Total Books (Social Work) - 5102

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
360 FRI. 00030404 Introduction to Social Welfare Friendlander, Walter Prentice -Hall 524 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
360 MAN 00009409 Analysis of Some Problems of Community Development in India Mann, Harbans Singh Atmaram 106 p UG Library
360 MAT. 00018275 Introduction to a Social Worker The National Institute For Soc, Ial Work Traning George 110 p UG Library
360 BOZ 00147335 Bayes Factors for Forensic Decision Analyses with R Bozza Silvia Springer, 2022 9783031098413 xii,187p.; UG Library
360 GOT 00147340 Financial Crime Issues: Gottschalk Petter Springer, 2022 9783031112157 xi, 164p.; UG Library
360 ISH 05043103 Risk and crisis management Ishikawa, Akira, World Scientific, 2009 9789814273893 | 9814273899 Rev. ed. xiii, 277 p. : Knowledge Centre
360 JAV 05045108 Investigating social problems / Sage, 2015 1452242038 | 9781452242033 xxx, 472, G-11, R-40, I-20 pages : Knowledge Centre
360 JAV 07010000 Investigating social problems / Sage, 2015 1452242038 | 9781452242033 xxx, 472, G-11, R-40, I-20 pages : Library - BR Campus
360 KUM 00147338 Handbook of DNA Forensic Applications and Interpretation Kumar Amit (Editor) Springer, 2022 9789811900457 191p.; UG Library
360 LAL 05044596 Gender and Diversity : Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607145 xviii,294p.: Knowledge Centre
360 LAL 10001336 Gender and Diversity : Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607145 xviii,294p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
360 LAL 01021970 Gender and Diversity : Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607145 xviii,294p.: Knowledge Centre
360 LAL 07006279 Gender and Diversity : Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607145 xviii,294p.: Library - BR Campus
360 ORO 05041731 Recording in social work : O'Rourke, Liz. Policy Press, 2010 9781847427564 | 1847427561 ix, 198 p. : Knowledge Centre
360 PAN 03013793 Service and Solicitude : Christian World Imprint, 2024 9789360657390 Wisdom Research Series - 8 318p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
360 SIN 00147339 Crime Scene Management within Forensic Science: Singh Jaskaran Springer, 2022 9789811666858 418p.; UG Library
360.01 STE 05043102 Applied social psychology : Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521869799 | 052186979X | 9 xix, 324 p. : Knowledge Centre
360.01 TEA 00107929 An Introduction To Applying Social Work Theories And Methods Teater Barbra Rawat Publications 2010 9788131604670 218 P. UG Library
360.0954 AHU 04025176 Social Problems in India / Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606278 576p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
360.10973 CAR 00051555 Perspctives on Current Social Problems Carter, Gregg Lee 1999 0205198368 366 p.: UG Library
360.7 JOS 00048973 Voices for Change-Exploring Sexulaity - Breaking the Silence Joseph, Ammu Madhumallika 56p UG Library
360.734 MOM 05023987 Sociology of Adoption / Momin, Elfreeda Rawat Publications, 2008 8131601374 235 p Knowledge Centre
360.734 MOM 00119401 Sociology of Adoption / Momin, Elfreeda Rawat Publications, 2008 8131601374 235 p UG Library
360.8180954 SIN 00064492 Urban Administration in Inida Singh, U B Serials Publications 2004 8186771514 288 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
360POD 00033741 Periodic Table of the Elements Poddephatt, R J Clarendran UG Library
360SHA 00017807 Public Administration Theory and Practice Sharma, UG Library
361 PRA 00132842 Voluntary organisations and social welfare Prakash,Abhay Vijay ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766111 xxii,163p.; UG Library
361 PRA 05001587 NGOs and Development.Vol.1.2 / Prasad, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd , 2004 8126120096 512p.: Knowledge Centre
361 STR. 00017506 Social Work: an Introduction to the Field Stroup, Herbert Hewitt Uph 446 p UG Library
361 VAS 00012846 Social Action Vasudevmoorthy, M Asia 86 p UG Library
361 WOO 00128496 An Introduction to Human Services Woodside, Marianne. Thomson/Brooks/Cole, 2006 0534642276 | 9780534642273 5th ed. xviii, 359 p. : UG Library
361 ADD 07009084 Disability and Society: A Reader Addlakha, Renu Orient Longman Publications, 2009 9788125036869 450p.; Library - BR Campus
361 ADD 00089529 Disability and Society: A Reader Addlakha, Renu Orient Longman Publications, 2009 9788125036869 450p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361 ALC 05002685 Welfare and Well-Being : Titmuss, Richard M. Policy Press | International Specialized Book Services [Distributor] 2001 9781861342997 | 1861342993 (Tr vi,249p.; Knowledge Centre
361 ALC 05002676 Welfare and Well-Being : Titmuss, Richard M. Policy Press | International Specialized Book Services [Distributor] 2001 9781861342997 | 1861342993 (Tr vi,249p.; Knowledge Centre
361 ALE 05023991 Human behavior in the social environment : Alexander, Rudolph. Sage, 2010 9781412950800 (pbk.) | 1412950 xiii, 415 p. : Knowledge Centre
361 ALE 00100076 Human behavior in the social environment : Alexander, Rudolph. Sage, 2010 9781412950800 (pbk.) | 1412950 xiii, 415 p. : UG Library
361 BAL 05048650 Care, community and citizenship : Balloch, Susan Policy, 2007 1861348711 (hard) | 1861348703 xii, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
361 BAR 05023969 Welfare : Barry, Norman Viva Books Private Limited, 2002 8178176493 155 p Knowledge Centre
361 BHA 05007145 Social Work : Bhattacharya Dr.Sanjay Deep & Deep Publications, 2008 9788184500738 xxiv,286 p. Knowledge Centre
361 CHO 05023994 Globalisation of Poverty : Chossudovsky, Michel Other India Press, 2001 8185569347 282 p Knowledge Centre
361 CHO 00005739 Introduction to Social Work Chowdhry, Paul D Atma Ram 85 p UG Library
361 CHO 00025503 Introduction to Social Work Chowdhary, Paul Atmaram 144 p UG Library
361 COU 05043188 The social work skills workbook / Cournoyer, Barry. Brooks/Cole, 2000 0534356788 (acidfree paper) 3rd ed. xvi, 438 p. : Knowledge Centre
361 COU 05043189 The social skills workbook / Cournoyer, Barry. Thomson Higher Education, 2007 0495319465 5th ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
361 CQR 05023970 International issues in social work and social welfare / CQ Researcher SAGE, 2010 9781412979405 (pbk.) | 1412979 xiv, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
361 DEV 05024042 Social Work : Devi, Rameshwari Mangal Deep Publications, 2004 8175941405 282 p.; Knowledge Centre
361 DEV 05024041 Social Work : Devi, Rameshwari Mangal Deep Publications, 2004 8175941405 282 p.; Knowledge Centre
361 DEV 05024043 Social Work : Devi, Rameshwari Mangal Deep Publications, 2004 8175941405 282 p.; Knowledge Centre
361 DEV 05024054 Social Work and Social Welfare Administration : Devi, Rameshwari Mangal Deep Publications, 1998 8175940174 184 p. Knowledge Centre
361 DEV 05069017 Social work psychology & welfare management / Omega Publications, 2018 9788184551846 vi, 280 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361 DIC 00128324 Social Work And Social Policy Dickens, Jonathan Routledge 2016 9781138017566 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xii, 211 p. ; UG Library
361 DWY 10002170 The Impacts of welfare conditionality : Dwyer, Peter., et al. Bristol University Press, 2023 9781447343738 ix, 207p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361 EWI 05061963 Complexity and Social Work / Ewijk, Hans Van. Routledge, 2018 9781138089334 xii, 171p.; Knowledge Centre
361 FAR 05055295 Introduction to social work / Farley, O. William, Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2006 0205442153 (alk. paper) 10th ed. xiv, 433 p. : Knowledge Centre
361 FRI 00017616 Introduction to Social Welfare Friedlander, Walter A PRENTICE-HALL 580 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361 GAM 00144314 Community Practice Skills : Gamble, Dorothy N Rawat publication, 2022 9788131612736 xiv, 482p, ; UG Library
361 GOE 07014357 Social Welfare Administration : Goel S.L Deep & Deep Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2019 9788184502565 xi,561p.: Library - BR Campus
361 GOE 07014358 Social Welfare Administration : Goel S.L Deep & Deep Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2019 9788184502565 xi,561p.: Library - BR Campus
361 GOR 00009552 Social Wook and Social Work Education Gore, M S Asia 1978 154 p. UG Library
361 GUH 00112297 Administering the social welfare programmes Guha,R Centrum press, 2013 9789381938317 304p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361 HES 00131642 Environmental Changes And sustainable social development: Hessle Sven, Ashgate Publishing, 2016 9781138247130 xix, 175 p.; UG Library
361 JAI 05069018 Introduction to social work / Jaiman, Manoj. DND Publications, 2018 9789386664020 272p. ; Knowledge Centre
361 JHA 05024061 An Introduction To Social Work / Jha Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2002 9788126110551 386 p Knowledge Centre
361 JOH 05003077 Social Development and Soical Welfare/ Johri, Pradeep Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd , 2005 0812612220 407p.: Knowledge Centre
361 KIR 07010427 Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfae / Kirst-Ashman Karen.K Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2010 9780495604297 3rd ed xx,492p.: Library - BR Campus
361 KOH 05023954 Organisation of Social Welfare / Kohli, A S Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1997 8174885927 238 p Knowledge Centre
361 KOH 05023955 Organisation of Social Welfare / Kohli, A S Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1997 8174885927 238 p Knowledge Centre
361 MAT 05024068 Modernisation of Social Work : Mathur, Raj Bala Book Enclave, 2007 247 p Knowledge Centre
361 MID 05058315 Social welfare for a global era : Midgley, James. Sage, 2017 9781412918022 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xviii, 243 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361 NEW 00104514 Publics, politics, and power : Newman, Janet, Sage, 2009 9781412948449 | 9781412948456 viii, 221 p. ; UG Library
361 OLO 05024058 Social Work and Social Care Practice / O`Connor, Ian Sage Publications, 2006 0761940634 242 p Knowledge Centre
361 PAR 05062067 Social work practice : Parker, Jonathan. Sage, 2017 9781473989313 5th edition. ix,262p.; Knowledge Centre
361 PAT 05023137 Methods of social work Patel, A,K Crescent publishing corporation; 9788183421652 264 p. Knowledge Centre
361 PAT 05032462 Social Welfare Administration / Pathak,Anil. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842522 264p.; Knowledge Centre
361 PAT 05047359 Social Work Practice : Rawat Publications, 2016 9788170335276 372p.; Knowledge Centre
361 PAT 05024051 Social Work Practice : Patel, Chhaya Rawat, 1999 372 p Knowledge Centre
361 PER 00106209 Social Casework: Perlman,Harris Helen. Rawat Publications. 1957 9788131604427 xiii,268 p. UG Library
361 PER 00134081 Tackling poverty and social exclusion : Pierson, John, Routledge, 2016 9780415742986 (hardback) | 9780415742993 (pbk.) 3rd ed., 231 pages ; UG Library
361 PIE 00148087 Tackling poverty and social exclusion : Pierson, John Routledge, 2024 9781032410159 Fourth edition. 209p. ; UG Library
361 PRA 05061959 Social Work An Introduction / Prakash, Ved. Ishika Publishing House, 2018 9789385302633 viii, 285p.; Knowledge Centre
361 PRA 05003107 NGOs and Development.Vol.1.2 / Prasad, B K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd , 2004 8126120096 512p.: Knowledge Centre
361 QUR 05043193 Elements of Social Welfare / Qureshi, M U Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 8126125853 | 9788126125852 300p.; Knowledge Centre
361 RAJ 01026707 Ramrajya : Raju Singh, Jagmohan. Excel Books, 2017 9789387034082 xii,329p.; Knowledge Centre
361 RAM 05057071 Governance, development, and social work / Routledge, 2014 9780415522519 (hbk) xx, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361 RAM 05023958 Social Work and Social Welfare Administration : Rameshwari, Devi Mangal Deep Publications, 1998 8175940190 288 p. Knowledge Centre
361 RAM 05041334 Governance,Development and Social Work / Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606353 xx,280p.: Knowledge Centre
361 RAM 00090752 Case Studies on Public Policy Ramgopal, Priyanka ICFAI, 2008 8131406911 238p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361 RAM 05023957 Social Work and Social Welfare Administration : Rameshwari, Devi Mangal Deep Publications, 1998 8175940190 288 p. Knowledge Centre
361 RAM 05023956 Social Work and Social Welfare Administration : Rameshwari, Devi Mangal Deep Publications, 1998 8175940190 288 p. Knowledge Centre
361 RAM 05042549 Governance,Development and Social Work / Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606353 xx,280p.: Knowledge Centre
361 RAN 05047353 Concepts and Methods of Social Work / Rani,Poonam. Random Publications, 2015 9789351116240 vi,292p.; Knowledge Centre
361 RAN 05048055 Concepts and methods of social work / Rani, Poonam Random Publications, 2015 292 p. Knowledge Centre
361 RAN 05044545 Introduction to Social Work / Rani, Samitha Jnanada Prakashan, 2014 9788171396030 168 p. Knowledge Centre
361 RAN 05048209 Concepts and Methods of Social Work / Rani,Poonam. Random Publications, 2015 9789351116240 vi,292p.; Knowledge Centre
361 REA 05023993 Thr Foundations of Social Work Knowledge / Reamer, G Frederick 1994 0231080344 424 p Knowledge Centre
361 ROD. 00009726 Comparative Social Administration Rodgers, Barbara N GAU 350 p UG Library
361 ROY 00111269 Social Welfare Administration : Roy, Sanjoy. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9789350563052 482p.; UG Library
361 ROY 00049938 Greater Common Good Roy, Arundati India Bood Distributors 1999 8173101213 70 p. UG Library
361 RUB 05038065 Research Methods for Social Work / Rubin Allen Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2008 9780495501725 xix,668p.; Knowledge Centre
361 SEG 05003100 An introduction to the profession of social work : Segal, Elizabeth A. Thomson--Brooks/Cole, 0495127093 xix, 514 p. : Knowledge Centre
361 SHA 05073144 NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET : Social Work (Paper-2) / Sharma, Vivek. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326193535 771p.; Knowledge Centre
361 SHA 00073372 Elements of Social Organisation Shami, Nayyar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126126043 330p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361 SIN 05007368 An Introduction to Social Work / Singh, Krishna Kant ABD Publishers, 2011 9788183762694 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
361 SOW 05002993 Comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare / John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780471769972 (v. 1 : alk. pap 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
361 SOW 05002995 Comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare / John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780471769972 (v. 1 : alk. pap 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
361 SOW 05002996 Comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare / John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780471769972 (v. 1 : alk. pap 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
361 SOW 05002994 Comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare / John Wiley & Sons, 2008 9780471769972 (v. 1 : alk. pap 4 v. : Knowledge Centre
361 STR 05037055 Action research / Stringer, Ernest T. Sage Publications, 2014 9781452205083 (pbk.) | 9781483 Fourth edition. xxii, 305 pages : Knowledge Centre
361 STR 05073089 Action research / Stringer, Ernest T. Sage, 2021 9781544355948 5th Ed xxvi,382p.; Knowledge Centre
361 STR. 00009620 Social Work: an Introduction to the Field Stroup, Herbert Hewitt Uph 446 p UG Library
361 SUV 05061259 Concepts and methods of social work / Suvarnkhandi, Sangameshwar S. Book Enclave, 2018 9788181524393 242p. Knowledge Centre
361 THO 05047358 Social Work / Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131608135 232p.; Knowledge Centre
361 TIM 00017498 Social Work Timms, Noel Routledge 167 p UG Library
361 UND 01012736 Towards Inclusive Governance: UNDP Regional Centre 9789740628378 171p.; Knowledge Centre
361 UNI 00140347 UPSC Civil Services Preliminary and Main Examinations 2021 Syllabus Unique Publishers 2021 9789389728941 357p UG Library
361 VIR 05011102 Bitter Chockolate : Virani, Pinki Penguin Books, 2000 0140298975 246 p Knowledge Centre
361 VIR 00088679 Bitter Chockolate : Virani, Pinki Penguin Books, 2000 0140298975 246 p UG Library
361 VIR 05024066 Bitter Chockolate : Virani, Pinki Penguin Books, 2000 0140298975 246 p Knowledge Centre
361 WAN 07013939 Community Organisation and Social Action/ Wani Umesh D Current Publication, 2019 9789384803636 255 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
361 WEI 05003099 Handbook of Community Practice / Weil, Marie Sage Publications, 2005 0076192177 708p.: Knowledge Centre
361 YOU 00009731 Social work & Social Change Younghusband Eileen George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1971 0043600220 166 p UG Library
361.001 PAT 05024078 Philosophy of social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation; 2010 9788183421676 272 p Knowledge Centre
361.001 PAT 05036099 Philosophy of social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation; 2010 9788183421676 272 p Knowledge Centre
361.002373 POL 05024077 Essential Skills for Human Services / Valentine, Deborah ITP., 1998 0534346901 348 p Knowledge Centre
361.00285 GEO 05024159 Ict for Social Welfare : Geoghegan, Luke Polity Press, 2004 1861345054 194 p Knowledge Centre
361.00285 GEO 05043165 ICT for social welfare : Geoghegan, Luke. Policy Press 2004 1861345054 | 9781861345059 ix, 194 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.00285555 FAH 05043192 Compassionate statistics : Faherty, Vincent E. Sage Publications, 2008 9781412939829 (pbk.) | 1412939 xv, 319 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.003 ENG 05057498 Encyclopedia of social work / National Association of Social Workers. 2003 9780871013538 19th ed. xvii,236p.; Knowledge Centre
361.003 HAR 07007396 A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care / Harris, John, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199543052 (pbk.) First Edition. 515 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
361.003 HAR 07007992 A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care / Harris, John, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199543052 (pbk.) First Edition. 515 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
361.004 GRE 05024156 Practical computer skills for social work / Gregor, Claire. Learning Matters, 2006 1844450600 (pbk.) | 9781844450 ix, 115 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.005 SAI 07011310 Development Issues in Hyderabad Karnataka / Saidapur Sharanappa.Dr Abhijeet Publications, 2017 9789350742709 xvi,263p.: Library - BR Campus
361.0068 BHA 05024076 Social Work Administration and Development / Bhttacharya, Sanjay Rawat Publications, 2006 0817033926 434 p Knowledge Centre
361.0068 BRO 00129424 Effectively managing and leading human service organizations / Brody, Ralph. Sage, 2014 9781412976459 Fourth edition. xix, 426 p. ; UG Library
361.0068 BRO 07013416 Social entrepreneurship : Brooks, Arthur C., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 9780132330763 xv, 188 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.0068 FIE 05039104 Effective commissioning for health and social care / Field, Richard. Sage, 2013 9781446282267 1st edition. x,104p.: Knowledge Centre
361.0068 GAL 05040133 How to become a better manager in social work and social care : Gallop, Les, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 9781849052061 (pbk. : alk. pap 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.0068 GRA 05024081 Effective leadership, management and supervision in health and social care / Gray, Ivan. Learning Matters, 2010 9781844451814 (pbk.) | 1844451 ix, 224 p. Knowledge Centre
361.0068 GRA 05024080 Effective leadership, management and supervision in health and social care / Gray, Ivan. Learning Matters, 2010 9781844451814 (pbk.) | 1844451 ix, 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.0068 HAS 05024082 Human services as complex organizations / Hasenfeld Yeheskel Sage, 2010 9781412956949 (pbk.) | 1412956 ix, 595 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.0068 JOR 05024075 Clinical assessment for social workers : Lyceum Books, 2003 0925065374 (paperback) | 97809 2nd ed. xii, 486 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.0068 JOR 05043162 Clinical assessment for social workers : Lyceum Books, 2003 0925065374 (paperback) | 97809 2nd ed. xii, 486 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.0068 REY 05005330 The managing care reader / Routledge : | Open University, 2003 0415297885 (hc.) | 97804152978 xix, 354 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.00683 BEC 05073075 Supervision : Beckett, Chris. Sage, 2021 9781529700725 xiv,177p.; Knowledge Centre
361.00683 WON 05024805 Mastering Social Work Supervision / Wonnacott Jane Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 192 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.00684 BUR 05024079 Stories of Transformative Leadership in the Human Services : Burghardt, Steve Sage, 2010 9781412970174 xix, 273 p. Knowledge Centre
361.00684 GUN 05006520 Social entrepreneurship : Policy Press, 2010 9781847422965 (cased) | 184742 xiv, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.00684 GUN 07006750 Social entrepreneurship : Policy Press, 2010 9781847422965 (cased) | 184742 xiv, 185 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.00684 KAP 05024089 Agency-based program evaluation : Kapp, Stephen A. Sage Publications, 2010 9781412939843 (pbk.) | 1412939 xvi, 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.00684 KUM 05040035 Dynamics of Social Entrepreneurship / Kumar, Sandeep A K Publications, 2013 xi, 336 p. Knowledge Centre
361.00688 DES 00116639 Social marketing in India Deshpande, Sameer. SAGE Response, 2013 9788132113577 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii: 424 p.; UG Library
361.00688 DES 05040343 Social marketing in India Deshpande, Sameer. SAGE Response, 2013 9788132113577 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii: 424 p.; Knowledge Centre
361.00688 DES 05039140 Social marketing in India Deshpande, Sameer. SAGE Response, 2013 9788132113577 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii: 424 p.; Knowledge Centre
361.00688 DES 07000118 Social marketing in India Deshpande, Sameer. SAGE Response, 2013 9788132113577 (pbk. : alk. pap xiii: 424 p.; Library - BR Campus
361.007 SIN 00106311 Social Work Perspective on Inclusive Education Singh Prem Godwin J. Abhijeet Publications 2011 9789381136157 xx; 292 P. UG Library
361.007 WAN 07013950 Research Methodology In Social Work / Wani, Umesh D. Current Publications, 2019 9789384803827 280p.; Library - BR Campus
361.00711 ECH 07010011 Thriving! : Echterling, Lennis G., Sage, 2016 9781483349770 (pbk. : alk. pap Third edition. xv, 330 pages : Library - BR Campus
361.00711 ECH 05056273 Thriving! : Echterling, Lennis G., Sage, 2016 9781483349770 (pbk. : alk. pap Third edition. xv, 330 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.00711 LIS 05024086 Handbook for practice learning in social work and social care : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007 9781843101864 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st American paperback ed. 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.00711 LIS 05043160 Handbook for practice learning in social work and social care : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007 9781843101864 (pbk. : alk. pap 1st American paperback ed. 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 ABU 05043157 Using statistical methods in social work practice : Abu-Bader, Soleman H., Lyceum Books, 2006 0925065900 | 9780925065902 xiv, 298 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.0072 BEL 05061966 Research Methods For Social Workers / Bell, Linda. Palgrave, 2017 9781137442826 xiii, 231p.; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 CRA 05023971 Statitics and for Social Workers / Craft, John L F E Peacock Publishers, 1990 0875813437 194 p Knowledge Centre
361.0072 DAR 05048437 Qualitative Research In Practice : Darlington, Yvonne. Open University Press, 2002 033521147X xvi,208p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 FAU 05043159 Research methods for social workers : Faulkner, Cynthia A. Lyceum Books, 2009 9781933478159 xiv, 242 p. Knowledge Centre
361.0072 FOR 00128343 Research in Social Work / Fortune,Anne E. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608289 3rd ed. xiii,524p.; UG Library
361.0072 FOR 05056341 Research in Social Work / Fortune,Anne E. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608289 3rd ed. xiii,524p.; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 FOR 05055936 Research in Social Work / Fortune,Anne E. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608289 3rd ed. xiii,524p.; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 FOR 05074703 Research in Social Work / Fortune,Anne E. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608289 3rd ed. xiii,524p.; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 GUE 05062443 Research and evaluation in community, health and social care settings : Guerin, Suzanne. Routledge, 2018 9781138308275 (hardback) xii,187p.; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 HUM 05043161 Research in social care and social welfare : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2000 1853029009 (pbk. : alk. paper) 176 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 MAR 00121310 Research methods for generalist social work / Marlow, Christine. Brooks/Cole, 2011 9780840033277 (pbk.) | 9780840 5th ed. xv, 364 p. : UG Library
361.0072 MON 05043158 Applied social research : Monette,Duane,R Brooks/Cole;Cenage learning; 2005 9780495603634 xiv;531 p.; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 NAL 00145759 Photography in social work and social change : Oxford University Press, 2022 9780197518014 vii, 188pages cm UG Library
361.0072 RAN 05048222 Research in Social Work / Rani, Poonam. Random Publications, 2015 9789351116233 299p.: Knowledge Centre
361.0072 RAN 05047294 Research in Social Work / Rani, Poonam. Random Publications, 2015 9789351116233 299p.: Knowledge Centre
361.0072 RUB 05024090 Methodology for Social Work Research / Rubin, Allen Cengage Learning, 2011 9788131513828 522 p. Knowledge Centre
361.0072 RUP 05004038 Methodology for Social Work Research / Methodology for Social Work Research / Cengage Learning India Pvt.Ltd., 2011 9788131513828 India Edition 522 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.0072 SHE 05024093 Social Research in the Human Services : Sheppard, Michael Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 1843102897 256 p Knowledge Centre
361.0072 SHE 05024092 Appraising and Using Social Research in the Human Services : Sheppard, Michael Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 1843102897 256 p Knowledge Centre
361.0072 SHE 05024091 Approaching and Using Soical Research in the Human Services : Sheppard, Michael Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005 256 p Knowledge Centre
361.0072 THY 05043131 The handbook of social work research methods / Sage Publications, 2001 0761919058 (cloth : alk. paper xiv, 546 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.0072 UNR 05024155 Student Study Guide to Accompany : Unrau A, Yvonne F E Peacock Publishers, 2001 0875814417 187 p Knowledge Centre
361.0072 WAN 05067480 Research Methodology In Social Work / Wani, Umesh D. Current Publications, 2019 9789384803827 280p.; Knowledge Centre
361.00723 VAR 05024157 Secondary data analysis / Vartanian, Thomas P. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195388817 viii, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.008 ZAS 05036100 The Practice of Social Work / Zastrow Charles H Cengage Learning, 2010 9780495601159 558p.; Knowledge Centre
361.0092 AMT 00078454 Baba Amte:A Biography [ug.Sociology Section] Kainthla, Anita Multilingual Matters Limited 8130900998 166p UG Library
361.03 MIZ 05028029 Encyclopedia of Social Work ( 4 Volume Sets)msw-Section Mizrahi, Terry 9780195306613 502p Knowledge Centre
361.03 MIZ 05028030 Encyclopedia of Social Work ( 4 Volume Sets)msw-Section Mizrahi, Terry 9780195306613 502p Knowledge Centre
361.03 MIZ 05028031 Encyclopedia of Social Work ( 4 Volume Sets)msw-Section Mizrahi, Terry 9780195306613 502p Knowledge Centre
361.03 MIZ 05028032 Encyclopedia of Social Work ( 4 Volume Sets)msw-Section Mizrahi, Terry 9780195306613 502p Knowledge Centre
361.046 FIT 05010513 Understanding The Environment and Social Policy / University Of Bristol, 2011 9781847423795 xviii,366 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.05 HRL 05043151 Right to Food / Human Rights Law Network Human Rights Law Network, 2005 8189479091 | 9788189479091 520p.; Knowledge Centre
361.05 MAN 05062364 The Right to Food Debates : Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352872848 xiii,453p.; Knowledge Centre
361.05 TAN 00048944 Institutional Development: Innovations in Civil Society Tandon, Rajesh Priyanka 84p UG Library
361.06 PRE 00101800 Counselling and supporting children and young people : Prever, Mark. Sage Publications, 2010 9781847879349 | 9781847879356 193 p UG Library
361.06 UPA 00116538 Counselling Upadhyay, S.M. ASTHA Publishers & Distributors 9789382126539 216p. ; UG Library
361.06 ARU 05024084 Career Counsellilng : Arulmani, Gideon Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, 2005 0070483086 365 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 BON 05070497 Standards and ethics for counselling in action / Bond, Tim. Sage Publication, 2015 9781473913974 (pbk. & ieb) | 9 4th edition. xv, 333 pages.: Knowledge Centre
361.06 BON 05045352 Standards and ethics for counselling in action / Bond, Tim. Sage Publication, 2015 9781473913974 (pbk. & ieb) | 9 4th edition. xv, 333 pages.: Knowledge Centre
361.06 BON 07006135 Standards and ethics for counselling in action / Bond, Tim. Sage Publication, 2015 9781473913974 (pbk. & ieb) | 9 4th edition. xv, 333 pages.: Library - BR Campus
361.06 BON 05024095 Standards and ethics for counselling in action / Bond, Tim, SAGE, 2010 9781412902380 | 141290238X | 9 3rd ed. xiii, 270 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.06 BUR 04016653 Counselling Skills Training : Burnard Philip Viva Books, 2009 9788130910574 327 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.06 BUR 00101401 Counselling Skills Training : Burnard Philip Viva Books, 2009 9788130910574 327 p. UG Library
361.06 BUR 05024196 Counselling Skills Training : Burnard Philip Viva Books, 2009 9788130910574 327 p. Knowledge Centre
361.06 BUR 03005913 Counselling Skills Training : Burnard Philip Viva Books, 2009 9788130910574 327 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.06 CAS 05024160 Person-Centred Counselling Inn a Nutshell / Casemore, Roger Sage Publications, 2006 1412907675 109 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 COO 07006134 Making the most of counselling and psychotherapy placements / Oldale, Michelle, Sage Publication, 2015 9781446208465 (paperback) | 14 xiv, 168 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.06 DAI 05024099 Medical and Psychiatric Issues for Counsellors / Daines, Brian Sage Publications, 2007 9781412923996 138 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 DAR 05024202 Transcultural Counselling in Action / Dardenne, Patricia Sage Publications, 2003 0761963154 142 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 DAV 05008518 International Lay Counselor Training / David K Outkirts Press,Inc, 2011 9781432775834 163 p. Knowledge Centre
361.06 DAY 05024197 Experiences of Counsellor Training : Davies, Val Harding Palgrave, 2004 1403921865 166 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 DRA 05024206 Counselling Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse / Draucker, Caslire Burke Sage Publications, 2006 1412922402 166 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 DRY 05024210 Rational Emotive Behavioural Counselling in Action.3rd Edition / Dryden, Windy Sage Publications, 2004 1412902134 118 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 DRY 05024213 Skills in rational emotive behaviour counselling and psychotherapy / Dryden, Windy. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2009 9781848606692 | 9781848606708 127 p. Knowledge Centre
361.06 DRY 05024217 Rational Emotive Behavioural Counselling in Action / Dryden, Windy Sage Publications, 2004 1412902134 118 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 FAW 05032846 Experiential approach for developing multicultural counseling competence / Fawcett, Mary L. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412996525 (pbk.) xi, 205 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 FEL 05043144 The SAGE handbook of counselling and psychotherapy / SAGE, 2006 1412902746 (hbk.) | 1412902754 2nd ed. xxviii, 593 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.06 FEL 05032844 The SAGE handbook of counselling and psychotherapy / SAGE, 2012 9780857023254 (hbk.) | 0857023 3rd ed. xxxix, 695 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.06 FEL 07004623 The SAGE handbook of counselling and psychotherapy / SAGE, 2012 9780857023254 (hbk.) | 0857023 3rd ed. xxxix, 695 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.06 FEL 05059649 The Sage handbook of counselling and psychotherapy / Sage Publications, 2017 4th edition. xxix, 658p. Knowledge Centre
361.06 GAM 00125855 Readings in multicultural practice / Glenn, Gamst Sage Publication, 2008 9781412965170 ix,571p. UG Library
361.06 GAM 07007574 Readings in multicultural practice / Glenn, Gamst Sage Publication, 2008 9781412965170 ix,571p. Library - BR Campus
361.06 GEL 05024098 Counselling Adolescents / Geldard, Kathryn Sage Publications, 2005 1412902355 250 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 GEL 05024238 Counselling Children : Geldard, Kathryn Sage, 2006 0761947280 280 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 GER 07009518 Essentials of cross-cultural counseling / Gerstein,Lawrence H. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412999502 (pbk. : acidfree vii, 270 p. ; Library - BR Campus
361.06 GER 05043173 International handbook of cross-cultural counseling : Sage, 2009 9781412959551 (cloth) | 141295 xi, 563 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 GER 05024085 International handbook of cross-cultural counseling : Gerstein, Lawrence H. Sage, 2009 9781412959551 (cloth) | 141295 xi, 563 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 GER 05034295 Essentials of cross-cultural counseling / Gerstein,Lawrence H. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412999502 (pbk. : acidfree vii, 270 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 GIB 00077576 Introdution to Counseling and Guidance Gibson, Robert L Pearson 2005 8129710293 558p UG Library
361.06 GIL 05024211 Person-Centred Counselling Psychology : Gillon, Ewan Sage Publications, 2007 0761943358 211 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 GIL 05024212 Person-Centred Counselling Psychology : Gillon, Ewan Sage Publications, 2007 0761943358 211 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 HAR 05075148 Counselling skills : Hariharan, Meena, Routledge, 2024 9781032888040 First Edition. xix, 454p.; Knowledge Centre
361.06 HAR 00148350 Counselling skills : Hariharan, Meena, Routledge, 2024 9781032888040 First Edition. xix, 454p.; UG Library
361.06 HOU 05024222 Psychodynamic Counsellin in Nutshell / Howard, Susan Sage Publications, 2006 0141290773 104 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 HOU 00125078 Counselling Skills and Theory / Hough Margaret Hodder Education, 2014 9781471806452 4th ed ix,348p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.06 HOU 05041144 Counselling Skills and Theory / Hough Margaret Hodder Education, 2014 9781471806452 4th ed ix,348p.: Knowledge Centre
361.06 HOU 00119180 Counselling Skills and Theory / Hough Margaret Hodder Education, 2014 9781471806452 4th ed ix,348p.: UG Library
361.06 JON 09000846 Basic counselling skills : Nelson-Jones, Richard, Sage Publication , 2016 9781473912984 | 9781473912991 Fourth edition. viii, 199 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.06 JON 07006122 Basic counselling skills : Nelson-Jones, Richard, Sage Publication , 2016 9781473912984 | 9781473912991 Fourth edition. viii, 199 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.06 JON 05070489 Basic counselling skills : Nelson-Jones, Richard, Sage Publication , 2016 9781473912984 | 9781473912991 Fourth edition. viii, 199 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 JON 00116488 Introduction to counselling skills Nelson-Jones, Richard. SAGE, 2013 9781446210598 (hbk.) | 1446210 4th ed. xii, 330 p. : UG Library
361.06 JON 05069510 Basic counselling skills : Nelson-Jones, Richard, Sage Publication , 2016 9781473912984 | 9781473912991 Fourth edition. viii, 199 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 KNO 00077221 Personal Counseling : Knowdell, Richard. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 8176496979 | 9788176496971 92p.; UG Library
361.06 KNO 05043152 Personal Counseling : Knowdell, Richard. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 8176496979 | 9788176496971 92p.; Knowledge Centre
361.06 KNO 00077223 Personal Counseling : Knowdell, Richard. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 8176496979 | 9788176496971 92p.; UG Library
361.06 KNO 00077224 Personal Counseling : Knowdell, Richard. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 8176496979 | 9788176496971 92p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.06 KNO 00077225 Personal Counseling : Knowdell, Richard. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 8176496979 | 9788176496971 92p.; UG Library
361.06 KNO 00139943 Personal Counseling : Knowdell, Richard. Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 8176496979 | 9788176496971 92p.; UG Library
361.06 KOS 05024094 Guidance and Counselling / Koshy S, John Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2005 8178883309 316 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 KOT 05056262 Introduction to counseling : Kottler,Jeffrey A. Cengage, 2011 9780840033246 xxi,537p.; Knowledge Centre
361.06 LAP 05024158 Integration in counselling & psychotherapy / Lapworth, Phil. SAGE, 2010 9781848604438 (hbk.) | 1848604 xiii, 180 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.06 LAW 05024239 Taking Supervision Forward : Lawton, Barbara Sage, 2000 0761960104 219 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 LEW 00109532 Community Couseling Lewis,Judith A. Cengage Learing India Pvt Ltd 2012 9788131517413 xvii; 342 p. UG Library
361.06 LEW 05034304 Community Couseling Lewis,Judith A. Cengage Learing India Pvt Ltd 2012 9788131517413 xvii; 342 p. Knowledge Centre
361.06 LIE 07012259 Ways of Counseling : Liebermeister Svagito.R A.J.Books, 2017 9789383982066 ix,239p.: Library - BR Campus
361.06 LIN 05024097 Spirituality in Counsellilng and Psychotherapy / Lines, Dennis Sage Publications, 2006 1412919576 213 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 LIN 05024151 Spirituallity in Counselling and Psychotherapy / Lines, Denni Sage Publications, 2006 1412919576 213 p. Knowledge Centre
361.06 LYN 00135095 Pastoral Care and Counselling / Lynch, Gordon Sage Publications, 2002 0761970975 104 p UG Library
361.06 LYN 05024176 Pastoral Care and Counselling / Lynch, Gordon Sage Publications, 2002 0761970975 104 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 MAN 00060024 Effective Guidance and Counselling Gupta, Manju Mangal Deep Publications 0817594129 236p UG Library
361.06 MCL 07006906 Counselling Skill: Mcleod John Rawat Publications; 9788131602928 281 p. Library - BR Campus
361.06 MCL 07006909 Introduction to Counselling / Mcleod, John Open University Press, 2007 9788131601778 3rd ed. 613 p Library - BR Campus
361.06 MCL 05024087 Introduction to Counselling / Mcleod, John Open University Press, 2007 9788131601778 3rd ed. 613 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 MCL 05043167 Introduction to Counselling / Mcleod, John Open University Press, 2007 9788131601778 3rd ed. 613 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 MCL 05010505 Counselling Skill: Mcleod John Rawat Publications; 9788131602928 281 p. Knowledge Centre
361.06 MCL 10001366 Introduction to Counselling / Mcleod, John Open University Press, 2007 9788131601778 3rd ed. 613 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.06 MCL 10001368 Counselling Skill: Mcleod John Rawat Publications; 9788131602928 281 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.06 MCL 00103149 Counselling Skill: Mcleod John Rawat Publications; 9788131602928 281 p. UG Library
361.06 MEA 05024096 Person-Centred Counselling in Action : Mearns, Dave Sage Publications, 2007 242 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 MEA 05040071 Person-centred counselling in action / Mearns, Dave. SAGE, 2013 9781446252529 (hbk.) | 1446252 4th ed. x, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.06 MEA 05024209 Person-Centred Counselling in Action / Mearns, Dave Sage Publications, 2007 242 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 MEA 05024204 Working at Relational Depth in Counsellilng and Psychotherapy / Mearns, Dave Sage Publications, 2006 0761944583 183 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 MFA 05024208 Person-Centred Counselling in Action / Mearns, Dave Sage Publications, 2007 242 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 MIL 00124813 Counselling Skills for Social Work / Miller, Lisa, Sage Publications Ltd., 2012 9780857028587 | 0857028588 | 2nd ed. 232 p. : UG Library
361.06 MIS 05055376 Guidance and Counselling / Mishra, R C APH, 2002 8176485861 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.06 MIS 05055377 Guidance and Counselling / Mishra, R C APH, 2002 8176485861 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.06 MIT 00137474 Development Guidance and Counselling : Mittal,Arnav. Random Publications, 2019 9789352692323 viii,322p.; UG Library
361.06 MIT 07014286 Development Guidance and Counselling : Mittal,Arnav. Random Publications, 2019 9789352692323 viii,322p.; Library - BR Campus
361.06 NAT 05024192 Career Counselling / Nathan, Robert Sage Publications, 2006 1412908388 183 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 NEL 05043105 Practical counselling and helping skills Nelson-Jones, Richard. SAGE, 2005 1412903874 (hbk.) | 1412903882 5th ed. xvii, 491 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.06 NEL 05024088 Theory and Practice of Counselling and Therapy / Jones, Richard Nelson Sage Publications, 2006 1412919789 482 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 ORB 05024201 Counselling Older Clients / Orbach, Ann Sage Publications, 2003 0761964061 133 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 PAL 05024195 Multicultural Counselling : Palmer, Stephen Sage Publications, 2002 0761963766 280 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 PAL 05043172 The practitioner's handbook : Sage, 2008 9780761941651 (hbk.) | 0761941 xv, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 PAL 07010471 The practitioner's handbook : Sage, 2008 9780761941651 (hbk.) | 0761941 xv, 231 p. ; Library - BR Campus
361.06 PAN. 00015109 World of Work (basic Considerations in Guidance and Counselling in Indi Pandit, J L Orient Longmans 1996 422 p. UG Library
361.06 PAR 00129414 Becoming a skilled counselor / Parsons, Richard D. SAGE Publications, 2014 9781452203966 (pbk.) | 1452203 xix, 382 p. ; UG Library
361.06 PAR 05040050 Becoming a skilled counselor / Parsons, Richard D. SAGE Publications, 2014 9781452203966 (pbk.) | 1452203 xix, 382 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 PAY 05024191 Couple counselling : Payne, Martin. Sage Publications, 2010 9781848600492 184p. cm. Knowledge Centre
361.06 PRE 05024205 Counselling and supporting children and young people : Prever, Mark. Sage Publications, 2010 9781847879349 | 9781847879356 193 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 PRE 05024220 Counselling and supporting children and young people : Prever, Mark. Sage Publications, 2010 9781847879349 | 9781847879356 193 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 RAV 05024154 Counselling : Ravi Meera Viva Books Pvt.Ltd., 2007 9788130910727 190 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 RAV 04021073 Counselling : Ravi, Meera Viva Books, 2014 9788130927404 190 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.06 REI 00124381 Effective Supervision for Counsellors An Introduction Reid Hazele. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446254554 1st ed. vii.192 p.: UG Library
361.06 REI 00112953 Effective Supervision for Counsellors An Introduction Reid Hazele. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446254554 1st ed. vii.192 p.: UG Library
361.06 REI 00124806 Effective Supervision for Counsellors: An Introduction Reid Hazel Sage Publications, 2013 9781446257135 v, 192 p.: UG Library
361.06 REI 09001075 Effective Supervision for Counsellors An Introduction Reid Hazele. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446254554 1st ed. vii.192 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.06 RIG 05039790 Using counselling skills in social work / Riggall, Sally. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857256294 1st ed. xvi,176p.; Knowledge Centre
361.06 RUS 05024152 Blank Minds and Sticky Moments in Counselling : Russell, Janice Sage Publications, 2008 9781412945776 242 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 RUS 00119415 Blank Minds and Sticky Moments in Counselling : Russell, Janice. SAGE,Publication, 2008 9781412945769 | 1412945763 | 2nd ed. 242 p. : UG Library
361.06 SAN 00077538 Counsellilng for Anxiety Problems Dreden, Windy 2003 0761965750 248p UG Library
361.06 SCH 05043106 Counselor preparation : Routledge, 2008 9780415881234 (hbk.) | 0415881 12th ed. xvi, 593 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.06 SCO 05024214 Counselling for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder / Dreyden, Windy Sage Publications, 2004 0761965734 141 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 SCO 05024207 Developing Congnitive Behavioural Counselling / Scott, Michael J Sage Publications, 1995 0803978944 141 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 SIN 05024193 Counselling skills for managers / Singh Kavita PHI Learing Privte Limited, 2007 9788120330849 | 8120330846 242 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 SIN 00086549 Counselling skills for managers / Singh Kavita PHI Learing Privte Limited, 2007 9788120330849 | 8120330846 242 p UG Library
361.06 SIN 04014773 Counselling skills for managers / Singh Kavita PHI Learing Privte Limited, 2007 9788120330849 | 8120330846 242 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.06 SIN 07015658 Counselling Skills For Managers / Singh Kavita PHI Learning Private Limited, 2023 9788120351370 2nd ed xix,271p.: Library - BR Campus
361.06 SRI 00142799 Counselling in India : Sriram,Sujata. Springer, 2022 9789811695865 xv,226p.; UG Library
361.06 WAL 05024083 Becoming a Professional Counselor / Wallace, Sheri A Sage Publications, 1998 0761911278 223 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 WES 05056250 An introduction to helping skills : Westergaard, Jane. Sage, 2017 9781473925113 (pbk.) | 9781473 vi,199p.; Knowledge Centre
361.06 WHI 05024203 Psychosynthesis Counselling in Action / Whitmore, Diana Sage Publications, 2004 1412900778 196 p Knowledge Centre
361.06 WOO 05024240 Handbook of Counselling Psychology / Woolfe, Ray Sage, 2006 0761972072 709 p Knowledge Centre
361.060683 CAR 05045104 Effective supervision for the helping professions / Carroll, Michael Sage, 2014 9781446269923 (hardback) | 144 Second edition. x, 202 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.060683 CAR 05045313 Effective supervision for the helping professions / Carroll, Michael Sage, 2014 9781446269923 (hardback) | 144 Second edition. x, 202 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.060683 CAR 07002840 Effective supervision for the helping professions / Carroll, Michael Sage, 2014 9781446269923 (hardback) | 144 Second edition. x, 202 pages : Library - BR Campus
361.060683 CAR 05043182 Counselling supervision in context / Sage Publications, 1999 076195788X | 0761957898 (pbk.) ix, 206 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.060683 EDW 00110596 Strengths-Based Supervision in Clinical Practice Edwards, Jeffrey K. SAGE, 2013 9781412987202 (pbk.) xiii, 245 p. : UG Library
361.060683 LAD 05004978 Counselor supervision / Brunner-Routledge, 2010 9780415801492 (hardback : alk. 4th ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
361.06071 JOH 05032851 Personal development in counsellor training / Johns, Hazel. SAGE, 2012 9780857024961 (hbk.) | 0857024 2nd ed. 198 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.06071 JOH 07010535 Personal development in counsellor training / Johns, Hazel. SAGE, 2012 9780857024961 (hbk.) | 0857024 2nd ed. 198 p.: Library - BR Campus
361.06072 BRI 00124134 Understanding research in counselling / Bright Graham Sage Publications 2013 9781446260104 | 1446260100 | 1 vii, 184 pages : UG Library
361.06072 DRY 05023975 Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy / Dryden, Windy Sage Publications, 1996 0803978413 263 p Knowledge Centre
361.06072 MCL 05024194 Doing Counsellilng Research / Meleod, John Sage Publications, 2005 0761941088 227 p Knowledge Centre
361.06089 LAG 05024219 Race, Culture and Counselling : Lago, Colin Open University Press, 2006 0335216943 273 p Knowledge Centre
361.06089 PAN 00129413 Assessing And Treating Culturally Diverse Clients : Paniagua, Freddy A. Sage, 2014 9781412999779 Fourth edition. xxiv, 391 p. ; UG Library
361.06089 RID 05024218 Overcoming Unintentioanl Racing in Counseling and Therapy : Ridley, Charles R Sage Publications, 2005 0761919821 271 p Knowledge Centre
361.068 GOE 05043170 Social Welfare Administration / Goel, S L Deep and Deep Publications, 2001 8171001033 2v.; Knowledge Centre
361.068 GOE 05043171 Social Welfare Administration / Goel, S L Deep and Deep Publications, 2001 8171001033 2v.; Knowledge Centre
361.068 SHA 05043101 Elements fo Social Administration / Shamsi, Nayyar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 8126125543 | 9788126125548 296p.; Knowledge Centre
361.06MCL 00090480 Introduction to Counselling / Mcleod, John Open University Press, 2007 9788131601778 3rd ed. 613 p UG Library
361.06THO 00080587 Counseling Children [msc-Counselling Psychology Section] Thompson, Charles L 0495007757 709p Knowledge Centre
361.07 GOS 05044202 Ethics in Social Work Education and Practice in India / Goswami Indrajit Mangala Publications, 2011 8188685062 xvi,320p.: Knowledge Centre
361.07 GOS 05044203 Ethics in Social Work Education and Practice in India / Goswami Indrajit Mangala Publications, 2011 8188685062 xvi,320p.: Knowledge Centre
361.07 PRA 05061961 Training For Social Work / Prakash, Ved. ABD Publishers, 2018 9788183765534 viii, 265p.; Knowledge Centre
361.072 LAW 05024221 Research for Development : Laws, Sophie Sage Publications, 2003 8178292157 475 p Knowledge Centre
361.072 PAT 05024215 Research in social work / Patel, A K Crescent publishing corporation; 2010 9788183421706 272 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.092 AMT 05024216 Samidha / Amte, Sadhana Orient Longman Publications, 2008 8125034048 260 p Knowledge Centre
361.1 BAS 01006203 Dowry and Inheritance (law Lib) Srimati Basu WOMEN UNLIMITED 8188965227 318p. Knowledge Centre
361.1 BES 05040985 Social problems / Best, Joel. W.W. Norton & Co., 2013 9780393918632 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvi,368p.: Knowledge Centre
361.1 CRA 00048946 Kanthamma: Story of a Women Construction Worker Institute for Cultural Researc, h & Action ( ICRA) ICRA 40p UG Library
361.1 CRA 00048958 Shiva`s Plight: a Story of a Child Worker Cultural Research Association ICRA 36p UG Library
361.1 FED 05039225 Global issues : Fedorak, Shirley, University of Toronto Press, 2014 9781442607736 (bound) | 144260 xxiii, 240 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.1 GEO 05024163 Global Social Problems / George, Vic Polity Press, 2004 0745629520 234 p Knowledge Centre
361.1 GEO 05022172 Global Social Problems [msw-Section] George, Vic 0745629520 235p Knowledge Centre
361.1 GOL 05042146 Understanding contemporary social problems through media / Goldberg, Roberta. Paradigm Publishers, 2014 9781612056333 (hardcover : alk xxiii,231p.: Knowledge Centre
361.1 JAM 05024179 Sociology of Social Problems : Jamrozik, Adam Cambridge University Press, 1998 0521599326 240 p Knowledge Centre
361.1 KEA 05019655 Critical risk research Wiley, 2012 9780470974872 (cloth) | 978111 xi, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.1 KUM 05024178 Food Problems in India / Kumar, Ratna B Ashish Publishing House, 1992 0817024465 178 p Knowledge Centre
361.1 MAD 05033424 Social Problems and Issues / Madhok,Mahesh. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350840160 288p.; Knowledge Centre
361.1 MUK 05026469 Women's Health Public Policy and Community Action / Mukhopadhyay, Swapna Manohar Publishers, 1998 8173041032 192 p Knowledge Centre
361.1 POW 01010688 Social Justice : The Moral Foundations of Public Health and Health Policy Powers, Madison Oxford University Press 2006 9780195375138 229p. Knowledge Centre
361.1 RED 05004012 Social Problems : Reddy.S.K Navyug Books International, 2010 9789380731056 viii,312 p. Knowledge Centre
361.1 SAR 05026700 Fear : Centre Study of Developning Societies, 2010 9788190585323 306p.: Knowledge Centre
361.1 STE 00142748 Contextual Issues: Stephen, M Concept Publishing Company 2011 818069769X 160p UG Library
361.1 THO 05061995 Social Problems and Social Justice / Thompson, Neil. Palgrave, 2017 9781137603616 xix, 251p.; Knowledge Centre
361.1 UN 01004162 Inequalitypredicament Report on the World Social Situation 2005(law Lib.) - - Academic Foundation 8171885594 158p Knowledge Centre
361.1 VON 05024162 Globalization of Food and Agriculture and the Poor / Von Braun, Joachim Oxfore University Press, 2008 0195695283 370 p Knowledge Centre
361.1 WAI 00143502 Social Medicin and the Coming Transformation / Waitzkin, Howard. Routledge, 2021 9781138685987 xxii,284p, ; UG Library
361.103 KUN 05022150 Behavior Social Problems and Change / Kunkel John H Prentice-Hall,Inc, 1975 213 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.103 PAR 05027895 Encyclopedia of Social Problems.Vol.1.2 / Parrillo, Vincent N Sage, 2008 9781412941655 508p.: Knowledge Centre
361.103 PAR 05027896 Encyclopedia of Social Problems.Vol.1.2 / Parrillo, Vincent N Sage, 2008 9781412941655 508p.: Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05037557 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05037558 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05037560 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05037561 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05037559 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05002715 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05002716 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05002717 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05002718 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.103 RAJ 05002719 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2003 8178882221 | 9788178882222 5 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10680954 MEH 05024165 Administration of Health & Education Sectors / M L Mehta Aalekh Publishers; 2008 9788187359401 650 p Knowledge Centre
361.1072 KUM 00141920 Researching social problems : Kumthekar,Medha.-ed Rawat publications, 2020 9788131611098 xiii,292p.; UG Library
361.1072 SCH 05024183 Investigating the Social World : Schutt, Russell K Sage Publications, 2006 1412927374 515 p Knowledge Centre
361.1072 SCH 05043186 Investigating the Social World : Schutt, Russell K 2006 1412927374 | 9781412927376 347p,; Knowledge Centre
361.1072 SCH 00120416 Investigating the Social World : Schutt, Russell K. Pine Forge Press, 2009 9781412969406 | 1412969409 | 9 6th ed. xxx, 564 p.: UG Library
361.1072 SCH 07012298 Investigating the social world : Schutt, Russell K., Sage, 2019 9781506361192 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781544324067 (looseleaf : alk. paper) Ninth Edition. xxxii, 692 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.1091724 GAU 05043087 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems In third World / Gautam, Pushpa Raj Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2009 9788126140725 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.1091724 GAU 05043088 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems In third World / Gautam, Pushpa Raj Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2009 9788126140725 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.1091724 GAU 05043089 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems In third World / Gautam, Pushpa Raj Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2009 9788126140725 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 AGA 00121136 Social problems in India Agarwal Suresh Rajat Publications 2015 9788178806785 281p. UG Library
361.10954 DAL 05024265 Social dimensions of health / Ajit K Dalal Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339227 xviii, 394 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 AHU 00049222 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 AHU 00049226 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 AHU 00049223 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 AHU 00049224 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 AHU 00049225 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 AHU 00053618 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 AHU 00088656 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 2008 8170334136 508p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.10954 AHU 01000099 Social Problems Ram Ahuja Yrawat 8170334128 Knowledge Centre
361.10954 AHU 00073647 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 AHU 00073646 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 AHU 00062419 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 1999 2nd,Ed. 507p UG Library
361.10954 BHA 10002631 India Positive : Bhagat, Chetan. HarperCollins, 2022 9789356290440 216p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.10954 BHA 03011980 Making India Awesome : Bhagat, Chetan. Rupa Publication, 2015 9788129137425 177p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.10954 DAL 05023167 Social Dimensions of Helth / Dalal, Ajit K Rawat Publications , 2005 8170339227 394p. Knowledge Centre
361.10954 GAI 05032728 Dynamics of Social Reform Movements : Gaikwad,Atma Ram. Cyber Tech Publication, 2013 9789350531358 232p.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 JAU 05002703 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems / Jauhari P K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 9788126129935 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 JAU 05002704 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems / Jauhari P K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 9788126129935 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 JAU 05002705 Encyclopaedia of Social Problems / Jauhari P K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 9788126129935 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 KUM 05002980 Social Structure and Social Problems / Kumar, A. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2002 8126110295 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 KUM 05032461 Social Problems In Indian Context / Kumari,Neha. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842539 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 KUM 05002979 Social Structure and Social Problems / Kumar, A. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2002 8126110295 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 KUM 05002978 Social Structure and Social Problems / Kumar, A. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2002 8126110295 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 MAN 05049073 A fractured freedom : Mander, Harsh, Three Essays Collective, 2012 9788188789825 (pbk.) | 8188789 1st ed. xiii, 496 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 MIL 00124968 Social Problems in India Issues and Challenges Miluwi Joshua O. Manglam Publications, 2014 9789382983279 232 p,: UG Library
361.10954 PRA 05002706 Social Problems in India / Prasad, B K. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2004 8126117745 | 9788126117741 2v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 PRA 05002707 Social Problems in India / Prasad, B K. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2004 8126117745 | 9788126117741 2v.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 PUR 00063512 A Textbook on Social Problems for BA Purushothama G S Himalaya Publishing House 2003 8178667576 259 p UG Library
361.10954 QUR 05024264 India`s Social Problems in Twenty First Century / Qureshi, M U Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2004 0812612055 404 p Knowledge Centre
361.10954 RAH 05033422 Developments In Social Sciences / S.M.Atik-ur-rahaman. Aadi Publishers, 2011 9789380902685 xi,339p.; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 SAR 05060312 Essays of a lifetime : Sarkar, Sumit. Permanent Black , 2018 9788178245157 | 8178245159 xiv, 630 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.10954 SHA 05039683 Social Problems and Development Issues of Youth / PAtil Keshao Shankar Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9789350564493 304p.: Knowledge Centre
361.10973 GRE 01012673 Pragmatism and social hope : Green, Judith M. Columbia University Press, 9780231144582 (cloth : alk. pa x, 292 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.10973 HEI 05043367 Social Problems Heiner, Robert Oxford University Press, 2002 0019512992 205p Knowledge Centre
361.10973 HEI 07006753 Social problems : Heiner, Robert, Oxford University Press, 2006 0195177002 (alk. paper) | 9780 2nd ed. ix, 228 p. ; Library - BR Campus
361.10973 LEO 00121737 Social problems : Leon-Guerrero, Anna. Pine Forge Press, 2005 0761987827 xvi, 471 p. : UG Library
361.10973 LEO 05010536 Social problems : Leon-Guerrero, Anna. Pine Forge Press, 2011 9781412988056 (pbk.) | 1412988 3rd ed. xxiii, 524 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.10973 LEO 05043187 Social problems : Leon-Guerrero, Anna. Pine Forge Press, 2009 9781412959667 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. xxi, 517 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.10973 MOO 05043178 Understanding social problems / Mooney, Linda A. Thomson Higher Education, 2007 0495091588 5th ed. xxxiii,579p.; Knowledge Centre
361.1969 KAI 05024248 Baba Amte, a biography / Kainthla, Anita. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., 2005 8130900998 xii, 192 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.1GUP 00118111 Social Problems Gupta Sunil ABD Publishers, 2012 9788183763363 v, 304 p.: UG Library
361.1GUP 00118112 Social Problems Gupta Sunil ABD Publishers, 2012 9788183763363 v, 304 p.: UG Library
361.1LEO 01011171 Contemporary Reading in Social Problems(law Lib) Anna Leon-Guerreo Sage Publications 9781412965309 368p Knowledge Centre
361.1NAR 00054701 Saamajika Samshodana Vidhana Narayana, M Chetana 226p UG Library
361.2 BOR 05056652 How to Change the World : Bornstein, David Oxford University Press, 2004 0195138058 | 9780199470730 | 9780195334760 320 p Knowledge Centre
361.2 BOR 05024263 How to Change the World : Bornstein, David Oxford University Press, 2004 0195138058 | 9780199470730 | 9780195334760 320 p Knowledge Centre
361.2 BOR 07013351 How to Change the World : Bornstein, David Oxford University Press, 2004 0195138058 | 9780199470730 | 9780195334760 320 p Library - BR Campus
361.2 HOB 03005580 How to Change the World: Hobsbawm,Eric. Little, Brown Book Group Limited, 2011 9781408702871 viii,470 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.2 KOT 00079731 Development and Social Action [ug.Lib.Sociology Section] Kothari, Miloon Rawat Publications 1999 8131600009 192p UG Library
361.2 KOT 05055546 Development and Social Action / Kothari, Miloon. Rawat Publications, 2006 8131600009 192.; Knowledge Centre
361.2 KOT 05024250 Development and Social Action / Kothari, Miloon G B, 1999 0855984155 190 p Knowledge Centre
361.2 KOT 05043183 Development and Social Action / Kothari,Miloon. Rawat Publications, 1999 9788131600009 192p.; Knowledge Centre
361.2 KOT 05003016 Development and Social Action / Kothari,Miloon. Rawat Publications, 1999 9788131600009 192p.; Knowledge Centre
361.2 MAR 05024247 Global Citizens / Mayo, Marjorie Zed Books, 2005 1842771396 224 p Knowledge Centre
361.2 MAY 00074141 Global Citizens: Mayo, Marjorie ZED BOOKS 2005 1842771396 224p UG Library
361.2 MIL 01010470 Social action : Miller, Seumas. Cambridge University Press, 052178316X | 0521788862 (pb.) xi, 308 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.2 SHA 05024249 SOcial System / Sharma, S S Sarupa and Sons, 2004 8176254835 154 p Knowledge Centre
361.2 SHR 00119198 Activism and Social Change : Shragge, Eric, University of Toront Press, 2013 9781442607705 | 9781442606272 2nd edition. xl,184 p.: UG Library
361.2 TIT 05024262 Caring for People in the Community : Titterton, Mike Jessica Kingsley, 2000 1853021121 169 p Knowledge Centre
361.2 WAD 00136714 Global action networks : Waddell, Steven John. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 9780230285484 (alk. paper) xxvi, 244p.; UG Library
361.2014071 FRE 05044470 Teaching social communication to children with autism and other developmental delays : Ingersoll, Brooke, Guilford Press, 2019 9781462538089 | 9781462538140 Second edition. xi, 148 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.207 FOS 07011887 Using entertainment-education for distance education: Fossard, Esta De Sage 2016 9789351507598 2nd ed. 290p. Library - BR Campus
361.20715 DEF 05024242 Using Edu-Tainment for Distance Education in Community Work : De Fossard, Esta Sage, 2008 9780761936428 308 p Knowledge Centre
361.20715 FOS 00140846 Using entertainment-education for distance education: Fossard, Esta De Sage 2016 9789351507598 2nd ed. 290p. UG Library
361.20715 FOS 00125723 Using entertainment-education for distance education: Fossard, Esta De Sage 2016 9789351507598 2nd ed. 290p. UG Library
361.20715 FOS 10001553 Using entertainment-education for distance education: Fossard, Esta De Sage 2016 9789351507598 2nd ed. 290p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.2072 HOL 05043150 A practical guide to program evaluation planning : SAGE Productions, 2009 9781412967754 (pbk.) New ed. x, 170 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.2072 HUM 05024246 Research in Social Care and Social Welfare : Humphries, Beth Jessica Kingsley, 2000 1853029009 176 p Knowledge Centre
361.2072 MER 00138724 Program Evaluation Theory and Practice : Mertens,Donna M. The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462532759 xviii,620p.; UG Library
361.20835 STU 00136708 Evaluation practice for projects with young people : Stuart, Kaz. Sage, 2015 9781446275993 (hardcover) | 9781446276006 (paperbook) xi,228p.; UG Library
361.20973 MON 10004706 Organizing for power and empowerment : Mondros, Jacqueline B., Columbia university press, 2023 9780231189446 | 9780231189453 2nd edition. xii, 403 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.21 MIL 03001312 Constructionist Controversies Miller, Gale Aldine Transaction 202304574 221p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.22 WEI 05023953 Collaboration in Social Work Practice / Weinstein, Jenny Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 1843100924 254 p Knowledge Centre
361.230954 THA 05073929 Voices of dissent : Thapar, Romila, Seagull Books, 2020 9780857428622 | 0857428624 viii, 163 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.24 RUB 05068375 Advocacy for social change : Rubin, Herbert J., Routledge, 2018 9781138563810 (pbk) | 9781138563797 (hbk) 1st edition. xi, 253 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.240954 FOU 00135916 Mann Ki Baat : Rupa Publication, 2019 9789353333577 x,760p.; UG Library
361.25 ADA 05023834 Social Policy for Social Work / Adams, Robert Palgrave, 2004 0333774736 269 p. Knowledge Centre
361.25 BAS 00134101 Governance In South Asia: Basu Rumki, Routledge Publishers, 2017 9781138282827 xii,250 p.; UG Library
361.25 BRO 00148082 Multi-sector partnerships for the public good / Brown, Samuel L. Information Age Publishing, 2023 9798887301198 viii,212p. : UG Library
361.25 BUR 05024243 Social Policy and Welfare : Burden, Tom Pluto Press, 2003 0745309666 261 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 CHA 00091272 Social sector and sustainable inclusive growth Chatterjee Rajesh Abhijeet Publications 81898886762 264p UG Library
361.25 COR 00104818 The participation Reader Cornwall,Andrea Zed Books 2011 9788182911154 xx,443p. UG Library
361.25 CUN 05062064 Social policy and social work / Cunningham, Jo. Sage, 2017 9781473916555 2nd edition. ix,324p.; Knowledge Centre
361.25 DAN 05024057 Children and Social Policy / Dniel, Paul Palgrave, 2003 0333652088 262 p. Knowledge Centre
361.25 FIN 05037764 Care : Fink, Janet Policy Press, 2004 1861345194 (pbk.) viii, 168 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.25 FLE 05043146 Partnerships in social care Fletcher, Keith Jessica Kingsley, 2006 9781846425103 | 184310380X (pb 139 p. Knowledge Centre
361.25 HAR 05024234 Information and Communication Technologies in the Welfare Services / Harlow, Elizabeth Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2003 0001843105 252 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 IQB 03010012 Public-Private Partnership / Iqbal, Jaquir. Global Vision Publishing House , 2012 9788182205055 425 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.25 JAC 05023835 Social Policy in India / Jacob, K K Himanshu Publications, 1989 8185167141 150 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 KAN 05024233 Strategic Human Resource Development / Kandula, R Srinivas Prentice Hall of India, 2004 8120318129 378 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 KEN 05041730 Key themes in social policy : Kennedy, Patricia, Routledge, 2013 9780415520973 | 0415520967 (ha xi, 181 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.25 LAU 05047966 The Politics of Humanitarianism : Lauri, Antonio De I B Tauris, 2016 vii, 177 p. Knowledge Centre
361.25 MOR 05024232 Transnational Social Plicies : Morales-Gomez, Daniel Earthscan, 2003 1853836338 222 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 MOR 05024236 Social Policies / Morales, Gomez Earthscan, 2000 1853836338 221 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 MOS 01000936 Cultivating Development (law Lib ) David Mosse KLJ 315p Knowledge Centre
361.25 POW 05045276 The politics of civil society Powell, Fred. Policy Press, 2013 9781447307167 (ebook) 2nd ed. vi,236p.: Knowledge Centre
361.25 RAO 05024241 Human Resources Development : Rao, T V Sage, 2002 392 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 RAO 05040889 Human Resources Development : Rao, T V Sage, 2002 392 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 TRI 05024237 Human Resource Development : Tripathi, P C Assan Books, 2004 378 p Knowledge Centre
361.25 YEA 05024235 Globalisation and Social Policy / Yeates, Nicola Sage, 2003 194 p Knowledge Centre
361.2503 FIT 05002686 International Encyclopedia of Social Policy / Fitzpatrick, Tony. Routledge, 2006 0415419271 | 9780415419277 | 9 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.2503 FIT 05002688 International Encyclopedia of Social Policy / Fitzpatrick, Tony. Routledge, 2006 0415419271 | 9780415419277 | 9 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.2503 FIT 05002687 International Encyclopedia of Social Policy / Fitzpatrick, Tony. Routledge, 2006 0415419271 | 9780415419277 | 9 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.25072 BEC 05043177 Understanding Research for Social policy and Practice : Becker,Saul Policy Press, 2004 9781861344038 xviii,423p.; Knowledge Centre
361.25072 BEC 01013469 Understanding Research for Social policy and Practice : Becker,Saul Policy Press, 2004 9781861344038 xviii,423p.; Knowledge Centre
361.25072 BEC 05024190 Understanding Research For Social Policy And Practice : Becker, Saul Policy Press, 2004 1861344031 423 p Knowledge Centre
361.25072 BEL 05024189 Understanding Research for Social Policy and Practice : Bryman, Alan Policy Press, 2004 1861344031 423 p Knowledge Centre
361.250954 JAC 00062087 Social Policy in India. Jacob, K K Himanshu Publications 1994 8185167141 148p UG Library
361.250954 KUM 00131253 Millennium development goals: KUmar,Abhishek Regal publications, 2017 9788184846386 xxi,277p.; UG Library
361.250954 RAO 05074394 Social Policy : Rao, Vidya. 324p.; Knowledge Centre
361.250954 SIN 05024682 Creating vibrant public-private-panchayat partnership (PPPP) for inclusive growth through inclusive governance / Singh, Harsh. Academic Foundation, 2010 9788171888313 | 8171888313 62 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.250954 WIG 01004133 Pro-Poor Growth and Governance in South Asia: Decentralization and Participatory Development (law Lib) Ponna Wignaraja SAGE Publication 8178292750 459p Knowledge Centre
361.250973 BAR 05024184 Foundations of Social Policy : Barusch, Amanda Smith. Brooks/Cole(Cengage Learning), 2009 9780495598923 3rd ed. xix, 555 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.250973 SCH 07006770 Social capital and welfare reform : Schneider, Jo Anne, Columbia University Press, 2006 0231126506 (cloth: alk. paper) viii, 445 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.250973 SCH 05024180 Social Capital and Welfare Reform : Schneider, Jo Anne Columbia University Press, 2006 0231126514 445 p Knowledge Centre
361.250973 SCH 05043147 Social capital and welfare reform : Schneider, Jo Anne, Columbia University Press, 2006 0231126506 (cloth: alk. paper) viii, 445 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.250973 SCH 05043148 Social capital and welfare reform : Schneider, Jo Anne, Columbia University Press, 2006 0231126506 (cloth: alk. paper) viii, 445 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.25361 MOR 05043143 Transnational social policies : International Development Research Centre ; | Earthscan, 1999 0889368546 (International Deve viii, 288 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.25CHO 00079822 Powers and Prospects;reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order Chomsky, Naom Viva Books 244p UG Library
361.25POW 01009588 Politics of Civil Society: Neoliberalism or Social Lift (law Lib) Frederick Powell Policy Press 9781861347640 256p Knowledge Centre
361.26 ROS 00137661 Organizing disaster : Rostis, Adam, Emerald group publishing limited , 2016 9781785606854 | 1785606859 First edition. x, 156 pages.; UG Library
361.3 BEN 00142297 Social work practice in community Bennur,Yusuf Current publication, 2022 9789391542610 152p.; UG Library
361.3 DAV 05024245 An Introduction to Social Work Theory : Howe David Ashgate Publish, 1992 167 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAT 05024200 Political Social Work / Patel A K Crescent Publishing Corporation, 2010 9788183421737 v, 270 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 ADA 05024231 Social Work / Adams,Robert. The Open University, 2010 9780333975939 2nd edition. xviii, 410 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 ADA 05024225 Social Work and Empowerment / Adams, Robert Palgrave macmilan, 2003 1403905517 214 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 ALS 05038066 Research for Social Workers : Alston, Margaret. Rawat Publication, 2004 9788170338062 ix,334p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 AMB 05041121 Social Work and Social Welfare An Introduction / Ambrosino Rosalie Cengage Learning, 2015 9788131525227 xviii,494p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 AMB 05041321 Social Work and Social Welfare An Introduction / Ambrosino Rosalie Cengage Learning, 2015 9788131525227 xviii,494p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 AST 00060083 The Practice of Social Work. Astrow, H Charles Thomson 2003 1 Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.3 BAJ 05024168 Social Work Perspectives on Health / Bajpai, P K Rawat, 1998 288 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 BAL 05045283 Narrative Social Work : Baldwin Clive The Policy Press, 2013 9781847428257 ix,161p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 BED 05024283 Social Development and Social Work / Bedi, Singh Mohinder Himanshu Publications, 1994 8185167923 150 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 BER 05043145 Social work : Schwartz, William, F. E. Peacock Publishers, 1994 0875813852 xxiii, 769 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 BHA 05024284 Social Development : Bhanti, Raj Himanshu, 2001 8186231455 198 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 BHA 05024285 Social Development : Bhanti, Raj Himanshu, 2001 198p Knowledge Centre
361.3 BHA 05055199 Social Work : Bhattacharya, Sanjay. Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2004 8176294586 518p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 BIR 05062063 SAGE guide to social work careers : Bird, Melissa. Sage, 2019 9781544324715 | 1544324715 xiii,119p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 BLO 05024803 Core social work : Blok, Willem, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 9781849051767 (alk. paper) | 1 189 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 CHE 05024244 Working of Social Work / Cheetham, Juliet Jessica Kingsley, 1998 1853024988 238 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 CLA 01004719 Social Work Ethics: Politics, Principles and Practice (law Lib) Chris L Clark Palgrave Macmillan 0333719344 227p Knowledge Centre
361.3 COI 05061325 Globalization Environmental Social Work : Coith,Daniel. Amiga Press Inc, 2019 9789387295162 viii,236p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 COK 05024269 International Social Work : Cox, David Sage Publications, 2006 0817829690 421 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 CON 05059416 Social work : Connolly, Marie, Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107458635 (paperback) | 11 Second edition. xviii, 208 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.3 COX 05024680 International Social Work : Cox, David Sage Publications, 2006 0817829690 421 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 COX 05043137 International Social Work : Cox, David Sage Publications, 2006 0817829690 | 9788178296906 421p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 CRE 05043141 Social work : Cree, Viviene E., Routledge, 2007 0415356822 (hbk.) | 9780415356 164 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 DAV 05023988 Stress in Social Work / Davies, Richard Jessica, 1998 201 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 DAV 05024959 Stress in Social Work / Davies, Richard Jessica Kingsley, 1998 1853023906 201 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 DEC 05062068 Social work theory & practice / Deacon, Lesley, Sage, 2017 1473958709 | 9781473958708 | 1473958695 | 9781473958692 First edition. ix,242p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 DES 00141887 Journeys in Social work education in India : Desai,Murli.-ed Rawat Publications, 2020 9788131610138 xviii,292p.; UG Library
361.3 DES 05024228 Methodology of Progressive Social Work Education / Desai, Murli Rawat Publications, 2004 8170338891 177 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 DES 05037883 Ideologies and Social Work: Historical and Contemporary Analyses: MSW Shelf Desai, Murli Rawat Publications 8170337364 230p Knowledge Centre
361.3 DEV 05043180 Social Work : Devi, Rameshwari Mangal Deep Publications, 2004 8175941405 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 DEV 05043181 Social Work : Devi, Rameshwari Mangal Deep Publications, 2004 8175941405 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 DEV 05024258 Social Work : Devi, Rameshwari Mangal Deep Publications, 2004 8175941405 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 DOM 05024286 Social Work : Dominelli, Lena Polity Press, 2004 306 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 DOM 05024293 Sociology for Social Work / Dominelli, Lena Palgrave, 1998 0333615212 294 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 EVA 05003097 Working in Social Care: A Systemic Approach [MSW-SECTION] Evans, Dave Ashgate Publishing Limited 1857423550 150p Knowledge Centre
361.3 FER 05043108 Reclaiming social work : Ferguson, Iain, SAGE, 2008 141290692X (hbk.) | 9781412906 vii, 160 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 FER 05003094 Globalisation, Global Justice and Social Work / Ferguson, Iain Routledge, 2005 0415325382 253p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 FOO 05074623 Social work : Fook, Jan, Sage, 2023 9781529790245 | 1529790247 | 9781529790238 | 1529790239 Fourth edition. xv, 232 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAR 00130813 Welfare words : Garrett, Paul Michael, Sage publications ltd., 2018 1473968976 | 9781473968974 | 1 xiv, 270 pages ; UG Library
361.3 GAR 05048661 Social work and social theory : Garrett, Paul Michael, Policy Press, 2013 9781847429605 (paperback) | 97 viii, 254 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037572 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037573 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037574 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037575 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037576 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037577 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037578 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037579 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037580 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GAU 05037581 Encyclopedia of Social work and social welfare in 21st century / Gautam,P,R Centrum press, 2010 9789380836331 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GRA 05062448 Reflective thinking in social work : Graham, Mekada. Routledge, 2017 9781138779013 (hardback) | 9781138779020 (pbk.) 1 Edition. x,142p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GRA 05057271 The New Politics of Social Work / Palgrave, 2013 9780230296787 | 0230296785 234 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 GRI 05044549 Program evalution for social workers : Grinnell, Richard M. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195392487 | 0195392485 5th ed. xiv, 409 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 GUP 00125326 Social Work Practices and Servies Gupta Kumar Sunil Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302350 viii, 312 p.: UG Library
361.3 HAJ 05024256 Social Work and Developmental Issues / Hajira Kumar AAKAR BOOKS, 2005 8187879408 319 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 HAJ 05024292 Social Work and Development Issues / Kumar, Hajira AAKAR BOOKS, 2005 8187879408 319 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 HAR 05002694 Social Work / Harish, Kumar. Isha Books, 2004 8182051185 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HAR 05002695 Social Work / Harish, Kumar. Isha Books, 2004 8182051185 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HAR 05002696 Social Work / Harish, Kumar. Isha Books, 2004 8182051185 3v.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HAR 05068628 Social work : Harms, Louise. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108460842 3rd Ed xviii,197p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HEA 05008392 Handbook of international social work : Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195333619 (hardcover : alk xx, 534 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HOD 05062049 Complexity in social work / Hood, Rick. Sage, 2018 9781473993815 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781473993808 (hardback : alk. paper) 1st edition. 227p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HOE 05040937 Advocacy practice for social justice / Hoefer, Richard. Lyceum Books, 2012 9781935871071 (alk. paper) | 1 2nd ed. xxii, 232 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HOL 00123817 Performance coaching skills for social work / Field, Richard. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857259912 1st ed. 144p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.3 HOO 05074629 Inequality & social work / Hood, Rick Sage, 2024 9781529768794 | 9781529768787 xviii, 179 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HUG 05062059 Organisations and management in social work : Hughes, Mark, Sage, 2017 1473934516 | 9781473934511 | 1473934524 | 9781473934528 3rd edition. 233p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 HUG 01019377 Understanding international social work Hugman,Richard Pagrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230219595 xii,194p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 JAC 05024199 Social Work Education in India : Jacob, K K Himanshu Publications, 1995 8185167842 244 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 JAN 05003995 Handbook of Practice Education in Social Work / Janagambika.M.L Manglam Publications, 2010 9789380013732 viii,296 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 JOH 05024691 Using the Law in Social Work : Johns Robert Learning Matters, 2006 1844450309 161 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 JOH 05043138 Using the law in social work / Johns, Robert, Learning Matters, 2005 1844450309 (pbk.) | 9781844450 2nd ed. xi, 161 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 JOH 05024695 Using the Law in Social Work / Johns, Robert Learning Matters, 2003 1903300843 165 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 JON 05024692 Social work skills with adults / Andy,Mantell. Learning Matters, 2009 9781844452187 ix, 182 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 JON 05024171 Social work skills with adults / Andy,Mantell. Learning Matters, 2009 9781844452187 ix, 182 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 JOS 05024255 Handbook of Social Work / Josh, S C Akansha Publishing House, 2004 8187606592 310 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 JOS 05024033 Handbook of Social Work / Josh, S C Akansha Publishing House, 2004 8187606592 310 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 KAD 05024226 Supervision in Social Work / Kadushin, Alfred Rawat, 2004 576 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 KAD 05024270 Supervision in Social Work / Kadushin, Alfred Rawat, 2004 576 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 KAD 05043191 Supervision in Social Work / Kadushin, Alfred Rawat Publications, 2004 8170338980 | 9788170338987 xx,576p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 KAR 05072406 Best practices of social work methods : Karalam, Sheeja., India, 2022 9798885214629 xxvii, 352p:. Knowledge Centre
361.3 KLA 00146780 Social Work and the Making of Social Policy? Klammer, Ute Policy Press, 2021 9781447349167 xvii,235p. ; UG Library
361.3 KUM 00103566 Social work: Kumar Aman Aadi publications, 2011 9789380902210 280 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.3 LAK 05024289 Professional Training In Social Work / Lakshmamma T Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788183566315 136 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 LES 05024288 Law and Social Work : Lesley-Anne Cull Palgrave, 2004 0333945875 284 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 LIN 00124607 Social work intervention / Lindsay, Trevor. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446266656 | 9781446266649 2nd ed. 223p. cm. Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.3 LIS 05024186 Communication in Social Work / Lishman, Joyce Palgrave, 1994 0333544129 158 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 LOB 00135054 Fieldwork in Social Work Education Lobo,Joselyn T ATC Publishers 2017 9789386516176 100p UG Library
361.3 MAN 05048439 Skills for social work practice / Learning Matters, | SAGE, 2013 9781446267325 (hbk.) | 1446267 2nd ed. xv,270 p,: Knowledge Centre
361.3 MAP 01013036 Human rights and social justice in a global perspective : Mapp, Susan C. Oxford University Press, 9780195313451 (pbk. : alk. pap viii, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 MAR 05003096 Diversity, oppression, and change : Marsiglia, Flavio Francisco. Lyceum Books, 9780925065735 xix, 306 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 MAT 05002539 The foundations of social work practice : NASW Press, 1998 0871012979 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xxx, 384 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 McL 05004041 Social work, politics and society McLaughlin, Kenneth G. Policy, 2008 1847420451 (hard) | 9781847420 xiv, 177 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 MIL 05013938 Assessment in Social Work / Milner, Juidth Palgrave, 1998 0333987470 212 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 MIL 05024174 Assessment in Social Work / Milner, Juidth Palgrave, 1998 0333987470 212 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 MIS 05024185 Social Work : Misra, P D Inter India Publications, 1994 8121003245 335 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 MOH 05062072 The future of social work : Mohan, Brij. Sage, 2018 9789352806256 (print (hb) : alk. paper) xix,159p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 MOH 05024223 Social Development and Soical Work / Bedi, Mohinder Singh Himanshu Publications, 1994 8185167923 150 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 MOR 05068611 Engaging with social work : Morley, Christine. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781107622395 (pbk.) 2nd Ed xvi,335p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 MOR 07009426 Engaging with social work : Morley, Christine. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107622395 | 1107622395 xvi,335p.: Library - BR Campus
361.3 MOR 05003104 Social Work / T Morales, Armando Pearson, 2004 0020537607 644p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 MOR 01024602 Engaging with social work : Morley, Christine. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107622395 | 1107622395 xvi,335p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 NAG 05024257 Social Work and Social Welfare in India / Nagendra, Shilaja ABD Publishers, 2005 8189011812 216 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 NEW 05024170 Disaster and After: Social Work in the Aftermath of Disaster : Newburn, Tim Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853021709 207 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 OAK 00125044 Social work and social perspectives/ Oak, Eileen. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230004641 (pbk.) | 0230004 xv, 208 p.; UG Library
361.3 OFF 05024224 Social workers, the community, and social interaction : Offer, John, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1999 1853027314 196 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 OFF 00064195 Social Workers, the Community and Social Interaction: Offer, John Jessica Kingsley 2004 1853027316 196p UG Library
361.3 OHA 05010504 Competence in social work practice Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007 2nd ed. 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAL 05007775 Social work and community practice / Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692869 : 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAR 05062066 Social work in context : Parrott, Lester. Sage, 2017 9781473969131 (pbk.) | 9781473969124 (hardcover) | 9781526414885 (ebk.) 1st edition. 174p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAR 05024287 Social Work and Social Welfare in India / Parmar, P M Sublime Publications, 2003 8185809909 360 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAT 05024294 Urban Social Work / Patel,A,K Crescent publishing corporation; 2010 9788183421744 v;272 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAT 05044254 Social Work and Social Welfare / Pathak Shankar Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192342412 339p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAT 05044255 Social Work and Social Welfare / Pathak Shankar Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192342412 339p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAT 05038415 Social Work and Social Welfare / Pathak Shankar Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192342412 339p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAY 05024290 What Is Professional Social Work ? Payne, Malcolm Rawat Publications, 2007 0813160165 219 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 PAY 00088828 What Is Professional Social Work ? Payne, Malcolm Rawat Publications, 2007 0813160165 219 p UG Library
361.3 PAY 05003092 What Is Professional Social Work? [MSW-SECTION] Payne, Malcolm Rawat Publications 0813160165 219p Knowledge Centre
361.3 PEA 05024229 Transforming Social Work Practice : Pease, Bob Routledge, 1999 0415216478 234 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 PON 05044246 Scientific Writing and Publishing in Social Work / Niruta Publications, 2013 9788192332628 xiv,226p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 PON 05044247 Scientific Writing and Publishing in Social Work / Niruta Publications, 2013 9788192332628 xiv,226p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 PON 05036301 Scientific Writing and Publishing in Social Work / Niruta Publications, 2013 9788192332628 xiv,226p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 POP 00128259 Analysing Community Work Popple, Keith. Rawat Publication 2015 0335194095 | 0335194087 (pbk.) xiv, 181 p. : UG Library
361.3 POU 05024172 Collaborative Social Work : Poulin, John F E Peacock Publishers, Inc. 2000 0087581428 478 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 POW 05045333 The politics of social work Powell, Frederick W. SAGE, 2001 0761964118 | 0761964126 (pbk.) 186p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 PRA 05041772 Social Development and Social Work / Pratiksha Anmol PublicationsPvt.Ltd, 2014 9788126161263 viii,320 p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 PRA 05061957 Social Work and Human Rights / Prakash, Ved. ABD Publishers, 2018 9788183765480 viii, 288p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 REA 00121168 Social Work Values and Ethics / Reamer, Frederic G Rawat Publication, 2004 9780231161893 Fourth Edition 261 p:. UG Library
361.3 REA 05024254 Social Work Values and Ethics / Reamer, G Frederic Rawat Publication, 2004 8170339154 234 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 REI 05043169 Socialwork and Human Rights : Reichert, Elisabeth. Rawat, 2003 9788170338215 295p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 REI 05024173 Social Work and Human Rights : Reichert, Elisabeth Rawat Publications, 2003 8170338212 295 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 REI 05024161 Social Work and Human Rights : Reichert, Elisabeth Rawat Publications, 2003 8170338212 295 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 REI 05043149 Social Work and Human Rights : Reichert, Elisabeth Rawat Publications, 2003 8170338212 295 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 RIC 05024787 Observation and Its Application to Social Work : Riche, Pat Le Jessica Kingsley, 2006 1853026301 224 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 RIC 05024690 Observation and Its Application to Social Work : Riche, Le Pat Jessica Kingsley, 2002 1853026301 224 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 ROG 05048662 Social work : Rogowski, Steve. Policy Press, 2010 9781847424488 | 1847424481 ix, 216 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 ROY 05067195 Social work in globalizing world : Roy, Sanjoy Rawat publications, 2018 9788131609385 | 8131609383 xiv, 326 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 RUB 05024678 Essential Research Methods for Social Work / Ruben Allen Brooks/Cole 2010 9780495803904 362 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 SAR 05045308 Social Work Practice for Mental Health / Sardar, Niranjankaur R P Publications, 2014 9789382398080 200 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 SCA 05024188 Rural Social Work : Scales, T Laine Thomson Brooks/cole, 2003 0534621635 366 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 SHA 00117569 Religion Spirituality and Ageing Shastri, V K Signature Books International 2013 260p UG Library
361.3 SHA 05024169 Elements of Social Work / Shamsi Nayyar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 8126125500 288 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 SHE 00137671 Introduction to competence-based social work : Sherr, Michael E. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780190923037 (pbk.) 2nd Edition. xviii,302p.; UG Library
361.3 SHU 05003103 The skills of helping individuals, families, groups and communities / Shulman, Lawrence. Brooks/Cole Cengage learning, 9780495506089 xxxiv, 696 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 SIN 05035506 Social work and social development / Singh,Shweta. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606070 xv,444p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 SIN 07006893 Social work and social development / Singh,Shweta. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606070 xv,444p.; Library - BR Campus
361.3 STA 05024227 Reconceptualising Work With 'carers' : Stalker, Kirsten Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2003 1843101181 208 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 TAY 05024198 Assessing Needs and Planning Care in Social Work / Taylor, Brian Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2005 1857421442 125 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 TAY 05013928 Assessing needs and planning care in social work / Taylor, Brian J. Arena, 1857421396 | 1857421442 (pbk.) xv, 125 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3 TAY 05062053 Decision making, assessment and risk in social work / Taylor, Brian J. Sage, 2017 9781526401052 3rd edition. xiv,256p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 THO 05055939 Understanding social work : Thompson, Neil, Palgrave, 2015 9781137497093 (paperback) Fourth edition. xviii, 221 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 THO 05062449 Social work theory and methods : Thompson, Neil, Routledge, 2018 9781138629769 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781138629783 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 Edition. xxiii, 251 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.3 THO 00131652 Social work theory and methods : Thompson, Neil, Routledge, 2018 9781138629769 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781138629783 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 Edition. xxiii, 251 pages : UG Library
361.3 TOV 05024166 Post-Qualifying Handbook for Social Workers / Tovey, Wade Jessica, 2007 296 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 TOV 05024167 Post-Qualifying Handbook for Social Workers / Tovey, Wade Jessica, 2007 296 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 TOV 05043139 The post-qualifying handbook for social workers / Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007 9781843104285 (pb : alk. paper 296 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 TRI 05040036 Social Strategies and Defence / Trivedi, Priya Ranjan Jnanada Prakashan, 2013 v, 277 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3 VER 05032444 Organizational Development In Social Work Practices / Verma,B.S. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842492 viii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 VER 05032448 Concepts and Practices of Social Work / Verma,B.S. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842430 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3 WEI 05011341 Professional ideologies and preferences in social work : Weiss, Idit Praeger, 2003 0865693153 (alk. paper) x, 234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3 YAD 00103554 International human rights and social work: Yadav Dr.S.N Jnanada prakashan, 2011 9788171394272 301 p.; UG Library
361.3 YEL 05024230 Learning and Teaching in Social Work : Yelloly, Margaret Jessica Kingsley, 2000 1853022373 231 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 YOU 00009734 New Developments in Case Word Younghusband, George 183 UG Library
361.3 ZAS 05024677 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare : Zastrow, Charles Thomson Learning, 2004 0534608221 646 p Knowledge Centre
361.3 ZAS 05024181 The practice of social work : Zastrow Charles Brooks/Cole: 2010 9780495601159 558 p. Knowledge Centre
361.301 ALL 05024074 Critical Social Work : Allan, June Rawat Publications, 2004 8170337763 294 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 ALL 05024277 Critical Social Work : Allan, June Rawat Publications, 2003 294 p. Knowledge Centre
361.301 CUN 05024701 Sociology and Social Work / Cunningham Jo Learning Matters, 2008 9781844450879 199 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 DES 05024295 Ideologies and Social Work : Desai, Murli Rawat Publications, 2002 8170337364 234 p. Knowledge Centre
361.301 FIJ 05024279 Welfare Theory : Tony, Fitzaptrick Palgrave, 2001 0033377843 221 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 FOL 05024071 Relational Social Work : Folgheraiter, Fabio Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 1843101912 292 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 FOL 05002927 Relational Social Work Toward Networkign and Societial Practices Folgheraiter, Gabio Jessica Kingsley Publications 1843101912 304p Knowledge Centre
361.301 HEA 05042139 Social work theories in context : Healy, Karen. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 9781137024244 (paperback) Second edition. xiii,258p.: Knowledge Centre
361.301 HES 05073079 Social work theory in practice / Heslop, Philip. Sage, 2021 9781526492364 xvi,209p.; Knowledge Centre
361.301 KNO 05045961 Reflective practice in social work / Knott, Christine. Sage Publication, 2013 9781446272671 3rd edition. xii,176p.; Knowledge Centre
361.301 KNO 05061266 Reflective practice in social work / Knott, Christine., ed. Sage Publications Ltd, 2016 9781473952096 | 1473952093 | 9781473952102 | 1473952107 4th edition. viii, 192 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.301 KUL 05044540 Community organization : V V Kulkarni Current Publication, 2014 0962549010 | 9788189065980 xi, 351 p. Knowledge Centre
361.301 KUL 05044544 Social Work and Community Organization / V V Kulkarni Current Publication, 2014 9788189065942 360 p. Knowledge Centre
361.301 KUM 05041768 Basic Principles in Social Work / Kumar,Anup. Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126161140 296p.; Knowledge Centre
361.301 LIS 05023974 Handbook of Theory for Practice Teachers in Social Work / Lishman, Joyce Jessica, 1998 236 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 LIS 05024278 Handbook of Theory for Practice Teachers in Social Work / Lishman, Joyce Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853020982 236 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 MAR 05024296 Social Work in a Sustainable World : Mary Nancy L Lyceum Books, Inc. 2008 9781933478197 221 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 PAT 01000093 Social Work Practice Religio : Chhaya Patel Rawat Publications, 1999 371 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 PAT 05024792 Social Work Practice Religio : Chhaya Patel Rawat Publications, 1999 371 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 PAY 05024297 Modern Social Work Theory / Payne, Malcolm Palgrave, 2005 1403918368 366 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 PAY 05057172 Modern social work theory / Payne, Malcolm, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 9780230249608 4th edition. xx, 441 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.301 PAY 05024280 Modern Social Work Theory / Payne, Malcom Palmgrave, 2005 1403918368 366 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 PAY 05024702 Modern Social Work Theory / Payne, Malcolm Palgrave, 1997 0333676548 354 p Knowledge Centre
361.301 WEN 00143604 Ecology of Common Care : Wendt, Wolf Rainer. Springer, 2021 9783030656980 xiii,77p,; UG Library
361.3019 CIG.B 05002909 Cognitive Behavioural Social Work in Practice Cigno, Katy Ashgate Publishing Limited 1857423747 276p Knowledge Centre
361.3019 HOW 03001028 Emotionally Intelligent Social Worker Howe, David Palgrave Macmillan 9780230202788 221p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.3019 BOW 00130861 What Social Workers Need to Know : Bower, Marion Routledge, 2018 9781138905634 | 9781138905665 xii, 225 p. ; UG Library
361.3019 HOW 05024271 The emotionally intelligent social worker / Howe, David, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 9780230202788 | 0230202780 x, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3019 HOW 05024272 The emotionally intelligent social worker / Howe, David, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 9780230202788 | 0230202780 x, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3023 COL 00138578 The positive social worker / Collins, Stewart, Routledge, 2020 9781138300248 | 9781138300255 x,223p.; UG Library
361.3023 WEB 00130855 Professional identity and social work / Webb, Stephen A., Routledge, 2017 9781138234420 (hardback) | 978 1 Edition. xv,245p.; UG Library
361.30285 HIL 05048676 Social work & ICT / Hill, Andrew, Sage Publications Inc., 2011 9781849200561 (pbk.) | 9781849 137 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30294 OHA 05002908 Competence in Social Work Practice: A Practical Guide for Students and Professionals Ohagan, Kieran Jessica 256p Knowledge Centre
361.303 SEH.1 05002905 Social WORK- PSYCHO SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT [ MSW ] Seghal, Ashok Isha Books 8182053099 288p Knowledge Centre
361.303 JHA 05003058 Encyclopaedia of Social Work / Kha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 8126109572 4v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 JHA 05003061 Encyclopaedia of Social Work / Kha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 8126109572 4v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 JHA 05003059 Encyclopaedia of Social Work / Kha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 8126109572 4v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 JHA 05003060 Encyclopaedia of Social Work / Kha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2001 8126109572 4v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 JHA 05002936 Encyclopedia of Social Work : Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2009 8126109572 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
361.303 JHA 05002935 Encyclopedia of Social Work : Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2009 8126109572 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
361.303 JHA 05002934 Encyclopedia of Social Work : Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2009 8126109572 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
361.303 JHA 05002933 Encyclopedia of Social Work : Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2009 8126109572 4 Volumes Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAN 05041226 Social Security for Women / Association of India Universities, 2014 xv,269p.: Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037524 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037525 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037526 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037527 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037528 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037529 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037530 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037531 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037532 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 05037533 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 PAT 00104653 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104654 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104655 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104656 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104657 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104658 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104659 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104660 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104661 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PAT 00104662 Encyclopedia of Social work / Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2009 9788183421751 10 v.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.303 PIE 05007144 Dictionary of Social Work / Pierson, john Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131604168 580 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.303 SEH 05002907 Social WORK- PSYCHO SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT [ MSW ] Seghal, Ashok Isha Books 8182053099 288p Knowledge Centre
361.303 SEH.1 05002906 Social WORK- PSYCHO SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT [ MSW ] Seghal, Ashok Isha Books 8182053099 288p Knowledge Centre
361.303 YAD 05037543 Encyclopaedia Of Social Work And Community Organisation / Yadav,C.P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2007 9788126130696 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 YAD 05037544 Encyclopaedia Of Social Work And Community Organisation / Yadav,C.P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2007 9788126130696 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 YAD 05037545 Encyclopaedia Of Social Work And Community Organisation / Yadav,C.P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2007 9788126130696 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.303 YAD 05037546 Encyclopaedia Of Social Work And Community Organisation / Yadav,C.P. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2007 9788126130696 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.305 PAT 05024268 Clinical Social Work : Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2010 9788183421690 268 p. Knowledge Centre
361.305 PAT 05024276 Clinical Social Work : Patel A,K Crescent publishing corporation, 2010 9788183421690 268 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3068 EPH 05002921 Groups That Wrok: Structure and Process [MSW] Ephross, Paul H Coulmbia university press, 1988 0231115091 230p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3068 HAF1 05002916 Management and Organisations in Social Work [MSW] Hafford-Letchfield, Trish Learning Matters, 2006 154pz.; Knowledge Centre
361.3068 WEI 05002917 Social Worker as Manager: A Practical Guide to Success [MSW-SECTION] Weinbach, Robert W Allynand Bacon, 1998 0205267726 340p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3068 ALD 05024300 Enhancing Soical Work Management : Aldgate, Jane Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2007 1843105152 320 p Knowledge Centre
361.3068 BHA 05024298 Social Work Administration And Development / Bhasttacharya Sanjay Rawat Publications, 2006 0817033926 434 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3068 COU 05002920 Social work practice Coulshed Veronica Palgrave Macmillian 9781403921550 322p Knowledge Centre
361.3068 EPH 05024299 Groups That Work : Structure and Process Ephross, Paul H Columbia University Press, 1988 0231115091 230 p Knowledge Centre
361.3068 GAU 05055937 Social work : Gautam,Vidyapati. Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302299 viii,328p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3068 GAU 05074704 Social work : Gautam,Vidyapati. Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302299 viii,328p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3068 GIN 07006767 New management in human services / NASW Press, 1995 0871012510 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xvi, 279 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.3068 HAF 07006769 Social care management, strategy and business planning / Hafford-Letchfield, Trish. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010 9781843109860 (alk. paper) | 1 240 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.3068 HAF 05004042 Social care management, strategy and business planning / Hafford-Letchfield, Trish. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010 9781843109860 (alk. paper) | 1 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3068 HAF 05024684 Leadership and Management in Social Care / Hafford-Letchfield, Trish Sage Publications, 2008 9781412929615 222 p Knowledge Centre
361.3068 LOH 07006900 Social Administration / Lohmann .A Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607510 xvi,620p.: Library - BR Campus
361.3068 LOH 05045842 Social Administration / Lohmann .A Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607510 xvi,620p.: Knowledge Centre
361.3068 SAC 05061956 Social Work Administration and Development / Sachdeva, Nalini. ABD Publishers, 2018 9788183765473 282p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3068 SHA 07012317 Social Administration / Sharma G.D Wisdom Press, 2016 9789383318506 270p.: Library - BR Campus
361.306804 GOU 05024688 Social Work, Critical Reflection and the Learning Organization / Gould, Nick Ashgate Publishing Company, 2006 0754631672 209 p Knowledge Centre
361.30683 DAT 00099132 Skill training for social workers : Sudha Datar Tata Institute of Social Sciences ; | Karve Institute of Social Service ; | SAGE, 2010 9788132102380 (pbk.) | 8132102 xl, 266 p. : UG Library
361.30683 DAT 05024687 Skill training for social workers : Sudha Datar Tata Institute of Social Sciences ; | Karve Institute of Social Service ; | SAGE, 2010 9788132102380 (pbk.) | 8132102 xl, 266 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30683 DAT 05007370 Skill training for social workers : Sudha Datar Tata Institute of Social Sciences ; | Karve Institute of Social Service ; | SAGE, 2010 9788132102380 (pbk.) | 8132102 xl, 266 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30683 DES 05044541 Social Work Personal Training and Development / Deshmukh, Vilas R P Publications, 2013 9789382398066 xiii, 206 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30683 GAS 05024804 Mastering approaches to diversity in social work / Gast, Linda Eileen, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 9781849052245 (alk. paper) | 1 176 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30684 GOU 05024689 Social Work, Critical Reflection and the Learning Organization / Gould, Nick Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004 0754631672 209 p Knowledge Centre
361.30684 HAF 05024685 Practising Quality Assurance in Social Care / Hafford-Letchfield, Trish Learning Matters, 2007 1844450848 151 p Knowledge Centre
361.30684 HAF 05024686 Practising Quality Assurance in Social Care / Haffore, Trish Learning Maters; 2007 9781844450848 151p Knowledge Centre
361.30684 LAW 00103559 Social work management and leadership : Lawler, John. Routledge, 9780415459051 (hbk.) | 0415459 204 p. : UG Library
361.30684 SPO 05024809 Successful project management in social work and social care : Spolander, Gary. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 9781849052191 | 1849052190 176 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.307 GOU 05002783 Reflective Learning for Social Work:research, Theory and Practice [MSW-SECTION] Gould, Nick Ashgate Publishing Limited 9781857423211 167p Knowledge Centre
361.307 GOU 05024696 Reflective Learning for Social Work : Gould, Nick Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2007 9781857423211 167 p Knowledge Centre
361.3070 TAY 05004061 Professional Decision Making in Social Work / Taylor, Brian. Learning Matters, 2010 9781844453597 (pbk.) | 1844453 ix, 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3070 WAL 05004060 Practice Education in Social Work : Walker,Janet Learning Matters, 2009 9781844451050 xiii, 188 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30704 WAT 05023973 Integrating Theory and Practice in Social Work Education / Watson, Florence Jessica Kingsley, 2003 1853029815 270 p Knowledge Centre
361.307041 WAT 05024273 Integrating Theory and Practice in Social Work Education / Watson, Florence Jessica Kingsley, 2002 1853029815 272 p Knowledge Centre
361.307041 WAT 05024274 Integrating Theory and Practice in Social Work Education / Watson, Florence Jessica Kingsley, 2002 1853029815 272 p Knowledge Centre
361.3071 BAL 00109726 Studying Social Work Eileen Baldry Sage Publication Ltd 2011 9781848601253 133 p. UG Library
361.3071 BAL 05048674 Studying for social work / Baldry, Eileen. SAGE, 2011 9781848601246 (hbk.) | 1848601247 (hbk.) | 1848601255 (pbk.) | 9781848601253 (pbk.) 133 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3071 DES 05024281 Methodology Progressive : Desai Murli Rawat Publications, 2004 9788170338895 177 p Knowledge Centre
361.3071 STO 05024291 A dream deferred : Stoesz, David. Transaction Publishers, 2010 9780202363806 (alk. paper) | 0 xi, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3071041 PIE 05024693 Innovative Education and Training for Care Professionals : Pierce, Rachel Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853026131 254 p Knowledge Centre
361.30711 JON 05048436 Critical Learning For Social Work Students / Sue, Jones. Sage, 2013 9781446268155 2nd ed. Vii,165p. Knowledge Centre
361.30711 JON 05024694 Critical learning for social work students / Jones, Sue. Learning Matters, 2009 9781844452019 (pbk.) | 1844452 vi, 138 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30711 JON 00123828 Critical Learning for Social Work Students Jones, Sue. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446268162 2nd ed. 165 p:. UG Library
361.3071141 HUM 05055950 Becoming a social worker : Humphrey, Caroline SAGE, 2011 9781849200578 (hbk.) | 9781849 xiv, 264 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3071141 HUM 00135026 Becoming a social worker : Humphrey, Caroline SAGE, 2011 9781849200578 (hbk.) | 9781849 xiv, 264 p. : UG Library
361.3071141 LIS 05040153 Social work education and training / Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 9781849050760 (alk. paper) | 1 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3071141 THO 05004052 The Social Work Companion : Thompson,Neil Palgrave Macmillan , 2008 9781403937957 xvii,359 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3071154 SRI 05048143 Field work practice in social work education / R Srinivasu Manglam Publications, 2015 9789382963514 313 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30715 RUT 00124139 Continuing professional development in social work / Rutter, Lynne. Sage 2013 9781446266564 (hbk.) | 1446266 xvi, 96 pages : UG Library
361.307150 AAR 00142578 Social work field practicum and supervision Aara,Rafat Rawat publications, 2021 9788131612149 xiv,224p.; UG Library
361.307155 ABB 05048206 Action learning in social work / Abbott, Christine. Sage, 2013 9781446275351 1st edition. x,160p.; Knowledge Centre
361.307155 DOE 05024698 Contemporary field social work : Doel, Mark. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412987196 (pbk.) | 1412987 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.307155 WIL 05073092 The practice educators handbook / Williams, Sarah. Sage, 2019 9781526423917 4th ed ix,217p.; Knowledge Centre
361.307155 WIL 05024697 The Practice Educator's Handbook / Williams, Sarah Learning Matters Ltd., 2010 9780857250940 vii, 152 p. Knowledge Centre
361.307155 WIL 00126814 The Practice Educator's Handbook Williams Sarah Sage Publications, 2013 9781446266618 2nd ed, vii, 156 p.: UG Library
361.307155 WIL 07009533 The Practice Educator's Handbook / Williams Sarah Sage, 2013 9781446266601 2nd ed vii,156p.: Library - BR Campus
361.307155 WIL 00123812 The practice educator's handbook / Williams, Sarah. Sage Publications, 2013 2nd ed. 156p. cm. UG Library
361.3072 MCL 05002781 Understanding Social Work Research [MSW-SECTION] Mclaughlin, Hugh 9781412908498 210p Knowledge Centre
361.3072 MUD 00115316 Social Work Education Today and Tomorrow: Mudgal, S D Book Enclave 8181520459 244p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.3072 ALS 00060358 Research for Social Workers : Alston, Margaret Rawat Publications, 2002 8170338069 2nd Ed. ix,334p.; UG Library
361.3072 ALS 05023349 Research for Social Workers : Alston, Margaret Rawat Publications, 2002 8170338069 2nd Ed. ix,334p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3072 DAS 05024251 Research Methods for Social Work / Das Lal D K Rawat, 2008 9788131601617 318 p Knowledge Centre
361.3072 DCR 05024700 Social Work Research : D'Cruz, Heather Sage Publications, 2006 0761949712 194 p Knowledge Centre
361.3072 DES 05024282 Methodology of Progresisive Social Work Education / Desai, Murli Rawat Publications, 2004 8170338891 178 p Knowledge Centre
361.3072 DES 05002780 Methodology of Progresisive Social Work Education / Desai, Murli Rawat Publications, 2004 8170338891 178 p Knowledge Centre
361.3072 DES 00115317 Methodology of Progreesive Social Work Education; Desai, Murli Rawat Publications 2004 8170338891 | 9788170338895 177 p. UG Library
361.3072 DUD 05002926 Social Work Evaluation Dudley James R Lyceum Books, Inc. 9780925065728 297p Knowledge Centre
361.3072 DUD 00110687 Social Work Evaluation Enhancing What We Do / Dudley, James R. Lyceum Books, 2009 9780925065728 | 9780925065728 xvi, 297 p. : UG Library
361.3072 ENG 01011869 The practice of research in social work / Engel, Rafael J. SAGE, 9781412968911 (pbk.) | 1412968 xxii, 583 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3072 ENG 05002779 The practice of research in social work / Engel, Rafael J. SAGE, 9781412968911 (pbk.) | 1412968 xxii, 583 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3072 ENG 05058326 The practice of research in social work / Engel, Rafael J., Sage, 2017 9781506304267 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xix, 473 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.3072 FOR 05045341 Qualitative research in social work / Columbia University Press, 2013 9780231161381 (cloth : alk. pa 2nd ed. xxxv, 580 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3072 GRI 05033573 Social work research and evaluation : Richard M Grinnell Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195301526 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0195301528 (cloth : alk. paper) 8th ed. xxii, 610 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3072 GRI 04019051 Social work research and evaluation : Richard M Grinnell Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195301526 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0195301528 (cloth : alk. paper) 8th ed. xxii, 610 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.3072 MOR 05024260 Social Work Research Methods : Morris, Teresa Sage, 2006 1412916747 314 p Knowledge Centre
361.3072 MOR 00083586 Social Work Research Methods : Morris, Teresa Sage, 2006 1412916747 314 p UG Library
361.3072 MOR 05024259 Social Work Research Methods : Morris, Teresa Sage, 2006 314 p Knowledge Centre
361.3072 MUD 00115315 Social Work Education Today and Tomorrow: Mudgal, S D Book Enclave 8181520459 244p UG Library
361.3072 PAD 05017413 Qualitative methods in social work research / Padgett, Deborah. Sage Publications, 2008 9781412951920 (cloth : alk. pa xxi, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3072 PAD 05002778 Qualitative methods in social work research / Padgett, Deborah. Sage Publications, 2008 9781412951920 (cloth : alk. pa xxi, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3072 RAT 05048062 Social Work and Research / Rathod, Devidas G Current Publications, 2016 242 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3072 ROY 05032447 Fieldwork in social work / Roy, Sanjoy, Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605288 xx, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3072 ROY 05044543 Methods and Development of social work / Roy, Sanjoy Discovery Publications, 2015 9788131605288 | 9789350567074 334 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3072 RUB 05024252 Methods for social work research/ Rubin Allen Cengage Learning, 2010 9788131513781 362 p. Knowledge Centre
361.3072 SAR 05045332 Social Work and Research / Saran,K.K. Centrum Press, 2012 9789381293676 viii,280p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3072 SHA 05043190 Qualitative research in social work / Sage, 2001 076196181X | 0761961828 (PBK.) vi,233p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3072 SHE 05035503 Qualitative Research In Social Work / Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606025 xii,520p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3072 SHE 05049228 Qualitative Research In Social Work / Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606025 xii,520p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3072 SHE 07006895 Qualitative Research In Social Work / Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606025 xii,520p.; Library - BR Campus
361.3072 SMI 07006892 Doing Social Work Research / Smith, Roger S. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605899 217 p. ; Library - BR Campus
361.3072 SMI 05032595 Doing Social Work Research / Smith, Roger S. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605899 217 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3072 SMI 00126137 Doing Social Work Research / Smith, Roger S. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605899 217 p. ; UG Library
361.3072 WIL 05043153 Introduction to social work research / Williams, Margaret. F.E. Peacock Publishers, 1998 0875814158 | 9780875814155 ix, 402 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30720954 SIN 05024253 Social Work Education in India : Singh, Surendra New Royal Book Co., 2003 8185936463 415 p Knowledge Centre
361.30721 GRI 05002910 Social Work Research and Evaluation Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches (MSW) Grinnell, Richard M 0875814026 640p Knowledge Centre
361.30721 HAR 05048669 Doing social work research / Hardwick, Louise. SAGE, 2011 9781847879127 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 163 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30721 HAR 00125998 Doing social work research / Hardwick, Louise. SAGE, 2011 9781847879127 (hbk.) | 9781847 xi, 163 p. : UG Library
361.30721 MCL 05024699 Understanding Soical Work Researh / Mclaughlin, Hugyh Sage, 2007 210 p Knowledge Centre
361.30721 MCL 00124817 Understanding Social Work Research / McLaughlin, Hugh, SAGE, 2012 9780857028716 | 9780857028723 2nd ed. 224 p. ; UG Library
361.30721 TEA 05055935 Quantitative research methods for social work : Teater,Barbra. Palgrave, 2017 9781137400260 xii,278p.; Knowledge Centre
361.30727 TRA 00147713 Applied cross-cultural data analysis for social work / Tran, Thanh V. Oxford, 2021 9780190888510 ix,302p. ; UG Library
361.3076 APG 07012046 Social work ASWB advanced generalist practice test : Apgar, Dawn, Springer Publication, 2018 9780826134349 xvi, 280p.; Library - BR Campus
361.3076 APG 07014069 Social work ASWB masters practice test : Apgar, Dawn, Springer Publishing Company LLC, 2018 9780826147226 Second edition. xvi,230p.: Library - BR Campus
361.3076 APG 07014068 Social work ASWB bachelors practice test : Apgar, Dawn, Springer Publishing Company,LLC, 2018 9780826147240 Second edition. xvi,190p.: Library - BR Campus
361.3076 APG 07014067 Social work ASWB clinical practice test : Apgar, Dawn, Springer Publishing Company,LLC, 2018 9780826134363 xvi, 286 pages : Library - BR Campus
361.3082 WHI 05024713 The state of feminist social work / White, Vicky, Routledge, 2006 0415328449 (pbk.) | 0415328438 173 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
361.30820941 WHI 05002782 The State of Feminist Social Work. White, Vicky 0415328446 173p Knowledge Centre
361.309 BYW 05024711 Social work and global health inequalities : Paul Bywaters Policy, 2009 9781847421968 (hbk.) | 1847421 xvi, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3092 KAR 01012541 Remembered childhood : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198064350 | 0198064357 xvi, 219 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3092 KAR 00093992 Remembered Childhood Karlekar Malavika Oxford University Press, 2010 9780198064350 219p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.3092 SUB 05024709 Fieldwork Training in Social Work / Subhedar, I S Rawat Publications, 2001 8170336457 272 p Knowledge Centre
361.30922 GLA 05067047 Social work leaders through history : Gladden, Jessica Lyn, Springer Publishing Company, 2018 9780826146441 xii, 212 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.30922 LEC 05048226 The call to social work : LeCroy, Craig W. SAGE, 2012 9781412987936 (pbk.) | 1412987 2nd ed. xxv, 129 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3092273BEC 01010408 Lifting Our Voices; the Journeys into Family Caregiving of Professional Social Workers(law Lib) Joyce O Beckett Columbia University Press 9780231140614 352p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 ADA 05004055 The short guide to social work / Adams, Robert, Policy, 2010 9781847422873 (pbk.) | 1847422 xiii, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30941 CLA 05002777 Social work as community development : Clarke, S. J. G. Ashgate, 0754611116 viii, 307 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30941 CRE 05024703 Social Work : Cree Viviene Rawat Publication, 2008 9788131602942 202 p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 CRE 05024705 Becoming a Social Worker / Cree, Viviene E London, 2003 0415259428 176 p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 CRE 05043383 Social work : Cree, Viviene E., Routledge, 2011 9780415499729 | 9780415499736 242 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30941 DAV 05024708 Essential Social Worker : Davies, Martin Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003 1857421019 227 p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 DAV 05043384 Essential Social Worker : Davies, Martin Ashgate Publishing Limited, 1994 1857421019 227p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 DAV 05043360 The Essential social worker / Davies Martin Ashgate, 1994 9781857421019 227p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 DOE 05024714 Learning Practice & Assessment : Doel Mark Jessica Kingsley publishers, 2002 9781853029769 176 p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 FER 05048673 Radical social work in practice : Ferguson, Iain, Policy Press, 2009 9781861349927 (hbk.) | 1861349 viii, 192 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.30941 HOR 05024712 What Is Social Work? Horner, Nigel Learning Matters, 2006 1903300827 164 p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 LYM 05024267 Social Work : Lymbery, Mark Sage, 2007 9781412920025 302 p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 SHE 05024704 A Textbook of Social Work / Sheldon, Brian Routledge, 2009 9780415347211 429 p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 SHE 00107386 A Textbook of Social Work / Sheldon, Brian Routledge, 2009 9780415347211 429 p UG Library
361.30941 SHE 00112153 A Textbook of Social Work / Sheldon, Brian Routledge, 2009 9780415347211 429 p UG Library
361.30941 SHE 00102957 A Textbook of Social Work / Sheldon, Brian Routledge, 2009 9780415347211 429 p UG Library
361.30941 SHE 05024266 A Textbook of Social Work / Sheldon, Brian Routledge, 2009 9780415347211 429 p Knowledge Centre
361.30941 TRI 05044546 Future of social work / Trivedi, Tanuja Jnanada Prakashan, 2014 033346396X (cased) : | 0333463 261 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30954 BAT 05024732 Dynamics of Social Work in India / Batra, Nitin Raj Publishing House, 2004 8187248955 232 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 BAT 05024731 Dynamics of Social Work in India / Batra, Nitin Raj Publishing House, 2004 8187248955 232 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 BAT 05043240 Dynamics of Social Work in India / Batra, Nitin Raj Publishing House, 2004 8187248955 232 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 GHA 05024746 Nomadic Tribes and Soical Work In india / Ghatage Dr B S Sheetal Printer, 2006 8190205552 256 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30954 GOE 05002914 Social welfare administration: Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications; 9788184502435 561 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30954 GOE 05002913 Social welfare administration: Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications; 9788184502435 561 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30954 JAC 05022886 Social Work Education in India (retrospect and Prospect) (MSW SHELF) Jacob, K K Himanshu Publications 8185167842 244p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 JAC 05024733 Social Work Education in India : Jacob K K Himanshu Publications, 2000 8185167842 244 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30954 JAC 05024734 Social Work Education in India : Jacob, K K Himanshu Publications, 1994 8185167842 244 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 NAG 05024766 Social Work in Urban India / Nagpaul, Hans Rawat, 2004 203 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 NAG 05024750 Social Work in Urban India / Nagpaul, Hans Rawat, 2004 203 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 NAG 05024710 Social Work in Urban India / Nagpaul, Hans Rawat, 2004 203 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 NAG 05024735 Social work and social welfare in India / Nagendra, Shilaja ABD Publishers, 2005 8189011812 216 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 PAT 00142840 Social welfare administration and development Patil,Keshao Current publications, 2021 9789391542474 280p.; UG Library
361.30954 RAM 05044214 Social Work Education in India : Niruta Print Solutions, 2015 9789382694045 340p.: Knowledge Centre
361.30954 RAM 05044215 Social Work Education in India : Niruta Print Solutions, 2015 9789382694045 340p.: Knowledge Centre
361.30954 SID 05072345 Working with communities : Siddiqui, H Y. AlterNotes Press, 2021 9788194993179 xviii, 288p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.30954 SIN 05037519 Encyclopaedia Of Social Welfare And Administration / Singh, Ravindra Prasad. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788126141333 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.30954 SIN 05037520 Encyclopaedia Of Social Welfare And Administration / Singh, Ravindra Prasad. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788126141333 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.30954 SUR 05024749 Teaching and Practice of Social Work in India : Singh Surendra, S P Srivastava New Royal Book Company, 2005 8189267051 298 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30954 SUR 05024073 Social Work Education in India : Surednra Singh New Royal Book Co., 2004 8185936463 412 p Knowledge Centre
361.30954 WEE 05024752 Prophets of New Inida : The Week Penguin, 2004 0670057916 268 p Knowledge Centre
361.309599 JHA 05043239 Social Welfare and Social Work [MSW-SECTION] Jha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126110570 343p Knowledge Centre
361.30973 LEW 05062069 Social workers as game changers : Lewis, Laura. Sage, 2018 9781506317052 (pbk. : alk. paper) ix,240p.; Knowledge Centre
361.30973 LIE 05048228 The social workout book SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412965149 (pbk.) | 1412965 2nd ed. xvi,147p.; Knowledge Centre
361.30973 NEL 05024720 Field of Adult Services : Nelson, Gary M NASW Press, 1995 0871012502 405 p Knowledge Centre
361.30973 SHE 05041723 Social work : Sheafor, Bradford W. Allyn & Bacon, 2012 9780205034673 (alk. paper) | 0 12th ed. xxiii, 528 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30994 NAS 05024718 Social Work Theories in Action / Nash Mary, Robyn Munford Jessica Kingsley Publications 2005 1843102498 272 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30994 NAS 05024717 Social Work Theories in Action / Nash Mary, Robyn Munford Jessica Kingsley Publications 2005 1843102498 272 p. Knowledge Centre
361.30994 NAS 05024719 Social Work Theories in Action / Nash, Mary Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2005 1843102498 272 p Knowledge Centre
361.30994 NAS 05024716 Social work theories in action / Mary Nash. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005 9781843102496 (pbk.) 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.30994 NAS 05024715 Social work theories in action Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005 9781846421006 | 1843102498 272 p. Knowledge Centre
361.314 MOS 05002915 Communication Skills for Health and Social Care [MSW-SECTION] Moss, Bernard Sage, 2008 9781412922852 212p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 BUR 05002784 Social Work and Disadvantage: Addressing the Roots of Stigma Through Association(msw) Burke, Peter Jessica Kingsley Publications 1843103648 176p Knowledge Centre
361.32 DIN 05001588 Social work : DiNitto, Diana M. Lyceum Books, Inc., 2008 9780925065865 (alk. paper) 3rd ed. xvi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 FER 05037060 Social Work for Women and Children / Fernandez,Alex B. Pacific Books Inernational, 2014 9789381138885 v,280p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 GOR 05047810 Theory and Practice of Social Case Work / Hamilton, Gordon. Rawat Publications , 2013 9788131605929 second edition v, 328 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 HEP 05024790 Theory and Skills in Social Work : Hepworth, Dean H Cengage Learning India pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788131513798 640 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 MAT 00134057 Social work and spirituality / Mathews, Ian. Learning Matters, 2009 9781844451944 (pbk.) | 1844451 xii, 148 p. ; UG Library
361.32 OHA1 05002897 Evidency Based Practices of Social Workers:An Interdisciplinary Appeiach [MSW-SECTION] O`Hare, Thomas 0925065684 679p Knowledge Centre
361.32 RUC 05022967 Relationship-based social work Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010 1849050031 (alk. paper) | 9781 271 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 ADA 05023952 Critical Practice in Social Work / Adams, Robert Palgrave, 2004 0033392553 351 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 ADA 05024175 Social Work and Empowerment / Adams, Robert Palmgrave, 2003 1403905517 213 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BAN 05024799 Ethics and Values in Social Work / Banks, Sarah Palgrave, 2004 0333947983 216 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BEC 05022978 Essential Theory for Social Work Practice / Beckett, Chris Sage, 2006 0761940634 242p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BEC 05043377 Essential Theory for Social Work Practice / Beckett, Chris Sage, 2006 0761940634 242p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BEE 00148086 Developing your communication skills in social work / Beesley, Paula Sage publication ltd., 2024 9781529752786 1st edition. 205p. ; UG Library
361.32 BEE 00130803 Developing your communication skills in social work / Beesley, Paula. Sage publication ltd., 2018 9781473975873 (pbk.) | 9781473 1st edition. 190p.; UG Library
361.32 BEG 05022977 Concepts of social work practice Begum Farzana Rajat publication; 9788178805061 262 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 BHA 00061605 Field Work in Social Work Perspective / Bhanti, Raj Himanshu, 1996 8186231226 188p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.32 BHA 05043132 Field Work in Social Work Perspective / Bhanti, Raj Himanshu, 1996 8186231226 188p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 BHA 05073504 The Air Plot : Bharathi, Acharya Sachidananda. Winco Books, 2017 9788193357101 228p, ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 BOG 05043404 Social Work Practice : Bogo, Marion Rawat Publications, 2007 8131601412 311p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BOG 01004720 Social Work Practice Concepts, Processes & Interviewing (law Lib) Marion Bogo RAWAT 8131601412 311p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BOG 05024956 Social Work Practice : Bogo, Marion Rawat Publications, 2007 8131601412 311 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BOG 05004023 Social Work Practice : Bogo, Marion Rawat Publications, 2006 97881316014 xxi, 311 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 BOG 05024681 Social Work Practice : Bogo, Marion Rawat Publications, 2007 8131601412 311 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BOY 05043130 Direct practice in social work / Pearson/Allyn & Bacon, 2006 0205401627 xx, 524 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 BRI 05024779 Social work practice : Briggs Harold.E Lyceum Books, 2001 0925065358 (alk. paper) xi, 467 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 BRI 05043385 Social Work Practice : Briggs, Harold E Lyceum, 2001 0925065358 467p Knowledge Centre
361.32 BRO 05043140 Critical thinking for social work / Brown, Keith, Learning Matters, 2006 184445049X (pbk.) | 9781844450 xiii, 50 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 BRO 05025146 Critical thinking for social work / Brown, Keith, Learning Matters, 2006 184445049X (pbk.) | 9781844450 xiii, 50 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 BRO 05004058 Critical thinking for social work / Brown, Keith, Learning Matters, 2008 1844451577 (pbk.) | 9781844451 2nd ed. xiv, 66 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 BRO 05024784 Critical Thinking for Soical Work : Keith Brown, Lynne Rutter Learning Matters, 2005 0184445049 50 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 BRU 00122802 A practical guide to evaluation / Brun, Carl F. Lyceum Books 2014 9781935871453 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xxxiv, 390 pages : UG Library
361.32 BUR 05022968 Macro practice in social work for the 21st century / Burghardt, Stephen SAGE Publications, 9781412972987 (cloth) | 978141 xiv, 348 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 BUR 00129627 Macro Practice in Social Work For The 21st Century : Burghardt, Stephen, Sage, 2014 9781452257457 | 1452257450 Second edition. xix, 490 p . : UG Library
361.32 COU 05024796 Social Work Practice : Coulshed, Veronica Palgrave, 2003 0333727304 256 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 CRA 05024957 Social Work and Human Development / Crawford, Karin Learning Matters, 2005 1903300835 139 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 CRA 05024774 Social Work and Human Development : Crawford, Karin Learning Matters, 2004 1903300835 140 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 CUR 05032225 Loss and Social Work / Currer, Caroline Learning Matters, 2007 9781844450886 136 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 DAR 00121652 Effective advocacy in social work / Dalrymple, Jane, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2013 9781446201497 (hb : alk. paper 1st ed. 192p. cm. UG Library
361.32 DAR 05048668 Effective advocacy in social work / Dalrymple, Jane, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2013 9781446201497 (hb : alk. paper 1st ed. 192p. cm. Knowledge Centre
361.32 DIN 05002721 Social work : DiNitto, Diana M. Lyceum Books, Inc., 2008 9780925065865 (alk. paper) 3rd ed. xvi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 DIN 05002723 Social work : DiNitto, Diana M. Lyceum Books, Inc., 2008 9780925065865 (alk. paper) 3rd ed. xvi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 DIN 05002724 Social work : DiNitto, Diana M. Lyceum Books, Inc., 2008 9780925065865 (alk. paper) 3rd ed. xvi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 DOE 05024773 Task-Centred Social Work / Doel Mark Ashgate Publishing Limited, 1992 9781857420708 136 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 DOE 05043388 Learning, Practice & Assessment : Doel, Mark Jessica, 2002 176 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 DOE 05045330 Experiencing social work Doel, Mark. SAGE, 2008 1412910218 (hbk.) | 9781412910 xiii,148p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 DOE 05024772 Experienceing Social Work : Doel, Mark Sage Publications, 2008 9781412910224 148 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 DOM 05049149 Green social work : Dominelli, Lena. Malden, MA : | Polity Press, 2012 9780745654010 | 0745654010 | 9 xiv, 244 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 DOM 05057768 Green social work : Dominelli, Lena. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131609231 xiv, 244p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 DRO 00147712 Transforming Social Work Field Education: Drolet, Julie L. LCR Publishing services, 2022 9781773854397 xiii, 394p.; UG Library
361.32 DUS 05056218 Sustaining social work : Duschinsky, Robbie. Palgrave, 2016 9781137403902 ix,209p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 FIE 00128098 Planning and budgeting skills for health and social work managers Field, Richard Sage, 2012 9780857259875 90p : . Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.32 FIE 00127904 Planning and budgeting skills for health and social work managers Field, Richard Sage, 2012 9780857259875 90p : . UG Library
361.32 FOR Social work practice research for the twenty-first century / Columbia University Press, 2010 9780231142144 (cloth : alk. pa xxi,312 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 FOR 05007776 Social work practice research for the twenty-first century Columbia University Press, 2010 xxi, 312 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 FRA 00137232 Case management : Frankel, Arthur J., Oxford university press, 2019 9780190858889 (pbk. : alk. paper) Fourth edition. xx, 191 pages ; UG Library
361.32 FUR 05042778 Religion, belief and social work : Furness, Sheila. Policy, 2010 9781861349811 vi, 190 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 GAR 00147484 Social work and common sense : Garrett, Paul Michael Routledge, 2024 9781032456461 xvi,280p. ; UG Library
361.32 GHO 05045329 Child Survival and Social Work / Ghosal,Suman. Centrum Press, 2014 9789350845028 296p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 GOL 00132775 Advanced clinical social work practice : Goldstein, Eda G. Columbia University Press, 2009 9780231143189 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0231143184 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780231143196 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 0231143192 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780231520447 (ebook) | 0231520441 (ebook) xviii, 238 p. ; UG Library
361.32 GRA 05024951 Evidence-based social work : Gray, Mel, Routledge, 2009 0415468221 (hbk.) | 041546823X xix, 216 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 HAF 05024683 Management and Organisations in Social Work / Letchfield, Trish Hafford Learning Matters, 2006 1844450449 154 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HAI 05020946 Human behavior for social work practice : Haight, Wendy L., Lyceum Books, 0925065919 (alk. paper) | 9780 x, 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 HAL 05022955 CONSTRUCTING CLIENTHOOD IN SOCIAL WORK AND HUMAN SERVICES (msw) Hall, Christopher Jessica Kingsley Publications 1843100738 272p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HAL 05043376 Constructing Clienthood in Social Work and Human Services : Hall, Christopher Jessica Kingsley Publications 2003 1843100738 272p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HAL 05022956 Constructing Clienthood in Social Work and Human Services: Interaction, Identities and Practices:Msw Shelf Hall, Christopher Jessica Kingsley Publications 1843100738 272p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HAR 05024798 Community Practice : Hardcastle, David A Oxford University Press, 2004 0019514161 463 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HAR 05024797 Community Practice : Hardcastle, David A Oxford University Press, 2004 0019514161 463 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HEN 00109728 Relationship skills in social work Hennessey, Roger SAGE, 2011 9781848601550 (hbk.) | 1848601 vi, 146 p. ; UG Library
361.32 HEP 05024751 Theory and Skills in Social Work : Hepworth, Dean H Cengage Learning India pvt.Ltd., 2010 9788131513798 640 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HEP 00099113 Theory and skills in social work / Hepworth Dean.H Cenage Learning, 2010 9780195698428 640 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 HEP 05043129 Direct social work practice : Hepworth, Dean H. Brooks/Cole, 1993 0534199569 4th ed. xx, 674, 28, 8, 21 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 HEP 05057763 Direct social work practice : Cengage, 2018 9788131534168 9th ed. xxi, 678p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 HEP 05024962 Direct Social Work Practice : Hepworth Dean H Cengage Learning, 2010 9780495604280 654 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HIG 05024794 Social Work : Higham, Patricia Sage Publications, 2006 1412908574 233 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HOL 07001976 The practice of generalist case management / Holt, Barbara J. Allyn and Bacon, 2000 0205287336 (pbk.) xiii, 144 p. ; Library - BR Campus
361.32 HOR 05024707 What Is Social Work? : Horner, Nigel Learning Matters, 2006 1903300827 164 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 HUT 05022159 Challenges of Living:A Multimensional Working Model for Social Workers Hutchison, Elizabeth D Sage 420p Knowledge Centre
361.32 JAC 05024747 Social Development Perspectives / Jacob K K Himanshu Publications, 1992 8185167494 231 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 JAN 05004013 Social Work and Human Rights / Janagambika M.L Navyug Books International, 2010 9789380731001 viii,296 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 JAN 05002976 Family treatment in social work practice / Janzen, Curtis. F.E. Peacock Publishers, 1997 0875814034 3rd ed. xii, 421 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 JOH 05043382 Social Services : Johnson, H Wayne F E Peacock, 1998 0875814131 497p Knowledge Centre
361.32 JOH 05009268 Social Work Practice : Johnson, Louise C PHI Learning, 2011 9788120343559 xviii,459 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 KAZ 05043128 Single-Case evalution by social workers / Kazi Mansoor A.F Ashgate; 1998 1859724140 175 p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 KOP 00128107 Communication and interpersonal skills in social work / Koprowska, Juliet. Learning Matters, 2010 9781844456109 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xi, 191 p. ; UG Library
361.32 LAW 05022979 Practice Teaching -Changing Social Work: [MSW] Lawson, Hilary Jessica Kingsley 1853024783 282p Knowledge Centre
361.32 LAW 05024789 Practice Teaching - Changing Social Work / Lawson, Hilary Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853024783 282 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 LIN 05024187 Social work intervention / Lindsay Trevor Learning Matters, 2009 9781844451999 | 1844451992 xi, 180 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 LIN 05024960 Groupwork Practice in Social Work : Lindsay, Trevor Learning Matters, 2008 9781844450862 140 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 LIN 05024785 Groupwork Practice in Social Work : Lindsay, Trevor Learning Matters, 2008 9781844450862 140 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 LIN 05024952 Groupwork Practice in Social Work / Lindsay Trevor Learning Matters Ltd, 2008 9781844450862 140 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 LIS 05062304 Communication in social work / Lishman, Joyce. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9781403916204 | 1403916209 2nd ed. xiii, 226 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 LLE 05056312 Sociology for social workers / Llewellyn, Anne. Rawat publications, 2017 9780745660325 (hardcover) | 97 Second edition. vi, 324 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 LON 05040092 Macro Social Work Practice : Long Dennis.D Cengage Learning, 2012 9788131517437 xviii,290p.: Knowledge Centre
361.32 LYM 05022972 Social Work Ideals and Practice Realities (MSW) Lymbery, Mark 0333749766 306p Knowledge Centre
361.32 MAR 05004063 Social Work Assessment / Martin,Ruben Learning Matters Ltd, 2010 9781844452934 xi,158 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 MAT 05024961 Social work and spirituality / Mathews, Ian. Learning Matters, 2009 9781844451944 (pbk.) | 1844451 xii, 148 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 MAY 05043307 Social Work Speaks. National Association of Social Workers P, olicy Statements 2000-2003 0871013185 359p Knowledge Centre
361.32 MEN 00107644 Principle of Socioal Work Practice Menon, Sujata Prof. YKing Books 2011 9789380930312 216 P. UG Library
361.32 MEN 00146294 Interdisciplinary Social Work Practice/ Mengi, Nancy Rawat, 2023 9788131612798 212p. ; UG Library
361.32 MIC 05056007 Social work case management : Holosko, Michael J., Sage, 2018 9781483374475 xxvii, 419 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.32 MIL 00073975 Women and Social Work Milner Judith Palgrave 2001 9780333922453 192 p UG Library
361.32 MIL 05057038 Assessment in social work / Milner, Judith, Palgrave, 2015 9781137375650 4th edition. xii, 303 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 OCO 05024953 Social Work and Social Care Practice / O'Connor, Ian Sage Publications, 2006 0761940634 242 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 OHA 05002899 Evidence-Based Practices for Social Workers O'Hare, Thomas Lyceum Books, Inc. 9780925065681 679p Knowledge Centre
361.32 OHA 05043126 Essential skills of social work practice : O'Hare, Thomas. Lyceum Books, 2009 9781933478500 ix, 411 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 OLU 05024781 Social Work With Children & Famillies / Jowitt, Maureen Learning Matters, 2005 0184445018 134 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 ORM 05024762 Developing research based social work practice / Orme, Joan. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230200456 (pbk.) | 0230200 xii, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 PAR 05024783 Effective Practice Learning in Social Work : Parket, Jonathan Learning Matters, 2004 1844450155 131 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 PAR 05043403 Effective Practice Learning in Social Work / Parker, Jonathan Learning Matters, 2005 1844450155 130p Knowledge Centre
361.32 PAR 05024782 Effective Practice Learning in Social Work : Parket, Jonathan Learning Matters, 2004 1844450155 131 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 PAR 05022964 Social Work Practice: Assessment, Planning, Intervention and Review [MSW-SECTION] Parker, Jonathan Learning Matters 9781844451135 153 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 PAR 00132943 Values & ethics in social work practice / Parrott, Lester, Sage, 2014 9781446293874 (hbk.) | 1446293874 (hbk.) | 9781446293881 (pbk.) | 1446293882 (pbk.) | 1844452409 | 9781844452408 | 1473907217 | 9781473907218 3rd ed. xii, 204 pages : UG Library
361.32 PAT 05044218 Social Work and Social Welfare : Pathak Shankar Nirutha Publications, 2014 9788192332666 339p.: Knowledge Centre
361.32 PAT 05044219 Social Work and Social Welfare : Pathak Shankar Nirutha Publications, 2014 9788192332666 339p.: Knowledge Centre
361.32 PAV 07005194 Communication and Interpersonal Skills/ Pavord,Erica. Lentern Publication, 2015 9781908625328 Xi,125 P,: Library - BR Campus
361.32 QUI 00124814 Interprofessional Social Work : Quinney, Anne. Sage Publications, 2012 9781844453795 2nd ed. xvi, 191 p.: UG Library
361.32 RAJ 05044997 Sociology for Social Workers / Raju Rama.Dr.P.S Book Enclave, 2015 9788181523631 297p.: Knowledge Centre
361.32 REA 05024753 Social Work Values and Ethics / Reamer Frederic G Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339154 247 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 RIC 05044530 Observation and its application to social work : Riche, Pat Le Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1998 1853026298 (hb) | 1853026301 ( 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 ROD 05022966 Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work [ MSW ] Koprowska, Juliet Learning Matters 1844450198 179p Knowledge Centre
361.32 RUT 05048211 Critical thinking and professional judgement for social work / Rutter, Lynne. Learning Matters ; | Sage Publication Inc., 2012 9780857257536 (pbk.) | 0857257 3rd ed. xvi, 79 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 RZE 05041753 From task-centered social work to evidence-based and integrative practice : Lyceum Books, 2012 9781933478999 (alk. paper) xxi, 227 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 SAR 00107073 Direct Social Work Practice Theory and Skills Sarkar Sanjeev Yking Books 2011 9789380930299 vi, 280 p. UG Library
361.32 SCH 01010566 Behavioral methods in social welfare : AldineTransaction, 2008 9780202362144 (alk. paper) xxx, 386 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 SCH 05037953 Behavioral methods in social welfare : AldineTransaction, 2008 9780202362144 (alk. paper) xxx, 386 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 SEN 05024776 Social Work Practices / Sen, S K Book Enclave, 2007 191 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 SHA 05022156 Learning to Practice Social Work: Internationalk Approaches: MSW Shelf Shardlow, M Steven Jessica Kingsley 1853027634 272p Knowledge Centre
361.32 SHA 05022157 Learning to Practice Social Work: Internationalk Approaches: MSW Shelf Shardlow, M Steven Jessica Kingsley 1853027634 272p Knowledge Centre
361.32 SHE 05022976 Social Work and Social Exclusion: The Idea of Practice [msw-Section] Sheppard, Michael 0754647706 281p Knowledge Centre
361.32 SHE 05024786 Social Work and Social Exclusion : Sheppard, Michael Ashgate, 2006 0754647706 281 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 SHE 05006708 Techniques and guidelines for Social Work Practice / Sheafor,Bradford.W PHI Learning Private Limited, 2011 9788120343726 9th ed xv,482 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 SHE 05006707 Techniques and guidelines for Social Work Practice / Sheafor,Bradford.W PHI Learning Private Limited, 2011 9788120343726 9th ed xv,482 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 SUB 05023995 Fieldwork Training in Social Work / Subhedar, I S Rawat, 2003 274 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 SUB 05043136 Fieldwork Training in Social Work / Subhedar, I S Rawat, 2003 274 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 TAY 05039788 Professional decision making and risk in social work / Taylor, Brian. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446266595 2nd ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
361.32 TEA 05068162 Contemporary social work practice Rawat publications, 2014 9788131609224 xiv, 295p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 TEA 05067193 Contemporary social work practice Rawat publications, 2014 9788131609224 xiv, 295p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 THO 00131299 Promoting equality, valuing diversity : Thompson, Neil, Palgrave, 2018 9781905541492 | 190554149X | 9781352001181 4th ed., xxi,289p.; UG Library
361.32 THO 05043127 The social work practicum : F.E. Peacock, 1996 087581400X 2nd ed. xvii, 332 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 THO 05061999 Theorizing Practice : Thompson, Neil. Palgrave, 2017 9781137609519 xix, 288p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 THO 05022971 Social Work Practicum an Access Gude (MSW) Thomlison, Barbara 0087581400 332p Knowledge Centre
361.32 TRO 05024954 Working With Involuntary Clients : Trotter, Chris Sage Publications, 2007 214 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 TWE 05024800 Community Work / Alan Twelvetress Palgrave, 2002 0333912705 210 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 UPA 05024778 Social Casework / Uadhyay, R K Rawat, 2004 260 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 UPA 05024777 Social Casework / Uadhyay, R K Rawat, 2004 260 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 UPA 05022991 Social Casework / Uadhyay, R K Rawat, 2004 260 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 UPA 05022992 Social Case Work [MSW] Upadhyay R K Rawat Publications 8170337585 260 Knowledge Centre
361.32 UPA 05004024 Social Casework : Upadhyay R K Rawat Publications, 2003 9788170337584 ix, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 UPA 05022986 Social Casework / Upadhyay, R K Rawat Publications, 2004 0008170335 260 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 UPA 05034419 Social Casework / Upadhyay, R K Rawat Publications, 2004 0008170335 260 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 VAU 05024958 Readings in evidence-based social work : Vaughn,Michael.G SAGE, 2009 9781412963237 (cloth) | 141296 viii, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 VAU 05043389 Readings in evidence-based social work : Michael G Vaughn SAGE, 2009 9781412963237 (cloth) | 141296 viii, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 WAL 05024765 Direct Social Work Practice / Walsh Joseph Cengage Learning, 2010 9781439041727 383 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 WAL 05062065 Social work and human development / Walker, Janet. Sage, 2017 9781473989818 5th edition. xi,236p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 WAL 05024793 Direct social work practice; Walsh,Joseph Cengage Learning; 2010 9788131513750 349 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32 WAL 05062757 Social work and human development / Walker, Janet. Sage, 2017 9781473989818 5th edition. xi,236p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 WAL 00148088 Social work and human development / Walker, Janet Learning Matters, 2024 9781529621815 7th ed, 241p. ; UG Library
361.32 WAR 05022965 Service User and Carer Participation in Social Work [msw-Section] Warren, Janet Learning Matters 9781844450749 141p Knowledge Centre
361.32 WAR 05024771 Service User and Carer Participation in Social Work / Warren Janet Learning Matters Ltd., 2007 9781844450749 140 p Knowledge Centre
361.32 WAT 05048223 Social work in a digital society / Watling, Sue. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857256775 1st ed. x,165p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32 WHI 05012517 Research skills for social work / Whittaker, Andrew. Learning Matters, 2009 9781844451791 (pbk.) xiii, 137 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 WIL 05039091 Promoting individual & organisational learning in social work / Rutter, Lynne. Sage Publications, 2012 9781446266915 1st ed. xv,119p.: Knowledge Centre
361.32 WIT 05062301 Transforming Social Work : Witkin, Stanley L. Palgrave Macmillan Education, 2017 9781137346421 xvii, 178 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32 WOR 05048153 Key concepts in social work practice / Worsley, Aidan Sage, 2013 9781446207291 (hbk.) | 1446207 xviii, 294 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.32 WOR 00124815 Key Concepts in Social Work Practice / Worsley, Aidan sage Publications, 2013 9781446207291 | 1446207293 | xviii, 294 p ; UG Library
361.32 YEL 05022158 Learning and Teaching in Social Work: Towards Reflective Prctice: [MSW] Yelloly, Margaret Jessica Kingsley 1853022373 232p Knowledge Centre
361.32 ZAS 05037897 Evaluating Social Work Practice Zastrow Cengage Learning India Pvt.Ltd. 9788131513767 455p Knowledge Centre
361.3201 GRI 05062318 The challaenge of existential social work practice / Griffiths, Mark. Palgrave, 2017 9781137528292 x, 224p. Knowledge Centre
361.3201 WAL 05022220 Direct social work practice: Walsh joseph Wadsworth; 9781439041727 383 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32019 MCB 05004051 The assertive social worker / McBride, Patricia, Arena ; | Ashgate Pub. Co., 1998 1857424212 (pbk.) x, 184 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.3202373 COR 05022155 Becoming a Helper [msw-Section] Corey, Marianne Schneider 0534614523 411p Knowledge Centre
361.3202373 COR 05022154 Becoming a Helper [msc-Counselling Psychology Section] Corey, Marianne Schneider 0534614523 411p Knowledge Centre
361.3202373 COR 05024788 Becoming a Helper / Corey, Marianne Thomson Learning, 2003 0534356141 408 p Knowledge Centre
361.3202373 DOE 05022153 Social Work Career Development : Doelling, Carol Nesslein NASW Press; 2004 0871013630 251 p Knowledge Centre
361.3202373 DOE 05043355 Social Work Career Development : Doelling, Carol Nesslein NASW Press; 2004 0871013630 251 p Knowledge Centre
361.3202373 NEU 00132566 Theory, practice, and trends in human services: Neukrug, Ed Brooks/Col cengage learning. 2013 9781133371816 5th ed., xviii,386p.; UG Library
361.3202373 NEU 05043354 Theory, Practice. and Trends in Human Services : Neukrug, Ed Thomson, 2008 9780495097136 398 p Knowledge Centre
361.3203 DAV 05043402 Social Work : Davis, Martin Blackwell, 2005 0631214518 412p Knowledge Centre
361.3203 DAV 05022960 Social Work (MSW) Davies, Martin 0631214518 412p Knowledge Centre
361.3203 EDW 05043401 Encyclopedia of Social Work Edwards Richard L NASW Press 1997 9780871012777 428p Knowledge Centre
361.3203 THO 05022221 Anti-Discriminatory Practice [MSW] Thompson, Neil 0333963911 194 Knowledge Centre
361.3206 HUG 05039190 Organisations and management in social work / Hughes, Mark, SAGE, 2013 9781446252307 (hbk.) | 1446252 2nd ed. 226 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32068 BIL 00083039 Social Work Mangement and Practice: Bilson, Andy Jessica Kingsley, 2005 1853023884 189p.; UG Library
361.32068 GUR 05022993 Case management : Gursansky, Di. Columbia University Press, 023112970X (cloth : alk. paper xvi, 238 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.320683 DOE 05022980 MODERN SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE ( Msw) Doel, Mark 0075464121 302p Knowledge Centre
361.320683 SIN 05065688 Social work practice : Singh, C P., ed. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610855 xii, 265 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.320684 HAF 05045331 Inclusive leadership in social work and social care / Hafford-Letchfield, Trish, Policypress, 2014 9781447300267 (hbk.) | 1447300 xi, 209 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.32071 BRO 00082498 Critical Thinking for Social Work Brown, Keith Learning Matters, 2006 0184445049 50p.; UG Library
361.32071 TSA 05045382 Learning to change lives : Tsang, Adolf Ka Tat, University of Toronto Press, 2013 9781442645813 (hbk.) | 1442645 xv, 329 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32071073 REA 05043406 Social work research and evaluation skills : Reamer, Frederic G., Columbia University Press, 1998 0231102224 (cloth : alk. paper x, 433 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32071073 REA 05038147 Social work research and evaluation skills : Reamer, Frederic G., Columbia University Press, 1998 0231102224 (cloth : alk. paper x, 433 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.320711 OKO 05048165 Study skills for health and social care students / Oko, Juliette. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857258052 1st ed. 113 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32072 DAS 05043400 Research Methods for Social Work / Das, D K Lal Rawat Publications, 2008 8131601617 316 p Knowledge Centre
361.32072 DAS 05022959 Research Methods for Social Work [MSW-SECTION] Das, Lal D K Rawat Publications 8131601617 318 p Knowledge Centre
361.32072 HAC 05022165 Evaluation and Social Research (MSW) Hall, Irene 0333930959 255p Knowledge Centre
361.32072 JUB 05074702 The Routledge handbook of social work practice research / Routledge, 2020 9781032336459 xix, 504 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.32072 KRY 05043356 Research for effective social work practice: Krysik Judy.L Routledge; 2010 9780415805063 394 p. Knowledge Centre
361.32072 LAL 01013462 Research methods for social work / Rawat Publications, 9788131601617 xvii, 318 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32072 ROY 05047873 Research methods in social work / Royse, David. Cengage Learning, 2011 9780840032287 xix,387 p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32072DAS 00087631 Research Methods for Social Work / Das, D K Lal Rawat Publications, 2008 8131601617 316 p UG Library
361.32076 TRE 05034253 Social Work Skills : Trevithick, Pamela. Rawat Publications, 2005 9788131602430 2nd ed. 340p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32076 TRE 05035504 Social Work Skills and Knowledge : Trevithick,Pamela. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606056 3rd ed viii,421p.; Knowledge Centre
361.32076 TRE 05037895 Social Work Skills : Trevithick, Pamela. Rawat Publications, 2005 9788131602430 2nd ed. 340p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.32076 TRE 05049211 Social Work Skills and Knowledge : Trevithick,Pamela. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131606056 3rd ed viii,421p.; Knowledge Centre
361.3208 OHA 05022958 Cultural Competence in the Caring Professions (MSW SHELF) O`hagan, Kieran Jessica Kingsley 1853027596 288p Knowledge Centre
361.32080941 THO 05057037 Anti-discriminatory practice : Thompson, Neil, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 9781137586650 6th ed. xvi, 225 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.3208900973 SUE 05057175 Multicultural social work practice : Sue, Derald Wing, Wiley, 2016 9781118536100 (pbk.) Second edition. xx, 522 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.320941 COO 05024806 Professional boundaries in social work and social care : Cooper, Frank. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 9781849052153 | 1849052158 176 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.320941 FRA 05043386 The Critical Practitioner in Social Work and Health Care / Fraser, Sandy Sage, 2008 9781412948418 258 p Knowledge Centre
361.320941 KEE 05004059 Newly qualified social workers : Learning Matters, 2009 9781844452514 (pbk.) | 1844452 xvi, 167 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.320941 KEE 00128623 Newly qualified social workers : Keen, Steven. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857259233 2nd ed. xvi,190p.: UG Library
361.320941 OHA 05022954 Competence in Social Work Practice - a Practical Guide for Professionals (MSW SHELF) O`hagan, Kieran Jessica Kingsley 1853023329 232p Knowledge Centre
361.320941 OHA 05024764 Competence in Social Work Practice : Ohagan, Kieran Jessica Kingsley, 2005 1853023329 232 p Knowledge Centre
361.320941 OHA 05024763 Competence in Social Work Practice : Ohagan Kieran Jessica Kingsley, 2000 1853023329 232 p. Knowledge Centre
361.320941 PIE 00115314 Innovative Education and Training for Care Professionals Pierce, Rachel Jessica Kingsley Publisker 2000 1853026131 254 p. UG Library
361.320973 BIR 05005367 The practice of generalist social work / Berg-Weger, Marla, Routledge, 2010 9780415874571 (hbk.) | 9780415 2nd ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
361.320973 COL 05010511 Introduction to social work : Colby, Ira C. Lyceum Books, 2010 9781933478531 (pbk.) | 1933478 3rd ed. xv, 475 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.320973 DZI 05043069 Introduction to social work : Colby, Ira C. Lyceum Books, 2004 092506548X | 9780925065483 2nd ed. xv, 434 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.320973 DZI 05043135 Introduction to social work : Colby, Ira C. Lyceum Books, 2004 092506548X | 9780925065483 2nd ed. xv, 434 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.320973 GUN 05044206 Fields of Social Work Practice / Baraha Publishing House, 2010 9788190818292 xxii,428p.: Knowledge Centre
361.320973 GUN 05044207 Fields of Social Work Practice / Baraha Publishing House, 2010 9788190818292 xxii,428p.: Knowledge Centre
361.320973 KIR 05022962 Generalist practice with organizations & communities Kirst-Ashman, Karen K Brooks/cole press 9780495602170 587p Knowledge Centre
361.320973 RAH 05061969 Social Work Fields and Practice / Rahaman, Atik-Ur- S.M. Book Enclave, 2018 9788181524379 vi, 213p.; Knowledge Centre
361.320973 SEG 05043077 An introduction to the profession of social work : Segal, Elizabeth A. Thomson--Brooks/Cole, 2007 0495127094 | 9780495127093 2nd ed. xix, 514 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.320973 SEG 05043405 An introduction to the profession of social work : Segal, Elizabeth A. Thomson--Brooks/Cole, 2007 0495127094 | 9780495127093 2nd ed. xix, 514 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.320973 SHA 05048150 Introduction to Field Work Practice in Social Work / Shaikh, Farukh K R P Publications, 2016 9789382396219 198 p. Knowledge Centre
361.320973 WOL 00116502 Decision cases for advanced social work practice Wolfer, Terry A. Columbia University Press, 2014 9780231159845 (cloth : alk. pa xxxv: 184p.: UG Library
361.322 DEJ 00132684 Interviewing for solutions / De Jong, Peter, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2013 9781111722203 (pbk.) | 111172220X (pbk.) | 9781111838553 4th ed. xxvii, 430 p. ; UG Library
361.322 DEJ 00132920 Interviewing for solutions / De Jong, Peter, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2013 9781111722203 (pbk.) | 111172220X (pbk.) | 9781111838553 4th ed. xxvii, 430 p. ; UG Library
361.322 KAD 05026426 Social Work Interview : Kadushin, Alfred Columbia University Press, 1997 0231096593 458 p Knowledge Centre
361.322 KAD 05043238 Social Work Interview a Guide for Human Service Professionals / Kadushin, Alfred Columbia University Press, 1997 0231096593 458p.: Knowledge Centre
361.322 KAD 05047880 The Social Work Interview / Kadashin,Alfred. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131607527 5th ed. xii, 353 p, ; Knowledge Centre
361.323 CUR 00050190 Barefoot Counsellor - a Primer in Building Helping Relationships Currie, Joe Asian Trading Corporation 8170860326 190p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.323 FEL 05022167 Time-Limited Counselling Feltham, Colin 0803979754 174p Knowledge Centre
361.323 FEL 05022168 Understanding the Counselling Relationship (msc Psy) Feltham, Colin 0761957855 343p Knowledge Centre
361.323 LIN 05022162 Mastering Counselling Skills [ Msc-Psychology ] Jennie 0333760050 259p Knowledge Centre
361.323 PAN 05023000 Child Counselling : Pandey, V C Isha Books 2005 8182051037 294p Knowledge Centre
361.323 STE 05022163 Imagery and Symbolism in Counselling: [MSW] Stewart, William Jessica Kingsley 1853023507 292p Knowledge Centre
361.323 STE 05022164 Imagery and Symbolism in Counselling: [MSW] Stewart, William Jessica Kingsley 1853023507 292p Knowledge Centre
361.323 STE 05043022 Imagery and Symbolism in Councelling / Stewart, William Jessica Kingsley 2005 1853023507 292p Knowledge Centre
361.323 STE 05043021 Imagery and Symbolism in Councelling / Stewart, William Jessica Kingsley 2005 1853023507 292p Knowledge Centre
361.323 WEL 05022561 Counselling Process : Reynlds Welfel, Elizabeth Thomson Wadsworth 2005 8131500845 408p Knowledge Centre
361.32303 LAK 00052554 Strategies For Guida nce And Counselling Lakshmi, K S Mittal Publications 2000 8170997585 283p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.32303 LAK 00052555 Educational guidance and Counelling Lakshmi, K S Mittal Publications 2000 8170997593 283p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.32303 LAK 00052556 Social Guidance and Counselling Lakshmi, K S Mittal Publications 2000 8170997577 281p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.32303 LAK 00052557 Personal and Vocational Counselling Lakshmi, K S Mittal Publications 2000 8170997577 278p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.32303 STE 00089903 Encyclopaedia of Literature Steinberg, S H Cassell & Company Ltd, 2008 2086p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.3239934 MAY 05043134 International handbook on social work theory and practice / Greenwood Press, 1997 0313279144 (alk. paper) xii, 467 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.32AT 05024706 New Directions in Social Work Practice / Hatton, Kieron Learning Matters, 2008 9781844450794 168 p Knowledge Centre
361.32CRA 01009591 Advocacy Counselling and Mediation in Casework (law Lib) Joan Yvonne Craig Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company 255 Knowledge Centre
361.32GIT 01009925 Life Model of Social Work Practice (law Lib) Alex Gitterman Columbia University Press 9780231139984 611 p Knowledge Centre
361.32KOP 00082161 Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Soical Work [msw Section] Koprowska, Juliet Learning Matters , 2006 1844450198 179p.; UG Library
361.344 BRA 05022169 Practising Socila Work Law [MSCOM] Braye, Suzy 0333693833 290 Knowledge Centre
361.363 MAR 00137511 Government -NGO Relationships in Africa, Asia, Europe and MENA / Routledge, 2018 9781138363755 xviii,272p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.363 SED 00067725 Counselling Skills in Social Work Practice. Seden, Janet 2005 0335216498 174p UG Library
361.37 GOE 05015080 Slum Improvement Through Participatory Urban-Based Community Structures - MSW Shelf Goel, S L Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 0817629523 244p Knowledge Centre
361.37 BEN 00109349 Volunteer Tourism Benson, Angela M. Routledge, 2011 9780415576642 (hardback) | 041 xxiii, 258 p. : UG Library
361.37 BER 05074391 Service learning : Berman, Sally. Corwin Press, 2006 9781412936736 2nd ed. xxviii, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.37 JAC 05074497 Service-learning essentials : Jacoby, Barbara Jossey-Bass, 2015 9781118627945 xxvii, 322 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.37 KUM 05024060 Social Change : Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2004 8126114630 414 p Knowledge Centre
361.37 LYO 00109062 Journeys of Discovery in Volunteer Tourism : ed by. K.D. Lyons CABI, Publications: 2008 9781845933807 | 9781845933807 xv, 217 p. ; UG Library
361.37 SHE 05022166 Social work with volunteers / Sherr, Michael E. Lyceum Books, 9781933478111 (alk. paper) xix, 145 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.37 STA 05022170 Families and Social Workers: the Work of Family Service Units: 1940-1985: [MSW] Starkey, Pat 0853236666 278p Knowledge Centre
361.37 THO 00110664 Service Learning in Grades K-8 Thomsen Kate Corwin Press 2006 141291342x xvii, 143 p.: UG Library
361.37041 WAT 05024275 Integrating Theory and Practice in Social Work Education / Watson, Florence Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853029815 272 p Knowledge Centre
361.370954 BED 01005209 Setting Right : Bedi,Kiran. UBS Publishers` Distributors Pvt.Ltd., 2000 8174765751 | 9788174765758 xi,135p.; Knowledge Centre
361.370954 HAN 00109037 From Seva to Cyberspace : Handy Femida SAGE,Publications: 2011 9788132106982 ( | 978813210698 xxv, 250 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.3BHA 00062079 Social Work : Bhattacharya, Sanjay. Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2004 8176294586 518p.; UG Library
361.4 FUR 05022174 An experiential approach to group work / Furman, Rich. Lyceum Books, 9781933478616 | 1933478616 xii, 143 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 GRE 05026497 Group Work With Populations at Risk: Greif, L Geoffrey Oxford University Press, 2005 0195156676 2nd ed. 458 p Knowledge Centre
361.4 ALL 05022186 Group work : Alle-Corliss, Lupe, Wiley, 9780470288962 (pbk.) | 0470288 xvi, 414 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 BRO 05022198 Groupwork [msw-Section] Brown, Allan Ashgate Publishing Limited 0185742087 229p Knowledge Centre
361.4 CHE 05022179 Creative Advances in Groupwork [msw-Section] Chesner, Anna Jessica Kingsley 0185302953 224p Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039589 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039590 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039591 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039592 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039593 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039594 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039595 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039596 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 05039597 Group work practice kit : Sage, 2014 9781452203287 | 1452203288 9 volumes ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 CON 00117705 Group Work Leadership : Conyne, Robert K. Sage Publish 2014 9781452217901 xxix, 341 p : UG Library
361.4 COR 05044493 Group Work Process and Practice : Corey, Marianne Schneider. Cengage Learning : 2015 9788131527276 xxv, 449. p. : Knowledge Centre
361.4 DOE 05022197 Essential Groupworker: Teaching and Learning Creative Groupwork [ MSW ] Doel, Mark Jessica Kingsley 1853028231 288p Knowledge Centre
361.4 DOE 05022176 Essential Groupworker: Teaching and Learning Creative Groupwork [ MSW ] Doel, Mark Jessica Kingsley 1853028231 288p Knowledge Centre
361.4 DOE 05017654 Using Group Work [msw Section] Doel, Mark 0415339324 180p Knowledge Centre
361.4 DOE 05022175 Essential Groupworker Teaching and Learning Creative Groupwork (msw Shelf) Sawdon Catherine, Mark Doel Jessica Kingsley 1853028231 288p Knowledge Centre
361.4 DOE 00119407 Using Group Work Doel, Mark Routledge, 2006 9780415339322 180p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.4 DOE 00103556 Using groupwork / Doel, Mark. Routledge, 2006 0415339324 (pbk.) | 0415339316 (hbk.) x, 180 p. ; UG Library
361.4 DOU 05043391 Basic Groupwork / Douglas, Tom Routledge, 2007 0415224799 146p Knowledge Centre
361.4 GAR 05002710 Handbook of Social Work With Group / Rawat Publications, 2004 9788131600931 xiii,527 p. Knowledge Centre
361.4 GAR 05002713 Handbook of Social Work With Group / Rawat Publications, 2004 9788131600931 xiii,527 p. Knowledge Centre
361.4 GAR 05007136 Handbook of Social Work With Group / Rawat Publications, 2004 9788131600931 xiii,527 p. Knowledge Centre
361.4 GAR 05022191 Handbook of Social Work With Groups [msw-Section] Garvin, Charles D Rawat Publications 8131600939 527p Knowledge Centre
361.4 GLA 05043373 Group work : Glassman, Urania. SAGE, 2009 9781412966627 (alk. paper) | 1 xxiv, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 MAN 05022173 Choosing a Groupwork Approach : Manor, Oded Jessica Kingsley 2004 1853028703 222p Knowledge Centre
361.4 MAN 05043374 Choosing a Groupwork Approach : Manor, Oded Jessica Kingsley 2004 1853028703 222p Knowledge Centre
361.4 NOR 05056235 Social work with groups / Northen,Helen. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608852 3rd ed. viii,514p.; Knowledge Centre
361.4 NOR 05055938 Social work with groups / Northen,Helen. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608852 3rd ed. viii,514p.; Knowledge Centre
361.4 NOR 05056674 Social work with groups / Northen,Helen. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608852 3rd ed. viii,514p.; Knowledge Centre
361.4 PHI 00063391 Groupwork in Social Care (MSW SHELF) Phillips, Julie Jessica Kingsley 1853028290 128p Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.4 PHI 00061509 Groupwork in Social Care (MSW SHELF) Phillips, Julie Jessica Kingsley 1853028290 128p UG Library
361.4 PHI 05043375 Groupwork in Social Care : Philips, Julie Jessica Kingsley 2006 1853028290 128p Knowledge Centre
361.4 SAU 05045295 A Text Book of Social Work / Saundhankar.I.Dr R.P.Publications, 2013 9789382398059 412p.: Knowledge Centre
361.4 SHU 05056254 The dynamics and skills of group counseling / Shulman, Lawrence. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2011 9780495501954 | 0495501956 xxxvii, 649 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 SID 00084727 Group Work: Theories and Practices. Siddiqui, H Y Rawat Publications 2008 8131601714 220p Knowledge Centre
361.4 SID 05007138 Group work : Siddiqui, H. Y. Rawat Publications, 2008 8131601714 (Hard) | 8131601722 xvi, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.4 STA 05022199 Families and Social Workers: the Work if Family Service Units: 1940 - 1985: Starkey, Pat 0853236666 276p Knowledge Centre
361.4 TOS 00117742 An introduction to group work practice Toseland, Ronald W. Allyn & Bacon, 2012 9780205820047 (pbk. : student 7th ed. xvi, 512 p. : UG Library
361.4 TRE 05022142 Social Group Work : Trecker Harleigh.B Follett Publishing, 1955 350 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.4 WAN 00137970 Social Group Work Principles and Practices / Wani,Umesh D. Current Publications, 2019 9789384803629 260p.; UG Library
361.4 ZAS 05007125 Social Wrok with Groups / Zastrow, Charles H. Cengage Learning, 2009 9788131513774 353 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.4 ZAS 00092616 Social work with groups Zastrow, Charles H Brooks/Cole cengage learning 9780495506539 475p UG Library
361.4095 LAL 00119393 Self Help Groups in Rural Development Lalitha. N Wisdom Press, 2014 9789380199849 248p.; UG Library
361.40954 SAH 05022180 Self-help groups and women empowerment/ Sahoo,R,H Anmol publications; 9788126125678 xi;210 p. Knowledge Centre
361.430954 SRE 00124437 Economic and Social Empowerment Talluru Sreenivas Discovery Publishing House, 2016 9789350568064 337 p.: UG Library
361.430954133 SUN 01019391 Alternative credit institutions and poverty alleviation Suna,Birendra Concept Publishing Company, 2013 9788180699344 xxxvi,410p.; Knowledge Centre
361.43095482 BOS 00121980 Self-help groups and rural development Bose S MJP Publishers 2013 9788180942006 306p. UG Library
361.51095 DEO 05010361 Attaining the Millennium Development Goals in India [ PG.ECO ] Deolalikar, B Anil Oxfrod University Press 139p Knowledge Centre
361.6 BAR 05022178 Understanding Local Self-Government [ MSW ] Barthwal, C P Bharat Book Centre 224p Knowledge Centre
361.6 DIN 05043399 Social Welfare : Dinitto, Diana M Allyn and Bacon, 2000 0205294545 450 p. Knowledge Centre
361.6 ELM 05022183 Limits to Globalization Rieger, Elmar 0745628516 402 Knowledge Centre
361.6 GOS 00138181 Changing patterns of social protection Goswami,Bhupen Venus publications, 2019 9789387851085 280p.; UG Library
361.6 PAG 05022177 Who Benefits from India`s Public Services? [MSW] Paul, Samuel Academic Foundation 8171885276 296p Knowledge Centre
361.6 SOM 00112454 Sociolgy of displacement: Somayaji,Sakarama Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605974 xiv,273p.; UG Library
361.6 SOM 05036833 Sociolgy of displacement: Somayaji,Sakarama Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605974 xiv,273p.; Knowledge Centre
361.6 SOM 05039835 Sociology of displacement : 9788131605974 xiv, 273 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.60683 HES 00131460 Managing health and well-being in the public sector : Hesketh, Ian, Routledge, 2018 9781138929197 (hbk) | 9781138929203 (pbk) 1 Edition. xii, 120 pages ; UG Library
361.60684 SHA 01006003 Public Services Delivery ( Law Lib.) Anwar Shah World Bank 0821361406 219p. Knowledge Centre
361.609 DUB 07013777 Social Protection,Economic Growth and Social Change/ Dubey,Aditya Venus Publications, 2019 9789387851566 243 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
361.60941 MAC 08001085 Doing Research in Urban and Regionl Planning : Routedge, 2019 9780415735575 xii, 256p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.61 ANN 00121621 Understanding social welfare movements / Annetts, Jason Policy Press, 2009 9781847420978 | 1847420974 | 9 x, 294 p. ; UG Library
361.61 BEL 07007671 Nationalism and social policy BĆ©land, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199546855 xiv,255p.; Library - BR Campus
361.61 BEL 05037071 Nationalism and social policy BĆ©land, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199546855 xiv,255p.; Knowledge Centre
361.61 BEL 00094730 Nationalism and social policy BĆ©land, Daniel. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199546848 | 0199546843 p.; UG Library
361.61 BHA 05037893 Introduction to Social Policy Bhartiya A K New Royal Book Company, 9788189267728 128 p. Knowledge Centre
361.61 BHA 00121318 Social polity and planning Bhagat R D Centrum Press 2013 9789381938348 304p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.61 CLA 05022182 Changing Welfare Changing States: Clarke, John Sage 179p Knowledge Centre
361.61 COF 05043379 Re conceptualizing Social Policy : Coffey, Amanda Open University Press, 2004 0335206301 182 p Knowledge Centre
361.61 DEA 05022185 Global Social Policy & Governance [msw-Section] Deacon, Bob Sage Publications 223p Knowledge Centre
361.61 DEA 05044969 Global social policy & governance / Deacon, Bob. SAGE, 2007 1412907616 (hbk.) | 9781412907 xv, 223 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.61 DRA 05043398 Principles of Social Policy / Drake, Robert F Palgrave, 2001 0333763386 188p Knowledge Centre
361.61 DWY 05039602 An introduction to social policy / SAGE Publications Ltd, 2013 9781446207581 (hb : alk. paper 1st ed. xvii,206p.: Knowledge Centre
361.61 FAR 00112353 Social policy in challenging times : Farnsworth, Kevin. Policy Press, 2011 9781847428288 | 1847428282 | 9 xi, 335 p. : UG Library
361.61 FAR 07006768 Social policy in challenging times : Farnsworth, Kevin. Policy Press, 2011 9781847428288 | 1847428282 | 9 xi, 335 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.61 GOS 05068012 Social protection and social development : Goswami, Bhupen. Edukeen publisher, 2019 9789389387452 280p.; Knowledge Centre
361.61 HUD 05057277 The short guide to social policy / Hudson, John. Policy Press, 2008 9781447325680 xi, 203 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.61 JOR 00144101 Social Value in Public Policy / Jordan, Bill. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030604202 ix,81p,; UG Library
361.61 KAA 07007848 Actors and agency in global social governance / Oxford university Press, 2015 9780198743996 | 0198743998 First edition. xxii, 254 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.61 MID 00124138 Social development : Midgley, James, Sage 2014 9781412947770 | 1412947774 | 9 xvi, 280 pages ; UG Library
361.61 MKA 01007918 Social Policy in a Development Context (law Lib) Thandika Mkandawire Palgrave Macmillan 1403936617 354p. Knowledge Centre
361.61 PAW 05045962 Social and Community Development Practice / Pawar, Manohar S. Sage Publications, 2015 9788132118459 xvi, 293 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.61 PAW 00121842 Social and Community Development Practice / Pawar, Manohar S. Sage Publications, 2015 9788132118459 xvi, 293 p.: UG Library
361.61 RAT 05048655 Promoting social cohesion Policy Press, 2011 1847426956 | 9781847426956 (hb xii,288p.: Knowledge Centre
361.61 RAT 07006744 Promoting social cohesion Policy Press, 2011 1847426956 | 9781847426956 (hb xii,288p.: Library - BR Campus
361.61 SAT 03007958 Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation in India : Satyanarayana, G. New Century Publications ; 2012 9788177083071 331 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.61 SIM 07006749 Social policy for social welfare professionals : Simpson, Graeme, Policy Press, 2011 9781847429131 (cased) | 184742 iv, 199 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.61 SUB 00101063 Social exclusion,Integration and inclusive policies. Subramanyam.V Rawat Publications; 9788131603666 xi;260 p. UG Library
361.61 TAM 05022184 Progressive Politics in the Global Age: [ Mscom] Tam, Henry 0745625797 289p Knowledge Centre
361.61 THI 05044506 Social happiness Thin, Neil. Policy Press, 2012 9781847429193 | 9781847429209 xv, 302 p. Knowledge Centre
361.61 YEA 05002975 The Global Social Policy Reader / Policy Press, 9781847423788 | 1847423787 | 9 xxiii, 520 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.6101 SPI 05022181 Social Policy : Spicker,Paul. Rawat Publications, 9788131603147 xi,307p.; Knowledge Centre
361.61014 BEL 05057036 Analysing social policy concepts and language : Policy Press, 2015 9781447306436 xiv,327p.; Knowledge Centre
361.6106 KRU 05055105 Focus groups : Krueger, Richard A. SAGE, 9781412969475 (spiral) | 14129 xviii, 219 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.61068 KRU 07011255 Focus groups : Krueger, Richard A. Sage, 2015 9781483365244 (spiral : alk. p 5th edition. xx, 252 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.61068 PAT 00144175 Utilization-focused evaluation / Patton, Michael Quinn, Sage, 2022 9781544379456 Fifth edition. xxiv, 406 pages ; UG Library
361.61068 PAT 05074622 Utilization-focused evaluation / Patton, Michael Quinn, Sage, 2022 9781544379456 Fifth edition. xxiv, 406 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.61072 2015. 07009302 Success in evaluation/ Nielsen, Steffen Bohni Transaction Publication, 2015 9781412855686 xiii,227p. Library - BR Campus
361.61072 BEC 05042569 Understanding research for social policy and practice : Public Policy, 2012 9781847428158 xvii,430p.; Knowledge Centre
361.61072 BEC 05042024 Understanding research for social policy and practice : Public Policy, 2012 9781847428158 xvii,430p.; Knowledge Centre
361.61072 PAW 05037203 The Science of Evaluation : Pawson, Ray Sage, 2013 9781446252437 xix, 216 p. Knowledge Centre
361.610721 COL 09000854 Cognitive Interviewing Practice / Sage, 2015 9781446256015 268p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.610721 COL 05042147 Cognitive Interviewing Practice / Sage, 2015 9781446256015 268p.: Knowledge Centre
361.6109 GRE 00124493 Social policy for social work : Green, Lorraine Carol, Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607978 x, 212 p.: UG Library
361.61091724 SUR 01019196 Social policy in a developing world / Edward Elgar, 2013 9781849809900 (hbk.) | 1849809 viii, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.61094 VAU 01021301 The european social model in crisis : Vaughan Daniel-Whitehead Edward Elgar, 2015 9781783476558 (hardback) xii, 627 p. Knowledge Centre
361.610941 ALC 01006572 Social Policy in Britain Pete Alcock Palgrave Macmillan 0333993349 356p Knowledge Centre
361.610941 ALC 05047756 The students companion to social policy J. Wiley & Sons, 2012 4th ed. xiv, 476 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.610941 BAL 00111227 Social policy / Baldock, John, Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199570843 (pbk.) | 0199570 4th ed. xxiii, 561 p. : UG Library
361.610941 BLA 05055973 Social policy : an introduction Blakemore, Kenneth, Rawat publication, 2017 9788131608890 xviii,353p.; Knowledge Centre
361.610941 BLA 07012920 Social policy : an introduction Blakemore, Kenneth, Rawat publication, 2017 9788131608890 xviii,353p.; Library - BR Campus
361.610941 GRE 05057200 Social policy for social work : Green, Lorraine Carol, Polity Press, 2016 9780745660820 (hardcover : alk x,212p.; Knowledge Centre
361.610941 GUP 05062425 Women Issues : Gupta, Pankaj Dr. S K Jain Publishers, 2015 9789382845584 211p.; Knowledge Centre
361.610941 HIL 05043397 Making Social Policy Work : Hills, John POLICY PRESS, 2007 9781861349583 286 p Knowledge Centre
361.610941 HIL 05002985 Understanding social policy / Hill, Michael J. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9781405181761 (pbk. : alk. pap 8th ed. xii, 293 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.610941 JOH 00124816 Social Work, Social Policy and Older People / Johns.Robert Learning Matters, 2011 9781844453498 | 1844453499 xvi, 192 p. : UG Library
361.610941 PRA 00133536 The crescent that never rose Prasanna Sree,Sw Sarupbook publishers pvt ltd., 2018 9789352081189 x,254p.; UG Library
361.610941 TIL 07002823 The politics of welfare : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199460120 xiii, 237 p. ; Library - BR Campus
361.610941 TIL 05045719 The politics of welfare : Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199460120 xiii, 237 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.610954 ALC 05024055 The student's companion to social policy / Alcock, Pete Blackwell Publishers, 1998 0631202404 417 p Knowledge Centre
361.610954 BHA 05037896 Social Policy In India Bhartiya A K New Royal Book Company, 9788189267735 iii, 380 p. Knowledge Centre
361.610954 CHA 05060983 Public and religious praxis : Chakkanatt, John Dilip. Intercultural Publications, 2001 8185574553 xxiii, 314p. Knowledge Centre
361.610954 DAS 00109717 Social Transformation In India Dasgupta,Samir Pearson 2012 9788131769546 vi; 305 p. UG Library
361.610954 JAG 05061328 Social work approach in achieving millennium development goals / Jagadish, B. Prateeksha Publications, 2016 9789383662180 v,294p.; Knowledge Centre
361.610954 KOR 00142839 Social policy: Korde,Rajendra Wamanrao Current publications, 2021 9789391542733 280p.; UG Library
361.610954 MAL 03010069 India Public Policy Report 2014 : Malhotra,Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199452040 xviii,249p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.610954 MAL 05038671 India Public Policy Report 2014 : Malhotra,Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199452040 xviii,249p.; Knowledge Centre
361.610954 SIN 05067337 Social Polity And Planning / Singh, Sanjay. ABD Publishers, 2019 9788183766647 viii, 240p.; Knowledge Centre
361.6109541 HAZ 10001275 Human development and disparities : Hazra, Anupam, Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608449 (hardback) | 813 xv, 245 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.6109541 HAZ 05056354 Human development and disparities : Hazra, Anupam, Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608449 (hardback) | 813 xv, 245 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.6109541 HAZ 05055959 Human development and disparities : Hazra, Anupam, Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608449 (hardback) | 813 xv, 245 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.610973 HAS 00122823 Show me the evidence : Haskins, Ron. Brookings Institution Press 2015 9780815725718 (pbk. : acidfree xiv, 319 pages ; UG Library
361.610973 SOL 00122805 Building an opportunity society : Solomon, Lewis D., Transaction Publishers 2014 9781412854702 (hbk) | 14128547 218 pages ; UG Library
361.610973 SOL 07009279 Building an opportunity society : Solomon, Lewis D., Transaction Publishers 2014 9781412854702 (hbk) | 14128547 218 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.610973 SRI 05041458 Engaging in Social Interventions / Sriram Rajalakshmi(Ph.D) Concept Publishing Company Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9789351250371 xxxv,263p.: Knowledge Centre
361.610973 SRI 05041459 Engaging in Social Interventions / Sriram Rajalakshmi(Ph.D) Concept Publishing Company Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9789351250371 xxxv,263p.: Knowledge Centre
361.610973 VAN 00127035 Social welfare policy for a sustainable future : Van Wormer, Katherine S. Sage 2016 9781452240312 (pbk. : alk. pap xxi, 426 pages : UG Library
361.612 REA 05024069 Social Work Values and Ethics / Reamer, G Frederick Rawat Publications, 2004 8170339154 247 p Knowledge Centre
361.6120941 BOO 00123447 Towards a Liberal Utopia? Booth, Philip Continuum. | Institute of Economic Affairs, 2005 9780826492319 | 9780826492319 2nd ed. xxi, 226 p:. UG Library
361.614 CHA 01007382 Human Security in South Asia: Energy, Gender, Miagration and Globalisation (law Lib.) P R Chari Social Science Press 8187358092 202p. Knowledge Centre
361.614 KOT 05022192 Development and Social Action [ MSW ] Kothari, Miloon Rawat Publications 8131600009 192p Knowledge Centre
361.614 NAG 05037894 Women`s Rights [msw] Nagendra, Shilaja Abd Publishers 8183760260 222p Knowledge Centre
361.614 RAJ 05039379 Security and South Asia : Swarna Rajagopalan Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006 9780415401067 | 0415401062 263 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.614 REI 01000050 Social Work and Human Rights, a Foundation for Policy and Practice (law Library) Elisabeth Reichert Yrawat 8170338212 295p Knowledge Centre
361.614 SIN 05032446 Issues of Human Rights In Social Work / Singh,R.S. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842584 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05036747 Social Welfare Administration in India / Sachdeva, D R Kitab Mahal, 2003 670p.: Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05036748 Social Welfare Administration in India / Sachdeva, D R Kitab Mahal, 2003 670p.: Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05036749 Social Welfare Administration in India / Sachdeva, D R Kitab Mahal, 2003 670p.: Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05022867 Social Welfare Administration in India / Sachdeva, D R Kitab Mahal, 2003 670p.: Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05036925 Social welfare administration in India / Sachdeva, D. R. Kitab Mahal : | Selling agents, Kitab Mahal Agencies, 1992 812250180-x 1st ed. iii, xiv, 675 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05036926 Social welfare administration in India / Sachdeva, D. R. Kitab Mahal : | Selling agents, Kitab Mahal Agencies, 1992 812250180-x 1st ed. iii, xiv, 675 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05036927 Social welfare administration in India / Sachdeva, D. R. Kitab Mahal : | Selling agents, Kitab Mahal Agencies, 1992 812250180-x 1st ed. iii, xiv, 675 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05036928 Social welfare administration in India / Sachdeva, D. R. Kitab Mahal : | Selling agents, Kitab Mahal Agencies, 1992 812250180-x 1st ed. iii, xiv, 675 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.6140954 SAC 05036929 Social welfare administration in India / Sachdeva, D. R. Kitab Mahal : | Selling agents, Kitab Mahal Agencies, 1992 812250180-x 1st ed. iii, xiv, 675 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.615 MEE 05022193 Tribal Development Programmes a Critical Appraisal [MSW] Prof R K Dixit Ibh Prakashana 8187445203 227 Knowledge Centre
361.615 RAJ 05023951 Reluctant Partners Coming Together : Rajasekhar, D Concept Publishing Company, 2004 0818069108 204p Knowledge Centre
361.61721 COL 00135818 Cognitive interviewing practice / Collins, Debbie, Sage publications ltd., 2015 9781446256015 | 1446256014 | 9781446256008 | 1446256006 xvi, 268 pages : UG Library
361.61PRA 01009893 Assets Agenda : Prabhakar, Rajiv. Palgrave Macmillan, 9780230226784 xi, 167 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.65 CAS 05029056 The oxford handbook of the welfare state; Oxford university press; 9780199579396 xxvi;876 p. Knowledge Centre
361.65 CAS 05029055 The Oxford handbook of the welfare state / Castles, Francis G Oxford University Press, 9780199579396 (hbk.) | 0199579 xxx, 876 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.65 GAM 05056084 Can the welfare state survive? / Gamble, Andrew, Polity Press,2016. 9780745698731 (hardback) | 978 v, 125 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.65 GRO 05024059 Understanding and Measuring Social Capital : Grootaert, Christiaan The World Bank, 2004 0821350684 302 p Knowledge Centre
361.65 JHU 05031509 Welfare State and Globalization : Jhunjhunwala,Bharat. Rawat Publications, 2000 8170335672 406p.; Knowledge Centre
361.65 LEO 05043396 Postmodern Welfare : Leonard, Peter Sage, 2000 0803976100 187p Knowledge Centre
361.65 OBI 05067178 Warfare and welfare : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198779599 First edition. viii,481 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.65 RIN 01004832 Possibility of Politics(law Lib) Stein Ringen Transaction Publishers 1412805767 303p Knowledge Centre
361.65 SOL 00144105 Searching for New Welfare Models : Solli, Rolf. Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030582272 viii,94p,; UG Library
361.65 VIJ 01006644 GLOBALIZATION AND WELFARE a CRITICAL READER (LAW LIBRARY) Ritu Vij Palgrave Macmillan 0333717082 290p Knowledge Centre
361.6501 FIT 05023972 Welfare Theory : Fitzpatrick, Tony Palgrave, 2001 0033377843 222 p Knowledge Centre
361.6501 TAY 01006639 Ideology and Welfare(law Library) Gary Taylor Palgrave Macmillan 0333929306 186p Knowledge Centre
361.65094 ERV 01019185 The future of the welfare state : Edward Elgar, 2012 9781781001264 (hbk.) | 1781001 x, 267 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.650973 ASE 05031512 Visions of poverty : Asen, Robert, Rawat Publications, 2002 8170338654 | 9788170338659 325 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.650973 BRO 05011353 Stealing from each other : Browning, Edgar K. Praeger, 2008 9780313348228 (alk. paper) | 0 xii, 226 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.65SAC 00063686 Social Welfare Administration in India: [MSW]` Sachdeva, D R Kitab Mahal 6729p UG Library
361.68 GRO 03000799 Welfare Reform; Effects of a Decade of Change Grogger, Jeffrey Viva Books 9788130909233 331p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.68 FER 05037061 Social Work and Rural Development / Fernandez,Alex B. Pacific Books International, 2014 9789381138823 v,274p.; Knowledge Centre
361.68 KAT 05022194 SOCIAL WORK AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT [ MSW ] Katare, Prakash M Arise Publishersand Distributors 8189557491 176p Knowledge Centre
361.68 PRA 05041766 Rural Development and Social Work / Pratiksha Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788126161256 vii, 312 p.; Knowledge Centre
361.6MOL 00087632 Am Introduction to Counselling Mcleod, John Rawat Publications 8131601773 613p UG Library
361.7 CLI 04003714 Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World Clinton, Bill Crown Forum 2007 9780307266743 240 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.7 BAR 05004598 Humanitarianism contested : Barnett, Michael N., Routledge, 2011 9780415496636 (hardback) | 978 154 p. Knowledge Centre
361.7 CAM 00121820 The politics of non-state social welfare / Cammett Melani Sage 2014 9780801452642 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 316 pages ; UG Library
361.7 CLI 04017270 Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World Clinton, Bill Crown Forum 2007 9780307266743 240 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.7 CLI 03006447 Giving : Clinton, Bill, Knopf, 2007 9780307266743 1st ed. xiii, 240 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.7 CLI 03006446 Giving : Clinton, Bill, Knopf, 2007 9780307266743 1st ed. xiii, 240 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.7 DIE 00107357 Transformational philanthropy Dietlin,Lisa M. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763766788 | 076376678X xv, 326 p. : UG Library
361.7 EAD 07006923 Debating Development : Eade Deborah Rawat Publications, 2006 9788170339922 420p.: Library - BR Campus
361.7 PRU 05022957 Establishing and Managinng Global Civil Society [ MSW ] Pruthi, R K Arise Publishersand Distributors 8189557378 274p Knowledge Centre
361.7 SAL 05046271 New frontiers of philanthropy : Salmon, Lester M Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199357543 (hardback : alk. xxxv, 726 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.7 SOM 05022190 Methods for Community Participation (MSW) Kumar, Somesh Sage Publications 8178290715 333p Knowledge Centre
361.7068 COL 05074523 Turning The Flywheel : Collins, Jim Penguin Random House, 2019 9781847942555 41 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.7068 COO 05046611 How to be great at doing good : Cooney, Nick, 9781119041719 | 9781119042242 1 online resource (209 pages) Knowledge Centre
361.7068 KOC 00056117 Corporate Fund Raising Made Easy: Learning from the Success of Cry Kochhar, Anupama Books for Change 8187380462 130p UG Library
361.7068 PAS 00048951 Organising Local Events Passingham, Sarah Directory of Social Change 1995 1873860889 | 9781873860885 138 p. UG Library
361.7068 STE 00048955 Project Formulation for Voluntary Organisations Stephen, T S PDC Network 132p UG Library
361.70681 CUL 00049240 Profile 300 Selected Voluntary Organisations in India Culshaw, Murray Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy 308p UG Library
361.70681 KIE 05006131 Fundraising for social change / Klein, Kim. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470887172 (pbk.) | 0470887 6th ed. xvii, 515 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.70681 KIE 03005098 Fundraising for social change / Klein, Kim. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470887172 (pbk.) | 0470887 6th ed. xvii, 515 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.70681 LON 05043831 Social entrepreneurship : London, Manuel. Routledge, 2010 9780415801287 (hbk : alk. pape xii, 237 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.70681 PAD 05022188 Management Development in Non Profit Organizatioja a Programme for Governing Boards [MSW] Padaki Vijay, Vaz Manulia 0761933778 284 Knowledge Centre
361.70681 PAN 00048940 Financial Assitance Available to Voluntary Organisations - Source Book Lanchal, Smitendu United Way of Vadodara 450p UG Library
361.70681 PAS 00048971 Tried & Tested Ideas for Raising Money Locally : Small and Medium-Scale Events Passingham Sarah Directory of Social Change 1999 1873860366 144 p UG Library
361.70681 ROW 00048939 Bangalore Cares: Directory of Voluntary Organizations in Karnataka Row, G M Bangalore Cares 245 p UG Library
361.70688 ELK 03010191 The Power of Unreasonable People : Elkington, John. Harvard Business School Press, 2008 9781422104064 | 1422104060 xviii, 242 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.70688 ELK 05000573 The Power of Unreasonable People : Elkington, John. Harvard Business School Press, 2008 9781422104064 | 1422104060 xviii, 242 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.70954 LEW 07006779 NGOs and Social Welfare : Rawat Publications, 9788131602003 | 8131602001 viii, 310 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.70954 LEW 05003017 NGOs and Social Welfare : Rawat Publications, 9788131602003 | 8131602001 viii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.70954 KAS 00125703 Philanthropy in India : Kassam, Meenaz, Sage, 2016 9789351507529 xix, 228 pages ; UG Library
361.70954 LEW 05023139 NGOs and Social Welfare:New Research Approaches [MSW-SECTION] Lewis, David Rawat Publications 8131602001 310 p Knowledge Centre
361.70954 LEW 05022189 NGOs and Social Welfare : Rawat Publications, 9788131602003 | 8131602001 viii, 310 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.70954 ROL 05062957 Fifth estate : Roli Books, 2018 9788193626061 | 9788193984611 211p. Knowledge Centre
361.70954 ROL 05072312 Fifth estate : Roli Books, 2018 9788193626061 | 9788193984611 211p. Knowledge Centre
361.70954 ROL 05072313 Fifth estate : Roli Books, 2018 9788193626061 | 9788193984611 211p. Knowledge Centre
361.70954 ROL 05072314 Fifth estate : Roli Books, 2018 9788193626061 | 9788193984611 211p. Knowledge Centre
361.70954 SHA 01004132 Improving Peoples Lives (law Library) Mukul Sharma Sage Publications 0761996036 208p Knowledge Centre
361.70954 SOO 05023127 Ngos in India a Cross-Sectional Study [MSW] Sooryamoorthy R Rawat Publications 8131600203 189p Knowledge Centre
361.70954 SOO 05022187 Ngos in India a Cross Sectinal Study [ MSW ] Sooryamoorthy R, Gangrade K D Rawat Publications 8131600203 189 Knowledge Centre
361.7095491 BAN 05046986 Breakdown in Pakistan : Bano, Masooda, Foundation Books, 2013 9789382993162 xiii, 220 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.74092 CLE 03000583 Billionaire Who Wasnt: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune Clery, Conor O Public Affairs 9781586486426 341p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.74092 DES 07005677 From England with love : Desai, Kalidas, Penguin Books, 2014 9780670087822 xx, 217 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.74092273 SO 03001305 Tech Billionaires: Reshaping Philanthropy in a Quest for a Bettr World Solomon, Lewis D Transaction Publishers 9781412808477 146p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.74092273 NAP 05054595 Ray and Joan : Napoli, Lisa, Dutton, 2016 9781101984956 (hardcover) 353p.; Knowledge Centre
361.740954 RAM 00062878 Daughter of the Mountains Raman, Hema East West Books ( Madras ) Pvt Ltd 8188661066 202p UG Library
361.75 MIT 00145057 Faith-based development : Mitchell, Bob Orbis Books, 2017 9781626982147 (pbk.) xxv, 229 pages ; UG Library
361.750941 GRU 05022196 Community Work: A Handbook for Volunteer Groups and Local Churches [msw-Section] Grundy, Malcolm 0264673239 165p Knowledge Centre
361.750941 GRU 05022195 Community Work: A Handbook for Volunteer Groups and Local Churches [msw-Section] Grundy, Malcolm 0264673239 165p Knowledge Centre
361.76 ADI 05023123 Universities and Ngo s [MSW] Reddy P Adinarayana, M C Reddeppa Reddy Discovery Publishing House 8183561306 234 Knowledge Centre
361.76 EDW 05023113 Non-Governmental Organisations - Performance and Accountability - Beyond the Magic Bullet (MSW SHELF) Edwards, Michael Eearthscan 0185383310 259p Knowledge Centre
361.76 PAW 05023112 Ngos and Development - the Indian Scenario Pawar, S N Rawat Publications 8170338344 274p Knowledge Centre
361.76 RAV 05023124 Role of NGOs in Socio Economic Development [MSW] Kumar Singh, Ravi Shankar Abhijeet Publications 2003 8188683051 263p Knowledge Centre
361.76 RAV 05023111 Role of N.G.Os in Socio-Economic Deelopment [ Economics ] Kumar Singh, Ravi Shankar Abhijeet Publications 8188683051 264p Knowledge Centre
361.76 STE 00048950 Management of Voluntary Organizations Stephen, T S PDC Network 160p UG Library
361.76068 PAD 05023425 Institutional Development in Social Interventions : Padaki, Vijay Sage Publications, 2003 0076199663 238p Knowledge Centre
361.76068 PAD 01004112 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN SOCIAL INTERVENTIONS (LAW LIB) Vijay Padaki Sage Publications 0076199663 238p Knowledge Centre
361.76092 BAN 04016205 I Have a Dream / Bansal, Rashmi. Westland, 2011 9789380658384 337 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.76092 BAN 05024836 I Have a Dream / Bansal, Rashmi. Westland, 2011 9789380658384 337 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.76092 BAN 07011752 I Have a Dream / Bansal, Rashmi. Westland, 2011 9789380658384 337 p.: Library - BR Campus
361.76092 BAN 03007088 I Have a Dream / Bansal, Rashmi. Westland, 2011 9789380658384 337 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.76092 SUD 04017225 The philanthropy of George Soros : Sudetic, Chuck. PublicAffairs, 2011 9781586488222 (hbk.) | 9781586 1st ed. vi, 373 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
361.76092 SUD 03006063 The philanthropy of George Soros : Sudetic, Chuck. PublicAffairs, 2011 9781586488222 (hbk.) | 9781586 1st ed. vi, 373 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.763 CHA 00062318 Non-Governmental Organisations Chandra, Snehalata Kanishka Publishers Distributors 2001 8173914001 450 p. UG Library
361.763 EAD 05023428 Development, NGOS and Civil Society / Eade, Deborah Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339111 204p Knowledge Centre
361.763 NAR 05023427 Ngos and Child Labour / Narasiah, M L Discovery Publishing House, 2004 0817141799 134p Knowledge Centre
361.763 SAR 05023148 NGOs and Globalization Rawat Publications, 813160201-X 284 p. Knowledge Centre
361.763 SAR 05023149 NGOs and globalization : Rawat Publications, 813160201X xii, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.763 SIN 05023140 Role of Ngos in Developing Countries Singh, Ravi Shankar Kumar Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176294349 278p Knowledge Centre
361.76305 CAS 05046002 The Nonprofit World : Casey John Kumarian Press, 2016 9781565495302 xii,356p.: Knowledge Centre
361.76305 CAS 07005276 The Nonprofit World : Casey John Kumarian Press, 2016 9781565495302 xii,356p.: Library - BR Campus
361.7632025 DIR 01014923 The Europa International Foundation Directory 2010 Routledge, 9781857435597 695 p. Knowledge Centre
361.7632092 SOR 01000971 Underwriting Democracy (law Lib) George Soros Public Affairs 1586482270 258p Knowledge Centre
361.7632094 BUR 01005041 CHARITY INVESTIGATIONS (LAW LIBRARY) Andrew Burgess LEXIS NEXIS 0754512878 544p Knowledge Centre
361.765 BAN 07003970 Social entrepreneurship and innovation : KoganPage, 2016 9780749475918 (pbk.) | 0749475 272 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.765 BEN 00107650 The business of changing the world Benioff,Marc, McGraw-Hill, 2007 9780071481519 | 9780071481519 xxix, 297 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
361.765 BOR 05023147 Social Entrepreneurship : Bornstein, David Oxford University Press, 9780195396331 345 p. Knowledge Centre
361.765 CAR 00144748 Social entrepreneurship and innovation / Carlson, Carole Sage publications, 2023 9781071811597 xix, 338 pages : UG Library
361.765 DEY 05063687 Social entrepreneurship : Edward Elgar, 2018 9781783474110 (hardback) xii, 311 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.765 DOH 00103691 Management for social enterprise: Doherty Bob Sage; 2009 9788132106456 246 p. UG Library
361.765 EDW 03007231 Small Change Why Business Won't Save the World / Edwards, Michael. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010 9780070703629 125 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.765 SHU 00148076 Social Entrepreneurship in India: Shukla, Madhukar Atlantic, 2024 9788126937745 xxi,256p. ; UG Library
361.765 THO 00131357 Social entrepreneurs : Thompson, Marcus. Palgrave, 2017 9781137520074 xxiii,210p.; UG Library
361.765 THO 05062003 Social entrepreneurs : Thompson, Marcus. Palgrave, 2017 9781137520074 xxiii,210p.; Knowledge Centre
361.765068 PRA 00109949 Social Entrepreneurship Praszkier, Ryszard, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521767316 (hardback) | 978 xx, 228 p. : UG Library
361.765072 FER 07011793 Fifty Yeas of Learning : Fernandez Aloysius Myrada, 2018 507p.: Library - BR Campus
361.765094 DEF 07000357 Social enterprise and the third sector : Routledge, 2014 9780415831550 (hardback) | 978 First Edition. xv, 279 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.766 CHA 05023104 Laboiur Welfare and Social Sectuiry: Awareness, Implemnentation and Utility of Labour Laws - MSW Shelf Chauhan, R K Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176294748 450p Knowledge Centre
361.77 CHA 00109522 International Oraganisations And Civilian Protection Chaulia,Sreeram Viva Books 2011 9788130919232 xxii; 263 p. UG Library
361.77 FER 05037059 Social Work and NGOs / Fernandez,Alex B. Pacific Books International, 2014 9789381138878 v,286p.; Knowledge Centre
361.77 MAT 01019521 NGOs and Human Rights Movements Mathur,Raj Bala. Aadi Publications 2012 9789380902838 286p. Knowledge Centre
361.77 PAT 05023164 NGOs Social Work Patel,A,K Crescent Publishing corporation: 9788183421720 286 p. Knowledge Centre
361.77 SOO 05023126 NGOs in India:A Cross-Sectional Study [ug.Lib.Sociology Reference Section] Sooryamoorthy, R Rawat Publications 8131600203 89p Knowledge Centre
361.77025 DIR 01014922 The Europa Directory of International Organizations 2010 / Routledge, 9781857435580 8080 p. Knowledge Centre
361.77091724 BOW 05073817 Reimagining Global Philanthropy : Bowman, Kirk S. Columbia University Press, 2021 9780231200103 xi, 237 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.770954 CHA 07001142 Non-governmental organizations : Chandra, Suresh Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607534 (hardback) | 813 xiv, 218 pages ; Library - BR Campus
361.770954 CHA 05047807 Non-governmental organizations : Chandra, Suresh Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607534 (hardback) | 813 xiv, 218 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.770954 DHI 07014336 NGOs and Protection of Human Rights / Dhingra Rajni Malhotra Deep & Deep Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2019 9788184503135 ix,403p.: Library - BR Campus
361.770954 KUM 05043065 Social Change Through Ngos / Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2003 8126114630 414p Knowledge Centre
361.770954 RAJ 00141315 NGOs and Tribal Development in India / SSDN Publishers & Distributors; 2021 9789388950381 | 9388950380 First edition. xii, 220 pages ; UG Library
361.772 FOR 01025841 The International Committee of the Red Cross : Forsythe, David P., Routledge, 2016 9781138185524 (hardback) | 978 xiii, 140 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.77209 STE 05058091 Humanitarians at war : Steinacher, Gerald, Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198704935 | 0198704933 First Edition. xiv, 330 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.8 ALL 05068605 The Cambridge handbook of organizational community engagement and outreach / Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108405256 xvi,440p.; Knowledge Centre
361.8 BOR 05022985 Community Development: An Outreach Approach [MSW-SECTION] Boraian, M P Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126136612 247 p Knowledge Centre
361.8 BOR 05022989 Community Care a Reader [MSW] Bornat, Joanna 0333698479 351p Knowledge Centre
361.8 EGG 05000515 The Solution Revolution : Eggers, William D. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422192191 (hardback) 292 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.8 EGG 03010252 The Solution Revolution : Eggers, William D. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422192191 (hardback) 292 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.8 EGG 05040473 The Solution Revolution : Eggers, William D. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422192191 (hardback) 292 p.: Knowledge Centre
361.8 EGG 07002522 The Solution Revolution : Eggers, William D. Harvard Business Review Press, 2013 9781422192191 (hardback) 292 p.: Library - BR Campus
361.8 GOE 05044250 Community Work: Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192332673 xvi,262p.: Knowledge Centre
361.8 GOE 05044251 Community Work: Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192332673 xvi,262p.: Knowledge Centre
361.8 HAL 05023132 Social Capital [ MA-SOC ] Halpern, David 0745625487 387p Knowledge Centre
361.8 HAZ 05032902 India's Social Sector And Millennium Development Goals / Anupam Hazra. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605790 231 p. Knowledge Centre
361.8 HAZ 00112306 India's Social Sector And Millennium Development Goals / Anupam Hazra. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605790 231 p. UG Library
361.8 HIC 05022987 Participation from Tyranny to Transformation? / Hickey, Samuel ZED BOOKS , 2004 1842774603 291p.: Knowledge Centre
361.8 JOS 05034049 Community Organization in Social Work / Joseph,Sheeba. Discovery Publishing House, 2013 9789350563724 1st ed. 133p.; Knowledge Centre
361.8 KUM 05022983 Community Action Planning (msw Shelf) Kumarn Vasantha, Hyma Bala T.R. Publications PVT LTD. 8182860016 279p Knowledge Centre
361.8 LED 05023129 Community Develoopment a Critical Approach [MSW] Ledwith Margaret Rawat Publications 8131600394 196 Knowledge Centre
361.8 LED 05022984 Community Development: A Critical Approach [MSW-SECTION] Ledwith, Margaret Rawat Publications 8131600394 196p Knowledge Centre
361.8 LED 05043064 Community Development : Ledwith, Margaret Rawat Publications 2006 8131600394 196p Knowledge Centre
361.8 MCD 05023130 Understaning Community Care a Guide for Social Workers (MSW) Mcdonald, Ann 0333675924 265p Knowledge Centre
361.8 MIS 05023138 Community Participation in Natural Resource Management: [MSW] Mishra, G P Rawat Publications 8170336732 386p Knowledge Centre
361.8 MIS 05022988 Social Group Work: Misra P D New Royal Book Company 9788189267582 189p Knowledge Centre
361.8 NAR 05023128 Community Water Management [MSW] Narwani G S Rawat Publications 8170339138 203 Knowledge Centre
361.8 NUS 01007419 Democracy, Religious Violence and India`s Future: The Class Within ( Law Lib ) Martha C Nussbaum Permanent Black 8178242001 403p Knowledge Centre
361.8 RAM 03007902 Public Private Partnerships / Routledge, 2010 9780415599245 xii, 335 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.8 RAM 05039288 Public Private Partnerships / Routledge, 2010 9780415599245 xii, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.8 ROT 05022990 Strategies of Community Intervention: [MSW] Rothman, Jack 0875814360 496p Knowledge Centre
361.8 ROT 05024072 Reflections on Community Organisationb : Rothman, Jack F E Peacock Publishers, 2004 0875814166 410 p Knowledge Centre
361.8 SAT 05023134 Voluntary Effort and Rural Development [MSW-SECTION] Satyanarayana, G Rawat Publications 8131600866 295p Knowledge Centre
361.8 SAT 05043361 Voluntary Effort and Rural Development / Satynarayanan, G Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600866 295p Knowledge Centre
361.8 SAT 05023133 Voluntary Effort and Rural Development / Satynarayanan, G Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600866 295p Knowledge Centre
361.8 SEL 05023131 Empowerment and Social Development - Issues in Community Particiaption (MSW SHELF) Selvam, S Kanishka Publishers 8173917191 150p Knowledge Centre
361.8 SEL 05022981 Empowerment and Social Development [ MSW ] Selvam, S Kanishka Publishers 8173917191 150p Knowledge Centre
361.8 SIN 05032445 Social Work and Community Development / Singh,R.S. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842546 vii,280p.; Knowledge Centre
361.8 TAY 00112319 Theory and practice of community social work Taylor, Samuel H Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605912 xii,442p.; UG Library
361.8 TIT 05022982 Caring for People in the Community (MSW) Titterton, Michael Jessica Kingsley 1853021121 169p Knowledge Centre
361.8 TRO 05043066 Tactices and Techniques of Community Intervention / Tropman, John E Peacock, 2001 0875814352 4 530p Knowledge Centre
361.8 WHI 05023136 Developing Good Prctice in Community Care [ MSW ] White, Vicky Jessica Kingsley 1853028908 208p Knowledge Centre
361.8091724 BLU 07006752 Indigenous organizations and development / Intermediate Technology Publications, 1996 1853393215 xv, 253 p. ; Library - BR Campus
361.80941 TWE 00131448 Community development ,scoial action and social planning Twelvetrees, Alan C Palgrave, 2017 9781137544896 5th ed., xiv,275p.; UG Library
361.80954 HAN 01008045 Violence in Urban India: Identity Politics, and the Postcolonial City ( Law Lib ) Thomas Hansen Permanent Black 0817824120 269p Knowledge Centre
361.80954 HAN 01007439 Violence in Urban India: Identity Politics, and the Postcolonial City ( Law Lib ) Thomas Hansen Permanent Black 0817824120 269p Knowledge Centre
361.80954 MIS 05024070 Community Participation in Natural Resource Management / Mishra, G P Rawat, 2004 385 p Knowledge Centre
361.80973 GUN 05044240 Community Organisation and Social Action : IBH Prakashana, 2013 9788189268244 xiv,280p.: Knowledge Centre
361.80973 GUN 05044241 Community Organisation and Social Action : IBH Prakashana, 2013 9788189268244 xiv,280p.: Knowledge Centre
361.80973 STA 05023125 Roots to Power a Manual for Grassroots Organizaing [MSW] Staples Lee 0275969983 371 Knowledge Centre
361.91722 CRA 05023176 INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL POLICY (MSW) Craig, Gary 0333748662 258p Knowledge Centre
361.91734LOH 01009949 Rural Social Work Practice (law Lib) Nancy Lohmann Columbia University Press 9780231129336 340 p Knowledge Centre
361.92 PAN 00111284 Social Action : Panwar, Manju. Mittal Publications, 2011 9788183243544 199p.; UG Library
361.924 SAH 01004698 Sociology of Diaspora (law Library) Ajaya Kumar Sahoo RAWAT 8131601013 583p. Knowledge Centre
361.924 SAH 01004699 Sociology of Diaspora (law Library) Ajaya Kumar Sahoo RAWAT 8131601013 583p. Knowledge Centre
361.924 SAH 05023103 Sociology of Diaspora: A Reader.Vol.1, 2 Sahoo, Ajaya Kumar Rawat Publications 2007 8131601013 583p Knowledge Centre
361.924 SAH 05023177 Sociology of Diaspora: A Reader.Vol.1, 2 Sahoo, Ajaya Kumar Rawat Publications 2007 8131601013 583p Knowledge Centre
361.924 SAH 05025443 Sociology of Diaspora: A Reader.Vol.1, 2 Sahoo, Ajaya Kumar Rawat Publications 2007 8131601013 583p Knowledge Centre
361.924 SAH 05025442 Sociology of Diaspora: A Reader.Vol.1, 2 Sahoo, Ajaya Kumar Rawat Publications 2007 8131601013 583p Knowledge Centre
361.924 SHA 05023102 Sociology of Diaspora: A Reader - Volume 1 Sahoo, Ajaya Kumar Rawat Publications 8131601013 583p Knowledge Centre
361.924 SHA 05023101 Sociology of Diaspora: A Reader - Volume 2 Sahoo, Ajaya Kumar Rawat Publications 8131601021 1015 Knowledge Centre
361.9254 AMT 00087404 Samidha Amte, Sadhana Orient Longman Publications, 2008 9788125034049 260 p.; UG Library
361.941 BYT 05005349 Understanding care, welfare and community : Routledge, 2002 9780415258609 | 041525860X (pb xviii, 374 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.941 CLA 05043380 Creating Citizen-Consumers : Clarke, John Sage. 2007 183p Knowledge Centre
361.941 HOR 05010514 Values in social work / Horne, Michael, Ashgate, 1999 1857423291 (hardback) | 185742 2nd ed. xvii, 109 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.941 HOR 05004053 Values in social work / Horne, Michael, Ashgate, 1999 1857423291 (hardback) | 185742 2nd ed. xvii, 109 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.942 SRI 05041750 Voluntary Organisations and Social Welfare / Srivastava,K.D Anmol publications Pvt.Ltd, 2014 9788126161270 vii, 312 p.; Knowledge Centre
361.954 LAL 05043079 Human Devolpement In India : Lal,.B. Suresh. 09. Serials Publication, 2009 9788183872447 xxxi, 838 p. Knowledge Centre
361.954 AHU 05043381 Social Problems in India / Ahuja, Ram Rawat 2004 508p Knowledge Centre
361.954 AHU 00056172 Social Problems in India nair, Ram Rawat Publications 8170334136 503p UG Library
361.954 AO 05045271 Changing Dimensions of Social Work / Ao Imotemsu Jnanada Prakashan, 2014 9788171396085 204p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 CHA 05049163 Staking claims : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199467778 xi,374p.; Knowledge Centre
361.954 DEV 05023186 Social work concerns and challenges in the 21st century / A.P.H. Pub. Corp., 9788131304679 325 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.954 DSO 05044234 Newer Concerns of Older Persons : Niruta Publications, 2012 9788192439396 ix,212p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 DSO 05044235 Newer Concerns of Older Persons : Niruta Publications, 2012 9788192439396 ix,212p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 GOR 05047675 Social Work and Social Work Education / Gore, M.S . Rawat Publications , 2015 9788131604458 ix, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.954 GOR 05047809 Social Work and Social Work Education / Gore, M.S . Rawat Publications , 2015 9788131604458 ix, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.954 JOG 05023976 Globalization and Social Movements : Jogdand P G, Michael S M Rawat Publications, 2006 8170338158 281p Knowledge Centre
361.954 KUM 05056014 Social work and social welfare / Kumar,Sunil. ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183765220 viii.326p.; Knowledge Centre
361.954 LAL 05043078 Human Devolpement In India : Lal,.B. Suresh. 09. Serials Publication, 2009 9788183872447 xxxi, 838 p. Knowledge Centre
361.954 LIB 00143484 Tagore and social work : Libois, Joƫlle, Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd, 2022 9789354390876 | 9354390870 110 pages ; UG Library
361.954 MAR 05044210 Sectrian and Secular Bases of Welfare and Development / Marulasiddaiah H.M.Dr IBH Prakashana, 2008 viii,238p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 MAR 05044211 Sectrian and Secular Bases of Welfare and Development / Marulasiddaiah H.M.Dr IBH Prakashana, 2008 viii,238p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 NAG 05023184 Social Work in Urban India [msw-Section] Nagpaul, Hans Rawat Publications 8170333490 205p Knowledge Centre
361.954 NAI 05044256 Social Work Profession in India:An Uncertain Future / Nair T.K Niruta Publications, 2014 9789384262013 xvi,256p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 NAI 05044257 Social Work Profession in India:An Uncertain Future / Nair T.K Niruta Publications, 2014 9789384262013 xvi,256p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 OTT 05044200 Devotion and Empowerment : Ottelid Magnus IBH Prakashana. 2008 266p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 OTT 05044201 Devotion and Empowerment : Ottelid Magnus IBH Prakashana. 2008 266p.: Knowledge Centre
361.954 OVA 03008596 Management of Non-Governmental Organisations : Ovasdi, J. M. Macmillan, 2006 1403928681 xvi, 408 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
361.954 PAN 05041717 Theory and perspectives in social work / Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606339 x, 370 pages, Knowledge Centre
361.954 PUR 05023198 Social Problems in India [ MSW ] Purushothama, G S HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178667576 259p Knowledge Centre
361.954 RAJ 00141891 Readings in social work : Raju,M Lakshmipathi Rawat publications, 2021 9788131611852 xxvii,404p.; UG Library
361.954 SAX 05037515 Encyclopedia of Social Welfare / Saxena Anil SBS publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd; 2010 9788189741242 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.954 SAX 05037516 Encyclopedia of Social Welfare / Saxena Anil SBS publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd; 2010 9788189741242 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.954 SAX 05037517 Encyclopedia of Social Welfare / Saxena Anil SBS publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd; 2010 9788189741242 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.954 SAX 05037518 Encyclopedia of Social Welfare / Saxena Anil SBS publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd; 2010 9788189741242 4 v.; Knowledge Centre
361.954 SUN 05023182 Social issues: Suneetha,K Sonali publication: 9788184112757 ix;477 p. Knowledge Centre
361.954 WB 05023135 India, rural governments and service delivery / World Bank Oxford University Press, 9780195692341 | 0195692349 xiv, 127 p. : Knowledge Centre
361.954162 ROY 05023185 human Development Scenario Roy Hiranmoy Serials Publications 9788183872560 147p Knowledge Centre
361.95475 RAY 07006781 Liberalisation and urban social services : Ray, C. N. Rawat Publications, 2003 8170337623 xvi, 360 p. : Library - BR Campus
361.95482 PAR 05072364 A Silent Revolution : Parupudi, Snigdha. Harper Collins, 2021 9789353579029 xxvii, 346p. ; Knowledge Centre
361.954MAL 00054700 Bhrathada Saamajika Samasyegalu Maali, H B Bharathi 323p UG Library
361.95957 TIO 05023183 Extending Frontiers: Social Issues and Social Work in Singapore [msw-Section] Tiong, Tan Ngoh EASTERN UNIVERSITIES PRESS 9812102167 241p Knowledge Centre
361.973 CHA 07008379 Social policy for effective practice : Chapin, Rosemary Kennedy. Routledge, 2014 9780415519915 (hardback : alk. Third edition. xxxix, 553, (r-1- i-41) pages : Library - BR Campus
361.973 CHA 05056098 Social policy for effective practice : Chapin, Rosemary Kennedy, Routledge, 2017 9781138210912 (hardcover : alk Fourth edition. xlii, 715 pages ; Knowledge Centre
361.973 FIG 05023181 Welfare State and Social Work Pursuing Social Justice [MSW-SECTION] Figueira-Mcdonough, Josefina 0761930248 439p Knowledge Centre
361.973 FIG 05043362 Welfare State: And Social Work : Figueira-Mcdonough, Josefina Sage, 2007 0761930248 439 p. Knowledge Centre
361.973 GLI 05043372 Social Work in the 21st Century : Glicken, Morley D Sage, 2007 1412913160 492p Knowledge Centre
361.973 HAR 05023187 Reflection Controversy Essays on Soical Work [SOCIAL PROBLEM] Germain Carel B 0871012332 182 Knowledge Centre
361.973 JAN 05023141 The reluctant welfare state; Jansson,Bruce Brooks/Cole; 9780495595243 xxv;612 p. Knowledge Centre
361.973 MAR 05042755 Social insurance : Marmor, Theodore R. Sage, 2014 9781452240008 (alk. paper : pb xxv, 299 pages : Knowledge Centre
361.993 MAI 00146570 Practice skills in social work and welfare : Maidment, Jane Routledge, 2023 9781032056555 4th edition. xiv,303p. ; UG Library
361.99623 SIN 00138189 Social welfare system SInha,Abhishek Ishika publishing house, 2020 9789388454070 viii,208p.; UG Library
361BYR 00054703 Saamajika Samasyegalu Byrappa, K Cambridge 446p UG Library
362 DRE 05023420 Hunger and Public Action / Dreze, Jean Oxford University Press, 1999 0195632915 373 p Knowledge Centre
362 DRE 05023170 Political Economy of Hunder: Selected Essays Dreze, Jean 0019564963 626p Knowledge Centre
362 GIB. 00029782 Society, Crime and Criminal Careers Gibbons, C Don Prentice -Hall 554 UG Library
362 MAD 00044620 Indian Social Problems [ Social Disorganization and Reconstrution ] Vol.Two Madan, G R Allied Publications 8170231809 590p UG Library
362 SCH 00012799 Our Criminal Society Schur, Edwin M PH 244p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362 CRO 00142602 Basic income and sovereign money : Crocker,Geoff. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 9783030367473 xiii,98p.; UG Library
362 DAS 05023155 Social Capital - a Multifacetd Perspective / Dasgupta, Partha World Bank , 2000 424p .: Knowledge Centre
362 GUB 05052511 Reimagining the human service relationship / Gubrium, Jaber F., Coulmbia university press, 2016 9780231171526 (cloth : alk. pa 1 Edition. xvi,349p.; Knowledge Centre
362 HAL 05023154 Social Capital [MSW] Halpern, David 0745625487 388 Knowledge Centre
362 HAR 05042887 Human Exceptionality: School, Community and Family. Hardman, Michael 0618917306 626p Knowledge Centre
362 ILO 01005660 Violence at Work Duncan Chappell INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION 9221179486 360 Knowledge Centre
362 JAG 05023418 Social Welfare in t he 21st Century : Jagdish Akansha Publishing House, 2004 8187606657 310p Knowledge Centre
362 JAG 05023417 Social Welfare in t he 21st Century : Jagdish Akansha Publishing House, 2004 8187606657 310p Knowledge Centre
362 JOH 05023160 Social Services: an Introduction: [MSW] Johnson, H Wayne 0875814131 496p Knowledge Centre
362 JOS 05023429 Socio-Economic Background of Beggars in Religious Centres / Joshi, A APH Publishing, 1999 0817648105 170 p Knowledge Centre
362 KIN 00033467 Social Problems Inthe World Today Kinch, W John Addison 324 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362 KOT 00103555 Community work and social action: Kotwal Pradeep Adhyay publishers, 2011 9788184352375 256 p.; UG Library
362 KUM 05023143 Social Security in a Developing World Context [ MSW ] Ku, Atr, Vijaya Serials Publications 8186771492 350p Knowledge Centre
362 LUN 01005802 Chains of Production, Ladders of Protection: Social Protection for Workers in the Informal Economy (law Lib.) Francie Lund School of Development Studies 1868405141 127p. Knowledge Centre
362 MAH 05073558 The COVID spectrum : Mahadevan, Kanchana. Speaking Tiger, 2022 9789354471452 xv, 333p, ; Knowledge Centre
362 MAN 05023188 Child Labour in Informal Sector: a Case Study of Azamghar District Manocha, Lalita Manak Publication 8186562516 112 p Knowledge Centre
362 MAR 00013423 Mental Retardation Marfatia J C Popular Prakashan 1966 124 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362 MAT 05023416 Moving People to Deliver Services / Mattoo, Aaditya World Bank, 2003 244p Knowledge Centre
362 NAG 00044331 Culture, Education and Social Welfare Need for Indigenous Foundations. Nagpaul, Hans S Chand 420p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362 NAG 00044332 Culture, Education and Social Welfare Need for Indigenous Foundations. Nagpaul, Hans S Chand 420p UG Library
362 NAN 01003164 Ambiguous Jurney to the City(law Library) Ashis Nandy OXFORD 0019565428 146p Knowledge Centre
362 PAL 08002158 Urban Block Cities: 10 design principles for contemporaryu planning / Palsson, Karsten Dom Publication, 2022 9783869228389 216 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362 PAN 00040708 Violence: a Bibliography Pandit, R Rawat, 1996 227 p.; UG Library
362 PAT 05023172 Social work and social welfare Patel,A,K Crescent publishing corporation; 9788183421683 274 p. Knowledge Centre
362 PRA 05023430 Famines & Droughts : Prasad, Purendra Rawat Publications, 1998 256 p Knowledge Centre
362 RAM 00111980 Applied Sociology Ramkrishan, Manjre R.P. Publications 2013 9789382398004 vi; 232 p UG Library
362 ROH 05029738 Reaching Health for All / Rohde, Jon Oxford University Press, 1996 0195632362 524 p Knowledge Centre
362 SAN 00098761 Adolescence Santrock,John,W Mc Graw Hill; 9780071108263 499;SI-7 UG Library
362 SAR 05023192 Aspaects of Labour Welfare and Social Security Sarma, A M HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 8178668068 279p Knowledge Centre
362 SHA 05023158 Elements of Social Service / Shamisi Nayyar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2006 8126125519 302 Knowledge Centre
362 SHA 05002932 Elements of Social Security. Shamsi, Nayyar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126125535 302p Knowledge Centre
362 SHA 05023159 Elements of Social Evils / Shamsi Nayyar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2006 8126126035 357 Knowledge Centre
362 SIN 05023196 Applied Sociology Singh, K PK 431 p Knowledge Centre
362 SUB 00056840 Social Problems With Special Reference to India for b a Degree Courses Subramanya, G Sapna Book House 8128000470 388p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362 SUB 00056841 Social Problems With Special Reference to India for b a Degree Courses Subramanya, G Sapna Book House 8128000470 388p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362 TEN 07007483 The Mindfulness Edge/ Tenney,Matt Wiley, 2016 9788126562534 XXIII,255 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
362 WAL 05002965 Social Security and Welfare. Walker, Robert 0335209343 354p Knowledge Centre
362 WAL 00129337 Understanding Quality of Life in Old Age Walker,Alan Open University Press 2005 0335215238 209p UG Library
362 WAS 05023142 Home Visiting - Procedures for Helping Families (MSW) Wasik, Hanna Barbara 0761920544 322p Knowledge Centre
362 WAT 01005465 SERVING the Nation(law Library) Carey Anthony Watt OXFORD 0195668022 255p Knowledge Centre
362 ZAS 05023156 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare Zastrow Charles Thomson Brooks/Cole 9780495603610 602p Knowledge Centre
362 ZAS 05002969 Introduction to Social work and Social welfare : Zastrow Charles Brooks/Cole; 9780495809968 617 p. Knowledge Centre
362.00425091724 WOR 01005879 Social Protection Sector Strategy ( Law Lib ) World Bank Group World Bank 0821349031 76p Knowledge Centre
362.01 BHA 05023174 Towards Social Development : Rawat Publications, 2008 8131600807 | 9788131600801 xix, 235 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.042 KAN 00119398 Social Problems & Social Change Kansal, Jairam Wisdom Press, 2012 9789381052853 281p.; UG Library
362.042 KAR 00024784 Indian Social Institutions and Problems Karnad, S V Sheth Publishers 1982 278 p . UG Library
362.042 KAR 00024782 Indian Social Institutions and Problems Karnad, S V Sheth Publishers 1982 278 p . UG Library
362.042 KAR 00023508 Indian Social Institutions and Problems Karnad, S V Sheth Publishers 1982 278 p . UG Library
362.042 KAR 00023507 Indian Social Institutions and Problems Karnad, S V Sheth Publishers 1982 278 p . UG Library
362.042 KAR 00023509 Indian Social Institutions and Problems Karnad, S V Sheth Publishers 1982 278 p . UG Library
362.042 KAR 00023505 Indian Social Institutions and Problems Karnad, S V Sheth Publishers 1982 278 p . UG Library
362.042 MAD 00032952 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00026435 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00020546 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00022143 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00012583 Indian Social Problems Vol:2 Madan, Gurumukh Ram Allied Publihers 1973 500 p. UG Library
362.042 MAD 00022144 Indian Social Problems Vol:2 Madan, Gurumukh Ram Allied Publihers 1973 500 p. UG Library
362.042 MAD 00011662 Indian Social Problems Vol:2 Madan, Gurumukh Ram Allied Publihers 1973 500 p. UG Library
362.042 MCD 00013468 Social Problems: Persistent Challanges Mcdonagh, Edward C Holt,Rinehort 1969 665 p UG Library
362.042 MER 00015332 Contemporary Social Problems Merton, Robert K Harcourt & Row 1971 880 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.042 SHA 00033097 Indian Social Problems Sharma, Ram Nath Media Promoters &Publishers 1982 458 p . UG Library
362.042 SHI 00026666 Bharathada Prachalitha Samajika Samasyegaul (social Problems) Shivanna, Kala Prakshan 1984 320 p UG Library
362.042 VAT 00025522 Social Problems and Welfare Vatsyayan, Knrn Nath Ram 1984 330 p UG Library
362.042 AHU 00060405 Social Problems in India Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 2003 0008170336 508p UG Library
362.042 AHU 00040678 Social Problems in India nair, Ram Rawat Publications 8170331560 389 UG Library
362.042 AHU 05023115 Social Problems in India nair, Ram Rawat Publications 8170331560 389 Knowledge Centre
362.042 AHU 05023109 Social Problems in India nair, Ram Rawat Publications 8170331560 389 Knowledge Centre
362.042 AHU 05023108 Social Problems in India nair, Ram Rawat Publications 8170331560 389 Knowledge Centre
362.042 AHU 00040682 Social Problems in India nair, Ram Rawat Publications 8170331560 389 Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.042 AHU 05023151 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 8170334128 508p Knowledge Centre
362.042 AHU 05041329 Social Problems in India Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606261 xvi: 576p.; Knowledge Centre
362.042 AHU 00117749 Social Problems in India Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606261 xvi: 576p.; UG Library
362.042 AHU 00118080 Social Problems in India Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606261 xvi: 576p.; UG Library
362.042 AHU 05023168 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 508p Knowledge Centre
362.042 AHU 05023110 Social Problems in India. Ahuja, Ram Rawat 508p Knowledge Centre
362.042 AJA 05023122 Economic and Social Problems Including 8th Five Year Plan Ajaz, S M Bright Publications 176 p Knowledge Centre
362.042 AJA 05023121 Economic and Social Problems Including 8th Five Year Plan Ajaz, S M Bright Publications 176 p Knowledge Centre
362.042 BHA 00111446 The DBS Handbook of Social Problems Bhardwaj Rishi Om DBS Imprints, 2013 9788192372839 xvi, 792 p.: UG Library
362.042 DAV 00019378 Social Problems: Enduring Major Issues and Social Change Davis, James F Free Press 1970 388 p UG Library
362.042 GIL 00018200 Social Problems Gillin, John Lewis Times Of India Press 1969 4th Ed. 498 p . UG Library
362.042 GIL 00003915 Social Problems Gillin, John Lewis Times Of India Press 1969 4th Ed. 498 p . UG Library
362.042 GIL 00017811 Social Problems Gillin, John Lewis Times Of India Press 1969 4th Ed. 498 p . UG Library
362.042 GIL 00003916 Social Problems Gillin, John Lewis Times Of India Press 1969 4th Ed. 498 p . UG Library
362.042 KAR 00024783 Indian Social Institutions and Problems Karnad, S V Sheth Publishers 1982 278 p . UG Library
362.042 KAR 00026437 Indian Social Institutions and Problems Karnad, S V Sheth Publishers 1982 278 p . UG Library
362.042 KUM 00111249 Social Problems In Indian Context / Kumari,Neha. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842539 viii,296p.; UG Library
362.042 MAD 00014650 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00003918 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00009689 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00003917 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00006206 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00089797 Indian Social Problems Vol:2 Madan, Gurumukh Ram Allied Publihers 1973 500 p. UG Library
362.042 MAD 00064672 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 00064673 Indian Social Problems Vol-1 Madan Gurumukh Ram Allied Publishers 1966 439 p UG Library
362.042 MAD 07006303 Indian Social Problems Vol:2 Madan, Gurumukh Ram Allied Publihers 1973 500 p. Library - BR Campus
362.042 MAD 07006302 Indian Social Problems Vol:2 Madan, Gurumukh Ram Allied Publihers 1973 500 p. Library - BR Campus
362.042 MAD 05023114 Indian Social Problems. Madan, G R Allied 8177642685 575p Knowledge Centre
362.042 MAD 05023169 Indian Social Problems. Madan, G R Allied 8177642685 575p Knowledge Centre
362.042 MAD 00026436 Indian Social Problems Vol:2 Madan, Gurumukh Ram Allied Publihers 1973 500 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.042 MAD 00011661 Indian Social Problems Vol:2 Madan, Gurumukh Ram Allied Publihers 1973 500 p. UG Library
362.042 MAM 00004967 Social Problems and Social Organisation in India Mamoria, C B Kitab Mahal 1969 530 p . UG Library
362.042 MAM 00023075 Social Problems and Social Disorganisation in India Mamoria, C B Kitab Mahal 1275 p UG Library
362.042 MAM 00023074 Social Problems and Social Disorganisation in India Mamoria, C B Kitab Mahal 1275 p UG Library
362.042 MER 05022143 Contemporary Social Problems Merton, Robert K Harcourt & Row 1971 880 p Knowledge Centre
362.042 PAT 00025506 Social Problems. Patil, D S Subhas Publishers 1982 144 p . UG Library
362.042 QUR 05002942 Elements of Social Rehabilitation. Qureshi, M U Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126125934 329p Knowledge Centre
362.042 QUR1 05002964 Elements of Social Problems Quershi, M U Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126125918 333p Knowledge Centre
362.042 SCA 00033061 Social Problems Scarpitti, R Frank Holt,Rinehort 1974 656 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.042 SHA 00026433 India Social Problems Sharma Ram Nath, Media Promters 458 UG Library
362.042 SHI 00026667 Bharatada Prachalita Samajika Samasyegalu Shivanna, D K Prasaranga UG Library
362.042054 CHA 00030413 Social and Economic Problems of India Chandran, E COSMOS 1989 278 p UG Library
362.0420941 BYW 05023421 Sexuality and Social Work / Bywater, Julie Learning Matters, 2007 9781844450855 158 p Knowledge Centre
362.0420954 AHU 00046290 Social Problems in India nair, Ram Rawat 510 p UG Library
362.0425 PAS 03004483 The power of positive deviance : Pascale, Richard T. Harvard Business Press, 9781422110669 (hbk. : alk. pap 231 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.0425 PAS 07002498 The power of positive deviance : Pascale, Richard T. Harvard Business Press, 9781422110669 (hbk. : alk. pap 231 p. Library - BR Campus
362.0425 PAS 00105359 The power of positive deviance : Pascale, Richard T. Harvard Business Press, 9781422110669 (hbk. : alk. pap 231 p. UG Library
362.0425 SEV 00106979 Citizenship and the ethics of care Sevenhuijsen, Selma. Routledge, 1998 0415170826 (hbk) | 0415170826 ix, 198 p. ; UG Library
362.042508829460954 ANA 05035114 Scorched white lilies of '84 / Anand, Reema, Rupa & Co., 2009 9788129115416 | 8129115417 xi, 114 p., [4] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
362.0425095483ZAC 00072021 Return Emigrants in Kerala: Welfare: Rehabilitation and Development: [dharmaram Library] Zachariah, K C Manohar Publishers 8173046751 196p UG Library
362.042954 BHA 10004120 India's forgotten country : Bhatia, Bela Penguin Random House India Pvt Ltd, 2024 9780670093342 xxviii, 635p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.042954 RAO 00141690 Indian Social Problems Rao, C. N. Shankar S. Chand and Company , 2020 9789384857950 645 p.; UG Library
362.042954 RAO 00141860 Indian Social Problems Rao, C. N. Shankar S. Chand and Company , 2020 9789384857950 645 p.; UG Library
362.042954 SHA 00026434 Indian Social Problems Sharma, R N MPP 1985 458 p UG Library
362.042ELT 00033060 Social Problems Eitzen, D Stanley Allyn 534 p UG Library
362.0684 MAR 05023423 Measuring the performance of human service programs / Martin, Lawrence L. Sage, 2010 9781412970617 (pbk.) | 1412970 x, 147 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.07120954 SWA 00115313 FIRST FIVE YEARS [B.ED ] Swaminathan, Mina 8170367344 312 UG Library
362.072 HUM 05023424 Research in Social Care and Social Welfare : Humphries, Beth Jessica Kingsley, 2000 1853029009 175 p Knowledge Centre
362.072 LAW 05023107 Research for Development: [mscomn] Laws, Sophie Sage Publications 8178292157 474p Knowledge Centre
362.0941 LEO 05002940 Promoting Welfare?: Government Information Policy and Social Citizenship. Leonard, Penny POLICY PRESS 1861344872 159p Knowledge Centre
362.0954 BAT 05023117 Administration of Social Welfare in India: Batra, Nitin Raj Publishing House 8187248912 196p Knowledge Centre
362.0954 BAT 05023118 Administration of Social Welfare in India: Batra, Nitin Raj Publishing House 8187248912 196p Knowledge Centre
362.0954 MIS 05023120 Child Labour in India Mishra, Lakshmidhar 0195650875 345 p Knowledge Centre
362.0954 PAR 05023119 Social Work and Social Welfare in India (MSW SHELF) Parmar, P M Sublime Publications 8185809909 359p Knowledge Centre
362.0954 SAN 05043387 Social Security Welfare and Polity / Sankhder, M M Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd., 2000 0817629473 495 p Knowledge Centre
362.0954AHU 00064635 Social Problems in India [ Dharmaram Library] Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 8170334136 207p UG Library
362.1 COR 05002929 Communicating Health Strategies for Health Promotion [ug.Lib.Sociology Reference Section] Corcoran, Nova 1412924030 220p Knowledge Centre
362.1 DAL 00067823 Social Dimensions of Health Dalal, K Ajit Rawat Publications 2005 8170339227 385 .p . UG Library
362.1 NAD 05002977 NGOs, health, and the urban poor / Rawat Publications, 8131602117 | 9788131602119 xiv, 226 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 NAD 07006778 NGOs, health, and the urban poor / Rawat Publications, 8131602117 | 9788131602119 xiv, 226 p. ; Library - BR Campus
362.1 PRE 05002924 Innovations in Health Services Delivery: The Corporatization of Public Hospitals Preker, S Alexander The World bank, 2004 0821344943 616p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 RAM 00075022 Primer of Health Systems Economics. Kutty, V Raman Allied Publishers 1999 219 p . UG Library
362.1 THO 01017105 Evaluating Health Promotion : Oxford University, 2010 9780199569298 3rd ed. viii,220p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 THO 05008780 Evaluating Health Promotion : Oxford University, 2010 9780199569298 3rd ed. viii,220p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 ABO 00052546 Health Psychology in Global Perspective Aboud, E Frasnces Sage publications 1998 0761909419 329 p. UG Library
362.1 AMI 05023458 Are Being Served? Amin, Samia The World Bank, 2008 9780821371855 423p Knowledge Centre
362.1 AND 05059327 Numerical reasoning in judgments and decision making about health / Anderson, Britta L., Cambridge university press, 2014 9781107040946 (hardback) | 110 xvi, 313 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1 ANN 05042886 Medical Work, Medical Knowledge and Health Care. Annandale, Ellen 9780631223276 496 p Knowledge Centre
362.1 BAB 05023392 Social Inequality and Public Health / Babones, Salvatore J The Policy Press; 2009 9781847423207 242 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 BAB 05023393 Social Inequality and Public Health / Babones, Salvatore J The Policy Press; 2009 9781847423207 242 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 BAR 05023351 Understanding Health : Barry, Anne-Marie SAGE Publications, 2003 0761973079 152 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 BAR 05023352 Health Inequality : Bartley, Mel Polity press, 2004 0745627803 208 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 BAR 00108784 Understanding The Sociology of Health : Barry, Anne-Marie. SAGE Publications, 2008 9781412936224 | 9781412936231 2nd ed. xiv, 302 p. : UG Library
362.1 BHA 05023434 Social Determinants of Health : Bhattacharya, Sanjoy Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd.; 2010 9788125039822 895 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 BHA 05023437 Social Determinants of Health : Bhattacharya, Sanjoy Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd.; 2010 9788125039822 895 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 BIA 05056589 Solving population health problems through collaboration / Routledge, 2017 9781498763059 (hbk. : alk. pap xxx,421p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 BJO 01023188 Health policy / Edward Elgar Pub., 1998 1858985870 xxii, 766 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 BLA 05023395 Health Key Concepts : Blaxter, Mildred Polity Press, 2004 0745630839 168 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 BLA 05023461 Comparative health policy / Blank, Robert H. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 9780230001398 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. xvi, 284 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 BRA 05008781 Measuring and valuing health benefits for economic evaluation Oxford University Press, 2007 xi, 344 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 BRO 05023353 Sustainability and Health : Brown, A Valerie Earthscan, 2004 0184407174 326 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 BUC 05058020 Introduction to health care management / Buchbinder, Sharon B., ed. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017 9781284081015 (paperabck) Third edition. xxviii, 676 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1 CAL 05049024 The five horsemen of the modern world : Callahan, Daniel, Columbia University Press, 2016 9780231170024 (cloth : alk. pa xix,391p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 CAM 03006545 20 Common Problems in Preventive Health Care / Campos-Outcalt, Douglas. McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division, 2000 9780070120440 xiv, 510 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1 CAM 03008322 20 Common Problems in Preventive Health Care / Campos-Outcalt, Douglas. McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division, 2000 9780070120440 xiv, 510 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1 CAM 04012066 20 Common Problems in Preventive Health Care / Campos-Outcalt, Douglas. McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division, 2000 9780070120440 xiv, 510 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1 CAR 05056752 Controversies in public health and health policy / Carney, Jan K., Jones & Bartlett, 2016 9781284049299 (paper) | 128404 xv, 393 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1 CAR 00125817 Health, medicine, and society in Victorian England / Carpenter, Mary Wilson, Praeger, 2010 9780275989521 (hard copy : alk xvii, 214 p. : UG Library
362.1 CHA 05041747 Anthropology and health issues : Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606698 212 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 COC 05000502 Medical sociology / Cockerham, William C. Prentice Hall, 2012 9780205054183 (alk. paper) | 0 12th ed. xiii, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 COG 00124959 What Makes Health Public? : Coggon, John, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107016392 | 9781107602410 xix, 289 p. ; UG Library
362.1 COH 05062148 Big data, health law, and bioethics / Cohen, Glenn I., ed. Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107193659 (hardback) | 1107193656 (hardback) | 9781108449670 (paperback) | 1108449670 (paperback) xvii, 354 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1 CON 05034273 Program development and evaluation in prevention SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452258010 (pbk.) 56p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 CON 05033401 Program development and evaluation in prevention SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452258010 (pbk.) 56p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 DAL 05023374 Social Dimensions of Health / Dalal, Ajit K Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339227 393 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 DAN 05023355 Just Health : Daniels, Norman Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521699983 397 p Knowledge Centre
362.1 DAN 05023358 Just Health : Daniels, Norman Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521699983 397 p Knowledge Centre
362.1 DAV 05023401 Health Promotion Theory : Davies, Maggie Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 2006 0070636214 204 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 DAV 05044288 The politics of surveillance and response to disease outbreaks : Davies, Sara Ellen. Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015 9781409467182 (hardback : alk. x, 192 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 ERA 05019636 The Sociology of Healthcare / Earle,Sarah. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 9781403940803 317 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 ERA 05023361 The Sociology of Healthcare / Earle,Sarah. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 9781403940803 317 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 FER 05023394 Reclaiming social work : Ferguson, Iain, SAGE, 2008 141290692X (hbk.) | 9781412906 vii, 160 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 GOE 05043133 Health Care Management and Administration / Goel, S L. Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2004 8176292842 384p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 GOI 05023500 National Health Policy - 2002 / Department of Health, Ministry of Health, and Family Welfare Ministry of Information, 2000 38p Knowledge Centre
362.1 GRA 10004394 Rebel Bodies : Graham, Sarah Green Tree, 2024 9781399401104 iii, 284 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1 GRE 05002939 Critical Perspectives in Public Health Green, Judith 9780415409520 248p Knowledge Centre
362.1 HA 00124790 Medical Sociology / Thamilarasan, M., Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607558 | 8131607550 xiv, 402 p ; UG Library
362.1 HAG 05034269 Best practices in prevention / Hage,Sally. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452257976 viii, 59 p. cm. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAI 01019784 Global public health communication : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2005 0763747769 (pbk.) xxxvii, 450 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAN 05056329 Globalization and health Hanefeld, Johanna Rawat publication, 2015 9788131608906 xiv,208p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAN 05056638 Globalization and health Hanefeld, Johanna Rawat publication, 2015 9788131608906 xiv,208p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAN 00128099 Globalization and Health Hanefeld, Johanna Rawat Publication, 2017 9788131608906 2nd Editon 208p : . UG Library
362.1 HAR 05023383 Urban Health in Developing Countries : Harpham, Trudy Earthscan, 2004 1853832812 228 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAR 05023397 Urban Health in Developing Countries : Harpham, Trudy Earthscan, 2004 1853832812 228 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAR 05023375 Private Participation in Health Services : Harding, April The World Bank, 2003 0821351524 349 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAR 05023380 Urban Health in Developing Countries : Harpham, Trudy Eearthscan, 1995 1853832812 227 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAS 05068320 The new psychology of health : Haslam, Catherine, Routledge, 2018 9781138123885 (pb) | 9781138123878 (hb) 1 Edition. xx,490p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAS 05062454 The new psychology of health : Haslam, Catherine, Routledge, 2018 9781138123885 (pb) | 9781138123878 (hb) 1 Edition. xx,490p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 HAS 09000181 The new psychology of health : Haslam, Catherine, Routledge, 2018 9781138123885 (pb) | 9781138123878 (hb) 1 Edition. xx,490p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1 HEL 05068020 Working for health / SAGE, 2001 0761969977 | 0761969985 (pbk.) xii,388p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 HIG 05023463 Applying Health Social Science : Higginbothqam, Nick Zed Books, 1988 1842770519 291p Knowledge Centre
362.1 HIG 05023476 Applying Health Social Science : Higginbotham, Nick ZED BOOKS, 2001 1842770519 291p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 HIG 05023385 Applying Health Social Science : Higginbotham, Nick Zed Books, 2003 1842770500 292 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 HIL 03008335 Rx for Survival : Hilts, Philip J. Penguin Press, 2005 159420070X | 9781594200700 259 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1 HIL 04015635 Rx for Survival : Hilts, Philip J. Penguin Press, 2005 159420070X | 9781594200700 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1 HOF 01017210 Tackling health inequities through public health practice : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195343144 (cl : alk. paper 2nd ed. xvii, 578 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 HOL 05055197 Global health care : Holtz,Carol. Jones and Bartkett publishers, 2008 9780763738525 639p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 HOL 05042828 Global health care : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9780763799649 (pbk.) | 0763799645 (pbk.) | 9781449679590 | 1449679595 2nd ed. xxvi, 613 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 HOL 05056766 Global health care : Jones & Bartlett, 2017 9781284070668 (pbk.) | 1284070 Third edition. xxii, 643 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1 JON 01007376 Health Policy in Britain`s Model Colony ( Law Lib ) Margaret Jones Orient Longman Private Limited 8125027599 304p Knowledge Centre
362.1 JON 05043163 Critical thinking in health and social care Jones-Devitt, Stella. Sage Publications, 2007 9781412920698 (hardcover) | 97 xv, 184 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 KAH 05023415 Sociology of Health / Kahlon, Neena Rosey Rajat Publications, 2004 8178801426 310 p Knowledge Centre
362.1 KIM 01019374 The globalization of managerial innovation in health care/ Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521885003 xiii,379p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 KUT 05023382 Health Promotion, Prevention and HIV/AIDS and Population Regulation : Kuttan, Mahadevan B R Publication, 2004 8176465119 406 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 LOP 01005825 Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors (law Lib.) Alan D Lopez World Bank 0821362623 475p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 LOX 05023496 Collaboration in Health and Welfare (MSW) Loxley, Ann Jessica Kingsley 1997 1853023949 117p Knowledge Centre
362.1 LOX 05023388 Collaboration in Health and Welfare : Loxley, Ann Jessica Kingsley, 1997 1853023949 117 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 LOX 05023389 Collaboration in Health and Welfare : Loxley, Ann Jessica Kingsley, 1997 1853023949 117 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 MAR 05006180 Renegotiating health care : Marcus, Leonard J. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470562208 (pbk.) 2nd ed. p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 MAR 03005158 Renegotiating health care : Marcus, Leonard J. Jossey-Bass, 2011 9780470562208 (pbk.) 2nd ed. p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1 MAW 05024164 Reproductive Behaviour and Health Care Practices / Mandal, Haradhan Rajat Publications, 2006 0817880235 158 p Knowledge Centre
362.1 MCC 05056588 Global health : McCracken, Kevin, Routledge, 2012 9781138912748 (hardback) | 978 2nd edition. xxvii,437p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 MCC 07000005 Global health : McCracken, Kevin, Routledge, 2012 9780415557566 (hbk.) | 0415557 xxiii, 328 p. : Library - BR Campus
362.1 MCK 00140698 Health equity, social justice and human rights / McKay, Fiona H., Routledge, 2020 9780367281373 | 9780367281380 2nd edition. xiii,218p.; UG Library
362.1 MEI 01027246 Human rights in global health : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190672676 (hardback | 9780190672683 (pbk.) xxv, 585 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1 MON 00130775 Behavioral and mental health care policy and practice : Moniz, Cynthia, Routledge, 2018 9781138189881 (hardback : alk. x,286p.; UG Library
362.1 NAD 05023399 NGOs' Health and the urban poor / Nadkarni vimla Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602117 226 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 NAD 05003003 NGOs, health, and the urban poor / Rawat Publications, 8131602117 | 9788131602119 xiv, 226 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 NAG 05057778 Sociology of health and medicine / Nagla, Madhu. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609330 xvii, 514p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 NAG 00116789 Sociology of Health / Nagla Madhu Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113843 xlii, 310 p..: UG Library
362.1 NAG 00140032 Sociology of Health / Nagla Madhu Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113843 xlii, 310 p..: UG Library
362.1 NAG 05041400 Sociology of Health / Nagla Madhu Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113843 xlii, 310 p..: Knowledge Centre
362.1 NEE 00141027 Understanding public health interventions: Neelima,K.S.S.N Random publications, 2022 9789390780129 viii,286p.; UG Library
362.1 NET 05023381 The sociology of health and illness reader / Polity, 2002 0745622909 | 0745622917 (pbk.) ix, 372 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 OBR 05019633 The Handbook of Global Health Communication Wiley-Blackwell [Imprint] | John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated 2012 9781444338621 | 1444338625 (Tr xx,658 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 PAN 00093091 Socialist register 2010 Panitch, Leo Leftword books, 2010 9788187496915 325p.; UG Library
362.1 PAR 05056792 Public health communication : Jones & Bartlett, 2018 9781284065947 (pbk) xxiii, 529 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1 PAY 05023462 Health of Men & Women : Payne, Sarah Polity Press, 2006 0745634540 229p Knowledge Centre
362.1 PHM 05023362 Global Health Watch 2005-06 : People Health Movement{ Zed Books, 2005 1842775693 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 PHM 05023460 Global Health Watch 2005-2006 : People's Health Movement Zed Books, 2005 1842775693 368p Knowledge Centre
362.1 PIR 05034272 Public policy and mental health SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452258027 (pbk.) 78p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 PIR 05033402 Public policy and mental health SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452258027 (pbk.) 78p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 POR 05010917 Interdisciplinary shared governance : Porter-O'Grady, Timothy. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763765415 (pbk.) | 0763765 2nd ed. xxiii, 352 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 PRE 05023357 Innovations in Health Service Delivery : Preker, S Alexander The World Bank, 2003 0821344943 614 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 RAM 00075024 Primer of Health Systems Economics. Kutty, V Raman Allied Publishers 1999 219 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1 RAM 00075023 Primer of Health Systems Economics. Kutty, V Raman Allied 1999 216p UG Library
362.1 RAM 01007440 Western Medicine and Public Health in Colonial Bombay ( Law Lib ) Mridula Ranamma Orient Longman Private Limited 0812502302 270p Knowledge Centre
362.1 REI 00129768 Health Care and Public Policy / Reisman, David A. Edward Elgar, 2007 9781845429249 | 1845429249 vi, 362 p. ; UG Library
362.1 SAD 05038933 Integrating Quality And Strategy Sadeghi Sarmad Jones & Bartlett, 2013 9780763795405 282 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 SAD 05037607 Integrating Quality And Strategy Sadeghi Sarmad Jones & Bartlett, 2013 9780763795405 282 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 SAG 05037885 Health of Nations - True Causes of Sickness and Well-Being Sagan, Leonard A Basic Books,Inc, 1978 0465028934 233p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 SCA 05068214 Sociology, health and the fractured society : Scambler, Graham, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780367271732 208 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 SCA 05034225 Contemporary theorists for medical sociology / Scambler,Graham. Routledge, 2012 9780415597821 (hardback) | 041 x, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 SCA 00131249 Contemporary theorists for medical sociology / Scambler, Graham. Routledge, 2012 9780415597821 (hardback) | 041 x, 202 p. : UG Library
362.1 SCH 00128504 Introduction to public health Schneider, Mary-Jane, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2017 9780763763817 | 9789384323257 5th ed xxxvii, 593 p. : UG Library
362.1 SCH 05045673 An introduction to public health Schneider,Mary-Jane. Jones & Bartlett, 2014 9781449697365 4th ed. xxxi, 622 p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 SCH 05023354 Introduction to public health / Schneider, Mary-Jane, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763763817 | 0763763810 3rd ed. xxxvii, 595 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 SCH 05023833 Health care social work practice : Schelsinger, Elfriede Times Mirror/Mosby College, 1985 0801643805 378 p Knowledge Centre
362.1 SCR 05023405 Health Promotion : Scriven, Angela Palgrave, 2001 0333948343 247 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 SEA 05023398 Health and the Media : Sealw, Clive Blackwell, 2004 1405112441 182 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 SEE 05058331 Values based practice and decision making for health carers / Seedhouse, David. Sage, 2017 9781473953826 (hardback) | 978 xvi,199p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 SEN 05023440 Restructuring Health Services : Sen, Kasturi Zed Books, 2000 1842772899 254p Knowledge Centre
362.1 SHA 05002930 Challenge in Indian Medicinal Heritage: Environment and Development Series Shankar, Darshan Foundation Books 8175961872 240p Knowledge Centre
362.1 SIN 00134640 Anthropology and health Sinha, Rashmi Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131608746 208 p.; UG Library
362.1 SIN 05061230 My little infinity / Singh, Karanbir. Adhyyan Books, 2018 9789387502451 198p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 SIN 07004194 Hotels And Healthcare/ Sinha, Aadesh Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126157150 viii:296p.; Library - BR Campus
362.1 SKO 05045927 Global health 101 / Skolnik, Richard L., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016 9781284050547 (pbk.) Third edition. xxvi,576p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 STA 05023469 Child Protection and Mental Health Services : Stanley, Nicky Policy Press, 2003 861344279 148p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 STA 05023404 Child Protection and Mental Health Services : Stanley, Nicky Policy Press, 2003 1861344279 148 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 SUJ 00060383 Health By the People: Sociology of Medical Lore : Sujatha, V Rawat Publications, 2004 9788170337942 184 p. UG Library
362.1 SUJ 05023457 Health By the People: Sociology of Medical Lore : Sujatha, V Rawat Publications, 2004 9788170337942 184 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 SUL 05040060 The saturated society Sulkunen, Pekka. SAGE, 2009 9780761959410 | 0761959416 210p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 SUN 05039844 Principles of Medical Sociology / Sundar,I. Sarup Book Publishers, 2012 9788176258081 viii,675p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 SUN 00118078 Principles of Medical Sociology / Sundar,I. Sarup Book Publishers, 2012 9788176258081 viii,675p.; UG Library
362.1 TAK 01023453 Health Equity Social Justice and Human Rights / Taket, Ann Routledge, 2012 9780415613743 (hbk) | 97804156 xiii,202 p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1 THA 05048059 Medical sociology / Thamilarasan, M., Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607558 (hardback) | 813 xiv, 402 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.1 THO 05023367 Evaluating Health Promotion: Practice and Methods: [MSW] Thorogood, Margaret Oxford University Press, 2004 168 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 THO 00107150 Medical Tourism Thopson,Neil. Discovery Publishing House PVT.LTD. 2011 9788183568944 246 P. UG Library
362.1 TIT 05023495 Caring for People in the Community : Tirrerton, Michael Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853021121 169p Knowledge Centre
362.1 TOD 05011327 Medical tourism facilitator's handbook / Todd, Maria K. Taylor & Francis, 2012 9781439812839 (hardback) 158 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 TOV 00115312 Contemporary Primary Care the Challenges of Change Tovey, Philip Open University Press 2000 9780335200092 viii, 186 p.: UG Library
362.1 TRI 00121977 Social strategies and defence Trivedi, Priya Ranjan Jnanada Prakashan 2013 9788171395446 277p. UG Library
362.1 TUR 00131939 Essentials of public health / Turnock, Bernard J., Jones and Bartlett. 2016 9781284069358 (pbk.) | 1284069354 (pbk.) Third edition. xvi, 294 pages : UG Library
362.1 VAL 01017209 Social networks and health : Valente, Thomas W. Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195301014 (cloth : alk. pa 277 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 VUJ 05002931 Working in health Vujicic, Marko. World Bank, 2009 9780821378021 (alk. paper) | 0 xxviii, 271 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 WAG 01005885 Rising to the Challenges ( Law Lib.) World Bank World Bank 0821357670 186p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 WAL 05023406 Health Policy : Walt, Gill Zed Books, 2004 1856492648 226 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1 WAL 05023475 Health Policy: Walt, Gill Zed Books , 2003 1856492648 226p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1 WAR 05062313 Global Health Studies : Warwick-Booth, Louise, Polity Press, 2018 9781509504169 | 9781509504176 xiv, 200 p : . Knowledge Centre
362.1 WB 05002966 Improving effectiveness and outcomes for the poor in health, nutrition, and population World Bank, 2009 9780821379509 | 9780821379516 xxxvi, 187 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1 WHI 05023489 Developing Good Practice in Community Care : White, Vicky Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853028908 208p Knowledge Centre
362.100218 SEN 05051160 Bioenvironmental and public health statistics / Elsevier, 2000 0444829008 1st ed. xxiv, 1105 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1014 KRE 05043080 Health communication / Kreps,Grey,L SAGE Publications, 2010 9781847875785 (cased) xxix;428 p Knowledge Centre
362.1014 KRE 05043081 Health communication / Kreps,Grey,L SAGE Publications, 2010 9781847875785 (cased) xxix;428 p Knowledge Centre
362.1014 KRE 05043353 Health communication / Kreps,Grey,L SAGE Publications, 2010 9781847875785 (cased) xxix;428 p Knowledge Centre
362.1014 KRE 05043351 Health communication / Kreps,Grey,L SAGE Publications, 2010 9781847875785 (cased) xxix;428 p Knowledge Centre
362.1014 KRE 05043352 Health communication / Kreps,Grey,L SAGE Publications, 2010 9781847875785 (cased) xxix;428 p Knowledge Centre
362.1014 LEW 07015309 Health communication : Lewis, Belinda, Palgrave, 2015 9780230298323 (paperback) | 023029832X (paperback) x, 255 pages : Library - BR Campus
362.1014 ZOL 05023369 Emerging Perspectives in Health Communication Zoller, Heather M Routledge, 2008 9780805861969 486 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1015195 BRI 05008775 Decision modelling for health economic evaluation / Briggs, Andrew H. Oxford University Press, 2006 0198526628 (pbk.) | 9780198526 x, 237 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10184 VER 05040613 Operations Research in Health Care / Verma,Sachin. Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126163083 vii,300p.; Knowledge Centre
362.102554 CHA 05073077 The perfect pill : Chaudhari, Gauri. Sage, 2020 9789353882518 xxii,291p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10285 ARM 03001051 Effective Healthcare Information Systems Armoni, Adi I R M Press 1931777012 322p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.10285 CAR 05023365 Health Care Information System: Carlisle Caroline . Oxford Book Company, 9789380179414 309 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10285 ZAL 00140697 Clinical surveillance : Zaleski, John R Routledge, 2021 9780367373863 | 9780367369309 xxiv,168p.; UG Library
362.103 CUL 05043067 Dictionary of Health Economics / Culyer, Anthony J Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2005 1843762080 390p Knowledge Centre
362.104 DZI 07012050 The changing face of health care social work : Dziegielewski, Sophia F. Springer Publication, 2013 9780826119421 | 9780826119438 (ebook) | 9780826129727 (instructor's manual) Third edition. xv,467p.; Library - BR Campus
362.104 RAY 05023370 Liberatlisation and Urban Social Services : Ray, C N Rawat Publications, 2004 8170337623 362 p. Knowledge Centre
362.104 RAY 05023179 Liberatlisation and Urban Social Services : Ray, C N Rawat Publications, 2004 8170337623 362 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1042 RAM 05023465 Strategic issues and challenges in health management / K V Ramani Sage, 2008 9780761936541 (hb : US) | 9788 xxiii, 227 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1042 GAL 00137227 Urban health / Galea, Sandro, Oxford university press, 2019 9780190915858 | 9780190915841 xv, 437 pages : UG Library
362.1042 GOE 05023436 Education for healthy Urban Cities ; Goel S.L Deep&Deep publications; 2009 9788184501384 339 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1042 MAN 05068648 Unequal life chances : Mander, Harsh Sage Publications, 2019 9789353288020 xxvi, 227p, ; Knowledge Centre
362.1042 MAN 05068077 Unequal life chances : Mander, Harsh Sage Publications, 2019 9789353288020 xxvi, 227p, ; Knowledge Centre
362.1042 MOO 00117836 India's Risks ed by, Moor Raphelle Oxfrod University Press, 2014 9780199450459 xi,345 p.: UG Library
362.1042 MOO 07002132 India's Risks ed by, Moor Raphelle Oxfrod University Press, 2014 9780199450459 xi,345 p.: Library - BR Campus
362.1042 SAR 08001758 Healthy Cities : Edward Elgar, 2014 9781781955710 407p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1042 YAZ 05043378 Attacking inequality in the health sector Yazbeck, Abdo. World Bank, 2009 9780821374443 xxiv, 308 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10420941 FAL 05038416 Socio-Economic Inequities and the Health Sector : Cinnamonteal Publishing, 2014 9789383175680 xvi,207p.: Knowledge Centre
362.10420968 UYS 00123343 Exclusion, Social Capital, and Citizenship Uys, Tina Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2012 9788125047780 xv, 670 p:. UG Library
362.10420968 UYS 07004491 Exclusion, Social Capital, and Citizenship Uys, Tina Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2012 9788125047780 xv, 670 p:. Library - BR Campus
362.10420973 HYN 05023377 Urban health : Hynes, Patricia H Jones and Bartlett, 2009 9780763752453 (pbk.) | 0763752 302 p. Knowledge Centre
362.104209773 WHI 01017767 Urban health : Whitman, Steven. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199731190 (alk. paper : ha xiv, 380 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10425 WEI 03008440 Why Our Health Matters : Weil, Andrew. Hudson Street Press, 2009 9781594630668 (acidfree paper) vi, 264 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.10425 BAJ 05023400 Improving access and efficiency in public health services : Bajpai, Nirupam. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104582 (paper back) xviii, 117 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10425 BAN 00103448 Putting women first: Bang Rani Stree, 2010 9788185604961 288 p.; UG Library
362.10425 BEL 00128698 Social Justice in Clinical Practice : Belkin Martinez, Dawn Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2014 9780415698955 (hardback) | 978 x, 207 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.10425 BER 00121194 Handbook of social work in health and aging / Berkman, B Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195173727 (alk. paper) | 0 xl, 1127 p. : UG Library
362.10425 FAR 05023368 Neuroscience and social work practice : Farmer, Rosemary L. SAGE, 2009 9781412926973 (cl.) | 97814129 185 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10425 HBR 05017273 Harvard business review on fixing health care from inside & out. Harvard Business Review Press, 2011 9781422162583 (alk. paper) 241 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10425 HBR 07001466 Harvard business review on fixing health care from inside & out. Harvard Business Review Press, 2011 9781422162583 (alk. paper) 241 p. : Library - BR Campus
362.10425 KON 00107345 Managed care Kongstvedt,Peter R. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763759117 (pbk.) | 0763759 3rd ed. xvii, 275 p. : UG Library
362.10425 MAR 00131071 Social justice in clinical practice : Martinez, Dawn Belkin. Routledge, 2014 9780415698955 (hardback) | 978 x, 207 pages : UG Library
362.10425 NAG 05023378 Sociology of Medical Profession / Nagla, Madhu Rawat Publications, 2002 8170333697 268 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10425 SHE 00116654 National rural health mission in India Shekhar, B.K Bookleaf Publishers, 2013 9788192196893 280 p.; UG Library
362.10425 SIN 05032449 Applied Social Work Research : Singh,R.S. Centrum Press, 2013 9789350842423 vii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10425 WEI 05033927 Why our health matters : Weil, Andrew. Hudson Street Press, 2009 9781594630668 (acidfree paper) vi, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.10425 WEI 04009662 Yor can't afford to get sick / Weil, Andrew Penguine Books, 2009 9780452296602 294p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.10425 WEI 04015820 Why Our Health Matters : Weil, Andrew. Hudson Street Press, 2009 9781594630668 (acidfree paper) vi, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.10425091724 SEL 05059317 Coalitions of the wellbeing : Selway, Joel. Cambridge university press, 2015 9781107103047 (hardback) xii,292p.; Knowledge Centre
362.104250954PET 01005826 Better Health Systems for India`s Poor: Findings, Analysis, and Options (law Lib) David H Peters World Bank 0821350293 347 p Knowledge Centre
362.104256 LEW 05034207 Community counseling : Judith A Lewis Brooks/Cole, 2011 9780495903352 | 0495903353 4th ed. xvii, 342 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.104256 MAR 05023379 Counselling Skills for Complementary Therapists / March-Smith, Rosie Open University Press, 2005 0335211224 123 p. Knowledge Centre
362.104256 MAR 05002274 Counselling Skills for Complementary Therapists / March-Smith, Rosie Open University Press, 2005 0335211224 123 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1042570954 DHA 00131715 Economics of rural health ,water and sanitation Dhandapani,C Serials publications pvt ltd., 2018 9789386611222 xxv,325p.; UG Library
362.104257095482 KAN 05036828 Health Care in Rural Areas / J Cyril Kanmony Mittal Publications, 2013 9788183244361 212 p. Knowledge Centre
362.104258 DIG 05060820 The patient centered value system : DiGioia, Anthony M., CRC Press, 2018 9781138055964 (hardback : alk. xxxvii, 265 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.104258 SCH 05023371 Humane Managed Care? Schamess, Gerald NASW Press, 1998 0871012944 525 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10601BUR 01009466 World Jealth Organization (law Lib) Gian Luca Burci Kluwer Law International 9789041122735 256p Knowledge Centre
362.1068 MCK 03000337 Organizing and Reorganizing: Power and Change in Health Care Organizations Mckee, Lorna Palgrave Macmillan 9780230542945 235p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1068 WAL 04006162 Healthcare Management Walshe, Kieran Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2010 9780070706644 525 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1068 BOH 05000485 Designing Care : Bohmer, Richard M. J. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422175606 (hardcover : alk x, 261 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 BOH 03010338 Designing Care : Bohmer, Richard M. J. Harvard Business Press, 2009 9781422175606 (hardcover : alk x, 261 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1068 BOR 05045757 Organizational behavior, theory, and design in health care / Borkowski, Nancy, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016 9781284050882 (paper) Second edition. xiii,551p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1068 BUC 05005726 Introduction to health care management / Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 9780763734732 | 076373473X xxviii, 470 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 CHO 05023488 Healthcare Sector / Chowdary, V Nagendra ICFAI, 2003 8178811413 181p Knowledge Centre
362.1068 CLA 00133304 Commissioning for health and social care: Clabburn, Alex, Sage Publications Ltd, 2014 9781446249246 (hardback) | 1446249247 (hardback) | 9781446249253 (pbk) | 1446249255 (pbk) 268 pages : UG Library
362.1068 CLA 05005177 Studying the organisation and delivery of health services : Routledge, 2004 0415340713 | 0415340721 (pbk.) xviii, 350 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 COR 05048582 Working on health communication Corcoran, Nova. SAGE, 2011 9781847879226 (hbk.) | 1847879 186p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1068 DYE 04014850 Executive excellence : Dye, Carson F. PHI Learning, 2000 9788120331389 2nd ed. xxiii , 176 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1068 FAL 05057583 Managing health organizations for quality and performance / Fallon, L. Fleming, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449653279 (pbk, on back co xix, 373 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1068 FER 05062298 The Oxford Handbook of Health Care Management / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780198814290 xvi, 560p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1068 FRI 05050370 Applications of operations research to health care delivery systems : Fries, Brant E., Springer-Verlag, 1981 038710559X (U.S.) 107 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1068 GEE 04014642 7 strategies to improve your bottom line the healthcare executive's guide / Gee, Erin Preston PHI, 2007 9788120331419 151 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1068 GOE 05023837 Organisational structure of health care system and hospital administration: Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications; 2010 9788184501919 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1068 GOP 00130510 Leadership and management in healthcare / Gopee, Neil. Sage 2017 9781473965010 (hardback) | 978 3rd ed. 297p. UG Library
362.1068 HBR 10004570 HBR's 10 must reads on leadership for healthcare / Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633694323 x, 219 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1068 HBS 03004196 Harvard Business Review on Managing Health Care / Harvard Business School Harvard Business School Pub., 2007 9781422121078 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 184 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1068 HBS 05023387 Harvard Business Review on Managing Health Care / Harvard Business School Harvard Business School Pub., 2007 9781422121078 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 184 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 HBS 05023386 Harvard Business Review on Managing Health Care / Harvard Business School Harvard Business School Pub., 2007 9781422121078 (pbk. : alk. pap vii, 184 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 HEA 05023376 The new world of health promotion : Healey, Bernard J Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763753771 | 0763753777 xxviii, 421 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 HOL 00133308 Self-leadership and personal resilience in health and social care: Holroyd, Jane. Sage Learning Matters, 2015 9781473916234 | 1473916232 | 9781473916241 (pbk.) | 1473916240 (pbk.) xv, 184 pages : UG Library
362.1068 HOP 00135698 Continuous Improvement Strategies : Hopper,Anthony Matthew. CRC Press, 2018 9781498769815 xxiii,273p.; UG Library
362.1068 JOH 05002272 Health organizations : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 9780763750534 (pbk.) | 0763750 xxi, 423 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 KLI 05029737 Public Health Development and Administration : Klinoubol, Kriengkrai Deep and Deep Publications, 1989 8171001564 436 p Knowledge Centre
362.1068 LED 07001740 Leadership for health professionals : Ledlow, Gerald R., Jones&Bartlett Learning, 2014 9781284026887 | 1284026884 Second edition. xxv, 445 pages : Library - BR Campus
362.1068 LED 05058021 Leadership for health professionals : Ledlow, Gerald R., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2018 9781284109412 | 1284109410 Third edition. xxviii, 503 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 LED 05038951 Leadership for health professionals : Ledlow, Gerald R., Jones&Bartlett Learning, 2014 9781284026887 | 1284026884 Second edition. xxv, 445 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 LIE 03006567 Knowledge management in public health / CRC Press, 2010 9781439806005 (hardcover : alk xxi, 208 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1068 LIE 05056783 Management principles for health professionals / Liebler, Joan Gratto, Jones & Bartlett, 2017 9781284088007 (pbk. : alk. pap Seventh edition. xvi, 506 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 LIE 00107346 Management principles for health professionals Liebler, Joan Gratto. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9781449614683 (pbk.) | 1449614 6th ed. xvi, 536 p. : UG Library
362.1068 LIG 05056739 Advanced performance improvement in health care : Lighter, Donald E. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763764494 (pbk.) | 0763764 xviii, 441 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 MCL 00107343 Implementing continuous quality improvement in health care McLaughlin, Curtis P. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9780763795368 (pbk.) | 0763795 xxii, 392 p. : UG Library
362.1068 POR 03005442 Redefining Health Care : Porter, Michael E., Harvard Business School Press, 2006 1591397782 | 9781591397786 xvii, 506 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1068 POR 05000387 Redefining health care : Porter, Michael E., Harvard Business School Press, 2006 1591397782 | 9781591397786 xvii, 506 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 POR 03010201 Redefining Health Care : Porter, Michael E., Harvard Business School Press, 2006 1591397782 | 9781591397786 xvii, 506 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.1068 RIC 00130858 Sustainability for Healthcare Management : Rich, Carrie R., Routledge, 2018 9781138244511 | 9781138244528 Second edition. xxii, 228 p. : UG Library
362.1068 ROW 05043068 Public Health Leadership Rowitz,Louis Jones And Bartlett Publishers: 2009 9780763750503 2nd Edition 570 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1068 ROW 00107352 Public Health Leadership Rowitz,Louis Jones And Bartlett Publishers: 2009 9780763750503 2nd Edition 570 p. UG Library
362.1068 SHI 05045756 Managing integrated health systems / Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016 9781284044492 (pbk.) xxx,396p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1068 SUL 01023679 Patient safety handbook / Sullivan, June M. American Bar Association, Health Law Section 2008 9781604421132 | 1604421134 ix, 379 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 TIE 05060824 Value management in healthcare : Tierney, Nathan William, CRC Press, 2018 9781138104426 (hardback : acid xl, 337 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 WOL 05043616 Health care administration : Wolper, Lawrence F Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 9780763757915 (pbk.) | 0763757 xx, 794 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 ZIA 01021977 Preparing for continuous quality improvement for healthcare : Ziaee, Reza, CRC Press, 2015 9781466567702 (Paperback : alk xi, 168 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1068 ZIA 05042467 Preparing for continuous quality improvement for healthcare : Ziaee, Reza, CRC Press, 2015 9781466567702 (Paperback : alk xi, 168 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10680954 SOD 07015553 Managing Quality in Health Care / Sodani, P.R. Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131603680 xix, 180 p. ; Library - BR Campus
362.10681 BAK 05058019 Health care finance : Baker, Judith J., Jones & Barlett Learning, 2018 9781284118216 (pbk.) Fifth edition. xxiii, 610p. Knowledge Centre
362.10681 BAK 05038949 Health care finance : Baker, Judith J. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763778941 (pbk.) | 0763778 3rd ed. xviii, 443 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10681 REI 05054515 Health policy : Reisman, David A., Edward Elgar, 2016 9781785365201 | 1785365207 viii, 371 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.10683 BEL 05044069 Mastering leadership : Belasen, Alan T., Jones & Barlett, 2016 9781284043235 (paperback) | 12 xxviii, 322 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10683 KAB 05038570 Human resources in healthcare, health informatics and healthcare systems / Medical Information Science Reference, 9781615208852 (hardcover) | 16 xix, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10683 SAT 05042773 Visionary leadership in health : Satia, J. K. Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113201 (HB : alk. paper xxviii,346p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.10684 DYE 05023396 Winning the Talent War : Dye, Carson F Prentice Hall of India, 2002 9788120331365 226 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10684 DYE 04014530 Winning the Talent War : Dye, Carson F Prentice Hall of India, 2002 9788120331365 226 p. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.10684 SOL 05038945 Mclaughlin and Kaluzny's continuous quality improvement in health care / Sollecito, William A. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9780763781545 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. xxiv,619p.: Knowledge Centre
362.10684 TAY 00128051 Leading for Health and Wellbeing Taylor, Vicki Sage, 2012 9780857252906 xi, 205 p.: UG Library
362.10685 LLO 05058023 Quality health care : Lloyd, Robert C., Jones & Barlett Learning, 2019 9781284023077 Second edition. xvii, 368p. Knowledge Centre
362.10688 BER 05058017 Essentials of health care marketing / Berkowitz, Eric N., Jones & Barlett Leanint, 2017 9781284094312 (pbk.) | 1284094 Fourth edition. xvi, 592 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10688 FOR 00107342 Health care marketing Fortenberry,John L. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763763275 (casebound) | 07 3rd edition xxii, 311 p. : UG Library
362.107 ANI 05023836 Health Eudcation : Anil Kumar International Scientific Publishing Academy, 2004 8182930022 202 p Knowledge Centre
362.1071141 GID 00128620 Key concepts in healthcare education / Mcintosh, Annette SAGE, 2011 9781849200097 (hbk.) | 1849200 xix, 223 p. : UG Library
362.1072 ACE 00128608 Assessing Evidence to Improve Population Health and Wellbeing Aceijas, Carmen Learning Matters, 2011 9780857253897 viii, 158 p. : UG Library
362.1072 HAR 05056257 Evaluating public and community health programs / Harris, Muriel J., Jossey-Bass, 2017 9781119151050 (pbk.) | 1119151 2nd edition. xiv, 387 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1072 PER 05044070 Principles of evaluation and research for health care programs / Perrin, Karen M., Jones & Bartlett, 2015 9781284038965 (pbk.) | 1284038 xviii, 430 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1072 RUD 05056893 Social science methods in health research / Sage, 2017 9789386062017 (6 volume set : 6 volumes Knowledge Centre
362.1072 RUD 05056894 Social science methods in health research / Sage, 2017 9789386062017 (6 volume set : 6 volumes Knowledge Centre
362.1072 RUD 05056895 Social science methods in health research / Sage, 2017 9789386062017 (6 volume set : 6 volumes Knowledge Centre
362.1072 RUD 05056896 Social science methods in health research / Sage, 2017 9789386062017 (6 volume set : 6 volumes Knowledge Centre
362.1072 RUD 05056897 Social science methods in health research / Sage, 2017 9789386062017 (6 volume set : 6 volumes Knowledge Centre
362.1072 RUD 05056898 Social science methods in health research / Sage, 2017 9789386062017 (6 volume set : 6 volumes Knowledge Centre
362.1072 SAK 05002221 Researching Health Qualiltative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Saks, Mike Sage Publications : 2007 978141290364 422p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1072 TOD 05044753 Health and inequality : Tod, Angela M. 9780415633925 (hbk.) | 0415633 xii, 157 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.1072054 YAZ 05023152 Health Policy Research in South Asia Building Capacity for Reform [MSW-SECTION] Yazbeck, Abdo S 0821355317 428p Knowledge Centre
362.1072054 YAZ 01006096 Health Policy Research in South Asia ( Law Lib.) Abdo S Yazbeck World Bank 0821355317 428p. Knowledge Centre
362.10727 GER 05045750 Basic Biostatistics : Gerstman, B. Burt, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2015 9781284036015 | 9781284025460 (pbk.) | 1284025462 (pbk.) 2nd ed, xv, 644 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1081 FEA 05023486 Working With Men in Health and Social Care / Featherstone, Brid Sage Publications, 2007 9781412918503 214p Knowledge Centre
362.1082 MUR 05043364 Women's global health and human rights / By Murthy, Padmini Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763756314 (pbk.) 556 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1082 SAI 00142241 Gender and Health : Saikia,Jyoti Prasad. Concept Publishing Company, 2019 9789386682833 xviii,246p.; UG Library
362.1082 SAI 07014811 Gender and Health : Saikia,Jyoti Prasad. Concept Publishing Company, 2019 9789386682833 xviii,246p.; Library - BR Campus
362.1082 SAI 00137950 Gender and Health : Saikia,Jyoti Prasad. Concept Publishing Company, 2019 9789386682833 xviii,246p.; UG Library
362.10820954 BIJ 05039840 Women and health : Bijli,Heena K. Authors Press, 2012 9788172736361 ix,220p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10820954 RAJ 05048147 Health gender and development : Raju, S Siva B R Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502594 | 9350502593 x, 397 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10820954 SIN 01013905 Health care for women and girl children / Singh, S. K., Serials Publications, 9788183871891 viii, 171 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1082095414 MUK 05073480 Gender, medicine, and society in colonial India : Mukherjee, Sujata, Oxford Univerity press, 2017 9780199468225 (hardback) | 0199468222 (hardback) First edition. xxxv, 223 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.10835 CIM 00134301 Promoting behavioral health and reducing risk among college students : Cimini, M. Dolores, Routledge, 2018 9781138039476 (hardback) | 9781138039483 (pbk.) xxii, 279 pages : UG Library
362.10866 MEY 05043363 Health of Sexual Minorities: Meyer, Ilan Springer, 1997 0387288716 731p Knowledge Centre
362.1086942 GWA 01005912 Reaching the Poor With Health, Nutrition, and Population Services ( Law Lib ) Davidson R Gwatkin World Bank 0821359614 353p Knowledge Centre
362.1086942 DAS 05044931 Affliction Health, Diseas, Poverty / Das,Veena. Orient Blackswan, 2015 9788125057321 xii, 255.p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1086942095482 GAN 07000232 Slums of India / Ganguly,Neela. MJP Publishers, 2015 9788180942556 xiv,190p.; Library - BR Campus
362.1089 KOS 05043366 Cultural proficiency in addressing health disparities / Cultural Proficiency in Addressing Health Disparities Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763751746 (pbk.) | 0763751 xvi, 433 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1089 RIT 05043179 Multicultural health / Ritter, Lois A. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 9780763757427 | 076375742X xix, 405 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1089 RIT 05047950 Multicultural health / Ritter, Lois A., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017 9781284021028 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xii, 324 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10890095414 GHO 05048146 Health and human rights : Ghosh, Arpita, B R Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502860 (hardback) | 935 xxii, 226 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10899 SRI 00137954 Health care practices and ethnomedicine: Srinivasu, Nookarapu Serials publications pvt ltd., 2018 9789386611253 146p.; UG Library
362.1089954905414 TAR 00128808 Culture of health seeking behaviour : Tarafdar, Pinak, B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2017 9789386223340 | 9386223341 x, 208 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.109 SEH 07007856 Colonial medical care in North India : Sehrawat, Samiksha, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198096603 (hbk.) | 0198096 liv, 292 pages : Library - BR Campus
362.1090683 MCC 00110470 The health care manager's human resources handbook McConnell,Charles R. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9781449657390 (pbk.) | 9781449 2nd ed. xv; 417 p. ; UG Library
362.1091724 COL 05042771 Valuing health systems : Collins, Charles, Sage Publications, 2014 9788132107248 (hardback : alk. xiv, 338 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 JAM 01005767 Priorities in Health (law Lib.) Dean T Jamison World Bank 0821362607 217p. Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 JOH 01005866 Investing in Health Development Effectiveness in the Health, Nutrition, and Population Sector (law Lib) Timothy Johnstomn World Bank 0821343106 71p. Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 LOV 05038948 Global health systems : Lovett-Scott, Margie. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014 9781449618995 (pbk.) | 1449618 xvi, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 LOV 05042333 Global health systems : Lovett-Scott, Margie. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014 9781449618995 (pbk.) | 1449618 xvi, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 NAH 01005768 Establishing Private Health Care Facilities in Developing Countries ( Law Lib.) Seung Hee Nah World Bank 9780821369470 232p. Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 PET 05055198 Improving health service delivery in developing countries World Bank, 2009 9780821378885 (alk. paper) xxii, 338 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 WAL 01017147 Public health : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199238934 2nd ed. 356 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 WB 05023487 Healthy Development : World Bank The World Bank, 2007 9780821371930 220p Knowledge Centre
362.1091724 WOR 01005834 Healthy Development: The World Bank Strategy for Health, Nutrition & Population Results ( Law Lib.) World Bank 9780821371930 220p. Knowledge Centre
362.10941 COO 05006840 Mental capital and wellbeing / Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405185912 (hardback : alk. xix, 1019 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10941 EXW 05042571 Shaping health policy Mark Exworthy Policy Press, 2012 9781847427588 (hardcover) | 97 xiii, 348 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10941 FEN 05000935 Accounting for Risk in the NHS / Fenn, Paul. CIMA Publishing, 1859713491 v, 80 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10941 FLE 05043365 Negotiation for Health and Social services Professionals /. Fletcher, Keith Jessica Kingsley, 1998 1853025496 151p Knowledge Centre
362.10941 FLE 05023497 Negotiation for Health and Social Services Professionals / Fletcher, Keith Jessica Kingsley, 2003 1853025496 150p Knowledge Centre
362.10941 KLE 00129789 The New Politics of the National Health Service / Klein, Rudolf, Radclishing 2010 9781846194092 6th ed. xiv, 310 p. ; UG Library
362.10941 LIN 05005423 The sociology and politics of health : Routledge, 2001 0415233186 (hbk.) | 9780415233 xiii, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 COO 07004422 History of the social determinants of health : Harold J Cook Orient BlackSwan, 2009 9788125035084 xvi, 364 p. : Library - BR Campus
362.10954 COO 05048944 History of the social determinants of health : Harold J Cook Orient BlackSwan, 2009 9788125035084 xvi, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 DOR 05039403 Health, culture, and religion in South Asia : Doron, Assa Routledge, 2010 9788189643164 vi, 230 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 MAD 00058671 Indian Social Problems - Volume I Madan, G R Allied Publishers 2000 8177642685 574 p . UG Library
362.10954 MAD 00058673 Indian Social P[roblems - Volume -2 Madan, G R Allied Publishers 2001 8177642723 626 p . UG Library
362.10954 TAN 05010160 Collected Works of Professor V Ramalingaswami : P N Tandon Indian National Science Academy, 2011 LII, 704 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 TAN 05010162 Collected Works of Professor V Ramalingaswami : P N Tandon Indian National Science Academy, 2011 LII, 704 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 ABI 05023412 Child Health Care in Ayurveda / Kumar, Abhimanyu Sri Satguru Publications, 1999 8170303893 337p Knowledge Centre
362.10954 AGR 00107114 Media for health : Agrawal Binod C Concept Pub. Co., 2009 8180696103 | 9788180696107 198 p. : UG Library
362.10954 ARA 1495.00 Public health in india : Sage, 2022 9789354793707 lii,365p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 ARA 05073074 Public health in india : Sage, 2022 9789354793707 lii,365p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 BAR 05023482 Private Health Care in India : Baru, Rama V Sage Publications, 1998 0761992863 184p Knowledge Centre
362.10954 BUR 05046403 India's healthcare industry : Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107044371 (hbk.) | 1107044 xx, 580 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 CHA 00112294 Tribal health and nutrition Chaudhary, S. N Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605127 xiv,338p.; UG Library
362.10954 COO 05023435 History of the social determinants of health : Harold J Cook Orient BlackSwan, 2009 9788125035084 xvi, 364 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 DAL 00110408 New directions in health psychology Dalal,Ajit K. SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107552 (hard back) | 97 xviii, 484 p. : UG Library
362.10954 DAS 00142580 Health disparity and health equity: Das,Mithun Indira gandhi rashtriya manav sangrahalaya, 2021 9788131612019 201p.; UG Library
362.10954 DAS 00134276 Health, education, and human development / Dash, L. N., B.R Publishing Corporation, 2017 9789386223012 | 9386223015 xviii, 202 pages : UG Library
362.10954 DAS 00052757 Health Poverty and Development in India Dasgupta, Monica Oxford University 1998 0000019564 368 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.10954 DOR 05007455 Health, Culture and Religion in South Asia : Doron, Assa Routledge, 2011 9780415556095 153 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 FOR 00110466 Government-sponsored health insurance in India La Forgia, Gerard M. The World Bank, 2012 9780821396186 (alk. paper) | 9 xxxix; 402 p. ; UG Library
362.10954 GOE 05043072 Health care system and hospital administration / Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788184501988 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 GOE 05043073 Health care system and hospital administration / Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788184501988 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 GOE 05043074 Health care system and hospital administration / Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788184501988 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 GOE 05043075 Health care system and hospital administration / Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788184501988 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 GOE 05043076 Health care system and hospital administration / Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788184501988 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 GOE 05043070 Health care system and hospital administration / Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788184501988 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 GOE 05043071 Health care system and hospital administration / Goel S.L Deep & Deep publications Pvt.Ltd., 2009 9788184501988 368 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 GOV 05063010 Reverse innovation in health care : Govindarajan, Vijay. Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 9781633693661 266p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 GUP 00142800 Democracy, Civil society and health in India / Gupta,Madhavi. Palgrave macmillan, 2022 9781349960583 xii,133p.; UG Library
362.10954 HAR 00104845 Public Health in British India Harrison,Mark Cambridge University press 1994 9780521466882 xv,324p UG Library
362.10954 HOD 05058103 Public health and private wealth : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199463374 (hardback) | 019 xiii, 283 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 JOU 05031516 Health, culture, and society : Jouanjean, Bernard, Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131603970 192 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 KAD 05037040 Economic paradigms of healthcare in India : Global Research Publications, 2012 9788189630584 | 818963058X xvi, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 MAD 01025477 Indian Social Problems - Volume I Madan, G R Allied Publishers 2000 8177642685 574 p . Knowledge Centre
362.10954 MAD 01025478 Indian Social P[roblems - Volume -2 Madan, G R Allied Publishers 2001 8177642723 626 p . Knowledge Centre
362.10954 MAH 00095844 India Health Report 2010 Mahal Ajay BS Books 2010 9789380740003 138p UG Library
362.10954 MAN 05049096 Total quality service in healthcare : MAnjunath,Usha. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604694 xiv,273p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 MIS 05032495 Understanding Health : Global Research Publication, 2013 9788189630515 xvi,311p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 MIS 05024182 India Health Report / Misra, Rajiv Oxfore University Press, 2003 0195663616 224 p Knowledge Centre
362.10954 PAL 05004195 History of Medicine in India : Kalpaz Publications, 2005 8178353237 355 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 PAT 05033448 The social history of health and medicine in colonial India / Prime Books, 2009 9789380607122 xii, 241 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 PAT 05023372 Health, Medicine and Empire : Pati, Biswamoy Orient Longman Publications, 2006 8125029915 408 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 PAT 05035874 Health, medicine, and empire : Orient Longman, 2001 8125020179 x, 408 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 PAT 00118326 The social history of health and medicine in colonial India / Pati, Biswamoy Primus Books, 2013 9780415462310 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 241 p. : UG Library
362.10954 PAT 00118325 The social history of health and medicine in colonial India / Prime Books, 2009 9789380607122 xii, 241 p. : UG Library
362.10954 PRA 05067079 Equity and access : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199482160 | 0199482160 First edition. xiv, 418 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 PRA 03009989 Participative Management in Private Health Care Industry / Prabha, C. Vijaya. Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2012 9789350561119 262 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.10954 PRA 05023373 Health, equity, and human rights : Prakasam C P Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health ; | Serials Publications, 2010 9788183873963 xvi, 483 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 RAM 05074781 Sick Business : Raman, Sumanth C. Harper Collins Publishers, 2024 9789356997257 xvi, 304 p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 RAM 10004404 Sick Business : Raman, Sumanth C. Harper Collins Publishers, 2024 9789356997257 xvi, 304 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.10954 RAO 05056647 Do we care? : Rao, Sujatha, Oxford university press, 2017 9780199469543 | 0199469547 First edition. xxxi, 446 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 RAO 01025167 Do we care? : Rao, Sujatha, Oxford university press, 2017 9780199469543 | 0199469547 First edition. xxxi, 446 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 RAO 01025119 Do we care? : Rao, Sujatha, Oxford university press, 2017 9780199469543 | 0199469547 First edition. xxxi, 446 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 SAN 00129252 Health, Human Rights and Ethics: Sangwan, Ramesh Kumar Rawat 2017 9788131609118 206p UG Library
362.10954 SAS 05046680 Heal-Thy India / Sasidharan P K NotionPress, 2015 9789352063413 366p.: Knowledge Centre
362.10954 SHE 05039268 Health providers in India : Sheikh, Kabir. Routledge, 9780415579773 xix, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.10954 SHE 00103446 Health providers in India : Sheikh, Kabir. Routledge, 9780415579773 xix, 281 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.10954 SOM 00119390 Regional Disparities and Social Development : Perspectives and Issues Somayajulu, Ulimiri V. Serials Publications, 2014 9788183876490 xvii:437p.; UG Library
362.10954 SRI 05023466 Health and Family Welfare Programmes in Developing Countries / Srinivasan, Venkatesh Rawat, 2004 8187359110 220p Knowledge Centre
362.10954 SUN 05068010 Public health in india : Routledge, 2019 9780815347873 xxx,163p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10954 SUN 05023433 Foreign aid for indian NGOs : Sundar, Pushpa Routledge press, 2010 9780415563154 363p Knowledge Centre
362.10954 SUN 07007806 Foreign aid for indian NGOs : Sundar, Pushpa Routledge press, 2010 9780415563154 363p Library - BR Campus
362.10954 TAN 05010161 Collected Works of Professor V Ramalingaswami : P N Tandon Indian National Science Academy, 2011 LII, 704 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954 VHA 05022200 Report of the Independent Commission on Health in India Voluntary Health Association of India Voluntary Health Association of India 365p Knowledge Centre
362.10954 VYA 05039699 Managing and Measuring Patients Satisfaction / Vyas Parimal.H Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9789350562772 351p.: Knowledge Centre
362.10954 VYA 05039447 Managing and Measuring Patirnts' Satisaction / Vyas Parimal.H Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9789350562772 351p.: Knowledge Centre
362.10954068 RIA 05029739 India : Akhtar, Rais A P H Publishing, 2004 8176486841 343 p Knowledge Centre
362.1095409034 ARN 01016962 Colonizing the body: Arnold, David, University of California Press, 1993 0520081242 (alk. paper) | 0520 xii, 354 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.109541 DAS 00137942 Anthropology in public health / Das, Mithun. Concept Publishing Company, 2019 9789386682871 | 9386682877 xix,196p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.109541 DAS 05067593 Anthropology in public health / Das, Mithun. Concept Publishing Company, 2019 9789386682871 | 9386682877 xix,196p.; Knowledge Centre
362.109544 AGR 05047363 Social and cultural dimensions in health / Agrawal,Seema. ABD Publishers, 2015 9788183764544 ix,201p.; Knowledge Centre
362.109544 AGR 05047357 Social and cultural dimensions in health / Agrawal,Seema. ABD Publishers, 2015 9788183764544 ix,201p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1095479 PAT 05023464 Communication Strategies in Reproductive Health : Patil, Benazir Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2009 9788183563796 275 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10954792 RAM 00118287 Health care in Bombay Presidency, 1896-1930 / Ramanna, Mridula. Primus Books, 2012 9789380607245 | 9380607245 viii, 202 p. : UG Library
362.10954792 RAM 05033450 Health care in Bombay Presidency, 1896-1930 / Ramanna, Mridula. Primus Books, 2012 9789380607245 | 9380607245 viii, 202 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1095493JON 00084832 Health Policy in Britain`s Model Colony; Ceylon (1900-1948) [SOCIOLOGY-SECTION] Jones, Margaret Orient Longman Publications 8125027599 305p UG Library
362.10959 KUM 07004195 Health and sex tourism: Kumar Arun Regal Publication; 9788184840469 285 p. Library - BR Campus
362.1096626 UNI 07006887 Population, Health and Environment / Rawat Piblications, 2016 9788131608111 x,262p.; Library - BR Campus
362.1096626 UNI 05047356 Population, Health and Environment / Rawat Piblications, 2016 9788131608111 x,262p.; Knowledge Centre
362.10972 ELD 00109426 A practical guide to cluster randomised trials in health services research Eldridge, Sandra. John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9780470510476 (hardback) | 978 278 p. ; UG Library
362.10973 BEN 05023499 From Pathology to Politics : Bennett, James T. Transaction Publishers, 2000 9781412807364 160 p. Knowledge Centre
362.10973 BOD 00128903 Understanding health policy/ Bodenheimer, Thomas McGraw Hill 2012 9780071770521 231p. UG Library
362.10973 JAC 07007189 Health care reform and American politics : Jacobs, Lawrence R. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190262037 (hbk.) | 0190262 3rd edition. ix, 227 pages ; Library - BR Campus
362.10973 PAD 00110460 Qualitative and mixed methods in public health Padgett, Deborah K. SAGE, 2012 9781412990332 (pbk.) | 9781412 xxiii, 287 p. ; UG Library
362.10973 ZIE 05023459 The portable health administration / Ziegenfuss, James T Academic Press, 2004 0127805907 (alk. paper) xii, 327 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1097303 ENG 05011374 The progressive era's health reform movement : Engs, Ruth Clifford. Praeger, 2003 0275979326 (alk. paper) xxii, 419 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.11 FOU 00096254 The Birth of the clinic: Foucault Routledge, 1963 9780415307727 266 p.; UG Library
362.11 FOU 05023485 Birth of the Clinic : Foucault, Michel Vintage Books, 1994 0679753346 214p Knowledge Centre
362.11 SHA 00118581 Hospital Planning and Management Sharma Aditya Anmol Publications, 2014 9788126162925 vii, 312 p.: UG Library
362.11068 GIN 05043062 Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations / Ginter, Peter M Blackwell, 2005 0631225862 992p Knowledge Centre
362.11068 SHA 00118571 Strategic Management in Health Care System Sharma Sandeep Anmol Publications Pvt, 2014 9788126163182 vii, 304 p.: UG Library
362.11068 SRI 05023441 Managing a Modern Hospital : Srinivasan, A V Response Books, 2004 0761994114 404p Knowledge Centre
362.110681 CLE 05058016 Essentials of health care finance / Cleverley, William O., Jones & Barlett Learnig, 2018 9781284094633 | 1284094634 Eighth edition. ix, 575 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.110681 MOS 05058022 Managing health care business strategy / Moseley, George B., Jones & Barlett Learning 2018 9781284081107 (casebound) Second edition. xxi, 424 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.110683 BOR 00107349 Organizational behavior in health care Borkowski,Nancy. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763763831 | 0763763837 (pb 2nd ed. xi, 414 p. : UG Library
362.11095 MEH 00119400 Social Security for the Poor : Effectiveness of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) Mehta, G.S. Abhijeet Publications, 2014 9789350741405 v:192p.; UG Library
362.110954 GOE 05001503 Hospitals in Community Health Care Goel S L Deep & Deep , 9788184502275 vii, 385 p. Knowledge Centre
362.110973BOG 01003585 Great White Lie: Hoe Americans Hospitals Betray Our Trust and Endanger Our Lives (law Lib) Walt Bogdanich Pocket Books 0671684523 320p Knowledge Centre
362.12091724 DRO 05023163 Social Reinsurance - a New Approach to Sustainable Community Health Financing / Dror, M David World Bank , 2002 518p.: Knowledge Centre
362.12091724 DRO 01005751 Social Reinsurance: A New Approach to Sustainable Community Health Financing (law Lib) David M Dror World Bank 0821350412 518p. Knowledge Centre
362.120954 PAN 05023446 Community health education / Pandya, Rameshwari. Rawat Publications, 2010 8131603431 viii, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.120973 THA 00106310 Providing health services to all Thamilarasan .M Abhijeet Publications 2010 9789380031927 xi;270 P. UG Library
362.1323 VIT 05023407 Corruption in India : Vittal, N Academic Foundation, 2003 8171882870 188 p. Knowledge Centre
362.134 BHA 01007369 Fractured States: Smallpox, Public Health and Vaccination Policy in British India 1800-1947 ( Law Lib ) Sanjoy Bhattacharya Orient Longman Private Limited 8125028668 264p Knowledge Centre
362.14 HAR 05056768 Handbook of home health care administration / Jones & Bartlett, 2017 9781284068023 (pbk.) Sixth edition. xxix, 889 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.14068 SOD 00102959 Managing quality in health care / Sodani, P. R. Rawat Publications, 2010 8131603687 xx, 180 p. : UG Library
362.16 LIO 00109076 Long term conditions Lioyd,Cathy E. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2011 9780857027498 (hbk : alk. pape 1st ed. xv; 214 p UG Library
362.168 DRY 09001099 Rational Emotive Behavioural Approach to Therapeutic Change (MSW) Dryen, Windy Sage Publication, 2004 0761948961 | 9780761948964 145p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.168 DRY 05023189 Rational Emotive Behavioural Approach to Therapeutic Change (MSW) Dryen, Windy 0761948961 145p Knowledge Centre
362.168 OCO 05023408 Handbook of Solution Focussed Therapy / O'connell, Bill Sage Publications, 2004 0761967842 180 p. Knowledge Centre
362.17 ELE 00136005 Room Service Management / 3G E-Learning, 2017 9781680954289 xii,232p.; UG Library
362.173 WAL 00138003 Key topics in social sciences: Walsh, Mark Lantern publishing ltd., 2018 9781908625496 ix,195p.; UG Library
362.175 EAR 05043368 Death and dying : Earle, Sarah SAGE, 2009 9781847875099 (hbk.) | 1847875 xi, 276 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.176 BAO 05023409 Basic Nutrition Counseling Skill Developament : Guideline for Lifestyle Management Bauer, D Kathleen Wadsworth, 2002 0534589774 298 p. Knowledge Centre
362.176 EDE 00131781 Nutrition in public health / Edelstein, Sari, Jones amd Bartlett learning, 2018 9781284104691 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1284104699 (pbk. : alk. paper) Fourth edition. x, 487 pages : UG Library
362.176 REY 05043369 On-Site Foodservice Management / Reynolds, Dennis John Wiley & Sons, 2003 0471345431 250p Knowledge Centre
362.176068 SUL 05043370 Management of Medical Foodservice / Sullivan, Catherine Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1999 0442319517 460p Knowledge Centre
362.177 RAF 00137678 Screening : Raffle, Angela E. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780198805984 2nd edition. xvii, 282p.; UG Library
362.178 DAR 05017027 Music Therapy [ Social Problem ] Darnley, Rachel 0761957774 156p Knowledge Centre
362.178 NEL 05023447 Essential Counselling and Therapy Skills : Nelson-Jones, Richard Sage Publications, 2006 0761954732 382p Knowledge Centre
362.18 CAM 05060462 International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers / Campbell,John.E Pearson, 2018 9781292170848 Eighth Edition. 431p.; Knowledge Centre
362.18 LEV 05003889 Terrorism and Public Health/ Levy, Barry S. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195325256 383 p. Knowledge Centre
362.18LIP 00081071 First Aid Handbook: A Complete Guide to Emergency Procedures Inthe Home, the Workplace and Outdoors Lipscombe, Susan 1405430419 256p UG Library
362.19 KOR 07006296 Industrial Sociology/ Koregol,Tejeshwari. Book Enclave, 2016 9788181523815 V,307 pages,: Library - BR Campus
362.19 KOT 01003017 Other Face of Cancer (law Lib) Manu Kothari Other India Press 8185569525 130p. Knowledge Centre
362.19547923 RAM 05023449 Western Medicine and Public Health in Colonial Bombay.1845-1895 /[MSW-SECTION] Ramanna, Mridula Orient Longman Publications, 2002 0812502302 270 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1954RAM 00090479 Aids and Civil Society:India`s Learning Curve Ramasunbban, Radhika Rawat Publications ISB8170339464 227p UG Library
362.196 GAI 07007865 Diets, malnutrition, and disease : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198099215 | 0198099215 First edition. XXI,279 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
362.196 HAR 05023363 The global politics of AIDS : Paul G.Harris Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007 9788130908038 | 158826467X (ha viii, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.196 SIN 05039234 Third Curve : Singh Sandeep Viva Books, 2014 9788130925929 xviii,110p.: Knowledge Centre
362.196/8900954 JAI 00131917 The Psychological Impact of the Partition of India / Jain, Sanjeev; Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd 2018 9789352806508 (hbk) 241p ; UG Library
362.1961 STO 05008077 Controlling institutions : Stone, Randall W., Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107005402 (hbk.) | 1107005 xvi, 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1962 FAR 00142010 Spike : Farrar,Jeremy. Profile books, 2021 9781788169226 272p.; UG Library
362.19624 BOR 00142383 Psychological insights for understanding COVID-19 and families, parents, and children Bornstein,Marc H Routledge, 2021 9780367682989 x,256p.; UG Library
362.19624 RAY 00140631 Combating Covid: Ray,Sutapa Serials publications pvt ltd., 2021 9788194793236 xxiv,180p.; UG Library
362.1962414 FAR 00141326 Spike : Farrar, Jeremy Profile Books , 2021 9781788169226 253 p. UG Library
362.1962414 LIL 05072349 Political communication and COVID-19 : Routledge 2021 9780367636791 | 9780367636838 xxi,350p,; Knowledge Centre
362.196344 THO 00124524 Counselling and reflexive research in healthcare Thomas, Gillian, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009 175 p. UG Library
362.196398 FOR 00120825 Fat Christopher E. Forth Blooms Bury, 2014 9780857856166 (hardback) | 978 ix, 198 p ; UG Library
362.196398 GAR 05005434 The end of the obesity epidemic / Gard, Michael, Routledge, 2011 9780415489874 (hbk) | 97804154 xi, 193 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1966 DEB 05023448 Reproductive health management Sibnath Deb Akansha, 2009 9788183701914 493 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1968 BAK 04007040 Complete Handbook of Nature Cure: The Most Comprehensive Family Guide to Health, the Natural Way Bakhru, H K Jaico Publishing House 2010 9788172242299 797 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1968 EMM 05023492 An insight into dementia care in India / Emmatty, Leena Mary. SAGE, 2009 9788178298887 (paper back) | 8 viii, 118 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1968 FER 05023477 Researching communication disorders / Ferguson, Alison. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230004504 (hardback) | 023 xviii, 203 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1968 VIL 05043371 Handbook of U.S. Latino psychology : Villarruel, Francisco A SAGE, 2009 9781412957601 (cloth) | 978141 xi, 466 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1968 WEH 09001051 A comprehensive guide to intellectual and developmental disabilities / Paul H Brookes, 2017 9781598576023 (hardcover) Second edition. xx,764 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.19683 MOO 05039789 Social work and dementia / Moore, David. Sage Publications, 2012 9780857256218 1st ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
362.196831 BRY 05023479 Dancing with dementia : Bryden, Christine, Jessica Kingsley, 2005 184310332X (pbk.) 200 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.196831 FAZ 05023478 Rethinking Alzheimer`s Care / Fazio, Sam Health Professions Press , 1999 1878812629 174p Knowledge Centre
362.19684980094 CRO 04012001 Asleep : Crosby, Molly Caldwell. Berkley Books, 2010 9780425225707 | 0425225704 1st ed. x, 291 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.19685 SIE 09000384 The politics of autism / Siegel, Bryna. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199360994 (hbk. : alk. paper) xix, 325p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.19685 SIE 05067809 The politics of autism / Siegel, Bryna. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199360994 (hbk. : alk. paper) xix, 325p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1968521 KIM 05039820 Understanding trauma Kirmayer, Laurence J., Cambridge University Press, 2007 0521854288 (hardback) | 978052 xxvii,519p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1968526 AND 05067649 Clinical handbook of complex and atypical eating disorders / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190630409 (paperback) xx, 416 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.1968526 AND 09000455 Clinical handbook of complex and atypical eating disorders / Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190630409 (paperback) xx, 416 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.19685260082 MAL 05005162 Critical feminist approaches to eating dis/orders / Routledge, 2009 9780415418119 (hardback) | 978 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.196855 FOU 05023445 Therapeutic processes for communication disorders : Fourie, Robert J. Psychology Press, 2010 9781848720411 (hbk) 288 p. Knowledge Centre
362.196855 FOU 05005066 Therapeutic processes for communication disorders : Fourie, Robert J. Psychology Press, 2010 9781848720411 (hbk) 288 p. Knowledge Centre
362.196855 WAR 05004841 Cluttering : Psychology Press, 2011 9781848720299 (hbk. : alk. pap p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.1968584 BOZ 05070222 Psychological, social, and cultural aspects of Internet addiction / Bozoglan, Bahadir. IGI Global, 2018 9781522534778 (hardcover) | 1522534776 (hardcover) xxvii, 390 p. Knowledge Centre
362.19685882 WIL 05005049 Effective programs for treating autism spectrum disorder : Williams, Betty Fry. Routledge, 2011 9780415999311 (hbk : alk. pape xxi, 276 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.19685889 BRO 05048225 Supporting People with Learning Disabilities in Health and Social Care / SAGE, 2012 9781849200837 | 1849200831 | 9781849200844 x, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.19685889 BRO 00124794 Supporting People with Learning Disabilities in Health and Social Care / SAGE, 2012 9781849200837 | 1849200831 | 9781849200844 x, 222 p. : UG Library
362.19689 CAL 00133003 Patients Agents Callan, Alyson Berghahm Books, 2012 9780857454881 227 p.: UG Library
362.19689 EME 05059391 Challenging behaviour / Emerson, Eric, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9780521728935 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xi, 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.19689 ERN 00112767 Mad Tales from the Raj Ernst, Waltraud Anthem Press 2012 9789380601489 xvii; 155 p UG Library
362.19689 PAC 05067929 Handbook of evidence-based mental health practice with sexual and gender minorities / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190669300 (paperback) xvi,494p.; Knowledge Centre
362.19689 SCH 05045312 Diagnosis & treatment planning skills : Schwitzer, Alan M., Sage, 2015 9781483349763 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition, DSM-5 update. xviii, 324 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.19689 SCH 05023444 A handbook for the study of mental health : Scheid,Teresa L . Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521728911 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xix, 714 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.19689 SCH 00110403 Diagnosis and treatment planning skills for mental health professionals Schwitzer, Alan M. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412988827 (pbk. : acidfree xxi, 598 p. ; UG Library
362.19689 SCO 09001117 Community psychology : SAGE, 2015 9781452278681 | 1452278687 xlii, 474 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.19689008664 PAC 09000343 Handbook of evidence-based mental health practice with sexual and gender minorities / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190669300 (paperback) xvi,494p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.196890089 MOO 05071584 The routledge international handbook of race culture and mental health / Routledge, 2021 9781138279995 xxv,565p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1968900954 JAI 10001574 The psychological impact of the partition of India / Jain, Sanjeev., ed. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352806508 (hbk) xvi, 241p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1968900954 JAI 05062566 The psychological impact of the partition of India / Jain, Sanjeev., ed. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789352806508 (hbk) xvi, 241p. Knowledge Centre
362.1968914 LEE 00126256 The Future of Psychological Therapy : Lees.John Routledge, 2016 9781138886391 | 9781138886384 xvii, 177 p, ; UG Library
362.19689140095 MOO 00130994 Asian healing traditions in counseling and psychotherapy / Moodley, Roy, Sage publications Inc., 2018 9781483371436 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 286 pages ; UG Library
362.19689140095 MOO 07011898 Asian healing traditions in counseling and psychotherapy / Moodley, Roy, Sage publications Inc., 2018 9781483371436 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 286 pages ; Library - BR Campus
362.19689152 JOR 05005259 The power of connection : Haworth Press, 2008 9780789038920 (hard cover : al p. cm. Knowledge Centre
362.196895 AIK 00119419 Family Experiences of Bipolar Disorder : Aiken, Cara, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010 9781843109358 174 p. : UG Library
362.1969 BHA 00085015 Fractured States: Small Pox, Public Health and Vaccination Policy in British India 1800-1947 Bhattacharya, Sanjoy Orient Longman Publications, 2007 9788125028666 264 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1969 BOL 07006716 The Politics of Prevention Boler,Tania. Pluto Press ; | Jacana, 2008 9780745327327 | 0745327338 (ha xi, 162 p. ; Library - BR Campus
362.1969 BOL 00095715 Politics of Prevention Boler Tania Pluto Press, 2008 9788182910720 162p.; UG Library
362.1969 BOL 00108143 The Politics of Prevention Boler,Tania. Pluto Press ; | Jacana, 2008 9780745327327 | 0745327338 (ha xi, 162 p. ; UG Library
362.1969 CAN 04016217 Chicken Soup for the Soul : Westland, 2009 9789380658155 380p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.1969 DEW 00090648 Black Smoke Deways, Margaret Sterling 9781402748837 228p UG Library
362.1969 GIL 00092800 The Politics of AIDS: Gill Peter Viva Books Pvt.Ltd 9788130904146 222p UG Library
362.1969 HAA 01015529 HIV and AIDS in South Asia: An Economic Development Risk / Rawat Publications, 9788131603369 xvi,244 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1969 HAA 00090532 HIV AND AIDS in South Asia: Haacker, Markus Wold Bank, 2008 9780821378007 244p.; UG Library
362.1969 KOR 00121128 Leprosy patients and rehabilitation Koregol Tejeshwari S Aadi Publications 2015 9789382630616 342p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1969 WAA 00095728 AIDS and Power Waal Alex De Zed Books, 2006 9788182910348 147p.; UG Library
362.19691 RHO 05042780 The end of plagues : Rhodes, John, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 9781137278524 1st ed. xii, 235 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
362.1969362 SHE 00126230 Magic Bullets to Conquer Malaria : Sherman, Irwin W. ASM Press, 2011 9781555815431 xiii, 298 p. : UG Library
362.19697 LOC 05057150 HIV/AIDS in China and India : Lo, Catherine Yuk-ping, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137504197 (hardcover) xv, 280 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.19697 UDA 05023438 Aids Education to College Students / Udamala Vijaya M. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2009 9788183564823 213 p. Knowledge Centre
362.19697 VER 04015592 My own country : Verghese, A. Vintage Books, 1994 0679752927 | 9780679752929 1st. Vintage Books ed. 432 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.19697/92 FAL 00131898 Economic impact of HIV/AIDS on households/ Falleiro, Savio P. Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788132113591 (hardback : alk. paper) 229 p. ; UG Library
362.1969720954 PAN 05023390 Living With the Aids Virus / Panda, Samiran SAGE Publications, 2002 0761996230 204 p. Knowledge Centre
362.196979 PRA 05023356 HIV AND AIDS : The Women Press, 2008 9788189110185 403 p. Knowledge Centre
362.196979 THO 05023190 AIDS AND FAMILY EDUCATION (MSW) Thomas, Gracious Rawat Publications 8170332994 288p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 DIG 00115309 Instructional Modules Foir Aids Educsation Rao, D Bhaskara Discovery Publishing House 2000 8171415326 101 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1969792 OVE 00061263 HIV/AIDS Treatment and Prevention in India Over, Mead World Bank 2004 121 p . UG Library
362.1969792 AGI 01020719 The global governance of HIV/AIDS : Edward Elgar, 2013 9781849804905 (hbk.) | 1849804 xiii, 275 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 BOR 05023426 Family and HIV Today / Bor, Robert Cassell, 1998 0304701882 278p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 BOR 05043063 Family and HIV Today / Bor, Robert Cassell, 1998 0304701882 278p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 BRO 05023474 OPENING CIRCLES : Brooker, Stephen Books for Change, 2001 239p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 BRO 00056113 Opening Circles: HIV/AIDS Care and Support Manual Brooker, Stephen Books for Change 8187380640 239 UG Library
362.1969792 DCR 05023494 In Sickness and in Health : D`cruz, Premila Stree, 2003 8185604592 112p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 DEB 05048031 HIV Aids in India : Global Vision Publishing House, 2016 9788182206885 xix,403p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 FAL 05042711 Economic impact of HIV/AIDS on households / Falleiro, Savio P. Sage, 2014 9788132113591 (hardback : alk. xxiv,229p.: Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 GIL 00078573 Politics of Aids How They Trurned a Disease into a Disaste Gill, Peter Multilingual Matters Limited, 2007 8130904144 222p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1969792 GIL 00092434 Politics of Aids How They Trurned a Disease into a Disaste Gill, Peter Multilingual Matters Limited, 2007 8130904144 222p.; UG Library
362.1969792 GRE 00108020 AIDS, behavior, and culture Green,Edward C. Left Coast Press, 2011 9781598744798 (hardcover : alk 300 p. : UG Library
362.1969792 KAP 00112812 AIDS Drugs for all : Kapstein, Ethan B., Cambridge University Press 2013 9781107036147 (hardback) | 978 xvi, 322 pages ; UG Library
362.1969792 MAH 00116378 AIDS in Ther World Mahmud, Jafar APH Publishing Corropation 2002 320 p . UG Library
362.1969792 MCK 05023450 Strategic Communication in the Hiv/aids Epidemic / Mckee, Neill Sage Publications, 2004 0761932089 350p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 MCK 05023162 Strategic Communication in the HIV/AIDS Epidemic / Mckee, Neill Sage Publications, 2004 0761932070 351p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 MCK 05023453 Strategic Communication in the HIV/AIDS Epidemic / Mckee, Neill Sage Publications, 2004 0761932070 351p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 MEA 05023481 HIV/AIDS Treatment and Prevention in India : Over, Mead The World Bank, 2004 0821356577 121p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 MEC 05023161 Strategic Communication in the Hiv/aids Epidemic [msw] Mckee, Neill Sage 351p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 MEH 05023431 Understanding AIDS : Myths, Efforts and Achievements : Mehta, Shalina APH Publishing, 2004 0817648542 372p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 MEH 00115311 Understanding Aids Mehta, Shalini APH 8176485438 372 UG Library
362.1969792 NAR 01003997 AIDS in ASIA the Challenge Ahead / Narain, Jai P Sage Publications 2004 0761932259 395p. Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 NAR 05023439 AIDS in Aisa : Narain, P Jai Sage Publications, 2004 0761932259 395 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 NAR 05023178 Aids in Asia Narain, Jai P 0761932259 395p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 RAM 05002963 AIDS AND CIVIL SOCIETY- INDIA`S LEARNING CURVE [MSW] Ramasubban, Radhika Rawat Publications 8170339464 227p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 RAO 05023432 HIV/AIDS Rao, Digumati Bhaskara Discovery Publishing, 2000 426p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 RHO 05023451 Aids, Drugs and Prevention : Rhodes, Tim Routledge, 2000 0415102049 238p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 SHA 00116375 AIDS and Sexual Behaviour Sharma, Savita APH 8176485039 282p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1969792 THO 05023197 AIDS, Social Work and Law / Thomas, Gracious Rawat Publications, 1997 0817033361 227 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 THO 05024748 AIDS, Social Work and Law / Thomas, Gracious Rawat Publications, 1997 0817033361 227 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 THO 05023191 AIDS, Social Work and Law / Thomas, Gracious Rawat Publications, 1997 0817033361 227 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 USD 05023498 Non-Nonsense Guide to HIV/AIDS / Usdin, Shereen Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339332 144p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792 WIL 00080197 AIDS Pandemic Willis, Richard Stanborough Press Ltd, 2002 1899505814 88p.; UG Library
362.1969792 WOR 05043390 Corporate Responses to Hiv/aids : World Bank World Bank, 2007 88 p Knowledge Centre
362.19697920091 WOR 01005778 Committing to Results: Improving the Effectiveness of Hiv/aids ( Law Lib ) World Bank Operation World Bank 0821363883 250p Knowledge Centre
362.196979200954 DCR 05023195 Family Care in HIV/AID: Exploring Lived Experience (MSW) D`cruz, Premilla 0076193233 218p Knowledge Centre
362.196979200954 JAI 01014115 The struggle for access to treatment for HIV/AIDS in India / Jain, Dipika. Human Rights Law Network, 9788189479480 | 8189479482 120 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.196979200954 VAS 05052082 Fuzzy and neutrosophic analysis of women with HIV/AIDS : Kandasamy, Vasantha. W. B. Hexis, 2005 9781931233965 316p. Knowledge Centre
362.19697920095MOS 01006026 Aids in South Asia: Understanding and Responding to a Heterogeneous Epidemic (law Lib) Stephen Moses World Bank 0821367579 113p Knowledge Centre
362.19697920096 PEP 05008159 The origins of AIDS / Pepin, Jacques, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107006638 (hardback) | 978 xiv,293 p. Knowledge Centre
362.19697920096 PEP 00107961 The origins of AIDS / Pepin, Jacques, Cambridge University Press, 2011 9781107006638 (hardback) | 978 xiv,293 p. UG Library
362.1969792061TAY 01005944 Battling HIV/AIDS: A Decision Maker`s Guide to the Procurement of Medicines and Related Supplies (law Lib) Yolanda Tayler World Bank 0821358480 152p Knowledge Centre
362.19697920954 DCR 05023402 Family Care in Hiv/aids : D`Cruz, Premilla Sage Publications, 2004 0076193233 218 p. Knowledge Centre
362.19697920954 PAN 05023391 LIVING with the AIDS virus / Panda, Samiran SAGE Publications, 2002 0761996230 203 p. Knowledge Centre
362.19697920954 PAN 05023419 Living With the AIDS Virus : Panda, Samiran Sage Publications, 2002 0761996222 204p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792DIX 00072081 Teh Truth About AIDS [dharmaram Library] Dixon, Patrick 0954754905 566p UG Library
362.1969792HAR 00082741 Global Politics of AIDS Harris, Paul G Multilingual Matters Limited 8130908034 335p UG Library
362.1969792UNP 01007821 Children and AIDS (law Lib) United Nations World Health Organization 9789280641288 40p Knowledge Centre
362.1969792WB 01006061 Corporate Response to HIV/AIDS: Case Studies from India (law Lib) World Bank World Bank 9780821371718 88p Knowledge Centre
362.19698 ADE 01006019 PUBLIC POLICY AND the CHALLENGE OF CHRONIC NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES(LAW LIBRARY) Olusoji Adeyi World Bank 0821370448 188p Knowledge Centre
362.19698 EWE 00122932 Natural Environments and Human health / Ewert, Alan W., CABI is International, 2014 9781845939199 | 1845939190 ix, 238 p,: UG Library
362.19698003 SPE 04021197 Encyclopedia of environmental health and science / Spellman, Frank R. Government Institutes, 2010 9781605907574 | 9781605907581 viii, 905 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.196994 CAN 04016197 Chicken Soup for the Indian Doctors Soul : Canfield, Jack Westland, 2011 9789381626658 365 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.196994 MOO 00135888 Dying to be me : Moorjani, Anita, Hay House, 2018 9789381431375 1st ed. xv, 191 p. ; UG Library
362.1969940092 MAL 00132401 I Inspire: Malik,Neeraja, Jaico Publishing House, 2015 9788184956757 viii,169 p.; UG Library
362.196994490092 CHA 03010797 Sunshine : Chaudhry, Minakshi. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788129119100 200 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.19699465 KOI 05067502 Healed : Koirala, Manisha. Penguin Random House, 2018 9780670091973 xii, 219p.; Knowledge Centre
362.196998 STA 01014197 Peculiar People, Amazing Lives Staples James Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd. 9788125029861 290p Knowledge Centre
362.1969IOZ 00090700 Calling for Justice Throughout the World Lozzio, Mary Jo Contunuum, 9780826428646 272p UG Library
362.197/60072 LES 05043357 Statistical and methodological aspects of oral health research / Lesaffre, Emmanuel. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 9780470517925 (cloth) 390p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.198 KON 00121984 Reproductive heaalth among scheduled caste women Kondagulikar Indiragandhi A S K Jain and Sons 2015 9789382845935 259p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.198178 SPA 03003114 Baby Business : Spar, Debora L Harvard Business School Press , 2006 9781591396208 | 1591396204 298 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.198178 SPA 04016010 The baby business : Spar, Debora L. Harvard Business School Press, 2006 1591396204 (hardcover : alk. p xix, 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.198178 SPA 04016011 The baby business : Spar, Debora L. Harvard Business School Press, 2006 1591396204 (hardcover : alk. p xix, 299 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.198178 SPA 03010405 Baby Business : Spar, Debora L Harvard Business School Press , 2006 9781591396208 | 1591396204 298 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.19820 GUH 00137508 Colonial modernities: Guha,Ambika Routledge, 2018 9781138098497 xii,219p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1982097127 LOG 01023478 Reproductive and child healthcare services: Loganathan,Kathiresan Bloomsbury publishing india pvt ltd., 9789385936203 194p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1982KOB 01005932 Reducing Maternal Mortality: Learning from Bolovia, China, Honduras, Indonesia, Famaica, and Zimbabwe (law Lib) Marjorie A Koblinsky World Bank 0821353926 132p Knowledge Centre
362.1988 WHI 00116779 Abortion In Asia ed by, Whittaker Andrea Foundation, Books 2014 9789382993155 xii, 253 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.198880954 CHA 05047517 Shrieks of the unborn : Chandan,Kanchan. Swastik Publications, 2016 9789381991862 x,276p.; Knowledge Centre
362.1989 BAR 00074989 Living Your Best Life With Asperger`s Syndrome Barber, Karra Sage Publications Ltd., 2006 1412919606 | 9781412919609 119 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.1989 BAR 05023493 Living Your Best Life With Asperger`s Syndrome Barber, Karra Sage Publications Ltd., 2006 1412919606 | 9781412919609 119 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1989 SOB 05043359 Child Health Service : Sobo, Elisa J Wiley Imprint, 2003 9780787958756 396p Knowledge Centre
362.19892 KOT 05043358 Maternal and child health : Kotch, Jonathan B Jones and Bartlett, 2005 0763731714 (casebound) | 97807 2nd ed. xviii, 704 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.1989200681 UNG 05008777 Economic evaluation in child health Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199547494 | 0199547491 xxii,314 p.: Knowledge Centre
362.19892390954GRA 01006006 India`s Undernourished Children: A Call for Reform and Action (law Lib) Michele Gragnolati World Bank 0821365878 120p Knowledge Centre
362.19892OED 01005887 Maintaining Momentum to 2015? an Impact Evaluation of Interventions to Improve Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in Bangladesh (law Lib) World Bank 0082136376 224p Knowledge Centre
362.1AKR 00090476 Tribal Health: Studying Sexual Behaviour Akram, Mohammad Rawat Publications 9788131602409 269p UG Library
362.1ANA 00073834 Public Health, Ethics, and Equity [DHARMARAM LIBRARY] Anand, Sudhir 0195686519 316p UG Library
362.1ANI 01009159 Are You Being Served: New Tools for Measuring Sevice Delivery (law Lib) Samia Amin World Bank 9780821371855 423 Knowledge Centre
362.1HAR 01006016 Private Participation in Health Services (law Library) April Harding World Bank 0821351524 349 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1HAR 05023384 Urban Health In Developing Countries : Harpham, Trudy Earthscan, 1995 1853832855 228 p. Knowledge Centre
362.1WEB 01008618 Health, Technology & Society: A Sociological Critique (law Lib) Andrew Webster Palgrave Macmillan 9781403995254 213p Knowledge Centre
362.2 BRO 05007229 Normalisation : Brown, Hilary Routledge, 1992 0415061193 (pbk.) xxii, 189 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2 FEL 05029239 Mental Health and Mental Illness : Fellin, Phillip F E Peacock Publishers, Inc., 2000 0875813984 258 p Knowledge Centre
362.2 KAP 05043730 Qualitative methods in mental health research / R L Kapur National Institute of Advanced Studies, 1999 8190108921 vii, 264 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2 PIL 05002739 KEY CONCEPTS IN MENTAL HEALTH [ Msw ] Pilgrim, David Sage 204p Knowledge Centre
362.2 BAN 05023484 Foucault`s Analysis of Mental Illness : Banerjee, Anjana Global Vision Publishing House, 2007 8182202264 207p Knowledge Centre
362.2 BHU 09000288 Practical cultural psychiatry / Bhugra, Dinesh, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198723196 (paperback) First edition. 170 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.2 BHU 05068140 Practical cultural psychiatry / Bhugra, Dinesh, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198723196 (paperback) First edition. 170 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.2 CHA 05054484 Positive psychology in racial and ethnic groups : American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433821486 | 1433821486 First edition. xiii, 339 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.2 COP 05023468 Understanding social work practice in mental health / Coppock, Vicki. Sage Publications, 2009 9781412935050 | 9781412935043 170P Knowledge Centre
362.2 COW 05023443 Emotional Health and Well-Being : Cowie, Helen Sage Publications, 2006 0761943552 228p Knowledge Centre
362.2 COY 05002734 Spirituality, Values and Mental Health: Jewels for the Journey. Coyte, Mary Ellen Jessica Kingsley Publications 9781843104568 336p Knowledge Centre
362.2 DIL 05023490 Key concepts in mental health / Pilgrim, David, SAGE, 2009 9781848608795 (hbk.) | 1848608 2nd ed. ix, 204 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2 DYE 00144837 Global Mental Health Ethics / Dyer, Allen R. Springer, 2021 9783030662950 xv,402p, ; UG Library
362.2 EQB 05047350 Social in Aging / Eqbal,Afroze. Random Publications, 2015 9789351117308 ix,320p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2 FEL 05023483 Mental Health and Mental Illness : Fellin, Phillip F E Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1996 0875813984 258p Knowledge Centre
362.2 FEL 05002735 Mental Health and Mental Illness : Fellin, Phillip F E Peacock Publishers, Inc., 2000 0875813984 258 p Knowledge Centre
362.2 GED 00142841 Social worker's: Gedam,Avinash Current publications, 2021 9789391542627 260p.; UG Library
362.2 GOC 05023472 Social Work and Mental Health : Golightley, Malcolm Learning Matters, 2005 1844450163 161p Knowledge Centre
362.2 GOC 05023471 Social Work and Mental Health : Golightley, Malcolm Learning Matters, 2005 1844450163 161p Knowledge Centre
362.2 GOL 05002732 Social Work and Mental Health. Golightley, Malcolm Learning Matters 1844450686 173p Knowledge Centre
362.2 GOL 05023470 Social Work and Mental Health / Golightley, Malcolm Learning Matters, 2004 1844450163 161p Knowledge Centre
362.2 GOL 05002740 Social Work and Mental Health / Golightley, Malcolm Learning Matters, 2004 1844450163 161p Knowledge Centre
362.2 GOL 05023618 Social Work and Mental Health / Golightley, Malcolm Learning Matters, 2004 1844450163 161p Knowledge Centre
362.2 HEL 05023442 Mental Health Matters : Heller, Tom Palgrave, 2003 0333678486 379p Knowledge Centre
362.2 HEL 01006600 Mental Health Matters (law Library) Tom Heller Palgrave Macmillan 0333678486 380p Knowledge Centre
362.2 HIN 05023403 Children With Cerebral Palsy: a Manual for Therapists, Parents and Community Workers - M.Sc Psychology Shelf Hinchcliffe, Archie Sage Publications, 2004 8178292297 204 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2 HUD 05072717 The medical model in mental health : Huda, Ahmed Samei. Oxford university press, 2019 9780198807254 vii, 396 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2 HUD 05072718 The medical model in mental health : Huda, Ahmed Samei. Oxford university press, 2019 9780198807254 vii, 396 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2 KAL 00103494 Psychoanalytic therapy as health care: Kaley Harriette The Analytic Press, 1999 9780881632026 295 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.2 KAN 09001158 Mental Health : Elsevier, 2019 9780729544030 226p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.2 KAP 05023658 Qualitative Methods in Mental Health Research / Kapur, R L National Institute of Advanced Studies, 1999 0008190108 263p Knowledge Centre
362.2 KIN 05037886 Introducing Mental Health a Practical Guide. Kinsella, Caroline Jessica 2006 158p Knowledge Centre
362.2 MCK 05002736 Social Capital and Mental Health. Mckenzie, Kwame Jessica Kingsley Publications 9781843103554 160 p Knowledge Centre
362.2 MCP 00023564 Reconstructing Psychological Practice Mcpherson,Ian Croom Helm 1981 07099117090 202 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.2 MOR 05068520 Community Psychology / Moritsugu, John. Routledge, 2019 9781138048355 | 9781138744974 6th ed. vi, 558p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2 MOR 05002737 Mental health issues and the media : Morris, Gary, Routledge, 2006 0415325307 (hardback) | 978041 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2 MOR 05023456 Mental health issues and the media : Morris, Gary, Routledge, 2006 0415325307 (hardback) | 978041 259 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2 MOR 09000079 Community Psychology / Moritsugu, John. Routledge, 2019 9781138048355 | 9781138744974 6th ed. vi, 558p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.2 MOR 00143490 Community Psychology / Moritsugu, John. Routledge, 2019 9781138048355 | 9781138744974 6th ed. vi, 558p.; UG Library
362.2 MOR 00128689 Mental health issues and the media : Morris, Gary, Routledge, 2006 0415325307 (hardback) | 978041 259 p. ; UG Library
362.2 PAN 05023180 Mental Retardation and Social Responsibility: [MSW] Pandey, Veena Pany Sumit Enterprises 8188837423 311p Knowledge Centre
362.2 PHI 05023473 Mental Illlness and the Body : Phillips, Louise Routledge, 2006 0415383218 196 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2 PIL 00130512 Key concepts in mental health / Pilgrim, David. Sage 2017 9781473973015 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. 251p. UG Library
362.2 PIL 00132939 Key concepts in mental health / Pilgrim, David. Sage Publications Ltd., 2017 9781473973015 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781473973008 (hardcover : alk. paper) 4th edition. 251 p. ; UG Library
362.2 PRI 05023454 Evidence in Mental Health Care / Priebe, Stefan Brunner-Routledge, 2002 0415236924 267p Knowledge Centre
362.2 RAM 05023452 Mental Illness : Rassay, Rosalind Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007 304p Knowledge Centre
362.2 ROG 05023467 Mental Health and Inequality : Rogeres, Anne Palgrave, 2003 0333786572 278p Knowledge Centre
362.2 ROS 05002733 Managed behavioral health care handbook / Ross, E. Clarke. Aspen Publishers, 0834217279 xxiii, 385 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2 RUS 00147655 Digital media as ambient therapy : Russell, Francis Routledge, 2024 9781032101347 108p. ; UG Library
362.2 RYA 05023359 Good Practice in Adult Mental Health / Ryan, Tony Jessica Kingsley, 2004 0071360217 352 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2 RYA 05023455 Good Practice in Adult Mental Health / Ryan, Tony Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 0184310217 352p Knowledge Centre
362.2 SEB 05023364 Restoring Mental Health in India : Sebastia, Brigitte Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195698756 318 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2 SEB 05023360 Restoring Mental Health in India : Sebastia, Brigitte Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195698756 318 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2 SEK 05055527 Handbook of Psychiatric Social Work / Sekar, K National Institute of Mental Health, 2007 333p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2 SHA 00118159 Mental Health and Marital Adjustment of Women Sharma, Subhash S. Aadi Publications, 2014 9789382630395 vi:176p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.2 SIN 00117564 Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism Singh,Rajendra Prasad Kanishka Publishers 2014 215p UG Library
362.2 SUB 05074761 Psychiatric Social Work : Subudhi, Chittaranjan. Rawat, 2024 9788131613726 xx, 196p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2 SUB 05075053 Psychiatric Social Work : Subudhi, Chittaranjan. Rawat, 2024 9788131613726 xx, 196p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2 SUB 05074712 Psychiatric Social Work : Subudhi, Chittaranjan. Rawat, 2024 9788131613726 xx, 196p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2 ULA 05027760 Mental health and social work / Marion Ulas and Anne Connor. J. Kingsley Publishers, 1999 9781853023026 248 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2 ULA 05023480 Mental Health and Social Work / Ilas, Marion Jessica Kingsley, 2003 1853023027 248 p Knowledge Centre
362.2 ULA 05002750 Mental Health and Social Work / Ilas, Marion Jessica Kingsley, 2003 1853023027 248 p Knowledge Centre
362.2 YEO 00132805 Mental health of a nation / Yeong,Ng Beng 2018 9789813206908 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9789813206915 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiii, 384 pages : UG Library
362.20068 VAL 00135708 Beyond best practice : Valla, Birgit. Routledge, 2019 9780367175108 (hardback) | 9780367175139 (pbk.) 1st edition. xix, 166 pages : UG Library
362.204 BAI 00145442 Counseling: Bailey, Leo Larsen & Keller 2023 9798888361122 vii:236p. UG Library
362.204 LEF 05002285 Helping Families Cope With Mental Illness Lefley, Harriet P Hardwood Academic Publishers 3718605805 371 Knowledge Centre
362.204 ULA 05002749 Mental Health and Social Work. Ulas, Marion Jessica Kingsley 1853023027 247p Knowledge Centre
362.2042 COC 10002188 Sociology of mental disorder / Cockerham, William C., Routledge, 2017 9780367432041 | 9780367432034 | 9781138568501 10th edition. xv,376p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.2042 DAV 05023628 Mental Health from a Gender Perspective : Davar, V Bhargavi Sage Publications, 2000 0761994777 424p Knowledge Centre
362.2042 HEL 05040002 Mental health and social problems : Routledge, 2011 9780415493864 (hc) | 041549386 xv, 514 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2042 HOR 00069418 Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Social Contexts, Theories and Systems: Horwi, V Allan 1999 0521567637 458p UG Library
362.2042 MOR 05034308 Society and psychosis Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521689595 | 9780511384714 ix, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2042 SAR 05002316 Reducing the Stigma of Mental Illness:A Report from a Global Programme of the World Psychiatric Association. Sartorius, Norman 0521549434 238p Knowledge Centre
362.2042 TEW 05002747 Social Perspectives in Mental Health: Developing Social Models to Understand and Work With Mental Distress. Tew, Jerry Jessica Kingsley Publications 0184310220 240p Knowledge Centre
362.2042 TEW 05023627 Social Perspectives in Mental Health : Tew, Jerry Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2005 0184310220 240p Knowledge Centre
362.2042 TSE 00130850 A case-based approach to public psychiatry / Tse, Jeanie, Oxford university press, 2018 9780190610999 (paperback) xvii,224p.; UG Library
362.2042 TSE 05067630 A case-based approach to public psychiatry / Tse, Jeanie, Oxford university press, 2018 9780190610999 (paperback) xvii,224p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2042 TSE 09000445 A case-based approach to public psychiatry / Tse, Jeanie, Oxford university press, 2018 9780190610999 (paperback) xvii,224p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.20425 AVS 05002746 Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work Sustrian, Sonia G 0231112963 356p Knowledge Centre
362.20425 AUS 05023630 Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work. Austrain, Sonia G 0231112963 356p Knowledge Centre
362.20425 AUS 05002295 Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work. Austrian, Sonia G Columbia university press, 2000 0231112963 356p.; Knowledge Centre
362.20425 BRA 05002300 Theory & practice in clinical social work / Brandell, Jerrold R SAGE, 9781412981385 (cloth) | 141298 xix, 859 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.20425 CAM 00128222 Post-Qualifying Mental Health Social Work Practice Campbell, Jim, Sage 2012 9781848609945 (hbk.) | 1848609 ix, 212 p. : UG Library
362.20425 FRA 05045098 Social work in mental health : Sage, 2014 9788132117407 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiv,357p.: Knowledge Centre
362.20425 FRA 05045963 Social work in mental health : Sage, 2014 9788132117391 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxvii,325p.: Knowledge Centre
362.20425 FRA 05042701 Social work in mental health : Sage, 2014 9788132117391 (pbk. : alk. pap xxxvii,325p.: Knowledge Centre
362.20425 FRA 05042693 Social work in mental health : Sage, 2014 9788132117407 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiv,357p.: Knowledge Centre
362.20425 GEL 07008244 Counselling children : Geldard, Kathryn. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446256534 | 9781446256541 4th ed. ix,342p.: Library - BR Campus
362.20425 GEL 05032802 Counselling children : Geldard, Kathryn. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446256534 | 9781446256541 4th ed. ix,342p.: Knowledge Centre
362.20425 GOL 05048671 Social work and mental health / Golightley, Malcolm. Learning Matters, 2008 9781844451548 3rd ed. xiii,177 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.20425 GOL 05023635 Social Work and Mental Health / Golightley, Malcolm Learning Matters, 2006 1844450686 173p Knowledge Centre
362.204250683 FAL 05041672 Multiculturalism and diversity in clinical supervision : American Psychological Association, 2014 9781433816857 | 1433816857 First Edition xv, 296 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.20425082 MAR 00109074 Evidence-based practice with women : Markward, Martha J SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412975759 (pbk.) | 1412975 xiii; 237 p. : UG Library
362.204250941 GAL 05040158 The survival guide for newly qualified social workers in adult and mental health services : Galpin, Diane. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 9781849051583 (pbk. : alk. pap 192 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.204250941 WEB 05048438 Evidence Based Policy and Practice In Mental Health Social Work / Webber, Martin. Learning Matters, 2011 9780857254252 (pbk.) | 9780857 2nd ed. xvi,245p. Knowledge Centre
362.204250941 WEB 05023629 Evidence-based policy and practice in mental health social work / Webber, Martin. Learning Matters, 2008 9781844451494 (pbk.) | 1844451 xiii, 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.204251 CAV 00130801 Crisis intervention : Cavaiola, Alan A., Sage publications inc., 2018 9781506322384 (pbk. : alk. pap xvii, 437 pages : UG Library
362.204256 BRO 05004648 Psychoeducational groups : Brown, Nina W. Brunner-Routledge, 2010 9780415882392 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. p. cm. Knowledge Centre
362.204256 GER 00127493 Foundations for clinical mental health counseling : Gerig, Mark S. Pearson, 2014 9780132930970 | 0132930978 2nd edition. 320p : . UG Library
362.204256 PAG 05037379 Supervising the counsellor : Page, Steve, Brunner-Routledge, 2001 0415207738 | 0415207746 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xiv, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.204256 YOU 05058282 Clinical mental health counseling : Sage, 2017 9781506305639 (pbk. : alk. pap xxiii, 455 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.204256068 FRE 00130776 Collaborative consultation in mental health : Fredman, Glenda, Routledge, 2018 9781138899087 (hardback) | 978 xvii,194p.; UG Library
362.20425THY 00092629 Social work in mental health : J. Wiley, 0471693049 (cloth) | 978047169 xxxii, 592 p. : UG Library
362.2045 BER 05002311 Clinical Social Work Practice: A Cognitive-Integrative Perspective. Berlin, Sharon B 0195110374 419p Knowledge Centre
362.2068 CAL 04009201 Program development in the 21st century : Calley, Nancy G. SAGE, 2011 9781412974493 (pbk. : alk. pap xviii, 521 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.2068 CAL 05004115 Program development in the 21st century : Calley, Nancy G. SAGE, 2011 9781412974493 (pbk. : alk. pap xviii, 521 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2068 SCA 00106128 Supervision in the mental health professions: Scaife,Joyce. Rouledge 2001 9780415207140 viii;292 P. UG Library
362.2071 ACH 00146395 Global mental health training and practice : Routledge 2024 9781138064126 | 9781138064133 xlvi;240p. UG Library
362.2072 GRI 00146389 Rethinking secondary mental healthcare : Griffiths, Robert Routledge 2024 9780367485085 | 9780367485061 152p. UG Library
362.2072 MOR 05062094 Critical inquiries for social justice in mental health / University of Tironto Press, 2017 9781442626621 | 1442626623 | 9781442649200 | 1442649208 xv, 504 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.207KAP 00088461 Qualitative Methods in Mental Health Research / Kapur, R L National Institute of Advanced Studies, 1999 0008190108 263p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.208 FER 05002310 Mental Health in a Multi-Ethnic Society: A Multi-Disciplinary Handbook. Fernando, Suman Routledge, 1995 9780415105378 235p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2083 HUG 05002768 Hand Book Psychological Services for Children and Adolescents Hughes, Jan N Oxford ISB0195125231 485p Knowledge Centre
362.2084 BUT 05002313 Aging and mental health : Butler, Robert N., Merrill ; | Collier Macmillan Canada ; | Maxwell Macmillan International, 067520920X xviii, 588 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2086 IRCS 05023667 Disaster Mental Health in India : IRCS Indian Red Cross Society, 2004 267 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2089 BHU 05002286 Culture and mental health : Hodder Arnold ; | Distributed in the United States of America by Oxford University Press, 9780340810460 | 0340810467 xx, 361 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2089 BHU 05002312 Culture and mental health : Hodder Arnold ; | Distributed in the United States of America by Oxford University Press, 9780340810460 | 0340810467 xx, 361 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2091724 PAT 07015601 child Mental Health In India: Malhotra, savitha. Macmillan India Limited 1992 0333926277 xvi, 232 p ;12 Library - BR Campus
362.2091724 PAT 05023646 Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Developing Countries : Patel, Vikram Sage Publications, 2004 0761997113 402 p Knowledge Centre
362.2091724 PAT 05023644 Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Developing Countries : Patel Vikram, Thara R Sage Publications, 2003 0761996990 402 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2091724 PAT 01004134 Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Developing Countries (law Lib.) Vikram Patel Sage Publications 0761997113 402p Knowledge Centre
362.2091724 PAT 05023645 Meeting the Mental Health needs of developing countries : Patel, Vikram 2003 0761997113 402p Knowledge Centre
362.20973 LEV 01017179 Mental health services : Oxford University Press, 2010 9780195388572 (alk. paper) | 0 3rd ed. xxx, 541 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.20973 TEN 00146770 Mental health Informatics: Tenenbaum, Jessica D. Springer, 2021 9783030705602 x,534p. : UG Library
362.20981 MAG 05068317 Subjectivity and critical mental health : Magalhaes Goulart, Daniel. Routledge, 2019 9780815369615 viii,127p.; Knowledge Centre
362.20981 MAG 09000169 Subjectivity and critical mental health : Magalhaes Goulart, Daniel. Routledge, 2019 9780815369615 viii,127p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.21 FEL 05023636 Mental Health and Mental Illness : Fellin, Phillip F E Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1996 0000875814 258p Knowledge Centre
362.21 GOF 00090188 Asylums : Goffman, Erving Anchor Books, 2008 0385000162 386p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.21 LEC 09001159 Mental Health Informatics / Springer, 2014 9783642385490 253p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.21 SHA 05002741 Textbook of hospital psychiatry / American Psychiatric Pub., 9781585623228 (alk. paper) | 1 xxi, 506 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2109 COL 00147845 In-patient mental health care from the asylum system to the present day : Colley, Andrew Routledge, 2024 9781032592893 ix,100p. ; UG Library
362.2109 THA 05039692 Emergencies in Psychiatry In Low-and middle-income coutries / Byword Books Private Limited, 2012 9788181931023 xvi,190p.: Knowledge Centre
362.210941 BAR 05002738 Outside the Walls of the Asylum. Bartlett, Peter 0485115417 337p Knowledge Centre
362.210954 ERN 07010367 Colonoalism and Transnational Psychiatry : Ernst Waltraud Anthem Press, 2014 9781783083527 274p.: Library - BR Campus
362.22 DEB 05075144 Community psychology : Deb, Sibnath, Routledge, 2024 9781032780924 xxiv, 470p.; Knowledge Centre
362.22 LAK 01003103 Pharmaceutical Reason: Knowledge and Value in Global Psychiatry (law Lib) Andrew Lakoff Cambridge University Press 0521546664 206p. Knowledge Centre
362.22 NEL 05044748 Community psychology and community mental health : Oxford university press, 2014 9780199362424 (paperback : aci xxvi,399p.; Knowledge Centre
362.22 NEL 05066761 Community psychology : Palgrave, 2010 9780230219953 xxx,610p.; Knowledge Centre
362.22 ROW 05007526 Classics of community psychiatry : Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195326048 (alk. paper) | 0 xxiii, 624 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.22023 VIO 05067913 Diverse careers in community psychology / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190457938 (pbk.) xxxi, 321 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.22023 VIO 09000535 Diverse careers in community psychology / Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190457938 (pbk.) xxxi, 321 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.220954 DEB 10005160 Community psychology : Deb, Sibnath Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020 9789353884048 | 9353884047 xxxii, 371 p. ; 13 variously numbered pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.232 KOP 01003701 Non-Lethal Weapons:The Law and Policy of Revolutionary Technologies for the Military and Law Enforcement ( Law Library ) David A Koplow Cambridge University Press 9780521857581 194p. Knowledge Centre
362.25 GIL 05041736 Psychotherapy and counselling for depression / Gilbert, Paul, SAGE, 2007 1412902770 (pbk.) | 9781412902 3rd ed. xvi, 402 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.25 GRE 00103976 Manufacturing depression: Greenberg Gary Bloom Sbury ; 1992 9781408800973 432 p. UG Library
362.25 LEV 05047045 The myth of depression as disease : Leventhal, Allan M. Praeger, 2006 0275989763 (hardcover) | 031307030X xvi, 178 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.25 TRI 10002336 Real stories of dealing with depression / Tripathi, Amrita. Simon & Schuster India, 2019 9789386797445 252 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.25 TRI 00137376 Real Stories of dealing with Depression / Tripathi,Amrita. Simon & Schuster, 2019 9789386797445 252p.; UG Library
362.250954 DEB 00107115 Mental depression / Deb, Sibnath Cocept Publishing Company 2009 9788180695766 216 p UG Library
362.28 ALD 05024802 A Comprehensive Guide to Suicidal Behaviours : Aldridge David Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012 9781849050258 192 p.: Knowledge Centre
362.28 BER 05066639 A Very Human Ending : Bering, Jesse. Doubleday, 2018 9780857524515 (hbk.) | 9780857524522 (pbk.) 275p.; Knowledge Centre
362.28 GAR 05075100 Impact of Climate Change on Social and Mental Well-Being: ed. by Garg, Muskan, Kumar, Deepak, Samanta, Debabrata and Sathiyaseelan, Anuradha. Academic Press, 2024 9780443237881 xxxi, 343p.; Knowledge Centre
362.28 HAW 05002962 Prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour : Oxford University Press, 0198529759 | 0198529767 (pbk.) xiii, 379 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.28 KRA 05068207 The idea of suicide : Kral, Michael J. Routledge, 2019 9780367026592 ix,134p.; Knowledge Centre
362.28 KRA 09000179 The idea of suicide : Kral, Michael J. Routledge, 2019 9780367026592 ix,134p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.28 MAR 05068288 Suicidology : Maris, Ronald W., The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462536986 (hardback) First Edition. xxii,554p.; Knowledge Centre
362.28 MAR 09000505 Suicidology : Maris, Ronald W., The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462536986 (hardback) First Edition. xxii,554p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.28 MAR 07014274 Suicidology : Maris, Ronald W., The Guilford Press, 2019 9781462536986 (hardback) First Edition. xxii,554p.; Library - BR Campus
362.28 MAR 05023639 Suicide: Ian Marsh Cambrideg University , 2010 9780521130011 251 p. Knowledge Centre
362.28 PAN 05024177 Anatomy of Suicide / Pandey, V C Isha Books, 2005 8182051479 294 p Knowledge Centre
362.28 TRI 10004347 Life Interrupted : Tripathi, Amrita Simon & Schuster, 2022 9788195131785 209 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.28 VIJ 05023640 Suicide Preventions : Vijauakumar, Lakshmi Orient Longman Publications, 2003 8125025537 241p Knowledge Centre
362.28 VIJ 05025851 Suicide Prevention : Vijayakumar, Lakshmi Orient Longman Publications, 2003 8125025537 241 p Knowledge Centre
362.28 WAS 09000286 Suicide : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198717393 | 0198717393 2nd ed. xxxv, 411p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.28 WAS 05067781 Suicide : Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198717393 | 0198717393 2nd ed. xxxv, 411p.; Knowledge Centre
362.2808 SPI 05002284 Evaluating and Treating Adolescent Scicide Attempters Spirito, Anthony Academic Press/An imprint of Elsevier Science 9780126579512 340p Knowledge Centre
362.28083 SIN 10001602 Interruptions in identity : Singh, Ambika, Sage, 2021 9789391370978 First. xxviii, 171p, ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.280846 PRA 00109769 The last choice Prado, C. G. Greenwood Press, 1998 0313305846 (alk. paper) | 9780 2nd ed. xiv, 188 p. ; UG Library
362.28088/35500973 BAT 05044363 The last and greatest battle : Bateson, John, Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199392322 (hardback) xviii, 360 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.28088630954 MAL 05068358 Farmers' suicides in India : Bodh, P. C., Routledge, 2019 9781138347373 (hardback : alk. paper) xiii,270p.; Knowledge Centre
362.280888/630954 ARO 00106806 Agrarian crisis and farmers' suicides Arora Saroj Deshpande R.S. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132105121 | 9788132105121 xx, 436 p. : UG Library
362.280888630954 JAG 10003055 Agrarian crisis and farmer's suicide in erstwhile andhra pradesh/ Jagadeesh, G., Global publishing house india, 2023 9789395606219 271 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.2809 BHA 00144419 Revisiting suicide : Bharati, Kanchan, Routledge, 2021 9780367480738 xiv,215p, ; UG Library
362.28092 BEL 00129168 Chase the Rainbow Bell, Poorna Simon and Schuster, 2017 9781471160707 293 p. : UG Library
362.280940902 MUR 01017199 Suicide in the Middle Ages / Murray, Alexander, Oxford University Press, 1998 0198205392 (v. 1) | 019820731X 620 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2809519 KIM 05065458 Beyond Death : University of washington, 2019 9780295745640 380p.; Knowledge Centre
362.280954 KUM 05053220 Unraveling farmer suicides in India : Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199466856 xv, 308 pages Knowledge Centre
362.280954 SID 00109000 Debt and death in rural India Sidhu,Aman. SAGE, 2011 9788132106531 | 8132106539 (ha xx, 335 p. : UG Library
362.280954 THA 00100046 The History of Suicide In India: Thakur, Upendra Munshi Ram Manohar Lal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., xviii, 229 p. UG Library
362.280973 ANE 05067133 Guns and suicide : Anestis, Michael D. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190675073 (updf) | 9780190675080 (epub) 1 Edition. xv,164p.; Knowledge Centre
362.285610973 STE 01024096 Rational suicide, irrational laws : Stefan, Susan, Oxford university press, 2016 9780199981199 (paperback) xxvi,552p.; Knowledge Centre
362.285610973 STE 01024460 Rational suicide, irrational laws : Stefan, Susan, Oxford university press, 2016 9780199981199 (paperback) xxvi,552p.; Knowledge Centre
362.285610973 STE 05067632 Rational suicide, irrational laws : Stefan, Susan, Oxford university press, 2016 9780199981199 (paperback) xxvi,552p.; Knowledge Centre
362.285610973 STE 09000417 Rational suicide, irrational laws : Stefan, Susan, Oxford university press, 2016 9780199981199 (paperback) xxvi,552p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.287 HEN 05061965 Preventing Suicide : Henden, John. Wiley, 2017 9781119162957 2nd ed. xii, 324p.; Knowledge Centre
362.287 POP 10002481 Preventing suicide in patients with mental disorder/ Pompili, Maurizio., MDPI, 2020 9783039436774 ix,136 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.2886 REE 05023637 Counselling suicidal clients / Reeves, Andrew. SAGE Ltd, 2009 9781412946353 | 9781412946360 182P Knowledge Centre
362.2886 REE 05023638 Counselling suicidal clients / Reeves, Andrew. SAGE Ltd, 2009 9781412946353 | 9781412946360 1st ed. 182 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2886 REE 00101799 Counselling suicidal clients / Reeves, Andrew. SAGE Ltd, 2009 9781412946353 | 9781412946360 182P UG Library
362.28954 WAI 00135302 The long march / Waikar, Namita, Speaking tiger publishing, 2018 9789388070775 | 9789388070782 238 pages ; UG Library
362.28954 WAI 07014174 The long march / Waikar, Namita, Speaking tiger publishing, 2018 9789388070775 | 9789388070782 238 pages ; Library - BR Campus
362.28PAN1 00068481 Anatomy of Suicide Pandey, V C Isha Books 8182051479 294p UG Library
362.29 AMR 05002308 World of Intoxicants Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Rao, Amruta Indian Publishing Distributors 8173412324 413p Knowledge Centre
362.29 SRE 05002309 Chasing the Dragon: Contains a Treatise on Narcotics, Money Laundering, Off Sreekumar, G India Capital Bureau 715p Knowledge Centre
362.29 ANT 00147154 Substance Abuse Among Adolescents and its Impact/ Anthony, K. L. Authors Press, 2024 9789360954376 313p. ; UG Library
362.29 BAN 01013035 Drugs, intoxication and society / Bancroft, Angus. Polity, 9780745635330 (hbk.) | 0745635 xii, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.29 BAP 01021782 Drug addiction, criminal justice and human rights / Baplawat,Abhishek. Random Publications, 2015 9789351110675 288p.; Knowledge Centre
362.29 BAR 05023659 Substance misuse Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010 9781843106968 (pbk. : alk. pap 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.29 BER 05040921 Demons : Berridge, Virginia, Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199604982 | 0199604983 First Edition. x, 292 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.29 BRI 05035040 Drugs, the brain, and behavior : Brick, John, Routledge, 2013 9780789035288 (paperback) Second edition. xv, 207 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.29 CHE 05011356 Substance abuse : Cherry Andrew Greenwood Press, 2002 0313312184 (alk. paper) xix, 237 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.29 CHU 00049110 Treatment Models in Addiction Chunkapura, Joan Sanjivani Publications 192p UG Library
362.29 DAL 09000475 Managing your substance use disorder : Daley, Dennis C., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190926670 (pbk.) Third edition. viii,178p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.29 DAL 05068107 Managing your substance use disorder : Daley, Dennis C., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190926670 (pbk.) Third edition. viii,178p.; Knowledge Centre
362.29 DAL 05067871 A family guide to coping with substance use disorders / Daley, Dennis C., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190926632 viii,144p.; Knowledge Centre
362.29 DAL 09000377 A family guide to coping with substance use disorders / Daley, Dennis C., Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190926632 viii,144p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.29 DOW 00126917 Concepts of Chemical Dependency Doweiko Harold E Brooks/zcole Cengage Learning, 2012 9780840033918 8th ed, xi, 624 p.: UG Library
362.29 ELI 05023626 Improving Substance Abuse Treatment : Eliason, Michele J Sage Publications, 2007 9781412951319 189p Knowledge Centre
362.29 ERI 05067242 The science of addiction : Erickson, Carlton K., W.W.Norton, 2018 9780393712070 Updated and expanded second edition. xxii, 360 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.29 FOU 00128720 Pharmacology, Doping and Sports : Fourcroy, Jean L. Routledge 2009 9780415428453 | 0415428459 | xx, 216 p. : UG Library
362.29 FRE 05023632 Million Little Pieces / Frey, James John Murray, 2003 0719561183 513p Knowledge Centre
362.29 MCN 00031564 How to Say No to Alchohol Mcneill, Keith SUDHA 87 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.29 MOD 05023656 Drugs : Modi, Eshwar Rawat Publications, 2000 228 p Knowledge Centre
362.29 MOD 05002307 Drugs : Modi, Eshwar Rawat Publications, 2000 228 p Knowledge Centre
362.29 MOD 05023657 Drugs : Modi, Ishwar Rawat Publications, 2000 224p Knowledge Centre
362.29 MOH 05023654 Youth and Drugs : Mohan, Jitendra Abhijeet Publications, 2004 8188683450 202 p Knowledge Centre
362.29 MOH 05024100 Drug Abuse : Mohan Jitendra Abhijeet Publication, 2004 818868337X 213 p.: Knowledge Centre
362.29 MOT 05023641 Drugs in sport / Mottram, D. R. Routledge, 2011 9780415550864 (hbk) | 97804155 5th ed. 414 p. Knowledge Centre
362.29 PYC 00104524 Understanding and Working with Substance Misusers Pycroft Aaron Sage Publications 2010 9781847872616 | 9781847872623 1st Ed. xiii,168 p UG Library
362.29 SUS 05023655 Social Psychology of Drug Abuse / Sussman, Steve Open University Press, 2001 0335206182 172p Knowledge Centre
362.29 SUS 05002731 Social Psychology of Drug Abuse / Sussman, Steve Open University Press, 2001 0335206182 172p Knowledge Centre
362.29 THU 00148206 Intoxication : Thurnell-Read, Thomas Springer, 2023 9783031191701 ix,213p. ; UG Library
362.29 VEN 00142492 Human enhancement drugs / Ven, Katinka van de Routledge, 2020 9781138552791 (hardback) xxvi,335p.; UG Library
362.29 WIL 05046618 The Wiley handbook on the cognitive neuroscience of addiction / 9781118472248 | 9781118472439 1 online resource (555 pages). Knowledge Centre
362.29025 KAT 01012374 Encyclopaedia on Law of Drugs Delhi Law House 1750p.; Knowledge Centre
362.29025 KAT 01012377 Law Related to Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrapic Substances in India: Orient Publishing Company 1792p.; Knowledge Centre
362.29025 UNP 01007742 Multilingual Dictionary of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Under International Control (law Library) UNITED NATION Publications 9210481178 312p. Knowledge Centre
362.29025 UNP 01007743 Multilingual Dictionary of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Under International Control (law Library) UNITED NATION Publications 9210481178 312p. Knowledge Centre
362.29082 FIN 05004825 Women, Children and Addiction / Finnergan, Loretta P. Routledge, 2011 9780415601030 168 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.290835 ZUC 05067799 The Oxford handbook of adolescent substance abuse / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199735662 xi, 838p.; Knowledge Centre
362.290835 ZUC 09000402 The Oxford handbook of adolescent substance abuse / Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199735662 xi, 838p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.2908350954 MIT 00129472 Youth an Drugs : Mithra, H. G. Christian World Imprints , 2016 9789351481416 xiv,152p . UG Library
362.2908350954 MIT 05055565 Youth an Drugs : Mithra, H. G. Christian World Imprints , 2016 9789351481416 xiv,152p . Knowledge Centre
362.29085 SUC 05068131 Parenting and substance abuse : Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199743100 (hardcover : acidfree paper) | 9780190921620 (softcover : acidfree paper) xx, 534 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.29085 SUC 09000376 Parenting and substance abuse : Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199743100 (hardcover : acidfree paper) | 9780190921620 (softcover : acidfree paper) xx, 534 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.29086927 KIN 05067914 Drug use in prisoners : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199374847 (paperback) Xiv, 284 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.29086927 KIN 09000387 Drug use in prisoners : Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199374847 (paperback) Xiv, 284 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.29088796 LEA 01007612 DRUGS AND DOPING IN SPORT:SOCIAL-LEGAL PERSPECTIVES(LAW LIBRARY) John O`Leary Cavendish 1859416624 288p Knowledge Centre
362.290941BAR 01008486 Illicit Drugs: Use and Control (law Lib.) Adrian Barton ROUTLEDGE 0415281717 186p. Knowledge Centre
362.290954 KUM 00131723 Handbook of drug abuse Kumar,Yaswanth Book enclave, 2018 9788181524522 259p.; UG Library
362.290973 JAS 05004649 Recovery from addication in communal living settings : Routledge, 2011 9780415610100 131 p. Knowledge Centre
362.2912008350941 ALD 05005170 Illegal leisure revisited : Routledge, 2011 9780415495523 (hbk.) | 9780415 251 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2913 BAR 05023623 Drug addiction and families / Barnard, Marina, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007 1843104032 (pbk. : alk. paper) 175 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2913 BAR 05023622 Drug Addiction and Families / Barnard, Marina Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2007 1843104032 175p Knowledge Centre
362.29132 WOR 05019281 Evidence-based practice in the field of substance abuse : Sage, 9781412975773 (pbk.) | 1412975 ix, 299 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.29153 NEL 00111921 Social work with substance users / Nelson, Anna. SAGE, 2012 9781848602212 | 9781848602229 viii, 205 p. ; UG Library
362.29153 PAL 05008848 Social work in mental health and substance abuse / Palmer, Sharon Duca Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692883 316 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.291530941 GOO 05004050 Social work with drug and substance misusers / Goodman, Anthony Learning Matters, 2009 9781844452620 (pbk.) | 1844452 2nd ed. xiii, 146 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.291530941 GOO 05002764 Social Work With Drug and Substance Misusers Goodman, Anthony Learning Matters 1844450589 138p Knowledge Centre
362.29163 MAN 05023625 Drugs and popular culture : Paul Manning Willan Publishing, 2007 9781843922117 | 1843922118 | 9 ix, 290 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.2917 CLI 00122863 The quick-reference guide to addictions and recovery counseling : Clinton, Timothy E., Baker Books 2013 9780801072321 (pbk. : alk. pap 365 pages ; UG Library
362.29170973 CRA 05023643 Mass media and drug prevention : Crano, William D L. Erlbaum, 2002 080583477X (alk. paper) | 0805 xiv, 303 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.2918 PER 05002288 Chemical dependency counseling : Perkinson, Robert R. Sage, 9781412957007 (pbk. : alk. pap xviii, 725 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.29186 COO 05002315 Addiction Counseling Review: Preparing for Comprehensive, Certification and Licensing Examinations. Coombs, Robert Holman 0805843116 648p Knowledge Centre
362.29186 PAY 00112453 Social work and drug use Paylor,Ian Rawat publications, 2013 9788131606063 viii,179p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.292 AAW 05017778 Alcoholics Anonymous / alcholics Anonymous World Services,Inc, 1976 xxx,279 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.292 SAI 00079708 Psychology of Alcoholism: Saini, Dalbirsingh Regal Publications 2007 8189915649 142p UG Library
362.292 SOM 07013826 Teenage alcoholism / Somashekher, C Current Publication, 2019 9789384803667 x,192p.; Library - BR Campus
362.29203 BLO 05008936 Alcohol and temperance in modern history Blocker, Jack S ABC-CLIO, 2003 9781576078333 (hardcover : alk xxxii, 389 p. Knowledge Centre
362.29203 BLO 05008937 Alcohol and temperance in modern history Blocker, Jack S ABC-CLIO, 2003 9781576078333 (hardcover : alk xxxii, 389 p. Knowledge Centre
362.292097253 ORF 05041938 Coping with alcohol and drug problems : Orford, Jim. Routledge, 2005 9780415647038 xviii, 292 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.292561 BRI 05068225 States of intoxication : O'Brien, John Routledge, 2018 9781138093607 (hbk) 194 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.29286 PER 05023624 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse : Perkinson, R Robert Sage Publications, 2003 0761928669 110p Knowledge Centre
362.29286 VEL 05057095 Counselling for alcohol problems / Velleman, Richard. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781848601505 3rd ed. xxi, 186 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.29286 VEL 05023642 Counselling for Alcohol Problems / Velleman, Richard Sage Publications, 2003 0761965793 202p Knowledge Centre
362.293 ING 00135189 Milk of paradise: Inglis,Lucy. Macmillan, 2018 9781447285779 xxiv,440p.; UG Library
362.293 MCL 07013054 The psychedelic anthology : McLean Heather 2016 9780692763766 (pbk.) | 9780692763773 (ebk.) | 9780692763780 (hardcover) 237p.: Library - BR Campus
362.293 MCL 07013055 The psychedelic anthology : McLean Heather 2016 9780692763766 (pbk.) | 9780692763773 (ebk.) | 9780692763780 (hardcover) 237p.: Library - BR Campus
362.293 VHA 05023366 Banned and Bannable Drugs : Voluntary Health Association of India Voluntary Health Association of India, 1986 156 p. Knowledge Centre
362.29309 HAL 10001728 Opium : Halpren, John H. Hachatte Books, 2020 9780316417679 xxii, 328 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.29309 HAL 05073342 Opium : Halpren, John H. Hachatte Books, 2020 9780316417679 xxii, 328 p.: Knowledge Centre
362.294 JAY 07014817 High society mind altering drugs in history and culture / Jay, Mike Thames and Hudson, 2012 9780500289105 188p.; Library - BR Campus
362.294 LAI 00141005 Hallucinogens : Laing, Richard R Academic Press, 2003 0124339514 (alk. paper) | 9780124339514 xiii, 290 p. : UG Library
362.295 JAC 00117453 Cannabis : Jacquette,Dale Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405199674 (pbk. : alk. pap xix, 241 p. : UG Library
362.29509 WHE 00144279 Cannabis Criminology / Wheeldon, Johannes. Routledge, 2023 9781032140858 xiv,167p: UG Library
362.296 KUB 01008073 Forensic Science Laboratory Manual and Workbook ( Law Library ) Thomas A Kubic C.R.C Press 9780849321320 347p. Knowledge Centre
362.296 SLO 05013929 Smoing Risk, Perception, and Policy [ MA-SOC ] Slovic, Paul 0761923810 378p Knowledge Centre
362.2966BEY 01005805 Tobacco Control Policy: Strategies, Successes, and Setbacks (law Lib) Joy De Beyer World Bank 0821354027 189p Knowledge Centre
362.299 PAR 05002314 Social Work: Perspective on Depressed Class Population. Parmar, M N Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126126191 167p Knowledge Centre
362.29UN 01007791 Drug Abuse Prevention: Among Youth from Ethnic and Indigenous Minorities (law Lib) Nations United UNITED NATION Publications 9211481872 48p Knowledge Centre
362.2HOL 01002799 Social Class and Mental Illness (law Lib) August B Hollinshead John Wiley & Sons 442p Knowledge Centre
362.3 SMI 05002726 Mental Retardation [ UG PSY: Reference] Smith, Mary Beirne Prentice-Hall Inc., 1998 0138949085 647p.; Knowledge Centre
362.3 AST 05023614 Key concepts in learning disabilities / Astbury, Geoff Sage Publications, 2010 9781848606340 | 9781848606357 1st ed. xvii, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.3 BRU 05057061 Essentials of intellectual disability assessment and identification / Brue, Alan W., Wiley, 2016 9781118875094 (paperback) | 11 xv, 174 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.3 HIN 00115308 Children With Cerebral Palsy: Hinchcliffe, Archie Sage Publications 0008178297 203p UG Library
362.3 WIL 05002727 Social Work With People With Learning Difficulties. Williams, Paul Learning Matters 1844450422 155p Knowledge Centre
362.3 WIL 05057510 Social Work With People With Learning Difficulties / Williams, Paul. Learning Matters, 2006 1844450422 | 9781844450428 155p.; Knowledge Centre
362.3042 HOT 05002763 Social Work and Mental Health in Scotland Learning Matters Ltd. 9781844451302 211p Knowledge Centre
362.32 KNA 05023615 Introduction to social work practice : Knapp, Herschel. Sage, 2010 9781412956543 (pbk : alk. pape xvii, 281 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.32 SCH 00112645 The Globalization of TERROR : Schweitzer, Yoram Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 8176498882 228p UG Library
362.32 HOW 05023609 Attachment Theiry for Social Work Practice / Howe, David Palgrave, 2002 0333625625 243p Knowledge Centre
362.32 SCH 05023613 The Globalization of TERROR : Schweitzer, Yoram Viva Books Private Limited, 2004 8176498882 228p Knowledge Centre
362.32 THO 05023617 Anto-Discriminatory Practice / Thompson, Neil Palgrave, 2003 0333963911 194p Knowledge Centre
362.320941 DAV 05056103 The Blackwell companion to social work Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 9781118451724 (pbk. : alk. pap 4th ed. xvii, 525 p. Knowledge Centre
362.320941DAV 01010475 Blackwell Companion Social Work (law Lib) Martin Davies Blackwell 9781405170048 538p Knowledge Centre
362.353 BRO 05048670 Vulnerable adults and community care / Learning Matters, 2010 9781844453627 (pbk.) | 1844453626 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xi, 157 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.3530941 WIL 05048663 Social work with people with learning difficulties / Williams, Paul Sage publication, 2013 9781446267561 | 1446267563 | 1 Third edition. xi, 210 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.38 CRA 05002967 Mental Retardation: A Community Integration Approach Crane, Lynda 0534339239 444p Knowledge Centre
362.38 THO 05023619 Working With People With Learning Disabilities : Thomas, David Jessica Kingsley, 2003 1853029734 287p Knowledge Centre
362.4 ADD 05045139 Disability studies in India : Addlakha, Renu Routledge, 2013 9780415812122 xvii, 441 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.4 AYR 05023666 Beyond a Physical Disbility : Ayrault, Evelyn West Continuum, 2004 0826413064 172 p. Knowledge Centre
362.4 BAI 05004073 Disability : Prometheus Books, 2009 9781591026143 (pbk.) | 1591026148 (pbk.) 379 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 BEZ 05063683 Leadership, popular culture and social change / Edward Elgar, 2018 9781785368967 | 1785368966 x, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.4 BHA 05075353 Blind Narrations and Artistic Subjectivities : Bhat, Aravinda. Routledge, 2024 9781032722023 xiii, 194p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 BHA 05075354 Blind Narrations and Artistic Subjectivities : Bhat, Aravinda. Routledge, 2024 9781032722023 xiii, 194p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 BRO 01017062 Disability and disadvantage / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199234509 xiv, 391 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 CAR 00144678 Disability and the Sociological Imagination / Carey, Allison C., Sage publications, 2023 9781071818152 xix,332p, ; UG Library
362.4 CHE 07015839 Crip genealogies / Duke University Press, 2023 9781478023852 | 9781478093725 ix,365p.: Library - BR Campus
362.4 DAV 05037130 The disability studies reader / Davis, Lennard J., Routledge, 2013 9780415630528 (hardback) | 041 4th ed. xiv, 578 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 DAV 05002761 The disability studies reader / Davis, Lernnard J Routledge, 2010 (hardback) | 0415873746 (hardback) | 9780415873741 (pbk.) | 0415873762 (pbk.) | 0415873312 (hardback) | 9780415873314 (hardback) | 0415873320 (pbk.) | 9780415873321 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xiii, 653 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 DAV 05023621 The disability studies reader / Davis, Lernnard J Routledge, 2010 (hardback) | 0415873746 (hardback) | 9780415873741 (pbk.) | 0415873762 (pbk.) | 0415873312 (hardback) | 9780415873314 (hardback) | 0415873320 (pbk.) | 9780415873321 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xiii, 653 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 DEP 05023660 Studying Disability : DePoy, Elizabeth Sage Publications, 2011 9781412975766 ix, 250 p. Knowledge Centre
362.4 ERB 05023662 Outcast from Social Welfare : Drb Susan, Barbara Hariss White Books for Change, 2002 8187380659 186 p. Knowledge Centre
362.4 EVA 05004062 Sensory awareness and social work / Evans, Michelle. Learning Matters, 2010 9781844452910 (pbk.) | 1844452 xiii, 144 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.4 GOO 00107761 Disability studies Goodley,Dan, SAGE, 2011 9781847875587 | 1847875580 (pb xiii, 217 p. : UG Library
362.4 GOY 05023411 Understanding and Scouting With Physically Handicapped / Goyal, O P Isha Books, 2004 8182051460 340p Knowledge Centre
362.4 HEM 07009374 Psychiatric and behavioral disorders in intellectual and developmental disabilities / Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107645943 (paperback) Third edition. xiv, 298 pages : Library - BR Campus
362.4 MAR 07014062 Psychosocial aspects of disability : Marini, Irmo. Springer Publishing Company, 2018 9780826180629 (soft cover : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xvi, 533 p. ; Library - BR Campus
362.4 MAR 05065272 Psychosocial aspects of disability : Marini, Irmo. Springer Publishing Company, 2018 9780826180629 (soft cover : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xvi, 533 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 OLI 05018682 Social work with disabled people / Oliver, Michael, Palgrave Macmillan, 1403918384 (pbk.) | 9781403918 xiii, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.4 OLI 05018681 Social Work With Disabled People / Oliver, Michael Palgrave, 1983 0330333618 204p Knowledge Centre
362.4 OLI 05023607 Social Work With Disabled People / Oliver, Michael Palgrave, 1983 0330333618 204p Knowledge Centre
362.4 RAC 05042279 Public administration and disability : CRC Press, 2015 9781466579811 (hardback : alk. paper) xxii,410p.: Knowledge Centre
362.4 SAT 05023608 Challenging Disability : Setterthwaite, Jean Books for Change, 2001 175p Knowledge Centre
362.4 SWA 05002762 Disability on equal terms / SAGE, 2008 1412919878 (hbk.) | 9781412919 vi, 208 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4 THO 01006640 Sociologies of Disability and Illness(law Library) Carol Thomas Palgrave Macmillan 1403936374 231p Knowledge Centre
362.4 WAT 05044973 Routledge handbook of disability studies / Watson, Nick Routledge, 2012 9780415574006 (hbk) | 97802031 xvi, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.4 WIL 05023661 Disabililty, Counselling and Psychotherapy : Wilson, Shula Palgrave, 2003 0333964969 144 p Knowledge Centre
362.401 MAL 01025938 Exploring disability identity and disability rights through narratives : Malhotra, Ravi Routledge, 2014 9780415532358 (hbk) | 9781138918825 xi, 232 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.404 GHA 05023653 (Dis)Embodied Form : Ghai, Anita Shakti Books, 2006 180p Knowledge Centre
362.404 GHA 05023601 (Dis)Embodied Form : Ghai, Anita Shakti Books, 2006 180p Knowledge Centre
362.4043083 AND 05069476 Disability as diversity : Andrews, Erin E., Oxford University Press, 2020 9780190652319 xvi,224p.; Knowledge Centre
362.4043083 AND 09000539 Disability as diversity : Andrews, Erin E., Oxford University Press, 2020 9780190652319 xvi,224p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.404576320954 ALU 05068731 A birth that changed a nation : Alur, Mithu. Sage Publications Ltd, 2017 9789386062215 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxx, 245 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.4048 CHA 00136101 Disability and care work : Chakravarti, Upali, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352807741 (hbk : alk. paper) xi,219p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.4048 CHA 10005291 Disability and care work : Chakravarti, Upali, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352807741 (hbk : alk. paper) xi,219p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.4048 CHA 10001572 Disability and care work : Chakravarti, Upali, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2018 9789352807741 (hbk : alk. paper) xi,219p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.4048 HAR 00124788 Disability, Policy and Professional Practice Harris, Jennifer, Sage Publications, 2011 9781849201698 | 9781849201704 vii, 152 p ; UG Library
362.4048 HAR 01023463 Disability, Policy and Professional Practice / Harris, Jennifer, Sage publications ltd., 2011 9781849201698 | 9781849201704 vii, 152 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.4048 KLA 05023605 Disability & Social Exclusion in Rural India / Klasing, Insa Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600513 200p Knowledge Centre
362.4048 TUR 00130428 Current index to statistics, applications, methods and theory / American Statistical Association. 1975 Volumes UG Library
362.40485 SEE 05023665 Handbook for Assessing and Managing Care in the Community / Seed, Philip Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853022276 152 p. Knowledge Centre
362.40485 SEE 05023664 Handbook for Assessing and Managing Care in the Community : Seed, Philip Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853022276 152 p. Knowledge Centre
362.40485 SEE 05023663 Handbook for Assessing and Manging Care in the Community / Seed, Philip Jessica Kingsley, 1998 1853022276 152 p. Knowledge Centre
362.40485 SEE 05023611 Handbook for Assessing and Managing Care in the Community / Seed, Philip Jessica Kingsley, 2004 1853022276 152 p. Knowledge Centre
362.4082 HAN 01008142 Women, Disability and Identity ( Law Lib.) Asha Hans SAGE Publication 8178291762 282p. Knowledge Centre
362.4083 HIG 05023606 Disability and child sexual abuse Higgins, Martina. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009 9781843105633 (pb : alk. paper 256 p. Knowledge Centre
362.4083 SUK 09000096 Early childhood intervention : Routledge, 2017 9781138365742 | 9781138918511 (hardback) First Edition. xv, 261 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.4083 SUK 05068347 Early childhood intervention : Routledge, 2017 9781138365742 | 9781138918511 (hardback) First Edition. xv, 261 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.408996073 SCH 07015840 Black disability politics / Schalk, Samantha Dawn, Duke University Press, 2022 9781478092681 | 9781478027003 210p.: Library - BR Campus
362.4092241 WIL 05023610 Defying disability : Wilkinson, Mary, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009 9781843104155 (pbk. : alk. paper) 224 p. Knowledge Centre
362.40941 OLI 05022171 Social Work - Disabled People and Diabling Environments (MSW SHELF) Oliver, Michael Jessica Kingsley 1853021784 2003p Knowledge Centre
362.40954 DAL 05067328 Disability, rehabilitation and social work : Dalal, Ajit K., Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609484 | 8131609480 247 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.40954 KAI 05023612 Counselling Issues in Indian Society / Kaila.H.L B.R. Publishers, 2010 9788176466349 423p Knowledge Centre
362.40954 KAN 05053292 India : Kannabiran, Kalpana. ed. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199474431 | 0199474435 xiii, 336 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.40954 KLA 00122875 DISABILITY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION IN RURAL INDIA(LAW LIBRARY) Insa Klasing RAWAT 8131600513 200p UG Library
362.40954 KLA 01006464 DISABILITY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION IN RURAL INDIA(LAW LIBRARY) Insa Klasing RAWAT 8131600513 200p Knowledge Centre
362.40954 MEN 00138382 Status of Disability in India : Menon,Latika. Kanishka Publishers, 2019 9788184578683 vi,416p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.409713 KEL 07012075 Disability Politics and Care : Kelly Christine UBC Press, 2016 9780774830102 208p.: Library - BR Campus
362.40973 PRI 07015841 Crip spacetime : Price, Margaret, Duke University Press, 2024 9781478030379 | 9781478026136 227p.: Library - BR Campus
362.41 HAI 05023634 Visually Handicapped Children / Haider, S Ishtiaq Rawat Publications, 1998 8170334373 184p Knowledge Centre
362.41 KEL 05046574 Midstream My Later Life / Keller Helen Blind Person's Association, 2009 4 Vols Knowledge Centre
362.41 KEL 05046502 Midstream My Later Life / Keller Helen Blind Person's Association, 2009 4 Vols Knowledge Centre
362.41 KEL 05046503 Midstream My Later Life / Keller Helen Blind Person's Association, 2009 4 Vols Knowledge Centre
362.41 KEL 05046504 Midstream My Later Life / Keller Helen Blind Person's Association, 2009 4 Vols Knowledge Centre
362.41092 DAV 05046531 Louis Braille : Davidson,Margaret. Blind Persons' Association, 1971 p.; Knowledge Centre
362.41092 HEL 05046501 The Story of My Life / Keller Helen Blind Persons' Association / 2013 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
362.41092 HEL 05046500 The Story of My Life / Keller Helen Blind Persons' Association / 2013 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
362.41092 KEL 00143355 The Story of My Life Keller, Helen Book Mark, 2021 9788193411070 363p UG Library
362.41092 KEL 10002630 The story of my life / Keller, Helen Fingerprint Publication, 2017 9788175994034 408p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.41092 KEL 07011451 The story of my life / Keller, Helen Fingerprint Publication, 2017 9788175994034 408p. Library - BR Campus
362.41092 KEL 04022136 The Story of My Life : Keller, Helen Simon and Schuster Paperback, 2005 9781416500322 282p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.41092 MAC 05046493 Helen Keller : Macdonald,Fiona. Blind Persons' Association, p.; Knowledge Centre
362.41092 MON 05037178 The other senses : Monga, Preeti, Lustre Press : | Roli Books, 2012 9788174369086 (pbk.) | 8174369 177 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.41092 SUB 03011978 Lights Out : Subramani, L. Random House India, 2014 9788184003512 ix,159 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.410924 MEH 03006024 The Ledge between the Streams / Mehta, Ved. Lotus Roli, 2011 9788174368423 525 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.410954 MIT 00137935 Personality traits of the blind Mittal,S.R Rajat publications, 2020 9788178800820 x,224p.; UG Library
362.410954 ARI 00095179 Gandhian Paradigm and Visually Impaired Youth Arivaandham I Concept Publishing Company 9788180696428 230p UG Library
362.4EPS 01005662 WE CAN MAKE It;stories of Disabled Women in Developing Countries Susan Epstein INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION 9221103277 82p. Knowledge Centre
362.5 ATA 05002757 Poverty Question: Search for Solution Atal, Yogesh Rawat Publications 8170337186 184p Knowledge Centre
362.5 ATA 05023650 Poverty and Participation in Civil Society : Atal, Yogesh Abhinav Prakashan, 1997 0817017354 150 p. Knowledge Centre
362.5 AUR 05023651 Poverty and Economic Reforms : Aurora, G S Academic Foundation, 2004 338 p Knowledge Centre
362.5 AUR 05023652 Poverty and Economic Reforms : Aurora, G S Academic Foundation, 2004 338 p Knowledge Centre
362.5 BAN 05023631 Understanding Poverty / Banerjee, Abhijit Vinayak Oxford University Press, 2006 0195305205 443p Knowledge Centre
362.5 DHA 00061937 Analysis of Poverty Reduction Dhawan, M C 8190179926 273p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.5 IYE 01003942 Law and the Urban Poor in India (law Lib) V R Krishna Iyer B.R.PUBLISHING CORPORATION 8170184657 119 Knowledge Centre
362.5 KOH 05023647 Poverty Alleviation and Housing Problem / Kohli, A S Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1997 8174885978 306 p Knowledge Centre
362.5 MAC 01013377 Measurement in economics; Grunfeld, Yehuda. Stanford University Press, 1963 xiv, 319 p. Knowledge Centre
362.5 MAR 05023649 Mind, Heart, and Soul : Marshall, Katherine World Bank, 2004 284p Knowledge Centre
362.5 MOS 05033995 The politics of poverty reduction Mosley, Paul. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780199692125 (hbk.) | 0199692 1st Ed. xvi, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.5 NAQ 05002760 Social Work for Weaker Sections. Naqi, Mohammad Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126122269 366p Knowledge Centre
362.5 NAR 01006102 Voices of the Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us? ( Law Lib ) Deepa Narayan Oxford University Press 0195216016 343p Knowledge Centre
362.5 NAR 01000384 Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: a Sourcebook ( Law Library) Deepa Narayan Yrawat 8170339588 371p Knowledge Centre
362.5 NAR 05023603 Voices of the Poor : Narayan, Deepa Oxford University Press, 2000 341p Knowledge Centre
362.5 NAR 00074110 Measuring Empowerment Narayan, Deepa 0195684168 475p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.5 PAT 00090204 Essays on Individual Decision-Making and Social Welfare Pattanaik, Prasanta K Oxford, 2009 9780195695960 378p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.5 PRA 05061958 Social Work for Weaker Sections / Prakash, Ved. ABD Publishers, 2018 9788183765497 viii, 281p.; Knowledge Centre
362.5 RAD 01003267 Hand Book of Poverty Perspectives, Policies, and Programmes(law Lib.) R Radhakrishna Oxford University Press 0195675134 185p Knowledge Centre
362.5 SEA 05023620 No-Nonsense Guide to World Poverty / Seabrook, Jeremy Rawat Publications, 2005 8170339383 134p Knowledge Centre
362.5 SEL 05037890 Rural Development: Programmes and Externalities: [MSW] Selvarajan, E Serials Publications 8186771476 678p Knowledge Centre
362.5 SEN 05023616 Poverty and Famines / Sen, Amartya Oxford University Press, 2000 0195649540 225p Knowledge Centre
362.5 SHA 01004155 LAW, LIBERTY AND LIVELIHOOD MAKING a LIVING ON the STREET(LAW LIBRARY) Parth J Shah Academic Foundation 8171884482 313p Knowledge Centre
362.5 SIN 05018017 Target 3 Billion : Kalam A.P.J.Abdul Penguin Books, 2011 9780143417309 xix,298 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.5 SIN 05023604 Need for New Strategies to Eradicate Poverty / Singh, J L Manak Publication, 1999 8186562869 406 p Knowledge Centre
362.5 SIN 07005491 Target 3 Billion : Kalam A.P.J.Abdul Penguin Books, 2011 9780143417309 xix,298 p. : Library - BR Campus
362.5 SUB 05023633 Measurement of Inequality and Poverty / Subramanian, S Oxford University Press, 2000 0195655516 369p Knowledge Centre
362.5 SUE Poverty and Undernutrition : Svederberg, Peter Oxford University Press, 2000 0195660919 348p Knowledge Centre
362.5 SVE 01003002 Poverty and Undernutrition(law Lib.) Peter Svedberg Oxford University Press 0195660919 348p Knowledge Centre
362.5 TAR 00049741 Poverty and Social Change With a Reappraisal Tarlok, Singh Orient Longman 352p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.5 VIN 00088799 Understanding Poverty Vinayak, Banerjee Oxford university press, 2006 9780195692914 443p.; UG Library
362.5 W.B 05023648 Globalization, Growth, and Poverty : World Bank Policy Research Report World Bank, 2002 174p Knowledge Centre
362.5068 SAM 05002729 Poverty, Social Capital & Natural Resource Management. Samal, Kishor C Rawat Publications 8131600505 260p Knowledge Centre
362.5082 BUL 05037856 Women and poverty : Bullock, Heather E. Willey, 2013 9781118378762 (ebook) ix,198p.; Knowledge Centre
362.509 SAR 07013753 Dimensions of Urban Poverty Planning and Alleviation/ Sareen,CD Innovative Imprint, New Delhi. 9789388162579 VI<231 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
362.5091724 RAK 05002742 Urban Livelihoods: a People Centred Approach to Reducing Poverty: Rakodi, Carole Eearthscan 1853838608 306p Knowledge Centre
362.5091724 ARN 05056851 Measuring poverty and wellbeing in developing countries / Oxford University Press, 2017 0198744803 (hardcover) | 97801 First edition. xxiv, 347 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.5091724 NAU 01012759 Vulnerability in developing countries / United Nations University Press, 2009 9789280811711 (pbk.) | 9280811711 (pbk.) xxiii, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.509173091724 RAK 05023157 Urban Livelihoods: a People-Centred Approach to Reducing Poverty: [MSW] Rakodi, Carole Eearthscan 1853838608 304p Knowledge Centre
362.5091732 DEL 00130859 Community practice and urban youth : Delgado, Melvin. Routledge, 2016 9781138925953 | 9781138925984 1 Edition. xii, 248 p. : UG Library
362.5094 ALI 07006939 Dimensions of urban poverty / Rawat Publications, 2006 8131600319 xii, 420 p. ; Library - BR Campus
362.50941 BRE 05046453 On Pauperism in Present and Past / Breman Jan Oxford University Press, 2016 9780199464814 viii,289p.: Knowledge Centre
362.50941 LUP 05002755 Poverty Street: The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Decline and Renewal Lupton, Ruth POLICY PRESS 1861345364 244p Knowledge Centre
362.5095 KAL 00139547 A brief History of Poverty Alleviation in Neoliberal times / Kalhan,Anuradha. Manohar Publications , 2019 9789388540117 397p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.5095 SIN 00120809 The environments of the poor in South Asia Sinha, Anushree Oxford University Press 2015 9780199453634 336p. UG Library
362.5095 SIN 07007181 The environments of the poor in South Asia Sinha, Anushree Oxford University Press 2015 9780199453634 336p. Library - BR Campus
362.50954 VEE 00030860 Planning for the Poor Verma, M M Gitangali Publishinh House 1986 192 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.50954 BHA 00060004 Public Distribution System Bhandari, I K RBSA 8176111686 145p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.50954 GAU 05023817 Management of Poverty Alleviation in India / Gaur, K D Manak Publication, 1999 8186562273 204 p Knowledge Centre
362.50954 GOE 00060007 Slum Improvement Through Participatory Urban-Based Community Structures Goel, S L Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 0817629523 | 9788176295239 244p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.50954 GOO 00121967 Persistence of poverty in India / By Gooptu, Nandini. Social Science Press: 2014 9789383166046 | 9789383166046 xiv, 431 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.50954 GOO 05044947 Persistence of poverty in India / By Gooptu, Nandini. Social Science Press: 2014 9789383166046 | 9789383166046 xiv, 431 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.50954 GOO 07009182 Persistence of poverty in India / By Gooptu, Nandini. Social Science Press: 2014 9789383166046 | 9789383166046 xiv, 431 pages : Library - BR Campus
362.50954 KAL 07013845 A brief history of poverty alleviation in neoliberal times / Kalhan, Anuradha Manohar Publication, 2019 9789388540117 391p.; Library - BR Campus
362.50954 KOH 05045153 Poverty Amid Plenty in the New India / Kohli, Atul Cambridge, 2012 9781107644441 249 p. Knowledge Centre
362.50954 RAD 01000500 Oxford Handbook of Poverty in India (law Lib) Radhakrishnan Oxford University Press 0195675134 185p Knowledge Centre
362.50954 SID 00090026 Public Distribution System for Poor in Karnataka Siddappa, B Girish Patil, 1994 124p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.50954GOE.D 05007146 Slum Improvement Through Participatory Urban-Based Community Structures Goel, S L Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 2003 0817629523 | 9788176295239 244p Knowledge Centre
362.50994 JOR 05047815 A Theory of Poverty and Social Exclusion / Jordan Bill Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606858 viii,276p.: Knowledge Centre
362.50994 JOR 05041109 A Theory of Poverty and Social Exclusion / Jordan Bill Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606858 viii,276p.: Knowledge Centre
362.51 WAL 07010006 The shame of poverty / Walker, Robert, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199684823 (hbk.) | 0199684 First edition. ix, 231 p, ; Library - BR Campus
362.51 WAL 05044364 The shame of poverty / Walker, Robert, Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199684823 (hbk.) | 0199684 First edition. ix, 231 p, ; Knowledge Centre
362.53 AGG 01005253 Anti-Dumping Agreement and Developing Countries: An Introduction (law Lib) Aradhna Aggarwal Oxford University Press 0195689275 299p Knowledge Centre
362.55 WEB 05002730 In the name of the poor : Zed Books ; | Distributed by Palgrave, 1856499588 | 1856499596 xiii, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.552 CHE 05002928 Membership-Based Organizations of the Poor / Routledge, 9780415770736 (hbk.) | 0415770 xviii, 376 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.5526 MCN 00108978 Global poverty, ethics and human rights McNeill, Desmond. Routledge, 2009 9780415447041 (hardback) | 978 xi, 186 p. ; UG Library
362.5561 MEH 05031365 Eliminating Human Poverty : Mehrotra Santosh Orient Longman Private Limited ; 2007 9788125033868 432 p. Knowledge Centre
362.5561091724 TWR 01006058 Tools for Institutional, Political and Social Analysis of Policy Reform ( Law Lib.) World Bank World Bank 0821368915 267p. Knowledge Centre
362.5561091724 WB 05023801 Tools for Institutional, Political, and Social Analysis of Polilcy Reform : World Bank The World Bank, 2007 0821368907 267 p Knowledge Centre
362.55610941 SIR 05006533 Make Poverty History : Sireau, Nicolas, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230218550 (alk. paper) | 0 xv, 248 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.55610954 SOB 05010531 Challenging the injustice of poverty : Sobhan, Rehman. SAGE, 2010 9788132104681 (hbk.) | 8132104 xxx, 486 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.55614BIL 01009529 Poverty and Fundamental Rights:The Justification and Enforcement of Socio Economic Rights (law Lib) David Bilchitz Oxford University Press 9780199204915 279 Knowledge Centre
362.55614POG 01006762 Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right ( Law Lib ) Thomas Pogge Oxford University Press 9780199226184 406p Knowledge Centre
362.55614POG 01008967 Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right ( Law Lib ) Thomas Pogge Oxford University Press 9780199226184 406p Knowledge Centre
362.5575 MAR 01006091 Mind, Heart, and Soul: in Fight Against Poverty (law Lib) Katherine Marshall World Bank 0821358685 285p Knowledge Centre
362.55765 LOD 03000566 Corporate Solution to Global Poverty Lodge, George Princeton University Publishers 9780691122298 198 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.56 POL 00116594 Out of poverty Polak, Paul. Berrett-Koehler, 2008 1st ed. xi, 232 p. : UG Library
362.56 POL 05041588 Out of poverty Polak, Paul. Berrett-Koehler, 2008 1st ed. xi, 232 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.561 HUL 05057067 Global poverty : Hulme, David. Routledge, 2015 9781138826816 (hardback) | 978 Second edition. xxiv,305p.; Knowledge Centre
362.57 CHE 05023145 Poverty Alleviation Through Self Employment: [MSW] Chennappa, D Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126121289 385p Knowledge Centre
362.57 WB 05037887 Poverty reduction support credits World Bank, 2010 9780821383056 xxx, 122 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.57WB 01005814 Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: A Source Book (law Lib) Bank World World Bank 0821351664 371p Knowledge Centre
362.58 MUR 01003886 Law, Poverty and Legal AID Access to Criminal Justice / Muralidhar S Lexisnexis 2007 8180380629 454p. Knowledge Centre
362.58 PAL 01022316 Access to justice : Palmer, Ellie Hart Publishing, 2016 9781849467346 (hardback : alk. xix, 311 p. Knowledge Centre
362.58 PAR 05048665 Social work and poverty: Parrott, Lester Policy press, 2014 9781447307945 viii,167p.; Knowledge Centre
362.58 SAR 05023802 Consumption, Poverty and Inequality / Sarangi, Dr Orasant Discovery, 2008 270 p Knowledge Centre
362.58 VIJ 05023146 Emancipation of Masses for Social Development: [MSW] Vijayakumar, S Serials Publications 8186771034 362p Knowledge Centre
362.58091724 BIG 01005795 Geographical Targeting for Poverty Alleviation ( Law Lib.) David Bigman World Bank 0821346253 307p. Knowledge Centre
362.58094 DRE 05060313 Sense and solidarity : Dreze, Jean. Permanent Black, 2017 9788178245232 x, 343p. Knowledge Centre
362.580941KAY 01011064 Poverty and the Poor Law (law Lib) James Phillips Kay Palgrave Macmillan 1403917426 355p Knowledge Centre
362.580941KAY 01011067 Poverty and the Poor Law (law Lib) James Phillips Kay Palgrave Macmillan 1403917426 355p Knowledge Centre
362.580941KAY 01011065 Poverty and the Poor Law (law Lib) James Phillips Kay Palgrave Macmillan 1403917426 355p Knowledge Centre
362.580941KAY 01011066 Poverty and the Poor Law (law Lib) James Phillips Kay Palgrave Macmillan 1403917426 355p Knowledge Centre
362.580941KAY 01011068 Poverty and the Poor Law (law Lib) James Phillips Kay Palgrave Macmillan 1403917426 355p Knowledge Centre
362.580941KAY 01011069 Poverty and the Poor Law (law Lib) James Phillips Kay Palgrave Macmillan 1403917426 355p Knowledge Centre
362.580954 CHA 00131081 Fighting poverty in India Chandramohan.B.P Regal publications, 2016 9788184845877 xxxii,396p.; UG Library
362.580954 QUR 05002754 Elements of Social Upliftment. Qureshi, M U Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126125861 304p Knowledge Centre
362.582 AYA 00146447 Cash transfers for poverty reduction : Ayala, Francisco V. Routledge, 9781138222694 | 9781138222700 xxxvii, 501p. ; UG Library
362.582 BAS 05051691 Experimental social programs and analytic methods : Basilevsky, Alexander. Academic Press, 1984 0120802805 xiv, 232 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.582 MOY 00049745 Politics of a Guaranteed Income: Moynihan, P Daniel Afficialted East West Press 1973 576p Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.582 PAR 05062729 Basic income : Parijs, Philippe Van. Harvard University Press, 2017 9780674052284 384p. Knowledge Centre
362.582 STA 05062725 Basic income : Standing, Guy. Penguin Random House, 2017 9780141985480 xiii, 374p. Knowledge Centre
362.583 BOA 00116416 Fixing fuel poverty : Boardman, Brenda, Earthscan, 2010 9781844077434 (hbk.) | 1844077 xxiii, 244 p. : UG Library
362.58FEI 01005869 Evaluation and Poverty Reduction: Proceedings from a World Bank Conference (law Lib) Osvaldo Feinsein World Bank 0821346849 382 p Knowledge Centre
362.58SAR 00085317 Consumption, Poverty and Inequality Sarangi, Prasant Discovery Publishing House 9788183562645 279 p UG Library
362.5AUR 00096290 Poverty and Economic Reforms : Aurora, G S Academic Foundation, 2004 338 p UG Library
362.5LAH 00064791 How to Win Over Depression [ Dharmaram Librery ] Lahaye, Tim 8173624453 264 p UG Library
362.5NAR1 00078678 Empowerment and Poverty Reduction a Source Book Local Organizationsal Capacity Narayanan, Deepa 0821351664 371p Knowledge Centre
362.5PUT 05008692 Empowerment - Sustainable Human Development Strategy for Poverty Alleviation (MSW SHELF) Puthenkalam, Joseph John Rawat Publications 8170338581 387p Knowledge Centre
362.5SAL 00081124 End of Poverty:How We Can Make It Happen in Our Lifetime Sachs, Jeffrey 0141018666 396p UG Library
362.6 LHU 01020845 Population Ageing In India : Lhungdim,H. Sita Publications, 2014 9788186052082 410p.; Knowledge Centre
362.6 BER 05047676 Social Work in Health and Ageing : Rawat Publications , 2015 9788131607268 v, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.6 BIG 05023810 Ageing With a Lifelong Disability : Bigby, Christine Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 1843100770 319 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 BIG 05023811 Ageing With a Lifelong Disability : Bigby, Christine Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 1843100770 319 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 BOS 05023672 Growing Old in India : Bose, Ashish B R Publishing Corporation, 2004 8176463817 452p Knowledge Centre
362.6 CHE 05074030 Ageing and poverty in india / Cherian, Mathew. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, 2020 9789387280724 x,195p.; Knowledge Centre
362.6 COR 00106141 Working with older people: guidelines for running discussion ... Cormie,Joyce. The Policy Press 2001 9781861343611 v;41 P. UG Library
362.6 CRA 05023805 Social Work With Older People / Craford, Karin Learning Matters, 2004 1844450171 176 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 CRA 05004049 Social Work With Older People / Crawford, Karin. Learning Matters, 2004 9781844450176 xii, 176 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.6 CRA 05023806 Social Work with Older People / Crawford, Karin Learning Matters, 2004 1844450171 176 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 FEN 05002289 Social Work Practice With Older Lesbians and Gay Men Fenge, Lee-Ann Learning Matters 9781844451821 99p Knowledge Centre
362.6 GUB 05023150 Ways of Aging: [MSW] Gubrium, F Jaber 0631230599 229p Knowledge Centre
362.6 HAI 05002770 Burnside`s Working With Older Adults:Group Process and Techniques Haight, Barbara Jones & Bartlett 0076374770 498 Knowledge Centre
362.6 HEL 05023700 Ageing and Development Report : Helpage International Eearthscan, 1999 1853836486 200 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 JAI 00078392 Training Modules in Gerontology Jai Prakash, Indira Bangalore University 2006 158p UG Library
362.6 JAI 00078393 Aging With Health and Dignity Jai Prakash, Indiara Focus Communications 0819013986 168p UG Library
362.6 JAI 00078394 Aging: Jai Prakash, Indira Focus Communications 2003 8190139827 139p UG Library
362.6 JAI 00078395 Aging: Jai Prakash, Indira Focus Communications 2007 8190139878 153p UG Library
362.6 JEW 05023807 Ageing, Spiritulity and Wellbeing : Jewell, Albert Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 0184310167 224 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 JOS 05023683 Old-Age Care and Welfare Administration : Joshi, Pratap Kanishka Publishers, 2000 8173913455 288 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 LIO 05002317 Living Longer Lyoyd Peter, Sherlock ZED BOOKS 1842773569 308p Knowledge Centre
362.6 LIO 05023809 Living Longer : Lloyd, Peter Zed Books, 2004 1842773577 308 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 LYM 05023804 Social Work With Older People : Lymbery, Mark Sage Publications, 2005 1412902053 242 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 LYN 05048224 Social work practice with older people : Lynch, Rory, Sage, 2014 9781446201831 (hbk.) | 1446201 xii, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.6 MOD 05023165 Ageing Human Development [ MSW ] Modi, Ishwar Rawat 405p Knowledge Centre
362.6 MOD 05023803 Ageing Human Development [ MSW ] Modi, Ishwar Rawat 405p Knowledge Centre
362.6 MON 05023673 Ageing in India : Alam, Moneer Academic Foundation, 2006 8171885357 287p Knowledge Centre
362.6 NYC 05023682 Economic Implications Aging Societies : Nyce, Steven A Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521617243 396 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 PAL 05007369 Social work and geriatric services / Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692876 341 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.6 PAY 05037765 Citizenship social work with older people / Payne, Malcolm, Lyceum Books, 2012 9781935871088 (pbk. : alk. pap xi, 193 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.6 RAJ 05039269 Social Security for the Elderly : Rajan, S Irudaya Routledge, 2008 0415445434 390 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 RAN 05023698 Ageing and Development Report : Randel, Judith Eearthscan, 2004 1853836486 198 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 RAN 05023699 Ageing and Development Report : Randel, Judith Eearthscan, 2004 1853836486 198 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 RIL 05002753 Gerontological Practice for the Twenty-First Century. Richardson, Virginia E 0023110748 491p Knowledge Centre
362.6 SEA 05023808 World Growing Old / Seabrook, Jeremy Pluto Press, 2003 0745318398 190 p. Knowledge Centre
362.6 SEA 05023816 World Growing Old / Seabrook, Jeremy Pluto, 2004 0745318398 190 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 SEB 00118188 Ageing and Elder Abuse : Sebastian, Daliya, Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605950 199 p, : UG Library
362.6 SEN 05002767 Ageing: Debates on Demographic Transition and Social Policy: Sen, Kasturi Zed Books 1856492591 152p Knowledge Centre
362.6 SHA 05023697 Studies in Gerontology : Sharma K L Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600823 308 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 SMI 05002283 Integrated Approach to Family Work for Psychosis: A Manual for Family Workers. Smith, Gina Jessica 208p Knowledge Centre
362.6 STA 00062259 Health and Well Being of Senior Citizens: Starr, Susanna VMP Books 2004 8181830121 124p UG Library
362.6 THU 05023812 Empowering Older People : Thursz, Daniel Cassell, 1995 0304334650 216 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 THU 05002765 Empowering Older People : Thursz, Daniel Cassell, 1995 0304334650 216 p Knowledge Centre
362.6 WAC 05006513 Aging social policies : Wacker, Robbyn R. SAGE, 2011 9781412939096 (pbk.) ix, 293 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.6 WIL 07009718 Helping relationships with older adults : Williams, Adelle M., Sage Publication, 2017 9781483344584 (pbk. : alk. pap First Edition. xx, 387 pages ; Library - BR Campus
362.6015 STU 05023679 Psychology of Ageing : Stuart-Hamilton, Ian Jessica Kingsley Publications , 2006 1843104261 336 p Knowledge Centre
362.6091732 SMI 05023680 Ageing in urban neighbourhoods : Smith, Allison E. Policy, 2009 9781847422712 (hbk.) | 1847422 vi, 242 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.6091734 KEA 05023814 Rural ageing : Norah Keating Policy Press, 2008 9781861349026 (hard) | 1861349 xi, 154 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.60941 FOO 05023681 Integrating Care for Older People : Foote, Christopher Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2005 0184310010 384 p Knowledge Centre
362.60941 GLA 05023813 The health and social care divide : Glasby, Jon. Policy, 2004 1861345257 | 9781861345259 (pb Rev. 2nd ed. vi, 170 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.60954 RAM 05023105 Handbook of Indian Gerontology: Ramamurti, P V Serials Publications 8186771484 474p Knowledge Centre
362.60954 BOS 05023678 Growing Old in India : Bose, Ashish B.R Publishing Corporation, 2004 8176463817 450 p Knowledge Centre
362.60954 PAL 00142574 Ageing, care and well-being: Palackal,Antony Rawat Publications 2021 9788131611272 347p UG Library
362.60954 RAJ 00142567 Elderly care in India: Rajan,S Irudaya Springer, 2021 9789811539824 xix,267p.; UG Library
362.60954 RAM 05001475 Handbook of Indian Gerontology: Ramamurti, P V Serials Publications 8186771484 474p Knowledge Centre
362.60954 SAH 05023676 Behavioural issues in ageing : Fakir Mohan Sahoo. Concept Pub. Co., 2009 9788180695926 | 8180695921 xxiv, 395 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.60954 SAH 05023677 Behavioural issues in ageing : Fakir Mohan Sahoo. Concept Pub. Co., 2009 9788180695926 | 8180695921 xxiv, 395 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.6095482 PAL 00140723 Ageing, care and well-being: Palackal,Antony Rawat Publications 2021 9788131611272 347p UG Library
362.6095482 PAL 00140923 Ageing, care and well-being: Palackal,Antony Rawat Publications 2021 9788131611272 347p UG Library
362.6095484 SUN 00103571 Social support for the elderly: Suneetha.K Sonali Publications, 2010 9788184112719 222 p.; UG Library
362.60973 HUB 01016546 Elder Advocacy : Huber, Ruth Thomson, 2008 0495000043 222 p. Knowledge Centre
362.6109438 RAD 05068363 Ethnomorality of care : RadziwinowiczĆ³wna, Agnieszka, Routledge, 2018 9780815354031 xvi, 205 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.63 UNG 01006641 CASH FOR CARE IN DEVELOPED WELFARE STATES(LAW LIBRARY) Clare Ungerson Palgrave Macmillan 9781403935526 214p Knowledge Centre
362.63KAD 01009941 Gerontological Home Heatlh Care(law Lib) Goldie Kadushin Culturally Competent Social Work Practice in Home Health Care 3. 260 p Knowledge Centre
362.6RAJ 05002745 Social Security for the Elderly : Rajan, S Irudaya Routledge, 2008 0415445434 390 p Knowledge Centre
362.6RANT 05002270 Agieng and Development Report Poverty, Independence and the Worlds Oolder People Randel, Judith Eearthscan 1853836486 200p Knowledge Centre
362.6RIC 01010045 Gerontological Practice for the Twenty-First Century (law Lib) Virginia E Richadrdson Columbia University Press Programed texts 491 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 MUS 00017520 Youth: and the Social Order Musgrove, F Routledge &Kegan Paul 1975 170 p . UG Library
362.7 NAI 00073751 Society and Environment [SOCIAL PROBLEM] Naik S C, Tiwari T N Oxford IBH 2005 8120416597 311 p. UG Library
362.7 APO 00121838 Child Hunger and Human Rights : Apodaca, Clair, Routledge, 2014 9780415552691 viii, 179 p. : UG Library
362.7 BAR 05023821 Cities for Children : Bartlett, Sheridan Earthscan, 2004 0185383470 305 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 BEL 05024807 Promoting children's rights in social work and social care : Bell, Margaret, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011 9781843106074 (alk. paper) | 1 224 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7 BOS 05023671 Child Care and Child Development : Bose, Pradeep ABD Publishers, 2006 0818376052 284p Knowledge Centre
362.7 BUT 05023685 Social Work With Children and Families : Butler, Ian Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 1843101084 365 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 BUT 05023686 Social Work With Children and Families : Butler, Ian Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2004 1843101084 365 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 BUT 05002269 Social Work With Children and Families Getting into Practice. Butler, Ian Jessica Kingsley Publications 1843101084 364p Knowledge Centre
362.7 CLE 00135525 Safeguarding children : Cleaver, Hedy. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 9780470518731 (cloth) | 0470518731 (cloth) | 9780470518748 (pbk.) | 047051874X (pbk.) xvi, 284 p. : UG Library
362.7 COL 05023688 Introduction to Working With Children : Colton, Mathew Palgrave, 2001 0333693086 267p Knowledge Centre
362.7 COO 05057039 Best practice with children and families : Palgrave, 2015 9781137003010 ix, 208 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.7 CWC 00056116 Working Children's Report The Concerned for Working Children Books for Change 2000 8187380489 78 p. UG Library
362.7 DWI 05023825 Group Work With Children and Adolescents : Dwivedi, Kedarnath Jessica Kingsley, 2006 1853021571 350 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 DWI 05002267 Group Work With Children and Adolescents: A Handbook: [MSW] Dwivedi, Kedar Nath Jessica Kingsley 1853023021 345p Knowledge Centre
362.7 FOL 01006597 Children in Society : Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice / Pam, Foley Palgrave Macmillan 2001 0333945896 288p. Knowledge Centre
362.7 FOL 05023822 Children in Society : Foley, Pam Palgrave, 2001 0333945891 288 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 FOL 05023675 Children in Society : Foley, Pam Palgrave, 2001 0333945891 288p Knowledge Centre
362.7 GOL 00121161 CHIDREN WELFARE AND THE STATE / Goldson Barry, Michael Lavalette Sage Publications, 2002 0761972331 211 p UG Library
362.7 GOL 05023815 CHIDREN WELFARE AND THE STATE / Goldson Barry, Michael Lavalette Sage Publications, 2002 0761972331 211 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 HAL 05023823 Language Practices in Social Work : Hall, Christopher Routledge, 2006 0415356873 198 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 HEL 05023670 Making Sense Of Child And Family Assessment : Helm, Duncan Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010 9781843109235 223 p. Knowledge Centre
362.7 HIL 00067364 Understanding Environmental Pollution Hill, Marquita 0521670381 468p UG Library
362.7 HUY 07009417 Children and Global Conflict / Huynh Kim Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107626980 xi,341p.: Library - BR Campus
362.7 IKR 05023693 Permissiveness and Modern Youth [ma-Sociology] Ikram, Ullah Anmol 278 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 JOW 05002306 Social Work With Children and Families. Jowintt, Maureen Learning Matters 0184445018 134p Knowledge Centre
362.7 KIR 00132945 Counselling young people : Kirkbride, Rebecca. Sage, 2018 9781473992122 243 p. ; UG Library
362.7 KUM 05023175 Creative Child Advocacy: Global Perspectives - M.Sc Psychology Shelf Kumari, Ved 0761932402 345p Knowledge Centre
362.7 LAV 05023824 Juvenile Delinquency / Lavania, Shipra Rawat Publications, 1993 212 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 LAW 05023687 Child Welfare and Social Action in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries : Lawrence, Jon Liverpool University Press, 2004 0853236860 294 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 LAW 05002758 Child Welfare and Social Action in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries : Lawrence, Jon Liverpool University Press, 2004 0853236860 294 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 LOK 05023669 Behaviour Disorders in Children / Lokanadha, Reddy Discovery Publishing House, 2005 8171419399 395 p. Knowledge Centre
362.7 MON 05023690 Environment and Development : Monga, G S Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2001 8176292702 360 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 MUN 05073084 Effective child protection / Munro, Eileen. Sage, 2020 9781526464743 3rd Ed xiv,238p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7 MUN 05002268 Effective Child Protection. Munro, Eileen 9781412946957 176 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 NAG 05058804 Poverty Matters Covering Deprivation in India / Nagaraj, K. Orient BlackSwan, 2017 9788193415702 172p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7 NAG 00129015 Poverty Matters Covering Deprivation in India / Nagaraj, K. Orient BlackSwan, 2017 9788193415702 172p.; UG Library
362.7 PAL 05007774 Social work and child services / Apple Academic Press, 2011 9781926692845 : 341 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7 PUR 05023689 Child Development and Welfare Services / Puri, Sakshi Pointer, 2004 8171323898 232 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 ROB 00128286 Wellbeing From Birth Roberts, Rosemary, Sage 2010 9781848607200 (hbk.) | 1848607 xvii, 205 p. : UG Library
362.7 SAP 00129426 Essential Skills For Youth Work Practice / Sapin, Kate. SAGE, 2013 9780857028327 (hbk.) | 0857028 2nd ed. xvi, 263 p. : UG Library
362.7 SAX 05023200 Environmental Geography Saxena, H M Rawat Publications 8170335183 304p Knowledge Centre
362.7 SID 05010507 Group work : Siddiqui, H. Y. Rawat Publications, 2008 8131601714 (Hard) | 8131601722 xvi, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.7 SIN 05023284 The Child Ragpickers : Singh, A N Shipra Publications 1996 132 p Knowledge Centre
362.7 SPR 05048162 Social Work Practice with Children and Families / Spray, Carolyn. Sage, 2012 9781412921787 | 9781412921794 x, 211 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.7 SRO 05023106 Child Health Care Programes: Goals for New Millennium: [MSW] Sroaff, Meera Adhyayan Publishers 8189161156 245p Knowledge Centre
362.7 THO 05044846 Social Culture and Family Values and Social Protection / Thongam K K Vista International Publishing House, 2014 9789383905072 ix, 261 p. Knowledge Centre
362.7 VED 05023674 Creative Child Advocacy : Kumari, Ved Sage Publications, 2004 0761932410 347p Knowledge Centre
362.7 VED 00115288 Creative Child Advocacy Kumari, Ved 0761932410 347p UG Library
362.7 WAL 05045344 Working together for children : Walker, Gary Continuum, 2008 9780826498175 (pbk.) | 0826498 ix, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.7 WAT 09001094 Safeguarding and protecting children, young people & families : SAGe, 2014 9781446248898 | 1446248895 | 9781446248904 | 1446248909 xviii, 198 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.702594 TRA 03002653 Something for Nothing: Why We Do the Things We Do Tracy, Brian Jaico Publishing House 9788184950564 245 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.7068 ROB 00101205 Youth Work Ethics / Roberts, Jonathan. Learning Matters Ltd, 2009 9781844452460 169 p.; UG Library
362.7068 ROB 05023819 Youth Work Ethics / Roberts, Jonathan. Learning Matters Ltd, 2009 9781844452460 169 p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7068 TYL 05023820 Managing Modern Youth Work : Tyler, Mary Learning Matters Ltd.; 2009 9781844452064 146 p Knowledge Centre
362.70715 BAT 05002305 Informal Learning in Youth Work. Batsleer, Janet Sage 172p Knowledge Centre
362.7072 KUM 05002304 Encyclopaedia of Child Welfare and Protection : Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 9788126140411 ix, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7072 KUM 05002303 Encyclopaedia of Child Welfare and Protection : Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 9788126140411 ix, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7072 KUM 05002302 Encyclopaedia of Child Welfare and Protection : Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 9788126140411 ix, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7072 KUM 01013890 Encyclopaedia of Child Welfare and Protection : Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 9788126140411 ix, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7072 KUM 01013891 Encyclopaedia of Child Welfare and Protection : Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 9788126140411 ix, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7072 KUM 01013892 Encyclopaedia of Child Welfare and Protection : Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 9788126140411 ix, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7072BAK 01010009 Research Methods in Child Welfare (law Lib) Amy J L Baker Columbia University Press 9780231141307 448p Knowledge Centre
362.7083 ALL 07002829 The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring A Multiple Perspectives Approach / Wiley, 2014 9788126544301 xxii,496p.: Library - BR Campus
362.7083 DUB 05002271 Handbook of youth mentoring / Sage Publications, 0761929770 xii, 608 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7083 DUB 05002774 Handbook of Youth Mentoring. Dubois, David L 0761929770 608p Knowledge Centre
362.7083 GEL 05023694 Counselling adolescents : Geldard, Kathryn. SAGE, 2010 1848606427 (hbk.) | 9781848606 3rd ed. ix, 307 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7083 GEL 05074090 Counselling adolescents : Geldard, Kathryn. Sage, 2020 9781526463531 (pbk : alk. paper) | 9781526463524 (hbk : alk. paper) 5th edition. viii, 333p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7083 GER 07006158 Counselling adolescents : Geldard, Kathryn, Sage Publication, 2016 9781446276037 (hbk.) | 1446276 4th edition. viii, 348 pages : Library - BR Campus
362.7083 HAR 05045345 Working with distressed young people / Harris, Bob. Learning Matters, 2011 9781844452057 (pbk.) | 1844452 xi, 120 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.7083 LOB 05023691 Leisure, Family and Lifestyle : Lobo, Francis Rawat Publications; 2004 8170337518 206 p Knowledge Centre
362.7083 SON 05047275 Guidance and Counselling in Modern Scenario / A.P.H.Publishing Corporation, 2015 9789331326874 xxi,402p.: Knowledge Centre
362.7083 WOO 05002301 Work with young people : SAGE, 1412928842 (hbk.) | 9781412928 xii, 290 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.70830941 CUR 00129625 Working with young people / Curran, Sheila SAGE Publications, 2013 9781446273272 (hbk) | 14462732 Second edition. xiv, 223 pages : UG Library
362.70830941 SON 00128105 Working with diversity in youth and community work / Soni, Sangeeta. Learning Matters, 2011 9781844452989 (pbk.) | 1844452 xv, 96 p. : UG Library
362.70835 HOR 00052553 Handbook of Counseking Boys and Adolescent Males Horne, Arthur M Sage Pulications 1999 0761908412 418 p . UG Library
362.7086942 MAL 05005395 Moving out, moving on : Routledge, 2010 9780415470292 (hbk.) | 0415470293 (hbk.) | 9780415470308 (pbk.) | 0415470307 (pbk.) 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.7086942 NAG 05023696 Street Children of India : Nagaseshamma,S Anmol Publications, 2010 9788126144013 246 p Knowledge Centre
362.7086942 SIN 05048219 Homeless Children / Singh,J.Godwin Prem. Serials, 2016 9788183877619 xx,321p.; Knowledge Centre
362.70917124109041 BOU 05042845 'Empire's children : Boucher, Ellen, Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107041387 (hardback : alk. xi, 292 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.7091722 JON 05048644 Child poverty, evidence and policy : Jones, Nicola. Policy Press, 2011 9781847424464 (hbk.) | 1847424 xii, 251 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.70941 COC 05004056 Advanced social work with children and families / Learning Matters, 2011 9781844453634 (pbk.) | 1844453 New ed. x,182 p. Knowledge Centre
362.70941 FOR 00128730 The Transformation of Children's Services : Forbes, Joan Routledge 2012 9780415618472 | 0415618479 | ix, 203 p. ; UG Library
362.70941 GEL 00123807 Practical interventions for young people at risk / Geldard Kathryn SAGE Publications, 2009 9781847875624 213 p. UG Library
362.70941 GEL 05023695 Practical interventions for young people at risk / Geldard Kathryn SAGE Publications, 2009 9781847875624 213 p. Knowledge Centre
362.70941 IWA 05002769 Child Welfare Policy and Practice. Iwaniec, Dorota Jessica Kingsley 1853028126 304p Knowledge Centre
362.70941 KIR 00109729 Child social work policy & practice / Kirton, Derek. SAGE, 2009 9781412920544 | 141292054X | 9 xv, 224 p. ; UG Library
362.70941 KIR 05023818 Child social work policy & practice / Kirton, Derek. SAGE, 2009 9781412920544 | 141292054X | 9 xv, 224 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.70941 KNO 00120505 Ensuring Every Child Matters Knowles, Gianna. SAGE Publications, 2009 9781848601369 | 9781848601376 ix, 166 p.: UG Library
362.70941 RAC 05061985 Child-Centred Prace : Race, Tracey. Palgrave, 2017 9781137597021 xv, 267p.; Knowledge Centre
362.70941 RUC 05002773 Post-qualifying child care social work : SAGE, 1412928257 (hbk.) | 9781412928 viii, 169 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.70941 SAT 05073487 Every child matters / Satyarthi, Kailash. Prabhat Paperbacks, 2018 9789352666409 215p. Knowledge Centre
362.70941 SAT 00139325 Every child matters / Satyarthi, Kailash. Prabhat Paperbacks, 2018 9789352666409 215p. UG Library
362.70941 SAT 05061207 Every child matters / Satyarthi, Kailash. Prabhat Paperbacks, 2018 9789352666409 215p. Knowledge Centre
362.70941 SAT 07011745 Every child matters / Satyarthi, Kailash. Prabhat Paperbacks, 2018 9789352666409 215p. Library - BR Campus
362.70941 SMI 00121170 Values and Practice in Children's Services Smith, Roger Palgrave MacMillan, 2005 9781403914743 217 p:. UG Library
362.70942 HEN 05002776 Child Welfare and Social Policy: An Essential Reader. Harry, Hendrick POLICY PRESS 1861345666 558p Knowledge Centre
362.70954 BOS 05023692 The State of Children in India : Bose, A B Manohar Publishers, 2003 8173044740 341 p Knowledge Centre
362.70954 CHO 00124978 Development Care and Education of Pre-School Children Chowdhury Aparajita Discovery Publishing House, 2016 9789350567685 263 p.: UG Library
362.70954 KUM 05045193 State of India's children : Shiva, Kumar A K. Oxford University Pr, 2015 9780199455287 xlix, 467. pages : Knowledge Centre
362.70954 KUM 07007884 State of India's children : Shiva, Kumar A K. Oxford University Pr, 2015 9780199455287 xlix, 467. pages : Library - BR Campus
362.70954 PAN 00123754 Current Essays on Child Protection and Welfare Pande, D K Cyber Tech Publications, 2013 9789350531440 248 p:. UG Library
362.70954 SAX 01006537 Child Marriage in South Asia:Brutal Murder of Innocence(law Library) Shobha Saxena REGAL PUBLICATION 8189915436 190p Knowledge Centre
362.70954 SIN 00131711 Care and protection of marginalized children in India Singh,A.K Serials publications pvt ltd., 2017 9788193319086 xvii,772p.; UG Library
362.7095482 RAY 00120037 Empowerment of Marginalized Youth Rayan Jeya Amala Abhijeet Publications, 2014 9789350741306 vi,278 p.: UG Library
362.7095484 SAR 00107108 Child rights and young lives Sarada D Discovery Publishing House 2009 9788183564359 387 p UG Library
362.70971 CAM 00119181 Creating Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare : University Toronto Press, 2013 9781442646667 | 1442646667 | vi, 337 p,; UG Library
362.70971 OLI 07012022 Strengths-based child protection : Oliver, Carolyn, University of Toronto Press, 2017 9781487501143 | 1487501145 | 9781487521233 | 1487521235 x, 249 pages ; Library - BR Campus
362.70973 REY 00127056 Childhood programs and practices in the first decade of life : Reynolds Arthur J Cambridge University Press, 2010 9780521198462 (hardback) | 978 xxiii, 518 p. : UG Library
362.70973 SAG 05004114 Childhood and adolescence in society : SAGE, 2012 9781412994347 (pbk.) xiv,315 p. Knowledge Centre
362.70973 SOL 00138044 Social Policies In India : Sole, Nagendra Ambedkar. ABD Publishers, 2019 9788183766876 x, 274p.; UG Library
362.70973 SOL 05067336 Social Policies In India : Sole, Nagendra Ambedkar. ABD Publishers, 2019 9788183766876 x, 274p.; Knowledge Centre
362.70973 WRI 07000074 Six steps to successful child advocacy : Wright, Amy Conley. Sage Publications, 2014 9781452260945 (pbk. : alk. pap xvi, 202 pages ; Library - BR Campus
362.71 JHA 05022843 Child Abuse and Human Rights / Jha, A K. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 8126128844 226p.; Knowledge Centre
362.71 JHA 05022798 Child Abuse and Human Rights / Jha, A K. Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2006 8126128844 226p.; Knowledge Centre
362.71 YOU 01005823 EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT FROM MEASUREMENT TO ACTION(LAW LIBRARY) Mary Eming Young World Bank 9780821370865 306p Knowledge Centre
362.712 CAR 05022842 Child Care Administration Seaver, W Judith 0534036813 438p Knowledge Centre
362.712 MIL 01015585 Anti-Discriminatory Practice : Millam, Rosalind. Continuum, 0826454755 | 0826454763 (pbk.) x, 272 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.712068 LEE 00123788 The inside guide to being a childminder / Lee, Allison. Continuum, 2008 9780826498953 (pbk.) | 0826498 viii, 142 p. ; UG Library
362.723 FIT 05048214 Empowerment and participation in youth work / Learning Matters, 2011 9781844453474 (pbk.) | 1844453 viii, 192 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7253 THO 00148203 Social work with young people in care : Thomas, Nigel Patrick Routledge, 2025 9781032821511 Second edition. xv,269p. ; UG Library
362.730941 THO 05022844 Social Work With Young People in Care: Looking After Children in Theory and Practice [msw-Section] Thomas, Nigel 1403920508 212p Knowledge Centre
362.732 OWU 05005460 The wellbeing of children in care : Owusu-Bempah, Kwame. Routledge, 2010 9780415479394 | 0415479398 | 9 viii, 182 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.732094 MIL 05002775 Residential Child Care: Collaborative Practice. Milligan, Ian 2006 1412908515 154p Knowledge Centre
362.7320941 KEN 05002281 Residential Child Care Prospects and Challenge [MSW-SECTION] Kendrick, Andrew Jessica Kingsley Publications 9781843105268 248 p Knowledge Centre
362.7320941 BUL 05022838 Secure Treatment Outcomes: the Care Careers of Very Difficult Adolescents Bullock, Roger Ashgate Publishing Limited 1840144580 156p Knowledge Centre
362.73209577 ROC 00133007 Lost to the state : Rockhill, Elena Khlinovskaya. Berghahn Books, 2010 9781845457389 xvi, 383 p. : UG Library
362.73209593 KAM 00128818 Institutional Care of Thai Children Kamolsirisakul, Harutai B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2017 9789350502563 xii, 220 p. : UG Library
362.734 CAN 04024710 Chicken Soup for the Soul : Teens Talk Growing Up / Canfield, Jack Westland : 2012 9789380283685 353p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.734 COM 05067636 Adoption beyond borders : Compton, Rebecca J. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190914813 (paperback) xi,235p.; Knowledge Centre
362.734 COM 09000447 Adoption beyond borders : Compton, Rebecca J. Oxford University Press, 2016 9780190914813 (paperback) xi,235p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.734 JAV 01007456 Handbook of Adoption ( Law Lib.) Rafael A Javier Sage Publications 0141292751 563p Knowledge Centre
362.734 MCB 00131656 The globalization of adoption: Mcbride,Becca Cambridge univeristy press, 2016 9781316604182 xiii,203p.; UG Library
362.734 MIL 05022837 Adopted Children and Their Families: Building Secure New Lives [MSW-SECTION] Miller, Liza Bingley 9780415409452 176p Knowledge Centre
362.734 MIT 03010697 Digital DNA : Mitra, Ananda. Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd., 2014 9788129134585 184 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.734 TRE 05022841 Dynamics of Adoption: Soical and Personal Perspectives [msw-Section] Treacher, Amal Jessica Kingsley 1853027820 240p Knowledge Centre
362.7340954 BHA 05022840 Adoption in India:Policies and Experiences Bhargava, Vinita 0761933743 283 Knowledge Centre
362.7340954 BHA 01004088 Adoption in India : Vinita Bhargava Sage Publications 2006 0761933743 283 Knowledge Centre
362.7340954 BHA 05022839 Adoption in India. Bhargava, Vinita Sage, 2005 0000761943 283p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7340954 BHA 05002282 Adoption in India. Bhargava, Vinita Sage, 2005 0000761943 283p.; Knowledge Centre
362.7340954 BHR 01006164 ADOPTION IN INDIA:POLICIES AND EXPERIENCES(LAW LIBRARY) Vinita Bhargava Sage Publications 0761933743 283p Knowledge Centre
362.7340973 DIC 05011365 The basics of adoption : Dickerson, James. Praeger, 2006 9780275987992 (alk. paper) xi, 288 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.74 DAB 00107763 From street to hope Dabir,Neela. SAGE, 2011 9788132105138 | 8132105133 (ha xiv, 294 p. : UG Library
362.74 SOU 00109033 From Ecstasy To Agony and Back : D'Souza, Barnabe, SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107033 xiv, 226 p. UG Library
362.7409782254HUP 00072114 Boys Town Revolution in Youth Care [dharmaram Library] Hupp, Robert P 0818906413 261 UG Library
362.745 BRO 05040055 Working with vulnerable children, young people and families / Routledge, 2013 9780415534727 (hardback) | 978 x,191p.: Knowledge Centre
362.7453 HAM 05022872 Young people with anti-social behaviours : Hampson, Kathy Salter. Routledge ; | National Association for Special Education Needs, 9780415565707 (cloth : alk. pa vi, 217 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7470973 FAR 05003887 Saving Childern From Life of Crime / Farrington, David P . Oxford University Press , 2011 9780195378993 232 p . Knowledge Centre
362.7486 KIS 05037970 Counseling troubled boys : Routledge, 2008 9780415955478 (softcover : alk xxx, 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7486 MCC 05022791 Casebook in Child and Adolescent Treatment: Cultural and Familial Contexts Mcclure, H Faith 0534529402 296p Knowledge Centre
362.74ELL 01010473 Good Kids from Bad Neighborhoods: Successful Development in Social Context (law Lib) Delbert S Elliott Cambridge University Press 9780521682213 397p Knowledge Centre
362.76 COR 05002280 Child Abuse Towards a Knowledge Base Corby, Brian Open university press, 2005 0335205674 258p.; Knowledge Centre
362.76 BEC 05022792 Child Protection: An Introduction [msw-Section] Beckett, Chris 9781412920926 232p Knowledge Centre
362.76 BHA 00139484 The Impressions : Bhat,Konila Raghavendra. UNICEF, 2015 . vi,130p.; UG Library
362.76 BHA 00139485 The Impressions : Bhat,Konila Raghavendra. UNICEF, 2015 . vi,130p.; UG Library
362.76 BOS 01000168 State of Children in India, Promises to Keep (law Library) A B Bose Manohar 8173044740 341p Knowledge Centre
362.76 FAL 05023414 Understanding and Assessing Child Sexual Maltreatment / Faller, Coulborn Kathleen Sage Publication, 2003 0076191997 307p Knowledge Centre
362.76 GOM 01000407 Consequence of Child Maltreatment (law Library) Gomango Authors Press 8172731949 257 Knowledge Centre
362.76 GOO 01018219 Handbook of child sexual abuse John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9780470877296 | 0470877294 xxiii,616 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.76 KEN 05068525 Children, sexuality and child sexual abuse / Kenny, Dianna T. Routledge, 2018 9781138089259 (pbk.) xv, 312p.; Knowledge Centre
362.76 KEN 09000070 Children, sexuality and child sexual abuse / Kenny, Dianna T. Routledge, 2018 9781138089259 (pbk.) xv, 312p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.76 KEN 05022795 Children as Victims Kennison Peter Learning Matters Ltd. 9781844451364 178p Knowledge Centre
362.76 MCO 05004903 Child abuse and neglect / McCoy, Monica L. Psychology Press, 2009 9780805862447 (hardback) | 080 xix, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.76 MIL 05002318 Child Maltreament: An Introduction. Miller-Perrin, Cindy L Sage, 2007 1412926688 475p.; Knowledge Centre
362.76 MYE 05031367 The APSAC handbook on Child Maltreatment / Myers, John E. B. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412966818 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xi;449 p. Knowledge Centre
362.76 PAY 01026138 Monitoring detention, custody, torture and ill-treatment : Routledge, 2018 9781444167320 (paperback : alk xiv,306p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.76 PIP 07008180 Child sexual abuse : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007 9780805852844 | 9780805863178 ix, 318 p. : Library - BR Campus
362.76 RAO 00120652 Corporal Punishment of Children Rao Bhaskara Digumarti Discovery Publishing House, 2012 9789350560723 404 p.: UG Library
362.76 SMA 05002299 Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: Evidence, Policy, and Practice. Smallbone, Stephen Willan 9781843922223 262p Knowledge Centre
362.76 TIW 05002279 Child Abuse and Human Rights in 2 Volumes: Tiwari, Jyotsna Isha Books 8182050855 318p Knowledge Centre
362.76 TIW 05002319 Child Abuse and Human Rights in 2 Volumes: Tiwari, Jyotsna Isha Books 8182050855 318p Knowledge Centre
362.76 WOL 00056120 Trash! Obn Ragpicker Children and Recycling Wolf, Gita Books for Change 8186211047 110p UG Library
362.76092 CHA 00143393 The Water Phoenix: Chatterjee, Rituparna Bloomsbury 2020 9789389000559 288p UG Library
362.760941 REE 05024801 Adolescent neglect : Jessica Kingsley, 2011 9781849051040 (pbk.) | 1849051 143 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.760954 HUM 05022796 Domestic Violence and Child Protection: Directions for Good Practice [msw-Section] Humphewya, Cathy Jessica 224p Knowledge Centre
362.760954 MAH 05040629 Crime against girls & women : Mahapatra,Anuja. Enkay Publishing House, 2013 9789380995854 vii,262p.; Knowledge Centre
362.760954 VEN 05044204 Indian Street Children A Compilation of Facts / Venkatesh Kodur.Dr Niruta Publications, 2011 53p.: Knowledge Centre
362.760954 VEN 05044205 Indian Street Children A Compilation of Facts / Venkatesh Kodur.Dr Niruta Publications, 2011 53p.: Knowledge Centre
362.76095414 DEB 00107113 Impact of sexual abuse on mental health of children / Deb, Sibnath. Concept Pub. Co., 2009 9788180695759 | 8180695751 278 p. : UG Library
362.7609542 PAN 10002430 Child abuse in schools : Pandey, Sushma. Concept Publihisng Company Pvt Ltd, 2021 9789354390241 xiii, 274p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.760973 MIL 05002293 Child Maltreatment: An Introduction Miller-Perrin, Cindy L Sage, 2007 1412926688 474p.; Knowledge Centre
362.760973 REA 05022793 Childhood denied Reardon, Kathleen Kelley Sage press 9781412939775 231p Knowledge Centre
362.762 BEN 05022794 Safeguarding children living with trauma and family violence Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009 9781843109389 (pb : alk. paper 351 p. Knowledge Centre
362.764 MCM 05005338 Understanding the impact of clergy sexual abuse : Routledge, 2009 9780789036001 (pbk.) | 0789036 xi, 231 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.76530941 BUT 05023684 Social work with children and families : Butler, Ian, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004 1843101084 (pbk.) 2nd ed. 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.76530941 BUT 05022797 Social work with children and families : Butler, Ian, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004 1843101084 (pbk.) 2nd ed. 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.76532 DAN 05024808 Recognizing and helping the NEglected Child : Daniel Grigid Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011 9781849050937 191 p.: Knowledge Centre
362.766 LAM 05004636 Protecting children from violence : Psychology Press, 2010 9781848728400 (hardback : alk. xix, 365 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7665 CHE 00111201 Child sexual abuse : Cheung, Monit. Lyceum Books, 2012 9781933478432 (pbk. : alk. pap xxviii, 466 p. ; UG Library
362.767 DOD 05022799 Preventing child maltreatment : Guilford Press, 9781593859732 (hardcover) | 15 xii, 203 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.7672 SAN 00064513 The Seduction of Children: Sanderson, Christiane Jessica Kingsley Publications 2004 0184310248 350p UG Library
362.768 KIN 05022800 Reforming Schools: [mscomn] Kinsler, Kimberly 0826448178 375p Knowledge Centre
362.76FER 01008432 Investigating Child Exploitation and Pornography: The Internet, the Law and Forensic Science Monique Mattei Ferraro Academic Press 0121631052 304p. Knowledge Centre
362.76SMA 01010374 Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: Evidence, Policy and Practice (law Lib) Stephen Smallbone Willain Publishers 9781843922223 262p Knowledge Centre
362.7BOS 01008779 State of Children in India: Promioses to Keep (law Lib) A B Bose Manohar 8173044740 341p Knowledge Centre
362.7DSO 00072129 Facilitator`s Handbook [dharmaram Library] D`Souza S J, Alban Siga 8171085938 112 UG Library
362.8 FIS 00058664 Non Governments - Ngos and the Political Development of the Third World Fisher, Julie Rawat Publications 2003 8170337658 234 .p , UG Library
362.8 BRO 00107780 Social work with lesbians and gay men Brown-Cosis, Helen. Sage Publications, 2011 9781847873910 | 9781847873910 1st edition 187 p. cm. UG Library
362.8 FIS 05022934 Non Governments: Ngo`s and the Political Development of the Third World Fisher, Julie Rawat Publications 8170337658 234p Knowledge Centre
362.8 KAT 00139657 Families in crisis : Kath, Phanenmo. Christian World Imprints; 2021 9789351485087 iii, 184 p. ; UG Library
362.8 MEH 05022935 Sociology of Communal Violence Mehta, Dharm Veer Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 8174888918 224 p Knowledge Centre
362.8 MEN 05022936 Long and Winding Road from Structural Change to Structural Transformation Mendoza, Walter Centre for Education and Documentation 99p Knowledge Centre
362.8 MOR 05024626 Sexual orientation and gender expression in social work practice : Columbia University Press, 0231127286 (cloth : alk. paper xvi, 513 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.8 MYE 05022836 Sexual Issues in Social Work [MSW-SECTION] Myers, Steve POLICY PRESS 9781861347121 194 p Knowledge Centre
362.8 PEN 00103681 Displacement by development: Penz Peter Cambridge university press; 2011 9780521124645 344 p.: UG Library
362.8 PEN 01020968 Displacement by development: Penz Peter Cambridge university press; 2011 9780521124645 344 p.: Knowledge Centre
362.8 PRU 05037891 Manual of Ngo`s - How to Manage Pruthi, Rajkumar Crest 8124202192 390p Knowledge Centre
362.8 RAJ 05022845 DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAMMES / Raju, P Subbarama Associated Publishers , 2006 8184290128 188p.: Knowledge Centre
362.80954 RAM 05039967 Backward classes in India / Ramaswamy,B. Centrum Press, 2014 9789350841587 vii,272p.; Knowledge Centre
362.82 COL 05002292 An Introduction to Family Social Work. Collins, Donald 0875814247 285p Knowledge Centre
362.82 COL 05022927 An Introduction to Family Social Work. Collins, Donald 0875814247 285p Knowledge Centre
362.82 GAV 01013478 The legal tender of gender : Hart, 9781841133140 | 1841133140 | 1 xiii, 294 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.82 HAN 05037892 Understanding Families: Pproaches to Diversity, Disability and Risk / Hanson, J Marci Brookes Publishing, 2003 1557666997 248p.: Knowledge Centre
362.82 HOL 05022933 Child and Family Assessment in Social Work Practic [msw-Section] Holland, Sally 0076194902 176p Knowledge Centre
362.82 HOL 05023422 Child and Family Assessment in Social Work Practice / Holland, Sally Sage Publications, 2004 0076194902 176p Knowledge Centre
362.82 KOR 05059835 Casebook for family planning management : Pathfinder Fund, 1977 xix, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.82 MOH 05022931 Family Life Education: [MSW] Mohanty, Jagannath Deep and Deep Publications 8171009816 153p Knowledge Centre
362.82 SHA 05022930 Family Welfare Programme in India: [MSW] Sharma, Poonam Deep and Deep Publications 8171001572 510p Knowledge Centre
362.82 SIM 05050497 The Indian investment in family planning / Simmons, George B., Population Council; distributed by Key Book Service, Bridgeport, Conn., 1971 0878340041 xviii, 213 p. Knowledge Centre
362.82 STA 05022929 Families and Social Workers: [MSW] Starkey, Pat 0853236666 277p Knowledge Centre
362.82 VIN 05017703 Domestic Violence: Guidelines for Research-Informed Practice [ma-Sociology Section] Vincent, John P Jessica Kingsley 1853028541 207p Knowledge Centre
362.82 WIL 07008287 Surviving Domestic Violence : Wilcox Paula Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 9781349520480 ix,211p.: Library - BR Campus
362.820941 WAL 00128045 Effective Social Work with Children, Young People and Families : Walker, Steven, SAGE, 2012 9781446252246 | 1446252248 (hb xvi, 212 p. : UG Library
362.820954 KAR 05022932 Domestic Violence: Dominant Publishers and distributors 9788178886831 326p Knowledge Centre
362.8253 VAN 05002297 Social work practice with families : Van Hook, Mary. Lyceum Books, 9781933478166 xix, 306 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.8253 CON 05022883 Social work with families : Constable, Robert T. Lyceum Books, 0925065773 (paperback : alk. p xviii, 270 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.8253 HOO 01015525 Social work practice with families : Van Hook, Mary. Lyceum Books, 9781933478166 xix, 306 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.82561 JEN 00121986 Social policy for children and families Jeson, Jeff M Sage 2015 9781483344553 328p. UG Library
362.825610973 BUT 01019770 The dynamics of family policy / Butterfield, Alice K. Lyceum Books, 2010 9781933478135 | 1933478136 xxvii, 445 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8262 SME 05023116 Housing Finance and the Urban Poor: [MSW] Smets, Peer Rawat Publications 8170338786 248p Knowledge Centre
362.8286 GEL 00142193 Relationship counselling for children, young people, and families / Geldard, Kathryn. Sage, 2009 9781847875501 | 1847875505 | 9781847875518 (pbk.) | 1847875513 (pbk.) viii, 262 p. : UG Library
362.8286 MCL 05023199 Doing Counselling Research (MSW) Mclead, John 0761941088 227p Knowledge Centre
362.8286 SAN 05023194 Counselling for Anxiety Problems (MSW) Sanders, Diana 0761965742 248p Knowledge Centre
362.829 AHU 05022884 Violence against women Ahuja Ram Rawat Publications 9788170334620 310p Knowledge Centre
362.829 REA 05023171 Counselling for Fertility Problems (MSW) Read, Jane 0803989504 203p Knowledge Centre
362.829 SHI 07006851 Family violence in India : Shirwadkar, Swati Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602249 | 9788131602249 xii, 484 p. ; Library - BR Campus
362.8290973 LLO 05022928 Family Violence [MSW-SECTION] Lloyd, J D 0737704519 138 p Knowledge Centre
362.8292 AMM 05002291 Case studies in family violence / Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000 0306462478 (hardback) | 030646 2nd ed. xix, 454 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 AMM 05043115 Case studies in family violence / Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000 0306462478 (hardback) | 030646 2nd ed. xix, 454 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 BAR 05004144 Family violence across the lifespan : Barnett, Ola W. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412981781 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xxv, 866 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 BAR 01020586 Family violence across the lifespan : Barnett, Ola W. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781412981781 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xxv, 866 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 BHA 00111578 Behind Closed Doors : Bhattacharya, Rinki. SAGE Publications, 2004 0761932380 (hbk.) | 0761932399 234 p.: UG Library
362.8292 BRO 01013510 Violence against women : Brownridge, Douglas A., Routledge, 9780415996075 (hardback) | 041 xviii, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8292 CHO 01020911 Digest on The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,2005 / Choudhari V.R Premier Publishing Company, 2014 liii,836p.; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 COO 05011235 Abused men : Cook, Philip W., Praeger, 1997 0275958620 (alk. paper) xvi, 195 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8292 CQR 00103722 Issues for debate in family violence : Cq researcher SAGE, 2011 9781412990325 xiv, 181 p. : UG Library
362.8292 DAW 07011954 Domestic homicides and death reviews / Myrna, Dawson. Plagrave Macmillan Publication, 2017 9781137562753 xvii,408p. Library - BR Campus
362.8292 FRE 01013511 Domestic violence / Ashgate, 9780754626442 (hbk.) | 0754626 xxx, 534 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 GAN 00099704 What I am today, I won't remain tomorrow : Gandhi, Nighat M. Yoda Press : | Distributed by Cambridge University Press India, 2009 9788190666831 | 8190666835 xxxiii, 128 p. ; UG Library
362.8292 GHO 00125654 Impaired bodies, gendered lives : Ghosh, Nandini Primus, 2016 9789384082505 (hardback) | 978 viii, 163 p. UG Library
362.8292 HAN 05007418 Home truths about domestic violence : Hanmer, Jalna Routledge, 2000 9780415241571(pbk.) xiv, 408 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8292 KHA 00117725 Family Violence and Modern Women Khan, A.G. Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629580 viii: 194p.; UG Library
362.8292 MIS 01019986 Domestic violence against women : Misra,Preeti. Deep & Deep Publications, 2007 9788176298964 xxxviii,606p.; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 NAY 05004017 Violence : Nayar,Sudha Navyug Books International , 2010 9788191005806 viii,280 p. Knowledge Centre
362.8292 PAN 01014238 Violence Against Women / Panwar,Kanika. Ritu Publications, 9788187445807 280p.; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 REN 01017657 Sourcebook on violence against women / SAGE Pub., 2011 9781412971669 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd ed. xv, 407 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8292 ROB 01014615 Human Insecurity : Roberts,David. Zed Books, 9788182910652 208 p.; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 ROB 00092754 Human insecurity : Roberts, David W. Zed Books, 9781842778258 (pb : alk. paper p. cm. UG Library
362.8292 SIN 01015528 Domestic Violence Aganist Women in India / Singh,A.K.. Madhav Books, 9788190789127 xxix,442 p.; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 SIN 07012359 Domestic Violence: Singh,Jagbir. Yking Books, 2018 9789385528934 VII,221 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
362.8292 SIN 05022850 Family violence in India / Serials Publications, 9788183873949 xi, 146 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8292 SIN 01010664 Domestic Violence Aganist Women in India / Singh,A.K.. Madhav Books, 9788190789127 xxix,442 p.; Knowledge Centre
362.8292 SIN 05022852 Domestic Violence Against Woment in India (law Lib) A K Singh Madhav Books 9788190789127 442p Knowledge Centre
362.8292 SIN 05022871 Domestic Violence against women in india Singh A,K Madhav Books 9788190789127 442p Knowledge Centre
362.8292 SIN 05007367 Social Work and family intervention / Singh, Krishna Kant ABD Publishers, 2011 9788183762717 304 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8292 SIN 05022849 Family violence in India / Serials Publications, 9788183873949 xi, 146 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8292 THI 05022834 Violence against women in South Asian communities Jessica Kingsley, 2009 9781843106708 (pb : alk. paper 255 p. Knowledge Centre
362.8292 WAL 10002193 Family violence : Wallace, Paul Harvey. Routledge, 2016 9780205573547 (pbk.) | 0205573541 (pbk.) 8th ed., xvi,483p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.8292019 HAA 05005465 Hard knocks : Haaken, Janice, Routledge, 2010 9780415563383 (hbk. : alk. pap xii, 196 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8292019 NIC 09000095 Domestic violence and psychology : Nicolson, Paula, Routledge, 2019 9780815385226 (hardback) | 9780815385233 (pbk.) Second Edition. xi,185p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.8292019 NIC 05068231 Domestic violence and psychology : Nicolson, Paula, Routledge, 2019 9780815385226 (hardback) | 9780815385233 (pbk.) Second Edition. xi,185p.; Knowledge Centre
362.829208991597041 BEG 05063942 Honour-based violence : Begikhani, Nazand. Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015 9781409421900 (hardback : alk. paper) xii, 189 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.8292092 SIP 00129430 I Am Not Your Victim : Sipe, Beth. SAGE, 2014 9781452235301 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd Edition xii, 287 p. ; UG Library
362.8292095 BED 04023333 What Went Wrong And Why Bedi, Kiran Hay House 2012 9789381431191 334 Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.82920954 BHA 03011615 Behind Closed Doors : Bhattacharya, Rinki. SAGE Publications, 2004 0761932380 (hbk.) | 0761932399 234 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
362.82920954 BHA 05022833 Behind Closed Doors: Domistic Violence in India Bhattacharya, Rinki Sage Publications 0008178299 231 Knowledge Centre
362.82920954 BHA 01004101 BEHIND CLOSED DOORS:DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN INDIA(LAW LIBRARY) Rinki Bhattacharya Sage Publications 0761932399 231p Knowledge Centre
362.82920954 HAM 05067419 They hang : Hameed, Syeda Saiyidain. Women Unlimited, An Associate of Kali for Women, 2006 818896526X xix, 183 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.82920954 SHI 05022851 Family violence in India : Shirwadkar, Swati Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602249 | 9788131602249 xii, 484 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.82920954 SHI 01013107 Family violence in India : Shirwadkar, Swati Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602249 | 9788131602249 xii, 484 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.82920954 SHI 00097355 Family violence in India : Shirwadkar, Swati Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602249 | 9788131602249 xii, 484 p. ; UG Library
362.82920954 SHI 05022870 Family violence in India : Shirwadkar, Swati Rawat Publications, 2009 8131602249 | 9788131602249 xii, 484 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.82920954 SIN 05034053 Gender Violence / Singh, Subhash Chandra. Serials Publications, 2011 9788183874731 x,218p.; Knowledge Centre
362.829209542 SHU 05034055 Violence on Women / Shukla,Suruchi. Discovery Publishing House, 2012 9789350560167 1st Ed. 135p.; Knowledge Centre
362.82920954BHA 00079800 Behind Closed Doors Domestic Iolence in India Bhatt Acharya, Rinki 0761932399 231p UG Library
362.82920973 LAV 00129434 It Could Happen To Anyone : LaViolette, Alyce D. SAGE, 2014 9781452277745 Third edition. xix, 319 p. ; UG Library
362.82921 DEK 01023093 Violence against women in pornography / DeKeseredy, Walter S., Routledge, 2016 9781138958784 (hardcover : alk 1 Edition. xiii, 136 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.829280941 FUR 05057785 Women violence and social stigma : Furr, Allen. L Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609354 159p. Knowledge Centre
362.829286 SAN 05002290 Counselling Survirors of Domestic Abuse. Sanderson, Christiane Jessica Kingsley Publications 9781843106067 272 p Knowledge Centre
362.8292JAC 01008258 Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence (law Library) Nicky Ali Jackson ROUTLEDGE 0415969689 789 p. Knowledge Centre
362.8295 JOH 10004022 Parental incarceration : Johnston, Denise, Routledge, 2016 9781138183216 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138183223 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxix, 177p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.8295 JOH 05067732 Parental incarceration : Johnston, Denise, Routledge, 2016 9781138183216 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138183223 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxxix, 177p. Knowledge Centre
362.8295 MUR 05045038 Effects of parental incarceration on children : Murray, Joseph, APA, 2014 9781433817434 | 1433817438 xvi, 224 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.83 PAN 07014302 Gender and structural violence Pande,Rekha Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610190 xii,220p.; Library - BR Campus
362.83 PAN 07013941 Gender and structural violence Pande,Rekha Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610190 xii,220p.; Library - BR Campus
362.83 PAN 00136729 Gender and structural violence Pande,Rekha Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610190 xii,220p.; UG Library
362.83 SRE 00073027 Empowerment of Women Through Self Group Sreeramulu, G Delhi 2006 8178355019 322 p . UG Library
362.83 ABH 05023193 Rural Women: Work and Health: [MSW] Bha, Lakshmi Singh 152p Knowledge Centre
362.83 DEV 05045309 Women and Child Development in India / Devi, Jaya Lakshmi Vista International Publishing House, 2014 9789381604830 vii, 264 p. Knowledge Centre
362.83 ENN 05009327 Gender and violence in the Middle East / Routledge, 2011 9780415594103 | 0415594103 | 9 xvii, 279 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.83 HAR 01000005 Reproductive Rights in Practice: a Feminist Report on Quality of Care (law Library) Anita Hardon Zed Books 1856494527 235p Knowledge Centre
362.83 HAR 05022820 Shakthi: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Women`s Empowerment in India [MSW] Harish, Ranjana Rawat Publications 8170337887 327p Knowledge Centre
362.83 IND 05023153 Empowerment of Women and Rural Development: [ MSW] Indira Kumari, Y Serials Publications 8186771611 322p Knowledge Centre
362.83 KAI 05023668 Women, Work and Family / Kaila, H L Rawat Publications, 2004 8170338956 272 p. Knowledge Centre
362.83 KRI 00103996 Half the Sky: Kristof, Nocholas.D Virago ; 2009 9781844086825 328 p.: UG Library
362.83 KUM 05001397 Women and Family Welfare. Kumar A ` Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126125128 404 Knowledge Centre
362.83 MOH 05017704 Violence Against Women / Mohanty, Bedabati Kanishka Publishers 2005 8173917329 166p. Knowledge Centre
362.83 MUT 05022819 Female Infanticide - Its Causes and Solutions Muthulakshmi, R Discovery 132p Knowledge Centre
362.83 PIL 00109318 The Fear That Stalks Pilot Sara Zubaan 2012 9789381017135 x; 337 p. UG Library
362.83 RAM 05032002 Women in Slums : Ramana, P V L Serials Publications, 2004 8186771050 202 p Knowledge Centre
362.83 RAN 05023144 Empowerement of Women and Ecological Development: [MSW] Ranga Reddy, A Serials Publications 8186771018 544 Knowledge Centre
362.83 SHA 05022821 Women and Child Development {MSW} Sharma, Sarita Shreeniwas 8188730297 336p Knowledge Centre
362.83 SHU 00055669 Women, Family and Social Problem in India Shukla, Chhaya Mohit Publications 2002 0817445179 144 p . UG Library
362.83 VER 05023173 Women and Rural Development Programmes: [MSW] Verma, N Binoy B.R PUBLISHING CORPORATION 8176464007 229p Knowledge Centre
362.83 WHI 05022835 State of Feminist Social Work [msw-Section] White, Vicky 0415328446 173p Knowledge Centre
362.83072 SKI 01007663 RESEARCHING GENDER VIOLENCE FEMINIST METHODOLOGY IN ACTION (LAW LIB) Tina Skinner Willain Publishers 1843920409 240 p Knowledge Centre
362.83095 MAJ 01005328 PIOUS FLAMES:EUROPEAN ENCOUNTERS WITH SATI(LAW LIBRARY) Andrea Major Oxford University Press 0195678184 258p Knowledge Centre
362.83095414 BIS 01014237 The Status of Women in India : Biswas,Manjari Abhijeet Publications, 2010 9789380031767 xiii, 252.00 Knowledge Centre
362.83095414 BIS 00106313 The Status Of Women In India biswas ,Manjari (Bhaumik) Abhijeet Publications 2010 9789380031767 xx;252 P. UG Library
362.83095483 JAY 05048216 Gender sensitiveness of Kerala budgets : Jayasree,A. Serials, 2015 9788183876902 xiii,233p.; Knowledge Centre
362.83860954 SHA 00109748 In Conflict and Custody : Shankardass, Rani Dhavan. SAGE, Publications, 2012 9788132108894 | 9788132108894 xxix, 282 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
362.83860954 SHA 01020876 In Conflict and Custody : Shankardass, Rani Dhavan. SAGE, Publications, 2012 9788132108894 | 9788132108894 xxix, 282 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
362.83985 SNE 05047476 No one will let her live : Snell-Rood, Claire Natalie, California University Press, 2015 9780520284807 (cloth : alk. pa xx, 273 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.839850973 BEL 05074489 The psychology of poverty, wealth, and economic inequality / Belle, Deborah, Cambridge University Press, 2023 9781108486149 | 9781108731829 xxviii, 385p.; Knowledge Centre
362.83UN 01007759 Ending Violence Against Women from Words to Action (law Lib) United Organisation UNITED NATION Publications 9211127033 189p Knowledge Centre
362.83ZAR 00088011 Gender, Violent Conflict and Development Zarkov, Dubravka Zubaan Book 9788189013608 309p UG Library
362.84 DIL 00120414 Cultural diversity : Diller, Jerry V. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2011 9780840032256 (pbk.) | 0840032 4th ed. xii, 355 p. ; UG Library
362.84 DOM 05061962 Anti-Racist Social Work / Dominelli, Lena. Palgrave, 2018 9781137534194 4th ed. x, 289p.; Knowledge Centre
362.84 DOM 05022846 Anti-Racist Social Work Dominelli, Lena Palgrave 0333687191 192p Knowledge Centre
362.8400941 CRA 05057291 Understanding 'race' and ethnicity : Polity Press, 2012 9781847427700 xviii,312p.; Knowledge Centre
362.840941 LAI 05002296 Anti-Oppressive Social Work: A Guide for Developing Cultural Competence. Laird, Siobhan E Sage, 2008 9781412912358 182p.; Knowledge Centre
362.8496041 SHA 05044542 Psychology for social workers Robinson, Lena, R P Publications, 2013 9789382398035 | 0415101085 (pb 214 p. Knowledge Centre
362.849915 LIN 05065153 The social value of new technology / Edward Elgar, 2019 9781788116329 (hardback : alk. paper) xi,283p.; Knowledge Centre
362.85 CAS 05023413 Age of Migration : Castles, Stephen Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 0333948793 338p Knowledge Centre
362.85 JAY 05022847 Labour Welfare and Personal Service - MSW Shelf Jayaprakash Reddy, R APH 8176486280 102p Knowledge Centre
362.85 SAH Labour Wefare and Social Security/ Sahni,N K. Kalyani Publication, 2007 8127232475 202p Library - BR Campus
362.85 SAH 07004854 Labour Wefare and Social Security/ Sahni,N K. Kalyani Publication, 2007 8127232475 202p Library - BR Campus
362.85 VIS 07011976 Evaluation for a Caring Society/ Visse,Merel Information age Publishing,Inc, 2018 9781641131636 XV,243 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
362.850954 CHA 05022848 Labour Welfare Administration in India (MSW SHELF) Chauhan, Singh Sewa Kanishka Publishers 8173910014 388p Knowledge Centre
362.87 CER 05022854 Can Compensation Prevent Impovrishment? Reforming Resettlement Through Investments and Benefit-Sharing [MSW-SECTION] Cernea, Michael M 0195687132 441p Knowledge Centre
362.87 CRO 01024635 Refugees and rights Crock, Mary Ashgate publishing limited., 2015 9781472455796 xxiv,57p.; Knowledge Centre
362.87 HUS 00086276 Interrogating Development Hussain, Monirul. Sage Publications, 2008 9788178297361 174 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.87 MAS 04030506 Visual Securitization : Springer, 2021 9783030711450 204p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
362.87 MEH 05035167 Voices In Exile / Rupa Publications, 2013 9788129123893 xxii,263p.; Knowledge Centre
362.87 OBE 00094008 Exile And Belonging Oberoi Pia Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195678932 298 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.87 RAM 05068584 Impossible refuge : Ramsay, Georgina, Routledge, 2018 9780367229634 | 9781138633346 (hbk) viii, 214 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.87 SAR 01026399 Refugee Crisis : Sarkar,Sukanta. Global Vision Publishing House, 2018 9788182209954 xii,288p.; Knowledge Centre
362.87 UNH 01003872 STATE OF the WORLD`S REFUGEES 2006(LAW LIBRARY) UNHCR Oxford University Press 0199290954 237p Knowledge Centre
362.87 VER 05022855 Development, Displacement and Resettlement / Verma, Manish Kumar Rawat Publications 2004 0817033845 332p Knowledge Centre
362.87 VER 05037884 Development, Displacement and Resettlement / Verma, Manish Kumar Rawat Publications 2004 0817033845 332p Knowledge Centre
362.87 WIL 05022856 Reparation and Victim-Focused Social Work: [MSW] Williams, Brian Jessica Kingsley Publications 1843100231 206p Knowledge Centre
362.8708 VAH 00089267 Lives in Exile: Vahali, Honey Oberoi Routledge, 2009 9780415446068 372 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.8708 VAH 00090855 Lives in Exile: Vahali, Honey Oberoi Routledge, 2009 9780415446068 372 p.: UG Library
362.8708 VAH 05002276 Lives in Exile: Vahali, Honey Oberoi Routledge, 2009 9780415446068 372 p.: Knowledge Centre
362.870899274 DUM 01013181 The future for Palestinian refugees : Dumper, Michael. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 9781588264749 (hardcover : alk xii, 233 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8708995414054 BAS 05060341 In diasporic lands : Basu, Sudeep. Orient Blackswan, 2018 9789352870851 | 9352870859 xxi, 250 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.8709 BAN 00108077 Internal Displacement In South Asia Banerjee,Paula Sage Publication 2005 780761933137 370 p. UG Library
362.870941 BAI 05067177 Unsettled : Bailkin, Jordanna, Oxford University Press, 2018 0198814216 | 9780198814214 First edition. vii, 290 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.870954 SAM 05022857 Refugees and the State: Samaddar, Ranabir 2003 0761997296 499p Knowledge Centre
362.8709541 DAS 05022858 Blisters on Their Feet: Das, Samir Kumar Sage Publications 2008 9788178298191 347 p Knowledge Centre
362.8709541DAS 01009567 Blisters on Their Feet: Tales of Internally Displaced Persons in India`s North East (law Lib) Samir Kumar Das Sage Publications 9780761936534 347p Knowledge Centre
362.870956 CHA 01014379 Displacement and dispossession in the modern Middle East / Chatty, Dawn. Cambridge University Press, 9780521817929 (hbk.) | 0521817 xiv, 335 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.8709591 CHA 00133430 The rohingya in south asia : Chaudhury,Sabyasachi Basu Ray Routledge, 2018 9781138363984 xii,218p.; UG Library
362.870973 POT 05022853 Best Practices for Social Work With Refugees & Immigrants [msw-Section] Potocky-Tripodi, Miriam 0231115830 538p Knowledge Centre
362.8753094 HAY 05022859 Social Work, Immigration and Asylum: [MSW] Hayes, Debra Jessica Kingsley Publications 1843101947 240p Knowledge Centre
362.8756 BET 07013135 UNHCR : Loescher, Gil. Routledge, 2012 9780415782821 (hbk.) | 9780415782838 (pbk.) | 9780203146651 (ebk.) 2nd ed. xxv, 191 p. : Library - BR Campus
362.875608995 MCC 01025955 Governing refugees : McConnachie, Kirsten. Routledge, 2014 9780415834001 (hardback) | 041 xv, 200 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.88 MAT 01008130 COUNTERING GENDER VIOLENCE:INITIATIVE TOWARDS COLLECTIVE ACTION IN RAJASTHAN ( LAW LIBRARY) Kanchan Mathur Sage Publications 0761932453 379 Knowledge Centre
362.88 BUR 01016955 Victimology : Burgess, Ann Wolbert. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763772109 (pbk.) | 0763772 xix, 436 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.88 BUR 00131489 Victimology : Burgess, Ann Wolbert, Jones & Bartlett 2019 9781284130195 (paperback) | 9781284130195 3rd ed. 738p. UG Library
362.88 CHU 05067179 Women in the crossfire : Churchill, Robert Paul, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780190468569 (cloth : alk. paper) xiv, 334 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.88 CHU 05067192 Women in the crossfire : Churchill, Robert Paul, Oxford university press, 2018 9780190468569 (cloth : alk. paper) xiv, 334 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.88 CLE 00147843 Understanding victimology : Clevenger, Shelly Routledge, 2024 9781032253145 Second edition. 257p. ; UG Library
362.88 DAI 05058337 Victimology : Daigle, Leah E., Sage, 2018 9781506345215 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xxvi, 693 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.88 DAI 05039821 Victimology : Daigle, Leah E. Sage publication, 2013 9781452258393 (paperback) xx, 343 pages : Knowledge Centre
362.88 DOE 01018559 Victimology / Doerner, William G., Elsevier/AP, 2012 9781437734867 (pbk.) | 1437734 6th ed. xviii, 470 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.88 HAL 00129063 Cyber crimes against women in India / Halder, Debarati, Sage 2017 9789385985775 (hardback : alk. 252p. UG Library
362.88 MAT 05023166 Countering Gender Violence - Initiatives Towards Collective Action in Rajasthan (MSW) Mathur, Kanchan 0761932445 379p Knowledge Centre
362.88 NAI 01019649 Pursuing elusive justice : Vahida Nainar Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198079996 | 0198079990 First edition. xviii, 475 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.88 RAN 01018169 Victimology & Compensatory Jurisprudence / Randhawa Gurpreet Singh Central Law Publications, 2011 9789381292075 xx,296 p. Knowledge Centre
362.88 SPA 01006633 CRIME Victims(law Library) Basia Spalek Palgrave Macmillan 1403935424 201p Knowledge Centre
362.88 TAP 00143441 Victimology : Research, Policy and Activism Tapley, Jacki. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 9783030422875 xiii,408p,; UG Library
362.88 TUR 01027884 Thinking about victimization : Turanovic, Jillian J., Routledge, 2019 9781138697232 (pbk.) | 9781138697225 (hardback) 1 Edition. xi,202p.; Knowledge Centre
362.88 VAL 00140696 Understanding victims of interpersonal violence : Valliere, Veronique N., Routledge, 2020 9780367422936 | 9781498780483 xi, 164 pages ; UG Library
362.88 WIL 05022860 Reparation and Victims-Focused Social Work (MSW) William, Brain Jessica Kingsley Publications 1843100231 207p Knowledge Centre
362.8808 KHA 05022862 Violence Against Women And Human Rights Khanna, Surinder Swastik Publishers & Distributors; 9788189981341 245p Knowledge Centre
362.8808 PAN 00141884 Gender Violence : Pande,Rekha.-ed Rawat Publications, 2020 9788131611395 xii,212p.; UG Library
362.8808 POK 00110971 Crimes Against Women Pokharel,Krishna. Tha Wall Street Journl 2013 9780062312174 1st Ed. x; 161 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.8808 SWA 07011684 Conflict-related violence against women: Swaine, Aisling Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107514195 xi,320p.; Library - BR Campus
362.8808110941 MAZ 05072961 Men, masculinities and honour-based abuse / Mazher Ideiss, Mohammad. Routledge, 2020 9780367204440 xix, 209p, ; Knowledge Centre
362.88082 BAW 05022864 VIOLENCE ON WOMEN BY MEN [ MA-SOC ] Bahl, Manish Cyber Tech Publications 8178842610 348p Knowledge Centre
362.88082 JAN 00142834 Impact of armed conflict on women in Kashmir Jan,Muzamil Serials publications pvt ltd., 2021 9789391844073 x,455p.; UG Library
362.88082 KHA 05039459 Honour killing : Mittal Publications, 2012 9788183244053 | 818324405X xi, 380 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.88082 KUM 05047674 Gender Violence / Kumar, Rakesh. Crescent Publishing corporation, 2015 9788183423625 vii,249p.; Knowledge Centre
362.88082 KUM 05047668 Relocating women's equality / Rawat Publication, 2015 9788131607428 | 8131607429 x, 318 pages ; Knowledge Centre
362.88082 KUM 07006274 Relocating women's equality / Rawat Publication, 2015 9788131607428 | 8131607429 x, 318 pages ; Library - BR Campus
362.88082 KUM 05047932 Gender Violence / Kumar, Rakesh. Crescent Publishing corporation, 2015 9788183423625 vii,249p.; Knowledge Centre
362.88082 MIS 01021800 Law on violence against women / Mishra,Manish. Prateeksha Publications, 2014 9789380626840 vi,232p.; Knowledge Centre
362.88082 NAI 00111558 Voilence against Women in India/ Naidu, Y.Gurappa. Serials Publications, 2011 9788183874830 x: 253p.; UG Library
362.88082 NAT 05045284 Exploitation of Women / Natrajan Samitha Rani.Ms Jnanada Prakashan, 2013 9788171395637 275p.: Knowledge Centre
362.88082 PAN 00140064 Gender Violence: Pande,Rekha Rawat Publications 2020 9788131611395 212p UG Library
362.88082 RAD 05022952 WOMEN VIOLENCE AND STRATEGIES FOR ACTION Radford, Jill 0335203698 193p Knowledge Centre
362.88082 RAD 05022863 Women, Violence and Strategies for Action [ma-Sociology Section] Radford, Jill 0335203698 193p Knowledge Centre
362.88082 RAO 05002298 Women Violence and Strategies for Action:Feminist Research, Policy and Practice. Radford, Jill Open University Press 193p Knowledge Centre
362.88082 REN 00108145 Companion reader on violence against women Renzetti,Claire M. Sage Publications, 2012 9781412996495 x, 411 p. : UG Library
362.88082 SAR 00121847 Crime Against Women Sarkar Sukanta Manglam Publications, 2014 9789382983248 353 p.: UG Library
362.88082 SIN 05032711 Violence against women and children : Serials Publications, 2012 9788183875257 | 8183875254 x, 245 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.880820954 DAS 01019410 Crime and women/ Dastidar,Ruchi Ghosh Concept Publishing Company. 2012 9788180698101 224p.; Knowledge Centre
362.880820954 NAV 05032460 Social Exclusion & Gender / Abhijit Publications, 2012 9789350740019 xvi,391p.; Knowledge Centre
362.88082095479 DAV 05046630 Women survivors of violence : Dave,Anjali. Orient BlackSwan, 2015 9788125059158 xii,207p.; Knowledge Centre
362.88083 GAL 01024158 Child victims and restorative justice : Gal, į¹¬ali. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199744718 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.88083 GAL 01023214 Child victims and restorative justice : Gal, į¹¬ali. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199744718 (hbk. : alk. pap viii, 240 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.88094 WOL 01024532 Victimology : Wolhuter, Lorraine. Routledge-Cavendish, 2009 9781138147324 xviii, 301 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.88094WOL 01010973 Victimology: Victimisation and Victims Rights (law Lib) Lorraine Wolhuter ROUTLEDGE 9781845680459 301p Knowledge Centre
362.880954 DAS 07013086 Critical Events : Das Veena Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199485291 xxvi,235p.: Library - BR Campus
362.880954 RAJ 01017738 Victimology in India : Rajan, V. N. Allied Publishers, 1981 viii, 136 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.880954 RAJ 01026255 Victimology in India / Rajan, V. N. A P H Publishers, 2012 268 p. ; Knowledge Centre
362.883 KIL 07007694 Violence and the cultural politics of trauma Kilby, Jane Edinburgh University Press, 2007 xvi, 144 p. : Library - BR Campus
362.883 MAN 00089492 Fear and Forgiveness: Mander, Harsh Penguin Book, 2009 9780143102212 219 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.883 PAL 00124540 Victims of sexual assault and abuse : Praeger, 2010 9780313379703 2 v. : UG Library
362.883 PAL 00124539 Victims of sexual assault and abuse : Praeger, 2010 9780313379703 2 v. : UG Library
362.883092 ABD 05067549 What We Talk About When We Talk About Rape / Abdulali, Sohaila. Penguin Random House, 2018 9780670091775 229p.; Knowledge Centre
362.883092 MAI 05022861 In the Name of Honour:A Memoir [msw-Section] Mai, Mukhtar Virago Press 9781844084098 xvii,172 Knowledge Centre
362.884092 TAS 10004698 Lost to the world : Taseer, Shahbaz, Penguim random house india pvt ltd., 2022 9780670099498 First edition. 278 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.88SON 01009382 Crime Victims and Justice (law Lib) Madhava P Somasundaram Serials Publications 9788183871631 457p Knowledge Centre
362.88TUR 05040046 Forensic Victimology; Examining Violent Crime Victims in Investigative and Legal Contexts (law Lib) Brent E Turvey Academic Press 9780123740892 564p Knowledge Centre
362.88TUR 01010403 Forensic Victimology; Examining Violent Crime Victims in Investigative and Legal Contexts (law Lib) Brent E Turvey Academic Press 9780123740892 564p Knowledge Centre
362.88TUR 01010726 Forensic Victimology; Examining Violent Crime Victims in Investigative and Legal Contexts (law Lib) Brent E Turvey Academic Press 9780123740892 564p Knowledge Centre
362.88WAL 01009469 Handbook of Victims and Victimology (law Lib) Sandra Walklate Willain Publishers 9781843922575 526 Knowledge Centre
362.88WEL 01008994 Preventing Crime: What Works for Children, Offenders, Victims, and Places ( Law Lib ) Brandon C Welsh SPRINGER 9781402042430 243p. Knowledge Centre
362.8954 NAI 05044264 Ageing in an Indian City / Nair T.K Eeswari books, 2011 9788175254886 xii,150p.: Knowledge Centre
362.8954 NAI 05044265 Ageing in an Indian City / Nair T.K Eeswari books, 2011 9788175254886 xii,150p.: Knowledge Centre
362.896 DEN 05068217 Social work practice with LGBTQIA populations : Routledge, 2019 9781138672437 (pbk.) | 9781138672420 (hardback) xiv,301p.; Knowledge Centre
362.89686 ALD 05039808 Counseling LGBTI clients Alderson, Kevin. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412987189 (pbk.) | 1412987 x,328p.; Knowledge Centre
362.89912 AMB 00137502 Adivasis,migrants and the state in india Ambagudia,Jagannath Routledge, 2019 9780367343408 xiii,282p.; UG Library
362.899125 HIL 00130520 Models for practice with immigrants and refugees : Hilado, Aimee Sage 2018 9781483377148 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvi, 444 pages ; UG Library
362.8AMB 01008193 Reservation Policy - Issues and Implementation (law Lib.) Nagendra S Ambedkar ABD PUBLISHERS 9788183761574 199p. Knowledge Centre
362.8PRA 00053144 Ngo`s and Socio-Economic Development Opportunities Prasad, Kamta Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176292583 264p UG Library
362.9 WIL. 00029925 Criminal History of Mankind Wilson, Collin Penguin 1986 702 p . UG Library
362.954 BAT 05002275 Administration of Social Welfare in India - Master of Social Work Shelf Batra, Nitin Raj Publishing House 8187248912 196p Knowledge Centre
362.954 AKR 05041749 Maternal Health in India : Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606520 viii,288p.: Knowledge Centre
362.954 AKR 05041356 Maternal Health in India : Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606520 viii,288p.: Knowledge Centre
362.954 BHA 05022869 Social Problems in India [ Issues and Perspectives ] Bhattacharyya, Dr Sunil Regency 0818603000 167p Knowledge Centre
362.954 CSD 01006884 India: Social Development Report ( Law Lib.) Oxford University Press 0195678362 224p. Knowledge Centre
362.954 CSD 05067139 India, social development report / Council for Social Development. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780199494361 xxii,332p. : Knowledge Centre
362.954 JHA 05022868 Unorganised Sector:Work Security and Social Protection: [MSW] Jhabvala, Renana 0076199419 191p Knowledge Centre
362.954 MAC 05022866 Development, Deprivation and Welfare Policy (MSW) Mallik, R M Rawat Publications 8170338832 402p Knowledge Centre
362.954 MAN 05067519 Partitions Of The Heart : Mander, Harsh. Penguin Random House, 2018 9780670089772 xliii, 290p.; Knowledge Centre
362.954 NAG 05022865 Social Work in Urban India [ MSW ] Nagpaul, Hans Rawat 222p Knowledge Centre
362.954 SIN 00111770 Social Security in Human Rights Perspective/ Singh, Robin Cyber Tech Publications, 2013 9789350531228 viii: 272.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
362.954. SHA 00146292 Development Deprivation : Shah, Ghanshyam Rawat, 2023 9788131613054 345p. ; UG Library
362.95487 THI 00023836 Socio-Economic Impact of Drinking State Lottery and Horse-Racingin Karnatak Thimmmaiah, G Sterling Publisher 1983 240 p . UG Library
362.954OBA 00056288 Bharathiya Prachalitha Samanya Samasyegalu Obalesha, Gatti R VIDYANIDHI 346p UG Library
362.969792 WB 05002943 Education and Hiv/aids:A Sourcebook of HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs 0 World Bank 359p Knowledge Centre
362.973 SIN 05067334 Social Welfare System / Sinha, Abhishek. Ishika Publishing House, 2020 9789388454070 viii, 208p.; Knowledge Centre
362.973023 MAR 05037375 Introduction to human services : Martin, Michelle E. Pearson Education, 2014 9780205848058 (pbk.) | 0205848 3rd ed. xviii, 411 p. : Knowledge Centre
362.98342 DAL 01005042 LAW OF PARISH CHURCH(LAW LIBRARY) Sri William Dale Oxford University Press 0406897778 223p Knowledge Centre
362CHA 00054911 Varadakshine: Saamajika Pidugu Chayapathi, T S Prathika Prakashana UG Library
362MER 00041938 Contemporary Social Problems Merton, Robert K Harcourt & Row 881 p UG Library
362MER 00041939 Contemporary Social Problems Merton, Robert K Harcourt & Row 881 p UG Library
363 CAR 00057919 Silent Spring Carson, Rachel Other India Press 2002 244 .p . UG Library
363 RAJ 00057935 Rejuvenating Tanks: a Socio-Ecological Approach Raju, K V Books for Change 2003 8187380756 332 p . UG Library
363 RAY 00058061 Human Choie and Climate Change Rayner, Steve Batelle Press 2002 491 p. UG Library
363 ADI 00087093 Urbanisation, Slums and Environmental Health Adinarayannappa, N A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 9788126136629 300 p UG Library
363 CAR 00137093 Silent Spring Carson, Rachel Penguin books, 2002 9780141184944 323p.; UG Library
363 DEL 05058004 Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure : Delmon, Jeffrey Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 9780821377864 xix, 640 p. Knowledge Centre
363 HAR 05007837 Depoliticizing Development : Harriss,John LeftWord Books, 2001 9788187496243 145 p. Knowledge Centre
363 JAD 05073537 Rural elderly and their quest for health / Jadhav, Abhijeet. AuthorsUpFront, 2021 9789387280908 xiv, 272 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363 KAU 05019680 Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization` Kaul, Inge 0195157419 646p Knowledge Centre
363 KAU 05059250 Providing global public goods : Published for the United Nations Development Project [by] Oxford University Press, 2003 0195157400 | 0195157419 (pbk.) xxii, 646 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363 RAM 00145616 Watershed: Ramesh, Mridula Hachette Book Publishing 2023 9789393701374 414p UG Library
363 RAT 00145660 Climate Capitalism: Rathi, Akshat John Murray 2023 9781529329933 260p UG Library
363 RAY 00058060 Human Choie and Climate Change Rayner, Steve Batelle Press 2002 491 p. UG Library
363 RAY 00058062 Human Choie and Climate Change Rayner, Steve Batelle Press 2002 491 p. UG Library
363 RAY 00058063 Human Choie and Climate Change Rayner, Steve Batelle Press 2002 491 p. UG Library
363 SAL 00133410 Green conventions Salpekar,A Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171399260 251p.; UG Library
363 SMI 05055359 Thinking through the environment : Routledge ; | Open University, 1999 0415211719 (hbk) | 0415211727 xi, 435 p. : Knowledge Centre
363 SUR 00065953 Wild Periyar: DVD on Periyar Wild Life Sactuary Suresh, Elamon Suresh Eleamon UG Library
363 TRI 05019690 India`s Environment Reivedi, P R APH 8176485292 225p Knowledge Centre
363,7 SAX 05019752 Environmental Management / Saxena, H M Rawat Publications : 8170336260 398p.; Knowledge Centre
363,7 SAX 01014189 Environmental Management / Saxena, H M Rawat Publications : 8170336260 398p.; Knowledge Centre
363.07 DAV 00148221 Environomics/ David, Dharshini Elliot and Thompson Limitted; 2024 9781783966769 260p UG Library
363.091732 REI 01023054 Competition in the provision of local public goods : Reifschneider, Alexandra Petermann, Edward Elgar, 2006 1845423690 | 9781845423698 viii, 283 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.0954 3IN 05058006 India Infrastructure Report 2010 : 3iNetwork Oxford university; 2010 9780198071457 447 p.: Knowledge Centre
363.1 CAL 05057193 Seeking security in an insecure world / Caldwell, Dan. Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 9781442252134 (cloth : alk. pa Third edition. xii, 327 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.1 HIG 05019707 Applying Health Social Science: Higginbotham, Nick ZED BOOKS, 2004 1842770500 288p .: Knowledge Centre
363.1 KLA 05062015 Surveillance & space / Klauser, Francisco Reto, Sage, 2017 9781473907768 | 1473907764 | 9781473907775 | 1473907772 ix,193p.; Knowledge Centre
363.1 KLA 07012174 Surveillance & space / Klauser, Francisco Reto, Sage, 2017 9781473907768 | 1473907764 | 9781473907775 | 1473907772 ix,193p.; Library - BR Campus
363.1 KOE 01026644 Strategies for minimizing risk under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and related laws / Koehler, Mike, Edward Elgar, 2018 9781788114929 (cased) | 9781788973571 (paperback) x,366p.; Knowledge Centre
363.1 MAT 05019706 Health Hazards, Gender and Society (UGC Outonomous Grant) (MSW) Mathur, Indu Rawat Publications 8170332391 190p Knowledge Centre
363.102MCD 01010476 Risk Analysis and Society: An Interdisciplinary Characterization of the Field(law Lib) Timothy Mcdaniels Cambridge University Press 9780521532631 468p Knowledge Centre
363.1042 GAB 00111533 Key Concepts in Medical Sociology/ Gabe, Jonathan., Sage Publications Ltd., 2013 9780857024787 2nd Ed. xix: 229p.; UG Library
363.10954 TRI 05055325 India`s Environment / Trivedi, P R APH, 2004 8176485292 225p.; Knowledge Centre
363.11 ALL 00087919 Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety Alli, Benjamin O. VMP Books , 2003 8181630194 154 p.: UG Library
363.11 NAD 05019704 Sociology of Industrial Worker [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Nadkarni, Lakshmi` Rawat 242p Knowledge Centre
363.11 NIC 05019705 Sociology of Industrial Injury [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Nichols, Theo 0072012381 241p Knowledge Centre
363.11 PAU 05034715 Safety Management System and Documentation Training Programme / Paul S V CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd, 2013 9788123923444 403p.: Knowledge Centre
363.11 TAT 04018147 Elements of industrial hazards Tatiya, Ratan Raj. CRC Press/Balkema, 2011 9780415886451 (hbk.) | 9780203 396p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.110684 HUB 05024446 The craft of bureaucratic neutrality : Huber, Gregory Alain, Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521872799 (cloth) | 052187 viii, 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.110941 HOL 00128694 Principles of Health and safety at work Holy, Allan St John Routledge, 2012 9781138855151 8th edition 356p : . UG Library
363.110973 GEO 01022628 Hospitals & the Law / George Brig M.A LexisNexis, 2016 9789351438120 x,158p.: Knowledge Centre
363.110973 GEO 01024050 Hospitals & the Law / George Brig M.A LexisNexis, 2016 9789351438120 x,158p.: Knowledge Centre
363.117 MAC 05068222 The science and politics of work disability prevention / Routledge, 2019 9781138335318 (pbk.) | 9781138335301 (hardcover) 1 Edition. xvii,291p.; Knowledge Centre
363.117 TOM 05008779 Economic evaluation of interventions for occupational health and safety : Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199533596 | 0199533598 xvi, 295 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.1193 WEL 03001059 Tolley's Risk Assessment Workbook Series Retail / Welham, Jacqui. Elsevier, 2008 754518906 | 9780754518907 138 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.11954 LAP 05055313 It Was Five Past Midnight in Bhoopal / Lapierre, Dominique. Full Circle, 2001 8176210919 376p.; Knowledge Centre
363.124 GER 04015413 Aviation disasters : Gero, David. PSL, 2006 0750931469 4th ed. 368 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.12462 FLO 04010596 Airworthiness : De Florio, Filippo. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011 9780080968025 2nd ed. xi, 349 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.125 IYE 01018333 The children's code / Iyer, Vr Krishna Universal law PUblishing co.pvt, ltd. 2012 9789350351420 xi, 95p. Knowledge Centre
363.131 SIN 05012194 Women Domestics : Singh, Vinita. Rawat Publications, 2007 978813160087 205 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.131SIN 01006540 Women Domestics: Workers With Households ( Law Lib ) Vinita Singh RAWAT 8131600882 205p Knowledge Centre
363.168 MCM 05023410 The Person-Centred : Mcmillan, Michael Sage Publications, 2004 0761948694 90 p. Knowledge Centre
363.17 BEL 00135510 Liquidator : Belyakov, Sergei. World Scientific Oublishing Co. Ltd, 2019 9789813227415 | 9813227419 | 9789813228689 | 9813228687 vii, 175 pages ; UG Library
363.17 KUC 07009347 The politics of invisibility : Kuchinskaya, Olga, The MIT Press, 2014 9780262027694 (hardcover : alk xii, 249 pages : Library - BR Campus
363.17 NEG 05032729 Management of Hazardous Substances In The Environment / Negi,J.S. Cyber Tech Publication, 2012 9788178849447 272p.; Knowledge Centre
363.17/99 04009764 Disconnect : Davis, Devra Lee. Dutton, 2010 9780525951940 (hardcover) xii, 274 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.1763 ROB 00141571 A practical guide to toxicology and human health risk assessment / Robinson, Laura, John wiley and sons,Inc., 2019 9781118882023 (pbk.) xxv, 372 pages : UG Library
363.1791 GEO 05055318 Lead Poisoning Prevention and Treatment / George, M Abraham. George Foundation, 1999 445p.; Knowledge Centre
363.1791 HAN 01003009 Bhopal Reader (law Lib) Bridget Hanna Other India Press 8185569703 306p Knowledge Centre
363.1791 MUK 00106835 Surviving Bhopal Mukherjee Suroopa Palgrave Macmillan; 2011 9780230100411 x, 212 p. UG Library
363.1791 PEN 00142586 Toxicology for the health and pharmaceutical sciences / PeƱa-FernƔndez, Antonio CRC press, 2022 9781138303362 | 9781032100227 First edition. xvii, 512 pages : UG Library
363.1791 WAL 05004087 The politics of asbestos : Waldman, Linda, Earthscan, 2010 9781849711074 (hardback) | 978 xiv,217p.; Knowledge Centre
363.179109 GAD 00142315 Regulatory toxicology / Gad, Shayne C CRC press, 2019 9781498780827 (hardback : alk. paper) Third edition. xi, 354 pages : UG Library
363.1799 DAV 05033534 Disconnect : Davis, Devra Lee. Dutton, 2010 9780525951940 (hardcover) xii, 274 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.1799094 BRO 05066585 Manual For Survival : Brown, Kate. Allen Lane, 2019 9780241352069 420p.; Knowledge Centre
363.17MOR 01008421 Environmental Forensics:Contaminant Specific Guide (law Lib) Robert D Morrision Academic Press 0125077513 541p Knowledge Centre
363.189 BUR 05019703 Cellular phones, public fears, and a culture of precaution / Burgess, Adam. Cambridge University Press, 0521817595 (Hbk.) | 9780521520 x, 301 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.19 KHA 05055319 Food Standards and Safety in a Globalised World : Khanna, Ram Sri New Century Publications, 2003 8177080377 505p.; Knowledge Centre
363.1907 HAZ 00035052 Hygiene: A Complete Course for Food Handlers Mcleane Hazerlwood, Hodder &Stoughton 1992 116 p . UG Library
363.192 CHA 00120452 Restaurant Food safety management Chandna Sunanda Singh Random Publishers 2014 9789351111429 289p. UG Library
363.192 CLP 01025625 The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 : Commercial Law Publishers Commercial Law Publishers, 2018 9789384245290 | 9789385075605 10th ed., xxxii,1388p.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 CLP 01023766 The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 : Commercial Law Publishers Commercial Law Publishers, 2016 9789384245290 7th ed. xxiv,781p.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 CLP 01022541 The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 : Commercial Law Publishers Commercial Law Publishers, 2016 9789384245290 7th ed. xxiv,781p.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 CLP 01027037 Commercial's The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 : Commercial Law Publishers Commercial Law Publishers, 2019 9789388798532 12th ed., xxxix,1692p.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 GUP 01028684 Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 / Commercial Law Publishers, 2021 9789390926602 15th ed. xlii,1910p.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 GUP 01024937 Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 / Gupta, Virag ed. Commercial Law Publishers, 2017 9789385075421 9th ed. xxxi, 1238p.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 HES 05055333 Food safety and food quality / Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001 0854042709 (pbk.) xi, 166 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.192 KNE 00111846 Food safety : Knechtges, Paul L. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9780763785567 (pbk.) | 0763785 xi, 460 p. : UG Library
363.192 KNO 05055358 Food Safety in the Hospitality Industry / Knowles, Tim. 2003 0750653493 | 9780750653497 339p.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 KNO 00056079 Food Safety in the Hospitality Industry Knowles, Tim Bitttworth Heinemann 2003 0750653493 339 p . Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.192 MAD 00122496 Global Enclyclopaedia of Environmental Science and Technology Madan, Sangeeta Global Vision Publishing House, 2015 9788182206823 2nd Edi. xii, 703 p:. UG Library
363.192 MAH 00060758 Food Safety : Concept and Reality Mahindru S N APH Publishing 2000 8176486000 284 p UG Library
363.192 MAT 05062393 Food Safety and Quality Control / Mathur,Pulkit. Orient BlackSwan, 2018 9789352873791 xviii,314p.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 MCK 00127479 Risk Analysis Principles and Procedures During Food Safety Emergencies Mckenize, Gwen Koro Press, 2015 9781781635766 334p : . UG Library
363.192 NIJ 01026845 Ilbco's Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006, Rules 2011, Regulations / Nijhawan,Rajan. Ilbaco India, 2019 20th ed., 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
363.192 NIJ 01026846 Ilbco's Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006, Rules 2011, Regulations / Nijhawan,Rajan. Ilbaco India, 2019 20th ed., 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
363.1926 SET 01021756 Seth & Capoor's commentary on the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 with rules, 2011 (Act No. 34 of 2006) : Seth, H. D., Delhi Law House, 2015 9789381308592 8th edition. lxxiv, 1739 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.1926 CRU 00136243 Methods in food analysis / Cruz, Rui M. S., CRC press, 2018 9781482231953 (hardback : acidfree paper) x,236p.; UG Library
363.1926 EDE 00111847 Food science : Edelstein, Sari. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014 9781449603441 (hardbound) | 14 xxvi, 553 p. : UG Library
363.1926 GUP 01028114 The Food Safety And Standard Act, 2006 / Commercial Law Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2020 9789389564037 13th ed. xxxix, 1703p.; Knowledge Centre
363.1926 REE 05072303 Food adulteration and food fraud / Rees, Jonathan. Reaktion Books Ltd, 2020 9781789141948 174p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.1926 SOO 00127887 Foodborne diseases : Soon, Jan Mei CRC Press 2016 9781482208276 | 148220827X (al xiii, 418 pages : UG Library
363.1926 SUN 00108889 Handbook Of Food Safety Engineering ed by,Sun -Wen-Da Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 9781444333343 | 9781444333343 xxiii, 840 p. UG Library
363.1926 YIA 00111852 Food safety culture/ Yiannas, Frank. Springer, 2009 9780387728667 (hbk.) | 0387728 xii: 95p.; UG Library
363.1926072 FEA 07013614 Measuring the economic value of research : Cambridge University Press, 2018 9781107159693 (hardback) | 9781316612415 (paperback) xxiv, 184 pages : Library - BR Campus
363.1926094 KNO 01017459 Food Safety in the Hospitality Industry Knowles, Tim 0750653493 339p Knowledge Centre
363.19264 PAM 03005911 threats to food safety / Pampel, Fred C. Viva Books, 2008 9788130907567 300p.,; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.1929 FAL 05045010 The international politics of genetically modified food : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 9780230001251 (hdbk.) | 023000 xiv, 265 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.196 BHA 00089301 Population Environment and Health: Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131601334 332 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.2 BUT 01000288 Private Policing (law Lib) Mark Button LAWMAN 0817504036 155p Knowledge Centre
363.2 CHA 01000162 Police Administration and Investigation of Crime (law Library) J C Chaturvedi Isha Books 8182053544 292p Knowledge Centre
363.2 GLE 05055349 Policing communities : Roxbury Pub., 2000 1891487078 (pbk. : alk. paper) xvi, 321 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.2 HOY 01008425 Freezing and Search Orders Marks S W Hoyle Informa 1843115263 414p. Knowledge Centre
363.2 JOH 01025273 Policing in The Accusatorial System : John P C R.Cambray & Co.Pvt, 2017 9788189659295 xxx,316p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2 PAL 00121308 Policing & society : a global approach Palmiotto, Michael Cengage Learning, 2011 9781111128241 312p.: UG Library
363.2 PAL 00126077 Policing & society : a global approach Palmiotto, Michael Cengage Learning, 2011 9781111128241 312p.: UG Library
363.2 PAU 00056110 Holding the State to Account - Citizen Monitoring in Action Paul, Samuel Books for Change 8187380667 196 UG Library
363.2 PEP 00128630 Working in Policing Pepprer, Lan K. Learning Matters 2011 9780857254894 vii, 161 p. ; UG Library
363.2 PHI 01024848 Change and reform in law enforcement : CRC Press, 2017 9781498741682 (alk. paper) xxviii, 325 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.2 ROA 10002158 Practical psychology for policing/ Roach, Jason Policy press, 2023 9781447325925 x,137p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.2 ROS 05039230 Policing issues : Ross, Jeffrey Ian. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9780763771386 (pbk.) | 0763771 xxii, 334 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.2 SAC 01012819 Police law Reform: K,Sachidananda Karnataka Institute for Law and Parliamentary reform 121p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2 SUR 01022967 Commentaray on Karnataka Police Manual/ K. S. Sureshbabu Karnataka Law Journal Publication, 2016 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
363.2 SUR 01022968 Commentaray on Karnataka Police Manual/ K. S. Sureshbabu Karnataka Law Journal Publication, 2016 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
363.2 SUR 01022969 Commentaray on Karnataka Police Manual/ K. S. Sureshbabu Karnataka Law Journal Publication, 2016 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
363.2 VER 01012016 Understanding the police in India Verma,Arvind LexisNexis 9788180385698 311p Knowledge Centre
363.2 WRI 01000282 Policing Alan Wright LAWMAN 8175040327 205p Knowledge Centre
363.2019 BLA 01020583 Policing and Psychology / Blagden Nicholas Sage, 2012 9780857258335 108p.: Knowledge Centre
363.2019 KIT 05068195 Handbook of police psychology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9781138917057 (pbk.) | 9780367209070 (hardback) Revised Edition. xiii,652p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2019 KIT 05005209 Handbook of police psychology / Routledge, 2011 9780415877664 (hbk.) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
363.2019 KIT 09000124 Handbook of police psychology / Oxford University Press, 2019 9781138917057 (pbk.) | 9780367209070 (hardback) Revised Edition. xiii,652p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.202341 COX 00128624 Passing the Police Recruit Assessment Process / Cox, Peter, Law Matters Ltd 2010 9781844453580 Second edition. 137 pages : UG Library
363.20284 SHE 00128625 Policing and Technology Sheldon, Barrie Laarning Matters 2010 9781844455928 183 p. : UG Library
363.20284SNO 01011386 Technology and Law Enforcement (law Lib) Robert L Snow Praeger 9780275993344 188p Knowledge Centre
363.20284SNO 01011630 Technology and Law Enforcement (law Lib) Robert L Snow Praeger 9780275993344 188p Knowledge Centre
363.203KUR 01008469 World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems (law Lib.) Geoge Thomas Kurian Gale Group 0078767737 1274p. Knowledge Centre
363.203KUR 01008470 World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems (law Lib.) Geoge Thomas Kurian Gale Group 0078767737 1274p. Knowledge Centre
363.206 GAR 07010453 Policing and Contemporary Governance Garriott William Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137498168 xxi, 280 p.: Library - BR Campus
363.20601 MAR 01013523 The Legal Foundations of Interpol Martha,Rutsel Silvestre J Hart Publishing 9781849460408 253p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2068 BIR 01021241 Principles of leadership and management in law enforcement / Birzer, Michael L., CRC Press, 2012 9781439880340 (alk. paper) xxii, 367 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.2068 ROB 05055314 Police management / Roberg, Roy R. Roxbury Pub. Co., 2002 1891487833 (hbk. : alk. paper) 3rd ed. xiii, 449 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.20683 BEN 01008353 Management and Supervsion in Law Enforcement (law Library) Wayne Bennett Brooks/cole Publishing Company 0534554342 618 p. Knowledge Centre
363.20684 DEA 01007161 Knowledge Management in Policing and Law Enforcement ( Law Lib.) Geoff Dean Pxford 9780199214075 279p. Knowledge Centre
363.20684 MUN 03011690 Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development / Scientific International Pvt, 2014 9789381714720 xxiv, 204 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.20684 MUN 01021823 Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development / Scientific International Pvt, 2014 9789381714720 xxiv, 204 p.: Knowledge Centre
363.20687AYL 01010253 Lengthening the Arm of the Law (law Lib) Julie Ayling Cambridge University Press 9780521732598 318p Knowledge Centre
363.20688 CHO 01020861 Policing : Choudhary, Rohit. Sage Publications India ; | SAGE, 2009 9788178299440 | 8178299445 xx, 306 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.20688 CHO 00098694 Policing : Choudhary, Rohit. Sage Publications India ; | SAGE, 2009 9788178299440 | 8178299445 xx, 306 p. : UG Library
363.20688 GAR 00121849 Policing and Contemporary Governance Garriott William Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137498168 xxi, 280 p.: UG Library
363.20711 COP 00128576 Reflective practice for policing students / Copley, Selina. Learning Matters, 2011 9781844458486 (pbk.) vi, 121 p. : UG Library
363.20820 NAY 00142844 Women police in India: Nayak,Ramesh Chandra Serials publications pvt ltd., 2021 9788195288755 x,274p.; UG Library
363.209 KAU 07010764 Stolen years : Pavit Kaur, Random House India, 2014 9788184004427 xxi, 239 pages : Library - BR Campus
363.2091823 MIN 05069518 Mental health in Asia and the Pacific / Springer, 2018 9781493986804 xi,327p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2092 ANN 00140464 Stepping beyond khaki : Annamalai,K Bloomsbury 2021 9789389449853 | 9389449855 xv, 234 pages : UG Library
363.2092 BED 00110177 Dare to do! Bedi, Kiran. Hay House Publishers (India), 2012 9789381431436 (pbk.) | 9381431 257 p. ; UG Library
363.2092 BED 07007278 I Dare! : Bedi, Kiran. Hay House Publishers (India), 2011 9788189988548 Rev. & enl. ed. xiv, 355 p., [24] p. of plates : Library - BR Campus
363.2092 BED 05002822 I Dare! : Bedi, Kiran. Hay House Publishers (India), 2011 9788189988548 Rev. & enl. ed. xiv, 355 p., [24] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
363.2092 BED 03008218 I Dare! : Bedi, Kiran. Hay House Publishers (India), 2011 9788189988548 Rev. & enl. ed. xiv, 355 p., [24] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.2092 BED 04016983 I Dare! : Bedi, Kiran. Hay House Publishers (India), 2011 9788189988548 Rev. & enl. ed. xiv, 355 p., [24] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.2092 BED 01013837 I Dare! : Bedi, Kiran. Hay House Publishers (India), 2011 9788189988548 Rev. & enl. ed. xiv, 355 p., [24] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
363.2092 BED 00103990 I Dare! : Bedi, Kiran. Hay House Publishers (India), 2011 9788189988548 Rev. & enl. ed. xiv, 355 p., [24] p. of plates : UG Library
363.2092 DAT 01015694 CBI Top Cop Recalls / Datta,S.K. Manas Publications, 268p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2092 DHI 05037691 Time present & time past : Dhillon, K. S. Penguin Books, 2013 9780143417330 (paperback) | 01 xxi, 330 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Knowledge Centre
363.2092 HOG 05061137 Hunting El Chapo : Hogan, Andrew. HarperCollins, 2018 9780008245849 xii,339p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2092 KER 04012139 The lost son : Kerik, Bernard B. ReganBooks, 2001 9780060009014 1st ed. xiii, 361 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.2092 KUM 00140233 Khaki Files: Kumar,Neeraj Penguin Books 2019 9780143428008 217p UG Library
363.2092 KUM 07005540 Dial D for don : Kumar, Neeraj, Penguin Books, 2015 9780143424420 (paperback) | 01 xxviii, 264 pages : Library - BR Campus
363.2092 LAH 00119500 Demystifying Police : Strange yet True Lahiri, BN Manas Publications, 2014 9788170494805 302p.; UG Library
363.2092 NAI 01015692 Inside IB and RAW : Nair K.Sankaran. Manas Publications, 9788170493051 235p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2092 SIN 00122014 Is It Police? : Singh, V. K. Manas Publications, 2014 9788170494317 | 8170494311 232 p:. UG Library
363.20924 KAU 05072519 Sailng on My Own Compass, Kaushal Mukund Rupa Publication. 2022 9789355201461 xxxvi,251p ,; Knowledge Centre
363.20937 NIP 00127291 Public order in ancient Rome / Nippel, Wilfried. Cambridge University Press, 1995 0521383277 (hc.) | 0521387493 ix, 163 p. ; UG Library
363.20941 FIE 01007517 Police and Social Conflict ( Law Lib.) Nigel G Fielding GLASS HOUSE 1904385230 242p. Knowledge Centre
363.20941 PEI 01017151 The politics of the police / Reiner, Robert, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199283392 | 0199283397 4th ed. xiv, 319 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.209411BAR 01010373 Police in the Age of Improvement: Police Development and the Civic Tradiition in Scotland, 1775-1865 (law Lib) David G Barrie Willain Publishers 9781843922667 307p Knowledge Centre
363.20942 GUP 01028774 A Compendium of Prison Laws / Gupta, Sunil Kumar. Thomson Reuters, 2021 9789390673230 lxi, 814p.; Knowledge Centre
363.20942 LAL 01020062 Hand Book Of Police & Prosecution Laws : Lal Law Publisher (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788171111106 20th x, p.v. Knowledge Centre
363.20942 LAL 01020063 Hand Book Of Police & Prosecution Laws : Lal Law Publisher (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788171111106 20th x, p.v. Knowledge Centre
363.20942 LAL 01020064 Hand Book Of Police & Prosecution Laws : Lal Law Publisher (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9788171111106 20th x, p.v. Knowledge Centre
363.20942ROW 01011179 Introduction to Policing(law Lib) Michael Rowe Sage Publications 9781412928694 264p Knowledge Centre
363.20954 CAR 01023363 Police Law / Card, Richard Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198724360 14th ed xli,941p.; Knowledge Centre
363.20954 GAH 05039859 Psycho-Social Analysis of Indian Police System / Gahlawat Dalvir Singh Authorspress, 2013 9788172737306 xx,203p.: Knowledge Centre
363.20954 JOS 05037861 Policing in India : Joshi,G.P. Atlantic Publishers, 2013 9788126918089 xxiii,374p.; Knowledge Centre
363.20954 VAD 07013088 Indian Police and Nexus Crimes / Vadackumchery James Kalpaz Publications, 2002 8178350386 291p.: Library - BR Campus
363.20954 VER 01019903 Understanding the police in India / Verma, Arvind. LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa, 2014 9789351430292 2nd ed. xv, 307 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.2095405 DOV 01015707 Manas police & security yearbook 2010 - 2011 / Doval,Ajit. Manas Publications, 9788170493662 416p.; Knowledge Centre
363.209542 JAU 05058801 Provisional Authority : Jauregui,Beatrice Permanent Black, 2017 9788178245140 205p.; Knowledge Centre
363.209542 JAU 00129017 Provisional Authority : Jauregui,Beatrice Permanent Black, 2017 9788178245140 205p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.2095491 SIN 01025501 Custody jurisprudence: SIngh,Kavita Eastern law house, 2018 9788171773237 328p.; Knowledge Centre
363.20954MEH 01008761 Police in Changing India ( Law Lib.) Ajay K Mehra Usha Jain 184p. Knowledge Centre
363.20973 BRA 07012324 Police in America / Brandl, Steven G. Sage publications Inc., 2018 9781483379135 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvi, 404 pages : Library - BR Campus
363.20973 BRA 01024976 Police in America / Brandl, Steven G. Sage publications Inc., 2018 9781483379135 (pbk. : alk. pap xxvi, 404 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.22 JUN 01021245 What they didn't teach at the academy : June, Dale L CRC Press, 2014 9781439869192 (paperback : alk xxvi, 371 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.220941 COX 00128573 Passing the PCSO Recruit Assessment Process Cox, Peter. Law Matters 2007 9781846410598 (pbk.) | 1846410 vi, 106 p. ; UG Library
363.220941 MAL 00128619 Interview exercises for the police recruit assessment process / Malthouse, Richard. Learning Matters, 2010 9781844454617 (pbk.) | 1844454 vi,148 p. ; UG Library
363.220954 AST 00119520 Leadership failure in police Asthana, N. C Manas Publications 2014 9788170494645 389p. UG Library
363.220973 IAN 05041744 Supervision of police personnel / Iannone, Nathan. F. 9780132973823 (alk. paper) | 0 Eighth Edition. xviii, 335 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.23 FRI 05005211 Fighting terrorism and drugs : Friedrichs, JoĢˆrg. Routledge, 2008 041540892X (hbk.) | 0203934563 xvi, 280 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.23 GIP 05059505 Local legitimacy in peacebuilding : Gippert, Birte Julia, Routledge, 2018 9781138045873 (hardback) xxvii,189p.; Knowledge Centre
363.23 MIS 05049076 Community policing : Mishra,Veerendra. SAGE, 2011 9788132107279 | 8132107276 (hb xiv, 226 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.23 MIS 00109016 Community policing : Mishra,Veerendra. SAGE, 2011 9788132107279 | 8132107276 (hb xiv, 226 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.23 PAT 01023044 Policing and criminology / Paterson, Craig Sage, 2011 9780857254139 (pbk.) | 0857254 v, 166 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.23 THU 05019700 CONTEMPORARY POLICING CONTROVERSIES CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS [MSW] Thurman, Quint C Roxbury 0193171911 388p Knowledge Centre
363.23015195 AIT 05050747 Statistics and the evaluation of evidence for forensic scientists / Aitken, C. G. G. Wiley, 2004 0470843675 (alk. paper) 2nd ed. xxx, 509 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.230835 REA 00128626 Policing And Young People Read, Tim Learning Matters, 2011 9780857254771 | 0857254774 v, 137 p. : UG Library
363.230835 SAH 01028822 Conflict The Police & The People / Sahni, Sanjeev P. Lexis Nexis, 2020 9789388548816 xxiv, 226p.; Knowledge Centre
363.230941 JOY 01017651 Policing : Joyce, Peter. SAGE, 2011 9781847874597 | 9781847874603 xix, 249 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.230941 WAD 00128587 What is policing? / Waddington, P. A. J. Learning Matters, 2010 9781844453559 (pbk.) | 1844453 v, 112 p. : UG Library
363.230942 BRA 05057032 A future for policing in England and Wales / Brain, Timothy. Oxford University Press, 2013 0199684456 | 9780199684458 xxiii, 255 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.230954 AST 01028153 Torture behind bars : Aston,Joshua N. Oxford University Press, 2020 9780190120986 xxxvii,225p.; Knowledge Centre
363.230954 BHU 01019312 Law Enforcement and Human Rights / Anil Bhuimali Madhav Books, 2013 9789380615127 vii, 143 p. Knowledge Centre
363.230954 VER 07004638 The new khaki : Verma, Arvind. CRC Press, 2011 9781439814024 (hardcover : alk xxiii, 283 p. : Library - BR Campus
363.230973 CON 01019320 Law enforcement in the United States / Conser, James A. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013 9780763799380 (pbk.) | 0763799 3rd ed. xvi, 484 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.232 ALP 01000166 Understanding Police Use of Force, Officers, Suspects, and Reciprocity (law Library) Geoffrey P Alpert Cambridge University Press 0521546753 191p Knowledge Centre
363.232 DAS 01019402 Sting operation and law/ Dash,Ajay Discovery Publishing House, 2007 9788183562911 273p.; Knowledge Centre
363.232 NEW 01000285 Policing: Surveillance and Social Control (law Library ) Tim Newburn LAWMAN 8175040289 198p Knowledge Centre
363.232 SIN 01019394 Sting operation/ Singh,Manorama Discovry Publishing House, 2007 9788183562560 257p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2320954 KUM 07013146 Human Right Violations in Police Custody / Kumar Krishna.N.Dr SBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd, 2009 9789380090047 432p.: Library - BR Campus
363.233 DUK 04020165 Road Vehicle Accident Reconstruction / Dukkipati, Rao V. New Age International Publishers, 2013 9788122434569 820p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.233 DUK 04020166 Road Vehicle Accident Reconstruction / Dukkipati, Rao V. New Age International Publishers, 2013 9788122434569 820p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.233 NEY 01000284 Policing, Ethics and Human Rights (law Lib) Peter Neyroud LAWMAN 8175040351 240p Knowledge Centre
363.25 MOD 01024380 Scientific Techniques in Criminal Investigation / Modak,Anoopam. Universal Law Publishing, 2016 9789350356456 3rd ed. xxiii,470p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 MOD 01022298 Scientific Techniques in Criminal Investigation / Modak,Anoopam. Universal Law Publishing, 2016 9789350356456 3rd ed. xxiii,470p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 RAM 01028009 Forensic Evidence / Ramachandran Lawmann's, 2019 9789385444852 cxxiv,1216p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 TYA 01028707 Forensic Evidence : Tyagi, S.P. Vinod Publications, 2021 9788194976028 2nd ed. cvi, 1628p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 TYA 10003160 Forensic Evidence : Tyagi, S.P. Vinod Publications, 2021 9788194976028 2nd ed. cvi, 1628p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.25 AMI 01014122 Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation : Amin, Manoobhai G. Unique Law Publishers , cixxvi ; 1228 p. Knowledge Centre
363.25 AND 00104731 Close Encounter with Niira Radia Ananda R.K. Har-Ananda Publications Pvt Ltd. 2011 9788124116289 326 p. UG Library
363.25 BAR 05067000 Manual of forensic science : CRC Press, 2018 9781498766302 (hardback : alk. paper) 1 Edition. xii, 289 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.25 BEC 01016464 Criminal investigation / Becker, Ronald F. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009 9780763755225 (hardcover) | 07 3rd ed. xviii, 581 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 BEL 05066998 Forensic science : CRC Press, 2019 9781138048126 (hardback : alk. paper) 5th edition. xiv,347p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 BEL 00140817 Forensic science : Bell, Suzanne, CRC press, 2019 9781138048126 (hardback : alk. paper) 5th edition. xvii,347p.; UG Library
363.25 BER 05072309 Forensic Science : Bertino, Anthony J. Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, 2016 9789353500443 2nd ed. xxi, 682p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.25 BOH 01014661 Crashes and collapses / Bohan, Thomas L. Facts on File, 9780816055135 (alk. paper) | 9 xxi, 313 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 BOM 04008348 Crashes and collapses Bohan Thomas.L Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 313P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.25 BOM 05019698 Crashes and collapses Bohan Thomas.L Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 313P Knowledge Centre
363.25 CHI 01008420 Crime Reconstruction Jerry W Chisum Academic Press 0123693756 587p. Knowledge Centre
363.25 CHI 01021754 Forensic DNA Evidence : Chin, Ming W The Rutter Group, 2014 xvi, 13-62 p.v Knowledge Centre
363.25 CLI 00142584 Forensic science Clifton,James Larsen and Keller 2018 9781635497151 viii,217p.; UG Library
363.25 COU 00142313 The Routledge handbook of forensic linguistics / Coulthard, Malcolm Routledge, 2010 9780415463096 (hbk : alk. paper) | 0415463092 (hbk : alk. paper) | 9780203855607 (ebk : alk. paper) | 0203855604 (ebk : alk. paper) | 9780415837231 xxvii, 673 p. : UG Library
363.25 DUT 01016462 An introduction to crime scene investigation / Dutelle, Aric W. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011 9780763762414 | 0763762415 xxix, 532 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 FRA 00143443 Emerging technologies for the analysis of forensic traces Francese, Simona Springer.. 2019 9783030205447 xxii,273p.; UG Library
363.25 FRA 00102130 Forensic science : Fraser, James Curtis, Oxford University Press, 9780199558056 (pbk.) | 0199558 xviii, 135 p. : UG Library
363.25 FRA 00100916 Forensic science : Fraser, James Curtis, Oxford University Press, 9780199558056 (pbk.) | 0199558 xviii, 135 p. : UG Library
363.25 GAE 05019699 Blood,Bugs,and Plants Gaensslen R.E Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 174P Knowledge Centre
363.25 GAE 04008351 Blood,Bugs,and Plants Gaensslen R.E Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 174P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.25 GAE 01014656 Blood, bugs, and plants / Gaensslen, R. E. Facts On File, 9780816055098 | 9788130912981 xviii, 174 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 GIR 00141572 Advanced criminal investigations and intelligence operations : Girod, Robert J. CRC press, 2014 9781482230727 (hardback) xxii, 542 pages ; UG Library
363.25 GUN 05064091 Essential Forensic Biology / Gunn, Alan. Wiley, 2019 9781119141402 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xxvii,442p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 GUR 05055373 Recent Advances in Forensic Biology / Guru, A K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2002 8126112808 261p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 HAR 05066999 Introduction to forensic science and criminalistics / Harris, Howard A., CRC Press, 2019 9781498757966 (hardback : alk. paper) Second edition. xxv,419p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 HAW 00142948 Fingerprints : Hawthorne, Mark R. CRC Press, 2021 9780367479503 Second edition. 176p.; UG Library
363.25 HOU 00110591 Forensic Science Houck, Max M. Praeger Publishers, | Macmillan 2007 027599323X (alk. paper) | 9780 xx, 165 p. : UG Library
363.25 JAN 00141473 An interdisciplinary apporach to forensic science Janjua,Praveen Kumar Selective and scientific books, 2005 8189128044 168p.; UG Library
363.25 JAN 00141474 An interdisciplinary apporach to forensic science Janjua,Praveen Kumar Selective and scientific books, 2005 8189128044 168p.; UG Library
363.25 JAN 00141475 An interdisciplinary apporach to forensic science Janjua,Praveen Kumar Selective and scientific books, 2005 8189128044 168p.; UG Library
363.25 JAN 00141476 An interdisciplinary apporach to forensic science Janjua,Praveen Kumar Selective and scientific books, 2005 8189128044 168p.; UG Library
363.25 JAN 00141477 An interdisciplinary apporach to forensic science Janjua,Praveen Kumar Selective and scientific books, 2005 8189128044 168p.; UG Library
363.25 JUL 00142375 Critical forensic studies / Julian, Roberta, Routledge, 2022 9781138584730 | 9781138584747 xiv,299p.; UG Library
363.25 KAU 00146100 Unleashing the art of Digital Forensics / CRC Press, 2023 9781003204862 | 9781032069753 First edition. xii,224p.; UG Library
363.25 KHA 00142346 Criminal forensics Khan,Mohammad Azvar Random publications, 2021 9789352697571 vi,279p.; UG Library
363.25 KUM 01015785 Encyclopedia of Forensic Science / Kumar,Ashok. Discovery Publishing House, 9788183564229 5 v Knowledge Centre
363.25 KUM 01015786 Encyclopedia of Forensic Science / Kumar,Ashok. Discovery Publishing House, 9788183564229 5 v Knowledge Centre
363.25 KUM 01015787 Encyclopedia of Forensic Science / Kumar,Ashok. Discovery Publishing House, 9788183564229 5 v Knowledge Centre
363.25 KUM 01015788 Encyclopedia of Forensic Science / Kumar,Ashok. Discovery Publishing House, 9788183564229 5 v Knowledge Centre
363.25 KUM 01015789 Encyclopedia of Forensic Science / Kumar,Ashok. Discovery Publishing House, 9788183564229 5 v Knowledge Centre
363.25 LYM 01020665 Criminal investigation : Lyman, Michael D. Pearson, 2014 9780133008517 (alk. paper) | 0 7th ed. xxiii, 611, [35] p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 MAH 00141590 Principles of Forensic Audio Analysis / Maher, Robert C, Springer, 2018 9783319994536 | 9783319994529 1st ed. 2018. XV, 147 pages 93 illustrations, 57 illustrations in color. UG Library
363.25 MAL 01028848 Criminal Investigations : Maliks. Delhi Law house, 2021 9789388918268 2nd ed. xcviii, 948p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 MAL 01026711 Criminal Investigations : Maliks. Delhi Law house, 2018 9789381308943 xcvi,892p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 MAS 05067040 Forensic social work : Springer Publishing Company, 2018 9780826120663 (pbk.) Second edition. xix, 533 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.25 MCC 01027679 Forensic identification and criminal justice : McCartney, Carole. Routledge, 2012 9780415628327 xxii, 247 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.25 MCE 01018229 The Verdict of the Court : McEwan,Jenny Hart Publishing, 2003 9781901362534 199 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 MOZ 00141602 The forensic laboratory handbook : Mozayani, Ashraf Humana Press, 2006 1588294641 (alk. paper) x, 300 p. : UG Library
363.25 MOZ 01026240 Forensic evidence management : Mozayani, Ashraf., ed. CRC Press, 2018 9781498777186 (hardback : alk. paper) xx,191 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.25 NAY 10003149 Encyclopaedia on Criminal Investigation / Nayyar, Yogesh V. Vinod Publications(P) Ltd, 2022 9789391088705 ccxiv, 1783p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.25 NAY 10003159 Law relating to charge sheet / Nayyar, Yogesh V. Vinod Publications (P) Ltd, 2023 9789391088538 xcii, 1032p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.25 OKU 00140695 A hands-on introduction to forensic science : Okuda, Mark M., CRC press, 2020 9781138495661 (hardback : alk. paper) 2 Edition. xv,511p.; UG Library
363.25 OKU 01020901 A hands-on introduction to forensic science : Okuda, Mark. CRC Press, 2015 9781482234909 (hardback) xiii,493p.: Knowledge Centre
363.25 OST 00141573 Criminal investigation : Osterburg, James W Routledge, 2019 9781138903272 | 9781138903289 Eighth edition. xxxi, 672 : UG Library
363.25 OWE 03008275 Hidden Evidence : Owen, David. Firefly Books, Ltd., 2009 9781554075409 (pbk.) | 9781552 Rev. 2nd ed. 240 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.25 PAD 01030174 Evidentiary Value of DNA Profiling in Criminal Trials Law & Forensics / Padmanabhan, Abhishek Sharma, Law & Justice, 2024 9788119129911 xxii, 205p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 PAS 01021251 Criminal financial investigations : Pasco, Gregory A. Boca Raton, FL, 2013 9781466562622 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xvii, 277 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 PAT 01029606 Criminal Investigation : Pathak S K. Eastern Law House, 2023 9788171773763 I-42,517p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 PET 01012682 Forensic criminology / Petherick, Wayne. Elsevier Academic Press, 9780123750716 (hard cover : al xl, 584 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 PYR 01027753 Pioneers in forensic science : Pyrek, Kelly, CRC, 2018 9781498785297 (hardback : alk. paper) xiii, 289 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.25 RAM 10003652 The great bank robbery: Ram,V Pattabhi Rupa publications india pvt ltd., 2023 9789357020541 xviii,206 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.25 RAM 01018756 The Police and Effective Investigation of Crimes/ Ramachandran, R. Puliani and Puliani, 2007 1st Ed. 294p Knowledge Centre
363.25 RAM 01018757 The Police and Effective Investigation of Crimes/ Ramachandran, R. Puliani and Puliani, 2007 1st Ed. 294p Knowledge Centre
363.25 SAF 00142048 Forensic science handbook Saferstein,Richard.-ed. CRC Press, 2020 9781498720199 3rd ed. xvi,761p.; UG Library
363.25 SHA 01020613 Forensic science in criminal investigation & trials / Sharma, B. R., Universal Law Pub. Co., 817534332X lxxi, 24, 1287 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 SHA 10003148 Scientific Criminal Investigation / Sharma, B R. Lexis Nexis, 2017 9789350358948 2nd ed. l, 754p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.25 SHA 01024045 Scientific criminal investigation : Sharma, B. R., Imran Law Book House, 9788175345539 xxxiv, 562 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 SHA 00140995 Forensic science in criminal investigation & trials / Sharma, B. R. LexisNexis, 2020 9789388548786 6th ed. cv,1781p. : UG Library
363.25 SHA 00140619 Forensic science in criminal investigation & trials / Sharma, B. R. LexisNexis, 2020 9789388548786 6th ed. cv,1781p. : UG Library
363.25 SHA 01014127 Forensic science in criminal investigation & trials / Sharma, B. R., Universal Law Pub. Co., 817534332X lxxi, 24, 1287 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 SHA 01014124 Scientific criminal investigation : Sharma, B. R., Imran Law Book House, 9788175345539 xxxiv, 562 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 SHA 01028011 Forensic science in criminal investigation & trials / Sharma, B. R. LexisNexis, 2020 9789388548786 6th ed. cv,1781p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25 SIE 00142046 Forensic Science : Siegel,Jay A. CRC press, 2022 9780367251499 4th ed. xxiii,714p.; UG Library
363.25 SIN 00141527 UGC NET/JRF Study manual Forensic Science / Singh,Anil Kumar. Selective and scientific books, 2013 9788189128548 xxii,418p.; UG Library
363.25 SIN 00141528 UGC NET/JRF Study manual Forensic Science / Singh,Anil Kumar. Selective and scientific books, 2013 9788189128548 xxii,418p.; UG Library
363.25 SIN 00141500 Forensic Science : Singla,Anu. Selective and scientific books, 2020 9788189128784 4th ed. 619p.; UG Library
363.25 SIN 00141501 Forensic Science : Singla,Anu. Selective and scientific books, 2020 9788189128784 4th ed. 619p.; UG Library
363.25 SMI 00112957 Introducing Forensic and Criminal Investigation / Monckton-Smith, Jane. Sage Publications, 2013 9780857027511 (hardback) | 978 viii, 222 p.: UG Library
363.25 SUB 01014125 Foorensic Science in Investigation of Crime / Subramanian,S. S.Gogia & Company, 336p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 TAU 00146098 Forensic DNA Transfer / Taupin, Jane Moira CRC Press, 2024 9780367742065 | 9780367746384 xvii, 278pages cm UG Library
363.25 TIL 00140816 Fisher's techniques of crime scene investigation / Tilstone, William J. CRC Press, 2013 9781439817049 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1st International Ed. xxiv, 477 p. : UG Library
363.25 VAN 00141004 Forensic comparative science : Vanderkolk, John R. Elsevier, 2009 9780123735829 (alk. paper) xviii, 214 p. : UG Library
363.25 VER 00132595 Handbook of digital forensics of multimedia data and devices: Verma, Manoj, Oxford Book Company, 2018 9789350303887 viii,296p.; UG Library
363.25 VOS 01021969 Forensic metrology : Vosk, Ted. and Ashley, F. Emery. CRC Press Pub, 2015 9781439826195 xlviii, 418.p.: Knowledge Centre
363.25 WEL 03005077 Financial statement fraud casebook : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470934418 xiv, 344p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.25 WEL 05006115 Financial statement fraud casebook : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470934418 xiv, 344p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25 WIL 01010741 Genetic Policing: The Use of DNA in Criminal Investigation (law Lib) Robin Williams Willain Publishers 9781843922049 198p Knowledge Centre
363.25015 CHA 01022459 Law of Forensic Science / Chatterjee,Ishita. Central Law Publication, 2015 9789384961329 xxxviii,876p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2501519542 TAR 01013613 Data analysis in forensic science : John Wiley and Sons, 9780470998359 367p. cm. Knowledge Centre
363.250195 AIT 00140830 The use of statistics in forensic science / Aitken, C. G. G E. Horwood, 1991 0139337482 : 242 p. : UG Library
363.2502 FRA 00142052 Ethical standards in forensic science / Franck,Harold. CRC press, 2020 9781138496156 xx,103p.; UG Library
363.2502 MAJ 00147263 Innovations in digital forensics / Majumdar, Suryadipta World Scientific, 2023 9789811273193 xxii, 320 p. : UG Library
363.2502 MUR 00135374 Digital forensic art techniques : Murry, Natalie, CRC press, 2019 9781138486010 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138486027 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiii, 273 pages : UG Library
363.2502 YUD 00145972 Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence / Yudaas Judith Random Publications, 2023 9788196035839 1st ed, x,256p.; UG Library
363.250285 GOG 01021388 Digital forensics explained / Gogolin, Greg. CRC Press, 2013 9781439874950 (hardback : acid xxi, 176 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.250285 GOG 00142318 Digital forensics explained / Gogolin, Greg. CRC Press, 2013 9781439874950 (hardback : acidfree paper) | 9780367503437 xxi, 176 p. : UG Library
363.250285 MAR 00142585 Cyber forensics : Marcella, Albert J. CRC press, 2022 9780367524241 xvii,363p.; UG Library
363.250285 MAR 05072747 Cyber Forensics : Marcella, Albert J. CRC Press, 2022 9780367524241 xvii, 363 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.250285 MCC 00122588 Data Mining and Predictive Analysis : McCue, Colleen. Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2015 9780128002292 2 Edition. xxvii, 393 p ; UG Library
363.250285 PAY 01016476 Fundamentals of crime mapping / Paynich, Rebecca. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010 9780763755751 (pbk.) | 0763755 xvii, 534 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.250285 SHA 01024172 Handwirting forensics Sharma,B.R Lexis Nexis, 2017 9789350358429 2nd ed., xlii,726p.; Knowledge Centre
363.250285416 SAM 05005746 Forensic computing / Sammes, Tony Springer, 2007 9788184893625 2nd ed. ix, 465 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.250285416 SAM 04010918 Forensic computing / Sammes, Tony Springer, 2007 9788184893625 2nd ed. ix, 465 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.250285416SAM 01008455 Forensic Computing a Practitioner`s Guide Tony Sammes Springer-Verlag 9781846287329 465p. Knowledge Centre
363.2503 CON 00141457 Encyclopedia of forensic science : Conklin, Barbara Gardner. Oryx Press, 2002 1573561703 (alk. paper) | 9781573561709 xvi, 329 p. : UG Library
363.25072 SHE 01021386 Research in practice for forensic professionals / Routledge, 2011 9780415672719 (hbk.) | 9780415 xxvi, 336 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.2509 KUM 01028487 Law Relating to CBI & ED / Kumar, P.S.P.Suresh. Vinod Publications, 2022 9788193250853 xii,406p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2509 MAN 01026249 Central Bureau of Investigation : Mani,Kant. Lawmann's, 2018 9789385444319 xx,408p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2509 NAR 00119557 Voice of CBI Narayanan, M Manas Publications, 2014 9788170494676 232p.; UG Library
363.25092 WEL 05006112 I'm a fraud, you're a fraud : Wells, Joseph T. Wiley, 2010 9780470610701 (cloth) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
363.25092 WEL 03005074 I'm a fraud, you're a fraud : Wells, Joseph T. Wiley, 2010 9780470610701 (cloth) p. cm. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.250941 COO 01026318 Blackstone's crime investigators' handbook / Cook, Tony Oxford University Press, 2016 9780198753605 Second edition. xxvi, 445 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.250941 WHI 01011022 Crime Scene to Court: The Essentials of Forensic Science (law Lib) Peter C White Royal Society of Chemistry 0854046569 451p Knowledge Centre
363.250941 WIL 01020784 Forensic criminology / Williams, Andy, Routledge, 2015 9780415672672 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 437 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.250954 KAU 01012354 Narcanalysis, Brain Mapping, Hypnosis and Lie Detector Tests in Interrogation of Suspect Kaul,Satyendra Kumar Alia Law Agency 9788187947103 1510p.; Knowledge Centre
363.250954RAT 01009439 Forensic Science in India and the World (law Lib) Deepak Ratan Alia Law Agency 0818794708 676 Knowledge Centre
363.250973 HOU 01014657 Science versus crime / Houck, Max M. Facts On File, 9780816055081 (acidfree paper) xxi, 201 p.: Knowledge Centre
363.250973 SON 01008064 Criminal Investigation for the Professional Investigator (law Library) Warren J Sonne C.R.C Press 0849380510 165 p. Knowledge Centre
363.250973SON 01009785 Criminal Investigation for the Professional Investigator (law Lib) Warren J Sonne C.R.C Press 9780849380518 165 p Knowledge Centre
363.252 BAL 00078533 The Intensification of survellance Ball Kirstie Viva Books Private Limited 9788130906294 176P UG Library
363.252 BAL 00095307 The Intensification of survellance Ball Kirstie Viva Books Private Limited 9788130906294 176P UG Library
363.252 BAR 00144205 Manual of Crime Scene Invesstigation / Barbaro, Anna. CRC press, 2022 9781032315553 xii,298p,; UG Library
363.252 BIL 01000260 Informers Policy, Policy Practice(law Lib) Roger Billingsley LAWMAN 8175040297 179p Knowledge Centre
363.252 FEN 00144357 Crime scene investigation / Fenoff, Roy, Routledge, 2023 9780367204662 | 9780367204679 Fourth edition. xxvi,441p, ; UG Library
363.252 FIS 00140828 Techniques of crime scene investigation / Fisher, Barry A. J. CRC Press, 2012 9781439810057 (hardcover : alk. paper) 8th ed. xxxi, 503 p. : UG Library
363.252 FIS 01025206 Crime scene investigation / Fish, Jacqueline T. Routledge, 2014 9781455775408 Third edition. xxvi, 433 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.252 FIS 00142317 Practical crime scene investigations for hot zones / Fish, Jacqueline T. CRC Press, 2011 9781439820520 (hbk. : alk. paper) xxvi, 346 p. : UG Library
363.252 GAR 05067001 Practical crime scene processing and investigation / Gardner, Ross M., CRC Press, 2019 9781138047785 (hardback : alk. paper) Third Edition. xxiii,405p.; Knowledge Centre
363.252 JOS 01025131 Law of E-crimes and frauds / Joshi,Nayan Kamal publishers, 2016 9789385114182 xxx,536p.; Knowledge Centre
363.252 LYO 01014235 Surveillance studies : Lyon, David, Polity, 9780745635927 | 074563592X viii, 243 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.252 MAD 01008447 Confidential Information: Law Enforcement`s Most Valuable Tool John Madinger C.R.C Press 0849307090 331p. Knowledge Centre
363.252 MOU 00144285 Digital Forensics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence / Moustafa, Nour. Crc press, 2023 9781032244686 xix,236p,; UG Library
363.252 NEW 01014666 The encyclopedia of crime scene investigation / Newton, Michael, Facts on File, 9780816068142 (hardcover) | 08 xvi, 334 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.252 NOR 01025882 Surveillance, crime, and social control / Ashgate, 2006 9780754624608 xxv, 583 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.252 PRA 00145970 Forensic Photography / Prasad Shrikant Venus Books, 2023 9789386559319 1st ed, x,276p.; UG Library
363.252 RAO 00141490 Crime scene management: Rao,M.S Selective and scientific books, 2021 9788189128289 xxiii,441p.; UG Library
363.252 RAO 00141491 Crime scene management: Rao,M.S Selective and scientific books, 2021 9788189128289 xxiii,441p.; UG Library
363.252 RAO 00141492 Crime scene management: Rao,M.S Selective and scientific books, 2021 9788189128289 xxiii,441p.; UG Library
363.252 RAO 00141493 Crime scene management: Rao,M.S Selective and scientific books, 2021 9788189128289 xxiii,441p.; UG Library
363.252 RAO 00141494 Crime scene management: Rao,M.S Selective and scientific books, 2021 9788189128289 xxiii,441p.; UG Library
363.252 SUT 01013009 Crime scene management : Wiley-Blackwell, 9780470016787 (hbk.) | 0470016 xiii, 276 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.254 ANA 07013571 Smart talk : Ananth M.S East West Books (Madras)Pvt.Ltd, 2007 9788188661589 292p.: Library - BR Campus
363.254 CHA 01015700 Effective Interrogation : Chatterjee,Gadhar. Manas Publications, 9788170493754 262p.; Knowledge Centre
363.254 DIC 10002555 Evidence-based investigative interviewing/ Dickinson. J Jason Rouledge, 2019 9781138064690 xix,261 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.254 DIC 00135555 Evidence-based investigative interviewing/ Dickinson. J Jason Rouledge, 2019 9781138064690 xix,261.; UG Library
363.254 GEO 01019277 Confessions of Guilt : George.C Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195338935 x,317p.: Knowledge Centre
363.254 GRA 01005105 Detection of Deception in Forensic Contexts (law Library) Paranders Granhag Cambridge University Press 0521541573 348p Knowledge Centre
363.254 INB 01016947 Essentials of the Ried Technique : Inbau, Fred E. Jones and Bartlett publishers, 2005 9780763727284 viii, 253p.; Knowledge Centre
363.254 INB 00117525 Essentials of the Reid Technique Criminal Interrogation and Confessions Inbau, Fred Edward. Jones & Bartlet, 2015 9781449691103 | 1449691102 2nd ed, viii, 214 p, ; UG Library
363.254 KLE 05055348 Handbook of polygraph testing / Academic Press, 2002 0124137407 354 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.254 LOR 01016948 Interviewing in criminal justice : Lord, vivian B. Jones and Barlett publishers, 2011 9780763766436 xxiv, 312p.; Knowledge Centre
363.254 MUL 00142314 Police investigative interviews and interpreting : Mulayim, Sedat. CRC press, 2015 9781482242553 (hardback) xxxvii, 106 pages: UG Library
363.254019 BUL 05068209 Investigating the Truth : Bull,Ray. Routledge, 2019 9780367345099 viii,289p.; Knowledge Centre
363.254019 BUL 09000138 Investigating the Truth : Bull,Ray. Routledge, 2019 9780367345099 viii,289p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.254083 POO 05054478 Interviewing children : Poole, Debra Ann, American Psychological Association, 2016 9781433822155 | 1433822156 x, 233 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.256 COB 04002093 Crime Scene Chemistry for the Armchair Sleuth Cobb, Cathy Prometheus Books 2008 9781591025054 394 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.256 LEE 01008428 Henry Lee`s Crime Scene Handbook (law Library) Henry C Lee Academic Press 0124408303 416p. Knowledge Centre
363.256028552 CUR 04024341 Introduction to data analysis with R for forensic scientists / Curran, James Michael. CRC Press, 2011 9781420088267 | 1420088262 xxii, 309 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.2562 BAY 00141447 Forensic applications of high performance liquid chromatography / Bayne, Shirley. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2010 9781420091915 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 1420091913 (hardcover : alk. paper) xvii, 253 p., [4] p. of plates : UG Library
363.2562 BEV 01021249 Bloodstain pattern analysis : Bevel, Tom. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2008 9781420052688 (alk. paper) | 1 3rd ed. xxxii, 402 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.2562 BEV 00141448 Bloodstain pattern analysis : Bevel, Tom. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2008 9781420052688 (alk. paper) | 1 3rd ed. xxxii, 402 p. : UG Library
363.2562 BOC 00132446 Forensic plant science / Bock, Jane H., Academic press, 2016 9780128014752 (hardback) | 012801475X (hardback) xx, 205 pages : UG Library
363.2562 COY 00142309 Forensic botany : Coyle, Heather Miller CRC Press, 2005 0849315298 (alk. paper) | 9780849315299 xviii, 318 p. : UG Library
363.2562 GIR 00141603 Criminalistics : Girard, James, Jones and Barlett learning, 2018 9781284142617 (alk. paper) Fourth edition. xix, 497 pages ; UG Library
363.2562 GIR 01021761 Criminalistics : Girard, James, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2015 9781449691790 (casebound) | 14 Third edition. xii, 525 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.2562 GIR 01016466 Criminalistics : Girard, James. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011 9780763777319 (casebound : alk 2nd ed. xxvi, 515 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.2562 HAA 01018789 Shooting incident reconstruction / Haag, Michael G. Academic Press ; | imprint of Elsevier, 2011 9780123822413 (alk. paper) | 0 2nd ed. xviii, 420 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.2562 HAL 00142311 Forensic botany : Hall, David W. John Wiley & Sons, 2012 9780470664094 | 0470664096 | 9780470661239 | 0470661232 xv, 195 pages, [8] pages of plates) : UG Library
363.2562 HEA 00140996 Handbook of firearms and ballistics : Heard, Brian J. Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 9780470694602 | 0470694602 2nd ed., xiv, 402 p. : UG Library
363.2562 HUE 00095243 Firearms And Fingerprinras Hueske Edward Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 171P UG Library
363.2562 HUE 04008349 Firearms And Fingerprinras Hueske Edward Viva Books 2010 9788130912981 171P Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.2562 HUE 01014658 Firearms and fingerprints / Hueske, Edward E. Facts On File, Inc., 9780816055128 | 9788130912981 xix, 171 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
363.2562 HUE 01008078 Practical Analysis and Reconstruction of Shooting Incidents (law Library) Edward E Hueske C.R.C Press 0849323304 322 p. Knowledge Centre
363.2562 JAM 01021394 Principles of bloodstain pattern analysis : James, Stuart H. CRC, 2005 0849320143 (alk. paper) xxx, 542 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.2562 JAM 00140825 Scientific and legal applications of bloodstain pattern interpretation / James, Stuart H. CRC Press, 1998 0849381088 | 9780849381089 xiv, 274 p., [22] p. of plates : UG Library
363.2562 KRI 01016813 Genetic justice : Krimsky, Sheldon. Columbia University Press, 2011 9780231145206 (cloth : alk. pa xviii, 406 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.2562 SHA 00145971 Forensic Ballistics / Sharma Neetu Random Publications, 2023 9788196035853 1st ed, xii,248p.; UG Library
363.2562 SIN 00141584 Forensic investigation of unusual firearms : Sinha, J. K. CRC Press, 2015 9781466571372 xxi, 190 pages ; UG Library
363.2562 WIL 01022245 Genetics, crime and justice / Wilson, Debra. Edward Elgar, 2015 9781783478811 (hardback) vii,260p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2562 YIN 01008062 Advancec in Forensic Application of Mass Spectrometry (law Library) Jehuda Yinon C.R.C Press 0849315220 279 p. Knowledge Centre
363.2565 ELL 01008080 Scientific Examination of Documents: Methods and Techniques (law Library) David Ellen C.R.C Press 0849339251 234 p. Knowledge Centre
363.2565 KOP 00140837 Forensic document examination : Koppenhaver, Katherine M Humana Press, 2007 1588297438 (alk. paper) | 9781588297433 (alk. paper) xv, 315 p. : UG Library
363.2565 RAD 01014133 Identification of Handwriting and Finger Prints: Rao, G.S.Prakash. Graphic apoint, x,358p.; Knowledge Centre
363.2565 SEA 00140826 Scientific examination of questioned documents / Seaman Kelly, Jan. CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006 0849320445 (alk. paper) | 9780849320446 2nd ed. xviii, 441 p., [28] p. of plates : UG Library
363.256JON 01010394 Building a Digital Forensic Laboratory Establishing and Managing a Successful Facility Andy Jones Butterworth Heinemann & Syngress 9781856175104 285p Knowledge Centre
363.256WES 01010385 Data Mining for Intelligence, Fraud, & Criminal Detection (law Lib) Christopher Westphal CRC Press 9781420067231 426p Knowledge Centre
363.258 ALI 05004768 Professionalizing offender profiling : Routledge, 2011 9780415668781 (hbk.) | 0415668 xx, 273 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.258 ASH 00141451 Quantitative-qualitative friction ridge analysis : Ashbaugh, David R. CRC Press, 1999 0849370078 (hc. : alk. paper) xiv, 234 p. : UG Library
363.258 BOT 00107186 The girl with the crooked nose Botha, Ted. Random House, 2008 9781400065332 (alk. paper) | 1 1st ed. xix, 262 p., [16] p. of plates : UG Library
363.258 DAL 00137280 Fingerprint analysis laboratory workbook / Daluz, Hillary Moses, CRC press, 2019 9781138488045 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138488052 (pbk. : alk. paper) Second edition. xxi,112p.; UG Library
363.258 DEA 00144210 Technologies for Fingermark Age Estimations : Fossoul, Josep De Alcaraz. Springer, 2021 9783030693367 xvi,377p,; UG Library
363.258 HAW 00141449 Fingerprints : Hawthorne, Mark R. CRC Press, 2009 9781420068641 (soft cover) | 1420068644 (soft cover) xiii, 127 p. : UG Library
363.258 RAM 00141589 Lee and Gaensslen's advances in fingerprint technology / Ramotowski, Robert S CRC Press, 2013 9781420088342 (alk. paper) | 9781420088373 (alk. paper) 3rd ed. xv, 512 p. : UG Library
363.258 RAT 00121989 Automatic fingerprint recognition systems / Ratha Nalini Springer, 2004 0387955933 (hc. : alk. paper) xvii, 458 p. : UG Library
363.2592 TAC 01019016 Illegal logging : Earthscan, 2007 9781844073481 (hardback) | 184 xvi, 301 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.259323 VOG 01019034 Waging War on Corruption : Vogl Frank Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,Inc, 2012 9781442218529 xii,297 p.: Knowledge Centre
363.2593230954 LAL 01015690 Who Owns C B I : Lall,B.R. Manas Publications, 9788170492931 338p.; Knowledge Centre
363.259324 MYA 01014354 The forensics of election fraud : Myagkov, Mikhail G. Cambridge University Press, 9780521764704 (hardback) | 978 xiv, 289 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25942 MOR 00142312 Environmental forensics : Morrison, Robert D Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010 9781847552587 | 1847552587 xxi, 313 p. : UG Library
363.259523 BEN 01012695 Murderour Methods: Benecke,Mark Columbia University Press 9780231131193 241p.; Knowledge Centre
363.259523 BEN 05033640 Murderous methods : Benecke, Mark. Columbia University Press, 2005 0231131186 (cloth : alk. paper xii, 241 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.259523 GEB 05005552 Sex-related homicide and death investigation : Geberth, Vernon J. CRC Press, 2010 9781439826553 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. liv, 759 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.259532 RAY 01024812 Sexual Violence against Women : Ray,Sukumar. Eastern Law House, 2015 9788171772964 29,288p.; Knowledge Centre
363.259532 RAY 01021364 Sexual Violence against Women : Ray,Sukumar. Eastern Law House, 2015 9788171772964 29,288p.; Knowledge Centre
363.259532 SAV 01008434 Rape Investigation Handbook John O Savino Academic Press 0012072832 416p. Knowledge Centre
363.2596 SKA 03005065 A guide to forensic accounting investigation / Skalak, Steven L. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470599075 2nd ed, xxvi, 622p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.2596 SKA 05006104 A guide to forensic accounting investigation / Skalak, Steven L. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011 9780470599075 2nd ed, xxvi, 622p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25962 STA 01008424 Forensic Investigation of Stollen-Recovered and Other Crime Related Vehicles Eric Stauffer Academic Press 0120884860 594p. Knowledge Centre
363.25963 BEL 04008346 Fakes and forgeries / Bell, Suzanne. Facts On File, 2009 9780816055142 | 0816055149 | 9 xviii, 108 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.25963 BEL 01014659 Fakes and forgeries / Bell, Suzanne. Facts On File, 2009 9780816055142 | 0816055149 | 9 xviii, 108 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25963 BET 01026064 Investigation of fraud and economic crime / Betts, Michael J. Oxford University Press, 2017 0198799012 | 9780198799016 First editon. xxxix, 352 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.25963 COE 01013028 Expert fraud investigation : Coenen, Tracy, John Wiley & Sons, 0470387963 (cloth) | 978047038 xvii, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.25963 JEN 00144204 Fraud Investigation and Forensic Accounting in The Real World / Jennings, William L CRC press. 2022 9781032244921 xi,635p,; UG Library
363.25963 KOS 05040917 Benford's law : Kossovsky, Alex Ely. World Scientific, 2015 9789814583688 (hardcover : alk xxi,649p.: Knowledge Centre
363.25963 MAN 01021253 Financial investigation and forensic accounting / Manning, George A. CRC Press, 2011 9781439825662 3rd ed. xlvii, 741 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.25963 NIG 05006011 Forensic analytics : Nigrini, Mark J. Wiley, 2011 9780470890462 xvi, 463 p. Knowledge Centre
363.25963 NIG 03004973 Forensic analytics : Nigrini, Mark J. Wiley, 2011 9780470890462 xvi, 463 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.25963 PED 05007635 Anatomy of a fraud investigation : Pedneault, Stephen, John Wiley & Sons, 2010 9780470560471 (cloth) xiv, 194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.25963 ROS 05046183 Exposing fraud : Ross, Ian, John Wiley and sons, 2016 9781118823699 (cloth) xxiii,256p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25963 WEL 01014226 Fraud casebook : John Wiley & Sons, 9780470134689 xiv, 610 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.25965 SHE 00146742 Intelligent Approaches to Cyber Security/ Shekokar, Narendra M. CRC Press, 2024 9781032521619 xiv,195p. ; UG Library
363.25968 AKH 01020739 Cyber crime and cyber terrorism investigator's handbook / Syngress, 2014 9780128008119 xxiii,282p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25968 ARN 05056870 Digital forensics : Wiley, 2018 9781119262381 (paperback) xxxiv,336p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25968 EAS 04022672 System forensics, investigation, and response / Easttom, Chuck. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014 9781284031058 | 1284031055 2nd ed. xvi, 315 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.25968 EAS 00120411 System forensics, investigation, and response, second edition Easttom, Chuck. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014 2nd ed. 315p. UG Library
363.25968 EAS 00132096 System forensics, investigation, and response / Easttom, Chuck, Jones & Bartlett 2019 9781284121841 3rd ed. xvii, 335 pages ; UG Library
363.25968 EAS 05037616 System forensics, investigation, and response / Easttom, Chuck Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014 9780763791346 | 0763791342 xv, 315 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25968 GOE 00142950 Digital Forensics and cyber crime : Goel,Sanjay.(ed) Springer, 2021 9783030687335 ix,249p.; UG Library
363.25968 GOT 01021393 Policing white-collar crime : Gottschalk, Petter, CRC Press, 2014 9781466591776 (hardback) xxii, 317 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.25968 GOT 01022148 Fraud Examiners in White-collar Crime Investigations / CRC Press, 2015 9781498725163 | 1498725163 xv,284p.: Knowledge Centre
363.25968 HOL 01026435 Cybercrime And Digital Forenics : Holy, Thomas J. Routledge, 2018 9781138238732 2nd Ed xvi,738p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25968 KAN 01010421 Digital crime and forensic science in cyberspace / Idea Group Pub., 2006 1591408725 (hardcover) | 15914 xvii, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25968 KAN 01016685 Digital crime and forensic science in cyberspace / Idea Group Pub., 2006 1591408725 (hardcover) | 15914 xvii, 357 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25968 LIC 01016775 New Technologies for Digital Crime And Forenscis : Tsun Li,Chang Information Science Reference, 2011 9781609605155 xxiv,347 p. Knowledge Centre
363.25968 LIN 00141588 Introductory computer forensics : Lin, Xiaodong Springer, 2018 9783030005801 xxiio, 577 p.; UG Library
363.25968 MAD 01021240 Money laundering : Madinger, John. Taylor & Francis, 2012 9781439869123 (hardcover : alk 3rd ed. xxi, 407 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25968 MAL 05066994 Cybersecurity and privacy in cyber physical systems / Maleh, Yassine, CRC Press, 2019 9781138346673 (hb : alk. paper) xix,434p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25968 MAR 00117488 Computer Forensics : Maras, Marie-Helen, Jones & Bartlet, 2015 9781449692223 (pbk.) | 1449692 2nd ed, xv, 408 p : UG Library
363.25968 PAN 01030227 Forensic Evidence and Law / Panigrahi, Sanjeeb K. Thomson Reuters, 2024 9789395696111 liii, 692p.; Knowledge Centre
363.25968 QUI 00145750 Big Digital Forensic Data Vol-1: Quick, Darren Springer, 2018 9789811077623 xv,96p. ; UG Library
363.25968 SAC 00144966 Implementing digital forensic readiness : Sachowski, Jason CRC Press, 2019 9781138338951 Second Edition. xxi, 480 p, : UG Library
363.25968 SAC 05066995 Digital forensics and investigations : Sachowski, Jason, CRC Press, 2018 9781138720930 xviii, 398 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.25968 SAC 00141587 Implementing digital forensic readiness : Sachowski, Jason CRC Press, 2019 9781138338951 Second Edition. xxi, 480 p, : UG Library
363.25968 SAM 04010549 The basics of digital forensics : Sammons, John. Syngress, 2012 9781597496612 177 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.25968 SOU 05008852 Terrorist Financing, Money Laundering, and Tax Evasion : D'Souza, Jayesh CRC Press, 2012 97 81439 828502 xix, 212 p. Knowledge Centre
363.25968 STE 01021257 Investigating computer-related crime / Stephenson, Peter. Taylor & Francis, 2013 9780849319730 2nd ed. xxiii, 380 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.25968 TEW 00141488 Computer crime and computer forensics Tewari,R.K Selective and scientific books, 2002 9788190113533 xv,379p.; UG Library
363.25968 TEW 00141489 Computer crime and computer forensics Tewari,R.K Selective and scientific books, 2002 9788190113533 xv,379p.; UG Library
363.25968 VAG 05010928 System forensics, investigation, and response / Vacca, John R. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011 9780763791346 | 0763791342 xv, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.25968 VAG 04017952 System forensics, investigation, and response / Vacca, John R. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011 9780763791346 | 0763791342 xv, 339 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.25968 WAY 00142583 Cybercrime and digital forensics Wayne,Jason Clanrye international, 2018 9781632407252 255p.; UG Library
363.25968 WAY 04029666 Cybercrime and Digital Forensics / Wayne, Jason Clanye International, 2018 9781632407252 Vii, 255p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.259680 WID 00140701 Computer forensics and digital investigation with Encase Forensic v7 / Widup, Suzanne. McGraw Hill education, 2014 9780071807913 (paperback) xx, 426 pages : UG Library
363.259680973 MAR 05010905 Computer forensics : Maras, Marie-Helen, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012 9781449600723 | 1449600727 xiv, 368 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.259680973 MAR 05044066 Computer Forensics : Maras, Marie-Helen, Jones & Bartlet, 2015 9781449692223 (pbk.) | 1449692 2nd ed, xv, 408 p : Knowledge Centre
363.25968KOV 01008394 High Technology Crime Investigator`s Handbook ( Law Library ) Dr Gerald Kovacich L Butterworth Heinemann 9780750679299 470p. Knowledge Centre
363.2598 LIN 00142306 Forensic science in wildlife investigations / Linacre, Adrian Taylor & Francis, 2009 9780849304101 (hardcover : alk. paper) xiv, 162 p. : UG Library
363.2598 MIS 00145751 DNA Fingerprinting Technique in Forensic Investigation:: Case Studies/ Mishra, Amarnath Lap Lambert, 2019 9786139458622 74p. ; UG Library
363.25988 MON 00144044 Government surveillance of religious expression : Montalbano, Kathryn Routledge, 2019 9781138306714 | 9780367584337 ix, 168p.; UG Library
363.25BUT 01008423 Forensic DNA Typing: Biology, Technology and Genetics of STR Markers (law Lib) John M Butler Academic Press 0121479528 660p Knowledge Centre
363.25CRO 01010436 Scene of the Cybercrime (law Lib) Michael Cross Syngress 9781597492768 732p Knowledge Centre
363.25NAB 01004946 Forensic Science in Crime Investigation, 3rd Ed. (law Lib) B S Nabar Asia Law House 398p. Knowledge Centre
363.25PAS 01010400 Criminal Financial Investigations: The Use of Forensic Accounting Techniques and Indirect Methods of Proof(law Lib) Gregory A Pasco CRC Press 9781420091663 234p Knowledge Centre
363.25ROG 01008157 Fundamentals of Forensic Practice: Mental Health and Criminal Law (law Library) Richard Rogers Springer 0387252266 445 p. Knowledge Centre
363.25ROS 01010384 Criminal Investigative Failures(law Lib) D Kim Rossmo CRC Press 9781420047516 376p Knowledge Centre
363.25SIT 01010454 Police Investigation (law Lib) V Sithannan Jeywin 9788190597531 678p Knowledge Centre
363.25STE 01011006 Criminal Investigation: An Introduction to Principles and Practice (law Lib) Peter Stelfox Willain Publishers 9781843923374 248p Knowledge Centre
363.28 HIL 07007588 Five presidents : Hill, Clint, Gallery Books, 2016 9781476794136 (hbk) | 97814767 First Gallery Books hardcover edition. x, 451 pages, 32 unnumbered pages of plates : Library - BR Campus
363.283 TOD 05019697 Global Intelligence- the World's Secret Services Today / Todd, Paul ZED BOOKS, 2003 1842771132 240p .: Knowledge Centre
363.2830947 FED 05004590 Russia and the cult of state security : Fedor, Julie. Routledge, 2011 9780415609333 (hardback) xii,286 p. Knowledge Centre
363.283095 GRE 07011311 Dictators and their secret police : Greitens, Sheena Chestnut. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107139848 (hardback) xix, 324 p. ; Library - BR Campus
363.283095 GRE 05057388 Dictators and their secret police : Greitens, Sheena Chestnut. Cambridge University Press, 2016 9781107139848 (hardback) xix, 324 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.285 DAS 05073616 India's approach to border management : Das, Pushpita, K W Publishers, 2021 9789391490003 xx, 366 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.2850954167 BHA 05073734 China bloodies bulletless borders / Bhat, Anil. Pentagon Press LLP, 2022 9789390095476 xix, 243 p.; Knowledge Centre
363.289 AVA 05019669 Market for Focethe Consequences of Privatinzing Security Avant, Deborah D 0521615356 310 Knowledge Centre
363.2HAB 01011158 Comparative Policing: The Struggle for Democratization(law Lib) M R Haberfeld Sage Publications 9781412905480 413p Knowledge Centre
363.2MIL 01009542 Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement (law Lib) Andrew Millie CRC Press 9781420072150 216p Knowledge Centre
363.2NEW 01008288 Policing Key Readings ( Law Lib.) Tim Newburn Willain Publishers 1843920913 834p. Knowledge Centre
363.3 CAS 00093209 Censorship Caso, Frank Viva books 2010 9788130914152 347p.: UG Library
363.3 JAY 00131634 State, society and national security : Jayakumar shashi, World Scientific Publishing, 2016 9789813109988 | 981310998X | 9789813109995 | 9813109998 xxxix, 255 pages ; UG Library
363.3 KUM 05019693 Societal Violence and Unrest Kumar, Arvind 8126102810 393 p Knowledge Centre
363.3 NAG 00093384 Environmental education and solid wast management / Nag,A. New Age International, 2010 812241690x | 9788122416909 95p.; UG Library
363.3 NAG 05055347 Environmental education and solid wast management / Nag,A. New Age International, 2010 812241690x | 9788122416909 95p.; Knowledge Centre
363.3 NAS 04007716 Principles for Evaluating Chemicals in the Environment : National Academy of Sciences, 1975 0309022487 xiii, 454 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.305 BER 00104209 Radical Religious and Violent : Berman Eli Orient BlackSwan ; 2009 9788125041665 300 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.305 BER 07004486 Radical Religious and Violent : Berman Eli Orient BlackSwan ; 2009 9788125041665 300 p.: Library - BR Campus
363.31 BOS 05031012 Gender and Censorship / Bose, Brinda WOMEN UNLIMITED , 2006 8188965146 332p .: Knowledge Centre
363.31 BOS 00095702 Gender & Censorship Bose Brinda Women Unlimited, 2006 9788188965146 332 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.31 DHA 01011788 Publish and Be Damned: Dhavan, Rajeev Tulika Books 9788189487454 312p.; Knowledge Centre
363.31 FRE 05019696 Censoring: The Moving Image [MSW-SECTION] French, Philip Seagull 9781905422555 122 p Knowledge Centre
363.31 MAZ 05048953 Censorium : Mazzarella, William, Oriental Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9780822353744 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 284 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.31 MAZ 07013018 Censorium : Mazzarella, William, Oriental Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9780822353744 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 284 p. ; Library - BR Campus
363.31 MAZ 07009080 Censorium : Mazzarella, William, Oriental Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9780822353744 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 284 p. ; Library - BR Campus
363.31 MAZ 07013019 Censorium : Mazzarella, William, Oriental Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2013 9780822353744 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 284 p. ; Library - BR Campus
363.31 MOO 05057086 Censorship and limits of the literary / Moore, Nicole., ed. Bloomsbury Publishing; 2015 9781501330391 vi, 260p. Knowledge Centre
363.31 PET 00072825 Film and censorship Petrie, Ruth Cassell, 1997 0304339369 (hc) | 0304339377 ( vii, 193 p. : UG Library
363.310 SET 07013652 War over words/ Sethi, Devika. Cambridge University Press, 2019 9781108484244 xiv 289p;. Library - BR Campus
363.310954 CHA 00129080 The writer, the reader and the state : Chandran, Mini, Sage 2017 9789386446077 (print : alk. pa 190p. UG Library
363.310954 CHA 10001544 The writer, the reader and the state : Chandran, Mini, Sage 2017 9789386446077 (print : alk. pa 190p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.310954 KAU 05040729 Censorship in South Asia : Routledge, 2009 9788189643195 243p.: Knowledge Centre
363.310954 KAU 05039294 Censorship in South Asia Indiana University Press, 2009 9780253353351 (alk. paper) | 0 vii, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.310973 CAS 05019695 Censorship Caso Frank Viva Books 9788130914152 347P Knowledge Centre
363.310973 HAZ 05037038 Little Known Fighters Against the Raj:Figures from Meghalaya / Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research, 2013 9789381722091 vii,92p.: Knowledge Centre
363.3109730905 SIM 05042007 The new censorship : Simon, Joel, 9780231160643 | 9780231538336 1 online resource (249 pages). Knowledge Centre
363.31ASM 01010127 Guarded Tongue (law Lib) Asmita Asmita Resource Centre for Women 215p Knowledge Centre
363.31BOS 00094778 Gender and Censorship / Bose, Brinda WOMEN UNLIMITED , 2006 8188965146 332p .: UG Library
363.32 CAW 01021244 Violence assessment and intervention : Cawood, James S. CRC Press, 2009 9781420071122 (alk. paper) | 1 2nd ed. xvi, 376 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.32 DHA 00107057 The Terrorist at my table Dharker, Imtiaz. Penguin Books 2006 0143102427 (pbk.) 158 p. : UG Library
363.32 ERM 05063943 Honor related violence : Ermers, Robert. Routledge, 2018 9781138749146 (hb) | 9781138749191 (pb) 1 Edition. xi, 343p. Knowledge Centre
363.32 HOW 05044282 Failed states and the origins of violence : Howard, Tiffiany. Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014 9781472417800 (hardback : alk. xii, 210 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.32 JES 05019684 Preventing Violence: Caring for Survivors: Role of Health Profession and Services in Violence: [MSW] Ajesani, Amar Kalpaz 8178352966 319p Knowledge Centre
363.32 KHA 01002991 Khaki and the Ethnic Violence in India (law Lib) Omar Khalidi Three Essays Collective 8188789089 126p. Knowledge Centre
363.32 MAR 01019398 Understanding terrorism : Martin, Gus. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452205823 (pbk.) 4th ed. 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
363.32 MAR 05019760 Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues [MSW-SECTION] Martin, Gus 1412927226 563 p Knowledge Centre
363.32 RAN 05044848 Social Unrest and Violence / Rani, Samitha Jnanada Prakashan, 2014 9788171396078 188 p. Knowledge Centre
363.32 ROB 01021391 Honor-based violence : Roberts, Karl Anton. CRC Press, 2014 9781466556652 (hardback) xxxi, 195 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.32 ROD 00103471 Kasab : Rodrigues, Rommel. Penguin Books India, 2010 9780143415473 (pbk.) | 0143415 xii, 276 p. ; UG Library
363.32 ROD 03006039 Kasab : Rodrigues, Rommel. Penguin Books India, 2010 9780143415473 (pbk.) | 0143415 xii, 276 p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.32 SRI 05019691 Communal Violence and Administration Srivastva, Anamika Rawat Publications 0817033532 256p Knowledge Centre
363.32 THE 05005387 Violence in post-conflict societies : ThemneĢr, Anders. Routledge, 2011 9780415579223 (hardcover) xiii, 210 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.32019 VIC 01010751 Psychology of Terrorism Hey Readings : Jeff Victoroff Psychology Press, 2009 9781841694658 496p.; Knowledge Centre
363.32019 VIC 05005085 Psychology of Terrorism Hey Readings : Jeff Victoroff Psychology Press, 2009 9781841694658 496p.; Knowledge Centre
363.32019BON 00073849 Psychology of Terrorism [DHARMARAM LIBRARY] Bongar, Bruce 0195172493 492p UG Library
363.320285 ABB 01010419 Applications of information systems to homeland security and defense / Idea Group Pub., 2006 1591406404 (hc) | 1591406412 (sc) | 1591406439 (ebook) xii, 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.320973 MEN 04020051 Homeland Security : Mena, Jesus LaXmi Publication, 2007 9788131800508 331p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.323 STI 05044870 Introduction to crowd science / Still, G. Keith. CRC Press, 2013 9781466579644 (hardback) xxi, 278 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 AGG 07013881 Media Persuasion in the islamic state / Aggarwal, Niel Krishan Culumbia University Press, 2019 9780231801577 ix,239p.; Library - BR Campus
363.325 AGG 07014667 Media Persuasion in the islamic state / Aggarwal, Niel Krishan Culumbia University Press, 2019 9780231801577 ix,239p.; Library - BR Campus
363.325 ASA 01010032 On suicide bombing / Asad, Talal. Columbia University Press, 2007 0231141521 (clothbound : alk. paper) | 9780231141529 (clothbound : alk. paper) | 0231511973 (ebooks) | 9780231511971 (ebooks) 128 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 ATW 00089422 Secret History of Al-Qu`ida Atwan, Abdel Bari Multilingual Matters Limited, 2009 9788130911168 256 p.: UG Library
363.325 ATW 00089699 Secret History of Al-Qu`ida Atwan, Abdel Bari Multilingual Matters Limited, 2009 9788130911168 256 p.: UG Library
363.325 ATW 00092451 Secret History of Al-Qu`ida Atwan, Abdel Bari Multilingual Matters Limited, 2009 9788130911168 256 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
363.325 BER 05057437 The world according to al qaeda / Berner, Brad K. Peacock Books, 2007 9788124801147 xiii, 205p. Knowledge Centre
363.325 BHA 05040097 Terrorism:Perspectives from Behavioral and Social Science / Bharti Avinash Cyber Tech Publications, 2010 9788178846514 262p.: Knowledge Centre
363.325 BHA 05046433 Terror and performance / Bharucha, Rustom, Tulika Books, 2014 9781138014237 (hardback : alk. xvi,250p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 BHU 00144616 Terrorism, violent radicalization, and mental health / Bhui, Kamaldeep. Oxford university press, 2021 9780198845706 | 0198845707 First edition. ix, 273 pages ; UG Library
363.325 BLA 05068546 Progressive violence : Blain, Michael, Routledge, 2018 9781138497726 (hbk) xv, 162 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 BOO 05009464 Terror in our time / Booth, Ken, Routledge, 2012 9780415678308 (hardback) | 041 ix, 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 BRE 05004740 Discourses and practices of terrorism : Routledge, 2010 9780415488082 (hardcover) | 04 xi, 195 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 COA 00142613 The meaning of terrorism / Coady, C. A. J., Oxford university press, 2021 9780199603961 x,224p.; UG Library
363.325 COM 01019827 Terrorism in the twenty-first century / Combs, Cindy C. Pearson, 2013 9780205851652 | 0205851657 7th ed. xxii, 393 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 COM 05045265 Terrorism in the twenty-first century / Combs, Cindy C. Prentice Hall, 2010 9780205779710 | 0205779719 6th ed. xxii, 378 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 CRO 05007355 Managing terrorism and insurgency : Crouch, Cameron I. Routledge, 2010 9780415484411 (hardcover) | 02 xii, 193 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 EMA 00139015 Sampling for biological agents in the environment / Emanuel, Peter ASM Press, 2008 9781555814502 (hardcover) | 1555814506 (hardcover) xvii, 294 p. : UG Library
363.325 END 01024351 The economics of terrorism / Enders, Walter, Edward elgar publishing limited., 2016 9781784711863 | 1784711861 xxii, 796 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 END 05009659 The political economy of terrorism / Enders, Walter, Cambridge University Press, 2012 9780521181006 (paperback) 2nd ed. xvi, 390 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 ENG 00098928 Terrorism : English, Richard, Oxford University Press, 9780199229987 | 0199229988 xi, 175 p., [8] p. of plates : UG Library
363.325 FOT 00089698 Terrorism: The New World Disorder Fotion, Nicholas Continuum 9781846841644 187p. UG Library
363.325 FRE 00108789 Media and Terrorism : Freedman Des Sage Publications, 2012 9781446201589 (paper) | 978144 xiii, 322 p. UG Library
363.325 GER 05038698 The rise and fall of Al-Qaeda / Gerges, Fawaz A. Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199974689 x,261p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 GHO 01012634 Science and technology of terrorism and counterterrorism / CRC Press, 9781420071818 (alk. paper) 582p. cm. Knowledge Centre
363.325 GOD 05054106 Cyber Security : Godbole, Nina wiley , 2011 9788126521791 xiv,570p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 GOT 05039796 Debating terrorism and counterterrorism : Sage Publications, 2014 9781452226729 (pbk. : acidfree 2nd edition. xxii, 407 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 HAS 05005138 Life as a weapon : Hassan, Riaz, Routledge, 2010 9780415588850 (hardback) 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 HOF 05059499 Inside terrorism / Hoffman, Bruce, Columbia University Press, 2017 9780231174763 (cloth : alk. pa Third Edition. xiii,494p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 HOL 01016941 Terrorism, organised crime and corruption : Edward Elgar, 2007 1845425375 (hbk.) | 9781845425 xv, 302 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 HOR 05009459 Terrorism studies : Routledge, 2011 9780415455046 (hardback) | 978 xxiii, 504 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 IBR 00119293 The Al Qaeda reader / Ibrahim,Raymond Broadway Books, 2007 9780767922623 (pbk.) 1st pbk. ed. xxxii, 318 p. ; UG Library
363.325 JAC 05018139 Contemporary debates on terrorism / Routledge, 2012 9780415591157 (hbk) | 97804155 xx, 218 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 KAP 05005427 Terrorist groups and new tribalism : Kaplan, Jeffrey, Routledge, 2010 9780415453387 | 0415453380 | 9 235 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 KEE 01011469 Terrorism, Economic Development and Political Openness (law Lib) Philip Keefer Cambridge University Press 9780521887588 308p Knowledge Centre
363.325 KEE 05055310 Terrorism, economic development, and political openness / Cambridge University Press, 9780521887588 (hardback) | 052 xvii, 308 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 LEP 05073566 How terror evolves : Lepage,Veilleux Yannick. Rowman & Littlefield, 2022 9781538149812 xii, 185p, ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 LOW 01019489 Terrorism"s unanswered questions/ Praeger Security International, 2009 9780313353222 x,239p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 LUT 05037871 Global terrorism / Lutz, James M. Routledge, 2013 9780415537858 (hbk.) | 9780415 3rd ed. xiv, 373 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 LYN 01026157 Victims and perpetrators of terrorism : Routledge, 2018 9781138739550 (hardback) xii, 204 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 MAL 00120049 International Terrorism Changing Dimension of Security Malik Abid Mohd Book Enclave, 2014 9788181523532 v,248 p.: UG Library
363.325 MAR 01011878 Understanding terrorism : Martin, Gus. Sage, 9781412970594 (pbk.) | 1412970 1 v. (various pagings) :540p Knowledge Centre
363.325 MAR 00130511 Understanding homeland security / Martin, Gus, Sage 2017 9781506346137 (pbk : alk. pape 2nd ed. xix, 433 pages : UG Library
363.325 MAR 00108799 Terrorism and Homeland Security Martin, Gus. SAGE, Publications. 2011 9781412988025 | 1412988020 (pb xix, 323, p: UG Library
363.325 MAR 01021809 Understanding terrorism : Martin, Gus. Sage, 2016 9781483378985 (pbk. : alk. pap 5th edition. xxiii, 465 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.325 MAR 05055381 Essentials of terrorism : Martin, Gus. SAGE Publications, 2008 9781412953139 (pbk. : acidfree xvi, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 MAR 05059897 Essentials of terrorism : Martin, Gus. SAGE Publications, 2008 9781412953139 (pbk. : acidfree xvi, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 MAR 05037329 Essentials of terrorism : Martin, Gus. Sage Publications, 2014 9781452256658 (pbk. : acidfree 3rd ed. xviii, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 MAR 05037869 Essentials of terrorism : Martin, Gus. Sage Publication, 2014 9781452256658 (pbk. : acidfree 3rd ed. xviii, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 MAR 00120562 Essentials of terrorism : Martin, Gus. SAGE, 2011 9781412980265 (pbk.) | 1412980 2nd ed. 1 v. (various pagings) :318p. UG Library
363.325 MAT 01019488 Terrorism & communication Matusitz,Jonathan Sage Publication, 2013 9781452240282 xx,498p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 MAT 01022565 Symbolism in terrorism : Matusitz, Jonathan Andre, Rowman & Littlefield, 2015 9781442235779 (cloth : alk. pa xiv, 339 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.325 MOG 05005036 Fault lines in global Jihad : Routledge, 2011 9780415586245 (hardback) xv, 271 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 NAC 05036986 Terrorism and counterterrorism / Nacos, Brigitte Lebens Pearson Longman, 2012 9780205005802 | 0205005802 4th ed. xiii, 338 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 NAN 05048261 Terrorist recognition handbook : Nance, Malcolm W. CRC Press, 2014 9781466554573 (alk. paper) Third edition. xxiv, 415 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 NIL 07014120 Open source jihad : Nilsson, Per-Erik, Cambridge University Press, 2018 1108448747 | 9781108448741 108 pages ; Library - BR Campus
363.325 PED 01010837 The Israeli secret services and the struggle against terrorism / Pedahzur, Ami. Columbia University Press, 2009 9780231140423 (cloth : alk. paper) | 0231140428 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780231511612 (ebook) | 0231511612 (ebook) x, 215 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 PER 01010440 The theory and practice of Islamic terrorism : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 0230606628 (alk. paper) | 9780230606623 (alk. paper) | 0230608647 (alk. paper) | 9780230608641 (alk. paper) vii, 255 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 POY 05021008 Counter-terrorism and state political violence : Routledge, 2012 9780415607209 (hbk.) | 0415607 x, 252 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 RAN 05007293 Unconventional weapons and international terrorism : Ranstorp, Magnus Routledge, 2009 9780415484398 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 210 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 RAO 00061891 Terrorism : A Comprehensive Analysis of World Terrorism Rao Deepak APH Publishing 2004 9788176485272 172 p UG Library
363.325 RAY 00093426 Disaster preparedness against accident or terrorist attack / Ray .p.k New Age International, 2010 9788122417425 313p.; UG Library
363.325 RAY 05055342 Disaster preparedness against accident or terrorist attack / Ray .p.k New Age International, 2010 9788122417425 313p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 ROG 05056778 Irregular war : Rogers, Paul, I.B.Tauris, 2016 9781784534882 | 1784534889 xii, 244 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 SAI 00089665 Terrorism : SAGE Publications India ; | SAGE, 2009 9788178299518 (hard back) | 81 xl, 266 p. ; UG Library
363.325 SAI 05056847 Terrorism : SAGE Publications India ; | SAGE, 2009 9788178299518 (hard back) | 81 xl, 266 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 SAN 00090011 26\11 the Attack on Mumbai Sanghvi, Vir Penduin books, 2009 9780143067054 283 p.: UG Library
363.325 SCH 05007379 The Routledge handbook of terrorism research / Schmid, Alex P Routledge, 2011 9780415411578 (hardcover) xviii, 718 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325 SIN 00107126 Gandhian Philosophy and Terrorism Singh U V Pentagon Press 2011 9788182744769 xi, 265 p. UG Library
363.325 SOU 07012063 Anatomy of Terror : Soufan ALi W.W.Norton & Company, 2018 9780393355888 xix,359p.: Library - BR Campus
363.325 STE 00140249 ISIS : Stern,Jessica. William Collins, 2015 9780008133610 xxii,385p.; UG Library
363.325 STE 05045964 ISIS : Stern,Jessica. William Collins, 2015 9780008133610 xxii,385p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 STE 07007365 ISIS : Stern,Jessica. William Collins, 2015 9780008133610 xxii,385p.; Library - BR Campus
363.325 STO 01026417 The constructions of terrorism : Stohl, Michael. University Of California, 2017 9780520294165 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780520294172 (pbk : alk. paper) vii,244p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 STO 05062621 The constructions of terrorism : Stohl, Michael. University Of California, 2017 9780520294165 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780520294172 (pbk : alk. paper) vii,244p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 STR 01011375 Terrorism and Torture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (law Lib) Werner G K Stritzke Cambridge University Press 9780521898195 352p Knowledge Centre
363.325 TOW 05062708 Terrorism : Townshend, Charles. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198809098 3rd ed. 165p. Knowledge Centre
363.325 TUL 00102863 Sociolgy and psychology of terrorism / Tuli,K,L. Cyber tech publications, 2011 9788178847580 328 p.; UG Library
363.325 VAN 01025755 US national cybersecurity : Routledge, 2017 9780415787994 (hbk : alk. pape xv, 221 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 VAR 00060920 Prevention of Terrorism from TADA to POTA Varma, Adarsh Kumar Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 8120724844 103p UG Library
363.325 VER 05048262 Terrorism and guerilla warfare / Verma,R.N. Navyug Books, 2015 9789382974314 vi,232p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325 WEI 05009463 The end of terrorism? / Weinberg, Leonard, Routledge, 2012 9780415781176 (hbk.) | 9780415 xii, 156 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325 WIN 00146405 Proto-state media systems : Winkler, Carol, Oxford University Pres 2022 9780197568064 | 9780197568057 277p. UG Library
363.325019 LYN 00138195 Applying psychology : Lynch, Orla, John Wiley and sons, 2019 9780470683170 (hardcover) | 9780470683163 (pbk.) xiii,158p.; UG Library
363.325019 POS 05044575 The mind of the terrorist : Post, Jerrold M. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 9780230612693 (pbk.) | 0230612 1st pbk. ed. vi, 311 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.3250820973 JOA 05069894 A Woman's place : Cook, Joana. Hurst & Company, 2019 9781787381315 xvi, 564p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.32509 LAW 05048318 Terrorism : Law, Randall David, Polity Press, 2016 9780745690896 (hardcover : alk x, 386 p. Knowledge Centre
363.32509 THO 05005226 An intellectual history of terror : Thorup, Mikkel. Routledge, 2010 9780415579957 (hbk.) | 0415579 xiii, 278 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.32509041 JEN 05038363 The battle against anarchist terrorism Jensen, Richard Bach. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107034051 (hardback) xviii, 410 p. Knowledge Centre
363.325090511 HOF 05042665 The evolution of the global terrorist threat : 9780231168984 | 9780231537438 1 online resource (694 pages). Knowledge Centre
363.325092 DEA 05066592 Nine lives : Dean, Aimen. Oneworld, 2019 9781786075406 xii,467p.; Knowledge Centre
363.3250922 BAL 00109632 Terrorists in love Ballen, Ken. Free Press, 2011 9781451609219 | 1451609213 | 9 xvi, 313 p. ; UG Library
363.3250941 BLA 01023045 Policing terrorism / Blake,Christopher. Sage, 2012 9780857255181 v,194p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325095 GUN 05060543 Handbook of terrorism in the Asia-Pacific / Gunaratna,Rohan. Imperial College Press, 2016 9781783269952 xxviii, 650 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.3250951 LIU 05072920 China's Soft War on Terror : Liu, Tianyang. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2022 9780367764623 1st ed., vi, 193p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.3250954 KUM 05039381 South Asia, the spectre of terrorism / P R Kumaraswamy Routledge, 2009 9780415483216 193 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.3250954 SIN 07010375 Cyber Terrorism and National Security / Mohit Publications, 2015 9788174456991 xviii,561p.: Library - BR Campus
363.325095409041 GHO 07012469 Gentlemanly terrorists : Ghosh, Durba, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107186668 (alk. paper) | 9 xv,275p.; Library - BR Campus
363.325095409041 GHO 05059324 Gentlemanly terrorists : Ghosh, Durba, Cambridge university press, 2017 9781107186668 (alk. paper) | 9 xv,275p.; Knowledge Centre
363.32509541 UPA 03005821 India's fragile borderlands : Upadhyay, Archana. I.B. Tauris, 2009 9781845115869 (hbk.) | 1845115 xix, 308 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.3250954792 MAH 03006789 The politics of counterterrorism in India : Mahadevan, Prem. New York : I.B. Tauris, 2012 9781848857759 xvii, 297 p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.3250954792 MAH 05017831 The politics of counterterrorism in India : Mahadevan, Prem. New York : I.B. Tauris, 2012 9781848857759 xvii, 297 p. Knowledge Centre
363.3250954792 BAW 03005424 26/11 Mumbai Attacked / Baweja, Harinder. Lotus Collection, 2009 9788174367075 xii, 216 p., [24] p. of plates : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.325095491 FAI 05067097 In their own words : Fair, C. Christine, Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199495214 xii, 307 pages : Knowledge Centre
363.325095491 GUL 05046083 Pakistan : Gul, Imtiaz. Roli Books, 2012 9788174369093 (pbk.) | 8174369090 (pbk.) xx, 291 p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325095491 GUL 00145656 Pakistan : Gul, Imtiaz. Roli Books, 2012 9788174369093 (pbk.) | 8174369090 (pbk.) xx, 291 p.; UG Library
363.325095491 GUL 05042510 Pakistan : Gul, Imtiaz. Roli Books, 2012 9788174369093 (pbk.) | 8174369090 (pbk.) xx, 291 p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325095491 TAB 03006037 Storming the world stage : Tankel, Stephen. Hachette book., 2011 9789350092729 352p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
363.3250956 ALX 05046605 The Islamic State : Alexander, Yonah, Lexington Books, 2015 9781498525114 (cloth : alk. pa xxxiii,336p.: Knowledge Centre
363.3250956 ANS 05069913 Emergence of the Islamic State and its impact on the Muslim organisations in India / Ansari, Kamran. K W Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2018 9789387324237 | 9387324230 xxx, 122 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325095694 SIN 05005221 Hamas and suicide terrorism : Singh, Rashmi Rajpal. Routledge, 2011 9780415498043 xiii, 207 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.32509669 HEN 01026426 Understanding Boko Haram : Hentz, James J. Routledge, 2017 9781138696228 (hardback) xix,283p.; Knowledge Centre
363.32509669 MAS 00131623 Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram : Maszka, John, World scientific publishing europe ltd., 2018 9781786343987 (hc : alk. paper) xxv, 250 pages ; UG Library
363.32509669 THU 05059486 Boko Hram : Thurston, Alexander, Princeton, 2018 9780691172248 (hardcover : alk viii,333p.; Knowledge Centre
363.3250973 BER 05048048 United States of Jihad : Bergen, Peter L., Crown Publishers, 2016 9780804139540 (hbk) | 97808041 First edition. 387p.; Knowledge Centre
363.3250973 HAS 05042722 Global jihad and America : Hashmi, Taj ul-Islam, Sage, 2014 9788132113782 (hardback : alk. xiii,322p.: Knowledge Centre
363.3250973 HIR 01023536 The United States and terrorism : Hirschbein, Ron, Rowan Littlefield, 2015 9781442237773 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 213 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.3251 BEE 01021469 Combating money laundering and terrorism finance : Edward Elgar, 2013 9781849807517 (hbk.) | 1849807 lxiv, 817 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.3251 GUP 00105545 The Indian Mujahideen: Gupta,Shishir. Hachette India. 2011 9789350092521 xiv,314 p. UG Library
363.3251 SHA 00105554 Inside Al-Qaeda and the Taliban: Shahzad,Syed Saleem. Palgrave Macmillan. 2011 9780745331010 xx,260 p. UG Library
363.3251095491 MIR 05048710 Talibanisation of Pakistan : Mir, Amir. Shree Book Centre, 2009 978814994476 | X00077UKQ3 1st ed. xxxii,451 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.32511 HAM 05073606 Jihadi Politics : Hamming, Tore. Hurst & co, 2022 9781787387027 xxv,557p, ; Knowledge Centre
363.32511 HAM 00144326 Jihadi Politics : Hamming, Tore. Hurst & co, 2022 9781787387027 xxv,557p, ; UG Library
363.32512 WHI 00128699 Terrorism : Whittaker, David J., Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2007 9781405840859 (alk. paper) | 1 Rev. ed. vi, 236 p. : UG Library
363.325156 WIL 01007563 Terrorism versus democracy : Wilkinson, Paul, Routledge, 2006 041538477X (hardback) | 9780415384773 (hardback) | 0415384788 (pbk.) | 9780415384780 (pbk.) 2nd ed., New ed., [Rev. ed.]. xvii, 254 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.3251561 FOR 01010538 Terrorism, crime, and public policy / Forst, Brian. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521859240 | 0521859247 | 9780521676427 (pbk.) | 0521676428 (pbk.) xxiv, 495 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.3251561 FOR 01019027 Terrorism, crime, and public policy / Forst, Brian. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521859240 | 0521859247 | 9 xxiv, 495 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.3251561 FOR 00122024 Terrorism, crime, and public policy / Forst, Brian. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521859240 | 0521859247 | 9780521676427 (pbk.) | 0521676428 (pbk.) xxiv, 495 p. : UG Library
363.3251561 SIN 05005369 International terrorism post-9/11 : Routledge, 2010 0415552303 (hardcover) | 97804 xv, 240 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325156109763 TAM 01016863 Terrorism and national security reform : Tama Jordan Cambridge University Press; 2011 817588388 xiii, 232.p.; Knowledge Centre
363.32516 MAR 07009163 Counterterrorism / Maras, Marie Helen Jones & Bartlett, 2013 9781449648602 xiii,395p. Library - BR Campus
363.32516 WAL 05059138 Torture, terror, and trade-offs : Waldron, Jeremy. Oxford University Press, 9780199585045 | 0199585040 | 1 viii, 357 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.32516 WEB 05061276 Assessing the War on Terror : Webel, Charles., ed. London, 2017 9781138204560 (hardback) xiv, 288 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.325160 GUT 01025749 The origins of international counterterrorism : Guttmann, Aviva, BRILL, 2018 9789004276642 (hardback : alk. xii, 286 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.32516094 ARG 05004874 The EU and counter-terrorism : Argomaniz, Javier. Routledge, 2011 9780415565257 (hbk.) | 9780203 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325160941 FOL 07009366 Countering Terrorism in Britain and France / Foley Frank Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107484153 xi,337p.: Library - BR Campus
363.32516095491 YUS 07002795 Pakistan's counterterrorism challenge / Yusuf, Moeed. Foundations books, 2014 9781626160453 (pbk. : alk. pap xv, 252 pages : Library - BR Campus
363.325160973 WAL 01013452 Torture, terror, and trade-offs : Waldron, Jeremy. Oxford University Press, USA, 9780199585045 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
363.325160973 WAL 01013883 Torture, terror, and trade-offs : Waldron, Jeremy. Oxford University Press, USA, 9780199585045 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
363.32517 FAU 05007305 Negotiating with terrorists : Routledge, 2010 9780415566292 (hardcover) | 04 xvii, 230 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.32517 GUI 05008827 Global perspectives on counterterrorism / Guiora, Amos N., Aspen Publishers, 2011 9780735507425 2nd ed. xxviii, 397 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.32517 GUN 05004747 Terrorist rehabilitation and counter-radicalisation new approaches to counter-terrorism / Routledge, 2011 9780415582933 | 0415582938 x, 150 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.32517 JOH 01021230 Antiterrorism and threat response : Johnson, Ross. CRC Press, 2013 9781466512900 (hbk. : alk. pap xxi, 274 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.32517 MON 07009195 Terrorism Security,and Human Rights : Monshipouri Mahmood Viva Books, 2015 9788130923642 ix,309p.: Library - BR Campus
363.32517 NOW 01026156 Using human rights to counter terrorism / Edward Elgar, 2018 9781784715267 | 1784715263 x, 371 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.32517 RYD 01025900 The financial war on terrorism : Ryder, Nicholas, Routledge, 2015 9780415640381 (hbk) | 04156403 xi, 210 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.32517 STA 01021637 Preventing terrorism and violent extremism / Staniforth, Andrew. Oxford University Press, 2014 0198705794 | 9780198705796 xxviii, 283 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325170941 CRA 01012320 Terror and the war on dissent : Cram, Ian. Springer, 9783642006364 (hbk.) | 3642006 xiv, 170 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.325170941 WIL 01007561 Homeland security in the UK : 9780415383745 (hbk.) | 0415383749 (hbk.) | 9780415383752 (pbk.) | 0415383757 (pbk.) xii, 417 pages ; Knowledge Centre
363.3253 ACK 01010750 Jihadists and Weapons of Mass Destruction (law Lib) Gary Ackerman CRC Press 9781420069648 489p Knowledge Centre
363.3253 FRI 00111568 Introduction to statistical methods for biosurveillance : Fricker, Ronald D., Cambridge University Press, 2013 9780521191340 (hardback) xvi, 399 p. : UG Library
363.3253 GAU 00108714 Biotechnology Research In Age Of Terrorism Gaur A.K. Cyber Tech Publications 2010 9788178846286 1st Ed. 272 p. UG Library
363.32537KEL 00081038 Bioviolence:Preventing Biological Terror and Crime Kellman, Barry Cambridge 362p UG Library
363.3255 JEN 01010883 Will terrorists go nuclear? / Jenkins, Brian Michael. Prometheus Books, 2008 9781591026563 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 1591026563 (hardcover : alk. paper) 457 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.325570973 CAR 05011336 Nuclear insecurity : Caravelli, Jack, Praeger Security International, 2008 9780275997465 (alk. paper) | 0 viii, 178 p. ; Knowledge Centre
363.32590046780973 AMO 01016650 Cyber Attacks : Amoroso, Edward G. Butterworth-Heinemann, 9780123849175 xi,233p.; Knowledge Centre
363.325ASD 00087652 ON SUICIDE BOMBING Asad, Talal SEAGULL 9788170463306 128p UG Library
363.325PED 01010393 Israeli Secret Services & the Struggle Against Terrorism (law Lib) Ami Pedahzur Columbia University Press 9780231140423 215p Knowledge Centre
363.325PUR 01008466 Terrrorism and Homeland Security:An Introduction With Applications Philip P Purpura Butterworth Heinemann 0750678437 495p. Knowledge Centre
363.329547 TIW 00135912 The Great Indian Conspiracy / Tiwari,Praveen. Bloomsbury, 2019 9789386950598 xiii,277p.; UG Library
363.33 DOD 00145344 Adolescent Gun Violence Prevention : Dodson, Nancy A Springer 2021 9783030847098 xiv:149p. UG Library
363.3309 DEL 00144626 The Silent Epidemic of Gun Injuries : Delgado, Melvin, Oxford university press, 2022 9780197609767 x,270p, ; UG Library
363.330973 PIR 09000260 The behavioral science of firearms : Pirelli, Gianni. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190630430 xxxiii, 608p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.330973 PIR 05067787 The behavioral science of firearms : Pirelli, Gianni. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780190630430 xxxiii, 608p.; Knowledge Centre
363.34 KIE 00112993 The dynamics of disaster / Kieffer, Susan W. W. W. Norton & Co., 2013 9780393349917 1st ed. xvi, 315 p. : UG Library
363.34 ARN 01005986 Natural Disaster Hotspots ( Law Lib ) Margaret Arnold World Bank 0821363328 184p. Knowledge Centre
363.34 BAR 00137379 Exploring natural hazards : Bartlett, Darius J., CRC press, 2018 9781138054424 (hardback : alk. paper) xix,358p.; UG Library
363.34 CHH 05046624 The Toda Landscape : Chhabra,Tarun. Orient BlackSwan, 2015 9788125061601 lxxiii,543p.; Knowledge Centre
363.34 COE 04015594 Natural disasters and how we cope / Coenraads, Robert Raymond, Millenium house, 2006 9781921209659 523p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.34 FAG 04026149 Principles of emergency management : Fagel, Michael CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2012 9781439871201 xxxviii, 547 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.34 GUH 04021373 The economic impacts of natural disasters / Guha-Sapir,Debarati. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199841936 xii, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
363.34 GUH 05034044 The economic impacts of natural disasters / Guha-Sapir,Debarati. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780199841936 xii, 326 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.34 GUL 05019678 Genesis of Disasters: Remifications and Ameliorations [MSW] Gulia, K S Kalpaz 8178351133 306p Knowledge Centre
363.34 GUP 00109856 Environmental Issues For The 21st Century Gupta Das S.P. Mittal Publications 2003 9788170998730 1st Ed. xii; 194 p. UG Library
363.34 JAN 05018141 Historical disasters in context : Routledge, 2012 9780415885096 xii, 295 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.34 JOS 05019674 Environmental Disaster: Causes, Impact and Remedies: [MSW] Joshi, V Mahesh Adhyayan Publishers 8189161008 146p Knowledge Centre
363.34 KAP 00093783 Vulnerable India : Kapur, Anu. Indian Institute of Advanced Study ; | SAGE, 2010 9788132100775 | 8132100778 xxi, 269 p. : UG Library
363.34 KIE 05041660 The dynamics of disaster / Kieffer, Susan W. W. W. Norton & Co., 2013 9780393349917 1st ed. xvi, 315 p. : Knowledge Centre
363.34 MCG 05048849 Global catastrophes : McGuire, Bill. Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198715931 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xxv123p.; Knowledge Centre
363.34 MOD 03008602 Managing Natu