007 17th Ed. 767 p. UG Library
320 KAP 00126136 Principles of Political Science Kapur Chand Anup S Chand 2005 8121902762 | 9788121902762 20th Ed. 885 p. UG Library
320 KAU 05073140 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Political Science (Paper-2) / Kaur, Gurpreet. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326192545 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KAU 10001235 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Political Science (Paper-2) / Kaur, Gurpreet. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326192545 642p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320 KAV 00056789 Rajakiya Siddantha Hagu Rajakiya Chantakaru Kavante, S H Sri. Siddalingeshwar Prakashan 2002 428p UG Library
320 KEL 00147441 The little book of politics / Doling Kindersley Limited 2020 9781465494269 | 9780241426432 | 146549426X Abridged Edition. 199 pages : UG Library
320 KHA 00006621 Choice of Essays Khanna Brothers , 1972 1 UG Library
320 KOR 05047330 History of political economy : koreti,S.I. Cyber Tech, 2014 9789350533413 viii,280p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KRI 00024202 Rajatatwa. Krishna Rao H, UNIV 1980 530p UG Library
320 KRU 07006464 Politicisation of Hindu religion in postmodern India : Kuruvachira, Jose, Rawat Publications, 2008 813160134X xvi, 360 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320 KUM 00115364 Fundamentals of Political Science and Government for I PUC Kumar,Suresh M. N. Sapna Book House : 2004 8128002856 | 9798128002853 238 p. UG Library
320 KUM 01000104 Fundamentals of Political Science and Government : Kumar, Suresh M N Sapna Book House, 2005 8128002856 | 9798128002853 258p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KUM 01000109 Fundamentals of Political Science and Government : Kumar, Suresh M N Sapna Book House, 2005 8128002856 | 9798128002853 258p.; Knowledge Centre
320 KUM 00042541 Political Sociology Kumar Lakshmi Narayan 1997 268 p UG Library
320 LAM 05044784 Research methods in international relations / Lamont, Christopher. Sage Publications, 2015 9781446286043 (hardback) | 978 1st edition. x,189p.; Knowledge Centre
320 LAS 00059362 Raja Shastrada Moola Tatvagalu Laski, J Harold Mysore University 1976 842p UG Library
320 LAS 00004299 A Grammar of Politics Laski, Harold George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1967 672 p. : UG Library
320 LAS 00004305 Introduction to Politics Laski, Harold Unwin Books 1968 1 UG Library
320 LAS 00015897 An Introdution to Politics Laski, Harold J Unwin Books 1969 91 p. : UG Library
320 LAS 01005712 Grammar of Politics / Harold J Laski SURJEET, 2007 672p.; Knowledge Centre
320 LAX 07015193 Governance in India : Laxmikanth, M. McGraw Hill Education (India) Prvate Limited, 2021 9789390491728 3rd ed. xxxii, 448p.; Library - BR Campus
320 LAX 10001208 Governance in India : Laxmikanth, M. McGraw Hill Education (India) Prvate Limited, 2021 9789390491728 3rd ed. xxxii, 448p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320 LES 00050272 Balaam`s Curse - How Israel Lost Its Way & How Ti Can Find It Again Leshem, Moshe Simon and Schuster: 1989 9780671679187 304 p. UG Library
320 LIP 00016552 Politics and the Social Sciences Lipset Seymour Martin Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd 1972 085226528X 328 p UG Library
320 LIP 00019749 Great Issues of Politics Lipson, Leslie JAICO 1978 458p UG Library
320 LIP 00015431 Politics and the Social Sciences Lipset Seymour Martin Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd 1972 085226528X 328 p UG Library
320 LOC 07006828 Two Treatises of Government / Locke, John, Cambridge University Press, 1988 052135448X | 9780521357302 Student ed. 464 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320 LOC 00110681 Two Treatises of Government / Locke, John, Cambridge University Press, 1988 052135448X | 9780521357302 Student ed. 464 p. ; UG Library
320 LUP 05060678 Uninformed : Lupia, Arthur, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190659936 xiv, 343 pages : Knowledge Centre
320 MAC 00005816 Politics and Social Science Mackenzie W J M Penguin Books 1969 423 p UG Library
320 MAC 00006925 Politics and Social Science Mackenzie W J M Penguin Books 1969 423 p UG Library
320 MAC 00015901 The Web of Government Maclver, R.m Macmillan Pubkishing Co. Inc 1947 373 p. ; UG Library
320 MAC 00004363 Prince Machiavelli, Niccolo PENGUIN 160p UG Library
320 MAC 00000206 The Ramparts We Guard Maciver, R. M Macmillan Co. 1960 152 p. : UG Library
320 MAD 00016548 Elements of Political Theory Maddanna, Malli Padma 1971 1 UG Library
320 MAD 00016551 Elements of Political Theory Maddanna, Malli Padma 1971 1 UG Library
320 MAD 00016550 Elements of Political Theory Maddanna, Malli Padma 1971 1 UG Library
320 MAD 00016549 Elements of Political Theory Maddanna, Malli Padma 1971 1 UG Library
320 MAD 00027903 Political Seience for I Puc Maddanna, Maali Padma 1986 1 UG Library
320 MAD 00027905 Political Seience for I Puc Maddanna, Maali Padma 1986 1 UG Library
320 MAD 00027906 Political Seience for I Puc Maddanna, Maali Padma 1986 1 UG Library
320 MAD 00027907 Political Seience for I Puc Maddanna, Maali Padma 1986 1 UG Library
320 MAD 00027904 Political Seience for I Puc Maddanna, Maali Padma 1986 1 UG Library
320 MAG 00126930 Understanding Politics Magstadt M. Thomas Wadsworth Cengagae Learning, 2013 9781111835446 10th ed, xvii, 572 p.: UG Library
320 MAH 00020305 Principles of Political Science Mahajan, Vidya Dhar S Chand & Company: 1975 591 p. UG Library
320 MAH 00020306 Principles of Political Science Mahajan, Vidya Dhar S Chand & Company: 1975 591 p. UG Library
320 MAH 00020307 Principles of Political Science Mahajan, Vidya Dhar S Chand & Company: 1975 591 p. UG Library
320 MAH 00019747 Principles of Political Science Mahajan, Vidya Dhar S Chand & Company: 1975 591 p. UG Library
320 MAH 00030594 Political Theory Vidya Dhar Mahajan, S Chand 1988 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320 MAL 00023063 Rajya Shastra Mali Muddanna, Padma Prakashan: 1982 300 p. UG Library
320 MAL 00026615 Rajyashastra Mali Maddanna, Padma Prasaranga 1982 288 p. UG Library
320 MAL 00026616 Rajyashastra Mali Maddanna, Padma Prasaranga 1982 288 p. UG Library
320 MAL 00026617 Rajya Shastra Malimuddanna, Padma 1985 UG Library
320 MAL 00027955 ರಾಜ್ಯಶಾಸ್ತ್ರದ ಮೂಲಾಂಶಗಳು (Rajyashashtrada Moolamshagalu) ಮಾಲಿ ಮದ್ದಣ್ಣ (Mali Maddanna) Padma Prakashana, 1986 183 p.; UG Library
320 MAN 00093078 M.N.Roy: Marxism and Colonial Cosmopolitanism. Manjapra, Kris Routledge press 2010 9780415446037 201p UG Library
320 MAT 00004170 Introduction to Political Theory Mathew, S Vishvanathan 1957 1 UG Library
320 MAT 00003518 Introducing to Political Theory Mathew, T S.Viswanathan 1957 316 p. UG Library
320 MAT 00004171 Introducing to Political Theory Mathew, T S.Viswanathan 1957 316 p. UG Library
320 MAT 00003519 Introducing to Political Theory Mathew, T S.Viswanathan 1957 316 p. UG Library
320 MAT 00003517 Introducing to Political Theory Mathew, T S.Viswanathan 1957 316 p. UG Library
320 MEE 00056788 Rajakiya Sidhanta Samakalina Chinthane Deshpande, Meena Bharatiya Prakashan 2000 441p UG Library
320 MER 00005673 A History of political Theories : Recent Times Merriam, Charles Edward Central Book Depot 1969 596 p UG Library
320 MER 00017827 A History of political Theories : Recent Times Merriam, Charles Edward Central Book Depot 1969 596 p UG Library
320 MIL 00005823 Prinicples of Political Economy Mill, John Stuart Penguin Books 1970 380 p UG Library
320 MIL 00000632 Considerations on Representative Government Mill John Stuart Forum Books Inc 1958 275 p UG Library
320 MIL 07006609 On liberty, utilitarianism, and other essays / Mill, John Stuart, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199670802 | 0199670803 New edition. lii, 547 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320 MIN 00101780 Politics : Minogue, Kenneth R., Oxford University Press, 2000 9780192853882 115 p. ; UG Library
320 MIN 00081786 Politics: A Very Short Introduction Minogue, Kenneth 0000193880 119p UG Library
320 MIN 01016445 Politics : Minogue, Kenneth R., Oxford University Press, 2000 9780192853882 115 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320 MIT 07007905 Politics in India : Mitra,Subrata K. Oxford University Press, 2014 xxxii,405p.; Library - BR Campus
320 MIT 00015903 Political Analysis and Public Policy: an Introduction to Political Science Mitchell Joyce, M Thomson Press (India) Ltd 1995 685 p. : UG Library
320 MIT 05038681 Politics in India : Mitra,Subrata K. Oxford University Press, 2014 xxxii,405p.; Knowledge Centre
320 MIT 00015437 Political Analysis & public Policy an Introduction to Political Science Mitchell, Joyce Thomson Press (India) Ltd 1972 685 p. : UG Library
320 MIT 07002146 Politics in India : Mitra,Subrata K. Oxford University Press, 2014 xxxii,405p.; Library - BR Campus
320 MUE 00093971 Public Choice III Mueller Dennis C Cambridge University Press 9780521894753 768p UG Library
320 MUI 00000520 Political Consequences of the Great War Muir, Ramsay Thomson Butterworth Ltd 1930 251 p. : UG Library
320 MUK 00024024 Modern Political Theory Mukhi H R Surjeet Book Depot: 1981 336 p. UG Library
320 MUK 07007200 Learning Non-Violence / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199458431 viii,319p.: Library - BR Campus
320 MUK 05046448 Learning Non-Violence / Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199458431 viii,319p.: Knowledge Centre
320 MUK 00022110 Modern Political Theory Mukhi H R Surjeet Book Depot: 1981 336 p. UG Library
320 MYN 01001265 Political Science : S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2006 616p.; Knowledge Centre
320 MYN 01002688 Political Science : S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2006 616p.; Knowledge Centre
320 MYN 01002706 Political Science : S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2006 616p.; Knowledge Centre
320 MYN 01002685 Political Science : S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2006 616p.; Knowledge Centre
320 MYN 01002684 Political Science : S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2006 616p.; Knowledge Centre
320 MYN 01002687 Political Science : S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2006 616p.; Knowledge Centre
320 MYN 01002686 Political Science : S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2006 616p.; Knowledge Centre
320 NAG 00050271 Nationalism Seperatism and Secessionism Nag, Sajal Rawat Publications 2000 242p UG Library
320 NAN 00037880 Rajya Shastra for I Puc Nanjundaswamy, M Shakuntala 1995 354 UG Library
320 NAN 01003339 At the Edge of Psychology : Nandy,Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195626216 133p.; Knowledge Centre
320 NAN 01006920 At the Edge of Psychology : Nandy,Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195626216 133p.; Knowledge Centre
320 NAN 01006919 At the Edge of Psychology : Nandy,Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195626216 133p.; Knowledge Centre
320 NAN 01003933 At the Edge of Psychology : Nandy,Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195626216 133p.; Knowledge Centre
320 NAN 01006921 At the Edge of Psychology : Nandy,Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195626216 133p.; Knowledge Centre
320 NAN 00044838 Text Book of Political Science for II Puc Nanjunda Swamy Saraswati 1998 1 UG Library
320 NAN 00090543 Traditions, Tyranny and Utopias Nandy, Ashis Oxford 0019563067 168p UG Library
320 NAQ 05064761 Politics Of Jugaad : Naqvi, Saba. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353334185 142p.; Knowledge Centre
320 NAR 07010301 Fractured Tales : Narayan,Badri. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466283 xiv,186p.; Library - BR Campus
320 NAR 05047177 Fractured Tales : Narayan,Badri. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466283 xiv,186p.; Knowledge Centre
320 NIC 00142944 Our own worst enemy : Nichols, Tom, Oxford university press, 2021 9780197518878 1. xvii,245p.; UG Library
320 OKA 00006622 Topical Essays Okannaop , Khanna Pub 1972 1 UG Library
320 PAI 00008458 Common Sence and the Other Political Writings Paine, Thomas Bobbs-Merill 1953 184. : UG Library
320 PAN 00090270 Fault Lines of Nationhood: Cross-Border Talks Pandey, Gyanendra ROLI BOOKS PVT LTD 2007 9788174365309 138p UG Library
320 PAR 01004843 Rational choice and politics : Parsons, Stephen D. Continuum, 2005 0826477216 (cased) | 0826477224 (pbk.) 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320 PAT 00056787 Rajakiya Siddhanta Mathu Rajakiya Vivechane (political Theory & Political Thinkers) Patil, M S Bharat 1998 232p UG Library
320 PAT 00038329 Western Political Thinkers Patil, M S Bharat Book 1994 218 p. UG Library
320 PAT 00019754 Introducing Political Science Patil, M S Rameshwar 1975 1 UG Library
320 PAT 00019756 Introducing Political Science Patil, M S Rameshwar 1975 1 UG Library
320 PAT 00019755 Introducing Political Science Patil, M S Rameshwar 1975 1 UG Library
320 PAT 00038328 Western Political Thinkers Patil, M S Bharat Book 1994 218 p. UG Library
320 PAT 00019757 Introducing Political Science Patil, M S Rameshwar 1975 1 UG Library
320 PAT 00139775 Our Hindu rashtra: Patel,Aakar Westland Publications 2020 9789389648898 356p UG Library
320 PAT 07004342 Communalism Intelligentsia in Bihar 1870-1930 Patel,Hitendra. Orient BlackSwan 2011 9788125042068 253 P. Library - BR Campus
320 PAT 00107004 Communalism Intelligentsia in Bihar 1870-1930 Patel,Hitendra. Orient BlackSwan 2011 9788125042068 253 P. UG Library
320 PAU 00133617 Political science and international realtions Paul,Drew ED-Tech press, 2018 9781788823845 vi,292p.; UG Library
320 PHA 00050283 Ethnicity and Nation Building in South Asia Phadnis, Urmila 2001 0761994394 466p UG Library
320 PIZ 00010740 Political Sociology Pizzorno, Penguin 1971 1 UG Library
320 PRA 00108810 Contemporary Political Science Prasad Ganesh ABD Publishers 2011 9788183762977 312 p. UG Library
320 PUR 00124435 Contemporary Political Philosophy Ashok Purohit Random Publications, 2015 9789351116530 300 p.: UG Library
320 RAB 00025337 Politics (B.A Degree Course) Rabindranath, P Commercial 1984 407 p UG Library
320 RAB 00025338 B.A.Politics Rabindranath, Commercial 1984 408 p. UG Library
320 RAB 00003575 B.A.Politics Rabindranath, P Commercial 1969 358p UG Library
320 RAJ 00020931 Outlines of Political Seicnce (puc) Rajasekhariah, A M Macmillan 1981 1 UG Library
320 RAJ 00020933 Outlines of Political Seicnce (puc) Rajasekhariah, A M Macmillan 1981 1 UG Library
320 RAJ 00020934 Outlines of Political Seicnce (puc) Rajasekhariah, A M Macmillan 1981 1 UG Library
320 RAJ 00020932 Outlines of Political Science for IIPUC Rajasekhariah A M The Macmillan Company of India Limited 1980 107 p UG Library
320 RAJ 00020935 Outlines of Political Science (puc) Rajasekhariah, A M Macmillan 1981 1 UG Library
320 RAJ 00020936 Outlines of Political Science (puc) Rajasekhariah, A M Macmillan 1981 1 UG Library
320 RAJ 00026262 Overview of Political Science - With 2200 Objective Test Items for Civil Exam Raj Hans Surjeet Publications 1985 608 p UG Library
320 RAM 00029137 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00029138 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00029140 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00029141 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00029142 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1988 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00029144 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1988 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00029146 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1988 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00029145 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1988 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00029143 Political Science Part II Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1988 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00026614 Rajyashastra Parichaya Ramakrishna, H.t Kalpataru Prakashna: 1983 302 p. UG Library
320 RAM 00051577 Rajakiya Siddantha Haagu Chintakaru Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha Prakashan: 1999 434 p. UG Library
320 RAM 00051578 Rajakiya Siddantha Haagu Chintakaru Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha Prakashan: 1999 434 p. UG Library
320 RAM 00027935 Rajya Shastra Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1986 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00027936 Rajyasastra Ramakrishna, H T Prasaranga 1986 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00021313 Political Science Part I for I PUC Rama Krishna, H T Kalpataru 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00021314 Political Science Part I for I PUC Rama Krishna, H T Kalpataru 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00030793 I Puc Political Science Text Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1989 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00021315 Political Science Part I for I PUC Rama Krishna, H T Kalpataru 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00030797 I Puc Political Science Text Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1989 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00021316 Political Sicence Part I for I PUC Rama Krishana, H T Kalpataru 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00030796 I Puc Political Science Text Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1989 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00030794 I Puc Political Science Text Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1989 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00030795 I Puc Political Science Text Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1989 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00033328 Political Science Ramakrishna, H.t Lalitha 1987 334 p UG Library
320 RAM 00028496 Political Science Rama Krishna, H T Lalitha 1986 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00028498 Political Science Rama Krishna, H T Lalitha 1986 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00028499 Political Science Rama Krishna, H T Lalitha 1986 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00031341 Rajya Sastra Ramakrishna, 1978 890p UG Library
320 RAM 00028500 Political Science Rama Krishna, H T Lalitha 1986 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00031342 Rajyashastra Parichaya Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1988 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00028497 Political Science Rama Krishna, H T Lalitha 1986 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00026691 Rajyasastra Ramakrishna, H T Ibh Prakashana 1969 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00028501 Political Science Rama Krishna, H J Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036673 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00028502 Political Science Rama Krishna, H J Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036678 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00028503 Political Science Rama Krishna, H J Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036680 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00028505 Political Science Rama Krishna, H J Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036682 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00028504 Political Science Rama Krishna, H J Lalitha 1987 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036681 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036679 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036677 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036674 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036676 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAM 00036675 Political Theory and Practice I Puc Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 1995 1 UG Library
320 RAS 01024430 Parliaments and government formation : by Rasch,Bjorn Erik. 9780198747017 | 0198747012 First edition. xiv, 385 pages : Knowledge Centre
320 RAT 05056243 Handnbook of Political Science / Rathod,P.B. ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183760805 vii,361p.; Knowledge Centre
320 REB 00024808 Introduction to Political Science Rebello, J M Sheth 1984 1 UG Library
320 REB 00024809 Introduction to Political Science Rebello, J M Sheth 1984 1 UG Library
320 REB 00024810 Introduction to Political Science for I PUC. Rebello, J.m Sheth 1984 168 P UG Library
320 REB 00019716 Political Science Rebello, J M United Pub 1979 1 UG Library
320 REB 00019719 Political Science Rebello, J M United Pub 1979 1 UG Library
320 REB 00019717 Political Science Rebello, J M United Pub 1979 1 UG Library
320 REB 00019718 Political Science Rebello, J M United Pub 1979 1 UG Library
320 REB 00008655 Political Science for II Year Puc of Mysore States Rebello, J M United 1972 1 UG Library
320 REB 00008658 Rajyashastra Rebello, J M United 1971 1 UG Library
320 RED 04018821 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics Reddy, G B I K International Publishing 2008 9788189866013 192 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320 RIE 00116482 The challenge of politics Riemer, Neal, Sage/CQ Press 2014 9781452241470 (alk. paper) | 1 Fourth edition. xxiii, 518 pages : UG Library
320 RIE 00100312 The challenge of politics : Riemer, Neal, CQ Press, 9781604266399 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiv, 534 p. : UG Library
320 ROB 07007258 Political Philosophy/ Robinson,Dave 9781848312036 176 pages,: Library - BR Campus
320 ROD 00017937 Introduction to Political Science Rodee Carlton Clymer McGraw-Hill Book Co 1967 2nd Ed 710 p UG Library
320 ROD 00018903 Introduction to Political Science. Rodee, Anderson T M Hall 1977 466 P UG Library
320 ROS 05057241 Political Science : Roskin, Michael G., Pearson, 2017 9781292156248 | 9789332585546 14th ed. 384p.; Knowledge Centre
320 ROS 01020680 Political science : Pearson Longman, 2012 9780205075942 | 0205075940 12th ed. xvi, 383 p. : Knowledge Centre
320 ROU 07006826 The discourses and other political early writings / Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521413818 (hardback) | 052142 liii, 437 p. : Library - BR Campus
320 ROU 05034237 The discourses and other political early writings / Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Cambridge University Press, 1997 0521413818 (hardback) | 052142 liii, 437 p. : Knowledge Centre
320 ROY 07015179 Upkar's UGC NET/JRF/SET political Science (Paper II & III) Roy Ashutosh Upkar Prakashana, 2013 9789350133408 XII,920p,: Library - BR Campus
320 Roy 00131586 Upkar's UGC NET/JRF/SET political Science (Paper II & III) Roy Ashutosh Upkar Prakashana, 2013 9789350133408 XII,920p,: UG Library
320 ROY 00005328 Political Theory Ideas and Institutions Ray, Amal World Press : 1969 527 p. UG Library
320 ROY 00017717 Political Theory Ideas and Institutions Ray, Amal World Press : 1969 527 p. UG Library
320 Roy 07008624 Upkar's UGC NET/JRF/SET political Science (Paper II & III) Roy Ashutosh Upkar Prakashana, 2013 9789350133408 XII,920p,: Library - BR Campus
320 ROY 00140393 Azadi: Roy,Arundhathi Penguin 2020 9780670094417 243p UG Library
320 ROY 00140251 My Seditious Heart Roy,Arundhati Hamish Hamilton 2019 9780670092499 993p UG Library
320 RUB 00018502 The Challenge of Politics - Ideas and Issues Rubinstein Alvin Z Pentice -Hall 1961 131250620X 3th Ed 431 p UG Library
320 RUB 00018503 The Challenge of Politics - Ideas and Issues Rubinstein Alvin Z Pentice -Hall 1961 131250620X 3th Ed 431 p UG Library
320 RUB 00016680 The Challenge of Politics - Ideas and Issues Rubinstein Alvin Z Pentice -Hall 1961 131250620X 3th Ed 431 p UG Library
320 RUS 00002391 Freedom Versus Organization 1776-1914 Russell Bertrand Unwin Books 1965 247 p UG Library
320 RUS 01020633 The contemporary House of Lords : Russell, Meg. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199671564 (hardback) xiv,332p.; Knowledge Centre
320 RUS 01019418 The contemporary House of Lords : Russell, Meg. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199671564 (hardback) xiv,332p.; Knowledge Centre
320 SAM 05017262 A Life in Politics : Sangma P.A HarperCollins Publishers India, 2012 9789350291511 xxxvii,489 p. : Knowledge Centre
320 SAR 00025326 Political Thought of Harold J. Laski Sarma G N Academic Paperbacks 1984 150 p UG Library
320 SAV 00133501 Doing political science and international relations : Savigny, Heather. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230245860 (hbk.) | 9780230245877 (pbk.) | 9781137612175 xiv, 321 p. : UG Library
320 SAX 00030600 Macmillan's Political Science for UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination Saxena S C Macmillan India Limited 1988 506 p UG Library
320 SCO 05042565 The major political writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 9780226921860 (cloth : alk. pa lv, 287 pages : Knowledge Centre
320 SEN 05048001 Indian Political Thought and Its Contemporary Relevance / Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126921454 xx,460p.; Knowledge Centre
320 SEN 07012276 Indian Political Thought and Its Contemporary Relevance / Atlantic Publishers, 2016 9788126921454 xx,460p.; Library - BR Campus
320 SHA 00035388 Political Sociology Sharma Ram Nath Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt Ltd 1991 420 p UG Library
320 SHA 00029814 Political Sociology Sharma Ram Nath Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt Ltd 1991 420 p UG Library
320 SHA 05037392 Modern Political Science / Sharma,R.K. D P S Publishing House, 2011 9789380801612 237p.; Knowledge Centre
320 SHA 00142885 Indian Political Thought Sharma, Urmila Atlantic Publishers 2020 9788171566785 432p UG Library
320 SHA 00003558 Our Human Heritage - A Synoptic Study Sharma S R Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1964 233 p UG Library
320 SHA 07009177 Indian government and politics / Sharma, Sudhir N Prism Publishing Corporation, 2015 9789382037781 249p. Library - BR Campus
320 SHE 00012874 Why They Call It Politics Sherrill Robert Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1972 0155960008 305 p UG Library
320 SHI 05073571 Power & choice : Shively, W. Phillips, Rowman & Littlefield, 2022 9781538151860 Sixteenth edition. xiv, 478p, ; Knowledge Centre
320 SIN 00008321 The Struggle of Power in Asia Singh, Patwant B.I. Publications 1971 208 p. : UG Library
320 SIN 01002696 Political Science for Law Students / U S Singh Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 287p.; Knowledge Centre
320 SIN 01002697 Political Science for Law Students / U S Singh Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 287p.; Knowledge Centre
320 SIN 01002709 Political Science for Law Students / U S Singh Allahabad Law Agency, 2005 287p.; Knowledge Centre
320 SIN 00142279 Fundamentals of political science Singh,Arimardan Random publications, 2020 9789352696543 ix,306p.; UG Library
320 SIN 00142510 Research of practicum in political science Singh Arimardan Random publications, 2020 9789352696567 viii,305p.; UG Library
320 SIN 00042540 Handbook on Pre-Law First Year Political Science. Singh, U S Priya Books 1997 172p UG Library
320 SMI 05049245 A comparative introduction to political science : Smith, Alan G. Rowmann, 2017 9781442252585 (cloth : alk. pa xvii,572p.; Knowledge Centre
320 SOR 00003531 Political Science - An Informal Overview Sorauf Francis J Charles E Merrill Books 1968 116 p UG Library
320 SRE 00148410 Reproductive politics and the making of modern India/ Sreenivas, Mytheli Women Unlimited; 2021 9789385606373 274pages UG Library
320 SRI 00039811 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039812 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039813 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039815 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039817 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039819 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039821 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039824 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039825 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039822 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039820 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039818 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039816 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00039814 II Year Puc Political Science Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1996 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00016570 Political Science Theory Srivastva, L N Surjeet Publishers 1976 498 p. UG Library
320 SRI 00037843 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037846 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037847 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037849 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037851 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037853 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037855 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037857 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037856 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037854 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037852 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037850 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037848 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037844 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 SRI 00037845 I Puc Political Science Text Srinivasan, D Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
320 STA 00096599 Edmund Burke : Burke, Edmund, Transaction Publishers, 1412806240 (alk. paper) xiv, 702 p. ; UG Library
320 SUD 00022116 Elements of Political Science for Degree & Hons Suda Jyoti Prasad K Nath & Co 1979 556 p UG Library
320 SUH 00121894 Fundamentals of Political Science Suhasini B Ishika Publishing House, 2015 9789382629931 228 p:. UG Library
320 SUN 00005436 Indian Challenge Sundaram, 1969 1 UG Library
320 SUR 00038824 Political Science II Puc:Elements of Government Suryanarayana, B K HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1996 1 UG Library
320 SUR 00038828 Political Science II Puc:Elements of Government Suryanarayana, B K HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1996 1 UG Library
320 SUR 00038827 Political Science II Puc:Elements of Government Suryanarayana, B K HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1996 1 UG Library
320 SUR 00038825 Political Science II Puc:Elements of Government Suryanarayana, B K HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1996 1 UG Library
320 SUR 00038826 Political Science II Puc:Elements of Government Suryanarayana, B K HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1996 1 UG Library
320 SWA 00139763 Himalayan Challenge: Swamy,Subramanian Rupa Publications Pvt. Ltd 2020 9789390356195 240p UG Library
320 TAF 00000539 From the Death of Gompers to the Merger Taft, Philip Harcourt 499 UG Library
320 TAN 00059023 Politics: the Basics Tansey, D Stephen Routledge; 2003 9780415191999 2nd ed. 277 p. UG Library
320 THA 00140405 India: Tharoor,Shashi Wisdom Tree 2013 9788183284813 164p UG Library
320 THO 01020303 Political Science - II : Lexis Nexis, 2013 9789351430964 113p.; Knowledge Centre
320 THO 01020007 Political Science -1 / LexisNexis, 2013 9789351430384 136p.; Knowledge Centre
320 TIW 00027156 Political Studies Tiwari S C Shiva Lal Agarwala & Co 1966 400 p UG Library
320 TOL 00138557 Politics, Journalism and the way things Were Tolchin, Martin Routledge, 2020 9780367366124 117 p.; UG Library
320 ULR 05058396 The changing security dynamics of the persian gulf / Ulrichsen, Kristian Coates., ed. Hurst and Company, 2017 9781849048422 xi, 271p. Knowledge Centre
320 VAN 00129143 A Novel Approach to Politics : Van Belle, Douglas A., Sage, 2013 9781452218229 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xxiv, 449 p. : UG Library
320 VAR 00013737 Modern Political Theory Varma, S.P Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1976 445 P. UG Library
320 VAR 00023713 Modern Political Theory Varma, S.P Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1976 445 P. UG Library
320 VAR 00016559 Modern Political Theory Varma, S.P Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1976 445 P. UG Library
320 VAR 00013513 Modern Political Theory Varma, S.P Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1976 445 P. UG Library
320 VER 07010099 Political Theory and Modern State / Verma R.N Navyug Books International, 2015 9789382974291 248p.: Library - BR Campus
320 VIJ 00081639 Writing Politics : Left Discourses in Contemporary India Vijay Devesh Popular Prakashan 2004 817154813X 245 p UG Library
320 VIK 00123580 UGC-NET/JRF/SET Political Science Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9789325976047 xii, 715 p:. UG Library
320 WAS 00012806 Political Science and the Discipline and its Dimensions. Wasby, Stephen L Science 1970 588 P UG Library
320 WEL 00011785 Studying Politics Welsh A William Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd 1973 0177121017 260 p UG Library
320 WHE 00025389 Legislatures Wheare K C Oxford University Press 1968 2nd Ed 166 p UG Library
320 WIS 05007214 Political science : an outline for the intending student of government, politics and political science, Wiseman, H. Victor Routledge & K. Paul, 1967 0710029977 | 9780415555456 vii, 183 p. Knowledge Centre
320 ZIZ 05041184 Mapping ideology / Verso, 1994 9781844675791 (hbk.) | 1844675 341p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 AGA 00141135 Political Theory: Principles of Political Science Agarwal, R .C. S Chand 2003 8121906644 | 9788121906647 562 p. UG Library
320.01 AGA 00111341 Political Theory: Principles of Political Science Agarwal, R .C. S Chand 2003 8121906644 | 9788121906647 562 p. UG Library
320.01 MCK 01018521 Issues in political theory / Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199572823 (acidfree paper) 2nd ed. xiv, 379 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 ABB 00109710 Political Theory Abbas,Hoveyda Pearson 2012 9788131760819 vii; 557 p. UG Library
320.01 AGA 00000233 Political Theory Agarwal R C. New Delhi 1976 1st ed. 558 p. UG Library
320.01 AGA 00106266 Political Writings Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521391857 | 9780521398374 | 0521398371 (pbk.) 2nd, enl. ed. xv, 311 p. ; UG Library
320.01 AGA 00070324 Political Theory: Principles of Political Science Agarwal, R .C. S Chand 2003 8121906644 | 9788121906647 562 p. UG Library
320.01 AGA 00070323 Political Theory: Principles of Political Science Agarwal, R .C. S Chand 2003 8121906644 | 9788121906647 562 p. UG Library
320.01 AGA 00115363 Political Theory: Principles of Political Science Agarwal, R .C. S Chand 2003 8121906644 | 9788121906647 562 p. UG Library
320.01 AGR 00013437 Political Theory Agarwal R C. New Delhi 1976 1st ed. 558 p. UG Library
320.01 AGR 00022091 Political Theory Agarwal R C. New Delhi 1976 1st ed. 558 p. UG Library
320.01 ANS 00146430 Nietzsche and political thought / Ansell-Pearson, Keith Bloomsbury 2019 9781441129338 (hardcover) | 9789387863569 viii, 245 pages ; UG Library
320.01 ARI 00100919 The politics / Aristotle. Oxford University Press, 9780199538737 (pbk.) | 0199538 xlvii, 423 p. : maps ; UG Library
320.01 ARO 00045183 Political Scence Arora, Prem Cosmos Bookhive Pvt Ltd 1997 4th Ed. 513 p. UG Library
320.01 ARO 00027162 Political Science Theory Arora,Prem , Cosmos Bookhive Pvt Ltd 1996 3rd Ed. 462 p. UG Library
320.01 ARO 00042543 Political Theory. Arora, N. D . Har-Anand, 1996 8124102824 385 p.; UG Library
320.01 ASI 00070332 Political Theory Asirvatham Eddy S Chand 2005 8121903467 13th Ed. 825 p. UG Library
320.01 ASI 00070333 Political Theory Asirvatham Eddy S Chand 2005 8121903467 13th Ed. 825 p. UG Library
320.01 ASI 00115848 Political Theory Asirvatham Eddy S Chand 2005 8121903467 13th Ed. 825 p. UG Library
320.01 ASI 00115352 Political Theory Asirvatham Eddy S Chand 2005 8121903467 13th Ed. 825 p. UG Library
320.01 BAR 01012549 Greek Political Theory : Barker,Ernest Cosmo Publications, 2008 9788130708829 2nd ed. 403p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BEI 05045416 Political philosophy : Beiner, Ronald, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107069954 (hardback) | 978 lv, 247 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BEI 05007220 Political judgement / Beiner, Ronald Rouledge, 1983 9780415555609 199 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01 BER 05009051 Why Machiavelli matters : Bernard, John D. Praeger, 2009 9780275998769 (alk. paper) xii, 159 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BEV 00100296 Encyclopedia of political theory / Bevir, Mark Sage Publications, 9781412958653 (cloth : set) | 3 v. (xxxiv, 1524 p.) ; UG Library
320.01 BEV 00100297 Encyclopedia of political theory / Bevir, Mark Sage Publications, 9781412958653 (cloth : set) | 3 v. (xxxiv, 1524 p.) ; UG Library
320.01 BEV 00100298 Encyclopedia of political theory / Bevir, Mark Sage Publications, 9781412958653 (cloth : set) | 3 v. (xxxiv, 1524 p.) ; UG Library
320.01 BHA 10005443 Political theory: Bhargava, Rajeev Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2025 9789361598500 xviii,348 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.01 BHA 00045177 Introduction to Political Theory Bhattacharjee, Arun New Central Book Agency(p) Ltd 1992 362p UG Library
320.01 BHA 00141714 Political theory : Bhagwan,Vishnoo. Kalyani Publishers, 2014 9789327236293 2nd rev ed. viii,647p.; UG Library
320.01 BHA 00110302 Principles And Concepts Of Political Theory Bhagwan,Vishnoo. Kalyani Publishers 2005 8127222496 1st Ed. 255 p. UG Library
320.01 BHA 00110303 Principles And Concepts Of Political Theory Bhagwan,Vishnoo. Kalyani Publishers 2005 8127222496 1st Ed. 255 p. UG Library
320.01 BHA 00110304 Principles And Concepts Of Political Theory Bhagwan,Vishnoo. Kalyani Publishers 2005 8127222496 1st Ed. 255 p. UG Library
320.01 BIR 01010468 An introduction to political philosophy / Bird, Colin. Cambridge University Press, 9780521836258 (cased) | 052183 x, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BIR 01009716 An introduction to political philosophy / Bird, Colin. Cambridge University Press, 9780521836258 (cased) | 052183 x, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BLA 05074813 Lost in Ideology : Blakely, Jason. Agenda Publishing, 2024 9781788216630 196p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BLA 05057389 Methods in analytica political theory / Blau, Adrian., ed. Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107491700 ix, 336 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BOT 01009680 A philosophy of political myth / Bottici, Chiara. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521876551 (hardback) | 0521876559 (hardback) vii, 286 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BOU 01011484 Political judgement : Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521764988 (hardback : alk. paper) | 052176498X (hardback : alk. paper) viii, 354 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 BOU 10004693 Interdisciplinary studies of the political order : Boudreaux, Donald J Rowman and Littlefield international ltd., 2019 9781538158784 vi, 294 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.01 BRE 05047501 Under Weber's shadow : Breen, Keith. Ashgate, 2012 x, 253 p. Knowledge Centre
320.01 BRO 05005408 Twentieth century political theory : Routledge, 2005 0415948983 (hc : alk. paper) | 2nd ed. xxiv, 487 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01 CAN 00108316 A History of medieval political thought, 300-1450 Canning,Joseph, Routledge, 1996 9780415394154 xxiv; 255 p. cm. UG Library
320.01 CER 00131358 Conceptualizing politics : Cerutti, Furio, Routledge, 2017 9781472475688 (hbk) | 9781472475718 (pbk) xvi, 217 pages ; UG Library
320.01 CHA 05073455 African political thought : Chan, Stephen. Hurst & Company, 2021 9781787385504 vii, 262p, ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 COH 01007050 Princeton readings in political thought : Princeton University Press, 1996 0691036888 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0691036896 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 740 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 COH 01026653 The political value of time : Cohen, Elizabeth F., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108419833 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9781108412254 (pbk.) x, 183 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 CON 01001306 Contemporary political philosophy : Blackwell Publishing, 2006 9781405130646 (hardback : alk. paper) | 1405130644 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781405130653 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1405130652 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xiv, 754 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01 CON 01004829 Political Science &ideology / William E Connolly Aldine Transactions, 2000 9780202308517 179p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 CRI 05040816 In Defence of Politics / Crick Bernard Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780936925 xii,250p.: Knowledge Centre
320.01 CRI 07006357 In Defence of Politics / Crick Bernard Bloomsbury, 2013 9781780936925 xii,250p.: Library - BR Campus
320.01 CRI 00073236 Crossing Borders Crick, Bernard Continuum 2001 0082646923 | 9780826469236 216 p. UG Library
320.01 CUR 00130226 Introducing Machiavelli Curry,Patrick Icon Books 1995 174p UG Library
320.01 DAD 00136723 Contemporary Political Theory / Dadhich,Naresh. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610695 xvi,280p.; UG Library
320.01 DAD 07014502 Contemporary Political Theory / Dadhich,Naresh. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610695 xvi,280p.; Library - BR Campus
320.01 DAS 05061917 Contemporary Political Theory : Das,Ajay. Astha Publishers, 2018 9789385330353 260p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 DAS 00045179 Modern Political Theory. Das, P G New Central Book Agency Pvt.Ltd 1996 0817381225 480p UG Library
320.01 DEL 05066774 Political thinking, political theory, and civil society / DeLue, Steven M., Routledge, 2017 9781138643611 (pbk.) Fourthh edition. xxix, 458 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 DEL 00142960 Political thinking, Political theory and civil society / DeLue,Steven M. Routledge, 2021 9780367543198 5th ed. xxiv,482p.; UG Library
320.01 DK 07002444 The Politics Book / DK, 2013 9781409364450 352p.: Library - BR Campus
320.01 DOB 01007064 Political theory and the ecological challenge / Cambridge University Press, 2006 052183810X | 0521546982 (pbk.) | 9780521838108 | 9780521546980 vii, 262 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 DRY 01011327 Oxford Handbook of Political Theory / Dryzek, S John Oxford University Press, 2006 9780199548439 883p.: Knowledge Centre
320.01 EBE 05045361 Introduction to Political Thinkers / By Ebenstein, Alan. Cengage Learning: 2015 9788131527283 xiv, 363. p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01 EBE 07002010 Introduction to Political Thinkers / By Ebenstein, Alan. Cengage Learning: 2015 9788131527283 xiv, 363. p. : Library - BR Campus
320.01 EBE 00124901 Introduction to Political Thinkers / By Ebenstein, Alan. Cengage Learning: 2015 9788131527283 xiv, 363. p. : UG Library
320.01 EBE 00121835 Introduction to Political Thinkers / By Ebenstein, Alan. Cengage Learning: 2015 9788131527283 xiv, 363. p. : UG Library
320.01 EBE 05044487 Introduction to Political Thinkers / By Ebenstein, Alan. Cengage Learning: 2015 9788131527283 xiv, 363. p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01 ERI 00133639 Rational choice theory : Eriksson, Lina. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230545083 (hbk.) | 9780230545090 (pbk.) | 9781137609410 xi, 284 p. : UG Library
320.01 ERI 00070146 Twentieth Century Political Theory Eric, Broner, Stephen Routledge 2006 0415948991 | 9780415948999 | 9781138293144 487 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.01 ERI 00133512 Twentieth Century Political Theory Eric, Broner, Stephen Routledge 2006 0415948991 | 9780415948999 | 9781138293144 487 p. UG Library
320.01 EST 00129680 The Oxford handbook of political philosophy / Estlund, David Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195376692 (alk. paper) x, 446 p. ; UG Library
320.01 EUL 05040971 Behavioralism in political science / Transaction Publishers, 2011 9781412818520 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 158 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 FER 01009948 The force of the example : Ferrara, Alessandro, Columbia University Press, 2008 9780231140720 (cloth : alk. paper) | 023114072X (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780231511926 (ebook) | 0231511922 (ebook) xiv, 235 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 FIA 00131375 The Bloomsbury companion to political philosophy / Fiala, Andrew, Bloomsbury academic, 2017 9781847065544 (hardback) | 9781474286442 ix, 271 pages ; UG Library
320.01 FIN 05046167 The political is political : Finlayson, Lorna, Rowman Littlefield, 2015 9781783482863 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 211 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.01 FLO 00140603 Political Philosophy Versus History? Floyd, Jonathan, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521197151 (hardback) | 978 228 p. ; UG Library
320.01 FLO 00110072 Political Philosophy Versus History? Floyd, Jonathan, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521197151 (hardback) | 978 228 p. ; UG Library
320.01 FRA 01017674 Hobbes on civil association / Oakeshott, Michael, Liberty Fund, 2000 0865972907 (alk. paper) | 0865 xi, 173 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01 FRE 05046013 The Political Theory of Political Thinking / Freeden Michael Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198746737 345p.: Knowledge Centre
320.01 FUR 00123445 Politics of Fear Füredi, Frank Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005 9780826487285 197 p:. UG Library
320.01 GAN 00093122 Hind Swaraj Gandhi Mahatma Rajpal & Sons 9788170288510 84p UG Library
320.01 GAN 00094461 Hind Swaraj Gandhi's M K Orient BlackSwan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039181 83p UG Library
320.01 GAN 07004557 Hind Swaraj Gandhi's M K Orient BlackSwan Pvt.Ltd. 9788125039181 83p Library - BR Campus
320.01 GEU 00053851 History and Illusion in Politics Geuss, Raymond Cambridge University Press; 2001 9780521000437 174 p. UG Library
320.01 GHA 00141720 Understanding political theory / Ghai,K .K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327290936 rep.. 276p.; UG Library
320.01 GOO 05033971 A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy / Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781444350876 2nd ed 891p.: Knowledge Centre
320.01 GOO 01010176 Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis / Goodin, E Robert Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199548446 869p.: Knowledge Centre
320.01 GUP 00045185 Political Theory Gupta, R. L. Sultan Chand 1995 2nd Ed. 480 p. UG Library
320.01 HAB 00095659 To Make the deaf hear: Habib S Irfan Three Essays 9788188789615 231P UG Library
320.01 HAB 00100143 To Make the deaf hear: Habib S Irfan Three Essays 9788188789615 231P Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.01 HAC 01003925 Political Theory : Philosophy, Ideology, Science / Andrew, Hacker Surjeet Publications 2006 612p. Knowledge Centre
320.01 HAD 07002002 A History of Political Thought : Haddock, Bruce Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131606766 xii, 330 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 HAD 05041713 A History of Political Thought : Haddock, Bruce Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131606766 xii, 330 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 HAD 00119149 A History of Political Thought : Haddock, Bruce Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131606766 xii, 330 p. ; UG Library
320.01 HAM 00108201 Political Theory Hammond, Scott John Rawat Publications 2009 8131603385 xvii; 357 p. UG Library
320.01 HAM 07006449 Polititical Theory / Hammond, Scott John. Rawat Pub, 9788131603383 xiv , 357 p. Library - BR Campus
320.01 HAM 00099595 Polititical Theory / Hammond, Scott John. Rawat Pub, 9788131603383 xiv , 357 p. UG Library
320.01 HEL 00047805 Political Theory and the Modern State Held, David Worldview 1998 0818642315 265p UG Library
320.01 HER 05046606 The political discourse of Carl Schmitt : Herrero López, Montserrat. Rowman & Littlefield, 2015 9781783484546 (cloth : alk. pa x,279p.: Knowledge Centre
320.01 HEY 00067331 Political Theory an Introduction: Heywood, Andrew Palgrave 2004 1403994994 | 97814039949998 3rd Ed. 416 p.: UG Library
320.01 HEY 00083838 Political Theory an Introduction: Heywood, Andrew Palgrave 2004 1403994994 | 97814039949998 3rd Ed. 416 p.: UG Library
320.01 HEY 00079083 Political Theory an Introduction: Heywood, Andrew Palgrave 2004 1403994994 | 97814039949998 3rd Ed. 416 p.: UG Library
320.01 HEY 00086263 Political Theory an Introduction: Heywood, Andrew Palgrave 2004 1403994994 | 97814039949998 3rd Ed. 416 p.: UG Library
320.01 HEY 00123530 Political Theory Heywood, Andrew Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137603241 4th edi. xxii, 417 p:. UG Library
320.01 HEY 00070148 Political Theory an Introduction: Heywood, Andrew Palgrave 2004 1403994994 | 97814039949998 3rd Ed. 416 p.: UG Library
320.01 HIN 05057189 Rational choice / Hindmoor, Andrew. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137427427 | 9781137427410 2nd edition. xi, 275 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.01 HOF 01023671 Introduction to political theory / Hoffman, John, Routledge, 2015 9781408285923 (pbk.) | 9781138 Third edition. 524 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.01 HUM 01013971 Political essays / Hume, David, Cambridge University Press, 052146093X (hardback) | 052146 lxvi, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 ING 01003924 The Political / David Ingram Blackwell Publishing, 2002 9780631215486 303p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 JOH 00133059 Understanding political theory Johari,R.C Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053503 189p.; UG Library
320.01 JOH 00060090 Contemporary Political Theory Johari J.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 2012 8120707184 | 9788120769922 3rd Ed. xv; 756 p. UG Library
320.01 JOH 00045166 Contemporary Political Theory Johari, J. C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1996 8120707184 2nd Ed. 755p UG Library
320.01 JOH 00045167 Contemporary Political Theory Johari, J. C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1996 8120707184 2nd Ed. 755p UG Library
320.01 JOH 01018659 Contemporary Political Theory Johari, J. C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1996 8120707184 2nd Ed. 755p Knowledge Centre
320.01 JOH 00111659 Principles of Modern Political Science/ Johari, J.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd., 2009 9788120743786 xii: 660p.; UG Library
320.01 JOH 00126132 Contemporary Political Theory Johari J.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 2012 8120707184 | 9788120769922 xx; 780 p. UG Library
320.01 JOH 00096246 Contemporary Political Theory Johari, J. C. Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 1996 8120707184 2nd Ed. 755p UG Library
320.01 JOH 00110646 Contemporary Political Theory Johari J.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 2012 8120707184 | 9788120769922 3rd Ed. xv; 756 p. UG Library
320.01 JOH 00110647 Contemporary Political Theory Johari J.C. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 2012 8120707184 | 9788120769922 3rd Ed. xv; 756 p. UG Library
320.01 KAR 05036982 On the history of political philosophy : Korab-Karpowicz, W. Julian. Pearson, 2012 9780205119745 | 0205119743 Ed. no. 01. xiii, 242 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 KAR 00013732 Sudha`s Political Science Karley, S L Sudha 1974 1 UG Library
320.01 KAU 10004232 Arthashastra/ Kautilya Fingerprint classics, 1915 9789354403705 494 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.01 KEA 00058992 Global Civil Society? Keane,John Cambridge University Press 2003 0052189462 | 9780521894623 220 p. UG Library
320.01 KEL 05005244 Law's trace : Kellogg, Catherine M. Routledge, 2010 9780415561617 vi, 171 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 KHU 01026171 DIgnity in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199484171 x,497p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 KLO 05008509 The Oxford handbook of the history of political philosophy / Klosko, George Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199238804 (hbk.) | 9780199 xiv, 840 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 KN0 00059792 Political Philosophy Knowles, Dudley Routledge 2004 1857285506 | 9781857285505 392 p. UG Library
320.01 KRA 05073812 Selected writings on media propaganda and political communication / Kracauer, Siegfried. Columbia University Press, 2022 9780231158978 xvii,451p; Knowledge Centre
320.01 KUL 00108992 Interdisciplinary perspectives in political theory Kulkarni,Mangesh SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132106302 273 p. ; UG Library
320.01 LAQ 05047953 Optimism in politics : Laqueur, Walter, Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412852661 xxi, 251 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 LEH 00128962 John Rawls : Lehning, Percy B. Cambridge University Press, 9780521899031 (hardback) | 052 xii, 294 p. ; UG Library
320.01 LEH 01011481 John Rawls : Lehning, Percy B. Cambridge University Press, 9780521899031 (hardback) | 052 xii, 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 LEO 07007718 Plitical Theory, Methods and Approches(law Lib) David Leopold Oxford University Press 9780199230099 224p Library - BR Campus
320.01 MAC 00086611 Political Concepts: A Reader and Guide Mackenzie, Lain 2005 0748616772 684 p UG Library
320.01 MAC 00106607 Politics : Mackenzie, Iain M. Continuum, 2009 9780826487940 | 9780826487957 vii, 174 p. ; UG Library
320.01 MAC 00133635 Politics : Mackenzie, Iain M. Bloomsbury, 2015 9780826487940 | 9789385436482 | 9780826487957 vii, 174 p. ; UG Library
320.01 MAC 07006451 Politics : Mackenzie, Iain M. Continuum, 2009 9780826487940 | 9780826487957 vii, 174 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 MAC 01016374 Politics : Mackenzie, Iain M. Continuum, 2009 9780826487940 | 9780826487957 vii, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MAC 05040574 Niccolo Machiavelli's The prince on the art of power : Duncan Baird Publishers ; | Distributed in the USA and Canada by Sterling Pub. Co., Inc., 2007 9781844838028 | 9781844834556 New illustrated ed. 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01 MAH 00070321 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00070322 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 10001421 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.01 MAH 00128180 Political Theory / Asirvatham Eddy S Chand & Co. 2017 9788121903462 13th Ed.revised 845p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00115847 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00030593 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00126135 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00110651 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00110652 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00110653 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00110654 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00110655 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAH 00115362 Political Theory Mahajan,Dhar Vidya S Chand & Company 2005 9788121903691 4th ed 903 p. UG Library
320.01 MAN 00146159 The Cambridge Rawls lexicon / Cambridge University Press' 2015 9780521192941 (hardback) xxiii, 897 pages ; UG Library
320.01 MAR 01013090 Theory and methods in political science / Palgrave Macmillan, 0333948564 (cloth) | 033394855 xv, 368 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MAR 00099350 Theory and Methods in Political Science / Palgrave Macmillan, 2002 0333948564 (cloth) | 033394855 2nd ed. xv, 368 p. ; UG Library
320.01 MAR 05048022 Theory and methods in political science / Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230576261 (hbk.) | 0230576 3rd ed. xvi, 392 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01 MCK 07014505 Issues in political theory / Mckinnon, Catriona. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198784067 | 0198784066 Fourth Edition. xviii, 336p.; Library - BR Campus
320.01 MCK 01027226 Issues in political theory / Mckinnon, Catriona. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198784067 | 0198784066 Fourth Edition. xviii, 336p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MCK 01011194 Issues in Political Theory / Catriona Mckinnon Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199582693 377p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MCK 07002137 Issues in Political Theory / McKinnon Catriona Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198728092 xiv,379p.: Library - BR Campus
320.01 MCK 00100917 Issues in Political Theory McKinnon, Catriona Oxford University Press, 9780199582693 377 p. UG Library
320.01 MCW 05038700 Traveling back : McWilliams, Susan Jane, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199329687 (hardback : acid xii, 217 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MCW 07007929 Traveling back : McWilliams, Susan Jane, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199329687 (hardback : acid xii, 217 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 MEL 05064455 Spinoza's political treatise : Cambridge university press, 2018 9781107170582 (alk. paper) xiv, 215 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MIL 00107857 Political writings Mill, James, Cambridge University Press, 1992 9780521387484 | 0521387485 (pa xxxvii, 317 p. : UG Library
320.01 MIS 00070334 Political Theory Misra, K. K. S Chand 1998 2nd Ed. 845 p. UG Library
320.01 MIS 00070335 Political Theory Misra, K. K. S Chand 1998 2nd Ed. 845 p. UG Library
320.01 MIS 00115353 Political Theory Misra, K. K. S Chand 1998 2nd Ed. 845 p. UG Library
320.01 MIS 00115354 Political Theory Misra, K. K. S Chand 1998 2nd Ed. 845 p. UG Library
320.01 MOO 05064721 20 Greatest Political Philosophers / Mookherji, Kalyani. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333744 xi,154p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MOO 07014501 20 Greatest Political Philosophers / Mookherji, Kalyani. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333744 xi,154p.; Library - BR Campus
320.01 MOO 00135834 20 Greatest Political Philosophers / Mookherji, Kalyani. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333744 xi,154p.; UG Library
320.01 MOS 01016656 An Introduction to Political Philosophy / Moseley, Alexander, Continuum, 2007 0826483062 (pbk.) | 9780826483 v, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MOU 01020664 Agonistics : Mouffe, Chantal, Versbooks, 2013 9781781681039 (softcover) | 17 xvii, 149 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 MUK 00136107 An introduction to political theory / Mukhopadhyay, Amal Kumar, Sage Publications India pvt ltd, 2019 9789353283018 (pbk.) XI,167p.; UG Library
320.01 NAN 05041501 Traditions, tyranny, and utopias : Nandy, Ashis. Oxford University Press, 1987 019563067X xx, 168 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 NEG 05006394 Empire and beyond / Negri, Antonio, Polity, 2008 9780745640471 (hbk.) | 0745640 ix, 239 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 OHE 00087435 Political Philosophy: Ohear, Anthoney 2006 9780521695596 246 p UG Library
320.01 PAG 00106814 Contemporary PoliticalThought Pagare G.K. Cyber Tech Publications: 2012 9788178849607 246 p. UG Library
320.01 PAN 00106600 Making of Political Science Pandey Naveen Sastik Publications 2012 9789381084069 280 p. UG Library
320.01 PAN 00123072 Political Theory Pandey, Neelam Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2015 9788126164066 280 p:. UG Library
320.01 PAN 00122269 The Key Texts of Political Philosophy Pangle, Thomas L. 9781107006072 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 435 p:. UG Library
320.01 PAN 00130122 Political Theory And Political Thought / Pandey C. Dinesh. Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178807201 271 p . : UG Library
320.01 PAN 05061327 Political Theory And Political Thought / Pandey C. Dinesh. Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178807201 271 p . : Knowledge Centre
320.01 PAR 00129672 Pax Gandhiana : Parel, Anthony J., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199474103 xii, 220 pages ; UG Library
320.01 PAR 05053198 Pax Gandhiana : Parel, Anthony J., Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199474103 xii, 220 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 PER 07005379 Unspoken politics : Pérez, Efrén Osvaldo, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107133730 (hardback) | 978 xi,211 Pages: Library - BR Campus
320.01 PER 05047432 Unspoken politics : Pérez, Efrén Osvaldo, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107133730 (hardback) | 978 xi,211 Pages: Knowledge Centre
320.01 PET 05038613 Institutional theory in political science : Peters, B. Guy. Continuum, 2012 9781441130426 (pbk.) | 1441130 3rd ed. 222 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 PET 05038778 Institutional theory in political science : Peters, B. Guy. Continuum, 2012 9781441130426 (pbk.) | 1441130 3rd ed. 222 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 PIR 05040365 The politics of tragedy and democratic citizenship / Pirro, Robert Carl. Continuum, 2011 9781441165251 (pbk. : alk. pap 242 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 POR 00100308 Reconstructing the classics : Portis, Edward Bryan. CQ Press, 9780872893399 (alk. paper) xii, 206 p. ; UG Library
320.01 PRO 05041549 Theory of the political subject : Prozorov, Sergei. Routledge, 2014 9780415842440 (hardback) | 978 xxix, 138 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 RAJ 00038321 Political Theory and Organisation / Rathore, L. S. Eastern Book Company, 1997 424 p.; UG Library
320.01 RAJ 00038320 Political Theory and Organisation / Rathore, L. S. Eastern Book Company, 1997 424 p.; UG Library
320.01 RAJ 01018679 Political Theory and Organisation / Rathore, L. S. Eastern Book Company, 1997 424 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 RAJ 00042544 Political Theory and Organisation / Rathore, L. S. Eastern Book Company, 1997 424 p.; UG Library
320.01 RAM 00120115 Political Theory Ideas and Concepts Ramaswamy Sushila Phi Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120350489 2nd ed, xvi,564 p.: UG Library
320.01 RAM 00120116 Political Theory Ideas and Concepts Ramaswamy Sushila Phi Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120350489 2nd ed, xvi,564 p.: UG Library
320.01 RAM 00120117 Political Theory Ideas and Concepts Ramaswamy Sushila Phi Learning Pvt, 2015 9788120350489 2nd ed, xvi,564 p.: UG Library
320.01 RAO 00021305 A History of Political Theory : Ancient, Medieval and Modern Rao V Venkata S Chand & Co 1980 770 p UG Library
320.01 RAT 05004034 Relevance Of Political Theory / Rathore L.S. Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131603642 167 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 RAT 07006487 Relevance Of Political Theory / Rathore L.S. Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131603642 167 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 RAY 00025339 Political Theory Ray Amal , World Press 1983 8th Ed. 596 p. UG Library
320.01 RAY 00070372 Political Theory Ray, Amal World Press Private Ltd 2003 8187567465 13th Ed. 616 p. UG Library
320.01 RAY 00070373 Political Theory Ray, Amal World Press Private Ltd 2003 8187567465 13th Ed. 616 p. UG Library
320.01 RAY 00025340 Political Theory Ray Amal , World Press 1983 8th Ed. 596 p. UG Library
320.01 REI 07010092 Political Writings Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521391857 | 9780521398374 | 0521398371 (pbk.) 2nd, enl. ed. xv, 311 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 REI 00138765 Political Writings Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521391857 | 9780521398374 | 0521398371 (pbk.) 2nd, enl. ed. xv, 311 p. ; UG Library
320.01 REI 01013977 Political Writings Kant, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521391857 | 9780521398374 | 0521398371 (pbk.) 2nd, enl. ed. xv, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 RHO 01003820 The Oxford handbook of political institutions / Oxford University Press, 2006 0199275696 (hbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 816 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 RIC 00106506 Approaches to political thought Richter L . William Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2009 9780742564244 (cloth : alk. pa x, 332 p. ; UG Library
320.01 RIC 00106256 Approaches to political thought Richter L . William Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2009 9780742564244 (cloth : alk. pa x, 332 p. ; UG Library
320.01 RIC 07006471 Approaches to political thought Richter L . William Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2009 9780742564244 (cloth : alk. pa x, 332 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 ROB 00086592 Introduction to Political Thought: A Conceptural Toolkit Roberts, Peri 2006 0748616799 307 p UG Library
320.01 ROB 07007715 Wittgenstein and political theory Robinson, Christopher C. Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748639144 (hbk.) | 0748639 vii, 195 p. Library - BR Campus
320.01 ROB 05011604 Wittgenstein and political theory Robinson, Christopher C. Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748639144 (hbk.) | 0748639 vii, 195 p. Knowledge Centre
320.01 ROU 00025352 Political Theories Rout, B. C. S Chand 1992 0812190286 2nd Ed. 395 p. UG Library
320.01 ROU 00070327 Political Theories Rout, B. C. S Chand 1992 0812190286 2nd Ed. 395 p. UG Library
320.01 ROU 00121662 The social contract Rousseau, Jean Jacques Global vision PUblishing House 2014 9788182206526 224p. UG Library
320.01 ROU 00121772 A discourse on inequality / Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Penguin Books, 1984 0140444394 (pbk.) : 187 p. ; UG Library
320.01 ROY 00070015 Political Philosophy: East and West: [Dharmaram College] Roy, Krishna Allied 2003 8177644726 146p UG Library
320.01 RUS 00083786 Political Ideals Bertrand 0415109078 80p UG Library
320.01 RUS 05004767 The prospects of industrial civilization / Russell, Bertrand, The Century Co. 1923 9780415487368 287 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.01 SAB 00017929 A History of Political Theory Sabine George H Oxford & IBH Publishers 1961 3rd Ed. 948 p UG Library
320.01 SAB 00085103 A History of Political Theory Sabine George H Surjeet Publications 2007 8122902936 3rd Ed 948 p UG Library
320.01 SAB 00017928 A History of Political Theory Sabine George H Oxford & IBH Publishers 1961 3rd Ed. 948 p UG Library
320.01 SAC 00018905 A Simple Study of Political Science Theory Sachdeva Ajantha Prakshan: 1978 432 p. UG Library
320.01 SAM 00102348 Emergence of the political subject / Samāddāra, Raṇabīra. SAGE, 9788132102908 (hardback) | 813 xxxii, 314 p. ; UG Library
320.01 SEI 01013172 Toward a new political humanism / Prometheus Books, 1591022711 (hardcover : alk. p 418 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 SHA 01024116 Politics and time : Shapiro, Michael J., Polity press, 2016 9781509507801 (hardback) | 978 xv, 196 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 SHA 00072896 Political Theory And Thought Sharma, Manoj Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126118156 | 9788126118151 548 p. UG Library
320.01 SHA 00120032 An Introduction to Political Theory Shahi Pratap Shashi Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126157440 304 p.: UG Library
320.01 SHA 05039346 Grounding morality : Routledge, 2010 9780415585750 xiv, 368 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 SIM 00103936 Political philosophy / Simmons, A. John Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195138016 (cloth : alk. pa x, 180 p.22 cm. UG Library
320.01 SIM 00081746 Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy. Simon, Robert L Blackwell 2002 9780631221272 329p UG Library
320.01 SIN 00131519 Modern Political Science. Singh Haridwar. Ane Books Pvt.Ltd., 2018 9789386761170 vi,320 p.; UG Library
320.01 SKO 00092553 Political Philosophy Skoble Aeon J. Prentice Hall, 1999 9788131716243 x, 559 p. ; UG Library
320.01 SKO 00136203 Political philosophy : Skoble,Aeon J . Prentice Hall, 1999 0136295770 (pbk.) x, 559 p. ; UG Library
320.01 SOB 05046019 Oxford studies in political philosophy, volume 1 / Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199669530 (hardback) | 978 1st edition. 313p.: Knowledge Centre
320.01 SOB 01023139 Oxford studies in political philosophy / Sobel, David, Oxford university press, 2015 9780199669547 | 9780199669530 | 9780191648311 (ebook) First edition. 2 vol set Knowledge Centre
320.01 SOB 01023138 Oxford studies in political philosophy / Sobel, David, Oxford university press, 2015 9780199669547 | 9780199669530 | 9780191648311 (ebook) First edition. 2 vol set Knowledge Centre
320.01 SRI 00045184 Political Science Theory Srivastava, L N Surjeet Book Depot 1998 498p UG Library
320.01 STE 01027176 Selected writings of James Fitzjames Stephen : Stephen, James Fitzjames, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199212675 | 0199212678 First edition. xxxviii, 283 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.01 STO 00133429 The relevance of political science Stoker, Gerry Palgrave, 2015 9781137609441 xiii,282p.; UG Library
320.01 SWI 07014845 Political philosophy : Swift, Adam, Polity Press, 2019 9781509533343 | 9781509533350 Fourth edition. xii, 243 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 THO 00082575 The Derrida-Habermas Reader Thomassen, Lasse Edinburgh University Press, 2006 0748622500 321p.; UG Library
320.01 TIW 00142572 Political philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: Tiwari, Richa Rawat publications, 2021 9788131611593 220p.; UG Library
320.01 TIW 00140728 Political philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: Tiwari, Richa Rawat Publications 2021 9788131611593 220p UG Library
320.01 TIW 00140929 Political philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: Tiwari, Richa Rawat Publications 2021 9788131611593 220p UG Library
320.01 TOR 07009762 Key thinkers from critical theory to post Marxism / Tormey, Simon. SAGE Publications, 2006 0761967621 (hbk.) | 076196763X 234 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 TOR 05048632 Key thinkers from critical theory to post Marxism / Tormey, Simon. SAGE Publications, 2006 0761967621 (hbk.) | 076196763X 234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 TUC 00144873 This is political philosophy : Tuckness, Alex Scott, Wiley Blackwell, 2017 9781118765951 (cloth) | 9781118765975 (pbk.) xiv, 281 pages ; UG Library
320.01 VAR 00058853 Political Theory/ Varkey K T Indian Publishing Distributors 2003 8173413053 348 p UG Library
320.01 VAR 00058851 Political Theory/ Varkey K T Indian Publishing Distributors 2003 8173413053 348 p UG Library
320.01 VAR 00058852 Political Theory/ Varkey K T Indian Publishing Distributors 2003 8173413053 348 p UG Library
320.01 VEL 00107581 Sarvodaya Vellarackal Paul Dr. Oriental Institute of Religious Studies 2010 9788188456598 207 P. UG Library
320.01 VER 00086590 Advanced Modern Political Theory: Verma, S L Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131601709 513 p.; UG Library
320.01 VER 00122020 Political Theory and Thought Verma, Ambika Prashad Manglam Publications, 2015 9789382983699 320 p:. UG Library
320.01 VER 07006491 Advanced modern political theory : Verma, S. L., Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131602232 | 8131602230 | 9 ix, 513 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.01 VIN 01003926 The nature of political theory / Vincent, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2004 0199271259 ix, 354 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 VIN 00110656 Contemporary Political Theory Vinod M.J. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 2013 9788120347137 xxiv: 573 p. UG Library
320.01 VIN 00110657 Contemporary Political Theory Vinod M.J. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 2013 9788120347137 xxiv: 573 p. UG Library
320.01 WAL 00131283 Interpretation in political theory / Walsh, Sean Noah, Routledge, 2017 9781138201651 (hbk) | 9781138201668 (pbk) xiv, 233 pages ; UG Library
320.01 WAT 00102998 Women and men political theorists : Waters, Kristin Blackwell Publishers, 0631209794 (alk. paper) | 0631 ix, 374 p. ; UG Library
320.01 WAT 00103135 Women and men political theorists : Waters, Kristin Blackwell Publishers, 0631209794 (alk. paper) | 0631 ix, 374 p. ; UG Library
320.01 WEB 05060751 Political utopias : Weber,Michael. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190280598 (hbk) | 97801902 ix, 260p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01 WHI 00112144 Political philosophy : White, Michael J., Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199860517 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. x, 431 p. ; UG Library
320.01 WID 00110073 Political Theory after Deleuze Widder, Nathan, Continuum, 2012 9781441197955 (hardcover) | 97 xii,197p. : UG Library
320.01 WOL 01025190 An introduction to political philosophy / Wolff, Jonathan. Oxford University, 2016 9780199658015 (pbk.) Third edition. xiv, 231 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 ZIZ 07006436 The universal exception / Žižek, Slavoj. Continuum, 2006 9781472570079 Paperback ed. xxxii, 387 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.01 ZIZ 05042105 The universal exception / Žižek, Slavoj. Continuum, 2006 9781472570079 Paperback ed. xxxii, 387 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01 ZUC 00110071 Political Philosophy in the Twentieth Century Zuckert, Catherine H., Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107006225 (hardback) | 110 ix, 280 p. ; UG Library
320.0109 ALL 05007216 A history of political thought in the sixteenth century / Allen, J. W. Methuen ; | Rowman and Littlefield, 1977 0874718856 (Rowman and Littlef xxii, 533 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01092 SKI 00084228 Machiavelli: A Very Short Introduction. Skinner, Quentin 2006 0195682661 110p UG Library
320.01092 SKI 00085428 Machiavelli: A Very Short Introduction. Skinner, Quentin 2006 0195682661 110p UG Library
320.010954 NAN 00067831 Bonfire of Creeds Nandy, Ashis Oxford University Press 2004 0195664124 | 9780195664126 506 p. UG Library
320.010954 NAN 00094207 Bonfire of Creeds Nandy, Ashis Oxford University Press 2004 0195664124 | 9780195664126 506 p. UG Library
320.011 MEH 05049173 Emerging trends in Indian politics : Routledge, 2010 9780415563192 xviii, 381 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SEN 03002293 Idea of Justice Sen, Amartya Allen Lane 9781846141478 467 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.011 AMI 00073989 The Common Good Etzioni, Amital Polity 2004 074563267 | 9780745632674 251 p. UG Library
320.011 ANA 01029610 Handbook of Natural Justice / Ananthan U N Lexis Nexis, 2023 9789395116558 cix,905p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 ARI 00094204 Aristotle Politics Aristotle Clarendon Oxford University Press, 1999 9780198235361 265p.; UG Library
320.011 ARM 05010863 Global Distributive Justice / Armstrong Chris Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107401402 270 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 AZM 00147708 Capitalism, democracy, Socialism: Azmanova, Albena Springer, 2022 9783031084096 vii,263p. ; UG Library
320.011 BEC 00129156 Habilitation, Health, And Agency : Becker, Lawrence C. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199917549 viii, 195 p. ; UG Library
320.011 BHA 01015538 Dynamics of Law and Justice / Bhaihoke,Neera. Serials Publications, 9788183873536 vii,248p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 BHA 00110159 What is political theory and why do we need it? / Bhargava, Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699333 | 0195699335 | 9780198088394 | 0198088396 xvi, 406 p. ; UG Library
320.011 BHA 01013800 Dynamics of Law and Justice / Bhaihoke,Neera. Serials Publications, 9788183873536 vii,248p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 BHA 00098967 What is Political Theory and Why Do We Need It? Bhargava, Rajeev Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699333 | 0195699335 xvi, 406 p. ; UG Library
320.011 CAM 00116990 End of Equality Campbell Beatrix Seagull. 2013 9780857421135 x, 134 p.: UG Library
320.011 CEL 00106666 The sins of the nation and the ritual of apologies Celermajer, Danielle. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521516693 | 0521516692 (ha x, 283 p. ; UG Library
320.011 COI 00120567 Legitimacy and politics : Coicaud, Jean-Marc. Cambridge University Press, 2002 0521782619 | 0521787823 (PBK.) xxvii, 259 p. ; UG Library
320.011 CRI 05007425 Laclau : Routledge, 2004 0415238439 | 0415238447 (pbk.) x, 357 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 DAG 00106098 Public reason D'Agostino,Fred. Ashgate, 1998 1855219549 (hardcover) | 97818 xxiii, 470 p. : UG Library
320.011 EGE 05004847 Freedom and happiness in economic thought and philosophy : Routledge, 2011 9780415579483 (hb) | 978020380 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
320.011 FIN 00102882 Politics and post-structuralism : Finlayson, Alan. Edinburgh University Press, 2002 9780748612963 viii, 243 p. ; UG Library
320.011 FIN 01002547 Theory and Practice of Modern Government / Finer,Herman. Surjeet, 1961 982p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 FIN 01002548 Theory and Practice of Modern Government / Finer,Herman. Surjeet, 1961 982p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 FIN 01001040 Theory and Practice of Modern Government / Finer,Herman. Surjeet, 1961 982p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 FIN 01006713 Theory and Practice of Modern Government / Finer,Herman. Surjeet, 1961 982p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 FOR 05060656 Normativity and power : Forst, Rainer. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198798873 (hardback) vi,193p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 FRA 01012710 Scales of justice : Fraser, Nancy. Columbia University Press, 9780231146807 (cloth : alk. pa x, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 FRI 01011432 Liberty / AldineTransaction, 2007 9780202309750 1st paperback printing xii, 333 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 GIL 01012699 The right to rule : Gilley, Bruce, Columbia University Press, 9780231138727 (cloth : alk. pa xv, 318 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 GRA 01023150 Rawls / Graham, Paul. Oneworld, 2006 viii, 184 p. Knowledge Centre
320.011 GUP 05007105 Justice before reconciliation : Gupta, Dipankar, Routledge, 2011 9780415612548 | 0415612543 viii, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 HEY 01013087 Political Theory : Heywood,Andrew. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 9781403994998 416p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 HEY 05073577 Politics / Heywood, Andrew. Bloomsbury, 2022 9780230396357 | 9789354356193 5th ed xxii,496p.: Knowledge Centre
320.011 HEY 07012269 Politics / Heywood Andrew Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 9780230396357 4th ed xxii,496p.: Library - BR Campus
320.011 HIN 00100135 The Threat To Reason Hind Dan Navayana, 2008 9788189059149 198p.; UG Library
320.011 HIR 05007209 Law, socialism, and democracy / Hirst, Paul Q. Allen & Unwin, 1986 0043012531 (alk. paper) | 9780 167 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.011 HOL 05064437 Information, democracy, and autocracy : Hollyer, James R., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108420723 | 1108420729 | 9781108430807 | 1108430805 xvii, 382 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.011 HOW 05047051 The tragedy of failure : Howard, Tiffiany. Praeger Security International, 2010 9780313381201 (hard copy : alk xiv, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 JAC 05004124 Pursuing equal opportunities : Jacobs, Lesley A. Cambridge University Press, 2004 052182320X | 0521530210 (pb.) xiv, 280 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 JAI 03008471 Chains that Liberate, Governance of Family Firms / Jain, Rajesh. Macmillan, 2006 140392869X xvi, 397 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.011 JHA 05041491 Traversing Bihar : Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125055679 xiii,350p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 JHA 07004378 Traversing Bihar : Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125055679 xiii,350p.; Library - BR Campus
320.011 JOS 05024353 Political Theory and Power / Joseph, Sarah. Foundation Books, 2004 8175962038 | 9788175962033 166p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 JOS 00084586 Political Theory and Power / Joseph, Sarah. Foundation Books, 2004 8175962038 | 9788175962033 166p.; UG Library
320.011 KEY 01010282 Aquinas, Aristotle, and the Promise of the Common Good / Keys,Mary M. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521722384 255p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 KEY 00089147 Aquinas, Aristotle and the Promise of the Common Good Keys, Mary M 9780521864732 255p UG Library
320.011 KIP 07010307 Myanmar A Political History / Nehginpao Kipgen Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466306 xi,230p.: Library - BR Campus
320.011 KIP 05047288 Myanmar A Political History / Nehginpao Kipgen Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466306 xi,230p.: Knowledge Centre
320.011 KIP 05056852 Myanmar A Political History / Nehginpao Kipgen Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199466306 xi,230p.: Knowledge Centre
320.011 KLO 05034040 History of political theory : Klosko, George. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199695416 (hard) | 0199695 2nd ed. x,373p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 KNO 01011725 Political obligation : Knowles, Dudley. Routledge, 9780415416009 (hardback : alk. 219p. cm. Knowledge Centre
320.011 KOH 07008871 Democracy and Development in India : Kohli Atul Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198068471 447p.: Library - BR Campus
320.011 KOH 07011361 Democracy and Development in India : Kohli Atul Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198068471 447p.: Library - BR Campus
320.011 LAN 00086563 Reinterpreting the Political: Continental Philosophy and Political Theory Langsdorf, Lenore 1998 0791437930 330 p UG Library
320.011 LAS 07009298 Power and society : Lasswell, Harold D. Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412852807 (pbk. : acidfree xxxviii, 295 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.011 LAS 05040145 Power and society : Lasswell, Harold D. Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412852807 (pbk. : acidfree xxxviii, 295 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 LOS 00092662 Political theory : Roxbury Pub. Co., 1891487809 (set : alk. paper) 2 v. ; UG Library
320.011 LOS 07007713 Political theory : Roxbury Pub. Co., 2003 1891487809 (set : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 2 v. ; Library - BR Campus
320.011 LOS 00092669 Political theory : Roxbury Pub. Co., 1891487809 (set : alk. paper) 2 v. ; UG Library
320.011 LOS 07007714 Political theory : Roxbury Pub. Co., 2003 1891487809 (set : alk. paper) 2nd ed. 2 v. ; Library - BR Campus
320.011 LOU 01004931 The paradox of constitutionalism : Oxford University Press, 2007 0199204969 (alk. paper) | 9780199204960 (alk. paper) viii, 375 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 LOU 00089205 Paradox of Constitutionalism: Constituent Power and Constitutional Form Loughlin, Martin 2007 9780199204960 375p UG Library
320.011 LUP 01029078 John Rawls and the common good / Routledge, 2022 9780367696665 vi, 254p, : Knowledge Centre
320.011 MAF 05006456 Rawls : Maffettone, Sebastiano, Polity Press, 2010 9780745646503 (hbk.) | 0745646 xii, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 MAF 05039375 Global justice : Maffettone, Sebastiano Routledge, 2012 9780415535052 vi, 208 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 MAL 01022894 The Prophet of Justice Life and Achievements of Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer / Malik Lokendra.Dr Satyam Law International, 2016 9789382823308 171p.: Knowledge Centre
320.011 MAN 01013968 Rawls's A theory of justice : Mandle, Jon, Cambridge University Press, 9780521853927 (hardback) | 052 x, 211 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 MEH 01013545 Emerging trends in Indian politics : Routledge, 2010 9780415563192 xviii, 381 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 MIL 00084233 Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction Miller, David Oxford, 2006 0195681797 147 p.; UG Library
320.011 MIL 05048904 Political philosophy : Miller, David, Oxford University Press, 2003 0192803956 | 9780192803955 xi, 147 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 MOR 01008074 History of western political thought : Morrow, John, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 1403935335 (cloth) | 1403935343 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvi, 416 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 MOR 01008429 History of western political thought : Morrow, John, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 1403935335 (cloth) | 1403935343 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvi, 416 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 MYE 07006717 The politics of equality Myers, Jason C. Zed Books, 2010 [vii], 159 p. Library - BR Campus
320.011 NUS 01005249 Frontiers of Justice / Nussbaum,Martha C. Oxford University Press, 2007 0195690184 487p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 PET 00119210 Just Freedom : Pettit, Philip, W.W.Norton & Company, Inc. 2014 9780393063974 (hardcover) | 03 1st ed. xxviii, 258 p. ; UG Library
320.011 POS 01029457 The Economics of Justice / Posner, Richard A. Harvard University Press, | MPP House, 1981 0674235258 xiii, 415 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAJ 00108091 Secularism, democracy, justice Rajan, Nalini, Sage Publications, 1998 0761992146 (US : alk. paper) | 220 p. ; UG Library
320.011 RAS 00145400 Political legitimacy : Rasmussen, Terje, Routledge 2023 9781032137100 | 9781032150994 166pages UG Library
320.011 RAW 00145832 Justice as fairness : Rawls, John The Belknap Press 2001 9780674987449 xi, 214 p. ; UG Library
320.011 RAW 01014413 Justice as fairness : Rawls, John, Universal Law Publishing pvt. Ltd 9788175344013 xviii, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAW 05054677 Justice as fairness : Rawls, John, Harvard University Press, 2001 0674005104 (cloth : alk. paper xviii, 203p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAW 01003064 Justice as fairness : Rawls, John, Universal Law Publishing pvt. Ltd 9788175344013 xviii, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAW 01001458 Justice as fairness : Rawls, John, Universal Law Publishing pvt. Ltd 9788175344013 xviii, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAW 01001456 A theory of justice / Rawls, John, Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd, 9788175341753 xxii, 607 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAW 01001457 A theory of justice / Rawls, John, Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd, 9788175341753 xxii, 607 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAW 01002769 A theory of justice / Rawls, John, Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd, 9788175341753 xxii, 607 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAW 01003062 A theory of justice / Rawls, John, Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd, 9788175341753 xxii, 607 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 RAW 01003063 A theory of justice / Rawls, John, Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd, 9788175341753 xxii, 607 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 ROB 07013820 The narrow corridor : Acemoglu Daron Penguin Books, 2019 9780241314319 XI,543 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.011 ROB 00140240 The narrow corridor : Acemoglu Daron Penguin Books, 2019 9780241314319 XI,543 Pages,: UG Library
320.011 ROS 05039957 The society of equals / Rosanvallon, Pierre, 9780674726444 (e-book) | 97806 1 online resource (385 pages) Knowledge Centre
320.011 ROU 00083508 Rousseau's political writings : Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, W.W. Norton, 1988 0393024792 | 9780393956511 | 0 1st ed. x, 321 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.011 ROU 00112488 Rousseau's political writings : Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, W.W. Norton, 1988 0393024792 | 9780393956511 | 0 1st ed. x, 321 p. ; UG Library
320.011 ROU 07005257 Rousseau's political writings : Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, W.W. Norton, 1988 0393024792 | 9780393956511 | 0 1st ed. x, 321 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.011 ROY 00111387 Persepective on political order east and west Roy,Rameshray Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605967 viii,320p.; UG Library
320.011 RUS 05005258 Power : Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2004 0415325072 (pbk.) xxv, 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 RUS 00083789 Power: A New Social Analysis. Russell, Bertrand 2002 0415094569 207p.' UG Library
320.011 RUS 05033975 Power : Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2004 0415325072 (pbk.) xxv, 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 RYA 00129638 On Aristotle : Ryan, Alan, Liveright 2012 9780871407061 (hardcover) First edition. 216 pages ; UG Library
320.011 RYA 05040140 On Aristotle : Ryan, Alan, Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2014 9780871407061 (hardcover) First edition. 216 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 RYA 00124721 On Aristotle : Ryan, Alan, Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2014 9780871407061 (hardcover) First edition. 216 pages ; UG Library
320.011 SAN 05048743 Liberalism and the limits of justice / Sandel, Michael J. Cambridge Universtiy Press, 1998 0521562988 | 0521567416 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvii, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SCH 05074600 The pursuit of equality in the West / Schiavone, Aldo, Harvard University Press, 2022 9780674975750 viii, 360 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SEC 05072915 Emerging technologies and international stability / Sechser, Todd S. Routledge, 2022 9781032017617 x, 297p, ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SEN 01011133 The idea of justice / Sen, Amartya, allen lane, 9780674036130 (hardcover : alk xxviii, 467 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SEN 01011134 The idea of justice / Sen, Amartya, allen lane, 9780674036130 (hardcover : alk xxviii, 467 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SEN 01011381 The idea of justice / Sen, Amartya, allen lane, 9780674036130 (hardcover : alk xxviii, 467 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SEN 00090660 Idea of Justice Sen, Amartya Rider 2008 9781846141478 467p UG Library
320.011 SEN 00090819 Idea of Justice Sen, Amartya Rider 2008 9781846141478 467p UG Library
320.011 SEN 05002869 The idea of justice / Sen, Amartya, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 9780674036130 (hardcover : alk xxviii, 467 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SEN 07005510 The idea of justice / Sen, Amartya, allen lane, 9780674036130 (hardcover : alk xxviii, 467 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.011 SIB 00133475 Shades of truth: Sibal,Kapil Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353046019 xvi,247p.; UG Library
320.011 SIN 00142517 Introduction to political theory Singh,Shyam Prakash Random publications, 2020 9789352696550 viii,327p.; UG Library
320.011 SKI 01010936 Hobbes and republican liberty / Skinner, Quentin. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521886765 (hbk.) | 0521886767 (hbk.) | 9780521714167 (pbk.) | 0521714168 (pbk.) xxiii, 245 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011 SMI 00133636 Power and the State Smith, Martin J. Palgrave 2016 9781137609403 xi,307 p.: UG Library
320.011 SPI 01018963 Enduring injustice / Spinner-Halev, Jeff. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107017511 (hardback) | 110 x, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 STE 01013947 The Politics, and the Constitution of Athens / Aristotle. Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521482437 (hard) | 9780521484008 | 0521484006 (pbk.) Rev. student ed. xlvi, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 STO 05073768 White freedom : Stovall, Tyler, Princeton University Press, 2021 9780691179469 xii, 435 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.011 SWA 00110031 Aristotle's Politics : Swanson, Judith A. Continuum, 2009 9780826484987 (hbk.) | 9780826 ix, 168 p. ; UG Library
320.011 SWA 00109038 Aristotle's Politics : Swanson, Judith A. Continuum, 2009 9780826484987 (hbk.) | 9780826 ix, 168 p. ; UG Library
320.011 TSA 05049021 Political responsibility and the European Union / Tsakatika, Myrto. Manchester University Press ; | Distributed in the United States exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 9780719075155 (hbk.) | 0719075157 (hbk.) | 9781847792365 (e-book) viii, 150 p. Knowledge Centre
320.011 VER 07009565 Justice back and forth : Vernon, Richard, University Press, 2016 9781487500245 | 1487500246 274 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.011 VIT 00090789 Musings on Governance, and Corruotion Vittal, N ICFAI 2008 8178813459 229p.; UG Library
320.011 WAC 05061345 Justice : Wacks,Raymond. Panmacmillan, 2017 9781786070456 x,207p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 WAT 01024100 Theorizing justice : Watene, Krushil, Rowman and littlefield international ltd., 2016 9781783484041 (cloth : alk. pa xii,197p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011 WHI 00087982 Political Philosophy: An Historical Introduction White, Michael J Oneworld Publishers 2003 1851683283 265p UG Library
320.011 WHI 01007497 What is political theory? / Sage Publications, 2004 9780761942610 vii, 222 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0110922 PAR 07014527 The A-Z Guide to Modern Social and Political Theorists / Routledge, 2018 9780815363064 408p.: Library - BR Campus
320.0110948 FAB 01025893 Remapping gender, place and mobility : Faber, Stine Thidemann. Routledge, 2015 9780815377658 xx, 240 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.0110954 NAY 00068980 India in the World Order: Searching for Major- Power Status Nayar, Baldev Raj Foundation Books: 2004 9788175962316 291 p. UG Library
320.011095493 SPE 01003370 Sinhala Village in a Time of Trouble : Jonathan Spencer Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195650808 285p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0113 MOR 05059910 Game theory for political scientists / Morrow, James D., Princeton University Press, 1994 0691034303 (cl : acidfree pape xx, 376 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011356 MUL 01023106 The economics of politics / Mueller, Dennis C. Edward elgar publishing limited., 2001 2 vol. Knowledge Centre
320.011356 MUL 01023107 The economics of politics / Mueller, Dennis C. Edward elgar publishing limited., 2001 2 vol. Knowledge Centre
320.0113SIN 01008866 Coalition Politics in India : Singh,Mahendra Prasad. Manohar, 2004 9788173045738 338p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011HEY 01011424 Political Theory : Heywood,Andrew. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 9781403994998 416p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011KIN 01006609 Niklas Luhmann's theory of politics and law / King, Michael, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 1403998019 (pbk.) vi, 266 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.011MIT 01008865 Legitimacy and Conflict in South Asia / Subrata K Mitra Manohar, 1997 8173042004 279p.; Knowledge Centre
320.011MYN 01004787 POLITICAL OBLICATION S R Myneni New Era Law Publication 486p Knowledge Centre
320.011SKI 01009706 Hobbes and republican liberty / Skinner, Quentin. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521886765 (hbk.) | 0521886767 (hbk.) | 9780521714167 (pbk.) | 0521714168 (pbk.) xxiii, 245 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.014 BEN 00104866 Mediated politics: Bennett Lance. W Cambridge University 2001 9780521789769 xxvii489p. UG Library
320.014 BEN 00112809 The logic of connective action : Bennett, W. Lance. Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107025745 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 240 pages ; UG Library
320.014 COM 00094803 The psychology of media and politics / Comstock, George A. Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 0121835529 (alk. paper) | 9780 xii, 316 p. : UG Library
320.014 COM 00120572 The psychology of media and politics / Comstock, George A. Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 0121835529 (alk. paper) | 9780 xii, 316 p. : UG Library
320.014 DAV 00104226 Political Communication and Social Theory Davis, Aeron. Routledge, 2010 9780415547130 xviii, 196 p. ; UG Library
320.014 IAN 05058296 Hybrid politics : Iannelli, Laura, Sage, 2016 1473915783 | 9781473915787 134 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.014 KAI 05044925 Handbook of political communication research / Kaid, Lynda Lee Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004 0805837744 (case : alk. paper) xviii, 541 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.014 LIL 00082182 Key Concepts in Political Communication Lilleker, Darren G Sage, 2006 9781412918312 209 p.; UG Library
320.014 LIL 00087281 Key Concepts in Political Communication Lilleker, Darren G Sage, 2006 9781412918312 209 p.; UG Library
320.014 NEA 05059366 Poltical Communication And Mobilisation : Neyazi, Taberez Ahmed. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108416139 xv, 234p,; Knowledge Centre
320.014 NOR 00104863 A virtuous circle : Norris, Pippa. Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521790158 | 0521793645 (pbk.) xvii, 398 p. : UG Library
320.014 PER 01021093 The dynamics of political communication : Perloff, Richard M. Routledge, 2014 9780415531832 (hardback : alk. xxi, 460 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.014 REI 05042459 Political communication / De Gruyter Mouton, 2014 9783110238167 (hardcover : alk xi, 647 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.014 ROW 00144280 Performance and politics in a digital populist age : Rowe, Cami Routledge, 2023 9780367824129 x,177p.; UG Library
320.014 SEM 00110600 The SAGE Handbook of Political Communication Semetko, Holli A., 9781847874399 (hbk.) | 1847874 xviii, 557 pages : UG Library
320.014 UZM 00147564 Political Dynamics: Uzmauddin Aadi Publications, 2024 9789392586682 221p. ; UG Library
320.014 WIL 00096742 Political Communication in Asia / Routledge, 2009 9780415962841 | 9780415962858 viii, 240 p. : UG Library
320.014 WOL 05005278 Making sense of media and politics : Wolfsfeld, Gadi. Routledge, 2011 9780415885225 (hardback : alk. x, 150 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0140954 DAS 10001530 Gandhian thought and communication : Das, Biswajit, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353286682 xiii, 277p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0141 LAS 05046005 The signature of power : Lasswell, Harold D. Transaction Publishers, 2016 9781412857185 (paper : acidfre xvii, 236 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.0151 ORD 05066755 A political theory primer / Ordeshook, Peter C., Routledge, 1992 9780815349617 ix, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.01513 ROB 05005525 A mathematical look at politics / Robinson, E. Arthur, CRC Press, 2011 9781439819838 (hardcover : alk xvii, 459 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.015193MCC 01005109 Political game theory : McCarty, Nolan M. Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521841070 (hardback) | 9780521841078 (hardback) 431 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.0182 PUR 00142295 Qualitative and Qualitative analysis of Political Data / Purohit,Ashok. Random Publications, 2020 9789352696581 viii,321p.; UG Library
320.019 MON 05023218 Personality and the foundations of political behavior / Mondak, Jeffery J. Cambridge university press, 2010 9780521140959 xiii,227p.; Knowledge Centre
320.019 ASC 05005491 Revitalizing political psychology : Ascher, William. Psychology Press, 2005 0805852069 (h. : alk. paper) | xii, 197 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.019 CHE 05005263 Manipulating democracy : Routledge, 2011 9780415878043 (hardback : alk. xvii, 258 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.019 COT 05004763 Introduction to political psychology / Psychology Press, 2010 9781848728813 (hbk.) | 1848728 2nd. edition. 404 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.019 FUK 05067096 Identity : Fukuyama, Francis, Profile Books, 2018 9781781259801 First edition. xvii, 218 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.019 FUK 00140346 Identity: Fukuyama,Francis Profile Books 2019 9781781259818 218p UG Library
320.019 GAL 07013651 Political self-deception / Galeotti, Anna E., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108423724 (hardback) | 9781108438308 (pbk.) ix, 261 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.019 GAL 05066744 Political self-deception / Galeotti, Anna E., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108423724 (hardback) | 9781108438308 (pbk.) ix, 261 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.019 HEW 07014846 Political psychology / John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018 9781118982396 (cloth) | 9781118929339 (pbk.) xviii,353p.: Library - BR Campus
320.019 HOU 05047481 Political psychology : Houghton, David Patrick. Routledge, 2015 9780415833653 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. 329 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.019 KAL 05024328 Personas of holy pretence / Kaleem, Zahir Viva books, 2013 9788130922737 ix,326p.; Knowledge Centre
320.019 MON 00079302 Political Psychology Monroe, Kristen Renwick 2002 0805838872 456p UG Library
320.019 NUS 05039945 Political emotions : Nussbaum, Martha Craven, 9780674724655 | 9780674728288 (e-book) 1 online resource (468 pages) Knowledge Centre
320.019 NUS 07001484 Political emotions : Nussbaum,Martha C. Harvard Business Publishing, 2013 9780674503809 viii,457p.; Library - BR Campus
320.019 POS 07002793 Narcissism and politics : Post, Jerrold M. Cambridge univeristy press, 2015 9781107008724 (hardback) xxix, 252 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.019 RIC 09000503 The psychology of politics / Richards, Barry Routledge, 2019 9781138551701 103p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.019 RIC 00137871 The psychology of politics / Richards, Barry Routledge, 2019 9781138551701 103p.; UG Library
320.019 RIC 05069143 The psychology of politics / Richards, Barry Routledge, 2019 9781138551701 103p.; Knowledge Centre
320.019 RIC 01027840 The psychology of politics / Richards, Barry Routledge, 2019 9781138551701 103p.; Knowledge Centre
320.019 TET 01025725 Expert political judgment : Tetlock, Philip E. Princeton, 2005 9780691175973 xlv,321p.; Knowledge Centre
320.019 TIL 05047209 Political psychology/ Tileaga,Cristian. Cambridge University Press 2015 9781107672529 x,232p. Knowledge Centre
320.01EMP 01009698 Friedrich Nietzsche and the politics of history / Emden, Christian. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521880565 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0521880564 (hardback : alk. paper) xvi, 386 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.01FIN 01003919 Comtemporary Political Thought (law Lib) Alan Finlayson Edinburgh University 0748613838 674p Knowledge Centre
320.01GAN 01003922 Politics, Symbols and Political Theory / Asha Kaushik Rawat, 2000 8170336511 207p.; Knowledge Centre
320.01GAN 07006466 Politics, Symbols and Political Theory / Asha Kaushik Rawat, 2000 8170336511 207p.; Library - BR Campus
320.01LEO 01010175 Plitical Theory, Methods and Approches(law Lib) David Leopold Oxford University Press 9780199230099 224p Knowledge Centre
320.01LEV 01007676 Engaging Political Philosophy from Hobbes to Rawls / Levine,Andrew. Blackwell Publishing, 2002 9780631222293 274p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0211 CAL 00082145 The Resources of Critique Callinicos, Alex 2006 9780745631615 313p.; UG Library
320.0285 POL 00096624 Blogging the political : Pole, Antoinette. Routledge, 2010 9780415963411 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 161 p. : UG Library
320.0285 POL 00093800 Blogging the political : Pole, Antoinette. Routledge, 2010 9780415963411 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 161 p. : UG Library
320.0285 CHA 00098632 The Routledge Handbook Of Internet Politics Chadwick, Andrew Routledge, 9780415780582 xviii, 512 p. UG Library
320.0285 POL 00098582 Blogging the political : Pole, Antoinette. Routledge, 2010 9780415963411 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 161 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0285 POL 07007705 An SPSS Companion to Political Anlysis Pollock, Philip H CQ Press, 2009 0872896072 | 9780872896079 3rd ed. xv, 261 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.0285 POL 00093877 blogging the political Pole Antoinette Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 9780415963428 161p UG Library
320.0285 POL 00100294 An SPSS Companion to Political Anlysis Pollock, Philip H CQ Press, 2009 0872896072 | 9780872896079 3rd ed. xv, 261 p. : UG Library
320.0285 RAN 05039680 Research Methods in Political Science / Ranjan Ravi Centrum Press, 2014 9789350845226 312p.: Knowledge Centre
320.02854678 FOX 05010838 iPolitics : Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107015951 (hardback) | 110 xviii, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.02855133 POL 07012325 An R companion to political analysis / Pollock, Philip H., Sage Publishers, 2018 9781506368849 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xvii, 229 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.0285555 LER 07012323 Research methods in political science : Le Roy, Michael K. Cengage, 2018 9789386858894 8th ed. / xviii, 300 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.0285555 LER 10001374 Research methods in political science : Le Roy, Michael K. Cengage, 2018 9789386858894 8th ed. / xviii, 300 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0285555 LER 01026327 Research methods in political science : Le Roy, Michael K. Cengage, 2018 9789386858894 8th ed. / xviii, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.03 BRO 04003105 Encyclopaedia of Applied Science and Technology Brown, Robert Anmol Publications 2007 9788126132089 292 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.03 BRO 04003104 Encyclopaedia of Applied Science and Technology Brown, Robert Anmol Publications 2007 9788126132089 292 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.03 DUT 00098192 Encyclopaedia of Political Science Dutta N. Anmol Publicatiion pvt.Ltd., 2006 8126129190 322 p. ; UG Library
320.03 BOG 00029772 Blackweel Encyclopaedia of Political Institition. Bogdanor, Vernon Blackie 1987 660 P UG Library
320.03 CAR 01014398 Encyclopedia of politics Sage Publications, 141292541X (electronic book) | 2v. Knowledge Centre
320.03 CAR 01014399 Encyclopedia of politics Sage Publications, 141292541X (electronic book) | 2v. Knowledge Centre
320.03 COL 00060086 Dictionary of Government and Politics Collin, P H Evans Brothers Ltd 1989 0237511398 225 p. UG Library
320.03 COL 00052558 Dictionary of Gevernment and Politics Collin, P H 1988 0237511398 225p UG Library
320.03 COL 01000089 Dictionary of Government & Politics (law Lib) Collin PETER COLLIN PUBLISHING 0948549890 302p Knowledge Centre
320.03 COL 01000123 Dictionary of Government & Politics (law Lib) Collin Universal Book Stall 8185392897 225p Knowledge Centre
320.03 COM 00061876 Brewer`s Politics Comfort, Nicholas Cassell 1995 0304346594 | 9780304346592 viii, 693 p. UG Library
320.03 CRA 00003529 A Glossary of Political Terms Cranston, Maurice National Academy 1967 112 P. UG Library
320.03 MAH 07010090 Dictionary of Politics / Mahmood.M A.P.H.Publishing Corporation, 2016 9788176486088 186p.: Library - BR Campus
320.03 MAH 00085971 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Politics Mahmood, M Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2006 8126130466 413 p UG Library
320.03 MCL 00101002 The concise Oxford dictionary of politics / McLean, Iain. Oxford University Press, 9780199207800 (hbk.) | 0199207 xiii, 599 p. ; UG Library
320.03 MCL 01014324 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199207800 (hbk.) | 0199207 3rd Ed. xiii, 599 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.03 MCL 05003810 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199207800 (hbk.) | 0199207 3rd Ed. xiii, 599 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.03 MIL 00029773 Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Political Thought Miller, David Blackie 1987 570 P UG Library
320.03 MLC 07010670 The Concise oxford Dictionary of Politics/ Mclean,Iain Oxford university Press 2009 9780199205165 Xii,578 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.03 PAC 00068262 Who`s Who in World Politics Palmer, Alan 2003 0415131618 363p UG Library
320.03 RAT 05032424 Encyclopaedia of Comparative Government and Select Constitutions / Rathod,B.K. Swastik Publications, 2013 9789381991299 3 Volumes Knowledge Centre
320.03 RAT 05032425 Encyclopaedia of Comparative Government and Select Constitutions / Rathod,B.K. Swastik Publications, 2013 9789381991299 3 Volumes Knowledge Centre
320.03 RAT 05032426 Encyclopaedia of Comparative Government and Select Constitutions / Rathod,B.K. Swastik Publications, 2013 9789381991299 3 Volumes Knowledge Centre
320.03 ROB 00083836 Routledge Dictionary of Politics Robertson, David 2007 0415323770 515p UG Library
320.03 ROB 00068432 Routledge Dictionary of Politics Robertson, David 2002 0415323770 514p UG Library
320.03 SAF 00087688 Safire's political dictionary / Safire, William, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195340617 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiv, 862 p. ; UG Library
320.03 SAF 07002014 Safire's political dictionary / Safire, William, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195340617 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiv, 862 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.03 SCR 01004249 Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought, 3rd Ed. (law Lib) Roger Scruton Palgrave Macmillan 9781403989529 744p. Knowledge Centre
320.03 SCR 00025388 Dictionary of Political Thought Scruton, Roger PAN 1984 498 P UG Library
320.03 SCR 00086698 Dictionary of Political Thought Scruton, Roger PAN 1984 498 P UG Library
320.03 SHE 00086065 Encyclopedia of Political Thought Sheldon, Garrett Ward Viva Books Private Limited 2005 0817649996 342 p UG Library
320.03 SHE 01014671 Encyclopedia of political thought / Facts on File, 0816043515 ix, 342 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.03 STE 00031148 Penguin Dictionary of Political Quatations Stewart, Robert PENGUIN 1986 230 P UG Library
320.05 ARO 05044733 Political Science : Arora N D McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2015 9780071074780 17.17p.: Knowledge Centre
320.05 ARO 05042213 Political Science : Arora N.D McGraw Hill Education(India)Private Limited, 2015 9789383286980 xvii,48.11p.: Knowledge Centre
320.05 LAL 07012273 Political Theory / Lal,Nand. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609750 xiii,344p.: Library - BR Campus
320.05 LAL 00137890 Political Theory / Lal,Nand. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609750 xvi,344p.; UG Library
320.05 MAL 00133053 Political processes and institutuions in comparative perspective Malhotra,S.K Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053589 171p.; UG Library
320.05 NUN 01022785 Political Science-I / Nunes William LexisNexis, 2016 9789351437024 xi,231p.: Knowledge Centre
320.05 SIN 01026574 Politics for a new india : Singh, Shriprakash., ed. Rupa Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788129151612 xxvi, 302p. Knowledge Centre
320.05 SIN 07012275 Political Theory / Singh Shyam Prakash.Dr Sonali Publications, 2018 9788184116335 326p.: Library - BR Campus
320.05 SIN 05060991 Politics for a new india : Singh, Shriprakash., ed. Rupa Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9788129151612 xxvi, 302p. Knowledge Centre
320.054 ECC 00023057 The State Against People a Discussion on Atuthorianism and Militarizati. Ecumenical Christian Centre, Sevasadan 1982 98 P. UG Library
320.07 KRA 05048689 Political science in Europe : Jagiellonian University Press, 2015 9788323339380 610 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.07 SMI 00123490 Problems and methods in the study of politics / Shapiro,Ian Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521831741 (hbk.) | 0521539439 xi, 419 p. : UG Library
320.071054 MEN 05037427 Critical Studies in Politics : Menon, Nivedita Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125052708 vii,556 p. Knowledge Centre
320.0718 RAV 00135548 The politics of political science : Ravecca, Paulo, Routledge, 2019 9780815363071 (hardback) | 9780815363088 (pbk.) xvi,275p.; UG Library
320.072 BRI 00121982 Empirical political analysis : Brians, Craig Leonard Longman, 2011 9780205791217 (pbk. : alk. pap 8th ed. xvii, 428 p. : UG Library
320.072 BUR 07010103 Research Methods in Politics / Burnham Peter Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 9781137609427 2nd ed xii,370p.: Library - BR Campus
320.072 GIR 01008137 Criative Social Research : Giri,Ananta Kumar. Vistar Publication, 2004 9788178294841 367p.; Knowledge Centre
320.072 HAL 05060660 Political research : Halperin, Sandra Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198702740 Second edition. xi, 469 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.072 HAL 05039794 Political research : Halperin, Sandra. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199558414 (pbk.) | 0199558 xiv, 440 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.072 HAR 07007691 Key research concepts in politics and international relations / Harrison, Lisa. Sage Publication, 2013 9781412911849 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. Viii,158 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.072 HAR 00125533 Key research concepts in politics and international relations / Harrison, Lisa. Sage Publication, 2013 9781412911849 (hardback) | 978 1st ed. Viii,158 Pages,: UG Library
320.072 JOH 00127048 Political science research methods / Johnson, Janet Buttolph, Sage 2016 9781506307824 Eighth edition. xxii, 632 pages : UG Library
320.072 JOH 00035372 Political Science Research Methods Johnson, Janet Buttolph Prentice-Hall Pvt Ltd 1987 0876924917 364 p UG Library
320.072 JOH 00100304 Political Science Research Methods Johnson, Janet Buttolph CQ Press 2008 9780872894426 (pbk. : alk. pap 6th ed. xxvi, 613 p UG Library
320.072 KIR 00132671 A simple guide to SPSS for political science: Kirkpatrick, Lee A., Wordsworth Cengage Learning, 2013 9781111353803 xii,131 p.; UG Library
320.072 MAL 00134187 Political science research in practice / Malici, Akan, Rutledge, 2019 9781138301320 (Hardback) | 9781138301344 (Paperback) 2nd ed., xiv,220p.; UG Library
320.072 MAN 01025473 Political analysis and research methods / Mandal Ram Lakhan Ane books pvt ltd., 2018 9789386761187 vi,272p.; Knowledge Centre
320.072 PIE 00092146 Research methods in politics : Pierce, Roger. Sage, 9781412935500 (hbk) | 97814129 xi, 339 p. : UG Library
320.072 PIR 01011872 Research methods in politics : Pierce, Roger. Sage, 9781412935500 (hbk) | 97814129 xi, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.072 POL 00127046 The essentials of political analysis / Pollock, Philip H., Sage 2016 9781506305837 (pbk. : alk. pap 5th ed. xxii, 255 pages ; UG Library
320.072 POL 07007709 The essentials of political analysis / Pollock, Philip H., CQ Press, 2009 9780872896062 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. xviii, 256 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.072 POL 00118412 The essentials of political analysis / Pollock, Philip H., CQ Press, 2009 9780872896062 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. xviii, 256 p. : UG Library
320.072 TOS 05053203 Research design in political science / Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 9781137609465 xvi, 379 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.0721 MCN 00142958 Research methods for political science : McNabb, David E., Routledge, 2021 9780367569068 | 9780367610784 Third Edition. ix,464p.; UG Library
320.0721 PET 05041542 Strategies for comparative research in political science / Peters, B. Guy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 0230220908 (hardback) | 023022 xi, 284 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.0724 JOH 00131286 Field experiments in political science and public policy : John, Peter, Routledge, 2017 9781138776821 (hbk) | 9781138776838 (pbk) xiii, 207 pages ; UG Library
320.072BUR 01010435 Research Methods in Politics / Peter Burnham Palgrave paradigms, 2008 The diverse traditions of political science 370p.; Knowledge Centre
320.08 CHA 00030781 Politics Bureaucracy and Development. Chaturvedi, T N UPPAL 1988 28 P. UG Library
320.08 MAH 05007169 Political and social philosophy ; Mahnony, D.O Routledge, 1924 9780415555708 247 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.08 SEN 00068569 Talking New Politics Sen, Jai Frontile Imagning 2005 8189013270 232p UG Library
320.082 BUC 00085329 Women in Plato`s Political Theory Bukchan, Morag 1999 0415921848 189 p UG Library
320.082 DAH 00084594 Women Quotas and Politics. Dahlerup, Drude 2007 9780415375498 312p.; UG Library
320.082 DAO 05030205 Women, elections, and representation / Darcy, R. University of Nebraska Press, 1994 0803216963 (alk. paper) | 0803 2nd ed. rev. xiv, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.082 DEV 00097298 Women Media And Politics Devgan A K Cyber Tech Publications; 2010 9788178846576 240p.; UG Library
320.082 DEV 00109963 New Lamps for Old ? Devika, J Zubaan 2012 9789381017180 lii, 235 p. : UG Library
320.082 ENL 01020307 Bananas, beaches and bases : Enloe, Cynthia H., University of California Press, 2014 9780520279995 (paperback) Second edition, Completely Revised and Updated. xxv,461p.: Knowledge Centre
320.082 HAR 01024166 Gendering politics and policy : Haworth Political Press, 2005 0789030926 (hard cover : alk. 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.082 KAN 07011896 Gender and Political Analysis/ Kantola,Johanna Macmillan, 2017 9780230214194 235 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.082 KES 01021793 A study of women in administration : Kesarwani,Sulekha. Pearl Books, 2013 9789381575963 254p.; Knowledge Centre
320.082 LAW 00099751 It Still takes a Candidate; Lewless, Jennifer,L Cambridge university press; 2010 9780521179249 xiii+239 p.; UG Library
320.082 MIT 00119177 Black Women in Politics : Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412854696 xv, 196 p,: UG Library
320.082 OCH 00146403 Women and politics : Och, Malliga, ABC-CLIO LlC 2023 9781440871900 xxxi, 290 pages : UG Library
320.082 PAN 00120067 Women in Politics Outsiders or Insiders Pandey Ajay Prateeksha Publication, 2014 9789380626765 v,224 p.: UG Library
320.082 PAN 00109636 Women Contesting Culture Panjabi Kavita School Of Women's Studies 2012 9788190676083 lxxvi; 381 p. UG Library
320.082 SHA 00098304 Empowering Women Through Panchayati Raj Institution in India Sharma,Laxmi Prateeksha publications; 2009 9788185819280 182p.; UG Library
320.082 SHA 10003636 She, The Leader: Sharma, Nidhi Aleph book company, 2023 9789393852816 363 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.082 SHA 00147268 She, The Leader: Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789393852816 363p. ; UG Library
320.082 SHA 05075086 She, the Leader: Sharma, Nidhi. Aleph Book Company, 2023 9789393852816 xxvii, 363p.; Knowledge Centre
320.082 SIN 00094166 A coustituency suitable for ladies Singer, Wendy Oxford press 9780195679007 246p UG Library
320.082 STE 00116525 Women, power and politics Stevens, Anne, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 0230507808 (hbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 266 p. : UG Library
320.08209 GAR 00133884 Women and gender in international history : Garner, Karen, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018 9781472576125 | 9781472576118 | 9781472576149 xvi,275 p.; UG Library
320.08209538 SHA 00129170 Daring to Drive : Sharif, Manal, Simon and Schuster, 2017 9781476793023 | 9781471164408 x, 289 p. ; UG Library
320.0820954 GOY 05042733 Interrogating women's leadership and empowerment / Sage, 2015 9789351500797 (hardback : alk. xxii,267p.: Knowledge Centre
320.0820954 RAI 05067149 Performing representation : Rai, Shirin M., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199489053 | 019948905X First edition. xv, 398 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.082097285 GRA 05067734 Narrating a psychology of resistance : Grabe, Shelly, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190614256 (hardback : alk. paper) xviii, 260 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.082097285 GRA 09000477 Narrating a psychology of resistance : Grabe, Shelly, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190614256 (hardback : alk. paper) xviii, 260 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.0820973 HAY 05056408 Women on the run : Hayes, Danny, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107535862 | 9781107115583 xiii, 185 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.08827 DOM 05008966 Encyclopedia of modern Christian politics / Domenico, Roy P Greenwood Press, 2006 9780313338892 (v. 1 : alk. pap 2 v. : 314 p. Knowledge Centre
320.08827 DOM 05008967 Encyclopedia of modern Christian politics / Domenico, Roy P Greenwood Press, 2006 9780313338892 (v. 1 : alk. pap 2 v. : 314 p. Knowledge Centre
320.089948 GEE 00100141 Towards a Non-Brahmin Millennium: Geetha V Samya, 2008 9788185604371 xiii, 538 p.; UG Library
320.09 ADA 00068374 Fifty Great Political Thinkers Adams, Ian 2000 0415228115 255p UG Library
320.09 BUT 00140523 50 Politics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2015 9781473655430 vi, 326p. ; UG Library
320.09 BUT 07015003 50 Politics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2015 9781473655430 vi, 326p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.09 BUT 05070480 50 Politics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2015 9781473655430 vi, 326p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.09 BUT 05070481 50 Politics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2015 9781473655430 vi, 326p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.09 BUT 09000592 50 Politics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2015 9781473655430 vi, 326p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.09 BUT 00139330 50 Politics classics : Butler-Bowdon, Tom. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2015 9781473655430 vi, 326p. ; UG Library
320.09 CUD 07006473 The Modern State: Cudworth Erika Edinburg University Press 9780748621767 322p Library - BR Campus
320.09 CUD 00092731 The Modern State: Cudworth Erika Edinburg University Press 9780748621767 322p UG Library
320.09 JOS 00071199 Political Psychology Jost, John T. Psychology Press 2004 1841690708 | 9781841690704 497 p. UG Library
320.09 KAI 07010096 Marx and Modern Political Theory : Kain, Philip J., Rawat Publications, 2016 0847678652 | 9788131607992 xv, 427 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.09 KAI 00124487 Marx and Modern Political Theory : Kain, Philip J., Rawat Publications, 2016 0847678652 | 9788131607992 xv, 427 p. ; UG Library
320.09 KAI 00124520 Marx and Modern Political Theory : Kain, Philip J., Rawat Publications, 2016 0847678652 | 9788131607992 xv, 427 p. ; UG Library
320.09 SHK 00136732 Political Thought and Political Thinkers / Shklar,Judith N. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610930 xix,402p.; UG Library
320.09 SIB 00045182 Political Ideas and Ideologies Sibley, Mulford O. Surjeet Publications 1996 610 p. UG Library
320.0902 PAR 00136195 Medieval political philosophy : Cornell University Press, 2011 9780801449628 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0801449626 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780801476815 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 080147681X (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. x, 443 p. ; UG Library
320.092 BEI 01012496 Heidegger & the political : Beistegui, Miguel de, Routledge, 1998 xvi, 200 p. Knowledge Centre
320.092 BLI 00127529 Plato's political philosophy Blitz, Mark. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010 9780801897641 (hbk. : alk. pap 326 p UG Library
320.092 CHA 01003308 Possible India Essays in Political Criticism / Partha Chatterjee Oxford University Press, 2003 0195647661 299p.; Knowledge Centre
320.092 CHA 01003151 Possible India Essays in Political Criticism / Partha Chatterjee Oxford University Press, 2003 0195647661 299p.; Knowledge Centre
320.092 CHI 05074764 The practice of political theory : Chin, Clayton, Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131613818 x, 293 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.092 CON 00109985 Condorcet Lukes Steven Cambridge 2012 9781107021013 (hardback) | 978 xlv, 209 pages ; UG Library
320.092 DAD 00146261 John Rawls Dadhich,Naresh Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610572 216p.; UG Library
320.092 DAD 00136737 John Rawls Dadhich,Naresh Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610572 216p.; UG Library
320.092 DRO 05048314 Nietzsches great politics / Drochon, Hugo Halferty. Princeton University Press, 2016 9780691166346 (alk. paper) 200 p. Knowledge Centre
320.092 FRE 00084382 Rawls Freeman, Samuel Routledge, 2007 9780415301091 xvii,550p.; UG Library
320.092 FRE 00086265 Rawls Freeman, Samuel Routledge, 2007 9780415301091 xvii,550p.; UG Library
320.092 HAM 01013386 Edmund Burke / Ashgate, 9780754624998 (hbk.) xx, 469 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.092 HOB 01010130 Political Philosophers / Thomas Hobbes Cotton House, 1947 320p.; Knowledge Centre
320.092 HUC 00112845 Character Makes a Difference Huckabee,Mike B and H 2007 9780805446777 227p UG Library
320.092 JEN 01014367 Making the political : Jenco, Leigh K., Cambridge University Press, 9780521760607 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 282 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.092 JEN 07002204 Making the political : Jenco, Leigh K., Cambridge University Press, 9780521760607 (hardback) | 052 xiii, 282 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.092 KAN 00093724 Anna : Kannan, R. Penguin Books India : | Viking, 2010 9780670083282 | 0670083283 xi, 423p.; UG Library
320.092 NAN 00075706 At the Edge of Psychology Nandy,Ashis Oxford University 2003 0195626214 | 9780195626216 132 p. UG Library
320.092 PAR 07006814 Karl Popper / Parvin, Philip. Continuum, 2010 xii, 168 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.092 PAR 00118642 Karl Popper / Parvin, Philip. Continuum, 2010 xii, 168 p. ; UG Library
320.092 PAR 05039469 Karl Popper / Parvin, Philip. Continuum, 2010 xii, 168 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.092 PIL 00075077 Heroes Pilger, John Vintage 2001 0099266113 | 9780099266112 633 p. UG Library
320.092 SHE 00136137 From a shepherd boy to an intellectual : Ilaiah Shepherd,Kancha Sage publications pvt ltd., 2019 9789381345412 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii,359p.; UG Library
320.092 SRI 00115859 Political Thinkers of the World Srivastava, Kamal S APH 2004 8176485926 435p UG Library
320.092 SRI 00115858 Political Thinkers of the World Srivastava, Kamal S APH 2004 8176485926 435p UG Library
320.092 STA 00105163 Lacan and the political Stavrakakis, Yannis. Routledge, 1999 0415171865 (hbk) | 0415171873 x, 188 p. ; UG Library
320.092 STA 00123485 Englishness and the study of politics : Stapleton, Julia. Cambridge University Press, 1994 0521461251 (hardcover) | 97805 xiv, 251 p. ; UG Library
320.092 URB 01004869 J.S. Mill's political thought : Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521860208 (hardback) | 0521860202 (hardback) | 9780521677561 (pbk.) | 0521677564 (pbk.) viii, 392 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.092 URB 01009677 J.S. Mill's political thought : Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521860208 (hardback) | 0521860202 (hardback) | 9780521677561 (pbk.) | 0521677564 (pbk.) viii, 392 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.092 URB 00085093 J.S Mill`s Political Thought: A Bicentannial Reassesment. Urbinati, Nadia Cambridge, 2007 9780521677561 viii,392p.; UG Library
320.0922 BOU 00129832 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; UG Library
320.0922 BEN 00133515 The Routledge dictionary of twentieth-century political thinkers / Benewick, Robert. Routledge, 1998 0415158818 (hb) | 0415096235 (pb) | 9780415791656 2nd ed. xv, 277 p. ; UG Library
320.0922 BOU 01012551 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 BOU 01012553 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 BOU 01012554 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 BOU 01012555 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 BOU 01012550 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 BOU 01012552 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 BOU 01011197 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 BOU 05063956 Political Thinkers : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199215522 642p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 FIN 05007320 Habermas and Rawls : Gordon Finlayson, James Rouledge, 2011 9780415876865 (acidfree paper) x, 315 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0922 JON 00087987 Modern Political Thinkers and Ideas: An Historical Introduction Jones, Tudor 2002 0415174767 216p UG Library
320.0922 QVO 00092604 The political philosophy of jean-jacques rousseau Qvortrup, Mads Manchester University Press 9780719065811 135p UG Library
320.0922 SPA 00097216 Political theorists in context / Sparks, Chris Routledge, 2004 041520125X (hdbk.) | 9780415201261 ix,260p. ; UG Library
320.0922 SPA 07002011 Political theorists in context / Sparks, Chris Routledge, 2004 041520125X (hdbk.) | 9780415201261 ix,260p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.092241 LET 01017690 The pursuit of certainty : Letwin, Shirley Robin. Liberty Fund 1998 0865971943 | 0865971951 (pbk.) xx, 434 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.092FRE 01009389 Rawls / Samuel Freeman ROUTLEDGE, 2007 9780415301091 550p.; Knowledge Centre
320.092WEL 01007066 The Cambridge companion to Tocqueville / Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521840644 (hardback) | 0521840643 (hardback) | 9780521549967 (pbk.) | 0521549965 (pbk.) xxvii, 428 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0934 CHO 00136095 Revisiting the political thought of ancient India : Chousalkar, Ashok S. Sage Publications, 2018 9789352807680 x,200p.; UG Library
320.0934 CHO 10005235 Revisiting the political thought of ancient India : Chousalkar, Ashok S. Sage Publications, 2018 9789352807680 x,200p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0937 ATK 07013673 Roman political thought / Atkins, Jed W., Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107107007 (hardback) | 9781107514553 (paperback) xvii, 239 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.0938 SAL 00093962 The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek political thought / Salkever Stephen Cambridge University Press, 9780521867535 (hardback) | 052 ix, 380 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0938 SAL 00091601 The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek political thought / Salkever Stephen Cambridge University Press, 9780521867535 (hardback) | 052 ix, 380 p. ; UG Library
320.0938 SIN 05007173 A history of greek political thought / Sinclair T. A. Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1967 9780415555746 vii, 345 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.0938KEY 01009678 Freedom, reason, and the polis : Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521710121 (pbk.) xv, 316 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.094 BLU 10005104 Modi @ 20 : BlueKraft Digital Foundation Rupa Publications, 2022 9789355203632 xviii, 439 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.094 NED 05007224 Medieval Political Theory - A Reader : Nederman Cary J Routledge, 1993 780415064897 xiii, 257 p. Knowledge Centre
320.0951 SHA 00005439 Political System of China Sharan Parmatma Meenakshi Prakashan 1968 229 p UG Library
320.0954 00125351 Discourse, democracy and difference : Ansari, M. T., Sahitya Akademi, 2010 9788126028467 | 8126028467 xviii, 454 p. ; UG Library
320.0954 ANS 05061118 Discourse, democracy and difference : Ansari, M. T., Sahitya Akademi, 2010 9788126028467 | 8126028467 xviii, 454 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 BAN 05047462 Indian Political Thought And Its Contemporary Relevance / Bandyopadhyay, Sekhar Atlantic, 2016 xx, 460 p. Knowledge Centre
320.0954 BAT 10003604 India In A New Key: Batra, Narain D. Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9789355203281 xx,657 p , ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0954 CHA 07007916 State, Society, and Culture in Indian History / Chandra, Satish Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198077398 ix, 191 p. Library - BR Campus
320.0954 CHA 05008492 State, Society, and Culture in Indian History / Chandra, Satish Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198077398 ix, 191 p. Knowledge Centre
320.0954 CHA 05053120 Modern Indian political thought : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, SAGE Publications, 9788132102250 (paper back) 430p. cm. Knowledge Centre
320.0954 CHA 01005342 State politics in India / Alam, Md. Mushfique Asia Publishers, 2025 9789348011053 xii,280p. : Knowledge Centre
320.0954 CHA 01011850 Modern Indian political thought : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, SAGE Publications, 9788132102250 (paper back) 430p. cm. Knowledge Centre
320.0954 CHA 07010721 Modern Indian political thought : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, SAGE Publications, 9788132102250 (paper back) 430p. cm. Library - BR Campus
320.0954 CHA 00098672 Modern Indian political thought : Chakrabarty, Bidyut SAGE Publications, 2009 9788132102250 xxxix,430p. : UG Library
320.0954 CON 05017818 Making decentralization work : Viva Books, 2011 9781588267320 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 1588267326 (hardcover : alk. paper) viii, 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 DHA 00056381 Colelcted Writings: Vol - 5: Essays on Tradition, Recovery and Freedom Dharampal Other India Press 2000 8185569495 222p UG Library
320.0954 DUT 00048730 Nation, the State and Indian Identity Dutta, Madhushree Stree 8185604096 210 p UG Library
320.0954 GAN 00014904 Democracy and Discipline : Speeches of Shrimati Indira Gandhi Gandhi Indira Indraprastha Press 1975 180 p UG Library
320.0954 JAF 01003321 The Sangh Parivar A Reader / Joffrelot, Christophe Oxford University Press 2005 9780195669299 445p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 JOH 00040619 Indian Politics Johari, J. C. Vishal Publication 1995 5th Ed. 696 p. UG Library
320.0954 KAU 10004877 The future is ours : the political promise of India's youth/ bu Sudhanshu Kaushik Kaushik, Sudhanshu [Author] Harper Collins, 2023 9789356995888 1st Ed. 223 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0954 KAV 00094119 Politics in India / Kaviraj,sudipta Oxford University Press, 1997 9780195648737 404p.; UG Library
320.0954 KAV 01003347 Politics in India / Kaviraj,sudipta Oxford University Press, 1997 9780195648737 404p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 KAV 01003290 Politics in India / Sudipta Kaviraj Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195648737 404p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 KAV 01003348 Politics in India / Sudipta Kaviraj Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195648737 404p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 KAV 01003349 Politics in India / Sudipta Kaviraj Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195648737 404p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 KHI 07007235 Idea of India Khilnani, Sunil New Delhi 2004 0143032461 | 9780143032465 261 p. Library - BR Campus
320.0954 KHI 07012974 Idea of India Khilnani, Sunil New Delhi 2004 0143032461 | 9780143032465 261 p. Library - BR Campus
320.0954 KHI 04017035 Idea of India Khilnani, Sunil New Delhi 2004 0143032461 | 9780143032465 261 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.0954 KHI 00075941 Idea of India Khilnani, Sunil New Delhi 2004 0143032461 | 9780143032465 261 p. UG Library
320.0954 MAD 01003270 Religion in India / T N Madan Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195630923 460p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 MEN 01003283 Gender and politics in India / Oxford University Press, 1999 019564641X xi, 539 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 MEN 01010156 Gender and politics in India / Oxford University Press, 1999 019564641X xi, 539 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 MIS 05007093 Becoming a borderland : Miśra, Saṅghamitrā. Routledge, 2011 9780415612531 | 0415612535 xiv, 236 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.0954 MOR 00112913 Left of centre / Mathias, Lina Rupa Publications 2013 9788129129758 265p. UG Library
320.0954 NAN 00083924 Creating A Nationality : The Ramjanmabhumi Movement & Fear of the Self Nandy Ashis Oxford University Press 2006 9780195642711 212 p UG Library
320.0954 NAN 00051924 Creating A Nationality : The Ramjanmabhumi Movement & Fear of the Self Nandy Ashis Oxford University Press 2006 9780195642711 212 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0954 NAY 00141708 Indian Political Thought-II / Nayak,Gouranga Charan. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327290066 rep. 210p.; UG Library
320.0954 PAL 00072901 Political System in India Palekar, S. A. Abd Publishers 2006 8183760341 | 978183760347 274 p. UG Library
320.0954 PAN 05028184 Medieval Indian Literature: An Anthology in a Set of 4 Volumes: [centre for Indian Literature and Culture] Paniker, K Ayyappa Sahitya Akademi 2000 8126003650 902p Knowledge Centre
320.0954 PAN 05028183 Medieval Indian Literature: An Anthology in a Set of 4 Volumes: [centre for Indian Literature and Culture] Paniker, K Ayyappa Sahitya Akademi 2000 8126003650 902p Knowledge Centre
320.0954 PAN 05055944 Re-Thinking Indian Political Thought / Pandey,Brijendra. Serials Publications, 2016 9788183877510 x,216p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 RAT 00134974 Indian political theory : Rathore, Aakash Singh, Routledge, 2017 9781138240223 (hardback) | 9781138294585 (pbk) x, 222 p. ; UG Library
320.0954 ROY 05075038 Political thought in indic civilization / Sage, 2021 9789354791574 | 9354791573 | 9789354791604 | 9354791603 x, 314 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 ROY 05060302 Indian Political Thought : Pearson, 2017 9789332587335 2nd ed., xxix, 441 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0954 SEN 01013544 Democracy, development, and decentralisation in India : Routledge, 2010 9780415563178 xvi, 337 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.0954 SIN 05040034 Social Democracy and Good Governance / U K Singh Jnanada Prakashna, 2012 270 p. Knowledge Centre
320.0954 SIN 00096633 Indian political thought : Routledge, 9780415562935 (hardback) | 978 309 p. UG Library
320.0954 SIN 05037786 Indian political thought : Routledge, 9780415562935 (hardback) | 978 309 p. Knowledge Centre
320.0954 SIN 05055221 Indian political thought : Pearson, 2017 9788131758519 xxvii,276 p. Knowledge Centre
320.0954 VAJ 03009015 Righteous Republic : Vajpeyi, Ananya. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674048959 (alk. paper) | 9 xxiv, 342 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.0954 VAJ 00128600 Righteous Republic : Vajpeyi, Ananya. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674048959 (alk. paper) | 9 xxiv, 342 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.0954 VAJ 00118077 Righteous Republic : Vajpeyi, Ananya. Harvard University Press, 2012 9780674048959 (alk. paper) | 9 xxiv, 342 p. ; UG Library
320.095416 BAR 01003718 Durable Disorder Understanding the Politics of Northest India / Sanjib Baruah Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195690828 265p.; Knowledge Centre
320.095416 BAR 01005248 Durable Disorder Understanding the Politics of Northest India / Sanjib Baruah Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195690828 265p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0954552 BAN 01008799 Five Punjabi Centuries / Indu Banga Manohar, 2000 0817304175 623p.; Knowledge Centre
320.0959 KUH 05042347 Southeast Asia in political science : Stanford University Press, 2008 9780804761529 xviii, 455 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.0959 KUH 05042681 Southeast Asia in political science : Stanford University Press, 2008 9780804761529 xviii, 455 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.096 MAR 01020335 African political thought / Martin, Guy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 9781403966346 (paperback) | 14 First edition. xii, 215 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.0972 JAY 05004046 Fidels's : Jayatilleka,Dayan Pluto Press , 2007 9780745326962 x,235 p. Knowledge Centre
320.0973 CRI 05069488 American political history : Critchlow, Donald T., Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199340057 (acidfree paper) 150 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.0973 CUM 05042688 American political thought / Sage, 2015 9781483307718 (alk. paper) Seventh edition xxxix, 865 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.09730904 YOU 07012092 Make art not war : Washington Mews Books 2016 9781479813674 (paperback : acidfree paper) 217 pages : Library - BR Campus
320.1 ARI 00104109 Politics. Aristotle. Clarendon Press, 1995 0198235917 | 0198235925 (pbk.) xxx, 155 p. ; UG Library
320.1 BAR 00123455 A Theory of the State Barzel, Yoram. Cambridge University Press, 2002 9780521000642 | 0521000645 (pb xiii, 289 p:. UG Library
320.1 BAR 05007276 After sovereignty : Barbour, Charles Routledge, 2010 9780415490412 (alk. paper) vi, 203 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 BEL 05022775 Rethinking governance : Bell, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 9780521712835 (pbk.) xv, 234 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.1 BEL 00101848 Rethinking governance : Bell, Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 9780521712835 (pbk.) xv, 234 p. : UG Library
320.1 BHA 00072897 State Systems International Pluralism, Plitics and Culture Bhatia S. K. Abd Publishers 2006 8183760309 | 8183760309 287 p. UG Library
320.1 BLU 05009466 Foundations of modernity : Blumı, Isa, Routledge, 2012 9780415884648 (hardback) | 041 xvi, 271 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.1 BRO 00071042 Twentieth Century Poliical Theory Bronner, Stephen Eric Routledge 1997 0415915333 | 9780415915335 415 p. UG Library
320.1 CAR 00025386 The State And Political Theory Carnoy, Martin Princeton University Press 1984 282 p. UG Library
320.1 CIC 00090383 The Republic and the Law Cicero Oxford, 9780199540112 242p UG Library
320.1 DES 00122266 The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Politics Deslauriers, Marguerite Cambridge, 2013 9780521181112 xv, 426 p:. UG Library
320.1 FUK 05046389 State-building : Fukuyama,Francis. Profile Books Pvt, 2004 9781861977816 xiv,194p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 FUK 00146314 Political Order and Political Decay Fukuyama, Francis Profile Books 2014 9781846684371 658p UG Library
320.1 FUK 07002339 Political Order and Political Decay / Fukuyama Francis Profile Books, 2014 9781781255001 658p.: Library - BR Campus
320.1 GIL 05055964 The nature and development of the modern state / Gill, Graeme J Palgrave, 2016 9781137460660 xii,304p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 HAY 00133432 The state : Hay, Colin, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 1403934258 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 1403934266 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781137609458 xviii, 311 p. : UG Library
320.1 HEL 05041118 Political Theory and the Modern State : Held David Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606841 265p.: Knowledge Centre
320.1 HEL 00120439 Political Theory and the Modern State : Held David Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606841 265p.: UG Library
320.1 HEL 07002012 Political Theory and the Modern State : Held David Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606841 265p.: Library - BR Campus
320.1 HOB 01013967 Leviathan / Hobbes, Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 0521560993 (hardback) | 052156 xciii, 519 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.1 HOB 07006827 Leviathan / Hobbes, Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 0521560993 (hardback) | 052156 xciii, 519 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.1 HOB 07005223 Leviathan Hobbes, Thomas, W. W. Norton & Company, 1997 0393967980 (pbk.) | 9780393967 1st ed. x, 381 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.1 HOB 00111193 Leviathan / Hobbes, Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 0521560993 (hardback) | 052156 xciii, 519 p. : UG Library
320.1 HOB 00109807 Leviathan Hobbes, Thomas, W. W. Norton & Company, 1997 0393967980 (pbk.) | 9780393967 1st ed. x, 381 p. ; UG Library
320.1 HOB 00090230 Leviathan Hobbes, Thomas Oxford 9780199537280 508p UG Library
320.1 KAP 00003574 Principles of Political Science Kapur, Anup Chand S Chand 722p UG Library
320.1 KEL 00088173 Liberalism Kelly, Paul Atlantic, 2005 9780745621005 183 p.; UG Library
320.1 KNU 05059911 State Theories : Knuttila, Murray. Zen Books, 2000 1552660257 3rd ed. 221p Knowledge Centre
320.1 KUM 05074980 The Republic Relearnt : Kumar, Radha Penguin Random House, 2024 9780670096541 x, 331 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 KUM 10004181 The Republic Relearnt : Kumar, Radha Penguin Random House, 2024 9780670096541 x, 331 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.1 LAL 00098759 The Sukraniti: J,p,publishing house; 8186702199 667 p. UG Library
320.1 LEN 05046544 The State : Lenin,V.I. Blind Persons' Association, 2005 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 LOM 00119195 Unnatural States : Lomas, Peter, Transaction Publisher 2014 9781412853996 xi, 387 p,; UG Library
320.1 MAC 00145619 The Prince Machiavelli, Niccolo Finger Print Classic 2022 9788175993075 184p UG Library
320.1 MAC 00083366 The Prince. Machiavelli, Niccolo Norton & Company, 2007 9780393962208 xix,288p.; UG Library
320.1 MAC 00090380 The Prince. Machiavelli, Niccolo Norton & Company, 2007 9780393962208 xix,288p.; UG Library
320.1 MAC 01006248 Modern State / R M Maciver SURJEET, 2006 504p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 MAC 01006247 Modern State / R M Maciver SURJEET, 2006 504p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 MAC 00068283 Prince Machiavelli, Niccolo 2005 0393962202 288p UG Library
320.1 MAC 00068286 Niccolo Machiavelli (darmaram) Bondanella, Peter 1998 0192833979 101p UG Library
320.1 MAM 05073819 Neither Settle Nor Native : Mamdani, Mahmood The Belknap Press of harvard University Press, 2020 9780674252721 401 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 MUR 00117679 State Theories Murray Zed Books Ltd, 2000 9781856490320 | 9781552660256 3rd ed. 221p. ; UG Library
320.1 NAN 01003725 The romance of the state and the fate of dissent in the tropics / Nandy, Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195658644 xiii, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 NAN 01003312 The romance of the state and the fate of dissent in the tropics / Nandy, Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2003 9780195658644 xiii, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 NAN 00053828 Time Warps: the Insistent Politics of Silent and Evasive Pasts Nandy, Ashis Permanent Black 8178240203 244p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.1 NAN 00054834 Time Warps: the Insistent Politics of Silent and Evasive Pasts Nandy, Ashis Permanent Black 8178240203 244p UG Library
320.1 PAP 00016024 The Modern State MacIVER R M Oxford University Press 1926 504 p UG Library
320.1 PAR 00121132 Political theory and thought Parkash Anand Rajat Publications 2015 9788178806617 260p. UG Library
320.1 PEA 01001314 Nations and Identities / Vincent P Pecora Blackwell Publishing, 2001 0063122209 379p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 PIE 00108808 The modern state Pierson, Christopher. Routledge, 2011 9780415587624 | 0415587611 (ha 3rd ed. 216 p. : UG Library
320.1 POP 01007262 Open Society and Its Enemies / Karl Popper ROUTLEDGE, 2007 9780415278423 2v.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 POP 01007261 Open Society and Its Enemies / Karl Popper ROUTLEDGE, 2007 9780415278423 2v.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 ROB 05005200 Routledge philosophy guidebook to Aristotle and the Politics / Roberts, Jean. Routledge, 2009 9780415165754 (hardback : alk. 146 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 ROG 00095918 Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Continuum International Publishing Group 9781843711322 271p UG Library
320.1 ROG 00095919 Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Continuum International Publishing Group 9781843711322 271p UG Library
320.1 RUD 01003168 Experiencing the state / Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195672435 | 0195672437 xxix, 382 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 RUD 01006484 Experiencing the state / Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195672435 | 0195672437 xxix, 382 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 RUD 00072587 Experiencing the State Rudolph, Lloyd I. Oxford University Press 2006 9780195672435 382 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.1 RUD 00074079 Experiencing the State Rudolph, Lloyd I. Oxford University Press 2006 9780195672435 382 p. UG Library
320.1 RUD 00132955 Experiencing the state/ Rudolph,Lloyd I Oxford University Press, 2009 0198063547 382 p. ; UG Library
320.1 SHO 01009709 Ockham and political discourse in the late Middle Ages / Shōgimen, Takashi, Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521845816 (cased) | 0521845815 (cased) xiii, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1 SIA 01013151 State and Secularism : Siam-Heng, michael Heng World Scientific 2010 9789814282376 364p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 SOR 01014201 The transformation of the state : Sørensen, Georg, Palgrave Macmillan, 0333982045 (cloth) | 033398205 xviii, 213 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.1 SPR 00087454 Cambridge Companion to Hobbes`s Leviathan. Springborg, Patricia 2007 9780521545211 533p UG Library
320.1 SPR 01013956 The Cambridge companion to Hobbes's Leviathan / Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521836678 (hardback) | 0521836670 (hardback) | 9780521545211 (pbk.) | 0521545218 (pbk.) 533p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1 STE 00099828 The evolution of modern states : Steinmo, Sven. Cambridge University Press, 9780521196703 | 9780521145466 xviii, 264 p. : UG Library
320.1 TAL 03005543 The great experiment : Talbott, Strobe. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2009 9780743294096 | 0743294092 1st Simon & Schuster trade pbk. ed. xiv, 488 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.1 THA 07007982 On Nationalism / Thapar Romila Rupa Publications , 2016 9789383064113 xiv,162p.: Library - BR Campus
320.1 THA 07006381 On Nationalism / Thapar Romila Rupa Publications , 2016 9789383064113 xiv,162p.: Library - BR Campus
320.1 THA 01025214 On Nationalism / Thapar Romila Rupa Publications , 2016 9789383064113 xiv,162p.: Knowledge Centre
320.1 VAT 00138769 Machiavelli's thePprince : Vatter, Miguel E. Bloomsbury 2013 9780826498779 (pbk.) | 9780826498762 (hardcover) 160 pages ; UG Library
320.1 WRA 07006247 Rousseau's The social contract : Wraight, Christopher D. Continuum, 2008 9780826498595 | 9780826498601 viii, 136 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.101 BAD 05008156 The Cambridge companion to Nozick's Anarchy, state, and utopia / Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521197762 (hardback) | 9780521120029 (paperback) xii,316 p. Knowledge Centre
320.101 BUT 00079223 Who Sings the Nation-State? Language, Politics, Belonging Butler, Judith Seagull Books : 2008 1905422571 121 p. UG Library
320.101 BUT 00087796 Who Sings the Nation-State? Language, Politics, Belonging Butler, Judith Seagull Books : 2008 1905422571 121 p. UG Library
320.101 CHE 00089160 Social Theory of the Nation State: The Political Forms of Modernity Beyond Methodological Nationalism Chernilo, Daniel Routledge 0415439930 193p UG Library
320.101 CHE 00096326 Social Theory of the Nation State: The Political Forms of Modernity Beyond Methodological Nationalism Chernilo, Daniel Routledge 0415439930 193p UG Library
320.101 MIL 00027141 Utilitarianism Liberty Representative Government Mill John Stuart Dent & Sons 1984 444 p UG Library
320.101 RAP 00027140 Problems of Political Philosophy Raphael D D The MacMillan Press 1979 0333211642 206 p UG Library
320.101 REI 05046010 Self and nation : Reicher, Stephen. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : | SAGE, 2001 0761969195 | 0761969209 (pbk) xiii,242p.: Knowledge Centre
320.101 SHA 04022608 Chanakya : His Teaching and Advice / Sharma, Ashwani JAICO, 2014 97p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.101 SHI 00027149 Various Approaches to Political Thought Shiva Metropolitan Book Co 1978 42 p UG Library
320.101 TAR 01023595 Rule of Law and Leading Principles of Law / Taraporevala,V.J. Thomson Reuters, 2016 9789384746742 xxxvii,254p.; Knowledge Centre
320.101 VER 00015413 Political Philosophy of Hegal g, V P Trimurthi 1974 224 p UG Library
320.101 ZUP 05057348 Inside job : Zupan, Mark A., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107153738 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 251 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.1010954 JHA 01008145 The Twilight of the Nation State : Prem Shankar Jha Vistaar Publication, 2006 8178296845 | 9788178296845 373p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1023 ALL 00051334 Student Atlas of World Politics [ WMU ] Allen, L John 0072352159 168p UG Library
320.1023 ALL 00051335 Student Atlas of World Politics [ WMU ] Allen, L John 0072352159 168p UG Library
320.1023 ALL 00043504 Student Atlas of World Politics. Allen, John L 1996 0072929065 119p UG Library
320.1023 ALL 00043503 Student Atlas of World Politics. Allen, John L 1996 0072929065 119p UG Library
320.1092 CAP 03006445 An Unlikely Prince : Capponi, Niccolò. Da Capo Press, 2010 9780306817564 | 030681756X (al xiii, 334 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.1092 NAJ 00099690 The Cambridge Companion To Machiavelli Najemy, John M Cambridge University Press, 9780521678469 xii, 282 p. UG Library
320.1092 NAJ 00106591 The Cambridge companion to Machiavelli Najemy,John.M Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521861250 (hardback) | 052 xvii, 282 p. ; UG Library
320.1092 NED 00130288 Machiavelli Nederman,Cary J One World 2009 9781851686391 139p UG Library
320.1092 PAR 01010784 Taming the Leviathan : Parkin, Jon Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521877350 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 9780521877350 (hbk. : alk. paper) xi, 449 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1092 RID 05007166 The life of Niccolò Machiavelli. Ridolfi, Roberto, University of Chicago Press 1963 9780415555661 337 p. Knowledge Centre
320.1092 RYA 05040141 On Machiavelli : Ryan, Alan, Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2014 9780871407054 (hardcover) First Edition 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.1092 SCH 01026036 Carl Schmitt's state and constitutional theory : Schupmann, Benjamin A., Oxford University Press , 2017 9780198791614 First Edition x, 240 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.1092 SKI 05048869 Machiavelli : Skinner, Quentin. Oxford University Press, 2000 0192854070 | 9780192854070 110 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.10973 WES 05062130 The political theory of the American founding : West, Thomas G., Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107140486 | 9781316506035 x, 420 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.11 BHA 01013885 What is political theory and why do we need it? / Bhargava, Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699333 | 0195699335 | 9780198088394 | 0198088396 xvi, 406 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.11 BHA 01012522 What is political theory and why do we need it? / Bhargava, Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195699333 | 0195699335 | 9780198088394 | 0198088396 xvi, 406 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.11 CAM 05047500 The world of states / Campbell, John L., Bloomsbury, 2015 9781849660426 (hardback : alk. vi, 138 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.11 GAU 05044504 Rousseau : Gauthier, David P. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521809762 (hardback : alk. pa xiv, 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.11 GAU 00133037 Rousseau : Gauthier, David. Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521809762 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0521007593 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780521007597 | 9780521809764 xiv, 196 p. ; UG Library
320.11 HAS 01009035 Building legitimacy : Sajjad Hassan, M. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195692976 | 0195692977 xviii, 316 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.11 HEY 00076182 Political Theory: An Introduction: [dharmaram Library] Heywood, Andrew 2005 1403994994 416p UG Library
320.11 KOL 00109035 Modern Theories of Justice Kolm Christophe Serge The MIT Press: 1996 9780262611800 ix,525 p. UG Library
320.11 MIL 00085462 Political Philosophy a Very Short Introduction Miller, David 2007 0195681797 147 p UG Library
320.11 WIL 01020184 Rousseau's social contract : Williams, David Lay, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521197557 (hardback) | 978 xv,311p.: Knowledge Centre
320.11 WOO 01013966 Elements of the philosophy of right / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521344387 | 9780521348881 lii, 514 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.11 WOO 00106232 Elements of the philosophy of right / Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521344387 | 9780521348881 lii, 514 p. ; UG Library
320.111 ROY 07006476 Persepective on political order east and west Roy,Rameshray Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605967 viii,320p.; Library - BR Campus
320.1170973 DAS 00141721 United Nations and Global Conflicts / Dash,Dipak Kumar. Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327263787 rep. 216p.; UG Library
320.12 CHE 03003089 Asian Juggernaut: The Rise of China, India, and Japan Chellaney, Brahma Collins Business 9780061363085 350 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.12 CHS 04005831 Asian Juggernaut: The Rise of China, India, and Japan Chellaney, Brahma Collins Business 2010 9780061363085 350 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.12 ACH 00147448 The cartel system of states : Acharya, Avidit Oxford Press, 2023 9780197632277 xiv,207p. ; UG Library
320.12 AGN 01020200 Geopolitics : Agnew, John A. Routledge, 2003 0415310067 (hbk.) | 0415310075 2nd ed. 154 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.12 BIA 01011093 Partitions : Frank Cass, 2005 0415348021 xi, 176 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.12 BLO 00082728 Geopolitics and Globalization in the Twentieth Century. Blouet, Brian W Reaktion Books Ltd. 2001 1861890850 | 9781861890856 204p UG Library
320.12 BUT 07002477 Pakistan: Butt, Usama Pluto Press ; | Distributed in the United States of America exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 9780745332079 (hbk.) | 0745332 xv, 272 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.12 COH 01022558 Geopolitics : Cohen, Saul Bernard. Rowman & Littlefield, 2015 9781442223493 (cloth : alk. pa Third edition. xii, 491 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.12 DIT 05040552 Geopolitics : Routledge, 2014 9780415666626 (hardback) | 978 371p.: Knowledge Centre
320.12 DOD 00084216 Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction Dodds, Klaus 0199553106 182p UG Library
320.12 DOD 00085495 Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction Dodds, Klaus 0199553106 182p UG Library
320.12 DOD 05048847 Geopolitics : Dodds, Klaus. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199676781 157p.: Knowledge Centre
320.12 DON 05039467 Borders : Donnan, Hastings. Berg, 1999 1859732410 | 1859732461 (pbk.) xiv, 182 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.12 ELD 05057108 The birth of territory / Elden, Stuart, University of Chicago, 2013 9780226202563 (cloth : alk. pa xi, 493 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.12 FLI 00131437 Introduction to geopolitics / Flint, Colin, Routledge, 2017 9781138192157 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138192164 (pbk. : alk. paper) Third Edition. xv, 317 pages ; UG Library
320.12 FLI 00108920 An introduction to geopolitics Flint,Colin, Routledge, 2011 9780415667739 | 9780415667739 2nd ed. xiv; 296 p. cm. UG Library
320.12 GAV 00126179 The Dynamics of Interstate Boundaries / Gavrilis, George, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521898997 | 0521898994 xi, 203 p. : UG Library
320.12 GUP 05034047 Political Geography / Gupta,Rajeev. Sonali Publications, 2012 9788184114041 248p.; Knowledge Centre
320.12 HER 01025842 International boundaries in a global era : Routledge, 2016 9781138295209 x,125p.; Knowledge Centre
320.12 JAC 05074634 Political geography : Jackman, Anna, Sage, 2024 9781526498854 | 9781526498847 x, 245p.; Knowledge Centre
320.12 JON 05042112 An introduction to political geography : Jones, Martin, Routledge, 2015 9780415457965 (Hardback) | 978 Second Edition. 260p.: Knowledge Centre
320.12 JON 05044872 Placing the border in everyday life / Jones, Reece Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2014 9781472424549 (hardback : alk. xvi, 260 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.12 KAP 05056376 The revenge of geography : Kaplan, Robert D. Random house trade paperback, 2012 9780812982220 xxii,414p.; Knowledge Centre
320.12 KOF 00081407 Globalization Theory and Practice Kofman, Eleonore Pinter 1855673479 339p UG Library
320.12 KOF 07006729 Globalization : Pinter, 1996 1855673460 (hardback) | 185567 xii, 339 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.12 LEA 07007699 Rightsizing the state Oxford University Press, 2001 0199244901 (acidfree) | 978019 Library - BR Campus
320.12 LON 05059766 The Politics Of Borders : Longo, Matthew. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781316622933 xix,248p,; Knowledge Centre
320.12 MAR 05062726 Prisoners of geography : Marshall, Tim. Elliott and Thompson Limited, 2016 9781783962433 xvi, 303p. Knowledge Centre
320.12 MAR 07015656 Prisoners of geography : Marshall, Tim. Elliott and Thompson Limited, 2016 9781783962433 xvi, 303p. Library - BR Campus
320.12 TUA 05005020 The geopolitics reader / Routledge, 2006 0415341477 (hardcover : alk. p 2nd ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
320.120934 CHA 07004831 The Geopolitical Ordits of Ancient India : Chakrabarti,Dilip K. Oxford University Press, 9780198069898 ix ,198 p. Library - BR Campus
320.120934 CHA 00100943 The Geopolitical Ordits of Ancient India : Chakrabarti,Dilip K. Oxford University Press, 9780198069898 ix ,198 p. UG Library
320.12BAR 01008654 Inids North-East Developmental Issues in a Historical Perspective (law Lib) Alokesh Barua Manohar 8173046395 474p Knowledge Centre
320.15 CLO 01029019 Between democracy and law : Closa, Carlos., Routledge, 2020 9780367145804 | 9780367726720 xii, 231p, ; Knowledge Centre
320.15 COH 00109935 Globalization and Sovereignty Cohen, Jean L., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521765855 (hardback) | 978 xii, 442 p. : UG Library
320.15 JAF 01008810 Pakistan : Christophe Jaffrelot Zed Books, 2004 1842771175 352 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.15 KIR 00015050 Educating the Retarded Child Kirk, Samuel A New York 1951 434 p. UG Library
320.15 LAN 07012458 The complexity of self government : Lane, Ruth, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107163744 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781316615287 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix, 206 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.15 LEV 01022495 Sovereignty and liberty : Lev, Amnon, Routledge, 2014 9780415706872 (hardback) viii, 210 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.15 LOP 01029119 Secession and statehood : Lopez Martin, Ana Gemma. Routledge, 2022 9780367774202 x, 262p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.15 MIT 00131324 Reclaiming the state: Mitchell, William Pluto press, 2017 9780745337326 302p.; UG Library
320.15 OOM 07012816 Citizenship, nationality, and ethnicity : Oommen, T. K., Polity Press, 1997 9780745616209 | 0745616208 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 270 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.15 OOM 00128261 Citizenship, Nationality and Ethnicity Oommen, T. K., Rawat Publications 2017 0745616194 (hardcover : alk. p viii, 270 p. ; UG Library
320.15 STI 00138515 Territorial sovereignty : Stilz, Anna, Oxford university press, 2019 9780198833536 First edition. viii, 292 pages ; UG Library
320.15 TED 01027890 Sovereign excess, legitimacy and resistance / Tedesco, Francescomaria, Routledge, 2019 9781138549852 (hbk) 157 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.15 WAL 01029082 Law and Disorder : Wall, Illan rua. Routledge, 2021 9780367333706 xii, 210p, : Knowledge Centre
320.15 WAR 05007175 Sovereignty : Ward, Paul William, Routledge and sons, ltd., 1928 9780415555777 4 p. l., 201 p., 1 l. Knowledge Centre
320.15 YEU 01010067 First Decade : Yue-Man Yeung Chinese University Press, 2007 9789629963576 422p.; Knowledge Centre
320.150901 LEE 01023141 Popular Sovereignty in Early Modern Constitutional Thought / Lee, Daniel, Oxford university press, 2016 9780198745167 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780198824237 | 0198745168 (hardback : alk. paper) First edition. xvi, 361 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.150901 LEE 01027123 Popular Sovereignty in Early Modern Constitutional Thought / Lee, Daniel, Oxford university press, 2016 9780198745167 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780198824237 | 0198745168 (hardback : alk. paper) First edition. xvi, 361 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.150954RAY 01000388 Indian Autonomies Keywords and Key Texts / Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury Sampark, 2005 8177680226 465p.; Knowledge Centre
320.154 SIN 01005336 Regional Roots of Developmental Politics in India / Sinha,Aseema. Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195685114 356p.; Knowledge Centre
320.154 SIN 01005335 Regional Roots of Developmental Politics in India / Sinha,Aseema. Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195685114 356p.; Knowledge Centre
320.154 SIN 01005334 Regional Roots of Developmental Politics in India / Sinha,Aseema. Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195685114 356p.; Knowledge Centre
320.154 SIN 01006177 Regional Roots of Developmental Politics in India / Sinha,Aseema. Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195685114 356p.; Knowledge Centre
320.157 JOU 00108751 Sovereignty Jouvenel De Bertrand Cambridge University Press: 1957 9781107600171 xiii. 319 p. UG Library
320.157 PAN 00005153 The Ideas of Soverignty and State in Indian Political Thought Panikkar K M Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1963 107 p UG Library
320.157 PAN 00018024 The Ideas of Soverignty and State in Indian Political Thought Panikkar K M Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1963 107 p UG Library
320.158 MOR 00141715 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9788170964674 6th ed. rep xiv,688p.; UG Library
320.158 MOR 00005674 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; UG Library
320.158 MOR 00004318 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; UG Library
320.158 MOR 01002441 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.158 MOR 01002440 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.158 MOR 01002439 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.158 MOR 01002437 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.158 MOR 01002713 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.158 MOR 00110307 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; UG Library
320.158 MOR 00110308 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; UG Library
320.158 MOR 00110309 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; UG Library
320.158 MOR 00026268 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; UG Library
320.158MOR 01002438 Politics Among Nations : Morgenthau,Hans J. Kalyani Publishers, 1991 8170964679 6th Ed. 688 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.15954 DOS 01007215 Prospects for Peace in South Asia / Rafiq Dossani Orient Longman Private Limited, 2005 8125029958 | 9788125029953 424p.; Knowledge Centre
320.174927 ELB 05018151 Democracy in the Arab World / Routledge, 2011 1st Ed. xx : 331p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1HAY 01008082 The state : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 9781403934260 | 1403934266 (pbk. : alk. paper) xviii, 311 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.1HUM 01007040 Bentham and Bureaucracy / L J Hume Cambridge University Press, 2004 9780521526067 320p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1MAY 01007348 Against History, Against State : Mayaram,Shail . Permanent Black, 2006 9788178241524 316p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1MCK 01009299 Issues in Political Theory (law Lib) Catriona Mckinnon Oxford University Press 9780199217007 377p Knowledge Centre
320.1MCK 00122015 Issues in Political Theory (law Lib) Catriona Mckinnon Oxford University Press 9780199217007 377p UG Library
320.1NAN 01008041 Time Warps / Ashis Nandy Permanent Black, 2007 9788178240718 244p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1OMA 01007581 Risk, uncertainty, and government / O'Malley, Pat. GlassHouse, 2004 1904385001 | 9781904385004 iv, 211 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.1PAU 01010131 Nation State in Question / Paul Princeton University Press, 2003 9780691115092 384p.; Knowledge Centre
320.1PEN 01004827 Political and Legal Obligation / Roland J Pennock Aldine Transactions, 2005 9780202308845 455p.; Knowledge Centre
320.2 APP 00015967 Policy and Administration Appleby Paul H Oxford & IBH Publishing 1949 173 p UG Library
320.2 CAR 00003521 Government and Politics in the 20th Century Carter Gwendolen M Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd 1965 232 p UG Library
320.2 FIN 00027585 Theory and Practice of Modern Government Finer, Herman Surjeet Publishings: 1977 980 p. UG Library
320.2 FIN 00022106 Theory and Practice of Modern Government Finer, Herman Surjeet Publishings: 1977 980 p. UG Library
320.2 MAD 00016544 Elements of Government II Puc Maddannna, Mali Padma 1972 172 p UG Library
320.2 MAD 00016545 Elements of Government II Puc Maddannna, Mali Padma 1972 172 p UG Library
320.2 MAD 00026694 Sarkarada Mulaththvagalu Maddanna Mali Padma Prakashan 1900 208 p. UG Library
320.2 MAL 00026695 Sarkarada Mulaththvagalu Maddanna Mali Padma Prakashan 1900 208 p. UG Library
320.2 MAN 00010752 Essentials of Government Mankar, V G SOMAIYA 379 p UG Library
320.2 PAT 00019759 Introducing Political Science Elements of Government Patil, M S Ramashraya 1976 136 p UG Library
320.2 PAT 00019760 Introducing Political Science Elements of Government Patil, M S Ramashraya 1976 136 p UG Library
320.2 PAT 00019758 Introducing Political Science Elements of Government Patil, M S Ramashraya 1976 136 p UG Library
320.2 PAT 00026643 Adunika Sarakaragalu Patil, M.s Bharat Book House; 1967 340 p. UG Library
320.2 PAT 00026692 Rajyashastra (II Puc) Patil, M.s Dwr 1984 184 p UG Library
320.2 PAT 00026693 Rajyashastra Patel, M S Prathibha 1984 1 UG Library
320.2 PIC 00018907 Fifth French Republic: Pickles, Dorothy B I Publications 1978 258p UG Library
320.2 RAI 00019761 Local Government - England, France, America, Russia & India Rai B C Prakashan Kendra 1979 600 p UG Library
320.2 RAJ 00016567 Fundamentals of Political Science Elements of Government Rajasekhariah, A M Akalwadi 1972 148 p UG Library
320.2 RAM 00021317 Elements of Government Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 143 p UG Library
320.2 RAM 00021321 Elements of Government Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 143 p UG Library
320.2 RAM 00026644 Adhunika Sarkaragalu Ramakrishna, H T Kalpataru Prakashan: 1985 338 p. UG Library
320.2 RAM 00026645 Adhunika Sarkaragalu Ramakrishna, H T Kalpataru Prakasana 1964 248 p. UG Library
320.2 RAM 00019752 Elements of Government Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 143 p UG Library
320.2 RAM 00021318 Elements of Government Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 143 p UG Library
320.2 RAM 00021320 Elements of Government Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 143 p UG Library
320.2 RAM 00021319 Elements of Government Ramakrishna, H T Lalitha 143 p UG Library
320.2 REB 00019712 Elements of Governments Rebellon, J M United Pub 1979 1 UG Library
320.2 REB 00019713 Elements of Governments Rebellon, J M United Pub 1979 1 UG Library
320.2 REB 00019714 Elements of Governments Rebellon, J M United Pub 1979 1 UG Library
320.2 REB 00019715 Elements of Governments Rebellon, J M United Pub 1979 1 UG Library
320.2 SCH 01010914 World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties (law Lib) Neil Schlager Viva Books Private Limited 8130905264 542p Knowledge Centre
320.2 SCH 01010915 World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties (law Lib) Neil Schlager Viva Books Private Limited 8130905264 542p Knowledge Centre
320.2 SCH 01010916 World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties (law Lib) Neil Schlager Viva Books Private Limited 8130905264 542p Knowledge Centre
320.2 SEL 00027118 Political Theories of Modern Government, Its Role and Reform Self Peter George Allen & Unwin 1985 004320175X 224 p UG Library
320.2 WAD 00021770 Second Course in Political Science. Wadhwani, M A Sheth Publishers: 1982 216 p. UG Library
320.2 WAD 00021775 Second Course in Political Science. Wadhwani, M A Sheth Publishers: 1982 216 p. UG Library
320.2 WAD 00021771 Second Course in Political Science Wadhwani, M A Sheth 1982 1 UG Library
320.2 WAD 00021774 Second Course in Political Science Wadhwani, M A Sheth 1982 1 UG Library
320.2 WAD 00021773 Second Course in Political Science Wadhwani, M A Sheth 1982 1 UG Library
320.2 WAD 00021772 Second Course in Political Science Wadhwani, M A Sheth 1982 1 UG Library
320.2345 YAD 00063331 Television and Social Change Yadav, J P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126119721 474 p UG Library
320.23954 CHI 00138640 Mass media and communication Chiranjeev,Avinash Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171398973 vi,256p.; UG Library
320.24 VAI 05074762 Revolutionaries on trial: Vaidi, Aparna Aleph book company, 2024 9789390652303 xxxv,442 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.254092 KUM 05039355 Rethinking state politics in India : Routledge, 2011 9780415597777 xiv, 501 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.2854678 NOR 00053890 Digital Divide Norris,Pippa Cambridge University Press 2001 0521002230 | 9780521002233 303 p. UG Library
320.2973 BUR 00012059 American Government - The Clash of Issues Burkhart James Prentice-Hall 1964 2nd Ed 390 p UG Library
320.3 HAG 05017488 Comparative government and politics : Hague, Rod. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230231023 (pbk.) 8th ed. XV, 442 p. Knowledge Centre
320.3 SIN 00138139 Comparative Government and Politics / Singh,Pushpa. Sage Publications, 2019 9789353285692 xxii,340p.; UG Library
320.3 ALM 03008702 Comparative Politics Today : Almond, Gabriel A. [] Pearson ; 2011 9788131761137 updated 19th ed. 767 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.3 ALM 05052833 Comparative Politics Today : Almond, Gabriel A. [] Pearson ; 2011 9788131761137 updated 19th ed. 767 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.3 ALM 00022113 Comparative Politics - A Developmental Approach Almond Gabriel A Amerind Publishing 1972 356 p UG Library
320.3 ALM 00011245 Comparative Politics - A Developmental Approach Almond Gabriel A Amerind Publishing 1972 356 p UG Library
320.3 ARO 00025398 Political Science: Studies in Comparative Politics and Indian Political System Arora Prem Book Hive 1984 2nd ed 444 p UG Library
320.3 BAR 00128212 Comparative politics : Bara, Judith. SAGE, 2009 9780761943723 | 9780761943730 viii, 334 p. ; UG Library
320.3 BLO 01017786 Compartive Government / Blondel, J Mc Millan, 1968 280 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 BOC 01024407 Constitutional and political theory : Bockenforde, Enrst-Wolfgang. Oxford university press, 2017 9780198714965 (hardback) viii,429p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 CAR 00133949 Comparative politics / Caramani, Daniele, Oxford university press, 2017 9780198737421 Fourth edition. xl, 605 pages : UG Library
320.3 CAR 01009042 Comparative politics / Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199298419 xliv, 786 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.3 CAR 00130141 Comparative Politics Caramani, Daniele Oxfor University Press , 2014 9780199665990 xxxix, 576 p.: UG Library
320.3 CAR 01013873 Comparative Politics / Caramani,Daniele. Oxford University Press, 9780199583225 786p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 CAR 00100914 Comparative Politics Caramani, Daniele Oxfor University Press , 9780199583225 xliv, 786 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.3 CHA 00115846 Dictionary of Political Science: Chaturvedi, A K Academic (india) 2004 8185185654 342p UG Library
320.3 CHA 00073266 Introduction to Comparative Politicla Analysis Rakhahari, Chatterji Levant Books 2006 8187169672 312 p. UG Library
320.3 CHR 00033453 Cases in Comparative Politics Christoph B James Little Brown and Co 1969 2nd Ed 302 p UG Library
320.3 CLA 00100307 Principles of comparative politics / Clark, William Roberts, CQ Press, 9780872892897 (alk. paper) | 0 xxxii, 764, [88] p. : UG Library
320.3 DEO 00023823 Comparative Government and Politics Deol D Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1988 412 p UG Library
320.3 DEO 00032611 Comparative Government and Politics Deol D Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1988 412 p UG Library
320.3 DEO 00018900 Comparative Government and Politics Deol D Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1988 412 p UG Library
320.3 DEO 00022103 Comparative Government and Politics Deol D Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1988 412 p UG Library
320.3 DEO 00030595 Comparative Government and Politics Deol D Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1988 412 p UG Library
320.3 DEO 00032610 Comparative Government and Politics Deol D Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1988 412 p UG Library
320.3 DRO 00100299 Introducing comparative politics : Drogus, Carol Ann. CQ Press, 9780872893436 (alk. paper) xxiv, 596 p. : UG Library
320.3 DRO 05037362 Introducing comparative politics : Drogus, Carol Ann. CQ Press, 2012 9781608716685 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xxxiv, 725 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.3 GIR 01027905 Inside countries : Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108721707 (paperback) | 9781108496582 (hardback) xiii,374p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 GRE 01007049 Comparative Politics of the Third World Linking Concepts and Cases / Green,December. Viva Books Pvt Ltd, 2004 8176498645 | 9788130920634 538p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 HAG 00060097 Presidents, Parliaments, and Policy Haggard, Stephen 2001 0521774853 359p UG Library
320.3 HAG 05042114 Comparative Government and Politics:/ Hague Rod Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137483676 403p.: Knowledge Centre
320.3 HAG 00061692 Comparative Government and Politics:An Introduction Hague, Rod Palgrave Macmillan 2004 355p UG Library
320.3 HAG 00145395 Comparative Government and Politics:/ Hague Rod Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137483676 403p.: UG Library
320.3 HAG 07000368 Comparative Government and Politics:/ Hague Rod Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137483676 403p.: Library - BR Campus
320.3 HAU 07012321 Comparative Politics : Hauss Charles Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013 9781111835354 xviii,558p.: Library - BR Campus
320.3 HAU 00133238 Comparative Politics: Hauss,Charles, Cegage India Pvt, Ltd, 2018 9789386858924 xvi,510 p.; UG Library
320.3 HEC 05007210 The study of comparative government and politics. Heckscher, Gunnar, Greenwood Press 1957 0837167892 | 9780415555418 172 p. Knowledge Centre
320.3 JAY 00068754 Oxford Dictionary Of Political Quotations Jay,Anthony. Oxford University Press 2005 0198610335 | 9780198610335 513p UG Library
320.3 JOH 00024022 Comparative Politics Johari J C Sterling 1982 600 p UG Library
320.3 JOH 00024023 Comparative Politics Johari J C Sterling Publishers 1982 3rd Ed 600 p UG Library
320.3 JOH 01001242 Comparative Politics / J C Johari Sterling Paperbacks, 2005 9788120704688 600p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 KOP 05040920 Comparative politics : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521135740 (paperback) Fourth edition. xii, 600 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.3 KOP 05074436 Comparative politics : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521135740 (paperback) Fourth edition. xii, 600 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.3 KOP 01012493 Comparative politics : Cambridge University Press, 9780521708401 (pbk.) | 0521708 xxi, 624 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.3 LAN 01009292 Comparative politics : Lane, Jan-Erik. Routledge, 2008 9780415432061 (hbk.) | 0415432065 (hbk.) | 9780203935545 (ebk.) | 0203935543 (ebk.) xv, 316 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.3 LAP 00015884 Politics Within Nations Lapalombara Joseph Printice-Hall 1974 0136878148 474 p UG Library
320.3 LIC 00119142 Comparative Politics : edited by Mark Irving Lichbach, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521885157 (hbk.) | 9780521 2nd ed. xvi, 497 p. : UG Library
320.3 LIM 00109518 Doing Comparative Politics : Lim Timothy C. Viva books, 2012 9788130920658 2nd Ed. vii; 369 p.; UG Library
320.3 LIM 05055249 Studies in Comparative Politics : Lim,Timothy C. Viva Books Pvt, 2017 9789386385260 3rd ed. xi, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.3 LIM 05017803 Doing Comparative Politics : Lim Timothy C. Viva books, 2012 9788130920658 2nd Ed. vii; 369 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 MAC 00015899 Modern Political Systems : Europe Macridis Roy C Prentice-Hall 1963 0135971616 654 p UG Library
320.3 MAH 00024837 Comparative Government and Politics Maheshwari Shriram Lakshmi Narain 1994 234 p.: UG Library
320.3 MAH 05073601 Comparative government and politics / Maheshwari, S.R. Dr Lakshmi narain agarwal educational Publishers, 1983 978938544377 xii,272p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 MAH 00029286 Comparative Government and Politics Maheshwari Shriram Lakshmi Narain 1994 234 p.: UG Library
320.3 MAH 00042521 Comparative Government and Politics Maheshwari Shriram Lakshmi Narain 1994 234 p.: UG Library
320.3 MAH 00024839 Comparative Government and Politics Maheshwari Shriram Lakshmi Narain 1994 234 p.: UG Library
320.3 MAH 00115845 Dictionary of Politics. Mahmood, M 2000 8176486086 186 UG Library
320.3 MOH 00119495 Comparative Government and Politics Mohanty, R.K. Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006701 315p.; UG Library
320.3 MUK 00127676 Theoretical Foundations of Comparative politics / Mukherjee, Subrata, Orient blackSwan, 2017 9789386296306 xi,290 p.; UG Library
320.3 MUK 05058813 Theoretical Foundations of Comparative politics / Mukherjee, Subrata, Orient blackSwan, 2017 9789386296306 xi,290 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 NAN 00115844 Dictionary of Political Science Nanda, T R Anmol Publications 2004 8126119349 | 9788126119349 450p UG Library
320.3 NAN 00034407 Dictionary of Political Science Nanda T R Anmol Publications 1989 8170411823 279 p UG Library
320.3 NEE 01009604 Crisis of State and Nation : John P Neelsen Manohar, 2007 9788173047312 432p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 NEI 00111909 Essentials of comparative politics / O'Neil, Patrick H. W.W. Norton & Co., 2010 9780393933765 (pbk.) | 0393933 3rd ed. xxiv, 349 p. : UG Library
320.3 NEI 07011987 Cases in comparative politics / O'Neil, Patrick H., W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393624595 (pbk.) Sixth edition. xxv, 784p.+additionall pages. Library - BR Campus
320.3 NEI 05060392 Cases And Concepts In Comparative Politics : Neil,Patrick H.O ,Fields ,Karl , W.W.Norton & Company , 2018 9780393644074 xxix ,828p ,: Knowledge Centre
320.3 NEI 05006668 Essentials of comparative politics / O'Neil, Patrick H. W.W. Norton & Co., 2010 9780393933765 (pbk.) | 0393933 3rd ed. xxiv, 349 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.3 NEI 05059653 Cases in comparative politics / O'Neil, Patrick H., W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393624595 (pbk.) Sixth edition. xxv, 784p.+additionall pages. Knowledge Centre
320.3 NEW 00101843 Foundition of Comparative Politics : Newton,Kenneth . Cambridge University Press 9780521136792 439 P. UG Library
320.3 NEW 00119015 Foundition of Comparative Politics : Newton,Kenneth . Cambridge University Press 9780521136792 439 P. UG Library
320.3 ONE 05040129 Essentials of comparative politics / O'Neil, Patrick H., W. W. Norton & Co., 2012 9780393912784 (pbk.) 4th ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
320.3 ONE 00112976 Cases in comparative politics O'Neil, Patrick H., W. W. Norton & Co., 2012 9780393912791 (pbk.) 4th ed. xxiv, 731, A-43 p. : UG Library
320.3 ONE 05045752 Cases in comparative politics / O'Neil, Patrick H., W.W.Norton & Company, 2015 9780393937541 (pbk. : alk. pap Fifth edition xxvi,781p.: Knowledge Centre
320.3 ONE 05045753 Essentials of Comparative Politics / O'Neil Patrick.H W.W.Norton & Company, 2015 9780393263114 xxi,371p.: Knowledge Centre
320.3 ORV 07012270 Introducing comparative politics : Orvis, Stephen Walter, Sage, 2018 9781506375465 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition xxviii,730p.; Library - BR Campus
320.3 ORV 01024990 Introducing comparative politics : Orvis, Stephen Walter, Sage, 2018 9781506375465 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition xxviii,730p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 OXF 01000958 Oxford Dictionary Of Political Quotations Jay,Anthony. Oxford University Press 2005 0198610335 | 9780198610335 513p Knowledge Centre
320.3 PAL 00120621 Comparative Politics and Government Palekar, S. A. PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120333352 326 p:. UG Library
320.3 PAT 00016987 Modern Government Patil, M. S. Bharat Book & Prakashan 1976 247 p. UG Library
320.3 PAT 00016983 Modern Government Patil, M. S. Bharat Book & Prakashan 1976 247 p. UG Library
320.3 PAT 00016986 Modern Government Patil, M. S. Bharat Book & Prakashan 1976 247 p. UG Library
320.3 PRE 00027161 Political Science Comparative Politics Prem, Arora BH 1985 440 p UG Library
320.3 PRU 00072905 Comparative Politics: A Crtiique Pruthi, R K Sarupa and Sons : 2005 9788176255448 299 p. UG Library
320.3 RAJ 00026265 Comparative Politics Raj Hans Surjeet Publications 1985 395 p UG Library
320.3 RAJ 00027119 Comparative Politics Raj Hans Surjeet Publications 1985 395 p UG Library
320.3 RAN 00118238 Theory and Practice of Modern Government Ranjan Ravi Centrum Press, 2014 9789350845233 vii, 320 p.: UG Library
320.3 RAT 01000959 Dimensions of Comparative Politics / Rathod,P B. ABD Publishers, 2006 9798183760408 143p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 RAV 05034211 Comparative Politics / Ajay Ravidas ABD Publishers, 2011 9788183762953 264 p. Knowledge Centre
320.3 ROS 05039058 Countries and concepts : Roskin, Michael, Pearson Education, 2013 9780205854653 | 0205854656 12th ed. xxxiv, 505 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.3 SAG 05037364 Issues in comparative politics : CQ Researcher, CQ Researcher. CQ Press, 2011 9781608718313 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii,477p.: Knowledge Centre
320.3 SCA 00024838 Comprative Political Analysis - An Introduction Scarrow A Howard Surjeet Publications 1984 146 p UG Library
320.3 SCA 00027151 Comprative Political Analysis - An Introduction Scarrow A Howard Surjeet Publications 1984 146 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.3 SCH 00142975 Politics as a science : Schmitter, Philippe C., Routledge, 2021 9780367469498 | 9780367464691 xx,138p.; UG Library
320.3 SCO 00033431 Comparative Political Corruption Scott C James Prentice-Hall, Inc 1972 166 p UG Library
320.3 SHA 10005414 Comparative political analysis: Sharma, Chetna Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2024 9789357056458 xxi,418 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.3 SHA 00027133 Theory of Comparative Politics Sharan Parmatma Meenakshi Prakashan 1984 464 p UG Library
320.3 SHA 00027163 Theory of Comparative Politics Sharan Parmatma Meenakshi Prakashan 1984 464 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.3 SHA 00021328 Modern Governments in Theory and Practice Sharma Ram Prakash Malhotra Book Depot 1987 656 p UG Library
320.3 SHA 00035391 Comparative Study of Modern Governments Sharan Parmatma Meenakshi Prakashan 1991 732 p UG Library
320.3 SHA 00029273 Comparative Government & Politics Sharma K N Malhotra Book Depot 1984 650 p UG Library
320.3 SIA 05039217 Comparing political regimes : Siaroff, Alan, University of Toronto Press, 2013 9781442607002 (pbk.) | 1442607 Third edition. x, 348 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.3 SRI 00042522 Comperative Political Systems - Theory & Practice of Modern Government Srivastva L N SBD Publishers 1997 432 p UG Library
320.3 SUB 00125566 Journeys Through Babudom and Netland: Subramanian, T S R Roopa Publications 2004 9788129105875 359p UG Library
320.3 THA 00130006 Comparative goverment and politics / Thakur,Sadhana Anee books pvt ltd., 2018 9789386761125 vi,280p.; UG Library
320.3 THA 01025482 Comparative goverment and politics / Thakur,Sadhana Anee books pvt ltd., 2018 9789386761125 vi,280p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3 TIM 05056759 Doing comparative politics : Lim, Timothy C., Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2016 9781626374508 (hardcover : alk Third edition. xi, 409 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.3 TIM 07009317 Doing comparative politics : Lim, Timothy C., Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2016 9781626374508 (hardcover : alk Third edition. xi, 409 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.3 VER 00121848 Comparative Government and Politics Verma Prashad Ambika Manglam Publications, 2014 9789382983347 iv,304 p.: UG Library
320.3091724 GRE 05006667 Comparative politics of the third world : Green, December. Viva Books, 2010 9788130912264 | 1588261662 (pb 2nd ed. xiv, 546 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.3094 BAL 01026436 European Politics : Bale, Tim. Palgrave, 2017 9781137581334 4th Ed xxi,452p.; Knowledge Centre
320.30954 CHA 00071759 Nationalism and Coloniamisn in Modern India: Chandra, Bipin Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125008101 402 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.30954 CHA 00071760 Nationalism and Coloniamisn in Modern India: Chandra, Bipin Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125008101 402 p. UG Library
320.30954 CHA 00071761 Nationalism and Coloniamisn in Modern India: Chandra, Bipin Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125008101 402 p. UG Library
320.30954 CHA 07010681 Nationalism and Coloniamisn in Modern India: Chandra, Bipin Orient Longman Publications 2003 9788125008101 402 p. Library - BR Campus
320.37 SRI 00029292 Theory and Practice of Modern Governments Srivatstva, L N S B D 1987 430 UG Library
320.39814 JAN 00010718 Outline of Introductional Politics Jangam, R T Allied 1970 1 UG Library
320.39815 JAN 00011787 Principles of Poliltical Science Janam, R T Samariya 1971 1 UG Library
320.3HAG 01000955 Comparative Goverment and Politics, an Introduction (law Lib) Rod Hague Palgrave Macmillan 0001403953 355p Knowledge Centre
320.3JOH 01001241 Comparative Politics / J C Johari Sterling Paperbacks, 2005 9788120704688 600p.; Knowledge Centre
320.3JOH 01002714 Comparative Politics / J C Johari Sterling Paperbacks, 2005 9788120704688 600p.; Knowledge Centre
320.4 CHA 00090421 Money and Securities Markets Emerging Challenges Chawla, O P Bangalore 109p UG Library
320.4 DRA 01007402 Nature`s Government : Richrad Drayton Orient Longman, 2000 8125022775 346p.; Knowledge Centre
320.4 END 01019188 Handbook on multi-level governance / Edward Elgar, 2010 9781847202413 (hbk.) | 1847202 x, 504 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.4 GUP 00060342 Government Online Gupta, M P 2004 0070583234 595p UG Library
320.4 LIM 00078510 Doing Comparative Politics Lim, Timothy C. Viva Books Pvt Ltd 2007 8130904268 | 9788130904269 336 p. UG Library
320.4 SHO 01009731 Are We Deceiving Ourselves Again? / Arun Shourie Rupa & Co, 2008 9788129114105 214 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.4 SHO 01009732 Where Will All This Take Us? : Arun, Shourie. Rupa & Co., 2008 9788129114099 604 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.4 SHO 03010839 Where Will All This Take Us? : Arun, Shourie. Rupa & Co., 2008 9788129114099 604 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.404 CAM 01023158 Strong constitutions : Cameron, Maxwell A. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780190235222 xiii, 255 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.404 GER 01011319 The separation of powers and legislative interference in judicial process : Gerangelos, Peter A. Hart Pub., 2009 9781841136615 (hbk.) | 1841136611 (hbk.) xxi, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.404 MOL 01020636 The three branches : Möllers, Christoph, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199602117 (cloth) | 0199602115 (cloth) First edition. viii,263p.: Knowledge Centre
320.404 MOL 01023086 The three branches : Möllers, Christoph, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198738084 First edition. viii, 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.4049 LOU 05040752 Routledge handbook of regionalism and federalism / Routledge, 2013 9780415566216 (hbk) xv, 622 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.4049 RAT 05032475 Handbook of Regionalism and Federalism / Rathod,Santosh P. ABD Publishers, 2013 296p.; Knowledge Centre
320.4049 SCO 05040355 Federalism : Scott, Kyle, Continuum, 2011 9781441197641 (hardcover : alk viii, 216 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.4049 SCO 07007693 Federalism : Scott, Kyle, Continuum, 2011 9781441197641 (hardcover : alk viii, 216 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.40835 MAI 00140882 The 9/11 generation : Maira Marr,Sunaina. Sage, 2016 9781479817696 (cl : alk. paper) | 9789352804610 x.317p.; UG Library
320.40835 MAI 05061949 The 9/11 generation : Maira Marr,Sunaina. Sage, 2016 9781479817696 (cl : alk. paper) | 9789352804610 x.317p.; Knowledge Centre
320.408350954 KUM 05042730 Indian youth and electoral politics : Sage, 2014 9788132117766 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxvi, 185 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.409 SAB 01001267 A History of Political Theory / Sabine, George H. Oxford University Press, 1973 4th ed. 871p.; Knowledge Centre
320.409 SAB 01002712 A History of Political Theory / Sabine, George H. Oxford University Press, 1973 4th ed. 871p.; Knowledge Centre
320.40954 SIN 00133001 Future of Parliamentary Democracy in India Singh, S. N. Jnanada Prakashan, 2016 9788171396788 344 p.: UG Library
320.409SAB 01001268 A History of Political Theory / Sabine, George H. Oxford University Press, 1973 4th ed. 871p.; Knowledge Centre
320.4174927 JYE 00124963 Democracy and Democratisation in the Arab World / Jyee, Ravi, Jnanada Prakashan, 2014 9788171396504 | 817139650X vi, 303 p ; UG Library
320.434 KAP 05061260 Constitutional features of the ancient indian republics / Kapur, Suvir. Serials Publications Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789386611079 xvii, 146p. Knowledge Centre
320.44 ORT 05049031 The changing faces of federalism : Manchester University Press ; | Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, 2005 0719069963 (hbk.) | 9780719069 313 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.44049 ANN 00142712 Federalism and Regionalism / Annigeri,Vinod B. Rawat publications, 2022 9788131612385 xvi,188p.; UG Library
320.44049 ANN 05073111 Federalism and Regionalism / Annigeri,Vinod B. Rawat publications, 2022 9788131612385 xvi,188p.; Knowledge Centre
320.441 BRA 01019316 Constitutional Practice : Brazier, Rodney. Oxford University Press, 1999 0198298129 (hb : alk. paper) | 3rd ed. xx, 327 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.441 NOR 00100305 Politics in Britain / Norton, Bruce F. CQ Press, 9780871879240 (alk. paper) | 0 xxi, 404 p. : UG Library
320.443049 ZIB 01009435 Structuring the state : Ziblatt, Daniel, Princeton University Press, 2006 9780691121673 (alk. paper) xiii, 220 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.447049 FRA 05017832 The Politics Of Dictatorship : Frantz Erica Viva Books, 2012 9788130920627 vii,133 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.447049 PAS 05011270 Defining Russian federalism / Pascal, Elizabeth, Praeger, 2003 0275979385 x, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.447049 STO 01013165 Federalism and the dictatorship of power in Russia / Stoli͡a︡rov, M. V. Routledge, 041530153X xv, 288 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.454 BAS 05047066 Challenges to democracy in India / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195698534 | 0195698533 x, 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.454 CHA 05053121 Indian Government and Politics / Chakrabarty, Bidyut, SAGE Publications, 2008 9788178298818 (paper back) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
320.454 CHA 05074517 Indian political system : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Routledge, 2024 9781032775685 viii, 314p.; Knowledge Centre
320.454 DAS 00106309 National Development Council and Indian Federal System Dash Geetanjali Abhijeet Publications 2011 9789381136041 xiii;276 P. UG Library
320.454 DUA 01008732 Indian federalism in the new millennium / Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2003 817304502X 448 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.454 FAD 05039787 Indian Government and Politics / Fadia,B.L. Sahitya Bhawan, 2014 8172880626 x,1000p.; Knowledge Centre
320.454 FAD 07015238 Indian Government and Politics / Fadia B.L.Dr Sahitya Bhawan, 1991 9789390629251 920p.: Library - BR Campus
320.454 GAR 00116473 Politics of Autonomy Garest - Alain Random Exports, 2013 9789382226369 viii:320p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.454 GAR 00116729 Politics of Autonomy Garest - Alain Random Exports, 2013 9789382226369 viii:320p.: UG Library
320.454 KAR 05065534 Governance in India Basics adn Beyond For Civil Services Main Examination GS Paper -1 / Karthikeyan,M Pearson, 2019 9789353433871 xxviii,475p.; Knowledge Centre
320.454 KHA 00123413 Dynamics of Centre-State Relations in India: Khalsa, Madan Mohan Singh Cyber Tech Publications, 2016 9789350534403 264 p:. UG Library
320.454 MIT 05061169 Politics and governance in Indian states : Mitra, Subrata. World Scientific, 2018 9789813208223 xxx, 371p.; Knowledge Centre
320.454 SAM 01003916 The politics of autonomy : Sage Publications, 2005 0761934529 (Hb : alk. paper) | 0761934537 (Pb : alk. paper) | 9780761934523 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.454 SIN 00121655 Federalism in South Asia Singh, Mahendra Prasad Routledge 2014 9780415735957 264p. UG Library
320.454 SIN 05039344 Indian federalism : Singh, Mahendra Prasad, Routledge, 2014 9788123761886 | 8123761880 First edition. x, 192 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.454049 ADE 01010059 Federalism and Ethnic Conflict Regulation in India and Paekistan / Adeney,Katharine. Palgrave, New York : 9780230612853 238 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.454049 BHA 07007219 Special category states of India / Bhattacharjee, Govind, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199460830 | 0199460833 First edition. xxiii, 506 pages : Library - BR Campus
320.454049 SAM 00081932 Politics of Autonomy Samaddar, Ranabir Sage Publications 2005 78061934530 312 p. UG Library
320.454049 SAM 01004123 The politics of autonomy : Sage Publications, 2005 0761934529 (Hb : alk. paper) | 0761934537 (Pb : alk. paper) | 9780761934523 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.454049 SAM 00079672 Politics of Autonomy Samaddar, Ranabir Sage Publications 2005 78061934530 312 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.45409045 PAI 05065221 Revisiting 1956 : Pai,Sudha Orient Blackswan, 2018 9789352873883 xvi,239p.; Knowledge Centre
320.4546 ZUT 01008711 Emergence of Political Awaking in Kashmir / Zutshi,U K. Manohar, 1986 252 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.45482 RAN 00097415 Tamil Country : Ranjan,V . Serials Publications, 2009 9788183872355 215p.; UG Library
320.45482 RAN 01011248 Tamil Country : Ranjan,V . Serials Publications, 2009 9788183872355 215p.; Knowledge Centre
320.454914 SAC 01008840 Polity and Economy of the Punjab : Sachdeva,Veena . Manohar, 1993 8173040338 229p.; Knowledge Centre
320.454CHA 07014362 Indian Government and Politics / Chakrabarty, Bidyut, SAGE Publications, 2008 9788178298818 (paper back) p. cm. Library - BR Campus
320.454ROT 01008809 Role of the State in South Asia and Other Essays / Rothermund,Dietmar. Manohar, 2000 8173043612 183p.; Knowledge Centre
320.4567049 VIS 01010031 An Iraq of its regions : Columbia University Press, 2008 9780231700054 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0231700059 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780231700047 (hardback : alk. paper) | 0231700040 (hardback : alk. paper) xxii, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.459 SUR 05060872 The making of Southeast Asian nations : Suryadinata, Leo, World Scientific, 2015 9789814612968 (alk. paper) xx, 332 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.459 SUR 05056828 The making of Southeast Asian nations : Suryadinata, Leo, World Scientific, 2015 9789814612968 (alk. paper) xx, 332 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.4729 JOH 00146397 Rethinking democracy and governance : Johnson, Donavon Routledge 2024 9781032561639 | 9781032561592 xxii, 418 pages ; UG Library
320.473 ABE 05062735 American government : Abernathy, Scott Franklin, Sage, 2018 9781452267982 xxxix, 671, A34, G10, N29, I12 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.473 BAR 00130480 Keeping the Republic : Barbour, Christine, SAGE/CQ Press, 2014 9781452240039 6th edition. xxxv, 591 p. : UG Library
320.473 BAR 05058303 Keeping the Republic : Barbour, Christine, Sage, 2017 9781506349985 Eighth edition. xxxvii, 650 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.473 BIA 05060382 American Politics Today / Bianco ,William T . W.W.Norton & Company , 2017 9780393283600 xxxi ,513p ,: Knowledge Centre
320.473 BRA 01008444 Checks and balances : Brannen, Daniel E., Thomson/Gale, 2005 9790787654121 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
320.473 BRA 01008445 Checks and balances : Brannen, Daniel E., Thomson/Gale, 2005 9790787654121 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
320.473 BRA 01008446 Checks and balances : Brannen, Daniel E., Thomson/Gale, 2005 9790787654121 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
320.473 CHR 05055961 Keeping the Republic : Barbour, Christine, Sage publications, 2017 9781506362182 (hardcover : aci Eighth edition. xxxvii, 650 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.473 KOL 05059673 The American political system / Kollman, Ken. W W Norton & Company, 2017 9780393283570 (pbk.) Third edition. xxviii, 695p.+Additional pages, Knowledge Centre
320.473 KOL 00108108 The American political system Kollman,Ken, W.W. Norton & Co., 2012 9780393926965 1st ed. xxiii; 581 p. UG Library
320.473 LOW 01026300 American government : W.W. Norton & Co., 2018 9780393283761 14th ed. xxix, 609, A108 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.473 MUI 05037366 Freedom in America / Muir, William Ker. CQ Press, 2012 9781608718443 (alk. paper) xii, 443 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.473 REN 00142956 State and local politics : Renfro, Jayme L., Routledge, 2021 9780367174491 | 9780367174552 x,144p.; UG Library
320.473 SMI 00127044 Governing states and localities / Smith, Kevin B., Sage 2016 1483378039 | 9781483378039 5th ed, xxvii, 626 pages : UG Library
320.473 VOL 05036968 American government / Volkomer, Walter E. Pearson, 2013 9780205251735 (pbk.) | 0205251 14th ed. xxi, 434 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.473 WHE 00134797 Democracy in Theory and Practice: Whelan, Frederick G., Routledge, 2019 9780815383512 (hbk) | 9780815383529 (pbk) xx, 672p,; UG Library
320.473 WIL 01010786 Constitutional government in the United States / Wilson, Woodrow, Transaction Publishers, 2002 9780765808660 lii, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.4764 COL 00129072 Lone star politics : Collier, Kenneth E., Sage 2014 9781452217697 (pbk.) 3rd. ed, xxviii, 493 pages : UG Library
320.4764 HAA 00128472 Texas politics and government : Haag, Stefan D. Addison Wesley Longman, 2001 0321052749 (alk. paper) | 9780 2nd ed. xvii, 521 p. : UG Library
320.494049 ARO 01013682 The constitution of a federal commonwealth : Aroney, Nicholas. Cambridge University Press, 9780521888646 (hbk. : alk. pap xix, 426 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.494049 ARO 01012392 The constitution of a federal commonwealth : Aroney, Nicholas. Cambridge University Press, 9780521888646 (hbk. : alk. pap xix, 426 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5 FIN 00082227 Contemporary Political Thought Finlayson, Alan Edinburgh University Press 2003 0748613838 | 9780748613830 674 p. UG Library
320.5 FIN 00086584 Contemporary Political Thought Finlayson, Alan Edinburgh University Press 2003 0748613838 | 9780748613830 674 p. UG Library
320.5 HEY 00079111 Political Ideologies: An Introduction Heywood, Andrew Palgrsve Macmillan, 2004 978 - 0 - 230 22495 - 7 366 p.; UG Library
320.5 KHA 00014297 Major Political System Khanna, V.N. R CHAND & Co. 1975 262 P. UG Library
320.5 VIJ 00022105 Political Thought Vijayaragavan, S. Sterling Publishers Private Limited, 1983 268 p.; UG Library
320.5 ALG 01003025 Modern Islamic Political Thought / Algar,Hamid. Islamic Book Trust, 1982 9789839154153 307p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 ALT 01011796 Lenin And Philosophy and other essays / Althusser, Louis. Aakar Books, 2006 9788187879862 173p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 ARO 05037760 Political Sociology / Arora, Neha Book Enclave, 2013 9788181533259 263 p. Knowledge Centre
320.5 BAL 05044458 Ideals and ideologies : Pearson, 2014 9780205962549 | 0205962548 Ninth edition. xviii, 473 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.5 BAR 00098160 Comparative politics Sage, 9788132102922 ix;334 p. UG Library
320.5 BER 00132770 Why read Hannah Arendt now / Bernstein, Richard J., Polity press, 2018 9781509528592 (hardback) | 9781509528608 (pbk.) viii,124p.; UG Library
320.5 BHA 00048731 Multiculturalism, Liberalism and Democracy Bhargava, Rajeev 0195648242 434 p UG Library
320.5 BHA 00030800 History of Political Thought - From Plato to Laski Ancient, Medieval and Modern Bhattacharjee Arun Ashish Publising House 1989 8170242460 250 p UG Library
320.5 BLU 00023857 Theories of the Political System Bluhm T William Prentice-HalI of India Pvt Ltd 1981 3rd Ed. 515 p UG Library
320.5 BR0 00003524 New Directions in Comparative Politics Brown, Bernard E Asia Publishing House 1967 97 p UG Library
320.5 BUR 00017992 Political Ideals Burns Delisle, C. Bhattacharjee 1965 278 p. UG Library
320.5 BUR 00005651 Political Ideals Burns Delisle, C. Bhattacharjee 1965 278 p. UG Library
320.5 BUR 00017979 Political Ideals Burns Delisle, C. Bhattacharjee 1965 278 p. UG Library
320.5 CAR 00053880 Politics of the Environment Carter, Neil Cambridge University Press 2001 0521469945 | 9780521469944 359 p. UG Library
320.5 CHA 01007051 Political Sociology / Chakraborthy,Satyabrata . Macmillan, 2005 1403928452 438p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 CHR 00015422 Ideologies and Modern Politics Christenson Reo M Nelson's and Sons Ltd 1971 0177120711 319 p UG Library
320.5 CON 00146396 Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics: Conrad, Maxmilian Palgrave macmillan, 2023 9783031136962 xvi,259p.; UG Library
320.5 CUR 00022101 The Great Political Theories Curtis Michael Avon Books 1981 0380007851 456 p UG Library
320.5 CUR 00022102 The Great Political Theories Curtis Michael Avon Books 1981 0380007851 456 p UG Library
320.5 DAD 00141888 Liberal Theory of the State / Dadhich, Naresh, Rawat Publications; 2021 9788131611975 ix, 201 pages ; UG Library
320.5 DAD 00141311 Liberal Theory of the State / Dadhich, Naresh, Rawat Publications; 2021 9788131611975 ix, 201 pages ; UG Library
320.5 DAY 00025383 Political Development - A Critical Perspective Daya Krishna Oxford University Press 1979 0195611179X 208 p UG Library
320.5 DUP 04008688 50 political ideas : Dupre, Ben Quercus, 2011 9781849162548 208p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.5 EAT 01000091 Contemporary political ideologies / Rawat, 1999 0813319331 (hb) | 081331934X (pb) | 9788170337737 viii, 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5 EAT 07006458 Contemporary political ideologies / Rawat, 1999 0813319331 (hb) | 081331934X (pb) | 9788170337737 viii, 296 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.5 EBE 00015966 Modern Political Thought Ebenstein, William Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1974 2nd Ed. 900 P. UG Library
320.5 EBE 00017408 Today`s Isms Ebenstein William Prentice-Hall 1973 0139244077 7th Ed 266 p UG Library
320.5 EBE 00015430 Modern Political Thought Ebenstein, William Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1974 2nd Ed. 900 P. UG Library
320.5 FIN 00074081 Contemporary Political Thought Finlayson, Alan Edinburgh University Press 2003 0748613838 | 9780748613830 674 p. UG Library
320.5 FOR 00015890 Master's Political Thought. Foster, Michael B OUP 1975 292 P. UG Library
320.5 FOU 00048681 Foucault Merquior, J G 0006862268 182 p UG Library
320.5 FRE 00083936 Ideology: A Very Short Introduction. Freeden, Michael 2006 0195682548 142p UG Library
320.5 FRY 05011545 Arendt : Fry, Karin A. Continuum, 2009 9780826499868 (pbk.) ix, 160 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5 GID 00048682 Durkheim Giddens, Anthony Fontanana Press 1978 0006860060 | 9780006860068 126 p. UG Library
320.5 GRE 00012456 Lectures on The Principles of Political Obligation Green Thomas Hill Longman 1968 349 p UG Library
320.5 GUP 01007403 Political Sociology in India / Gupta,Dipankar. Orient Longman Private Limited, 1985 8125006656 106p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 GUP 00016553 Modern Political ISMS Gupta, Madan Gopal Chaitanya Publishing House 1975 264 p UG Library
320.5 GUP 00015964 Modern Political ISMS Gupta, Madan Gopal Chaitanya Publishing House 1975 264 p UG Library
320.5 HAL 00121895 Introduction to Political Thought HALU, ANILKUMAR B Ishika Publishing House, 2015 9789382629955 232 p:. UG Library
320.5 HAU 07012322 Comparative Politics : Hauss Charles Cengage, 2018 9789386858924 9th ed xvi,510p.: Library - BR Campus
320.5 HAW 00079068 Ideology Hawkes, David Routledge 2007 0415290120 | 9780415290128 2nd Ed. 212 p. UG Library
320.5 HAW 00082329 Ideology Hawkes, David Routledge 2007 0415290120 | 9780415290128 2nd Ed. 212 p. UG Library
320.5 HAW 00079126 Ideology Hawkes, David Routledge 2007 0415290120 | 9780415290128 2nd Ed. 212 p. UG Library
320.5 HEA 00026251 Contemporary Political Ideas Heater Derek Longman 1974 0582353912 144 p UG Library
320.5 HEY 05045364 Political ideologies : Heywood, Andrew. Macmillan, 1992 9780230396302 | 0333549368 (pa 5 th xviii, 373 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5 HEY 01013086 Political ideologies : Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave, 1992 9780230224957 4th ed. xvii, 366 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5 HEY 00083835 Political Ideologies an Introduction Heywood, Andrew Palgrave, 2007 9780230224957 4th Edition 364 p.; UG Library
320.5 HEY 00086262 Political Ideologies an Introduction Heywood, Andrew Palgrave, 2007 9780230224957 4th Edition 364 p.; UG Library
320.5 HEY 07015414 Political ideologies : Heywood, Andrew. Macmillan, 1992 9780230396302 | 0333549368 (pa 5 th xviii, 373 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.5 HEY 00073012 Political Ideologies: An Introduction Heywood, Andrew Palgrsve Macmillan, 2004 978 - 0 - 230 22495 - 7 366 p.; UG Library
320.5 HEY 00121845 Political ideologies : Heywood, Andrew. Macmillan, 1992 9780230396302 | 0333549368 (pa 5 th xviii, 373 p. ; UG Library
320.5 HEY 07012268 Political ideologies : Heywood, Andrew. Macmillan, 1992 9780230396302 | 0333549368 (pa 5 th xviii, 373 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.5 HEY 00076181 Political Ideaologies: An Introduction:[dharmaram Library] Heywood, Andrew 2005 1403937931 382[p UG Library
320.5 HOB 07012881 The elements of law, natural and politic : Hobbes, Thomas, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199549702 (pbk.) lv, 284 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.5 HOB 01026322 The elements of law, natural and politic : Hobbes, Thomas, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199549702 (pbk.) lv, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5 HOF 07015462 Introduction to Political Ideologies / Hoffman, John. Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd. 2010 9788131730881 xxix, 282 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.5 IQT 05000122 Secularizing Islamists ? / Iqtidar,Humerira. Permanent Black, 2011 9788178243320 xiii,216p.: Knowledge Centre
320.5 JAI 00032616 Politcal Theory and Institutions Jatkar, S Dek David Mckay 1990 144 P. UG Library
320.5 JAT 00032617 Political Theory and Institutions Jatkar S D Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1990 264 p UG Library
320.5 JEN 01003373 Regional reflections : Oxford University Press, 2004 9780195668087 xii, 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5 JOA 00015416 Introduction to Modern Political Theory Joad C E M Oxford University Press 1973 195604458X 128 p UG Library
320.5 JOA 00011784 Introduction to Modern Political Theory Joad C E M Oxford University Press 1973 195604458X 128 p UG Library
320.5 JOH 00023824 Contemporary Political Theory. Johari, J C Sterling 1982 446 P. UG Library
320.5 JOH 05046936 Contemporary Political Theory : Johari,J.C. Sterling, 1985 9788120707184 xv,756p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 KAN 01008684 RSS's Tryst With Politics from Hedgewar to Sudarshan / Kanungo,Pralay. Manohar, 2002 8173043981 314p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 KAS 07006426 The Political Philosophy of The Dalai Lama : Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129135698 lviii, 590 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.5 KAS 05041933 The Political Philosophy of The Dalai Lama : Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129135698 lviii, 590 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.5 KAS 03010817 The Political Philosophy of The Dalai Lama : Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129135698 lviii, 590 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.5 KAT 05048992 Vishva Hindu Parishad and Indian Politics / Katju,Manjari. Orient Longman Private Limited, 2003 9788125040347 186p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 KAT 01007236 Vishva Hindu Parishad and Indian Politics / Katju,Manjari. Orient Longman Private Limited, 2003 9788125040347 186p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 KAV 00060113 Civil Society Kaviraj, Sudipta Foundation Books 2002 8175961082 | 9788175961081 330 p. UG Library
320.5 KHA 00013605 Major Political System Khanna, V.N. R CHAND & Co. 1975 262 P. UG Library
320.5 KHA 00014296 Major Political System Khanna, V.N. R CHAND & Co. 1975 262 P. UG Library
320.5 KHA 01012527 Constitutional Acts and Administrative Policy / Khanna, M.M. Sarup Book Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259576 538p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 MCL 05065435 Ideology / Mclellan, David. Rawat Publications, 2019 978811610558 2nd Ed 111p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 MEH 05073545 Foundations of Indian Political Thought / Mehta,V R. Manohar Publishers, 1999 8173041571 | 9788173041570 306p,; Knowledge Centre
320.5 MEH 00027134 Today's Isams. Mehtorta, N C A R 1984 422 P. UG Library
320.5 MEH 01002984 Foundations of Indian Political Thought / Mehta,V R. Manohar Publishers, 1999 8173041571 | 9788173041570 306p,; Knowledge Centre
320.5 MEH 01008704 Foundations of Indian Political Thought / Mehta,V R. Manohar Publishers, 1999 8173041571 | 9788173041570 306p,; Knowledge Centre
320.5 MEH 01009512 Foundations of Indian Political Thought / Mehta,V R. Manohar Publishers, 1999 8173041571 | 9788173041570 306p,; Knowledge Centre
320.5 MEH 01008805 Ideology, Modernization and Politics in India / Mihta,V R. Manohar, 1988 8185054495 232 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 MUL 07009936 Green politics Mulvaney,Dustin Sage Publications, 2011 9781412996792 (cloth) | 978141 XXI,463 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.5 NAN 01003165 Bonfire of Creeds Oxford Universtiy Press p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 PAL 05004003 Political Sociology / Nagla, B. K. Rawat Publications, 2023 9789380013800 2nd ed 317p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5 PAL 00146277 Political Sociology / Nagla, B. K. Rawat Publications, 2023 9789380013800 2nd ed 317p. ; UG Library
320.5 PAT 05061326 Political Ideologies / Patil,Manohar T. Chandralok Prakashan, 2016 9789386016324 336p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 PER 07015825 The Routledge Handbook of Polotical Ecology / Routledge, 2020 9780367407605 xxi,646p.: Library - BR Campus
320.5 PLA 00136742 Modern political thought Plant, Raymond Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610770 xi,398p.; UG Library
320.5 POP 00072094 Open Society and Its Enemies: [dharmaram Library] Popper, Karl 2000 0415282365 865p UG Library
320.5 RAJ 00009527 Socialism, Democracy and Secularism - A Symposium in Memory of Jawaharlal Nehru Chagla Shri M C National Book Trust 1965 74 p UG Library
320.5 RAM 05060339 Women in political thought : Ramaswamy, Sushila. Orient Blackswan, 2018 9789386689580 xiv, 393p. Knowledge Centre
320.5 RAM 00082455 Gandhi`s Khadi: A History of Contention and Conciliation. Ramagundam, Rahul Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125034641 298p UG Library
320.5 RAM 00086090 Gandhi`s Khadi: A History of Contention and Conciliation. Ramagundam, Rahul Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125034641 298p UG Library
320.5 RAM 00089582 Gandhi`s Khadi: A History of Contention and Conciliation Ramagundam, Rahul Orient Longman Publications 2008 8125034641 298p UG Library
320.5 RAY 01012078 Foundations of Western Political Thought Ray,B. N Kaveri books 9788174790972 473p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 RAY 01012079 Foundations of Western Political Thought Ray,B. N Kaveri books 9788174790972 473p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 RED 05065217 Ten Ideologies : Reddy,S Jaipal. Orient Black Swan, 2018 9789352875511 xxii,282p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 ROY 00011635 Political Theory Amal Ray, World Press 1973 5th Ed. 536 p. UG Library
320.5 ROY 00011636 Political Theory Amal Ray, World Press 1973 5th Ed. 536 p. UG Library
320.5 ROY 00011637 Political Theory Amal Ray, World Press 1973 5th Ed. 536 p. UG Library
320.5 RUT 05053270 Fundamentalism : Ruthven, Malisen Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199212705 154p Knowledge Centre
320.5 RUT 00084213 Fundamentalism : Ruthven, Malisen Oxford University Press, 2007 9780199212705 154p UG Library
320.5 SAB 01008697 Assertive Religious Identities / Satish Saberwal Manohar, 2006 9788173046735 480p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 SAR 07011950 Political Sociology / Sarangi,P.N. Shikhar Publications, 2017 9788193437568 246p.; Library - BR Campus
320.5 SAR 05061938 Political Sociology / Sarangi,P.N. Shikhar Publications, 2017 9788193437568 246p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 SAR 00119534 Political Ecology by, Sarkar Devasish Global Vision Publishing House, 2014 9788182206038 ix, 309 p.; UG Library
320.5 SAR 00144328 Modern Political Theory And Comparative Politics / Sarla Devi Sharma, R ABD Publishers, 2022 9788183767996 254p, ; UG Library
320.5 SCH 00111581 Ideology and politics Schwarzmantel, John. SAGE, 2008 9781412919722 (hbk.) | 1412919 viii:198p.; UG Library
320.5 SHA 00142894 Modern Political Theory and Comparative Politics Sharma, R Sarala Devi ABD Publishers 2022 9788183767996 254p UG Library
320.5 SHA 07009021 Comparative Government and Politics/ Sharma,Sudir N Prism Books, 2015 9789382037798 227 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.5 SHE 07009342 The Encyclopedia of Political Thought/ Sheldon,Garrett Ward Viva Books, 2017 9788130933757 IX,327 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.5 SHU 00119528 Modern Political Ideologies by, Shuraj PEARL Books, 2013 9789381575918 258 p.: UG Library
320.5 SIV 07011321 Introduction to political ideologies : Sivaramakrishnan, Arvind, Sage, 2017 9789386446404 (print (pb)) 179p.: Library - BR Campus
320.5 SKI 01007022 Visions of politics / Skinner, Quentin. Cambridge University Press, 2002 9780521589260 | 0521589266 (pbk.) 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
320.5 SKI 01007023 Visions of politics / Skinner, Quentin. Cambridge University Press, 2002 9780521589260 | 0521589266 (pbk.) 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
320.5 SKI 01007024 Visions of politics / Skinner, Quentin. Cambridge University Press, 2002 9780521589260 | 0521589266 (pbk.) 3 v. : Knowledge Centre
320.5 SOM 00016682 Social and Political Philosophy. Somerville, Anchor 1978 540 P. UG Library
320.5 SPI 00033373 Politics As The Master Science : From Plato To Mao Spiro J Herbert Harcourt & Row 1970 238 p UG Library
320.5 SPI 00033463 Politics As The Master Science : From Plato To Mao Spiro J Herbert Harcourt & Row 1970 238 p UG Library
320.5 SUD 00016028 Main Currents of Social & Political Thought in Modern India Suda Jyoti Prasad K Nath & Co 1981 475 p UG Library
320.5 SUD 00022108 Main Currents of Social & Political Thought in Modern India Suda Jyoti Prasad K Nath & Co 1981 475 p UG Library
320.5 SUD 00022100 Main Currents of Social & Political Thought in Modern India Suda Jyoti Prasad K Nath & Co 1981 475 p UG Library
320.5 SUD 00022109 Main Currents of Social & Political Thought in Modern India Suda Jyoti Prasad K Nath & Co 1981 475 p UG Library
320.5 VER 01012528 Dominion Status vs Complete Independence / Verma, H.C Swarup Book Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259569 365p. : Knowledge Centre
320.5 VIJ 00023831 Political Thought Vijayaragavan, S. Sterling Publishers Private Limited, 1983 268 p.; UG Library
320.5 VIJ 00002383 Political Thought. Vijayaraghavan, S STERLING 1983 272 P. UG Library
320.5 WAC 00102143 Privacy : Wacks, Raymond. Oxford University Press, 9780199556533 | 0199556539 xvi, 160 p. : UG Library
320.5 WAN 01002534 History of Political Thought / Wanlass,Lawrence C. Surjeet, 2006 418p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5 WIS 00027129 Political Systems - Some Sociological Approaches Wiseman H V Routledge & Kegan Paul 1971 0710071833 254 p UG Library
320.5019 KEU 05047735 The Left Hemisphere : Keucheyan, Razmig. Verso , 2014 9781781685594 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.509 BAL 00121976 Political ideologies and the democratic ideal / Ball, Terence. Longman, 2011 9780205779963 (alk. paper) | 0 8th ed. xiv, 337 p. : UG Library
320.509 BAL 00121545 Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal Ball, Terence Pearson Education, Inc., 2014 9780205962556 Ninth edition xiv, 352 p:. UG Library
320.509 BAR 05056090 Political ideologies : Baradat, Leon P., Routlegde, 2017 9781138650046 (hardback) | 978 Twelfth Edition. xvii, 377 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.509 BRE 01022031 Rethinking the foundations of modern political thought / Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521849799 (hbk.) | 0521615038 x, 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5092 BEN 00120362 Politics in dark times : Benhabib, Seyla Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521763707 (hardback) | 052 ix, 397 p. ; UG Library
320.5092 MAI 00111712 Stranger from abroad : Maier-Katkin, Daniel, W.W. Norton, 2010 9780393068337 (hardcover) 1st ed. 384 p. ; UG Library
320.5092 SWI 00096694 Hannah Arendt / Swift, Simon. Routledge, 9780415425858 (hardback : alk. xiii, 165 p. UG Library
320.5092 VIL 00106146 The Cambridge companion to Hannah Arendt Villa,Dana Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521641985 | 0521645719 (pbk.) xvi, 304 p. ; UG Library
320.5092254 SIN 00133159 Patel, Prasad and Rajaji : Singh, Neerja. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789351502654 (hardback : alkaline paper) xiv, 298 p. ; UG Library
320.5092254 SIN 05062682 Patel, Prasad and Rajaji : Singh, Neerja, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2015 9789351502654 (hardback : alkaline paper) xiv, 298 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.50934 SIN 01000334 Political Thought in Ancient India / Singh,G P. D.K.Printworld, 2005 8124600015 152p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5094 DUN 00045995 Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future Dunn, John 1993 0521437555 143p UG Library
320.5094 GUP 05045367 Western Political Theory / Gupta, Ashim Book Enclave, 2015 9788181523594 v, 222 p. Knowledge Centre
320.5094409045 FLO 01016742 Political ideologies in contemporary France / edited by: Flood, Christopher Pinter, 1855672375 (hardback) | 185567 v, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5094409045 FLO 01015547 Political ideologies in contemporary France / edited by: Flood, Christopher Pinter, 1855672375 (hardback) | 185567 v, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.50954 BAL 00024020 Modern Indian Thought : RamMohan Roy to M N Roy Bali Dav Raj Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 200 p UG Library
320.50954 BAL 00025316 Modern Indian Thought : RamMohan Roy to Jayaprakash Narayan Bali Dav Raj Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1984 262 p UG Library
320.50954 KHA 00119527 Modern Indian Political Thoughts by, Khan Shahid Mohit Publications, 2014 9788174456823 188 p.: UG Library
320.50954 MEH 01009431 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in India Civilization / Mehta V. R Sage Publications, 2006 9780761934202 481p.: Knowledge Centre
320.50954 MEH 01004076 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in India Civilization / Mehta V. R Sage Publications, 2006 9780761934202 481p.: Knowledge Centre
320.50954 MEH 01004077 History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in India Civilization / Mehta V. R Sage Publications, 2006 9780761934202 481p.: Knowledge Centre
320.50954 MEH 05028768 Political Ideas in Modern India: Thematic Explorations.Vol.X.Part.7 Mehta, V R 0761934200 481p Knowledge Centre
320.50954 MUK 10005275 Western political thought : Mukhopadhyay, Amal Kumar, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353880156 xv, 300p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.50954 PAN 01020859 Political thought in modern India / Beverly Hills, Calif. : | Sage Publications, 1986 0803995032 (U.S.) | 0803995040 362 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.50973 05046804 Polarized : Schier, Steven E. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016 9781442254848 (cloth : alk. pa 149p. Knowledge Centre
320.509954 SUR 01000105 Political Thinkers, Trends & Processes : Suresh Kumar,M N. Sapna Book House, 2005 8128003747 272p.; Knowledge Centre
320.51 AMI 00072990 Liberal Virus Permanent War and the Americanization of the World. Amin, Samir AAKAR BOOKS 2005 8187879475 124 UG Library
320.51 ARD 07007683 Politics on the Edges of Liberalism: Arditi,Benjamin Edinburgh University Press Ltd 9780748625116 166p.; Library - BR Campus
320.51 ARD 05011577 Politics on the Edges of Liberalism: Arditi,Benjamin Edinburgh University Press Ltd 9780748625116 166p.; Knowledge Centre
320.51 ARD 01012235 Politics on the Edges of Liberalism: Arditi,Benjamin Edinburgh University Press Ltd 9780748625116 166p.; Knowledge Centre
320.51 ATH 00050508 Liberalization and Industrial Transformation. Athukorala, Prema-Chandra Oxford University Press: 2000 9780195651799 248 p. UG Library
320.51 BAK 01000967 Political Thery of Robert Nozick / Bakaya,Robert. Kalpaz Publications, 2006 8178354810 309p.; Knowledge Centre
320.51 BIR 05007825 The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism : Birch,Kean . Zed Books 2010 9788182910980 280. P. Knowledge Centre
320.51 BIR 00101044 The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism : Birch,Kean . Zed Books 2010 9788182910980 280. P. UG Library
320.51 COU 00109079 Why voice matters Couldry, Nick SAGE, 2010 9781848606616 (hbk.) | 1848606 viii; 176 p UG Library
320.51 CRO 00082576 Liberalism & Value Pluralism. Crowder, George Continuum 2002 9780826450470 276p UG Library
320.51 DEO 00023820 Liberalism and Marxism and Introduction to the Study of Contemporary Politics. Deol, D Sterling 1198 292 P. UG Library
320.51 DEO 00017411 Liberalism and Marxism Deol, D Sterling 271 p UG Library
320.51 DES 00128596 Politic Shock : Desai, Meghnad. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129148391 xiv, 200 p.: UG Library
320.51 DES 05057541 Politic Shock : Desai, Meghnad. Rupa Publications, 2017 9788129148391 xiv, 200 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.51 FOO 00083832 Thomas Paine Reader. Foot, Michael 1987 0140444963 536p UG Library
320.51 FOU 00089281 Birth of Biopolotics Foucault, Michel 2008 9781403986542 346p UG Library
320.51 FRE 05047284 Liberalism : Freeden, Michael. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199670437 (pbk.) New product edition. 143p.: Knowledge Centre
320.51 FUK 00146312 Liberalism and its discontents / Fukuyama, Francis. Profile Books Ltd, 2023 9781800810143 xiv, 178p. ; UG Library
320.51 FUK 10002419 Liberalism and its discontents / Fukuyama, Francis. Profile Books Ltd, 2023 9781800810143 xiv, 178p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.51 GRA 05004994 Enlightenment's wake : Gray, John, Routledge, 2007 9780415424042 xviii, 302 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.51 HAK 00053803 Rights, Communities and Disobedience: Liberalism and Gandhi Haksar, Vinit Oxford Unversity Press: 2001 9780195655131 198 p. UG Library
320.51 KEO 00035389 Liberalism and Its Critics Koerner, F Kirk Croom Helm 1985 9780709915515 396 p UG Library
320.51 KNA 00121748 Liberal Democracies at War : Andrew Knapp Bloomsbury, 2013 9781441146847 xii, 245 p ; UG Library
320.51 LAD 07007677 Reasonably radical : Laden, Anthony Simon, Cornell University Press, 2001 0801438314 (alk. paper) xii, 226 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.51 MAN 00027123 Liberalism. Manning, D J JMD 1982 174 P. UG Library
320.51 MEL 00140755 Dealing with diversity: Melidoro,Domenico Oxford University Press 2020 9780190121136 | 0190121130 167p UG Library
320.51 MIS 01017679 Liberalism : Von Mises, Ludwig, Liberty Fund, 2005 086597585X (alk. paper) | 0865 xxxi, 171 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.51 PAI 07008775 Common sense and other writings : Paine, Thomas, W. W. Norton & Co., 2012 9780393978704 (pbk.) 1st ed. xxxv, 306 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.51 PAI 00088742 Thomas Paine`s Rights of Man Paine`S, Thomas Manjul Publishing House 2008 9788183221047 158p UG Library
320.51 PAU 01009679 Liberalism : Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521703050 (pbk.) | 9780521703055 (pbk.) xv, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.51 RAW 01010839 The law of peoples ; Rawls, John, Harvard University Press, 1999 067400079X (alk. paper) viii, 199 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.51 SIG 07008710 Christianity and private law / Cochran Jr, Robert F., Routledge, 2021 9780367893460 xii, 307p, ; Library - BR Campus
320.51 SPE 01017774 The man versus the state : Spencer, Herbert, Liberty Classics, 1981 0913966975 : | 0913966983 (pbk xxxii, 531 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.51 WAL 00122267 The Cambridge companion to liberalism / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107439412 (paperback) x, 459 pages ; UG Library
320.51 WAL 05044741 The Cambridge companion to liberalism / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107439412 (paperback) x, 459 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.51 WAL 00125904 The Cambridge companion to liberalism / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107439412 (paperback) x, 459 pages ; UG Library
320.510917 SCH 00108284 Nationalism and liberal thought in the Arab East Shumann, Christoph Routledge, 2010 9780415554107 | 0415554101 (ha x, 198 p. : UG Library
320.51092 FRE 01013988 The Cambridge companion to Rawls / Cambridge University Press, 0521651670 (hardback) | 052165 xi, 585 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.51092 PAI 05074440 Political writings / Paine, Thomas, Cambridge University Press, 2000 0521660882 (hardback) | 0521667992 (pbk.) Rev. student ed. xxx, 347 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.51092 REI 01013381 John Rawls / Ashgate, 9780754627135 (hbk.) | 0754627 xxv, 606 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.510924 ALE 05007215 Matthew Arnold and John Stuart Mill / Alexander, Edward, Rjoutledge, 1966 9780415555500 313 p. Knowledge Centre
320.51095 WIJ 05046969 Liberal perspectives for South Asia / Cambridge University Press India under the imprint of Foundation Books, 2009 9788175966628 xix, 236 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.510954 BAY 00108727 Recovering liberties Bayly, C. A. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107013834 (hbk.) | 9781107 x, 383 p. ; UG Library
320.510954 GHO 00140364 Why I am a liberal : Ghose, Sagarika, Penguin 2018 9780670088973 | 0670088978 xlii, 397 pages ; UG Library
320.510954 RAM 00042500 Globalisation and Indian Liberalisation / Ramu S Shiva South Asia Publications, 1994 8170490669 400 p.; UG Library
320.510954 RAM 05055354 Globalisation and Indian Liberalisation / Ramu S Shiva South Asia Publications, 1994 8170490669 400 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.510954 YAD 07009027 Liberals in Indian politics : Yadav, Rakhi, Yking Books, 2016 9789385528026 | 9385528025 xv, 238 pages : Library - BR Campus
320.510973 BAD 05073829 Why white liberals fail : Badger, Anthony J., Harvard University Press, 2022 9780674242340 vii, 242 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.512 BAR 00101362 The Chomsky Effective: Barsky Robert.F Orient blackswan; 9788125037262 381 p. UG Library
320.512 BAR 01012484 The Chomsky effect : Barsky, Robert F. Orient BlackSwan 9788125037262 xviii, 381 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.512 BAS 00091954 The Chomsky effect : Barsky, Robert F. MIT Press, 9780262026246 (hardcover : alk xviii, 381 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.512 NEV 00120571 The politics of selfishness : Nevins, Paul L. Praeger, 2010 9780313393518 (hc : alk. paper xvi, 283 p. ; UG Library
320.512 PAT 01005103 Early modern liberalism / Patterson, Annabel M. Cambridge University Press, 1997 9780521026314 xi, 314 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.513 AND 00048683 The Fontana Postmodernism Reader Anderson, Walter Truett Fontana press 1996 9780006863700 236 p. UG Library
320.513 CHO 00057936 Profit Over People Chomsky, Noam Madhyam Books 1999 8186816100 175 p. UG Library
320.513 COK 00017930 Recent Political Thought Coker, Francis W The World Press 1966 370 p UG Library
320.513 HAL 00089203 Fighting for Political Freedom: Comparative Studies of the Legal and Complex and Political Liberalism Halliday, Terence C Hart 2007 9781841137681 508p UG Library
320.513 MAH 00015417 Recent Political Thought. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar S Chand 1975 XII,672 P. UG Library
320.513 PLA 00103942 The neo-liberal state. Plant, Raymond. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199281756 (hbk.) | 0199281 x, 283 p. ; UG Library
320.513 SLO 05059852 Globalists : Slobodian, Quinn, Harvard Business Review, 2018 9780674979529 x, 381 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.513 WIL 00130758 Neoliberalism / Wilson, Julie A., Routledge, 2018 9781138654624 (hardback) | 978 x, 246 pages : UG Library
320.513 WOL 00103815 The Future of Liberalism. Wolfe, Alan. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2010 0307386252 | 9780307386250 368 p. ; UG Library
320.5130973 CUM 05004065 Beyond political correctness : Cummings, Michael S., Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001 1555878636 (alk. paper) | 1588 x, 339 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.514 MUK 05059947 Twilight Falls on Liberalism / Mukherjee,Rudrangshu. Aleph, 2018 9789384067298 xii,161p.; Knowledge Centre
320.515 ALK 00147447 Revolution Beyond the Event: Al-Khalili, Charlotte UCL Press, 2023 9781800081192 xii,206p. ; UG Library
320.51MAR 01004821 Rawls's law of peoples : Blackwell Pub., 2006 1405135301 (alk. paper) | 9781405135306 (alk. paper) | 140513531X (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781405135313 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 322 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.52 ROB 07012844 The reactionary mind : Robin, Corey, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190692001 (bc) | 9780190842024 (bb) Second edition. xvii, 330 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.52 SCR 05048519 How to be a conservative / Scruton, Roger, Bloomsbury, 2014 9781472924001 | 1472903765 ix, 195 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.52 SCR 03011915 How to Be a Conservative / Scruton, Roger. Bloomsbury Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9781472903761 | 9781472924001 ix, 195 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.52 SED 00137675 Key thinkers of the radical right : Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190877583 (hardback) | 9780190877590 (paperback) | 9780190926793 (online content) xxvi, 325p.; UG Library
320.52 SIN 05045143 Gandhi and the Muslims of India : Singh, Amarjit Kanishka Publishers, 2015 xxxv, 419 p. Knowledge Centre
320.52 UPA 01024664 The Governors Guide : Upadhyay,S.S. Universal Law Publishing, 2017 9788131250679 xxxvi,621p.; Knowledge Centre
320.52 YAD 05061919 International Relations and World Politics / Yadava,Prem Chandra. R P Publications, 2017 9789382398516 v,312p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5209 DHA 00056108 Collected Writings: Panchayat Raj and India's Polity. Dharmpal Other India Press 2000 8185569495 UG Library
320.5209 WAT 00106650 Revolution, economics, and religion : Waterman, Anthony Michael C. Cambridge University Press, 1991 0521394473 | 9780521030380 xvi, 310 p. : UG Library
320.5209 WOD 00144746 The Politics of Fear : Wodak, Ruth, Sage publications, 2021 9781526499202 xvi,337p, ; UG Library
320.520954 BAL 10004503 Toward a free economy : Swatantra and opposition politics in democratic India / by Aditya Balasubramanian. Balasubramanian, Aditya [Author] Princeton University Press, 2023 9780691256573 xxi, 323 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.520954 DHA 05055375 Dharampal Collected Writings : Dharampal. Other India Press, 2000 8185569495 226p.; Knowledge Centre
320.520973 HAL 01013134 America alone : Halper, Stefan A. Cambridge University Press, 0521838347 (hardback) xii, 369 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.520973 WHI 05063924 The branding of right-wing activism : Costley White, Khadijah, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190879310 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780190879327 (paperback : alk. paper) xv, 266 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.523 BOW 00082235 Post-Marxism Versusultural Studies: Bowman, Paull Edinburgh University Press Ltd 2007 9780748617623 228 UG Library
320.5230954 BHU 01014315 Naxalism : Discovery Publishign House, 9788183565974 143 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5230954 CHA 00106815 Naxalism: A Threat to Indian Internal security Chatterjee Souvik Swastik Publications: 2012 9789381084168 264, p. UG Library
320.53 ARE 00133900 The Origins of Totalitarianism: Arenat, Hannah, Penguin books, 2017 9780241316757 xviii,705 p.; UG Library
320.53 COL 00068430 Anti Chomsky Reader Horowitz, David Multilingual Matters Limited 2005 8130901218 260p UG Library
320.53 DIE 05038769 Encountering Althusser : Continuum International Pub. Group, 2013 9781441152138 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 382 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.53 MAN 00142957 The politics of social democracy : Manwaring, Rob Routledge, 2021 9780367135447 xiv,295p.; UG Library
320.53 MAR 05065683 Non democratic politics : Marquez, Xavier. Palgrave, 2017 9781137486301 xiii,273p.; Knowledge Centre
320.53 OLA 00089400 Politics of Extremism in South Asia Olappally, Deepa M 2008 9780521749077 239p UG Library
320.53 PAU 05032868 The Maoist Movement In India : Routledge, 2013 9780415634069 xxv273p.; Knowledge Centre
320.53 RED 00119227 Totalitarianism, Globalization, Colonialism : Redner, Harry. Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412853972 xxii, 331 p ; UG Library
320.53 RED 07009308 Totalitarianism, Globalization, Colonialism : Redner, Harry. Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412853972 xxii, 331 p ; Library - BR Campus
320.53 STO 10004518 We are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendt's lessons in Love and Disobedience/ by Layndsey Stonebridge Stonebridge, Lyndsey [Author] Jonathan Cape, 2024 9781787332522 xiii,290 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.53 SVO 00110883 The politics of authoritarian rule Svolik, Milan W., Cambridge University Press 2012 9781107024793 (hardback) | 978 xviii, 228 pages UG Library
320.53 TOS 00131400 Fanaticism : Toscano,Alberto verso, 2017 9781786630544 xxvi,328 p.; UG Library
320.53020954 GUP 00087542 Communism and Nationalism in Colonial India, 1939-45 Gupta, D N 2008 9780761936367 282p UG Library
320.530942 GAN 00084877 Affective Communities:Anticolonial Thought and the Politics of Frindship . Gandhi, Leela Permanent Black 2006 8178241641 254 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.530942 GAN 00107689 Affective Communities:Anticolonial Thought and the Politics of Frindship . Gandhi, Leela Permanent Black 2006 8178241641 254 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.530942 GAN 00085243 Affective Communities:Anticolonial Thought and the Politics of Frindship . Gandhi, Leela Permanent Black 2006 8178241641 254 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.530942 GAN 00086122 Affective Communities:Anticolonial Thought and the Politics of Frindship . Gandhi, Leela Permanent Black 2006 8178241641 254 p UG Library
320.5309420934GAN 01007346 Affective Communities: Anticolonial Thought and the Politics of Friendship(law Lib0 Leela Gandhi Permanent Black 8178241641 254p. Knowledge Centre
320.530954 OLL 00088310 Politics of Extremism in South Asia Ollapally, Deepa M 2008 9780521749077 239p UG Library
320.530954 OLL 01013146 Politics of Extremism in South Asia (law Lib) Deepa M Ollapally Cambridge University Press 9780521749077 239p Knowledge Centre
320.530954OLL 01011097 Politics of Extremism in South Asia (law Lib) Deepa M Ollapally Cambridge University Press 9780521749077 239p Knowledge Centre
320.530959 HAS 10005230 Radicalization In South Asia : Hasan, Mubashar. Sage, 2019 9789353285487 xiii, 350p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.530959 HAS 00139778 Radicalization In South Asia : Hasan, Mubashar. Sage, 2019 9789353285487 xiii, 350p.; UG Library
320.530959 HAS 05067599 Radicalization In South Asia : Hasan, Mubashar. Sage, 2019 9789353285487 xiii, 350p.; Knowledge Centre
320.530959 HAS 00138153 Radicalization In South Asia : Hasan, Mubashar. Sage, 2019 9789353285487 xiii, 350p.; UG Library
320.531 GAN 00003571 Socialism of May Conception by M K Gandhi. Gandhi, M K BVB 1966 290 P. UG Library
320.531 KAP 00044616 Future of Socialism and Socialism of the Future Kappen, S. Vishal 1992 65 p. UG Library
320.531 MES 01011755 Challenge and Burden of Historical Time: Meszaros,Istvan Aakar Books 9788189833794 479.; Knowledge Centre
320.531 SAS 00102750 One Hundred Years Of Socialism : Sassoon, Donald I B Tauris, 9781848852976 xxxiii, 965 p. UG Library
320.531 SEA 05069500 Socialism 101 : Sears, Kathleen. Adams Media, 2019 9781507211366 254p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5310 NAM 00094685 History, society, and land relations : Namboodiripad, E. M. S., LeftWord Books, 9788187496922 (pbk.) | 8187496 239 p. ; UG Library
320.5310 NAM 00099871 The Frontline years : Namboodiripad, E. M. S., Leftword Books, 9788187496939 236 p. ; UG Library
320.5310 NAM 00095649 The Frontline years : Namboodiripad, E. M. S., Leftword Books, 9788187496939 236 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.531092 WIL 01021840 Politics and letters : Williams, Raymond. Verso, 2015 1784780154 | 9781784780159 xiv, 444 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5310954 SHU 07010102 Problems of Naxalism in India : Shukla N.P Navyug Books International, 2015 9789382974260 248p.: Library - BR Campus
320.5310954FRA 01003928 India`s Political Economy 1947-2004(law Lib) Francine R Frankel Oxford University Press 0019568379 819p Knowledge Centre
320.5310954FRA 01003193 India`s Political Economy 1947-2004(law Lib) Francine R Frankel Oxford University Press 0019568379 819p Knowledge Centre
320.5310954FRA 01005319 India`s Political Economy 1947-2004(law Lib) Francine R Frankel Oxford University Press 0019568379 819p Knowledge Centre
320.5310954FRA 01005318 India`s Political Economy 1947-2004(law Lib) Francine R Frankel Oxford University Press 0019568379 819p Knowledge Centre
320.531095LEW 01005374 India`s Political Economy: Governance and Reform(law Lib.) John P Lewis Oxford University Press 0195642708 401p Knowledge Centre
320.531095LEW 01003194 India`s Political Economy: Governance and Reform(law Lib.) John P Lewis Oxford University Press 0195642708 401p Knowledge Centre
320.5315 DRA 07008590 Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Draper, Hal Aakar Publication, 2011 9789350021385 732p. Library - BR Campus
320.5315 DRA 07008591 Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Draper, Hal Aakar Publication, 2011 9789350021385 732p. Library - BR Campus
320.5315 DRA 07008592 Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Draper, Hal Aakar Publication, 2011 9789350021385 732p. Library - BR Campus
320.5315 DRA 07008593 Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Draper, Hal Aakar Publication, 2011 9789350021385 732p. Library - BR Campus
320.5315 DRA 07008594 Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution Draper, Hal Aakar Publication, 2011 9789350021385 732p. Library - BR Campus
320.5315 KOL 05055353 Main Currents of Marxism / Kolakowski, Leszek. 1989 0192851071 433p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5315 KOL 00038340 Main Currents of Marxism / Kolakowski, Leszek. 1989 0192851071 433p.; UG Library
320.5315 KOL 00038339 Main Currents of Marxism / Kolakowski, Leszek. 1989 0192851071 433p.; UG Library
320.5315 KOL 07005228 Main Currents of Marxism / Kolakowski, Leszek. 1989 0192851071 433p.; Library - BR Campus
320.5315 LEF 01011738 The Explosion: Lefebvre,Henri Aakar books 9789350020029 157p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5315 MOD 00058850 Democracy and Good Governance Modi,Ranjan Mangal Deep Publications 2004 8175941375 225 p. UG Library
320.5315 MOD 00062320 Democracy and Good Governance Modi,Ranjan Mangal Deep Publications 2004 8175941375 225 p. UG Library
320.5315 MUS 05058775 Marx for today / Routledge, 2018 9781138565685 ix,239p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5315 WAY 01006183 Understanding Film: Marxist Perspectives(law Lib) Mike Wayne Pluto Press 0745319920 253p Knowledge Centre
320.531503 BOT 00026833 Dictionary of Marxist Thought. Bottomore, Tom BWR 1984 588 P. UG Library
320.5315FER 01011434 Louis Althusser (law Lib) Luke Ferretter ROUTLEDGE 0415327326 162p Knowledge Centre
320.532 AGW 00004320 Communism in the Arab East Agwani M S Asia Publishing House 1969 258 p UG Library
320.532 ANI 05058778 Marxism and world politics : Routledge, 2010 9781138565487 viii, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.532 BER 00033380 Power and Policy in Communist Systems Bertsch K Gary John Wiley & Sons 1978 047102709X 184 p UG Library
320.532 BOS 00099866 Maosm: Bose Prasenjit Leftword 9788187496618 112P Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.532 BOS 01021915 The actuality of communism / Bosteels, Bruno. Verso Books, 2011 9781844676958 | 1844676951 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.532 BOS 00095687 Maosm: Bose Prasenjit Leftword 9788187496618 112P UG Library
320.532 BOW 01013223 Post-Marxism versus cultural studies : Bowman, Paul, Edinburgh University Press, 0748617620 | 9780748617623 xviii, 228 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.532 CHA 07007857 Communism in India : Chakrabarty,Bidyut. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199458318 xv,314p.; Library - BR Campus
320.532 GHA 00143367 Fractured Freedom: Ghandy, Kobad Roli Books 2021 9788194969167 294p UG Library
320.532 GUP 00099901 Left politics in Bengal : Gupta, Monobina. Orient Blackswan, 9788125040248 (pbk.) xvi, 272 p. ; UG Library
320.532 GUP 07004477 Left politics in Bengal : Gupta, Monobina. Orient Blackswan, 9788125040248 (pbk.) xvi, 272 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.532 HAR 04012127 Comrades : Harvey, Robert, John Murray, 2003 0719561477 xvi, 422 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.532 HOL 00101765 Communism : Holmes, Leslie Oxford University Press , 9780199551545 155 p. UG Library
320.532 HOL 00100913 Communism : Holmes, Leslie Oxford University Press , 9780199551545 155 p. UG Library
320.532 HUD 00005819 Fifty Years of Communism - Theory and Practice 1917-1967 Hudson G F Penguin Books 1968 228 p UG Library
320.532 HYD 00033451 Communism Today Hyde Douglas University of Notre Dame Press 1968 0268004935 173 p UG Library
320.532 KAR 00078358 A World to Win Ahmad, Aijaz Left Word 1999 8187496010 2nd Ed. 149 p. UG Library
320.532 LAS 00003530 Communist Manifesto Socialist Landmark Laski, Harold D. George Allen and Unwin Ltd 1961 165 P. UG Library
320.532 LEN 00033421 The Proletarian Revolution and The Renegade Kautsky Lenin V I Language Publishing House 1965 143 p UG Library
320.532 LEO 00033440 Three Faces Of Marxism Leonhard, Wolfganf Caprixorn Books 1970 498 P. UG Library
320.532 MIL 00005818 The Marxists Mills Wright C Penguin Books 1962 460 p UG Library
320.532 MIL 00087952 Power Elite Mills, C Wright 2008 423p UG Library
320.532 MOH 00019769 Revolutionary Violence - A Study of the Maoist Movement in India Mohanty Manoranajan Sterling Publishers 1977 266 p UG Library
320.532 NAV 00110973 Days and nights in the heartland of rebellion Navlakha,Gautam. Penguin Books, 2012 9780143416500 xvi, 247 p. UG Library
320.532 PRI 01011768 The red flag : Priestland, David. Allen Lane/Penguin Books, 0713994819 (hbk.) | 9780713994 xxvii, 675 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
320.532 RUS 00003522 The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism Russell Bertrand George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1962 128 p UG Library
320.532 SAK 00068426 Postcommunism Sakwa, Richard Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176492787 153p UG Library
320.532 WES 00033437 Communism and Communist Systems Wesson, G Robert Prentice-HaIl 1978 0131534378 288 p UG Library
320.53209 SIN 00133627 Gender and radical politics in India : Sinha Roy, Mallarika. Routledge, 2011 9780415562355 (hardback) | 041556235X (hardback) | 9780203845950 (ebook) | 0203845951 (ebook) | 9781138095151 xiv, 210 p. ; UG Library
320.53209 KLO 01012233 The development of Plato's political theory / Klosko, George. Oxford University Press, 0199279950 | 0199279969 (pbk.) xvi, 287 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.53209 THO 00066547 The Communist Movement Since 1945 Thompson Willie Blackwell Publishers 1998 0631199713 262 p UG Library
320.532095 DIM 00112803 Why communism did not collapse : Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107035539 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 375 pages : UG Library
320.532095 DIM 00117688 Why communism did not collapse Dimitrov, Martin K. Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107035539 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 375 p. ; UG Library
320.5320954 AHL 03011934 Red Revolution 2020 and Beyond : Ahluwalia, V. K. Bloomsbury Pub. India, 2013 9789382951285 | 9382951288 xx, 276 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.5320954 CHA 01021128 Communism in India : Chakrabarty,Bidyut. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199458318 xv,314p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5320954 GUP 01011844 Communism and Nationalism in Colonial India, 1939-45 (law Lib) D N Gupta Sage Publications 9780761936367 282p Knowledge Centre
320.5320954 GUP 01011425 Communism and Nationalism in Colonial India, 1939-45 (law Lib) D N Gupta Sage Publications 9780761936367 282p Knowledge Centre
320.5320954 KAN 05072591 Naxal Violence : Kanwal, Gurmeet., ed. KW Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2012 9789381904152 xiii, 247p., ; Knowledge Centre
320.5320954 LOV 05064806 Maoism : Lovell, Julia The Bodley Head, 2019 9781847922502 606p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5320954 PAN 04016211 Hello Baster Pandith,Rahul. Tranquerbar press. 2011 9789380658346 x; 202 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.5320954 PRA 05058098 No free left : Prashad, Vijay, Left Word, 2015 9789380118277 378 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.5320954 RUD 00069855 Postmodern Gandhi and Other Essays Gandhi in the World and at Home Rudolph, Lioyd I 2006 0195672755 252p UG Library
320.5320954 VER 00129257 Underdevelopment and Naxalism in India : Verma, Smita., ed. Rawat 2018 9788131609316 243p. UG Library
320.5320954 VER 05057784 Underdevelopment and Naxalism in India : Verma, Smita., ed. Rawat 2018 9788131609316 243p. Knowledge Centre
320.5320954 VER 00129485 Underdevelopment and Naxalism in India : Verma, Smita., ed. Rawat 2018 9788131609316 243p. UG Library
320.532095414 ROY 05045734 Cultural communism in Bengal, 1936-1952 / Rāẏa, Anurādhā, Primus Books, 2014 9789380607887 | 9380607881 415 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.5322 GRA 00084995 Selections from the Prison Notebooks Gramsci, Antonio Orient Longman, 2004 9788125006978 483p. ; UG Library
320.5322 GRA 00085652 Selections from the Prison Notebooks Gramsci, Antonio Orient Longman, 2004 9788125006978 483p. ; UG Library
320.5322 GRA 00053826 Selections from the Prison Notebooks Gramsci, Antonio Orient Longman, 2004 9788125006978 483p. ; UG Library
320.5322 GRA 00087685 Selections from the Prison Notebooks Gramsci, Antonio Orient Longman, 2004 9788125006978 483p. ; UG Library
320.5322 GUP 00087956 Marxism and Poltical Economy of Socialism: Experience of Soviet and East European Economies Gupta, Das, K K STERLING 2008 428p UG Library
320.5322 MAN 00033428 Essential Works of Marxism Mandel P Arthur Bantam Books 1977 0553108360 598 p UG Library
320.5322 MIL 00024016 Marxism and Politics Miliband, Ralph Oxford University 1981 198 p UG Library
320.5322 MIL 00025547 The Marxists Mills C Wright Penguin Books 1984 0140206272 464 p UG Library
320.5322 NEG 00068237 Negri Time for Revolution Mandarini, Matteo 2005 0826479316 271p UG Library
320.5322 RAM 05032906 Everyman's War : Raman Raghu Random House India, 2013 9788184004267 214p.: Knowledge Centre
320.5322 RAM 05032907 Everyman's War : Raman Raghu Random House India, 2013 9788184004267 214p.: Knowledge Centre
320.5322 WOL 00009361 Marxism - One Hundred Years in the Life of a Doctrine Wolfe Bertram D Higgin Bothams Pvt Ltd 1968 499 p UG Library
320.5322095415 BHA 05066776 Radical politics and governance in India's North East : Bhattacharyya, Harihar, Routledge, 2018 9780367025427 xv, 252 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.53230954 RAY 05018022 The Naxalites and their Ideology / Ray Rabindra Oxford University Press, 2011 9780198077381 3rd ed xvii,244 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.53230954 SIN 05035220 The naxalite movement in India / Singh, Prakash. Rupa.Co 1995 8171672949 : | 9788171672943 318 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.532BAS 01003153 Community Conflicts and the State in India (law Library) Amrita Basu Oxford University Press 0195652142 287p Knowledge Centre
320.533 FIN 05059598 From fascism to populism in history / Finchelstein, Federico, University of California Press, 2017 9780520295193 (cloth : alk. pa xx,328p.; Knowledge Centre
320.533 FUC 05072886 Digital fascism / Fuchs, Christian, Routledge, 2022 9781032187617 | 9781032187600 xiii, 330p, : Knowledge Centre
320.533 GOL 00089688 Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning Goldberg, Jonah 2007 9780141039503 487p. UG Library
320.533 GRE 05057104 The search for neofascism : Gregor, A. James Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521859204 (hardback) | 052167 xii, 306 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.533 GRE 01012072 Nazism Oxford University Press, 0192892819 (alk. paper) xi, 462 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.533 GRI 05062315 Fascism / Griffin, Roger, Polity : 2018 9781509520671 | 9781509520688 vii, 179 p . : Knowledge Centre
320.533 GRI 01004866 Fascism / Griffin,Roger. Oxford University Press, 1995 9780192892492 366p.; Knowledge Centre
320.533 GRI 00100915 Fascism / Griffin, Roger Oxford University Press, 0192892495 xvii, 410 p. ; UG Library
320.533 HAY 01006389 Fascism Hayes, Paul M. Allen & Unwin 1973 0043200893 | 0043200907 (pbk.) 260 p. Knowledge Centre
320.533 HOO 05064730 Fascism : Hood, Stuart. Ominibus Center, 2013 9781848316126 173p.; Knowledge Centre
320.533 KOV 05007854 Resistible Rise : Koves,Margit. Left Word Books 2005 8187496517 325p.; Knowledge Centre
320.533 KOV 01011786 Resistible Rise : Koves,Margit. Left Word Books 2005 8187496517 325p.; Knowledge Centre
320.533 PAS 00125085 Fascism : Passmore, Kevin. 9780199685363 (pbk.) Second edition. xiv, 162 pages : UG Library
320.533 REN 00090666 Fascism: Theory and Practice Renton, Dave Aakar Books 2008 9788189833312 150p UG Library
320.5330 MAT 00143609 Life Trajectories into and Out of Contemporary Neo-Nazism : Mattssosn, Christer. Routledge, 2021 9781032088075 xi,161p,; UG Library
320.533019 REI 00083744 The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Reich, Wilhelm 1970 0374508844 400p UG Library
320.53309 ALB 00138632 Fascism : Albright, Madeleine. William Collins, 2018 9780008282264 288p.; UG Library
320.53309 ALB 05066564 Fascism : Albright, Madeleine. William Collins, 2018 9780008282264 288p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5330954 PEN 01013267 Fascism and Communalism Consideration / Pendse,Sandeep Centre for Education and Documentation, 2007 167p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 TAG 00140409 Nationalism Tagore Rabindranath Rupa & Co 1994 104 p UG Library
320.54 AND 00023056 Nationality Question in India : Seminar Papers Andhra Paradesh Radical Students Union Andhra Paradesh Radical Students Union 1982 220 p UG Library
320.54 AND 00056281 Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin & Spread of Nationalism Anderson, Benedict 1991 219p UG Library
320.54 AND 00084122 Imagined Communities:Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism . Anderson, Benedict 1991 0860915468 224p UG Library
320.54 AND 05045835 Imagined Communities : Anderson Benedict Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607503 xv,240p.: Knowledge Centre
320.54 AND 07004973 Imagined communities : Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. Verso, 2006 9781844670864 | 1844670864 Rev. ed. xv, 240 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.54 AND 07005334 Imagined Communities : Anderson Benedict Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607503 xv,240p.: Library - BR Campus
320.54 AUR 00085843 Nationalism, Religion, and Beyond: Writings on Politics, Society, and Culture Aurobindo, Sri Permanent Black 2005 8178241390 364 p UG Library
320.54 AUR 01000888 Nationalism, Religion and Beyond : Shri Aurobindo Permanent Black, 2005 9788178241395 ix,364p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 AUR 01007207 Nationalism, Religion and Beyond : Shri Aurobindo Permanent Black, 2005 9788178241395 ix,364p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 AXM 00089424 Back to the Future: The Khanate of Kalat and the Genesis of Baloch Nationalism 1915-1955 Axmann, Martin 2008 9780195476453 336p UG Library
320.54 BAG 01000947 Nationalism : Bagulia,Abdul Mannan. Anmol, 2006 288p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 BAL 05041186 Mapping the nation / Verso, 2012 9781781680001 (hbk.) | 1781680 vi, 329 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 BAN 07004336 Demography And Democracy : Bannerji Himani Orient Blackswan pvt Ltd, 2011 9788125042921 x,274 p.; Library - BR Campus
320.54 BAN 05049095 Demography And Democracy : Bannerji Himani Orient Blackswan pvt Ltd, 2011 9788125042921 x,274 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 BAN 00107699 Demography And Democracy : Bannerji Himani Orient Blackswan pvt Ltd, 2011 9788125042921 x,274 p.; UG Library
320.54 BAV 00104736 Elite and Everyman Bavlskar, Amita. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2011 9780415677981 xii: 468 P. UG Library
320.54 BEI 01008060 Theorizing nationalism / State University of New York Press, 1999 0791440656 | 0791440664 (pbk.) viii, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 BEN 00133284 Really existing nationalisms : Benner, Erica, Verso 2018 1786634783 (pbk) | 9781786634788 (pbk) Paperback edition. viii, 266 pages ; UG Library
320.54 BHA 00095386 Heterotopias Nationalism and the Possibility Of History in South Asia Bhagavan Manu Oxford University Press 9780198066927 203p UG Library
320.54 BIL 05045769 Banal nationalism / Billig, Michael. Sage, 1995 0803975244 | 0803975252 (pbk.) 200p.: Knowledge Centre
320.54 BOS 01003150 Nationalism, Democracy & Development : Bose,Sugata. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195644425 206p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 BRA 00053922 Ethnicity and Nationalism Brass, R. Paul Sage Publications 1991 8170362393 358 p. UG Library
320.54 BRA 00056299 Ethnicity and Nationalism Brass, R. Paul Sage Publications 1991 8170362393 358 p. UG Library
320.54 CHA 00093755 Empire and nation Chatterjee, Partha Permanent black 9788178242675 368p UG Library
320.54 CHA 00040075 Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India Bipan Chandra Orient Longman 1979 402 p UG Library
320.54 CHA 00085674 The Politics of The Governed Chatterjee,Partha Permanent Black 2004 0817824148 | 9788178241487 173 p. UG Library
320.54 CHA 00086106 The Politics of The Governed Chatterjee,Partha Permanent Black 2004 0817824148 | 9788178241487 173 p. UG Library
320.54 CHA 00079228 The Politics of The Governed Chatterjee,Partha Permanent Black 2004 0817824148 | 9788178241487 173 p. UG Library
320.54 CHA 07005007 Omnibus Chatterjee,Partha Oxford University Press 1999 0195651561 | 9780195651560 301 p. Library - BR Campus
320.54 CHA 00099896 Empire & Nation: Chatterjee, Partha Permanent Black, 8788178242675 vii, 368 p. UG Library
320.54 CHA 00077072 The Politics of The Governed Chatterjee,Partha Permanent Black 2004 0817824148 | 9788178241487 173 p. UG Library
320.54 CHA 00145191 Nations and National Isms: Chakraborty, Kaustav Orient Blackswan 2021 9789354420566 190p UG Library
320.54 CHA 00048678 Nation and Its Fragments Chatterjee, Partha Oxford University Press 1993 0019563747 | 9780195637472 281 p. UG Library
320.54 CHA 00053815 Omnibus Chatterjee,Partha Oxford University Press 1999 0195651561 | 9780195651560 301 p. UG Library
320.54 CHE 00093746 Pathways of dissent : SAGE, 9788132102229 (hard back) | 81 xlvii, 283 p. ; UG Library
320.54 COA 00124376 Nationalism, Ethnicity & the State John Coakley SAGE, 2012 9781446247433 xi, 308 p.: UG Library
320.54 COA 07007673 Nationalism, Ethnicity & the State John Coakley SAGE, 2012 9781446247433 xi, 308 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.54 DAS 00096303 India Invented Das, Arvind N. Manohar Publishers & Distributers, 8173040818 270 p. UG Library
320.54 DEL 01007487 Sage Handbook of Nations and Nationlism SAGE Publication 577p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 DEM 00081611 Women & the Nation;s Narrative; Gender and Nationalism in Twentieth Century Srilanka De Mel, Nelouffer Kali for Women 2001 8186706410 293p UG Library
320.54 DES 00044615 Social Background of Indian Nationalism Desai, A. R. Popular Prakashan 1976 5th Ed. 455 P. UG Library
320.54 DES 00027307 Social Background of Indian Nationalism Desai, A. R. Popular Prakashan 1976 5th Ed. 455 P. UG Library
320.54 DES 00016670 Social Background of Indian Nationalism Desai, A. R. Popular Prakashan 1976 5th Ed. 455 P. UG Library
320.54 FAN 00023051 The Wretched of The Earth Fanon, Frantz Penguin 1982 260 P. UG Library
320.54 GIL 01008061 The philosophy of nationalism / Gilbert, Paul, Westview Press, 1998 0813330831 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 081333084X (pbk.) vii, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 GRO 01016438 Nationalism : Grosby,Steven. Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195687187 142p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 GRO 05047289 Nationalism : Grosby, Steven Elliott, Oxford University Press, 2005 142 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.54 GRO 00083946 Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction. Grosby, Steven 2007 0195687183 142p UG Library
320.54 GRO 00085474 Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction. Grosby, Steven 2007 0195687183 142p UG Library
320.54 HAB 00107041 The National Movement Habib,Irfan Tulika Books 2011 9788189487829 vii;119 P. UG Library
320.54 HAL 00108802 Nationalism and globalisation : Halikipoulou,Daphne Routledge, 2011 9780415581974 | 9780415581974 ix, 197 p. ; UG Library
320.54 HAL 01019787 Nationalism and globalisation : Halikipoulou,Daphne Routledge, 2011 9780415581974 | 9780415581974 ix, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 HAN 01003182 The Saffron Wave : Hansen,Thomas Blom. Oxford University Press, 2001 9780195656138 293p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 HAR 00022997 Peasant Nationalists of Gujarat - Kheda District 1917-1934 Hardiman, David Oxford University Press 1981 0195612558 308 p UG Library
320.54 HAR 00084563 Histories for the Subordinated Hardiman, David Permanent Black 2006 8178240998 392p UG Library
320.54 HAR 00087304 Histories for the Subordinated Hardiman, David Permanent Black 2006 8178240998 392p UG Library
320.54 HAR 01013552 Nationalism : Harris,Erika Edinburgh University Press, 2009 9780748615599 214p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 HAS 01012532 Between modernity and nationalism : Hasan, Mushirul. Oxford University Press, 9780198063322 | 0198063326 xii, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.54 HAS 00110692 Congress After Indira : Hasan, Zoya. Oxford University Press 2012 9780195685978 | 9780195685978 xiii, 256 pages ; UG Library
320.54 HEA 01006599 Rethinking nationalism : Hearn, Jonathan. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 140391897X (alk. paper) | 1403918988 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781403918970 (alk. paper) | 9781403918987 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.54 HEC 01023231 Containing nationalism / Hechter, Michael. Oxford University Press, 2000 9780191599460 (ebook) : | 9780 vii,256p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 HER 00108099 Nations and nationalism Herb,Guntram H. ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781851099078 | 1851099077 (al xx, 1863, 63 p. UG Library
320.54 HER 00108100 Nations and nationalism Herb,Guntram H. ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781851099078 | 1851099077 (al xx, 1863, 63 p. UG Library
320.54 HER 00108101 Nations and nationalism Herb,Guntram H. ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781851099078 | 1851099077 (al xx, 1863, 63 p. UG Library
320.54 HER 00108102 Nations and nationalism Herb,Guntram H. ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781851099078 | 1851099077 (al xx, 1863, 63 p. UG Library
320.54 HER 05008993 Nations and nationalism Herb,Guntram H. ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781851099078 | 1851099077 (al xx, 1863, 63 p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 HER 05008994 Nations and nationalism Herb,Guntram H. ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781851099078 | 1851099077 (al xx, 1863, 63 p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 HER 05008995 Nations and nationalism Herb,Guntram H. ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781851099078 | 1851099077 (al xx, 1863, 63 p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 HER 05008996 Nations and nationalism Herb,Guntram H. ABC-CLIO, 2008 9781851099078 | 1851099077 (al xx, 1863, 63 p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 HOB 10001731 On nationalism / Hobsbawm, Eric. Abacus, 2022 9780349143507 xxvi, 363 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.54 HOB 05073345 On nationalism / Hobsbawm, Eric. Abacus, 2022 9780349143507 xxvi, 363 p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 HOB 00054882 Nations and Nationalism Since 1780 Hobsbawm, E. J. Cambridge University Press 2000 0521439612 | 9780521439619 206 p. UG Library
320.54 HOB 00048690 Nations and Nationalism Since 1780 Hobsbawm, E. J. 2nd Ed. 1992 0521439612 | 9780521439619 206 p. UG Library
320.54 HUT 00090232 Nationalism Hutchinson, John Oxford 2008 9780192892607 378p UG Library
320.54 HUT 01013875 Nationalism / Oxford University Press, 0192892606 : | 9780192892607 xi, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.54 ILA 00081638 Buffalo Nationalism a Critique of Spiritual Fascism Ilaiah, Kancha Stree 2007 0818560469 206p UG Library
320.54 JAF 01012122 Hindu Nationalism : Jaffrelot,Christole Permanent Black, 2007 9788178242651 391p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 JOI 00092419 Nationalism and political identity / Joireman, Sandra Fullerton. Continuum, 2003 0826465900 (hardback) | 978184 viii, 163 p. : UG Library
320.54 JOI 07007729 Nationalism and political identity / Joireman, Sandra Fullerton. Continuum, 2003 0826465900 (hardback) | 978184 viii, 163 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.54 JOI 01004845 Nationalism and Political Identity / Joireman,Sandra F. Viva Books, 2007 9781846840814 163p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 JUE 00046276 Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State Juergensmeyer, Mark Oxford University Press 1998 0195640810 | 9780195640816 292 p. UG Library
320.54 KED 01008172 Nationalism / Kedourie,Elie. Blackwell Publishing, 1993 9780631188858 154p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 KIS 01003279 Religion at the service of nationalism and other essays / Kishwar, Madhu. Oxford University Press, 2001 9780195657999 xix, 323 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 KUM 07013907 Rethinking State Politics in India/ Kumar,Ashutosh Routledge, 2017 9781138282834 xiii,491 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.54 LAI 00091377 Nations, states, and violence / Laitin, David D. Oxford University Press, 9780199228232 (alk. paper) | 0 xv, 162 p. : UG Library
320.54 LEB 05057380 National identities and international relations / Lebow, Ned, Richard., Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107166301 ix, 270p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 LEO 00084709 Nationalism and Ethnosymbolism: History, Culture and Ethnicity in the Formation of Nations Leoussi, Athena S 2007 9780748621132 343p UG Library
320.54 LEO 01006181 Nationalism and Ethnosymbolism : Leoussi,Athena S. Edinburgh University, 2007 9780748621132 343p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 LEO 01007681 Nationalism and Ethnosymbolism : Leoussi,Athena S. Edinburgh University, 2007 9780748621132 343p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 LEO 00085115 Nationality and Nationalism.Vol.1, 2, 3, 4 Leoussi, Athena S I.B Tauris 2004 1860649300 pv UG Library
320.54 LEO 00085116 Nationality and Nationalism.Vol.1, 2, 3, 4 Leoussi, Athena S I.B Tauris 2004 1860649300 pv UG Library
320.54 LEO 00085117 Nationality and Nationalism.Vol.1, 2, 3, 4 Leoussi, Athena S I.B Tauris 2004 1860649300 pv UG Library
320.54 LEO 00085118 Nationality and Nationalism.Vol.1, 2, 3, 4 Leoussi, Athena S I.B Tauris 2004 1860649300 pv UG Library
320.54 LUX 01011736 National Question : Luxemberg,Rosa. Aakar Books, 2009 9789350020050 320p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 MAD 01008745 Composite Nationalism and Islam / Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani Manohar, 2007 9788173045905 152p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 MAD 00139751 Because India Comes First: Madhav,Ram Westland Publications 2020 9789389648768 285 Paages UG Library
320.54 MAI 00122021 Politics, Culture and Society Maiti, Prasenjit Rajat Publications, 2014 9788178805092 x, 283 p:. UG Library
320.54 MAL 01027909 Grounded nationalisms : Malešević, Siniša, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108441247 (pbk.) | 9781108425162 (alk. paper) ix,312p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 MIL 00048670 On Nationality Miller, David Clarendon Press 1997 0198293569 | 9780198293569 210 p. UG Library
320.54 MOC 05010844 Symbols of defeat in the construction of national identity / Mock, Steven J., Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107013360 viii, 297 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 MON 01007296 Nationalism and post-colonial identity : Mondal, Anshuman A. RoutledgeCurzon, 2003 9780415314152 xii, 288 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 MOS 00128034 Nations and Nationalism in theTheology of Karl Barth / Moseley, Carys. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199668922 | 0199668922 1st ed. vii, 219 p. ; UG Library
320.54 MOS 00130234 Nations and Nationalism in theTheology of Karl Barth / Moseley, Carys. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199668922 | 0199668922 1st ed. vii, 219 p. ; UG Library
320.54 NAN 00067837 Return from Exile Nandy, Ashis Oxford University Press 2001 0195641787 | 9780195641783 275 p. UG Library
320.54 NAN 00053812 Return from Exile Nandy, Ashis Oxford University Press 2001 0195641787 | 9780195641783 275 p. UG Library
320.54 NAU 00079857 Nationalism Singh, Naunihal Mittal Publications 2006 8183241603 233p UG Library
320.54 OXF 01003173 The Partha Chatterjee omnibus. Chatterjee, Partha, Oxford University Press, 1999 9780195651560 x, 181, 282, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 OXF 01003932 The Partha Chatterjee omnibus. Chatterjee, Partha, Oxford University Press, 1999 9780195651560 x, 181, 282, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 PAN 01008741 Forging of Nationhood / Pandey,Gyanendra. Manohar, 2003 8173044252 303p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 PET 05074753 Indian Foreign Policy and Cultural Values / Pethiyagoda, Kadira. Rawat Publications, | Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 9783031469510 xxiii, 359p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 PUR 07007674 Encountering Nationalism Puri, Jyoti Blackwell 2004 9780631231066 248p Library - BR Campus
320.54 PUR 00084260 Encountering Nationalism Puri, Jyoti Blackwell 2004 9780631231066 248p UG Library
320.54 PUR 00083650 Encountering Nationalism Pure, Jyothi 0631231064 248p UG Library
320.54 RAD 01007355 Between identity and location : Radhakrishnan, R. Orient Longman, 2007 9788125031567 | 8125031561 xxv, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 RAD 00099892 Between identity and location : Radhakrishnan, R. Orient Longman, 9788125031567 | 8125031561 xxv, 249 p. ; UG Library
320.54 RAD 00094436 Between Identity And Location Radhakrishnan R Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd. 9788125031567 249p UG Library
320.54 RID 05059507 Reanimating regions : Routledge, 2017 9781138931534 (hardback) xxix,314p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 ROY 00091920 Beyond belief : Roy, Srirupa. Duke University Press, 2007 9780822339847 (cloth : alk. pa xiii, 248 p. : UG Library
320.54 SHO 05061124 Anita gets bail : Shourie, Arun, Harper Collins, 2018 9352777778 | 9789352777778 x, 277 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 SMI 00088172 Nationalim: Theory, Ideology, History Smith, Antony D 2005 0745633390 182p UG Library
320.54 SPI 07012626 Nationalism and the imagination / Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty Seagull Publication, 2015 9780857423184 84p.; Library - BR Campus
320.54 SPI 00107066 Nationalism and The Imagination Spivak Chakravorty Gayatri Seagull Books: 2010 9781905422937 86 p. UG Library
320.54 SRE 00082557 Nations and Nationalism a Reader Spencer, Philip 0748617752 364p UG Library
320.54 TAG 00099180 The Oxford India Tagore Tagore Oxford university press; 2009 0195677072 xiii;505 p. UG Library
320.54 TAG 00108153 The Oxford India Tagore Gupta,Uma Das Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195677072 (hbk.) | 0195677 xxxvi, 505 p. : UG Library
320.54 TAG 10002284 Nationalism Tagore, Rabindranath, Fingerprint classics, 2021 9788175993105 119 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.54 TAG 00040535 Nationalism Tagore Rabindranath Rupa & Co 1994 104 p UG Library
320.54 TAG 00089017 Nationalism Tagore Rabindranath Rupa & Co 1994 104 p UG Library
320.54 THA 05042020 India Shastra : Tharoor,Shashi. Aleph Books, 2015 9789384067281 xvi,473p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54 TIE 05046119 Nationalism and globalisation : Hart Publishing, 2015 9780415581967 (hbk.) | 9780415581974 (pbk.) | 9780203803790 (ebk.) vi, 283 p. Knowledge Centre
320.54 VIN 01013226 Nationalism and particularity / Vincent, Andrew. Cambridge University Press, 0521816904 | 0521017092 (pb.) vi, 292 ; Knowledge Centre
320.54 VIN 00092730 Nationalism and particularity / Vincent, Andrew. Cambridge University Press, 0521816904 | 0521017092 (pb.) vii, 292 p. ; UG Library
320.54 WIE 00075833 Who We Are Wiebe, H. Robert Princeton University Press 2002 0691090238 | 9780691090238 281 p. UG Library
320.54 YAK 00093233 Post-Zionism,Post-Holocaust : Yakira, Elhanan. Cambridge University Press, 9780521111102 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 342 p. ; UG Library
320.540 PAK 07014095 American nationalisms : Park, Benjamin E Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108420372 xvi, 248p.; Library - BR Campus
320.5400954 PHA 00053919 Ethnicity and Nation-Building in South Asia Phadnis,Urmila Sage Publication 2000 0761994394 | 780761994398 462 p. UG Library
320.5401 DAY 01006593 Theorizing Nationalism / Day,Graham. Palgrave Macmillan, 2000 9780333962657 223p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5401 DAY 00133511 Theorizing Nationalism. Graham Day Palgrave Macmillan 2017 0333962656 | 9781137612144 xii,223p.; UG Library
320.5401 GHO 07010300 Different Nationalisms Bengal 1905-1947 / Ghosh Semanti Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199468232 xiv,424p.: Library - BR Campus
320.5401 GHO 05053224 Different Nationalisms Bengal 1905-1947 / Ghosh Semanti Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199468232 xiv,424p.: Knowledge Centre
320.5401 HAL 00053893 State of the Nation Hall, A. John New York 1998 0521633664 | 9780521633666 311 p. UG Library
320.5401 KAS 01026908 State of the Nation : Kashyap,Subbhash C. New Delhi : 2018 9789386473325 vii,453 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5409 BER 05068777 Writing The History of Nationalism / Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781350064317 x, 274p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5409 BLA 00077099 Print, Folklore, and Nationalism in Colonial South India. Blackburn, Stuart Permanent Black 2006 8178241498 247p UG Library
320.5409 HIS 00108749 The Origins of Nationalism : Hirschi, Caspar. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521747905 | 9780521747905 xiv, 241 p. : UG Library
320.5409 KHA 00108089 Politics of identity : Khan, Adeel, Sage Publications, 2005 0761933034 (HB) | 0761933042 (pbk.) 211 p. ; UG Library
320.5409 SMI 01008173 The ethnic origins of nations / Smith, Anthony D. B. Blackwell, 1986 9780631161691 x, 312 p., 7 p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
320.5409174924 KRA 01010894 Arab awakening & Islamic revival : Kramer, Martin S. Transaction Publishers, 2008 9781412807678 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1412807670 (pbk. : alk. paper) 297 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5409174927 ADD 05061299 Radical Arab nationalism and political Islam / Addi, Lahouari. Georgettown University Press, 2017 9781626164499 | 9781626164505 xii, 275 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.5409174927 KHA 04019081 The Origins of Arab Nationalism / Khalidi, Rashid Columbia University Press, 1991 0231074344 325p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.54092 HAL 05009290 The Autobiography of Malcolm X / Haley ALex Penguin Books, 2007 9780141032726 512 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.54094 FAL 10004834 Goa, 1961 : Faleiro, Valmiki, Penguin, 2023 9780670097920 xvi, 391 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.54094 FAL 05075031 Goa, 1961 : Faleiro, Valmiki, Penguin, 2023 9780670097920 xvi, 391 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.54094 GOU 05045411 Europe's contending identities : Gould, Andrew C Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107036338 (hardback) | 110 xviii, 285 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.54094409033 BEL 01008059 The cult of the nation in France : Bell, David Avrom. Harvard University Press, 2001 1st Harvard University Press paperback ed. xiv, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.540945 CHA 05067462 Majoritarian State : HarperCollins, 2019 9789353028459 xii, 537p.; Knowledge Centre
320.540945 CHA 05071562 Majoritarian State : HarperCollins, 2019 9789353028459 xii, 537p.; Knowledge Centre
320.540947 BRU 01008013 Nationalism reframed : Brubaker, Rogers, Cambridge University Press, 1996 9780521576499 xi, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540947 SAI 01009988 For kin or country : Saideman, Stephen M. Columbia University Press, 2008 9780231144780 (alk. paper) | 0231144784 (alk. paper) | 9780231514491 (ebook) | 0231514492 (ebook) xi, 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.540947 SAI 01010823 For kin or country : Saideman, Stephen M. Columbia University Press, 2008 9780231144780 (alk. paper) | 0231144784 (alk. paper) | 9780231514491 (ebook) | 0231514492 (ebook) xi, 288 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.5409495 ÖZK 01009971 Tormented by history : Özkırımlı, Umut. Columbia University Press, 2008 9780231700528 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0231700520 (cloth : alk. paper) viii, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5409497 CAS 00129594 Contested Nationalism : Caspersen, Nina, Berghahn Books, 2010 9781845457266 | 1845457269 x, 207 p. ; UG Library
320.54095 KAM 05046057 Nationalism and imperialism in South and Southeast Asia : Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2015 9789350980767 366 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.540951 BAR 05074035 Plato goes to china : Bartsch, Shadi. Princeton University Press, 2023 9780691229591 xv,279p.; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 ACH 01011851 National movement and politics in Orissa, 1920-29 / Acharya, Pritish. Sage, 9780761936275 (hb) xxiv, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 ALO 01006237 Nationalism Without a Nation In india / G Aloysius Oxford University Press, 2006 0195646533 265p.; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 ALO 01003172 Nationalism Without a Nation In india / G Aloysius Oxford University Press, 2006 0195646533 265p.; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 ANA 05008832 Hindu nationalism in India and the politics of fear / Anand, Dibyesh. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230603851 1st ed. x, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 ANA 05017489 Hindu nationalism in India and the politics of fear / Anand, Dibyesh. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230603851 1st ed. x, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 AND 10004303 Hindu nationalism in the a indian diaspora: Anderson, Edward T.G. Penguin random india pvt ltd., 2023 9780143466093 xi,459 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.540954 BAR 01003311 India against itself : Baruah, Sanjib. Oxford University Press, 1999 081223491X | 9780195658408 xxiii, 257 p. Knowledge Centre
320.540954 BAS 07010275 The Rhetoric of Hindu India : Basu Manisha Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107149878 xiii,217p.: Library - BR Campus
320.540954 BAS 07009380 The Rhetoric of Hindu India : Basu Manisha Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107149878 xiii,217p.: Library - BR Campus
320.540954 BAS 05063703 The Rhetoric of Hindu India : Basu Manisha Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107149878 xiii,217p.: Knowledge Centre
320.540954 BAY 01006928 Origins of nationality in South Asia : Bayly, C. A. Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195658415 ix, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 BAY 01006929 Origins of nationality in South Asia : Bayly, C. A. Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195658415 ix, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 BAY 05036031 Origins of nationality in South Asia : Bayly, C. A. Oxford University Press, 1998 0195644573 ix, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 BRA 01007361 Competing nationalisms in South Asia : Orient Longman, 2002 812502221X | 9788125022213 xii, 297 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 BRA 00084846 Competing Nationalism in South Asia: Essays for Asghar Ali Engineer Brass, Paul R Orient Longman Publications 2002 0812502221 297p UG Library
320.540954 CED 07004608 Ecological Nationalisms : Orient BlackSwan, 2006 9788178243634 xiii,399p.: Library - BR Campus
320.540954 CED 00084520 Ecological Nationalisms: Nature, Livelihoods, and Identities in South Asia. Cederlof, Gunnel Permanent Black 2005 8178241242 399p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.540954 CED 00085766 Ecological Nationalisms: Nature, Livelihoods, and Identities in South Asia. Cederlof, Gunnel Permanent Black 2005 8178241242 399p UG Library
320.540954 GOD 07010105 Secularism : Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2016 9788129137623 (hardback) | 8129137623 First impression. xi,429 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.540954 GOD 05048044 Secularism : Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2016 9788129137623 (hardback) | 8129137623 First impression. xi,429 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 GOD 05071553 Secularism : Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2016 9788129137623 (hardback) | 8129137623 First impression. xi,429 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 GOU 00086940 Hindu Nationalism and the Language of Politics in Late Colonical India Gould, William 2004 0521830613 302 p UG Library
320.540954 GOU 01007289 Hindu nationalism and the language of politics in late colonial India / Gould, William, Cambridge, 2004 97881759562514 xv, 302 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 KEL 00104359 Lost Years of the Rss Kelkar,Sanjeev Sage publications 2011 9788132105909 xxxvi,354p UG Library
320.540954 MON 00108313 Nationalism and post-colonial identity Mondal,Anshuman A. RoutledgeCurzon, 2003 9780415600156 xii, 288 p. ; UG Library
320.540954 NIG 00106823 Desire named development / Nigam, Aditya. Penguin Books, 2011 9780143067139 106 p. ; UG Library
320.540954 NIG 01003301 The insurrection of little selves : Nigam, Aditya. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195676068 | 0195676068 x, 351 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 NIG 01003302 The insurrection of little selves : Nigam, Aditya. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195676068 | 0195676068 x, 351 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 NIG 01003323 The insurrection of little selves : Nigam, Aditya. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195676068 | 0195676068 x, 351 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 NIG 01003930 The insurrection of little selves : Nigam, Aditya. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195676068 | 0195676068 x, 351 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 NUS 00087343 Clash Within: Democracy, Rligious Violence, and India`s Future Nussbaum, Matrha C Permanent Black 2007 8178242001 403 p UG Library
320.540954 NUS 00088244 Clash Within: Democracy, Rligious Violence, and India`s Future Nussbaum, Matrha C Permanent Black 2007 8178242001 403 p UG Library
320.540954 PAR 10003610 JNU : Paranjape, Makarand R. Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2022 9789355203212 xvii,278 p , ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.540954 PER 05061255 Becoming a nation : Pereira, Dolreich., ed. Christian World Imprints, 2017 9789351482291 (HB) | 9351482294 (hardback) | 9789351482307 (PB) | 9351482308 xxiii, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 QAI 05041541 Resisting Colonialism and Communal Politics : Qaiser Rizwan Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2013 9789350980149 374p.: Knowledge Centre
320.540954 REH 00134972 Communalism in Postcolonial India : Rehman, Mujibur.- Editor. Routledge, 2019 9781138639836 (hbk) | 9780367137489(pbk) 2nd ed. xiii, 287p. ; UG Library
320.540954 ROY 00086080 Beyond Belief: India and the Politics of Postcolonial Nationalism Roy, Sripupa Permanent Black 2007 8178242117 248 p UG Library
320.540954 RUH 00047655 Understanding National Integration in India Ruhela S. P. Indian Publishing Distributors 1999 0817341002 327 p. UG Library
320.540954 SAM 00112083 The Nation Form : Samāddāra, Raṇabīra. SAGE, Publications 2012 9788132107330 | 9788132107330 xxi, 259 p. ; UG Library
320.540954 SAM 05036727 The Nation Form : Samāddāra, Raṇabīra. SAGE, Publications 2012 9788132107330 | 9788132107330 xxi, 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 SEN 00089253 India: A National Culture? Sen, Geeti 2008 0761998314 294 p UG Library
320.540954 SHA 05065286 A restatement of religion : Sharma, Jyotirmaya, West Land, 2013 9789388689441 xvi,238 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 SHA 04021314 Cosmic Love and Human Apathy : Sharma, Jyotirmaya Happer Collins, 2014 9789351362708 300p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.540954 SUB 05065469 Holy Science : Subramaniam, Banu. University of washington press, 2019 9780295745596 xviii,290p.; Knowledge Centre
320.540954 THA 10003932 The Battle of Belonging on Nationalism, Patriotism, and What it means to be Indian Tharoor, Shashi Aleph Book Company 2020 9789393852588 1e xiv + 463 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.540954 ZAV 01000863 The emergence of Hindu nationalism in India / Zavos, John. Oxford University Press, 2000 0195651405 viii, 245 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54095409041GOU 00085579 Hindu Nationalism and Language of Politics in Late Colonial India Gould, William Foundation Books 8175962518 302p UG Library
320.5409540922 CHA 10005226 Politics, ideology & nationalism : Chakrabarty, Bidyut Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353883843 xii, 290 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.5409541 ACH 00086745 National Movement and Politics in Orissa, 1920-29 Acharya, Pritish Sage Publications 2008 9788178297910 301 p UG Library
320.5409549 KHA 01004128 Politics of identity : Khan, Adeel, Sage Publications, 2005 0761933034 (HB) | 0761933042 (pbk.) 211 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54095491 DEV 05000449 Muslim Zion : Devji, Faisal. 9780674074163 (e-book) | 97806 First Harvard University Press edition. 1 online resource (287 pages) Knowledge Centre
320.54095493 WIC 01007364 Dressing the Colonised Body : Nira Wickramasinghe Orient Longman Private Limited, 2003 8125024794 | 9788125024798 157p.; Knowledge Centre
320.540954PHA 01006198 ETHNICITY AND NATION-BUILDING IN SOUTH ASIA(LAW LIBRARY) Urmila Phadnis Sage Publications 0761994394 467p Knowledge Centre
320.54096 ADI 05068762 Pan-Africanism : Adi, Hakim. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 9781474254274 xii, 297p.; Knowledge Centre
320.540994 SOU 00120029 Reclaiming Patriotism : Soutphommasane, Tim. Cambridge University Press ; 2009 9780521134729 | 0521134722 x, 153 p. ; UG Library
320.5409GRE 01008056 Nationalism:Five Roads to Modernity(law Library) Liah Greenffld Harvard University Press 0674603192 581p Knowledge Centre
320.54552 CAR 01008737 Punjab politics, 1 January 1944-3 March 1947 : Manohar : | Distributed in South Asia by Foundation Books, 2006 817304662X (jacket) | 9788173046629 392 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.546092 MAL 01016131 The autobiography of Malcolm X / X, Malcolm, Ballantine Books, 1999 0345350685 (pbk.) | 9780345350 xxx, 466 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.546092 TER 00106346 The Cambridge companion to Malcolm X / Terrill, Robert E Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521515900 (hbk.) | 0521515 xiv, 194 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.546092 TER 00099680 The Cambridge companion to Malcolm X / Terrill, Robert E Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521515900 (hbk.) | 0521515 xiv, 194 p. ; UG Library
320.548 SLU 05059300 Internationalisms : Sluga, Glenda, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107062856 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 372 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.549 CHA 01007206 Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India / Bipan Chandra Orient Longman Private Limited, 2006 8125008101 | 9788125008101 402p.; Knowledge Centre
320.549 SCH 01008861 Telugu resurgence : Schmitthenner, Peter L., Manohar, 2001 8173042918 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.54954 BHA 07014228 Looking for the nation : Bhattacharjee, Manash Firaq. Speaking tiger publishing, 2018 9388070410 | 9789388070416 | 9789387693951 | 9387693953 xiv, 202 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.54954 BHA 00135296 Looking for the nation : Bhattacharjee, Manash Firaq. Speaking tiger publishing, 2018 9388070410 | 9789388070416 | 9789387693951 | 9387693953 xiv, 202 pages ; UG Library
320.54954 BHA 05064972 Looking for the nation : Bhattacharjee, Manash Firaq. Speaking tiger publishing, 2018 9388070410 | 9789388070416 | 9789387693951 | 9387693953 xiv, 202 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.54A THA 05071542 India Shastra : Tharoor,Shashi. Aleph Books, 2015 9789384067281 xvi,473p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54A THA 07010247 India Shastra : Tharoor,Shashi. Aleph Books, 2015 9789384067281 xvi,473p.; Library - BR Campus
320.54AND 01008055 Imagined communities : Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. Verso, 2006 9781844670864 | 1844670864 Rev. ed. xv, 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.54EO 07006512 Nationalism and Ethnosymbolism : Leoussi,Athena S. Edinburgh University, 2007 9780748621132 343p. Library - BR Campus
320.54HAS 01008740 Nationlist Conscience / Najmul Hasan Manohar, 1987 8185054177 277p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54HAS1 01008859 Will Secular India Surivive (law Lib) Mushirul Hasan Imprint One 8188861006 399p Knowledge Centre
320.54ROS 01007065 Endurance of Nationalism / Roshwald,Aviel. Cambridge University Press, 2006 9780521603645 349p.; Knowledge Centre
320.54SMI 01000966 Nationalism (law Lib) Anthony D Smith Polity Press 0745633390 181p Knowledge Centre
320.55 FUL 07006505 The future of political Islam / Fuller, Graham E., Palgrave, 2003 1403961360 (cl.) xix, 227 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.55 GAN 00003570 Towards Lasting Peace Gandhi M K Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1956 264 p UG Library
320.55 GIT 05064068 Hinduism And Hindu Nationalism Online / Gittinger,Juli L. Routledge, 2019 9781138477988 vi,181p.; Knowledge Centre
320.55 JAF 00084554 Hindu Nationalism: A Reader. Jaffrelot, Christophe Permanent Black 2007 8178241609 391p UG Library
320.55 JOS 00125709 State and Civil Society Under Siege : Joshy, P. M., Sage, 2015 9789351503842 xiii, 262 pages ; UG Library
320.55 MUS 00090692 Holy War: Musk, Bill Monarch Books 2008 0825462150 320p UG Library
320.55 OGD 00116518 Hindu Nationalism And The Evolution of Contemporary Indian Security Ogden Chris Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198089551 xix, 257 p.: UG Library
320.55 OGD 07007190 Hindu Nationalism And The Evolution of Contemporary Indian Security Ogden Chris Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198089551 xix, 257 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.55 SHO 00046385 Indian Controversies Shourie,Arun HarperCollins Publishers India 1998 8172232713 568 p. UG Library
320.55 SWA 07008813 Hindutva, or, Hind swaraj / Anantha Murthy, U. R., Harper, 2016 9789351775706 | 9351775704 | 9 xxii, 122 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.550917671 CHO 01007042 Islamic fundamentalism / Choueiri, Youssef M., Continuum, 1997 9780826463838 Rev. ed. xx, 201 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.550954 AMB 05067173 The RSS Roadmaps for the 21st Century / Ambekar,Sunil. Rupa, 2019 9789353336851 xvii,230p.; Knowledge Centre
320.550954 ANA 05071558 Hindutva or hind swaraj / U.R. Ananthamurthy. Harper perennial, 2013 9789352774890 xxii,120p.; Knowledge Centre
320.550954 BHA 00106512 Hindu Nationalism : Bhatt, Chetan. Berg, 2001 1859733433 (cloth) | 978185973 viii, 232 p. ; UG Library
320.550954 DAV 05048945 Picturing the nation : Davis, Richard Orient Longman, 2007 9788125029083 xii, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.550954 DAV 05009597 Picturing the nation : Davis, Richard Orient Longman, 2007 9788125029083 xii, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.550954 FRO 00084544 Religious Division and Social Conflict: The Emergence of Hindu Nationalism in Rural India. Froerer, Peggy Social Science Press 2007 8187358270 295p UG Library
320.550954 GAU 00132925 RSS: Gaur,Sanjay Yking books, 2018 9789385528866 vi,224p.; UG Library
320.550954 JAE 00085203 Sangh Parivar:A Reader.Critical Issues in Indian Politics Jaffrelot, Christophe 9780195683653 445p UG Library
320.550954 KAT 00088256 Vishva Hindu Parishad:And Indian Politics Katju, Manjari Orient Longman Publications 2003 0812502476 186 UG Library
320.550954 KAT 00084536 Vishva Hindu Parishad: And Indian Politics. Katju, Manjari Orient Longman Publications 2003 0812502476 186p UG Library
320.550954 MAD 00141233 The Hindutuva Paradigm: Madhav, Ram Westland 2021 9789391234089 422p UG Library
320.550954 MAH 00146319 Religious Dimensions of Indian Nationalism: Mahajan, Chinmay Mohit Publications, 2023 9788174457790 289p UG Library
320.550954 MCG 01003207 Hindu nationalism and governance / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195679229 | 0195679229 x, 476 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.550954 MCG 01005313 Hindu nationalism and governance / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195679229 | 0195679229 x, 476 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.550954 MCG 01011207 Hindu nationalism and governance / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195679229 | 0195679229 x, 476 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.550954 MCG 01005314 Hindu nationalism and governance / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195679229 | 0195679229 x, 476 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.550954 MUK 07015229 Gita Press and the Making of Hindu India / Mukul Akshaya HarperCollins Publishers, 2017 9789352643905 539p.: Library - BR Campus
320.550954 MUK 07015230 Writer Rebel Soldier Lover : Mukul Akshaya Penguin Random House India, 2022 9780670097210 xxiii,779p.: Library - BR Campus
320.550954 NEE 00147436 Hindutva : Nīlakantan̲, Aravintan̲, BluOne Ink LLP 2023 9789392209062 | 9392209061 Edition 1. xii, 798 pages : UG Library
320.550954 NOO 00095698 The RSS and the BJP : Noorani, Abdul Gafoor Abdul Majeed, LeftWord Books, 8187496134 xiv, 112 p. ; UG Library
320.550954 PAT 00126819 Cultural Nationalism in Indian Perspective / Pattanaik, D. D., Serials Publication, 2016 9788183877787 | 8183877788 xii, 681 pages ; UG Library
320.550954 SAL 05067997 Of saffron flags and skullcaps : Ziya, Us Salam. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352807345 (print pb) xxv, 293p. Knowledge Centre
320.550954 SAL 00134474 Of saffron flags and skullcaps : Ziya, Us Salam. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352807345 (print pb) xxv, 293p. UG Library
320.550954 SAL 05062565 Of saffron flags and skullcaps : Ziya, Us Salam. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352807345 (print pb) xxv, 293p. Knowledge Centre
320.550954 SAV 00141296 Essentials of Hindutva / Savarkar, V.D. Global Vision Publishing House; 2021 9789390423316 147 p. UG Library
320.550954 SHA 00139781 RSS: Sharda,Ratan Rupa Publications Pvt. Ltd 2020 9789390356317 374 Pages UG Library
320.550954 SHA 05000035 Green and saffron : Sharma, Mukul, Permanent Black ; | Distributed by Orient Blackswan, 2012 9788178243405 | 8178243407 xviii, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.550954 SHI 00101066 Reflecting Religion & culture: Shivaswamy Prateeksha publications; 9789380626017 248 p. UG Library
320.554 TIL 05038684 Remapping India : Tillin, Louise. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199336036 (hardback) xiv, 268 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.554 TIL 07002152 Remapping India : Tillin Louise Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199450350 268p.: Library - BR Campus
320.557 ADR 05070037 The foreign policy of Islamist political parties : Edinburgh University Press Ltd, 2019 1474426646 | 9781474426640 xv, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 BER 05007357 The Sayyid Qutb reader : Quṭb, Sayyid, Routledge, 2008 9780415954259 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 175 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 BOW 05047322 Islamic political thought : 9780691164823 | 9781400866427 1 online resource (298 pages) Knowledge Centre
320.557 BRA 05005479 Global jihadism : Brachman, Jarret. Routledge, 2009 9780415452427 (pbk.) | 0415452 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 CUR 00106678 Orientalism and Islam : Curtis, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521767255 (hardback) | 052 ix, 382 p. ; UG Library
320.557 GRA 01008845 Political Islam in the Indian Subcontinent : Frederic Grare Manohar, 2005 0817304404 134p.; Knowledge Centre
320.557 HAF 01014369 Radicalism and political reform in the Islamic and western worlds / Hafez, Kai, Cambridge University Press, 9780521137119 (pbk.) | 0521137 vi, 253 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 HAM 05054614 Islamic exceptionalism : Hamid, Shadi, St.Martin's, 2016 9781250061010 (hardback) First edition. xiii, 306 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 HAS 01008743 Regionalizing pan-islamism : Manohar : | Distributed in South Asia by Foundation Books, 2005 8173045933 xv, 467 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 HAS 01008806 Islam, communities and the nation : Manohar, 1998 8173040702 530 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 HAS 01008744 Islam in the subcontinent : Hasan, Mushirul. Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 8173044511 xiv, 530 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 KUB 05045996 Political Islam & democracy in the Muslim world / Kubicek, Paul. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2015 9781626372528 (alk. paper) x, 349 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 MAL 01008788 Colonialization of Islam : Malik, Jamal. Manohar, 1996 8173041482 xiv, 359 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 MAM 00084842 Good Muslim and Bad Muslim: Islam, the USA, and the Global War Against Terror Mamdani, Mahmood Permanent Black 2005 8178241110 304p UG Library
320.557 MAR 05024456 Understanding Muslim identity : Marranci, Gabriele. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 0230002552 (hbk.) | 9780230002 ix, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 MOU 01022142 Shi'ism and the democratisation process in Iran : Moussawi, Ibrahim, Saqi, 2011 9780863564703 (hbk.) | 0863564 215 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 ORO 00148080 Rethinking Islamism beyond jihadi violence : Orofino, Elisa Vernon Press, 2023 9781648891175 xxii,388p. : UG Library
320.557 OSM 00136194 Islamism : Osman, Tarek, Yale University Press, 2016 9780300197723 (alk. paper) xx, 304 pages ; UG Library
320.557 OWE 05041983 Confronting political Islam : Owen, John M. Oxford University Press, 2015 0691163146 | 9780691163147 xiii, 216 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.557 PHA 01007925 The war of ideas : Phares, Walid, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 9781403976390 | 1403976392 1st ed. xxii, 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 SAR 01009650 Breaking the monolith : Sardar, Ziauddin. ImprintOne ; | Exclusively Distributed by Foundation Books Division, Cambridge University Press India, 2008 9788188861057 vii, 457 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 SID 00129073 Political Islam and the Arab uprising : Siddiqui, Fazzur Rahman, Sage 2017 9789386042194 (hardback : alk. 339p. UG Library
320.557 SID 07011894 Political Islam and the Arab uprising : Siddiqui, Fazzur Rahman, Sage 2017 9789386042194 (hardback : alk. 339p. Library - BR Campus
320.557 SIK 10004153 Strategic Conundrums : Sikri, Rajiv. Penguin, 2024 9780143464570 ix, 298p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.557 SIK 05074949 Strategic Conundrums : Sikri, Rajiv. Penguin, 2024 9780143464570 ix, 298p.; Knowledge Centre
320.557 SKE 05009000 Political Islam from Muhammad to Ahmadinejad : Skelly, Joseph Morrison Praeger Security International, 2010 9780313372230 (hardcover : alk xii, 281 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 STR 05008839 Islamism : Strindberg, Anders. Polity Press, 2011 9780745640624 (pbk.) vii, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.557 VOL 05004802 Political Islam : Routledge, 2011 9780415560276 (hardback) | 041 xv, 471 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5570 SEV 07012841 The political philosophy of muhammad iqbal / Sevea, Iqbal Singh Cambridge University Press, 2016 xx,227p.; Library - BR Campus
320.557094 PET 05044029 Islamic movements of Europe : Peter, Frank, I.B.Taruis, 2014 9781848858442 (hbk.) | 1848858 xvi, 392 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.5570954 ISL 05046974 Limits of Islamism : Islam, Maidul. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107080263 (hardback) x, 345 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.5570954 PAR 00087347 New Frontiers of Jihad: Radical Islam in Europe. Pargeter, Alison I b Tauris & Co Ltd 2008 9781845113919 244 p UG Library
320.5570966909051 SMI 05043952 Boko Haram : Smith,Mike. I.B.Tauris, 2015 9781784530747 xiv,233p.; Knowledge Centre
320.55917671 CHO 00064470 Islamic Fundamentalism Choueiri, M Youssef Continuum 2004 826463836 | 9780826463838 201 p. UG Library
320.56 CAS 01007475 Racism : SAGE Publications, 2001 0761971963 | 0761971971 (pbk) xv, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.56 GUM 00023078 Apartheid Guma La Alex Seven Seas Publishers 1971 248 p UG Library
320.56 OSB 01007677 Philosophies of race and ethnicity / Continuum, 2002 0826459935 | 0826459943 (pbk.) ix, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.56 OSB 07006263 Philosophies of race and ethnicity / Continuum, 2002 0826459935 | 0826459943 (pbk.) ix, 220 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.560954 PAN 00037410 The Construction of Communalism in Colonial North India Pandey, Gyanendra Oxford University Press 1995 0195630106 297 p UG Library
320.5662 ALE 05072108 Populism in the civil sphere / Polity Press, 2021 9781509544738 xii,313p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5662 BAB 00134186 The new authoritarianism : Babones, Salvatore J. Policy press, 2018 9781509533084 (hardback) | 9781509533091 (paperback) xiv,115p.; UG Library
320.5662 BAD 05049027 What is a people? / Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231168762 (cloth : alk. pa vii, 164 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.5662 CAY 05072934 Populism and Neoliberalism / Cayla, David. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9780367428563 | 9780367427702 180p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5662 STA 00147646 Populist discourse : Stavrakakis, Yannis Routledge, 2024 9781032284927 vii,178p. ; UG Library
320.57 CAR 05007191 The political theory of anarchism. Carter, April. Harper & Row 1971 0061360503 | 9780415555937 vii, 116 p. Knowledge Centre
320.58 FRI 03001972 Hot, Flat, and Crowded Friedman, Thomas L Allen Lane 9781846141294 438 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.58 CED 01007188 Ecological Nationalisms / Gunnel Cederlof Permanent Black, 2008 8178241242 | 9788178241241 399p.; Knowledge Centre
320.58 CED 01012128 Landscapes and the law : Cederlöf, Gunnel. Permanent Black ; | Distributed by Orient Longman, 9788178242088 | 8178242087 xvi, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.58 FRI 03005548 Hot, flat, and crowded : Friedman, Thomas L. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008 9780374166854 | 0374166854 1st ed. 438 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.58 FRI 04008167 Hot, flat, and crowded : Friedman, Thomas L. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008 9780374166854 | 0374166854 1st ed. 438 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.58 LAT 00104143 Politics of Nature : Latour Bruno Orient Longman ; 2004 9788125030812 307 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.58 LAT 00084623 Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Science s into Democracy. Latour, Bruno Orient Longman Publications 2007 8125030816 307p UG Library
320.58 WOO 05062641 The ecocentrists : Woodhouse, Keith Mako, Columbia University Press, 2018 9780231165884 (cloth : alk. paper) xvii,372p.; Knowledge Centre
320.582 BRO 00140413 The Rise and Fall of Communism / Brown Archie Vintage Books, 2010 9781845950675 xv,720.; UG Library
320.582 BRO 05045603 The Rise and Fall of Communism / Brown Archie Vintage Books, 2010 9781845950675 xv,720.; Knowledge Centre
320.5GHO 01008703 Bjp and the Evolution of Hindu Nationalism from Periphery to Centre / Ghosh,Partha S. Manohar, 1999 8173042535 460p.; Knowledge Centre
320.5HEY 01011426 Political ideologies : Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave, 1992 9780230224957 4th ed. xvii, 366 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5HEY 01023775 Political ideologies : Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave, 1992 9780230224957 4th ed. xvii, 366 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.5THA 01006171 Political Sociology / A P Thakur Global Vision Publishing House, 2000 8182201446 263p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 ILM 03001063 Institue of Leadership & Management Super Series : Elsevier, 2008 9780750658607 | 0750658606 98 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.6 ALT 05004067 Calculating political risk / Althaus, Catherine Earthscan, 2008 9781844077007 (hbk.) | 1844077 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 BAR 00127040 A practical guide for policy analysis : Bardach, Eugene. Sage 2016 9781483359465 (pbk. : alk. pap 5th ed. xx, 200 pages ; UG Library
320.6 BAY 05049004 History,Historians & Development Policy : Orien BlackSwan, 2011 9788125046950 xii,276p.: Knowledge Centre
320.6 BAY 07004476 History,Historians & Development Policy : Orien BlackSwan, 2011 9788125046950 xii,276p.: Library - BR Campus
320.6 BEK 05059469 Public policy in action : Bekkers, Victor. Edward Elgar, 2017 9781781004524 (hardback) | 978 viii, 342 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 BEL 05046218 The economic analysis of public policy / Bellinger, William Kenneth, Routledge, 2016 9781138796331 (hardback) | 978 x, 502 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 BEL 01006277 The economic analysis of public policy / Bellinger, William Kenneth, Routledge, 2007 9780415772778 (hbk.) | 041577277X (hbk.) | 9780415772785 (pbk.) | 0415772788 (pbk.) | 9780203946480 (ebk.) | 0203946480 (ebk.) x, 435 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 BEV 07007686 The SAGE handbook of governance / Sage, 2011 9781847875778 (hbk.) | 1847875 xv, 576 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.6 BEV 01017632 The SAGE handbook of governance / Sage, 2011 9781847875778 (hbk.) | 1847875 xv, 576 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 BOC 07011776 Making and Implementing Public Policy : Bochel Catherine Macmillan education Palgrave, 2018 9781137484642 x,321p.: Library - BR Campus
320.6 BOC 07006723 Making Policy in Theory and Practice / The Policy Press, 2007 9781861349040 | 9781861349033 ix, 251 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.6 BOC 07007710 Making Policy in Theory and Practice / The Policy Press, 2007 9781861349040 | 9781861349033 ix, 251 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.6 BOC 00119906 Making Policy in Theory and Practice / The Policy Press, 2007 9781861349040 | 9781861349033 ix, 251 p. ; UG Library
320.6 BOG 05004909 Evidence-based policymaking : Bogenschneider, Karen. Routledge, 2010 9780415805834 (hardcover : alk p. cm. Knowledge Centre
320.6 BOI 00148168 The Politics of Policymaking: Boin, Arjen Sage, 2024 9781529602630 xvii,225p. ; UG Library
320.6 BOI 00123481 Democracy and redistribution / Boix, Carles. Cambridge University Press, 2003 0521825601 | 9780521532679 | 0 xiii, 264 p. : UG Library
320.6 CAP 07011784 The Myth of The Rational Voter : Caplan Bryan Oxford University Press, 2007 9780691138732 276p.: Library - BR Campus
320.6 CHA 00131424 Public policy and private interest : Chandler, J. A., Routledge, 2017 9780415558310 (hbk) | 9780415558327 (pbk.) x, 246 pages ; UG Library
320.6 COC 05041471 Public policy : Cochran,Charles L. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2014 9781626370753 xiv,425p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 COC 01013850 Public Policy : Cochran,Charles L. Viva Books Pvt Ltd., 9788130904337 xv,512p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 DOD 05062312 Comparative Public Policy / Dodds, Anneliese. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018 9780230319431 | 9781137607041 2nd Edition xxii, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 DYE 00070352 Understanding Public Policy Dye, R. Thomas Pearson Education 2004 8129707373 | 9788129707376 328 p. UG Library
320.6 FRE 07002884 Strategy : Freedman, Lawrence. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199325153 (hardback : acid xvi, 751 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.6 FRE 05045424 Strategy : Freedman, Lawrence. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199325153 (hardback : acid xvi, 751 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 FRE 03012503 Strategy : Freedman, Lawrence. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199470723 751 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.6 GOW 00060104 Judgments, Decisions, and Public Policy Gowda, Rajeev 2002 0052166084 372p UG Library
320.6 GRE 00142962 Collaborative governance : Greenwood,Stephen, Routledge, 2021 9780367776015 | 9780367776060 x, 213 pages : UG Library
320.6 GUE 05064063 Building democracy and international governance / Guess, George M. Routledge, 2019 9781138574724 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9781138574731 (pbk : alk. paper) x,248p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 HAD 05056697 Public policy transfer : Edward Elgar, 2017 9781785368035 (hardback) xvii, 341 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 HAJ 07007695 Authoritative Governance: Hajer,Maarten A Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199595679 IX,207 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.6 HAJ 05040938 Authoritative governance : Hajer, Maarten A., Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199281671 (hardback) | 019 ix, 208 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 HEA 00116449 Uncertainty in policy making : Heazle, Michael. Earthscan, 2010 9781849710831 (hardback) xiv, 185 p. : UG Library
320.6 HIL 05040949 Studying public policy : Policypress, 2014 9781447311072 (paperback) | 14 vii,331p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 HIL 05052869 The public policy process / Hill, Michael. Routledge, 2017 9781138909496 (hardback) | 978 Seventh edition. xiii, 414 ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 HIL 07007711 Studying public policy : Policypress, 2014 9781447311072 (paperback) | 14 vii,331p.; Library - BR Campus
320.6 HOD 07006714 Policy reconsidered : Policy Press, 9781861349132 (hard) | 1861349 vi, 250 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.6 HOD 07006460 Policy reconsidered : Policy Press, 9781861349132 (hard) | 1861349 vi, 250 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.6 HOD 01012498 Policy reconsidered : Policy Press, 9781861349132 (hard) | 1861349 vi, 250 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 HOO 01006466 Democratic decentralization and planning : Hooja, Rakesh. Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600920 xvi, 327 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 HOW 00135556 Designing public policies : Howlett, Michael, Routledge, 2019 9781138293632 (hbk) | 9781138293649 (pbk) Second edition. xv, 411 pages ; UG Library
320.6 HOW 00134811 Policy styles and policy-making : Howlett, Michael.- Editor. Routledge 2019 9781138085671 | 9781138085688 xviii, 402 p. ; UG Library
320.6 HUD 00082495 Understanding the Policy Process: Analysing Welfare Policy and Practice. Hudson, John Rawat Publications 2007 8131600718 283p UG Library
320.6 HUD 00084743 Understanding the Policy Process: Analysing Welfare Policy and Practice. Hudson, John Rawat Publications 2007 8131600718 283p UG Library
320.6 HUI 05066781 The institutionalization of the international criminal court / Huikuri, Salla. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 9783319955841 xxi, 307 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 IAN 05040959 Seeking balance : Iannone, A. Pablo, Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412853958 (cloth : alk. pa xvii, 390 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 JES 05062635 Public policy, governance and polarization : Routledge, 2018 9781138675933 (hardback : alk. paper) xv,233p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 JIM 00100310 Social policy and social change : Jimenez, Jillian. Sage, 9781412960489 (pbk.) | 1412960 xvi, 511 p. : UG Library
320.6 KUM 05048112 Public Policy and Systems / Pearson, 2012 9788131761724 viii,350p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 LES 00097218 Public policy : Lester, James P., Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 0534550088 | 9780534550080 xvi, 272 p. : UG Library
320.6 LEW 05060315 Public policymaking in a globalized world / Lewis, Robin J., ed. Social Science Press, 2018 9789383166244 | 938316624X Revised edition. xxiv, 424 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.6 LID 00137659 New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice in Public Entreprenuership / Emerald group publishing limited , 2016 9781785608216 xxxiv, 247pages.; UG Library
320.6 LIN 00144826 Rebooting policy analysis : Linquiti, Peter D., Sage publications, 2022 9781544372600 | 1544372604 xxi, 589 pages : UG Library
320.6 MCG 00143433 The future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice Around the World / Mcgann, James. Springer Nature, 2021 9783030603786 xii,330p,; UG Library
320.6 MEE 01012215 Social policy analysis and practice / Meenaghan, Thomas M. Lyceum Books, 2004 0925065757 (alk. paper) | 9780 xi, 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 MEE 00097326 Social policy analysis and practice / Meenaghan, Thomas M. Lyceum Books, 0925065757 (alk. paper) xi, 298 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.6 MEE 00106617 Social policy analysis and practice / Meenaghan, Thomas M. Lyceum Books, 2004 0925065757 (alk. paper) | 9780 xi, 298 p. ; UG Library
320.6 MEH 00111638 Studies in Public Policy: Mehta, Pankaj. Cyber Tech Publications, 2013 9789350531617 viii:256p.; UG Library
320.6 MEL 00138506 Policy analysis as problem solving : Meltzer, Rachel, Routledge, 2019 9781138630161 (hardback) | 9781138630178 (pbk.) 1 Edition. ix,312p.; UG Library
320.6 MIL 07002859 Making and managing public policy / Miller, Karen Johnston. Routledge, 2015 9780415679947 (hbk) | 97804156 viii, 291 pages : Library - BR Campus
320.6 MON 07009405 in Defense of Pluralism : montpetit Eric Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781316615768 xii,206p.: Library - BR Campus
320.6 MON 05047438 In defense of pluralism : Montpetit, Éric, Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107146785 (hardback) xii,206p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 MOR 05059704 Theory and practice in policy analysis : Morgan, Granger, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107184893 (hardback) | 978 xvi,590p.; Knowledge Centre
320.6 MOS 07014509 the oxford Handbook of Urban Politics/ Mossberger, Karen/ Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195367867 xii, 684p;. Library - BR Campus
320.6 PAR 01019193 Public policy : Parsons, D. W. Edward Elgar, 1995 1852785535 (cased) | 185278554 xviii, 675 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 PAR 01021434 Public policy : Parsons, D. W. Edward Elgar, 1995 1852785535 (cased) | 185278554 xviii, 675 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 PET 00084676 Handbook of Public Policy Peters, B Guy Sage 2006 9780761940616 512p UG Library
320.6 PET 07014119 Designing for Policy Effectiveness/ Peters,Guy B Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108453110 70 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.6 RED 07015236 Public Policy and The Rural Poor In India / Reddy Ram.G Concept Publishing Company, 1985 xv,319p.: Library - BR Campus
320.6 RIC 01019194 Reshaping regional policy / Edward Elgar, 2011 1849802807 | 9781849802802 x, 372 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 RIC 01021443 Reshaping regional policy / Edward Elgar, | Edward Elgar, 2011 9780857935922 x, 372 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 ROO 01021470 Complexity, institutions and public policy : Room, Graham. Edward Elgar, 2011 9780857932655 viii, 383 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 SAI 01008641 Eastward bound : Saint-Mézard, Isabelle. Manohar Publishers and Distributors : | Centre de Sciences Humaines, 2006 8173047219 499 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 SAP 00133648 Public Policy : Sapru, RadhaKrishan Sage, 2017 9789386062178 xviii, 350 p. : UG Library
320.6 SAP 07011132 Public Policy : Sapru, RadhaKrishan Sage, 2017 9789386062178 xviii, 350 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.6 SAP 05056247 Public Policy : Sapru, RadhaKrishan Sage, 2017 9789386062178 xviii, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 SAP 05045851 Public Policy : Sapru R.K Sterling Publishers Private Limited, 2014 9788120727038 x,302p.: Knowledge Centre
320.6 SAP 00127782 Public Policy : Sapru, RadhaKrishan Sage, 2017 9789386062178 xviii, 350 p. : UG Library
320.6 SAP 00110649 Public Policy: Art And Craft Of Policy Analysis Sapru R.K. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 2011 9788120344389 2nd Ed. xix; 368 p. UG Library
320.6 SAP 00110650 Public Policy: Art And Craft Of Policy Analysis Sapru R.K. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd 2011 9788120344389 2nd Ed. xix; 368 p. UG Library
320.6 SHO 00086935 Anthropology of Policy: Critical Perspectives on Governance and Power Shore, Cris 1997 0415132207 294 p UG Library
320.6 SMI 01019183 Writing public policy : Smith, Catherine F. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195145070 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 146 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 STO 05038839 Policy Paradox : Stone, Deborah. W.W. Norton & Co., 2012 9780393912722 (pbk.) | 0393912728 (pbk.) 3rd ed. viii, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 STO 05038840 Policy Paradox : Stone, Deborah. W.W. Norton & Co., 2012 9780393912722 (pbk.) | 0393912728 (pbk.) 3rd ed. viii, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 STO 03008044 Policy Paradox : Stone, Deborah. W.W. Norton & Co., 2012 9780393912722 (pbk.) | 0393912728 (pbk.) 3rd ed. viii, 408 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.6 SWA 10005400 Public policy/ Swamy, Vighneswara Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2024 9789356067981 xxxii,408 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.6 VIC 05062714 The Oxford handbook of political networks / Victor, Jennifer Nicoll., ed. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190228217 (hardcover) xxi, 982 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 WHE 05039227 Introduction to public policy / Wheelan, Charles J. W. W. Norton & Co., 2011 9780393926651 (hardcover) | 03 1st ed. xxiii, 582 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6 WIL 00119907 Collaboration in public policy and practice/ Williams, Paul Policy Press 2012 9781847428479 180p. UG Library
320.6 WIL 07007708 Collaboration in public policy and practice/ Williams, Paul Policy Press 2012 9781847428479 180p. Library - BR Campus
320.6 WIN 05059494 Governing through regulation : Windholz, Eric L., Routledge, 2018 9781138935587 (hardback) xi, 288 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.6 ZAH 01024337 Handbook of public policy agenda setting / Zahariadis, Nikolaos Edward elgar publishing limited., 2016 9781784715915 | 1784715913 | 9 xviii, 487 Seiten : Knowledge Centre
320.601 COH 05065323 Philosophy And Public Policy / Rowman & Littlefield, 2018 9781786605245 xviii, 246p.; Knowledge Centre
320.602 MOR 07014510 The Oxford handbook of public policy / Michael, Moran. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780198838357 | 9780199269280 xii, 983 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.602 MOR 01005108 The Oxford handbook of public policy / Michael, Moran. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780198838357 | 9780199269280 xii, 983 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.60285 KET 05062014 Little bites of big data for public policy / Kettl, Donald F., Sage, 2018 9781506383521 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 83p.; Knowledge Centre
320.60285 KET 07012311 Little bites of big data for public policy / Kettl, Donald F., Sage, 2018 9781506383521 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 83p.; Library - BR Campus
320.6072 THO 00136094 Strengthening policy research : Sage Publications, 2019 9789353282165 (hardback : alk. paper) xxxiii,393p.; UG Library
320.6072 THO 10005248 Strengthening policy research : Sage Publications, 2019 9789353282165 (hardback : alk. paper) xxxiii,393p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.6082 JAI 04010907 Harvesting feminist knowledge for public policy Jain,Devaki SAGE, 2011 9788132107415 (hbk. : alk. pap xlvi, 347 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.6091724 ASC 07013611 Understanding the policymaking process in developing countries / Ascher, William, Cambridge University press, 2017 9781108417617 (hardback) | 9781108405515 (paperback) xi, 245 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.6091724 DAN 00085180 Inclusive states : World Bank, 2008 9780821369999 | 0821369997 | 9780821370001 (electronic) | 0821370006 (electronic) xlviii, 418 p. : UG Library
320.6091724 DAN 01012586 Inclusive states : World Bank, 2008 9780821369999 | 0821369997 | 9780821370001 (electronic) | 0821370006 (electronic) xlviii, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.6091724 HAA 00106811 Towards a new poverty agenda in Asia : Haan, Arjan de. SAGE, Publications: 2010 9788132105046 xvi, 260 p, UG Library
320.6094 COH 00129919 Social policy in the smaller European Union states / Gary B. Cohen Berghahn Books, 2012 9780857452634 | 9780857452641 x, 282 p. : UG Library
320.60941 BOC 01021258 Social policy / Routledge, 2014 9780415733823 (hardback) | 978 Third Edition. xvi, 634 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.6095 SAH 00141717 Public policy and administration in India / Sahu,Santosh Kumar. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327271911 rep 297p.; UG Library
320.60951 BHA 05074708 Xi Jinping's Chinese Dream : KW Publishers, 2024 9789394915909 xvi, 347p.; Knowledge Centre
320.60951 ROS 05060919 China in the era of Xi Jinping : Georgetown University Press, 2016 9781626162976 (hardcover : alk xxii, 306 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.60954 CHA 00133649 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; UG Library
320.60954 CHA 07011133 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.60954 CHA 05061051 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 CHA 05061052 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 CHA 05061053 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 CHA 05061054 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 CHA 05061055 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 CHA 00127783 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; UG Library
320.60954 CHA 05056248 Public policy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage, 2016 9789351509257 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvii, 276 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 MAT 05053533 Public policy and politics in India : Mathur, Kuldeep. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199466054 (pbk.) | 019946605X (pbk.) x, 295p. : Knowledge Centre
320.60954 MAT 05053534 Public policy and politics in India : Mathur, Kuldeep. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199466054 (pbk.) | 019946605X (pbk.) x, 295p. : Knowledge Centre
320.60954 MAT 05053535 Public policy and politics in India : Mathur, Kuldeep. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199466054 (pbk.) | 019946605X (pbk.) x, 295p. : Knowledge Centre
320.60954 MAT 05053536 Public policy and politics in India : Mathur, Kuldeep. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199466054 (pbk.) | 019946605X (pbk.) x, 295p. : Knowledge Centre
320.60954 MAT 05049053 Public policy and politics in India / Mathur, Kuldeep. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198077596 | 0198077599 First edition. x, 295 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 MAT 05034010 Public policy and politics in India / Mathur, Kuldeep. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198077596 | 0198077599 First edition. x, 295 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 MAT 01019177 Public policy and politics in India / Mathur, Kuldeep. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198077596 | 0198077599 First edition. x, 295 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 MEN 00088829 Electoral Process and Governance in South Asia Mendis, Dushyatha 2008 9780761935773 479p UG Library
320.60954 MEN 01029591 Planning Democracy : Menon, Nikhil. Penguin, 2022 9780670095926 xxviii, 312p.; Knowledge Centre
320.60954 RAT 07012277 Public Policy and Administration in India / Rathore Richa.Dr Manglam Publishers & Distributions, 2017 9789382816454 xv,329p.: Library - BR Campus
320.60954 SIV 00108927 Public policy and citizenship Sivaramakrishnan,Arvind. SAGE, 2012 9788132106333 xii, 272 p. ; UG Library
320.60954 VAR 03009010 Chanakya's New Manifesto : Varma, Pavan K. Aleph Book Company , 2013 9789382277095 247 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.60954 VAR 00111106 Chanakya's New Manifesto : Varma, Pavan K. Aleph Book Company , 2013 9789382277095 247 p.: UG Library
320.60954 VAR 04022698 Chanakya's New Manifesto : Varma, Pavan K. Aleph Book Company , 2013 9789382277095 247 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.60959 BAL 00145958 Corruption in Bureaucracy : Inside stories Balwan, R. P. Atlantic Publishers, 2023 9788126936502 xxix,455p. ; UG Library
320.6095957 HO 07014222 The challenges of governance in a complex world / Ho, Peter, World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd, 2018 9789813231825 | 9813231823 xvi, 153 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.60973 BAR 07012450 Democratic policymaking : Barrilleaux, Charles, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9780521192873 (hardback) | 9780521122764 (paperback) xx, 485 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.60973 BAU 00116485 Politics and public policy Baumer, Donald C., SAGE/CQ Press, 2014 9781452220178 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xi, 399 pages ; UG Library
320.60973 BIR 05046254 An introduction to the policy process : Birkland, Thomas A. Routledge, 2016 9780765646620 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138934351 (cloth : alk. paper) Fourth Edition. xviii, 399 p. Knowledge Centre
320.60973 BRE 08002118 Planning as if people matter : Brenman, Marc. Island Press, 2012 9781610910118 (cloth : alk. paper) | 1610910117 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9781610910125 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1610910125 (pbk. : alk. paper) xiii, 203 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.60973 CQ 01019486 Issues for debate in American public policy : CQ Press, a division of SAGE, 2012 9781608718290 12th ed. xx, 414 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.60973 CRO 00087556 How Can We Solve Our Social Problems? Crone, James 9781412940665 276 p UG Library
320.60973 CRO 00093910 How Can We Solve Our Social Problems? Crone James Pine Forge Press 9781412940665 276p UG Library
320.60973 ELL 00129420 Debating Reform : Ellis, Richard J. Sage, 2014 9781452240022 2nd ed. xxi, 373 p. : UG Library
320.60973 JEN 07009431 Congress and policy making in the 21st century / Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107126381 (hardback) | 978 xiv,340p.: Library - BR Campus
320.60973 KAM 05041954 How change happens-- or doesn't : Kamarck, Elaine Ciulla. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2013 9781588269164 (hc : alk. paper x, 163 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.60973 KRA 01019487 Public Policy : Kraft,Michael E. CQ Press, 2007 9781452230238 xxii,482p.; Knowledge Centre
320.60973 KRA 03006297 Public Policy : Kraft, Michael E. CQ Press,A Division of Sage 2010 9780872899711 | 0872899713 (al 3rd edition xxii, 482 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.60973 KRA 00129134 Public policy : Kraft, Michael E. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452202747 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. xxvii, 563 p. : UG Library
320.60973 KRA 00107777 Public Policy : Kraft, Michael E. CQ Press,A Division of Sage 2010 9780872899711 | 0872899713 (al 3rd edition xxii, 482 p. : UG Library
320.60973 PRA 05036830 Public Policy and System / Anand Prakash Book Enclave, 2013 9788181523204 v, 288 p. Knowledge Centre
320.60973 REV 05008783 Retaking rationality Revesz, Richard L., Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195368574 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 254 p. Knowledge Centre
320.60973 SAG 00121975 Issues for Debate in Social Policy : Sage Publications, Sage Publications, 2015 9781483365978 2nd ed, xii, 448 p.: UG Library
320.60973 SAG 00121841 Issues for Debate in Social Policy : Sage Publications, Sage Publications, 2015 9781483365978 2nd ed, xii, 448 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.60973 SCH 01023099 Why government fails so often : Schuck, Peter H., Princeton, 2014 9780691161624 (hardback) | 069 x, 471 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.60973 SHA 01021889 Achieving democracy : Shapiro, Sidney A., Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199965540 ((hardback) : al xx, 185 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.6ALA 01003921 Politics, Policy and Reconstruction: India Since Independence (law Lib) Rev Sebastian Alappattukunnel Rawat Publications 8187359072 315p Knowledge Centre
320.7 CHA 05057400 Shaping Policy in India : Chakrabarti,Rajesh. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199475537 xxv,373p.; Knowledge Centre
320.7 HAL 00121896 Modern Western Political Thought Halu, Anilkumar B Ishika Publishing House, 2015 9789382629948 204 p:. UG Library
320.7 SHA 00003515 Modern Western Political Thought : Vol - I Sharma, Ram Prakash Sterling Publishers 1996 349 p UG Library
320.7 SHA 00005878 Modern Western Political Thought : Vol - I & II Sharma, Ram Prakash Sterling Publishers 1970 382 p UG Library
320.7 SHA 00003516 Modern Western Political Thought : Vol - I Sharma, Ram Prakash Sterling Publishers 1996 349 p UG Library
320.72 SIN 05041764 Research Methodology and Techniques in Political Science / Singh,Anil Kumar. Centrum Press, 2014 9789350845219 viii, 302 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.73082 PAN 00120041 Encyclopaedia of Women in Politics Pancholi Singh Ankita Centrum Press, 2014 9789350844953 viii, 885 p.: UG Library
320.73082 PAN 00120042 Encyclopaedia of Women in Politics Pancholi Singh Ankita Centrum Press, 2014 9789350844953 viii, 885 p.: UG Library
320.73082 PAN 00120043 Encyclopaedia of Women in Politics Pancholi Singh Ankita Centrum Press, 2014 9789350844953 viii, 885 p.: UG Library
320.8 BAS 01008038 The retreat of democracy and other itinerant essays on globalization, economics, and India / Basu, Kaushik. Permanent Black : | Distributed by Orient Longman, 2007 8178241919 | 9788178241913 ix, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.8 BAS 01007432 The retreat of democracy and other itinerant essays on globalization, economics, and India / Basu, Kaushik. Permanent Black : | Distributed by Orient Longman, 2007 8178241919 | 9788178241913 ix, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.8 LAG 01021496 The challenge of local government size : Edward Elgar, 2013 9781782544296 (hbk.) | 1782544 viii, 291 pages: Knowledge Centre
320.8 MEH 00063416 Participation of Women in the Panchayati Raj System. Mehta, G S Kanishka Publishers 2002 8173915156 205p UG Library
320.8 RAG 05039315 Broadening and deepening democracy : Raghavan, E. Routledge, 2009 9780415544542 | 0415544548 xv, 292 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.8 SHA 00061841 Local Government Sharma, Manoj Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117680 | 9788126117680 420 p. UG Library
320.8019 GIL 01010891 The deepening darkness : Gilligan, Carol, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521898980 (hardback) xi, 339 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.808 BAV 00092501 Inclusion and exclusion in local governance : Sage Publications, 2008 9788178298603 (hard back) xiv, 453 p. : UG Library
320.808 YAD 10005056 At the Heart of Power : Yadav, Shyamlal Rupa Publications, 2024 9789361569692 xxiii, 295 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.808 YAD 00147231 At the Heart og Power: Yadav, Shyamlal Rupa, 2024 9789361569692 xxii,295p. ; UG Library
320.8080954 BAV 01011429 Inclusion and exclusion in local governance : Sage Publications, 2008 9788178298603 (hard back) xiv, 453 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.8082 PRA 00117939 Panchayat Raj Institutions and Finance T, Prasanna College Book House, 2014 9789381979013 ix:218p.; UG Library
320.8082 PRA 00117940 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Institutions T, Prasanna College Book House, 2013 9789381979068 xii:359p.; UG Library
320.809 SIN 07010312 The Local in Governance: Singh,Satyajit Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199468966 XIII,262 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.8091724 SHA 01005813 Local Governance in Developing Countries / Shah, Anwar World Bank Publications 2006 9780821365656 | 0821365657 (Perfect) p.; Knowledge Centre
320.8091724 SHA 00083430 Local Governance in Developing Countries Shah, Anwar World Bank 457p UG Library
320.80917521 DOL 00129777 Local Government Reform : Brian E. Dollery Edward Elgar, 2008 9781847200716 (hc) x, 267 p. ; UG Library
320.8094 ALO 01020247 Challenging the state : Alonso, Sonia. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199691579 (hardback) | 019 1st ed. xiv, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.8094 LOU 05029073 The Oxford handbook of local and regional democracy in Europe / Loughlin, John, Oxford University Press, 9780199562978 (hbk.) | 0199562 xxiv, 785 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.8094 ONG 01019192 Policy, performance and management in governance and intergovernmental relations : Edward Elgar, 2011 9781848443204 (hbk.) | 1848443 xi, 373 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.8095 CHA 00138400 Panchayati Raj System in India : Chaudhari,Dipika Anil. ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183766951 256p.; UG Library
320.8095 HAR 05048760 Central-local relations in Asian constitutional systems / Bloomsbury, 2015 9781849466400 | 1849466408 xxii, 169 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.8095 HAR 01023708 Central-local relations in Asian constitutional systems / Harding, Andrew Hart Publishing, 2015 9781849466400 xxii, 169 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.8095 SES 05037632 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037633 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037634 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037635 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037636 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037637 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037638 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037639 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037640 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037641 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037642 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037643 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037644 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037645 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037646 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037647 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037648 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037649 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037650 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037651 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037652 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037653 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037654 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037655 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037656 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037657 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.8095 SES 05037658 Survey of Rural India : Gyan Publishing House, 2013 9788121211000 705p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.80954 PRA 00106380 Panchayati Raj In Action Prasad Rakesh Abhijeet Publications : 2011 9789381136386 vi, 304 p. : UG Library
320.80954 JOS 00126134 Panchayat raj in India : Joshi, R. P. Rawat Publications, 8170337267 | 9788170337263 290 p. ; UG Library
320.80954 ALA 07004838 The Mughal State 1526 - 1750 Alam Muzaffar Oxford University Press 9780195652253 536p Library - BR Campus
320.80954 ALA 00094153 The Mughal State 1526 - 1750 Alam Muzaffar Oxford University Press 9780195652253 536p UG Library
320.80954 ARO 01014764 Panchayati raj, participation, and decentralization / Rawat Publications, 9788131602522 | 8131602524 xi, 315 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 BIJ 07014500 Politics of grassroots democracy in India / Biju, M R Concept Publication, 2019 9789386682765 xvii,447p.; Library - BR Campus
320.80954 CHA 00136105 Local governance in India / Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage Publications India Pvt ltd, 2019 9789352807581 xiv,214p.; UG Library
320.80954 CHI 00140749 Panchayat Raj in india Chiralli,Chitrashekar Current publications, 2021 9789391542375 v,258p.; UG Library
320.80954 DAS 00119387 Panchayati Raj and Rural Development Dass, Arvind Black Prints, 2014 9789382036593 viii:220p.; UG Library
320.80954 GOE 00062312 Panchayat Raj in India Goel, S. L. Deep & deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 8176294578 424 p. UG Library
320.80954 GOE 00111631 Panchayati Raj in India/ Goel, Ravi Sonali Publications; 2012 9788184113921 296p.; UG Library
320.80954 HAS 00086948 State and Locality in Mughal India: Power Relations in Western India C 1572-1730 Hasan, Farhat Foundation Books 2006 0817596331 144 p UG Library
320.80954 ISS 05041140 Status Of Panchayati Raj in the States and Union Territories of India 2013 / Concept Publishing Company Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9789351250319 xviii,737p.: Knowledge Centre
320.80954 JAY 00085218 Local Governance in India:Decentralization and Beyond. Jayal, Niraja Gopal 2007 0195692969 426p UG Library
320.80954 JAY 01005304 Democracy in India / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691573 (pbk.) | 0195691571 (pbk,) xxvi, 571 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 JAY 01005305 Democracy in India / Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195691573 (pbk.) | 0195691571 (pbk,) xxvi, 571 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 JAY 01006886 Local governance in India : Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195678376 xiii, 426 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 JAY 01003324 Local governance in India : Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195678376 xiii, 426 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 JAY 01006776 Local governance in India : Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195678376 xiii, 426 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 JOS 00061610 Panchayat Raj in India Joshi, R. P. Rawat Publications 2002 8170337267 290 p. UG Library
320.80954 JOS 00063379 Panchayat Raj in India Joshi, R. P. Rawat Publications 2002 8170337267 290 p. UG Library
320.80954 JOS 00067146 Panchayat Raj in India Joshi, R. P. Rawat Publications 2002 8170337267 290 p. UG Library
320.80954 JOS 00055654 Panchayat Raj in India Joshi, R. P. Rawat Publications 2002 8170337267 290 p. UG Library
320.80954 KAF 01008814 State-local fiscal relations in India : Manohar, 1998 8173042411 214 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 KUM 01009870 Local democracy in India : Kumar, Girish, Sage Publications, 2006 817829673X (IndiaHB) | 9788178296739 (IndiaHB) | 8178296896 (IndiaPB) | 9788178296890 (IndiaPB) | 0761935118 (HB) | 9780761935117 (HB) | 0761935339 (PB) | 9780761935339 (PB) 326 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 MAT 05033993 Panchayati raj : Mathur, Kuldeep, Oxford University Press 2013 0198090439 1st Ed. xxix, 172 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 NAG 05048642 Panchayati Raj System In India / Nagendra, Shilaja. Ishika Publishing House, 2015 9789382629863 viii, 180p. Knowledge Centre
320.80954 RAG 05037429 Decentralisation and local governments : T R Raghunandan Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125048831 | 8125048839 xii, 432 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 RAG 07004492 Decentralisation and local governments : T R Raghunandan Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125048831 | 8125048839 xii, 432 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.80954 RAH 00142280 Gender history in youth movements and democractic politics in Assam : RAhman,Rukchana. New Delhi Publishers, 2021 9788195035199 116p.; UG Library
320.80954 RAM 00106377 Local Governments and Poverty Alleviation Ramachandran V. Abhijeet Publications : 2009 9789380031347 viii, 150 p. : UG Library
320.80954 RAO 05072272 The Third eye of governance : Rao, N. Bhaskara. Speaking Tiger Books LLP, 2021 9789389958812 301 pages Knowledge Centre
320.80954 SHA 00129258 Panchayati raj and reservation policy : Sharma, B. M., 9788131609293 | 8131609294 xii, 207 pages : UG Library
320.80954 SHA 05057771 Panchayati raj and reservation policy : Sharma, B. M., 9788131609293 | 8131609294 xii, 207 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.80954 SIN 01005361 Decentralization : Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195687729 | 0195687728 xviii, 441 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 SIN 01005362 Decentralization : Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195687729 | 0195687728 xviii, 441 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.80954 SIN 00091373 Decentralization : Oxford University Press, 9780195687729 | 0195687728 xviii, 441 p. ; UG Library
320.80954 SIN 00079389 Panchayat Dilemma People's Power and Poverty Sinha, K. K. Serials Publications 2007 8183870686 204 p. UG Library
320.80954 SIS 05057783 Two Decades of Panchayat Raj in India : Sisodia Yatindra Singh., ed. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609279 xii, 303p. Knowledge Centre
320.80954 SIS 00129251 Two Decades of Panchayat Raj in India : Sisodia Yatindra Singh., ed. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609279 xii, 303p. UG Library
320.80954 SUD 00061654 New Panchayati Raj System Sudhakar, V. Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941073 314 p. UG Library
320.80954 VER 07011330 Social justice and panchayati raj / Verma, B. M., Mittal Publications, 2002 8170998662 1st ed. xvii, 350 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.80954 VID 00116470 Local Self-Government Vidhyasagar, I.S. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183763868 vi:232p.: UG Library
320.80954 VYA 00061611 Panchayats, Democracy and Development. Vyasulu, Vinod Rawat Publications 2003 9788170337553 194 p. UG Library
320.80954 VYA 00061520 Panchayats, Democracy and Development. Vyasulu, Vinod Rawat Publications 2003 9788170337553 194 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.80954 WID 00091209 Decentralisation, corruption and social capital : Widmalm, Sten. SAGE Publications, 9780761936640 (hardback) 229 p. : UG Library
320.80954 WID 01011190 Decentralisation, corruption and social capital : Widmalm, Sten. SAGE Publications, 2008 9780761936640 (hardback) 229 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.80954123 SHA 01014163 Empowering women Through Panchayati Raj Institution in India / Sharma,Laxmi Prateksha Publications, 9788185819280 182p.; Knowledge Centre
320.80954123 THA 01014172 women empowerment through Panchayati Raj Institution / Thakur,minni. Concept Publishing Company, 9788180696800 150p. Knowledge Centre
320.8095414 MAN 05031502 Grassroots governance : Mandal, Amal. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604922 xiv, 216 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.809548 BIJ 07000215 Local governance and rural empowerment : Concept Publishing Company, 2015 9789351251828 liv,311p.; Library - BR Campus
320.8095482 PAL 05066756 An inspiring academic journey / Palanithurai, G., Concept Publishing, 2018 9789386682697 | 9386682699 xvii, 238 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.8095487 CHA 05039358 Undermining local democracy : Chandrashekhar, Lalita. Routledge, 2011 9780415597470 xx, 225 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.8095496 GEL 00081929 Local Democracy in South Asia: Microprocesses of Democratization in Nepal and Its Neighbours Gellner, David N Sage Publications 2008 9788178298153 472p UG Library
320.809559 BHA 05074792 Local Self-Government in India : Bhardwaj, Sonika. MPP House, 2023 9789391155872 403p.; Knowledge Centre
320.809559 BHA 01029669 Local Self-Government in India : Bhardwaj, Sonika. MPP House, 2023 9789391155872 403p.; Knowledge Centre
320.809559 BHA 01029670 Local Self-Government in India : Bhardwaj, Sonika. MPP House, 2023 9789391155872 403p.; Knowledge Centre
320.80973 HAI 05048895 The Oxford handbook of state and local government / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199579679 (hardback) | 019 First edition. xi, 956 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.80973 HAI 07005753 The Oxford handbook of state and local government / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199579679 (hardback) | 019 First edition. xi, 956 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.82 CHA 00106601 Encyclopaedia of Poltical Thinkers Chaudhary Bharat ABD Publishers 2011 9788183762854 304 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.82 CHA 00106602 Encyclopaedia of Poltical Thinkers Chaudhary Bharat ABD Publishers 2011 9788183762854 304 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.82 CHA 00106603 Encyclopaedia of Poltical Thinkers Chaudhary Bharat ABD Publishers 2011 9788183762854 304 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.82 DAH 01007342 Women, quotas and politics / Routledge, 2006 0415375495 (hardback : alk. paper) [1st ed.]. xii, 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.82 DAH 01009583 Women, quotas and politics / Routledge, 2006 0415375495 (hardback : alk. paper) [1st ed.]. xii, 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.84 CHE 00106988 Rural governance Cheshire,Lynda Routledge, 2007 0415399599 xx;316 P. UG Library
320.84 CHE 07006930 Rural Governance : Cheshire, Lynda. Rawat Publications, 2013 9780415654111 xx,316p.; Library - BR Campus
320.84 CHE 00117748 Rural Governance : Cheshire, Lynda. Rawat Publications, 2013 9780415654111 xx,316p.; UG Library
320.84 CHE 05032593 Rural Governance : Cheshire, Lynda. Rawat Publications, 2013 9780415654111 xx,316p.; Knowledge Centre
320.84 GHO 01008694 State politics and panchayats in India / Ghosh, Buddhadeb. Manohar Publishers & Distributors ; | Centre de Sciences Humaines, 2003 8173044872 243 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.84 SIS 01000081 Functioning of panchayat raj system / Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339685 xii, 356 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.840 DAL 07013836 Women and panchayati raj Dalawai, Ravi S Current Publication, 2019 9789384803582 v,281p.; Library - BR Campus
320.840 MAH 07013905 Panchayati Raj Sytem/ Mahajan,Yashwant G Current Publications, 2019 9789384803810 231 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.8409 GOE 00111772 Panchayati Raj and Rural Development/ Goel, Ravi. Sonali Publications, 2012 9788184113938 280.;p UG Library
320.8409 KHO 00138394 Panchayati Raj and Rural Development : Khosla,Raj Kumar. Manglam Publications, 2019 9789386123053 xxxvi,290p.; UG Library
320.840954 BHU 00106379 New Panchayati Raj : Bhuyan,Dasarathi Aghijeet Publications, 2010 9789380031606 316 p. : UG Library
320.840954 BHU 01014168 New Panchayati Raj : Bhuyan,Dasarathi Aghijeet Publications, 2010 9789380031606 316 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.840954 ISS 00050321 Status of Panchayati Raj In The States And Union Territories of India 2000 Institute Of Social Sciences Concept Publishing Com 2000 8170228697 516p UG Library
320.840954 PAL 10005237 Rural local governance and development / Pal, Mahi Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353287207 xxv, 381p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.840954 PAL 01014162 Dyanamics of New Panchayati Raj System in India / Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd. 9788180696725 251p.; Knowledge Centre
320.840954 SHA 00121972 Politics of rural India Sharma A Sukhdev Ankit Publishing house 2014 9789381605578 266p. UG Library
320.8409542 SIN 05048248 Panchayati raj system and political development / Singh,Mukesh. R.P.Publications, 2016 9789382398257 vii,304p.; Knowledge Centre
320.8409543 REW 05007098 Gram panchayat leadership : Rewadikar, Nalini, Rawat Publications, 2010 8131603563 | 9788131603567 x, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.8409543 REW 07006848 Gram panchayat leadership : Rewadikar, Nalini, Rawat Publications, 2010 8131603563 | 9788131603567 x, 222 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.8409543 REW 05006537 Gram panchayat leadership : Rewadikar, Nalini, Rawat Publications, 2010 8131603563 | 9788131603567 x, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.84MOR 01006542 Gram Sabha : Mor,Krishna Kumar. Associated Publishers, 2007 8184290462 277p.; Knowledge Centre
320.84SHA 01006399 Vikendrikarana Mattu Gramapanchayat / A Shridhar Kannada University, 2002 72p.; Knowledge Centre
320.85 BAU 00091223 New forms of urban governance in India : SAGE Publications, 9788178299051 (hard back) xiv, 402 p. : UG Library
320.85 DAV 07009199 Urban Politics: Davison,Mark Sage Publication, 2014 9780857023988 XV,231 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.85 DAV 07007722 Urban politics : Davidson, Mark SAGE, 2014 9780857023971 (hardback) | 085 xiv, 235 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.85 DAV 00123814 Urban politics : Davidson, Mark SAGE, 2014 9780857023971 (hardback) | 085 xiv, 235 p. : UG Library
320.85 DAV 01011836 Theories of urban politics / Sage, 1412921619 (hbk.) | 9781412921 xiii, 282 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.85 DAV 07009951 Urban politics : Davidson, Mark SAGE, 2014 9780857023971 (hardback) | 085 xiv, 235 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.85 HAM 01010424 Governing cities in a global era : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 1403975736 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781403975737 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 0230602304 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780230602304 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1st ed. xix, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.85 SIN 00071118 Urban Local Government Singh, U.B. Rawat Publications 1997 8170333808 231 p. UG Library
320.85 STR 05005100 The urban politics reader / Routledge, 2006 0415319951 (hardcover : alk. p 354 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.850 STE 00122731 The Shame of the Cities Steffens, Lincoln Dover Publications, 2004 9780486437095 214 p:. UG Library
320.850951 LUJ 05046420 Varieties of governance in China : Lu, Jie, Oxford University Pres, 2015 9780199378746 (hardback) xi, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.850954 BAU 03004166 New forms of urban governance in India : SAGE Publications, 9788178299051 (hard back) xiv, 402 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.850954 JHA 10004216 2014 the great unravelling / Jha, Sanjay Harpercollins publishers, 2024 9789356997622 255 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.850954 JHA 00140799 The great unravelling: Jha,Sanjay Context 2020 9789389648904 277p UG Library
320.850954 JHA 00140720 The great unravelling: Jha,Sanjay Context 2020 9789389648904 277p UG Library
320.850954 RAO 00112311 Panchayats and building of model vvillages Rao,M.V Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605745 xii,336p.; UG Library
320.850954 SIV 07002099 Governance of megacities : Sivaramakrishnan, K. C. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199454136 | 0199454132 First edition. xli,326p.; Library - BR Campus
320.850954133 TIW 05047757 Tribal self-governance : Tiwari, Nupur. Rawat Publications , 2016 9788131607541 (hardback) | 813 xiv, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.8509542 NAR 00098442 Human resources development in urban administration / Narayan, Rajeev. Serials Publications, 8183870252 v, 206 p. ; UG Library
320.850973 LEV 05057296 Urban politics : Levine, Myron A. Routledge, 2015 9781138853577 (hbk : alk. pape Ninth edtion. xiii, 412 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.850973 RIV 05044037 Renegade cities, public policy, and the dilemmas of federalism / Riverstone-Newell, Lori, First Forum press, 2014 9781935049883 (hc : alk. paper xi, 227 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.9 ARO 00027142 Selected Western & Indian Thinkers Arora, Prem Bookhive 1985 107 p. UG Library
320.9 ARO 00021304 Studies in Political Thought : A Study of Selected Political Thinkers Arora Prem Book Hive Publishers 1987 200 p UG Library
320.9 ARO 05039340 Routeing democracy in the Himalayas : Arora, Vibha Routledge, 2013 9780415811996 | 0415811996 xv, 303 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.9 ASH 01007211 Political Sociology / Ali Ashraf University Press, 1983 8173710163 224p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9 BAL 05007178 Political discipline in a free society, Blackham, H. J. G. Allen & Unwin 1961 9780415555814 283 p. Knowledge Centre
320.9 BHA 07002083 History of Political Thought : Bhattacharjee Arun A.P.H.Publishing Corporation, 2015 9789331325006 249p.: Library - BR Campus
320.9 BLU 00021311 Theories of Political Systems Bluhm William T Prentice-Hall 1987 0876920695 514 p UG Library
320.9 BRE 00003523 Political Theory : The Foundations of 20th Century Brecht Arnold Princeton University Press 1967 607 p UG Library
320.9 BRO 00084710 Ordering the International: History, Change and Transformation. Brown, William 2004 0745321372 647p UG Library
320.9 BUR 05038706 Politics in the developing world / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199666003 (pbk.) 4th edition. xxxi,452p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9 BUR 07007209 Politics in the developing world / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199666003 (pbk.) 4th edition. xxxi,452p.; Library - BR Campus
320.9 CAM 10004082 But What Can I Do ? : Campbell, Alastair Hucthinson Heinemann, 2023 xii, 319p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.9 CHA 00025336 Political Thought. Chander, Prakash Bookhive 1984 383 P. UG Library
320.9 CHA 01005310 Forging Power : Chakrabarty,Bidyut. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195676761 280p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9 CHA 01005311 Forging Power : Chakrabarty,Bidyut. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195676761 280p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9 CHA 07013853 History of political thought / Chaturvedi, Archna Commonwealth Publication, 2017 8171699715 v,278p.; Library - BR Campus
320.9 DUN 00005663 A History of Political Theories Dunning William Archibald Central Book Depot 1970 358 p UG Library
320.9 DUN 00005672 A History of Political Theories Dunning William Archibald Central Book Depot 1970 358 p UG Library
320.9 DUN 00005659 A History of Political Theories Dunning William Archibald Central Book Depot 1970 358 p UG Library
320.9 EBE 00001264 Great Political Thinkers Ebenstein William Oxford & IBH Publishers 1966 3rd Ed 950 p UG Library
320.9 FUK 05000850 The Origins of Political Order : Fukuyama Francis Profile Books Ltd, 2011 9781846682568 xiv,585p.: Knowledge Centre
320.9 FUK 00140800 The Origins of Political Order : Fukuyama, Francis. Profile Books, 2011 9781846682568 xiv 585 p.: UG Library
320.9 FUK 00106286 The Origins of Political Order : Fukuyama, Francis. Profile Books, 2011 9781846682568 xiv 585 p.: UG Library
320.9 FUK 03005869 The Origins of Political Order : Fukuyama, Francis. Profile Books, 2011 9781846682568 xiv 585 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.9 FUK 07002346 The origins of political order : Fukuyama, Francis Profile books, 2012 9781846682575 xvi,585p.; Library - BR Campus
320.9 GIB 01025935 An introduction to world politics / Gibbons, Herbert Adams, Routledge., 1922 9781138186002 xiii, 3-595 p. Knowledge Centre
320.9 GOU 00010715 Contemporary Political Thought Gould, James A Holt, Rinehort and Winston Inc 1969 373 p UG Library
320.9 GUP 00022118 History of Political Thought Gupta M G Chaitanya Publishling House 1982 272 p UG Library
320.9 GUP 00004312 The Great Political Thinkers Gupta, Ram Chandra Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal 1970 2nd Ed. 480 P. UG Library
320.9 GUP 00005275 The Great Political Thinkers Gupta, Ram Chandra Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal 1970 2nd Ed. 480 P. UG Library
320.9 GUP 00015426 History of Political Thought Gupta M G Chaitanya Publishling House 1973 507 p UG Library
320.9 HAD 00076163 History of Political Thought 1789 to the Present: [dharmaram Library] Haddock, Bruce 2005 0745603009 184p UG Library
320.9 JAC 01005232 Politics of the Real World : Jacobs,Michael. Earthscan Publications, 1996 1853833509 146p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9 JOH 00027148 Political Thought Johari, J. C. Metropolitan 1985 4th Ed. 753 P. UG Library
320.9 JOH 00003533 Political Thought : Ancient And Medieval Johari J C Metropolitan Book Co 1965 1st Ed. 184 p UG Library
320.9 JOH 00042556 Traditions of Political Thought Johari, J. C. Himalaya 1994 8170409705 258 p. UG Library
320.9 JOH 00026266 Political Thought : Ancient And Medieval Johari J.C. Metropolitan Books 1985 4th Ed. 304 p UG Library
320.9 JON 00015891 Masters of Political Thought : Vol-2 Jones W T Oxford University Press 1973 195606701 378 p UG Library
320.9 KEG 07005132 World Politics : Kegley,Chaeles, W. Wadsworth Publication. 2011 9780495802204 XXXII,572 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.9 KEG 07005119 World Politics : Kegley,Chaeles, W. Wadsworth Publication. 2011 9780495802204 XXXII,572 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.9 KEG 07005115 World Politics : Kegley,Chaeles, W. Wadsworth Publication. 2011 9780495802204 XXXII,572 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.9 MUK 07010156 A History of Political Thought : Mukherjee, Subrata PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120343894 2nd ed. xii, 563 p:. Library - BR Campus
320.9 MUK 00120627 A History of Political Thought : Mukherjee, Subrata PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120343894 2nd ed. xii, 563 p:. UG Library
320.9 MUK 00022120 Simple History of Political Thought. Mukhi, H. R. Surjeet Book Depot 1981 9th Ed. 574 P. UG Library
320.9 MUK 01029010 A History of Political Thought : Mukherjee, Subrata PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120343894 2nd ed. xii, 563 p:. Knowledge Centre
320.9 MUK 01026602 A History of Political Thought : Mukherjee, Subrata PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120343894 2nd ed. xii, 563 p:. Knowledge Centre
320.9 MUK 01026654 A History of Political Thought : Mukherjee, Subrata PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120343894 2nd ed. xii, 563 p:. Knowledge Centre
320.9 MUK 01026655 A History of Political Thought : Mukherjee, Subrata PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120343894 2nd ed. xii, 563 p:. Knowledge Centre
320.9 MUK 01026656 A History of Political Thought : Mukherjee, Subrata PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120343894 2nd ed. xii, 563 p:. Knowledge Centre
320.9 MUK 01026657 A History of Political Thought : Mukherjee, Subrata PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120343894 2nd ed. xii, 563 p:. Knowledge Centre
320.9 MUK 00027157 Simple History of Political Thought. Mukhi, H. R. Surjeet Book Depot 1981 9th Ed. 574 P. UG Library
320.9 NIG 00095286 After Utopia Nigam Aditya Viva Books 2010 9788130910246 282P UG Library
320.9 ODN 00072044 From Irenaeus to Grotius a Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought [dharmaram Library] O`Donovan, Oliver 2000 0802838766 838 UG Library
320.9 PAL 00145165 Medieval western political thinker/ Paled, Ashokkumar V Current publications, 2022 9789391542801 320p.; UG Library
320.9 PAL 00140746 Medieval western political thinker/ Paled, Ashokkumar V Current publications, 2022 9789391542801 320p.; UG Library
320.9 PAN 00027164 Political Thought : Plato to Machiavelli Pandey R Vani Educational Books 1985 0706927745 445 p UG Library
320.9 PAN 00026261 Political Thought : Plato to Machiavelli Pandey R Vani Educational Books 1985 0706927745 445 p UG Library
320.9 PAT 00027584 Textbook of Political Thought : From Plato to Machiavelli Patil S H Vani Educational Books 1984 070692505X 156 p UG Library
320.9 PRA 00106604 History of Political thoughts Prasad Ganesh ABD Publishers 2011 9788183762984 264p. UG Library
320.9 PRA 00106605 History of Political thoughts Prasad Ganesh ABD Publishers 2011 9788183762984 264p. UG Library
320.9 PRA 00106606 History of Political thoughts Prasad Ganesh ABD Publishers 2011 9788183762984 264p. UG Library
320.9 RAN 00142240 Communists and Muslims Randathani,Hussain Abhijeet Publications 2021 9788195090969 288p UG Library
320.9 RAO 00015411 Political Thought : Ancient And Medieval Full View At a Glance Rao S K Sudha Publications 1974 235 p UG Library
320.9 SAC 00022104 Simple Study Political Thought Sachdeva Ajantha 1982 416 P. UG Library
320.9 SHA 00025321 Modern Western Political Thought : From Hobbes to the present day Sharma R P Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 594 p UG Library
320.9 SHA 00025322 Western Political Thought : Plato to Hugo Grotius Sharma R P Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1984 326 p UG Library
320.9 SHA 00015965 Modern Western Political Thought : From Hobbes to the present day Sharma R P Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 594 p UG Library
320.9 SHA 00142887 Western Political Thought Sharma, S K Atlantic Publishers 2022 9788171566839 | 9788171567355 2 Vols UG Library
320.9 SHA 00142888 Western Political Thought Sharma, S K Atlantic Publishers 2022 9788171566839 | 9788171567355 2 Vols UG Library
320.9 SHA 00042558 Western Political Thought - From Plato to Present Day Sharma U Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 1997 175 p UG Library
320.9 SHA 00024012 The Politics of Development and Modernaization Sharma P K Ashish Publishing House 1982 210 p UG Library
320.9 SHO 01012077 We must have no price : Shourie,Arun Rupa Co, 2010 9788129115638 343p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9 SHU 05074028 India the waste years / Shukla, Avay. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, 2021 9781639724901 xvii,342p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9 SIN 00133166 Western political thought/ Singh,Arimardan. Sonali Publications, 2018 9788184116366 350 p. ; UG Library
320.9 SUD 00021307 A History of Political Thought : Bentham to Present Day Suda, Jyoti prasad K Nath & Co 1987 475 p UG Library
320.9 SUD 00022125 History of Political Thought : Ancient & Medieval : Vol-1 Suda Jyoti Prasad K Nath & Co 1987 370 p UG Library
320.9 SUD 00022126 A History of Political Thought : Machiavelli to Burke : Vol-2 Suda Jyoti Prasad K Nath & Co 1987 374 p UG Library
320.9 SUD 00022127 Modern Political Thought : Bentham to Marx (Vol-3) Suda Jyoti Prasad K Nath & Co 1980 373 p UG Library
320.9 WAN 00027586 History of Political Thought Wanlass Lawernce C Surjeet Publications 1981 418 p UG Library
320.9 WAN 00016566 Gettell's History of Political Thought Wanlass Lawrence C Surjeet Publication 1970 425 p UG Library
320.9 WAN 00017410 History of Political Thought Wanlass Lawernce C Surjeet Publications 1981 418 p UG Library
320.9 WAN 00015881 Gettell's History of Political Thought Wanlass Lawrence C Surjeet Publication 1970 425 p UG Library
320.9 WAR 05059650 A short history of political thinking / Ward, Paul W., The University of North Carolina press, 1939 9781469612294 127p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9001512 TAY 05044130 Mathematics and Politics : Taylor, Alan D., New York : | Springer Verlag, 2008 9780387776439 | 0387776435 2nd ed. 364 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.9033 WAT 00010720 The Age of Ideology Political Thought, 1750 to the Present Watkins Frederick M Prentice-Hall Pvt Ltd 1965 116 p UG Library
320.904 MCW 03003498 World Since 1945: A History of International Relations Mcwilliams, Wayne C Viva Books 9788130904382 618 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.904 TIM 00096955 View Point Bennet, Colman and Company Ltd., 9788189906153 303 p. UG Library
320.904 VER 05056686 World politics between 1945-1991 / Verma Ambika Prasad Manglam publishers & distributors, 2015 9789382816270 312p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9045 CAL 00137401 World politics since 1945 / Calvocoressi, Peter. Pearson Longman, 2009 9781405899383 (pbk.) | 1405899387 (pbk.) 9th ed. ix,843p.: UG Library
320.9045 CAL 01020334 World politics since 1945 / Calvocoressi, Peter. Pearson Longman, 2009 9781405899383 (pbk.) | 1405899387 (pbk.) 9th ed. ix,843p.: Knowledge Centre
320.9045 COL 05037601 An Introduction to World Politics : Collin, Richard Oliver Viva Books, 2014 9788130925844 xix, 635 p. Knowledge Centre
320.9045 GAN 07010308 Postcolonial theory; Gandhi Leela Oxford university press; 9780195647617 viii;200 p. Library - BR Campus
320.9045 GAN 00099183 Postcolonial theory; Gandhi Leela Oxford university press; 9780195647617 viii;200 p. UG Library
320.9045 HUG 01002802 Continuity and change in world politics / Hughes, Barry, Prentice Hall, 1997 0135331919 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xix, 556 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.91 GHU 07006469 Corruption and quality of governance : Aalekh Publishers : | [Sole distributors, Rawat Publications], 2012 8187359625 | 9788187359623 xxvii, 467 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.9171241 GHU 05031501 Corruption and quality of governance : Aalekh Publishers : | [Sole distributors, Rawat Publications], 2012 8187359625 | 9788187359623 xxvii, 467 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.91717 BUN 05039609 Democracy and authoritarianism in the post-communist world / Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521115988 (hardback) | 978 xi, 347 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.9172 HYD 03002433 Making Sense of Governance: Empirical Evidence from 16 Developing Countries Hyden, Goran Viva Books 9788130913711 262 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.9172 MCL 00148169 The Politics of Development / Mcloughlin, Claire Sage, 2024 9781529667691 xvi,371p. ; UG Library
320.9172 WAT 00087645 Selections from New Left Review: 3. Front Lines Watkins, Susan Seagull 2008 ISB8170464838 312p UG Library
320.9172 WAT 00089586 Selections from New Left Review: 3. Front Lines Watkins, Susan Seagull 2008 ISB8170464838 312p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.91724 ARO 07006477 Governance and Development / Arora Ramesh.K Aalekh Publishers, 2011 9788187359661 268p.: Library - BR Campus
320.91724 ARO 05045685 Governance and Development / Arora Ramesh.K Aalekh Publishers, 2011 9788187359661 268p.: Knowledge Centre
320.91724 BUR 05003873 Politics in the developing world / Brunell, Peater . Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199570836 (acidfree paper) 3rd ed. xxxviii, 537 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.91724 CHA 01008057 Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World : Partha Chatterjee University of Minnesota, 2004 0816623112 181p.; Knowledge Centre
320.91724 JON 05040974 Countries compared on public performance : Netherlands Institute for Social Research ; | Transaction Publishers [distributors], 2012 9789037705843 | 9037705847 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.91724 KES 05056245 Introduction to Politics of the Developing World / Kesselman,Mark. Cengage, 2013 9781111834203 6th ed. xvii,413p.; Knowledge Centre
320.91724 KIN 00135531 Politics in developing countries / Kingsbury, Damien, Routledge, 2019 9781138297173 (hardback) | 9781138297210 (pbk.) xi, 224 pages ; UG Library
320.91724 SMI 01010860 Understanding Third World politics : Smith, Brian C. Indiana University Press, 2009 9780253221049 (pbk.) | 9780230223585 3rd ed. rev. & updated. xvi, 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.91724 SMI 05057294 Understanding third world politics : Smith, Brian C. Palgrave, 2013 9781137003232 (hardback) Fourth edition. xviii, 292 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.9174 ALA 00119490 Arab Spring : Reflections on Political Changes in the Arab World and Its Future. Alam, Anwar New Century Publications, 2014 9788177083958 lxxiv:433p.; UG Library
320.9174927 GRA 05044047 Understanding Tahrir Square : Grand, Stephen R., 9780815725169 | 9780815725176 1 online resource (274 pages) : Knowledge Centre
320.91767 ESP 00133248 Islam and democracy after the Arab Spring / Esposito, John L. Oxford university press, 2016 9780195147988 (hardback : alk. paper) 306 pages ; UG Library
320.91767 HAS 00078892 Democracy in Muslim Societies: Hasan, Zoya Sage 2007 9780761935667 266p UG Library
320.91767 HAS 00083654 Democracy in Muslim Societies: Hasan, Zoya Sage 2007 9780761935667 266p UG Library
320.91767 HAS 00086274 Democracy in Muslim Societies: Hasan, Zoya Sage 2007 9780761935667 266p UG Library
320.91767 LAM 05044294 Non-western encounters with democratization : Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015 9781472439710 (hardback : alk. xii, 241 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.91767 MUS 05048254 Democracy in Muslim World / Mustafa,Md.Jamal. Random Publications, 2015 9789351117247 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
320.91767HAS 01007693 Democracy in Muslim societies : Sage Publications, 2007 9780761935667 (hbk.) | 0761935665 (hbk.) | 9788178297262 (hbk. : India) | 8178297264 (hbk. : India) 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.91821 COL 00123489 Paths toward democracy : Collier, Ruth Berins. Cambridge University Press, 1999 0521643694 hb | 9780521643825 xii, 230 p. : UG Library
320.91821 KUT 05065274 Can democracy survive global capitalism ? / Kuttner, Robert. W.W.Norton & Company, 2018 9780393356892 xxiv, 365 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.91824 VER 05072596 Beyond Liberal Order : Verhoeven, Harry., ed. Hurst and Company Publishers Ltd., 2021 9781787385436 ix, 322p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.92 BOS 00089606 Behenji: A Political Biography of Mayawati Bose, Joy A 2008 277p UG Library
320.92 DEV 00092505 JP in jail : Devasahayam, M. G. Lotus Collection, 8174364293 xx, 315 p. ; UG Library
320.9254 GAR 05075082 Dare, Dream, Do: Garg, Anurag. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2022 9789355205544 247p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9254 RAN 05075067 Maker of Modern Goa : Rane, Vijayadevi. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2024 9789357026314 xvii, 245p.; Knowledge Centre
320.93 MOU 07013658 Politics in the Roman Republic / Mouritsen, Henrik, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107031883 | 9781107651333 (pbk.) xii, 202 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.934 ALT 00024278 State & Government in Ancient India / Altekar, A S Motilal Banasidass, 1949 9788120810099 405 p UG Library
320.934 ALT 00025344 State & Government in Ancient India / Altekar, A S Motilal Banasidass, 1949 9788120810099 405 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.934 ALT 00027150 State & Government in Ancient India / Altekar, A S Motilal Banasidass, 1949 9788120810099 405 p UG Library
320.934 ALT 00077258 State & Government in Ancient India / Altekar, A S Motilal Banasidass, 1949 9788120810099 405 p UG Library
320.934 ALT 00073656 State & Government in Ancient India / Altekar, A S Motilal Banasidass, 1949 9788120810099 405 p UG Library
320.934 RAN 00119489 Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institution Ranjan, Ravi Centrum Press, 2013 9789381938829 viii:296p.; UG Library
320.934 SAX 00133042 Ancient indian political thought and institution Saxena,A.K ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766203 viii,244p.; UG Library
320.938 BAR 00006145 Greek Political Theory : Plato and His Predecessors Barker Sri Ernest Methuen & Co 1970 467 p UG Library
320.938 BAR 00006141 Greek Political Theory : Plato and His Predecessors Barker Sri Ernest Methuen & Co 1970 467 p UG Library
320.938 BAR 05007218 Greek political theory, Barker, Ernest, Methuen; | Barnes & Noble 1960 9780415555531 468 p. Knowledge Centre
320.938 EHR 05007163 The Greek state / Ehrenberg, Victor, Routledge, 1969 0416128203 | 9780415555630 2nd ed. xii, 308 p. Knowledge Centre
320.9385 OSB 00106335 Athens and Athenian democracy Osborne, Robin, Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521844215 (hardback) | 978 xix, 462 p. : UG Library
320.938502 FUK 05007165 The ancestral constitution; Fuks, Alexander, Greenwood Press 1971 0837155924 | 9780415555654 ix, 124 p. Knowledge Centre
320.94 AND 00017975 European Political I : The Restless Search Andrews, William G East-West Press 1966 246 p UG Library
320.94 AND 00015421 European Political I : The Restless Search Andrews, William G East-West Press 1966 246 p UG Library
320.94 AND 00005434 European Political I : The Restless Search Andrews, William G East-West Press 1966 246 p UG Library
320.94 BHA 00017980 History of European Political Philosophy Bhandari D R Bangalore Printing & Publishers Co 1994 111 p.: UG Library
320.94 BHA 00025332 History of European Political Philosophy Bhandari D R Bangalore Printing & Publishers Co 1994 111 p.: UG Library
320.94 BHA 00038309 History of European Political Philosophy Bhandari D R Bangalore Printing & Publishers Co 1994 111 p.: UG Library
320.94 BHA 00026332 History of European Political Philosophy Bhandari D R Bangalore Printing & Publishers Co 1994 111 p.: UG Library
320.94 BHA 00042524 History of European Political Philosophy Bhandari D R Bangalore Printing & Publishers Co 1994 111 p.: UG Library
320.94 MAG 00108285 Contemporary European politics Magone, Jose M. Routledge, 2011 9780415418935 | 0415418925 (hb xxxi, 651 p. : UG Library
320.94 NEU 00015888 European Government Neumann, Robert G McGraw-Hill Book Co 1968 4th Ed 878 p UG Library
320.94 PRI 01009428 The dynamics of democratization : Pridham, Geoffrey, Continuum, 2000 0826450385 viii, 330 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.94 TAK 01022368 Participation in EU decision making : Takács, Tamara. TMC Asser Press ; | Cambridge University Press [distributor], 2009 9789067042949 xx, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.94 ZME 01024340 Handbook on political trust / Zmerli,Sonja Edward elgar publishing limited., 2017 9781782545101 (hardback) xix,539p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9409051 HAB 05006397 Europe : Habermas, Juaˆrgen. Polity, 2009 9780745646497 (pbk.) English ed. xviii, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.94094 LOA 01025939 European integration in times of crisis : Routledge, 2016 9781138099135 x,146p.; Knowledge Centre
320.941 ALL 00133694 The political class : Allen, Peter, Oxford university press, 2018 0198795971 | 9780198795971 First edition. viii, 158 pages ; UG Library
320.941 BEB 05007219 The nonconformist conscience : Bebbington, D. W. G. Allen & Unwin, 1982 0049421735 | 9780415555548 x, 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.941 COX 00115369 Contemporary British Politics Coxall, Bill 1998 0033373243 538p UG Library
320.941 FAI 00011793 How Russia is Ruled Fainsod, Merla The Times of India Press 1969 700 p UG Library
320.941 GOO 10004515 Values, Voice and Virtue: The New British Politics/ by Matthew Goodwin Goodwin, Matthew [Author] Penguin Random House, 2023 9780141999098 1st Ed. xxii, 239 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.941 HAM 05047647 The crisis of theory : Hamilton, Scott. Manchester Univ. Press, 2011 0719084350 | 9780719084355 293 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.941 HAZ 01021700 The politics of coalition : Hazell, Robert. Hart Publishing, 2012 9781849463102 | 1849463107 xii, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.941 HIN 05060766 What's left now? : Hindmoor, Andrew Oxford University Press. 2018 9780198805991 First edition. xii,285p.; Knowledge Centre
320.941 KIN 01021090 Government and politics in Britain / Kingdom, J. E., Polity, 2014 9780745638898 (pbk.) | 0745638 4th edition. xv, 856 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.941 MAN 00131328 Political (dis)engagement: the changing nature of the 'political' Manning, Nathan Policy press, 2017 9781447317029 x,254p.; UG Library
320.941 MCT 00135576 Themes and flux in British politics : McTavish, Duncan, Routledge, 2019 9781138298354 (hardback) | 9781138298378 (pbk.) xlvii, 121 pages ; UG Library
320.941 WRI 00102828 British politics / Wright, Anthony, Oxford University Press, 0192854593 122 p. : UG Library
320.941 WRI 05048811 British politics : Wright, Anthony, 9780199661107 (pbk.) | 0199661 2 edition, fully updated new edition. xiv, 131 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.941073 BOU 05007177 The language of politics in the age of Wilkes and Burke / Boulton, James T. Greenwood Press, 1963 0837179696 | 9780415555807 xiii, 282 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.94109051 SEL 01012490 The Blair effect 2001-5 / Cambridge University Press, 052186142X (hbk.) | 0521678609 xii, 483 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.941090511 CUR 05049036 Has devolution worked? : Manchester University Press, 2009 9780719075599 (hbk.) | 0719075 xii, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.941109049 HAS 05066725 The story of the scottish parliament : Edinburg University Press Ltd, 2019 9781474454902 xii, 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.9415 MCG 05004792 Irish political studies reader : Routledge, 2008 9780415446471 (hardback) | 041 xvi, 393 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.942 BAR 00010755 Essays on Government Barker Ernest Oxford University Press 1960 306 p UG Library
320.942 GUN 05007167 Politics and the public interest in the seventeenth century, Gunn, J. A. W. Routledge & K. Paul; | University of Toronto P., 1969 0710061749 | 9780415555678 xii, 355 p. Knowledge Centre
320.942 HEN 00049744 Muddling Through - Power, Politics and The Quality of Government in Postwar Britain Hennessy, Peter Victor Gollancz 1996 9780575063662 314 p UG Library
320.942 HID 00135546 Populist discourse: Hidalog-Tenorio,Encarnacion Routledge, 2019 9781138541481 xiii,314p.; UG Library
320.942 RAA 05007171 The English face of Machiavelli : Raab, Felix. Routledge & K. Paul, 1964 9780415555722 xii, 306 p. Knowledge Centre
320.943 KER 07009266 The naki dictatorship / Kershaw, Ian Bloomsbury Publication, 9781474240956 xv,325p. Library - BR Campus
320.943 ROV 07013815 The Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmpolitanism/ Rovisco Maria Routledge, 2018 9781138476653 xi,411 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.943011 SOO 05073672 Chaff and Grain : SOOD, Vivek Bloomsbury, 2023 9789354353567 xviii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
320.943014 SHA 00134804 Marketing the Third Reich : O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas J., Routledge 2018 9781138060562 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138060586 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 Ed. xi,290p,: UG Library
320.9438 ROS 00123486 From elections to democracy : Rose-Ackerman, Susan. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521843839 (hardcover) | 97805 xii, 272 p. ; UG Library
320.944 BLO 00018904 The Government of France Blondel Jean Methuen & Co 1974 2nd Ed 307 p UG Library
320.945 CHA 00023700 State Politics in India - A Study of Center-State Relations Chhabra Harinder K Surjeet Publications 1980 448 p UG Library
320.946 FIS 00136881 Democratic practice : Fishman, Robert M., Oxford university press, 2019 9780190912871 (hc : alk. paper) | 9780190912888 xix, 266 pages ; UG Library
320.947 MCM 05024404 Economic autonomy and democracy : McMann, Kelly M., Cambridge University Press, 2006 xv, 259 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.947 NAL 01014355 Skeletons in the closet : Nalepa, Monika, Cambridge University Press, 9780521514453 (hardback) | 978 xxiii, 300 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.947 POR 05059362 Where Did The Revolution Go? : Della Porta, Donatella, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107173712 (alk. paper) | 9 xiv, 399 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.947 SAK 01019835 Russian politics and society / Sakwa, Richard. Routledge, 2008 9780415415279 (hardback) | 041 4th ed., Fully rev. and updated. xix, 585 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.94708 JAN 05041113 Decentralizing Rural Governance and Development / Jana Anil Kumar Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606810 xiv,326p.: Knowledge Centre
320.95 MAR 03002537 Introduction to Accounting / Marriott, Pru. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2009 9788178298559 537 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.95 CHU 00108300 East Asia's new democracies Chu Yin-wah Routledge, 2010 9780415499316 | 0415499305 (ha xviii, 303 p. : UG Library
320.95 GIL 07001300 The nature of Asian politics / Gilley, Bruce, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521761710 (hardback) | 978 xii, 262 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.95 GIL 05045144 The nature of Asian politics / Gilley, Bruce, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521761710 (hardback) | 978 xii, 262 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.95 GUH 00043855 Corruption in India : Agenda for Action Guhan S Vision Books 1997 312 p UG Library
320.95 HUA 05065686 Politics in pacific asia : Huang, Xiaoming. Palgrave, 2017 9781137466488 2nd ed. xiii, 318 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95 LIM 05041212 Politics in East Asia : Lim, Timothy C., Lynne Rienner, 2014 9781626370517 (hardcover : alk xii, 417 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.95 MCG 05055946 Urban Politics A Reader / Sage, 2017 9781506311197 xv,550p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95 MCG 00130130 Urban Politics A Reader / Sage, 2017 9781506311197 xv,550p.; UG Library
320.95 SIN 05010839 Confucianism and democratization in East Asia / Sin, To-chʻol. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107017337 (hardback) | 978 x,366 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.95 VEN 00042520 Asian Polity and India - Essays in Inter-Asian Relations Venkatasubbiah H Patriot Publishers 1990 145 p UG Library
320.95 YAH 05018131 The international politics of the Asia-Pacific / Yahuda, Michael B. Routledge, 2011 9780415474801 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd and rev. ed. xv, 366 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95 YAH 05005312 The international politics of the Asia-Pacific / Yahuda, Michael B. Routledge, 2011 9780415474801 (pbk. : alk. paper) 3rd and rev. ed. xv, 366 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.9502854678 BAN 05059912 Rhetoric and reality : Eastern Universities Press, 2003 9812102310 | 9789812102317 ix, 325 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.95042 AZH 05065222 Revolution in Reform : Azhar,Ahmad. Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352876129 xiv,234p.; Knowledge Centre
320.951 CAR 01015609 Contemporary Chinese Politics : Cambridge University Press, 9780521197830 | 052119783X | 9 xii, 315 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.951 DOO 00001033 Communist Chine - The Politics of Student Opposition Doolin Dennis J Stanford University 1964 70 p UG Library
320.951 GIL 05041963 Political change in China : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008 9781588265685 (hardcover : alk vii, 309 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.951 GIL 05045467 China's democratic future : Gilley, Bruce, Columbia University Press, 2004 0231130848 (cloth. : alk. pape xvi, 297 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.951 JOS 00101905 Politics in China : Joseph , Willia A . Oxford University Press, 9780195335316 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 437 p. : UG Library
320.951 KEP 05061175 Democracy in China : Yu, Keping, World Scientific, 2016 9789814641524 viii, 235p.; Knowledge Centre
320.951 LEI 01025740 The contentious public sphere : Lei, Ya-Wen. Princeton University Press, 2018 9780691166865 (cloth : alk. pa 1st edition. xvii, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.951 LIE 05044017 China's political development : 9780815725350 | 9780815725367 1 online resource (433 pages) Knowledge Centre
320.951 PEE 00085205 China Modernizes:Thereat to the West or Model for the Rest? Peerenboom, Randall 2007 9780199208340 406p UG Library
320.951 SHI 04009833 China Fragile Superpower Shirk Susan L Oxford University Press 2007 9780195696943 320p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.951 SHI 00094249 China Fragile Superpower Shirk Susan L Oxford University Press 2007 9780195696943 320p UG Library
320.951 SHI 01013118 China Fragile Superpower / Susan L Shirk Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195696943 320p.; Knowledge Centre
320.951 SHI 01011206 China Fragile Superpower / Susan L Shirk Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195696943 320p.; Knowledge Centre
320.951 STR 07011306 China's governance puzzle : Stromseth, Jonathan, Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107122635 (hardback) | 978 xix, 326 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.951 WAL 00146399 Seeking truth & hiding facts : Wallace, Jeremy L., Oxford University Press 2023 9780197627655 | 9780197627662 x, 273 pages : UG Library
320.951 ZHI 01013282 China's elite politics : Bo, Zhiyue. World Scientific, 9789812836724 | 9812836721 xix, 427 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.9511 SCH 00005653 The Political Thought of Mao Tse-tung Schram Stuart R Penguin Books 1967 473 p UG Library
320.95125 BUS 05055243 Hong Kong in the shadow of China : Bush, Richard C., Brookings Institution Press, 2016 9780815728122 (paperback : alk xiv, 377 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.95125 ORT 05009329 Politics and change in Singapore and Hong Kong : Ortmann, Stephan. Routledge, 2010 9780415552912 (hardback : alk. xvi, 228 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95125 PRE 05054516 The politics of China-Hong Kong relations : Preston, P. W. Edward Elgar, 2016 9781784711283 (cased) ix, 230 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.9512509049 BEA 05011271 Democracy, Asian values, and Hong Kong : Beatty, Bob, Praeger, 2003 0275976882 (alk. paper) xv, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95195 DAS 05057096 Crony capitalism : Abhijeet Publication, 2014 9789350741450 182p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95195 MOB 05065485 Top Down democracyin south korea / Mobrand, Erik. University Of washington press, 2019 9780295745473 xii,201p.; Knowledge Centre
320.952 SUZ 05059441 Globalization and the politics of institutional reform in Japan / Suzuki, Motoshi, Edward Elgar, 2016 9781782544777 (hardback) | 178 xi, 252 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.954 05074390 The practice of geopolitics / Nalapat, M D. Manipal University Press, 9789382460152 Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHA 00100939 State, Pluralism, and the Indian Historical Tradition: Chandra,Satish. Oxford University Press, 9780198064206 196 p. UG Library
320.954 FAD 01024657 Indian Polity - for the UPSC Civil Services Examinations / Fadia,B.L. 2016. xiii,552p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 FAD 01024658 Indian Polity - for the UPSC Civil Services Examinations / Fadia,B.L. 2016. xiii,552p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GEH 05031526 Democracy and Politics in Modern India / Gehlot,N.S. Deep & Deep Publication, 2012 9788184504101 xvi,598p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GHA 00141707 Indian Polity / Ghai,K K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353592806 7th rev ed. 531p.; UG Library
320.954 GHA 00145398 Indian Polity / Ghai,K K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353592806 7th rev ed. 531p.; UG Library
320.954 GUP 00069752 Indian Government and Politics Gupta, D.C. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 1972 0706987780 8th Ed. 806 p. UG Library
320.954 GUP 00023712 Indian Government And Politics Gupta, D.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 0706917820 5th Ed. 672 P. UG Library
320.954 HEE 07005002 Nationalism, Terrorism, Communalism : Heehs, Peter Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195653021 x,174p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 HEE 05035888 Nationalism, Terrorism, Communalism : Heehs, Peter Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195653021 x,174p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 HEE 07004789 Nationalism, Terrorism, Communalism : Heehs, Peter Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195653021 x,174p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 HEE 07005087 Nationalism, Terrorism, Communalism : Heehs, Peter Oxford University Press, 2000 9780195653021 x,174p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 JAY 01024665 The Oxford companion to politics in India / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198075929 | 0198075928 Student edition / with a new preface. xxxii, 618 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 JAY 05041499 The Oxford companion to politics in India / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198075929 | 0198075928 Student edition / with a new preface. xxxii, 618 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 MOO 03003010 Crisis in Government Accountability Mookeherjee, Dilip Oxford Universtiy Press 9780195667875 157 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 PAN 00134102 Handbook Of South Asia: Pant. Harsha V., Routledge Publications, 2017 9781138290785 vi,385 p.; UG Library
320.954 ROY 10005383 Indian political thought : Roy, Himanshu Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2020 9789353949280 3rd ed., xxxi,504 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 SIV 10005201 Indian democracy : Sivaramakrishnan, Arvind Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353289805 viii,333 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 TUD 05036838 The Promise of Power : Tudor Maya Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107046061 xiii,240p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 TUD 05046982 The Promise of Power : Tudor Maya Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107046061 xiii,240p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 ADE 00087013 Coalition Politics and Hindu Nationalism Adney, Katharine 2005 0415359813 294 p UG Library
320.954 AGA 00070329 Indian Political System Agarwal, R.C. S Chand 1986 8121902835 | 9788121902830 206 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 AGA 00070328 Indian Political System Agarwal, R.C. S Chand 1986 8121902835 | 9788121902830 206 p. UG Library
320.954 AGA 00092178 Constitutional development and national movement of India: Agarwal R C S Chand & Company Ltd 9788121905657 682p UG Library
320.954 AGA 00115361 Indian Political System Agarwal, R.C. S Chand 1986 8121902835 | 9788121902830 206 p. UG Library
320.954 AGA 00115360 Indian Political System Agarwal, R.C. S Chand 1986 8121902835 | 9788121902830 206 p. UG Library
320.954 AIY 00017340 India's Ballot-Box Revolution Aiyar S P Himalaya Publishing House 1978 482 p UG Library
320.954 ALA 07007869 Fixing electoral boundaries in India : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199458448 | 0199458448 First edition. xiii, 279 pages Library - BR Campus
320.954 ALA 05045702 Fixing electoral boundaries in India : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199458448 | 0199458448 First edition. xiii, 279 pages Knowledge Centre
320.954 ALA 00148079 State politics in India / Alam, Md. Mushfique Asia Publishers, 2025 9789348011053 xii,280p. : UG Library
320.954 ALA 00084635 Who Wants Democracy. Alam, Jveed Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125027114 143p UG Library
320.954 AMS 00068308 Essential Writings of B.R.Ambedkar Rodrigues, Varlerian Oxford University Press 2002 559p UG Library
320.954 ANA 07007730 India Since Independence/ Ananth,Krishna V Pearson Publication, 2010 9788131725672 XI,423 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 ANS 00143226 Challenges to a Liberal Polity: Ansari, M Hamid Penguin Books 2022 9780670096947 277p UG Library
320.954 AO 05041574 Indian Political System / Ao Imotemsu.Dr Jnanada PRakashan, 2014 9788171396146 vi,292p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 APP 00007289 Indian Political Thinking Appadorai, A. Oxford University Press 1971 183 p. UG Library
320.954 APP 00007290 Indian Political Thinking : In the 20th Century from Naoroji To Nehru An Introductory Survey Appadorai A Oxford University Press 1971 188 p UG Library
320.954 ARO 05066972 Routeing Democracy In The Himalayas : Routledge. 2013 9781138043077 xv, 303p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 AUS 05010555 Working a democratic constitution : Austin, Granville. Oxford University Press, 1999 0195648889 | 9780195656107 xvii, 771 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 AVA 07013322 Indian Government and Politics / Avasthi A.P.Dr Lakshmi Narain, 2001 8185778582 704p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 BAJ 00138914 India, the west, and international order / Bajpai, Kanti , Orient blackswan pvt ltd., 2019 9789352876587 vi, 332 pages : UG Library
320.954 BAJ 05062707 Speaking the nation : Bajpai, Anandita. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199481743 xv, 335p. Knowledge Centre
320.954 BAL 00110129 Reconceptualizing India Studies Balagangadhar, S.N. Oxford University Press 2012 9780198082965 | 0198082967 ix, 270 p. : UG Library
320.954 BAL 07004799 Reconceptualizing India Studies Balagangadhar, S.N. Oxford University Press 2012 9780198082965 | 0198082967 ix, 270 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.954 BAN 00089967 Notes from Gandhigram: Challenges to Gandhian Praxis Banerjee, Samir Orient Longman Publications 2008 9788125036883 252p UG Library
320.954 BAN 07004790 Nationalist Movement in India : A Reader Bandyopadhyay Sekhar Oxford University Press 2009 9780195698817 389 p Library - BR Campus
320.954 BAN 00100991 Nationalist Movement in India : A Reader Bandyopadhyay Sekhar Oxford University Press 2009 9780195698817 389 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 BAN 00088788 Nationalist Movement in India : A Reader Bandyopadhyay Sekhar Oxford University Press 2009 9780195698817 389 p UG Library
320.954 BAR 00119305 The Accidental Prime Minister : Baru, Sanjaya, Penguin Viking, 2014 9780670086740 | 0670086746 xvi, 301 P ; UG Library
320.954 BAR 00088355 Durable Disorder: Understanding the Politics of Northeast India Baruah, Sanjib 2007 9780195690828 265p UG Library
320.954 BAR 00119153 The Accidental Prime Minister : Baru, Sanjaya, Penguin Viking, 2014 9780670086740 | 0670086746 xvi, 301 P ; UG Library
320.954 BAR 00098547 State and globalization / Rawat Publications, 9788131602669 | 8131602664 x, 269 p. : UG Library
320.954 BAS 00073203 Regionalism, Ethnicity And Left Politics Basu,Sajal Rawat Publications 2005 8170339308 | 9798170339303 234 p. UG Library
320.954 BAS 01028779 Policymaker's Journal : Basu, Kaushik. Simon & Schuster, 2021 9788195057108 xiv, 375p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 BAZ 00090390 C.A.Bayly Omnibus:The Local Roots of Indian Politics Rulers, Townsmen and Bazaars Origins of Nationality in South Asia Bazaars Oxford 0198062567 338p UG Library
320.954 BEH 05074938 Politics : Behr, Rafael, Atlantic Books, 2023 9781838955069 404 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 BEH 10004142 Politics : Behr, Rafael, Atlantic Books, 2023 9781838955069 404 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 BET 05056640 Democracy and its Institutions / Beteille, Andre Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198080961 ix, 214 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 BET 00110107 Democracy and its Institutions / Beteille, Andre Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198080961 ix, 214 p. : UG Library
320.954 BHA 00013736 Bureaucracy and Politics in India Bhambhri C P Vikas Publications 1971 352 p UG Library
320.954 BHA 00027154 A Primer of Hindu Polity Bhambhri, Chandra Prakash Loyal Book Depot 1980 180 p UG Library
320.954 BHA 00110299 Indian Government And Politics Bhagwan,Vishnoo. Kalyani Publishers 2005 9789327223965 xvi; 595 p. UG Library
320.954 BHA 00110300 Indian Government And Politics Bhagwan,Vishnoo. Kalyani Publishers 2005 9789327223965 xvi; 595 p. UG Library
320.954 BHA 00110301 Indian Government And Politics Bhagwan,Vishnoo. Kalyani Publishers 2005 9789327223965 xvi; 595 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 BHA 00133643 The Indian Constituent Assembly: Bhatia, Udit Routledge, 2018 9781138104402 ix,227p.; UG Library
320.954 BHA 00042539 Political Process in India Bhambhri, C. P. New Delhi 1991 0070698434X 163 p. UG Library
320.954 BHA 00045994 Political Process in India Bhambhri, C. P. New Delhi 1991 0070698434X 163 p. UG Library
320.954 BHA 00038322 Political Process in India Bhambhri, C. P. New Delhi 1991 0070698434X 163 p. UG Library
320.954 BIS 05048724 Governance and citizenship / Viva Books, 2015 9788130930312 viii,464p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 BOS 00052869 Nationalism, Democracy & Development Bose,Sugata Oxford University Press 2001 9780195644425 206 p. UG Library
320.954 BOS 00116945 Transforming India Bose, Sumantra, Picador India, 2013 9780674050662 (hardcover) | 97 337 pages : UG Library
320.954 BRA 01007330 The politics of India since independence / Brass, Paul R., Cambridge University Press, 9780521543057 xv, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 BRA 01013276 The politics of India since independence / Brass, Paul R., Cambridge University Press, 9780521543057 xv, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 BRA 01013275 The politics of India since independence / Brass, Paul R., Cambridge University Press, 9780521543057 xv, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 BRA 07005913 Politics of India Since Independence Brass, R. Paul Cambridge University Press 2004 0521543053 | 9780521543057 403 p. Library - BR Campus
320.954 BRA 01013274 The politics of India since independence / Brass, Paul R., Cambridge University Press, 9780521543057 xv, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 BRA 01013273 The politics of India since independence / Brass, Paul R., Cambridge University Press, 9780521543057 xv, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 BRA 00060112 Politics of India Since Independence Brass, R. Paul Cambridge University Press 2004 0521543053 | 9780521543057 403 p. UG Library
320.954 BRA 07002020 The politics of India since independence / Brass, Paul R., Cambridge University Press, 9780521543057 xv, 357 p. : Library - BR Campus
320.954 BRA 05004773 Routledge handbook of South Asian politics : Routledge, 2010 9780415434294 (hbk. : alk. pap xvi, 464 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 BRA 01013398 The politics of India since independence / Brass, Paul R., Cambridge University Press, 9780521543057 xv, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 BRA 01013399 The politics of India since independence / Brass, Paul R., Cambridge University Press, 9780521543057 xv, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 BRA 00081186 Politics of India Since Independence Brass, Paul R 2006 0521543053 403p UG Library
320.954 BRA 00048718 Politics of India Since Independence Brass, R. Paul Cambridge University Press 2004 0521543053 | 9780521543057 403 p. UG Library
320.954 BRA 00090100 Politics of India Since Independence Brass, R. Paul Cambridge University Press 2004 0521543053 | 9780521543057 403 p. UG Library
320.954 BRA 00053195 Politics of India Since Independence Brass, R. Paul Cambridge University Press 2004 0521543053 | 9780521543057 403 p. UG Library
320.954 BUC 03013428 An India Reimagined : Buch, Mahesh N., Penguin Books, 2019 9780670091614 | 0670091618 xvii, 283 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 CHA 05050303 Indian Politics in the Twenty First Century : Chandra,A.V.Satish. Viva Books Pvt, 2017 9788130918099 viii,140p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHA 00094138 Forging Power Chakrabarty Bidyut Oxford University Press 9780195676761 280p UG Library
320.954 CHA 01020120 The collected speeches of Somnath Chatterjee : Chatterjee, Somnath, Westland, 2012 9789381626306 (pbk.) | 9381626 viii, 596 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHA 00045172 Indian Government and Politics : A Study of Indian Political System Chander Parkash Cosmos Bookhive Pvt Ltd 1997 231 p UG Library
320.954 CHA 10005233 Reconceptualizing Indian democracy : Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353882730 | 9789353882761 xv, 263 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 CHA 00119230 Why India Matters / Chadda, Maya, Viva Books, 2015 9781626370388 | 9781626370395 x, 289 p ; UG Library
320.954 CHA 00045192 State and Politics in India Chatterjee Partha Oxford University Press 1998 0195647653 575 p UG Library
320.954 CHA 05030209 Indian Government and Politics / Chakrabarty, Bidyut, SAGE Publications, 2008 9788178298818 (paper back) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHA 00035369 Indian Government and Politics Chander,Prakash Cosmos Bookhive Pvt Ltd 1993 522 p. UG Library
320.954 CHA 00094027 State, Pluralism, and the Indian Historical Tradition: Chandra,Satish. Oxford University Press, 9780198064206 196 p. UG Library
320.954 CHA 00107992 Indian Political System Chaturvedi Patanjali N Kunal Books: 2011 9789380752532 vi, 280 p. UG Library
320.954 CHA 05065168 Constitutional democracy in India / Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Routledge, 2018 9781138551886 (hardback) xi, 215 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHA 05042330 Why India Matters / Chadda, Maya, Viva Books, 2015 9781626370388 | 9781626370395 x, 289 p ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHA 07010690 State and politics in India/ Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195647655 ix, 566 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 CHA 05041500 State politics in India / Alam, Md. Mushfique Asia Publishers, 2025 9789348011053 xii,280p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHA 00048677 Wages of Freedom Chatterjee,Partha Oxford University Press 1998 9780195652482 327 p. UG Library
320.954 CHA 00059011 Communal Identiy in India Chakrabarthy, Bidyut Oxford University Press 2003 0195663306 | 9780195663303 324 p. UG Library
320.954 CHA 05059400 Democratic dynasties : Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107123441 (hardback) | 9781107558915 (pbk) | 9781316633922 xxii, 279 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHA 00043849 Possible in India Chatterjee, Partha Oxford University Press 1997 9780195643336 301 p. UG Library
320.954 CHA 00059423 Possible in India Chatterjee, Partha Oxford University Press 1997 9780195643336 301 p. UG Library
320.954 CHA 05024850 The collected speeches of Somnath Chatterjee : Chatterjee, Somnath, Westland, 2012 9789381626306 (pbk.) | 9381626 viii, 596 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 CHI 10004736 The watershed year : Chidambaram, P., Bloomsbury publishing india pvt ltd., 2024 9789356407732 | 9356407738 x, 244 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 CHI 00054826 Indian Politics Since the Mutiny Chintamani,C.Y. Rupa & Co 2002 8171677770 | 9788171677771 205 p. UG Library
320.954 CIT 01015736 Citizens' report on governance and development 2010 / SAGE Publications, 9788132106272 (paper back) xxiii,148p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 DAS 03009007 India Grows at Night : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, Limited , 2012 9780670084708 307 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 DAS 00070204 India Unbound : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, 2005 9780140278231 406 p.; UG Library
320.954 DAS 05002827 India Unbound : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, 2005 9780140278231 406 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 DAS 07001889 India Grows at Night : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, Limited , 2012 9780670084708 307 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 DAS 01013840 India Unbound : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, 2005 9780140278231 406 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 DAS 01011780 India Unbound : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, 2005 9780140278231 406 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 DAS 00102422 India Unbound : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, 2005 9780140278231 406 p.; UG Library
320.954 DAS 05068653 Class, politics, and agrarian policies in post-liberalisation India / Das Gupta, Sejuti, Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108416283 | 1108416284 xv, 303 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 DAS 00038311 Indian Political Traditions Dsa H H Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1989 307 p UG Library
320.954 DAS 00045996 Political System of India Das, Dr Harihara Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1998 8174884963 434p UG Library
320.954 DAS 00089221 India Invented: A Nation in the Making Das, Arvind N Manohar Publishers 2005 8173040818 259p UG Library
320.954 DAS 07005626 India Unbound : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, 2005 9780140278231 406 p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 DAS 00115367 Political System of India Das, Hari Hara Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 8174884963 434p UG Library
320.954 DAS 05036942 India Grows at Night : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, Limited , 2012 9780670084708 307 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 DAS 00042528 Indian Political Traditions Dsa H H Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1989 307 p UG Library
320.954 DAS 00069021 India Unbound : Das,Gurcharan. Penguin Books, 2005 9780140278231 406 p.; UG Library
320.954 DAS 00040554 India : A People Betrayed An Insight into India's Crises and Problems Dasan A S Goodwill Fellowship Academy 1993 226 p UG Library
320.954 DEN 05038532 Rogue Elephant : Denyer, Simon Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014 9781408857052 440p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 DEN 00116976 Rogue Elephant : Denyer, Simon Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014 9781408857052 440p. ; UG Library
320.954 DES 00130924 The Raisina model : Desai, Meghnad, Viking, 2017 9780670090136 | 0670090131 xxx, 193 pages ; UG Library
320.954 DEVI 00067321 Secularisation of Indian Mind:A Study of Political Ideas in India from 1885 to 1914 Devi, V Indira Rawat Publications 8170337097 314p UG Library
320.954 DHA 00056380 Collected Writings : Vol-4 Dharampal Other India Press 2000 8185569495 | 8185569495 422 p. UG Library
320.954 DOC 00003514 Sarvodaya : A Political and Economic Study Doctor Adi H Asia Publishing House 1967 223 p UG Library
320.954 DUB 00119502 The development of political thought in India 1885-1935 Dubey, Satya Narayan Current Publications 2014 9788189065836 238p. UG Library
320.954 DUB 07010089 The development of political thought in India 1885-1935 Dubey, Satya Narayan Current Publications 2014 9788189065836 238p. Library - BR Campus
320.954 DUB 00027128 The Development of Political Thought In India,1885-1935 Dubey,Satyanaraya ACME Publications 1985 216 p. UG Library
320.954 DUB 00042526 Indian Political System Dubey S N Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 1997 431 p UG Library
320.954 ELH 00029081 Indian Statistics. Elhance, D N Kitab Mahal 1986 172 P. UG Library
320.954 FAD 01024651 Indian Government and Politics / Fadia,B.L. Sahitya Bhawan, 2017 9789384885625 viii,1016. Knowledge Centre
320.954 FAD 01024652 Indian Government and Politics / Fadia,B.L. Sahitya Bhawan, 2017 9789384885625 viii,1016. Knowledge Centre
320.954 FAD 05060975 Indian Government and Politics / Fadia,B.L. Sahitya Bhawan, 2017 9789384885625 viii,1016. Knowledge Centre
320.954 FAD 05060976 Indian Government and Politics / Fadia,B.L. Sahitya Bhawan, 2017 9789384885625 viii,1016. Knowledge Centre
320.954 FAD 05060977 Indian Government and Politics / Fadia,B.L. Sahitya Bhawan, 2017 9789384885625 viii,1016. Knowledge Centre
320.954 FAD 05060978 Indian Government and Politics / Fadia,B.L. Sahitya Bhawan, 2017 9789384885625 viii,1016. Knowledge Centre
320.954 FRA 00053787 Transforming India Frankel,R.Francine Oxford University Press 2002 0195658329 | 9780195658323 443 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 FRA 00110445 Transforming India Frankel,R.Francine Oxford University Press 2002 0195658329 | 9780195658323 443 p. UG Library
320.954 FRA 00059798 Transforming India Frankel,R.Francine Oxford University Press 2002 0195658329 | 9780195658323 443 p. UG Library
320.954 GAN 04017065 My Experiments With Truth / Gandhi, M. K. Penguine, 2012 9780143418016 436p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 GAN 00098927 The state of India's democracy; Oxford university press; 9780195697889 ix;231 p. UG Library
320.954 GAN 05043565 The Common Cause : Gandhi,Leela. Orient BlacSwan, 2014 9788178244570 xi,240p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GAR 00119512 Indian Political System Garg L K Astha Publishers 2015 9789382126645 248p. UG Library
320.954 GBV 05065540 Indian Polity Question Bank For Civil Services Preliminary Examinations / G B Vinay Mcgraw Hill Education Private limited, 2018 9789353161484 P.657p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GEO 00090252 Rethinking Radicalism in India Society: Bhagat Singy and Beyond George, Jose Rawat Publications 2009 8131602869 430p UG Library
320.954 GEO 00090487 Rethinking Radicalism in India Society: Bhagat Singy and Beyond George, Jose Rawat Publications 2009 8131602869 430p UG Library
320.954 GHA 00100550 Indian Government and Politics: Ghai K K Kalyani Publishers, 2002 9788127258368 648 p. UG Library
320.954 GHA 00100551 Indian Government and Politics: Ghai K K Kalyani Publishers, 2002 9788127258368 648 p. UG Library
320.954 GHA 00141709 Indian Government and Politics / Ghai,K K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353597634 13th rev ed. 824p.; UG Library
320.954 GHA 00110295 Indian government and Politics Ghai K.K. Kalyani Publishers 2012 9789327220193 8th Ed. 663 p. UG Library
320.954 GHA 00110296 Indian government and Politics Ghai K.K. Kalyani Publishers 2012 9789327220193 8th Ed. 663 p. UG Library
320.954 GHA 00145397 Indian Government and Politics / Ghai,K K. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789353597634 13th rev ed. 824p.; UG Library
320.954 GHO 00058637 State Politics and Panchayats in India Ghosh,Buddhadeb Manohar Publishers 2003 8173044872 | 9788173044878 240 p. UG Library
320.954 GOD 03010065 Good Governance : Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India, 2014 9788129131041 | 8129131048 xi, 300 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 GOD 05039070 Good Governance : Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India, 2014 9788129131041 | 8129131048 xi, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GOD 04022736 Good Governance : Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India, 2014 9788129131041 | 8129131048 xi, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 GOD 07001256 Good Governance : Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India, 2014 9788129131041 | 8129131048 xi, 300 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.954 GOD 00118406 Good Governance : Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India, 2014 9788129131041 | 8129131048 xi, 300 p. ; UG Library
320.954 GOL 00141281 Bunch of Thoughts / Golwalkar, M. S. Global Vision Publishing House ; 2021 9789390423446 v,565 p. ; UG Library
320.954 GOP 00004297 Indian Polity : A Plea for Reform Gopalaswamy R A Nachiketa Publications Ltd 1970 220 p UG Library
320.954 GOS 00104088 India's parliamentary democracy on trial / Godbole, Madhav, Rupa & Co., 2011 9788129118042 | 8129118041 xi, 419 p. ; UG Library
320.954 GOS 07006361 India's parliamentary democracy on trial / Godbole, Madhav, Rupa & Co., 2011 9788129118042 | 8129118041 xi, 419 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.954 GOY 00027120 Indian Political System Goyal O P MacMillan India Ltd 1984 202 p UG Library
320.954 GOY 05073574 Who Moved My Vote? : Westland Non-Fiction, 2022 9789395073707 285p, ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GOY 00019770 India : Government and Politics Goyal O P Light & Life Publishers 1977 226 p UG Library
320.954 GOY 00022098 India : Government and Politics Goyal O P Light & Life Publishers 1977 226 p UG Library
320.954 GUD 00118703 Maoism, Democracy and Globalization : Gudavarthy, Ajay. Sage publications, 2014 9788132118473 xii, 243 p." UG Library
320.954 GUD 00141865 Maoism, Democracy and Globalization : Gudavarthy, Ajay. Sage publications, 2014 9788132118473 xii, 243 p." UG Library
320.954 GUN 05038156 Pathways to power : Orient Black Swan, 2014 9788125054573 vii,420p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GUN 07009193 Pathways to power : Orient Black Swan, 2014 9788125054573 vii,420p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 GUP 00024027 Indian Government & politics Gupta, D.C. Vikas Publishing House 1981 0706923960 6th Ed. 672 p. UG Library
320.954 GUP 07007256 Anticipating India : Gupta, Shekhar. HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9789351362555 xxxvi, 516p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 GUP 00086108 Power, Politics and the People: Studies in Britsh Imperialism and Indian Nanionalism Gupta, Sarathi Partha Permanent Black 2008 8178242338 528 p UG Library
320.954 GUP 10004662 Anticipating india : Gupta, Shekhar. HarperCollins publishers, 2014 9789351362555 xxxvi,516 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 GUP 05038997 Anticipating India : Gupta, Shekhar. HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9789351362555 xxxvi, 516p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 GUP 03010044 Anticipating India : Gupta, Shekhar. HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9789351362555 xxxvi, 516p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 GUP 00021310 Indian Government and Politics Gupta, D.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1979 0706905210 4th Ed. 750 p. UG Library
320.954 GUP 00022099 Indian Government And Politics Gupta, D.C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 0706917820 5th Ed. 672 P. UG Library
320.954 GUP 01000108 Indian Government and Politics / Gupta Vikas Publishing House, 2005 0706987780 806p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GUP 00070447 Indian Government and Politics Gupta, D.C. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 1972 0706987780 8th Ed. 806 p. UG Library
320.954 GUP 00070448 Indian Government and Politics Gupta, D.C. Vikas Publishers House Pvt Ltd 1972 0706987780 8th Ed. 806 p. UG Library
320.954 GUP 00035392 Indian Government And Politics Gupta, D.C. Vikas Pulbishing House Pvt Ltd 1992 7th Ed. 632 P. UG Library
320.954 GUP 00069753 Indian Government and Politics Gupta, D C 2005 0000070698 806p UG Library
320.954 GUP 05046069 Anticipating India : Gupta, Shekhar. HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 9789351362555 xxxvi, 516p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 GUP 00042527 Indian Political Thought : For BA, MA and other Competitive Examinations Gupta Ram Chandra Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 1997 205 p UG Library
320.954 GUP 00023711 Indian National Movement and Constitutional Development Gupta, D. C. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1983 120 p. UG Library
320.954 GUP 00015960 Indian Government and Politics Gupta, D. C. Vikas Publishing House 1976 706901916 3rd Ed. 580 P. UG Library
320.954 GUP 01029742 Make in India : Gupta, Sunil Kumar. Commercial Law Publications, 2019 9789356038769 3rd ed. xxi, 530p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 GUP 00089612 Power, Politics and the People: Studies in British Imperialism and Indian Nationalism Gupta, Partha Sarathi Permanent Black 2008 8178242338 528p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 HAN 00053377 Saffrom Wave Hansen,Thomas Blom Oxford University Press 2001 0019565613 | 9780195656138 293 p. UG Library
320.954 HAN 00059593 Saffrom Wave Hansen,Thomas Blom Oxford University Press 2001 0019565613 | 9780195656138 293 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 HAN 00053777 The BJP and the Compulsions of Politics in India Hansen,Thomas Blom Oxford University Press 1998 9780195656145 2nd Ed. 392 p. UG Library
320.954 HAN 00023697 Indian Government and Politics Hans Raj Surjeet Publications 1983 650 p UG Library
320.954 HAN 00023698 Indian Political System Hans Raj Surjeet Publications 1983 2nd Ed 650 p UG Library
320.954 HAN 00053776 Saffrom Wave Hansen,Thomas Blom Oxford University Press 2001 0019565613 | 9780195656138 293 p. UG Library
320.954 HAR 00090211 Power Matter: Essays on Institutions, Politics, and Society in India Harriss, John Oxford ISB0198063318 314p UG Library
320.954 HAS 00087158 Parties and Party Politics in India Hasan, Zoya 2008 9780195668339 566 p UG Library
320.954 HAS 00126456 Parties and Party Politics in India Hasan, Zoya 2008 9780195668339 566 p UG Library
320.954 HAS 00088791 Building Legitamacy: Exploring State Society Relations in Northeast India Hassan, Sajjad 2008 9780195692976 316p UG Library
320.954 HUS 07002122 Democracy, sustainable development, and peace : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092346 (hbk.) | 0198092342 (hbk.) | 0198092342 (Cover) vii, 639 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.954 HUS 05038663 Democracy, sustainable development, and peace : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092346 (hbk.) | 0198092342 (hbk.) | 0198092342 (Cover) vii, 639 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 ILA 00096973 The Weapon of the Other Ilaiah Kancha Pearson Education, 2010 9788177582468 192p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 ILA 00096972 The Weapon of the Other Ilaiah Kancha Pearson Education, 2010 9788177582468 192p UG Library
320.954 JAF 00134214 Dr Ambedkar and democracy : Ambedkar, B. R. Oxford University Press 2018 9780199483167 | 0199483167 First edition. lvi, 263 pages ; UG Library
320.954 JAF 00091849 The Sangh Parivar : Oxford University Press, 9780195669299 | 0195669290 vii, 445 p. ; UG Library
320.954 JAI 00058857 Indian Cabinet and Politics Jain, H M Gyan Publishing House 2002 8121207029 339p UG Library
320.954 JAL 04030317 India Reckoning : Jalan, Bimal Bloomsbury, 2021 9789354351341 178p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 JAL 00133469 India ahead: Jalal, Bimal Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789353045913 xviii,161p.; UG Library
320.954 JAL 00076064 The Future of India : Jalan, Bimal Penguin Books, 2005 9780143062127 212 p. UG Library
320.954 JAL 10003603 India ahead : Jalan, Bimal. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353045913 xviii, 161p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 JAL 00102476 The Future of India : Jalan, Bimal Penguin Books, 2005 9780143062127 212 p. UG Library
320.954 JAL 05062852 India ahead : Jalan, Bimal. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353045913 xviii, 161p. Knowledge Centre
320.954 JAL 00091494 India's politics : Jalan, Bimal. Penguin, Viking ; | Penguin, 9780670999293 | 0670999296 xii, 244 p. ; UG Library
320.954 JAL 03006763 The Future of India : Jalan,Bimal. Penguin Books, 9780143062127 xvii,212p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 JAY 05007885 The Oxford companion to politics in India / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198075929 | 0198075928 Student edition / with a new preface. xxxii, 618 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 JAY 00086388 Democracy in India Jayal, Niraja Gopal 2008 0195691571 571 p UG Library
320.954 JAY 00107901 The Oxford companion to politics in India / Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198075929 | 0198075928 Student edition / with a new preface. xxxii, 618 pages ; UG Library
320.954 JHA 07009931 State Politics/ Jha,Manish Centrum Press, 2016 9789350848456 VII,279 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 JHA 00130072 How the BJP wins : Jha, Prashant Juggernaut Books, 2017 9789386228451 235 p.: UG Library
320.954 JHA 00123487 Fundamentals of Indian political system Jha Rajesh K Pearson Education 2012 9788131770405 292p. UG Library
320.954 JIG 04024582 Indian Polity and Governance / LexisNexis, 2015 9789351436164 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 JOH 00018911 Indian Government and Politics Johari J C Vishal Publications 1983 7th Ed. 984 p UG Library
320.954 JOH 05061264 Indian government and politics / Johari, R C. Wisdom Press, 2017 9789380199382 272p. Knowledge Centre
320.954 JOH 00025390 Indian Politics Johari J C Vishal Publications 1984 2nd Ed 654 p UG Library
320.954 JOH 00077062 Contested Transformations John, Mary E. Tulika Books 2006 8189487078 344p UG Library
320.954 JOH 05007102 Indian Political System / Johari, J.C Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788126143047 370 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 JOH 05030207 Contested transformations : Tulika Books, 2006 8189487078 xxii, 344 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 JOH 00025399 Indian Politics Johari J C Vishal Publications 1984 2nd Ed 654 p UG Library
320.954 JOH 00024009 Indian Government and Politics Johari J C Vishal Publications 1983 7th Ed. 984 p UG Library
320.954 JOH 07012319 Indian government and politics / Johari, R C. Wisdom Press, 2017 9789380199382 272p. Library - BR Campus
320.954 KAD 00096361 Religion and Politics : From Subaltern Perspective Kadankavil Thomas Dharmaram Publications 1999 142 p UG Library
320.954 KAD 00094655 Religion and Politics : From Subaltern Perspective Kadankavil Thomas Dharmaram Publications 1999 142 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 KAE 00016027 Modern Indian Political Thought and National Movement. Kaeley, S.l SUDHA 1976 450 P UG Library
320.954 KAR 05060262 Governance in India : Karthikeyan.M Pearson, 2018 9789332588035 xxviii,665p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 KAR 00137610 Staggering forward : Karnad,Bharat. Penguin Random House India Pvt. Ltd, 2018 0670089699 | 9780670089697 xxiv, 476p,; UG Library
320.954 KAU 00098743 Arthasatra of kautalya; New Bharatiya book corporation; 8183150519 ixxxiii;399. UG Library
320.954 KAU 00098744 Arthasatra of kautalya; New Bharatiya book corporation; 8183150519 ixxxiii;399. UG Library
320.954 KAU 00098745 Arthasatra of kautalya; New Bharatiya book corporation; 8183150519 ixxxiii;399. UG Library
320.954 KAV 00099906 The Enchantment of Democracy and India Kaviraj, Sudipta Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd., 9788178242965 344 p. UG Library
320.954 KAV 00099909 The trajectories of the Indian State : Kaviraj, Sudipta Permanent Black, 9788178242880 281 p. UG Library
320.954 KEJ 03012112 Swaraj / Kejarīwāla, Aravind. HarperCollins Publishers India, 2012 9789350295441 (pbk.) | 9350295 xxiii, 151 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 KEJ 04022310 Swaraj / Kejarīwāla, Aravind. HarperCollins Publishers India, 2012 9789350295441 (pbk.) | 9350295 xxiii, 151 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 KES 05038382 Homeless on google earth / Kesavan, Mukul. Permanent Black, 2014 9788178243672 | 8178243679 ix, 314 pages; Knowledge Centre
320.954 KES 00052502 Secular Common Sense Kesavan, Mukul 2001 0143027735 136p UG Library
320.954 KHA 01000961 Indian Political System / Khan,Mohammad Abbas Anmol Publication 2006 8126125632 291p Knowledge Centre
320.954 KHA 00050455 Democracy Diversity Stability 50 Years of Indian Independence Khanna, D. D. Macmillan India Ltd 1998 0333931122 390 p. UG Library
320.954 KHI 04009841 A bunch of old letters : Nehru, Jawaharalal Penguin, 2005 9780670058273 527p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 KHU 07011569 Spectrum politics : Khurshid, Salman. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353040505 xiv, 178p. Library - BR Campus
320.954 KHU 05060690 Spectrum politics : Khurshid, Salman. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789353040505 xiv, 178p. Knowledge Centre
320.954 KOH 00084321 Success of India`s Democracy Kohli, Atul Foundation Books 2002 8175961074 298p UG Library
320.954 KOH 00068942 Success of India's Democracy Kohli,Atul Cambridge University Press 2002 9788175961074 297 p. UG Library
320.954 KOH 05055945 Routledge handbook of Indian politics / Routledge, 2016 9780415776851 (hardback) | 978 xv,393p.;. Knowledge Centre
320.954 KOH 00088469 Democracy and Discontent: India`s Growing Crisis and Governability Kohli, Atul Foundation Books 1991 8185618097 420p UG Library
320.954 KOH 00090202 Democracy and Development in India from Socialism to Pro-Business Kohli, Atul Oxford 9780195697933 447p UG Library
320.954 KOH 00052762 The Success Of India's Democracy Kohli, Atul 2001 0521805309 | 9780521805308 297p UG Library
320.954 KOH 00052251 Success of India's Democracy Kohli,Atul Cambridge University Press 2001 0521805309 | 9780521805308 298 p. UG Library
320.954 KOT 00058733 Politics In India Kothari,Rajni Orient Longman Ltd 1982 0861313593 462 p. UG Library
320.954 KOT 00101373 The writings of Rajni Kothari Kothar Rajni Orient BlackSwan 9788125037552 176p UG Library
320.954 KOT 00022097 Politics In India Kothari,Rajni Orient Longman Ltd 1982 0861313593 462 p. UG Library
320.954 KOT 00091119 The writings of Rajni Kothari Kothar Rajni Orient BlackSwan 9788125037552 176p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 KOT 00025556 Politics In India Kothari,Rajni Orient Longman Ltd 1982 0861313593 462 p. UG Library
320.954 KOT 00107725 Politics In India Kothari,Rajni Orient Longman Ltd 1982 0861313593 462 p. UG Library
320.954 KUA 00004295 Problems of National Integration Kaul, Jolly Mohan People's Publishing House 1968 146 p UG Library
320.954 KUK 00085972 Democracy, Development and Discontent in South Asia Kukreja, Veena 2007 9780761936176 340 p UG Library
320.954 KUM 07014177 The free voice : Kumar, Ravish. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789387164789 177p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 KUM 05075184 Popular democracy and the politics of caste : Kumar, Satendra, Routledge, 2024 9781032669113 xiv, 137p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 KUM 05065218 Rajniti Siddhant ki Samajh (Hindi) / Kumar,Sanjeev. Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352874958 xvi,240p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 KUM 01028782 Human Dignity : Kumar, Ashwani. LexisNexis, 2020 9788194471523 xviii, 200p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 KUM 05054679 Contenporary indian politics : Kumar, Sanjeev H M. ed. Pinnacle learning, 2017 9789383848232 307p. Knowledge Centre
320.954 KUM 00109714 Indian Politics In Comparative Perspective Kumar,Pravin Jha Pearson 2012 9788131771686 303 p. UG Library
320.954 KUM 01026329 The free voice : Kumar, Ravish. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789387164789 177p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 KUM 00118218 Introduction to Indian Government and Politics Kumar, Ashutosh Centrum Press 2014 9789350841082 296 p; UG Library
320.954 KUM 05062572 The free voice : Kumar, Ravish. Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789387164789 177p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 KUR 03011873 Arvind Kejriwal and the Aam Aadm Party : Kurup, Pran. Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt Ltd., 2016 9789385936913 126 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 LAL 00100157 Ambitions for the new century : Lal, Preethi Verma Roli Books, 9788174367273 268 p., [4] p. of plates : UG Library
320.954 LAL 00089882 History of History: Politics and Scholarship in Modern India Lal, Vinay 2003 0195672445 325p. UG Library
320.954 LAL 00086566 Other Indians: A Polotical and Cultural History of South Asians in America Lal, Vinay Harper Collins 2008 9788172237158 159 p UG Library
320.954 LAX 04022756 Indian Polity : Laxminkanth, M. Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259064128 V P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 LAX 00060343 Indian Polity - for the UPSC Civil Services Examinations Laxmikanth, M 2004 0070581576 429p UG Library
320.954 LAX 07010669 Indian Polity/ Laxmikanth,M Mcgraw Hill Education Private limited, 2017 9789352603633 5th ed 74 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 LAX 07015597 Indian Polity For Civil Services Examinations / Laxmikanth,M Mcgraw Hill Education Private limited, 2020 9789389538472 6th ed xxxix,AX.3p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 LAX 10003922 Indian Polity For Civil Services and State Services Examinations / Laxmikanth M McGraw Hill, 2024 9789355325341 xxxvi,804p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 LAX 07015653 Indian Polity For Civil Services and State Services Examinations / Laxmikanth M McGraw Hill, 2024 9789355325341 xxxvi,804p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 LAX 01028064 Indian Polity For Civil Services Examinations / Laxmikanth,M Mcgraw Hill Education Private limited, 2020 9789389538472 6th ed xxxix,AX.3p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 LAX 01028118 Indian Polity For Civil Services Examinations / Laxmikanth,M Mcgraw Hill Education Private limited, 2020 9789389538472 6th ed xxxix,AX.3p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 LAX 07014639 Indian Polity/ Laxmikanth,M Mcgraw Hill Education Private limited, 2017 9789352603633 5th ed 74 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 LAX 05065539 Indian Polity For Civil Services Examinations / Laxmikanth,M Mcgraw Hill Education Private limited, 2017 9789352603633 5th ed AXViii.3p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 LAX 10001247 Objective Indian Polity : Laxmikanth, M. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789354601446 2nd ed. xvi, XIV.59p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 LAX 00148344 Indian Polity For Civil Services and State Services Examinations / Laxmikanth M McGraw Hill, 2024 9789355325341 xxxvi,804p.: UG Library
320.954 LAX 04030446 Indian Polity : Laximikanth, M McGraw Hill, 2022 9789354600357 V P. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 LEG 00088421 Spaces of Colonialism : Delhi`s Urban Governmentalities Legg Stephen Blackwell Publishing 2007 9781405175548 254 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 LEG 00082570 Spaces of Colonialism : Delhi`s Urban Governmentalities Legg Stephen Blackwell Publishing 2007 9781405175548 254 p UG Library
320.954 LOB 00132179 Democracy in india: Lobo,Lancy Primus books, 2017 9789384082949 xxi,197p.; UG Library
320.954 LOF 07009109 The Politics and Culture of Globalisation Hans Lofgren Social Science Press 9788187358220 352p Library - BR Campus
320.954 LOF 00094427 The Politics and Culture of Globalisation Hans Lofgren Social Science Press 9788187358220 352p UG Library
320.954 LUC 00076050 In Spite of the Gods Luce,Edward Little Brown 2006 9780316729819 375 p. UG Library
320.954 LUD 00073921 Making India Hundu Religion Community, and the Politics of Democracy in India David, Ludden 2005 0195672488 350p UG Library
320.954 LUD 00094018 Making India Hindu Ludden David Oxrord University Press 9780195682755 350p UG Library
320.954 LUT 00058856 Building a Vibrant India: Democracy Development and Ethics Luther, M M 2002 0070474044 600p UG Library
320.954 MAD 00112756 Trysts with Democracy Madsen, Toft, Stig Anthem Press 2012 9789380601403 xxi; 301 p UG Library
320.954 MAD 05071540 Images of the World: Essays on Religion, Secularism, and Culture Madan, T N 2008 0195698347 398 p Knowledge Centre
320.954 MAD 00132743 Images of the World: Essays on Religion, Secularism, and Culture Madan, T N 2008 0195698347 398 p UG Library
320.954 MAD 00087500 Images of the World: Essays on Religion, Secularism, and Culture Madan, T N 2008 0195698347 398 p UG Library
320.954 MAH 05045167 India : Mahajan, Gurpreet. Zed Books, 2013 1780320930 (Cloth) | 978178032 x, 181 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 MAH 00111911 Political Theory/ Mahajan, A K Black Prints India Inc., 2013 9789382036494 x:242p.; UG Library
320.954 MAH 00023828 Nationalist Movement in India Mahajan Vidya Dhar Sterling Publishing 1981 592 p UG Library
320.954 MAH 00016916 President's Rule in India Maheshwari, Shriram Macmillan Co 1977 033390186X 200 p UG Library
320.954 MAJ 07014217 Loose Pages : Majumder, Sourya. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, 2018 9781684549245 xxvi, 349p. Library - BR Campus
320.954 MAJ 05063734 Loose Pages : Majumder, Sourya. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, 2018 9781684549245 xxvi, 349p. Knowledge Centre
320.954 MAL 00075036 India: The Next Decade Malhoutra, Manmohan Academic Foundation 2006 8171885640 | 9788171885640 570p UG Library
320.954 MAL 00074889 India: The Next Decade Malhoutra, Manmohan Academic Foundation 2006 8171885640 570p UG Library
320.954 MAN 05056908 Democracy and politics in modern India / Mandal, Mahesh. Globus Press; 2016 9789385379710 viii, 304p. Knowledge Centre
320.954 MAR 00089540 Times of India Rehas, Laxman Benett and Coleman 2005 9788189906474 127p UG Library
320.954 MAT 00027130 Social Bases of Indian Politics Mathur P C Aalekh Publishers 1984 252 p UG Library
320.954 MCG 07014640 Indian Polity & Governance : Mc Graw Hill, 2020 9789353166878 21.7p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 MEH 00091865 Foundations of Indian Political Thought Mehta, V. R. Manohar Publishers 2005 8173041571 306 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 MEH 00068971 Foundations of Indian Political Thought Mehta, V. R. Manohar Publishers 2005 8173041571 306 p. UG Library
320.954 MEN 05048967 Integration of the Indian States / Menon V.P Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125054511 xxxiv,500p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 MEN 07004390 Integration of the Indian States / Menon V.P Orient BlackSwan, 2016 9788125054511 xxxiv,500p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 MIC 05039612 The vernacularisation of democracy : Michelutti, Lucia. Routledge, 2008 9780415467322 | 0415467322 xxi, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 MIC 05039337 The vernacularisation of democracy : Michelutti, Lucia. Routledge, 2008 9780415467322 | 0415467322 xxi, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 MIN 00022995 The Khilafat Movement : Religious Symbolism and Political Mobilization in India Minault Gail Oxford University Press 1982 0195614259 300 p UG Library
320.954 MIT 03005426 The starkness of It / Mitra, Ashok. Lotus Collection, 2008 9788174365996 xx, 350 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 MIT 05004800 Politics in India : Mitra, Subrata Kumar, Routledge, 2011 9780415585880 (hardback) | 041 xxi, 266 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 MIT 00131316 Politics in India : Mitra, Subrata Kumar, Routledge, 2017 9781138017986 (hbk) | 9781138018136 (pbk) Second Edition. xxii, 331 pages ; UG Library
320.954 MOH 00105556 Justice, Democracy and State in India: Mohanty,Amarnath. Routledge 2011 9780415677974 394 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 MOH 00109928 Justice, Democracy and State in India: Mohanty,Amarnath. Routledge 2011 9780415677974 394 p.: UG Library
320.954 MOR 00024019 Politics Mainly Indian Jones Morris W. H. Orient Longman 1979 302 P. UG Library
320.954 MOR 00033461 The Government and Politics of India Morris-Jones W H Hutchinsons University Library 1971 0091069114 279 p UG Library
320.954 MOR 00016017 The Government and Politics of India Morris-Jones W H Hutchinsons University Library 1971 0091069114 279 p UG Library
320.954 MUK 00035380 Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institutions Mukhi, H. R. Surjeet Book Distributors 1992 455 p. UG Library
320.954 MUK 00022119 Modern Indian Political Thought Mukhi, H.R. Surjeet Book Depot 1981 5th Ed. 480 P. UG Library
320.954 NAD 00134093 Decentralised Democracy in India: Nadakarni, M.V. Routledge Publishers, 2018 9781138103658 xviii,420 p.; UG Library
320.954 NAG 00141881 Diversity, Democracy and Development Nagla, B. K. Rawat Publications ; 2021 9788131612033 xiii, 268 p. ; UG Library
320.954 NAG 00141932 Diversity, Democracy and Development Nagla, B. K. Rawat Publications ; 2021 9788131612033 xiii, 268 p. ; UG Library
320.954 NAG 00141291 Diversity, Democracy and Development Nagla, B. K. Rawat Publications ; 2021 9788131612033 xiii, 268 p. ; UG Library
320.954 NAI 00061816 Future of Global Society Naik,B.V. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2004 8126117575 | 9788126117574 162 p. UG Library
320.954 NAL 05072311 The practice of geopolitics / Nalapat, M. D. Manipal University Press, 2014 9789382460152 | 9382460152 xviii, 706 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 NAN 00038310 Indian Political Tradition Nanda BasuDev Himalaya Publishing House 1994 8170408571 176 p UG Library
320.954 NAN 00088870 Time Warps: The Insistent Politics of Silent and Past Nandy, Ashis Permanent Black 8178240718 244p UG Library
320.954 NAN 07007909 Regimes of Narcissism, Regimes of Despair / Nandy, Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198089650 (hbk.) | 0198089651 (hbk.) xviii, 198 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.954 NAN 01005360 Creating a Nationality / Ashis Nandy Oxford University Press, 2000 212p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 NAN 05071557 Regimes of Narcissism, Regimes of Despair / Nandy, Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198089650 (hbk.) | 0198089651 (hbk.) xviii, 198 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 NAN 00088872 Time Warps: The Insistent Politics of Silent and Past Nandy, Ashis Permanent Black 8178240718 244p UG Library
320.954 NAN 00078347 The Wrongs of the Religious Right Nanda,Meera Three Essays 2005 8188789305 | 8188789313 118 p. UG Library
320.954 NAN 00109116 Resurgent India Nanda, J. N., Concept Pub. Co., 2011 9788180697098 | 8180697096 | 9 viii, 166 p. ; UG Library
320.954 NAN 05031053 Regimes of Narcissism, Regimes of Despair / Nandy, Ashis. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198089650 (hbk.) | 0198089651 (hbk.) xviii, 198 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 NAN 00059787 Romance of the State Nandy,Ashis Oxford University Press 2003 0195658647 | 9780195658644 218 p. UG Library
320.954 NAN 00088792 Romance of the State Nandy,Ashis Oxford University Press 2003 0195658647 | 9780195658644 218 p. UG Library
320.954 NAN 00083965 Talking India. Nandy, Ashis 2007 0195678982 177p UG Library
320.954 NAN 00094033 Romance of the State Nandy,Ashis Oxford University Press 2003 0195658647 | 9780195658644 218 p. UG Library
320.954 NAN 00085447 Talking India. Nandy, Ashis 2007 0195678982 177p UG Library
320.954 NAQ 05062102 Shades of Saffron : Naqvi,Saba. Westland Publication Ltd, 2018 9789387578333 | 938757833X xiii, 284p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 NAR 00134215 The Dravidian Years Narayan,S Oxford University Press 2018 0199488177 259p UG Library
320.954 NAR 00059350 Gandhi`s Contribution to Political Thought Narayan,R.S. Mysore University 1982 161 p. UG Library
320.954 NAR 00025345 Indian Government and Politics Narang A S Gitanjali Publishing House 1985 381 p UG Library
320.954 NAR 00107283 In The Name of The People Narayanan K.R. Viking 2011 9780670081325 xii; 264 P. UG Library
320.954 NAY 00009747 India : The Critical Years Nayar Kuldip Vikas Publications 1971 268 p UG Library
320.954 NAY 00111905 The myth of the shrinking state : Nayar, Baldev Raj. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195699395 | 0195699394 xx, 286 p. : UG Library
320.954 NAY 00008068 Distant Neighbours : A Tale of the Subcontinent Nayar Kuldip Vikas Publishing 1972 706901940X 254 p UG Library
320.954 NIZ 00066337 Religion and Politics in India During the Thirteenth Century Nizam,Khaliq Ahmad Oxford University Press 2002 9780195655001 440 p. UG Library
320.954 NOO 00011781 India`s Constitution and Politics Noorani A G Jaico Publishing 1970 588 p UG Library
320.954 OBE 01020674 Government and politics in South Asia / Oberst, Robert. Westview Press, 2014 9780813348797 (pbk.) Seventh edition. xi, 526 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 OLD 05007417 India, Pakistan, and democracy : Oldenburg, Philip. Routledge, 2010 9780415780186 (hardback) | 041 x, 273 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 PAI 00112345 Handbook of politics in Indian states : region, parties, and economic reforms Pai Sudha Oxford university press, 2013 9780198081739 xix,443p.; UG Library
320.954 PAL 00055431 We the People Palkhivala, A Nani UBSPD Publishers: 2002 8174761675 367 p. UG Library
320.954 PAL 05057396 Oxford India Short Introductions Indian democracy / Palshikar,Suhas. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199479603 xiv,194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 PAL 01000968 Indian Polity / S A Palekar ABD Publishers, 2006 8183760481 358p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 PAL 00017407 The Indian Political System Palmer Norman D Houghton Mifflin Co 1971 039511926X 2nd Ed 322 p UG Library
320.954 PAL 07012238 Indian Government and Politics / Palekar S.A ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183761666 285p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 PAL 00040534 We the Nation Palkhivala, Nani A UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd 1994 8185944903 331 p. UG Library
320.954 PAL 00053730 We the Nation Palkhivala, Nani A UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd 1994 8185944903 331 p. UG Library
320.954 PAN 00133640 Reasoning Indian politics Pani, Narendar Routledge, 2018 9781138543218 xi, 256 p.: UG Library
320.954 PAN 00118343 Democracy & Diversity Pandey, Ajay Prateeksha Publications 2014 9789380626789 vi, 232 p; UG Library
320.954 PAN 00021308 Ancient Indian Thought Pant Suresh Chandra Prakashan Kendra 1980 239 p UG Library
320.954 PAN 05064760 Lutyens Maverick : Panda, Jay Baijayant. Rupa Publications, 2019 9789353333430 xii,219p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 PAN 00087906 Agenda for Cultural Action and Other Essays Pannikar, K N Three Essays 2006 8188789224 171p UG Library
320.954 PAP 00146647 Understanding Accountability in Democratic Governance/ Papadopoulos, Yannis Cambridge, 2023 9781108978231 85p. ; UG Library
320.954 PAR 00019912 Hundred Years of the Hindu Parthasarathy, Rangaswami Kasturi 1979 840p UG Library
320.954 PAT 00111663 A Textbook of Comparative Government & Politics: Pathi, Srinibas. Dominant Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd., 2012 9789380642260 xv:136p.; UG Library
320.954 PAT 00142843 Towards political theory of Indian nation : Pattanaik,D.D Serials publications pvt ltd., 2022 9789391844011 x,206p.; UG Library
320.954 PEL 00092373 Democracy Indian style : Pelinka, Anton, Transaction Publishers, 2003 8176497797 x, 318 p. : UG Library
320.954 PHI 00023825 Indian Government And Politics Philip A T Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1983 295 p UG Library
320.954 PHI 00023826 Indian Government And Politics Philip A T Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1983 295 p UG Library
320.954 PHI 00025400 Indian Governments and Politics Philips, A T Sterling 1984 299 p UG Library
320.954 PIN 00092552 "Photos of the Gods" : Pinney, Christopher. Oxford University Press, 0195669002 239 p. : UG Library
320.954 PRA 05075345 Indian Parliament : Prasasd, K V. KW Publishers, 2025 9788198096395 xxiv, 217p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 PRA 00025327 Democracy, Politics and Judiciary in India / Prasad Anirudh Deep & Deep Publications, 1984 400 p.; UG Library
320.954 PRA 10004451 The crooked timber of new India : essays on a republic in crisis / by Parakala Prabhakar. Prabhakar, Parakala [Author] Speaking Tiger Books LLP 2023 9789354474422 291 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 PRA 00089225 Jayaprakash Narayan: Selected Works; Vol-7 [1954-1960] Prasad, Bimal Manohar Publishers 2007 0817304712 676p UG Library
320.954 PRA 00089226 Jayaprakash Narayan: Selected Works: Vol VIII [1960-1966] Prasad, Bimal Manohar Publishers 2007 8173047200 760p UG Library
320.954 PRA 00089227 Jayaprakash Narayan: Selected Works: Vol-9[1966-1972] Prasad, Bimal Manohar Publishers 2008 9788173047718 896p UG Library
320.954 PRA 01018822 Democracy, Politics and Judiciary in India / Prasad Anirudh Deep & Deep Publications, 1984 400 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 PRE 00096511 Contemporary India : Premchand, A., Transaction Publishers, 9781412813181 (alk. paper) 346 P. UG Library
320.954 PRI 05039384 Power and influence in India : Price, Pamela Routledge, 2010 9780415585958 (hbk.) | 0415585 xxxiv, 253 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 PUR 00010643 A Crisis of Conscience Puri Rajinder Hind Pocket Books Pvt Ltd 1971 208 p UG Library
320.954 PYL 00092176 India's Constitution Pylee M V S Chand & Company Ltd 9788121904032 347p UG Library
320.954 RAD 01000387 Perfidise of Power / P Radhakrishnan T R Publications, 2005 8182860024 | 9788182860025 174p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 RAI 00147579 Young India: Lajpatrai, Lala Hilltop Publications, 2024 9789390680863 xiii,176p. ;p. UG Library
320.954 RAI 00110991 The Underside of Things : Raina, Badri, Three Essays Collective, 2012 9788188789856 | 9788188789856 1st ed. xxii, 758 p. ; UG Library
320.954 RAI 00125922 Indian Political System Rai Bina Abhijeet Publications, 2016 9789350742198 v, 222 p.: UG Library
320.954 RAJ 00042529 Indian Polity. Rajaram, Kalpana Spectrum India 1997 8186916199 359 p, UG Library
320.954 RAO 00136097 Sustainable good governance, development and democracy / Bhaskara Rao, N. Sage Publications, 2019 9789352808113 (print (hb)) xix,284p.; UG Library
320.954 RAO 00136099 Rajiv gandhi to Narendra modi: Rao, Parsa Venkateshwar Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353282981 xx,213p.; UG Library
320.954 RAO 10005231 Rajiv gandhi to Narendra modi: Rao, Parsa Venkateshwar Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353282981 xx,213p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 RAO 00139779 Rajiv gandhi to Narendra modi: Rao, Parsa Venkateshwar Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353282981 xx,213p.; UG Library
320.954 RAO 10005250 Sustainable good governance, development and democracy / Bhaskara Rao, N. Sage Publications, 2019 9789352808113 (print (hb)) xix,284p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 RAT 00111908 Indian political system/ Rathore, Dinesh Singh Black Prints India Inc., 2013 9789382036067 xi:223p.; UG Library
320.954 RAT 00062911 Indian Constitution Government and Political System Rathod, P. B. ABD Publishers 2004 8189011081 | 9788189011086 365 p. UG Library
320.954 RAT 05057436 The grey areas in the indian political system / Ratnaparkhi, M S. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors / 2009 9788126910502 xii, 212p. Knowledge Centre
320.954 RAT 00095656 The Other Indians: Ratnagar Shereen Three Essays 9788188789194 109P UG Library
320.954 RAT 07012278 Indian political system/ Rathore, Dinesh Singh Black Prints India Inc., 2013 9789382036067 xi:223p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 RAV 10004460 The free voice : on democracy, culture and the nation / by Ravish Kumar ; translated from the Hindi by Chitra Padmanabhan, Anurag Basnet and Ravi Singh. Ravish Kumar, [Author] Speaking Tiger, 2018 9789389231199 177 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 REH 00133448 Rise of saffron power: Rehman,Mujibur Routledge, 2018 9781138363731 xix,398p.; UG Library
320.954 ROY 00090656 Listening to Grass Hoppers/ Roy, Arundhati Hamish- Hamilton 2008 9780670083794 252p UG Library
320.954 ROY 05060143 Indian Political System / Roy,Himanshu. Pearson, 2018 9789352866434 4th ed. xviii,734p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 ROY 05034209 Perspectives on political order : Roy, Ramashray, Rawat, 2013 8131605965 | 9788131605967 viii, 320 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 RUD 00087566 Explaining Indian Democracy:A Fifty-Year Perspective-1956-2006.Vol.1.2.3 Rudolph, Lioyd I 2008 9780195693645 324 p UG Library
320.954 RUD 00087567 Explaining Indian Democracy:A Fifty-Year Perspective-1956-2006.Vol.1.2.3 Rudolph, Lioyd I 2008 9780195693645 324 p UG Library
320.954 RUD 00087568 Explaining Indian Democracy:A Fifty-Year Perspective-1956-2006.Vol.1.2.3 Rudolph, Lioyd I 2008 9780195693645 324 p UG Library
320.954 RUP 00143204 Indian Politics : Rupavath, Ramdas. Rawat publications, 2022 9788131612477 xvii,356p,; UG Library
320.954 RUP 00143488 Indian Politics : Rupavath, Ramdas. Rawat publications, 2022 9788131612477 xvii,356p,; UG Library
320.954 RUP 05004635 Understanding India's new political economy : Routledge, 2011 9780415598101 (hardback) | 041 xv, 269 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SAH 00141712 Governance: Sahu, Santosh Kumar. Kalyani Publishers, 2020 9788194509806 3rd rev ed. 262p.; UG Library
320.954 SAI 01019397 Ethnic mobilisation and violence in Northeast India / Saikia, Pahi. Routledge, 2011 9780415693011 xix, 231 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SAL 00111593 Democracy in India: Salawade, S.N. ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183763875 231p.; UG Library
320.954 SAM 05049051 New subjects and new governance in India / Routledge, 2012 9780415522908 | 0415522900 x, 405 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 SAN 00022089 Gandhi, Gandhism and The Partition of India Sankhdher M M Deep & Deep Publications 1982 144 p UG Library
320.954 SAR 00093793 The Shadow of the Great Game : Sarila, Narendra singh. Harpercollins, 2005 9788172238742 436 p.: UG Library
320.954 SAT 00052863 Class Formation and Political Transformation in Post Colonial India Satyamurthy, T.V. Oxford University Press 2000 9780195647372 492 p. UG Library
320.954 SAT 00052866 State and Nation in the Context of Social Change Sathyamurthy, T V 0019564106 365p UG Library
320.954 SEG 00022968 Crisis of India Segal Ronald Jaico 1971 326 p UG Library
320.954 SEN 00027152 Hindu Political Thought Sen, Ajit Kumar Gian Publishing House 1986 180 p UG Library
320.954 SEN 07015520 The Queen of all Nations : Sengupta Abhijit Paranjoy, 2023 9189394887389 xviii,468p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 SET 00012815 India in Crisis Sethi J D Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1975 231 p UG Library
320.954 SHA 07009979 Encyclopaedia of indian politics and Administration/ Sharma,S K Mittal Publication, 2016 9788183247115 V,361 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 SHA 07009980 Encyclopaedia of indian politics and Administration/ Sharma,S K Mittal Publication, 2016 9788183247115 V,361 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 SHA 07001613 India shining and sinking / Shah, S. K., Rupa publication india pvt ltd., 2014 9788129131447 | 9788129131447 159 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.954 SHA 00140250 Democracy on the road : Sharma, Ruchir. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9780670092208 vii, 389 p. '; UG Library
320.954 SHA 05065339 Democracy on the road : Sharma, Ruchir. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9780670092208 vii, 389 p. '; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SHA 00025396 Government And Politics of India. Sharan, P. Metropolitan 1984 806 p. UG Library
320.954 SHA 01028796 Indian Polity and Governance : Sharma, Nirbhay. OakBridge, 2020 9788194991137 74.10, A7.9p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SHA 05065054 Democracy on the road : Sharma, Ruchir. Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9780670092208 vii, 389 p. '; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SHA 00003520 Evolution of Indian Polity. Sastary, R Shama 1967 167 P UG Library
320.954 SHA 00003535 Evolution of Indian Polity Shamasastry R Sri Raghuveer Press 1967 156 p UG Library
320.954 SHA 00058726 Development and Democracy in India Sharma,D. Shalendra Rawat Publications 1999 9788170337539 280 p. UG Library
320.954 SHA 07006450 Development and Democracy in India Sharma,D. Shalendra Rawat Publications 1999 9788170337539 280 p. Library - BR Campus
320.954 SHA 00026260 Government And Politics of India Sharan,P. Metropolitan 1984 806 P. UG Library
320.954 SHA 07009976 Encyclopaedia of indian politics and Administration/ Sharma,S K Mittal Publication, 2016 9788183247115 V,361 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 SHA 07009977 Encyclopaedia of indian politics and Administration/ Sharma,S K Mittal Publication, 2016 9788183247115 V,361 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 SHA 07009978 Encyclopaedia of indian politics and Administration/ Sharma,S K Mittal Publication, 2016 9788183247115 V,361 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 SHE 00130112 Indian Government and Politics Shewan, M.A Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178807423 304 p.: UG Library
320.954 SHE 00018912 Nav Nirman & Political Change in India (1974-1977) Sheth P N Vora & Co Publishers Pvt Ltd 1977 198 p UG Library
320.954 SHO 07002399 Governance and the sclerosis that has set in / Shourie, Arun. ASA Publications : | Rupa & Co., 2004 9788129105240 262 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.954 SHO 04012134 Governance and the sclerosis that has set in / Shourie, Arun. ASA Publications : | Rupa & Co., 2004 9788129105240 262 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.954 SHO 03005412 We Must Have No Price : Shourie, Arun., 2010 9788129115638 xii, 343 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 SHU 00044905 Caste Politics in India : A Case Study Shukla Kiran Mittal Publications 1987 8170990211 95 p UG Library
320.954 SID 05032708 Democratic Decentralised Governance : Siddiqui,Javed. Cyber Tech Publications, 2013 9789350530955 vii,240p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SIN 00109750 Bahudha And The Post 9/11 World Singh, Balmiki Prasad Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195693553 xxii, 370 p.: UG Library
320.954 SIN 00024026 Indian Government and Politics Singh K S Ajanta Prakashan 1982 490 p UG Library
320.954 SIN 05052809 Governance : Sage, 2016 9789386042125 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 249, I-5 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SIN 00119544 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel : An Iron Man of India Singh, Manoj Kr. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126162383 304p.; UG Library
320.954 SIN 00119545 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel : An Iron Man of India Singh, Manoj Kr. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2014 9788126162383 304p.; UG Library
320.954 SIN 05057078 The Modi myth / Nihal Singh, S., Paranjoy, 2015 9789384439545 (hardback) | 938 First edition. 117 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SIN 00086377 Bahudha And The Post 9/11 World Singh, Balmiki Prasad Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195693553 xxii, 370 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 SIN 05046097 Ruled or misruled : Singh,Santosh. Bloomsburry, 2015 9789385436307 (hardback) | 9385436309 (hardback) xv, 341 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.954 SIN 00027124 Dynamics of Indian Government and Politics Siwach J R Sterling Publishers 1985 542 p UG Library
320.954 SIN 00061931 Religion In Politics Singh,Amar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2004 8176294519 197p UG Library
320.954 SIN 00098921 Decentralization : Oxford University Press, 9780195687729 | 0195687728 xviii, 441 p. ; UG Library
320.954 SIN 00079353 Women's Participation in Panchayati Raj : Nature and Effectiveness Singla,Pamela Rawat Publications 2007 8131601196 | 9788131601198 285 p. UG Library
320.954 SIN 00121971 Indian Politics and Politicians Sigh Philemcha Okello Ankit Publishing house 2014 9789381605554 307p. UG Library
320.954 SIN 07011112 Governance : Sage, 2016 9789386042125 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 249, I-5 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.954 SIN 07010443 The Modi myth / Nihal Singh, S., Paranjoy, 2015 9789384439545 (hardback) | 938 First edition. 117 pages ; Library - BR Campus
320.954 SIN 00026718 Dynamics of Indian Government and Politics Siwach J R Sterling Publishers 1985 542 p UG Library
320.954 SIN 00027115 Dynamics of Indian Government and Politics Siwach J R Sterling Publishers 1985 542 p UG Library
320.954 SIN 05062677 India's vibgyor man : Singhvi, Abhishek Manu., ed. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199484164 | 0199484163 First edition. xxviii, 335 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SIN 07009940 Challenges of contemporary India: Singh,Hemlata Kalpaz Publications, 2016 9789351282099 277 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.954 SIN 00116673 Rahul Gandhi : Aspiration of India Singh, A.K. Navyug Books International, 2012 9789380731612 304 p.; UG Library
320.954 SIN 05056242 Governance : Sage, 2016 9789386042125 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 249, I-5 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SIN 00032619 Dynamics of Indian Government and Politics Siwach J R Sterling Publishers 1985 542 p UG Library
320.954 SIN 05041211 Political and incorrect : Singh, Tavleen. HarperCollins Publishers India, a joint venture with the India Today Group, 2008 9789351362586 313 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SIN 00032618 Dynamics of Indian Government and Politics Siwach J R Sterling Publishers 1985 542 p UG Library
320.954 SIN 10004699 Modian consensus: Singh, Swadesh Bluoneink pvt ltd., 2024 9789392209789 xx,290 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 SIS 07000170 Democratic governance and human development: Sisodia,Yatindra Singh Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605592 xxii,351p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 SIS 00076168 Political Consciousness Among Tribals: [dharmaram Library] Sisodia, S Yatindra Rawat 1999 174p UG Library
320.954 SIS 00112290 Democratic governance and human development: Sisodia,Yatindra Singh Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605592 xxii,351p.; UG Library
320.954 SIV 10005311 Indian democracy : Sivaramakrishnan, Arvind Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2020 9789353289805 viii,333 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 SIV 00141859 Indian Democracy: Sivaramakrishnan,Arvind Sage 2020 9789353289805 333p UG Library
320.954 SRI 10001226 Indian polity : Srirangam, Ram Sri. Pearson India Education Services Pvt Ltd, 2021 9789390577095 xxiv,B.3p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 SRI 05074148 Indian polity : Srirangam, Ram Sri. Pearson, 2022 9789356060784 2nd ed. xxxv,B.3p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SRI 10003032 Indian polity : Srirangam, Sri Ram., Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2022 9789356060784 2nd ed. xxxv,B.3 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954 SRI 00022117 Indian Government and Politics Srivastva, L N Surjeet 1982 568p UG Library
320.954 SUB 00089681 Goverment in India: An Inside View. Subramanian, T S R RUPA & CO 2009 9788129114822 208p. UG Library
320.954 SUD 00021301 Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institutions Suda J P K Nath & Co 1980 298 p UG Library
320.954 SUR 05061336 New trends in Indian politics / Suryavanshi, Pyarelal. Gaurav Books, 2017 9789384139605 336p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954 SUR 00053021 Fifty Years of Indian Independence and the Polity Suryanarayan, Sastry APH 2000 8176481491 250p UG Library
320.954 TIW 00124753 Issues in Indian Politics Lalan Tiwari. Mittal Publications, 1995 817099618X | 9788170996187 1st ed. 435 p. ; UG Library
320.954 TOM 07011201 The indian national congress and the raj 1929-1942 / Tomlinson,B R Macmillan Press Publication, 1976 9780333193693 viii, 201p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 TOM 07010746 The indian national congress and the raj 1929-1942 / Tomlinson,B R Macmillan Press Publication, 1976 9780333193693 viii, 201p.; Library - BR Campus
320.954 TRI 00133181 Vision and mission of pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Trivedi,Tanuja Jnanada prakashan , 2012 9788171395101 vi,360p.; UG Library
320.954 TRI 00106306 Inclusive policies and removal of social disadvantage Tripathy S. N. Abhijeet Publications 2010 9789380031958 xii; 314 p. UG Library
320.954 TRI 05072939 South Asia : Tripathi, Dhananjay. ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9781032113562 ix, 129p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 TUD 01019727 The Promise of Power : Tudor Maya Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107046061 xiii,240p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 VAK 00035375 Indian Government and Politics Vakil, F D Sterling 1993 378p UG Library
320.954 VAN 00079358 The Furies of Indian Communalism Vanaik,Achin Verso 1997 1859840167 | 9781859840160 373 p. UG Library
320.954 VAN 05045831 Political science / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092445 (set) | 01980924 First edition. 4 volumes ;570p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 VAN 05045832 Political science / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092445 (set) | 01980924 First edition. 4 volumes ;570p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 VAN 05045833 Political science / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092445 (set) | 01980924 First edition. 4 volumes ;570p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 VAN 05045834 Political science / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092445 (set) | 01980924 First edition. 4 volumes ;570p.: Knowledge Centre
320.954 VAR 01004007 India and the politics of developing countries : SAGE Publications, 2004 0761932879 (Hb) | 0761932887 (pbk.) | 8178294133 (India : Hb) | 8178294141 (India : pbk.) 271 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954 VAR 00073343 India and the Politics of Developing Countries : Essays in Memory of Myron Weiner Varshney Ashutosh Sage Publications 2004 0761932879 271 p UG Library
320.954 VAR 00116950 Battles half won Varshney, Ashutosh, Penguin Group, 2013 9780670084289 | 067008428X xiii, 415 pages. : UG Library
320.954 VEN 00097573 Grassroots Politics in India Venkatesu E Serials Publications; 97881838733445 216p UG Library
320.954 VER 07012274 Constitutional Democracy and Government in India / Verma, Dr.Ambika Prasad Manglam Publications, 2017 9789386123220 320p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954 VER 00015414 Elections and Political Consciousness in India Verma S P Meenakshi Prakashan 1967 189 p UG Library
320.954 VER 03008420 Tomorrow's India, Another Tryst with Destiny / Viking, published by the Penguin Group, 2006 9780670058631 | 0670058637 | 9 xlv, 349 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 VIJ 05011135 India battles to win / Taruṇa Vijaya. Rupa & Co., 2009 9788129115003 | 812911500X 386 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 VIS 00021322 Indian Political Thinkers Vishnoo Bhagwan Atma Ram & Sons 1976 310 p UG Library
320.954 VIV 00119509 India Today/ Pillai, K. Raman Gyan Publishing House 2014 9788121212311 384p. UG Library
320.954 VOH 00052559 New Political Elite Vohra, Gautam Indian Publishing Distributors 2001 8173411956 321p UG Library
320.954 VOR 05030208 Indian democracy : Sage Publications, 2004 0761997903 | 9780761997900 447 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954 WAR 00147994 Battlefield India: Warrier, Shobha Vitasta Publishing Pvt. Ltd. 2023 9789390961306 590 pages UG Library
320.954 WAT 00087644 Power:Selection from New Left Review Watkins, Susan Seagull 2006 ISB8170464811 307p UG Library
320.954 WEI 00035370 The Indian Paradox : Essays in Indian Politics Weiner Myron Sage Publications 1989 8170361443 336 p UG Library
320.954 WEI 00011229 State Politics in India Weiner Myron Princeton University Press 1968 520 p UG Library
320.954 WEI 03006070 The Cage : Weiss, Gordon. Bodley Head, 2011 1847921396 (pbk.) | 9781847921 xxix, 352 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.954 WEI 00011786 The Politics of Scarcity : Public Pressure and Political Response in India Weiner Myron Asia Publishing House 1963 245 p UG Library
320.954 WIL 00072025 Postacolonial Politics and Personal Laws: [dharmaram Library] Williams, Rina Verma 2000 0195680146 214p UG Library
320.954014 SIS 05074759 Political communication in contemporary India : Routledge, 2023 9781032667690 xv, 174p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95402 VER 05065227 The state in India : Orient BlackSwan, 2019 9789352875474 | 9352875478 xv, 384 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.954035 PRA 00086187 Towards Freedom: Documents on the Movement for Independence in India 1945 Prasad, Bimal 2008 9780195695304 1051 p UG Library
320.954035 SAR 00086188 Towards Freedom: Documents on the Movement for Independence in India 1946: Part I Sarkar, Sumit 2007 9780195692457 987 p UG Library
320.95404 RAN 05061333 Indian Government and Politics / Ranjan Rakesh Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2017 9789386761149 vi, 304 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95404 RAN 00131515 Indian Government and Politics / Ranjan Rakesh Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2017 9789386761149 vi, 304 p.; UG Library
320.95404 SIM 03009355 Marketing Reproduction : Simon-Kumar, Rachel. Zubaan, 2006 8189013025 | 9788189013028 vi, 268 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.95405 GOY 05065326 Saving India From Indira : Rupa, 2019 9789353333959 xxviii, 244p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9540533 PRA 10005321 Middle class and Modi : Prabhu, Nagesh. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353882594 xxxiii, 374p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.9540533 PRA 10003044 Middle class and Modi : Prabhu, Nagesh. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353882594 xxxiii, 374p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.95408 DES 05060343 In the hall of mirrors : Desouza, Peter Ronald. Orient Blackswan, 2018 9789352871957 xx, 395p. Knowledge Centre
320.954086942 ROY 07012466 Politics of the poor : Roy, Indrajit, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107117181 (hardback) xix.: 521 p.: Library - BR Campus
320.954086942 ROY 00129721 Politics of the poor : Roy, Indrajit, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107117181 (hardback) xix.: 521 p.: UG Library
320.954086942 ROY 05063706 Politics of the poor : Roy, Indrajit, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107117181 (hardback) xix.: 521 p.: Knowledge Centre
320.95409 CHA 00136079 Challenges of governance : Chaturvedi B.K Rupa Publications India pvt ltd, 2019 9789353334505 xii,220p.; UG Library
320.95409 CHA 05065407 Challenges of governance : Chaturvedi B.K Rupa Publications India pvt ltd, 2019 9789353334505 xii,220p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95409 MIT 00108087 Democracy and social change in India Mitra,Subrata Kumar, Sage Publications, 1999 0761993444 341 p. : UG Library
320.95409033 WIL 05073712 Translation and state : Gruyter, 2022 9783110501216 1st xvii, 265pages cm Knowledge Centre
320.95409034 MET 01006843 Forging the Raj : Metcalf, Thomas R., Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195667097 vi, 317 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.95409034 MET 05007129 Forging the Raj : Metcalf, Thomas R., Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195667097 vi, 317 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.9540904 HAL 00141231 Sardar Patel and His Contemporaries: Halu, Anilkumar B ABD Publishers 2021 9788183767491 264p UG Library
320.95409044 HAS 00086456 India, s Partition: Process, Strategy and Mobilization Hasan, Mushirul 2008 0195635043 434 p UG Library
320.95409045 AUS 01013277 Working a democratic constitution : Austin, Granville. Oxford University Press, 9780195656107 xvii, 771 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95409045 AUS 01013278 Working a democratic constitution : Austin, Granville. Oxford University Press, 9780195656107 xvii, 771 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95409045 AUS 01002301 Working a democratic constitution : Austin, Granville. Oxford University Press, 9780195656107 xvii, 771 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95409045 COR 01003534 Seeing the state : Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521834791 | 0521542553 (pbk.) | 9780521834797 | 9780521542555 xvi, 317 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.95409049 DAV 00084790 Picturing the Nation Iconographies of Modern India Davis, Richard Orient Longman Publications 8125029087 274p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.95409049 DAV 00087083 Picturing the Nation Iconographies of Modern India Davis, Richard Orient Longman Publications 8125029087 274p UG Library
320.9540905 DES 10004145 The Great Indian Manthan : Penguin, 2023 9780670093038 liv, 288p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.9540905 DES 05074941 The Great Indian Manthan : Penguin, 2023 9780670093038 liv, 288p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9540905 RAI 05060770 Idea of India hard to beat republic resilient / Raina, Badri. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, 2016 9789384439767 First edition. xix, 265 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.9540905 RAZ 07015608 Left, Right And Centre : Razdan, Nidhi Penguin Viking, 2017 9780670089703 | 0670089702 viii, 269 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.9540905 RAZ 00129524 Left, Right And Centre : Razdan, Nidhi Penguin Viking, 2017 9780670089703 | 0670089702 viii, 269 p. ; UG Library
320.9540905 TEW 01026905 Decoding a decade : Tewari, Manish, Vitasta Publishing Pvt, 2017 9789382711629 v,321p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954090511 PUN 00067828 Religion, Power and Violence Puniyani, Ram Sage Publication 2005 0761933387 | 9780761933380 331 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954090511 PUN 01006160 Religion, Power Nad Violence : Puniyani,Ram. Sage Publications, 2005 0761933387 332p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954090511 PUN 01004114 Religion, Power Nad Violence : Puniyani,Ram. Sage Publications, 2005 0761933387 332p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954090511 PUN 00064842 Religion, Power and Violence Puniyani, Ram Sage Publication 2005 0761933387 | 9780761933380 331 p. UG Library
320.954092 SAH 00078360 Revolutionary Life Memoirs of a Political Activist Sahgal, Lakshmi Kali for Women 1997 8185107874 181 p. UG Library
320.9541 BAR 05007869 Beyond Counter-Insurgencey : Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198078975 viii,383 p. Knowledge Centre
320.9541 CHA 07004352 Hill Politics in Northeast India Chaube S.K. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd 2012 9788125045502 3rd Ed. xiv; 296 p. Library - BR Campus
320.9541 CHA 00109104 Hill Politics in Northeast India Chaube S.K. Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd 2012 9788125045502 3rd Ed. xiv; 296 p. UG Library
320.9541 GIL 00117043 The peripheral centre Gill, Preeti Zubaan, 2010 9788189013608 | 9789381017951 vii, 397 p. ; UG Library
320.9541 SAJ 00118277 Contesting colonialism and separatism : Sajjad, Mohammad, Primus Books, 2014 9789384082048 xvii, 265 p. : UG Library
320.9541 VER 00111773 E-Panchayats in India: Some Facets/ Verma, R. K. Serials Publications, 2012 9788183874960 x: 289p.; UG Library
320.954109041 HAS 00086410 Moderate or Militant Images of India`s Muslims Hasan Mushirul Oxford University Press 2008 0195695313 252 p UG Library
320.954109041 HAS 00087551 Moderate or Militant Images of India`s Muslims Hasan Mushirul Oxford University Press 2008 0195695313 252 p UG Library
320.95412 KUM 05041111 Criminalisation of politics : Kumar, Avinash, Rawat, 2015 9788131606735 | 8131606732 xii, 251 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.95414 BHA 07002007 Government as practice : Bhattacharyya, Dwaipayan, Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107102262 (hardback) xx,273p.; Library - BR Campus
320.95414 BHA 05046290 Government as practice : Bhattacharyya, Dwaipayan, Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107102262 (hardback) xx,273p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95414 BHA 01022712 Government as practice : Bhattacharyya, Dwaipayan, Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107102262 (hardback) xx,273p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95414 BHA 07002212 Government as practice : Bhattacharyya, Dwaipayan, Cambridge university press, 2016 9781107102262 (hardback) xx,273p.; Library - BR Campus
320.95414 CHA 01008867 Local Politics and Indian Nationalism Midnapur / Bidyut Chakrabarty Manohar, 1997 0817304158 223p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95414 DAS 00118301 Interrogating politics and society : Das, Suranjan. Primus Books, 2014 9789380607771 | 9380607776 xvi, 211 p. : UG Library
320.95414 SIN 05039398 Kindling of an insurrection : Sinha, Chandan, Routledge, 2013 9780415662154 | 041566215X xxxii, 320 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.95414035 SAR 01014193 The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal / Sarkar,Sumit Permanent Black, 9788178242729 493p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954162 BHA 01008841 Living on the Edge : Bhaumik,Subir . South Asia Forum for Human Rights, 1997 287p.; Knowledge Centre
320.954162 GOW 10005148 Assam politics in post-Congress era : Goswami, Sandhya Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353883645 xviii, 188 p. , Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.954167 RAY 01020119 Smash & grab : Datta-Ray, Sunanda K., Tranquebar Press, 2013 9789383260386 | 9383260386 Rev. ed. liv, 433 p., [16] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
320.954167 YAS 00111218 Politics, Society and Development: Yasin, Mohammad, Kalpaz Publications, 2012 9788178359311 323p.; UG Library
320.95438 NAR 01021546 Constitutional Experiments / Narayana,P.S. Universal Law Publishing, 2015 9789350355619 xliv,194p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9544 WOL 00084557 The Black Cow`s Footprint: Time, Space, and Music in the Lives of the Kotas of South India. Wolf, Richard K Permanent Black 2005 8178241269 313p UG Library
320.9545 SIN 00133426 Sikhs in the decan and north-east india Singh,Birinder Pal Routledge, 2018 9781138598416 xix,239p.; UG Library
320.95456 NAQ 03011572 Capital Conquest : Naqvi, Saba. Hachette, 2015 9789350099964 (hardback) | 935 xi, 202 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.9545609041 LEG 01007692 Spaces of colonialism : Legg, Stephen. Blackwell Pub., 2007 9781405156332 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781405175548 | 1405156333 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781405156325 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1405156325 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.9546 DES 05073709 China's Game Plan in Ladakh : Deshmukh S.L. K W Publishers, 2022 9789394915022 xvii, 134p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9546 AGG 00087803 Beyond Lines of Control Aggarwal, Ravina Seagull 2004 8170463173 305p UG Library
320.9546 AGG 04019075 Beyond lines of control : Aggarwal, Ravina. Duke University Press, 2004 0822334283 (cloth : alk. paper ix, 305 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.9546 AGG 01007273 Beyond lines of control : Aggarwal, Ravina. Duke University Press, 9788170463177 | 0822334143 (pb ix, 305 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.9546 DUL 07013440 KASHMIR : Dulat, A.S/ Harper Collins Publishers, 2017 9789352645220 xxxi, 341p;. Library - BR Campus
320.9546 HAN 01008797 The state in medieval Kashmir / Hangloo, R. L. Manohar, 2000 8173042519 150 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.9546 PAN 00105562 A tangled web: Pande,Ira. c2011. 2011 ix,283 p. UG Library
320.9546 SAD 00144432 Medieval Kashmir / Sadhu, S L. Atlantic publishers & distributors, 2022 9788126933297 xvi,359p, ; UG Library
320.9546 SHA 00119533 Plight of Jammu and Kashmir by Sharma Justice GD Manas Publications, 2014 9788170495000 552 p.: UG Library
320.9546 SIN 00054832 Murder of Democracy in Jammu and Kashmir Singh,Bhim Har-Anand Publications 2002 8124108641 | 8124108641 192 p. UG Library
320.9546 SUH 05058041 Pieces of earth : Suhail, Peer ghulam Nabi. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199477616 xv, 194p. Knowledge Centre
320.95460904 ZUT 05067143 Kashmir / Zutshi,Chitralekha. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190121419 xvi,193p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95475 SHA 05058836 Sociology and History/ Shah A M Orient BlackSwan 2017 9789386392640 254p. Knowledge Centre
320.95475 SHA 00129023 Sociology and History/ Shah A M Orient BlackSwan 2017 9789386392640 254p. UG Library
320.95475 YAD 08000987 Metropolitan Governance Cases of Ahmedabad and Hyderabad / Yadav, Vinita Copal Publishing, 2014 9788192473383 302p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
320.9548 PRI 07004441 The writings of Pamela Price : state, politics, and cultures in modern South India : honour, authority and morality Price, Pamela G. Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2013 9788125051145 331p. Library - BR Campus
320.9548 PRI 00123314 The writings of Pamela Price : state, politics, and cultures in modern South India : honour, authority and morality Price, Pamela G. Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2013 9788125051145 331p. UG Library
320.954811 VIS 00025381 The Political Career of E V Ramasami Naicker Visswanathan E Sa Ravi & vasanth Publishers 1983 430 p UG Library
320.95482 HAR 00022996 Capitalism and Peasant Farming : Agrarian Structure & Ideology in Northern Tamil Nadu Harriss John Oxford University Press 1982 358 p UG Library
320.95482 PAN 00075069 Brahmin and Non Brahmin Pandian M.S. S. Permanent Black 2007 9780195647662 274 p. UG Library
320.95482 PAN 00087686 Brahmin and Non Brahmin Pandian M.S. S. Permanent Black 2007 9780195647662 274 p. UG Library
320.95482 PAN 00085841 Brahmin and Non Brahmin Pandian M.S. S. Permanent Black 2007 9780195647662 274 p. UG Library
320.95482 SUB 00017891 Sangam Polity Subrahmanian N Asia 1966 424 p UG Library
320.95483 JOH 00024417 Coalition Governments in Kerala John, John P The Institute of Public Policy & Management 1983 263 p UG Library
320.95483 NOS 00022998 Communism in Kerala : A Study Political Adaptation Nossiter T J Oxford University Press 1982 426 p UG Library
320.95483082 DEW 05009548 En-gendering individuals : Devika, J. Orient Longman, 2007 9788125030713 xi, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95484 BHU 00104402 Telangana Bhushan,bharath Aded value ventures 2009 210p UG Library
320.95484 NAG 00105197 Battleground Telangana: Nag,Kingshuk. HarperCollins. 2011 9789350290743 xv,239p. UG Library
320.95487 KAD 01009345 Development in Karnataka : Academic Foundation, 2008 9788171886197 | 8171886191 432 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95487 KAD 05021937 Development in Karnataka : Academic Foundation, 2008 9788171886197 | 8171886191 432 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95487 KAD 01008348 Development in Karnataka : Academic Foundation, 2008 9788171886197 | 8171886191 432 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95487 KAP 00087786 Development in Karnataka: Challenges of Governance, Equity and Empowerment Kadekodi, Gopal K 2008 432p Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.95487 KAP 00087541 Development in Karnataka: Challenges of Governance, Equity and Empowerment Kadekodi, Gopal Academic Foundation 2008 9788171886197 432 p UG Library
320.95487 RAG 00090556 Broadening and Deepening Democracy; Poltical Innovation in Karnataka Raghavan, E Routledge 9780415544542 292p UG Library
320.95487 SHA 01016344 Karnataka Politics : Shastri Sandeep Jain university press; 2011 9788184654400 299 p. Knowledge Centre
320.95487 SHA 00103702 Karnataka Politics : Shastri Sandeep Jain university press; 2011 9788184654400 299 p. UG Library
320.95487 UPA 00104306 Natak Karnataka : Upadhya Ramakrishna Prarthana Books ; 2011 9788184655117 301 p. UG Library
320.95491 MAR 07010100 Politics,Landlords and Islam in Pakistan / Martin Nicolas Routledge, 2016 9781138653375 xiii,192p.: Library - BR Campus
320.95491 NAW 01026319 Crossed swords : Nawaz, Shuja. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195476606 xliviii, 653 p. Knowledge Centre
320.95491 SHE 05069927 Democracy and authoritarianism in Pakistan : Sheikh, Shiraz. K W Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789389137248 | 9389137241 xxii, 393 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95493 FER 05045724 The political economy of NGOs : Fernando, Jude L. Pluto Press, 2011 9780745321714 (pbk.) | 0745321 xii, 338 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.95493 STO 00112765 Liberal Peace in Question Stokke, Kristian Anthem Press 2012 9789380601427 xi; 204 p UG Library
320.95496 ARO 00133442 Democratisation in the Himalayas: Arora, Vibha Routledge, 2018 9781138038295 xii,209p.; UG Library
320.95496 BAR 00109752 Nepal, Nation-State in The Wilderness : Baral, Lok Raj, SAGE, Publications, 2012 9788132108757 xvii, 308 p. ; UG Library
320.95496 LAW 01009569 Contentious politics and democratization in Nepal / Sage Publications, 2007 9789994654284 (hb.) | 9994654284 (hb.) | 9780761936015 (hard back) | 0761936017 (hard back) | 9788178297644 (Indiahbk) | 8178297647 (Indiahbk) 348 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.95496 MAL 05034281 Constitutional nationalism and legal exclusion : Malagodi, Mara. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198082910 | 0198082916 xxii, 316 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.95496 MEH 05035222 The Royal Nepal Army : Mehta, Ashok K. Rupa & Co. in association with Observer Research Foundation, 2005 8129108178 | 97981129108172 xvi, 110 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.954KAU 05072588 South Asia : Kaur, Kalwant., ed. Knowledge World, 2006 978817966463 xxxi, 408p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.954PAL 01000524 Political System in India / S A Palekar ABD Publishers, 2006 8183760341 | 9798183760347 274p.; Knowledge Centre
320.955019 RAH 00107805 Superstition as ideology in Iranian politics : Rāhnamā, ʻAlī. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107005181 (hardback) | 978 xii, 320 p. ; UG Library
320.956 BRO 01012621 The struggle over democracy in the Middle East : Routledge, 2010 9780415773799 (hardback : alk. xi, 201 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.956 CHA 05073622 Political faultlines in the Middle East / K W Publishers, 2021 9789389137767 | 9389137764 xiii, 211 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.956 LOE 05074975 The Palestine Laboratory : Loewenstein, Antony Pan Macmillan, 2024 9789361139123 xviii, 265 p., Knowledge Centre
320.956 LYN 00146408 The political science of the Middle East : Lynch, Marc Oxford University Press 2022 9780197640050 | 9780197640043 xi, 307 pages ; UG Library
320.956 MAC 05037335 An introduction to Middle East politics / MacQueen, Benjamin. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446249482 (hardback) | 978 xxxv,408p.: Knowledge Centre
320.956 MIR 05072281 Informal Politics In The Middle East : Mirgani, Suzi., ed. Hurst and Company, 2021 9781787384828 xiii, 282p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.956 SAI 01007757 Democratization in the Middle East : Amin Saikal United Nations University Press, 2003 9280810855 211p.; Knowledge Centre
320.95694 BRI 00086557 Political Reform in Israel: The Quest for a Stable and Effective Government Brichta, Avraham Susses Academic 2001 1902210735 146 p UG Library
320.95694 GAL 05063696 The handbook of Israel's political system /​ Galnoor, Itzhak. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107097858 xxvi,960p.; Knowledge Centre
320.956942 BUS 01025947 De-constructing the dynamics of world-societal order : Busse, Jan, Routledge, 2018 9781138500624 xiv, 211 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.956953 SCH 05041699 State of failure : Schanzer, Jonathan. Palgrave, 2013 9781137278241 (hardcover) First edition. viii, 247 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.956953 SCH 05042779 State of failure : Schanzer, Jonathan. Palgrave, 2013 9781137278241 (hardcover) First edition. viii, 247 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.957 TEJ 00023822 The Soviet Federal State : Theory Formation and Development Tejpal Singh Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1982 104 p UG Library
320.958 CUM 05017494 Understanding Central Asia : Cummings, Sally N. Routledge, 2012 9780415297028 (hbk.) | 9780415 xi, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.958 MCG 01020310 Chaos, violence, and dynasty : McGlinchey, Eric Max, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011 9780822961680 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.9581 BAR 05073778 Afghanistan : Barfield, Thomas, Princeton University Press, 2010 9780691238562 Second edition. xiii, 436p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9581 MAN 05073701 Analysing the Current Afghan Context / K W Publishers, 2022 9789391490317 xxiii, 149p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9581 SIN 05069918 Afghanistan : Singh, Ratanjit. K W Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789387324756 | 9387324753 xii, 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.959 AND 05042350 The spectre of comparisons : Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. Verso, 1998 9781859841846 x, 374 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.959 CRO 00005814 South-East Asia in Turmoil Crozier, Brain Penguin Books 1968 224 p UG Library
320.959 MEN 05066648 Building inclusive democracies in ASEAN / World Scientific, 2019 9789813236486 xv, 425 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.959 ROB 00127742 Routledge Handbook Of Southeast Asian Politics Robinson, Richard Routlrdge, 2012 9780415494274 378p : . UG Library
320.959 ROB 05050220 Routledge handbook of Southeast Asian politics / Routledge, 2014 9780415716512 xiii,378p.; Knowledge Centre
320.959 TAY 00024075 Political Identity in South Asia Taylor David Curzon Press 1979 0001410156 265 p UG Library
320.9591 DIT 05061166 Burma or Myanmar? : World Scientific, 2010 9789814730365 xiv, 380 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.9591 DIT 05056833 Burma or Myanmar? : World Scientific, 2010 9789814730365 xiv, 380 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.9591 TAY 01011488 The state in Myanmar / Taylor, Robert H., University of Hawaiʻi Press, 9780824833626 (pbk. : alk. pap xxv, 555 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.9591 YHO 05035200 Myanmar : Yhome,K, Rupa Publications, 2008 9788129113238 x:169p Knowledge Centre
320.95957 BAR 05044045 The ruling elite of Singapore : Barr, Michael D. I.B. Tauris, 2014 9781780762340 (hardback) | 178 xvi, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.9598 BEI 00108312 Civil Society and Political Change in Indonesia Beittinger-Lee, Verena. Routledge, 2010 9780415547413 | 0415547415 (ha xxii, 298 p. ; UG Library
320.959809049 ASP 05042345 Opposing Suharto : Aspinall, Edward. Stanford University Press, 2005 0804748446 (alk. paper) | 0804 xiii, 328 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.96 FES 01025919 Ethnic diversity and federalism : Fessha, Yonatan Tesfaye. Routledge, 2010 9781409403104 (hbk.) | 9781409 xii, 298 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.96 HAR 00005241 Studies in African Politics Harris P B Hutchinson University Library 1970 091016819 181 p UG Library
320.96 JOH 00004972 Tribes Without Rulers. Studies in African Segmentary Systems. Middleton, John Routledge UG Library
320.96 THO 05062592 An Intoduction to African Politics / Thomson, Alex. Routledge, 2016 9781138782846 4th Ed. vi,298p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9611 BAR 00130964 The people vs tech : Bartlett, Jamie, Ebury publishing, 2018 9781785039065 (pbk.) | 9781785 242 pages ; UG Library
320.96209051 AWA 05045353 The Muslim Brothers in pursuit of legitimacy : ʻAwaḍī, Hishām. I.B. Touries, 2014 9781780764306 (pbk.) | 1780764 New paperback edition. viii, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.96HYD 01003511 African Politics in Comparative Perspective ( Law Library ) Goran Hyden Cambridge University Press 0521671949 306p. Knowledge Centre
320.97 OSN 00139769 Joe Biden: Osnos,Evan Bloomsbury Publishing 2020 9781526637963 177p UG Library
320.973 BER 05040569 Tocqueville In India / Bernard,Jean Alphonse. Esha Beteille, 2014 9789383166022 xiv,247p.; Knowledge Centre
320.973 BER 07004457 Tocqueville In India / Bernard,Jean Alphonse. Esha Beteille, 2014 9789383166022 xiv,247p.; Library - BR Campus
320.973 BHA 01028987 Simplified Approach to Local Self Government in Punjab / Bhardwaj, Sonika. Shree Ram Law House, 2020 9789385618949 2nd ed. xii, 507p.; Knowledge Centre
320.973 ADR 00033392 American Government Enclyclopedia 1973-74 Adrian R Charles Dushkin Publishing Group 1974 0879670088 344 p UG Library
320.973 BAL 00010724 American Politics and Government : Essays in Essentials Balley Stephen K Oxford & IBH Publishing 1970 280 p UG Library
320.973 BAR 00129060 Clued in to politics : Barbour Christine Sage 2014 9781608717941 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. xiv, 400 pages ; UG Library
320.973 BAR 00100408 Clued in to politics : Barbour, Christine, CQ Press, 9781604265194 (pbk. : alk. pap 368 p. : UG Library
320.973 BEI 00088813 History of American Political Thought Beitzinger, A J 2008 ISB0396065465 628p UG Library
320.973 BER 00138571 Trumping Democracy Routledge, 2020 9781138212497 254 p.; UG Library
320.973 BRO 00011302 Challenge of Change. Crisis in Our 2 Party System Brooke, Edward W. Sterling Publishers 1967 260 p. UG Library
320.973 BRO 05039235 Understanding American politics / Brooks, Stephen, University of Toronto Press, 2013 9781442607651 (hardcover) Second edition. xv, 431 pages : Knowledge Centre
320.973 CAR 00033358 Essentials of American Democracy Carr, Robert K Rinehart and Winston Inc 1971 6th Ed. 529 p UG Library
320.973 CAR 05065462 Digital media and democratic futures / University of pennsylvania press, 2019 9780812251166 vi,340p.; Knowledge Centre
320.973 CLA 01014381 The American public mind : Claggett, William J. M. Cambridge University Press, 9780521863735 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 295 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 CRA 01013148 Tocqueville on America after 1840 : Tocqueville, Alexis de, Cambridge University Press, 9780521859554 (hardback) | 052 xv, 560 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 DAH 01016564 Pluralist Democrarcy in the United States : Dahl, Robert A Science Book Agency, 1967 460 p.; Knowledge Centre
320.973 DAN 00015424 Modern American Democracy : Reading Danielson Michael N Holt Rinehort and Winston Inc 1969 664 p UG Library
320.973 DIA 00011978 The Democratic Republic Diamond Martin Rand McNally & Co 1970 2nd Ed 642 p UG Library
320.973 FIS 05073836 The anti-oligarchy constitution : Fishkin, Joseph, Harvard University Press, 2022 9780674980624 632 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 FRE 00008481 American Isses in the 20th Century Freidel Frank Scientific Book Agency 1969 525 p UG Library
320.973 GOO 00119183 Holding The Center : Goodheart, Eugene. Transaction Publishers, 2013 9781412849814 xix, 202 p. ; UG Library
320.973 GRA 07012237 Politics in the American States A Comparative Analysis / Sage, 2018 9781506363622 xix,585p.: Library - BR Campus
320.973 HAI 01024446 The Oxford handbook of state and local government / Haider-Markel,Donal p. Oxford university press , 2014 0199579679 (cloth) | 978019877 First edition. xi, 956 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 HAR 00044270 Politics and Policy in States and Communities Harrington, J John 0673520331 548 p UG Library
320.973 HAT 00017927 Government and Politics in the United States Hathron, B. Princeton New Jersey 1961 2nd Ed. 815 p. UG Library
320.973 HAT 00015412 Government and Politics in the United States Hathron, B. Princeton New Jersey 1961 2nd Ed. 815 p. UG Library
320.973 HAT 00017969 Government and Politics in the United States Hathron, B. Princeton New Jersey 1961 2nd Ed. 815 p. UG Library
320.973 IRI 00033438 The Politics of American Democracy Irish D Marian Prentice-Hall Inc 1965 3rd Ed 722 p UG Library
320.973 JAC 01010121 The democratic experiment : Princeton University Press, 2003 0691113769 (alk. paper) | 0691113777 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 421 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 JAN 00016026 American Government and Politics Jangam, R. T. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1976 170 p. UG Library
320.973 KAU 00033395 Politics and Policies in State and Local Governments Kaufman Herbert Prentice-Hall Inc 1963 120 p UG Library
320.973 KER 05039795 Principles and practice of American politics : CQ Press, 2013 9781452226286 (pbk.) | 1452226 5th ed. xiii. 731 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.973 KET 00129077 System under stress : Kettl, Donald F. Sage 2014 9781452239903 (paperback : aci 3rd ed. xi, 202 pages : UG Library
320.973 KOT 00129064 Democracy in decline : Kotler, Philip, Sage 2017 9789386446893 (print (pb) : al 210p. UG Library
320.973 KOT 07011892 Democracy in decline : Kotler, Philip, Sage 2017 9789386446893 (print (pb) : al 210p. Library - BR Campus
320.973 LEN 01017700 Union and liberty : Calhoun, John C. Liberty Fund, 1992 0865971021 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxix, 625 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.973 MAR 00090178 Inside the Monster Marti, Jose Monthly Review 0853453594 386p UG Library
320.973 MCE 05011268 Deep in the heart : McEnteer, James, Praeger, 2004 0275983064 (alk. paper) 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 MEL 00024834 The American Democratic System Melville Keith J Dodd, Mead & Co 1975 353 p UG Library
320.973 MON 00033353 American Politics : A System Approach Monsma Stephen V Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc 1969 0030785359 399 p UG Library
320.973 MOR 10004182 The Return : Morris, Dick Humanix Books, 2022 9781630062712 xvi, 252p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.973 MOR 00012077 Growth of the American Republic Morison,Samuel Oxford Unversity Press 1950 4th Ed. 830 p. UG Library
320.973 MOR 00012078 Growth of the American Republic Morison,Samuel Oxford Unversity Press 1950 4th Ed. 830 p. UG Library
320.973 MOR 00011974 The American Political System Introductory Readings Morgan, Richard E Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc 1971 0155025503 480 p UG Library
320.973 NCK 00053508 Taking Sides - Clashing Viewsx on Controversial Political Issues. Mckenna, George 2001 0072422513 402p UG Library
320.973 NCK 00053509 Taking Sides - Clashing Viewsx on Controversial Political Issues. Mckenna, George 2001 0072422513 402p UG Library
320.973 NEL 00015887 Theory and Practice in American Politics Nelson, William H. The University Of Chicago Press 1964 147 p. UG Library
320.973 OCO 00073349 American Government Roots And Reform O'Connor Karen Allyn And Bacon 1996 0023890185 122 p. UG Library
320.973 OLS 00033394 To Keep The Republic : Governing The United States In Its Thrid Century Olson, J David McGraw-Hill Book Co 1975 007047690X 588 p UG Library
320.973 PAC 00033372 Liberal America and the Third World : Political Development Ideas in Foreign Aid and Social Science Packenham A Robert Princeton University Press 1987 0691021767 397 p UG Library
320.973 PAR 00033364 Democracy for the Few / Parenti Michael St.Martin's Press 1974 308 p UG Library
320.973 PAR 00010722 Major Aspects of American Government Powell, Norman J Oxford & IBH Publishing 1963 164 p UG Library
320.973 PLA 00144443 The Republic/ Plato, Atlantic, 2022 9788126921065 V,255p, : UG Library
320.973 PLA 10003233 The Republic/ Plato., Atlantic publishers and distributors, 2019 9788126921065 281 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.973 PLA 07010038 The Republic/ Plato, Atlantic, 2016 9788126921065 V,255 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
320.973 REI 00007616 Greeting of America Reich, Charles A. Penguin Books 1968 332 p. UG Library
320.973 REI 00016800 Issues 4 : Critical Questions for the 70`s Reichman, Louis Glencoe Press 1972 370 p UG Library
320.973 RIB 00015432 Politics : The American Way Ribicoff Abraham Vora & Co Publishers Pvt Ltd 1968 160 p UG Library
320.973 RIC 01025956 Google and democracy : Richey, Sean, Routledge, 2018 9781138066434 (hbk : alk. pape x, 199 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 ROS 00033455 American National Government : An Introduction to Political Institutions Ross, S Robert McNally Publishing Co 1972 528650718 224 p UG Library
320.973 SCH 01017682 The making of Tocqueville's Democracy in America / Schleifer, James T., University of North Carolina Press, 1980 0807813729 xxv, 387 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.973 SCH 00015427 Congress and The Presidency : Their Role in Modern Times Schlesinger M Arthur Sterling Publishers 1969 192 p UG Library
320.973 SIM 00033369 Time for Truth Simon, E. William A Berkley Book 1978 85 p. UG Library
320.973 SMI 00117720 State and Local Government Smith, Kevin B. CQ Press, 2014 9781452287294 viii: 190p.; UG Library
320.973 SMI 05042757 State and local government / Sage, 2015 9781483374260 (pbk.) 2014-2015th edition. 160p.: Knowledge Centre
320.973 SOR 00010280 Decision-Making in the White House. Sorensen,Theodore C. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1963 50 p. UG Library
320.973 STI 00123497 Tides of consent : Stimson, James A. Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521841348 | 9780521601177 | 0 xxii, 181 p. ; UG Library
320.973 STO 01010092 US government and politics / Storey, William. Edinburgh University Press, 2007 9780748624294 (pbk.) | 0748624295 (pbk.) xii, 340 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.973 TAL 00062919 Where America Went Wrong and How to Regain Her Democratic Ideas Talbott, R. John Prentice Hall 2004 0131430513 | 9780131430518 274 p. UG Library
320.973 TOC 07008680 Democracy in America : Tocqueville, Alexis de, W.W. Norton & Company, 2007 9780393929867 (pbk.) 1st ed. xvii, 856 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.973 TOC 05049114 Democracy in America : Tocqueville, Alexis de, W.W. Norton & Company, 2007 9780393929867 (pbk.) 1st ed. xvii, 856 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 TOC 01017661 Democracy in America : Tocqueville, Alexis de, Liberty Fund, 2010 9780865977198 (hardcover : alk Bilingual French-English ed. 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
320.973 TOC 01017662 Democracy in America : Tocqueville, Alexis de, Liberty Fund, 2010 9780865977198 (hardcover : alk Bilingual French-English ed. 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
320.973 TOC 01017663 Democracy in America : Tocqueville, Alexis de, Liberty Fund, 2010 9780865977198 (hardcover : alk Bilingual French-English ed. 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
320.973 TOC 01017664 Democracy in America : Tocqueville, Alexis de, Liberty Fund, 2010 9780865977198 (hardcover : alk Bilingual French-English ed. 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
320.973 TOC 00112471 Democracy in America : Tocqueville, Alexis de, W.W. Norton & Company, 2007 9780393929867 (pbk.) 1st ed. xvii, 856 p. ; UG Library
320.973 TRU 03012107 Crippled America : Trump, Donald J. Threshold Editions, 2015 9781501137969 193 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.973 USN 00033390 U S Politics - Inside and Out U.s News & World Report U.S News & World Report 1970 222 p. UG Library
320.973 WIN 00033433 Washington Pay-Off Winter-Berrger N Robert Dell Books 1972 336 p. UG Library
320.973 WOL 05059595 Democracy incorporated : Wolin, Sheldon S. Princeton, 2008 9780691178486 xxxv,356 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.973 YOU 00033447 Ogg and Ray`s : Introduction to American Government Young William H Appleton-Century-Crofts 1966 13th Ed 979 p UG Library
320.97301 REI 03009425 Supercapitalism : Reich, Robert B. Alfred A. Knopf, 2007 9780307265616 | 0307265617 1st ed. ix, 272 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320.97301 REI 05033928 Supercapitalism : Reich, Robert B. Alfred A. Knopf, 2007 9780307265616 | 0307265617 1st ed. ix, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.97301 WAT 10004291 Get it together : Watters, Jesse, HarperCollins publishers, 2024 9780063252035 First edition. xix, 303 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
320.973014 HEL 01026304 Political communication in action : Helfert, David L., Rienner, 2018 9781626376816 xiii, 306 pages ; Knowledge Centre
320.973014 STR 00134577 Digital discussions : Stroud, Natalie Jomini.- Editor. Routledge, 2019 9780815383802 | 9780815381860 x,200p.; UG Library
320.9730285 KJS 05041115 Governance / Kjaer Anne Mette Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606759 x,240p.: Knowledge Centre
320.9730285 KJS 00120440 Governance / Kjaer Anne Mette Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606759 x,240p.: UG Library
320.9730285 KJS 07000390 Governance / Kjaer Anne Mette Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606759 x,240p.: Library - BR Campus
320.97302856752 DAV 05032578 Typing politics : Davis, Richard, Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195373752 (pbk. : alk. pap 241 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320.973089 BOW 05037359 The future is ours / Bowler, Shaun, CQ Press/SAGE, 2012 9781604267273 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 285, [42] p. : Knowledge Centre
320.97309034 MER 00085121 American Political Ideas 1865-1917: With a New Introduction By Sidney A.Pearson, Jr Merrian, Charles 9781412807159 481p UG Library
320.973090512 LEW 00137438 The fifth risk / Lewis, Michael Allen Lane, 2018 9781324002642 | 9780241373545 First edition. 219 p. ; UG Library
320.9730918 CRI 05038350 When Hollywood was right : Critchlow, Donald T., Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521199186 XII, 224 p. Knowledge Centre
320.974 LEE 00016016 The Political System of The United States Lees, John D Faber & Faber 1975 0571048838 378 p UG Library
320.974 SHR 00030782 American Government and Politics Shrivastava, B K Radhakrishan 1980 328 p UG Library
320.9747 KEL 01010333 The triumph of order : Keller, Lisa. Columbia University Press, 2009 9780231146722 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780231518475 (ebook) xvii, 338 p. : Knowledge Centre
320.976 ROU 07005020 Taking sides. Rourke,John T. McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780078049934 14th ed., expanded. xxx, 426 p. ; Library - BR Campus
320.9761 KEN 05058102 Populism and patronage : Kenny, Paul D. Oford University Press, 2017 9780198821335 New product edition. x,234p.; Knowledge Centre
320.9771 SRA 00127038 Ohio government and politics / Sracic, Paul A., Sage 2016 1452290504 | 9781452290508 xiv, 172 pages : UG Library
320.978602 BEC 01026509 Handbook of territorial politics / Detterbeck, Klaus. Edward Elgar, 2018 9781784718763 (hardback : alk. paper) viii,419p.; Knowledge Centre
320.981 QUA 00090132 Dictatorship and Armed Struggle in Brazil Quartim, Joao Monthly Review Press 2008 250p UG Library
320.994 BEE 03001877 Democracy: A Beginner's Guide Beetham, David One World 9781851683635 194 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
320APA3 00041740 Elements of Government Aparanji, N R Cambridge UG Library
320APA3 00041741 Elements of Government Aparanji, N R Cambridge UG Library
320APA4 00047411 Elements of Government Aparanji, N R Cambridge UG Library
320HEY 01006188 Politics (law Lib) Andrew Heywood Palgrave Macmillan 0333971310 453p Knowledge Centre
320KEG 00087066 World Politics: Trend and Transformation Kegley, Charles W 2008 9780495410737 608 p Knowledge Centre
320LAS 01005711 Grammar of Politics / Harold J Laski SURJEET, 2007 672p.; Knowledge Centre
320MYN 01001266 Political Science : S R Myneni Allahabad Law Agency, 2006 616p.; Knowledge Centre
320PAR 01009386 Rational choice and politics : Parsons, Stephen D. Continuum, 2005 0826477216 (cased) | 0826477224 (pbk.) 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
320RAO 01002695 Lectures on Political Science ( Law Lib.) Subba M V Rao S. Gogia & Co 200p. Knowledge Centre
320RAO 01002694 Lectures on Political Science ( Law Lib.) Subba M V Rao S. Gogia & Co 200p. Knowledge Centre
320RAO 01002708 Lectures on Political Science ( Law Lib.) M V Subba Rao Gogia & Company 201p. Knowledge Centre
320SIN1 01002715 Political Science ( Law Lib.) U S Singh Allahabad Law Agency 468p. Knowledge Centre
320STR 00008188 Modern Political Constitution Strong, C F Eng Lang Book Society UG Library
320VAR 00035386 MODERN POLITICAL THEORY. Varmaa, S P UBSPD 462 p UG Library
321 JOH 05004000 New Comparative Government : Johari J.C Lotus Press, 2010 9798183820614 701 p. Knowledge Centre
321 ELS 01014041 Constitutionalism and democracy / Cambridge University Press, 0521345308 (hbk) | 0521457211 vii, 359 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321 GUP 00119522 Local Government Gupta Jawahar Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006633 328 p.: UG Library
321 GUP 00017554 Modern Governments : Theory and Practice Gupta Madan Gopal Central Book Depot 1969 701 p UG Library
321 GUP 00017859 Modern Governments : Theory and Practice Gupta Madan Gopal Central Book Depot 1969 701 p UG Library
321 JEN 00019764 Law and the Constitution Jennings, Ivor E L B S 1979 355 p UG Library
321 JOH 00021299 Major Modern Political Systems : UK, USA, USSR, China, Switzerland, France & Japan Johari J C Vishal Publications 1981 2nd Ed 831 p UG Library
321 JOH 01001274 New Comparative Government / Johari,J C. Lotus, 2006 0008183821 460p.; Knowledge Centre
321 JOH 01001273 New Comparative Government / Johari,J C. Lotus, 2006 0008183821 460p.; Knowledge Centre
321 KAF 01019100 Democracy and Election Laws / Kafaltiya, Anand Ballabh Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2003 8176293962 xii,450p.' Knowledge Centre
321 KAF 01019101 Democracy and Election Laws / Kafaltiya, Anand Ballabh Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2003 8176293962 xii,450p.' Knowledge Centre
321 KAF 01019102 Democracy and Election Laws / Kafaltiya, Anand Ballabh Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2003 8176293962 xii,450p.' Knowledge Centre
321 KAF 00058682 Democracy and Election Laws / Kafaltiya, Anand Ballabh Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2003 8176293962 xii,450p.' UG Library
321 LES 01008282 Local Government Governance / Lester,Richard. Lexis Nexis, 2001 9780406941534 495p.; Knowledge Centre
321 PLA 00096995 Laws 10 / Plato. Clarendon Press, 9780199225965 (alk. paper) | 0 vi, 238 p. ; UG Library
321 RAI 00019748 World Constitutions Rai, B C PRAKASHAN 1980 800 p UG Library
321 SIN 01006472 Coalition Governments & Good Governance / Hoshiar Singh Rawat Publications, 2007 0818735934 225p.; Knowledge Centre
321.009 OPE 03005864 The Nation-State and Global Order : Opello, Walter C. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 9788130900841 | 813090084X 2nd ed. 319 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.009 OPE 00078552 The Nation-State and Global Order : Opello, Walter C. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 9788130900841 | 813090084X 2nd ed. 319 p.: UG Library
321.009 OPE 00095273 The Nation-State and Global Order : Opello, Walter C. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 9788130900841 | 813090084X 2nd ed. 319 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.00922 BHA 00109612 Keeping Pace With A Changing World Bhadare,Namita Roli Books 2012 9788174369079 264 p. UG Library
321.011 MAX 01024459 Public trials : Maxwell, Lida. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199383740 (hardback) xiii, 235 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.01TAR 01007849 Outline of U.S Government / Rosalie Targonski Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company, 1989 126p.; Knowledge Centre
321.02 BAL 01006510 The political economy of armed conflict : Viva Books, 2003 9788130900728 ix, 317 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.02 BAS 01008119 Comparative Federalism / Durga Das Basu Wadhwa and Company, 2008 547 p.; Knowledge Centre
321.02 BAS 01008169 Comparative Federalism / Durga Das Basu Wadhwa and Company, 2008 547 p.; Knowledge Centre
321.02 BAS 01008168 Comparative Federalism / Durga Das Basu Wadhwa and Company, 2008 547 p.; Knowledge Centre
321.02 BAS 01008170 Comparative Federalism / Durga Das Basu Wadhwa and Company, 2008 547 p.; Knowledge Centre
321.02 BAS 01008171 Comparative Federalism / Durga Das Basu Wadhwa and Company, 2008 547 p.; Knowledge Centre
321.02 BEL 00005698 The American Federal Government Beloff, Max Oxford University 1969 168 p. UG Library
321.02 CHA 00025329 Centre-State Relastions and Cooperative Federalism Pal,Chandra Deep & Deep Publications 1983 352 p. UG Library
321.02 COP 01008768 Federalism : Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 1999 817304239X 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.02 HOW 07007868 Federal reform strategies : Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198092001 (pbk.) | 0198092 x, 314 pages ; Library - BR Campus
321.02 KOB 01005671 Economics of federalism / Edward Elgar, 2007 9781845425272 (set) | 1845425278 (set) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
321.02 KOB 01005672 Economics of federalism / Edward Elgar, 2007 9781845425272 (set) | 1845425278 (set) 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
321.02 POP 05072926 Dynamic Federalism : Popelier, Patricia. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 9780367652821 xii, 292p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.02 RAO 01005352 The political economy of federalism in India / Govinda Rao, M. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195670175 | 9780195670172 ix, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.02 RAO 01005351 The political economy of federalism in India / Govinda Rao, M. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195670175 | 9780195670172 ix, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.02 RAO 01003143 The political economy of federalism in India / Govinda Rao, M. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195670175 | 9780195670172 ix, 422 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.02 RAT 00025354 Federalism Today Rath,Sharada Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1984 208 p. UG Library
321.02 SAX 07009795 Varieties of Federal Governance Major Contemporary Models / Saxena, Rekha. Foundations Books, 2011 9788175967991 xl,493 p.: Library - BR Campus
321.02 SAX 01018051 Varieties of Federal Governance Major Contemporary Models / Saxena, Rekha. Foundations Books, 2011 9788175967991 xl,493 p.: Knowledge Centre
321.02 SAX 03006347 Varieties of Federal Governance Major Contemporary Models / Saxena, Rekha. Foundations Books, 2011 9788175967991 xl,493 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.02094 ROS Theories of European integration / Rosamond, Ben. St. Martin's Press, 2000 0312231199 (cloth) | 031223120 xiii, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.02094 ROS 05039214 Theories of European integration / Rosamond, Ben. St. Martin's Press, 2000 0312231199 (cloth) | 031223120 xiii, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.02094 ROS 01020332 Theories of European integration / Rosamond, Ben. St. Martin's Press, 2000 0312231199 (cloth) | 031223120 xiii, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.020954 CHA 01021401 Federalism,Autonomy and Centre-State Relations / Chaubey R.K.Dr Satyam Books, 2007 9788190288323 xix,345p.: Knowledge Centre
321.020954 LOB 05041756 Federalism in India : 9788131606599 | 8131606597 xv, 303 pages : Knowledge Centre
321.020954 PRA 00010751 State Governors in India Prakasa Sri Meenakshi Prakashan 1966 96 p UG Library
321.020954 SIN 05045739 Federalizing India in the age of globalization / Singh, Mahendra Prasad, Primus Books, 2013 9789380607597 | 9380607598 x, 224 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.020954 SIN 00023694 Fiscal Federalism in India Sinha, R. K. South Asian Publishers Pvt Ltd 1980 158 p. UG Library
321.020954RAM 01004846 Federal System an Coalition Government in India / D Sundar Ram Kanishka, 2006 8173919283 | 9788173919282 342p.; Knowledge Centre
321.0230954 SAR 00109902 Interrogating reorganisation of states Sarangi,Asha Routledge and Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, 2011 9780415685580 | 9780415685580 xxii, 319 p. ; UG Library
321.02401 CER 03001926 It's Never Too Late to Achieve Financial Security Cerexhe, Peter Viva Books Private Limited 9781865089324 191 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.02954 CHA 00005671 Federalism in India : A Study of Union-State Relations Chanda Asok George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1965 346 p UG Library
321.02954 CHA 05053690 Federalism and decentralization in india for better governance / Chandra, Satish A V. Viva Books, 2017 9789386385048 x, 105p. Knowledge Centre
321.02954 CHA 01024355 Federalism and decentralization in india for better governance / Chandra, Satish A V. Viva Books, 2017 9789386385048 x, 105p. Knowledge Centre
321.02954 RAY 00005670 Tension Areas in India`s Federal System Ray Amal The World Press Pvt Ltd 1970 160 p UG Library
321.02SAR 01010657 Federalism in India : Sarita Regal Publications, 2009 9788190655392 240p.; Knowledge Centre
321.03 FUR 01006851 Maritime India / Furber,Holden. Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195664287 327p.; Knowledge Centre
321.03 TRI 01005390 The nation across the world : Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195690248 | 0195690249 xxxii, 312 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.030903 MAG 01011743 Imperialism : magdoff,Harry. Aakar Books, 2009 9789350020081 279p.; Knowledge Centre
321.03095478PIN 01005411 Between Empires: Print and Politics in Goa (law Lib) Rochelle Pinto Oxford University Press 0195690478 299p. Knowledge Centre
321.04 BHA 00092896 World constitutions : Bhagwan, Vishnoo. Sterling publishers pvt Ltd, 2009 9788120747432 9th ed. xviii,646 p.; UG Library
321.04 BOO 01007048 Critical security studies and world politics / Viva Books, 2005 9788130901862 ix, 323 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.04 CHE 00116475 Secretary or general? : Cambridge University Press, 2007 052187615X (hbk.) | 9780521876155 (hbk.) | 0521699584 (pbk.) | 9780521699587 (pbk.) xiv, 280 p. ; UG Library
321.04 CHE 01005102 Secretary or general? : Cambridge University Press, 2007 052187615X (hbk.) | 9780521876155 (hbk.) | 0521699584 (pbk.) | 9780521699587 (pbk.) xiv, 280 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.05 DAV 01007210 Picturing the nation : Orient Longman, 2007 9788125029083 | 8125029087 xii, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.05 WIE 01008696 Nation state by accident : Wieland, Carsten. Manohar Publishers & Distributors : | Distributed in South Asia by Foundation Books, 2006 8173046247 1st Eng. ed. 445 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.050905 FUK 00095221 State Building Fukuyama Francis Profile Books LTD 186P UG Library
321.05LAT 01007212 Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Science into Democracy(law Lib) Bruno Latour Orient Longman Private Limited 8125030816 307p Knowledge Centre
321.07 DAV 04005704 Plato Republic / Davies, John Llewelyn. Words Worth Classics, 1997 9781853264832 373 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.07 BAR 00129654 Of myth, life, and war in Plato's Republic / Baracchi, Claudia, Indiana University Press, 2002 0253339952 (cloth : alk. paper 249 p. ; UG Library
321.07 BET 00103188 Anti-utopia : Béteille, André. Oxford University Press, 0195672291 (hbk.) viii, 494 p. ; UG Library
321.07 BOB 01015620 Plato's "Laws" : Cambridge University Press, 9780521884631 (hardback) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
321.07 BOB 05038319 Plato's "Laws" : Cambridge University Press, 9780521884631 (hardback) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
321.07 BOY 05007221 An introduction to the Republic of Plato, Boyd, William, G. Allen & Unwin, ltd. 1937 9780415555616 xii, 196 p. Knowledge Centre
321.07 DAV 03006506 Plato Republic / Davies, John Llewelyn. Words Worth Classics, 1997 9781853264832 373 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.07 FER 00108162 The Cambridge companion to Plato's Republic / Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521839631 (hardback) | 0521839637 (hardback) | 9780521548427 (pbk.) | 052154842X (pbk.) xxvi, 533 p. : UG Library
321.07 FER 01009685 The Cambridge companion to Plato's Republic / Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521839631 (hardback) | 0521839637 (hardback) | 9780521548427 (pbk.) | 052154842X (pbk.) xxvi, 533 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.07 GRA 00082181 Block Mass:Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia Gray, Jhon 9780713999150 242 UG Library
321.07 MCP 00104559 Plato's Republic : McPherran,Mark L. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521491907 (hbk.) | 0521491 xiii, 273 p. ; UG Library
321.07 MCP 00111673 Plato's Republic : McPherran,Mark L. Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521491907 (hbk.) | 0521491 xiii, 273 p. ; UG Library
321.07 MIL 00135860 The philosopher in Plato's Statesman. Miller, Mitchell H. Parmenides Pub., 2004 1930972164 Pbk. ed. xxxiii, 186 p. : UG Library
321.07 MOR 00095203 Utopia : More, Thomas, Norton, 0393961454 (paper) | 978039396 xii, 260 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.07 MOR 00092459 Utopia : More, Thomas, Norton, 0393961451 (paper) xii, 260 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.07 MOR 00078602 Utopia More,Thomas W.W.Norton & Company 2003 0393961451 | 970393961454 2nd Ed. 260 p. UG Library
321.07 PLA 00147826 Republic / Plato Rupa Publications, 2013 9788129129437 342p. : UG Library
321.07 PLA 03006485 The Republic of Plato / Plato. Basic Books, 1991 9780465069347 2nd ed. xxiv, 487 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.07 PLA 01024095 Plato : Plato, Oxford university press, 2015 9780199604081 | 0199604088 First edition. xiv, 361 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.07 PLA 00090340 Republic Plato Oxford 9780199535767 475p UG Library
321.07 PLA 00120265 Laws / Plato. Dover Publications, 2006 048644791X (pbk.) 297p. cm. UG Library
321.07 PLA 05039943 Plato, Republic / Plato, Harvard University Press, 2013 9780674996502 (v. 1, bks. 15 : 2 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
321.07 PLA 05039944 Plato, Republic / Plato, Harvard University Press, 2013 9780674996502 (v. 1, bks. 15 : 2 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
321.07 PLA 05036948 The Republic of Plato / Plato. Basic Books, 1991 9780465069347 2nd ed. xxiv, 487 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.07 PLA 04024232 Republic / Plato Rupa Publications, 2013 9788129129437 342p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.07 PLA 07005371 Republic / Plato Rupa Publications, 2013 9788129129437 342p. : Library - BR Campus
321.07 PUR 05069497 Plato's republic : Purshouse, Luke. Bloomsbury Academic, 2006 9789386606679 161p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.07 PUR 00138773 Plato's republic : Purshouse, Luke. Bloomsbury Academic, 2006 9789386606679 161p. ; UG Library
321.07 SAR 00101996 Utopianism : Sargent, Lyman Tower Oxford University Press, 9780199573400 xiv, 145 p. UG Library
321.07 SAR 00102838 Utopianism : Sargent, Lyman Tower Oxford University Press, 9780199573400 xiv, 145 p. UG Library
321.07 THA 07012840 Plato as critical theorist / Thakkar, Jonny, Harvard University Press, 2018 9780674971769 xii, 373 pages ; Library - BR Campus
321.07 THO 00083376 Utopia. Thomas More Hachette Group. 1994 0393961451 xxviii,142 p. UG Library
321.07 WAL 01009295 A stranger in Europe : Wall, Stephen, Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199284559 (hbk. : acidfree paper) | 0199284555 (hbk. : acidfree paper) xiii, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.08 EAD 01006496 Debating Development : Rawat, 2006 8170339928 420p.; Knowledge Centre
321.080 SOO 07006888 NGOs in India : Sooryamoorthy,R. Rawat, 2006 8131600203 | 9788131600207 189p.; Library - BR Campus
321.080954 SOO 01007007 NGOs in India : Sooryamoorthy,R. Rawat, 2006 8131600203 | 9788131600207 189p.; Knowledge Centre
321.09 KAN 00133258 The power triangle : Kandil, Hazem, Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190239206 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiii, 403 pages ; UG Library
321.0954 MOR 01007480 Government and Politics of India / W H Morris-Jones Universal Book Stall, 1987 8185274665 296p.; Knowledge Centre
321.095483 JEF 01005329 Politics, women, and well-being : Jeffrey, Robin. Oxford University Press, 1992 9780195656220 xviii, 285 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.095493 WIJ 01007303 Political Principles and Their Practice in Sri Lanka / Rajiva Wijesinha Foundation Books, 2005 9788175962798 102p.; Knowledge Centre
321.10954 MIB 00140640 Indigenous system of governance in tribal India Mibang,Tabang Serials publications pvt ltd., 2021 9788195076048 ix,139p.; UG Library
321.2 SIM 01008712 The politics of labour under late colonialism : Simeon, Dilip. Manohar, 1995 8173040362 : xix, 398 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.3 AND 05041182 Passages from antiquity to feudalism / Anderson, Perry. Verso, 2013 9781781680094 (hbk) | 17816800 304 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.3 JHA 01009612 The Feudal Order : Jha,D N Manohar, 2002 539p.; Knowledge Centre
321.3 SWE 01011748 Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism / Sweezy,Paul. Aakar Books, 2006 9798187879991 195p.; Knowledge Centre
321.30954 DOS 00079977 Feudalism and Subaltern Tribals Doshi, S. L. Himanshu Publication 1997 8186231331 208 p. UG Library
321.3996 LOR 05017932 Illustrated Harvard Graphics : Lormor, Rebecca A BPB Publications, 1991 376 p Knowledge Centre
321.4 CHA 00001276 Socialism, Democracy and Seculasrism : A Symposium in memory of Jawaharlal Nehru Chagla M C National Book Trust 1965 71 p UG Library
321.4 CHA 00006096 Socialism, Democracy and Seculasrism : A Symposium in memory of Jawaharlal Nehru Chagla M C National Book Trust 1965 71 p UG Library
321.4 HOF 07007128 Citizens rising / Hoffman, David Fingerprint Classics Publication, 2014 9788172345419 272p. Library - BR Campus
321.4 HOL 00073235 Democracy and Global Warming Holden Barry Continuum 2002 0826450709 | 9780826450708 194 p. UG Library
321.4 JHA 05040963 Battles of the new republic : Aleph Book Company, 2014 9789382277996 xxvi, 358 pages Knowledge Centre
321.4 NOR 01007938 Aversive democracy : Norval, Aletta J. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521878425 (hardback) | 052187842X (hardback) | 9780521702683 (pbk.) | 0521702682 (pbk.) x, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.4 SAR 00001269 Democratic Theory Sanitory, Gorney Oxford Charendon Press 1965 1 UG Library
321.4022 SUC 04004046 Heat Transfer Sucec, James Jaico Publishing House 2005 9788172247799 837 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.40954 SHA 01000956 Development and democracy in India / Sharma, Shalendra D., Rawat, 1999 9788170337539 ix, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.40954 SHA 10004469 The Incarcerations : Shah, Alpa, HarperCollins, 2024 9789354899867 xxi, 645p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.40954 SHA 05074771 The Incarcerations : Shah, Alpa, HarperCollins, 2024 9789354899867 xxi, 645p.; Knowledge Centre
321.40954 SRB 00139539 Democracy is Sinking : SRB Notion Press, 2019 9781684667758 365p.; UG Library
321.4CHO 01000327 Derterring Democracy (law Lib) Noam Chomsky Vintage 0099135019 455p Knowledge Centre
321.5 WIN 00106598 Oligarchy / Winters, Jeffrey A. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107005280 (hardback) | 110 xx, 323 p. : UG Library
321.6 BEN 05075114 The Bhutto Dynasty : Bennett-Jones, Owen. Penguin Books, 2020 9780670094844 ix, 319p.; Knowledge Centre
321.6 DUI 05046989 Dynasties : Duindam, Jeroen Frans Jozef, Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107060685 (hardback) | 978 xx,384p.; Knowledge Centre
321.6094 AND 05038975 Lineages of the absolutist state / Anderson, Perry. Verso, 2013 9781781680100 | 1781680108 | 9 573 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.60954 AIY 00100619 Evolution of Hindu Administrative Institutions In South India Aiyangar, Krishnaswami S Asian Educational Services, 387 p. UG Library
321.8 GOD 03010742 India's Parliamentary Democracy on Trial / Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129130907 xi, 419 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.8 MUE 03002299 Reason, Religion, Democracy / Mueller, Dennis C. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521132732 449 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.8 ACH 05048761 Democracy for realists : Achen, Christopher H. Princeton, 2016 9780691169446 (cloth) xvi,390p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ALA 07004353 Who wants democracy? Alam, Javeed. Orient Longman, 2004 8125027114 | 9788125045519 xix, 143 p. ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 ALA 00109129 Who wants democracy? Alam, Javeed. Orient Longman, 2004 8125027114 | 9788125045519 xix, 143 p. ; UG Library
321.8 ALP 01027830 Democracy, dialogue, memory : Routledge, 2019 9781138564251 (hbk) 1 Edition. xi, 191 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ANS 05044970 Inequality and democratization : Ansell, Ben W., Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521168793 229 p. Knowledge Centre
321.8 APP 00008472 Morality and Administration in Democratic Government Appleby Paul H Lousiana State University Press 1952 260 p UG Library
321.8 ARC 05010824 Global democracy : Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521197847 (hardback) | 052 xiv, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 AXT 01010090 Democracy : Roland Xatmann Edinburgh University, 2007 9780748620104 266p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 AXT 07007668 Balancing democracy / Continuum, 2001 0826450326 | 0826450318 (pbk.) xii, 319 p. ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 AXT 01007493 Understanding democratic politics : SAGE, 2003 0761971823 | 0761971831 (pbk) xi, 339 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 BAB 01017665 Democracy and leadership / Babbitt, Irving, Liberty Classics, 1952 0913966541. | 091396655X 390 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 BAC 00033465 The Theory of Democratic Elitism : A Critique Bachrach Peter Little Brown and Co 1967 109 p UG Library
321.8 BAJ 01005353 Democracy and diversity : Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195683684 | 0195683684 xxiv, 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 BAJ 01005354 Democracy and diversity : Oxford University Press, 2007 9780195683684 | 0195683684 xxiv, 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 BAR 07012026 The priority of injustice : Barnett, Clive, University of Georgia Press, 2017 9780820351513 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9780820351520 (pbk. : alk. paper) xii, 349 pages ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 BAR 01007477 Spaces of democracy : SAGE, 2004 0761947345 (pbk.) | 0761947337 viii, 253 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 BAS 00015898 American Pluralist Democracy : A Critique Baskin Darryl Van Nostrand Reinhold Co 1971 184 p UG Library
321.8 BEN 10004658 Adventures in democracy: Benner, Erica Allen lane, 2024 9780241609750 xii,203 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.8 BHA 01013882 The promise of India's secular democracy / Bhargava, Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198060444 | 0198060440 xxv, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 BHA 01012521 The promise of India's secular democracy / Bhargava, Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198060444 | 0198060440 xxv, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 BHA 01017124 The promise of India's secular democracy / Bhargava, Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198060444 | 0198060440 xxv, 346 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 BIL 05039382 Democratic culture : Bilgrami, Akeel Routledge, 2011 9780415589918 ix, 235 pages : Knowledge Centre
321.8 BIR 05041531 The concepts and theories of modern democracy / Birch, Anthony Harold. Routledge, 2007 0415414628 (hbk.) | 0415414636 3rd ed. vi, 315 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 BLA 05047987 Democracy : Edinburgh University Press, 2016 9780748696147 Second edition. xxiv, 607 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 BLA 05047457 Democracy : Blaug, Ricardo Edinburgh University Press, 2016 xv, 607 p. Knowledge Centre
321.8 BLA 00086485 Democracy: A Reader. Blaug, Ricardo 2006 0748612661 571 p UG Library
321.8 BRA 05050211 Global democratic theory : Bray, Daniel, Polity Press, 2015 9780745680873 (hardback : alk. vii, 188 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 BRE 01025702 Against democracy / Brennan, Jason. Princeton, 2016 9780691178493 xvii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 BRE 05050202 Against democracy / Brennan, Jason, Princeton University Press, 2016 9780691162607 (hardcover : aci ix,277p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 CAH 00011243 The Predicament of Democrative Man Cahn Edmond Vakils, Feffer & Simons Pvt Ltd 1978 206 p UG Library
321.8 CAL 05073816 Degenerations of democracy / Calhoun, Craig Harvard University Press, 2022 9780674237582 353 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 CAS 07007676 Materializing democracy : Duke University Press, 2002 0822329107 (alk. paper) | 0822 vii, 427 p. ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 CAV 00144287 Surging Democracy : Cavarero,Adriana. California, 2021 9781503627499 xvi,114p,; UG Library
321.8 CHA 05017325 Anxieties of democracy : Oxford University Press, 2012 9780198077473 (hbk.) | 0198077475 (hbk.) 1st ed. xiv, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 CHA 05042327 Reforming Democracies : Chalmers Douglas.A Columbia University Press, 2012 9780231162951 ix,177p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 CLA 00128290 Public Opinion : Clawson, Rosalee A. Sage/CQ Press, 2013 9781608717965 2nd ed. xix, 448 p. : UG Library
321.8 COP 00109940 Democratization and Research Methods Coppedge, Michael, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521830324 (hardback) | 978 xvii, 357 p. : UG Library
321.8 CRI 01016406 Democracy: Crick, Bernard. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195681697 130 p. Knowledge Centre
321.8 CRI 01007679 In defence of politics / Crick, Bernard, Continuum, 1962 9780826450654 288p. Knowledge Centre
321.8 CRI 05048832 Democracy : Crick, Bernard, Oxford University Press, 2002 019280250X 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 CRI 00084205 Democracy; a Very Short Introduction. Crick, Bernard 2006 0019568169 130p UG Library
321.8 CRI 00088280 Democracy; a Very Short Introduction. Crick, Bernard 2006 0019568169 130p UG Library
321.8 CRO 00052249 Democracy and Decentralization in South Asia and West Africa Crook, C. Richard Cambridge University Press 1998 0521636477 | 9780521636476 336 p. UG Library
321.8 CRO 00052250 Democracy and Decentralization in South Asia and West Africa Crook, C. Richard Cambridge University Press 1998 0521636477 | 9780521636476 336 p. UG Library
321.8 CUM 01003588 Democracy under pressure : Cummings, Milton C. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985 0155173464 5th ed. xiii, 747 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 DEB 00112761 Indian democracy : Deb, Mitra, Sharmila Anthem Press, 2009 9788190757096 xxxi, 222 p. ; UG Library
321.8 DEN 01010903 Democracy as public deliberation / Transaction Publishers, 2006 1412805678 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781412805674 x, 228 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 DOC 00119900 Aesthetic democracy / Docherty, Thomas, Stanford University Press, 2006 9780804751896 xix, 185 p. ; UG Library
321.8 DOC 07007678 Aesthetic democracy / Docherty, Thomas, Stanford University Press, 2006 9780804751896 xix, 185 p. ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 DOC 05011539 Aesthetic democracy / Docherty, Thomas, Stanford University Press, 2006 9780804751896 xix, 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 DOC 05039466 Aesthetic democracy / Docherty, Thomas, Stanford University Press, 2006 0804751889 (cloth : alk. paper xix, 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 DOW 01003525 Justice and democracy : Cambridge University Press, 2004 0521836956 | 9780521545433 | 0521545439 (pbk.) xiii, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 DUN 01010263 Crude democracy : Dunning, Thad, Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521515009 (hbk.) | 9780521730754 (pbk.) xx, 327 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ELS 05057052 Deliberative democracy : Edinburgh, 2014 9780748643486 xxx, 227 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ELS 00052252 Deliberative Democracy Elster,Jon Cambridge University Press 1998 0521596963 | 9780521596961 282 p. UG Library
321.8 EST 00074078 Democracy Estlund, David Black Well Publishers 2002 0631221042 | 9780631221043 342 p. UG Library
321.8 EST 01006256 Democracy / Blackwell Publishers, 2002 0631221034 (alk. paper) | 0631221042 (pb. : alk. paper) viii, 342 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 FAR 07009143 Electoral systems / Sage, 2012 9780857024275 6 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 FAR 07009144 Electoral systems / Sage, 2012 9780857024275 6 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 FAR 07009145 Electoral systems / Sage, 2012 9780857024275 6 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 FAR 07009146 Electoral systems / Sage, 2012 9780857024275 6 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 FAR 07009147 Electoral systems / Sage, 2012 9780857024275 6 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 FAR 07009148 Electoral systems / Sage, 2012 9780857024275 6 volumes ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 FIS 05067128 Democracy when the people are thinking : Fishkin, James S., Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198820291 | 0198820291 First editon. x, 259 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 FLE 01010724 Constitutional democracy in a multicultural and globalised world / Fleiner-Gerster, Thomas, Springer, 2009 9783540764113 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 3540764119 (hbk. : alk. paper) xxvi, 670 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 FLE 01011057 Constitutional democracy in a multicultural and globalised world / Fleiner-Gerster, Thomas, Springer, 2009 9783540764113 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 3540764119 (hbk. : alk. paper) xxvi, 670 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 FLI 07002121 Defending politics : Flinders, Matthew V. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199644421 (hbk. : acidfree xviii, 202 p. ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 FLI 00109497 Defending politics Flinders, Matthew V. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199644421 (hbk. : acidfree xviii, 202 p. ; UG Library
321.8 FRA 05040350 Achieving democracy : Continuum International Pub. Group, 2011 9781441191793 (hardcover : alk xx, 394 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 FRA 07006479 Achieving democracy : Continuum International Pub. Group, 2011 9781441191793 (hardcover : alk xx, 394 p. : Library - BR Campus
321.8 FRI 00001263 Constitutional Government and Democracy : Theory and Practice in Europe & America Friedrich Carl J Oxford & IBH Publishing 1966 686 p UG Library
321.8 GAH 00119540 Relflections on Democracy and Right To Information by, Gahlot Rakesh Cyber Tech Publication, 2013 9789350531334 vii, 272 p.: UG Library
321.8 GAO 05049032 Democracy in crisis : Manchester University Press, 2009 9781847792983 (ebook) x,305p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 GEI 00108915 Evaluating Democratic Innovations : Curing the democratic malaise? Geissel Brigitte Routledge 2012 9780415669207 | 9780415669207 ix, 222 p. UG Library
321.8 GHA 00110297 Major Governments Ghai K.K. Kalyani Publishers 2010 9788127265410 6th Ed. P.V. UG Library
321.8 GHA 00110298 Major Governments Ghai K.K. Kalyani Publishers 2010 9788127265410 6th Ed. P.V. UG Library
321.8 GIN 03005789 Democracy : Ginsborg, Paul. Profile Books, 2008 9781846680939 | 184668093X 166 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.8 GOD 01021863 India's Parliamentary Democracy on Trial / Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129130907 xi, 419 p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 GOD 05070024 India's Governance: Godbole,Madhav Konark Publishers 2020 9788194201823 322p Knowledge Centre
321.8 GOD 00138763 India's Governance: Godbole,Madhav Konark Publishers 2020 9788194201823 322p UG Library
321.8 GOD 05037482 India's Parliamentary Democracy on Trial / Godbole, Madhav. Rupa Publications India Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788129130907 xi, 419 p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 GOO 07007888 Innovating democracy : Goodin, Robert E. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199650552 (pbk.) xi, 313 pages ; Library - BR Campus
321.8 GOO 01007526 Democracy as human rights : Goodhart, Michael E., Routledge, 2005 0415951771 (hb : alk. paper) | 041595178X (pb : alk. paper) viii, 256 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 GUH 00125166 Democrats and Dissenters / Guha, Ramachandra. Allen Lane, 2016 9780670089369 317 p.: UG Library
321.8 GUH 05052612 Democrats and Dissenters / Guha, Ramachandra. Allen Lane, 2016 9780670089369 317 p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 GUH 05052613 Democrats and Dissenters / Guha, Ramachandra. Allen Lane, 2016 9780670089369 317 p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 GUH 03012005 Democrats and Dissenters / Guha, Ramachandra. Allen Lane, 2016 9780670089369 317 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.8 GUH 01023597 Democrats and Dissenters / Guha, Ramachandra. Allen Lane, 2016 9780670089369 317 p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 GUH 00126767 Democrats and Dissenters / Guha, Ramachandra. Allen Lane, 2016 9780670089369 317 p.: UG Library
321.8 GUH 00126768 Democrats and Dissenters / Guha, Ramachandra. Allen Lane, 2016 9780670089369 317 p.: UG Library
321.8 GUH 00126769 Democrats and Dissenters / Guha, Ramachandra. Allen Lane, 2016 9780670089369 317 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.8 GUP 01005231 The theory and reality of democracy : Gupta, Suman, Continuum, 2006 0826488358 234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 GUP 00129002 From people to citizen : Gupta Dipankar Social Science Press, 2017 9789383166237 205p.; UG Library
321.8 GUP 05058811 From people to citizen : Gupta Dipankar Social Science Press, 2017 9789383166237 205p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 HAD 00086562 Institutions and Democratic Citizenship Hadenius, Axel 2001 0199244294 297 p UG Library
321.8 HAE 01012526 Democratization / Oxford University Press, 9780199233021 | 0199233020 xxviii, 421 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 HAR 05033921 Multitude : Hard, Michael. Penguin Books, 2004 97801143035596 xi,426 p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 HAR 04015591 Multitude : Hardt, Michael, The Penguin Press, 2004 9781594200243 xviii, 427 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.8 HAR 04009880 Multitude : Hardt, Michael, The Penguin Press, 2004 9781594200243 xviii, 427 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.8 HON 07012100 Public things : Honig, Bonnie, Fordham University Press, 2017 9780823276400 (hardback) | 9780823276417 (paper) First edition. xiii, 144 pages : Library - BR Campus
321.8 HOW 01012503 The specter of democracy / Howard, Dick, Columbia University Press, 9780231124843 xvii, 353 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 HUT 01006887 Nepal in the nineties : New York : | Oxford University Press, 1993 0195634411 : | 9780195658248 xi, 172 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ISA 00053877 Local Democracy and Development Isaac, T. M. Thomas Left Word 2000 8187496185 299 p. UG Library
321.8 ISA 05047725 The Edinburgh companion to the history of democracy / Isakhan, Benjamin Edinburgh University Press, 2012 9780748640751 (hbk.) | 0748640 xiii, 557 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ISH 00108805 Comparative politics Ishiyama, John T., Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781405186865 | 9781405186865 253 p. ; UG Library
321.8 ISI 00070147 Democracy Citizenship and the Global City Isin, Engin F. Routledge 2000 0415216880 | 9780415216685 320 p. UG Library
321.8 KAL 00106344 Democracy and the politics of the extraordinary : Kalyvas, Andreas, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521133418 (pbk.) | 0521133 x, 326 p. UG Library
321.8 KAL 00104464 Building a new India: Kalam A.P.J.Abdul Penguin books; 2011 9780143416067 150 p. UG Library
321.8 KAP 05042063 Democracy : Kaplan, Temma, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780195176766 | 9780195338089 viii, 155 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 KAR 00079755 Democracy, Pluralism and Conflict Karna, M. N. Rawat Publications 2006 0813160019 | 9788131600191 216 p. UG Library
321.8 KAR 07006472 Democracy, Pluralism and Conflict Karna, M. N. Rawat Publications 2006 0813160019 | 9788131600191 216 p. Library - BR Campus
321.8 KEA 05066734 Power and humility : Keane, John, Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781108425223 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781108441377 (paperback. : alk. paper) ix, 485 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 KHA 05032428 Democracy and Human Rights / Khanna,Surider. Swastik Publications, 2012 9789381084472 v,288p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 KIE 00099749 In war's wake : Cambridge University Press, 9780521194815 | 0521194814 | 9 xii, 314 p. : UG Library
321.8 KLA 05056375 The despot's accomplice : Klaas, Brian P. C.Hurts & Co. ltd., 2016 9781849046879 viii, 274 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 KLA 05064946 The despot's accomplice : Klaas, Brian. Hurst & Company, 2018 9781849049306 viii, 274 p ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 KLO 01026055 Toward democracy : Kloppenberg, James T., Oxford Uiversity Press , 2016 9780195054613 (acidfree paper) xiv, 892 pages , ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 KOH 01013119 Democracy and development in India : Kohli, Atul. Oxford University Press, 9780195697933 | 0195697936 x, 447 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 KOH 01012463 Democracy and development in India : Kohli, Atul. Oxford University Press, 9780195697933 | 0195697936 x, 447 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 LAB 00012446 The Secret of Democracy Labin Suzanne Comet Books 1958 192 p UG Library
321.8 LAU 10004070 Anarchy or chaos : Laursen, Ole Birk. Vintage, 2023 9780670098606 xiii, 347 pages Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.8 LAU 05074861 Anarchy or chaos : Laursen, Ole Birk. Vintage, 2023 9780670098606 xiii, 347 pages Knowledge Centre
321.8 LEF 01005207 Democracy and political theory / Lefort, Claude. Polity Press in association with Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1988 0745604374 : viii, 295 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 LEV 05061136 How democracies die / Levitsky, Steven. Penguin random House , 2018 9781524762933 | 9781524762940 (pbk.) First edition. 312p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 LIC 00116467 Democratic theory and causal methodology in comparative politics Lichbach, Mark Irving, Cambridge University Press, 2013 9781107025813 (hardback) | 978 xv: 232p.: UG Library
321.8 LIP 00011246 The Democratic Civilization Lipson Leslie Vakils, Feffer & Simons Pvt Ltd 1964 251 p UG Library
321.8 LIP 00010259 The Democratic Civilization Lipson Leslie Vakils, Feffer & Simons Pvt Ltd 1964 251 p UG Library
321.8 MAH 00044632 Democracy, Difference and Social Justice Mahhjan, Gurpreet Oxford University Press. 1998 9780195641523 584p UG Library
321.8 MAN 03007485 Democracy's Good Name : Mandelbaum, Michael. PublicAffairs, 2007 9781586485146 | 1586485148 xviii, 316 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.8 MAN 03007609 Democracy's Good Name : Mandelbaum, Michael. PublicAffairs, 2007 9781586485146 | 1586485148 xviii, 316 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.8 MAN 04012091 Democracy's Good Name : Mandelbaum, Michael. PublicAffairs, 2007 9781586485146 | 1586485148 xviii, 316 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.8 MAT 05074036 A Textbook on Democracy and Media / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581078 162p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 MAT 05074037 A Textbook on Democracy and Economy / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581023 106p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 MAT 05073997 A Textbook on Democracy and Economy / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581023 106p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 MAT 05073998 A Textbook on Democracy and Media / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581078 162p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 MAT 04030595 A Textbook on Democracy and Media / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581078 162p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.8 MAT 04030596 A Textbook on Democracy and Economy / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581023 106p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.8 MAT 07015221 A Textbook on Democracy and Media / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581078 162p.: Library - BR Campus
321.8 MAT 07015222 A Textbook on Democracy and Media / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581078 162p.: Library - BR Campus
321.8 MAT 07015218 A Textbook on Democracy and Economy / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581023 106p.: Library - BR Campus
321.8 MAT 07015217 A Textbook on Democracy and Economy / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581023 106p.: Library - BR Campus
321.8 MAT 03013726 A Textbook on Democracy and Media / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581078 162p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.8 MAT 03013727 A Textbook on Democracy and Economy / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581023 106p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
321.8 MAT 10003121 A Textbook on Democracy and Media / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581078 162p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.8 MAT 10003122 A Textbook on Democracy and Economy / Centre for Publications, 2022 9788195581023 106p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.8 MAY 00010270 An Introduction to Democratic Theory Mayo Henry B Sterling Publishers 1967 308 p UG Library
321.8 MCA 01010039 Democracy and the political unconscious / McAfee, Noëlle, Columbia University Press, 2008 9780231138802 (cloth : alk. paper) viii, 239 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 MCA 00095487 Democracy and the political unconscious / McAfee, Noëlle, Columbia University Press, 9780231138802 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 239 p. ; UG Library
321.8 MCC 07014063 Scandal and democracy : McCoy, Mary E., Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2019 9781501731037 | 9781501731044 208p.: Library - BR Campus
321.8 MOU 05061148 The people vs. democracy : Mounk, Yascha. Harvard University Press, 2018 9780674976825 393p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 MOU 00134227 The people vs. democracy : Mounk, Yascha. Harvard University Press, 2018 9780674976825 393p.; UG Library
321.8 MUL 00141982 Democracy rules / Muller,Jan-Werner. Allen Lane, 2021 9780241382936 xvi,236p.; UG Library
321.8 MUN 00133239 Democracy under threat: Munshi, Surendra Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199484805 xxviii,258 p.; UG Library
321.8 MUN 00132953 Democracy under threat/ Munshi,Surendra. Oxford University Press, 2017 0199484805 258 p. ; UG Library
321.8 MUR 05073896 The power of humility / Murthy, Raman PV. Harper Collins, 2023 978935629551 xliv,243p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 NEW 04012570 The UN Role in Promoting Democracy : Newman, Edward. Overseas Press ; 2006 9788188689668 | 8188689661 357 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
321.8 NIC 01022451 Freedom and democracy in an imperial context : Routledge, 2014 9781138950818 xii,299p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 NOR 05008079 Democratic deficit : Norris, Pippa. Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521197519 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 OKE 00143722 The Role of Digital Tools and Technologies in European Democracy / Okeefe, Agatha. States academic press, 2022 9781639895236 vi,238p,; UG Library
321.8 PAN 00097772 Rethinking Religion Patra, Soumyajit New Delhi: 9788131602676 248p UG Library
321.8 PAT 05061916 Constitutional Democracyand Government in India / Pattanaik,R.M. Astha Publishers, 2018 9789385330360 284p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 PAT 00082168 A Possible World: Democratic Transformation of Global Institutions Patomaki, Heikke ZED BOOKS 2004 1842774077 242 UG Library
321.8 PEN 00096609 Representation / Aldine Transaction, 0202308855 (pbk. : alk. paper) xv, 317 p. : UG Library
321.8 PER 05041533 Critical theory and democracy : Routledge, 2012 9780415665551 (hbk.) | 9780203 xii, 291 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 PET 01018955 On The People's Terms : Pettit Philip Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521182126 xii,338 p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 PIN 00038388 Democracy in the Third World Pinkney, Robert Open University 1993 9780335157044 182 p. UG Library
321.8 PRZ 00052253 Democracy and Development Przeworski, Adam 2000 0521793793 | 9780521793797 321 p. UG Library
321.8 PRZ 01014371 Democracy and the limits of self-government / Przeworski, Adam. Cambridge University Press, 9780521761031 | 9780521140119 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
321.8 QUR 05074912 India's Experiment with Democracy : Quraishi, S.Y. HarperCollins, 2023 9789356993648 xxx, 553p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 QUR 10004119 India's Experiment with Democracy : Quraishi, S.Y. HarperCollins, 2023 9789356993648 xxx, 553p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.8 RAG 01008681 Policing A Democracy : Raghavan R K Manohar, 1999 8173042616 312p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ROC 00003525 The Power of the Democratic Idea Rockefeller Brothers Popular Prakashan 1960 90 p UG Library
321.8 ROS 05065005 Democracy and truth : Rosenfeld, Sophia A., University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019 9780812250848 213 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ROS 05060695 Good government : Rosanvallon, Pierre, Harvard University Press, 2018 9780674979437 vi, 338 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ROS 01009942 Democracy past and future / Rosanvallon, Pierre, Columbia University Press, 2006 0231137400 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780231137409 ix, 294 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 ROS 00131368 The trouble with democracy : Rosich, Gerard, Edinburgh university press, 2016 9781474407984 | 9781474428392 ix, 286 pages ; UG Library
321.8 ROU 01017310 Major Modern Constitution Rout, B C AJANTHA 450 p Knowledge Centre
321.8 ROY 00129066 Essays on modernism, democracy and well-being : Roy, Ramashray, Sage 2016 9789351508113 (hardback) x, 312 pages ; UG Library
321.8 ROY 00144085 Dimensions of Constitutional Democracy : Roy, Anupama Springer, 2020 9789811539015 xi,234p,; UG Library
321.8 ROY 00131900 Essays on modernism, democracy and well-being : Roy, Ramashray. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2016 9789351508113 (hardback) 312 p. ; UG Library
321.8 SAJ 01025739 The constitution of freedom : Sajo, Andras, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198732174 | 0198732171 xvi, 483 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SAJ 01026049 The constitution of freedom : Sajo, Andras, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198732174 | 0198732171 xvi, 483 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SAR 00010269 Democratic Theory Sartori Giovanni Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1965 2nd Ed 470 p UG Library
321.8 SAW 01016681 Democracy : Saward,Michael Routledge, 2007 9780415357067 4 v,; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SAW 01016682 Democracy : Saward,Michael Routledge, 2007 9780415357067 4 v,; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SAW 01016683 Democracy : Saward,Michael Routledge, 2007 9780415357067 4 v,; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SAW 01016684 Democracy : Saward,Michael Routledge, 2007 9780415357067 4 v,; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SAW 01019966 A Grammar of Democracy / Sawant P.B Bhashya Prakashan, 2013 9789383206209 229p.: Knowledge Centre
321.8 SCH 05009449 Democracy and Violence : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2012 9780415609579 vii,220 p: Knowledge Centre
321.8 SCO 00140945 Power and the People : Scott, Alev Riverrun; 2020 9781529402858 261 p. ; UG Library
321.8 SHA 00052254 Democracy's Edges Shapiro,Ian UK 1999 0521643899 | 9780521643894 296 p. UG Library
321.8 SHA 05045699 Democratisation and communication / Sharma,Bipin. Confederation of Indian Universities, 2014 9788171396498 v,302p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SHA 01009571 Transition from feudalism to democracy : Sharma, Nidhi, Aalekh Publishers, 2000 8187359064 vii, 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SIN 00133644 The information game in democracy Sinha,Dipankar Routledge, 2018 9781138323407 xviii,218p.; UG Library
321.8 SIS 01006544 Experiment of direct democracy : Sisodia, Yatindra Singh. Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600971 xiii, 197 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SIV 01008108 Short on Democracy : Arvind Sivaramakrishnan ImprintOne, 2007 9788188861040 259p.; Knowledge Centre
321.8 SMI 00143673 Can Democracy Safeguard the Future / Smith, Graham. Polity press, 2021 9781509539246 viii,141p,; UG Library
321.8 SMI 01019344 Democratic innovations : Smith, Graham, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521514774 (hardback : alk. ix, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 STE 00053824 Democracy and Dictatorship in South Asia Stern, W. Robert Tara-India Research Press 2001 818794322X 194 p. UG Library
321.8 SWI 00079395 No-Nonsense Guide to Democracy Swift, Richard Rawat Publications 2005 8170339421 | 9788170339427 144 p. UG Library
321.8 TAN 00086447 Global Democracy : The Case for a World Government Tannsjo Torbjorn Edinburgh University Press 2008 9780748634996 154 p UG Library
321.8 TAN 00087361 Global Democracy : The Case for a World Government Tannsjo Torbjorn Edinburgh University Press 2008 9780748634996 154 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.8 TAR 00144093 Political Grammars : Tarizzo, Davide. Stanford universitys press, 2021 9781503614680 xx,269p,; UG Library
321.8 THO 00009748 The Democratic Citizen : Social Science & Democratic Theory in the 20th Century Thompson Dennis F Cambridge University Press 1970 0521079632 270 p UG Library
321.8 TIL 01007058 Democracy / Tilly, Charles. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521877718 | 9780521701532 (pbk.) xii, 234 p. : Knowledge Centre
321.8 VEE 01025829 Politics and democracy in microstates / Veenendaal, Wouter. Routledge, 2015 9781138792593 (hardback) | 978 xv, 225 pages ; Knowledge Centre
321.8 VER 00070144 Political Morality Vernon,Richard Continuum 2001 0816450660 | 9780826450661 201 p. UG Library
321.8 VIB 00123496 The rise of the unelected : Vibert, Frank. Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521694148 (pbk.) | 0521694 x, 199 p. : UG Library
321.8 WEA 00134188 The will of the people : Weale, Albert, Polity press, 2018 9781509533268 | 9781509533275 (pb) xii,121p.; UG Library
321.8 WEJ 07012448 Diffusion of Democracy : Wejnert Barbara Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107625259 xiii,351p.: Library - BR Campus
321.801 NEL 05007211 On justifying democracy / Nelson, William N. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980 0710006535 : | 9780415555425 176 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
321.801 OFL 07006455 Deliberative democracy and divided societies / O'Flynn, Ian. Edinburgh University Press, 2006 074862144X vii, 181 p. Library - BR Campus
321.801 OFL 05004045 Deliberative democracy and divided societies / O'Flynn, Ian. Edinburgh University Pr