Total Books (Sociology) - 15590

CallNo Barcode Title Author Publisher Code Year ISBN Edition Pages Library
300 RUS 03003435 Fact and Fiction / Russell, Bertrand Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2010 9780415487320 304 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300 ARU 00014962 Text Book of Social Science Arulnathan, S.clement Subhas Stores 1967 xiii; 270 p. UG Library
300 BOU 00011248 The Impact of the Social Sciences Boulding Kenneth E Vakils, Feffer & Simons Pvt Ltd 1966 88 p UG Library
300 BUT 05005573 The social and political body / Guilford Press, 1996 1572301392 (hard : acidfree pa x, 228 p. : Knowledge Centre
300 CHO 00127102 Social Sciences Chowdhry, N K S Chand 2004 8121912970 220 UG Library
300 CHO 00115797 Question Bank in Social Science Chowdhry, N K S Chand 2005 9788121917131 248 UG Library
300 COB 00017943 Tomorrow & Tomorrow Cobb Stanwood Bahai Publishing Trust 1972 82 p UG Library
300 COW 00051521 Economic Issues and Policy Brux, Macquiline Murray 1999 0538847972 130p UG Library
300 DAS 00095388 Sociology and Anthropology of Economic Life I Das Veena Oxford University Press 9780198063261 304p UG Library
300 DIR 00115799 Social Science, 10th Standard Directorate of Text Books Director Text Booksk 2005 202p UG Library
300 DIR 00115798 Social Science, 10th Standard Directorate of Text Books Director Text Booksk 2005 202p UG Library
300 DIX 00129769 Reading Social Research : Jeffrey C. Dixon SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452242019 (pbk.) xiv, 245 p. : UG Library
300 EDW 05007884 The Oxford handbook of civil society / Oxford University Press, 2011 9780195398571 xiii,515 p Knowledge Centre
300 EDW 05042228 Civil society / Edwards, Michael, Polity Press, 2014 9780745679358 (hardback) | 074 3rd ed. xi, 185 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300 EHR 00140845 Civil society : Ehrenberg, John, Sage Publication India Pvt.Ltd. 2018 9789352800810 (print (hb) : alk. paper) viii,331 p.; UG Library
300 EHR 00133236 Civil society : Ehrenberg, John, Sage Publication India Pvt.Ltd. 2018 9789352800810 (print (hb) : alk. paper) viii,331 p.; UG Library
300 ELL 05019994 Civil Society and Democracy: A Reader [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Elliott, Carolyn 0019568351 508 p Knowledge Centre
300 EPS 05046384 The ant trap : Epstein, Brian. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199381104 (hardcover : alk 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
300 FLY 00110003 Real Social Science Flyvbjerg, Bent. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9781107000254 (hbk.) | 9780521 xi, 308 p. : UG Library
300 FRO 05056560 Digital Environments : Frömming, Urte Undine.; Köhn, Steffen Transcript, 2017 9783837634976 267p.; Knowledge Centre
300 GHO 07009175 Inidan Economy / Ghosh S K Prism Book Publication, 2012 9789382037101 v,220p. Library - BR Campus
300 GHO 07009176 Inidan Economy / Ghosh S K Prism Book Publication, 2012 9789382037101 v,220p. Library - BR Campus
300 GOD 05048733 Public sector achievement in 36 countries : The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, 2015 9789037707410 346p.; Knowledge Centre
300 GRE 00146431 Science, Technology and the Future of Humanity Gregorios, Paulos Mar ISPCK 2007 9788184580198 172p UG Library
300 GUL 04011564 Social Studies/ P. Gulati Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2000 9780070402157 4th ed. xi, 186 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300 GUL 00070219 Social Studies Gulati P Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2005 0070402159 4th Ed 186 p UG Library
300 HOS 07006026 Statistics for Social Science : Hosker Ian Viva Books, 2016 9789385919435 156p.: Library - BR Campus
300 HUN 05047491 Social science : Hunt, Elgin F. Routledge, 2016 9780205971459 (alk. paper) | 0 Fifteenth edition. xxiii, 454 pages : Knowledge Centre
300 HUN 05065445 Social science : Hunt, Elgin F. Routledge , 2017 9780815366676 xviii, 467p. ; Knowledge Centre
300 HUN 00109869 Social Science Hunt Elgin Pearson 2010 9788131730676 13th Ed. xx; 523 p. UG Library
300 HUX 05032761 Ends and Means : Aldous Huxley Transaction Publishers, 2012 9781412847445 vii, 386 p. Knowledge Centre
300 HUX 00112978 Ends and Means : Aldous Huxley Transaction Publishers, 2012 9781412847445 vii, 386 p. UG Library
300 JAM 05058024 Accumulation by segregation : Jamil, Ghazala. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199470655 viii, 240p. Knowledge Centre
300 JOS 00140200 Work and Workers: Joseph,Thomas Better Yourself Books 2014 9789350152362 68p UG Library
300 KAP 00015724 Text Book of Social Science Kapoor, A N Khanna 1980 200 p UG Library
300 KAR 00138310 The Global Nexus : Karim,Dato Wazir Jahan B. World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd., 2020 9789813232433 xlix,501p.; UG Library
300 KAT 00140128 Aval Kattikadu,Boby Jose Indulekha Pusthakam 2017 9789385992186 179p UG Library
300 KBR 00026638 Samanya Samaja Shastra Krishna, B R Vijayam 350 p UG Library
300 KNI 00067330 Reviving Democracy:Citizens at the Heart of Governance Knight, Barry Eearthscan 2002 0001853835 214p UG Library
300 KOU 07008603 UGC NET/JRF/SET Sociology / Koutilya,K Upkar Publication, 2016 9789350133200 611p. Library - BR Campus
300 LOU 00143646 Research Methodology for Social Communication Lourdunathan, S Omega Book World, | Indian Social Institute Research Unit 2019 9789389069068 119p UG Library
300 LOU 00143647 Social Empowerment: Lourdunathan, S Omega Book World, | Indian Social Institute Research Unit 2019 9789389069051 109p UG Library
300 MAJ 05057401 Transnational Commercial Surrogacy and the (Un) Making of Kin in India / Majumdar, Anindita. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199474363 xiv, 236p.; Knowledge Centre
300 MAN 05059794 Dare Not Linger : Mandela, Nelson. Macmillan, 2017 9781509809592 359 p.: Knowledge Centre
300 MAN 03012599 Dare Not Linger : Mandela, Nelson. Macmillan, 2017 9781509809592 359 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300 MAR 00017535 Social Sciences. an Outline for the Intending Student Marsh, David C(edrs) Rkp 1965 180 p UG Library
300 MAT 00139678 Cyborg anthropology : Mathew,Merin. Christian World Imprints; 2020 9789351484974 (HB) 106 p. ; UG Library
300 MCO 05011654 Economics Mcconnell, R Campbell Knowledge Centre
300 MIS 00141563 Recent trend and innovation in Social science and life science / Mishra,Nee Kamal new Delhi Publishers, 2020 9789388879873 169p.; UG Library
300 NAD 05057478 Hit Refresh : Nadella, Satya. Happer Collins, 2017 9780008247652 272p. : Knowledge Centre
300 NAD 05057479 Hit Refresh : Nadella, Satya. Happer Collins, 2017 9780008247652 272p. : Knowledge Centre
300 NAD 05057480 Hit Refresh : Nadella, Satya. Happer Collins, 2017 9780008247652 272p. : Knowledge Centre
300 NAD 04028559 Hit Refresh : Nadella, Satya. Happer Collins, 2017 9780008247652 272p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300 NAG 05034118 The Structure of Science : Ernest, Nagel Routledge, 1979 618 p. Knowledge Centre
300 NAI 00109304 Social Science New Age International New Age International 2012 9788122423914 608 p. UG Library
300 OBE 07006425 The Panama Papers : Obermayer, Bastian. A Oneworld Book, 2016 9781786070470 | 1786070472 366 p.: Library - BR Campus
300 OBE 03011870 The Panama Papers : Obermayer, Bastian. A Oneworld Book, 2016 9781786070470 | 1786070472 366 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300 OME 00115796 Social Science 8th Standard Omega Offset Omega Offset 2005 211p UG Library
300 PAN 07009179 Knowledged economic society / Selvam,Panneer S K Random Publication, 2015 9789351115335 xxii,362p. Library - BR Campus
300 PRA 05005758 Humanities and Social Science / Pradhan, Madhavi Dreamtech Press, 2010 9788177228472 xvi, 278 p. Knowledge Centre
300 RAO 00012774 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00015929 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00009102 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00009104 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00009106 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00009103 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00014449 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00008000 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00009101 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00009108 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 RAO 00008194 Social Science Rao, B R A Banglore University 1965 268 p. UG Library
300 REP 05042119 Introduction to interdisciplinary studies / Repko, Allen F., Sage, 2014 9781452256603 (pbk.) | 1452256 xxix, 332 pages : Knowledge Centre
300 REP 07000059 Introduction to interdisciplinary studies / Repko, Allen F., Sage, 2014 9781452256603 (pbk.) | 1452256 xxix, 332 pages : Library - BR Campus
300 ROB 00033298 Explanation in Social Science Robert, Brown 1 UG Library
300 ROB 00033299 Explanation in Social Science Robert, Brown 1 UG Library
300 ROE 00121299 Driving forces in physical, biological and socio-economic phenomena : Roehner, Bertrand M., Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521859103 | 0521859107 xviii, 254 p. : UG Library
300 ROS 04029607 Factfulness / Rosling, Hans Sceptre, 2018 9781473637467 342p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300 RUS 05019966 Principles of Social Reconstruction [ma-Sociology Section] Russell, Bertrand 0415143497 174p Knowledge Centre
300 SAC 05061981 Social Science Approach and Perceptions / Sachdeva, Nalini. Ishika Publishing House, 2018 9789385302626 viii, 296p.; Knowledge Centre
300 SAT 05019967 Social Sciences and Planning for Sustainable Development Sathyanarayan, B Himalaya 214 p Knowledge Centre
300 SEN 05053181 Evolution of economic ideas / Sen, Smith Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199466832 xiii,183p. Knowledge Centre
300 SHA 00044333 A New Look Into Social Sciences Shabbir S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1993 180 p UG Library
300 SHA 00119878 administrative thoughts Shaikh, Javed Book Enclave 2014 9788181523570 176p. UG Library
300 SHA 00145655 She, The Leader: Aleph Book Company 2023 9789393852816 363p UG Library
300 SHA 05019997 Method & Techniques of Social Survey & Research Sharma, Ramnath Rajhans Publications 336 Knowledge Centre
300 SHA 00044334 A New Look Into Social Sciences Shabbir S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1993 180 p UG Library
300 SHA 05019998 A New Look Into Social Sciences Shabbir S S.Chand & Co Pvt Ltd 1993 180 p Knowledge Centre
300 SHE 00096606 Interdisciplinary Relationships in the Social Sciences / AldineTransaction, 2009 9780202362878 (acidfree paper) xvi, 360 p. : UG Library
300 SHO 05056501 How to read journal articles in the social sciences : Shon, Phillip C., Sage, 2015 9781473918801 (paperback) | 14 2nd edition. x, 130 pages : Knowledge Centre
300 SHO 00110660 How to Read Journal Articles in The Social Sciences : Shon, Phillip C. SAGE, 2012 9781446209318 (hbk.) | 1446209 110 p. : UG Library
300 SIN 05047851 Alcoholism, family, and social work practice / Singh, Chandra Paul, Rawat Publications 2015 9788131606964 xviii, 238 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300 SIN 07011828 Women:Issues of Exclusion and Inclusion / Singh Alka YKing Books, 2018 9789387945159 183p.: Library - BR Campus
300 SIN 01021758 Alcoholism, family, and social work practice / Singh, Chandra Paul, Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606964 xviii, 238 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300 SIN 05044548 Alcoholism, family, and social work practice / Singh, Chandra Paul, Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606964 xviii, 238 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300 STR 05007186 The Political Sciences : Stretton, Hugh Routledge, 1969 9780415555876 453 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
300 TIW 00088755 Text Book of Social Science Tiwari, Ramakant Commonwealth Publications 2008 9788131101407 319p UG Library
300 TIW 00088756 History and Development of Social Science Tiwari, Ramakanth Commonwealth Publications 2008 9788131101469 326p UG Library
300 TRI 07009173 Handbook of international economics / Tripathi, G D Prism Books Publication, 2015 9789382037460 v,275p. Library - BR Campus
300 VAN 00106115 Man as a place of God : Riessen, Renée van. Springer, 2007 9781402062278 (hb) | 140206227 vii, 215 p. ; UG Library
300 VAR 05020209 New Suevey of the Social Science Varma, Baidhya Nath.(edr.,) Asia 248 p Knowledge Centre
300 WAL 05019968 Open the Social Sciences Wallerstein Immanuel Vistaar Publications 1996 0817036616X 105 p Knowledge Centre
300 WAL 00045455 Open the Social Sciences Wallerstein Immanuel Vistaar Publications 1996 0817036616X 105 p UG Library
300 WIL 10002457 Live literature: Wiles, Ellen Palgrave macmillan, 2021 9783030503840 xviii,380 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300 WOO 07008380 Social sciences : Woodward, Kath. Routledge, 2014 9780415824088 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. viii, 192 pages ; Library - BR Campus
300 WOO 00142430 Social sciences : Woodward, Kath, Routledge, 2020 9780367522377 | 9780367522278 Fourth Edition. viii,211p.; UG Library
300 WOO 05041068 Social sciences : Woodward, Kath. Routledge, 2014 9780415824088 (hardback) | 978 Third edition. viii, 192 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300. 72 GOD 00085104 Methods in Social Research Goode, William J Surjeet 2006 386p UG Library
300.01193 BEN 05052476 An introduction to multivariate techniques for social and behavioural sciences / Bennett, Spencer. Macmillan, 1976 0333182774 : | 0333235436 (pbk xii, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.01BLA 01001301 Blackwell Companion to Major Contemporary Social Theorists(law Lib.) George Ritzer Blackwell 0140510595 362p. Knowledge Centre
300.01KIV 01001304 Social Theory: Roots and Branches(law Lib.) Peter Kivisto Roxbury 1891487965 499p. Knowledge Centre
300.02105 UNE 05053313 World social science report 2016 : UNESCO UNESCO 2016 9789231001642 359p. Knowledge Centre
300.03 DAS 05002483 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Social Science Das, Sarendra Kumar Sarup & Sons 1998 8185431701 1 Knowledge Centre
300.03 DAS 05002482 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Social Science Das, Sarendra Kumar Sarup & Sons 1998 8185431701 1 Knowledge Centre
300.03 DAS 05002481 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Social Science Das, Sarendra Kumar Sarup & Sons 1998 8185431701 1 Knowledge Centre
300.03DAM 01006404 Samaja Vijnanagala Paribhashika Padakosha (law Lib) Chandrashekhar Damle Kannada University 526p Knowledge Centre
300.07 KOT 00037126 Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques Kothari, C R Wishwa Prakashan 1995 468 UG Library
300.072 KRI 00117272 Methodology of Research in Soical Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 2013 9789350975695 444p.; UG Library
300.072 KRI 00117291 Methodology of Research in Soical Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 2013 9789350975695 444p.; UG Library
300.072 PHI 05019923 How to Get a Phd: a Handbook for Students and Theori Supervisors Phillips, E M UBSPD 162 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 ARY 05019981 Research Methodology in Management - Theory and Case Studies [ma-Sociology-section] Arya, P P Deep&deep Publications Pvt Ltd 8176293407 650p Knowledge Centre
300.072 BEC 07008450 Publishing Journal Articles/ Becker,Lucinda Sage Publications, 2012 9788132110248 141 Pages.: Library - BR Campus
300.072 BHA 05019965 Methodology and Techinques of Social Research Bhandarkar, P L Himalaya , 1993 456 p. Knowledge Centre
300.072 DAY 05020201 How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper / Day, A Robert UBSPD , 1994 0706982665 160 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.072 DAY 05002487 How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper / Day, A Robert UBSPD , 1994 0706982665 160 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.072 FRA 05019933 Research Methods in the Social Sciences Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava 0340662263 602 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOO 05019987 Methods in Social Research Goode, William J 0007085260 386p Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOO 05020833 Methods in Social Research / Goode, William J McGraw-Hill Ltd , 1952 386 p. Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOO 05019906 Methods in Social Research Goode, J William 0007085260 386 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOO 05019910 Methods in Social Research [ma.Sociology] Goode, J William MGH 386 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOO 05019907 Methods in Social Research Good, J William MGH Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOO 05019909 Methods in Social Research Good, J William MGH Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOO 05019908 Methods in Social Research Goode, J William MGH 386 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOO 05019905 Methods in Social Research Goode, J William MGH Knowledge Centre
300.072 GOP 00017423 Introduction to Research Procedure in Social Sciences Gopal, M H Asia 1967 304 p UG Library
300.072 GRE 05019983 Research Methods Guidance for Postgraduates Greenfield, Tony 0340646292 306 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 GUP 07010462 Research Methodology: Gupta,S,L. International Book House, 2014 9788191064278 11th Edition. 474 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
300.072 HEN 05019932 Short Introduction to Socila Research [msc Counseling Psychology] Henn, Matt Sage Publications 8178296454 285p Knowledge Centre
300.072 KAL 00044674 Survey Methods in Social Investigation Kalton, G 1971 0435826050 489p UG Library
300.072 KAL 00044675 Survey Methods in Social Investigation Kalton, G 1971 0435826050 489p UG Library
300.072 KEA 00050139 Field Data Collection in the Social Sciences Kearl,Bryant Agricultural Development Council 1976 196 p. UG Library
300.072 KHA 05019988 Research Methodology : Techniques and Trends / Khanzode, V V Ashish Publishing House , 1995 8170246482 210 p. Knowledge Centre
300.072 KOT 05029553 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R Vishwa, 1995 8173280363 468 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 KOT 00038014 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R Vishwa, 1995 8173280363 468 p UG Library
300.072 KOT 05029554 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R Vishwa, 1995 8173280363 468 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 KOT 00038013 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R Vishwa, 1995 8173280363 468 p UG Library
300.072 KOT 05029551 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R Vishwa, 1995 8173280363 468 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 KOT 05029555 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R Vishwa, 1995 8173280363 468 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 KOT 05029556 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R Vishwa, 1995 8173280363 468 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 KRI 10000728 Methodology of Research in Soical Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House. 2021 9789350975695 445p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.072 KRI 00080029 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 2005 9789350248669 445p.; UG Library
300.072 KRI 05029584 Methodology of Research in Social Sciencs / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing, 1999 529 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 KRI 05019970 Methodology of Research in Social Sciencs / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing, 1999 529 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 KRI 05053582 Methodology of Research in Soical Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 2013 9789350975695 444p.; Knowledge Centre
300.072 KRI 05000737 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 2005 9789350248669 445p.; Knowledge Centre
300.072 KRI 05059990 Methodology of Research in Soical Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 2013 9789350975695 444p.; Knowledge Centre
300.072 KRI 05059991 Methodology of Research in Soical Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 2007 9788183188494 10.9,433p.; Knowledge Centre
300.072 MAY 05019943 Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process May, Tim Rawat Publications 8131602915 258p Knowledge Centre
300.072 MAY 05003015 Social Research : May,Tim. Rawat Publication, 9788131602911 xiv,258p.; Knowledge Centre
300.072 MEY 07009510 Advanced research Methods/ Mey,Langha De Sage Publication, 2013 9781446275337 269 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
300.072 MIS 05019977 Computer in Social Science Research Mishra, S K HAR-ANAND 232 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 MOR 05067437 Technoscientific research : Morawski, Roman Z. De Gruyter, 2019 9783110583908 (alk. paper) | 9783110584127 (ebk. (epub) | 9783110584066 (ebk. (pdf) 1st edition. xiv,502p.; Knowledge Centre
300.072 NAG 00033295 The Structure of Science/ Nagel, Ernest Macmillan India Limited 1979 618p. UG Library
300.072 NAK 05019984 Research Methods in Social Sciences Nakkiran, S HIMALAYA 226p Knowledge Centre
300.072 PHI 05019978 How to Get a Phd: a Handbook for Students and Theori Supervisors Phillips, E M UBSPD 162 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 SAR 00038870 Research Methodology Saravanavel, P Kitab Mahal 1995 288 p UG Library
300.072 SAT 05019952 Research Methodlogy in Social Sciences Satyanarayan, Prof HIMALAYA 171p Knowledge Centre
300.072 SAT 05019989 Research Methodology in Socil Sciences Satyanarayan, B Himalaya 178 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 SHA 00025368 Research Methods in Social Sciences Sharma B A V Sterling Publishers 1984 272 p UG Library
300.072 SHA 05020276 Research Methods in Social Sciences Sharma B A V Sterling Publishers 1984 272 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 SHA 00025367 Research Methods in Social Sciences Sharma B A V Sterling Publishers 1984 272 p UG Library
300.072 SHA 05019969 Methods & Techniques of Social Survey & Research Sharma, Ram Nath Rajhans 336 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 SIN 05019985 Research Methods in Social Sciences : A Manual for Desinging Questionnaires - MSW Shelf Singh, S P Kanishka Publishers , 2004 8173914834 268p. Knowledge Centre
300.072 SIN 05019917 Research Methods in Social Sciences : A Manual for Desinging Questionnaires - MSW Shelf Singh, S P Kanishka Publishers , 2004 8173914834 268p. Knowledge Centre
300.072 SIN 05020216 Research Methods in Social Sciences : A Manual for Desinging Questionnaires - MSW Shelf Singh, S P Kanishka Publishers , 2004 8173914834 268p. Knowledge Centre
300.072 TUC 10000217 Research Methods in Social Sciences / Tucker, Veena. Pearson, 2020 9789353436377 xv, 462p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.072 VAT 05019953 Methods & Techniques of Social Survey & Research Vatsyayan Kedarnath Ramnath 274 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 WIL 05020267 Methaodology and Techniques of Social Research: [MSW] Wilkinson, T S Himalaya Publishing House 0818318104 444p Knowledge Centre
300.072 WIL 05019971 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research Bhandarkar, P L Himalaya 456 p Knowledge Centre
300.072 YOU 00019422 Scientific Social Surveys and Research / Young Pauline V Prentice-Hall, 1977 4th 576 p UG Library
300.072BRY 01003884 Social Research Method (law Library) Alan Bryman Oxford University Press 0199264465 592p Knowledge Centre
300.072CHA 01006400 Samajavijnanagalalli Samshodhana Vidhanagalu (law Lib) B S Chandrasekhar Prsaranga Kannada University 176p Knowledge Centre
300.072GOM 01010437 Social Research Methodology; a Critical Introduction (law Lib) Roger Gomm PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 9780230224759 428p Knowledge Centre
300.09 GEO 00146922 Gajavum Ajavum Mandatharangalum George, T J S DC Books 2023 9789357324274 122pp UG Library
300.1 JOS 07006748 Social Theory A Reader / Edinburgh University Press, 9780748619498 vii,293p.; Library - BR Campus
300.1 RAN 00107932 Social Theory Ransome Paul Rawat Publications 2010 9788131604243 xvi:480 P. UG Library
300.1 AMA 00093249 Amartya Sen: Amartya Sen Cambridge University Press 9780521618069 224p UG Library
300.1 BAB 00138762 Hermeneutic Philosophies of Social Science Babich,Babetta De Druyter 2019 9783110528374 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9783110528398 (paperback : alk. paper) x, 435 pages ; UG Library
300.1 BAI 07013996 The Broadview anthology of social and political thought / Broadview Press, 2018 9781554814220 xv,759p.; Library - BR Campus
300.1 BAI 01026306 The Broadview anthology of social and political thought / Broadview Press, 2018 9781554814220 xv,759p.; Knowledge Centre
300.1 BAU 05009334 Hermeneutics and Social Science : Bauman Zygmunt Routledge, 1978 9780415581097 263 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.1 BOL 05068221 The spectacle of critique : Boland, Tom, Oxford University Press, 2019 9781138564299 (hbk) ix, 163 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.1 CAR 05046018 Philosophy of social science : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199645091 (hbk.) | 0199645 First edition. x, 330 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.1 CON 00095248 Southern Theory Connell Allen & Unwin 9781741753578 271P UG Library
300.1 DAH 05062786 Globalization, critique and social theory : Emerald, 2015 9781785602474 xvii,295p.; Knowledge Centre
300.1 DEL 05042540 Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory / Routledge, 2014 9780415714464 xvii,510p.: Knowledge Centre
300.1 DEL 05050221 Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory / Routledge, 2014 9780415714464 xvii,510p.: Knowledge Centre
300.1 DEL 00119012 The Cosmopolitan Imagination : Delanty, Gerard. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521873734 (hbk.) | 0521873 x, 296 p. ; UG Library
300.1 DEL 05002479 Modernity and postmodernity : Delanty, Gerard. SAGE Publications, 0761959033 | 0761959041 (pbk) xiii, 194 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.1 DEL 07005906 The Cosmopolitan Imagination : Delanty, Gerard. Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521873734 (hbk.) | 0521873 x, 296 p. ; Library - BR Campus
300.1 DON 05068215 Social science, philosophy and theology in dialogue : Donati, Pierpaolo, Routledge, 2019 9781138606326 (hardback) 1 Edition. xxxiv, 170 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.1 EPS 05042604 Agent zero : Epstein, Joshua M., 9780691158884 | 9781400848256 1 online resource (268 pages). Knowledge Centre
300.1 FLY 07011256 Making Social Science Matter : Flyvbjerg Bent Cambridge University Press, 2016 9780521775687 x,204p.: Library - BR Campus
300.1 FLY 07011257 Making Social Science Matter : Flyvbjerg Bent Cambridge University Press, 2016 9780521775687 x,204p.: Library - BR Campus
300.1 FLY 07011258 Making Social Science Matter : Flyvbjerg Bent Cambridge University Press, 2016 9780521775687 x,204p.: Library - BR Campus
300.1 FLY 07011259 Making Social Science Matter : Flyvbjerg Bent Cambridge University Press, 2016 9780521775687 x,204p.: Library - BR Campus
300.1 FLY 05019915 Making Social Science Matter: Why Social Inquity Fails and How It Can Succe Flyvbjerg, Bent 0052177568 204p Knowledge Centre
300.1 GEL 00076086 Cause and Meaning in the Social Sciencs: Gellner, Ernest 0710075995 228p Knowledge Centre
300.1 GER 00121985 An invitation to social construction : Gergen, Kenneth J. Sage 2015 9781446296486 (p) | 9781446296 3rd ed. 255p. UG Library
300.1 GUP 00137504 Meaning agency and the making of social world : Gupta,Amitabha Das Routledge, 2019 9780367376598 xiv,339p.; UG Library
300.1 HOL 00068582 Philosophy of Social Science Hollis, Martin Foundation Books 2000 8175960760 268p UG Library
300.1 HOL 00089399 Philosophy of Social Science: An Introduction Hollis, Martin Foundation Books 2000 8175960760 268p UG Library
300.1 HOL 00084314 Philosophy of Social Science an Introduction Hollis, Maritn Foundation Books 2000 8175960760 268p UG Library
300.1 HOL 00087378 Philosophy of Social Science an Introduction Hollis, Maritn Foundation Books 2000 8175960760 268p UG Library
300.1 HOL 05019990 Philosophy of Social Science an Introduction [PG - MA Soc] Hollis, Martin Foundation Books 8175960760 268p Knowledge Centre
300.1 HOL 05020235 Philosophy of Social Science an Introduction [PG - MA Soc] Hollis, Martin Foundation Books 8175960760 268p Knowledge Centre
300.1 HOL 05020490 Philosophy of Social Science - an Introduction Hollis, Martin Foundation Books 8175960760 268 p Knowledge Centre
300.1 HOW 07014306 Discourse Howarth, David R Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610497 x,166p.; Library - BR Campus
300.1 HOW 00136780 Discourse Howarth, David R Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610497 x,166p.; UG Library
300.1 JAM 05068297 Metaphysical sociology : Routledge, 2018 9781138091788 (hbk) viii, 170 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.1 JAR 05006510 Sage handbook of the philosophy of the social sciences / Sage, 2011 9781847874009 1st ed. xvii,749 p. Knowledge Centre
300.1 JOA 05002423 Social theory : Joas, Hans, Cambridge University Press, 9780521870634 (hardback : alk. xii, 605 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.1 JOA 01013557 Social theory : Joas, Hans, Cambridge University Press, 9780521870634 (hardback : alk. xii, 605 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.1 JOS 05020236 Social Theory: Conflict, Cohesion and Consent [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Joseph, Jonathan 0748617922 218p Knowledge Centre
300.1 JOS 05002436 Social Theory : Joseph, Jonathan Edinburgh University Press, 2005 9780748619481 293 p. Knowledge Centre
300.1 JOS 05003006 Social Theory A Reader / Edinburgh University Press, 9780748619498 vii,293p.; Knowledge Centre
300.1 KAR 00131287 Methods for social theory : Karlsson, Jan, Routledge, 2017 9781472472816 (hardback) | 9781472472847 (pbk.) xv, 168 pages : UG Library
300.1 KIN 05033992 The Oxford handbook of philosophy of social science Kincaid,Harold. Oxford University Press, 2012 9780195392753 (alk. paper) xviii, 657 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.1 LAW 05047754 Social theory for today : Law, Alex, Sage , 2015 9781446209011 (hardback) | 144 vi, 333 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.1 LAY 05062353 Investigative research : Layder, Derek. Sage, 2018 9781446287521 (hbk) | 9781446287538 (pbk) ix,186p.; Knowledge Centre
300.1 LAY 05062056 Investigative research : Layder, Derek. Sage, 2018 9781446287521 (hbk) | 9781446287538 (pbk) ix,186p.; Knowledge Centre
300.1 MAH 05008477 Explanation and Understanding in the Human Sciences / Mahajan, Gurpreet Oxford University Press, 1992 9780198076971 3rd xv, 155 p. Knowledge Centre
300.1 MAN 05020234 Philosophy of the social sciences Mantzavinos C Cambridge University Press 9780521739061 333p Knowledge Centre
300.1 MAN 05002480 Philosophy of the social sciences : Cambridge University Press, 9780521517744 | 0521517745 | 9 ix, 333 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.1 MAY 07006739 Situating social theory May, Tim, Open University Press, 2008 2nd ed. 342 p. Library - BR Campus
300.1 MCM 01027827 The constitution of social practices / McMillan, Kevin, Routledge, 2018 9780367229580 | 9781138894617 (hardback) viii, 197 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.1 MOH 00107132 Social Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda Mohapatra A R Readworthy Publication (P) Ltd 2009 9789380009018 viii,110 p. UG Library
300.1 MOR 00099107 Amartya Sen / Morris, Christopher Cambridge University Press, 9780521852913 (hardback) | 978 ix, 224 p. ; UG Library
300.1 MUK 05039687 Why unitary social science? / Mukherjee, Ramkrishna. Primus Books, 2012 9789380607276 132 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.1 MUR 00143608 Social Theory : Murphy, Mark. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 9783030783235 xiv,314p,; UG Library
300.1 PEA 05072916 Amartya Sen and Rational Choice : Peacock, Mark S. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020 9780367776909 viii, 151p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.1 POT 07012668 The philosophy of social science : Potter, Garry, Routledge: 2017 9781138998391 (hardback) | 9781138998407 (pbk.) Second Edition. xii, 285 pages ; Library - BR Campus
300.1 RAN 00107141 Social Theory Ransome Paul Rawat Publications 2010 9788131604243 xvi:480 P. UG Library
300.1 RAN 00119908 Social Theory for Beginners / Ransome, Paul. Policy Press, 2010 9781847426741 | 9781847426758 xvi, 480 p. : UG Library
300.1 RIS 00144139 Phiilosophy Social Science : Risjord, Mark. Rotledge, 2023 9781032075860 xvi,319p,; UG Library
300.1 SKI 05019996 Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences Skinner, Quentin 0521398339 215p Knowledge Centre
300.1 SKY 05044801 Social dynamics / Skyrms, Brian. Oxford University Press, 2014 019965283X | 9780199652839 | 9 xiv, 339 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.1 SMI 00144391 Perspectivism : Smith., Kenneth. Routledge, 2023 9781032404783 xii,307p, ; UG Library
300.1 STE 05005080 The Philosophy of Social Science Reader Guala, Francesco. Routledge 2011 9780415779692 xiii,442p. Knowledge Centre
300.1 STE 00105022 The Philosophy of Social Science Reader Guala, Francesco. Routledge 2011 9780415779692 xiii,442p. UG Library
300.1 SUV 05062005 Social Work Practice in Health and Medical Profession / Suvarnkhandi, Sangameshwar S. Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524157 vi, 304p.; Knowledge Centre
300.1 TRI 05020238 Understanding Social Science Trigg, Roger 0631218726 270p Knowledge Centre
300.1 TUR 05020237 Blackwell Companion to Social Theory Turner, Bryan S 0063121366 570p Knowledge Centre
300.1 WEN 05046017 Quantum mind and social science : Wendt, Alexander, Oxford University Press, 2015 9781107082540 (hardback : alk. xii, 354 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.1 WEN 07012508 Quantum mind and social science : Wendt, Alexander, Oxford University Press, 2015 9781107082540 (hardback : alk. xii, 354 pages ; Library - BR Campus
300.1 WHA 05068497 Complexity, Society And Social Transactions : Whalen, Thomas B. Routledge, 2018 9780367208301 xvii, 163p.; Knowledge Centre
300.1 WIL 05019916 Science and Social Science: an Introduction Williams, Malcolm 0415194857 172p Knowledge Centre
300.1 WIN 00119749 The Idea of a Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy. Winch, Peter Routledge, 2012 9780415423588 xxix:136p.; UG Library
300.1 WOO 00134635 Scoping the social : Woodiwiss, Anthony. Open University Press, 2005 0335216773 (hbk.) | 0335216765 (pbk.) | 9780335216772 | 9780335216765 179 p. : UG Library
300.11 GIL 05019995 Simulation for the Social Scientist [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Gilbert, Nigel 0335197442 273p Knowledge Centre
300.11 KIN 05068305 Lost in perfection : Routledge, 2019 9781138894365 (hbk) viii, 197 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.1154 KAN 05041867 Concept mapping for planning and evaluation / Kane, Mary, Sage Publications, 2007 1412940273 (cloth) | 141294028 xv, 200 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.1154 KAN 05019919 Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation [ma-Sociology Section] Kane, Mary 1412940281 200p Knowledge Centre
300.1175 GUA 05004669 Nonlinear dynamical systems analysis for the behavioral sciences using real data / CRC Press, 2011 9781439819975 (hardcover : alk xiv, 617 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.12 KOT 04000715 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122415223 401 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.12 CHA 04008216 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak Vikas Publishing, 2011 9789325965027 670p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.12 KOT 03005616 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122415223 401 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.12 KOT 03005612 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122415223 401 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.12 KOT 03005615 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122415223 401 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.12 KOT 03005614 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122415223 401 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.12 KOT 03005613 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122415223 401 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.12 KOT 04018012 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age Internations (P) Ltd., 2008 9788122415223 401 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.151 GLY 05050033 Discovering causal structure : Glymour, Clark . Academic Press, 1987 0122869621 (alk. paper) xvii, 394 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.151 MAR 00121295 Computational and mathematical modeling in the social sciences / De Marchi, Scott. Cambridge University Press, 2005 0521853621 (hardback) | 978052 xxii, 197 p. : UG Library
300.1511 BYR 00144647 Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences : Byrne, David. Routledge, 2023 9781032100869 viii,247p, ; UG Library
300.15118 BYR 05019918 An Introduction to Complexity Theory and the Social Science Byrne David 1999 0415162963 206 p Knowledge Centre
300.15118 HEC 07010930 An introduction to multilevel modeling techniques / Heck, Ronald H Routledge Publication, 2009 9781841697567 2nd ed.; vii, 263p.; Library - BR Campus
300.1518 CAR 00116483 Monte Carlo simulation and resampling methods for social science Carsey, Thomas M., SAGE Puglications, Inc., 2014 9781452288901 (alk. paper) | 1 x, 293 pages : UG Library
300.15193 LAM 10002242 Game theory in the social sciences : Lambertini, Luca. Routledge, 2011 9780415591119 (hb) | 9780415664837 (pb) | 9780203818640 (eb) | 9781138705647 xiv, 186 p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.15193 LAM 05004866 Game theory in the social sciences : Lambertini, Luca. Routledge, 2010 9780415591119 (hb) | 978041566 xiv, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.15195 COO 04010625 Data envelopment analysis : Cooper, William W. Springer, 2007 9780387452814 (hardback : alk. 2nd ed. xxxviii, 490 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.15195 FIE 05032801 Discovering statistics using R / Field, Andy P. Sage, 2012 9781446200469 | 1446200469 | 1 xxxiv, 957 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.151952 KIS 10001149 Surveying Sampling / Kish, Leslie Wiley, 1965 9788126547203 643p. : Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.151952 KIS 04023011 Surveying Sampling / Kish, Leslie Wiley, 1965 9788126547203 643p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.151955 BOX 07002806 Time series analysis for social sciences / Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521871167 (hardback) | 978 xii,280p.: Library - BR Campus
300.151955 BOX 05042225 Time series analysis for social sciences / Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Cambridge University Press, 2014 9780521871167 (hardback) | 978 xii,280p.: Knowledge Centre
300.153012 HAV 00130560 Quantum methods in social science : Haven, Emmanuel, World scientific publishing europe ltd., 2017 9781786342768 (hc : alk. paper xvii, 255 pages : UG Library
300.18 CHA 07009592 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.18 CHA 03011126 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 05053564 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 05053565 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 03005576 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 07009642 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.18 CHA 07009643 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.18 CHA 05026945 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 05026946 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 04020788 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 04020789 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 05001122 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 03009765 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03009766 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 07007634 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.18 CHA 07007402 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.18 CHA 05040230 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 03013777 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 KOT 03010861 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age International Publisher, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. 449 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 KOT 04021432 Research Methodology : Kothari,S.R. Oxford Book Company, 2013 9789350301562 vi,304p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.18 KOT 05032487 Research Methodology : Kothari,S.R. Oxford Book Company, 2013 9789350301562 vi,304p.; Knowledge Centre
300.18 KOT 03002946 Text Book of Research Methodlogy / Swain, A. K. P. C. Kalyani Publishers, 2007 9788127241728 754 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 PAN 04000799 Research Methodology Pannerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120324527 639 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.18 SOM 03002178 Research Methods in the Social Science / Somekh, Bridget. Sage Publications Pvt Ltd., 2008 9788178294933 | 8178294931 368 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 BAB 03013313 Advanced Research Methodology Babu, Harish S Himalaya Publishing House, 2022 9789355967459 288p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 BAB 05020203 Surevey Research Methods Babbie, Earl Wadsworth 394 p Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 05073603 Research Methodology Concepts and Cases / Chawla Deepak.Dr Vikas Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9789325982390 789p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 03011124 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788125952053 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03011125 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788125952053 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03011217 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788125952053 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03011218 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788125952053 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03012558 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789325982390 2nd ed. 789 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03012559 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789325982390 2nd ed. 789 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03013118 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789325982390 2nd ed. 789 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03013119 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789325982390 2nd ed. 789 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 04028681 Research Methodology Concepts and Cases / Chawla Deepak.Dr Vikas Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9789325982390 789p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 04028682 Research Methodology Concepts and Cases / Chawla Deepak.Dr Vikas Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9789325982390 789p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 05060296 Research Methodology / Vinod,Chandra.S.S. Pearson, 2018 9789352863518 xxiii,304p.; Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 03013130 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2011 9788125952053 670 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 07002437 Research Methodology : Chandel Sunil Singh.Dr S.K.Book Agency, 2014 9789383158041 xix,295p.: Library - BR Campus
300.18 CHA 03013601 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789325982390 2nd ed. 789 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 03013602 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789325982390 2nd ed. 789 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 CHA 05009264 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 CHA 10000757 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016 9789325982390 2nd ed. 789 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.18 FLI 03012300 Introducing Research Methodology / Flick, Uwe. Sage Publications, 2015 9789386062901 2nd ed. xxii,295p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 FRA 05050920 The rhetoric of science; Francis, Roy G. University of Minnesota Press, 1961 vii, 183 p. Knowledge Centre
300.18 GAR 05069023 Research methodology approches & techniques / Garg, Bhawna. Amiga press Inc, 2018 9789384533014 viii, 224p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.18 GUP 00140907 An Introduction to Research Methodology Gupta, M L Galaxy Book Company 2022 9788194444275 247p UG Library
300.18 GUP 04030698 Research Methodology / Gupta, Mukul PHI, 2011 9788120343818 240p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.18 JAS 01022673 Research Methodology : Mohan Law House, 2015 9788192986838 xxix,357p.; Knowledge Centre
300.18 KOT 00032959 Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques Kothari, C R W E 468 p Knowledge Centre
300.18 KOT 07013001 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; Library - BR Campus
300.18 KOT 05040266 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : Knowledge Centre
300.18 KOT 03013120 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 KOT 03013121 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 KOT 10000563 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.18 KOT 05062548 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : Knowledge Centre
300.18 KOT 07012914 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; Library - BR Campus
300.18 KOT 05019924 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : Knowledge Centre
300.18 KOT 05040077 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : Knowledge Centre
300.18 KOT 05040078 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : Knowledge Centre
300.18 KOT 10000567 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.18 KOT 10000568 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.18 KOT 10000569 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.18 KOT 10000570 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.18 KOT 07004230 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : Library - BR Campus
300.18 KOT 07004231 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : Library - BR Campus
300.18 KOT 07004232 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : Library - BR Campus
300.18 KOT 10005492 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.18 KOT 03013599 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 KOT 03013600 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 KRI 05019921 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 8170408032 528p.; Knowledge Centre
300.18 KRI 05019922 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 8170408032 528p.; Knowledge Centre
300.18 KRI 05019920 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 8170408032 528p.; Knowledge Centre
300.18 KRI 05017515 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 8170408032 528p.; Knowledge Centre
300.18 KRI 05019982 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 8170408032 528p.; Knowledge Centre
300.18 KRI 00046727 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing House, 1996 8170408032 528p.; UG Library
300.18 KUM 07011929 Research Methodolgy / Kumar, Satendra Yking Books Publication, 2018 9789387945135 v,229p.; Library - BR Campus
300.18 KUM 07012223 Essential tips for writing quality research papers / Kumar Satendra Yking Publication, 2018 9789387945104 viii,235p.; Library - BR Campus
300.18 MAJ 03013355 Research Methodology : Majhi Dr, Priti R Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789350973752 446 p; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 MAJ 07015156 Research Methodology : Majhi Dr, Priti R Himalaya Publishing House, 2017 9789350973752 446 p; Library - BR Campus
300.18 PAN 07007635 Research Methodology / Panneerselvam.R PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120349469 xvi,699p.: Library - BR Campus
300.18 PAN 05038889 Research Methodology Pannerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of Inida 2008 9788120324527 639 p Knowledge Centre
300.18 RAM 04014228 Research Methodology / Ramamurthy, G. C. Dreamlech : 2011 9788177229714 708 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.18 RAM 05000838 Research Methodology / Ramamurthy, G. C. Dreamlech : 2011 9788177229714 708 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.18 RUG 03010481 A Gentle Guide to Research Methods / Rugg, Gordon. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited , 2010 9780071067942 | 0071067949 238 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.18 SIN 05030151 Research Methodology in Social Science / Singh, Amarjit Himalaya Publishing House, 1991 282 p Knowledge Centre
300.182 FAI 05050403 Statistics and public policy / Fairley, William. B. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1977 0201021854 xiv, 397 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.182 KEN 05050032 Correlation and causality / Kenny, David A., Wiley, 1979 0471024392 xiii, 277 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.182 KIR 05051320 Experimental design : Kirk, Roger E. Brooks/Cole Pub. Co. 1968 xii, 577 p. Knowledge Centre
300.182 ROB 00144675 Multiple Regression : Roberts, Aki Sage publications, 2022 9781544339702 xvii,259p, ; UG Library
300.19 YOU 05020202 Scientific Social Surveys and Research Young V, Pauline Pentice Hall 1977 1 Knowledge Centre
300.1BOT 01006153 Frankfurt School and Its Critics(law Lib) Tom Bottomore ROUTLEDGE Bibliographies 93p Knowledge Centre
300.1MUK 01004054 Indigeneity and Universality in Social Science (law Lib) Partha Nath Mukherji Sage Publishers 5Indra Nath Mukherji15. Consul 405 Knowledge Centre
300.285 BAB 05062734 Adventures in social research : Babbie, Earl R., Sage, 2019 9781506362779 (pbk. : alk. paper) 10th edition. xxv,482p.; Knowledge Centre
300.285 CHE 05064837 Big data in computational social science and humanities / Chen, Shu-Heng., editor Springer, 2018 9783319954646 xiii, 388 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.285 HIN 05039896 SPSS explained / Hinton, Perry R. Routledge, 2014 9780415616010 (hb : alk. paper 2nd edition. xii,371p.: Knowledge Centre
300.285 HIN 07011214 SPSS explained / Hinton, Perry R. Routledge, 2014 9780415616010 (hb : alk. paper 2nd edition. xii,371p.: Library - BR Campus
300.285 MCL 00144816 Doing Computational Social Science : McLevey, John, Sage publications, 2022 9781526468185 | 9781526468192 1. xv,667p, ; UG Library
300.285 NEL 05074610 Computational thinking and social science : Nelimarkka, Matti, Sage, 2023 1526497913 | 9781526497918 | 9781526497925 | 1526497921 xiv, 358 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.28533 BAB 05002424 Adventures in Social Research:Data Analysis Using Spss 14.0 and 15.0 for Windows / Babbie, Earl Sage, 2007 9781412940825 433p.: Knowledge Centre
300.2854 FOX 05043464 Social statistics / Fox, William, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2003 0534527418 | 9780534527419 4th ed., Wadsworth MicroCase student version. xix, 333 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.28551 KEN 00142411 Introduction to R for social scientists : Kennedy, Ryan, CRC press, 2021 9780367460723 | 9780367460709 1. ix,198p.; UG Library
300.28553 KIR 00097436 A Simple Guide to SPSS for Windows KIrkpatrick, Lee. A Thomson Wardsworth, 0495318639 115 p. UG Library
300.28553 KIR 05059934 A simple guide to SPSS for Windows : Kirkpatrick, Lee A., Thomson/Wadsworth, 0495318639 | 9780495318637 x, 115 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.28555 BAB 05039825 Adventures in Social Research : Babbie Earl Pine Forge Press, 2007 9781412940832 xxvii,433p.: Knowledge Centre
300.28555 MAL 07006903 Essential Statistics for Social Research : Malec, Michael A. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605509 xx: 291p.; Library - BR Campus
300.28555 MAL 05034329 Essential Statistics for Social Research : Malec, Michael A. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605509 xx: 291p.; Knowledge Centre
300.28555 MAL 00111594 Essential Statistics for Social Research : Malec, Michael A. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605509 xx: 291p.; UG Library
300.28555 MAL 00112309 Essential Statistics for Social Research : Malec, Michael A. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605509 xx: 291p.; UG Library
300.28555 WAG 05029588 Using SPSS for Social Statistics and Research Methods / Wagner E, William Pine Forge Press, 2007 0141294077 101 p Knowledge Centre
300.285555 ABE 05005139 Applied power analysis for the behavioral sciences / Aberson, Christopher L. Routledge, 2010 9781848728349 (alk. paper) | 9 257 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.285555 ELL 05001549 Statistical Analysis: Quick Reference Guidebook With Spss Examples Elliott, Alan C 1412925606 259p Knowledge Centre
300.285555 LEH 05074638 Complete data analysis using R : Lehmann, Marco, Sage, 2023 9781473913646 | 1473913640 | 9781473913653 | 1473913659 xxiv, 385 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.285555 PRI 05058265 Student study guide With IBM SPSS workbook for Research methods for the behavioral sciences / Privitera, Gregory J., Sage, 2017 9781506333595 | 1506333591 Second edition. xi, 260 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.285555 WAG 05045094 Using IBM SPSS statistics for research methods and social science statistics / Wagner, William E. Sage, 2015 9781483351285 (pbk. : alk. pap Fifth edition. viii, 156 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.285555 WAG 00127299 Using SPSS for social statistics and research methods / Wagner, William E. Pine Forge Press, 2007 141294077X (pbk.) | 9781412940 ix, 101 p. : UG Library
300.285555 WAG 05001551 Using SPSS for Social Statistics and Research Methods Wagner I I I, William E Pine Forge Press, 2007 0141294077 101p .; Knowledge Centre
300.3 CAL 00060082 Dictionary of the Social Sciences Calhoun, Craig 2002 0195123719 563p UG Library
300.3 CHA 05054183 The DBS Handbook of Social Science / Chandra Dubey,Mahesh. DBS Imprints, 2014 9789382423799 xv,768p.; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027883 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027884 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027885 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027886 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027887 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027888 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027889 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027890 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 DAR 05027891 International encyclopedia of the social sciences / Macmillan Reference USA, 9780028659657 (set hardcover : 9 v. ; Knowledge Centre
300.3 KUP 05002947 The Social Science Encyclopedia / Routledge, 0415320968 (set) | 0415347742 xxxix,1119p.; Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028088 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028094 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028089 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028090 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028093 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028096 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028091 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028092 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.3 SIL 05028095 International Encyclopedia of th Social Sciences Sills, L David Free Press 545 Knowledge Centre
300.321 KUP 00032942 Social Science Encyclopedia Kuper, Adam Routledge 1985 916 p UG Library
300.4 KOT 05020239 Research Methodology Kothani, C R 1995 Knowledge Centre
300.4 SCH 05061946 Social changes in a global world / Schuerkens, Ulrike. Sage, 2017 9781473930223 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781473930216 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1st edition. xiii,255p.; Knowledge Centre
300.7 GOU 07011889 An introduction to systematic reviews / Gough, David Sage Publication, 2017 9781473929425 | 1473929423 | 9781473929432 (paper) | 1473929431 (paper) 2nd edition. xvi, 331 pages : Library - BR Campus
300.7 GOU 05062736 An introduction to systematic reviews / Gough, David Sage Publication, 2017 9781473929425 | 1473929423 | 9781473929432 (paper) | 1473929431 (paper) 2nd edition. xvi, 331 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.7 LAV 00089822 Applied Social Research: Problem Identification to Impact Assessment Lavina, Anju Centre for Social Action Trust 2008 253p. UG Library
300.7 MON 05019944 Applied Social Research: Tool for the Human Services Fifth Edition (pg Lib) Monette, Duane R 0155058231 551p Knowledge Centre
300.7 NEW 07002077 An introduction to research, analysis, and writing : Newsome, Bruce Oliver, Sage, 2016 9781483352558 | 1483352552 xvii, 352 pages : Library - BR Campus
300.7 STO 00125860 Handbook for Teaching Secondary School Social Studies Stockard, James W. Waveland Press, 2007 9781577664543 xii,188 p.: UG Library
300.7 WEL 05040356 Handbook on communicating and disseminating behavioral science / Sage Publications, 2007 9781412940306 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 461 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.7 WEL 07000972 Handbook on communicating and disseminating behavioral science / Sage Publications, 2007 9781412940306 (cloth : alk. pa ix, 461 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.7 WIL 05019999 Methodology and Techoniques of Social Research Bhandarkar, P L HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE Knowledge Centre
300.71 DJU 00146040 The knowledge polity : Djupe, Paul A., Oxford university Press, 2022 9780197611920 | 9780197611913 xvii, 297 pages : UG Library
300.71 PAR 05068013 Social studies today : Routledge, 2018 9781138385788 2nd ed. x,310p.; Knowledge Centre
300.71 PAU 05062000 Effective Methods of Teaching Social Studies / Paul, S. ABD Publishers, 2017 9788185771793 227p.; Knowledge Centre
300.71 PEA 00131635 Best practices in social studies assessment / Pearcy, Mark, Information age publishing, 2017 9781681237619 (pbk.) | 9781681237626 (hardcover) vi, 150 pages ; UG Library
300.71 RAJ 05020000 Theory and Practice in Social Research Raj, Hans Surjeet 404 p Knowledge Centre
300.71 RUS 07013969 Cinematic social studies : Information Age Publishing,Inc, 2017 9781681237336 (pbk.) | 9781681237343 (hardcover) vii, 524 pages ; Library - BR Campus
300.712 GEO 00091084 Teaching Social Science in Schools : George, Alex M., SAGE Publications, 2009 9788178299044 (paper back) | 8 xvi, 91 p. : UG Library
300.712 PAR 05047781 Social studies today : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2015 9781138846814 (hbk) | 97811388 2nd ed. x, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.712 STE 05074803 Social Studies : Stern, Barbara Slater. Eye on Eduacation, 2022 781930556300 xiv, 189p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 ALV 00130974 Reflexive methodology : Alvesson, Mats. Sage publications ltd., 2018 9781473964242 (alk. paper) | 9 3rd edition. xii,437p.; UG Library
300.72 BAB 05041320 The Practice of Social Research / Babbie,Earl. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131520116 13th ed. xxiii,584p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 00118362 The Practice of Social Research / Babbie,Earl. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131520116 13th ed. xxiii,584p.; UG Library
300.72 BAB 05039544 The Practice of Social Research / Babbie,Earl. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131520116 13th ed. xxiii,584p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRA 00134546 Social scientific research / Brancati, Dawn. Sage publications ltd., 2018 9781526426857 | 9781526426840 1st edition. xiii,364p.; UG Library
300.72 BUC 05041357 The Survey Methods Workbook:/ Buckingham,Alan Rawatn publications, 2014 9788131606476 xiii,309p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 CAR 07006905 Doing social research / Cargan, Leonard. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007 9788131601785 xv, 345 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.72 CHA 00117190 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: UG Library
300.72 CHA 07004306 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 CHA 00109290 Research Methodology : Chawla, Deepak. Vikas Publishing House, 2011 9788125952053 xxii, 670 p.: UG Library
300.72 CRE 04009551 Research Design : Creswell,John.W Sage Publications, 2009 9788132107484 xxviii,260p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.72 HAN 05020291 The reviewer's guide to quantitative methods in the social sciences / Hancock, Gregory R Routledge, 9780415965071 (hbk. : alk. pap xv, 432 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 KAY 03001321 Reserch in Organisations and Communities: Tales from the Real World Kayrooz, Carole Viva Books 9781741144437 360p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 KOT 00111599 Research Methodology : Kothari,S.R. Oxford Book Company, 2013 9789350301562 vi,304p.; UG Library
300.72 KOT 00096984 Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques Kothari, C R New Age International Publishers 2004 8122415229 2 394 p. UG Library
300.72 MAN 05039679 Research Methodology and Techniques in Sociology / Mandal Bindeshwar Prasad Centrum Press, 2014 9789350845097 viii,304p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 MUK 05029557 Methodology in Social Research / Muherji, Partha Nath Sage Publications, 2001 0761994467 263 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SIN 00097802 Research Methodology Singh Y K APH Publishing Corporation; 9788131302583 352p UG Library
300.72 TRO 04002359 Research Methods Trochim, William M K Dreamtech Press 2008 8177223720 363 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.72 VER 00120202 Research Methodology Verma, R K Common Wealth 2004 197p UG Library
300.72 WIL 05020279 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research Bhandarkar, P L Himalaya 456 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 ACK 00130441 Web Social Science: Ackland, Robert SAGE Publications, 2013 9781849204828 xix, 202 p. : UG Library
300.72 ADA 00084093 Research Methods for Graduate Business and Social Science Students Adams, John 2007 9780761935896 268p UG Library
300.72 AGA 00124332 Comprehensive Research Methodology Agarwal B.L. New Age International Ltd, 2015 9788122438116 xviii, 553 p.: UG Library
300.72 AGU 00147839 Research methodology : Aguinis, Herman 9781071871942 xxxi,582p. ; UG Library
300.72 AHU 05002474 Research Methods / nair, Ram Rawat Publications 2001 8170336538 454p Knowledge Centre
300.72 AHU 10002172 Research Methods / Ahuja,Ram. Rawat publications, 2022 9788131612606 2nd ed. 495p,; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.72 AHU 00143214 Research Methods / Ahuja,Ram. Rawat publications, 2022 9788131612606 2nd ed. 495p,; UG Library
300.72 ALA 05019963 Using Diaries for Social Research / Alaszewski, Andy Sage Publications , 2006 136p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 ALV 05019975 Reflexive methodology : Alvesson, Mats. SAGE Publications, 9781848601116 (hardcover) | 97 350 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 ALV 01012084 Postmodernism and social research / Alvesson, Mats, Open University Press, 0335206328 | 033520631X (pbk.) xii, 200 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 ALW 05019973 Social Research in sociology & history Alwi M A Sublime Publications 9788181921628 330p Knowledge Centre
300.72 AND 05002471 Doing Narrative Research / Andrews, Molly Sage, 2008 9781412911979 159p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 AND 05039809 Doing narrative research / Andrews, Molly. SAGE, 2008 9781412911962 (hbk.) | 1412911 x, 159 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 ANG 05019925 Doing Ethnographic and Observational Research / Angrosino, Michael Sage 2007 9780761949756 109p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 ANT 05048135 INTERPRETING QUANTITATIVE DATA WITH IBM SPSS STATISTICS / Antonius, Rachad, Sage, 2013 9781446207420 | 9781446207437 2ND EDITION. xxvi, 343 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 ASD 05074618 Doing document analysis : Asdal, Kristin, Sage, 2022 1529759803 | 9781529759808 | 152975979X | 9781529759792 xii, 241 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 AYD 00146101 Machine Learning Toolbox for Social Scientists : Aydede, Yigit CRC Press, 2024 9781032463957 | 9781032463971 First Edition. xi, 586pages cm UG Library
300.72 BAA 05046568 Research This is it ! : Baarda,Ben. Routledge, 2010 9781138679030 1st ed. 159p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05019911 Basics of Social Research / Babbie, Eral Thomson Learning , 2002 0534519040 462p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05019912 Basics of Social Research / Babbie, Eral Thomson Learning , 2002 0534519040 462p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05020210 The Practice Of Social Research Babbie, Earl Thomson/Wadsworth; 9780495187387 511pv. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 00075207 Practice of Social Research Babbie,Earl Thomson Learning 2005 9819812434 | 9789812435484 112 p. UG Library
300.72 BAB 05029594 The Practice of Social Research / Babbie, Earl Thomson Learning, 2005 9812435484 10th 582 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05002476 The Practice of Social Research / Babbie, Earl. Thomson Wadsworth, 2006 8131500454 10th ed. xxiv, 493p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05020273 The Practice of Social Research / Babbie, Earl. Thomson Wadsworth, 2006 8131500454 10th ed. xxiv, 493p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05020214 The Practice of Social Research / Babbie, Earl. Thomson Wadsworth, 2006 8131500454 10th ed. xxiv, 493p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05029707 The Practice of Social Research / Babbie, Earl Thomson Wadsworth, 2004 8131500454 10th. 480 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05020268 Practice of Social Research: [MSW] Babbie, Earl 0534187447 421p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05020258 Practice of Social Research: [MSW] Babbie, Earl 0534187447 421p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 05020260 The Practice Of Social Research Babbie, Earl Thomson/Wadsworth; 9780495187387 511pv. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAB 00127458 Social Research Counts Babbie, Earl R. Wadsworth Cengage Learning 2013 9781111833893 | 9781133312567 xvii, 318 p. : UG Library
300.72 BAB 00126139 The Basics of Social Research / Babbie, Earl R. Cengage Learning, 2014 9788131527269 | 113359414X (st Sixth edition. xxvii, 542 pages ; UG Library
300.72 BAB 07012312 Social Research Counts Babbie, Earl R. Wadsworth Cengage Learning 2013 9781111833893 | 9781133312567 xvii, 318 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.72 BAC 05042856 A Historiography of the modern social sciences / Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107037724 (hardback) ix, 248 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAK 00121118 Doing social research Baker, Therese L McGraw Hill 2014 9789339204709 3rd ed. 528p. UG Library
300.72 BAK 05019959 Doing Social Research Baker, L Therese M G H 483 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAK 05020208 Doing Social Research Second Edition [ PG ] Baker, Tjerese L 0071132244 499 Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAL 03012186 The Joy of Research / Balaji C Ane Books, 2016 9789383656882 131p. School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 BAL 05052908 The Joy of Research / Balaji C Ane Books, 2016 9789383656882 131p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAN 00121466 Visual Methods in Social Research Banks, Marcus. Sage Publication, 2011 9781446269749 | 9781446269756 2nd edition. xiii, 189 p.: UG Library
300.72 BAN 05044477 Visual methods in social research / Banks, Marcus. Sage, 2011 9781446269749 (hardcover) | 97 2nd edition. vii,189p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAN 05029558 Using Visual Data in Qualitative Research / Banks, Marcus Sage Publications, 2007 142 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAR 05020262 Conceptual Foundations of Social Research Methods [ma-Sociology Section] Baronov, David Paradigm Publishers 1594510717 181p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAR 00146443 Edge Entanglements with mental health allyship, research, and practice: Barlott, Tim Routledge, 2023 9781032260891 Xvi,183p. ; UG Library
300.72 BAR 05037759 Conceptual foundations of social research methods / Baronov, David. Paradigm Publishers, 2012 9781594517372 (hardcover : alk 2nd ed. 215 P. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAR 05019961 Doing Focus Groups [ma-Sociology Section] Barbour, Rosaline Sage 174p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BAT 05019945 Social science learning in schools : Batra, Poonam SAGE, 2010 9788132102960 (pbk.) xiii, 320 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 BEL 00115451 Doing Your Research Project Bell, Judith Viva 2004 9788176491044 230p UG Library
300.72 BES 05039548 Understanding and doing successful research : Best, Shaun. Pearson, 2012 9781408229224 (pbk.) | 1408229 xii, 325 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BHA 05020206 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research. Bhandarkar, P L HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE Knowledge Centre
300.72 BHA 03013349 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research / Bhandarkar, P L. Himalaya Publishing House, 2015 9789350974728 437p.; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 BHA 00136531 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research / Bhandarkar, P L. Himalaya Publishing House, 2015 9789350974728 437p.; UG Library
300.72 BHA 00136532 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research / Bhandarkar, P L. Himalaya Publishing House, 2015 9789350974728 437p.; UG Library
300.72 BHA 00080376 Research Methodology. Bhattacharyya, Dipak Kumar Excel Books 2006 8174464972 396p UG Library
300.72 BHA 00111647 Advanced Research Methodology/ Bhalla, Ranjit Kaur. Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, 2013 9788184574463 xi: 322p.; UG Library
300.72 BHA 00111646 Advanced Research Methodology/ Bhalla, Ranjit Kaur. Kanishka Publishers, Distributers, 2013 9788184574463 xi: 322p.; UG Library
300.72 BHA 00058189 Research Methodology / Bhattacharya, D K. Excel Books, 2002 8174463410 364p.; UG Library
300.72 BIC 05002469 Sage Handbook of Applid Social Research Methods / Bickman, Leonard Sage, 2009 9781412950312 661p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 BIN 00147450 A practical guide to theoretical frameworks for social science research / Bingham, Andrea J. Routledge, 2023 9781032199924 224p. ; UG Library
300.72 BLA 05020287 UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH [ MSW ] Black, Thomas R SAGE PUBLICATION 272p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BLA 05065179 Social research : Blaikie, Norman W. H., Polity, 2017 9780745671840 (hardback) | 9780745671857 (paperback) xiv, 280 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BLO 00147697 Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice: Blok, Vincent Springer, 2023 9783031147098 viii,284p. ; UG Library
300.72 BOO 05059648 Systematic approaches to a successful literature review / Booth, Andrew. Sage Publications, 2016 9781473912458 | 1473912458 | 9 Second edition. ix, 326 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 BOR 09001177 Research Design and Methods : Bordens, Kenneth S. McGraw Hill, 2022 9781265798192 xvii, 590p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.72 BOR 05061939 Analyzing text and discourse : Boreus,Kristina. Sage, 2017 9781473913752 (pbk) | 9781473913745 (hb) viii,293p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BOR 07004237 Research design and methods : Bordens,Kenneth S. Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259002472 8th ed. xxi,544p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 BOR 07004238 Research design and methods : Bordens,Kenneth S. Tata McGraw Hill, 2013 9781259002472 8th ed. xxi,544p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 BOR 07012802 Analyzing text and discourse : Boreus,Kristina. Sage, 2017 9781473913752 (pbk) | 9781473913745 (hb) viii,293p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 BOU 05075187 Qualitative research using social media / Bouvier, Gwen, Routledge, 2022 9781032983561 1 Edition. viii, 203p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BOY 07011830 Writing for Science Students / Boyle Jennifer Palgrave, 2017 9781137571519 xii,206p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 BOY 05019958 The research companion : Boynton, Petra M. Psychology Press, 1841693049 (hardcover) | 18416 p. cm. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BOY 05019957 The research companion : Boynton, Petra M. Psychology Press, 1841693049 (hardcover) | 18416 199 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BOY 0010253 The research companion : Boynton, Petra M. Psychology Press, 1841693049 (hardcover) | 18416 199 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRA 03009111 Successful Qualitative Research : Braun, Virginia. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781847875815 | 9781847875822 1st ed. 382 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 BRA 05032841 Successful Qualitative Research : Braun, Virginia. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781847875815 | 9781847875822 1st ed. 382 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRA 05075270 Social Research Matters : Brannen, Julia. Bristol University Press, 2021 9781529208573 vi, 223 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRA 05074605 Evaluating program effectiveness : Braverman, Marc T., Sage, 2023 150635159X | 9781506351599 xxi, 256 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRA 00111548 Successful qualitative research : Braun, Virginia. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781847875815 | 9781847875822 1st ed. xii: 382p.; UG Library
300.72 BRY 05019913 Social Research Methods / Bryman, Alan Oxford University Press , 2001 0198742045 540p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRY 05002320 Social Research Methods / Bryman,Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199562879 | 9780192895042 xlii,748p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRY 00120253 Social research methods / Bryman, Alan. Oxford University Press, 2004 0199264465 (pbk.) | 9780195429 2nd ed. xiv, 592 p. : UG Library
300.72 BRY 05029575 Social Research Methods / Bryman, Alan Oxford University Press, 2004 0199264465 592 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRY 05007796 Social Research Methods / Bryman,Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199562879 | 9780192895042 xlii,748p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRY 05007797 Social Research Methods / Bryman,Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199562879 | 9780192895042 xlii,748p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRY 00126186 Social Research Methods Bryman, Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780198755951 xiii, 600 p. : UG Library
300.72 BRY 05020231 Social Research Methods / Bryman,Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199562879 | 9780192895042 xlii,748p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRY 07015235 Social Research Methods / Bryman,Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199562879 | 9780192895042 xlii,748p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 BRY 00095042 Social Research Methods / Bryman,Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199562879 | 9780192895042 xlii,748p.; UG Library
300.72 BRY 05029580 Social Research Methods / Bryman,Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199562879 | 9780192895042 xlii,748p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRY 05029597 The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory / Bryant Antony, Sage Publications, 2007 9781849204781 Paperback Edition 623 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 BRY 00094733 Social Research Methods / Bryman,Alan. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780199562879 | 9780192895042 xlii,748p.; UG Library
300.72 BUC 05039625 The Survey Methods Workbook:/ Buckingham,Alan Rawatn publications, 2014 9788131606476 xiii,309p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 BUC 00118008 The Survey Methods Workbook:/ Buckingham,Alan Rawatn publications, 2014 9788131606476 xiii,309p.; UG Library
300.72 BUR 01013468 Systemic action research : Burns, Danny, Policy Press, 9781861347374 (pbk.) | 1861347 vi, 194 p., [8] p. of plates : Knowledge Centre
300.72 BYN 05002478 Research Design Bynner John Aldine Transaction 9780202363707 354p Knowledge Centre
300.72 CAN 00138582 The creative reflective practitioner Candy, Linda Routledge, 2020 9781138632769 280 p.; UG Library
300.72 CAR 05019942 Doing social research / Cargan, Leonard. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007 9788131601785 xv, 345 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 CAR 00088825 Doing Social Research Cargan, Leonard Rawat Publications 2008 8131601781 343p UG Library
300.72 CAR 05002475 Doing Social Research Cargan, Leonard Rawat Publications, 81316011781 343 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 CAR 01013461 Doing social research / Cargan, Leonard. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007 9788131601785 xv, 345 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 CAR 05060438 Art and science of social research Carr,Deborah W.W.Norton & Company Inc., 2018 9780393911589 xxix,706p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 CAR 00146336 Writing and the Articulation of Postqualitative Research/ Carlson, David Lee Routledge 2023 9781032248929 193p. UG Library
300.72 CHA 07011739 Research Methodology Concepts and Cases / Chawla Deepak.Dr Vikas Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9789325982390 789p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 CHA 07011738 Research Methodology Concepts and Cases / Chawla Deepak.Dr Vikas Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9789325982390 789p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 CHA 05042079 Constructing grounded theory / Charmaz, Kathy. Sage, 2014 9780857029133 (c) | 9780857029 2nd edition. xxi,388p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 CHA 05020283 Tests and Measurements in Social Research Chandrakandan, K APH 8176482412 414p Knowledge Centre
300.72 CHA 00124214 Research Methodology Chandra Suresh Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd 2016 9788184874969 2nd ed. 282pgs,17 Figs,48 tbls UG Library
300.72 CHA 00141695 Research Methodology Chawla Deepak.Dr Vikas Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2021 9789325982390 789 p.: UG Library
300.72 CHA 05062403 Innovations in social science / Chaudhary, Poonam Dr. Shree Publishers & Distributors, 2017 9788183299046 viii, 222p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 CHA 07007745 Research Methodology Concepts and Cases / Chawla Deepak.Dr Vikas Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2016 9789325982390 789p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 CHA 00097720 Research In Behavioural Science Chandrabhanu Swastik Publications; 9789380138503 280p UG Library
300.72 CHE 05042130 Practical program evaluation : Chen, Huey-tsyh. Sage, 2015 9781412992305 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xix, 443 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 CHE 00147695 Using Postmodern and Poststructural Approaches in Applied Research: Cheek, Julianne Routledge, 2024 9780367148836 xii,135p. ; UG Library
300.72 CHH 05020947 Textbook of Social Research [ MSW ] Chhapekar, Rati Dominant Publishers and Distributors 8178881195 288p Knowledge Centre
300.72 CHI 00117935 Research Methodology in Social Sciences Chiranjeev, Avinash Jnanada Prakashan (P&D), 2013 9788171395767 vi:288p.; UG Library
300.72 CHU 05029596 Getting Your Phd : Churchill, Harriet Sage Publications, 2007 224 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 CHU 00147692 Research Methods and Design Beyond A Single Discipline: Chu, Heting Routledge, 2024 9780367898854 xv,343p. ; UG Library
300.72 CLA 10001930 Bryman's social research methods / Clark, Tom., Oxford University Press, 2022 9780192895042 Sixth International edition. 607p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.72 CLA 10001931 Bryman's social research methods / Clark, Tom., Oxford University Press, 2022 9780192895042 Sixth International edition. 607p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.72 CLE 05060729 Design and analysis of time series experiments / McCleary, Richard. Oxford University Press, 2017 9780190661557 (hardcover) | 97 xv, 368p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 CLO 05020227 Student`s Guide to Methodology.2nd Edition [ma-Sociology Section] Clough, Peter Sage 254p Knowledge Centre
300.72 COC 07004325 Sampling Techniques / Cochran, William G. Wiley, 1999 9788126515240 3rd 428p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 COC 07004324 Sampling Techniques / Cochran, William G. Wiley, 1999 9788126515240 3rd 428p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 COG 05056499 Doing action research in your own organization / Coghlan, David, Sage, 2014 9781446272565 | 1446272567 | 9 4th edition. xxi, 206 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 COG 05020294 Doing action research in your own organization / Coghlan, David. SAGE, 9781848602151 (hbk.) | 1848602 xii, 170 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 COG 00121840 Doing action research in your own organization / Coghlan, David, Sage, 2014 9781446272565 | 1446272567 | 9 4th edition. xxi, 206 pages : UG Library
300.72 COL 05020274 Real World Research [ MS.COMMU ] Robson, Colin 0631213058 599p Knowledge Centre
300.72 CRE 03013025 Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed methods approaches Creswell, John W., Sage Publication, 2018 9781506386706 | 9781506330204 4th Ed. xxv, 459 pages : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 CRE 05053585 Research Design : Creswell,John.W Sage Publications, 2009 9788132107484 xxviii,260p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 CRE 00105976 Research Design : Creswell,John.W Sage Publications, 2009 9788132107484 xxviii,260p.; UG Library
300.72 CRE 05048778 Qualitative inquiry and research design : Creswell, John W. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412995313 (cloth) | 978141 3rd ed. xxi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 CRE 05032799 Qualitative inquiry and research design : Creswell, John W. SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412995313 (cloth) | 978141 3rd ed. xxi, 448 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 CRE 09001092 Qualitative inquiry & research design : Creswell, John W., Sage, 2018 1506330207 | 9781506330204 Fourth edition. xxv, 459 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.72 CRE 05008180 Research Design : Creswell,John.W Sage Publications, 2009 9788132107484 xxviii,260p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 CRE 07011260 Qualitative inquiry & research design : Creswell, John W., Sage, 2018 1506330207 | 9781506330204 Fourth edition. xxv, 459 pages : Library - BR Campus
300.72 CZA 05002570 Narratives in Social Science Research / Czarniawska, Barbara Sage Publications, 2004 0761941959 157p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAS 00128512 Practice of Social Research : Das,D.K.Lal. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608678 2nd ed. 376p.; UG Library
300.72 DAS 04022971 Research Methodology with SPSS / Dash, Priyaranjan Vrinda Publications, 2011 9788182813816 600p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.72 DAS 05055934 Practice of Social Research : Das,D.K.Lal. Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608678 2nd ed. 376p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAS 00146278 Practice of Social Research : Das, D. K. Lal Rawat Publications, 2020 9788131608678 2nd ed 376p. ; UG Library
300.72 DAS 05029559 Practice of Social Research : Das, D K Lal Rawat Publications, 2004 8170336147 366 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAS 05020205 Practice of Social Research / Das,D.K.Lal. Rawat Publications, 9788170336143 367p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAS 07006863 Practice of Social Research / Das,D.K.Lal. Rawat Publications, 9788170336143 367p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 DAS 05002999 Practice of Social Research / Das,D.K.Lal. Rawat Publications, 9788170336143 367p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAS 05024261 Practice of Social Research : Das, D K Lal Rawat Publications, 2004 8170336147 367 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAS 05020224 Practice of Social Research / Das, D K Lal Rawat 2004 366p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAS 05002437 Practice of Social Research / Das, D K Lal Rawat 2004 366p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAS 05020275 Practice of Social Research / Das, D K Lal Rawat 2004 366p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAV 05019955 Practical Research Methods for Media and Cultural Studies: Making People Count Davies, Maire Messenger Rawat Publications 8131601005 202p Knowledge Centre
300.72 DAV 05002465 The SAGE handbook of case-based methods / SAGE, 9781412930512 | 1412930510 xvii, 542 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEA 00131420 Doing reflexivity: Dean, Jon Policy press, 2017 9781447330851 xi,180p.; UG Library
300.72 DEN 00147640 Qualitative Inquiry in Transition-Pasts, Presents, Futures: Denzin, Norman K. Routledge, 2024 9781032657615 xxi,343p. ; UG Library
300.72 DEN 05019992 Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials. Denzin, Norman K 9781412957571 701p Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEN 07006737 Strategies of qualitative inquiry / Sage Publications, 2008 9781412957564 (pbk. : alk. pap 3rd ed. x, 427 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.72 DEN 07011265 The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research / Sage, 2018 9781483349800 5th ed xx,968p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 DEV 05020225 Surveys in Social Research / De Vaus, D A Rawat Publications 2003 8170337747 379p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEV 05041525 Scale development : DeVellis, Robert F. SAGE, 2012 9781412980449 (pbk.) | 1412980 3rd ed. ix, 205 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEV 05020286 Traditional Values and Institutions in India Deva, Indra S C 196 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEV 00147596 Scholarly Productivity Measures/ Devi, B. Mini Book Enclave, 2024 9788119684908 125p. ; UG Library
300.72 DEV 05019949 Surveys in Social Research De Vaus, D A Rawat Publications 8170337747 380p Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEV 05074626 Scale development : DeVellis, Robert F., Sage, 2022 9781544379340 Fifth edition. xvii, 298 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEV 05003021 Surveys In Social Research / De Vaus, D. A Rawat Publications, 2002 058545583X (electronic bk.) | 5th ed. xviii, 379 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEV 05019948 Surveys in Social Research / De Vaus, D A Rawat Publications 2003 8170337747 850p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEV 05058313 Scale development : DeVellis, Robert F., Sage, 2017 9781506341569 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth edition. xvii, 262 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 DEV 00126145 Surveys In Social Research / De Vaus, D. A Rawat Publications, 2002 058545583X (electronic bk.) | 5th ed. xviii, 379 p. : UG Library
300.72 DHR 00121558 Easy Social methodolgoy Dhrangadharia, A H Cyber Tech 2014 9789350532874 248p. UG Library
300.72 DOO 05019964 Social Research Methods Dooley, David Prentice Hall of India 8120331192 385p Knowledge Centre
300.72 DOO 00060310 Social Research Methods Dooley, David Prentice Hall of India 2003 8120311337 387p UG Library
300.72 DRE 05002462 Talk and Interaction in Social Research Methods / Drew, Paul Sage Publications, 2006 0761957049 233 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 EMM 07009034 Researching the Visual / Emmison Michael Sage, 2012 9781446207888 2nd ed xviii,269p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 EMM 00127897 Researching the Visual Emmison, Michael Sage, 2012 9781446207888 2nd ed, xviii,269 p.: UG Library
300.72 EMM 05042138 Researching the Visual / Emmison Michael Sage, 2012 9781446207888 2nd ed xviii,269p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 FLI 01013783 An introduction to qualitative research / Flick, Uwe, Sage Publications, 9788132105688 xx, 504 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 FLI 00127770 An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Flick UWE Sage, 2014 9788132105688 | 9789386062741 5th ed, 587 p.: UG Library
300.72 FLI 07011302 An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Flick UWE Sage, 2014 9788132105688 | 9789386062741 5th ed, 587 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 FLI 05002565 Introduction to Qualitative Research / Flick, Uwe Sage Publications, 2006 0141291146 443p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 FLI 00096460 An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Flick UWE Sage 2009 9788132105688 505 p UG Library
300.72 FLI 05029591 Designing Qualitative Research / Flick, Uwe Sage Publications, 2007 9780761949763 130 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 FLI 05029552 Managing Quality in Qualitative Research / Flick, Uwe Sage Publications, 2007 156 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 FLT 05002571 Companion to Qualitative Research / Flick, `Uwe Sage Publications, 2004 0761973753 432p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 FRE 00146323 Visual Mehtods of Inquiry; Freedman, Kerry Routledge 2024 9780367250485 230p. UG Library
300.72 GAL 00033077 Theory And Methods Of Social Research Galtung Johan S Chand & Co Ltd 1967 534 p UG Library
300.72 GAU 00125329 Techniques in Social Science Research Gautam Vidyapati ABD Publisher, 2017 9788183765152 vii, 280 p.: UG Library
300.72 GAU 07012211 A journey through qualitative research : Gaudet, Stephanie, Sage, 2018 144626713X | 9781446267134 | 1446267121 | 9781446267127 xiv, 250p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 GAU 05061970 A journey through qualitative research : Gaudet, Stephanie, Sage, 2018 144626713X | 9781446267134 | 1446267121 | 9781446267127 xiv, 250p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 GER 05020204 Social Science Methodology: a Critical Framelwork Gerring, John 0521805139 299p Knowledge Centre
300.72 GHO 05019986 Scientific Method and Social Research / Ghosh, B N Sterling Publishers 1993 254p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 GHO 05020277 Doing Social Research Ghosh, L Knowledge Centre
300.72 GIB 00120443 Qualitative Data Analysis : Gibbs, Graham, Rawat Publication,, 2010 9788131603819 | 0335200842 xxiv, 257 p. : UG Library
300.72 GIB 07006897 Qualitative Data Analysis : Gibbs, Graham, Rawat Publication,, 2010 9788131603819 | 0335200842 xxiv, 257 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.72 GIB 05019960 Analyzing Qualitative Data [ma-Sociology Section] Gibbs, Graham Sage 160p Knowledge Centre
300.72 GIL 05019929 From Postgraduate to Social Scientist a Guide to Key Skills [ma-Sociology Section] Gilbert, Nigel 0761944605 226p Knowledge Centre
300.72 GIR 00132177 Cultivating pathways of creative research Giri,Ananta Kumar Primus books, 2017 9789386552198 xxiii,517p.; UG Library
300.72 GIR 00132192 Pathways of creative research : Primus Books, 2017 9789384082055 (hardback) | 9384082058 (POD) xviii, 485 pages ; UG Library
300.72 GIR 05020272 Creative Social Research Rethinking Theories and Methods [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Kumar Giri, Ananta Sage Publications 8178294842 367p Knowledge Centre
300.72 GLI 05005484 Research Methods in Applied Setttings : Gliner, Jeffrey A. Routledge/Psychology Press, 2009 9780805864342 (hardback) 2nd ed. xvii, 469 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 GOO 00059365 Samijika Samshodhana Vidhanagalu. Good E, J William Mysore University 1995 566p UG Library
300.72 GOO 00059364 Samijika Samshodhana Vidhanagalu. Good E, J William Mysore University 1995 566p UG Library
300.72 GOO 05020280 Methods in Social Research Goode, J William M G H 386 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 GOO 05012781 Methods in Social Research [ma-Sociology] Goode, William J Surjeet 386p Knowledge Centre
300.72 GOR 05037336 Research design : Gorard, Stephen. SAGE, 2013 9781446249017 (hbk.) | 1446249 xiv, 218 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 GRA 00144697 Doing Research in the Real World / Gray, David E. Sage publications, 2022 9781529742442 P | 9781529742435 | 1529742447 | 1529742439 5th edition. ix, 883 pages : UG Library
300.72 GRA 05029598 Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences / Gravetter, Frederick J Wordsworth Cengage, 2006 9780495509837 614 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 GRA 05014335 Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences / Gravetter, Frederick J Wordsworth Cengage, 2006 9780495509837 614 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 GRO 00145754 How social science got better : Grossmann, Matthew, Oxford University Press, 2021 9780197518977 xxiv, 316 pages : UG Library
300.72 GRO 05074642 Social Research Methods : Gronmo, Sigmund. Sage Publications , 2024 9781529616811 vii, 644 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 GUE 00147688 Conducting contextual research : Guerin, Bernard Routledge, 2024 180p. ; UG Library
300.72 GUP 07015786 Research Methodoly : Gupta Shashi.K Kalyani Publishers, 2017 9789327277036 20.22p: Library - BR Campus
300.72 GUT 03003870 Basic Research Methods : Guthrie, Gerard. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104575 (paper back) 221 P.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 GUT 05020229 Basic Research Methods : Guthrie, Gerard. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104575 (paper back) 221 P.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 GUT 00095426 Basic Research Methods : Guthrie, Gerard. SAGE Publications, 2010 9788132104575 (paper back) 221 P.: UG Library
300.72 HAC 00144369 An Introduction to Using Mapping Sentences / Hackett, M W Paul. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 9783030785819 xix,105p, ; UG Library
300.72 HAK 00146291 Research Design: Hakim, Cathrine Rawat, 2023 9788131611982 xii,211p. ; UG Library
300.72 HAL 05059639 Innovations in digital research methods / Halfpenny, Peter. Sage Publications, 2015 1446203093 | 9781446203095 | 9 xvi, 318 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 HAM 07011322 Methodology : Hammersley, Martyn. SAGE, 2011 9781849202046 (hbk.) | 1849202 ix,214p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 HAM 07006110 The Myth of Research-Based Policy and Practice Hammersley, Martyn SAGE Publications, Limited | SAGE Publications, Incorporated [Distributor] 2013 9780857029669 | 0857029665 (Tr Library - BR Campus
300.72 HAM 05048192 Methodology : Hammersley, Martyn. SAGE, 2011 9781849202046 (hbk.) | 1849202 ix,214p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 HAM 05002473 Questioning qualitative inquiry : Hammersley, Martyn. SAGE, 1412935148 (hbk.) | 9781412935 209 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 HAM 00127909 The Myth of Research-Based Policy and Practice Hammersley, Martyn SAGE Publications, Limited | SAGE Publications, Incorporated [Distributor] 2013 9780857029669 | 0857029665 (Tr UG Library
300.72 HAM 00133395 The limits of social science : Hammersley, Martyn. Sage publications ltd., 2014 9781446287507 178p.; UG Library
300.72 HAM 05062769 The limits of social science : Hammersley, Martyn. Sage publications ltd., 2014 9781446287507 178p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 HAN 00027131 Theory & Practice in Social Research Han`s Raj, Surjeet 1984 402 p UG Library
300.72 HAW 05005341 Video in social science research : Haw, Kaye. Routledge, 2011 9780415467858 (hbk) | 97804154 196 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 HAY 00144306 Principles and Concepts of Social Research : Hayhoe, Simon. Routledge, 2023 9781032149677 ix,185p,; UG Library
300.72 HED 05050759 Statistical methods for meta-analysis / Hedges, Larry V. Academic Press, 1985 0123363802 (alk. paper) xxii, 369 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 HEN 00073906 Short Introduction to Social Research(dharmaram Library) Henn, Matt Sage Publications 2006 8178296454 285p UG Library
300.72 HEN 05006655 A Critical introduction to social research / Henn, Matt. SAGE, 2009 9788132105787 x, 356 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 HEN 05002807 Short Introduction to Social Research [SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Henn, Matt Sage Publications 8178296454 285p Knowledge Centre
300.72 HEN 05020263 Short Introduction to Social Research Henn, Matt Sage Publications 8178296454 284 Knowledge Centre
300.72 HES 05001554 Emergent methods in social research Sage Publications, 2006 1412909171 (cloth : alk. paper xxxii,412p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 HES 05048101 Emergent methods in social research Sage Publications, 2006 1412909171 (cloth : alk. paper xxxii,412p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 HEY 05020256 Selection Theory and Social Construction [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Heyes, Cecilia 0791450562 198p Knowledge Centre
300.72 HOL 05044760 Doing qualitative research differently : Hollway, Wendy. SAGE, 2013 1446254925 (pbk.) | 9781446254 2nd ed. xv, 181 . ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 HOL 05019956 Methods in Development Research Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches [ma-Sociology Section] Holland, Jeremy T d g Publishing 1853395722 290p Knowledge Centre
300.72 HUD 09001162 Scientific Approach to Social Research / Hudson, Steve Americal Academic Publisher, 2024 9798886263725 342 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.72 ING 00148211 Heuristic Enquiries: Ings, Welby Routledge, 2025 9781032830957 x,220p. ; UG Library
300.72 JAN 05029595 "Stretching" Exercises for Qualitative Researchers / Janesick, Valerie J Sage Publications, 2004 0761928154 2nd 269 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 JAN 00128628 "Stretching" Exercises for Qualitative Researchers Janesick, Valerie J. SAGE, 2011 9781412980456 (pbk.) | 1412980 3rd ed. xix, 294 p. : UG Library
300.72 JAS 05020282 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research [ma-Sociology ] Singh, Jaspal Kanishka Publishers, Distributors 348p Knowledge Centre
300.72 JAY 00115244 Research Methodology Reddy, Jayaprakash APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486736 (pbk) | 8176486728 x; 79 p UG Library
300.72 JAY 00061377 Research Methodology Reddy, Jayaprakash APH Publishing Corporation 2004 8176486736 (pbk) | 8176486728 x; 79 p UG Library
300.72 JES 03006293 Doing your Literature Review : Jesson, Jill. SAGE, 2011 9781848601536 (hbk.) | 1848601 xi, 175 p. : School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 JES 05046597 Doing your Literature Review: Jesson,Jill. SAGE, 2011 9781848601543 | 1848601530 (hbk.) | 9781848601543 (pbk.) | 1848601549 (pbk.) xi, 175 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 JES 00107762 Doing your Literature Review: Jesson,Jill. SAGE, 2011 9781848601543 | 1848601530 (hbk.) | 9781848601543 (pbk.) | 1848601549 (pbk.) xi, 175 p. : UG Library
300.72 JOH 00147111 How to write conceptual papers in the social sciences : Johannessen, Jon-Arild Routledge, 2024 9781032599816 x,138p. ; UG Library
300.72 JUD 05020226 Research Methods in a Social Relations Judd, M Charles Harcourt & Row 564 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 JUD 00141912 Doing social reseach Judge,Paramjit S Rawat publications, 2021 9788131612071 x,207p.; UG Library
300.72 JUP 05002467 Sage Dictionary of Social Research Methods Jupp, Victor Sage Publications 335p Knowledge Centre
300.72 KAT 00137966 Research Methodology / Kattimani,Prakash S. Current Publications, 2019 9789384803575 260p.; UG Library
300.72 KEI 01020773 Global knowledge production in the social sciences : Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014 9781472426178 (hardback : alk. xi,267p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 KEN 00144580 Social research methods / Kenneavy, Kristin M., Sage publication, 2023 9781544373935 xxix,338p, ; UG Library
300.72 KER 05019991 FOUNDATIONS OF BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH Kerlinger, Fred N Surjeet 741p Knowledge Centre
300.72 KEV 07013456 Research Methodology For Social Sciences. Kevin, s. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 2019 9789388264686 xii, 205 p;. Library - BR Campus
300.72 KHA 00097803 Research Methodology Khan J A APH Publishing Corporation; 9788131301357 319p UG Library
300.72 KHA 07013949 Research Methodology in Social Science/ Khairnar,Dilip International Publications, 2019 9789387556454 VII,303 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
300.72 KIN 07006733 Designing social inquiry King, Gary, Princeton University Press, 1994 0691034702 (cloth : alk. paper xi,247p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 KIR 05020285 Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research [ma-Sociology Section] Kirk, Jerome 0803924704 87p Knowledge Centre
300.72 KLE 05020296 Feminist Fieldwork Analysis [ma-Sociology Section] Kleinman, Sherryl Sage Publications 132p Knowledge Centre
300.72 KNI 00146381 Designing and implementing effective evaluations : Kniffley Jr, Steven D. Routledge, 2023 9780367229726 xiii,93p. ; UG Library
300.72 KNO 05001552 Basic Social Statistics Knoke, David F e Peacock Publishers, 1991 X08751347X 363p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 KOT 00145305 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques / Kothari, C. R. New Age International (P) Limited, 2021 9789386649225 4th color, ed. xxi, 458p. ; UG Library
300.72 KOT 00047151 Research Methodology:Methods & Techniques. Kothari, C R Vishwa 1985 8173280363 468p UG Library
300.72 KOT 00119647 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : UG Library
300.72 KOT 00118381 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : UG Library
300.72 KOT 00118382 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : UG Library
300.72 KOT 00118383 Research Methodology : Kothari, C R. New Age International Publishers, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. xx,449p. : UG Library
300.72 KOT 00141696 Research Methodology Kothari, C R 1995 1 UG Library
300.72 KOT 00037127 Research Methodology Kothari, C R 1995 1 UG Library
300.72 KOT 05001384 Research Methodology Kothari.C R. Wishwa Prakashan, 1996 2nd ed. xii,468p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 KOT 00093832 Research Methodology Kothari, C.r Wiley 1990 2nd Ed. 470 p UG Library
300.72 KOT 00079293 Research Methodology Kothari, C.r Wiley 1990 2nd Ed. 470 p UG Library
300.72 KOT 00033184 Research Methodology Kothari, C.r Wiley 1990 2nd Ed. 470 p UG Library
300.72 KRE 05074474 The grammar of time : Kreuzer, Markus, Cambridge University Press, 2023 9781108718233 xii, 214p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 KRI 00117201 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing Hourse, 2012 9789350518755 445p. ; UG Library
300.72 KRI 00041757 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing Hourse, 1996 529 p UG Library
300.72 KRI 05029579 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences / Krishnaswami, O R Himalaya Publishing Hourse, 1996 529 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 KRI 00130889 Research Methodology Krishnaswami, O. R. Himalaya Publishing, 2018 9789352623310 460 p.: UG Library
300.72 KRI 00130890 Research Methodology Krishnaswami, O. R. Himalaya Publishing, 2018 9789352623310 460 p.: UG Library
300.72 KRI 00136541 Research Methodology Krishnaswami, O. R. Himalaya Publishing, 2019 9789352623310 460 p.: UG Library
300.72 KRI 00136542 Research Methodology Krishnaswami, O. R. Himalaya Publishing, 2019 9789352623310 460 p.: UG Library
300.72 KRI 07015157 Research Methodology Krishnaswami, O. R. Himalaya Publishing, 2018 9789352623310 460 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 KRI 00096136 Methodology of Research in Social Sciences Krishnaswami, O. R. Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 433 p. UG Library
300.72 KUL 05020230 Quantitative Social Research Methods [msw-Section] Singh, Kultar Sage 431p Knowledge Centre
300.72 KUM 05030201 Research Methodology : Kumar, Ranjit Pearson Education, 2005 9788131704967 2nd. 332 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 KUM 00141694 Research Methodology / Kumar Ranjit SagePublications, 2014 9789351501336 4th ed xxvii,399p.: UG Library
300.72 KUM 00117719 Research methodology Kumar, Ranjit. Sage Publications Ltd, 2014 9781446269961 (hardback) | 978 4th ed. xxvii:399p.; UG Library
300.72 KUM 05017517 Narain`s Methods and Techniques of Social Reserarch: Kumar Laxminarain Agarwal 320p Knowledge Centre
300.72 KUM 05020264 Narain`s Methods and Techniques of Social Reserarch: Kumar Laxminarain Agarwal 320p Knowledge Centre
300.72 KUM 05020266 Research Methodology : Kumar, Ranjit Pearson Education, 2005 9788131704967 2nd. 332 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 KUM 05029576 Research Methodology : Kumar, Ranjit Pearson Education, 2005 9788131704967 2nd. 332 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 KUM 00121617 Research methodology in sociology Kumar,Amit Random Publications 2011 9789381421093 304p. UG Library
300.72 KUM 01011949 Research Methodology : Kumar, Ranjit. Pearson Publications, 141291194X (pbk.) | 9788131704 xix, 332 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 KUM 00103694 Research Methodology : Kumar,Ranjit. Sage Publications, 9788132106487 xxi,415p.; UG Library
300.72 KUS 00142837 Research methodology in social science Kusuma,A Serials publications pvt ltd., 2021 9789391844219 vi,296p.; UG Library
300.72 KVA 05019962 Doing Interviews Kvale, Steinar Sage Publications 157p Knowledge Centre
300.72 LAL 01013463 Designs of Social Research / Lal Das,D.K. Rawat Publications, 9788170339847 xvi,318p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 LAL 05020212 Designs of Social Research (UGC Outonomous Grant) (MSW) Lal Das, D K Rawat Publications 8170339847 318p Knowledge Centre
300.72 LAL 07006859 Designs of Social Research / Lal Das,D.K. Rawat Publications, 9788170339847 xvi,318p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 LAL 05003022 Designs of Social Research / Lal Das,D.K. Rawat Publications, 9788170339847 xvi,318p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 LAM 00148214 A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying the Rasch Model Using R: Lamprianou, Iasonas Routledge, 2025 9781032619408 2nd ed, xxiv,292p. ; UG Library
300.72 LAW 00089161 After Method Mess in Social Science Research Law, John 2008 9780415341752 188p UG Library
300.72 LEA 05062071 The essential guide to doing your research project / O'Leary, Zina. Sage, 2017 9781473952089 (pbk) | 9781473952072 (hb) 3rd edition. viii,400p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 LEA 05074620 The essential guide to doing your research project / O'Leary, Zina, Sage, 2021 9781529713466 | 1529713463 | 9781529713473 | 1529713471 4th edition. viii, 438 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 LEA 00144662 Research design : Leavy, Patricia, Guilford press, 2023 9781462550883 | 9781462548972 Second Edition. xx,323p, ; UG Library
300.72 LEO 05006522 Encyclopedia of Social Measurment / Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 9780124438903 xxxiii,945 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 LEO 05006523 Encyclopedia of Social Measurment / Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 9780124438903 xxxiii,945 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 LET 05048154 Objectivity and subjectivity in social research / Letherby, Gayle. SAGE, 2013 9780857028402 (hbk.) | 0857028405 (hbk.) | 9780857028419 (pbk.) | 0857028413 (pbk.) 189 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 LIS 05072561 The Voltage Effect : List, John A. Penguin Random House UK , 2022 9780241556849 257p, ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 LOS 00134126 Methodological thinking : Loseke, Donileen R., SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412997201 (pbk.) | 9788132110156 xvii, 194 p. ; UG Library
300.72 LOS 00141867 Methodological thinking : Loseke, Donileen R., SAGE Publications, 2013 9781412997201 (pbk.) | 9788132110156 xvii, 194 p. ; UG Library
300.72 LOU 07005386 Best-worst scaling : Louviere, Jordan J. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107043152 (hardback) xx, 342 pages : Library - BR Campus
300.72 LUM 05068282 Reflexivity : Lumsden, Karen, Routledge, 2019 9781138911864 (hardback) x,191 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 LUN 05060519 Qualitative research methods for the social science / Lune,Howard. Pearson, 2017 9781292164397 Ninth Edition. 250p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 LUN 07014621 Qualitative research methods for the social science / Lune,Howard. Pearson, 2017 9781292164397 Ninth Edition. 250p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 LUR 05021014 Inventive methods : Routledge, 2012 9780415574815 | 9780203854921 xiii, 269 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 MAD 00006202 Tools of Social Science Medge, John David Mckay 1974 308 p UG Library
300.72 MAG 07009989 Designing research in the social sciences / Maggetti, Martino. SAGE, 2013 9781849205009 (hbk.) | 1849205 185 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.72 MAG 00127900 Designing research in the social sciences / Maggetti, Martino. SAGE, 2013 9781849205009 (hbk.) | 1849205 185 p. : UG Library
300.72 MAG 07006728 Designing research in the social sciences / Maggetti, Martino. SAGE, 2013 9781849205009 (hbk.) | 1849205 185 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.72 MAG 00111561 Designing research in the social sciences / Maggetti, Martino. SAGE, 2013 9781849205009 (hbk.) | 1849205 185 p. : UG Library
300.72 MAH 07012507 Advances in comparative-historical analysis / Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107110021 (hardback) | 9781107525634 (paperback) xviii, 305 pages ; Library - BR Campus
300.72 MAJ 05044503 Reasearch Methods in Social Science / Majumdar, P. K. Viva Books, 2015 9788130931692 484p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 MAJ 04023819 Reasearch Methods in Social Science / Majumdar, P. K. Viva Books, 2015 9788130931692 484p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.72 MAJ 07000679 Reasearch Methods in Social Science / Majumdar, P. K. Viva Books, 2015 9788130931692 484p. : Library - BR Campus
300.72 MAJ 05019940 An introduction to qualitative research synthesis : Major, Claire Howell. Routledge, 9780415562850 (hardback) | 041 ix, 187 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 MAJ 07006941 Applied Statistics: Majumdar P K Rawat Publications, 9788131603260 582 p.vii, Library - BR Campus
300.72 MAJ 05049197 Applied Statistics: Majumdar P K Rawat Publications, 9788131603260 582 p.vii, Knowledge Centre
300.72 MAJ 05019947 Research Methods in Social Science Manumdar, P K Multilingual Matters Limited 8130901226 482p Knowledge Centre
300.72 MAN 00118357 Research Methodology and Techniques in Sociology / Mandal Bindeshwar Prasad Centrum Press, 2014 9789350845097 viii,304p.: UG Library
300.72 MAN 05020257 Paradigms in social science research : Mangaleswaran Authorspress, 9788172735814 | 8172735812 xx, 474 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 MAN 05044774 The limits of social science : Hammersley, Martyn. Sage, 2014 vii,178p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 MAR 07002483 Visual research : Marion, Jonathan S., Bloomsbury, 2013 9780857852052 (alk. paper) | 9 English edition. xvii, 167 pages : Library - BR Campus
300.72 MAR 05038795 Visual research : Marion, Jonathan S., Bloomsbury, 2013 9780857852052 (alk. paper) | 9 English edition. xvii, 167 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 MAS 00130986 Qualitative researching / Mason, Jennifer. Sage publications ltd., 2018 9781473912182 (pbk.) | 9781473 3rd edition. xii,273p.; UG Library
300.72 MAS 07011838 Qualitative researching / Mason, Jennifer. Sage publications ltd., 2018 9781473912182 (pbk.) | 9781473 3rd edition. xii,273p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 MAT 07008819 Methods & Applications in Trade Policy Research Mathur,Somesh K Athena Academic Ltd, 2016 9781910390054 Viii,205 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
300.72 MAY 00091355 Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process May, Tim Rawat Publications 8131602915 258p UG Library
300.72 MAY 00144165 Qualitative Content Analysis : Mayyring, Philipp. Sage publication, 2022 9781529701975 vii224p,; UG Library
300.72 MAY 00090488 Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process May, Tim Rawat Publications 8131602915 258p UG Library
300.72 MCB 03002067 Research Methods Mcburney, Donald H Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131502105 441 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 MCB 03002068 Research Methods Mcburney, Donald H Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131502105 441 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 MCB 03002069 Research Methods Mcburney, Donald H Thomson South-Western 2007 9788131502105 441 p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 MCC 00115228 Documentry Research - In Education, History and The Social Science Mcculloch Gary Routledge Falmer 2004 0415272874 148 p UG Library
300.72 MCI 05002464 Need to Know: Social Science Research Methods / Mcintyre, Lisa J McGraw Hill, 2005 0071232583 303 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 MCK 00125522 Sceince of research methodology Mckenzie,Gwen Arcler Press LLC 2016 9781680941685 240p. UG Library
300.72 MCN 05020255 Doing and writing action research / McNiff, Jean. Sage, 9781847871749 | 9781847871756 201 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 MCN 05020284 All You Need to Know About Action Research Mcniff, Jean 0141290806 274 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 MEY 00124380 Advanced Research methods Mey, Langha De Sage, 2013 9781446275337 286 p.; UG Library
300.72 MIC 00142532 The research event : Michael, Mike, Routledge, 2022 9780815354239 | 9780815354277 167p.; UG Library
300.72 MII 00144127 The Handbook of Global Interventions in Communication Theory / Miike, Yoshitaka. Routledge, 2022 9780367486204 xxviii,515 p,; UG Library
300.72 MIL 00119799 Research Methodology Priniciples Methods And Practies by, Miluwi O. Joshua Manglam Publications, 2015 9789382983071 606 p.: UG Library
300.72 MOS 05019946 Survey Methods Insocial Investigation Moser, Claus E L B S 552 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 MUK 00081037 Methodology in Social Research Mukherji, Partha Nath 2000 0761994408 263p UG Library
300.72 NAP 03011828 Research Methodology : Napoleon, D. University Science Press, 2014 9789381159767 70 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 NAP 03011829 Research Methodology : Napoleon, D. University Science Press, 2014 9789381159767 70 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 NAR 05068404 Doing survey research : Nardi, Peter M. Routledge, 2018 9781138043381 (hardback : alk. paper) | 9781138043398 (pbk. : alk. paper) Fourth edition. xi, 260 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 NAS 00144815 Video Data Analysis : Nassauer, Anne, Sage publications, 2022 1529722462 | 9781529722468 | 1529722454 | 9781529722451 xvi, 302 pages : UG Library
300.72 NAS 05074612 Video Data Analysis : Nassauer, Anne, Sage publications, 2022 1529722462 | 9781529722468 | 1529722454 | 9781529722451 xvi, 302 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 NEU 05019954 Social Research Methods Qualiltative and Quantitative Appraches Neuman, W Lawrence 0205145485 538p Knowledge Centre
300.72 NEU 05020259 Social Research Methods:Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches Neuman, W Lawrence Allyn Bacon 1994 538 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 OKO 00147694 Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Okoko, Janet Mola Springer, 2023 9783031043963 xvii,495p. ; UG Library
300.72 OLE 00119677 The essential guide to doing your research project / O'Leary, Zina., Sage Publications 2014 9781446258965 (hbk.) | 1446258 2nd edition. viii, 371 pages : UG Library
300.72 OLS 05048657 Data collection : Olsen, Wendy. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781847872555 | 9781847872562 1st ed. xi, 234,: Knowledge Centre
300.72 OPI 00115453 Doing Educational Research. Opie, Clive Vistaar Publications 2006 9788178293981 244p UG Library
300.72 ORN 01019666 A companion to survey research / Ornstein, Michael. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446209097 viii:179p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 ORN 07009135 A companion to survey research / Ornstein, Michael. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446209097 viii:179p.; Library - BR Campus
300.72 ORN 00111641 A companion to survey research / Ornstein, Michael. Sage Publications, 2013 9781446209097 viii:179p.; UG Library
300.72 PAL 05019937 Research methhods in social science Palekar S A Current Publications 9788189065041 277p Knowledge Centre
300.72 PAN 05020850 Rersearch Methaodology in Social Sciences Pande, G C Anmol Publications 284 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 PAN 00139474 Research Methodology / Panneerselvam.R PHI Learning Private Limited, 2014 9788120349469 xvi,699p.: UG Library
300.72 PHI 07015511 Philosophy,Science and Social Inquiry : Phillips D.C Pergamon Press, 1993 9780080334110 210p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 PIC 05002468 Research Methods for Cultural Studies / Pickering, Michael Edinburgh University Press, 2008 9780748625789 240p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 PLO 05037054 Using mixed methods : Plowright, David. SAGE, 2011 9781848601086 (pbk.) | 1848601 x, 205 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 POR 05020271 Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective Della Porta, Donatella 9780521709668 365p Knowledge Centre
300.72 POR 01013686 Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences : Cambridge University Press, 9780521883221 (cased) | 052188 xv, 365 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 PRA 07010260 Research Methodology / Prakash Anand.Dr Sonali Publications, 2016 9788184115734 321p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 PRE 00112312 Methodology of social research Premlata Centrum press, 2013 9789381938805 viii,296p.; UG Library
300.72 PRI 05007811 Using documents and records in social research / Sage, 2011 9781849207331 (set) | 18492073 4 v. :353 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 PRI 05007812 Using documents and records in social research / Sage, 2011 9781849207331 (set) | 18492073 4 v. :353 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 PRI 05007813 Using documents and records in social research / Sage, 2011 9781849207331 (set) | 18492073 4 v. :353 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 PRI 05007814 Using documents and records in social research / Sage, 2011 9781849207331 (set) | 18492073 4 v. :353 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 PUS 07014290 Research and Evalution in Counseling/ Puskar,Sunita Research and Evalution in Counseling, 2019 9789352692361 VIII,298 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
300.72 RAJ 00033093 Theory & Practice in Social Research. Hans Raj, Surjeet 1990 420 p UG Library
300.72 RAO 04020736 Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods / Rao, G. Nageswara BS publication, 2012 9789381075562 300p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.72 RAP 05020207 Doing Conversation, Discourse and Document Analysis [ma-Sociology Section] Rapley, Tim Sage 141p Knowledge Centre
300.72 RAV 05020269 Introduction to research methods in social sciences; Ravichandran,K Ahijeet publications; 9788189886943 xxi:282 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 REA 00146643 Conversations on Creative Process, Methods, Research and Practice: Reading, Christina Routledge, 2024 9781032259994 181p. ; UG Library
300.72 RIB 05002830 Feminist Dilemmas in Qualitative Research - Public Knowledge and Private Lives Ribbens, Jane Sage Publications, 1998 0007619654 213p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 ROB 05019950 Real World Research:2nd Edition [msw-Section] Robson, Colin 0631213058 599p Knowledge Centre
300.72 ROS 07004293 Beginning behavioral research : Rosnow, Ralph L. Pearson, 2013 9780205810314 (alk. paper) | 0205810314 (alk. paper) 7th ed. xiv, 386 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.72 ROS 05066521 Beginning behavioral research : Rosnow, Ralph L. Pearson, 2013 9780205810314 (alk. paper) | 0205810314 (alk. paper) 7th ed. xiv, 386 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 ROS 00108830 Measurement for the Social Sciences Rossiter,John R. Springer, 2011 9781441971579 | 1441971572 (al xv, 169 p. : UG Library
300.72 ROS 00147690 Research as accompaniment : Rosales, Martin Renzo Routledge, 2024 9781032414942 xv,227p. ; UG Library
300.72 ROS 05002477 Beginning behavioral research : Rosnow, Ralph L. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 9780136128755 | 0136128750 | 9 xviii, 461 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 ROS 05020603 Beginning Behavioral Research: A Conceptual Primer Rosnow, Ralph L 0013791542 475p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SAC 05019926 Qualitative Research in Soical Science [ma-Sociology] Sachdeva, Mittali Raj Publishing House 8189326325 143p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SAL 07011263 The coding manual for qualitative researchers / Saldaña, Johnny, Sage, 2016 9781473902480 (hardback) | 147 3E [Third edition]. xiv, 339 pages : Library - BR Campus
300.72 SAL 00127908 The coding manual for qualitative researchers Saldaña, Johnny. SAGE, 2013 9781446247372 2nd ed. 303 p. : UG Library
300.72 SAL 00148085 Developing theory through qualitative inquiry / Saldaña, Johnny Sage, 2025 9781071917541 xxi,191p, ; UG Library
300.72 SAR 05019974 Research Methodology Saravanavel, P Kitab Mahal 288 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SAY 05005392 Method in social science : Sayer, R. Andrew. Routledge, 2010 9780415581592 (pbk.) | 0415581 Rev. 2nd ed. xvii, 313 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 SCH 05001555 Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry.3rd Edition Schwandt, Thomas A Sage Publications, 2007 322p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72 SCH 05047805 Development fieldwork : SAGE , 2014 9781446254769 (hbk.) | 1446254 2nd edition xx, 288 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 SEA 00130987 Researching society and culture / Seale Clive Sage, 2018 9781473947153 (hbk) | 9781473947160 (pbk) 4th edition. pages cm UG Library
300.72 SEA 00096226 Social Research Methods: Seale, Clive Routledge, 2008 041530084-3 538 p. UG Library
300.72 SEL 05004008 Research Methods in Social Relations Revised / Cook Selltiz Jahoda Deutsch Surjeet Publications, 2007 8122903118 xvi,622 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 SHA 07009769 Research Methodology/ Sharma C K Shree Publishers & Distributors, 2016 9788183293365 224 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
300.72 SHA 05019928 Research Methods in Social Science [ MA.SOC ] Sharma, B A V STERLING 269p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SHI 05032762 Methodology of Social Sciences : Edward A Shils Transaction Publishers, 2011 9781412813198 xlvi, 210 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 SHU 00123667 (1) Issues and interventions Shukla Aradhana Concept Publishing 2015 9789351251699 | 9789351251705 Vol.1 & 2 345p. UG Library
300.72 SHU 00123670 (1) Issues and interventions Shukla Aradhana Concept Publishing 2015 9789351251699 | 9789351251705 Vol.1 & 2 345p. UG Library
300.72 SIL 00111215 Qualitative Research / Silverman, David. Sage Publications ; 2011 9788132110385 3rd ed. 450 p.: UG Library
300.72 SIL 03008202 Qualitative Research / Silverman, David. Sage Publications ; 2011 9788132110385 3rd ed. 450 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.72 SIL 05044476 Using Software in Qualitative Research a Step-by-Step guide / Silver Christina Sage, 2014 9781446249734 xx,355p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 SIL 05002846 Doing Qualitative Research: A Comprehensive Guide / Silverman, David Sagne Publicationd, 2008 9781412926393 553p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 SIL 07015532 Interpreting Qualitative Data / Silverman David Sage, 2020 9781526467249 xvii,537p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 SIN 05030169 Approaches to Social Research : Singleton, Royce A Oxford University Press, 2005 0195147944 4th 622 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SIN 00097504 Research Methodology Sinha S,C Ess Ess publications 8170003342 389 p UG Library
300.72 SIN 00097503 Research Methodology Sinha S,C Ess Ess publications 8170003342 389 p UG Library
300.72 SIN 00046280 Approaches to Social Research Singleton, A Royce 0195105257 618 p UG Library
300.72 SIN 00116371 Research Methods in Social Sciencs Singh, S P Kanishka Publishers 2002 8173916454 226p UG Library
300.72 SIN 05019936 Approches to Social Research [MSC PSYCHOLOGY] Singleton J R, Royce A 0195147944 622 Knowledge Centre
300.72 SJO 00099130 A Methodology for Social Research Sjoberg, Gideon Rawat Publications, 9788170331735 355 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.72 SJO 05020281 A Methodology for Social Research Sjoberg, Gideon Rawat Publications, 9788170331735 355 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 SJO 05020289 Methodology for Social Research (MSW SHELF) Sjoberg, Gideon Rawat Publications 8170331730 355p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SJO 05020290 Methodology for Social Research (MSW SHELF) Sjoberg, Gideon Rawat Publications 8170331730 355p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SJO 00097766 A Methodology for Social Research Sjoberg, Gideon Rawat Publications, 9788170331735 355 p. UG Library
300.72 SKA 00144825 Test Development and Validation / Skaggs, Gary, Sage publications, 2022 9781544377148 xvii, 390 pages : UG Library
300.72 SKA 05074621 Test Development and Validation / Skaggs, Gary, Sage publications, 2022 9781544377148 xvii, 390 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 SMI 05066958 Doing your undergraduate social science dissertation / Smith, Karen, Routledge, 2009 9780815349334 xiv, 173 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.72 SOB 05006531 Sociological Methodology 2000 / Sobel,Michael.E American Sociological Association / 2000 9780631221487 ix,325 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 SOM 00115450 Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Somekh, Bridget Sage Publications 2004 9788178294933 364p UG Library
300.72 SOM 05019993 Reserach Methods in t he Social Sciences [ma-Sociology Section] Somekh Bridget, Lwein Cathy Sage Publications 8178294931 368 Knowledge Centre
300.72 SOM 00084091 Research Methods in the Social Sciences Somekh, Bridget Sage Publications 2008 8178294931 367p UG Library
300.72 SOM 05020215 Research Methods in the Social Sciences (MSW) Somekh, Bridget Sage Publications 8178294931 363p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SOM 05002859 Research Methods in the Social Science. Somekh, Bridget Sage Publications 8178294931 368p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SOM 05019935 Research Methods in the Social Sciences [ma-Sociology Section] Somekh, Bridget Sage Publications 8178294931 368p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SPE 05021965 Research Designs / Spector Paul.E Sage Publications, 1981 80 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 SRI 05002802 Foundations of Social Research and Econometric Techinques Srivastava, S C Himalaya 661 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 STA 05019930 Production of Knowledge:The Challenge of Social Science Research [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Starbuck, William H 0199288534 194p Knowledge Centre
300.72 SWA 05040680 Text Book of Research Methodlogy / Swain, A. K. P. C. Kalyani Publishers, 2007 9788127241728 754 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.72 SWN 07005114 Research Methodology/ Swain,A.K.P.C. Kalyani Publishers, 2007 9788127241728 754p Library - BR Campus
300.72 TAK 05044843 Research Methodology / Tak, Sanjay DND Publications, 2015 9789380929781 355 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 TEN 00147689 Narratives of Qualitative Research: Tenenberg, Jose Routledge, 2024 9781032672939 xiv,421p. ; UG Library
300.72 THA 05069022 Research methodology in social sciences / Thakur, Devendra. Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd, 2012 81-7100-616-X 488p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 THO 07010343 Social Science Research in India : Thorat, Sukhadeo Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199474417 xli, 606 p. Library - BR Campus
300.72 THO 00105599 How to do a Research Project : Thomas, Gary, SAGE Publications Ltd., 2009 9781847874429 | 9781847874436 1st ed. xiii, 254 p. : UG Library
300.72 THO 00121850 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing / Thomas, C. George Ane Books, 2015 9789384726089 | 9789385462993 xii,531p. : UG Library
300.72 THO 05074617 How to do your research project : Thomas, Gary, Sage, 2023 9781529757729 | 152975772X | 9781529757712 | 1529757711 4th edition. xviii, 342 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 THO 01023736 Social Science Research in India : Thorat, Sukhadeo Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199474417 xli, 606 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 TIN 00111662 Using Photographs in Social and Historical Research/ Tinkler, Penny Sage Publications Ltd., 2013 9780857020376 xvii: 229p.; UG Library
300.72 TRE 05020261 Quantitative data analysis : Treiman, Donald J. 9780470380031 (pbk. : alk. pap First edition. 1 online resource (477 pages) : Knowledge Centre
300.72 TRI 05019972 A Textbook of Research Methodology in Social Sciences Tripathi P C Sultan Chand & Sons 2005 8180542963 364 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 TRI 00065852 A Textbook of Research Methodology in Social Sciences Tripathi P C Sultan Chand & Sons 2005 8180542963 364 p UG Library
300.72 TRI 05029590 Textbook of Research Methodolgy : Tripathi, P C Assan Books, 2007 8180545555 p v Knowledge Centre
300.72 TUT 05019941 Qualitative research for social workers : Tutty,Leslie.M Allyn and Bacon, 0205188052 x, 229 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 UAH 00098435 Research Methods Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 9788170336549 454p UG Library
300.72 UWE 00125693 Introducing Research Methodology Flick, Uwe Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd 2011 9788132110330 271 UG Library
300.72 VAT 00124122 Encyclopedia of research methods in social sciences Vataliya K S Paradise Publishers 2016 9789383099573 298p. UG Library
300.72 VAT 00124123 Encyclopedia of research methods in social sciences Vataliya K S Paradise Publishers 2016 9789383099573 298p. UG Library
300.72 VAT 00124124 Encyclopedia of research methods in social sciences Vataliya K S Paradise Publishers 2016 9789383099573 298p. UG Library
300.72 VAT 00124125 Encyclopedia of research methods in social sciences Vataliya K S Paradise Publishers 2016 9789383099573 298p. UG Library
300.72 VAT 00124126 Encyclopedia of research methods in social sciences Vataliya K S Paradise Publishers 2016 9789383099573 298p. UG Library
300.72 VIV 05047753 Qualitative social research : Waller, Vivienne. Sage, 2016 9781446258835 (hardback) | 978 1st edition. 194 p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 VIV 07002570 Qualitative social research : Waller, Vivienne. Sage, 2016 9781446258835 (hardback) | 978 1st edition. 194 p. Library - BR Campus
300.72 WAL 07006756 Social research methods Walliman, Nicholas. SAGE, 2006 1412910617 (cased) | 141291062 224p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 WAL 10002098 Social research methods : Walliman, Nicholas, Sage publications ltd., 2016 9781473916203 (pbk.) | 1473916208 (pbk.) | 9781473916197 (hbk.) | 1473916194 (hbk.) 2nd edition. x, 254 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.72 WAL 10002694 Social research methods : Walliman, Nicholas, Sage publications ltd., 2016 9781473916203 (pbk.) | 1473916208 (pbk.) | 9781473916197 (hbk.) | 1473916194 (hbk.) 2nd edition. x, 254 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.72 WAL 05019939 Social Research Methods [msc-Psychology Section] Walliman, Nicholas 1412910625 224p Knowledge Centre
300.72 WAL 07006310 Social research methods Walliman, Nicholas. SAGE, 2006 1412910617 (cased) | 141291062 224p.: Library - BR Campus
300.72 WAL 00105037 Research Methods: Walliman,Nicholas. Routledge 2011 9780415489942 xii,190p. UG Library
300.72 WAL 00139028 Freedom of information and social science research design / Walby, Kevin Routledge, 2020 9781138345737 | 9781138345744 xviii, 248 pages ; UG Library
300.72 WAR 00073291 Gender Issues In Ethnography Warren Carol A B Sage Publications 2000 0761917179 2nd Ed. 74 p UG Library
300.72 WEB 00007449 Methodology of the Social Science Weber, Max Free Press 1949 200 p UG Library
300.72 WEL 01016666 Research Methods for Social Sciences / Wellington, Jerry. Continuum International Publishing Group 9780826485670 xi,234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 WEL 07006720 Research Methods for Social Sciences / Wellington, Jerry. Continuum International Publishing Group 9780826485670 xi,234 p. ; Library - BR Campus
300.72 WEL 05020211 Research Methods for Social Sciences / Wellington, Jerry. Continuum International Publishing Group 9780826485670 xi,234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 WEL 00132789 Finding pathways : Weller, Nicholas. Cambridge University Press, 2014 9781107041066 (hardback) | 1107041066 (hardback) | 9781107684768 (pbk.) | 1107684765 (pbk.) ix, 162 p. : UG Library
300.72 WEL 01015595 Research Methods for Social Sciences / Wellington, Jerry. Continuum International Publishing Group 9780826485670 xi,234 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.72 WEN 05001556 Qualitative Research Interviewing:Biographic Narrative and Semi-Structured Methods [ma-Sociology Section] Wengraf, Tom 0803975015 398pq Knowledge Centre
300.72 WHE 00110413 Visualizing social science research Wheeldon,Johannes. SAGE Publications, 2012 9781412991049 (pbk. : acidfree xiii, 205 p. : UG Library
300.72 WIL 05048115 The SAGE handbook of innovation in social research methods / SAGE, 2011 9781412946483 | 1412946484 xix, 638 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 WIL 00117687 What are qualitative research ethics? Wiles, Rose. Bloomsbury Academic, 2012 9781780938509 (hardback) | 178 x, 111 p. ; UG Library
300.72 WIL 05020265 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research: MSW Shelf Wilkinson, T S Himalaya 8174937110 462p Knowledge Centre
300.72 WRI 05068178 The global enterprise : Wright, James D., Routledge, 2019 9781412865517 (hardcover) xiii, 189 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72 YAT 05020293 Doing Social Science Research [ MA-SOC ] Yates, Simenon J Sage 293p Knowledge Centre
300.72 YES 07013947 Methodologies in Social Research/ Yesudhas,Ronald Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608968 XI,169 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
300.72 YES 10001373 Methodologies in Social Research/ Yesudhas,Ronald Rawat Publications, 2017 9788131608968 XI,169 Pages,: Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.72 YOU 05002891 Scientific Social Surveys and Research Young, V Pauline Prentice Hall of India 8120300858 576p Knowledge Centre
300.72 YOU 05029589 Scientific Social Surveys and Research / Young Pauline V Prentice-Hall, 1977 4th 576 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 YOU 05019927 Scientific Social Surveys and Research / Young, Pauline V Prentice Hall of India 1994 8120300858 4th Ed. 576p. Knowledge Centre
300.72 YOU 05020278 Scientific Social Surveys and Research Young, Pauline V Prentice -Hall 576 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 YOU 05019938 Scietific Social Surveys and Research Young, V Pauline Prentice -Hall 576p Knowledge Centre
300.72 YOU 05020213 Scientific Social Surveys and Research Young, V Pauline Prentice Hall of India 8120300858 576p Knowledge Centre
300.72 YOU 05020228 Scientific Social Surveys and Research Young, V Pauline Prentice Hall of India 8120300858 576 p Knowledge Centre
300.72 ZHA 00148213 Introduction to quantitative social science with Python / Zhang, Weiqi, CRC Press, 2025 9781032356594 First edition. xxiv,331p. ; UG Library
300.7203 LAM 00145501 Survey Development: Lam Tony Chiu Ming Routledge, 2023 9780367222338 xvii, 400p.; UG Library
300.72054 JAY 05060332 Knowing the social world : Jayaram, N. Orient Blackswan, 2017 9788193415764 | 8193415760 xvi, 434 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.72054 JAY 07011772 Knowing the social world : Jayaram, N. Orient Blackswan, 2017 9788193415764 | 8193415760 xvi, 434 pages : Library - BR Campus
300.72071 KHA 00145809 Making sense of society : Khasnabish, Alex Fernwood Publishing, 2022 9781773630960 ix, 249p. ; UG Library
300.72073 FLE 05040349 A Transatlantic History of the Social Sciences Fleck, Christian Bloomsbury Publishing | Macmillan [Distributor] 2011 9781849660518 | 1849660514 (Tr x,406p.; Knowledge Centre
300.72​1 LAM 00138737 Applying the rasch model in social sciences using R and bluesky statistics Lamprianou,Iasonas Routledge, 2020 9781138500785 xxviii,273p.; UG Library
300.721 MIL 05044751 Qualitative methodology : Mills, Jane. Sage, 2014 9781446248973 (c) | 9781446248 1st edition. xviii,266p.; Knowledge Centre
300.721 ALV 07006712 Qualitative research and theory development Alvesson, Mats, SAGE, 2011 9780857023230 | 0857023233 | 9 132p.: Library - BR Campus
300.721 BAG 00089877 Research Methodology in Social Sciences: A Practical Guide Bagchi, Kanak Kanti Abhijeet Publications 2007 0818988607 436p. UG Library
300.721 BAZ 05039895 Qualitative data analysis : Bazeley, Patricia. SAGE, 2013 9781849203029 (hbk.) | 1849203 xxiii, 444 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.721 BES 00131292 Social research methods by example : Besen-Cassino, Yasemin, Routledge, 2018 9780415790901 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9780415790918 (pbk. : alk. paper) x, 420 pages : UG Library
300.721 BIR 00107767 Grounded Theory. Birks,Melanie. Sage, 2011 9781848609938 | 1848609922 (hb 210 p. : UG Library
300.721 BIR 05044771 Grounded theory : Birks, Melanie, Sage, 2015 9781446295779 (hbk.) | 1446295 Second edition. 198 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.721 BRI 00128060 Qualitative Inquiry in Everyday Life / Brinkmann, Svend. Sage Publications, 2012 197 p.: UG Library
300.721 CRE 05069524 Research design : Creswell, John W., Sage, 2014 9789353287351 (pbk. : alk. paper) 4th edition. xviii, 190 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.721 CRE 08001465 Research design : Creswell, John W., Sage, 2014 9789353287351 (pbk. : alk. paper) 4th edition. xviii, 190 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.721 CRE 05039900 Research design : Creswell, John W. SAGE Publications, 2014 9781452226095 (cloth) | 978145 4th ed. xxix, 273 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.721 CRE 07015208 Research design : Creswell, John W., Sage, 2014 9789353287351 (pbk. : alk. paper) 4th edition. xviii, 190 pages ; Library - BR Campus
300.721 CRE 05074633 Research design : Creswell, John W., Sage, 2023 9781071870631 6th edition. xxvii, 291 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.721 CRE 00147980 Qualitative inquiry and research design : Creswell, John W. Sage, 2025 Fifth edition. xxxiv,515p. ; UG Library
300.721 DEN 00147638 Qualitative Inquiry in the Present Tense: Writing a new History/ Denzin, Norman K. Routledge, 2024 9781032618807 xiv,183p. ; UG Library
300.721 DEN 00133332 Qualitative inquiry in the public sphere / Denzin, Norman K., Routledge, 2018 9781138309500 | 9781138309517 vii,222p.; UG Library
300.721 DEN 03010024 Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry / Denzin, Norman K. Sage Publications , 2013 9781452258058 (pbk. : alk. pap Fourth Edition. xviii, 423 pages ; School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.721 DUD 00142410 Diagramming the social : Dudley-Smith, Russell, Routledge, 2021 9780367192556 ix,187p.; UG Library
300.721 FLI 05069506 An introduction to qualitative research / Flick, Uwe. Sage, 2018 9781526445650 (pbk.) | 9781526445643 (hardback) 6th edition. xli,653p.; Knowledge Centre
300.721 GIB 05047349 Rediscovering grounded theory / Gibson, Barry Sage, 2014 9781446248706 (hbk.) | 1446248 xv, 259 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.721 GIR 05069525 Research methodology for social sciences / Giri, Arunangshu, Sage, 2018 9789352807574 xxviii,339p.; Knowledge Centre
300.721 GRA 05068405 Doing excellent social research with documents : Grant, Aimee, Routledge, 2019 9781138038653 (hardback) | 9781138038660 (pbk.) xxiv, 190 p.; Knowledge Centre
300.721 HAN 00134313 The reviewer's guide to quantitative methods in the social sciences / Hancock, Gregory R., Routledge, 2019 9781138800120 (hardback) | 9781138800137 (pbk.) Second Edition. xii,501p.; UG Library
300.721 HUM 05068400 How qualitative data analysis happens : Routledge, 2019 9781138044678 (pbk.) | 9781138044654 (hardback) xxix, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.721 HUM 09000128 How qualitative data analysis happens : Routledge, 2019 9781138044678 (pbk.) | 9781138044654 (hardback) xxix, 236 p. ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.721 KEN 05044777 Analysing quantitative data : Kent, Raymond A. Sage, 2015 xxii,349p.; Knowledge Centre
300.721 LED 00130794 Single case research methodology / Ledford, Jennifer R., Routledge, 2018 9781138557116 (hardback) | 978 Third Edition. x,424p.; UG Library
300.721 LIC 05039898 Qualitative research for the social sciences / Lichtman, Marilyn. Sage, 2014 9781412998642 (alk. paper) xxvii,418p.: Knowledge Centre
300.721 MAS 05048198 Understanding social research : SAGE, 2011 9781848601444 | 1848601441 | 9 x, 247 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.721 MIL 00144685 Making sense of numbers : Miller, Jane E. Sage publications, 2022 9781544355597 | 9781544355627 xxxvi, 569 pages : UG Library
300.721 NEA 07013873 What is qualitative longitudinal research? Neale, Bren Bloomsbury Publication, 2019 9781472530073 ix,153p.; Library - BR Campus
300.721 PAY 00126813 Teaching Quantitative Methods : Payne, Geoff, Sage Publications, 2011 9781848600003 | 1848600003 | 9 xii, 187p. : UG Library
300.721 PER 05037103 Principles of methodology : 6, Perri, SAGE, 2012 9780857024732 (cased) | 085702 viii, 325 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.721 RAG 05062745 Constructing social research : Ragin, Charles C., Sage, 2019 9781483379302 (pbk. : alk. paper) Third edition. xii,217p.; Knowledge Centre
300.721 REI 00146194 Posthumanist Research and Writing as Agentic Acts of Inclusion: Reinertsen,Anne B. Routledge 2024 9781032226798 163p. UG Library
300.721 ROU 00142349 Immersive cartography and post-qualitative inquiry : Rousell, David, Routledge, 2021 9780367418342 | 9780367418359 xxxiv,150p.; UG Library
300.721 RUA 07008440 Introducing social research methods : Ruane, Janet M., 9781118874257 | 9781118874202 1 online resource (310 pages) : Library - BR Campus
300.721 RUA 05048004 Introducing social research methods : Ruane, Janet M., 9781118874257 | 9781118874202 1 online resource (310 pages) : Knowledge Centre
300.721 RUA 05047465 Introducing social research methods : Ruane, Janet M., John Wiley & Sons, 2016 9781118874257 (cloth) | 978111 301 p. Knowledge Centre
300.721 SAG 05044820 An introduction to qualitative research / Flick, Uwe, Sage, 2014 9781446267783 (hbk.) | 1446267 Fifth edition. xxvii, 587 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.721 SAL 00147834 Qualitative Resrarch Writing: Salmona, Michelle Sage: 2024 9781071818107 xviii,126p. ; UG Library
300.721 SIN 10005360 Translational research and applied psychology in india / Sage publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789353285548 xii, 403p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.721 SIN 10001567 Translational research and applied psychology in india / Sage publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789353285548 xii, 403p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.721 SIN 05067184 Translational research and applied psychology in india / Sage publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2019 9789353285548 xii, 403p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.722 EIC 00144696 Biographical research methods / Eichsteller, Marta, Sage publications, 2022 9781529730869 | 9781529730852 x,217p , ; UG Library
300.722 GIL 00115452 Case study research methods Gillham, Bill. Continuum, 2000 9780826447968 vi, 106 p. ; UG Library
300.722 GIL 00068251 Case study research methods Gillham, Bill. Continuum, 2000 9780826447968 vi, 106 p. ; UG Library
300.72​3 HUM 00138982 Quantitative analysis of questionnaires : Humble, Steve, Routledge, 2020 9780367022792 | 9780367022839 xiv,215p.; UG Library
300.723 SAP 05002239 Survey Research Sapsford, Roger Sage, 2007 1412912326 276p.; Knowledge Centre
300.723 ALV 00111214 Constructing Research Questions/ Alvesson, Mats Sage Publications, 2013 9781446255933 viii:141p.; UG Library
300.723 ALV 00147835 Constructing Research Questions: Alvesson, Mats Sage Publications, 2024 9781529629132 147p.; UG Library
300.723 ALV 05074635 Interpreting interviews / Alvesson, Mats, Sage, 2023 9781529611984 | 1529611989 | 9781529611977 | 1529611970 Second edition. vii, 152 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.723 AME 00111760 Survey and Social Research/ Ameri, Anuja. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126153190 viii:296p.; UG Library
300.723 BAI 00130797 A Guide to Qualitative Field Research / Bailey, Carol A., Los Angeles, 2018 9781506306995 Third Edition. xix, 255 p. : UG Library
300.723 BAR 05005063 Overseas research : Barrett, Christopher B. Routledge, 2010 9780415778336 (hbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xxiv, 156 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.723 BHA 00091376 Individualism in Social Science : Bhargava, Rajeev. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195695717 (pbk.) | 0195695 viii, 271 p. ; UG Library
300.723 BLA 00122505 Applied survey sampling / Blair, Edward, Sage 2015 9781483334332 paperback | 1483 xv, 251 pages : UG Library
300.723 BOU 00128617 The Survey kit. Bourque,B linda Sage Publications, 2003 9780761925620 | 0761925627 (v. 2nd ed. xiii,248p. : UG Library
300.723 BYR 00123830 The Sage Handbook of Case-Based Methods Byrne, David SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd., 2013 9781446270448 xvii, 542 p:. UG Library
300.723 DAS 05005516 Social and behavioral research and the internet : Routledge, 2011 9781848728165 (hardcover : alk 435 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.723 FIN 00128618 The Survey Kit. (6) Fink, Arlene Sage Publications, 2003 9780761925781 2nd ed. 81 p. : UG Library
300.723 FOW 01012152 Survey research methods / Fowler, Floyd J. Sage Publications, 9781412958417 (pbk.) | 1412958 x, 201 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.723 FOW 00117709 Survey research methods Fowler, Floyd J. SAGE Publications, Inc, 2014 9781452259000 (pbk.) | 9781483 5th ed. xi, 171 p.; UG Library
300.723 FOW 05002604 Survey research methods Fowler, Floyd J Sage Books Press 9781412958417 201p Knowledge Centre
300.723 GAL 00147833 Case Study Research in the Digital Age/ Gallagher, John R. Routledge, 2024 9781032514253 viii,173p. ; UG Library
300.723 GID 05024411 Handbook of survey methodology for the social sciences Lior Gideon Springer, 2012 9781461438762 (electronic bk.) 1 online resource. Knowledge Centre
300.723 GIL 07006758 Small-scale social survey methods : Gillham, Bill. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2008 9780826496300 (pbk.) | 0826496 ix, 111 p. : Library - BR Campus
300.723 GIL 05004040 Small-scale social survey methods : Gillham, Bill. Continuum International Pub. Group, 2008 9780826496300 (pbk.) | 0826496 ix, 111 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.723 IAR 05002241 Power of Survey Design:A User`s Guide for Managing Surveys, Interpreting Results, and Influencing Respondents Iarossi, Giuseppe The World Bank , 2006 0821363921 262p.; Knowledge Centre
300.723 IAR 05020298 The Power of Survey Design : A User`s Guide for Managing Surveys, Interpreting Results, and Influencing Respondents. Iarossi, Giuseppe The World Bank 2006 0821363921 262p. Knowledge Centre
300.723 KAP 00131959 Reaearch methodology in social science Kapurderiyam,Meghhraj R P Publications, 2014 9789382398172 vi,200p.; UG Library
300.723 KOT 04030128 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age International Publisher, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. 449 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.723 KOT 04019719 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age International Publisher, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. 449 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.723 KOT 04019934 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age International Publisher, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. 449 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.723 KOT 04026294 Research Methodology : Kothari, C. R. New Age International Publisher, 2014 9788122436235 3rd ed. 449 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.723 KUL 05044845 Social Analysis Methodology / Kulkarni V V Current Publication, 2014 9788189065805 340 p. Knowledge Centre
300.723 LEA 03010881 The Essential Guide To Doing your Research Project / O'Leary, Zina. Sage, 2010 9781848600102 (hbk.) | 1848600 [2nd ed.] x, 308 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
300.723 LEA 07002843 The Essential Guide To Doing your Research Project / O'Leary, Zina. Sage, 2010 9781848600102 (hbk.) | 1848600 [2nd ed.] x, 308 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.723 LEA 05020295 The Essential Guide To Doing your Research Project / O'Leary, Zina. Sage, 2010 9781848600102 (hbk.) | 1848600 [2nd ed.] x, 308 p.: Knowledge Centre
300.723 LOS 10004701 Narrative productions of meanings : Loseke, Donileen R., Lexington books, 2019 9781498577793 v, 117 pages ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.723 MCN 00129819 Nonsampling Error in Social Surveys / McNabb, David E. Sage Publisher, 2014 9781452257426 (alk. paper) xv, 255 p . ; UG Library
300.723 MER 00128279 How to Codouct In-Person Interviews for Surveys Mertens Oishi, Sabine Sage Piblications 2003 9780761925705 2nd Edition 209 p. : UG Library
300.723 NAD 00105549 Social Science Research in India; Nadkarni.M.V. Academic Foundation. 2011 350 p. UG Library
300.723 NAR 05039667 Doing Survey Research / Nardi Peter.M Paradigm Publishers, 2014 9781612053066 vi,244p.: Knowledge Centre
300.723 NAR 07000003 Doing Survey Research / Nardi Peter.M Paradigm Publishers, 2014 9781612053066 vi,244p.: Library - BR Campus
300.723 PER 05002242 Handbook for Social Science for Social Science Field Research.Essays & Bibliographic Sources on Research Design and Methods Perecman, Ellen 0141291681 254p Knowledge Centre
300.723 REA 05057053 Designing and conducting survey research : Rea, Louis M. Routledge, 2014 9781118767030 Fourth edition. xvii, 332 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.723 RIC 05045112 Handling qualitative data : Richards, Lyn. Sage, 2015 9781446276068 3rd edition. xxi,236p.; Knowledge Centre
300.723 RIC 05044759 Handling qualitative data : Richards, Lyn. Sage, 2015 9781446276068 3rd edition. xxi,236p.; Knowledge Centre
300.723 RIV 05048736 Systematic thinking for social action / Rivlin, Alice M., Brookings Institution Press, 2015 0815726449 | 9780815726449 xviii, 142 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.723 ROB 05062747 Designing quality survey questions / Robinson, Sheila B., Sage, 2019 9781506330549 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxiii,229p.; Knowledge Centre
300.723 ROS 00099060 Reflective Interviewing : Roulston, Kathryn, SAGE, 2010 9781412948562 (hbk.) | 1412948 210 p. : UG Library
300.723 ROU 00144185 Interviewing Roulston, Kathryn Sage, 2022 9781071815717 xxvii,332p.; UG Library
300.723 SEN 00148122 The Case Study in Social Research: Sena, Barbara Routledge, 2024 9781032331164 vii,162p. ; UG Library
300.723 THO 00137257 The anatomy of the case study / Thomas, Gary, Sage publications ltd., 2015 9781446248638 | 9781446248645 viii, 145 pages : UG Library
300.723 THO 05074611 How to do your case study / Thomas, Gary, Sage, 2021 9781529704969 | 1529704960 | 9781529704952 | 1529704952 Third edition. xii, 299 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.723 THO 00109885 How to do your case study Thomas, Gary, SAGE, 2011 9780857025623 (hbk.) | 0857025 xi, 231 p. : UG Library
300.723 VAU 05037056 Surveys in social research / De Vaus, D. A. Routledge, 2014 9780415530156 (hardback) | 978 Sixth edition. xviii,382p.;' Knowledge Centre
300.723 WIL 00144169 Respondent Centred Surveys : Wilson, Laura. Sage publication, 2022 9781529701265 xxi,224p,; UG Library
300.723IAR 01006055 Power of Survey Design ( Law Lib.) Giuseppe Iarossii World Bank 0821363921 262p Knowledge Centre
300.723VAU 01006166 Surveys in Social Research(law Library) David De Vaus Elaborating bivariate relationships17 Bivariate analysis for interva 379p Knowledge Centre
300.724 BRO 00145954 Experimental Design in Behavioural Research Broota K. D. New Age Publishers, 2023 9789393159960 3rd ed. xvii, 444p.; UG Library
300.724 BRO 05020299 Experimental Design in Behavioural Research [ma-Sociology Section] Broota, K D New Age International Publishers 8122402151 460p Knowledge Centre
300.724 BRO 07004227 Experimental Design in Behavioural Research / Broota, K. D. New Age International Publishers , 2010 9788122402155 460 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.724 BRO 07004228 Experimental Design in Behavioural Research / Broota, K. D. New Age International Publishers , 2010 9788122402155 460 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.724 BRO 07004229 Experimental Design in Behavioural Research / Broota, K. D. New Age International Publishers , 2010 9788122402155 460 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.727 PAR 00116500 Essential First Steps to Data Analysis Parke, Carol S. Sage Publications, Inc. 2013 9781412997515 xix: 265p.: UG Library
300.727 BAN 05069482 Measurement theory and applications for the social sciences / Bandalos, Deborah L., The Guiford Press, 2018 9781462532131 (hardcover) xxiii, 661 pages ; Knowledge Centre
300.727 BAN 09000545 Measurement theory and applications for the social sciences / Bandalos, Deborah L., The Guiford Press, 2018 9781462532131 (hardcover) xxiii, 661 pages ; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.727 FIE 05020300 Understanding Social Statistics / Fielding, Jane Sage Publications, 2006 1412910544 346p.: Knowledge Centre
300.727 FIE 05002579 Understanding Social Statistics / Fielding, Jane Sage Publications, 2006 1412910544 346p.: Knowledge Centre
300.727 HAI 05073129 The Philosophy of Quantitative Methods / Haig, Brian D. Oxford university press, 2018 9780190222055 vii, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.727 HAI 09000515 The Philosophy of Quantitative Methods / Haig, Brian D. Oxford university press, 2018 9780190222055 vii, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
300.727 HAI 05062311 The Philosophy of Quantitative Methods / Haig, Brian D. Oxford university press, 2018 9780190222055 vii, 156 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.727 HAR 05039829 Handbook of Data Analysis / Hardy Melissa Sage Publications, 2006 9780761966524 xvii,704p.: Knowledge Centre
300.727 MAH 00111444 Advance techniques in social science researches Mahapatra,B.C Sarup book publishers pvt ltd., 2012 9788176258333 301p.; UG Library
300.727 MAX 05020270 Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences Maxim, S Paul 0195114655 403p Knowledge Centre
300.727 REY 00130400 Introduction to Data Science for Social and Policy Research Reyes, Jose Manuel Magallanes Cambridge, 2017 9781107540255 xi, 303 p.: UG Library
300.727 ROH 05005354 Models in statistical social research / Rohwer, Gotz. Routledge, 2010 9780415560559 (hbk.) | 0415560 xiii, 146 p. : Knowledge Centre
300.727 WON 00100339 Association Models / Wong, Raymond Sin-Kwok. Sage, 2010 9781412968874 (pbk.) xiv, 156 p. : UG Library
300.727 YAN 07006724 Making Sense of statistical methods in social research Yang Keming Sage 9781847872876 198p Library - BR Campus
300.727 YAN 05020297 Making Sense of statistical methods in social research Yang Keming Sage 9781847872876 198p Knowledge Centre
300.72KAY 01010564 Research in Organisation and Communites (law Lib) Carole Kayrooz Allen & Unwin 1741144434 360p Knowledge Centre
300.72RUA 00087407 Essentials of Research Methods: A Guide to Social Science Research [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Ruane, Janet M 1405134690 239 p UG Library
300.76 BAI 00127765 UGC: NET/ SLET Sociology Bairwa, DR. Jairam Paradise Publishers, 2017 9789386319159 248p : . UG Library
300.76 GRA 05069948 Individuals and societies for the IB MYP 1 : Grace, Paul. Hodder Education, 2016 9781471879364 153p.; Knowledge Centre
300.76 GRA 05069949 Individuals and societies for the IB MYP 2 : Grace, Paul. Hodder Education, 2016 9781471880261 156p.; Knowledge Centre
300.76 GRA 05069950 Individuals and societies for the IB MYP 3 : Grace, Paul. Hodder Education, 2017 9781471880315 154p.; Knowledge Centre
300.76 KAU 07008642 UGC NET/JRF/SET Sociology Paper-II / Kautily.K.Dr Upkar Prakashan, 9789350132586 512p.: Library - BR Campus
300.76 MIS 05002466 UGC NET/SLET - Sociology Misra, Viswanath Bookhive (India) 701p Knowledge Centre
300.76 RAM 05044253 UGC NET/SET : Ramesha M.H Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192332697 496p.: Knowledge Centre
300.76 RAM 05044252 UGC NET/SET : Ramesha M.H Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192332697 496p.: Knowledge Centre
300.76 RAM 05038973 UGC NET/SET : Ramesha M.H Niruta Publications, 2014 9788192332697 496p.: Knowledge Centre
300.76 SIN 05065542 Social Science Based on NCERT For Civil Services Examination and Various State Examinations / Singh,Sheelwant. McGraw Hill, 2018 9789387572898 2nd ed. ID.744p.; Knowledge Centre
300.76 SIN 05065543 Social Science Based on NCERT For Civil Services Examination and Various State Examinations / Singh,Sheelwant. McGraw Hill, 2018 9789387572898 2nd ed. ID.744p.; Knowledge Centre
300.8 CHA 05004007 Research Methodolgy / Chakraborty,Debashis.Dr Saurabh Publishing House, 2009 9788189005276 v,272 p. Knowledge Centre
300.8 COL 00017519 Essays in Social Theory Cole, G D H Oldbourne 1972 290 p, UG Library
300.91724 MOD 00118228 Polity,Civil Society and Development ed by, Modi Ishwar Rawat Publication, 2014 9788131606421 xxviii, 3991 p.: UG Library
300.9174 MOD 07006459 Polity,Civil Society and Development ed by, Modi Ishwar Rawat Publication, 2014 9788131606421 xxviii, 3991 p.: Library - BR Campus
300.92 DEC 10002127 Stuart hall lives: Routledge, 2018 9780367234539 x,124p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.92 DOS 05047952 Norms, groups, conflict, and social change : Dos-Gozkan, Ayfer Transaction Publisher, 2015 9781412855051 xiv, 397 pages : Knowledge Centre
300.92 DRU 05020292 Adventures of a Bystander: [PG Sociology] Drucker, F Peter 0471247391 344p Knowledge Centre
300.92 ELS 00120363 Alexis de Tocqueville : Elster, Jon, Cambridge University Press, 2009 9780521518444 | 052151844X | 9 x, 202 p. : UG Library
300.92 MAL 05006508 Ernest Gellner and contemporary social thought / Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521882910 (hbk.) | 0521882 xiii, 274 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.95 BAC 00095335 The History of the Social Sciences Since 1945 Backhouse Roger E Cambridge University Press 2010 9780521717762 256p UG Library
300.95 ALA 00073907 Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science (dharmaram Library) Alatas, Ayed Farid Sage 2006 0761934405 226p UG Library
300.95 ALA 00090558 Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science (dharmaram Library) Alatas, Ayed Farid Sage 2006 0761934405 226p Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.95 ALA 00073379 Altaernative Discourses in Asian Social Science Responses to Eurocentrism. Alatas Syed Farid Sage 2006 0761934405 226 UG Library
300.95 ALA 05002461 Altaernative Discourses in Asian Social Science Responses to Eurocentrism. Alatas Syed Farid Sage 2006 0761934405 226 Knowledge Centre
300.954 ELL 01006877 Civil Society and Democracy: elliott,Carolyn M oxford University Press 9780195683516 508p Knowledge Centre
300.954 ELL 01006878 Civil Society and Democracy: elliott,Carolyn M oxford University Press 9780195683516 508p Knowledge Centre
300.954 SHA 10005164 Democracy, civil society and governance / Shah, Ghanshyam, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353281793 (print (pb)) | 9789353281809 (e pub 2.0) | 9789353281816 (e book) xix,238p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
300.954 SHA 00136098 Democracy, civil society and governance / Shah, Ghanshyam, Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2019 9789353281793 (print (pb)) | 9789353281809 (e pub 2.0) | 9789353281816 (e book) xix,238p.; UG Library
300.954 SUB 05048995 The anthropology of North-East India : Subba T B Orient Longman, 2003 9788125023357 vi, 380 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.954 SUB 05009616 The anthropology of North-East India : Subba T B Orient Longman, 2003 9788125023357 vi, 380 p. ; Knowledge Centre
300.95493 GOO 05020233 Recolonisatin: Foreign Funded NGOs in Sri Lanka {msw} Goonatilake, Susantha Sage Publications 0008178290 321p Knowledge Centre
300.95ALA 01007443 Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science: Responses to Eurocentrism(law Lib) Syed Faird Alatas Eng 2006 226p Knowledge Centre
300.C 00037129 Research Methodology Kothari, C R Knowledge Centre
300.VEN 00007069 Mercantile Law Venkateshan, E Knowledge Centre
300TUR 01009425 Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science (law Lib) Mark Turner Oxford University Press 9780195165395 183p Knowledge Centre
301 ACH 00119369 A Textbook of Urban Sociology Acharya, B.C Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006428 310p.; UG Library
301 ACH 07013825 Sociological thought Acharya,B.C Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053671 259p.; Library - BR Campus
301 ALE 05002950 A contemporary introduction to sociology : Alexander, Jeffrey C., Paradigm Publishers, 9781594512704 (pbk) | 97815945 xx, 636 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 ALL 00107787 The Social Lens Allan,Kenneth, Sage Publications, 2011 9781412978347 2nd edition xvi, 661 p. : UG Library
301 BOT 05003035 A History of Sociological Analysis / Rawat Publications, 9788170338963 xvi,717p.; Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00126138 A History of Sociological Analysis / Rawat Publications, 9788170338963 xvi,717p.; UG Library
301 DAV 00012567 Human Society Davis, Kingsley Surjeet Publications 1981 654 p. UG Library
301 FER 05029567 Sociology / Ferrante,Joan Thomson, 2006 9780495008064 Sixth Edition. xxi,651 p. Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00106419 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 00096404 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 05049050 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00096413 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 00096414 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 00096415 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 05002237 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00096412 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 00096408 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 00095511 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 05000953 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 JAY 00123709 Sociology of education in India Jayaram, N., Rawat Publication : 2015 9788131606957 Second edition (revised and enlarged). xviii, 382 pages ; UG Library
301 JAY 05044613 Sociology of education in India Jayaram, N., Rawat Publication : 2015 9788131606957 Second edition (revised and enlarged). xviii, 382 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 KEN 07001481 Sociology in our Times : Kendall, Diana. Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 9780495096566 6th ed. xxv, 544 p:. Library - BR Campus
301 KOR 00131879 Sociology: Kornblum, William., Thomson Wadsworth, 2001 9780495604600 xxv,677 p.; UG Library
301 MAC 00104641 Society an Introductory Analysis Maciver, R M Surjeet Publications 2006 697 p UG Library
301 SMI 03001313 Corporations and Society: The Social Anthropology of Collective Action Smith, M G Aldine Transaction 202309487 383p School of Business Management (Kengeri)
301 ABR 05019001 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195683994 | 9780195683998 | 9 xv, 283 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 ABR 07013098 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199452781 | 0199452784 Second edition. xx, 327 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 ABR 07013099 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199452781 | 0199452784 Second edition. xx, 327 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 ABR 05044691 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199452781 | 0199452784 Second edition. xx, 327 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 ABR 07011461 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199452781 | 0199452784 Second edition. xx, 327 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 ABR 07011462 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199452781 | 0199452784 Second edition. xx, 327 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 ABR 07011463 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199452781 | 0199452784 Second edition. xx, 327 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 ABR 07011464 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199452781 | 0199452784 Second edition. xx, 327 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 ABR 01005302 Contemporary sociology : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2006 0195683994 | 9780195683998 | 9 xv, 283 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 ADI 00096298 Sociology: Adinarayanappa N.A Pragatigraphics 240 p UG Library
301 ADL 05020699 Sociological Odyssey: Contemporary Reading in Sociology Adler, A Patricia 0534570534 404p Knowledge Centre
301 AGG 00056145 Advanced Objective General Knowledge Aggarwal, R S S Chand 0812191227 380 UG Library
301 AGG 00056256 Advanced Objective General Knowledge Aggarwal, R S S Chand 0812191227 380 UG Library
301 AGR 00142523 General sociology Agrawal,Renu Random publications, 2020 9789352696741 viii,287p.; UG Library
301 ALA 00111757 Introduction to Sociology/ Alam, Gajnafar. Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd., 2013 9788126153077 viii:280p.; UG Library
301 ALA 00133440 Cultural theory and the problem of modernity Alan,Swingewood Alan Swingewood, 1998 9781137612137 xiv,185p.; UG Library
301 ALB 05020248 Sociology and the Third World Perspective / Albornoz, Orlando Wiley, 1992 95 p.: Knowledge Centre
301 ALB 05020247 Sociology: the Basics Albrow, Martin 0415172640 202p Knowledge Centre
301 ALE 05002245 A contemporary introduction to sociology : Alexander, Jeffrey C., Paradigm Publishers, 9781594512704 (pbk) | 97815945 xx, 636 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 ALL 05037075 Contemporary social & sociological theory : Allan, Kenneth, SAGE, 2013 9781412992770 (pbk.) 3rd ed. xx, 465 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 ALL 00129447 The Social Lens : Allan, Kenneth, SAGE, 2014 9781412992787 Third Edition. 615 p. : UG Library
301 ALL 05020642 Political and Economic Forms of Modernity Allen, John 0745609627 440p Knowledge Centre
301 ANA 00089769 Sociology Anand, Navneet Spectrum 8186916555 338p UG Library
301 AND 00004988 Society Its Organization and Operations Anderson, Walfred A D.Van 1966 440 p UG Library
301 AND 05020656 Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society Anderson, L Margaret 0534609120 700p Knowledge Centre
301 AND 00056657 Sociology - Understanding a Diverse Society Andersen, L Margaret 2002 0534587348 712p UG Library
301 APP 00120243 Classical and contemporary sociological theory : Appelrouth, Scott, Pine Forge Press, 2008 9780761927938 (pbk. : alk. pap xxv, 883 p. : UG Library
301 APP 05044966 Classical and contemporary sociological theory : Appelrouth, Scott, Pine Forge Press, 2012 9781412992336 (pbk. : alk. pap 2nd ed. xxiv, 862 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 ARC 00123463 Structure, Agency and the Internal Conversation Archer, Margaret Scotford. Cambridge University Press, 2003 9780521535977 | 0521535972 (pb x, 370 p:. UG Library
301 ARO 05060522 Social Psychology / Aronson,Elliot. Pearson, 2018 9781292186542 Ninth Edition. 623p.; Knowledge Centre
301 ARO 00121413 Fundamental of sociology Arora Neha RBSA Publishers 2014 9788176116787 330p. UG Library
301 ARO 00006123 Main Currents in Sociological Thought Aron, Raymond PENGUIN 1967 296 p UG Library
301 ATA 05036624 Sociology : Atal,Yogesh. Pearson Publications, 2012 9788131760796 xiv,522p.; Knowledge Centre
301 ATK 00142525 Bourdieu and after : Atkinson, Will, Routledge, 2020 9780367224615 | 9780367224622 xi,290p.; UG Library
301 AUG 00033220 Foundation of Sociology Auguste, Cormte 1 UG Library
301 AVA 05027954 Social and Cultural Diversities : Avasthi, Abha Rawat Publications, 1996 296 p Knowledge Centre
301 AVA 05027953 Social and Cultural Diversities : Avasthi, Abha Rawat Publications, 1996 296 p Knowledge Centre
301 BAD 00054680 Samaja Shastrada Moola Tatvagalu Badigera, G L Sangli 1999 343 p UG Library
301 BAK 05020475 Group Process, Group Decision, Group Action Baron, Robert S 0335206972 271p Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 05037078 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H. Pine Forge Press, An Imprint of SAGE Publications, 2014 9781412992466 4th ed. xxxvi,709p.; Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 05045268 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H. Sage, 2015 9781452275758 Third edition. xxxii, 457 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 00121861 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H. Sage, 2015 9781452275758 Third edition. xxxii, 457 pages : UG Library
301 BAL 05044815 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H. SAGE, 2016 9781483368603 | 1483368602 5th ed. xxix, 671 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 05059644 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H., Sage Publications, 2018 9781506362076 (pbk. : alk. pap Sixth edition. xxvii, 634 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 05003031 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H. Pine Forge Press, An Imprint of SAGE Publications, 9781412980043 (pbk. : acidfree 593 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 05003030 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H. SAGE/Pine Forge Press, 9781412966597 (pbk.) | 1412966 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 05058306 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H., Sage, 2018 9781506362021 (pbk. : alk. pap Fifth edition. xxv, 505 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 05042774 Critical mass : Ball,Philip. Arrow Books, 2004 9780099457862 xii,644 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 BAL 07012301 Our social world : Ballantine, Jeanne H., Sage Publications, 2018 9781506362076 (pbk. : alk. pap Sixth edition. xxvii, 634 pages : Library - BR Campus
301 BAN 05044838 Lenski's Theory of Evolutionary Sociology / Banerjee, Anjana Global Vision Publishing House, 190 p. Knowledge Centre
301 BAP 05020252 Anatomy of Modern Society: Excerpts from Marx & Engels Bapuki, B R T R Publications Pvt Ltd 8185427461 128 p Knowledge Centre
301 BAR 00025551 Ethics of Inquiry in Social Science Barnes, J A Oxford 1983 68 p UG Library
301 BAR 05000834 Social Psychology Vatsyayan, Kedarnath Ram Nath 1971 4th Ed. 608 p. Knowledge Centre
301 BAR 00095223 Social Anthropology Barnard ALan Viva Books 9788130907208 158P UG Library
301 BAR 05020666 Sociology Explained Barnard, Andy 0521426715 484 Knowledge Centre
301 BAR 05020607 Sociology[as a Level& Alevel} Barnard, Andy 0521532140 344po Knowledge Centre
301 BAU 05020243 Thinking Sociologically Bauman, Zygmunt 0063116362 241p Knowledge Centre
301 BAU 05006439 Living on borrowed time : Bauman, Zygmunt, Polity, 2010 9780745647395 (pbk.) vi, 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 BAU 00087933 Towards a Critical Sociology: on Essay on Commonsense and Emancipation Bauman, Zygmant 1976 0710083068 114p UG Library
301 BEA 07009349 The Promise of Sociology: Beamish,Rob University of Toronto Press, 2016 9781442634046 2 nd Edition XXIV,379 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
301 BEC 07005261 Sociological Work: Becker,Howard S. Transaction Publishers, 2009 9780878556304 V,351 P,: Library - BR Campus
301 BEE 07013830 The Sociology Book / Penguin Random House, 2015 9780241182291 352p. : Library - BR Campus
301 BEE 05064023 The Sociology Book / Penguin Random House, 2015 9780241182291 352p. : Knowledge Centre
301 BEN 00005842 Impact of Science and Society Bentrant, Russel Blackie Sons 1970 1 UG Library
301 BER 05000933 Invitation to sociology : Berger, Peter L., Doubleday, 1963 978038565290 [1st ed.] 191 p. Knowledge Centre
301 BER 00009712 Impact of Science on Society Bertrand, Russel Allen 1972 1 UG Library
301 BER 00009715 Impact of Science on Society Bertrand, Russel Allen 1972 1 UG Library
301 BER 05020686 Invitation to Sociology: a Humanistic Perspective Berger, L Peter PENGUIN 220 p Knowledge Centre
301 BER 00006122 Invitation to Sociology Berger, L Peter PENGUIN 1970 220 p UG Library
301 BER 00034354 Urban Sociology Berge;, Ecpm Ernessst M G H 1955 556 p. UG Library
301 BER 00034355 Urban Sociology Berge;, Ecpm Ernessst M G H 1955 556 p. UG Library
301 BER 05020679 Invitation to Sociologu a Humanistic Perspective Berger, L Peter PENGUIN 220 p Knowledge Centre
301 BET 07013109 Sociology: Beteille Andre Oxford university press; 2002 9780195698848 2nd ed, x, 323 p.: Library - BR Campus
301 BET 00103206 Sociology: Beteille Andre Oxford university press; 2002 9780195698848 2nd ed, x, 323 p.: UG Library
301 BET 05020499 Society and Politics in India: Essays in a Comparative Perspective Beteille, Andre 320 p Knowledge Centre
301 BET 01015798 Antinomies of society : Béteille, André. Oxford University Press, 2000 0195653890 | 9780195663181 297 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 BET 05020254 Antinomies of Society - Essays on Ideologies & Institutions Beteille, Andre 0195653890 Knowledge Centre
301 BET 00126188 Sociology: Beteille Andre Oxford university press; 2002 9780195698848 2nd ed, x, 323 p.: UG Library
301 BET 01016314 Antinomies of society : Béteille, André. Oxford University Press, 2000 0195653890 | 9780195663181 297 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 BET 05029572 Sociology / Beteille, Andre Oxford University Press, 2002 0195655540 286 p Knowledge Centre
301 BET 00094185 Sociology Beteille Andre Oxford University Press, 2002 9780195663198 286 p.; UG Library
301 BET 00106212 The Andre Beteille Omnibus: Beteille,Andre. Oxford Univ Pr, 2011 9780198071204 xxi,260 p. UG Library
301 BHA 01006535 Ethnicity Movement and Social Structure Rawlet 334p.; Knowledge Centre
301 BHA 05020471 Ethnicity, Movement and Social Structure:Contested Cultural Identity [ma-Sociology Section] Bhadra, R K Rawat Publications 8131600629 334p Knowledge Centre
301 BHA 00036653 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036656 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036658 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036660 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036661 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036659 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036657 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036654 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036655 Introduction to Sociology for First Year Bharathi, G Parekh United 1995 146 p UG Library
301 BHA 00036662 Introduction to Sociology Bharathi, G Parekh United Pub 1995 1 UG Library
301 BHA 00096256 Samajashastra Bharati,B,M Vidhyanidhi prakashan gadag 283 p UG Library
301 BHU 00017555 An Introduction to Sociology : Bhushan, Vidya Kitab Mahal 2001 8122501079 855 p UG Library
301 BHU 00027303 An Introduction to Sociology : Bhushan, Vidya Kitab Mahal, 1991 8122501079 640 p UG Library
301 BHU 00047658 An Introduction to Sociology : Bhushan, Vidya Kitab Mahal 2001 8122501079 855 p UG Library
301 BHU 00033091 An Introduction to Sociology : Bhushan, Vidya Kitab Mahal, 1991 8122501079 640 p UG Library
301 BHU 05020473 An Introduction to Sociology : Bhushan, Vidya Kitab Mahal, 1991 8122501079 640 p Knowledge Centre
301 BHU 00055088 An Introduction to Sociology : Bhushan, Vidya Kitab Mahal 2001 8122501079 855 p UG Library
301 BHU 00073641 Text Book of Sociology Bhushan, Vidya Kitab Mahal 2006 8122503497 478 p. UG Library
301 BHY 00038816 Study of Indian Society Bhyrappa, K Cambridge 1996 1 UG Library
301 BHY 00038817 Study of Indian Society Bhyrappa, K Cambridge 1996 1 UG Library
301 BHY 00038819 Study of Indian Society Bhyrappa, K Cambridge 1996 1 UG Library
301 BHY 00038820 Study of Indian Society Bhyrappa, K Cambridge 1996 1 UG Library
301 BHY 00038818 Study of Indian Society Bhyrappa, K Cambridge 1996 1 UG Library
301 BIL 01006580 Introductory Sociology / Bilton, Tony Palgrave Macmillan , 2002 Family Life 10 596p. Knowledge Centre
301 BIL 05017500 Introductory Sociology : Bilton, tony Palgrave Macmillan, 1981 9780333945711 xxxiii, 596 p. Knowledge Centre
301 BIR 05061968 Fundamentals of Social Thoughts / Biradar, Sudnyani Shrishail. Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524157 vi, 282p.; Knowledge Centre
301 BIR 05068014 Sociological perspective / Biradar, Sudnyani S Book Enclave, 2019 9788181524942 vi,319p.; Knowledge Centre
301 BIR 07013823 Sociological perspective / Biradar, Sudnyani S Book Enclave, 2019 9788181524942 vi,319p.; Library - BR Campus
301 BIR 00087932 Towards a Critical Sociology Birnbaum, Norman 1971 0195016645 450p UG Library
301 BLA 05020645 The Blackwell Companion to Sociology / Blau, Judith R Blackwell Publishers , 2001 00631213185 610p. Knowledge Centre
301 BLA 00073375 Blackwell Companion to Sociology Blau Judith R 2001 1405122676 609 UG Library
301 BLO 00056282 Marxism and Anthropology: the History of a Relationship: Block, Maurice 1983 0198760914 172p UG Library
301 BOC 05020467 Introduction to Sociology Bocock, Robert Fentana Knowledge Centre
301 BOG 00003712 Development of Social Thought Bogardus, Emory S 1960 1 UG Library
301 BOG 05020470 Development of Social Thought Bogardus, Emory S Vakils 700 p Knowledge Centre
301 BOG 05020466 Development of Social Thought Bogardus, Emory S Vakils 700 p Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00073652 Sociology a Guide to Problems and Literature Bottomore, T B S Chand 8121910862 354p UG Library
301 BOT 00097015 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 BOT 00104808 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00073653 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00056877 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 BOT 00104807 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 BOT 00104806 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00044318 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00025552 Political Sociology Bottomore, Tom BIP 1982 176p UG Library
301 BOT 00012577 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00025553 Political Sociology Tom Bottomore, B I Publications 1979 172 UG Library
301 BOT 00044317 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00032965 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 05020496 Sociology as Social Criticism / Bottomore, T B Chand & Co., 1986 218 p.; Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00009730 Sociology a Guide to Problems & Literature Bottomore, T B George Allen 1971 1 UG Library
301 BOT 05075230 A History of Sociological Analysis : Bottomore, Tom [ed.] , Nisbet, Robert [ed.]. Rawat Publications, 2004 9788170338963 xvi, 717 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00104805 Sociology Bottomore, T.B George Allen & Unwin 1971 2nd Ed. 352 p. UG Library
301 BOT 05020479 History of Sociological Analysis / Bottomore, Tom Rawat Publications , 2005 8170338964 717p. Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 05020491 Sociology as Social Criticism / Bottomore, T B S.Chand, 1979 218 p Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 01012492 A History of Sociological Analysis / Rawat Publications, 9788170338963 xvi,717p.; Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 01001065 Sociology : T B Bottomore Blackie & Son (India) Ltd., 1986 81-219-1086-2 354 p Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 05020498 Sociology as Social Criticism Bottomore, T B R C 216 p Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 01001501 Sociology : T B Bottomore Blackie & Son (India) Ltd., 1986 81-219-1086-2 354 p Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 01001066 Sociology : T B Bottomore Blackie & Son (India) Ltd., 1986 81-219-1086-2 354 p Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00025686 Sociology and Socialism: Bottomore, Tom 1984 0710802358 212p UG Library
301 BOT 05020452 Sociology:A Guide to Problems and Literature Bottomore, T B Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00088475 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 8121910862 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00061171 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 8121910862 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00096384 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00012576 Sociology Bottomore, T.B George Allen & Unwin 1971 2nd Ed. 352 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00030446 Sociology Bottomore, T.B George Allen & Unwin 1971 2nd Ed. 352 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00012572 Sociology Bottomore, T.B George Allen & Unwin 1971 2nd Ed. 352 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00096386 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. UG Library
301 BOT 00056153 Sociology: a Guide to Problems and Literature Bottomore, T B S Chand 8121910862 347p UG Library
301 BOT 05020453 Sociology: Bottomore,T.B. Blackie & son (India) Ltd. 1972 0000812191 264p Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00056173 Sociology: a Guide to Problems and Literature Bottomore, T B S Chand 8121910862 347p UG Library
301 BOT 05036647 Sociology : Bottomore, T. B., Routledge , 1962 9788189643379 xvi,330 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 05020497 Sociology as Social Criticism Bottomore, T B S Chand Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00012570 Sociology Bottomore, T.b D.R.Bhagi 1971 354p UG Library
301 BOT 00012571 Sociology Bottomore, T.b D.R.Bhagi 1971 354p UG Library
301 BOT 00012579 Sociology Bottomore, T.b D.R.Bhagi 1971 354p UG Library
301 BOT 00012575 Sociology Bottomore, T.b D.R.Bhagi 1971 354p UG Library
301 BOT 00012574 Sociology Bottomore, T.b D.R.Bhagi 1971 354p UG Library
301 BOT 05020220 Sociology Bottonare, T. B. Blackie & Son(India)Ltd 1962 9788121910866 354 p. Knowledge Centre
301 BOT 00012578 Sociology Bottomore, T.B George Allen & Unwin 1971 2nd Ed. 352 p. UG Library
301 BOT 05020219 Guide to Problems and Literature Bottomore T B 1900 1 Knowledge Centre
301 BOU 05029573 Sociology in Question / Bourdieu, Pierre Sage Publications, 1995 0803983387 184 p Knowledge Centre
301 BRA 05041948 Capitalism and classical sociological theory / Bratton, John, University of Toronto Press, 2014 9781442608092 (bound) | 144260 Second edition. xv, 422 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 BRE 05037186 Learn sociology / Brent, Edward E., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014 9781449672461 (pbk.) xxix, 767 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 BRI 05020641 Sociology. Brinkerhoff, B David 1991 0314741283 681p Knowledge Centre
301 BRI 05020218 Sociology Brinkerhoff, B David 0314741283 672 p Knowledge Centre
301 BRI 05047871 Essentials of Sociology / Wadsworth, 2011 9780840032195 8th ed. xxxiii,446 p,; Knowledge Centre
301 BRO 00017553 Sociology Leonard,Broom Philio Selznick 1969 559 p. UG Library
301 BRO 00013359 Sociology. Broom, Leonard Row 1958 662 P UG Library
301 BRU 05020844 Sociology: A Very Short Introduction. Bruce, Steve 2008 0195678613 109p Knowledge Centre
301 BRU 00085422 Sociology: A Very Short Introduction. Bruce, Steve 2008 0195678613 109p UG Library
301 BRU 05020664 Sociology: a Very Short Introduction Bruce, Steve 0192853473 119 p Knowledge Centre
301 BRU 00059140 Sociology: a Very Short Introduction Bruce, Steve 0192853473 119 p UG Library
301 BRU 05047301 Sociology : Bruce Steve Oxford University Press, 2000 9780192853806 109p.: Knowledge Centre
301 BRU 00147454 A sociology of humankind : Bruggeman, Jeroen Routledge, 2024 9781032608679 xi,228p. ; UG Library
301 BRY 05046240 Sociology : pop culture to social structure Brym, Robert J Wadsworth cenage learning, 2013 9781111834876 3rd Ed. xxiv,422p.; Knowledge Centre
301 BYR 00028354 Introduction to Sociology Byrappa K, A Prakash Sahithya 1987 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00028355 Introduction to Sociology Byrappa K, A Prakash Sahithya 1987 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00028357 Introduction to Sociology Byrappa K, A Prakash Sahithya 1987 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00028358 Introduction to Sociology Byrappa K, A Prakash Sahithya 1987 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00028356 Introduction to Sociology Byrappa K, A Prakash Sahithya 1987 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00115426 Sociology Somegowda, Suresh UG Library
301 BYR 00026633 Samaja Shastrada Moola Tatvagalu Byrappa, K. Suresh Publications 1989 362 p. UG Library
301 BYR 00033309 II Puc Sociology Text Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033310 II Puc Sociology Text Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033311 II Puc Sociology Text Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033312 II Puc Sociology Text Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033313 I Puc Sociology Text Book Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033315 I Puc Sociology Text Book Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033317 I Puc Sociology Text Book Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033318 I Puc Sociology Text Book Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033316 I Puc Sociology Text Book Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00033314 I Puc Sociology Text Book Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1989 1 UG Library
301 BYR 00026697 Samaja Shastra Byrappa, K Prakasha Sahithya 1985 2nd Ed. xii; 218 p. UG Library
301 BYR 00028761 Samaja Shasthra Parichaya Byrappa, K Prakash Sahithya 1986 1 UG Library
301 CAN 00131319 Schools and styles of anthroplogical theory Candea,Matei Routledge, 2018 9781138229723 viii,258p.; UG Library
301 CHA 05037077 Discover sociology / Chambliss, William J. 9781412996204 (pbk. : alk. pap pages cm Knowledge Centre
301 CHA 00085787 Practice of Sociology Chaudhuri, Maitrayee Orient Longman Publications 2003 0812502512 433 p UG Library
301 CHA 05044803 Sociology : Chandra, Seema. Advance Learner Press, 2015 9789383028771 1st ed. 359 p. Knowledge Centre
301 CHA 05020685 Practice of Sociology Chaudhuri, Maitrayee Orient Longman Publications 2003 0812502512 433 p Knowledge Centre
301 CHA 05039828 Discover Sociology / Chambliss William.J Sage, 2014 9781483300832 xxvi,471p.: Knowledge Centre
301 CHA 00046210 Sociology of Formal Organisations Chaturvedi, Abha 1995 0195636090 398 p UG Library
301 CHA 00010119 Sociology of Deviation India Chandra, Susheel Allied 1967 1 UG Library
301 CHA 05057309 Discover sociology / Chambliss, William J., Sage Publications Ltd, 2018 150634738X | 9781506347387 3rd ed. xxvi, 528p.+ Sectional Wise. Knowledge Centre
301 CHA 05062437 Introduction To Sociology / Chaudhary, Anjana. Word Press, 2017 9789386053657 241p.; Knowledge Centre
301 CHA 05020612 Conceits of Civil Society Chandhoke, Neera 0195661958 278p Knowledge Centre
301 CHU 00133433 Theory and method / Churton, Mel. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 9780230217812 (pbk.) | 0230217818 (pbk.) | 9781137612113 2nd ed. x, 411 p. : UG Library
301 CIV 05023979 Civil Society at the Millennium / Civicus Kumarian Press, 2005 1565491017 212 p Knowledge Centre
301 CIV 05020650 Civil Society at the Millennium / Civicus Kumarian Press, 2005 1565491017 212 p Knowledge Centre
301 COH 05002243 Global Sociology Cohen, Robin Palgrae Macmillian, 2007 9781403948458 584 p.; Knowledge Centre
301 COH 07010401 Global Sociology Robin Cohen Palgrave Macmillan 2016 9781137608154 3rd ed. 455 p.: Library - BR Campus
301 COH 00124440 Global Sociology Robin Cohen Palgrave Macmillan 2016 9781137608154 3rd ed. 455 p.: UG Library
301 COH 01003338 An Anthropologist among the Historians and Other Essays Cohn,Bernard s Oxfodrd University Press 9780195626162 682p.; Knowledge Centre
301 COL 07009985 Conflict Sociology/ Collins,Randall Routledge, 2016 9781138678927 IX,320 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
301 COL 00148021 Multimodal methods in anthropology / Collins, Samuel Gerald Routledge, 2024 9781032362243 164p. ; UG Library
301 COM 00033219 Auguste Comte:The Foundation of Sociology Thompson, Kenneth Nelson 1968 220 p UG Library
301 COU 00004971 Approaching Sociology. a Critical Introduction Coulson, Margaret A Rkp 1970 130 p UG Library
301 COU 00017518 Approaching Sociology: A Critical Introduction. Coulson, Margaret A Rkp 1970 130 p UG Library
301 CRE 05020251 Sociology of the Body:Mapping the Abstraction of Embodiment [ma-Sociology Section] Cregan, Kate 0761940243 212p Knowledge Centre
301 CRI 05047300 Social Psychology Oxford University Press, 2015 9780198715511 | 019871551X 116p.: Knowledge Centre
301 CRO 00121302 Experience sociology / Croteau, David. McGraw Hill 2013 0078026733 (alk. paper) | 9780 xxviii, 563 pages : UG Library
301 CUF 05047479 Perspectives in sociology / Cuff, E. C. Routledge, 2016 9781138793538 (hardback) | 978 Sixth edition. vi, 409 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 CUF 00086788 Perspectives in Sociology Cuff, E C Routledge 2004 0415159792 | 9780415159791 4th Ed vi; 362 p. UG Library
301 CUF 05029701 Perspectives in Sociology / Cuff, E C Unwin Hyman, 1979 0044456840 241 p. Knowledge Centre
301 CUF 00035550 Perspectives in Sociology. E C Cuff Unwin Hyman 1990 0044456840 3rd Ed xvi; 241 p. UG Library
301 CUF 00035549 Perspectives in Sociology. E C Cuff Unwin Hyman 1990 0044456840 3rd Ed xvi; 241 p. UG Library
301 CUF 00044591 Perspectives in Sociology. E C Cuff Unwin Hyman 1990 0044456840 3rd Ed xvi; 241 p. UG Library
301 CUP 00000535 National Man Power Council Work in the Lives of Married Women Cup 1971 570 p UG Library
301 DAM 00037872 Samaja Shastra for I Puc Damle, Chandra Shekar Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
301 DAM 00037873 Samaja Shastra for I Puc Damle, Chandra Shekar Jupiter 1995 1 UG Library
301 DAS 05000947 An Introduction To Sociology / Dasgupta,Samir. Pearson, 2012 9788131769553 402 p. Knowledge Centre
301 DAS 00071923 An Introduction To Sociology / Dasgupta,Samir. Pearson, 2012 9788131769553 402 p. UG Library
301 DAS 00109716 An Introduction To Sociology / Dasgupta,Samir. Pearson, 2012 9788131769553 402 p. UG Library
301 DAS 00120415 Discourse On Applied Sociology Ed by, Dasgupta Samir Anthem Press, 2007 9781843317241 xii, 237 p.: UG Library
301 DAS 07001479 An Introduction To Sociology / Dasgupta,Samir. Pearson, 2012 9788131769553 402 p. Library - BR Campus
301 DAV 00044601 Human Society Davis, Kingsley Surjeet 655p UG Library
301 DAV 05020464 Human Society Davis Kingsley Surjeet Publications 655p Knowledge Centre
301 DAV 05020474 Human Society Davis, Kingsley Knowledge Centre
301 DAV 00024859 Human Society Davis, Kingsley Surjeet 1981 1 UG Library
301 DAV 00060143 Human Society Davis, Kingsley Surjeet Publications 1981 654 p. UG Library
301 DAV 00024860 Human Society Davis, Kingsley Surjeet Publications 1981 654 p. UG Library
301 DAV 00026424 Human Society Davis, Kingsley Surjeet Publications 1981 654 p. UG Library
301 DAV 00025508 Human Society Davis, Kingsley Surjeet Publications 1981 654 p. UG Library
301 DAV 00012566 Human Society Kingsley, Davis MACMILLAN and Co 1939 1 UG Library
301 DEA 00008587 Experiments in Sociology Dean, Dwight G ACC 1963 136 p UG Library
301 DEL 00108980 The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative Fisch Audrey Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521615266 | 0521850193 (hb xix, 266 p. ; UG Library
301 DEL 00108989 Investigating culture Delaney,Carol Lowery, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405154246 2nd ed. xiv, 420 p. : UG Library
301 DEL 05057156 Investigating culture : Delaney, Carol Lowery, Wiley, 2017 9781118868621 (paperback) | 97 Third edition. xiv,410p.; Knowledge Centre
301 DEN 00111216 Practicing Sociology/ Dentler, Robert A. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605462 xi:182p.; UG Library
301 DES 00099127 A Textbook of Objective Sociology / Desai Vibha Wisdom Press, 2011 9789380199290 234p.: UG Library
301 DES 00034102 Rural India in Transition Desai, A R 1900 1 UG Library
301 DES 05020697 A Textbook of Objective Sociology / Desai Vibha Wisdom Press, 2011 9789380199290 234p.: Knowledge Centre
301 DES 00039484 Social Movements Towards a Perspective Desrochers Csc, John Himalaya 1996 8174932410 231 p UG Library
301 DES 05020695 Social Movements Towards a Perspective Desrochers Csc, John Himalaya 1996 8174932410 231 p Knowledge Centre
301 DES 00039487 Social Movements Towards a Perspective Desrochers Csc, John Himalaya 1996 8174932410 231 p UG Library
301 DES 00057199 Samajashastra Mattu Mahile Deshmane, B Sunitha Chetana 2000 198p UG Library
301 DIL 00121158 Introduction to sociological theory : Dillon, Michele, John Wiley 2014 9781118471920 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xx, 565 pages : UG Library
301 DIL 05002949 Introduction To Sociological Theory : Dillon, Michele, Wiley-Blackwell, 9781405170024 (pbk.) | 1405170 xv, 552 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 DIL 00121614 Introduction to sociological theory : Dillon, Michele, John Wiley 2014 9781118471920 (pbk.) 2nd ed. xx, 565 pages : UG Library
301 DOL 05010537 Social problems : Dolgon, Corey. Sage/Pine Forge, 2011 9780761929475 (pbk.) viii, 459 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 DOU 05068205 The iron cage revisited : Douglass, R. Bruce, Routledge, 2018 9781138285446 (hbk) xviii, 170 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 DUB 00007425 Indian Village Dube, S C 1967 1 UG Library
301 DUB 05002630 Sociology of Kinship / Dube, Leela Popular Prakashan, 1974 143 p. Knowledge Centre
301 DUB 00033037 Sociology of Kinship / Dube, Leela Popular Prakashan, 1974 143 p. UG Library
301 DUB 05020698 Sociology of Kinship / Dube, Leela Popular Prakashan, 1974 143 p. Knowledge Centre
301 DUB 05026699 Sociology of Kinship / Dube, Leela Popular Prakashan, 1974 143 p. Knowledge Centre
301 DUB 00138182 Fundamentals of sociology Dubey,Aditya Venus publications, 2019 9789387851221 280p.; UG Library
301 DUR 05002238 The division of labour in society / Durkheim, Émile, Macmillan, 1984 0333339800 | 9788122903522 | 0 lix, 352 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 DUR 00117937 The division of labour in society / Durkheim, Émile, Macmillan, 1984 0333339800 | 9788122903522 | 0 lix, 352 p. ; UG Library
301 DUT 00119383 Introduction to Sociological Research Dutta, Sumit Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006336 326p.; UG Library
301 EGL 07012823 Discover sociology : Eglitis, Daina S., Sage, 2019 9781506347431 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781544324036 (loose leaf) xxv,465p.; Library - BR Campus
301 EGL 05061941 Discover sociology : Eglitis, Daina S., Sage, 2019 9781506347431 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781544324036 (loose leaf) xxv,465p.; Knowledge Centre
301 EIT 00040823 In Conflict and Order: Understanding Society Eitzen, D Stanley 1995 0205156215 582 p UG Library
301 EIT 00040824 In Conflict and Order: Understanding Society Eitzen, D Stanley 1995 0205156215 582 p UG Library
301 ELL 05041082 Contemporary social theory : Elliott, Anthony, Routledge, 2014 9780415521369 (hardback) | 978 Second Edition. xiii, 402 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 ELL 01020686 Contemporary Social Theory An Introduction / Elliott Anthony Routledge, 2014 9780415521376 2nd ed 402p.: Knowledge Centre
301 ELL 05044466 Social psychology of emotion / Ellis, Darren. Sage, 2015 9781446254783 (hardcover) | 97 ix,198p.: Knowledge Centre
301 ELL 07006132 Social psychology of emotion / Ellis, Darren. Sage, 2015 9781446254783 (hardcover) | 97 ix,198p.: Library - BR Campus
301 ELW 00133488 Macrosociology : Elwell, Frank W. Roitledge, 2016 9780773449008 | 0773449000 xix,171p.; UG Library
301 ERI 00136738 What is anthropology? Eriksen, Thomas Hylland Rawat publications. 2019 9788131610824 2nd ed., 177p.; UG Library
301 ESH 05036094 Sociology : Eshleman, J Ross Harper Collins, 1987 0673397181 742 p.; Knowledge Centre
301 EVA 05020813 Social Anthropology Evans, Pritchand Universal Book Stall 8185392382 134 Knowledge Centre
301 EYE 00141894 Social Movements : Eyerman, Ron. Rawat publications, 2020 9788131611326 184p.; UG Library
301 EYE 00140066 Social Movements: Eyerman,Ron Rawat Publications 2020 9788131611326 184p UG Library
301 FED 05060385 Anthropology matters / Fedorak, Shirley, University Of Toronto Press , 2017 9781487593209 | 1487593201 | 9 Third edition. xxvii, 256 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 FER 05020482 An introduction to Sociology: Ferreol Gilles PHI Learning private limited 9788120339408 207p Knowledge Centre
301 FER 00120417 Seeing Sociology An Introduction Ferrante Joan Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011 9780840032034 xxvi,578 p.: UG Library
301 FER 00056660 Sociology - a Global Perspective Ferrante, Joan 2003 0534588603 598 p UG Library
301 FER 05058305 Mapping the social landscape : Sage, 2018 9781506368283 (pbk. : alk. pap 8th edition. xix, 688 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 FER 00086277 Phenomenological Soiciology: Ferguson, Harvie Sage 2006 9780761959878 235 p UG Library
301 FER 05002988 Mapping the social landscape : Ferguson,Susan J. McGraw-Hill, 0767420934 (pbk.) | 9780071131 xvii, 667 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 FER 04014984 An introduction to Sociology: Ferreol Gilles PHI Learning private limited 9788120339408 207p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301 FIS 00117636 Anthropological futures / Fischer, Michael M. J., Duke University Press, 2009 9780822344612 (cloth : alk. pa xxiv, 399 p. ; UG Library
301 FIS 00051327 Intersections: Readings in Sociology: a Customized Sociology Reader Fisher, Edie 0536626553 204p UG Library
301 FRI 00029938 Society Frisby, David Tavistock 1986 128 UG Library
301 FUL 00059394 Sociology Fulcher, James 2002 0199253412 932p UG Library
301 FUL 05020250 New Sociological Imagination [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Fuller, Steve 0761947574 231p Knowledge Centre
301 FUL 05002248 New Sociological Imagination Fuller, Steve 0761947574 231 p Knowledge Centre
301 GAL 00003909 Affluent Society Glbraith John Kenneth, Lalvani 1969 332 Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 GAL 00003910 Affluent Society Galbraith Kenneth John Lalvani 1970 332 p UG Library
301 GAN 00081798 Auguste Comte Gane, Mike 2006 0000415423 | 9780415385428 158p UG Library
301 GAN 00082311 Auguste Comte Gane, Mike 2006 0000415423 | 9780415385428 158p UG Library
301 GAN 05059615 Sociology and social policy : Gans, Herbert J. Columbia University Press, 2017 9780231183048 (cloth : alk. pa xiii,258p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GAN 05020683 Auguste Comte [ma-Sociology Section] Gane, Mike 0415385423 158p Knowledge Centre
301 GAR 05020478 Foundation of Sociology / Garg, Arun. Global Vision Publishing House, 9788182202924 viii, 348 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 GAU 00009157 Sensational Trails of Crime Gauba, K L H p b 2008 1 UG Library
301 GAU 05062426 Contemporary Social Problems In India / Gautam, V.P. Ashu Publishers House, 2015 9788192929699 viii,272p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GER 05029574 An invitation to social construction / Gergen, Kenneth J. Sage Publications, 2009 9781412923002 | 9781412923019 xii, 186 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 GID 01021047 Essential Concepts In Sociology / Giddens,Anthony. Polity Press, 2014 9780745649863 vii,223p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GID 00070134 Sociology Giddens, Anthony 2000 0745618030 625p UG Library
301 GID 05056095 Essential concepts in sociology / Giddens, Anthony, Atlantic, 2017 9788126568321 Second edition. vii, 224 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 GID 05056099 Sociology / Giddens, Anthony, Polity Press, 2017 9780745696683 8th ed. xi,1130p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GID 05045965 In Defence of Sociology : Giddens Anthony Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607398 288p.: Knowledge Centre
301 GID 00128316 Essential concepts in sociology / Giddens, Anthony, Polity, 2017 9781509516667 (hardback) Second edition. vii, 224 pages ; UG Library
301 GID 00107647 Sociology: Introductory Readings Giddens Anthony Polity Press 2010 9780745648842 3rd edition 347 P. UG Library
301 GID 05020472 Principles of Sociology (MA Soc) Giddings, F H Cosmo Publications 8130700123 476p Knowledge Centre
301 GID 05045836 In Defence of Sociology : Giddens Anthony Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607398 288p.: Knowledge Centre
301 GID 05062413 Sociology : Giddens, Anthony. Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2017 9788126568161 8th ed xi,1130p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GID 00075118 Introduction to Sociolgy. Giddnens, Anthony Norton & Company 2005 645p UG Library
301 GID 00075119 Introduction to Sociolgy. Giddnens, Anthony Norton & Company 2005 645p UG Library
301 GID 00075120 Introduction to Sociolgy. Giddnens, Anthony Norton & Company 2005 645p UG Library
301 GID 00063853 Sociology: Giddens, Anthony 2005 1405125535 750 UG Library
301 GID 00063854 Sociology: Giddens, Anthony 2005 1405125535 750 UG Library
301 GID 05020485 Sociology: Giddens, Anthony 2005 1405125535 750 Knowledge Centre
301 GID 00063856 Sociology: Introductory Readings: Giddens, Anthony 1405125527 416p UG Library
301 GID 00063857 Sociology: Introductory Readings: Giddens, Anthony 1405125527 416p UG Library
301 GIL 05037175 Social Psychology / Gilovich Thomas W.W.Norton & Company, 2013 9780393920819 xxii,621p.: Knowledge Centre
301 GIN 00027304 Sociology Ginsberg, Morris Surjeet Publications 1955 254 p. UG Library
301 GIN 00027279 Sociology Ginsberg, Morris Surjeet Publications 1955 254 p. UG Library
301 GIR 00111228 Sociology and beyond: Giri, Ananta Kumar. Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131605332 | 8131605337 xxi, 442 p. ; UG Library
301 GIS 00073654 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert,Pascual Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125005153 3rd Ee. 514 p. UG Library
301 GIS 00073655 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert,Pascual Orient Longman Publications 2004 8125005153 3rd Ee. 514 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 GIS 00004746 Fundametals of Sociology Gisbert, Pascual Orient 1969 1 UG Library
301 GIS 00004748 Fundametals of Sociology Gisbert, Pascual Orient 1969 1 UG Library
301 GIS 00004747 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert, Pascual Orient Long Man 1959 2nd Ed. 420 p. UG Library
301 GIS 05020696 Foundamentals of Sociology Gisbert, P 514p Knowledge Centre
301 GIS 00028487 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert, P 1987 513 p UG Library
301 GIS 00028488 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert, Pascaul Orient Longman 1984 512 p UG Library
301 GIS 00085793 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert, Pascaul Orient Longman 1984 512 p UG Library
301 GIS 05020469 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert, Pascaul Orient Longman 1984 512 p Knowledge Centre
301 GIS 00004749 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert, Pascual Orient Long Man 1959 2nd Ed. 420 p. UG Library
301 GIS 00004750 Fundamentals of Sociology Gisbert, Pascual Orient Long Man 1959 2nd Ed. 420 p. UG Library
301 GIS 05020644 Fundamentals of Sociology / Gisbert, P. Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd., 9788125039594 xii,390 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 GOL 05020611 Introduction to Sociology Goldthorpe, J E Unic., 206 p Knowledge Centre
301 GOO 00044326 The Dynamics of Modern Society Goode William J Eurasia Publishing House 1998 474 p UG Library
301 GOO 00044327 The Dynamics of Modern Society Goode William J Eurasia Publishing House 1998 474 p UG Library
301 GOO 00044328 The Dynamics of Modern Society Goode William J Eurasia Publishing House 1998 474 p UG Library
301 GOO 00044329 The Dynamics of Modern Society Goode William J Eurasia Publishing House 1998 474 p UG Library
301 GOO 00044330 The Dynamics of Modern Society Goode William J Eurasia Publishing House 1998 474 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 GOO 00033053 The Dynamics of Modern Society Goode William J Eurasia Publishing House 1998 474 p UG Library
301 GOO 00033081 The Dynamics of Modern Society Goode William J Eurasia Publishing House 1998 474 p UG Library
301 GOO 00022152 Principles of Sociology. Goode, William J. Tata McGrew Hill Publishing Company Ltd 1977 544 p. UG Library
301 GOO 05004103 The dynamics of modern society / AldineTransaction, 2011 9781412818513 xv,474p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GOT 05068300 My sociology : Gottfried, Rosalind, Routledge, 2019 9781138224315 (hardcover) | 9781138224322 (pbk.) x,651p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GOT 05066773 My sociology : Gottfried, Rosalind, Routledge, 2019 9781138224315 (hardcover) | 9781138224322 (pbk.) x,651p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GOW 05020494 Inevitable Billion Plus:Debate on Sicence, Population & Development Gowariker, Vasant National Book Trust 8123706324 318 p Knowledge Centre
301 GRA 00104241 Cinema : Gray, Gordon Berg, 2010 9781845207939 (cloth) | 184520 English ed. xviii, 167 p. : UG Library
301 GRE 05073143 NTA UGC NET / JRF / SET : Sociology (Paper-2) / Grewal, Jasbir. Arihant Publications (India) Limited, 2019 9789326192569 715p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GRE 00002069 Sociology: an Analysis of Life in Modern Society Green, Arnold W Mgh 1964 700 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 GRO 05065456 Bad Film Histories : Groo, Katherine. University of minnesota press, 2019 9781517900335 364p.; Knowledge Centre
301 GUB 05020493 Analyzing Narrative Reality[ma-Sociology SECTION] Gubrium, Jaber F 9781412952194 248 p Knowledge Centre
301 GUD 05002250 Anthropology of Economy Gudeman, Stephen 0631225668 189p Knowledge Centre
301 GUE 05056754 Cultural anthropology : Guest, Kenneth J. Norton, 2017 9780393265002 (pbk.) Second edition. 1 volume (various pagings) ; Knowledge Centre
301 GUE 05059657 Essentials of cultural anthropology : Guest, Kenneth J., W W Norton & Company, 2018 9780393624618 (paperback) Second Edition. xlv, 451p.=Additional pages. Knowledge Centre
301 GUN 00033694 Pesticides and Human Welfare Gunny, D C OUP 1976 1 UG Library
301 GUP 05063915 Talking Sociology / Gupta, Dipankar. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199489374 xvi, 172p. Knowledge Centre
301 GUP 00125314 Encyclopaedia of Applied Sociology Gupta Sunil Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302183 viii, 304 p.: UG Library
301 GUP 00125315 Encyclopaedia of Applied Sociology Gupta Sunil Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302183 viii, 304 p.: UG Library
301 GUP 00125316 Encyclopaedia of Applied Sociology Gupta Sunil Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302183 viii, 304 p.: UG Library
301 HAN 10002463 Sociologies in dialogue / Ḥanafī, Sārī Sage publications ltd., 2020 9781529711455 xxiv,366 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 HAN 00026431 Introduction to Sociology :With Objective Questions Hans, Raj Surjeet 1985 312 p UG Library
301 HAR 00145412 Visual Sociology/ Harper, Douglas Routledge 2023 9781032171098 2nd ed. xiii:312p. UG Library
301 HAR 05020463 Sociology : Themes and Perspectives Harlambos, M 0195613791 594 p Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00096410 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 HAR 05020456 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 05029582 Sociology Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00071208 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p UG Library
301 HAR 05020462 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00071209 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p UG Library
301 HAR 05020455 Sociology Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 05029581 Sociology Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 05020454 Sociology Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00073016 Sociology Themes and Perspectives. Haralambos, Holborn 2000 0000003278 1116 UG Library
301 HAR 00096411 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p UG Library
301 HAR 00040754 Sociology : Themes and Perspectives Harlambos, M Oxford University Press 1992 594 p UG Library
301 HAR 05020461 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00076170 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives: [dharmaram Library] Harlambos 2000 0003275078 1105p UG Library
301 HAR 05020459 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00096409 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p UG Library
301 HAR 05020458 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00070693 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M 0195613791 594p UG Library
301 HAR 05020663 Sociology: Themes and Perspetives Haralambos, M OUP 594 p Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00095509 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 05070336 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00095510 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : UG Library
301 HAR 05020457 Sociology : Haralambos M Oxford University Press, 1980 9780195613797 xix,716 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 05020460 Sociology Haralambos Oxford:New Delhi 1980 0195613791 | 9780195613797 594 p. Knowledge Centre
301 HAR 00027283 Sociology: Themes and Perspectives Haralambos, M Oxford 594p UG Library
301 HEA 05003867 Analytical Sociology / Hedstrom, Peter . Oxford Unioversity Press , 2009 9780199587452 772 p. Knowledge Centre
301 HED 07009584 Public anthropology : Hedican, Edward J., University of Toronto Press, 2016 9781442635890 | 1442635894 | 9 xiii., 247 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 HEN 00051519 Essentials of Sociology Henshin, M James Allyn and Bacon 2000 473 p. UG Library
301 HEN 00060943 Essentials of Sociology Henshin, M James Allyn and Bacon 2000 473 p. UG Library
301 HEN 00010748 Sociology of Marks Henry, Lifevre 1968 1 UG Library
301 HEN 07008872 Sociology A Down-to-Earth Approach / Henslin Allyn and Bacon, 1999 9780205287246 403p.: Library - BR Campus
301 HEN 00063940 Sociology: a Down to Earth Approach: Henslin, M James 2003 0205368190 684p UG Library
301 HEN 00063941 Sociology: a Down to Earth Approach: Henslin, M James 2003 0205368190 684p UG Library
301 HEN 00063942 Study Guide for Henslin. Sociology:a Down-to-Earth Approach. Henslin 2003 0205366082 458p UG Library
301 HEN 00063943 Study Guide for Henslin. Sociology:a Down-to-Earth Approach. Henslin 2003 0205366082 458p UG Library
301 HEN 00087927 Down to Earth Sociology: Introductory Reading Henslin, Linda K Macmillan 1991 149p UG Library
301 HIG 00105004 Ordinary lives : Highmore, Ben, Routledge, 2011 9780415461863 (hardback) | 041 xiv, 194 p. ; UG Library
301 HOL 00105957 Sociology Holborn,Haralambos. Harper Collins Publishers Limited 2008 9780007245956 7th ed. 954 P. UG Library
301 HOL 00112355 Sociology Holborn,Haralambos. Harper Collins Publishers Limited 2008 9780007245956 7th ed. 954 P. UG Library
301 HOL 05006507 Sociology Holborn,Haralambos. Harper Collins Publishers Limited 2008 9780007245956 7th ed. 954 P. Knowledge Centre
301 HOR 05055283 Sociology and the health sciences / Horton,Paul B. Tata McGraw-Hill, 1984 9780070593961 6th ed. xix,636p.; Knowledge Centre
301 HOR 00135327 Sociology / Horton,Paul B. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2018 9780070593961 6th ed. xix,635p.; UG Library
301 HOR 00135328 Sociology / Horton,Paul B. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2018 9780070593961 6th ed. xix,635p.; UG Library
301 HOR 00135329 Sociology / Horton,Paul B. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2018 9780070593961 6th ed. xix,635p.; UG Library
301 HOR 00022161 Sociology Horton, Paul B McGraw Hill 1987 541 p UG Library
301 HOR 05020608 Sociological Realities Horowitz, Irving Luois Harper & Row 550 p Knowledge Centre
301 HOR 00096407 Sociology Haralambos Oxford:New Delhi 1980 0195613791 | 9780195613797 594 p. UG Library
301 HOR 00060718 Sociology Horton, Paul B McGraw Hill 1987 541 p UG Library
301 HOR 07001482 Sociology and the health sciences / Horton,Paul B. Tata McGraw-Hill, 1984 9780070593961 6th ed. xix,636p.; Library - BR Campus
301 HOT 00055312 Pearson General Knowledge Manual 2003 Thorpe, Edgar Pearson Education 8178087243 489p UG Library
301 INK 00022142 What Is Sociology ? Inkeles, Alex Prentice -Hall 120 p UG Library
301 INK 00061077 What Is Sociology ? Inkeles, Alex Prentice -Hall 120 p UG Library
301 INK 00061076 What Is Sociology ? Inkeles, Alex Prentice -Hall 120 p UG Library
301 INK 00061075 What Is Sociology ? Inkeles, Alex Prentice -Hall 120 p UG Library
301 INK 00061078 What Is Sociology ? Inkeles, Alex Prentice -Hall 120 p UG Library
301 INK 00061074 What Is Sociology ? Inkeles, Alex Prentice -Hall 120 p UG Library
301 INK 00021034 What Is Sociology ? Inkeles, Alex Prentice -Hall 120 p UG Library
301 INK 00030402 What Is Sociology? Inkeles, Alex Prentice Hall Of India 1987 120 p. UG Library
301 IPC 00005740 Plans and Prospects of Social Welfare in India India: Planning Commission , Planning Commission 1963 1 UG Library
301 JAT 05020246 Social and Humanist Thinkers ( Indian and Western ) Jatava, D R 242 p Knowledge Centre
301 JAY 00032956 Introductory Sociology Jayaram, N 195 p UG Library
301 JAY 00002566 Long Revolution Willaiams, Raymond PENGUIN 1984 398 p. UG Library
301 JAY 00033088 Sociology : Methods and Theories Jayaram, N Macmillan 1989 104 UG Library
301 JAY 00033089 Sociology : Methods and Theories Jayaram, N Macmillan 1989 104 UG Library
301 JAY 00029784 Introductory Sociology Jayaram, N Macmillan 1987 202 p UG Library
301 JAY 05020487 Introductory Sociology Jayaram, N Macmillan 1987 204 p Knowledge Centre
301 JAY 05020601 Introductory Sociology Jayaram, N Macmillan 1987 204 p Knowledge Centre
301 JAY 00089717 Introductory Sociology Jayaram, N Macmillan 1987 204 p UG Library
301 JAY 05044488 Sociology of education in India Jayaram, N., Rawat Publication : 2015 9788131606957 Second edition (revised and enlarged). xviii, 382 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 JHA 05020245 Basic Principles of Developmental Sociology Jha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 0812611052 292p Knowledge Centre
301 JHA 05020495 Introduction to Social Anthropology Jha, Makhan 0070699101 168 p Knowledge Centre
301 JHA 05029593 Basic Principles of Developmental Sociology / Kha, Jainendra Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2004 0812611052 292 p Knowledge Centre
301 JOH 00094404 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094405 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 JOH 00094406 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094407 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094408 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094409 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094410 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094411 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00015118 Sociology : A Systematic Introduction Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 688 p UG Library
301 JOH 05020652 Sociology : A Systematic Introduction / Johnson, Harry M Allied Publishers , 1995 688p. Knowledge Centre
301 JOH 00094412 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00015119 Sociology : A Systematic Introduction Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 688 p UG Library
301 JOH 00029652 Sociology : A Systematic Introduction Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 688 p UG Library
301 JOH 00029653 Sociology : A Systematic Introduction Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 688 p UG Library
301 JOH 00094413 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094414 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094415 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094416 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094417 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094418 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 JOH 00094419 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094420 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094421 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 JOH 00094422 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00094423 Sociology: Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 817023137X 688p UG Library
301 JOH 00034003 Sociology Johnson, M Harry Allied 1973 688 p. UG Library
301 JOH 00030448 Sociology Johnson, M Harry Allied 1973 688 p. UG Library
301 JOH 00022133 Sociology : A Systematic Introduction Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 688 p UG Library
301 JOH 00032961 Sociology : A Systematic Introduction Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 688 p UG Library
301 JOH 00131297 Introducing sociology, using the stuff of everyday life / Johnston, Josée, Routledge, 2017 9781138023376 (hardback) | 9781138023383 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xxx, 476 pages : UG Library
301 JOH 05066973 Sociology : Johnson, Harry M. Routledge, 1960 9780815383727 xvii, 689p.; Knowledge Centre
301 JOH 00056176 Sociology: a Systematic Introduction Johnson, M Harry Allied Publications 685p UG Library
301 JOH 00061438 Sociology : A Systematic Introduction Johnson Harry M Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1981 688 p UG Library
301 JON 00015120 Sociology Jonson, M Harry Allied 1973 688 UG Library
301 JOT 00103111 Teaching of Social sciences: Jothi Arul Centrum press; 9789380252643 344 p. UG Library
301 JOT 00103112 Teaching of Social sciences: Jothi Arul Centrum press; 9789380252643 344 p. UG Library
301 JOU 00041706 Sociology Harry M Johnson Allied Publishers 1973 1 UG Library
301 JOW 00009113 Dialogues of Plato Jowett, Benjamin Spehere 1970 420 p UG Library
301 JPD 00089816 Expected Questions on Sociology Jawahar Publishers & Distributors, New D, elhi Jawahar Publishers & Distributors 2008 342p. UG Library
301 KAC 00029669 General Sociology Kachroo, J L Bookhive 340 p UG Library
301 KAM 00010294 Studies in Indian Culture Kamath, S U Asia 1973 1 UG Library
301 KAM 00010298 Studies in Indian Culture Kamath, S U Asia 1973 1 UG Library
301 KAM 00010301 Studies in Indian Culture Kamath, S U Asia 1973 1 UG Library
301 KAM 00010299 Studies in Indian Culture Kamath, S U Asia 1973 1 UG Library
301 KAN 00121300 Elements of sociology Jairam Karisal Wisdom Press 2014 9789381052846 308p. UG Library
301 KAP 00146947 Kappanachante Sampoornakruthikal Kappan, Sebastian DC Books 2023 9789357327701 391p UG Library
301 KAP 00146948 Kappanachante Sampoornakruthikal Kappan, Sebastian DC Books 2023 9789357327701 391p UG Library
301 KAP 00146949 Kappanachante Sampoornakruthikal Kappan, Sebastian DC Books 2023 9789357327701 391p UG Library
301 KAR 00023510 Introductory Sociology Karnad, V Sunanda Sheth 188 p UG Library
301 KAR 00023511 Introductory Sociology Karnad, S V Sheth 187 UG Library
301 KAR 01004721 Sociology in Everyday Life / David P Karp F e Peacock Publishers, Inc, 1993 0875813690 370p.; Knowledge Centre
301 KAR 00080049 Sociology in Everyday Life Karp, David A 1993 0875813690 370p UG Library
301 KAR 00042943 Aranya Mathu Samaja Karantha, Ullas K Akshara Prakashana 2000 185p UG Library
301 KAT 00026428 Principles of Sociology Katti, A R M p p 1982 1 UG Library
301 KAT 00026429 Principles of Sociology Katti, A R Vijayam 1982 150 p UG Library
301 KAT 00026696 Samaja Shastra (II Puc) Katti, A R Vijayam 1984 154 p UG Library
301 KAU 05020651 Civil Society: History and Possibilities Kaviraj, Sudipta 0521002907 328p Knowledge Centre
301 KAV 00053168 Civil Society:History and Possibilities Kaviraj, Sudipta 2001 0521002907 330p UG Library
301 KEL 05068218 The sociology of knowledge approach to discourse : Routledge, 2018 9781138048720 (hardback) xvi, 299 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 KEN 00051526 Study Guide for Kendall`s Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570712 280p UG Library
301 KEN 00053689 Study Guide for Kendall`s Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570712 280p UG Library
301 KEN 00053690 Study Guide for Kendall`s Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570712 280p UG Library
301 KEN 05002669 Sociology in our times / Kendall, Diana Thomson/Wadsworth, 9780495006855 xxv, 742 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 KEN 00051544 Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570690 544p UG Library
301 KEN 00051547 Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570690 544p UG Library
301 KEN 00051545 Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570690 544p UG Library
301 KEN 00051546 Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570690 544p UG Library
301 KEN 00053687 Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570690 544p UG Library
301 KEN 00053688 Sociology in Our Times. Kendall, Diana 2000 0534570690 544p UG Library
301 KEN 00086737 Sociology in Our Times Kendall, Diana 2008 0495504270 744 p UG Library
301 KEN 00086709 Sociology in Our Times Kendall, Diana 2008 0495504270 744 p UG Library
301 KEN 00121169 Sociology in our Times : Kendall, Diana. Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 9780495096566 6th ed. xxv, 544 p:. UG Library
301 KEN 00056659 Sociology in Our Times Kendall, Diana 2001 0534571395 3rd,edition 646p UG Library
301 KEN 05002990 Sociology in our times : Kendall, Diana Elizabeth. Thomson/Wadsworth, 0534646298 (student's ed.) | 0 xxvii, 592 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 KEN 05047878 Sociology in our times : Kendall,Diana. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011 9780495904328 8th ed. xxiii,741p, ; Knowledge Centre
301 KIM 00103931 Classical Sociological Theory / Kimmel, Michael S. Oxford University Press, 2007 0195187857 (pbk. : alk. paper) 2nd ed. xii, 420 p. ; UG Library
301 KIV 00129159 Illuminating Social Life : Kivisto, Peter SAGE Publications, 2013 9781452217826 6th ed. xiii, 418 p. : UG Library
301 KIZ 00011256 Idea of the Ultimate Realilty in the Early Upanishads Kizhattebhagam, Pins Fountain 1973 1 UG Library
301 KNO 00133499 Advances in social theory and methodology : Knorr-Cetina, K. Routledge, 2017 0710009461 : | 071000947X (pbk.) : | 9781138912960 xii, 325 p. ; UG Library
301 KNO 05066785 Advances in social theory and methodology : Knorr-Cetina, K. Routledge, 2017 0710009461 : | 071000947X (pbk.) : | 9781138912960 xii, 325 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 KNU 05041727 Introducing sociology : Knuttila, Murray Oxford University Press, 2005 9780195420272 3rd ed. ix, 372 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 KOE 00012580 Sociology: an Introduction to the Science of Society Koenig, Samuel Barnes 1968 340 p UG Library
301 KOL 00019355 Caste in Contemporary Indian, Beyond Organic Solidarity Kolenda, Pauline Benjamin 1978 1 UG Library
301 KOR 00061898 Sociology in a Changing World Kornblum, William Thomson Wadsworth 2003 00155037175 6th Ed 740 p UG Library
301 KOR 00112950 Sociologists in Action : Korgen, Kathleen Odell, Sage Publications, 2014 9781452203119 2nd edition. xii, 305 p ; UG Library
301 KOR 00007450 Politics of Mass Society Kornhauser, William Collins 1958 254 p UG Library
301 KOR 05006514 Sociologists in action : Korgen, Kathleen Odell, Pine Forge Press, 2011 9781412982832 (pbk.) x, 295 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 KOR 05020653 Sociology in a Changing World. Kornblum, William 2003 0015503717 740p Knowledge Centre
301 KOR 00056656 Sociology : The Central Questions Kornblum, William Thomson Learning 2002 015508562X 2nd Ed 470 p UG Library
301 KOR 00116486 Sociologists in action Korgen, Kathleen Odell, SAGE Publications, Inc., 2014 9781452203119 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xii, 305 pages ; UG Library
301 KOR 00073367 Sociology in a Changing World Kornblum, William Harcourt College Publishers 2000 0015507430X 5th Ed 696 p UG Library
301 KOT 05056326 Anthropology : appreciating human diversity Kottak, Conrad Phillip McGraw-Hill, 2013 9780071318495 p.;xxixn,624 Knowledge Centre
301 KOT 00128354 Window on humanity : Kottak, Conrad Phillip. McGraw Hill, 2016 9781259442711 Seventh edition. 455 p.: UG Library
301 KOU 00129888 UGC NET/JRF/SET Sociology / Koutilya,K Upkar Publication, 2016 9789350133200 611p. UG Library
301 KRI 00054690 Oudhyogika Samajashastra Krishna, B R Chetana 1999 171p UG Library
301 KRI 00054706 Aadhunikarama Samaja Shastra Krishna, B R Lakshmi Printing Pabli.House 1999 205p UG Library
301 KRI 00026637 Samanya Samaja Shastra Krishna, B R 1985 1 UG Library
301 KRI 05036706 Civilizations : Krishna, Daya. Sage Publications, 2012 9788132108917 xxvi, 119 p.: Knowledge Centre
301 KRI 00109745 Civilizations : Krishna, Daya. Sage Publications, 2012 9788132108917 xxvi, 119 p.: UG Library
301 KRO 00007389 Anthropology Kroeber, A L Oxford 2008 1 UG Library
301 KRO 00007390 Anthropology Kroeber, A L Oxford 2008 1 UG Library
301 KSH 05040033 Sociology : Kshetri, Rajendra Mittal Publications, 2012 94 p. Knowledge Centre
301 KUM 05020660 Contemporary Society - Issues and Challenges Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126111054 346 Knowledge Centre
301 KUM 00124792 Socialism Kumar Dharmendra Random Publications, 2015 9789351116288 301 p.: UG Library
301 KUM 05020480 Social Disorganisationb and Contemporary Social Crisis Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126106336 412p Knowledge Centre
301 KUM 00055170 Sociology Basic Concepts Kumar, A Sarupa and Sons 2002 8176252646 456p UG Library
301 KUM 00055666 Sociology Basic Concepts Kumar, A Sarupa and Sons 2002 8176252646 456p UG Library
301 LAM 05068306 The live art of sociology / Lambert, Cath Routledge, 2018 9781138932326 (hardback) xiii,218p.; Knowledge Centre
301 LAN 00056661 Sociology - Concepts and Characteristics. Landis, R Judson 2000 0534578616 486p UG Library
301 LAS 00112554 Sociology of Postmodernism / Lash, Scott. Routledge, 1990 0415047846 | 9780415047852 xi, 300 p. ; UG Library
301 LAS 05036616 Sociology of Postmodernism / Lash, Scott. Routledge, 1990 0415047846 | 9780415047852 xi, 300 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 LAS 00112456 Sociology of Postmodernism / Lash, Scott. Routledge, 1990 0415047846 | 9780415047852 xi, 300 p. ; UG Library
301 LAV 00120241 Anthropology : Lavenda, Robert H. Oxford University Press, 2008 9780195189766 (pbk.) | 0195189 xvii, 540 p. : UG Library
301 LAW 00115803 Complete A- Z- Sociology Handbook Lawson, Tony Hodder & Stoughton 2003 9780340872703 328 p UG Library
301 LAW 00137861 The Nature of Social Reality : Lawson,Tony. Routledge, 2019 9780367188931 xiv,266p.; UG Library
301 LEE 00033057 Toward Humanist Sociology Lee, Alfred Mcclung P H I 1973 224 p UG Library
301 LEE 05020500 Towards Herman Sociology Alfred, Knowledge Centre
301 LEM 05020253 Sociology After the Crisis [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Lemert, Charles Paradigm Publishers 0159451013 280p Knowledge Centre
301 LEM 05047876 Social theory : Westview Press, 2004 0813342171 | 9780813342177 3rd ed. xiii, 685 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 LEM 05041192 Social theory : Westview Press, 2013 9780813346687 (pbk.) Fifth edition, Twentieth Anniversary ediiton. xviii, 520 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 LEM 00099596 Thinking the Unthinkable : Lemert, Charles C., Paradigm Publishers, 2007 9781594511851 (alk. paper) | 1 xi, 195 p. ; UG Library
301 LEN 00029783 Human Societies: an Introduction to Macrosociology. Lenski, Gerhard M G H 1987 494 p UG Library
301 LEN 05020481 Human Societies / Lenski, Gerhard Paradigm Pub. 9781594510237 525 p. Knowledge Centre
301 LEN 00017852 Human Societies / Lenski, Gerhard Paradigm Pub. 9781594510237 525 p. UG Library
301 LEV 00041063 Sociological Snapshots: Seeing Social Structure and Change in Everyday Life. Levin, Jack 1996 0803990758 204 p UG Library
301 LEV 00041062 Sociological Snapshots: Seeing Social Structure and Change in Everyday Life. Levin, Jack 1996 0803990758 204 p UG Library
301 LIE 00007306 Social Anthropology Lien, Hardt Oxford University 1966 1 UG Library
301 LIG 00023165 Sociology Light, Donald Alfred A Knopf 1969 039432031X 2nd Ed 570 p UG Library
301 LLO 05056309 An invitation to anthropology : Llobera, Josep R. Berghahn Books, 2003 157181597X (hardback : alk. pa ix, 262 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 LOP 00117632 Society and Its Metaphors Lopez, Jose Continuum 2004 0826463851 185 p. UG Library
301 LOP 00070739 Society and Its Metaphors Lopez, Jose Continuum 2004 0826463851 185 p. UG Library
301 LOY 05073081 Classical sociological theory / Loyal, Steven. Sage, 2021 9781529725711 ix,269p.; Knowledge Centre
301 LOY 05073082 Contemporary sociological theory / Loyal, Steven. Sage, 2021 9781529725735 viii,462p.; Knowledge Centre
301 LOY 00144679 Classical sociological theory / Loyal, Steven. Sage, 2021 9781529725711 ix,269p.; UG Library
301 LUN 00017568 Sociology Lundberg Georgw A. Harper & Row 1963 4th Ed. 771 p. UG Library
301 MAC 05070123 Sociology / Macionis, John J. Pearson Education Limited, 2018 9781292161471 Sixteenth (Global edition), 736p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 00069309 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p UG Library
301 MAC 05060523 Sociology / Macions,John.J Pearson, 2018 9781292161471 Sixteenth Edition 736p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 05042181 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 07005017 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p Library - BR Campus
301 MAC 07005099 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p Library - BR Campus
301 MAC 00097023 Society Maciver R.M Surjeet Publications 697p UG Library
301 MAC 07005111 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p Library - BR Campus
301 MAC 00003751 Society. Maciver, R M Mc Millan, 1970 608 p.; UG Library
301 MAC 00003752 Society: an Introductory Analysis Maciver, R M Mc Millan 1973 690 UG Library
301 MAC 00003753 Society Maciver, R M Macmillan 1964 687] UG Library
301 MAC 00003754 Society an Introductory Analysis Maciver, R M Surjeet Publications 2006 697 p UG Library
301 MAC 00041719 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p UG Library
301 MAC 00041720 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p UG Library
301 MAC 05029568 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 00053512 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p UG Library
301 MAC 00053513 Sociology / Macionis, J John Prentice Hall, 1996 2nd 710 p UG Library
301 MAC 05039746 Society / Maciver R.M Trinity Press, 2014 9789351380818 xvii,697p.: Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 05039747 Society / Maciver R.M Trinity Press, 2014 9789351380818 xvii,697p.: Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 05039748 Society / Maciver R.M Trinity Press, 2014 9789351380818 xvii,697p.: Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001038 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001753 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001755 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001757 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001759 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001761 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001762 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001760 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001758 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001756 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001754 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 01001752 Society : Maciver,R M. Macmillan, 2005 0333916166 | 9780333916162 xvii,697p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAC 05041765 Sociology / Macionis, John J. Pearson, 2014 9780205985609 (alk. paper) | 0 Fifteenth edition. xxiii, 794 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 MAD 00006120 Introduction to Social Anthropology Madan T, T N P h 1970 1 UG Library
301 MAI 05020489 Introduction to the Social Anthropology Mair, Lucy Knowledge Centre
301 MAI 05055189 Studies in Orientology : Maity, S K Y K Publishers, 1988 392p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MAJ 00006201 Introduction to Social Anthropology Majumdar, D N P h 1970 1 UG Library
301 MAJ 00056174 Introduction to Social Anthropology Majumdar, D N Mayoor Paperbacks 0817198147 268p UG Library
301 MAL 00054683 Samaja Shastrada Moola Tatvagalu Maali, S. G. Bharat 2001 336 p. UG Library
301 MAR 05005374 One-dimensional man : Marcuse, Herbert, Routledge, 2002 0415289769 (cased) | 978041528 New ed. xlviii, 275 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 MAY 00017521 Caste and Kinship in Central India Mayer, 2008 1 UG Library
301 MCN 05020661 Fundamentals of Sociology (MA Soc) Mc Neill, Patrick 0748702695 464p Knowledge Centre
301 MEN 00032982 Society in India Mendalbaum, G Popular 1990 1 UG Library
301 MET 00091099 Anthropology : Metcalf, Peter. Routledge, 0415331196 (hbk.) | 9780415331 vii, 215 p. : UG Library
301 MEY 00012829 Community Recreation Meyer, Longman 456 UG Library
301 MIL 05000986 The sociological imagination / Mills, C. Wright Oxford University Press, 2000 0195133730 248 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 MIT 00004969 Sociology Mitcheel, Duncan G. Routledge & Kegan Paul 1970 212 P. UG Library
301 MIT 00018274 Sociology;an Outline for the Intending Student. Mitchell, G Duncan RK 1978 212 P UG Library
301 MOH 00063419 Samajashastriya Siddanthagalu - Principles of Sociology in Kannada Mohammed, Peer Sanchalana Prakashana 2004 231p UG Library
301 MOH 00063422 Samajashastriya Siddanthagalu - Principles of Sociology in Kannada Mohammed, Peer Sanchalana Prakashana 2004 231p UG Library
301 MOH 00063423 Samajashastriya Siddanthagalu - Principles of Sociology in Kannada Mohammed, Peer Sanchalana Prakashana 2004 231p UG Library
301 MOH 00063421 Samajashastriya Siddanthagalu - Principles of Sociology in Kannada Mohammed, Peer Sanchalana Prakashana 2004 231p UG Library
301 MOH 00063420 Samajashastriya Siddanthagalu - Principles of Sociology in Kannada Mohammed, Peer Sanchalana Prakashana 2004 231p UG Library
301 MOH 00119384 Introduction to Sociology Mohanty, P.K. Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006404 283p.; UG Library
301 MOR 01007465 Marx, Durkheim, Weber : Morrison, Ken SAGE Publications, 2006 9780761970552 (hbk.) : | 07619 2nd ed. xiii, 465 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 MOR 01009393 Marx, Durkheim, Weber : Morrison, Ken SAGE Publications, 2006 9780761970552 (hbk.) : | 07619 2nd ed. xiii, 465 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 MOR 00052486 Naked Eye Morris,Desmond Ebury Press 2000 0091878675 341 p. UG Library
301 MOT 05002057 Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Politics Motwani, K Cosmos Publications 0817020979 Knowledge Centre
301 MOT 05002058 Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Politics Motwani, K Cosmos Publications 0817020979 Knowledge Centre
301 MOT 05002056 Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Politics Motwani, K Cosmos Publications 0817020979 Knowledge Centre
301 MOU 05042787 The Tears of the Rajas : Mount,Ferdinand. Simon & Schuster, 2015 9781471129452 773p.; Knowledge Centre
301 MUE 05045000 Logical foundations of social theory / Mueller, Gert H. University Press of American,Inc, 2014 0761864385 | 9780761864387 v,234p.: Knowledge Centre
301 MUK 05020488 Systematic Sociology Mukherjee, Ramakrishna Sage 1993 1 Knowledge Centre
301 MUK 05020217 Systematic Sociology Mukherjee, Ramakrishna Sage 1993 1 Knowledge Centre
301 MUL 00070480 Introductory Sociology Mulagund, Channappa Veerappa Karnataka Social Scientist's Association 1971 1st ed ii, 178 p UG Library
301 MUR 00029680 Sociology. Moore, Stephen TEACH YOURSELF BOOKS 1987 310 P UG Library
301 MUR 00107071 Applied Sociology Problems And Prospects/ B N MURTHY Ritu Publications 2012 9789381422106 248 p. UG Library
301 MUR 00144827 An Introduction to Sociology / Murji, Karim, Sage publications, 2022 9781526492791 | 9781526492807 1. xviii,504p, ; UG Library
301 MUR 00011491 Studies in Indian Culture Murthy, Srinivasa H V P h 1973 1 UG Library
301 MUR 00011492 Studies in Indian Culture Murthy, Srinivasa H V P h 1973 1 UG Library
301 MUR 00011493 Studies in Indian Culture Murthy, Srinivasa H V P h 1973 1 UG Library
301 NAG 05065439 Introducing Sociology / Nagla, Bhupendra K. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610404 xvi,446p.; Knowledge Centre
301 NAG 00060392 Sociology of Medical Profession Nagla, Madhu Rawat Publications; 1997 268 p. UG Library
301 NAG 05020678 Sociology of Medical Profession Nagla, Madhu Rawat Publications; 1997 268 p. Knowledge Centre
301 NAG 00081583 Beru Bilalu: Samajavadi Sankhatanagalu. Nagabhushan, D S Roopa Prakashana 2006 187p UG Library
301 NAG 00081584 Marali Baralide Samajavada. Nagabhushana, D S Lohiya Prakashana 2007 8187731885 133p UG Library
301 NAG 05020242 Political Sociology Nagla, B K Rawat 280 p Knowledge Centre
301 NAN 00059376 Samaja Shastra Parichaya Nanjamanni, M Mysore University 1972 170p UG Library
301 NAR 00031747 Shikshanadalli Tatwashastra Mattu Saikshanika Samajashastra Narayana Murthy, D R Chitra 1985 1 UG Library
301 NAR 00056296 Samanya Samajashastra Narayana, M Chetana 2000 216p UG Library
301 NAR 00056297 Samanya Samajashastra Narayana, M Chetana 2000 216p UG Library
301 NAR 00026700 Samajashastra Narayana, Prasaranga University 137 p UG Library
301 NEU 05002858 Sociology: Diversity, Conflicts and Change / Neubeck, J Kenneth Mc Graw Hill, 2005 0071216219 1012p.: Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 05037073 Sociology : Newman, David M., SAGE, 2013 9781412992107 (pbk.) | 1412992 3rd ed. xxi, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 05039964 Sociology : Newman, David M., Sage Publications, 2014 9781452275949 (pbk. : alk. pap Tenth edition. xxix, 609 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 00121860 Sociology Newman, David M. SAGE, 2015 9781452275871 4th Edition xxiii, 307 p:. UG Library
301 NEW 00120419 Sociology : Newman, David M., Pine Forge Press, 2010 9781412978132 | 1412978130 8th ed. xxvi, 570 p. : UG Library
301 NEW 05003032 Sociology : Pine Forge Press, an Imprint of Sage Publications, 9781412979429 (pbk.) | 1412979 x, 383 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 05039834 Sociology : SAGE, 2013 9781412987608 (pbk.) 9th ed. xi, 413 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 05039833 Sociology : Newman, David M., SAGE, 2013 9781412992107 (pbk.) | 1412992 3rd ed. xxi, 302 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 05059647 Sociology : Newman, David M., Sage Publications, 2017 9781506305448 (pbk. : alk. pap Eleventh Edition. xxiv, 539 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 05003029 Sociology : Newman, David M., Pine Forge Press, 9781412980081 (pbk.) | 1412980 xxi, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 05006519 Sociology : Newman, David M., Pine Forge Press, 9781412980081 (pbk.) | 1412980 xxi, 286 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 NEW 05006515 Sociology : Pine Forge Press, an Imprint of Sage Publications, 9781412979429 (pbk.) | 1412979 x, 383 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 NIS 05028607 The Sociological Tradition / Nisbet, Robert A Rawat Publications, 2005 8170338689 349 p Knowledge Centre
301 NIS 05020477 The Sociological Tradition : Durkheim Hegel Rousseau Weber Marx Austin Comte Simmel Nisbet, A Robert Rawat Publications ; 2004 8170338689 350p. Knowledge Centre
301 NIS 05002998 The Sociological Tradition / Nisbet,Robert A. Rawat Publications, 1966 9788170338680 xii,349p.; Knowledge Centre
301 NIS 05020476 Sociological Tradition Nisbet, A Robert Rawat Publications 2004 8170338689 | 9788170338680 xii; 349 p. Knowledge Centre
301 NOL 05004047 Human Societies : Nolan,Patrick Paradigm Publisher, 2004 9781594510236 xiv,430 p. Knowledge Centre
301 NOL 05002952 Human societies : Nolan, Patrick, Paradigm Publishers, 9781594515781 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 410 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 OBR 10005048 The Anglo-Indians: O'Brien, Barry Aleph Book Company 2022 9789393852380 538p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 OBR 00143561 The Anglo-Indians: O'Brien, Barry Aleph Book Company 2022 9789393852380 538p UG Library
301 ODO 05020662 Mastering Sociology O`Donnell, Gerald 0333609387 384 p Knowledge Centre
301 OGB 00059370 Samaja Shastra Kaipidi Ogburn, F William Mysore University 2000 104p UG Library
301 OGB 00059371 Samaja Shastra Kaipidi Ogburn, F William Mysore University 2000 104p UG Library
301 OGB 05033445 A Handbook of Sociology / Ogburn,William F. Sarup Books, 2011 9788176257138 xxv,868p.; Knowledge Centre
301 OJH 00090027 Previous Years Solved Questions of Sociology Ojha, N N Chronicle Books 288p UG Library
301 OOM 00097030 Sociology Oommen T.K Eastern Book Company 8170129400 467p UG Library
301 OTT 05068016 The sociological eye : Feigenblatt Von. F Otto Dr. Yking Books, 2018 9789385528989 xii, 243p.; Knowledge Centre
301 OUT 05020681 Habermas Outhwaite, William Polity Press, 9780745643281 ix, 218 p. Knowledge Centre
301 OXF 00011230 Reading in Evolution Oxford , Oxford 2008 1 UG Library
301 PAN 00107123 Sociology & Health for Physiotherapists/ Pandit Niraj B I Publications 2009 9788172253202 205 p UG Library
301 PAN 00138391 Urban Sociology : Pandey,R K. Karan Paperbacks, 2019 9789381759271 xii,232p.; UG Library
301 PAR 00005702 Social Structure and Personality Parsons, Taleott Macmillan 1970 1 UG Library
301 PAT 00026622 Bharathiya Samajada Adyayana Patil, D S Shubadha Prakashana 1986 1 UG Library
301 PAT 05057408 The leadership sutra : Pattanaik, Devdutt, Aleph Book Company, 2016 9789384067465 xi, 137 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 PAT 07006417 The leadership sutra : Pattanaik, Devdutt, Aleph Book Company, 2016 9789384067465 xi, 137 pages : Library - BR Campus
301 PER 00030420 The Social Web: an Introduction to Sociology. Perry, John CANFIELD 1973 559 P UG Library
301 PET 00007452 Cultural and Social (waterloo Anthropology) Peter B, Hammond Macmillan 1970 1 UG Library
301 PIE 05006516 Reason of sociology : Pietila, Kauko. Sage, 2011 9781412930901 (hbk.) | 1412930 202 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 PIN 00131094 SITUATING EVERYDAY LIFE : Pink, Sarah. Sage publications ltd., 2012 9780857020574 (paperback) | 97 ix, 166 pages : UG Library
301 PIN 05064828 Photography and anthropology / Pinney, Christopher. Reaktions Books Ltd, 2011 9781861898043 174 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 PIN 08001352 SITUATING EVERYDAY LIFE : Pink, Sarah. Sage publications ltd., 2012 9780857020574 (paperback) | 97 ix, 166 pages : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301 PLU 00104076 Sociology : Plummer, Kenneth. Routledge, 2010 9780415472050 (hbk) | 04154720 xi, 244 p. : UG Library
301 POP 00034289 Sociology Popenoe, David Prentice-Hall Inc 1977 3rd Ed. 588 p. UG Library
301 POP 05005415 The open society and its enemies, Popper, Karl R. Routledge & K. Paul, 1966 5th ed. (revised) v. Knowledge Centre
301 POP 00106131 The open society and its enemies Popper, Karl. Routledge & K. Paul, 1994 9780415282369 [2d ed. rev.] vii; 870 P UG Library
301 POP 00086500 Karl Popper the Open Society and Its Enemies Vol I the Spell of Plato Karal, Popper 2007 9780415290623 403 p UG Library
301 POP 00086501 Karl Popper the Open Society and Its Enemies Vol I the Spell of Plato Karal, Popper 2007 9780415290623 403 p UG Library
301 POP 05020468 The Open Society and Its Enemies : Vol-1. Popper, Karl Routledge : 2006 9780415237314 403p. Knowledge Centre
301 POP 00086499 The Open Society and Its Enemies : Vol-1. Popper, Karl Routledge : 2006 9780415237314 403p. UG Library
301 POR 07002206 Reconstructing Sociology Porpora, Douglas V. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107514713 242 p:. Library - BR Campus
301 POR 00123151 Reconstructing Sociology Porpora, Douglas V. Cambridge University Press, 2015 9781107514713 242 p:. UG Library
301 POU 05046270 Introducing anthropology : Pountney, Laura. Polity Press, 2015 9780745699776 (hardcover : alk viii, 330 p. Knowledge Centre
301 PRA 05020626 Max Weber Parkin, Frank 0415285291 123 Knowledge Centre
301 PRA 00007677 Hindu Social Organisation Prabhu, Pandarinath H Popular 1963 1 UG Library
301 PUL 00097783 Sociological Thinking : Pullinger,John T. Rawat Publication, 9788131603031 iii,264p.; UG Library
301 PUL 00128965 Sociological Thinking : Pullinger,John T. Rawat Publication, 9788131603031 iii,264p.; UG Library
301 PUL 05020665 Sociological Thinking : Pullinger,John T. Rawat Publication, 9788131603031 iii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
301 PUL 01012086 Sociological Thinking : Pullinger,John T. Rawat Publication, 9788131603031 iii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
301 PUL 05003014 Sociological Thinking : Pullinger,John T. Rawat Publication, 9788131603031 iii,264p.; Knowledge Centre
301 QUI 00009604 Urban Sociology Quinn, James A Eurasia 1967 535 p UG Library
301 RAG 00009906 Samaja Shasthra Ragavendra Prabhu, Asia 1973 1 UG Library
301 RAM 00019932 Kalidasa Sastri Ramswami K.S. Sri Vani Vilad Press 1960 327 p. UG Library
301 RAO 00009100 Social Science Rao, B R A Blr University 2008 1 UG Library
301 RAO 00009107 Social Science Rao, B R A Blr University 2008 1 UG Library
301 RAO 00009109 Social Science Rao, B R A Blr University 2008 1 UG Library
301 RAO 00009105 Social Science Rao, B R A Blr University 2008 1 UG Library
301 RAO 07011473 Sociology Rao Shankar C N S.Chand & Company Ltd. 1990 9788121910361 6th Ed. 924p Library - BR Campus
301 RAO 07011474 Sociology Rao Shankar C N S.Chand & Company Ltd. 1990 9788121910361 6th Ed. 924p Library - BR Campus
301 RAO 00141692 Sociology Rao, Shankar C. N. S.Chand & Company Ltd, 2019 9788121910361 7th Ed. 786 p.; UG Library
301 RAO 00128141 Sociology Rao Shankar C N S.Chand & Company Ltd. 2016 9788121910361 7th Ed. 924p UG Library
301 RAO 00107415 Sociology Rao Shankar C N S.Chand & Company Ltd. 1990 9788121910361 6th Ed. 924p UG Library
301 RAO 00028777 Introduction to Sociology:For II.PUC. Rao, Shankar C N S Chand & Company Ltd 1987 232 P UG Library
301 RAO 10001249 Sociology : Rao, C N Shankar S Chand And Company Limited, 2019 9788121910361 7th ed. 786p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301 RAO 00096260 Sociology Rao Shankar C N S.Chand & Company Ltd. 1990 9788121910361 6th Ed. 924p UG Library
301 RAO 00032948 Sociology Rao Shankar C N S.Chand & Company Ltd. 1990 9788121910361 6th Ed. 924p UG Library
301 RAO 00096994 Sociology Rao Shankar C N S.Chand & Company Ltd. 1990 9788121910361 6th Ed. 924p UG Library
301 RAO 01002528 Sociology: Principles of Sociology With an Introduction to Social Thought(law Lib.) C N Shankar Rao S.Chand&company Ltd 8121910366 890p Knowledge Centre
301 RAO 00015720 Man and Society Rao, K Subha Blr University 1971 1 UG Library
301 RAV 00026618 Bharathiya Samajada Adyayana Ravindra, Kapoor Padma 1985 1 UG Library
301 RAW 07011471 Sociology : Rawat, H.K Rawat, 9788131600542 356 p. : Library - BR Campus
301 RAW 07011472 Sociology : Rawat, H.K Rawat, 9788131600542 356 p. : Library - BR Campus
301 RAW 00120441 Sociology : Rawat, H.K Rawat, 9788131600542 356 p. : UG Library
301 RAW 05039827 Contemporary Sociology / Rawat H.K Rawat Publications, 2013 9788131605851 xii,420p.: Knowledge Centre
301 RAW 05029577 Sociology : Rawat, H K Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600548 356 p Knowledge Centre
301 RAW 05029578 Sociology : Rawat, H K Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600548 356 p Knowledge Centre
301 RAW 05003001 Sociology : Rawat, H.K Rawat, 9788131600542 356 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 REK 00117558 Man Rekha,Chandra Motilal Banarsidass 2014 232p UG Library
301 REX 00133489 Key Problems of sociological theory. Rex, John. Routledge, 2010 9780815383765 ix,194p.; UG Library
301 RIN 05062280 Max Weber : Ringer, Fritz. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609682 307p.; Knowledge Centre
301 RIN 07014372 Max Weber : Ringer, Fritz. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609682 307p.; Library - BR Campus
301 RIT 05037076 Introduction to sociology / Ritzer, George. SAGE, 2013 9781412977708 (pbk.) 1 v. (various pagings) : Knowledge Centre
301 RIT 00141023 Sociological theory / Ritzer, George. Rawat publications, 2021 0072296054 (acidfree paper) | 9788131611999 5th ed. xviii, 769 p. : UG Library
301 RIT 05039965 Essentials of sociology / Ritzer, George, Sage Publications, 2015 9781483340173 (pbk.) | 1483340 xxviii, 466, [74] pages Knowledge Centre
301 RIT 00105956 Sociological Theory Ritzer,George. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited 2011 9780071321150 5th Edition xvi;769 P. UG Library
301 RIT 00141923 Sociology: Ritzer,George Rawat Publications, 2020 9788131611470 234 p.; UG Library
301 RIT 05060083 Classical sociological theory / Ritzer, George. Sage Publication India Pvt Ltd, 2018 9781506325576 (pbk. : alk. pap Seventh edition. xix,596p.; Knowledge Centre
301 RIT 05056108 The Wiley-Blackwell companion to sociology / John Wiley, 2012 9781119250630 xvii, 661 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 RIT 07006866 Sociological Theory Ritzer,George. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited 2011 9780071321150 5th Edition xvi;769 P. Library - BR Campus
301 RIT 05056825 Essentials of sociology / Ritzer, George, Sage, 2016 9781483380896 (pbk. : alk. pap Second edition. xxi, 450 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 RIT 05062749 Essentials of sociology / Ritzer, George, Sage, 2019 9781506388953 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781506388946 (loose leaf) Third edition. xxi, 516 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 RIT 05057319 Sociological theory / Ritzer, George, Sage publicationss ltd., 2018 9781506337715 (hardcover : alk 10th ed., xxiii, 802 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 RIT 00140067 Sociology: Ritzer,George Rawat Publications, 2020 9788131611470 234 p.; UG Library
301 ROB 00015419 Freedom and Necessity. Robinson, Joan GEORGE 1970 128 P UG Library
301 ROF 00009733 Freedom and Necessity Robinson Joan, Gorge Allen 1970 127 UG Library
301 ROT 00125818 Media Anthropology Rothenbuhler, Eric W Sage 2005 1412906709 | 9781412925556 350p UG Library
301 ROT 00081805 Media Anthropology Rothenbuhler, Eric W Sage 2005 1412906709 | 9781412925556 350p UG Library
301 ROU 01020684 Society explained : Rousseau, Nathan, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014 9781442207103 (cloth : alk. pa 281 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 ROY 00122255 Classical Social Theory and Modern Society / Royce, Edward. Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607299 xiii, 341 p:. UG Library
301 ROY 05047867 Classical Social Theory and Modern Society / Royce, Edward. Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131607299 xiii, 341 p:. Knowledge Centre
301 RUA 05044998 Second Thoughts : Ruane Janet.M Sage, 2015 9781452299495 6th ed xvi,391p.: Knowledge Centre
301 RUA 00121738 Second thoughts : Ruane, Janet M., Pine Forge Press, 2004 0761988246 ( 3rd ed. xvii, 306 p. : UG Library
301 RUA 00128578 Second thoughts : Ruane, Janet M., Pine Forge Press, 2012 9781412988094 (pbk.) 5th ed. xv, 355 p. : UG Library
301 RUH 00006100 Contribution to Sociology of Education in India.University Education. Ruhela, S P(edr.,) Jain 1969 150 P UG Library
301 RUS 05005131 In praise of idleness and other essays / Russell, Bertrand, Routledge, 2004 0415325064 (pbk.) xxvi, 171 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 RYA 00133201 Core concepts in sociology / Ryan, J. Michael, John wiley and sons, 2019 9781119168614 (cloth) | 9781119168621 (pbk.) xiv,356p.; UG Library
301 SAC 00026432 Simple Study of Sociology:Questions & Anaswers. Sachdeva, AJANTHA 1984 372 P UG Library
301 SAC 00008227 Introduction to Sociology Sachdeva, D R Kitab Mahal 2008 1 UG Library
301 SAC 00008228 Introduction to Sociology Sachdeva, D R Kitab Mahal 2008 1 UG Library
301 SAD 00059375 Samajashastra - Part II Sadashivaiah, H M Mysore University 1974 152p UG Library
301 SAD 00059374 Samajashastra - Part II Sadashivaiah, H M Mysore University 1974 152p UG Library
301 SAG 05002953 Issues for debate in sociology : SAGE/Pine Forge, 9781412978606 (pbk.) | 1412978 xviii, 432 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 SAM 00054702 Saamajika Samshodana Vidhana 1900 1 UG Library
301 SAN 00056298 Samanya Samaja Shastra - Eshwari Series Sandhya, N Nagarjun Study Centre 2000 184p UG Library
301 SAN 00133509 Rethinking sociological theory : Sanderson, Stephen K. Routledge, 2012 9781612052052 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781612052069 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9781138678958 xix,267p.; UG Library
301 SAN 05020241 Macrosociology: an Introduction to Human Societies Sanderson, K Stephen 0060457147 565 p Knowledge Centre
301 SAN 00037890 Samajashastra Parichaya Vol I Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 1995 271 p UG Library
301 SCH 00146563 Sociology matters / Schaefer, Richard T, McGraw Hill, 2024 8th Edition. xxvi,384p. ; UG Library
301 SCH 05042605 Sociology--a brief introduction / Schaefer, Richard T. McGraw-Hill, 1994 0070550336 (alk. paper) xviii, 424 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 SCH 00126830 Sociology Schaefer, Richard T. McGraw Hill, 2010 9780070172371 12th ed., xxxi,579.: UG Library
301 SCH 05048064 Sociology in modules / Schaefer, Richard T. McGraw-Hill, 2011 9780078026775 | 0078026776 | 9 xxv, 591 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 SCO 05003037 Sociology : Scott, John Routledge, 9780415344067 | 0415344069 (pb 211 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 SEI 05004679 The new social theory reader / Routledge, 2008 9780415437691 (hbk.) | 0415437 2nd ed. xii, 447 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 SEN 00048970 Madhyam: Issues in Communications, Culture and Development Sen, Munira Mahdyam Communications 48p UG Library
301 SES 00009727 Studies in India Culture Seshiengar, A Sri Ranga Pub 1973 1 UG Library
301 SEV 00051340 Perspectives. Severin, R Steven 1998 0536590486 197p UG Library
301 SEV 00051342 Perspectives. Severin, R Steven 1998 0536590486 197p UG Library
301 SEV 00051341 Perspectives. Severin, R Steven 1998 0536590486 197p UG Library
301 SHA 00054913 Samaja Shastrada Shilpigalu: Paschatya Mattu Bharathiya Shankar Rao, C N Jaibharath 2001 452p UG Library
301 SHA 00004968 Principles of Sociology Sharma, R N P h 1968 1 UG Library
301 SHA 00044614 Indroductory Industrial Sociology. Sharma, Ramnath Media Promoters & Pvt.Ltd 1985 440p UG Library
301 SHA 00030162 Introduction to Sociology I Puc Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Co 1989 1 UG Library
301 SHA 00073667 Sociology Principles of Sociology With and Introduction to Social Thought. Rao, Shankar C N S Chand 2006 8121910366 890 UG Library
301 SHA 00029666 Introduction to Sociology Vol I & II Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Co 1988 1 UG Library
301 SHA 00029667 Introduction to Sociology Vol I & II Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Co 1988 1 UG Library
301 SHA 00080274 Sociology and Our Society. Praksh Sharma, Sanjay Vista International Publishing House 2007 226p UG Library
301 SHA 00050293 Contemporary Sociological Theories Sharma, R N Media Promoters & 1999 8185099227 362p UG Library
301 SHA 00050300 Sociology Rao,Shankar,C N S Chand 2001 8121910366 698 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00054709 Samaja Shastra Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 2000 1 UG Library
301 SHA 00054710 Samaja Shastra Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 2000 1 UG Library
301 SHA 00054712 Samajashastrada Kiru Vishvakosha Shankar, Rao C N JAI BHARATH 2000 995p UG Library
301 SHA 00009986 Principals of Sociology Sharma Ramnath, Asian 460 UG Library
301 SHA 00011665 Principles of Sociology Sharma Ram Nath Asia Publishing House 1968 460 p UG Library
301 SHA 00056792 Samajashastra Rao, Shankar C.N. Jai Bharath Prakashana 2002 238 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00056797 Samanya Samajashastra Rao, Shankar C N Jai Bharath Prakashana 2001 458p UG Library
301 SHA 00056293 Samaja Shastra: Vasthu Nishta Madari Prashnotara Sharma, A R Chetana 2000 145p UG Library
301 SHA 00056294 Samaja Shastra: Vasthu Nishta Madari Prashnotara Sharma, A R Chetana 2000 145p UG Library
301 SHA 07004569 Sociology and History Shah, A M Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2016 9788125060130 xii, 254 Library - BR Campus
301 SHA 00038834 Study of Indian Society (for II YEAR P U C) Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 1996 248 p UG Library
301 SHA 00038835 Study of Indian Society (for II YEAR P U C) Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 1996 248 p UG Library
301 SHA 00038836 Study of Indian Society (for II YEAR P U C) Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 1996 248 p UG Library
301 SHA 00038837 Study of Indian Society (for II YEAR P U C) Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 1996 248 p UG Library
301 SHA 00038838 Study of Indian Society (for II YEAR P U C) Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 1996 248 p UG Library
301 SHA 00123344 Sociology and History Shah, A M Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2016 9788125060130 xii, 254 UG Library
301 SHA 00037889 Samaja Shastra Parichaya for I Shankar Rao, C N Jaibharath 1995 270 UG Library
301 SHA 00037891 Samaja Shastra Parichaya Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 1995 271p UG Library
301 SHA 00028476 Introductory to Sociology Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Co 1987 1 UG Library
301 SHA 00026426 Principles of Sociology. Sharma, R N MPP 1985 480 P UG Library
301 SHA 00026427 Principals of Sociology Sharma Ramnath Media 1944 445 p UG Library
301 SHA 00026698 Vyakthigalu Mattu Samaja. Shankar, Rao C N Mglr 1983 255 p UG Library
301 SHA 00028760 Samaja Shastra Pravesha Shankar Rao, N J Bharath 1986 1 UG Library
301 SHA 00026699 Sociology Individuals and Society Rao,Shankar Jai Bharath Prakashana 1985 254 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00044321 Sociology Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Company Limited 1998 2nd Ed. 872 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00089771 Sociology Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Company Limited 1998 2nd Ed. 872 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00005475 Principles of Sociology. Sharma, Ram Nath Asia Publishing House 1971 460 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00005726 Principles of Sociology. Sharma, Ram Nath Asia Publishing House 1971 460 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00111629 Modern Sociological Theory: Shami, Mandeep Raj. A.K.Publications, 2013 9789380164946 272p.; UG Library
301 SHA 00011663 Principles of Sociology. Sharma, Ram Nath Asia Publishing House 1971 460 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00012286 Principles of Sociology. Sharma, Ram Nath Asia Publishing House 1971 460 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00012285 Principles of Sociology. Sharma, Ram Nath Asia Publishing House 1971 460 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00011664 Principles of Sociology. Sharma, Ram Nath Asia Publishing House 1971 460 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00005476 Principles of Sociology Sharma Ram Nath Asia Publishing House 1968 460 p UG Library
301 SHA 00116249 Sociology Rao, Shankar C. N. S Chand & Company 2005 8121910366 4th Ed 762 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00044322 Sociology Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Company Limited 1998 2nd Ed. 872 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00012287 Principles of Sociology Sharma, Ram Nath Asia 1989 456 p UG Library
301 SHA 00044324 Sociology Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Company Limited 1998 2nd Ed. 872 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00017552 Principles of Sociology Sharma Ramnath Kumari 1971 196 p UG Library
301 SHA 00044323 Sociology Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Company Limited 1998 2nd Ed. 872 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00044325 Sociology Shankar Rao, C N S Chand & Company Limited 1998 2nd Ed. 872 p. UG Library
301 SHA 00057202 Samajashastrada Padakosha Sharma, A R Akhila Publications 2000 262p UG Library
301 SHA 07002888 Sociology and History Shah, A M Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2016 9788125060130 xii, 254 Library - BR Campus
301 SHA 00032947 Sociology Rao,Shankar, C N S. C. Chand 1990 1st Ed. 730 p. UG Library
301 SHA 05020222 Perspectives in Sociology. E C Cuff Unwin Hyman 1990 0044456840 3rd Ed xvi; 241 p. Knowledge Centre
301 SHE 05020486 Sociology Eigth Edition Shepard, Jon M 0534579124 602p Knowledge Centre
301 SHE 00009307 Social Psychology Shefif, Musthafa B w 1969 1 UG Library
301 SHE 00009308 Social Psychology Shefif, Musthafa B w 1969 1 UG Library
301 SHE 00056655 Sociology. Shepard, M Jon 2002 0053457906 8th,Ed. 602p UG Library
301 SHE 00116756 Sociology / Shepard, Jon M. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010 9780495599012 | 9780495599012 10th ed. xx, 620 p. : UG Library
301 SHI 07014508 The constituion of society Shils,Edward Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610954 xxx,383p.;; Library - BR Campus
301 SHI 00023064 Samaja Shastra Shivanna, D K Padma Prakashana 1980 344 p. UG Library
301 SHI 00136736 The constituion of society Shils,Edward Rawat publications, 2019 9788131610954 xxx,383p.;; UG Library
301 SHI 00026636 Samajashastra Shivanna, D K Padma Prakashana 1984 279 p. UG Library
301 SHU 00099128 History of Sociology; Shukla N,D Sumit Enterprises; 9788184201833 v;304 p. UG Library
301 SIN 00141878 Contemporary sociological theories / Singh,J P. Rawat publications, 2021 9788131612088 xiii,372p.; UG Library
301 SIN 00147931 Western Social Thinkers/ Singh, J. P. Rawat Publications, 2024 9788131613870 ix,499p. ; UG Library
301 SIN 05020682 Administrative Thought of Max Weber Sinha, Kumar Sanjay RBSA 8176111481 176p Knowledge Centre
301 SIN 00141285 Contemporary Sociological Theories / Singh, J. P. Rawat Publications ; 2021 9788131612088 xiii, 372 p. ; UG Library
301 SIN 05062001 Social Psychology / Singh, Bihari. Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524096 vi, 300p.; Knowledge Centre
301 SIN 05002959 Sociology of Development / Singh, Sheobahal. Rawat Publications, 2010 8131603601 (hb.) | 8131603598 ix, 233 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 SIN 00101064 Sociology of Development / Singh, Sheobahal. Rawat Publications, 2010 8131603601 (hb.) | 8131603598 ix, 233 p. : UG Library
301 SIN 00118081 Fundamentals of Sociology Fundamentals of Sociology Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, 2014 9788126161195 312p.; UG Library
301 SIN 00141138 Contemporary Sociological Theories Singh, J P Rawat Publications 2021 9788131612088 372p UG Library
301 SIN 00087925 Man's Classy Essence: Exploration in Semiotic. Singer, Milton Indiana University Press 1984 222p UG Library
301 SIN 00008509 Refresher Course in Advance Sociology Singh, K PRAKASHAN 1971 1 UG Library
301 SIR 00119402 Structural Sociology Sirohi, Anand Dominant Publishers & Distributers Pvt Ltd, 2012 9789380642918 315p.; UG Library
301 SME 00006090 The Sociology of Economic Life. Smelser, Neli J Ph 1965 103 P UG Library
301 SME 00004253 Sociology Smelser, Neli J. WEPL 1970 744 p. UG Library
301 SME 00040725 Sociology Smelser, Neil Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 1991 4th Ed. 451 p. UG Library
301 SME 05020492 Sociology of Economic Life Smelser, J Neli Prentice -Hall 178 P Knowledge Centre
301 SME 00030400 Sociology of Economic Life Smelser Neil, J PRENTICE-HALL 1988 177 p UG Library
301 SMI 00119199 Incorporating Texts into Institutional Ethnographies University Toronto Press, 2014 9781442614802 | 9781442647039 xii, 324 P : UG Library
301 SMI 00006975 Modernization of Traditonal Society Smith, Wilfred Carlwell Asia 1969 1 UG Library
301 SMI 00006976 Modernization of Traditonal Society Smith, Wilfred Carlwell Asia 1969 1 UG Library
301 SOR 05020483 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF TODAY / Sorokin, Pitiram Harper International, 1966 644 P .; Knowledge Centre
301 SOR 05020465 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF TODAY / Sorokin, Pitiram Harper International, 1966 644 P .; Knowledge Centre
301 SPI 00097477 Social Policy: Spicker Paul Rawat Publications 9788131603147 307p UG Library
301 SPI 01013115 Social Policy : Spicker,Paul. Rawat Publications, 9788131603147 xi,307p.; Knowledge Centre
301 SPI 01012085 Social Policy : Spicker,Paul. Rawat Publications, 9788131603147 xi,307p.; Knowledge Centre
301 SRI 00097982 Comparative Sociology / Srivastav, K . S. Discovery Publishing House, 9788183566520 266 p. ; UG Library
301 SRI 00059358 Samaaja Vaada Sreekantaiah, L Mysore University 1985 252p UG Library
301 SRI 00126182 Collected Essays Srinivas, M N Oxford University Press, 2002 9780195651744 | 9780195669282 xx, 733 p,: UG Library
301 SRI 00034883 Social Change in Modern India Srinivas, M N 1900 1 UG Library
301 SRI 00053814 Collected Essays Srinivas, M N Oxford 2002 9780195651744 730p UG Library
301 SSF 00017851 Understanding Team:Readings in Social Science. Ssfc, Mc Millan 1970 712 P UG Library
301 STA 00060941 Sociology Stark, Rodney 2001 0053456934 662p UG Library
301 STE 05020221 Applied Sociology: Terms, Topics, Tools, and Tasks[ma-Sociology SECTION] Steele, Stephen F 0495006874 132 p Knowledge Centre
301 STE 00022146 Introduction to Sociology. Stewart, Elbert W T M Hall 1979 416 P UG Library
301 STE 00015938 Introuction to Sociology Stewart, Elbert W. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd 1971 400 P. UG Library
301 STI 00133500 Critical theory, politics, and society : Stirk, Peter M. R., Pinter, 2000 1855675587 (hb.) | 1855675595 (pb.) | 9789386643131 ix, 246 p. ; UG Library
301 STO 00056658 Sociology - Discovering Society Stockard, Jean Wadsworth: 2000 0534565212 2nd ed. 630 p. UG Library
301 STR 05004659 Myth and meaning Levi-Strauss, Claude. Routledge 2001 0415255481 | 9780415255486 | 0 80 p. Knowledge Centre
301 STR 00089809 Normative Structure of Sociology: Conservative and Emancipatory Themes in Social Thought Stasser, Hermann 2008 0710081669 289p. UG Library
301 STR 00050165 Myth and meaning Levi-Strauss, Claude. Routledge 2001 0415255481 | 9780415255486 | 0 80 p. UG Library
301 STR 00076200 Myth and meaning Levi-Strauss, Claude. Routledge 2001 0415255481 | 9780415255486 | 0 80 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044156 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044159 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044164 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044163 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044162 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044161 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044157 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044158 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00052337 Principles of Sociology. Subramanya, G Sathri 1998 263p UG Library
301 SUB 00056905 Samaja Shastrada Mulathathvagalu. Subramanya, G DPSP 2000 242p UG Library
301 SUB 00044316 Sociology: Bottomore,T.B. Blackie & son (India) Ltd. 1972 0000812191 264p UG Library
301 SUB 00044160 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044320 Principles of Sociology Subramanaya, G. Subhas Publications 1998 1st Ed. 364 p. UG Library
301 SUB 00044319 Principles of Sociology. Subramanya, G Subhas Publications 1998 264p UG Library
301 SUR 00118524 Problems and Prospects of Applied Sociology / Surendra.Dr.K Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629634 304p.: UG Library
301 SUR 05039605 Problems and Prospects of Applied Sociology / Surendra.Dr.K Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629634 304p.: Knowledge Centre
301 SUT 05020657 Introductory Sociology / Sutherland Robert.L Oxford & IBH Publishing CO, 1961 6th ed xi,403 P.: Knowledge Centre
301 SWA 05042241 Symbolic power, politics, and intellectuals : Swartz, David, The University of Chicago Press, 2013 9780226925004 (cloth : alk. pa 292 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 TAB 00125307 Contemporary Issues in Social Thoughts Tabassum Henna ABD Publishers, 2017 9788183765190 vii,272 p.: UG Library
301 TAB 05037351 Principles of Sociology Tabussum,Henna ABD Publishers, 2011 9788183763400 280p.; Knowledge Centre
301 TAB 00112320 Principles of Sociology Tabussum,Henna ABD Publishers, 2011 9788183763400 280p.; UG Library
301 TAY 00133651 Sociology : Taylor, Steve Palgrave, 2000 0312234996 (U.S.) | 033367619X (outside North America) | 0333676203 (outside North America) xvi, 398 p. ; UG Library
301 TAY 07014523 Social Psychology / Taylor,Shelley E. Pearson, 2006 9788131703939 12th ed. xvii,588p.; Library - BR Campus
301 TAY 05048711 Social Psychology / Taylor,Shelley E. Pearson, 2006 9788131703939 12th ed. xvii,588p.; Knowledge Centre
301 TAY 05048712 Social Psychology / Taylor,Shelley E. Pearson, 2006 9788131703939 12th ed. xvii,588p.; Knowledge Centre
301 THA 00122389 The Public Intellectual in India Thapar,Romila Aleph Book Company 2015 170p UG Library
301 THO 01020302 Sociology - II : Lexis Nexis, 2013 9789351430971 156p.; Knowledge Centre
301 THO 01020008 Sociology - 1 / Thorper Lexis Nexis, 2013 9789351430391 xii,177p.; Knowledge Centre
301 THO 00015575 Sociology of Religion Thomas, O Doc Prentise Schlor 1966 1 UG Library
301 THO 05062620 Applied sociology / Thompson, Neil, Routledge, 2018 9781138629691 (hardback) | 9781138629707 (pbk.) xvii,220p.; Knowledge Centre
301 THO 05062450 Social theory for social work : Thorpe, Christopher. Routledge, 2018 9780415826396 (hardback) | 9780415826402 (pbk.) xi,185p.; Knowledge Centre
301 THO 00073376 Society in Focus Introductin to Sociology Thompson William E, Joseph V Hickey 1999 0321002105 682 UG Library
301 TRE 07011878 The development of sociological theory : Trevino, Javier A. ed. Sage Publications Ltd, 2018 9781506304069 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 535 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 TRE 05057322 The development of sociological theory : Trevino, Javier A. ed. Sage Publications Ltd, 2018 9781506304069 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 535 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301 TRE 07012300 The development of sociological theory : Trevino, Javier A. ed. Sage Publications Ltd, 2018 9781506304069 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 535 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301 TRI 05022152 Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology Social Psychology / Allyn and Bacon,Inc, 1980 413 p.; Knowledge Centre
301 TUR 00030419 Structure of Sociological Theory / Turner, H. Jonathan Rawat Publications, 1987 4th Ed. 480 p. UG Library
301 TUR 05029592 Structure of Sociological Theory / Turner, H. Jonathan Rawat Publications, 1987 4th Ed. 480 p. Knowledge Centre
301 TUR 05039975 Theoretical sociology : Turner, Jonathan H. SAGE Publications, 2014 9781452203478 (pbk. : acidfree xi, 271 pages : Knowledge Centre
301 TUR 05002054 Sociology:Cocepts and Uses Turner, H. Jonathn M G H 266 p Knowledge Centre
301 UBE 00025548 Science and Culture. Uberoi, J. P. S. Oxford, 1978 195611187 88 p.; UG Library
301 UNN 00009723 Towards a Society of Culture in India Unnithan, T Kn Prentice Hall 1965 1 UG Library
301 UPA 00007338 Studies in Indian Culture Updhya, K S 2008 1 UG Library
301 VAT 00044609 Principles of Sociology Vatsyayan, Dr. Kedarnath Ram Nath 1997 15th Ed. 373 p. UG Library
301 VAT 00029679 Social Disorganisation. Vatsyayan, Knrn 1986 346 P UG Library
301 VAT 00006912 Social Psychology Vatsyayan, Kedarnath Ram Nath 1971 4th Ed. 608 p. UG Library
301 VAT 00006952 Social Psychology Vatsyayan, Kedarnath Ram Nath 1971 380p UG Library
301 VAT 00026430 Principles of Sociology Vatsyayan,Dr. Kedarnath Ramnath 1983 10th Ed. 362 p. UG Library
301 VAT 00025514 Political Sociology (Questions and Answers) Vatsyayan, Knrn 1983 272 P UG Library
301 VAT 00025515 Principles of Sociology. Vatsyayan, Knrn 1983 350 P UG Library
301 VEN 00013386 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013385 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013384 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013383 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013372 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013370 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013367 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013399 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013397 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013398 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013396 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013400 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013401 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013388 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013389 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013402 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013369 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013366 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013368 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013371 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013373 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013381 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013380 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013379 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013378 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013377 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013376 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013375 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013374 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VEN 00013387 Rig Veda Samhita- Vol. 1 to 30 Venkata Rao H P Sharada 1954 302 p Knowledge Centre
301 VER 00090631 Deviation and Restoration of the Human Race Verheven, Theodore Restored World Foundation 9780978661212 827p UG Library
301 VER 00044557 General Sociology Verghese,H.E. 1992 0333926471 451 p. UG Library
301 VIJ 00059345 Notes on M a ( Previous) of Karnataka Unversity, Dharwar Vijaya Publications Vijaya 1994 211p UG Library
301 VYA 05028949 Social Amenities and Regional Development / Vyas, P R Rawat Publications, 1991 212 p Knowledge Centre
301 VYR 00054677 Samaja Shastrada Tatvagalu Byrappa, K Cambridge 1999 395p UG Library
301 WAC 05029571 Sociology of Religion / Wach, Joachim University of Chicago Press / 1971 421 p. Knowledge Centre
301 WAD 00014933 New Braod Winners Wadher, Kisom V v k 1976 1 UG Library
301 WAH 00140641 Ingredients of sociology: Wahab,Elias Olukorede Serials publications pvt ltd., 2021 9788194556312 xii,544p.; UG Library
301 WAL 05032765 Principles of scientific sociology / Wallace, Walter L. AldineTransaction, 2010 9780202363332 | 0202363333 xi, 545 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 WAN 00144372 Clinical sociology : Wan, Puspa Melati, Springer, 2020 9783030490850 vii,175p, ; UG Library
301 WEB 00064747 Essential Weber: A Reader Weber, Max 2004 0415244277 420p UG Library
301 WEB 00056283 Sociological Writings Weber, Max. Rawat Publications 1994 9788131605004 319 p. UG Library
301 WEB 05002244 Essayas in sociology: Webber Max Routlegde; 2007 9780415436663 490 p. Knowledge Centre
301 WEB 05004858 From Max Weber : Weber, Max, Routledge, 2009 9780415482691 (pbk.) p. cm. Knowledge Centre
301 WEB 00110434 Sociological Writings Weber, Max. Rawat Publications 1994 9788131605004 319 p. UG Library
301 WEB 00102052 Dis-Embalming Weber, Max Jyvaskyla University Printing House, 9789513904261 170 p. UG Library
301 WEI 05068276 Ritual, emotion, violence : Routledge, 2019 9781138614284 (pb) | 9781138614277 (hb) xvii,269p.; Knowledge Centre
301 WHI 05004999 The essential Weber : Weber, Max, Routledge, 2004 0415244269 (hardcover : alk. p viii, 422 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 WIJ 00068964 Foundations of Modern Society. Rajiva,Wijesinha Foundation Books 2004 8175962445 75 p. UG Library
301 WIL 00005799 Introductory Sociology William P, Martin Mathrubhoomi 2000 1 UG Library
301 WIL 00006983 Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage Will, Durant Dimond Sehuster 1954 1 UG Library
301 WIL 05003034 The Sociological Quest : Willis, Evan, Rutgers University Press, 0813523664 (cloth : alk. paper x, 147 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 WOO 05020602 The visual in social theory / Woodiwiss, Anthony. Athlone Press, 0485004224 (case : alk. paper) x, 222 p. : Knowledge Centre
301 WOR 00010741 Modern Sociology Introductory Reading Worsley,Peter Penguin 1972 510 P. UG Library
301 WOR 00010742 Introducing Sociology Worsley, Peter Penguin Bokks, 1973 416 p.; UG Library
301 WOR 00010745 Problems of Modern Society Worsley, Peter Penguin, 1973 637 p.; UG Library
301 WOR 05059538 Introducing Sociology / Worsley, Peter. Penguin Books, 1977 2nd ed. 605 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301 WOR 00012363 Introduction Sociology Worsley Peter Penguin Books 1970 416 p UG Library
301 WOR 00012364 Introduction Sociology Worsley Peter Penguin Books 1970 416 p UG Library
301 WOR 00012365 Introduction Sociology Worsley Peter Penguin Books 1970 416 p UG Library
301 WOR 00012565 Introducing Sociology Worsley Peter Penguin Books 1970 416 p UG Library
301 WOR 00012563 Introducing Sociology Worsley Peter Penguin Books 1970 416 p UG Library
301 WOR 00012564 Introducing Sociology Wotsley Peter Penguin Publications 1970 416 p UG Library
301 WRI 00005701 Basic Sociology Wright, F J M c Donald 1970 1 UG Library
301 XAN 05059606 Indigenous peoples' cultural heritage : Brill, 2017 9789004342187 (hardback : alk. viii,351p.; Knowledge Centre
301 YOG 00034886 Modernization of Tradtion. Yogendra, Singh 1 UG Library
301 YOG 00034888 Modernization of Tradtion. Yogendra, Singh 1 UG Library
301 YOG 00034887 Modernization of Tradtion. Yogendra, Singh 1 UG Library
301 ZAN 00120420 Sociology : Vander Zanden, James Wilfrid. McGraw-Hill, 1996 9780070670211 4th ed. xvi, 471, p. : UG Library
301. 1 BRO 05028604 Social Psychology / Brown, Carol Sage Publications, 2006 1412918413 200 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 05020620 Contemporary Sociological Thoeries Sharma, R N Mpp Knowledge Centre
301.01 05020621 Contemporary Sociological Thoeries Sharma, R N Mpp Knowledge Centre
301.01 APP 05002259 Sociological Theory in the Contemporary ERA: Text and Readings Appelrouth, Scott 0761928014 667 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 HUG 05002051 Theory and Methods in Sociology: An Introduction to Sociological Thinking and Practice Hughes, John A 9780333772867 364p Knowledge Centre
301.01 JOS 05002266 Social Theory:conflict, Cohesion and Consent Joseph, Jonathan Edinburgh University 218p Knowledge Centre
301.01 LEF 05002257 Critique of Everyday Life: Foundations for a Sociology of the Everyday.Vol.2 Lefebvre, Henri Verso 1859846505 380p Knowledge Centre
301.01 MCG 05029247 Key Issues in Critical & Cultural Theory : McGowan Kate Rawat Publications, 2009 9788131602447 166 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 MCI 05002254 Classical Sociological Theory:A Reader Mcintosh, Ian 0748608095 259p Knowledge Centre
301.01 RIT 00058411 Classical Sociological Theory Ritzer, George 0007114658 532p UG Library
301.01 RIT 00126144 Sociological Theory Ritzer,George. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited 2011 9780071321150 5th Edition xvi;769 P. UG Library
301.01 TUR 04003069 Structure of Sociological Theory Turner, Jonathan H Thomson Asia 2009 9789812548757 529 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301.01 ABB 05020244 An introduction to sociology : Abbott, Pamela. Routledge, 0415312582 (hard cover) | 0415 xvii, 425 p ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 ABB 00089168 Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective Abbot, Pamela 2005 0415312590 424p UG Library
301.01 ABR 05029261 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham, M Francis Oxford University Press, 1992 308 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ABR 05028978 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham, M Francis Oxford University Press, 1992 308 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ABR 05029259 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham, M Francis Oxford University Press, 1992 308 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ABR 05020693 Modern Sociological Theory: an Introduction Abraham, M Francis Oxford University Press, 1995 0195613848 309p.: Knowledge Centre
301.01 ABR 05020654 Modern Sociological Theory Abraham, M Francis Knowledge Centre
301.01 ABR 00087625 Contemporary Sociology. Abraham, Francis M 2008 0195683994 283p UG Library
301.01 ABR 05020694 Modern Sociological Theory:An Introduction. Abraham, M Francis Oxford 310p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ADA 00084092 Sociological Theory Adams, Bert N Sage Publications 2001 0817829219 609p UG Library
301.01 ADA 00140903 Sociological theory / Adams, Bert N. Sage publications india pvt ltd., 2002 0761985573 | 9788178292199 xxx, 612, index-23 p. ; UG Library
301.01 ADA 05020613 Sociological Theroy Adams, Bert N Sage Publications 0817829219 609p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ADO 07014842 Philosophical elements of a theory of society, 1964 / Adorno, Theodor W., Polity Press, 2019 9780745679471 (hardback) | 9780745679488 (pbk.) xii, 174 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.01 AGA 05029246 Max Weber : Agarwal, Arvind Rawat Publications, 2000 8170336287 254 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 AGA 00068441 Max Weber and Modern Sociological Theories Agrawal, Arvind Rawat Publications 8170336287 256p UG Library
301.01 AGA 00121138 Sociological theory Agarwal Suresh Rajat publications 2015 9788178806761 283p. UG Library
301.01 AGA 00121619 Sociological theory Agarwal Suresh Rajat publications 2015 9788178806761 283p. UG Library
301.01 ALA 05002252 Social Lens: An Invitation to Social and Sociological Theory Allan, Kenneth 9781412914093 605p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 ALL 00067822 Max Weber Allen, Kieran 2005 0745322387 217p UG Library
301.01 ALL 05020669 Max Weber: A Critical Introduction Allen, Kieran 0000745387 218p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ALL 05048815 Choice theory : Allingham, Michael. Oxford University Press, 2002 0192803034 | 9780192803030 127 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 ALL 00131308 Weber : Allen, Kieran, Pluto Press, 2017 0745322395 (hardback) | 0745322387 (pbk.) | 9780745337449 218 p. ; UG Library
301.01 ALL 05003028 Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory : Allan, Kenneth, SAGE, 9781412978200 (pbk.) | 1412978 xx, 437 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 ALL 05010781 Explorations in classical sociological theory : Allan, Kenneth, Pine Forge Press, 2010 9781412978125 (pbk.) | 1412978 2nd ed. xiv, 451 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 ANS 05061993 Populism : Anselmi, Manuel. Routledge, 2018 9781138287167 vi, 121p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 ARV 05020648 Modern Sociological Theory Kumar, Arvind Sarupa and Sons 8176253111 383p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ARV 05020658 Modern Sociological Theory Kumar, Arvind Sarupa and Sons 8176253111 383 Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05002263 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020635 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020628 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020633 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020629 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020631 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020634 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020630 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020632 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 05020636 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ASH 00094829 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094830 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094831 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094832 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094833 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094834 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094835 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094836 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094837 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00094838 Sociological Theory Ashley, David Pearson press 2005 9788131716212 487p UG Library
301.01 ASH 00115795 Key Conepts in Post-Colonial Studies Ashcroft, Bill Routledge 2004 9780415243605 270p UG Library
301.01 AZE 00121415 Mapping reality : Azevedo, Jane, State University of New York Press, 1997 0791432076 (hb : alk. paper) | xviii, 322 p. : UG Library
301.01 AZE 05020670 Mapping Reality: An Evolutionary Realist Methodology for the Natural and Social Sciences [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Azevedo, Jane 0791432084 322p Knowledge Centre
301.01 AZE 00073881 Mapping Reality (dharmaram Library) Azevedo, Jane 1997 0791432084 322p UG Library
301.01 BAB 05044494 The Basics of Social Research / Babbie, Earl. Cengage Learning, 2015 9788131527267 xxvii,542p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 BAD 05020689 The Routledge critical and cultural theory reader / Badmington, Neil, Routledge, 9780415433082 (hardback : alk. xii, 452 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 BAN 05020609 Theory of Social Leadership Banerjee, Anjana Global Vision Publishing House 8182200016 402p Knowledge Centre
301.01 BAN 00068492 Habermas`s Theory of the Neo - Marxist Criticism Banerjee, Anjana Global Vision Publishing House 2005 8182201071 160p UG Library
301.01 BER 07014865 Social theory : Berberoglu, Berch, Routledge, 2017 9781138125483 (hardback) | 9781138125490 (paperback) 1 Edition. ix, 293 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.01 BER 00131345 Social theory : Berberoglu, Berch, Routledge, 2017 9781138125483 (hardback) | 9781138125490 (paperback) 1 Edition. ix, 293 pages ; UG Library
301.01 BIS 05020649 Postmodern Controversity (MA SOC) Biswas, Prasenjit Rawat Publications 8170338611 190p Knowledge Centre
301.01 BOU 00110522 Practical reason Bourdieu,Pierre. Polity Press, 1998 0745616240 | 0745616259 (pbk.) xi, 153 p. ; UG Library
301.01 BOV 05020677 Mastering Discourse/the Politics of Intellectual Culture [MSCOM] Bove, Paul A 0082231245 252 Knowledge Centre
301.01 BRA 05046569 The SAGE handbook of action research / Sage, 2015 9781446294543 | 1446294544 Third edition / xliii, 806 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.01 BRO 00112822 Critical Theory and Society/ Bronner,Stephen Eric Routledge 1989 0415900417 316p UG Library
301.01 BRO 00106197 Critical Theory : Bronner, Stephen Eric, Oxford University Press, 2011 9780199730070 (pbk. : alk. pap 130 p. : UG Library
301.01 BRO 00130846 Critical Social Theory / Browne, Craig, Sage, 2017 9781446246924 | 9781446246931 vi, 208 p. ; UG Library
301.01 BUC 07005417 A dictionary of critical theory / Buchanan, Ian, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199532919 (pbk.) | 0199532 1st ed. 500 p. : Library - BR Campus
301.01 BUC 00121181 A dictionary of critical theory / Buchanan, Ian, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199532919 (pbk.) | 0199532 1st ed. 500 p. : UG Library
301.01 BUC 01017763 A dictionary of critical theory / Buchanan, Ian, Oxford University Press, 2010 9780199532919 (pbk.) | 0199532 1st ed. 500 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 BUC 00132970 A dictionary of critical theory/ Buchanan,Ian. Oxford University Press, 2018 9780198794790 2nd ed. 517 p. ; UG Library
301.01 BUE 05047747 Critical sociology / Buechler, Steven M., Paradigm Publishers , 2014 9781612056418 (hardcover : alk Second edition. xi, 307 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 CAL 05020606 Classical Sociological Theory [MA SOCIOLOGY] Calhoun, Craig 0631213481 440 Knowledge Centre
301.01 CAL 07002876 Social Theory A Historical Introduction / Callinicos Alex Polity Press, 2012 9780745638409 2nd ed xii,376p.: Library - BR Campus
301.01 CAM 05020692 Myth of Social Action Campbell, Colin 0521646367 198p Knowledge Centre
301.01 CHA 07004593 Wording the World : Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2015 9788125057338 vi,481p.: Library - BR Campus
301.01 CHA 05042312 Wording the World : Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2015 9788125057338 vi,481p.: Knowledge Centre
301.01 COL 00062847 Theoretical Sociology Collins, Randall Rawat 2004 565p UG Library
301.01 COL 00126147 Theoretical Sociology / Collins, Randall, Rawat Publications, 2009 015591474X | 9788170333548 x, 565 p. : UG Library
301.01 CRA 05029280 Classical Social Theory / Craib, Ian Oxford University Press, 1997 0198781172 298 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 DAN 05068360 Explaining society : Danermark, Berth, Routledge, 2019 9781138497795 (hbk) | 9781138497818 (pbk) Second edition. xiii, 228 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.01 Das 05039425 The ground between : Das,Veena. Orient BlackSwan, 2014 9788125055006 viii,351p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 DAS 05020623 Advanced Socological Theories Das, G Knowledge Centre
301.01 DAS 05020827 Advanced Sociological Theories Das, G Rajan Printers 344p Knowledge Centre
301.01 DAS 05040342 Postmodernism in a global perspective / Sage, 2014 9788132113188 (hardback : alk. xx,285p.: Knowledge Centre
301.01 DAS 05020684 Critical Events : Das, Veena Oxford University Press, 1996 0195640527 228 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 DAS 05028614 Critical Events : Das, Veena Oxford University Press, 1996 0195640527 228 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 DEN 00135387 The qualitative manifesto : Denzin, Norman K., Routledge, 2019 9781138326224 (Hardback) | 9781138326231 (Paperback) Classic Edition. xiv,123 pages ; UG Library
301.01 DIC 00078501 Social Darwinism Dickens, Peter Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176492841 | 9788176492843 viii; 135p UG Library
301.01 DIC 05020687 Social Darwinism [ MA-SOC ] Dickens, Peter Viva Books Private Limited 8178176491 135p Knowledge Centre
301.01 DIC 00068429 Social Darwinism Dickens, Peter Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176492841 135p UG Library
301.01 DOR 00135373 Research methods and society : Dorsten, Linda Eberst, Routledge, 2019 9780815366164 (hardback) | 9780815366157 (pbk.) Third edition. xxii,387p.; UG Library
301.01 DOS 05020879 Modernity, Postmodernity and Neo-Sociological Theories Doshi, S L Rawat 2003 497p Knowledge Centre
301.01 DOS 00062423 Modernity, Postmodernity and Neo-Sociological Theories Doshi, S L Rawat 2003 497p UG Library
301.01 DOS 07006780 Modernity,Postmodernity and Neo-Sociological Theories / Doshi S.L Rawat Publications, 2012 9788170338161 xi,497p.: Library - BR Campus
301.01 DOS 00076167 Modernity, Postmodernity and Neo-Sociological Theories Doshi, S L Rawat Publications 2003 8170338166 494p UG Library
301.01 DOS 00085102 Modernity, Postmodernity and Neo-Sociological Theories Doshi, S L Rawat Publications 2003 8170338166 494p UG Library
301.01 DOU 00127917 A Very Personal Method Douglas, Mary Sage, 2013 9781446254691 X,318 p.: UG Library
301.01 DUR 00064736 Emile Durkheim: Key Sociologist Durkheim, Emile 2000 0415285305 178p UG Library
301.01 DUR 05049140 Anthropology unbound : Durrenberger, E. Paul, Oxford University Press, 2001 9780199945863 (hardback) | 978 Second Edition xxv, 326 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.01 EDL 07002564 Sociological theory in the classical era : Edles, Laura Desfor. Sage, 2015 9781452203614 (pbk. : alk. pap Third edition. ix, 453 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.01 ELL 05048005 Introduction to contemporary social theory / Elliott, Anthony, Routledge, 2014 9780415525725 (hardback) | 978 First Edition. xiv, 459 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 FLE 05020842 Making of Sociology 2 vols Fletcher, Ronald Rawat 2015 9788170336211 699p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 FLE 05020671 Making of Sociology 2 vols Fletcher, Ronald Rawat 2015 9788170336211 699p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 FLE 05002256 Making of Sociology - a Study of Sociological Theory Fletcher, Ronald Rawat Publications 8170336198 699p Knowledge Centre
301.01 FLE 05003084 Making of Sociology - a Study of Sociological Theory Fletcher, Ronald Rawat Publications 8170336198 699p Knowledge Centre
301.01 FLE 00121141 Making of Sociology 2 vols Fletcher, Ronald Rawat 2015 9788170336211 699p. UG Library
301.01 FLE 00121142 Making of Sociology 2 vols Fletcher, Ronald Rawat 2015 9788170336211 699p. UG Library
301.01 FLE 00107936 The Making of Sociology Fletcher Ronald Rawat Publications 1971 9788170336198 | 9788170336204 xxv; 699 P. UG Library
301.01 FLE 00074108 Making of Sociology Fletcher, Ronald Rawat 2005 1 UG Library
301.01 FLE 00107937 The Making of Sociology Fletcher Ronald Rawat Publications 1971 9788170336198 | 9788170336204 xxv; 699 P. UG Library
301.01 FRA 00073915 Hegel and Marx: The Concept of Need(dharmaram Library) Fraser, Ian 1998 0748609474 207p UG Library
301.01 FRA 05029295 Hegel and Marx : Fraser, Ian Edinburgh University Press, 1998 0748609474 207 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 FRE 00064737 Sigmund Freud: Freud, Sigmund 2004 0415288169 146p UG Library
301.01 FRE 00082318 Sigmund Freud: Freud, Sigmund 2004 0415288169 146p UG Library
301.01 GAN 05020627 Postcolonial Theory: a Critical Introduction Gandhi, Leela 0195647610 200p Knowledge Centre
301.01 GAN 00073041 Conncecting the Postcolonial Gandhi,Lingaraja Atlantic Publishers & Distributors 2006 8126906138 187 p. UG Library
301.01 GAN 05020223 The future of social theory / Gane, Nicholas, Continuum, 2004 0826470653 | 0826470661 (PBK.) xii, 210 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 GIB 00131302 Institutions,interaction and social theory Gibson,Will Palgrave, 2018 9780230362116 xiv,205p.; UG Library
301.01 GID 05075229 Capitalism and Modern Social Theory : Giddens, Anthony. Cambridge University Press India Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788185618067 xvii, 261 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 GID 00134662 New Rules of Sociological Method: Giddens,Anthony. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610008 2nd ed. 186p,: UG Library
301.01 GID 10001371 New Rules of Sociological Method: Giddens,Anthony. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610008 2nd ed. 186p,: Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.01 GID 05039481 Social Theory and Modern Sociology / Giddens Anthony Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606438 ix,310p.: Knowledge Centre
301.01 GID 05039832 Social theory and Modern sociology Giddens Anthony Rawat Publications 9788131606438 ix,310p, Knowledge Centre
301.01 GID 00118116 Social Theory and Modern Sociology / Giddens Anthony Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606438 ix,310p.: UG Library
301.01 GID 05029296 Capitalism and Modern Social Theory : Giddens, Anthony Cambridge University Press, 1996 0521566479 261 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 GIR 05020646 New Horizons of Social Theory: Conversations, Transformations and Beyond [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Giri, Ananta Kumar Rawat Publications 8131600246 347p Knowledge Centre
301.01 GUP 07011428 QED India tests social theory / Gupta, Dipankar Oxford University Press, 2017 9780199476510 ix,224p. Library - BR Campus
301.01 GUS 05045995 Performing Action : Gusfield Joseph.R Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412856119 342p.: Knowledge Centre
301.01 GUS 07005251 Performing Action : Gusfield Joseph.R Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412856119 342p.: Library - BR Campus
301.01 HAB 05006494 The theory of communicative action / Habermas, Jürgen. Beacon Press, 1984 9780745603865 (v. 1) : one xliv, 465 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 HAR 05029271 Modern Social Theory / Harrington, Austin Oxford University Press, 2005 0199255709 378 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 HED 05020667 Social Mechanisms: an Analytical Approach to Social Theory Hedstrom, Peter 0521596874 340 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 HIL 00067263 Masses, Classes and the Public Sphere Hill, Mike Verso 2000 1859847773 276p UG Library
301.01 HOR 05007366 Critical theory and society : Horkheimer, Max Routledge, 1989 0415900416 (pbk.) : vii, 316 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 HOW 00078498 Discourse Howarth, David Viva Books Private Limited 2005 8176492744 | 9788176492744 x; 166 p. UG Library
301.01 HOY 05002251 Critical resistance : Hoy, David Couzens. MIT Press, 0262083302 (alk. paper) viii, 274 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 ING 05062305 Anthropology: why it matters Ingold, Tim, Polity press, 2018 9781509519798 | 9781509519804 145 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 ING 00104262 Life Among the Anthros and Other Essays. Geertz, Clifford. Princeton University Press, 2010 9780691143583 (alk. paper) | 0 272 p. ; UG Library
301.01 ISA 05066985 Causation and functionalism in sociology, Isajiw, Wsevolod W. Routledge & K. Paul, 1968 9780815383758 vii, 158 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 JAC 05045128 The social thought of Erving Goffman / Jacobsen, Michael Hviid, Sage, 2015 9781412998031 (pbk. : alk. pap ix, 233 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 JAY 05020828 Sociology:Methods and Theories Jayaram, N 1989 1 Knowledge Centre
301.01 JAY 05029252 Sociology : Jayaram, N Macmillan India Ltd., 1989 100 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 JAY 00118359 Sociological Theories Jayapalan N. Atlantic Publishers, 2014 9788171569205 vi, 202 p.: UG Library
301.01 JEN 05068295 Mobalities and complexities / Routledge, 2019 9781138601437 (pbk.) | 9781138601420 (hardback) 1st Edition. xxi, 245 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.01 JUD 00109708 Foundations Of Classical Sociological Theory Judge,Paramjit S. Pearson 2012 9788131769416 xxiv; 224 p. UG Library
301.01 KAL 00142970 Max Weber's sociology of civilizations : Kalberg, Stephen, Routledge, 2021 9780367497286 xviii,535p.; UG Library
301.01 KAS 05020638 Introduction to a Social Theorist Giddens, Anthony 0631207341 226 Knowledge Centre
301.01 KAS 05002052 Introduction to a Social Theorist Giddens, Anthony 0631207341 226 Knowledge Centre
301.01 KIR 05007126 Sociological Theory / Kiran, Asha Anmol Publication Pvt Ltd., 2010 9788126145621 280 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 KIV 05006512 Illuminating social life : Pine Forge Press, 2011 9781412978156 (pbk.) | 1412978 5th ed. xiii, 441 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 KRI 00059340 Aadhunika Samaja Shastriya Siddanthagalu Krishna, B R VIDYANIDHI 132p UG Library
301.01 LAU 05029270 Foundations of Anthropological Theory : Robert Launay Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 9781405187763 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 140518776X (hardcover : alk. paper) | 9781405187756 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 1405187751 (pbk. : alk. paper) xi, 296 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 LAU 00131428 Social theory : Laustsen, Carsten B. Routledge, 2017 9781138999947 (hardback) | 9781138999954 (pbk.) 1 Edition. xi, 269 pages ; UG Library
301.01 LAW 05010533 Key concepts in classical social theory / Law, Alex. SAGE Publications, 2011 9781847876010 | 1847876013 | 9 ix, 230 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 LEF 07006242 Henri Lefebvre : Lefebvre, Henri, Continuum, 2003 0826466451 | 082646646X (pbk.) xix, 284 p. ; Library - BR Campus
301.01 LEM 05035505 Social Theory : Rawat Publications, 2013 8170338697 | 9788131606032 xviii,691p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 LEM 00068442 Social Theory Lemert, Charles Rawat Publications 2004 0008170337 674p UG Library
301.01 LEM 05020619 Social Theory : Rawat Publications, 2013 8170338697 | 9788131606032 xviii,691p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 LEM 07006890 Social Theory : Rawat Publications, 2013 8170338697 | 9788131606032 xviii,691p.; Library - BR Campus
301.01 LEV 00131399 Dialogical social theory / Levine, Donald Nathan, Routledge, 2018 9781412865500 (hardback) | 9780815375470 (pbk.) xviii,221 p.: UG Library
301.01 LEV 05070459 Dialogical social theory / Levine, Donald Nathan, Routledge, 2018 9781412865500 (hardback) | 9780815375470 (pbk.) xviii,221 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.01 LEV 05041648 Social theory as a vocation : Levine, Donald Nathan, Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412855020 xxix, 400 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 LEV 07005260 Social theory as a vocation : Levine, Donald Nathan, Transaction Publishers, 2015 9781412855020 xxix, 400 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.01 LEW 05040134 In defense of anthropology : Lewis, Herbert S. Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412852890 xvii, 244 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 LII 05045116 Anthropology & philosophy : Berghahn, 2015 9781782385561 (hardback : alk. viii, 293 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 LOD 00078502 Social Structure Lopez, Jose Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176492779 | 9788176492775 133 p. UG Library
301.01 LOP 05020605 Social Structure / Lopez, Jose Viva Books Private Limited , 2002 8178176499 133p .: Knowledge Centre
301.01 LOY 05029258 Sociology of Anthony Giddens / Loyal, Steven Pluto Press, 2003 0745317804 243 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 LOY 00073030 The Sociology of Anthony Giddens Loyal Steven 2003 0745317812 | 9780745317809 vii; 243 p. UG Library
301.01 LYO 00078500 Postmodernity Lyon, David Viva Books Private Limited 2002 8176492752 | 9788176492751 2nd Ed x; 131 p. UG Library
301.01 MAN 00060408 Anthropological and Sociological Theory Mann, R S Rawat Publications 1984 375 p. UG Library
301.01 MAN 05047344 Analytical Sociology : Manzo, Gianluca. Wiley, 2014 9781119940388 xviii, 429 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 MAR 05020610 Nature and Types of Social Theory Martindale, Don Rawat Publications 8170330912 550p Knowledge Centre
301.01 MAR 05061989 Digital Sociology The Reinvention of Social Research / Marres, Noortje. Polity, 2017 9780745684796 vii, 240p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 MAR 05004029 The Nature & Types of Sociological Theory / Martindale, Don Rawat Publications, 1991 9788170330912 xiv, 560 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 MAR 00083648 Engendering the Social: Marshall, Barbara L Open University Press 2004 9780335212699 223p UG Library
301.01 MAR 05002262 Engendering the Social: Marshall, Barbara L Open University Press 2004 9780335212699 223p Knowledge Centre
301.01 MAZ 07013092 The mana of mass society / Mazzarella, William, The University of Chicago Press, 2017 9780226436111 (cloth : alk. paper) | 9780226436258 (pbk. : alk. paper) viii, 242 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.01 MCG 05020700 Key Issues in Critical & Cultural Theory : McGowan Kate Rawat Publications, 2009 9788131602447 166 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 MCI 00073015 Classical Sociological Theory Mclntosh Ian Edinburgh University Press 2005 0748608095 | 0748608095 vii; 259 p. UG Library
301.01 MCL 05042567 A story of sociology : McLennan, Gregor. Bloomsbury Academic, 2011 9781849663496 | 1849663491 xiii, 177 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 MCL 05039496 A story of sociology : McLennan, Gregor. Bloomsbury Academic, 2011 9781849663496 | 1849663491 xiii, 177 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 MER 05055974 Social theory and social structure / Merton, Robert King Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608579 xviii,645p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 MER 05056234 Social theory and social structure / Merton, Robert King Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608579 xviii,645p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 MER 05056673 Social theory and social structure / Merton, Robert King Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608579 xviii,645p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 MIC 05068216 Sociology as analysis of the unintended : Mica, Adriana, Oxford University Press, 2018 9780415787017 (hardback) x, 190 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 MOB 00142044 Engaging anthropological theory : Moberg,Mark. Routledge, 2019 9781138631328 2nd ed. xiv,440p.; UG Library
301.01 MOO 00107140 An Introduction to Anthropological Theories and Theoriests Moore,Jerry D. Rawat publications 2011 9788131604250 3rd Editon xv:398 P. UG Library
301.01 MOR 05029436 Rethinking the Communicative turn : Morris Martin State University Press, 2001 9780791447987 245p.: Knowledge Centre
301.01 MOU 00121330 Modern and postmodern social theorizing : Mouzelis, Nicos P. Cambridge University Press, 2008 9780521515856 | 0521515858 | 9 xiii, 311 p. ; UG Library
301.01 NAD 05048193 Public Sociology : Nyden, Philip W. Pine Forge Press, 2012 9781412982634 | 1412982634 xv, 317 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.01 NAD 00124791 Public Sociology : Nyden, Philip W. Pine Forge Press, 2012 9781412982634 | 1412982634 xv, 317 p. : UG Library
301.01 NEU 05074128 Social Research Methods : Neuman, W Lawrence. Pearson, 2022 978935606250 8th ed. xviii, 546p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 NEU 00038491 Social Research Methods:Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches Neuman, W Lawrence Allyn Bacon 1994 538 p UG Library
301.01 NIC 00121309 Public sociology and civil society/ Nickel, Patricia Mooney Paradigm Publishers 2013 9781594519772 171p. UG Library
301.01 NIG 00132023 Social Theory and Modernity: Dodd Nigel, Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609644 n.279 p.; UG Library
301.01 NIS 00062831 Sociological Tradition Nisbet, A Robert Rawat Publications 2004 8170338689 | 9788170338680 xii; 349 p. UG Library
301.01 NIS 00062843 Sociological Tradition Nisbet, A Robert Rawat Publications 2004 8170338689 | 9788170338680 xii; 349 p. UG Library
301.01 NIS 00068519 Sociological Tradition Nisbet, Robert A Rawat Publications 2004 8170338689 349p UG Library
301.01 OLS 05061994 Science and Sociology : Olson-Ekland, Sheldon. Routledge, 2018 9781138047846 xi, 158p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 PAR 00081801 Max Weber - Revised Edition Parkin, Frank 1982 0415285291 123p UG Library
301.01 PAR 05067600 Structuration / Parker, John. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610565 xi, 142p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 PAR 00079167 Max Weber Parkin,Frank Routledge 2007 0415285291 | 9780415285292 123 p. UG Library
301.01 PEA 05020617 Anthropological Lens, Harsh Light, Soft Focus Peacock, L James 0521004594 156p Knowledge Centre
301.01 PEA 05020618 Anthropological Lens - Harsh Light, Soft Focus Peacock, James L 0521004594 156p Knowledge Centre
301.01 POG 00073050 Weber Gianfranco Poggi Polity Press 2006 0745634907 xi; 137 p. UG Library
301.01 POL 05029600 Polity Reader in Social Theory / Polity Press Polity Press, 1994 0745612059 402 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 POL 05029599 Polity Reader in Social Theory / Polity Press Polity Press, 1994 0745612059 402 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 POW 00118354 Making Sense of Social Theory : Powers, Charles H. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010 9781442201187 2nd ed. xi, 281 p. : UG Library
301.01 POW 00106202 Making Sense of Social Theory : Powers, Charles H. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010 9781442201187 2nd ed. xi, 281 p. : UG Library
301.01 RIE 05020604 Postcolonial Theory; the Emergence of a Critical Discourse [ma-Sociology Section] Riemenschneider, Dieter Rawat Publications 211p Knowledge Centre
301.01 RIT 00124506 Modern Sociological Theory Ritzer George Mgraw Hill Education, 2008 9789352601691 7th ed, xiv, 102 P.: UG Library
301.01 RIT 00124505 Classical Sociological Theory Ritzer, George. McGraw-Hill, Education, 2011 9780078026652 | 9789352601684 6th ed. xvi, p. 486 : UG Library
301.01 RIT 00044604 Modern Sociological Theory. Ritzer, George 1996 0071146598 4th,edition 609p UG Library
301.01 RIT 05065443 Postmodern social theory / Ritzer, George. Rawat publications, 1997 9788131610756 296p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 RIT 00129266 Frontiers of social theory : Ritzer, George., ed. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609187 viii, 434p. UG Library
301.01 RIT 00124485 Classical Sociological Theory Ritzer, George. McGraw-Hill, Education, 2011 9780078026652 | 9789352601684 6th ed. xvi, p. 486 : UG Library
301.01 RIT 07006886 Modern Sociological Theory Ritzer George Mgraw Hill Education, 2008 9789352601691 7th ed, xiv, 102 P.: Library - BR Campus
301.01 RIT 00141907 Classical Sociological theory / Ritzer,George. Rawat Publications, 2021 9788131612156 6th ed. xvi,486p.; UG Library
301.01 RIT 07014366 Postmodern social theory / Ritzer, George. Rawat publications, 1997 9788131610756 296p. ; Library - BR Campus
301.01 RIT 00089878 Explorations in Social Theory: from Metatheorizing to Rationalization Ritzer, George 2001 0761967729 303p. UG Library
301.01 RIT 05057765 Frontiers of social theory : Ritzer, George., ed. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609187 viii, 434p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 RIT 05020616 Socilogical Theory Ritzer, George M G H 759 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 RIT 05020615 Socilogical Theory Ritzer, George M G H 759 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 RIT 05057314 Modern sociological theory / Ritzer, George. Sage Publications Ltd, 2018 9781506325620 (pbk. : alk. pap 8th ed. xx, 639 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 RIT 00032940 Contemporary Sociological Theory. Ritzer, George MGH 1988 464 P UG Library
301.01 SAK 05020691 Postcommunism / Sakwa, Richard Viva Books Private Limited , 2002 8178176497 153p .: Knowledge Centre
301.01 SAR 00078499 Orientalism Sardar, Ziauddin Viva Books Private Limited 8176492795 136p UG Library
301.01 SAR 00109542 Studies in social and physical anthropology Sarana,Gopala Rawat Publications, 2012 9788131604489 | 9788131604489 x, 220 p. : UG Library
301.01 SAX 00086659 Social Structure in Twenty-First Century Saxena, Anil Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2005 8126121378 378 p UG Library
301.01 SEA 05007269 Social research methods : Seale, Clive Routledge, 2004 9780415300841 xviii, 538 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 SEI 00052642 New Social Theory Reader Seidman, Steven 0415188083 UG Library
301.01 SEI1 05002255 Contested Knowledge:Social Theory Today Seidman, Steven 0631226710 285p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SHA 05029272 Applying Social Psychology / Sharan, A K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2000 0812610337 334 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SHA 05029281 Social System / Sharma, S S Sarupa and Sons, 2003 8176254835 153 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SHA 05020845 Comtemporary Sociological Theories Sharma, Ramnath Media Promoters & 8185099200 364p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SIM 00064739 Georg Simmel: Key Sociologist Series Simmel, George 2000 0415285346 160p UG Library
301.01 SIN 00142524 Sociological theories Singh,Netrapal Random publications, 2020 9789352696758 viii,337p.; UG Library
301.01 SMA 00079168 Michel Foucault / Smart, Barry Routledge, 1985 0041528533 150 p. UG Library
301.01 SMA 05029245 Michel Foucault / Smart, Barry Routledge, 1985 0041528533 150 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 SOR 05020803 Contemporary Sociological Thories Sorokin, Pitirim Kalyani 785p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SOR 05020637 Contemporary Sociological Thories Sorokin, Pitirim Kalyani 785p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SOR 05020802 Contemporary Sociological Thories Sorokin, Pitirim Kalyani 785p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SOR 05020804 Contemporary Sociological Thories Sorokin, Pitirim Kalyani 785p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SOR 05020880 Contemporary Sociological Thories Sorokin, Pitirim Kalyani 785p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SOR 05002048 Contemporary Sociological Thories Sorokin, Pitirim Kalyani 785p Knowledge Centre
301.01 SPR 00138427 Walking methodologies in a more-than-human world: Springgay, Stephanie Routledge, 2019 9780367264956 xiv,163p.; UG Library
301.01 SRI 05029298 Comparative Sociology / Srivastava, K.S. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2010 9788183566520 266 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 TAG 05020812 Populism / Taggart, Paul Viva Books Private Limited, 2002 8178176497 128p .: Knowledge Centre
301.01 THO 05020676 Emile Durkheim Thompson, Ken 2007 0415285313 179p Knowledge Centre
301.01 THO 00082312 Emile Durkheim Thompson, Ken 2007 0415285313 179p UG Library
301.01 TIM 05020874 Sociological Theory Timasheff, S.nicholas Random 350 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 TOL 05068532 Public sociology capstones : Tolich, Martin, Routledge, 2018 9780815360322 (hbk) 1 Edition. 115 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 05020639 Structure of Sociological Theory Turner, H Jonathan Rawat 480 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 05020614 Structure of Sociological Theory Turner, H Jonathan Rawat Publications 8170330424 478p Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 00120444 The Structure of Sociological Theory / Turner,Jonathan H. Rawat Publications, 9788170330424 xvii,478p.; UG Library
301.01 TUR 00123950 Investigating Sociological Theory Turner, Charles, SAGE, 2010 9781849203746 | 1849203741 | 9 206 p:. UG Library
301.01 TUR 00145138 Handbook of sociological theory / by Turner, Jonathan H. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001 9781071631126 xi, 745 p. : UG Library
301.01 TUR 05020640 The Structure of Sociological Theory / Turner, H Jonathan Rawat Publications, 1995 478 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 05020622 The Structure of Sociological Theory / Turner, H Jonathan Rawat Publications, 1995 478 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 05027992 The Structure of Sociological Theory / Turner, H Jonathan Rawat Publications, 1995 478 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 05036093 Structure of Sociology Theory / Turner, Jonathan H Thomson Learning, 2003 9812548750 xxv,529p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 05029248 Classical Sociology : Turner, S Bryan Sage Publications, 2000 291 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 05029299 Structure of Sociological Theory / Turner, Jonathan H Rawat Publications, 1995 478 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 TUR 00126140 The Structure of Sociological Theory / Turner,Jonathan H. Rawat Publications, 9788170330424 xvii,478p.; UG Library
301.01 UBE 00139773 Mind and Society : Uberoi,J.P.S. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199495986 xix,326p.; UG Library
301.01 UBE 00136785 Mind and Society : Uberoi,J.P.S. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199495986 xix,326p.; UG Library
301.01 UBE 01027251 Mind and Society : Uberoi,J.P.S. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199495986 xix,326p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 UBE 01027252 Mind and Society : Uberoi,J.P.S. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199495986 xix,326p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 UBE 01027253 Mind and Society : Uberoi,J.P.S. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199495986 xix,326p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 UBE 01027254 Mind and Society : Uberoi,J.P.S. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199495986 xix,326p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 UBE 01027255 Mind and Society : Uberoi,J.P.S. Oxford University Press, 2019 9780199495986 xix,326p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01 WAL 00086355 Sociological Theory Wallace, Walter L Aldine Transaction 2008 9780202362106 296 p UG Library
301.01 WEB 05029269 Theory of Social and Economic Organisation / Weber, Max Macmillan, 1947 436 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 WEB 00033246 Theory of Social & Economic Organization Max Weber The Free press 1964 436 p. UG Library
301.01 WEB 00064738 Max Weber: Key Sociologists Series Weber, Max 2004 0415285291 123p UG Library
301.01 WEB 00107791 Understanding Bourdieu Webb,Jen. SAGE Publications, 2002 9780761974635 | 0761974636 (pb xvi, 209 p. ; UG Library
301.01 WIL 05020659 Social Theory and Postcommunism {MA -Soc ) Outhwaite, William 0631211128 255p Knowledge Centre
301.01 WIS 05034247 The Cambridge companion to Lévi-Strauss / Wiseman,Boris. Cambridge University Press , 2009 9780521846301 (hardback) | 052 xii, 337 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.01 WOO 05029297 The Visual in Social Theory / Woodiwiss, Anthony The Athlone Press, 2004 0485006189 218p Knowledge Centre
301.01 YEL 00142792 Narratives of disenchantment and secularization : Bloomsbury Academic ; 2021 9781350145641 262 p. ; UG Library
301.01 ZEI 05020624 IDEOLOGY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Zeitlin, M Irwing IHI 330 P Knowledge Centre
301.01 ZEI 05020643 IDEOLOGY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Zeitlin, M Irwing IHI 330 P Knowledge Centre
301.01 ZEI 05020673 Rethiking Sociology [ a Critiqie of Contemporary Theory Zeitlin, Irving M Rawat Publications 8170330416 263p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ZEI 05020655 Rethinking Sociology Iring, M Knowledge Centre
301.01 ZEI 05020674 Rethinking Sociology : a Critique of Contemporary Theory Zeitlin, M Irving Rawat 264 p Knowledge Centre
301.01 ZEI 00038343 Rethinking Sociology: Zeitlin, M Irving Rawat Publications 1996 8170330416 vii+263p UG Library
301.01 ZEI 00121133 Rethinking sociology / Zeitlin, Irving M Rawat Publications 2015 9788170330417 263p. UG Library
301.01 ZEI 05020675 Rethinking Sociology - a Critique of Contemporary Theory (MSW SHELF) Zeitlin, M Irving Rawat Publications 8170330416 263p Knowledge Centre
301.01/RY 00033237 Philosphy of Social Explanation Alan, Ryan UG Library
301.01/RY 00033238 Philosphy of Social Explanation Alan, Ryan UG Library
301.010954 RAM 00099577 Philosophy Indian Sociology Ramesh, G S Global Vision Publishing House 8182201004 192p UG Library
301.010954 RAM 00068509 Philosophy Indian Sociology Ramesh, G S Global Vision Publishing House 8182201004 192p UG Library
301.0120 BIS 00094442 Fatalism And Development Bista Dor Bahadur Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd. 9788125034605 187p UG Library
301.0151 KRI 05051762 Mathematical models of sociology / University of Keele, 1977 0904425037 : 229 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.015195 RAA 05074604 Sequence Analysis / Raab, Marcel. Sage publication 2023 9781071801888 xviii,171p,; Knowledge Centre
301.015195 RAA 00144170 Sequence Analysis / Raab, Marcel. Sage publication 2023 9781071801888 xviii,171p,; UG Library
301.018 BEC 05047960 Sociological work : Becker, Howard Saul, Transaction Books, 1970 0878556303 (pbk). x, 358 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.018 GAN 05002053 On Durkheim's Rules of sociological method / Gane, Mike. Routledge, 2011 9780415557733 (v. 1) | 0415557 193 p. Knowledge Centre
301.018 SME 01019753 Comparative Methods in the Social Sciences / Smelser Neil.J Quid Pro Books, 2013 9781610271707 xii,253p.: Knowledge Centre
301.0182 MUE 05050280 Statistical Reasoning in Sociology / Mueller, John H Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1961 433 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01ALL2 05001406 Contemporary Social and Socialosgical Thery: Visualizing Social Worlds Allan, Kenneth Pineforge Press, 2007 1412913624 454 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.01CLA 01001312 Classical Sociological Theory Ian Mcintosh Edinburgh University 0748608095 259p. Knowledge Centre
301.01CLA 01006585 From Enlightenment to Risk:Social Theory and Contemporary Society(law Lib) Simon Clarke Palgrave Macmillan 1403939535 207p Knowledge Centre
301.01HAR 01008259 Encyclopedia of Social Theory (law Library) Austin Harrington ROUTLEDGE 0415290465 723 p. Knowledge Centre
301.01HED 01010477 Dissecting the Social: on the Principles of Analytical Sociology (law Lib) Peter Hedstrom Cambridge University Press 3 Action and interaction 177p Knowledge Centre
301.01JOH 01009827 Contemporary Socilogical Theory Doyle Paul Johnson Springer 9780387765211 629 p Knowledge Centre
301.01LOY 01007009 Sociology of Anthony Giddens (law Lib) Steven Loyal Pluto Press 0745317804 243p Knowledge Centre
301.01OUT 01005206 Social Theory Ans Postcommunism ( Law Library ) William Outhwaite Blackwell Publishing 0631211128 256p. Knowledge Centre
301.01POL 01005726 Polity Reader in Social Theory (law Library) Polity Press Polity Press 0745612059 402p Knowledge Centre
301.01SEA 01009505 Social Research Methds: A Reader (law Lib) Clive Seale ROUTLEDGE 0415300843 538p Knowledge Centre
301.01STO 01006636 Structuration Theory(law Library Rob Stones Palgrave Macmillan 0333793781 225p Knowledge Centre
301.01THO 01006151 Emile Durkheim Ken Thompson ROUTLEDGE 0415285313 174 Knowledge Centre
301.02 ARO 00121137 Society,culture and social change Arora Neha Rajat Publications 2015 9788178806792 280p. UG Library
301.02 BHA 00056292 Samajika Chintanegalu - Eshwari Series B Harathi, B M Nagarjun Study Centre 136p UG Library
301.02 NAG 00056295 Samaajika Chintane - Ondu Adhyayana Nagesha, H V Bharat 2000 238p UG Library
301.02400954 NBC 00082751 India`s Social Challenges (A NBCLC Series on Current Issues ) Development, Consumerism and Environment NBCLC NBCLC 2000 81p UG Library
301.0240954 NBC 00082744 India`s Social Challenges (A NBCLC Series on Current Issues) Vision and Values for a New Society NBCLC NBCLC 2007 84p UG Library
301.0240954 NBC 00082745 India`s Social Challenges ( a NBCLC Series on Current Issues): Towards a Just Economic Order NBCLC NBCLC 2000 84p UG Library
301.0240954 NBC 00082746 India`s Social Challenges (A NBCLC Series on Current Issues:) the Sources of Social Commitment NBCLC NBCLC 2007 120p UG Library
301.0240954 NBC 00082747 India`s Social Challenges (A NBCLC Series on Current Issues) the Promotion of Human Rights NBCLC NBCLC 2007 84p UG Library
301.0240954 NBC 00082748 India`s Social Challenges (a NBCLC Series on Current Issues): Promoting Tribal Rights & Culture NBCLC NBCLC 2007 84p UG Library
301.0240954 NBC 00082749 India`s Social Challenges (A NBCLC Series on Current Issues) Political Consciousness and Responsible Governance NBCLC NBCLC 2000 83p UG Library
301.0240954 NBC 00082750 India`s Social Challenges (A NBCLC Series on Current Issues) Justice, Peace and Anti-Terrorism NBCLC NBCLC 2000 82p UG Library
301.0240954 NBC 00082752 India`s Social Challenges (A NBCLS Series on Current Issues) NBCLC NBCLC 2000 84p UG Library
301.028 SUE 05020625 Conducing Online Surveys [ma-Sociology Section] Sue, Valerie M Sage Publications 194p Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAR 00115813 Oxford Dictionary of Sociology Marshall, Gordon Oxford University Press 1998 9780195669909 2nd Ed viii; 712 p. UG Library
301.03 ABE 05020806 Dictionary of Sociology Abercrombie, Nicholas PENGUIN 270 P Knowledge Centre
301.03 BHU 05020805 Anmol`s Dictionary of Sociology Bhusan, B Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05028083 Encyclopedia of sociology / Macmillan Reference USA, 0028648536 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. (xxxix, 3481 p.) : Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05028084 Encyclopedia of sociology / Macmillan Reference USA, 0028648536 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. (xxxix, 3481 p.) : Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05028085 Encyclopedia of sociology / Macmillan Reference USA, 0028648536 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. (xxxix, 3481 p.) : Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05028086 Encyclopedia of sociology / Macmillan Reference USA, 0028648536 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. (xxxix, 3481 p.) : Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05028087 Encyclopedia of sociology / Macmillan Reference USA, 0028648536 (set : alk. paper) 5 v. (xxxix, 3481 p.) : Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05027897 Encyclopedia of Sociology Borgatta, Edgar F Macmillan Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05027898 Encyclopedia of Sociology Borgatta, Edgar F Macmillan Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05027899 Encyclopedia of Sociology Borgatta, Edgar F Macmillan Knowledge Centre
301.03 BOR 05027900 Encyclopedia of Sociology Borgatta, Edgar F Macmillan Knowledge Centre
301.03 BRO 05020809 Glossary of Cultural Theory Brooker, Peter 0340807016 297p Knowledge Centre
301.03 DAM 00059379 Samaja Vignanagala Paaribhashika Padakosha Damle, Chandrashekara Mysore University 2003 576p UG Library
301.03 LAW 00115347 Illustrated Dictionary Of Sociology Lawman, Niomi Lotus Press 2004 8189093606 200 p. UG Library
301.03 MAI 05002098 Anthropology of Peace : Maini, Darshan Singh Mittal Publication; 2000 8170997798 299 p. Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAI 05002097 Anthropology of Peace : Maini, Darshan Singh Mittal Publication; 2000 8170997798 299 p. Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAI 05002096 Anthropology of Peace : Maini, Darshan Singh Mittal Publication; 2000 8170997798 299 p. Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAI 05002094 Anthropology of Peace : Maini, Darshan Singh Mittal Publication; 2000 8170997798 299 p. Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAI 05002100 Anthropology of Peace : Maini, Darshan Singh Mittal Publication; 2000 8170997798 299 p. Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAI 05002101 Anthropology of Peace : Maini, Darshan Singh Mittal Publication; 2000 8170997798 299 p. Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAI 05002099 Anthropology of Peace : Maini, Darshan Singh Mittal Publication; 2000 8170997798 299 p. Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAR 01000948 Dictionary of Sociology (law Lib) Gordon Marshall OXFORD 710p Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAR 01000074 Dictionary of Sociology (law Lib) Gordon Marshall OXFORD 710p Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAR 05029693 Dictionary of Sociology: Marshall, Gordon 0195669908 695p Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAR 05029696 Oxford Dictionary of Sociology Marshall, Gordon Oxford University Press 1998 9780195669909 2nd Ed viii; 712 p. Knowledge Centre
301.03 MAR 00053833 Oxford Dictionary of Sociology Marshall, Gordon Oxford University Press 1998 9780195669909 2nd Ed viii; 712 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.03 MAR 00052766 Oxford Dictionary of Sociology Marshall, Gordon Oxford University Press 1998 9780195669909 2nd Ed viii; 712 p. UG Library
301.03 MIT 00068547 New Dictionary of Sociology Mitchell, G Duncan 2004 0415043018 244p UG Library
301.03 MIT 05020811 DICTIONARY OF SOCIOLOGY Mitchell, D Duncan Rkp 220 P Knowledge Centre
301.03 MIT 05020814 New Dictionary of Sociology Mitchell, G Duncan 0415043018 244p Knowledge Centre
301.03 MIT 00024394 New Dictionary of Sociology Mitchell, Duncan .g Routledge &kegan Paul 1979 244 p UG Library
301.03 RIT 07008188 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008189 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008190 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008191 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008192 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008193 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008194 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008195 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008196 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008197 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 07008198 The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology / Blackwell Pub., 2007 1405124334 (set : hardback : a 11 v. (cxxiv, 5650 p.) : Library - BR Campus
301.03 RIT 05006505 The concise encyclopedia of sociology / Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 9781405183536 (hardcover : alk lii, 726 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.03 SCO 00037565 Dictionary of Sociology Scott, P William Goyal Saab 1988 468 p UG Library
301.03 SCO 07007993 A dictionary of sociology / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199683581 Fourth edition. xi, 816 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.03 SCO 05002617 A Dictionary of Sociology / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199533008 (pbk.) | 0199533 3rd ed. rev. xii, 816 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.03 SCO 05043983 A Dictionary of Sociology / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199533008 (pbk.) | 0199533 3rd ed. rev. xii, 816 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.03 SCO 05044726 A dictionary of sociology / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780199683581 Fourth edition. xi, 816 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.03 SCO 05002946 A Dictionary of Sociology / Oxford University Press, 0198609868 | 0198609876 | 9780 ix, 707 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.03 SCO 05003805 A Dictionary of Sociology / Oxford University Press, 2009 9780199533008 (pbk.) | 0199533 3rd ed. rev. xii, 816 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.03 SHA 00037428 Jeet`s Dictionary of Sociology Sharma, Sunitha Jeet Publications 1995 387 p UG Library
301.03 SIN 00140921 A Comprehensive Dictionary of Sociology: 2 Vol.Set / Singh, J.P. Rawat Publications; 2021 9788131611562 562 p. ; UG Library
301.03 SIN 00140922 A Comprehensive Dictionary of Sociology: 2 Vol.Set / Singh, J.P. Rawat Publications; 2021 9788131611562 562 p. ; UG Library
301.03 SWE 01028662 The Max Weber dictionary : Swedberg, Richard, M.P.P.House, 2016 9788194590217 2nd ed. xviii, 449 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.03 TRG 05026844 Glossary of Socialinguistics / Trudgill, Peter Edinburgh University Press, 2003 0748616233 148 p Knowledge Centre
301.03 WIL 00023412 Keywords:A Vocabulory of Culture and Society. Williams, Raymond Fontana 1981 286 P UG Library
301.03TUR 01003572 Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology (law Library) Bryan S Turner Cambridge University Press 0521540461 688p Knowledge Centre
301.04 ABR 00030411 Sociological Thought From Comte to Sorokin. Abraham, Francis Macmillan 1986 256 P UG Library
301.04 ABR 05020847 Sociological Thought FROM Comte to Sorokin Abraham, Francis Knowledge Centre
301.04 ANT 05020862 From History to Sociology : the Transition in German Historical Thinking Antoni, Carlo Mellin 250 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 ARO 05020831 Main Currents in Sociological Thought 2. Aron, Raymond Knowledge Centre
301.04 ARO 05020834 Main Currents in Sociological Thought 2. Aron, Raymond Knowledge Centre
301.04 ARO 05020830 Main Currents in Sociological Thought Vol.1. Aron, Raymond PENGUIN 270 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 ARO 05020848 Main Currents in Sociological Thought Vol.1. Aron, Raymond PENGUIN 270 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 ARO 05020832 Main Currents in Sociological Thought Vol.2. Durkheim Aron, Raymond PENGUIN 280 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 ARO 05020866 Main Currents in Sociological Thought=i Aron, Raymond PENGUIN 270 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 ARO 05020869 Main Currents in Socological Thought Aron, Raymond PENGUIN Knowledge Centre
301.04 BEH 05041120 Resources,Tribes and development / Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606704 318p.: Knowledge Centre
301.04 BEH 05041353 Resources,Tribes and development / Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606704 318p.: Knowledge Centre
301.04 BER 05020841 Restructuring of Social and Political Theory Bernstein, J Richard Basil Black Knowledge Centre
301.04 BET 00026827 Ideologies and Intellectuals Beteille, Andre OXFORD University 1983 51p UG Library
301.04 BOT 05020840 Readings Inmarxist Sociology Bottomore, Tom Calrendon 304 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 CAS 05020863 Giddens Reader Casell, Philip Mc Millan 356 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 COL 05020877 Theoretical Sociology Collins, Randall Rawat 565p Knowledge Centre
301.04 COL 05020876 Theoretical Sociology Collins, Randall Rawat 566 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 COL 05020875 Theoretical Sociology Collins, Randall Rawat 565 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 COL 05020484 Theoretical Sociology Collins, Randall Rawat 564 Knowledge Centre
301.04 COS 00129265 Sociological Theory / Coser, Lewis A Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609194 5th ed. 603p. UG Library
301.04 CRA 00035401 Modern Social Theory from Persons to Habermans Craib, Ian Harcourt & Row 1980 229 p UG Library
301.04 DIX 05002107 Sociology of Belief : Dixon, Keith Routledge, 1980 136 p. Knowledge Centre
301.04 HAM 00030421 Human Society Hambling Christine, Macmillan 1974 1 UG Library
301.04 JAG 00012837 Studies in the Social Thought of M.G Ranade Jagirdar, P J VIKAS 1963 150 p UG Library
301.04 JAY 05020808 Sociology: Methods and Theories Jayaram, N Macmillan 105 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 KAR 00009553 Kinship Organisation in India , pv UG Library
301.04 LEW 00132027 The Idea of Social Structure: Coser Lewis A., Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609552 ix,547 p.; UG Library
301.04 MAR 05020843 Nature of Types of Sociological Theory Martindale, Don Knowledge Centre
301.04 MAR 05021702 Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy Marx, Carl PENGUIN 272 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 MAR 05020672 Nature of Types of Sociological Theory / Martindal, Don Rawat 1990 560 P Knowledge Centre
301.04 MER 05020878 Social Theory and Social Structure Merton, K Robert Amerind 702 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 MON 05020853 Contemporary Post Colonial Theory Mongia, Padmini 0195641590 410 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 POP 05020846 Open Society and Its Enemies. Vol2 Popper, K R Riutledge 420 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 REX 05020852 Key Problems of Sociological Theory Rex, John Routledge 220 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 SCH 00112075 Applied Social Psychology / Schneider,Frank W. Sage, 2012 9788132110125 xiii,486p.: UG Library
301.04 SCH 05032857 Applied Social Psychology / Schneider,Frank W. Sage, 2012 9788132110125 xiii,486p.: Knowledge Centre
301.04 SKI 00034127 Theoretical Thinking in Sociology Skidmore, William Cambridge Univ Press 1975 276 p UG Library
301.04 THA 07009122 Social Psychology / K R Thakar Prisom Books, 2013 9789382037156 v, 250 p. Library - BR Campus
301.04 THA 05044847 Social Psychology / K R Thakar Prisom Books, 2013 9789382037156 v, 250 p. Knowledge Centre
301.04 TUR 05020839 Structure of Sociological Theory [ma-Sociology Section] Turner, H Jonathan Knowledge Centre
301.04 VAT 00029778 Advanced Sociological Theories / Vatsyayan Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1984 160 p UG Library
301.04 VAT 05029268 Advanced Sociological Theories / Vatsyayan Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1984 160 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 VAT 05020690 Advanced Sociological Theories / Vatsyayan Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1984 160 p Knowledge Centre
301.04 VAT 05020873 History of Social Thought Vatsysan, KNRN 234 p Knowledge Centre
301.04/IAN 00035404 Modern Social Theory Craib, Ian UG Library
301.04/SE 00034128 Theoretical Thinking in Sociology William, Skidmore UG Library
301.04/SKI 00034129 Theortical Thinking in Sociology William, Skidimore UG Library
301.042 FRE 05020865 Sociology of Max Weber Freund, Julian PENGUIN 310 p Knowledge Centre
301.045 JAY 05074766 The sociology of Emile Durkheim : Jayaram, N Rawat Publications, 2024 9788131613566 xiii, 262 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.06 IAN 00035402 Modern Social Theory Ian Craib, 1 UG Library
301.07 PAT 05020647 Sociological Concepts and Terminology : Identification, Categorism and Class Pathak, P Lalit Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 1998 8174889817 484 p. Knowledge Centre
301.07 BIL 00123527 Introductory Sociology Bilton, Tony Palgrave McMillan, 2016 9781137605771 4th edi. xxxiii, 596 p:. UG Library
301.07 BIL 07010428 Introductory Sociology Bilton, Tony Palgrave McMillan, 2016 9781137605771 4th edi. xxxiii, 596 p:. Library - BR Campus
301.07 GRZ 05070464 Intersectionality : Grzanka, R Patrick Routledge, 2019 9781138597099 (hardback) | 9781138597167 (pbk.) 2nd Edition. xiii,429p Knowledge Centre
301.07 GRZ 00135553 Intersectionality : Grzanka, R Patrick Routledge, 2019 9781138597099 (hardback) | 9781138597167 (pbk.) 2nd Edition. xiii,429p UG Library
301.07 PIN 05047989 Digital ethnography : SAGE, 2016 9781473902374 | 1473902371 | 9 xiii, 202 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.071 KOR 07012295 Sociology in action / Korgen, Kathleen Odell, Sage, 2019 9781506345901 (pbk. : alk. paper) First Edition. xxiii,371p.: Library - BR Campus
301.071 REN 00051554 Living Sociology Renzetti, M Claire 1998 0205151442 642p UG Library
301.071173 DEN 00144356 Doing anthropology : Dennis, Simone, Routledge, 2023 9781032226491 | 9781032226484 First Edition. xi,319p, ; UG Library
301.071173 KOR 05044995 The Engaged Sociologist : Korgen Kathleen Odell Sage, 2015 9781483359199 252p.: Knowledge Centre
301.071173 KOR 05029530 The Engaged Sociologist : Korgen, Kathleen Pine Forge Press, 2007 9781412936590 196 p Knowledge Centre
301.071173 KOR 00108783 The Engaged Sociologist : Korgen, Kathleen Odell, SAGE/Pine Forge, 2011 9781412979498 | 1412979498 (pb 3rd ed. x, 225 p. ; UG Library
301.072 PAN 05019931 Research Methodology in Social Sciences Pande, G C Anmol 292 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 ADL 05047872 An invitation to social research : Clark, Adler. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011 9780840032386 4th ed. xix,516p.; Knowledge Centre
301.072 ADL 05048639 An invitation to social research : Clark, Adler. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011 9780840032386 4th ed. xix,516p.; Knowledge Centre
301.072 BAB 05044532 The Basics of Social Research / Babbie, Earl R. Cengage Learning, 2014 9788131527269 | 113359414X (st Sixth edition. xxvii, 542 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.072 BAB 00098676 Research Methods in Sociology; Babbie,Earl Cengage Learning india private limited; 2007 446 p. UG Library
301.072 BAB 07006865 The Basics of Social Research / Babbie, Earl R. Cengage Learning, 2014 9788131527269 | 113359414X (st Sixth edition. xxvii, 542 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.072 BER 05020890 Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches Bernard, Rusel H Rawat Publications 8131601803 801p Knowledge Centre
301.072 BHA 05039678 Research in Applied Anthropology / Bhatnagar R.P Swastik Publications, 2013 9789381084281 238p.: Knowledge Centre
301.072 BUD 05019951 Research Methods for Business Studies - Issues and Persepevtives Budhwar, Pawan Global Business Press 8172401256 159p Knowledge Centre
301.072 BUL 05019934 Sociological Research Methods Bulmer, Martin Mcmilliam 364 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 BYR 00054698 Saamajika Samshodana Vidhaanagalu Byrappa, K Cambridge 2002 224p UG Library
301.072 BYR 00054914 Saamajika Samshodana Vidhaanagalu Byrappa, K Cambridge 2002 224p UG Library
301.072 CAR 00099129 Doing Social Research Cargan,Leonard Rawat publications; 2007 9788131601785 xiii;343 p. UG Library
301.072 CHA 05020860 Research in Sociology Chaturvedi, D D Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 8174883711 358p Knowledge Centre
301.072 DEV 05019914 Data Collection Analysis and Interpretation in Social Research Devi, Lakshmi 0817488730 314 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 DOS 05020897 Relevance in Sociological Research Doshi, S L Rawat 208 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 DUR 05020864 Rules of Sociological Method [ma-Sociology Section] Durkheim, Emile Free Press 146 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 GHO 05029278 Scientific Method and Social Research / Ghosh, B N Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1999 313 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 GIL 05002106 Researching Social Life / Gilbert, Nigel Sage, 2008 9781412946629 549 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 GIL 00133943 Researching social life / Gilbert, G. Nigel. Sage publications Inc., 2016 9781446295458 (pbk) | 1446295451 | 1446295443 | 9781446295441 4th edition. xxviii, 593 pages : UG Library
301.072 GLA 05026829 Qualitative Sociology as Everyday Life / Glassner, Barry Sage Publications, 1999 0761913688 280 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 GOE 00142926 Reimagining rapport / Goebel, Zane Oxford university press, 2021 9780190917074 | 9780197558744 xi, 191 pages : UG Library
301.072 GOO 05019980 Methods in Social Research Goode, William J Mgh 386 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 GOR 05002434 Third Survey of Research in Sociology and Social Anthropology Gore, M S Manak Publication 8186562826 381p Knowledge Centre
301.072 GOR 05044802 Real research : Gordon, Liahna E. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2016 9781452299365 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 270 p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 GOR 05002648 Third Survey of Research in Sociology and Social Anthropology Gore, M S Manak Publication 8186562826 381p Knowledge Centre
301.072 HAR 05058328 The sociology students' guide to writing / Harris, Angelique, Sage, 2017 9781506350486 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 258 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.072 HAR 05033417 Writing for emerging sociologists / Harris, Angelique. Sage Publications, 2013 9781412991797 (pbk. : alk. pap xiv, 328 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.072 HEN 05015073 Qualitative research methods / Hennink, Monique. SAGE Publications, 2010 9781412922258 | 9781412922265 1st ed. xxiii,304 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.072 KAI 00144137 Effective Writing for Sociology : Kali, Ben Lennox. Routledge, 2023 9781032357270 ix,140p,; UG Library
301.072 KON 00129743 Collaborators Collaborating : Konrad, Monica Berghahn Books, 2012 9780857454805 | 9780857454812 vi, 318 p. ; UG Library
301.072 LER 00144131 The Future of Sociology : Leroux, Robert. Rotledge, 2023 9781032045054 x,219p,; UG Library
301.072 MAN 00033227 Methods of Sociological Enquiry Basic Black Mann, H Peter Oxford University 1968 195 p. UG Library
301.072 MOS 05020829 Survey Methods in Social Investigation Moses, C A ELBS 550 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 NAG 05020891 Organisation and Sociology of Research / Nappoul, P S Wiley , 1990 160 p .: Knowledge Centre
301.072 NAG 05020895 Organization and Sociology of Research / Nagpaul, P S Wiley Eastern Ltd , 1990 8122401287 163p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 NAG 05020807 Organization and Sociology of Research / Nagpaul, P S Wiley Eastern Ltd , 1990 8122401287 163p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 NAG 05020896 Organization and Sociology of Research / Nagpaul, P S Wiley Eastern Ltd , 1990 8122401287 163p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 NAR 00054910 Saamajika Samshodhana Vidhana Narayanan, M Chetana 2001 226p UG Library
301.072 NAU 00048026 Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches Neuman, W Lawrence 1997 0205265618 560 p UG Library
301.072 NEU 00147728 Social research methods : Neuman, W. Lawrence Pearson, 2023 9789356062450 Eighth edition. xviii,546p. ; UG Library
301.072 NEU 10003005 Social research methods : Neuman, W. Lawrence Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2023 9780134743653 | 9789356062450 Eighth edition. xviii, 546 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.072 PB 00033228 Methods of Social Enquiry Peter, H Mann 1 UG Library
301.072 RAJ 05020288 Theory and Practice in Social Research / Raj, Hans Surjeet Publishers : 1979 404p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 RAJ 00057210 Samajika Samshodhane (social Research) Rajasekhar, S Bhramara Prakashana 1995 224p UG Library
301.072 RAJ 00057213 Samajika Samshodhane (social Research) Rajasekhar, S Bhramara Prakashana 1995 224p UG Library
301.072 RAM 05039831 Social Research / Ramaswamy.Dr.B Centrum Press, 2014 9789350841563 280p.: Knowledge Centre
301.072 SAD 05055185 Research Methodology in Social Sciencess / Sadhu, A N. Himalaya, 1980 236p.; Knowledge Centre
301.072 SCH 00138201 Global sociology and the struggles for a better world : Schulz, Markus Sage publications ltd., 2019 9781526463982 | 9781526463999 1st edition. x,118p.; UG Library
301.072 SEA 07006730 Researching society and culture / SAGE Publications, 2012 9781849207980 | 9781849207997 3rd ed. xii, 636 p. : Library - BR Campus
301.072 SHA 00025568 Freedom and Death Kazantzakis,Nikos Faber And Faber 1984 0571066798 472 p. UG Library
301.072 SHA 05068011 Research methodology in social science / Sharma. D.C. Writers World, 2018 9788194216926 viii,232p.; Knowledge Centre
301.072 SHA 00057209 Handbook of Social Research (samajika Samshodhaneya Kaipidi) Shankar Rao, C N Jai Bharath Prakashana 2002 216p UG Library
301.072 SIN 00019421 Technique and Method of Social Survey Research and Statistics Singh, K PRAKASHAN 1979 516 UG Library
301.072 SIN 00118353 Instruments of Social Research / Singh Jaspal Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604298 xxiii,312 p. : UG Library
301.072 SIN 05010509 Instruments of Social Research / Singh Jaspal Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604298 xxiii,312 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.072 SIN 07006858 Instruments of Social Research / Singh Jaspal Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604298 xxiii,312 p. : Library - BR Campus
301.072 SIN 00127396 Instruments of Social Research / Singh Jaspal Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604298 xxiii,312 p. : UG Library
301.072 SJO 05020893 Methodology for Social Research Sjoberg, Gideon Rawat 354 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 SRI 01003227 Methodology and Fieldwork / Vinay Kumar Srivastava Oxford University Press, 2004 I. CHARACTER OFSATISH SABERWAL ix, 499 p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 SRI 01003264 Methodology and Fieldwork / Vinay Kumar Srivastava Oxford University Press, 2004 I. CHARACTER OFSATISH SABERWAL ix, 499 p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 SRI 05020892 Fieldworker and the Field: Problems and Challenges in Sociological Investigaton Srinivas, M N Oxford 1979 288p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 SRI 00089870 Fieldworker and the Field: Problems and Challenges in Sociological Investigaton Srinivas, M N Oxford 1979 288p. UG Library
301.072 SRI 05020894 Fieldworker and the Field Srinivas, M N 0195658884 286p Knowledge Centre
301.072 STI 00136724 The Logic of Social Research / Stinchcombe,Arthur L. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610923 xiii,354p.; UG Library
301.072 STI 10001370 The Logic of Social Research / Stinchcombe,Arthur L. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610923 xiii,354p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.072 STI 07014893 The Logic of Social Research / Stinchcombe,Arthur L. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610923 xiii,354p.; Library - BR Campus
301.072 THO 05019979 Methods of Social Research Thoothi, N A Popular 66 p. Knowledge Centre
301.072 VER 00121311 Research methods in Anthropology Verma Deepak Anmol Publications 2014 9788126162161 320p. UG Library
301.072 WIL 00020692 Methodology and Techniques of Social Research Walkinson, T S Himalaya 392 p. UG Library
301.072 WIL 00017343 Methodology and Techniques of Social Reseaarch Wilkinson, T S Himalaya 1977 416 p. UG Library
301.072 YAT 05002105 Doing Social Science Research / Yates, Simeon J Sage, 2004 0761967982 293 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 YOU 05070471 The writer's handbook for sociology / Young, Dona J., Routledge, 2019 9781138571266 (hardback) | 9781138571273 (pbk.) viii,457p.; Knowledge Centre
301.072 YOU 05053462 Scientific Social Surveys and Research / Young Pauline V Prentice-Hall, 1977 4th 576 p Knowledge Centre
301.072 YOU 00135382 The writer's handbook for sociology / Young, Dona J., Routledge, 2019 9781138571266 (hardback) | 9781138571273 (pbk.) viii,457p.; UG Library
301.072 YOU 00019277 Scientific Social Surveys and Research Young V, Pauline Pentice Hall 1977 1 UG Library
301.072054 SRI 01015799 The fieldworker and the field : Oxford University Press, 0195658884 | 9780195668346 xvii, 288 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.072073 PLA 05029279 History of Sociological Research Methods in America 1920-1960 / Platt, Jennifer Cambridge University Press, 1998 0521646499 336 p Knowledge Centre
301.0721 THE 07012559 Research Methods in Anthropology Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches / Therborn Andy Amiga Press.Inc, 2019 9789387295179 232p.: Library - BR Campus
301.0723 BRI 05042731 InterViews : Kvale, Steinar, Sage, 2015 1452275726 | 9781452275727 Third edition. xviii, 405 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.0723 BUB 00144147 Philosophy on Fieldwork : Bubandt, Nils. Routledge, 2023 9781350108318 xii,504p,; UG Library
301.0723 KIN 04009228 Interviews in qualitative research / King, Nigel. SAGE, 2010 9781412912563 (hbk.) | 1412912 viii, 248 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301.0723 KVA 00092504 InterViews : Kvale, Steinar, Sage Publications, 9780761925415 (cloth) | 978076 p. cm. UG Library
301.0723 SHA 05020851 Biography and the Sociological Imagination: Contexts and Contingencies Shanahan, Michael J 2008 9780393976083 326 p Knowledge Centre
301.0723 SIL 05044752 Interpreting qualitative data : Silverman, David Sage, 2014 9781446295434 5th ed., xxiv,489p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0723 SIL 00147838 Interpreting qualitative data/ Silverman, David Sage, 2024 9781529622546 7th ed., xxi,469p. ; UG Library
301.0727 WEI 07006908 Applying social statistics : Weinstein, Jay A., Rowman & Littlefield, 2010 9780742563735 (cloth : alk. pa xxxi, 417 p. : Library - BR Campus
301.0729541 BOR 00142827 A glimpse of anthropological research in North East India Borgohain,Milonyoti Serials publications pvt ltd., 2021 9788195288700 x,205p.; UG Library
301.072HEN 07006176 Short Introduction to Social Research / Matt Henn SAGE Publication, 2006 9788178296456 285p.: Library - BR Campus
301.072HEN 01006169 Short Introduction to Social Research / Matt Henn SAGE Publication, 2006 9788178296456 285p.: Knowledge Centre
301.072SAR 00047853 Social Research Sarantakos, Sotirios 0333738683 488 p UG Library
301.074 BOU 05038617 Museums : Bouquet, Mary, Berg, 2012 9780857852113 (alk. paper) | 9 English ed. xi, 243 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.08 BET 00029676 Six Essays in Comparative Sociology Beteille, Andre Oxford Univ 1985 110 p UG Library
301.08 BET 05020861 Six Essays in Comparative Socilogy Beteille, Andre Oxford 112 p. Knowledge Centre
301.08 BET 00027287 Six Essays in Comparative Sociology Beteille, Andra Oxford 1983 114 p. UG Library
301.08 COS 05057777 Sociological theory: a book of readings, Coser, Lewis A Rawat publications, 2018 9788131609200 | 9788131609194 5th ed., xviii,603p.; Knowledge Centre
301.08 COS 01025476 Sociological theory: a book of readings, Coser, Lewis A Rawat publications, 2018 9788131609200 | 9788131609194 5th ed., xviii,603p.; Knowledge Centre
301.08 COS 07013824 Sociological theory: a book of readings, Coser, Lewis A Rawat publications, 2018 9788131609200 | 9788131609194 5th ed., xviii,603p.; Library - BR Campus
301.08 CSD 05020824 Sarai Reader 01 the Public Domain [SOCIOLOGY] Centre for the Study of Developing Socie, ties 1570271240 248 Knowledge Centre
301.08 CSD 05020821 Sarai Reader 02 the Cities fo Everyday Life [SOCIOLOGY] Centre for the Study of Developing Socie, ties Sarai Programme [centre for the Study of Developing Societies] 8190142909 364 Knowledge Centre
301.08 CSD 05020820 Sarai Reader Shaping Technologies [SOCIOLOGY] Centre for the Study of Developing Socie, ties Sarai Programme [centre for the Study of Developing Societies] 8190142933 379 Knowledge Centre
301.08 CSD 00073820 Sarai Reader 04 Crisis / media Centre for the Study of Developing Societies Sarai Programme CSDS 2004 8190142941 484 p UG Library
301.08 CSD 05020883 Sarai Reader 05 Bare Acts [SOCIOLOGY] Centre for the Study of Developing Socie, ties Sarai Programme [centre for the Study of Developing Societies] 0819014295 581 Knowledge Centre
301.08 CSD 05020819 Sarai Reader 06 Turbulence [sociology] Centre for Th3 Study of Developing Socie, ties Sarai Programme [centre for the Study of Developing Societies] 8190142976 596 Knowledge Centre
301.08 CSD 05020882 Saraireader 2007 Frontiers [MA-SOCIOLOGY SECTION] Csds Sarai Programme [centre for the Study of Developing Societies] 8190142992 582p Knowledge Centre
301.08 DES 00119368 A Textbook of Sociological Theory Desai, Vibha Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006381 272p.; UG Library
301.08 GOO 00015727 The Dynamics of Modern Society Goode William J Eurasia Publishing House 1975 475 p UG Library
301.08 GOO 00029558 Dynamics of Modern Socity Goode, William J Eurasia 1990 475 p UG Library
301.08 GRO 05020822 Socilogical Theory: Inquires and Paradigms Gross, Llewellyn Allied x,398 p. Knowledge Centre
301.08 MAR 05020884 Selected Writings in Sociology an Social Philosphy Marx, Carl PENGUIN 272 p. Knowledge Centre
301.08 MYR 00033233 Value in Social Theory:A Selecltion of Essays on Methodology Myrdal, Gunnar Kegan Paul 1958 296 p. UG Library
301.08 PAR 05020886 Sociological Writings - Selected By Finer S E Pareto, Vilfredo BASIL 334 p Knowledge Centre
301.08 RAD 05020885 Structure and Function Inf Prmitive Society:Essay Radcliffe, Brown A R Addison 220 p. Knowledge Centre
301.08 SRI 05020823 Th Cohesive Role of Sanskritization and Other Essays Srinivas, M N OUP 210 p. Knowledge Centre
301.08 THO 00010743 Sociological Perspectives. Thompson, Kenneth PENGUIN 1968 598 p. UG Library
301.08 UJ 00033234 International Library of Sociology. Sproh, W J H 1 UG Library
301.081COT 01005707 Sociology of Law : An Introduction (law Lib) Roger Cotterrell Oxford University Press 2007 0195692187 398p Knowledge Centre
301.0823 LAS 05002104 Feminist Sociology : Laslett, Barbara Rutgers University Press, 1997 0813524288 286 p Knowledge Centre
301.08CUB.H 00012060 Readings in Sociology Sources and Comment Cuber, John F Acf 1978 325 UG Library
301.09 ACH 00133723 Sociological thought Acharya,B.C Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053671 259p.; UG Library
301.09 ABR 05006648 Sociological Thought / Abraham, Francis Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., 1985 9780333904688 263 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.09 ABR 05020872 Sociological Thought. Abraham, Francis Macmillan 1985 263 p Knowledge Centre
301.09 ABR 00040742 Sociological Thought. Abraham, Francis Macmillan 1985 263 p UG Library
301.09 ABR 05020816 Sociological Thought. Abraham, Francis Macmillan 1985 263 p Knowledge Centre
301.09 ABR 00044556 Sociological Thought from Comte to Sorokin Abraham, Francis 1997 0333904680 263p UG Library
301.09 ARO 05020868 Main Currents in Sociological Thought Aron, Raymond PENGUIN Knowledge Centre
301.09 ARO 00143207 Main Ccrrents in Sociological Thought / Aron, Raymond Rawat Publication, 2022 9788131612682 | 9788131612699 xxi,354p,; UG Library
301.09 ARO 00143208 Main Ccrrents in Sociological Thought / Aron, Raymond Rawat Publication, 2022 9788131612682 | 9788131612699 xxi,354p,; UG Library
301.09 ARO 05020857 Main Currents in Sociological Thought -I Aron, Raymond Anchor Knowledge Centre
301.09 ARO 05020856 Main Currents in Sociological Thought -I Aron, Raymond Anchor Knowledge Centre
301.09 ARO 05020855 Main Currents in Sociological Thought II Aron, Raymond Anchor Knowledge Centre
301.09 ARO 05020854 Main Currents in Sociological Thought II Aron, Raymond Anchor Knowledge Centre
301.09 BAE 07009462 Founders Classics Canons/ Baehr,peter Transaction Publishers, 2016 9781412857055 Second Edition XIX,283 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
301.09 BAR 05020810 Introduction to the History of Sociology Barnes, Harry Helmer UCP 488 p. Knowledge Centre
301.09 BAR 05020825 Introduction to the History of Sociology Barnes, Harry Helmer UCP 488 p. Knowledge Centre
301.09 BIR 00127901 Fundamentals of Social Thoughts / Biradar, Sudnyani Shrishail. Book Enclave, 2017 9788181524157 vi, 282p.; UG Library
301.09 BYR 00054696 Paschimatya Haagu Bhrathiya Saamajika Chintane Byrappa, K Sapna Book House 1999 696p UG Library
301.09 COL 00049246 The Discovery of Society Collins Randall McGraw-Hill Publishers 1998 0071156755 6th Ed 342 p UG Library
301.09 COL 05056313 The discovery of society / Collins, Randall, McGraw-Hill, 1998 0070118833 | 9780070118836 6th ed. viii, 343 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.09 COS 05020837 Master of Sociological Thought : Ideas in Historical & Social Context Coser A Lewis Rawat Publications 2002 8170333437 2nd Ed. 611 p Knowledge Centre
301.09 COS 05020900 Masters of Socialogical Thought Coser, A Lewis Rawat 610 Knowledge Centre
301.09 COS 00061198 Masters of Sociological Thought : Ideas in Historical & Social Context Coser A Lewis Rawat Publications 2002 8170333437 2nd Ed 611 p UG Library
301.09 COS 00061199 Masters of Sociological Thought : Ideas in Historical & Social Context Coser A Lewis Rawat Publications 2002 8170333437 2nd Ed 611 p UG Library
301.09 COS 05020899 Masters of Sociological Thought [ Ideas in Historical and Social Context ] Coser, Lewis A Rawat 611p Knowledge Centre
301.09 CSM 05020817 Sociological Thought M N M M n M Knowledge Centre
301.09 CUZ 05020838 Social Thought into the Twenty-First Centuey-Sixth Edition -[ma.Soc ] Cuzzort, R P 0155064029 468p Knowledge Centre
301.09 DON 00087926 Origins and the Growth of Sociological Theory: Reading on the History of Sociology Donni, Antonio O 1982 0882296140 192p UG Library
301.09 DOR 00138290 Origins of Sociological Theory / Dorsey,Arris. Ed-Tech Press, 2020 9781788823791 rep xii,325p.; UG Library
301.09 DUB 05068641 History of Sociology / Dubey, Aditya. Edukeen Publisher, 2019 9789389387186 288 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.09 GOR 05020870 Social Context of an Ideology: Ambedkar`s Political and Social Thought Gore, M S Sage Publications 8170363640 361 p Knowledge Centre
301.09 HAD 05061263 History of anthropology / Haddon, Alfred C. Concept Publishing Company Pvt Ltd, 2017 9789351252634 xviii, 145p. Knowledge Centre
301.09 KAT 00121979 Relevance of Ambedkar's ideology / By Kataria, Kanta. Rawat Publication : 2015 9788131607206 (hardback) | 813 xii, 265 pages ; UG Library
301.09 KAT 07006879 Relevance of Ambedkar's ideology / By Kataria, Kanta. Rawat Publication : 2015 9788131607206 (hardback) | 813 xii, 265 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.09 KAT 00121788 Relevance of Ambedkar's ideology / By Kataria, Kanta. Rawat Publication : 2015 9788131607206 (hardback) | 813 xii, 265 pages ; UG Library
301.09 KAT 05044491 Relevance of Ambedkar's ideology / By Kataria, Kanta. Rawat Publication : 2015 9788131607206 (hardback) | 813 xii, 265 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.09 KIN 00073377 The Structure of Social Theory King Anthony Routledge Group 2004 0415263344 268 p UG Library
301.09 KIV 05003033 Key ideas in sociology / Kivisto, Peter, Pine Forge Press, 9781412978118 (pbk.) | 1412978 xiii, 223 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.09 KUM 00037594 History of Social Thought Kumar, S Rpb 1988 1 UG Library
301.09 KUM 05020858 History of Social Thought Kumar, S Rpb 370 p Knowledge Centre
301.09 LAC 05047759 What is historical sociology? / Lachmann, Richard. ATLANTIC , 2013 0745660088 | 9780745660080 | 0 vi, 160 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.09 MAR 05020889 The Nature and Types of Sociological Theory / Martindale, Don Rawat Publications 2010 8170330912 560 p. Knowledge Centre
301.09 MAR 05020888 The Nature and Types of Sociological Theory / Martindale, Don Rawat Publications 2010 8170330912 560 p. Knowledge Centre
301.09 MAR 05020887 The Nature and Types of Sociological Theory / Martindale, Don Rawat Publications 2010 8170330912 560 p. Knowledge Centre
301.09 MAR 05020871 Cambridge Companion to Marx Marx, Carl 0521366941 357p Knowledge Centre
301.09 MAR 00135154 The nature and types of sociological theory / Martindale, Don. Routledge, 2018 9780815384199 (pbk) Special Indian Edition. 558 p. : UG Library
301.09 MAR 07013829 The nature and types of sociological theory / Martindale, Don. Routledge, 2018 9780815384199 (pbk) Special Indian Edition. 558 p. : Library - BR Campus
301.09 MOH 00141687 Socilogical Thought Mohapatra, Tanuja Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789327258110 7.29 p.; UG Library
301.09 MOH 00141688 Rural Socilogical Mohapatra, Tanuja Kalyani Publishers, 2018 9789389477115 5.48 p.; UG Library
301.09 MOU 00057212 Study of Social Thought (samajika Chintaneya Adyayana) Mouli, H B Bharat 2003 239p UG Library
301.09 MUK 00037597 History of Social Thought : In Question & Answer Mukhi H R SBD Publishers & Distributors 1996 368 p UG Library
301.09 MUK 00037473 History of Social Thought Mukuhi, H R Surjeet 1996 368 p UG Library
301.09 MUK 00037621 History of Social Thought : In Question & Answer Mukhi H R SBD Publishers & Distributors 1996 368 p UG Library
301.09 NAG 00054693 Saamajika Chintane Nagesha, H V Bharat 2001 245p UG Library
301.09 OWE 05020801 Sociology After Postmodernism (pg.Liib.) Owen, David 0803975147 228p Knowledge Centre
301.09 PRA 05026755 Sociology of G.S Ghurye Pramanick, S.k Rawat Knowledge Centre
301.09 RAW 00112551 Contemporary sociology Rawat,H.K Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605851 420p.; UG Library
301.09 RAW 07011465 Contemporary sociology Rawat,H.K Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605851 420p.; Library - BR Campus
301.09 RAW 07011466 Contemporary sociology Rawat,H.K Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605851 420p.; Library - BR Campus
301.09 RAW 00112441 Contemporary sociology Rawat,H.K Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605851 420p.; UG Library
301.09 RAW 07006889 Contemporary sociology Rawat,H.K Rawat publications, 2013 9788131605851 420p.; Library - BR Campus
301.09 RES 05068374 The age of the social : Restivo, Sal P., Routledge, 2018 9781138234369 (hbk) xvii, 227 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.09 ROM 05033414 Sociological thought : Romesh,C.R. Centrum Press, 2012 9789381293560 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
301.09 ROM 05033420 Sociological Theory : Romesh,C.R. Centrum Press, 2011 9789381293713 viii,296p.; Knowledge Centre
301.09 SHA 05020867 History of Social Thought Sharma, Ram Nath Media Promoters & 8185099200 442p Knowledge Centre
301.09 SHA 00054694 Saamajika Mattu Samajashastriya Chintane Shankar, Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 1999 254 UG Library
301.09 SHA 00056793 Samajika Chintaneya Adhyayana Rao, Shankar C N Jai Bharath Prakashana 2002 300p UG Library
301.09 SHA 00056794 Samjika Mattu Samaja Shastriya Chintane- Social and Sociological Thought (indian and Western) Rao, Shankar C N Jai Bharath Prakashana 2002 114p UG Library
301.09 SHA 05020815 History of Social Thought Sharma, R N Mpp Knowledge Centre
301.09 SHA 00057200 Saamajika Chintaneya Ithihaasa Sharma, A R Akhila Publications 2000 172p[ UG Library
301.09 SHA 00057201 Saamajika Sanshodaneya Kaipidi Shankara Rao, C N Jai Bharath Prakashana 2000 206p UG Library
301.09 SHA 05020859 History of Social Thought Sharma, R N Mpp 442 p Knowledge Centre
301.09 STO 05026627 Key Sociological Thinkers / Stones Rob Macmillan Press, 1998 0333687671 366 p Knowledge Centre
301.09 STO 00052841 Key Sociological Thinkers / Stones Rob Macmillan Press, 1998 0333687671 366 p UG Library
301.09 SWI 07009991 A Short history of Sociological thought/ Swingewood,Alan Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 9781137503725 Third Edition XI,264 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
301.09 SWI 00125745 A short history of sociological thought Swingewood, Alan. St. Martin's Press, 2000 0312230923 (cloth) | 031223093 3rd ed. xi, 269 p. ; UG Library
301.09 TUR 05041122 The Emergence of Sociological Theory / Turner Jonathan.H Cengage Learning, 2015 9788131525234 6th ed xv,382p.: Knowledge Centre
301.09 TUR 00120445 The Emergence of Sociological Theory / Turner,Jonathan H. Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 9780495127291 Sixth Edition, x,382 p. UG Library
301.09 TUR 07006885 The Emergence of Sociological Theory / Turner Jonathan.H Cengage Learning, 2015 9788131525234 6th ed xv,382p.: Library - BR Campus
301.09 TUR 05002103 The Emergence of Sociological Theory / Turner,Jonathan H. Thomson Wadsworth, 2007 9780495127291 Sixth Edition, x,382 p. Knowledge Centre
301.09 VAT 05020835 History of Social Thought Vatsyayan, Dr Kedar Nath Ram Nath 239p Knowledge Centre
301.09 VAT 05026686 History of Sociological Thought : Vatsyayan Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1994 238 p. Knowledge Centre
301.09 VAT 00037452 History of Socilogical Thought Vatsyayan Knrn 1994 232 p UG Library
301.09 WEB 05020881 Cambridge Companion to Weber Weber, Max 0052156753 286p Knowledge Centre
301.09 WEB 00052466 Cambridge Companion to Weber Weber 2000 0052156753 288p UG Library
301.090954 NAG 01011378 Indian Sociological Thought / B K Nagla Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131606179 xi,418p.; Knowledge Centre
301.090954 NAG 07010228 Indian Sociological Thought / B K Nagla Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131606179 xi,418p.; Library - BR Campus
301.090954 NAG 07011467 Indian Sociological Thought / B K Nagla Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131606179 xi,418p.; Library - BR Campus
301.090954 NAG 07011468 Indian Sociological Thought / B K Nagla Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131606179 xi,418p.; Library - BR Campus
301.091821 BHA 01006579 Rethinking modernity : Bhambra, Gurminder K., Palgrave, 9780230226753 | 023050034X (cl viii, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.091821 BHA 01010062 Rethinking modernity : Bhambra, Gurminder K., Palgrave, 9780230226753 | 023050034X (cl viii, 200 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.092 LEM 05029277 Durkheim's ghosts : Lemert, Charles C., Cambridge University Press, 2006 0521842662 (hbk.) | 0521603633 x, 294 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.092 NAG 00033190 Organization and Sociology of Reasarch Nagpaul, P S W E 162 p. UG Library
301.092 RUM 03001317 Herbert Spencer's Sociology / Rumney, Jay. Aldine Transaction, 2008 9780202361673 | 0202361675 357 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
301.092 ARI 00092231 The Oxford India Srinivas / Srinivas, Mysore Narasimhachar. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780198060345 | 0198060343 xxviii, 733 p. ; UG Library
301.092 BAL 01006145 ZYGMUNT BAUMAN(LAW LIBRARY) Tony Blackshaw ROUTLEDGE 0415355044 170p Knowledge Centre
301.092 BEN 00124501 Max Weber : Bendix, Reinhard. Rawat Publications, 1978 9788131607824 xxv, 522 p. ; UG Library
301.092 BEN 00128963 Max Weber : Bendix, Reinhard. Rawat Publications, 1978 9788131607824 xxv, 522 p. ; UG Library
301.092 BER 05040989 When Marx mattered : Bershady, Harold J., Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412853699 (cloth : alk. pa xxi, 260 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.092 BER 07009497 When Marx mattered : Bershady, Harold J., Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412853699 (cloth : alk. pa xxi, 260 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.092 BLA 00081800 Zygmunt Bauman Blackshaw, Tony 2005 0000415044 170p UG Library
301.092 BLA 00082339 Zygmunt Bauman Blackshaw, Tony 2005 0000415044 170p UG Library
301.092 CHA 07012585 Conversations with Gayatri Chakaravorty Spivak / Chakravorty Swapan Seagull, 2006 9781905422289 173p.: Library - BR Campus
301.092 DEE 05037191 Self, war, & society : Deegan, Mary Jo, Transaction Publishers, 2008 9781412847575 (pbk. : alk. pap xii, 358 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.092 EDG 00079841 Habermas;the Key Concepts Edgar, Andrew 2006 0415303796 83p UG Library
301.092 EGA 07009484 The character of human institutions : Egan,Michael Transaction Publishers, 2014 9781412853774 xi, 382 pages : Library - BR Campus
301.092 ERT 07013615 Max Weber's economic ethic of the world religions : Cambridge University Press, 2017 9781107133877 (hardback : alk. paper) x, 358 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.092 FIT 05068495 The Challenge Of Modernity : Fitzi, Gregor. Routledge, 2019 9781138281837 viii, 184p.; Knowledge Centre
301.092 GER 05038744 After the fact Geertz, Clifford. Harvard University Press, 1995 198 p. Knowledge Centre
301.092 GUH 00126776 Anthropologist Among the Marxists and Other Essays Guha, Ramachandra Permanent Black, 2016 9788178240015 vii, 267 p.: UG Library
301.092 GUH 00126777 Anthropologist Among the Marxists and Other Essays Guha, Ramachandra Permanent Black, 2016 9788178240015 vii, 267 p.: Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.092 GUH 00126778 Anthropologist Among the Marxists and Other Essays Guha, Ramachandra Permanent Black, 2016 9788178240015 vii, 267 p.: UG Library
301.092 GUH 00075083 Anthropologist Among the Marxists and Other Essays Guha, Ramachandra Permanent Black 2006 8178240017 267 p. UG Library
301.092 GUH 07005005 The Ramachandra Guha omnibus / Guha, Ramachandra. Oxford University Press, 2005 0195668111 x,398p.: Library - BR Campus
301.092 GUH 00082453 Anthropologist Among the Marxists and Other Essays Guha, Ramachandra Permanent Black 2006 8178240017 267 p. UG Library
301.092 HAN 05002109 Advances in social & organizational psychology : Hantula, Donald A Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006 0805855904 (cloth : alk. paper xi, 385 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.092 HUN 05068553 The new black sociologists : Routledge, 2018 9781138046610 (pbk.) | 9781138046580 (hardcover) xx,245p.; Knowledge Centre
301.092 JAH 07012798 Ashis Nandy : Oxford University press, 2018 9780199483945 | 0199483949 First edition. xiv, 367 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : Library - BR Campus
301.092 JAM 00094692 Paul Virilio James, Ian, Routledge, 0415359635 (hbk. : alk. paper) xiv, 139 p. ; UG Library
301.092 JOS 05029275 Culture, Communication and Social Change / Joshi, P C Vikas Publishing House, 1996 0706906168 300 p Knowledge Centre
301.092 KAM 00101091 Arendt, Augustine, and the New Beginning : Kampowski, Stephan. William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008 9780802827241 (pbk. : alk. pap xx, 364 p. ; UG Library
301.092 LAR 05067267 Reading Pierre Bourdieu In A Dual Context : Routledge, 2018 9781138347632 viii, 313p.; Knowledge Centre
301.092 MIL 00089469 Politics of the Truth Mills, Wright C 2008 9780195343045 296p UG Library
301.092 MOR 05006404 Gayatri Spivak : Morton, Stephen, Polity, 2007 074563284X (hbk) | 0745632858 x, 199 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.092 MUL 00084276 Sociologists on Sociology Mullan, Bob Barnes & Noble Books 1987 0389207276 322p UG Library
301.092 PAT 05038779 Karl Marx, anthropologist / Patterson, Thomas C. Berg, 2009 9781845205119 (pbk.) | 1845205 xiii, 222 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.092 PFA 00130845 The new Sociology of Knowledge : Pfadenhauer, Michaela Routledge, 2013 9781412849890 xxii, 152 p. ; UG Library
301.092 PRA 05029265 Sociology of G.S. Ghurye / Pramanick, S K Rawat Publications, 2001 8170332613 275 p Knowledge Centre
301.092 RAG 10003278 Social philosophers: Raghavan, V., Publications division, 2000 8123007930 89 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.092 SAC 05029276 Anthropoligst on Mars : Sacks, Oliver Picador, 1995 0330343475 318 p. Knowledge Centre
301.092 SHI 05006661 A fragment of a sociological autobiography : Shils, Edward, Transaction Publishers, 2006 0765803364 (alk. paper) | 9780 vii, 220 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.092 SMI 00081799 Erving Goffman Smith, Greg 2006 0415355915 145p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.092 SMI 00082313 Erving Goffman Smith, Greg 2006 0415355915 145p UG Library
301.092 TRE 05048195 The social thought of C Wright Mills / Treviño, A. Javier, Pine Forge Press, 2012 9781412993937 (pbk.) | 1412993938 (pbk.) xiv, 213 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.092/2 MOD 00140038 Pioneers of Sociology in India / Modi Ishwar Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113911 xl 324 p.: UG Library
301.0920954 MIS 00080295 M N. Srinivas: The Man and His Work. Misra, P K Rawat Publications 2007 8131600599 288p UG Library
301.0921 ALE 00068409 Cambridge Companion to Durkheim Alexander, Jeffrey C 2005 0052100151 426p UG Library
301.0922 MOR 00148006 Marx Durkheim Weber : Morrison, Ken Sage Publications, 2006 9788178299198 465 p UG Library
301.0922 COS 00118079 Masters of sociological thought : Coser, Lewis A., Rawat Publicatioon, 2013 9788131605165 2d ed. xxv, 611 p. : UG Library
301.0922 GOR 00104245 Fifty key Anthropologists / Gordon, Robert J., Routledge, 2011 9780415461047 (hardback) | 041 xxi, 290 p. ; UG Library
301.0922 KOS 05045126 Max Weber and Charles Peirce : Koshul, Basit Bilal, Lexington Books, 2014 9780739178003 (cloth : alk. pa xii, 227 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.0922 MOD 01020850 Pioneers of Sociology in India / Modi Ishwar Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113911 xl 324 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.0922 MOD 00116795 Pioneers of Sociology in India / Modi Ishwar Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113911 xl 324 p.: UG Library
301.0922 MOD 05041397 Pioneers of Sociology in India / Modi Ishwar Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113911 xl 324 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.0922 MOO 10004321 In Search of Us : Moore, Lucy Atlantic Books, 2022 9781786499172 311 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0922 MOR 00084094 Marx Durkheim Weber : Morrison, Ken Sage Publications, 2006 9788178299198 465 p UG Library
301.0922 MOR 05029251 Marx Durkheim Weber : Morrison, Ken Sage Publications, 2006 9788178299198 465 p Knowledge Centre
301.0922 PRI 00121411 Encyclopedia of world's great sociological thinkers Priyadarshni Maxford Books 2012 9788181161468 308p. UG Library
301.0922 PRI 00121410 Encyclopedia of world's great sociological thinkers Priyadarshni Maxford Books 2012 9788181161468 308p. UG Library
301.0922 PRI 00121409 Encyclopedia of world's great sociological thinkers Priyadarshni Maxford Books 2012 9788181161468 308p. UG Library
301.0922 RIT 05002093 The Blackwell companion to major social theorists / Ritzer, George. Blackwell, 2000 0631207104 (alk. paper) xvi, 800 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0922 STO 00131355 Key sociological thinkers. Stones,Rob Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 0230001564 (hc : alk. paper) | 0230001572 | 9781137332226 3rd ed., xxvi,477p.; UG Library
301.0922 STO 07011841 Key sociological thinkers. Stones,Rob Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 0230001564 (hc : alk. paper) | 0230001572 | 9781137332226 3rd ed., xxvi,477p.; Library - BR Campus
301.092254 UBE 05009528 Anthropology in the East : Deshpande, Satish Seagull Books, 2008 9788178243009 xiv, 552 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.0924 HOL 00056278 Tolcott Parsons on Economy and Society. Holton, J Robert 1986 268p UG Library
301.0924 TUR 05029232 Max Weber : Turner, P Stephen Routledge, 1983 0710098898 284 p Knowledge Centre
301.092ALE 01007316 Cambridge Companion to Durkheim(law Lib.) Jeffrey C Alexander Cambridge University Press 0052100151 426p Knowledge Centre
301.092ALE 01007021 Cambridge Companion to Durkheim(law Lib.) Jeffrey C Alexander Cambridge University Press 0052100151 426p Knowledge Centre
301.092DEE 01009589 Self War and Society:George Herbert Meads Macrosociology (law Lib) Mary Jo Deegan Transaction Publishers 9780765803924 358p Knowledge Centre
301.092GAN 01006150 Auguste Comte Mike Gane ROUTLEDGE 0415385423 158 Knowledge Centre
301.092MIL 01010307 Politics of Truth(law Lib) Wright C Mills Soviet Journal 235twenty-two Listen, Yankee! The Cuban Case against the U.S. 243twenty-three Letter to the New Left 255Bibliographical Note 267The Writings of C. Wright Mills 269Index 293 On Latin America, the Left, an 296p Knowledge Centre
301.092PAR 01006152 MAX WEBER(LAW LIBRARY) Frank Parkin ROUTLEDGE 0415285291 123p Knowledge Centre
301.092SMI 01006146 Erving Goffman(law Lib) Greg Smith ROUTLEDGE 0415355915 145p Knowledge Centre
301.094 ARO 00134312 Main currents in sociological thought : Aron, Raymond, Routledge, 2019 9780815348122 (v. 1 : hardback) | 9780815348191 (v. 2 : hardback) | 9780815348146 (pbk.) xix,293p.; UG Library
301.094 ARO 00136143 Main currents in sociological thought : Aron, Raymond, Routledge, 2019 9780815348122 (v. 1 : hardback) | 9780815348191 (v. 2 : hardback) | 9780815348146 (pbk.) xviii,267p.; UG Library
301.094 HUD 05029273 The Search for a Just Society / Huddleston, John Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1998 8120719131 508 p. Knowledge Centre
301.094 OUT 05029274 The Future of Society / Outhwaite, William Blackwell Publishing, 2006 0631231862 174 p Knowledge Centre
301.0941 BRO 05006536 An introduction to sociology / Browne, Ken, Polity Press, 2011 9780745650081 (pbk.) 4th ed. xvii, 564 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.0943 ADO 01012501 German sociology / Continuum, 082640958X | 9780826409591 xxviii, 322 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0943 GER 05002444 German Sociology / Gerhardt, Uta Continuum, 1998 0826409598 322p.: Knowledge Centre
301.0943 KAL 00147455 Max Weber's sociology : Kalberg, Stephen Routledge, 2024 9781032631806 xvii,327p. ; UG Library
301.0943 RIL 00129759 Goddess Intellectuals? Riley, Alexander Tristan Berghahn, 2010 9781845456702 x p.: 298 p.: UG Library
301.0944 SCH 01013807 Rethinking Durkheim and his tradition / Schmaus, Warren, Cambridge University Press, 0521838169 | 9780521838160 xii, 195 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0947 KAS 07001073 Sociological Theory and Thoughts / Kasyap A.P Astha Publishers & Distributors, 2014 9789382126416 248p.: Library - BR Campus
301.0947 SIN 05039607 Sociological thought and Theory / Sindagikar Sameena Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629641 viii,256p.: Knowledge Centre
301.0947 SIN 00118360 Sociological thought and Theory / Sindagikar Sameena Ishika Publishing House, 2014 9789382629641 viii,256p.: UG Library
301.095 KUM 00025516 Indian Social System Kumar, K Neelam 1984 224 p/. UG Library
301.0954 ACH 00133716 Indian society Acharya,B.C Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053664 262p.; UG Library
301.0954 AIE 05033427 Modernization of Indian Society / Aie,Goma Sasai. ABD Publishers, 2011 9788183763325 vi,296p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 CHA 05002974 Sociology In India : Chaudhuri,Maitrayee Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131603505 xv, 406 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 CHA 00107933 Sociology In India : Chaudhuri,Maitrayee Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131603505 xv, 406 p.; UG Library
301.0954 CHA 05003023 Sociology In India : Chaudhuri,Maitrayee Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131603505 xv, 406 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 JUD 00134652 Making of Modern India: Judge, Paramjit S. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610084 vii,239p,: UG Library
301.0954 KUM 05029506 Contemporary Society : Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 2002 8126111054 346 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KUM 05029512 Social Equality : Kumar, Manju S Chand & Company Ltd., 1985 264 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 PRA 05033423 Issues and Perspectives in Anthropology Today / Serials Publications, 2013 9788183873048 xvi, 264 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 00141693 Sociology of Indian Society Shankar Rao,C.N S.Chand & company Ltd, 2018 9788121924030 xiv,771p.; UG Library
301.0954 AHM 05017701 Indian Social System nair, Ram Rawat 458p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 05029540 Indian Social System / Nair, Ram Rwat Publications, 1993 452 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 05029541 Indian Social System / Nair, Ram Rwat Publications, 1993 452 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 05029510 Indian Social System / Nair, Ram Rwat Publications, 1993 452 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 00062422 Indian Social System Ahuja Ram Rawat Publications 2002 0817033196 458 p UG Library
301.0954 AHU 01000070 Indian Social System / Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications, 2005 8170331978 458p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 01000097 Indian Social System / Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications, 2005 8170331978 458p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 05017471 Society in India - Concepts, Theories and Recent Trends nair, Ram Rawat Publications 510p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 05003025 Society in India : Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications, 2009 9788170335443 xii,504p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 00060075 Indian Social System Ahuja Ram Rawat Publications 2002 0817033196 458 p UG Library
301.0954 AHU 00076172 Society in India: Concepts, Theories and Recent Trends: [dharmaram Library] Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications 8170335442 504p UG Library
301.0954 AHU 01001277 Society in India : Ahuja, Ram. Rawat Publications, 2005 xii, 504p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 AHU 01001278 Society in India : Ahuja, Ram. Rawat Publications, 2005 xii, 504p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 ARN 05029528 Subaltern Studies / Arnold, David Oxford University Press, 1996 240 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 ATA 00079754 Changing Indian Society Atal, Yogesh Rawat Publications 2006 8131600343 256 p. UG Library
301.0954 ATA 01000130 Indian sociology from where to where : Atal, Yogesh. Rawat Publications, 2003 8170337607 255 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 ATA 00076165 Indian Sociology from Where to Where: [dharmaram Library] Atal, Yogesh Rawat Publications 2003 8170337607 254p UG Library
301.0954 ATA 05039653 Indian sociology from where to where : Atal, Yogesh. Rawat Publications, 2003 8170337607 255 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 ATA 05040029 Changing Indian society / Atal, Yogesh. Rawat Publications, 2006 8131600343 | 9788131600344 256 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BAD 00009688 Indian Society Badi, Ravindranath V Himalaya Publishing House 2003 2nd Ed 455 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 BAD 00088443 Indian Society Badi, Ravindranath V Himalaya Publishing House 2003 2nd Ed 455 p. UG Library
301.0954 BAD 05024383 Indian Society / Badi, R V Himalaya Publishing, 2003 455 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BAD 00063538 Indian Society Badi, V Ravindranath HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 2003 8178668076 455p UG Library
301.0954 BAJ 05002588 Social and Economic Profile of India Bajpai, Peeyush Social Science Press 2005 8187358165 173p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BAN 05048969 Towards a new sociology in India / Bandyopadhyay, Mahuya, Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd., 2016 9788125062745 (hardback) | 812 x, 266 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BAN 00134378 Towards a New Sociology in India: Bandyopadhyay,Mahuya. Orient Blackswan: 2018 9789352872756 266p.: UG Library
301.0954 BET 00069110 Chronicles of Our Time / Beteille Andre Penguin Books, 2000 0140296999 361 p UG Library
301.0954 BET 05029256 Chronicles of Our Time : Beteille, Andre Penguin Books, 2003 0140296999 361 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BET 05057504 Society and Politics in India : Beteille, Andre. Oxford University Press, 1998 0195641078 | 9780195641073 316 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BET 05029545 Chronicles of Our Time / Beteille Andre Penguin Books, 2000 0140296999 361 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BHA 05010784 Studies in Indian sociology : SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BHA 05036720 Studies in Indian sociology / SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 BHA 05010786 Studies in Indian sociology : SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 CHA 00095796 Sociology In India : Chaudhuri,Maitrayee Rawat Publications, 2010 9788131603505 xv, 406 p.; UG Library
301.0954 CHA 00065869 The Practice of Sociology Chaudhuri, Maitrayee Orient Longman Private Limited 2003 0812502512 x; 435 p. UG Library
301.0954 CHA 00065870 The Practice of Sociology Chaudhuri, Maitrayee Orient Longman Private Limited 2003 0812502512 x; 435 p. UG Library
301.0954 CHA 05029529 Subaltern Studies / Arnold, David Oxford University Press, 1996 240 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAH 00074107 Understanding Indian Society Dahiwale, S M Rawat Publications 2006 8170338948 x; 266 p. UG Library
301.0954 DAS 01003148 Critical Events (law Library) Veena Das Oxford University Press 0195640527 230p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 01005326 Oxford India Companion to Sociology and Social Anthropology(law Lib.) Veena Das Oxford University Press Programed texts 1660 Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 01005327 Oxford India Companion to Sociology and Social Anthropology(law Lib.) Veena Das Oxford University Press Programed texts 1660 Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 05029519 Indian Socity & Social Institusions / Das, G Manu, 1992 353 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 00141686 Indian Society and Culture Das, Purna Chandra Kalyani Publishers, 2014 9789327234268 214 p.; UG Library
301.0954 DAS 00072024 Oxford Handbook of Indian Society Das, Veena 2000 0195685105 502 p UG Library
301.0954 DAS 05029560 Tradition Pluralism and Identity : Das, Veena Sage Publications, 1999 8170368502 475 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 05036723 Studies in Indian sociology / SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 05002531 The Oxford India companion to sociology and social anthropology / Oxford University Press, 2003 0195645820 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 05002532 The Oxford India companion to sociology and social anthropology / Oxford University Press, 2003 0195645820 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 00087640 Handbook of Indian Sociology Das, Veen Oxford uoversity; 9780195685107 502 p UG Library
301.0954 DAS 05010787 Studies in Indian sociology : SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 05019005 Handbook of Indian Sociology Das, Veen Oxford uoversity; 9780195685107 502 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DAS 00103191 Handbook of Indian Sociology Das, Veen Oxford uoversity; 9780195685107 502 p UG Library
301.0954 DES 05029539 State and Society in India : Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 1998 8171540139 184 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DES 05029549 Towards a New India / Desrochers, John Centre for Social Action, 1995 204 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DES 00069123 Contemporary India : Deshpande Satish Penguin Books, 2005 0014303121 212 p UG Library
301.0954 DES 00064590 Contemporary India : Deshpande Satish Penguin Books, 2005 0014303121 212 p UG Library
301.0954 DES 00064592 Contemporary India : Deshpande Satish Penguin Books, 2005 0014303121 212 p UG Library
301.0954 DES 05029516 Contemporary India : Deshpande Satish Penguin Books, 2005 0014303121 212 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DES 00064591 Contemporary India : Deshpande Satish Penguin Books, 2005 0014303121 212 p UG Library
301.0954 DEV 05057776 Society and Culture in India : Rawat Publications, 1999 9788170335160 xi, 295p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DEV 07009770 Society and Culture in India : Rawat Publications, 1999 9788170335160 xi, 295p. Library - BR Campus
301.0954 DEV 05023228 Society and Culture in India: Deva,Indra Rawat Publications, 1999 8170335163 xi,294p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DEV 05029626 Society and Culture in India : Deva, Indra Rawat Publications, 1999 294 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DEV 05029521 Society and Culture in India : Deva, Indra Rawat Publications, 1999 294 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DHA 00060398 Themes and Perspectives in Indian Sociology Dhanagare, D N Rawat Publication 1998 209 p. UG Library
301.0954 DHA 00046381 Themes And Perspectives Dhanagare D N Rawath Publication 2008 8170331986 209 p. UG Library
301.0954 DHA 00060076 Themes and Perspectives in Indian Sociology Dhanagare, D N Rawat Publication 1998 209 p. UG Library
301.0954 DHA 00055832 Themes and Perspectives in Indian Sociology Dhanagare, D N Rawat Publication 1998 209 p. UG Library
301.0954 DHA 00126146 Themes And Perspectives in Indian Sociology Dhanagare D.N. Rawat Publications, 2013 9788170331988 209 p.: UG Library
301.0954 DHA 00106810 Indian Society Structure and Change. Dhawan D.K. Swastik Publications: 2012 9789380138954 312 p, UG Library
301.0954 DIE 00135815 Towards Understanding Indian Society Dietrich,Gabriele Christava Sahitya Samithi 2017 294p UG Library
301.0954 DIR 05046644 Autobiography of an archive : Dirks Nicholas B. Permanent black, 2015 9788178244587 viii, 309p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DIR 05044932 Autobiography of an archive : Dirks, Nicholas B., Permanent Block: 2015 9780231169660 (cloth : alk. pa viii, 390 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 DOS 00087367 Postmodern Perspectives on Indian Society / Doshi, S L Rawat Publications, 2008 8131601889 336 p UG Library
301.0954 DUB 00096014 People of india : Dubois Abbe J.A Asian Educational services 8120604547 411P UG Library
301.0954 DUB 00032943 Indian Society Dube, S C GREEN PARK PUBLICATIONS 1990 131 p. UG Library
301.0954 EDG 05029513 Anti-Utopia : Beteille, Andre Oxford University Press, 2005 0195672291 494 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 EMB 05029507 Sources of Indian Tradition : Embree, T Ainslie Penguin Books, 1992 542 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 EMB 05029508 Sources of Indian Tradition : Embree, T Ainslie Penguin Books, 1992 542 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GAL 05029264 Law and Society in Modern India / Galanter, Marc. Oxford University Press; 1998 0195632052 330 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GOR 05029292 Unity in Diversity : Gore, M S Rawat Publications, 2002 8170337291 246 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GUH 05029527 Subaltern Studies : Guha, Ranajit Oxford University Press, 1998 0195634438 241 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GUH 05029523 Subaltern Studies : Guha, Ranajit Oxford University Press, 1998 0195634438 241 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GUH 05029524 Subaltern Studies : Guha, Ranajit Oxford University Press, 1998 0195634438 241 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GUH 05029525 Subaltern Studies : Guha, Ranajit Oxford University Press, 1998 0195634438 241 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GUH 05029526 Subaltern Studies : Guha, Ranajit Oxford University Press, 1998 0195634438 241 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GUH 00087934 Subaltern Studies IV: Writing on Southasian History and Society Guha, Ranjit Oxford Charendon Press 1985 379p UG Library
301.0954 GUP 05029547 Contemporary India : Gin Raja Guptha, Vikas Publishing House, 1976 328 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GUP 05008473 Anti-Utopia : Gupta, Dipankar Oxford University Press, 2005 9780198075974 xi, 494 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 GUR 05028629 The Aged in India : Gurumurthy, K G Reliance Publishing House, 1996 169 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 HAL 00046733 Questions of Cultural Identity Hall, Stuart 1997 0803978839 198 p UG Library
301.0954 HAS 10001227 Indian Society : Hasnain, Nadeem. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2022 9789355320674 2nd ed. xxiii, A.9p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 HAY 05029254 Sources of Indian Tradition Stephen Hay Penguin Books, 1992 0140154612 542 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 IND 01020863 Studies in Indian sociology: SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132116257 lvii,219p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 IND 05036724 Studies in Indian sociology / SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 IND 05010788 Studies in Indian sociology : SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 JAY 05046658 Ideas, institutions, processes : Jayaram,N Permanent Black, 2014 9788125056850 viii,291p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 JAY 05062410 Social and Cultural History Of India : Jayapalan. N. Atlantic Publisher & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2018 9788171568260 ix,207p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 JAY 07004454 Ideas, institutions, processes : Jayaram,N Permanent Black, 2014 9788125056850 viii,291p.; Library - BR Campus
301.0954 JHA 00133458 Historical sociology in India / Jha, Hetukar, Routledge, 2017 9781138639829 First South Asia edition 2016 x, 134 pages ; UG Library
301.0954 JOD 05036721 Studies in Indian sociology / SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 JOD 05010785 Studies in Indian sociology : SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KAC 05029266 Society in India : Kachroo, J L Cosmos, 1996 366 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KAK 05029532 The Indians : Kakar, Sudhir Penguin Books, 2007 0670999237 226 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KAK 05029534 The Inner World : Kakar, Sudhir Oxford University Press, 1999 0195615085 242 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KAK 00079640 The Indians Kakar, Sudhir Penguin 2007 0670999237 226 p. UG Library
301.0954 KAP 05044836 Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology / B K Kapoor Omega Publications, 2014 9788184555080 278 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KAR 00141685 Indian society Kar,P.K Kalyani publishers, 2019 9789327283495 3rd ed., Pages UG Library
301.0954 KAR 05026830 The Indians : Kakar, Sudhir Penguin Books, 2007 0670999237 226 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KAT 00131958 Human rights and dignity of dalit women Kathode,Deelip K R P Publications, 2017 9789382398417 200p.; UG Library
301.0954 KAT 05036726 Studies in Indian sociology / SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KAT 05010790 Studies in Indian sociology : SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KAU 05029561 The American Vision : Kaul A N Oxford University Press, 2000 0195661079 340 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KHE 00116487 Indian sociology Khemundu, Kapila Kalpaz Publications, 2013 9788178359403 424 pages ; UG Library
301.0954 KOP 00026619 Bharatiya Samagada Adyayana Kopper, Ravindra Suresh Publication 1983 viii; 345 p. UG Library
301.0954 KRI 00056287 Bharathiya Samajada Samaja Shastra Krishna, B R Chetana 2000 216p UG Library
301.0954 KRI 00056906 Bharatheeya Samajada Samajashasthra Krishna, B R Chethana Book House 1997 216 p. UG Library
301.0954 KUM 05074151 Indian Society For UPSC and State Civil Services Examinations / Kumar, M. Senthil. Pearson, 2023 9789354498701 3rd ed. xxx, A21p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KUM 05060144 Indian Society for Civil Services Main Examination / Kumar,M Senthil. Pearson, 2018 9789332588028 xxiv,206p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 KUM 10003033 Indian Society: Kumar, M. Senthil. Pearson india education services pvt ltd., 2023 9789354498701 3rd ed. xxx, A21 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 KUM 00025518 Contemporary Indian Society and Culture Kumar,K. Neelam Agencies 1983 224 p. UG Library
301.0954 LAN 05029263 Speaking Tree : Lannoy, Richard Oxford University Press, 2006 0195650778 462 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 LKA 00008906 Speaking Tree. a Study of Indian Culture and Society Lannoy, Richard Oxford University 1119 466 p. UG Library
301.0954 LUH 05029564 Good Parsi : Luhrmann, T M Oxford University Press, 1996 0195640799 310 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAD 00126184 Pathways Madan T.N Oxford University Press, 1994 9780195636505 289 p.: UG Library
301.0954 MAD 05034290 Sociology at the University of Lucknow : Madan T.N. Oxford University Press, 2013 9780198080374 | 0198080379 First edition. xiv, 396 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAD 05020240 Pathways: Approaches to the Study of Society in India Madan, T N 289 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAN 05029501 Society in India : Mandelbaum, David G Popular Prakashan, 1998 8171540139 665 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAN 05029502 Society in India : Mandelbaum, David G Popular Prakashan, 1998 8171540139 665 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAN 05029505 Society in India : Mandelbaum, David G Popular Prakashan, 1998 8171540139 665 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAN 05029544 Society in India : Mandelbaum, David G Popular Prakashan, 1998 8171540139 665 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAN 05029546 Society in India : Mandelbaum, David G Popular Prakashan, 1998 8171540139 665 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAN 05029583 Society in India : Mandelbaum, David G Popular Prakashan, 1998 8171540139 665 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MAN 05037972 Society in India : Mandelbaum, David G Popular Prakashan, 1998 8171540139 665 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MET 05002233 Modern India: an Interpretive Anthology Metcalf, R Thomas Sterling 424 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MOH 01020853 Studies in Indian sociology : SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132116233 lxiv,332p.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MOH 05058806 Society and Clture in India / Mohapatra,Subas Social Science Press 2017 9789383166145 447p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MOH 00129022 Society and Clture in India / Mohapatra,Subas Social Science Press 2017 9789383166145 447p. UG Library
301.0954 MOH 05036722 Studies in Indian sociology / SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MOM 00107934 Sociology of Adoption Momin,Elfreeda. Rawat Publications, 2008 9788131601372 | 8131601374 x, 235 p. ; UG Library
301.0954 MOU 00041983 Sociology of Indian Society : For I Year BA Moulesh H K Jupiter Books 1997 298 p UG Library
301.0954 MOU 00041986 Sociology of Indian Society : For I Year BA Moulesh H K Jupiter Books 1997 298 p UG Library
301.0954 MUK 05029537 Sociology of Indian Sociology / Mukerjee, Ramakrishna Allied Publishers, 1979 198 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MUK 05029518 Indian Sociology : Mukherji, N Partha Popular Prakashan, 1986 250 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MUK 00109707 Society And Religion Mukhopadhyay,Rajatsubhra Pearson 2012 9788131774113 198 p. UG Library
301.0954 MUK 05037930 Indian Social Systems Mukhi, H R Sbd 416 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 MUK 00025523 Indian Society and Social Institution Mukhi H R Surjeet 1981 430 p UG Library
301.0954 MUR 00056781 Samaja Mathu Kanoonu Eshwariah, Murthy B K Sapna Book House 2003 305p UG Library
301.0954 MUR 00056782 Samaja Mathu Kanoonu Eshwariah, Murthy B K Sapna Book House 2003 305p UG Library
301.0954 MUR 00056791 Samaja Mathu Kanoonu Eshwariah, Murthy B K Sapna Book House 2003 0812800140 305p UG Library
301.0954 NAG 00142710 Sociology and Sociologists in India : Nagla,B K. Rawat publications, 2022 9788131612354 xiii,410p.; UG Library
301.0954 NAG 00107931 Indian Sociological Thought / Nagla, B. K. Rawat Publications, 2008 8131602265 (hb) | 978813160226 xi, 418 p. : UG Library
301.0954 NAG 05003005 Indian Sociological Thought / Nagla, B. K. Rawat Publications, 2008 8131602265 (hb) | 978813160226 xi, 418 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 NAG 00087627 Indian Sociological Thought Nagla, B, K Rawat Publications 2008 8131602265 418 UG Library
301.0954 NAG 00093915 Indian Sociological Thought / Nagla, B. K. Rawat Publications, 2008 8131602265 (hb) | 978813160226 xi, 418 p. : UG Library
301.0954 NAR 07013831 Theory And Ideology In Indian Sociology, Singhi Narendra K. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788170333043 n,476 p.; Library - BR Campus
301.0954 NAR 00026620 Bhartiya Samajada Adhyayana Narayana, M R M Prakashana 1986 viii; 272 p. UG Library
301.0954 NAR 00026621 Bharathiya Aduhyayana Narayana, M Prasaranga University 1972 450 p UG Library
301.0954 NAR 00132019 Theory And Ideology In Indian Sociology, Singhi Narendra K. Rawat Publications, 2018 9788170333043 n,476 p.; UG Library
301.0954 NAY 00128840 Sociology in India Nayar, P. K. B B. R. Publishing, 2017 9789386223616 451p.: UG Library
301.0954 OOM 00034101 Indian Sociology: Reflections and Introspections Oomen, T K PP 1978 280 p UG Library
301.0954 OOM 00034364 Indian Sociology Oommen, 1 UG Library
301.0954 OOM 00094255 Knowledge and Society : Oommen, T. K., Oxford Univ. Press, 2007 9780195687750 | 0195687752 x, 195 p. ; UG Library
301.0954 OOM 05029255 Alien Concepts and South Asian Reality : Oommen, T K Sage Publications, 1995 252 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 PAL 05029562 Concept of Equality and Ideal Society : Palekar, S A Rawat Publications, 1997 205 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 PAN 00122885 Indian Society and Culture Pandey,Vinita Rawat Publications 2015 9788131607619 606p UG Library
301.0954 PAT 00138920 Exploring Sociabilities of Contemporary India : Orient Blackswan, 2020 9789352878475 ix,318p.; UG Library
301.0954 PAT 00029658 Indian Society D S Patil Subhas Publication 1985 260 p. UG Library
301.0954 PAT 00029659 Text Book on Indian Society Patil D S Subhas 1985 257 p UG Library
301.0954 PAT 00026623 Bharathiya Samajada Adyayana Patil, D S Subhas 1984 340 p UG Library
301.0954 PAT 01016306 Doing Sociology in India : Patel, Sujata oxford University Press, 2011 9780198070115 328 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 PAT 00107924 Doing Sociology in India : Patel, Sujata oxford University Press, 2011 9780198070115 328 p. : UG Library
301.0954 PAT 00026425 Indian Society D S Patil Subhas Publication 1985 260 p. UG Library
301.0954 PAT 05049090 Doing Sociology in India : Patel, Sujata oxford University Press, 2011 9780198070115 328 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 PAT 00103772 Doing Sociology in India : Patel, Sujata oxford University Press, 2011 9780198070115 328 p. : UG Library
301.0954 POO 00057215 Bharathiya Samaja Mathu Samskruthi Poorvachar, M V.K. Publications 2000 340p UG Library
301.0954 PRA 00088481 Indian Society / Prabhakaran, S Alliance Business Academy, 2002 197 p UG Library
301.0954 PRU 00055693 Encyclopaedia of Indian Society and Culture Pruthi, Raj Kumar Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941006 267p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 PRU 00055694 Encyclopaedia of Indian Society and Culture Pruthi, Raj Kumar Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941006 267p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 PRU 00055695 Encyclopaedia of Indian Society and Culture Pruthi, Raj Kumar Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941006 267p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 PRU 00055696 Encyclopaedia of Indian Society and Culture Pruthi, Raj Kumar Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941006 267p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 PRU 00055697 Encyclopaedia of Indian Society and Culture Pruthi, Raj Kumar Mangal Deep Publications 2002 8175941006 267p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 PUR 00056783 Bharathiya Samaja Mathu Samskruthi Purvachar, M Viswa Karma Prakashana 2002 340p UG Library
301.0954 RIE 05029563 The Lonely Crowd : Riesman, David UBS Publishers, 1974 318 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SAB 05029503 Roots of Crisis : Saberwal, Satish Sage Publications, 1996 8170365201 199 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SAB 05029257 Roots of Crisis : Saberwal, Satish Sage Publications, 1996 8170365201 199 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SAH 01020862 Studies in Indian sociology: SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132116264 liv,264p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SAH 05036725 Studies in Indian sociology / SAGE Publications, 2012 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SAH 05010789 Studies in Indian sociology : SAGE Publications, 2011 9788132107118 (hard back) 7 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SAK 05029565 Anthropology in India / H S Saksena. Serials Publications, 2010 9788183873857 x, 452 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SAN 00073776 Indian Society Sandhya N Vrinda Publications 2005 8182810299 410 p UG Library
301.0954 SAR 00137259 Hindu sociology: Sarkar,Benoy Kumar Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610961 xxiv,239p.; UG Library
301.0954 SAR 00136722 Hindu sociology: Sarkar,Benoy Kumar Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610961 xxiv,239p.; UG Library
301.0954 SAR 07014614 Hindu sociology: Sarkar,Benoy Kumar Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610961 xxiv,239p.; Library - BR Campus
301.0954 SAR 00132655 Little traditions in a culturally pluralistic nation Sarkar,Amitabha Aayu publiactions, 2018 9789385161865 360p.; UG Library
301.0954 SAV 05029538 Contradictions in Indian Society / Savur, Manorama Rawat Publications, 1996 236 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SEN 00046277 Inequality Re- Examined Sen, Amartya New York, 1999 0198289286 207 p. UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00054912 Bharathiya Samaja - Indian Society Shankar Rao, C N JAI BHARATH 2001 436p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 05029550 Indian Society / Sharma Ramnath Media Promoters & Publishers, 1987 8185099030 414 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 00059342 Samakalina Bharathiya Samajada Adhyayana Shankar, Rao C N Jai Bharath 2000 384p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 05029535 Indian Social Structure and Change / Sharma, K L Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600831 | 9788131600849 376 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 00134649 Sociology in India: Sharma, Surendra. Rawat Publications, 2019 9788131610237 2nd, ed 182p,: UG Library
301.0954 SHA 05029533 Social Ineqality in India : Sharma, K L Rawat Publications, 1995 491 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 05029585 Social Inequality in India : Sharma, K L Rawat Publications, 2001 8170335213 496 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 00027453 Society in India Sharma, R N Surjeet 1985 346 p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00146274 Indian Society : Sharma, K Rajendra Atlantic Publishers, 2023 9788171566655 378p. ; UG Library
301.0954 SHA 05026814 Indian Society : Sharma, K Rajendra Atlantic Publishers, 1997 8171566650 378 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 05029520 Social Structure and Change : Shah, A M Sage Publications, 1996 210 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 05026766 Social Structure and Change : Shah, A M Sage Publications, 1996 210 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 05029511 Society, Economy and Culture of Kashmir / Sharma, K Suresh Deep and Deep Publications, 1999 454 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 05029531 Power Elite in Indian Society : Sharma, Rajendra Rawat Publications, 1999 240 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SHA 00026739 Indian Society Ramnath Shrma, MEDIA 1987 1 UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00026741 Indian Society Sharma, Ramnath Mpp 1985 420 p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00030444 Indian Society / Sharma Ramnath Media Promoters & Publishers, 1987 8185099030 414 p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00021160 Indian Society / Sharma Ramnath Media Promoters & Publishers, 1987 8185099030 414 p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00040720 Indian Society / Sharma Ramnath Media Promoters & Publishers, 1987 8185099030 414 p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00026740 Indian Society / Sharma Ramnath Media Promoters & Publishers, 1987 8185099030 414 p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00029670 Indian Society / Sharma Ramnath Media Promoters & Publishers, 1987 8185099030 414 p UG Library
301.0954 SHA 00030403 Society In India Sharma R N Delhi 1900 xvii; 348 p. UG Library
301.0954 SIN 05040943 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05040994 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05040995 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 01019898 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 01019899 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 01019900 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05017470 Structure and Change in Indian Society Singer, Milton Rawat 505p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05020898 Structure and Change in Indian Society Singer, Milton Rawat 505p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05029019 Social Sciences: Singh, Yogendra Pearson Education, 9788131718834 xxx, 549 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05052626 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05052627 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05052628 Indian sociology : Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198092025 | 9780198098546 3 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 00060388 Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology Singh, Yogendra Rawat Publications 2004 0817033831 240 p. UG Library
301.0954 SIN 05029267 Theory and Ideology in Indian Sociology : Singhi, K Narendra Rawat Publications, 1996 493 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05029517 Theory and Ideology in Indian Sociology : Singhi, Narendra K Rawat Publications, 1996 496 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05029587 Theory and Ideology in Indian Sociology : Singhi, K Narendra Rawat Publications, 1996 493 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 00060080 Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology Singh, Yogendra Rawat Publications 2004 0817033831 240 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 SIN 00063562 Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology Singh, Yogendra Rawat Publications 2004 0817033831 240 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 SIN 00026442 Indian Society And Social Institutions Singh, K Prakashan Kendra 1985 430 p. UG Library
301.0954 SIN 05002992 Structure and Change In Indian Society / Rawat Publications, 9788170333227 xvi, 507 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SIN 05029586 Modernization of Indian Tradition : Singh, Yogendra Rawat Publications, 1988 8170330130 265 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SRI 00032976 India: Social Structure Srinivas, M N Hindasia 1991 96 p UG Library
301.0954 SRI 05029522 Indian Society Through Personal Writings / Srinivas, M N Oxford University Press, 1997 244 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SRI 05064034 Critical themes in Indian sociology / Srivastava, Sanjay., ed. Sage Publicaations India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789352807956 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxvi, 467p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SRI 05029262 Indian Society Through Personal Writings / Srinivas, M N Oxford University Press, 1997 0019564560 246 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SRI 00116790 Contributions to Sociological Theory / Srivastava Kumar Vinay Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113867 lvii, 285 p.: UG Library
301.0954 SRI 00087888 Anthropologists Inside Organisations: South Asian Case Studies Sridhar, Devi Sage 2008 170p UG Library
301.0954 SRI 00140033 Contributions to Sociological Theory / Srivastava Kumar Vinay Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113867 lvii, 285 p.: UG Library
301.0954 SRI 05041392 Contributions to Sociological Theory / Srivastava Kumar Vinay Sage Publications, 2014 9788132113867 lvii, 285 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.0954 SRI 00141853 Critical themes in Indian sociology / Srivastava, Sanjay., ed. Sage Publicaations India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789352807956 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxvi, 467p. UG Library
301.0954 SRI 10005163 Critical themes in Indian sociology / Srivastava, Sanjay., ed. Sage Publicaations India Pvt Ltd, 2019 9789352807956 (pbk. : alk. paper) xxvi, 467p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.0954 STE 00073031 Literature, Caste And Society Stephen Jeyaseela S Kalpaz Publication 2006 8178354489 427 p. UG Library
301.0954 TAB 00125319 Indian Social System and Marginlization Communites Tabassum Henna Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302336 vii, 280 p.: UG Library
301.0954 TAG 00017433 Social Thought of Rabindra Nath Tagore Gopal K Anu Prakashan 1974 200 p UG Library
301.0954 THA 00099574 Indian Society / Thakur,A.P. Global Vision Pub. 9788182202917 ix, 389 p. UG Library
301.0954 THA 00032945 From Lineage to State: Thapar, Romila Oxford University Press 1990 0195626753 viii; 190 p. UG Library
301.0954 UNN 05029536 Sociology for India / Unnithan, T K N Prentice Hall, 1967 220 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 UNN 00034097 Sociology for India Unnithan, T K N Prentice -Hall 1967 220 p UG Library
301.0954 UNN 05029514 Sociology for India / Unnithan, T K N Prentice Hall, 1967 216 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 VAN 05029515 Ideas and Society in India from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries / Vanina, Eugenia Oxford University Press, 1996 0195637836 223 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 VEN 05029509 Religion and Indian Society : Venugopal, C N Gyan Publishing House, 1997 8121206146 159 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 VID 00137967 Rise of Anthropology in India : Vidyarthi,L P. Concept Publishing company, 2019 9789386682796 vii,476p.; UG Library
301.0954 VID 00137968 Rise of Anthropology in India : Vidyarthi,L P. Concept Publishing company, 2019 9789386682796 vii,384p.; UG Library
301.0954 WAL 00025513 Indian Society Wali, B. G. Suresh Publications 1983 144 p. UG Library
301.0954 YOG 05037941 Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology [ MSW ] Singh, Yogendra Rawat 240p Knowledge Centre
301.0954 YOG 05029548 Indian Scoiology Social Conditionings and Emerging Concerns Yogendra Singh, Vision 1986 145 p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954 YOG 07010329 Indian Sociology / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198098546 xi,267p. Library - BR Campus
301.0954 YOG 07010330 Indian Sociology / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198098546 xi,267p. Library - BR Campus
301.0954 YOG 07010331 Indian Sociology / Oxford University Press, 2014 9780198098546 xi,267p. Library - BR Campus
301.0954 YOG 00074106 Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology. Singh, Ogendra Rawat Publications 2004 0817033831 240p UG Library
301.0954.MUK 00047152 Sociology of Indian Sociology Mukherjee, Ramakrishna ALLIED 1979 198 p UG Library
301.0954.THA 00046730 Historical Interpretations and the Secularising of Indian Society Thapar, Romila AIP 29 p UG Library
301.09541 CHI 00046310 Sociology of Indian Society Chingamani, Dr M A Dr.M a Chingamani 1998 vi; 336 p. UG Library
301.09541 CHI 00046311 Sociology of Indian Society Chingamani, Dr M A Dr.M a Chingamani 1998 vi; 336 p. UG Library
301.09541 CHI 00046312 Sociology of Indian Society Chingamani, Dr M A Dr.M a Chingamani 1998 vi; 336 p. UG Library
301.09541 CHI 00046313 Sociology of Indian Society Chingamani, Dr M A Dr.M a Chingamani 1998 vi; 336 p. UG Library
301.09541 MUK 00039215 Indian Social Systems Mukhi, H R Sbd 416 p UG Library
301.09541 SUB 05031178 North-East India : Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125045557 xxii,430p.: Knowledge Centre
301.09541 SUB 05048994 North-East India : Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125045557 xxii,430p.: Knowledge Centre
301.09541 SUB 07004351 North-East India : Orient BlackSwan, 2012 9788125045557 xxii,430p.: Library - BR Campus
301.09546 KAU 07006507 Kashmir, contested identity : Kaul, Ashok K. Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604366 xiii, 257 p. ; Library - BR Campus
301.0954CHA.P 00046272 Subaltern Studies VII - Writings on South Asian History & Society Chatterjee, Partha 0195633628 272 p Knowledge Centre
301.0954DAS 01002571 Handbook of Indian Sociology ( Law Lib.) Veena Das Oxford University 0195685105 502p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954DAS 01001294 Handbook of Indian Sociology ( Law Lib.) Veena Das Oxford University 0195685105 502p. Knowledge Centre
301.0954DAS 01003233 Critical Events: An Anthropological Perspective on Contemporary India(law Lib.) Veena Das Oxford University Press 0195640527 230p Knowledge Centre
301.0954DAS 01003341 Critical Events: An Anthropological Perspective on Contemporary India(law Lib.) Veena Das Oxford University Press 0195640527 230p Knowledge Centre
301.0954DHA 01000126 Themes and Perspectives in Indian Sociology (law Lib) D N Dhanagare Yrawat 8170334829 209p Knowledge Centre
301.0954HAR 01003181 Power matters : Harriss, John. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195678970 | 0195678974 xii, 314 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0954HAR 01005330 Power matters : Harriss, John. Oxford University Press, 2006 9780195678970 | 0195678974 xii, 314 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.0954JAT 01000942 Glimpses of Indian Social Thought (law Lib) D R Jatava Abd 8189011367 445p Knowledge Centre
301.0954MAR 01007413 Society and Circulation:Mobile People and Itinerant Cultures in South Asia 1750-1950(law Library) Claude Markovits Permanent Black 8178241412 364p Knowledge Centre
301.0954RAO 01004462 Sociology of Indian Society(law Lib) Shankar C N Rao S.Chand&company Ltd 8121924030 738p Knowledge Centre
301.0954RAO 01004463 Sociology of Indian Society(law Lib) Shankar C N Rao S.Chand&company Ltd 8121924030 738p Knowledge Centre
301.0954YOG 01000945 Ideology & Theory in Indian Sociology (law Lib) Yogendra Singh Yrawat 8170338328 240p Knowledge Centre
301.0954YOG.4 00085101 Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology Yogendra, Singh Rawat Publications 0817033831 240p UG Library
301.095694 SIN 05068223 Sociological knowledge and collective identity / Sinai, Stavit, Routledge, 2019 9781138351837 193 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.096 SHA 00054695 Saamajika Chintaneya Ethihaasa Sharma, A R Chetana 1999 170p UG Library
301.0973 ALX 00131305 A contemporary introduction to sociology : Alexander, Jeffrey C., Routledge, 2018 9781138282032 (hardback) | 9781138282049 (pbk.) Third edition. xi, 638 pages : UG Library
301.0973 HOR 05040981 Professing sociology : Horowitz, Irving Louis, AldineTransaction, 2014 9781412851985 (pbk.) | 1412851 xix, 365 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.0973 LER 00014632 America as a Civilization Lerner, Max Allied Publishers Private Limited 1933 xi; 1010 p. UG Library
301.0973 PAT 05038789 A social history of anthropology in the United States / Patterson, Thomas C. Berg, 2001 1859734898 | 1859734944 (pbk.) x, 212 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.09COS 00040631 Masters of Socialogical Thought Coser, A Lewis Rawat 610 Knowledge Centre
301.09COS3 00061200 Masters of Sociological Thought : Ideas in Historical & Social Context Coser A Lewis Rawat Publications 2002 8170333437 2nd Ed 611 p Knowledge Centre
301.09SWI 01006638 Short History 0f Sociological Thought(law Library) Alan Swingwood Palgrave Macmillan 0333801997 269p Knowledge Centre
301.1 ABR 00126183 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 05000952 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.1 CHA 00133044 Contemporary social theories Chand,Mahesh ABD publishers, 2019 9788183766197 viii,240p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 05075228 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham, M. Francis. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780195613841 x, 310 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.1 ABR 05002060 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.1 ABR 00094589 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094590 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094591 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094592 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094593 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094594 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094595 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094596 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094597 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094598 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094599 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.1 ABR 00094600 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094601 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094602 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094603 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094604 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.1 ABR 00094605 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094606 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00094607 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00029781 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 00088470 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham M Francis Oxford University Press, 1982 9780195613841 310 p.; UG Library
301.1 ABR 05041502 Contemporary Sociology:An Introduction to Concept and Theories(law Lib) Francis M Abraham Oxford University Press 0195683994 283p Knowledge Centre
301.1 DUT 05021969 Social Psychology and Revolutionary Practice / Dutta Amal K P Bagchi & Company, 1985 149 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 FEI 05028617 Readings in Social Psychology : Fein, Steven Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999 0395951275 180 p Knowledge Centre
301.1 FRO 00027280 The Sane Society Fromm, Erich Routledge & Kegan Paul 1956 370 p UG Library
301.1 FRO 00011152 The Sane Society Fromm, Erich Routledge & Kegan Paul 1956 370 p UG Library
301.1 GIN 00013132 Psychology of Society Ginsberg, Morris Pari 1974 185 p UG Library
301.1 GOU 05027986 Critical Social Psychology : Gough, Brendan Palgrave, 2001 0333776461 257 p Knowledge Centre
301.1 HOG 05002637 The Sage handbook of social psychology / Sage, 2003 0761966366 xxi, 525 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.1 JAI 05002049 Sociology of Antony Giddens Loyal, Steven 0745317804 243p Knowledge Centre
301.1 KEY 01001300 Key Contemporary Social Theorists(law Lib) Anthony Elliott Blackwell Publishing 0631219722 285p. Knowledge Centre
301.1 KRE 00019889 Individual in Society Krech David Mc Graw Hill 1962 563 p. UG Library
301.1 KRE 05021952 Individual In Society / Krech David McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc, 1962 564 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 KRE 00019330 Individual in Society Krech David Mc Graw Hill 1962 563 p. UG Library
301.1 KRE 00019888 Individual in Society Krech David Mc Graw Hill 1962 563 p. UG Library
301.1 LIN 00015315 Handbook of Social Psychology Lindzey, Gardner Oxford University Press 1974 694p UG Library
301.1 LIN 05022137 The Handbook of Social Psychology / Amerind Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd, 1969 xvii,694 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 LIN 05022138 The Handbook of Social Psychology / Amerind Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd, 1969 xvii,694 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 LIN 05022139 The Handbook of Social Psychology / Amerind Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd, 1969 xvii,694 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 LIN 05022140 The Handbook of Social Psychology / Amerind Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd, 1969 xvii,694 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 LIN 05022141 The Handbook of Social Psychology / Amerind Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd, 1969 xvii,694 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 MOH 00140780 Fundamentals of Contemporary Social Theories / Mohan,Surendra. ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767187 264p.; UG Library
301.1 MOH 00138178 Fundamentals of Contemporary Social Theories / Mohan,Surendra. ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767187 264p.; UG Library
301.1 RUS 05029300 Current Directions in Social Psychology / Ruscher, Janet B Pearson, 2004 0131895834 192 p. Knowledge Centre
301.1 SAH 05021981 Social Psychology / Sahakian William.S Intext Education Publishers, 1972 0700223878 632 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 SHE 05021947 Social Psychology / Sherif Muzafer Harper & Row Publishers, 1969 xx,616 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 SIN 00111783 Contemporary Social Theories/ Singh, Ajit K. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381938270 304p.; UG Library
301.1 SIN 00112310 Contemporary Social Theories/ Singh, Ajit K. Centrum Press, 2013 9789381938270 304p.; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.1 SMI 05027995 Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures : Smith, Peter B Sage Publications, 2006 1412903661 323 p Knowledge Centre
301.1 SRI 05002412 Caste in the 20th Century / 0 Viking, 1996 xxxvii,306p.: Knowledge Centre
301.1 STE 05020680 Intr to Sociology Steward, E W Knowledge Centre
301.1 THO 05029260 Emile Durkheim / Thompson, Ken Routledge, 2007 0415285313 179 p Knowledge Centre
301.1 TRI 07014313 Critical theory and methodology / Tripathi, Saileja Omega Publication, 2018 9788184556643 v,261p.; Library - BR Campus
301.1 TUR 00069654 The Structure of Sociological Theory Turner, Jonathan H Thomson Learning 2004 9812548750 7th ed. 527p UG Library
301.1 TUR 00037563 The Structure of Sociological Theory Turner, Jonathan H Thomson Learning 2004 9812548750 7th ed. 527p UG Library
301.1 TUR 00040659 The Structure of Sociological Theory Turner, Jonathan H Thomson Learning 2004 9812548750 7th ed. 527p UG Library
301.1. 00033832 Social Statification Dipankar Gupta, UG Library
301.1/BAR 00033226 Ethic of Enquiry in Social Science Barnes, J A UG Library
301.101 DEY 05017565 Unterstanding the Media Devereux, Eoin 9781412929905 259 Knowledge Centre
301.108 WRI 05021950 Contemporary Issues in Social Psychology / Brigham Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1982 0818504986 xiv,395 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.11 ARG 00008037 Social Interactions Argyle, Micheal MEHTUEN 1969 504 p. UG Library
301.11 ARY 00078327 The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour Argyle, Michael Penguin Books, 1972 0140208534 2d ed. 279 p. : UG Library
301.11 ETZ 00108004 Modern Organizations Etzioni Amitai Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd: 2007 9788120301931 vii, 120 p. UG Library
301.11 ETZ 00030396 Modern Organizations Etzioni, Amitai Prentice -Hall 1986 0876921934 120 p.; UG Library
301.11 MEL 00034124 Symbolic Interractionsis Meltzert, N Bernard Routledge 150 p. UG Library
301.11 MEL 00034125 Symbolic Interactionism. Meltzer, N Bernard 1 UG Library
301.11 MEL 00034126 Symbolic Interactionism. Meltzer, N Bernard 1 UG Library
301.11 SUN 00008580 Studies in Social Interaciton Sudnow, David Cml 1974 450 p. UG Library
301.120954 SIN 00015905 When Agreat Tradition Modernizes Singer, Milton Praeger Publishers, 1972 430 p.; UG Library
301.14 ANA 00127626 The dynamics of human communication: Myers, Gail E., McGraw-Hill 1973 9788125063254 xviii, 380 p. UG Library
301.14 BRO 05027985 Structure and Function in Primitive Society / Brtown, A R Redcliffe Cohen & West Ltd., 1970 218 p. Knowledge Centre
301.14 KUP 00033523 Communications and Social Development in India Kuppuswamy, B Mpp, 1994 394 p.; UG Library
301.1409 KUM 00033528 Mass Communication in India Kumar, J Keval Jaico 282 p. UG Library
301.15 BHA 00008216 Indo -Pak Conflict Controlled Mass Communication : Rao, N Bhaskara S Chand & Co, 1970 200 p.; UG Library
301.15 DAN 00010739 Socialization Danziger, Kurt PENGUIN, 1971 174 p.; UG Library
301.15 HUN 00015723 Political Order in Changing Societies Huntington, Samuel P VIKAS 1296 251 p.: UG Library
301.15 OLS 00096992 The Logic of Collective Action Olson, Mancur Harvard University Press, 1965 9780674537514 186 p.; UG Library
301.15 ROU 00007323 Social Control Roucek, Joseph S EWP 1919 598 UG Library
301.15 WAN 05040087 An Introduction to Social Psychology / Anand Wangkhem Pearl Books, 2014 9789381575789 282p.: Knowledge Centre
301.150151 SUP 05049583 Markov learning models for multiperson interactions / Suppes, Patrick, Stanford University Press, 1960 xii,296 p. Knowledge Centre
301.153 PRA 00133056 Social disorganization and deviance Prabhakar,Vani Wisdom press, 2018 9789386053749 203p.; UG Library
301.153 SHA 00146275 Social Disorganisation Sharma, Rajendra K. Atlantic, 2022 9788126934485 447p. ; UG Library
301.153018 KNI 05027987 Organization and Innovation : Knights, David Open University Press, 2003 0335206840 210 p Knowledge Centre
301.154 BOW 00033435 Political Behavior and Public Opinion: Bowman, Lewis P H I 1974 0136850650 499 p.; UG Library
301.154 LAN 00010260 Public Opinion Lane, Robert E Prentice Hall of India 1965 120 p UG Library
301.154 LAN 00015892 Public Opinion Lane, Robert E Prentice Hall of India 1965 120 p UG Library
301.154 LAN 00013457 Public Opinion Lane, Robert E Prentice Hall of India 1965 120 p UG Library
301.155 HAL 00017765 Leadership on the Job Guides to God Supervision Selected Readings Hall, Alnos DBT 1970 290 p. UG Library
301.155 LIN 05033431 Effective Leadership in Human Relations / Lindgren, Henry Clay, Sarup Book Publishers, 2012 9788176258203 [1st ed.] vii,233 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.155 LOW 00107489 How to Persuade Influence & Convince Others Lowe K.B. Deenbandhu Charitable Trust 2003 188 P. UG Library
301.1554 SEN 00129503 Collective Choice and Social Welfare / Sen Amartya Penguin Random House, 2017 9780141982502 xxxvii,601p.: UG Library
301.1554 SEN 07011253 Collective Choice and Social Welfare / Sen Amartya Penguin Random House, 2017 9780141982502 xxxvii,601p.: Library - BR Campus
301.16 AHU 00033212 History of Press: Press Laws and Communications. Ahuja B N Surjeet 1988 240 p UG Library
301.16 AHU 00033539 History of Press Press Law & Communication. Ahuja B N S S Chabra 1988 250 p UG Library
301.16 AHU 00033417 History of Press ,Press Law & Communications. Ahuja B N Surjeet 1988 239 p UG Library
301.16 AHU 00036518 Communications. Ahuja, B N Surjeet 1989 199p UG Library
301.16 DAB 00039468 Voice to the People. D`Abreo, Desmond A. C ulture Communication, 1990 194 p.; UG Library
301.16 HOF 00044312 True Believer - Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements Hoffer, Eric 0060916125 176 p UG Library
301.16 HUT 00034576 Writing for Mass Communication Hutchison, R Earl LONGMAN 474 p. UG Library
301.16 KEY 00034619 Media Secploitation Key, Wison Bryan Signet Book, 1976 071162005950 234 p.; UG Library
301.16 KEY 00034622 Subliminal Seduction: Ad Media`s Manipulation of a Not So Innocent Key, Wison Bryan Signet 1981 xviii, 220 p. UG Library
301.16 KUM 00036573 Mass Communication in India Kumar, J Kewal Jaico 1989 1 UG Library
301.16 MAR 00034748 Voices of the Red Giants Markhan, W James Isup 512 UG Library
301.16 TUN 00033406 Media Sociology: a Reader Tunstall, Jeremy Univ of Illinois 1970 573 UG Library
301.1603 ARV 05002542 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication / Arvind, Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 1998 8126100303 4v.; Knowledge Centre
301.1603 ARV 05002545 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication / Arvind, Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 1998 8126100303 4v.; Knowledge Centre
301.1603 ARV 05002543 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication / Arvind, Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 1998 8126100303 4v.; Knowledge Centre
301.1603 ARV 05002544 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Communication / Arvind, Kumar Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd, 1998 8126100303 4v.; Knowledge Centre
301.1603 BAL 05040940 Communication Media & Development / Bala, Madhu. Nirmal Book Agency, 2012 9788186724088 x, 244 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034076 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034085 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034077 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034078 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034079 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034080 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034081 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034082 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034083 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.1603 MEH 05034084 Encyclopaedia of Mass Media / Mehta, Maliti Sarup Book Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2009 9788176259279 238p. Knowledge Centre
301.161 BAN 00107366 Violence in Media and Society Bande,Usha Rawat Publications 2011 9788131604335 vi:224 P. UG Library
301.161 MCL 00036592 Gutenberg Galaxy: Mcluhan, Marshall A Signet Book, 1962 291p.; UG Library
301.1610954 SRI 00034885 Social Change in Mod. India Srinivas, M N UG Library
301.1734 RAJ 05004009 Rural Sociology / Raj,Hans.Dr Surjeet Publications, 2010 404 p. Knowledge Centre
301.18 BAV 05027988 Non Governmental Organisation in Development : Bava, Noorjahan Kanishka Publishers, 1997 8173911770 288 p Knowledge Centre
301.18 CHA 00028765 Quality Circles Chandran S A ECII, 1987 180 p.; UG Library
301.18 EDW 05027989 The Earthscan Reader on NGO Management / Michael Edwars Earthscan India, 2007 xiii, 464 p. Knowledge Centre
301.18 MAN 05028618 Agendra for Caring : Mander, Harsh Voluntary Health Association of India, 1996 247 p. Knowledge Centre
301.18 MIL 00019357 Sociology of Small Groups. Mills, Theodore M Prentice -Hall, 1969 130 p. UG Library
301.1831 MAT 05027991 Voluntary Agencies and Social Change / Mathivaanan, C Samuel Manas Publications 1991 122 p Knowledge Centre
301.1832 ACH 05039969 Industrial Sociology / Acharya,B.C. Wisdom Press, 2013 9789382006398 325p.; Knowledge Centre
301.1832 CHA 00047147 Sociology of Organisations Champion, J Dean Mcgraw 1975 434 p UG Library
301.1832 DUN 00124602 The study of organizations. Dunkerley, David. Routledge and K. Paul, 1972 0710072317 | 0710072325 (pbk) ix, 101 p. UG Library
301.1832 KAT 05038068 The social psychology of organizations / Katz, Daniel, Wiley, 1978 0471023558 2d ed. vi, 838 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.1832 SCI 04014646 Sociology of Organisations : Scieur, Philippe PHI, 2012 9788120345300 2nd ed. 156 p. : Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301.185 MIL 00006091 Sociology of Small Groups. Mills, Theodore M Prentice Hall 1969 136 p.; UG Library
301.18505 GAN 00133352 Human and group behaviour Gandhi,Gurusami Jnanada prakashan, 2018 9788171399550 viii,382p.; UG Library
301.1954 AHU 05027990 Indian Social System / Ahuja, Ram Rawat Publications, 1994 458 p Knowledge Centre
301.1ABR 01004722 Contemporary Sociology:An Introduction to Concept and Theories(law Lib) Francis M Abraham Oxford University Press 0195683994 283p Knowledge Centre
301.1BAR 00033225 Ethics of Inquiry in Social Science Three Lectures Barnes, J A OUP 67 p UG Library
301.2 05027967 Purity and Danger : Douglas, Mary Routledge, 1992 188 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2 HAV 00131870 Anthropology: Haviland,William A. Wadsworth, 2011 9780840032416 13th ed., xlv,674p.; UG Library
301.2 NEG 05027956 Man, Culture & Society : Negi, Balbir Singh Kitab Mahal, 1967 320 p Knowledge Centre
301.2 BEA 00005826 Introduction to Anthropology Ralph Beals, L The Mc Millan Company 1969 3rd Ed xxiii; 788 p. UG Library
301.2 BEA 00007541 Other Culture Beattie, John Free Press, 1964 290 p.; UG Library
301.2 BEA 00012568 Introduction to Anthropology. Beals, Ralpha L Macmillan Co. 1971 706 p. UG Library
301.2 BLA 00015571 Other Cultures: Beattie, John Routledge, 1976 0710046561 283 p.; UG Library
301.2 BOH 00013491 Social Anthropology Bohannan, Paul London: 1963 421 p.; UG Library
301.2 BOI 00007544 Social Anthroplogy Bohannan, Paul Holt,Rinehort, 1963 030121906 421 p.; UG Library
301.2 CHA 00038336 Sociology of Formal Organizations Abha OUP 1995 399 p UG Library
301.2 CLA 00004966 Prehistoric Societies Clark, Grahame PENGUIN, 1970 350 p.; UG Library
301.2 COH 05028615 Anthropologist Among the Historians and Other Essays / Cohn, S Bernard Oxford University Press, 1997 680 p Knowledge Centre
301.2 DEN 00125920 Human Races of the World Deniker J. Mittal Publications, 2016 9788183247665 xxiii, 610 p.: UG Library
301.2 DES 05027955 Social Background of Indian Nationalism / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 1976 105 p.v.. Knowledge Centre
301.2 ERI 05041110 An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology / Eriksen Thomas Hylland Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606568 3rd ed x,364p.: Knowledge Centre
301.2 ERI 00141876 An introduction to social and cultural anthropology : Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. Rawat Publications, 2020 9788131611319 4th ed. x,454p.; UG Library
301.2 EVA 00017065 Social Anthropology / Evans-Pritchard, E E Routledge & Kegan, 1996 627 p.; UG Library
301.2 EVA 05028612 Social Anthropology / Evans-Pritchard, E E Routledge & Kegan, 1996 627 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.2 EVE 00004993 Essay on Social Anathropology Pritchand, Evans E. E. Barnes & Noble Books, 1962 571089933 233 p.; UG Library
301.2 FOX 00025681 Encounter With Anthropology Fox, Robin Penguin Books 1985 014055095 xii; 292 p. UG Library
301.2 GRU 05021973 The Sociology of Organizations / Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1970 0029129303 565 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.2 HAV 00131871 cultural Anthropology: Haviland, William. A., Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2011 9780495811770 xxxvi,411 p.; UG Library
301.2 HER 00004990 Cultural Anthropology Herskovits, Melville F Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1969 L; 569 p. UG Library
301.2 HOE 00022148 Cultural and Social Anthropology Hoebel, Adason E T M Hall 1979 442 p. UG Library
301.2 HOE 00016496 Cultural and Social Anthropology Hoebel E Anderson MGH Publishers 1978 442 p UG Library
301.2 ICS 00015939 A Survey of Research in Sociology and Social Anthropology Indian Council of Social Science Research Indian Council of Social Science Research 1974 450 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.2 JAA 00013903 General Anthropology Jacobs, Melville Barnes & Noble, 1955 389000132 2nd ed, 338 p.; UG Library
301.2 JHA 05028611 An Introduction to Anthropological Thought / Jha, Makhan Vikas Publishing House, 1995 0070698689 234 p Knowledge Centre
301.2 KAK 05028602 Culture & Psyche : Kakar, Sudhir Oxford University Press, 1997 0195639359 135 p Knowledge Centre
301.2 KRO 00017812 Antropology Kroeber Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1972 Li; 856 p. Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.2 KRO 00005507 Antropology Kroeber Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1972 Li; 856 p. UG Library
301.2 KRO 00007391 Antropology Kroeber Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1972 Li; 856 p. UG Library
301.2 LIN 00033404 Study of Man:An Introduction Linton, Ralph Appleton 1964 503 p. UG Library
301.2 MAD 00025549 Culture And Development Madan, T N Oxford University Press 1983 61 p. UG Library
301.2 MAG 00004974 Introduction to Social Antropology Majumdar, ASIA 1963 290 p UG Library
301.2 MAI 00089811 An Introduction to Social Anthropology / Mair, Lucy. Oxford University Press, 1984 0019561688 2nd ed. 317p.; UG Library
301.2 MAI 00025509 An Introduction to Social Anthropology / Mair, Lucy. Oxford University Press, 1984 0019561688 2nd ed. 317p.; UG Library
301.2 MAJ 00009549 Introduction to Social Antropology Majundar, D.n Jayasingher 1970 204 p UG Library
301.2 MAJ 00009550 Introduction to Social Anthropology Majumdar, D.n Jayasingher 1970 305 p UG Library
301.2 MAM 00007318 India`s Population Problem / Mamoria, C B. Kitab Mahal , 1970 xv,427p.; UG Library
301.2 MAN 00009551 Introduction to Social Anthropology Majumdara, D N Asia 1970 304 p. UG Library
301.2 MOO 00016090 Man in the Environment Moore, Ruth T M H, 1975 155 p.; UG Library
301.2 NAD 05028601 Theory of Social Structure / Naadel, S F Routledge, 1986 160 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2 NAN 00131872 Cultural Anthropology: Nanda, Serena. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2014 9781133948681 xix,398 p.; UG Library
301.2 NAN 05062040 Cultural Anthropology: Nanda, Serena. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2014 9781133948681 xix,398 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.2 RAJ 00089807 Social Impact of Conversion: Raj, Anthony Y ISPCK, 2001 8172146191 164 p.; UG Library
301.2 RAS 00033241 Social Anthropology of Radcliffe Brown Kuper, Adam Rouldge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1977 677 p. UG Library
301.2 RAS 00033242 Social Anthropology of Radcliffe Brown Kuper, Adam Rouldge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1977 677 p. UG Library
301.2 SEN 05028926 Between Tradition and Change : Sen, Soumen B R Publishing Corporation, 1988 8170184738 128 p Knowledge Centre
301.2 SHI 00026668 Manava Shastra Shivanna D K Kala Prakashana 1984 336 p UG Library
301.2 SHI 00026669 Manava Shastra Shivanna D K Kala Prakashana 1984 336 p UG Library
301.2 SIN 00136740 Issues and Perspectives in Anthropology / Sinha, Rashmi Rwat Publications, 2019 9788131608753 x,246p.; UG Library
301.2 SIN 00137832 Issues and Perspectives in Anthropology / Sinha, Rashmi Rwat Publications, 2019 9788131608753 x,246p.; UG Library
301.2 SRI 00120625 Essential of Cultural Anthropology Srivastava A. R. N PHI Learning Private Limited, 2013 9788120346536 2nd ed. xv, 244 p:. UG Library
301.2 UNE 05028616 Our Creative Diversity / Javier Perez de Cuellar. Oxford & IBH Publishing, 1998 0812041232 309 p Knowledge Centre
301.2 VID 00029774 Applied Anthropology in India Vidyarthi, L P Kitab Mahal, 1987 2nd ed, 533 p.; UG Library
301.2 WIL 00023044 Culture Willaiams, Raymond Fontana paperbacks, 1982 245 p.; UG Library
301.2 WIL 00025666 Long Revolutions Williams, Raymond Penguin, 1984 399 p.; UG Library
301.2 WIL 05028613 Culture and Society : Williams, Raymond Penguin Books, 1983 350 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2018 MAN 07013494 Modernist anthropology : Manganaro, Marc Princeton University Press, 1990 9780691014807 xi,329p.; Library - BR Campus
301.2054 PEG 05048197 Tribal Culture in ethnographic museum / Pegu, Namita, B.R.Publishing Corporation, 2016 9789350502877 xv, 292 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.205416 MAN 05047380 Tribal Culture and its Transformation / Manjhi, Suresh Crescent, 2015 vii, 256 p. Knowledge Centre
301.205416 MAN 00030386 Tribal Cultures and Change Mann, R S Mittal 1988 2986 p. UG Library
301.209 MCG 00013484 Chonoina Culture of Mount Floyd Arizona Mc Gretor J, John C Ukp 143 p. UG Library
301.2094 FOX 00017550 Kin Clan Raja and Rule Fox, Richard G UCP 1971 190 p. UG Library
301.20954 BER 05039604 Anthropology in India / Bera Gautam Kumar Abhijeet Publications, 2013 978935074798 xiv,301p.: Knowledge Centre
301.20954 CAL 05027960 The Jajmani System : Caldwell, Bruce Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1991 128 p. Knowledge Centre
301.20954 MAD 00004973 Indian Anthropology : Essays in Memory of D N Manjumdar Madan T N Asia Publishing House 1962 420 p UG Library
301.20954 MAD 00017567 Indian Anthropology : Essays in Memory of D N Manjumdar Madan T N Asia Publishing House 1962 420 p UG Library
301.20954 NOB 05027957 India : Noble, Allen G Westview Press, 1982 380 p Knowledge Centre
301.20954 SHA 00044571 Material Culture and Social Formations in Ancient India Sharma Ram Sharan Macmillan India Limited 1983 0333904168 245 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.20954 SHA 00044611 Material Culture and Social Formations in Ancient India Sharma Ram Sharan Macmillan India Limited 1983 0333904168 245 p UG Library
301.20954 SHA 05027958 Material Culture and Social Formations in Ancient India / Sharma, Ram Sharan Macmillan India Ltd., 1996 0333904168 246 p Knowledge Centre
301.20954 SUN 05027961 Subalterns and Sovereigns Sundar, Nandini Oxford University Press, 1997 0195641167 296 p Knowledge Centre
301.20954 VID 00012582 Applied Anthropology in India Vidyarthi, L.p Kitab Mahal 1968 400 p UG Library
301.21 BAR 00087134 Mythologies. Barthes, Roland 2000 0099972204 158 p UG Library
301.21 CHA 05055187 Value Education : Chakrabarti, Mohit. Kanishka Publishers, 1996 8173911916 164 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.21 FIR 05041058 Symbols: Firth, Raymond, Routledge, 1973 9780415694674 469 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.21 MAJ 05028603 An Introduction to Social Anthropology / Majundar, D N Mayoor Paperbacks, 1994 270 p Knowledge Centre
301.21 PUN 05028699 Social Values in Folklare / Punia, Deep Rawat Publications, 1993 169 p Knowledge Centre
301.21 PUN 05027959 Social Values in Folklore / Punia, Deep Rawat Publications, 1996 169 p Knowledge Centre
301.21 SHA 00106215 Value Education and Social Transformation Sharma,Naina. Rawat Publications, 2011 9788131604076 xvi, 357 p. ; UG Library
301.21 TRU 00016044 Sociolinguistics Trudgill, Peter. Penguin, 1974 0140218025 : 189 p. : UG Library
301.210973 BAR 00033382 Values in America Donald Barrett, N Undp 1967 182 p UG Library
301.23 ETZ 00035393 Social Change Etzioni, Haley 1 UG Library
301.23 SHA 00029779 Elementary Phiolosophy of Culture Ram Nath Sharma, Kedarnath Ram Nath 1984 144 p. UG Library
301.24 MAK 05028626 Law, Social Change and Communal Harmony / Makkar, Singh ABS Publications, 1993 230 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 ROO 05028627 Social Change and Political Transformation / Roots, Chris C UCL Press, 1994 210 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 ALE 05028692 Process of Development of Societies / Alexander, K C Sage Publications, 1994 212 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 BAG 00110705 Transformation And Development Bagchi,Amiya Kumar 9780198082286 | 9780198082286 First edition. xvii, 338 pages ; UG Library
301.24 BAG 07007928 Transformation And Development Bagchi,Amiya Kumar 9780198082286 | 9780198082286 First edition. xvii, 338 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.24 BER 00026828 Inequaligy and Social Change Beteille Andre, OXFORD 1934 37 UG Library
301.24 BHA 05028919 Sociology of Development and Change / Bhat, Chandrashekar Orient Longman, 1993 394 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 DAS 00095686 In Pursuit of Ambedkar a Memoir Das Bhagwan Navayana 2004 9788189059057 77P UG Library
301.24 DES 05028656 Essays on Modernizaion of Underdeveloped Societies / Desai, A R Thancker & Co.Ltd., 1971 602 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 00044574 Understanding Change : Dube, S C Vikas Publishing, 1992 0706973690 149 p UG Library
301.24 DUB 05027946 Tradition and Development / Dube, S C Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1994 368 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05027947 Tradition and Development / Dube, S C Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1994 368 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05027948 Tradition and Development / Dube, S C Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1994 368 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05027952 Understanding Change : Dube, S C Vikas Publishing, 1992 0706973690 149 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05027944 Tradition and Development / Dube, S C Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1994 368 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05027945 Tradition and Development / Dube, S C Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1994 368 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05028624 Process of Socio Economic Development / Dubey, K N Rawat Publications, 1992 194.00 Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05028635 Understanding Change : Dube, S C Vikas Publishing, 1992 0706973690 149 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05028690 Tradition and Development / Dube, S C Vikas Publishing House, 1990 368 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05027949 Understanding Change : Dube, S C Vikas Publishing, 1992 0706973690 149 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05027950 Understanding Change : Dube, S C Vikas Publishing, 1992 0706973690 149 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05027951 Understanding Change : Dube, S C Vikas Publishing, 1992 0706973690 149 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 DUB 05028619 Understanding Change / Dube, S C Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1992 149 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 ETZ 00035396 Social Change: the Advent an Maturation of Modern Etzini-Halevy, Routledge 1979 303 p. UG Library
301.24 GAN 00009410 Sociology of Revivalism Gangadharan, K.k Goyalsaab 1970 166 p UG Library
301.24 GAN 00030442 Law and Social Change Gandhi J S S Chand 1989 140 p UG Library
301.24 GHO 05028621 Education and the Process of Change / Ghosh, Ratna Sage Publications, 1987 298 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 GUR 05028691 Development Sociology : Guruswamy, S Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1995 252 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 HOB 05028657 Forces of Change : Hobhouse, Henry Sidgwick & Jackson, 1989 264 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 HOO 00035246 Sociology of Developing Socities Hoogvelt, M M Ankie Mc Millan 1975 209 p. UG Library
301.24 JOH 00012249 Revolutionery Change Johnson, Chalmers F & S 1966 152 p. UG Library
301.24 JOR 00107139 Social Change Jordan Tim and Pile Steve Blackwell Publishers 2002 9780631233121 xxiii, 376 p. UG Library
301.24 JUD 05027977 Dimensions of Social Change : Judge, S Parmjit Rawat Publications, 1997 294 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 KRI 00024089 Society and Change Essays in Honour. Krishnsdesmy, K D OXFORD 1977 320 P. UG Library
301.24 MAD 00008220 Indianisation (what Why and How Madhok, Balraj S Chand 1970 1365 p. UG Library
301.24 MCL 00133492 The theory of social change; McLeish, John, Routledge, 2018 9780815384212 xiii, 95 p. UG Library
301.24 MEN 00038337 Rights of Subortinated Peoples Mendolson, Oliver OUP 370 p UG Library
301.24 MOH 05028631 Social Mobility & Caste Dynamics : Mohanty, K.k Rawat Publications, 1993 256 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 MOH 05028672 Social Mobility & Caste Dynamics : Mohanty, K.k Rawat Publications, 1993 256 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 MOO 05002411 Social Change Moore E Wilberrt Prentice -Hall Pvt Ltd 1987 0876921950 2nd Ed. 132 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 MOO 05010360 Social Change Moore E Wilberrt Prentice -Hall Pvt Ltd 1987 0876921950 2nd Ed. 132 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 MOO 00007271 Social Change Moore E Wilberrt Prentice -Hall Pvt Ltd 1987 0876921950 2nd Ed. 132 p UG Library
301.24 MOO 00029777 Social Change Moore E Wilberrt Prentice -Hall Pvt Ltd 1987 0876921950 2nd Ed. 132 p UG Library
301.24 NAG 05027980 Development and Transformation : Nagla, B K Rawat Publications, 1993 315 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 PAR 05027978 Economy and Society : Parsons, Talcott Routledge, 1984 322 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 PIL 00027451 Administration and Social Change Pjilania, G P Printwell 1298 106 p. UG Library
301.24 RAT 00017432 Strctural Constrainst in Tribal Eduction a Reginal Study Rathnaiah, E V Sterling 1977 244 p. UG Library
301.24 SAT 05028687 State and Nation in the Context of Social Change / Satyamurthy T V Oxford University Press, 1997 362 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 SES 05028620 Stagnancy and Change in Indian Society and Politics / Seshadri, K Aalekh Publishers, 1999 8187359005 266 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 SHA 05028622 Social Structure and Change : Shash, A M Sage Publications, 1996 8170365449 286 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 SHA 05028689 Social Structure and Change : Shah, A M Sage Publications, 1997 8170366062 261 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 SHA 05028628 Social Structure and Change : Shah, A M Sage Publications, 1996 8170365260 214 p Knowledge Centre
301.24 SHA 00045549 Social Change and Social Control Sharma, K Rajendra Atlanic 324 p UG Library
301.24 SHA 05028688 Social Structure and Change : Shah, A M Sage Publications, 1996 8170364949 234 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 SHU 05028916 The Other Side of Development : Shukla, K S Sage Publications, 1987 255 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 SIN 00029813 Law and Social Change in Inda Sinha, B S Deep and Deep Publications 1983 432 p. UG Library
301.24 SIN 00025511 Social Control and Social Cahange Singh K Prakashan Kendra 1982 410 p UG Library
301.24 SMI 05011453 Sociuocultural Change Since Smith, T Lynn UBSPD 390 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 SMI 00012839 Modernisation of a Traditional Society Smith, Wilfred Cantwell Asia 1965 62 p. UG Library
301.24 SUR 05027979 Social Mobility in Industrilizing Society / Suresh Kumar, Rawat Publications, 1986 188 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 TOF 05041300 Future Shock / Toffler Alvin Bantam Books, 1990 9780553277371 561p.: Knowledge Centre
301.24 TRI 00017424 Microsocial Studies in Development and Change Trivedi, Harshad R Church 1977 340 p. UG Library
301.24 VAS 00023833 Social Change Vasudava, Promila Sterling Publishers (P) LTD 1976 518 p . UG Library
301.24 VAS 00025365 Social Change : An Analysis of Attitudes & Personality Vasudeva Promila Sterling Publishers 1983 220 p UG Library
301.24 VAT 00027308 Social Control and Social Change Vatsyayan, Mrt 208 p. UG Library
301.24 VAT 00029675 Social Control and Social Change Vatsyayan, Mrt 208 p. UG Library
301.24 VEN 00014603 Rural Society and Social Change Venkatarayappa, E N Popular Library 1973 1 UG Library
301.24 VEN 05028686 Rural Society And Social Change / K N Venkatarayappa Popular Prakashan, 1973 264 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24 WEB 00035237 Introduction to the Sociology of Development Andrew, Webster 1 UG Library
301.24 WEB 00035238 Introduction To the Soclolgy of Development Webster, Andrew Mc Millan 1984 218 p. UG Library
301.24 WEB 00035236 Introduction to the Sociology of Development Andrew, Webster 1 UG Library
301.2403 LAX 05043097 Encyclopaedia of Social Change / Laxmi Devi Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd,, 1996 8174881611 382 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2403 LAX 05043098 Encyclopaedia of Social Change / Laxmi Devi Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd,, 1996 8174881611 382 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2403 LAX 05002380 Encyclopaedia of Social Change / Laxmi Devi Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd,, 1996 8174881611 382 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2403 LAX 05043099 Encyclopaedia of Social Change / Laxmi Devi Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd,, 1996 8174881611 382 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2403 LAX 05043100 Encyclopaedia of Social Change / Laxmi Devi Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd,, 1996 8174881611 382 p. Knowledge Centre
301.240945 KAB 05028901 From Traditional Society to Post Industrial Society / Kabilan, Rengasamy Commonwealth Publishers, 1993 278 p. Knowledge Centre
301.240954 NAG 05028676 Development and Transformation : Nagla, B K Rawat Publications, 1993 314 p. Knowledge Centre
301.240954 AHL 05044588 Crises of social transformation in India / By Ahlawat, S. R. Rawat Publicaton : 2015 9788131607107 (hardback) | 813 xii, 266 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.240954 AHL 05047868 Crises of social transformation in India / By Ahlawat, S. R. Rawat Publicaton : 2015 9788131607107 (hardback) | 813 xii, 266 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.240954 AHL 05044512 Crises of social transformation in India / By Ahlawat, S. R. Rawat Publicaton : 2015 9788131607107 (hardback) | 813 xii, 266 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.240954 AHL 00121620 Crises of social transformation in India / By Ahlawat, S. R. Rawat Publicaton : 2015 9788131607107 (hardback) | 813 xii, 266 pages : UG Library
301.240954 AHL 05044489 Crises of social transformation in India / By Ahlawat, S. R. Rawat Publicaton : 2015 9788131607107 (hardback) | 813 xii, 266 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.240954 ANA 00007246 Nagaland in Transition Anand, Major V K Associated Publishing House 1968 144p UG Library
301.240954 DUG 05028623 Tradition and Development / Dube, S C Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 1994 368 p Knowledge Centre
301.240954 EPS 05028917 Economic Development and Social Change in South India Epstein, T Scarlett Mpp 354 p. Knowledge Centre
301.240954 HUS 05028929 Changing Indian Society & Status of Aged / Husain, M G Manak Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1997 0818656229 217 p Knowledge Centre
301.240954 KUP 00021033 Social Change in India Kuppuswamy B Vikas Publishing House 1981 0706913418 436 p UG Library
301.240954 KUP 00021032 Social Change in India Kuppuswamy B Vikas Publishing House 1981 0706913418 436 p UG Library
301.240954 KUP 00017092 Social Change in India Kuppuswamy B Vikas Publishing House 1981 0706913418 436 p UG Library
301.240954 KUP 00022138 Social Change in India Kuppuswamy B Vikas Publishing House 1981 0706913418 436 p UG Library
301.240954 MAD 00033044 India`s Social Transformation Madan, G R Allied 1979 1 UG Library
301.240954 MIG 05028905 Politics and Rural Power Structure : Miglani, D C Deep & Deep Publications, 1993 222 p. Knowledge Centre
301.240954 MIG 05028695 Politics and Rural Power Structure : Miglani, Dc Deep & Deep Publications, 1993 222 p Knowledge Centre
301.240954 MIR 05028902 Development and Change in India / Mittal, Sushil B R Publishing Corporation, 1993 215 p Knowledge Centre
301.240954 PAT 05028918 Continuity and Change in Indian Society / Pathak, Bindeshwar Concept Publishing Company, 1998 8170227267 390 p Knowledge Centre
301.240954 PIM 00032977 Social Development. Processes and Consequences Pimpley, P N Rawat 336 p UG Library
301.240954 SHA 05002522 Social Transformation in India / Shah, Ghanshyam. Rawat, 1997 2v.; Knowledge Centre
301.240954 SHA 05002523 Social Transformation in India / Shah, Ghanshyam. Rawat, 1997 2v.; Knowledge Centre
301.240954 SRI 05028648 Social Change in Modern India / Srinivas, M N Orient Longman Publications, 1998 0812500422 200 p Knowledge Centre
301.241 COU 00014694 Fourth World of the Hopis Courlander, Harold Fawcett 1971 290 p UG Library
301.241 COU 00014634 Fourth World of the Hopis. Coulander, Harold Fawcett 1971 290 p UG Library
301.241 MAT 05028693 Communication for Development and Social Change / Mathur, Kanwar B Allied Publications, 1994 8170231205 118 p Knowledge Centre
301.241 SIN 05037430 Development Communication : Sinha, Dipankar Orient BlackSwan, 2013 9788125051022 xv,207 p. Knowledge Centre
301.241 VLA 00014638 New World Beginings Vlahos, Olivia Fpb 1970 266 p UG Library
301.241GAV 00030418 Social Ferment in India George, Alexander Orient Longman UG Library
301.242 JOH 05059253 Revolutionary Change / Johnson, Chalmers. Feefer, 1966 153 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.242 JOH 00011249 Revolutionary Change / Johnson, Chalmers. Feefer, 1966 153 p. ; UG Library
301.242 ODD 00019377 Social Protest in India Oddie, G A Manohar 1979 288 p. UG Library
301.243 KAK 00110858 Science, technology, and social formation in medieval Assam Kakoty,Sanjeeb. Cambridge University Press, 2012 9789382264118 viii, 203 p. UG Library
301.243 KOT 05028630 Science Technology and Social Change / Kothare, A N Wiley Eastern Limited, 1987 170 p. Knowledge Centre
301.243 MER 05056346 The sociology of science : theoretical and empirical investigations Merton, Robert King, Rawat publications, 1973 9788131608609 xxxi,605p.; Knowledge Centre
301.243 MER 05056683 The sociology of science : theoretical and empirical investigations Merton, Robert King, Rawat publications, 1973 9788131608609 xxxi,605p.; Knowledge Centre
301.243 MIT 00086685 Science and Mankind Mitra, Somenath Sri Sathy Sai Books 2007 282 p UG Library
301.243 ROP 07009161 A humane economy / Ropke, Wilhelm ISI Publication, 2014 9781610171014 xxi,303p. Library - BR Campus
301.243 SRI 00029674 Social Change in Modern India Srinivvas, M N Longman 1987 196 p. UG Library
301.246982 MEH 00022150 Social Development in Mauritius : A Study on Rural Modernization in an Island Community Mehta Shiv Rattan Wiley Eastern Limited 1981 0852265670 176 p UG Library
301.24954 DOS 00044583 Emerging Tribal Image Doshi S L Rawat Publications 1997 271 p UG Library
301.24954 MAD 05002600 Social Change and Problems of Development in Inda Madan, G R Allied 142 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24954 MAD 05028625 Social Change and Problems of Development in India / Madan, G R Allied Publishers, 1978 142 p. Knowledge Centre
301.24954 MAD 00022136 Social Change and Problems of Development in India Madan, G R Allied 1978 142 UG Library
301.254 BEN 05028700 Dimension of Environment : Benjamin, K M S CHDSC., 1982 160 p. Knowledge Centre
301.254 BER 05028684 Class, State and Development in India / Berberoglu, Berch Sage Publications, 1992 329 p. Knowledge Centre
301.254 DEV 05028904 Discourses of Ethnicity : Davalle, B C Susana Sage Publications, 1992 279 p. Knowledge Centre
301.254 JHA 05028685 Introduction to Indian Anthropology / Jha, Makhan Vikas Publishing House, 1995 170 p Knowledge Centre
301.254 SIN 05028698 Modernization of Indian Traditon / Singh, Yogendra Rawat Publications, 1986 267 p Knowledge Centre
301.254 SIN 05029294 Modernization of Indian Tradition / Singh, Yogendra Rawat Publications, 1996 8170330130 267 p. Knowledge Centre
301.29 BEA 00012569 An Introduction to Anthropology Beals Ralph L Macmillan International 1989 4th Ed 700 p UG Library
301.29 DAL 05028921 Between Tradition and Modernity : Dallmayr, Fred Sage Publications, 1988 8170366984 374 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2934 RAW 00100643 Intercourse Between India And The Western World : Rawlinson, H G at the University Press / 196 p. UG Library
301.2944 BAS 00035400 Social and Economic Development in India Basu, K Dilip Sage 1977 412 UG Library
301.295 NUL 07009988 Tribal Culture Nulkar Kumar Vinay Commonwealth, 2014 9788131104453 410 p.: Library - BR Campus
301.295 SCA 00035241 South India Yesterday.Today & Tomorrow Scarlett Epstein T, 1 UG Library
301.295 THO 05028671 Frank Speaking : Thomas, M A Replica Offset Printers, 1990 94 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 MAD 05028666 India's Social Transforation : Madan, G R Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1979 xix,248 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 AVA 05028665 Social and Cultural Diversities : Avasthi, Abha Rawat Publications, 1997 296 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 BAS 00035398 Social and Economic Development in India Dilip K, Basu 1 UG Library
301.2954 DES 05028673 Social Background of Indian Nationalism / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 1996 461 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 DES 05028645 Social Background of Indain Nationalism / Desai Popular Prakashan, 1994 461 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 DES 05028644 Social Background of Indain Nationalism / Desai Popular Prakashan, 1994 461 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 DIL 00035397 Social & Economic Development in India Dilip K, Basu 1 UG Library
301.2954 DIL 00035399 Social & Economic Development in India Dilip K, Basu 1 UG Library
301.2954 GOK 00105663 India and world culture. Gokak, Vinayak Krishna, Vikas Publications 1972 9788172017064 136 p. UG Library
301.2954 HAI 00126089 The Naked Nagas Haimendorf Fure- Von Christoph Abhijeet Publications, 2016 9789350742310 238 p.: UG Library
301.2954 IND 00016725 The Tribal People of India. , India Press 1960 192 p. UG Library
301.2954 JAY 00037542 Modernization and Youth of in India Jayaswal, Rajendra Rawat 1992 203 p UG Library
301.2954 KUP 05028927 Social Change in India : Kuppaswamy, B Konark Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1993 5th 597 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 KUP 05026812 Social Change in India / Kuppa Swamy, P Konark Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1994 597 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 KUR 05028674 Growth and Justice : Kurien, C T Oxford University Press, 1992 298 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 LAX 05028928 Socio Economic Development in India / Laxmi Devi Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1998 927 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 LAX 05028668 Socio Economic Development in India / Laxmi Devi Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., 1998 927 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 MIS 00132663 Tribal heritage: Misra,Promode Kumar Aayu publications, 2018 9789385161827 xxvii,333p.; UG Library
301.2954 NAG 05028920 Development and Transformation : Nagla, B K Rawat Publications, 1993 310 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 PAR 00023832 Politics and Religion: a Study of Hstorical Interction Between Cosiclapolit Parvathammaa, C STERLING 1970 276 p. UG Library
301.2954 PAT 05031774 Continuity and Change in Indian Society / Pathak, Bindeshwar Concept Publishing Com., 1998 8170227267 390 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 SIN 05028632 Social Change in India : Singh, Yogendra Har-Anand Publications, 1993 246 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 SIN 05028633 Social Change in India : Singh, Yogendra Har-Anand Publications, 1993 246 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 SIN 05028634 Social Change in India : Singh, Yogendra Har-Anand Publications, 1993 246 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 SIN 05029569 Social Change in India : Singh, Yogendra Har-Anand Publications, 1996 8124101299 246 p. Knowledge Centre
301.2954 SRI 05017730 Social Change in Modern India Srinivas, M N Orient Longman 200 p Knowledge Centre
301.2954 VAJ 05028670 Technology and Development : Vajpeyi, Dhirendra Rawat Publications, 1991 334 p. Knowledge Centre
301.295405496 DAT 05045201 The making of Indian diplomacy : Datta-Ray, Deep K. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199458868 xv, 380 pages ; Knowledge Centre
301.295405496 DAT 07001298 The making of Indian diplomacy : Datta-Ray, Deep K. Oxford University Press, 2015 9780199458868 xv, 380 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.29548 EPS 00035240 South India: Yesterday Today & Tomorrow. Epstein, T Scarteh 1 UG Library
301.295484 RAO 00088041 Trial Culture, Faith, History and Literature Rao, Singh Narayan Mittal Publications 2006 ISB8183241085 358p UG Library
301.295492 NUL 00124971 Tribal Culture Nulkar Kumar Vinay Commonwealth, 2014 9788131104453 410 p.: UG Library
301.2954KA 05028930 Facets of Indian Culture / Kalpana Rajaram Spectrum Publications, 1996 320 p Knowledge Centre
301.296 SCA 00035239 South India Yesterday Today & Tommorow Scarlett Eptein T, 1 UG Library
301.297 GHU 00034889 Social Tourism in India. Ghurye, G.s 1 UG Library
301.3 HYD 00000724 This Crowded Planet Hyde, Margaret O. Whittlesey 1961 159 p. UG Library
301.3 ANM 05002559 Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Sociology Anmol Publications Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 8126104708 289 p Knowledge Centre
301.3 CLA 00008559 Slums and Community Development Clinard, Marshall B Free 396 p UG Library
301.3 GHU 00010120 Scheduled Tribes Ghurye, G.s G.R Bhatkal 405 p UG Library
301.3 GUP 05028914 Action Sociology and Dynamic of Rural Development / Gupta, R K Ajanta Publications, 1989 252 p Knowledge Centre
301.3 HYD 00000726 This Crowded Planet Hyde, Margaret O. Whittlesey 1961 159 p. UG Library
301.3 HYD 00000725 This Crowded Planet Hyde, Margaret O. Whittlesey 1961 159 p. UG Library
301.3 HYD 00000723 This Crowded Planet Hyde, Margaret O. Whittlesey 1961 159 p. UG Library
301.3 JHA 05068017 Urban Sociology / Jha, Seema. Venus Publication, 2019 9789387851634 280p.; Knowledge Centre
301.3 MAC 00069020 Peoples, Nations and Cultures : An A-Z of the Peoples of the World, Past and Present Mackenzie John M Weidenfeld & Nicoloson 2005 0304365505 672 p UG Library
301.3 PAN 00141262 Urban Sociology / Pandey, Vinita Rawat Publications ; 2021 9788131612118 xxii, 280 p. ; UG Library
301.3 PAN 00141926 Urban Sociology / Pandey, Vinita Rawat Publications ; 2021 9788131612118 xxii, 280 p. ; UG Library
301.3 QUI 05028998 Urban Sociology / Quinn, A James Eurasia Publishing House, 1985 534 p Knowledge Centre
301.3 QUI 00028482 Urban Sociology / Quinn, Eurasia Publishing House, 1955 534 p. UG Library
301.3 QUI 05028939 Urban Sociology / Quinn, Eurasia Publishing House, 1955 534 p. Knowledge Centre
301.3 SIN 00142522 A textbook of urban sociology Singh,Jayant Random publications, 2020 9789352696802 viii,302p.; UG Library
301.30954 SIN 05028912 Social Work Education in India : Singh, Surendra New Royal Book Co., 2004 8185936463 416 p Knowledge Centre
301.31 GOE 04005276 Water Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control Goel, P K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122418392 418 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301.31 GOE 04005263 Water Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control Goel, P K New Age Internations (P) Ltd 2008 9788122418392 418 p Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301.31 AGG 05028911 Human Development in India : Aggarwal, J C Shipra Publications, 1996 252 p Knowledge Centre
301.31 DAS 00117796 Man and Environment Dash, M.C Trinity Press, 2014 9789351380849 293p.; UG Library
301.31 HAB 05007847 Man and Environment : Habib Irfan Tulika Books, 2010 9788189487737 xii,161 p. Knowledge Centre
301.31 KUM 05068714 Proceedings of the Seminar on Indias Population Future October 1974 / International Institute for Population Studies, 1975 138p.; Knowledge Centre
301.31 SIN 00093102 Contemporary Ecological Crisis; Singh Randhir Aakar 2009 9788189833916 159p UG Library
301.31 SRI 05010892 Ecological Meltdown : Srivastav Asheem TERI Press, 2010 9788179932780 x,248 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.310184 LEV 05054358 Mathematical analysis of decision problems in ecology : Springer-Verlag, 1975 0387071881 | 3540071881 viii, 421 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.310942 GOL 00090175 Can Britain Survive ? Goldsmith, Edward Great Britain 2008 300p UG Library
301.32 AHM 00040719 Demographic Transition : The Third World Scenario Ahmad Aijazuddin Rawat Publications 1997 817033522 421 p UG Library
301.32 ALI 00124993 Population Education Hena Z, Ali Jnanada Prakashan, 2015 9788171396573 300 p.: UG Library
301.32 BHE 05028915 Principles of Population Studies / Bhende, A Asha Himalaya Publishing House, 1997 504 p Knowledge Centre
301.32 BOR 00013071 Population, Environment and Society Borrie W D Oxford University Press 1973 0196477301 106 p UG Library
301.32 BRO 05050319 In the human interest : Brown, Lester R. Norton, 1974 0393055264 [1st ed.] 190 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.32 CHI 00044554 Introductory Rural Sociology [ a Synopsis of Concepts and Principles ] Chitambar, J B New Age International Publishers 8122409717 343p UG Library
301.32 CHI 00044555 Introductory Rural Sociology [ a Synopsis of Concepts and Principles ] Chitambar, J B New Age International Publishers 8122409717 343p UG Library
301.32 COX 00022147 Demography Cox, Peter R Vikas 1976 394 p UG Library
301.32 COX 00030387 Demography Cox, R Peter UBS 1989 394 p UG Library
301.32 GHO 00027352 Fundamentals of Population Geography Ghosh, B N Sterling 1985 252 p UG Library
301.32 HAN 00023856 Population Studies Hans, Raj Surjeet 1982 400 p UG Library
301.32 HAR 00125087 How Population Change Will Transform Our World / Harper, Sarah. Oxfor University Press, 2016 9780198784098 | 9780198783992 xxi, 234 p.: UG Library
301.32 HAR 05059184 How Population Change Will Transform Our World / Harper, Sarah. Oxfor University Press, 2016 9780198784098 | 9780198783992 xxi, 234 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.32 HAU 00009752 Population Dilemma Hauser, Philip M.edr PH 1963 188 p UG Library
301.32 HEE 00019356 Society and Population Heer, David M Prentice Hall 1978 155 p UG Library
301.32 JHI 05065669 Demography / Jhingan,M.L. Vrinda Publications, 2003 9788182815599 3rd ed. xi,277p.; Knowledge Centre
301.32 KUP 00012838 Population Education Kuppuswamy, B Asia 1971 150 p UG Library
301.32 LAT 07001069 Population and Society / Lata Prem.Dr Random Publications, 2015 9789351117339 xi,336p.: Library - BR Campus
301.32 LAT 05048155 Population and Society / Prem Lata Random Publications, 2015 9789351117339 336 p. Knowledge Centre
301.32 LOP 05051048 Problems in Stable Population Theory / Lopez, Alvaro Princeton, 1961 ix, 107 p. Knowledge Centre
301.32 MAH 00023520 Population Trends and Population Education Mahindar Singh Yashoda Sheth Publishers 1981 204 p UG Library
301.32 MAH 00061185 Population Trends and Population Education Mahindar Singh Yashoda Sheth Publishers 1981 204 p UG Library
301.32 MAS 00022499 Population Education for Qualty of Life Mascarenhas, M M Oxford University Press 1981 370 p UG Library
301.32 PAT 05028696 Population Studies : Oathak, P Lalit Rawat Publications, 1998 268 p Knowledge Centre
301.32 PAT 05028697 Population Studies : Oathak, P Lalit Rawat Publications, 1998 268 p Knowledge Centre
301.32 PRE 00030388 An Introduction to Social Demography Premi M K Vikas Publishing House 1983 0706922131 214 p UG Library
301.32 RAM 00033171 Technical Demography Ramakumar R Wiley Eastern Limited 1986 0852267436 213 p UG Library
301.32 RAM 00033170 Technical Demography Ramakumar R Wiley Eastern Limited 1986 0852267436 213 p UG Library
301.32 RAM 05051468 Technical Demography / Ramakumar, R. New age International publishers, 1986 9708522674365 viii, 219p. Knowledge Centre
301.32 SAH 05055968 Population issues : Sahoo, Harihar, Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608500 xi, 299 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.32 SAH 10001272 Population issues : Sahoo, Harihar, Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608500 xi, 299 pages : Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.32 SAH 05056666 Population issues : Sahoo, Harihar, Rawat publications, 2017 9788131608500 xi, 299 pages : Knowledge Centre
301.32 SAL 00026721 Population Education For Developing Countries. Salker, K.r Sterling 1986 1 UG Library
301.32 SAL 00026722 Population Education for Developing Countries Salkar, K R Sterling 1985 224 p UG Library
301.32 SHA 05028909 Gandhian Perspective on Population and Development / Sharma A K Concept Publishing Company, 1995 8170225337 272 p Knowledge Centre
301.32 SHR 05067728 The methods and materials of demography, Shryock, Henry S. U.S. Bureau of the Census; 1971 Volumes Knowledge Centre
301.32 SIN 05050933 Is there an optimum level of population? / McGraw-Hill, 1971 0070574715 xiv, 426 p. Knowledge Centre
301.32 SIN 05052469 Is there an optimum level of population? / McGraw-Hill, 1971 0070574715 xiv, 426 p. Knowledge Centre
301.32 SRI 00040727 Demography and Population Studies Shrivastava O S Vikas Publishing House 1994 2nd Ed 583 p UG Library
301.32 SWA 00141683 A Textbook of Population Studies Swain, A. K.P.C. Kalyani Publishers, 2014 9789327236903 15.6 p.; UG Library
301.32 THO 00013905 Population Problems Thompson Warren S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co 1953 5th Ed 595 p UG Library
301.32 THO 05050297 Population Problems Thompson Warren S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co 1953 5th Ed 595 p Knowledge Centre
301.32 THO 00011988 Population Problems Thompson Warren S Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co 1953 5th Ed 595 p UG Library
301.32 WEI 00128300 Demography / Weinstein,Jay Rawat Publications 2017 9788131608241 2nd ed. 420p. UG Library
301.32 WIL 05050279 The Urbanization of Japanese Labor, 1868-1955 / Wilkinson, Thomas O Massachusetts Press, 1965 243 p. Knowledge Centre
301.3203 PRE 00027445 Dictionary of Demography.Ed. By Wilson Christopher Pressat, Ronald Blackie 1985 244 p UG Library
301.320954 AGA 00019379 India`s Population Problems Agarwala S N Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 1985 2nd Ed 244 p UG Library
301.320954 AGA 00027275 India`s Population Problems Agarwala S N Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 1985 2nd Ed 244 p UG Library
301.320954 BOS 05054373 Population in India`s Development : Bose,Ashish. Vikas Publishing House, 1974 0706903315 430 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.320954 BOS 00012816 Population in India`s Development : Bose,Ashish. Vikas Publishing House, 1974 0706903315 430 p.; UG Library
301.320954 LAL 00030434 India`s Population Policy: Critical Issues for Future Lal, Sheokumar Kalyani Publishers 1987 180 p UG Library
301.320954 MAL 00033490 Compulsions of Population Scenarios 2001 Malgavkar, P D ASHISH 1991 168 p UG Library
301.320954 UNF 05025971 India : United Nations Population Fund Oxford University Press, 1997 0195643747 189 p Knowledge Centre
301.321 BOG 05052249 Further sociological contributions to family planning research / Bogue, Donald Joseph, Community and Family Study Center, University of Chicago, 1970 viii, 459 p. Knowledge Centre
301.321 BOG 05057977 Mass communication and motivation for birth control / Bogue,Donald J. Community and Family Study Centre, 1967 xvii,551p.; Knowledge Centre
301.321 DEV 00086931 Individuals, Housholders, Citizens Devika, J Zubban 2008 9788189884475 224 p UG Library
301.321 JOL 00030416 Family Planning in India 1969-1984 a District Level Study Jolly, K G Hindasia 1986 270 p UG Library
301.321 MAH 05028675 Fertility Policies and Asian Countries / Mahadevan, K Sage Publications, 1989 320 p Knowledge Centre
301.321 MAN 00013065 Human Fertility in India Mandelbaum, David G OUP 1974 132 p UG Library
301.321 SAK 05057986 Differential urban fertility--Lucknow; report of the intensive fertility survey of Lucknow City / Saksena, D. N. (Devendra Narain), 1943- Demographic Research Centre, 1973 157p.; Knowledge Centre
301.3210212 DSO 05050693 Closed Birth Intervals : D'Souza, Stanislaus Sterling Publishers P.Ltd., 1974 132 p. Knowledge Centre
301.321095487 SRI 05054394 Analytical models for two types of birth intervals with applications to Indian population / Srinivasan, K. s.n.], 1972 157 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.321095487 SRI 05051044 Analytical models for two types of birth intervals with applications to Indian population / Srinivasan, K. s.n.], 1972 157 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.321095487 SRI 05051045 Analytical models for two types of birth intervals with applications to Indian population / Srinivasan, K. s.n.], 1972 157 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.321098 CEL 05049952 Fertility and family planning in metropolitan Latin America / Celade. Community and Family Study Center, University of Chicago 1972 vii, 323 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.322120954 BOS 00027458 Population Statistics in India Bose Ashish Vikas Publishing House 1985 0706904923 444 p UG Library
301.3260954 RAJ 05039306 India Migration Report 2013 : Rajan, Irudaya S Routledge, 2013 9780415828536 339 p. Knowledge Centre
301.32954 SAX 05067857 Indian population in transition / Saxena, G.B. Commercial Publications Bureau, 1971 iii,243p.; Knowledge Centre
301.32954 VER 00118883 Demography and Population Problems Verma, Sachin Venus Books, 2014 9788189922580 307p.; UG Library
301.34 BEL 00009724 Community Studies Bell Colin George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1971 0043000320 260 p UG Library
301.34 DAY 00007322 Community Development Programme in India Dayal, Rajeshwar Kitab Mahal 1966 440 p UG Library
301.34 DES 05028910 Circular migration and multilocational livelihood strategies in rural India / Priya Deshingkar and John Farrington. Oxford University Press, 2009 9780195699227 | 019569922X x, 320 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.34 RED 00137130 The little community and peasant society and culture / Redfield, Robert Rawat Publications, 2018 9788131609699 v,92 pages.; UG Library
301.34CHA 01004717 Communal Identity in India: Its Construction and Articulation in the Twentieth Century(law Lib) Bidyut Chakrabarty Oxford University Press 0195663306 327p Knowledge Centre
301.34CHA 01005502 Communal Identity in India: Its Construction and Articulation in the Twentieth Century(law Lib) Bidyut Chakrabarty Oxford University Press 0195663306 327p Knowledge Centre
301.34CHA 01006837 Communal Identity in India: Its Construction and Articulation in the Twentieth Century(law Lib) Bidyut Chakrabarty Oxford University Press 0195663306 327p Knowledge Centre
301.34CHA 01005503 Communal Identity in India: Its Construction and Articulation in the Twentieth Century(law Lib) Bidyut Chakrabarty Oxford University Press 0195663306 327p Knowledge Centre
301.34COM 01002314 Communal Problem (law Lib.) Indian National Congress National Book Trust 8123745737 215p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 GOD 05028638 Rural Employment Strategy : Godbole, Madhav Himalya Publishing House, 1988 405 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 HEB 05028903 Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) : Hebbar, C K Deep & Deep Publications, 1991 300 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 MAD 05028652 India's Developing Villages / Madan, G R Allied Publications, 1990 8170232813 648 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 NAH 05028913 Sociology and Rural Development / Nahar, V R Rawat Publications, 1995 272 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 NAH 05029570 Socialolgy of Rural Development / Nahar, V R Rawat Publications, 1995 272 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 NAY 05028931 Rural Poverty in India : Nayyar, Rohini Oxford Univesity Press, 1991 297 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 PAP 05028636 Rural Industrialisation : Papola, T S Himalaya Publishing House, 1985 100 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 SHA 05028907 Technical Change, Income Distribution and Rural Poverty / Sharma, R K Shipra Publications, 1996 186 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 SHA 05028680 Rural Sociology / Sharma, K Rajendra Atlantic, 1998 8171566715 288 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 SHA 05028683 Rural Sociology / Sharma, K Rajendra Atlanic Publishers, 1997 302 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 ARD 00020694 Industry and Rural Development Arora, R C S Chand 1978 228p UG Library
301.35 ARO 00033043 Intergrated Rural Development Arora, R C Sc 1986 384p UG Library
301.35 BEA 00007540 Gopalpur : A south Indian Village Beals Alan R Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1962 100 p.; UG Library
301.35 CHA 05028677 Social Structure and Rural Development / Chauhan, I S Rawat Publications, 1995 176 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 CHA 05028908 Leadership Factions and Panchayat Raj : Chakraborthy, K Rawat Publications, 1993 210 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 CHA 05028925 Role of Village Faction in Rural Development / Chaudhary, S N Amar Prakashan, 1990 66 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 CHI 00028359 Introductory Rural Sociology Chitambar, J B Wiley 1987 369 p UG Library
301.35 CHI 00028360 Introductory Rural Sociology Chitambar, J.b OUP 1987 362 p UG Library
301.35 CHI 00028361 Introductory Rural Sociology Chitamber, J B Wiley Eastern, 1986 0852261179 368 p.; UG Library
301.35 CHI 00032979 Introductory Rulal Sociology Chitambar, J.b Damodaran 1990 368 p UG Library
301.35 CHI 05028639 Introduction to Rural Sociology / Chitambar, J B Wiley Eastern Limited, 1993 369 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 CHI 00027455 Introductory Rural Sociology Chitambar, J B W E L 1985 366 p UG Library
301.35 CHI 05028640 Introduction to Rural Sociology / Chitambar, J B Wiley Eastern Limited, 1993 369 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 CHI 00015937 Introductory Rural Sociology Chitambar, J B W E L 1976 370 p UG Library
301.35 CHO 00023835 New Partnership in Rural Development Chowdhry, Paul Mnp 1980 266 p UG Library
301.35 COH 00012796 Kanuri of Bohnu Cohen, Ronald Holt,Rinehort 1969 120 p UG Library
301.35 DAH 00007273 Extension and Rural Welfare Dahama, O P Ramprasad 1969 646 p UG Library
301.35 DES 00073651 Rural Sociology in India Desai A R Popular Prakashan 2006 8171541542 968 p UG Library
301.35 DES 05017514 Rural Sociology in India / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 2001 8171541542 924 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 05028641 Rural Sociology in India / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 1978 968 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 05028650 Fundamentals of Rural Development / Desai, Vasant Himalaya Publishing House, 1991 B-11 p.v. Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 01000076 Rural Sociology in India / Desai A R Popular Prakashan Pvt.; 2001 8171541542 968p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 05028653 Rural Sociology in India / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 2001 8171541542 924 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 05010225 Rural Sociology in India / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 2001 8171541542 924 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 00010264 Rural Sociology in India Desai A R Popular Prakashan 2006 8171541542 968 p UG Library
301.35 DES 00007315 Rural Sociology in India Desai A R Popular Prakashan 2006 8171541542 968 p UG Library
301.35 DES 00032981 Rural Sociology in India Desai A R Popular Prakashan 2006 8171541542 968 p UG Library
301.35 DES 00034002 Rural Sociology in India Desai A R Popular Prakashan 2006 8171541542 968 p UG Library
301.35 DES 05003075 Rural Sociology in India Desai A R Popular Prakashan 2006 8171541542 968 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 00044650 Rural Sociology in India Desai A R Popular Prakashan 2006 8171541542 968 p UG Library
301.35 DES 00136119 Rural sociology in India/ Desai, A R. Sage publications India pvt ltd, 1969 9789353280000 5th edition xvii,864p.; UG Library
301.35 DES 05028642 Rural Sociology in India / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 1978 968 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 05028651 Fundamentals of Rural Development / Desai, Vasant Himalaya Publishing House, 1991 B-11 p.v. Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 05028654 Rural Sociology in India / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 2001 8171541542 924 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 DES 05028655 Rural Sociology in India / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 2001 8171541542 924 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 DHA 00044626 Rural and Urban Studies in India Dhadave, M. S. Rawat Publications 1996 PO6134 309 p. UG Library
301.35 DHA 05028646 Rural and Urban Studies in India / Dhadave, M S Rawat Publications, 1996 309 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 DHA 05028647 Rural and Urban Studies in India / Dhadave, M S Rawat Publications, 1996 309 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 DUB 05068007 India's Changing Villages. Dube, Allied 1978 1 Knowledge Centre
301.35 DUB 00007426 Indian Village Dube, S C Allied 1967 248 p UG Library
301.35 DUB 00006924 India's Changing Villages. Dube, Allied 1978 1 UG Library
301.35 DUT 00030425 Village Panchayats in India Dutta, Nikunjalata Mittal Publications 8170991684 207p UG Library
301.35 ELW 00032967 Tribal World an Autobiography. Elwin, Verrier OUP 1988 356 p. UG Library
301.35 ELW 05028658 Tribal World of Verrier Elwin : Elwin, Verrier Oxford University Press, 1992 356 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 ETI 05028663 Rural Change in South Asia : Etienne, Gilbert Vikas Publishing House, 1995 0070698756 352 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 FUR 00032954 Tribes of Indian : The Struggle for Survival Furer-Haimendorf Christoph Oxford University Press 1989 342 p UG Library
301.35 GAN 05070402 The Village Reconstruction / Gandhi, M.K. Gandhi Book Centre, 1966 xi,140p.; Knowledge Centre
301.35 HAL 00007269 Changing Village Community Halpern, Joel M PRENTICE-HALL 1969 136 p UG Library
301.35 HER 05028649 Rural Development and Social Change / Heredero, J M Monohar, 1979 186 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 ISH 00017526 Shivpur : A South Indian Village Ishwaran K Routledge & Kegan Paul 1968 220 p UG Library
301.35 KUS 00017731 Blossoms in the Dust Kusum Nair, Allied, 1974 200 p.; UG Library
301.35 MAD 00032966 India`s Developing Villages. Madan, G R ALLIED 1990 649 p. UG Library
301.35 MAD 00033526 Poverty Planning and Social Transformation Madlum, Sinha 1991 1 UG Library
301.35 MAH 05028906 Tribal Developmetn in India : Mahapatra, L K Vikas Publishing House, 1994 119 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 MEH 00008225 Social Conflicats in a Villeage Community Mehta, Sushina S Chand 1971 180 p. UG Library
301.35 MON 00139297 Textbook on Rural Development Entreprenuership and Communication Skills / Mondal,Sagar. Kalyani Publishers, 2019 9789327220698 3rd rev ed rep. 551p.; UG Library
301.35 PRA 05068001 Fundamentals of rural sociology / Prasad, Bindeshwar M. ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767149 viii, 272p.; Knowledge Centre
301.35 PRA 05028660 Decentralisation in Historicalk Perspective / Prasad, Nageshwa Vohara Publishers, 1986 90 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 PRA 00033040 Conctraints on Rural Development Prasad, Narenda Amar Prakashan 1991 134 p. UG Library
301.35 PRA 00140594 Fundamentals of rural sociology / Prasad, Bindeshwar M. ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767149 viii, 272p.; UG Library
301.35 PRA 00138399 Fundamentals of rural sociology / Prasad, Bindeshwar M. ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767149 viii, 272p.; UG Library
301.35 RAJ 05028678 Indian Rual Marketing / Rajagopal, Rawat Publications, 1993 202 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 RAO 00033489 Poverty Alleviation in Inda Raaao, V M Aashish 1989 246 p. UG Library
301.35 RAO 05028662 A Study of Rural Society in India : Rao, B Mohana Vijaya Book Depot, 1991 318 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 RAO 05028637 Rural Development in India / B Mohana Rao Vijaya Book Depot, 1992 146 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 RAO 05028643 Rural Development in India / B Mohana Rao Vijaya Book Depot, 1992 146 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 SAT 05012848 Rural Development / Satya Sundaram HIMALYA PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2002 8178665123 614p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 SAU 07001074 Rural Planning Strategy and Policy Imperatives / Saurath Vivek Dominant, 2012 9789380642758 295p.: Library - BR Campus
301.35 SHA 00144463 Rural Sociology / Sharma, Rajendra Kumar. Atlantic publishers & distributors, 2022 9788171566716 vi,299p, ; UG Library
301.35 SHA 00033041 Alternatives in Rural Development Shah, D R Sterling 1990 414 p UG Library
301.35 SIN 00029671 Rural Sociology Singh, K Prakshan kendra, 1989 466 p.; UG Library
301.35 SIN 05028664 Poverty, Planning and Social Transformation : Sinha, Madhuri Deep & Deep Publications, 1993 120 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 SIN 05028679 Indian Villeges in Transition : Singh, Durganand Associated Publishing House, 1969 232 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35 SIN 00130123 Rural Sociology in India Singh, Manmohan Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178807621 viii, 252 p . : UG Library
301.35 SRI 05028681 India's Villages : Srinivias, M N Asia Publishing House, 1969 222 p Knowledge Centre
301.35 SRI 00040654 India's Villages : Srinivias, M N Asia Publishing House, 1969 222 p UG Library
301.35 SRI 00006977 India`s Villages Srinivas, M N Asihish 1969 222 p UG Library
301.35 UPA 00032969 Modernization and Rural Development. Upadhyay H C Anmol Publications 1991 320 p UG Library
301.35 VAA 00029815 Rural and Urban Sociology Vatsyayan, Knrn 1987 264 p. UG Library
301.35 YUG 05028682 Studies in Village India : Yugandhar, B N Concept Publishing Company, 1991 148 p. Knowledge Centre
301.350954 CHA 00133485 Re-Imagining sociology in india Chadha,Gita Routledge, 2018 9781138363656 xii,348p.; UG Library
301.350954 EPS 05029542 Village Voices : Epstein, T Scarlett Sage Publications, 1998 242 p Knowledge Centre
301.350954 GEE 05028945 Towards a Non-Brahmin Millennium : Geetha, V Samya, 1998 8185604169 556 p Knowledge Centre
301.350954 MAT 00023837 Health and Culture in a South Indian village Mathews, C M E Sterling Publishers, 1982 . 395 p.; UG Library
301.350954 MIN 00101104 Village matters : Mines,Diane P. Oxford University Press, 9780198063339 xiii, 390 p. : UG Library
301.350954 NAI 00023512 An Introduction to Rural and Tribal Sociology Nair P T K Sheth Publishers 1982 416 p UG Library
301.350954 NAI 00023513 An Introduction to Rural and Tribal sociology Nair, P T K Sheth Publishers, 1982 416 p.; UG Library
301.350954 NAI 00023514 An Introduction to Rural and Tribal Sociology Nair P T K Sheth Publishers 1982 416 p UG Library
301.350954 SHA 00023834 Rural Elits in India Sharma, Surjan Singh Sterling, 1981 267 p.; UG Library
301.352 BET 00025684 Studies in Agrarian Social Structure. Beteille, Andre Oxford 1984 206 p. UG Library
301.352 SRI 00050292 The Remembered Village Srinivas M N Oxford University Press 1999 0195622693 356 p. UG Library
301.352 SRI 00024396 Remembered Village / Srinivas, M N. Oxford Ubniversity Press, 1979 356p.; UG Library
301.3520554 DES 00025502 Peasant Struggles in India Desai A R Oxford University Press 1982 770 p UG Library
301.3520954 SRI 00027454 India`s Villages Srinivas, M N Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt. Ltd 1955 218p UG Library
301.352095487 SRI 00110149 The Remembered Village Srinivas, M.N Oxford University Press 2012 9780198077459 | 0198077459 2nd ed. xxxi, 392 p. : UG Library
301.352095487 SRI 00126189 The Remembered Village Srinivas, M.N Oxford University Press 2012 9780198077459 | 0198077459 2nd ed. xxxi, 392 p. : UG Library
301.352SRI2 00024395 Remembered Village Srinivas, M N Oxford 356 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35954414 BOS 05028941 Classes in a Rural Society : Bose, Pradeep Kumar Ajanta Publications, 1984 272 p. Knowledge Centre
301.35HUN 05028669 Policy and Practice in Rural Development / Hunter, Guy ELBS, 1978 520 p. Knowledge Centre
301.36 DID 05028992 Urbanization : Diddee, Jaymala Rawat Publications, 1993 238 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 BRE 05028924 Urbanizaion in Newly Developing Countries / Breese, Gerald Prentice -Hall, 1978 152 p. Knowledge Centre
301.36 BUC 00040889 Environmental Consciousness and Urban Planning Buch M.N Orient Longman, 1996 in 81 p.: UG Library
301.36 BUR 00034130 Urban Sociology Ernest, Burgess 1 UG Library
301.36 BUR 00034132 Urban Sociology Ernest, Burgess 1 UG Library
301.36 BUR 00034131 Urban Sociology Ernest, Burgess 1 UG Library
301.36 DES 05028958 Slums and Urbanization / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 1990 446 p. Knowledge Centre
301.36 DES 05028990 Urban Family and Family Planning in India / Desai, A R Popular, 1971 224 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 DES 05028957 Slums and Urbanization / Desai, A R Popular Prakashan, 1990 446 p. Knowledge Centre
301.36 DID 05028991 Urbanisation : Diddee, Jaymala Rawat Puplications, 1993 238 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 GAL 05028997 The Urban Pattern : Gallion, B D Van Nostrand Company, 1965 435 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 GIL 00034659 Urban Society Noel, P Gist 1 UG Library
301.36 GIS 00034657 Urban Society Gist, P Noel Tycc 1964 623 p UG Library
301.36 GOL 05052069 Basic data needed for the study of urbanization / Goldstein Ordina Editions, 1974 100 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 GOR 05028934 Urbanization and Family Change / Gore, M S PopularPrakashan, 1990 272 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 GOR 00017426 Urbanization and Family Change / Gore, M S PopularPrakashan, 1990 272 p UG Library
301.36 GUP 05028948 Housing and India's Urban Poor / Gupta, D B Har-Anand 264 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 KAL 05028946 Labour & Gender : Kalpagam, U Sage Publications, 1994 8170363748 308 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 MAN 05028937 Environment and Upliftment of Slums in India / Manohar, Rao P Vohra Publishers & Distributors, 1991 210 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 MUK 05028936 Urban Sociology / Mukhi, R B Publications, 1987 232 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 NAG 05028940 Modernization and Urbanization in India : Nagpaul, Hans Rawat Publications, 1996 270 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 NAR 05028950 Ethnicity in Urban Context : Narayanan, Lelia Rawat Publications, 1989 204 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 OOM 00090665 Reconciliation in Post-Godhra Gujarat Oommen, T K DORLING KINDERSLEY 2008 9788131715468 288p UG Library
301.36 PAN 05041124 Urbanization and Religious Tolerance / Pandey Anupama Rawat Publications, 2014 9788131606643 x,222p.: Knowledge Centre
301.36 PHA 00080423 Urbanisation, Development and Environment. Phadke, V S Rawat Publications 2007 8131600564 294p UG Library
301.36 PUG 00034288 Housing and Urbanisation Pugh, Cedric Sage, 1990 315 p.; UG Library
301.36 QUI 00015574 Urbon Sociology Quinn, James A Eurasia 1967 550 p UG Library
301.36 RAO 05028938 A Reader in Urban Sociology / Rao, M S A Orient Longman, 1991 420 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 RAO 05028922 Urbanization and Social Change : Rao, M S A Orient Longmans Ltd., 1970 254 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 RAO 05028923 Urbanization and Social Change : Rao, M S A Orient Longmans Ltd., 1970 254 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 SAX 00124512 Urbanisation, Environmental Degradation & Quality of Life Saxena H.M. Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131608081 vi, 174 p.: UG Library
301.36 SHA 05028947 Urban Planning and Development : Shamsher, Singh Ashish Publishing, 1992 152 p Knowledge Centre
301.36 TUN 00000511 American Skyline Tunnard, Christopher Houghton 260 p UG Library
301.36 VAT 05028935 Urban Sociology / Vatsyayan, Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1990 280 p. Knowledge Centre
301.36 ZEE 00034133 Sociology of Urban Life Zetterberg, L Hans 1 UG Library
301.36 ZEE 00034134 Sociology of Urban Life Zetterberg, L Hans 1 UG Library
301.36 ZEE 00034135 Sociology of Urban Life Zetterberg, L Hans 1 UG Library
301.360954 RAO 05028959 Urban Sociolgy in India : Rao, M S A Orient Longman, 1978 540 p Knowledge Centre
301.360954 VEN 05028964 Urbanisation in India : Venkateswarlu, Ummareddy New Age International Publishers, 1998 8122411452 319 p Knowledge Centre
301.361 GOL 05057882 Patterns of urbanization : Goldstein, Sidney, Ordina Editions, 1977 2 v. : Knowledge Centre
301.361 WIL 00034351 Urban Sociology Wilson A, Robert 1 UG Library
301.361 WIL 00034352 Urban Sociology Wilson, Robert A 1978 0139395202 368p UG Library
301.361 WIL 00034353 Urban Sociology Wilson, A Robert Phi 1978 364 p UG Library
301.361081 ALA 00034361 Urbanization in Developing Countries Manzoor, Alam 1976 582p UG Library
301.361081 ALA 00034363 Urbanization in Developing Countries Manzoor, Alam 1976 582p UG Library
301.361081 ALA 00034362 Urbanization in Developing Countries Manzoor, Alam 1976 582p UG Library
301.3630954 SHA 07012563 Urbanization in India : Sharma, A. K., Ane Books Pvt.Ltd, 2018 9789386761002 xiv, 285 pages ; Library - BR Campus
301.364 SHA 07012316 Urban Sociology / Sharma Satish Wisdom Press, 2017 9789386053770 183p.: Library - BR Campus
301.36954 BHA 05028960 Urban Devlopment in India / B Bhattacharya. Shree Publishing House, 1979 360 p. Knowledge Centre
301.3MAN 01007910 Macmillan Student Encyclopedia of Sociology (law Lib) Michael Mann Macmillan India Limited 1403933014 434p. Knowledge Centre
301.4 .ETZ 05028659 Modern Organisation / Etzioni, Amitai Prentice Hall, 1965 120 p Knowledge Centre
301.4 .ETZ 05028985 Modern Organizations / Etzioni, Amitai Prentice Hall of India, 1976 120 p Knowledge Centre
301.4 ABR 05026572 Modern Sociological Theory : Abraham, Francis M H Oxford University Press, 1982 310 p. Knowledge Centre
301.4 AMB 00138188 Social Structure and Social Policy / Ambedkar,S N. ABD Publishers, 2020 9788183767088 viii,287p.; UG Library
301.4 ANK 00035243 Sociology of Developing Societies Ankie M M, Hoogvelt 1 UG Library
301.4 ANK 00035244 Sociology of Developing Societies Ankie M M, Hoogvelt 1 UG Library
301.4 ANK 00035245 Sociology of Developing Societies Ankie M M, Hoogvelt 1 UG Library
301.4 BAI 05028661 A Witch-Hunt in an Indian Village or, the Triumph of Morality / Bailey, F G Oxford University Press, 1995 221 p Knowledge Centre
301.4 BRA 00129676 Social Psychology / Branscombe, Nyla R. Pearson, 2017 9789332586116 14th ed. xx,570p.; UG Library
301.4 BRA 07014270 Social Psychology / Branscombe, Nyla R. Pearson, 2017 9789332586116 14th ed. xx,570p.; Library - BR Campus
301.4 BRA 09000235 Social Psychology / Branscombe, Nyla R. Pearson, 2017 9789332586116 14th ed. xx,570p.; Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301.4 BRE 00012057 Analysis of Social Systems Bredemier Harry C Holt Rinehart & Winston Inc 1962 425 p UG Library
301.4 BUC 00007543 Kinship and Social Organization : An Introduction to Theory and Methods Buchler Ira R The Macmillan Co 1968 366 p UG Library
301.4 DOR 05039119 The population of the UK / Dorling, Daniel. SAGE, 2012 9781446252963 (hbk.) | 1446252 2nd ed. xiv,207p.: Knowledge Centre
301.4 ERG 05067218 Ottoman Sunnism : Edinburgh University Press, 2019 9781474443319 xiii, 254p.; Knowledge Centre
301.4 KHA 05028983 Panchayati Raj in India : Khanna, B S Deep and Deep Publications, 1996 431 p. Knowledge Centre
301.4 MAC 05013933 Society Maciver, R M Wasani 697 p Knowledge Centre
301.4 MAC 00028484 Society Macivier, R M Mysore 1986 607] Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.4 MAC 00028485 Society Maciver, R M Macmillan 1986 694 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.4 MUK 05026595 Social Structure Change and Sociological Investigation / Mukhi, H R Surjeet, 1996 282 p Knowledge Centre
301.4 NAD 05028984 The Theory of Social Structure / Nadel, S F Universal Book Stall, 1986 159 p Knowledge Centre
301.4 NADE 00034137 Theory of Social Structure Nadel, S F 1 UG Library
301.4 PAR 05026462 The Social System / Parsons, Talcott Routledge, 1967 567 p Knowledge Centre
301.4 PAR 05026575 The Social System / Parsons, Talcott Amerind Publishing, 1973 580 p Knowledge Centre
301.4 RAJ 00121319 Social structure & stratification Rajadhyaksham Ranjit Dominant Publishers 2015 9789384161224 341p. UG Library
301.4 RAM 00004311 Social Institution Among the Hindus Ramachandra, Rao S K Raghavan 1969 86 p UG Library
301.4 REX 00034686 Race Relation in Sociological Theory John, Rex UG Library
301.4 RIT 00141915 Modern Sociological thoery / Ritzer,George. Rawat publications, 2021 9788131612163 7th ed. xvi,526p.; UG Library
301.4 SHA 00044590 Social Stratification and Mobility Sharma, K L Rawat publications, 1997 281p.; UG Library
301.4 SHD 00014189 Sex Jones, Kenneth L. Harper 1969 060434198 2nd ed, 212 p.; UG Library
301.4 SIN 00129740 Theories of Sociology Singh, Manmohan Rajat Publications, 2018 9788178807799 267 p. : UG Library
301.4/NAD 00034136 Theory of Social Structure Nadel, S F UG Library
301.40 ARO 05020826 Main Currents on Sociological Thought Vol I Aron, Raymond PENGUIN 272 p Knowledge Centre
301.409 KUM 05026571 Empowering Women / Kumar, Arun Sarupa and Sons, 2002 8176253235 397 p Knowledge Centre
301.40954 BAN 00133986 Touch the sky Bansal,Rashmi Westland publications pvt lrd., 2018 9789386850706 x,203p.; UG Library
301.40959 MUR 05026499 Woment Work Participation & Empowerment : Dr.Murty RBSA Publishers, 2002 8176111368 343 p. Knowledge Centre
301.41 BHA 00086295 Gender Disparity: Manifestations, Causes and Implications. Bharati, Premananda Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2006 8126126175 302 p UG Library
301.41 KAB 05028987 Reversed Realities / Kabeer, Naila Kali for Women, 1996 8185107750 346 p Knowledge Centre
301.41 KUM 05026467 Gender, Work and Power Relations : Kumari, Ranjana Har-Anand, 1998 332 p Knowledge Centre
301.41 RAM 05028996 Gender Inequality : Ramegowda, A Rawat Publications, 1997 211 p Knowledge Centre
301.41 RAO 05028981 Sex Discrimination / Rao, Amruta Indian Publishers Distributors, 1999 314 p Knowledge Centre
301.41 SHA 05028980 Multi-Culturalism and Ethnicity in Global Context / Sharma, K Satish Rawat Publications, 1996 296 p Knowledge Centre
301.41 THA 05033713 Embodiment : Apapan, Meenakshi Oxford University Press, 1998 0195641795 340 p Knowledge Centre
301.41 ZOY 05026470 Forging Identities : Zoya, Hasan Kali, 1994 264 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 BAN 05028995 Delinquent Women and Their Rehabilitation / Bansal, Sadhana Omsons Publications, 1998 310 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 GON 05023226 Women and Human Rights. Gonsalves, Lina APH ,Publishers, 2001 8176482471 x,331p.; Knowledge Centre
301.412 KAU 05028989 Planning For Women's Development / Kaushik, Vijay Sarupa and Sons, 1998 8176250120 375 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 MAH 05028979 Women and Politics / Mahapatra, Subhasini Rajat Publications, 2001 8178800233 367 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 .KAU 05026577 Women and Panchayati Raj / Kaushik, Susheela Har-Anand, 1993 174 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 .KAU 05026576 Women's Oppression : Kaushik, Susheela Vikas Publishing, 1997 0706998901 134 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 AGA 00131742 Indian Women's Theatre: Search of a Tradition Agarwal, Beena Aadi Publications, 2018 9788193539354 199 p.: UG Library
301.412 AGG 05026477 Women's Education in India : Aggawal, S P Concept Publishing Com., 1997 8170223180 316 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 AHU 05028986 Violence Against Women / Ram Ahuja. Rawat Publications, 1998 310 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 ALK 05026474 Women in Muslim Personnel Law / Alka, Singh Rawat, 1992 186 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 ALT 05026465 The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization : Altekar, A S Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1999 8120803248 384 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 BAG 05026603 Loved and Unloved : Nagchi, Jasodhara Stree, 1997 210 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 BAL 01015532 Empowerment of Women / Baluchamy .S. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 9788126144617 xvi,197 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.412 BAL 05026459 Mother & Girl Child : Baligar, Vinayaka Prabha V Rawat, 1998 240 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 BAN 07009952 Muslim Women in Political Process in India/ Banu,Zenab Shipra, 2016 XV,186 Pages,: Library - BR Campus
301.412 BEA 00088227 Second Sex Beauvoir, Simone De 1989 9780679724513 746p UG Library
301.412 BEA 00088229 Second Sex Beauvoir, Simone De 1989 9780679724513 746p UG Library
301.412 BEA 00088228 Second Sex Beauvoir, Simone De 1989 9780679724513 746p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.412 BEH 05026493 Politicl Socialization of Women : Behera, J R Atlanic, 1998 198 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 BHA 00111559 Human Rights and Women : Bhatnagar, Sanjeev. ABD Publishers, 2012 9788183763646 216p.; UG Library
301.412 BHA 00044694 What Is Patriarchy ? Bhasin, Kamla Kali for Women 8185107734 41p UG Library
301.412 BHA 00048975 What Is Patriarchy ? Bhasin, Kamla Kali for Women 8185107734 41p UG Library
301.412 BHA 00095695 What is Patriarchy? Bhasin Kamla Women Unlimited 41P UG Library
301.412 BHA 05029216 Against All Odds : Bhasin, Kamla Kali for Women, 1996 194 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 CHA 05025029 Women`s Education in India : Chaudhary, Dr Pratima HAR-ANAND Publications, 1995 160 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 CHA 05023239 Indian Women`s Search for an Identity / Chatterji, A Shoma Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1997 0706989295 284 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.412 CHA 05025957 Study of Women in Administration : Chandra, Shantha Kohli Radha Publications, 1997 232 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 CHI 05026464 Women and Social Transformation / Chitkara, M G APH Publishing, 2001 0817648251 488 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 CHO 00106314 Women--The Weaker Sex!....Relocating Man Chopra Vijay K. Abhijeet Publications 2010 9789380031507 vi; 131 P. UG Library
301.412 DAS 05029217 The Femine Gender / Das, Bibekananda Manak Publications, 1995 8185445842 164 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 DEV 05023234 Women`s Status and Social Change Devi, Shakuntala Pointer 8171321860 285 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 DEV 05029215 Changing Status of Women in India / Devendra, Kiran Vikas Publishing House, 1994 234 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 DEV 05026485 Changing Status of Women in India / Devendra, Kiran Vikas Publications, 1994 234 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 DHR 05026490 Hindu Women and Power of Idology / Dhruvarajan, Vanaja Sage Publications, 1989 168 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 DUB 05026579 Women and Kinship : Dube, Leela Sage Publications / 1997 8170366186 214 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 ENG 05023238 Rights of Women in Islam Engineer, Ali Asghar Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd 8120719069 188 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 EVE 05026590 Women and Organisations in the Informal Sector / Everett, Jana Himalaya Publishing House, 1994 180 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 EVE Women and Organisations in the Informal Sector / Everett, Jana Himalaya Publishing House, 1994 180 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 GAN 05026488 Issues at Stake : Gandhi, Nandita Kali for Women, 1993 8185107742 346 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 GAN 05026598 When the Rolling Pins Hit the Streets / Gandhi, Nandita Kali for Women, 1996 8185107378 175 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 GAU 05026578 Sati and Social Reforms in India / Gaur, Meena Publication Scheme, 1989 8185263574 168 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 GEE 07010672 The female eunuch / by Greer, Germaine Fourth Estate Publication, 2012 9780007205011 372p.' Library - BR Campus
301.412 GHO 00040717 Women in Society Ghose, Vijaya Times Books International 1994 9812045007 128 p. UG Library
301.412 GHO 05026472 Dalit Women / Ghosh, G K Ashish Publishing House, 1997 8170248280 160 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 GIL 05026478 Hindu Women's Right to Property in India / Gill, Kulwant Deep & Deep Publications, 1986 528 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 GON 00058621 Women and Human Rights. Gonsalves, Lina APH ,Publishers, 2001 8176482471 x,331p.; UG Library
301.412 GOR 00025366 Self-Image and Social Change: A Study of Female Students Gorwaney Naintara Sterling Publishers 1982 276 p UG Library
301.412 GOR 00023838 Self-Image and Social Change: A Study of Female Students Gorwaney Naintara Sterling Publishers 1982 276 p UG Library
301.412 GUP 05026475 Women's Health in India : Gupta, Monica Das Oxford University Press, 1998 0195644557 320 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 HAT 00010118 Changing Status of Woman : In Post-Independence India Hate Chandrakala A Allied Publishers 1969 300 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.412 HAT 00010711 Changing Status of Woman : In Post-Independence India Hate Chandrakala A Allied Publishers 1969 300 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.412 IND 00057205 Mahile: Samaaja Mattu Samskruthi Indira, R Kannada University, Hampi 2000 154p UG Library
301.412 JAI 05026466 Women Images / Jain, Prathiba Rawat, 1996 294 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 JET 05026454 Single Women / Jethani, Urmila Rawat, 1994 190 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 JOH 05026602 Discrepant Dislocations : John, E Mary Oxford University Press, 1996 0195639162 198 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 JOH 05026597 A Question of Silence? John, E Mary Kali for Women, 1998 8186706089 412 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 JOS 05028982 Women in Journalism Making News / Joseph, Ammu Konark Publishers, 2000 8122005632 340 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 JUN 05026596 Breaking the Silence : Jung, Anees Penguin Books, 1997 0140267786 186 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 KAL 05026460 Domestic Violence / Kali Library Kali for Women, 1992 8185107475 75 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 KAL 00111598 Women's Education in Modern India/ Kalra, Ashish ABD Publishers, 2013 9788183764223 vi:256p.; UG Library
301.412 KAN 05026592 Women and Socialisation / Kanhere, Usha S Mittal Publications, 1987 169 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 KAP 05028970 Subversive Sites : Kpur, Ratna Sage Publications, 1996 0817036552 352 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 KAU 05002626 Planning For Women's Development / Kaushik, Vijay Sarupa and Sons, 1998 8176250120 375 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 KAU 05026461 Planning For Women's Development / Kaushik, Vijay Sarupa and Sons, 1998 8176250120 375 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 KAU 05026451 Planning For Women's Development / Kaushik, Vijay Sarupa and Sons, 1998 8176250120 375 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 KEL 05026455 Women Under the Cross : Keller, Nalini Cosmos Publications, 1997 8170206944 142 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 KOL 05017353 Women and Society Oxford University Press; 2012 9780198080787 222p Knowledge Centre
301.412 KUM 00046734 History of Doing: Illustrated Account of Movements for Women Rights. Kumar, Radha Kali for Women 1998 8185107769 208 p UG Library
301.412 KUM 05026471 The History of Doing : Kumar, Radha Kali for Women, 1998 8185107769 203 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 KUS 05026481 Women's March Towards Dignity : Kusum Regency, 1993 164 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 LES 05026457 Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women / Leslie, Julia Motilal Banarsidass, 1992 268 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 LES 05023240 Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women / Leslie, Julia Motilal Banarsidass, 1992 268 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 LLE 05026600 Legacy of Women's Uplift in India : Llewellyn, J E Sage Publications, 1998 8170367050 226 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 LLE 05026607 Legacy of Women's Uplift in India : Llewellyn, J E Sage Publications, 1998 8170367050 226 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 MIL 05029214 On Liberty and the Subjection of Women / Mill, John Stuart Wordsworth Classics of World Literature, 1996 1853264644 216 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 MIS 00034287 Indian Women : Challenges & Changed Mishra R B Common Wealth Publishers 1992 8171691889 260 p UG Library
301.412 MIS 05026491 To Survive and to Prevail : Mishkaben, Marija Sres Indian Social Institute, 1996 158 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 MIT 00027282 The Status of Women : Household & Non-Household and Non-Household Economic Activity Mitra Ashok Allied Publishers 1983 78 p UG Library
301.412 MOH 05002431 Women`s Rights in Islam / Choudhary, M S Adam, 1991 204 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.412 MUK 05026452 Hindu Women Normative Models / Mukerjee, Prabhab Orient Longman, 1978 0863112285 156 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 MUK 05026604 Hindu Women Normative Models / Mukerjee, Prabhab Orient Longman, 1978 0863112285 156 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 MUK 05026492 Hindu Women Normative Models / Mukerjee, Prabhab Orient Longman, 1978 0863112285 156 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 MUK 00088874 Hindu Women Normative Models Mukherjee, Prabhati Orient Longman Publications 1978 8125016996 156p UG Library
301.412 MUK 05026581 In the Name of Justice : Mukhopadhyay, Swapna Manohar Publishers, 1998 8173041296 136 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 NAB 05026480 Caste as Woman / Nabar, Vrinda Penguin Books, 1998 0140258884 220 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 NAG 05026589 Changing Status of Women in India / Nagaich, Sangeeta Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1997 8174885587 238 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 NAH 05002645 Women`s Place: Options and Limits in Professional Career Nahar, U R Rawat 168 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 NAX 05026486 Assistance for Women's Development from National Agencies : Baxamusa, M Ramala Popular Prakashan, 1992 8171545734 146 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 NEL 05002602 Women and Politics Worldwide / Nelson, Barbara J Oxford University Press, 1997 0195642589 818p.: Knowledge Centre
301.412 NFI 05026605 Assignment : National Foundation for India NFI, 1997 86 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 NOO 05026616 Education of Women from Socially Background Communities / Noopur, Indira Kulshreshtha Vikas Pulishing, 1997 156 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 OAK 05026314 The Sociology of Housework / Oakley, Ann Basil Blackwell, 1985 0631139249 243 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 OMV 05057503 Violence Against Women : Omvedt, Gail. Kali for Women, 1997 8185107289 42p.; Knowledge Centre
301.412 PRA 04011319 Women in Nigerian and Indo-Anglian Fiction Prasad, Pratima Atlantic 2011 9788126914296 viii;201 P. Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301.412 PRA 00106993 Women in Nigerian and Indo-Anglian Fiction Prasad, Pratima Atlantic 2011 9788126914296 viii;201 P. UG Library
301.412 PRA 00106315 Women's Status In India And Empowering Them Through Education Praharaj Bijayalaxmi Abhijeet Publications 2010 9380031432, | 978938003143 vi; 263 p UG Library
301.412 PRI 05037810 New Age Technology and Women Identity / Priyadarshi, Shalini Medhashri Publications, 2010 9788191085181 v, 279 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 RAJ 05026468 Real & Imagined Women : Rajeshwari, Sunder Rajan Routledge, 1993 0415085047 153 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 RAN 05026588 Modern Working Women and the Development Debate / Kranti Kanishka Publishers, 1998 8173912483 304 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 RAT 05026463 Women and Child Development & Sustainable Human Development / Rattan, Vijay S Chand & Co. 1997 0812191535 676 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 RAT 05002426 Women and Child Development & Sustainable Human Development / Rattan, Vijay S Chand & Co. 1997 0812191535 676 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 RAT 00138043 Women in Agriculture : Rathore,Surya. Jaya Publishing House, 2019 9789387590984 248p.; UG Library
301.412 RUH 05023235 Understanding the Indian Women Today: Problems and Challenges Ruhela, Saryu Indian Publishers Distributors 173 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 SAN 05037600 Recasting Women : Kali for Women, 1999 8186706038 371p.; Knowledge Centre
301.412 SAR 00057206 Mahile Mattu Aarongya: Mahila Adyayanada Drushtiyalli Saroja, K Kannada University, Hampi 2000 178p UG Library
301.412 SCH 00017724 Woman`s Guide to Better Living : 52 Weeks a Year. Schindler John A St.Paul Publishers 1957 221 p UG Library
301.412 SET 05024526 Women in Agriculture / Sethi, Raj Mohini Rawat Publications, 1996 0817033134 195 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 SHA 05026483 Rural Women in Education : Sharma, Prem Lata Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1988 95 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 SHA 05026456 Empowerment of Women / Shanthi, K Anmol, 1998 196 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 SHU 00057204 Mahila Adhyayanada Tatvika Nelegalu Mattu Mahila Chaluvaligalu Shubhachandra, Preethi University of Hampi 2000 215p UG Library
301.412 SIN 05026458 A Feminine Critique : Singh, Shanta Serbheet Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 1998 8120720350 331 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 SLE 05028988 Guilty Without Trail: Women in the Sex Trade in Calcutta Sleightholme, Carolyn Stree 1997 8185604177 162 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 SRI 00057208 Mahila Adhyayana. Srimathi Kannada University, Hampi 2000 217 UG Library
301.412 TEL 05026489 Indian Women Forge Ahead : Tellis-Nayak, B Jessie Indian Social Institute, 1992 120 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 THI 05026599 Spectrum of Femininity : Thiruchandran, Selvy Vikas Publishing, 1998 149 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 THI 05034516 Ideology, Caste, Class and Gender / Thiruchandran, Selvy Vikas Publishing House, 1996 256 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 UGC 05037484 Saksham : University Grants Commission, 2013 235p.: Knowledge Centre
301.412 UMA 05026496 Bride Burning in India : Umar, Mohd Ashish Publishing House, 1998 8170249228 326 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 UMA 05026495 Bride Burning in India : Umar, Mohd Ashish Publishing House, 1998 8170249228 326 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 VAR 05026476 Women in Agriculture : Varma, Shashi Kanta Concept Publishing Com., 1992 8170223636 192 p. Knowledge Centre
301.412 VAR 05026482 Women's Struggle for Political Space : From Enfranchisement to Participation / Varma, Sudhir Rawat Publications, 1996 224 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 VIA 05026453 Gender Inequality : Vianello, Mino Sage Publications, 1990 0803982437 360 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 WAD 00017431 The Ethics of Feminism. Wadia A.R. Asian Publication Services 1977 255 p. UG Library
301.412 WAD 05026498 The New Bread Winners / Wadhera Kiron Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, 1976 376 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.412 WIG 05026601 Women, Poverty and Resources / Wignaraja, Ponna Sage Publications, 1990 8170361680 241 p Knowledge Centre
301.412 YAD 05026473 States and Fertility of Women in Rural India / Yadava, K N S Manak Publications, 1995 142 p Knowledge Centre
301.412.0954 ALT 00029673 Position of Women in Hindu Civilization Alltekar, A S Motilal Banarsidas 1986 398 p. UG Library
301.412.954 KAP 05026611 Feminist Terrains in Legal Domains : Kapur, Ratna Kali for Women, 1996 8185107831 280 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 RAY 05026606 Fields of Protest : Ray, Raka Kali for Women, 2000 8186706232 214 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 AGA 05002547 NARI : Agrawal, C M Indian Publishers Distributors, 1999 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 AGA 05002548 NARI : Agrawal, C M Indian Publishers Distributors, 1999 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 AGA 05002549 NARI : Agrawal, C M Indian Publishers Distributors, 1999 2 v.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 ALT 00029637 Position of Women in Hindu Civilization Altekar, A S Motilal Banarsidas 1986 398 p UG Library
301.4120954 AZI 05026614 Muslim Women : Azim, Saukath Rawat, 1997 232 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 BHA 05053498 The position of women in India; Leslie Sawhny Programme of Training for Democracy, 1973 131 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 BHA 05026608 Against All Odds : Bhasin, Kamla Kali for Women, 1996 8185107742 194 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 BHA 05026587 Against All Odds : Bhasin, Kamla Kali for Women, 1996 8185107742 194 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 CHA 00044576 Indian Women`s Search for an Identity Chatterji, Shoma 1997 0706989295 284p UG Library
301.4120954 CHA 05026610 Indian Women's Search for an Identity / Chatterji, Shoma A Vikas Publishing, 1997 0706989295 284 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 DHU 05026613 Hindu Women and the Power of Ideology / Dhruvarajan, Vanaja Vision, 1989 168 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 FOR 05026586 New Cambriddge History of India Forbes, Geraldine Foundation Books, 1998 0817596023 289 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 FOR 00053191 New Cambriddge History of India Forbes, Geraldine Foundation Books, 1998 0817596023 289 p UG Library
301.4120954 FOR 00045881 New Cambriddge History of India Forbes, Geraldine Foundation Books, 1998 0817596023 289 p UG Library
301.4120954 FOR 00057203 Aadhunika Bharathadalli Mahile Forbes, Geraldine Kannada University, Hampi 2000 284p UG Library
301.4120954 GHO 00044635 Women Travellers in Colonial India Ghose, Indira 0195642082 196p UG Library
301.4120954 HUS 05026591 The Changing Half : Hussain, Sabiha Classical Publishing Co., 1998 165 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 JAC 00017429 Women in India : Two Perspectives Jacobson Dorabble Manohar Book Service 1977 144 p UG Library
301.4120954 JEF 05026583 Don't Marry Me to a Plowman! Jeffery, Patricia Sage Publications, 1996 8170365899 294 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 KID 05066702 Muslim Women : Viva Books, 2019 9789389401523 xxxiv,250p.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 MUK 05026667 Dowry Death in India / Mukherjee, Geetanjali Indian Publishers Distributors, 1999 306 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 NAG 05026582 Changing Status of Women in India / Nagaich, Sangeeta Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1997 8174885587 230 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 NAR 05026574 Empowering Women : Narasimhan, Sakuntala Sage Publications, 1999 0076199341 236 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 PAN 00033052 Women in India: Past and Present Pandey, Rekha Chuch 1991 286 p UG Library
301.4120954 RAY 00067826 Fields of Protest : Ray, Raka Kali for Women, 2000 8186706232 214 p UG Library
301.4120954 SAB 05026612 The Changing Half : Sabiha Hussain Classical Publishing Company, 1998 164 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 SHA 05026617 Women Employment in India : Shanmughasundaram, Yashoda Allied, 1997 274 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 SHU 01019408 Psyche of Indian women/ Concept Publishing Company, 2013 9788180699740 xii,339p.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 TAN 05026619 Women in Modern India / Tandon, R K Indian Publishing Distributors, 1997 8173410763 306 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 TAN 05026584 Women in Modern India / Tandon, R K Indian Publishing Distributors, 1997 8173410763 306 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 TAN 00047061 State of Women in India Tandon R K Indian Publishers & Distributors 1998 0817341081X 295 p UG Library
301.4120954 TRI 05026585 Perpsectives of Indian Women / Tripathi, R S APH Publishing, 1999 8176480258 358 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 VAR 05026609 Women's Struggle for Political Space : Varma, Sudhir Rawat, 1997 223 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 VIR 05002533 Contemporary Indian Women : Vir, Dharam. New Academic Publishers, 1996 0008186772 6v.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 VIR 05002534 Contemporary Indian Women : Vir, Dharam. New Academic Publishers, 1996 0008186772 6v.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 VIR 05002535 Contemporary Indian Women : Vir, Dharam. New Academic Publishers, 1996 0008186772 6v.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 VIR 05002536 Contemporary Indian Women : Vir, Dharam. New Academic Publishers, 1996 0008186772 6v.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 VIR 05002537 Contemporary Indian Women : Vir, Dharam. New Academic Publishers, 1996 0008186772 6v.; Knowledge Centre
301.4120954 VIR 05002538 Contemporary Indian Women : Vir, Dharam. New Academic Publishers, 1996 0008186772 6v.; Knowledge Centre
301.412095403 RAJ 05026573 Signposts : Rajan, Rajeshwari Sunder Kali for Women, 1999 8186706127 382 p Knowledge Centre
301.4120957 RAY 05026484 Negotitating Indenties : Rayaprol, Aparna Oxford University Press, 1997 0195641515 165 p. Knowledge Centre
301.4120973 ANN 00112087 Nobody Speaks To Me Annaiah Anil JMJ Apartment. 2001 55p UG Library
301.4121 DOM 01015533 Women and Community Action / Dominelli, Lena. Rawat Publications, 9788131601662 xv,255 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.4121 LAL 05026618 Feminist Spaces : Lal, Malashri Allied Publications, 1997 8170237033 236 p Knowledge Centre
301.412CHO 01003274 Veiled Women: Shifting Geneder Equations in Rural Haryana (law Library) Prem Chowdhry Oxford University Press 0195670388 461p Knowledge Centre
301.412DON 01003275 Splitting the Difference: Gender and Myth in Ancient Greece and India(law Lib) Wendy Doniger Oxford University Press 0195658906 376p Knowledge Centre
301.412DON 01005294 Splitting the Difference: Gender and Myth in Ancient Greece and India(law Lib) Wendy Doniger Oxford University Press 0195658906 376p Knowledge Centre
301.412HAK 05026580 Demystification of Law for Women / Haksar, Nandita Lancer Press, 1992 0818509604 110 p Knowledge Centre
301.412NAB 05026487 Caste as Woman / Nabar, Vrinda Penguin Books, 1998 0140258884 220 p Knowledge Centre
301.412RAM 01003140 Divinty and Deviance Women in Virasaivism(law Lib) Vijaya Ramaswamy Oxford University Press 0195639146 137p Knowledge Centre
301.412SLE.S 07015579 Guilty Without Trail: Women in the Sex Trade in Calcutta Sleightholme, Carolyn Stree 1997 8185604177 162 p Library - BR Campus
301.413 DEV 05026450 Divorced Women : Devi, R Usha Ashish Publishing House, 1998 8170249635 170 p Knowledge Centre
301.415 MEN 05026712 Caste, Nationalism and Communism in South India : Menon, M Dilip Foundation Books, 1994 8185618437 196 p Knowledge Centre
301.4154 SIN 05026593 Divine Prostitution / Singh, Kr Nagendra Ashish Publishing House, 1997 8170248213 295 p Knowledge Centre
301.4154 TAN 05026594 Child Prostitution / Tandon, R K Ashish Publishing House, 1998 8170249090 405 p Knowledge Centre
301.4157094 BOS 00079852 Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality Boswell, John Unive 2000 424p UG Library
301.417 KAP 00019982 India Call Girls Kapur, Orient 1979 205 p UG Library
301.4175 MIL 05026479 The Endangered Sex : Miller, D Barbara Oxford University Press, 1998 0195641558 222 p Knowledge Centre
301.42 SHA 00137265 The DBS handbook of anthropolgy Sharma,Ritu DBS Imprints, 2018 9789384229931 xiii,706p.; UG Library
301.42 AND 05026640 Equality and Equality : Andre Beteille. Oxford University Press, 302 p. Knowledge Centre
301.42 BEL 00007444 Modern Introduction to the Family Bell, Norman W. Cmcl, 1968 758 p.; UG Library
301.42 CHA 05026620 Lengthening Shadows : Chauhan, S Poonam Manak Publication, 1996 0818656201 236 p Knowledge Centre
301.42 D`SO 00004799 Happiness in Marriage D`Souza, Anthony A Indian Social Institute 1968 iv; 110 p. UG Library
301.42 D`SO 00004800 Happiness in Marriage D`Souza, Anthony A Indian Social Institute 1968 iv; 110 p. UG Library
301.42 DES 00111985 Kinship Sociology Desai, Vibha Wisdom Press 2013 9789382006411 v; 294 p UG Library
301.42 DUB 00033035 Sociology of Kinship: An Analytical Survey of Literature Dube, Leela Popular 144 p UG Library
301.42 ESH 00033063 Family an Introduction Eshleman, J Rose Allyn, 1985 0205082602 4th ed, 656 p.; UG Library
301.42 FAR 00000525 Family`s Search for Survival Farber, Seymour M M G H, 1965 210 p.; UG Library
301.42 GOO 00032987 The Family Goode J William Prentice -Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 1987 0876924704 2nd Ed., 200 p.; UG Library
301.42 GOO 00032986 The Family Goode J William Prentice -Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 1987 0876924704 2nd Ed., 200 p.; UG Library
301.42 GOO 00030427 The Family Goode J William Prentice -Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 1987 0876924704 2nd Ed., 200 p.; UG Library
301.42 GOO 00021035 The Family Goode J William Prentice -Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 1987 0876924704 2nd Ed., 200 p.; UG Library
301.42 GOO 00006102 The Family Goode J William Prentice -Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 1987 0876924704 2nd Ed., 200 p.; UG Library
301.42 GOO 00029785 The Family Goode J William Prentice -Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 1987 0876924704 2nd Ed., 200 p.; UG Library
301.42 GRO 00017744 Management for Modern Families Gross, Irma H Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1963 2nd Ed xiii; 589 p. UG Library
301.42 GRO 00004989 Management for Modern Families Gross, Irma H Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd 1963 2nd Ed xiii; 589 p. UG Library
301.42 HAR 00006105 Family Harris, C C GAU 1969 220 p UG Library
301.42 HAS 00023169 Marriage in Trouble. a Time of Decision. Haspel, Eleanor C Nelson 1978 184 p UG Library
301.42 HUS 00037556 Marriage and Kinship Among Muslims in South India Hussian Khan, C G Rawat 1994 252 p UG Library
301.42 ISI 00012581 The Indian Family In the Change And Challenge of the Seventies. Indian Social Institute Sterling Publication Private Limited 1972 xiii; 264 p. UG Library
301.42 JAI 05002435 Women`s Writing: Text and Context / Jain, Jasbir Rawat, 1996 817033351x 316p.: Knowledge Centre
301.42 KAP 00029662 Marriage & Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1979 3rd Ed 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00029663 Marriage & Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1979 3rd Ed 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00009690 Marriage & Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1979 3rd Ed 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00011666 Marriage & Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1979 3rd Ed 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00013064 Marriage & Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1979 3rd Ed 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00004992 Marriage & Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1979 3rd Ed 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00033048 Marriage and Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1994 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00025510 Marriage and Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1994 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00018750 Marriage and Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1994 395 p UG Library
301.42 KAP 00033047 Marriage and Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1994 395 p UG Library
301.42 KEP 00013428 Family, Society and the Individual Kephart William M Houghton Mifflin Com 1961 640 p Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.42 KNO 00033062 Exploring Marriage and the Family Knox, David Scott 580 p UG Library
301.42 KRO 00006583 Anthropology Kroeber, IBH, 1956 . 900 p.; UG Library
301.42 MUR 00033293 Social Structure Murdock Georce Peter The Free Press 1965 xvii; 349 p UG Library
301.42 NYE 00033247 Emerging Conceptual Frame Work in Family Analysis / Macmillan Co., 1967 328p.; UG Library
301.42 NYE 00016390 The Family : Nye, F.Ivan. Mc Millan, 1973 658p.; UG Library
301.42 PAR 05026698 The Rural Hindu Family in Continuity and Change / Parmar, Singh S B Vohra Publishers, 1987 200 p Knowledge Centre
301.42 PAU 00006093 Management in Family Living : Pauleng, Mickell Wiley Eastern, 1970 4th ed, x,553 p.; UG Library
301.42 RAD 00033239 African Systems of Kinship and Marriage Radcliffe-Brown, A R OUP 1962 397 p UG Library
301.42 RAD 00033240 African Systems of Kinship and Marriage Radcliffe-Brown, A R OUP 1962 397 p UG Library
301.42 RED 00044552 Marriage Population and Society : Demographis Perspectives of a Social Institution Reddy M M Krishna Kanishka Publishers 1998 8173912556 228 p UG Library
301.42 RED 00044553 Marriage Population and Society : Demographis Perspectives of a Social Institution Reddy M M Krishna Kanishka Publishers 1998 8173912556 228 p UG Library
301.42 ROS 00033235 Hindu Family in Its Urban Setting Ross, D Aileen Sterling 1962 325 p UG Library
301.42 ROS 00033236 Hindu Family in Its Urban Setting Ross, D Aileen Sterling 1962 325 p UG Library
301.42 ROS 07009037 The Hindu Family In Its Urban Setting / Ross,Aileen.D Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606834 ix, 325 p.; Library - BR Campus
301.42 ROS 00013067 Hindu Family in Its Urban Setling Ross, Aleen D 1973 1 UG Library
301.42 SAM 05026642 Marriage Or a Mirage / Sampath, B N IILL, 1992 84 p Knowledge Centre
301.42 SHA 00040541 Marriage and Divorce Problems Sharma Suresh Kumar Pustak Mahal 1995 128 p UG Library
301.42 SHE 00017474 Marriage Customs Among Muslims in India Sheikh, Abrar Husain Sterli, 1976 226 p.; UG Library
301.42 TAN 05026641 Women : Tandon, R K Indian Publishers Distributors, 1998 278 p Knowledge Centre
301.42 TIW 00128554 Textbook of Dynamics of Marriage and Family Tiwari, Gaytri Agrotech Publishing Academy 2016 9788183213936 232 p. : UG Library
301.42 UDR 00016392 Social Context of Marriage Udry, J Richard Jbl 1971 510 p UG Library
301.42.KAP 05002430 Marriage and Family in India Kapadia K M Oxford University Press 1994 395 p Knowledge Centre
301.4201 PLL 00041564 Sociology of Women: Intersection of Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Colonizat: Ollenburger, C Jane PRENTICE HALL 1991 200 p UG Library
301.4208 MIT 00112000 Sociology of Family Mittaal,Sathish Commonwealth Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 2011 9788131103678 298p.; UG Library
301.420954 ROS 05041745 The Hindu Family In Its Urban Setting / Ross,Aileen.D Rawat Publications, 2015 9788131606834 ix, 325 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.420954 SAN 05047331 Marriage and Family in India : Rawat Publications, 2016 9788131607756 xiv,250p.; Knowledge Centre
301.421 BHA 05026664 Kinship and Family in North East India / Bhandari J S Cosmos Publications, 1996 8170206847 443 p. Knowledge Centre
301.421 BHA 05026663 Kinship and Family in North East India / Bhandari J S Cosmos Publications, 1996 8170206847 443 p. Knowledge Centre
301.421 GOO 05026729 Family / Goode, J William Prentice Hall of India, 1994 200 p. Knowledge Centre
301.421 SPR 05026639 Fashioning Family Theory : Serey, Jetse Sage, 1990 216 p Knowledge Centre
301.4210954 CHA 05057575 The Bengalis : Chakravarti,Sudeep. Aleph, 2017 9789386021045 xxxv,457p.; Knowledge Centre
301.421095492 IND 00085707 Kinship in Bengali Culture Inden, Ronald B Chronical Book 2005 8180280187 139 p UG Library
301.421AUG 00033652 Indian Family in Transition Augustine, S John Vikas 171 p UG Library
301.421F 00033232 Kinship Organization in India Irawati, Karve UG Library
301.421KAR 00033231 Kinship Organisation in India Karve, Iravati Asia 431 p UG Library
301.422 JOS 05026705 Marriage Among Indian Christians / Mariamma, Joseph Rawat Publications, 1994 242 p Knowledge Centre
301.422 MAQ 00044568 Muslim Marriage Guide Maqsood, Ruqaiyyah Waris Goodword Books 1998 8185063257 190p UG Library
301.422 PRA 00018740 Love Marriage and Sex Pramila, Kapoor 1977 1 UG Library
301.423 MAT 05026703 Family Welfare Progamme in India / Mathur, Hari Mohan Vikas Publishing, 1990 202 p Knowledge Centre
301.423 SCH 00016383 Changing Family. Schulz, David A PH 1972 465 p UG Library
301.423095 GUP 00033229 Family and Social Change in Modern India Gupta, Giri Raj UBSPD 1976 263 p UG Library
301.423W 00033230 Family and Social Change in Modern India Giri, Raj Gupta UG Library
301.424054 MAD 00030447 India`s Social Transformation. Madan, G R ALLIED 1988 310 p. UG Library
301.426 KIS 05050148 Research in family planning / Princeton University Press, 1962 xv, 662 p. Knowledge Centre
301.426 KRI 00044644 Two Child Family Norms in Rural India Problems and Prospects Reddy, M M Krishna Kanishka 1997 8173911959 266p UG Library
301.426 MUK 00033050 Family and Planning in India Mukerjee, Ramkrishna Ol 1976 88 p UG Library
301.426 RAI 05026704 A Quest for A Small Family / Raina, B L Commonwealth Publishers, 1991 360 p Knowledge Centre
301.426 SAN 05026623 Sociology of Fertility / Sandhu, Jasmeet Rawat, 1996 174 p Knowledge Centre
301.427 FRE 03004050 Young-Husband : French, Patrick. Penguin, 1994 9780241950395 440 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
301.4272 GRU 00044843 Exercises in Education to Love Grugni, Anthony Tej Prasarini 122 p UG Library
301.4284 BLA 00035124 Second Chances: Wallerstern, S Ticknor, 1989 329 p.; UG Library
301.4284 MEH 00017420 Divorced Hindu Woman Rama Mehta, Vikas 1975 200 p UG Library
301.42I VAN 00033248 Emerging Conceptual Frameworks in Family Analysis. Nye Ivan F, F MACMILLAN, 1967 325 P.; UG Library
301.43 WIN 00017536 Generation Apart Winker, Julius Cbp 1969 264 p UG Library
301.4314 KAK 05026622 The Inner World.: Kakar, Sudhir Oxford University Press, 1996 241 p Knowledge Centre
301.4314 KAK 00029816 Inner World: Kakar, Sudhir OUP 1986 242 p UG Library
301.4315 PAN 00025363 Sociology of Youth Pandey, Rajendra Sterling 1984 202 p UG Library
301.44 HUT 00013062 Caste in India : Its Nature, Function and Origins Hutton J H Oxford University Press 1963 4th ed. 324 p UG Library
301.44 HUT 00007427 Caste in India : Its Nature, Function and Origins Hutton J H Oxford University Press 1963 4th ed. 324 p UG Library
301.44 JOS 05056333 Tribal Situation in India : Joshi Vidyut Rawat Publications, 1998 8170334743 | 9788131608654 312 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 JOS 05055979 Tribal Situation in India : Joshi Vidyut Rawat Publications, 2017 8170334743 | 9788131608654 2nd ed. xii,290 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 MEH 00132021 Revisiting Tribal studies: Mehra M.C, Rawat publications, 2018 9788131609361 xiv,290 p.; UG Library
301.44 SAK 05026625 Putting People Last : Saksena, H S Inter India Publications, 1999 8121003903 320 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 ADL 05047247 Hinduism and islam religious mysticism / Alakha, S K Mittal Publication, 2016 9788183247177 vii,321p.; Knowledge Centre
301.44 BAN 00047516 Race Relations Banton, Michael Tavistock 1962 433 p UG Library
301.44 BEN 00034105 Class, Status and Power Bendix, Reinhart Free Press 1980 366 p UG Library
301.44 CHA 05026685 Religious Beliefs and Rituals : Channa, S M Cosmos Publications, 1997 8170208092 300 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 DAL 05002410 Nationalisation of Hindu Traditions: Bhrathendu Harischandra & 19th Century Banaras Dalmia, Vasudha India Book House 490 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 DAN 00095723 Poverty in India / Dandekar, Vinayak Mahadev, Books for Change, 9788182910669 v, 140 p. ; UG Library
301.44 DAN 00092743 Poverty in India : Dandekar V M Xavier Board of Higher Education in India ; | Copies can be had from Murickan, 140P UG Library
301.44 DAS 05026615 Structure and Cognition : Veena, Das Oxford University Press, 1997 0195626516 171 p. Knowledge Centre
301.44 ELW 05026653 The Tribal World of Verrier Elwin : Elwin, Verrier Oxford University Press, 1998 0195623142 356 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 ENG 05026674 Origin and Development of Islam : Engineer, Asghar, Ali Orient Longman Limited, 1987 0861316789 208 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 EQB 00125325 Social Stratification and Social System / Eqbal, Afroze. Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302329 viii, 280 p.; UG Library
301.44 EQB 05061982 Social Stratification and Social System / Eqbal, Afroze. Ishika Publishing House, 2017 9789385302329 viii, 280 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.44 GAN 05026682 Understanding the Muslim Mind / Gandhi, Rajmohan Penguin Books, 1996 0140107800 359 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 GUH 10002365 Savaging the Civilized : Guha, Ramachandra Penguinrandom house india pvt ltd., 2014 9780143427667 xx,403 p. ; Yeshwanthpur Campus
301.44 GUH 05052610 Savaging the Civilized : Guha, Ramachandra Oxford University Press, 1998 9780143427667 385 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 GUH 05052611 Savaging the Civilized : Guha, Ramachandra Oxford University Press, 1998 9780143427667 385 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 GUH 05026654 Savaging the Civilized : Guha, Ramachandra Oxford University Press, 1998 9780143427667 385 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 GUH 00126764 Savaging the Civilized : Guha, Ramachandra Penguin Books, 2014 9780143427667 xx. 403 p.: UG Library
301.44 GUH 00126765 Savaging the Civilized : Guha, Ramachandra Penguin Books, 2014 9780143427667 xx. 403 p.: UG Library
301.44 GUH 00126766 Savaging the Civilized : Guha, Ramachandra Penguin Books, 2014 9780143427667 xx. 403 p.: UG Library
301.44 GUP 05026681 Caste Kinship and Community / Gupta, Satadal Das University Press Ltd., 1993 0086311279 394 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 HUT 00029664 Caste in India : Its Nature, Function and Origins Hutton J H Oxford University Press 1963 4th ed. 324 p UG Library
301.44 HUT 00007424 Caste in India : Its Nature, Function and Origins Hutton J H Oxford University Press 1963 4th ed. 324 p UG Library
301.44 ILA 05026637 Why I Am Not a Hindu : Ilaiah, Kancha Samya, 1996 132 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 JAY 05026624 Tribals in Our Global Village : Jayadas, Edwin Interline Publications, 1990 8172960085 150 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 JON 05026677 New Cambridge History of India : Jones, W Kenneth Foundation Books, 1997 0818561847 244 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 JOS 05026621 Tribal Situation in India : Joshi Vidyut Rawat Publications, 1998 8170334743 | 9788131608654 312 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 JOS 00060385 Tribal Situation in India : Joshi Vidyut Rawat Publications, 1998 8170334743 | 9788131608654 312 p UG Library
301.44 KUM 00086304 Structure of Society Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2002 9788126111077 329 p UG Library
301.44 KUM 00086306 Societal Structure and Social Problems Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 8126110295 346 UG Library
301.44 KUM 00086307 Societal Structure and Social Problems Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 8126110295 346 UG Library
301.44 KUM 00086308 Societal Structure and Social Problems Kumar, A Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 8126110295 346 UG Library
301.44 LOP 07006896 Class, conflict, and mobility: Lopreato, Joseph Rawat Publication, 2005 9788170339748 xvii,527p. Library - BR Campus
301.44 MAD 00087490 Family and Kinship: A Study of the Pandits of Rural Kashmir Madan, T N 2007 0195657853 326 p UG Library
301.44 MEN 05026676 Caste, Nationalism and Communism in South India : Menon, M Dilip Cambridge University Press, 1994 0521418798 209 p. Knowledge Centre
301.44 MOD 05026678 Brahminical Culture and Modernity / Moddie, A D Asia Publishing House, 1968 144 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 MUN 05026673 Caste Dynamics and Tribal Society : Munda, G S Dominant Publishers, 2000 8187336439 306 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 NAD 05026626 Culture, Gender and Ecology : Nadarajah, M Rawat, 1999 342 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 NAG 00057211 Alpasankhyatharu Nagaraju, T Chethana Pustakalaya 1999 144p UG Library
301.44 OMV 05026656 Dalit Visions : Omvedt, Gail Orient Longman Publications, 1996 8125006362 110 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 PSN 05026638 Concerned Indian's Guide to Communalism / Panikkar, K N Viking, 1999 0670888354 252 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 RAD 05026696 Religion, Caste and State / Radhakrishnan, P Rawat Publications, 2007 8131600637 300 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 RAF 00087788 Beggars in Hyderabad Rafiuddin, Mohd Zed Books 2008 9788182910416 167p UG Library
301.44 REM 05026655 Mythos and Logos of the Warlis: Remedios, Avellino Concept Publishing Company, 1998 8170226929 158 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 SAK 05057782 Tribal Studies and Beyond : Saksena H S Rawat 2017 9788131609095 300p. Knowledge Centre
301.44 SAK 07013871 Tribal Studies and Beyond : Saksena H S Rawat 2017 9788131609095 300p. Library - BR Campus
301.44 SAK 00129256 Tribal Studies and Beyond : Saksena H S Rawat 2017 9788131609095 300p. UG Library
301.44 SCH 05002429 Hinduism - Buddhism - Islam : a Comparative Study Schneider, Del Byron Crest Publishing House 138 Knowledge Centre
301.44 SEN 05026679 Inequality Re- Examined Sen, Amartya New York, 1999 0198289286 207 p. Knowledge Centre
301.44 SHA 00057214 Kula Jananga Mathu Alpa Sankyathara Sambandhagalu Sharma, A R Chethana Pustakalaya 1998 138p UG Library
301.44 SIN 05043084 India`s Communities / Singh, K S Oxford University Press, 1998 0195633547 | 9780195633542 3v.; Knowledge Centre
301.44 SIN 05043086 India`s Communities / Singh, K S Oxford University Press, 1998 0195633547 | 9780195633542 3v.; Knowledge Centre
301.44 SIN 05043085 India`s Communities / Singh, K S Oxford University Press, 1998 0195633547 | 9780195633542 3v.; Knowledge Centre
301.44 SRI 00027449 Social Class and Family Life in India Srivastava, A K Chugh 1984 286 p UG Library
301.44 SRI 05026684 Caste : Srinivas, M N Viking, 1900 306 p. Knowledge Centre
301.44 SUR 00034357 Social and Cultural Mobility Sorokin, A Pitirim Free Press 1996 640 p UG Library
301.44 THO 00015722 Social Stratification Thomas, Konrad Pracharanga Bangalore University 1975 40 p UG Library
301.44 TUM 00029655 Social Stratification Tumin, Melvin M Prentice -Hall, 1987 9788120304819 2nd ed, 166 p.; UG Library
301.44 TUM 00029657 Social Stratification the forms and Functions in Equality. Tumin, M Melvin Prentice Hall 1987 166 P UG Library
301.44 TUM 00060328 Social Stratification Tumin, Melvin M Prentice -Hall, 1987 9788120304819 2nd ed, 166 p.; UG Library
301.44 TUM 00006101 Social Stratification Tumin, Melvin M Prentice -Hall, 1987 9788120304819 2nd ed, 166 p.; UG Library
301.44 TUM 00029656 Social Stratification Tumin, Melvin M Prentice -Hall, 1987 9788120304819 2nd ed, 166 p.; UG Library
301.44 TUM 00030401 Social Stratification the Formas and Functions of Inequality Tumin, M Melvin M Prentice Hall 1987 166 UG Library
301.44 UBE 00079926 Family, Kinship and Marriage in India Uberoi, Patricia Oxford Univeristy Press 2008 0195635086 x; 502 p. UG Library
301.44 UBE 00079929 Family, Kinship and Marriage in India Uberoi, Patricia Oxford Univeristy Press 2008 0195635086 x; 502 p. UG Library
301.44 UBE 00079930 Family, Kinship and Marriage in India Uberoi, Patricia Oxford Univeristy Press 2008 0195635086 x; 502 p. UG Library
301.44 UBE 00079928 Family, Kinship and Marriage in India Uberoi, Patricia Oxford Univeristy Press 2008 0195635086 x; 502 p. UG Library
301.44 UBE 00079927 Family, Kinship and Marriage in India Uberoi, Patricia Oxford Univeristy Press 2008 0195635086 x; 502 p. UG Library
301.44 VAR 05026675 The Great Indian Middle Class / Varma, K Pavan Penguin Books, 1998 0140276580 232 p Knowledge Centre
301.44 WAN 05026680 Social Mobility and Scheduled Castes : Wankhede, G G Rawat Publications, 1999 228 p Knowledge Centre
301.44/BEN 00034106 Class, Status & Power Reinhart, Bendex UG Library
301.44/BEN 00034107 Class, Status & Power Reinhart, Bendex UG Library
301.440 BET 07013097 Caste, class, and power Beteille, Andre. Oxford University Press 1996 9780198077435 3rd Ed. 295 p. Library - BR Campus
301.440 BET 07007855 Caste, class, and power Beteille, Andre. Oxford University Press 1996 9780198077435 3rd Ed. 295 p. Library - BR Campus
301.44044 SHA 05026652 Social Statisfication and Mobility / Sharma, K L Rawat Publications, 1994 280 p Knowledge Centre
301.44044 TUM 05026702 Social Stratification : Tumin, M Melvin Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1994 166 p Knowledge Centre
301.440954 AMB 05020307 Annihilation of Cast : Ambedkar Babasaheb.Dr New Age Printer, 2012 100 p. : Knowledge Centre
301.440954 BHA 07011317 Hindu castes and sects; Bhattacharya, Jogendranath. Abhijeet Publications, 2017 9789350742853 623p : . Library - BR Campus
301.440954 BHA 00128798 Hindu castes and sects; Bhattacharya, Jogendranath. Abhijeet Publications, 2017 9789350742853 623p : . UG Library
301.440954 DAN 01014118 Poverty in India / Dandekar, Vinayak Mahadev, Books for Change, 9788182910669 140 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.440954 DAN 05049075 Poverty in India / Dandekar, Vinayak Mahadev, Books for Change, 9788182910669 140 p. ; Knowledge Centre
301.440954 DUM 00103196 Homo Hierarchicus : Dumont, Louis Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195645477 488 p.; UG Library
301.440954 DUM 00044078 Homo Hierarchicus : Dumont, Louis Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195645477 488 p.; UG Library
301.440954 DUM 00101809 Homo Hierarchicus : Dumont, Louis Oxford University Press, 1998 9780195645477 488 p.; UG Library
301.440954 JAF 07015711 Rise of the Plebeians ? : Routledge, 2009 9781138679610 494p.: Library - BR Campus
301.440954 MAY 00030405 Caste and Kinship in Central India Mayer C Adrian Routledge & Kegan Paul 1984 296 p UG Library
301.440954 NAY 05026693 Caste and Kinship in Central India Mayer C Adrian Routledge & Kegan Paul 1984 296 p Knowledge Centre
301.440954 USM 00087094 Social Organisation. Usmani, B D Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd 2007 9788126132225 310 p UG Library
301.440954 WIC 05026635 Indian Caste : Wilson, John K K Book Distributors, 1984 240 p Knowledge Centre
301.440954 WIL 00027276 Indian Caste: Vol. I Wilson, John Kkd 1984 40 p UG Library
301.44095482 BET 00109205 Caste, class, and power Beteille, Andre. Oxford University Press 1996 9780198077435 3rd Ed. 295 p. UG Library
301.441 BAN 05024851 Poor Little Rich Slum / Bansal, Rashmi. Westland Limited ; 2012 9789381626184 189 p.: Knowledge Centre
301.441 BAN 00119446 Poor Little Rich Slum / Bansal, Rashmi. Westland Limited ; 2012 9789381626184 189 p.: UG Library
301.441 BAN 04024747 Poor Little Rich Slum / Bansal, Rashmi. Westland Limited ; 2012 9789381626184 189 p.: Knowledge Centre (Kengeri)
301.441 BAN 03007087 Poor Little Rich Slum / Bansal, Rashmi. Westland Limited ; 2012 9789381626184 189 p.: School of Business Management (Kengeri)
301.441 BET 05026695 Idea of Natural Inequality And Other Essays / Beteille, Andre Oxford University Press, 1983 190 p Knowledge Centre
301.441 DVM 00034099 Urban Society Louis, Dumant 1 UG Library
301.441 IRA 00009533 Kingship Organisation in India Irawah Karwe, 1 UG Library
301.441 LOU 00034098 Homo Hierarchious Louis Domant, 1 UG Library
301.441 MIS 00044664 Indian Middle Calsses [ Their Growth in Modern Times Misra, B B Oxford University 1961 412p UG Library
301.441 MIS 00044665 Indian Middle Calsses [ Their Growth in Modern Times Misra, B B Oxford University 1961 412p UG Library
301.441 PEA 00081210 Hindu Kingship and Polity in Precolonial India Peabody, Norbert Foundation Books 2006 8175963662 190p UG Library
301.441 UBE 05026657 Family, Kinship and Marriage in India / Uberoi, Patricia Oxford University Press, 1998 502 p Knowledge Centre
301.441 UBE 05029291 Family, Kinship and Marriage in India / Uberoi, Patricia Oxford University Press, 1998 502 p Knowledge Centre
301.4410954 JOD 00124875 The Indian Middle Class / Jodhka,Surinder S Oxford University Press, 2016 0199466793 | 9780199466795 xxiii,232p.; UG Library
301.4410954 JOD 05053276 The Indian Middle Class / Jodhka,Surinder S Oxford University Press, 2016 0199466793 | 9780199466795 xxiii,232p.; Knowledge Centre
301.4410954 JOD 05047179 The Indian Middle Class / Jodhka,Surinder S Oxford University Press, 2016 0199466793 | 9780199466795 xxiii,232p.; Knowledge Centre
301.4410954 MIS 05026683 Indian Middle Classes : Misra, B. B Oxford University Press, 1984 195605993 438 p.; Knowledge Centre
301.4410954 NIS 00025682 Indian Middle Classes : Misra, B. B Oxford University Press, 1984 195605993 438 p.; UG Library
301.441Q 00034100 Homo Hierarchicus Loui