Title : The mature student's guide to completing a doctorate /
Author/s: Hewson, Sinéad |
Title : A biopsychosocial approach to health :
Author/s: Sumner, Rachel C. |
Title : Student's Guide to Accounting Standards /
Author/s: Rawat.D.S. |
Title : Hotel and Catering Operations/
Author/s: Carvalho, Benita |
Title : Taxmann's GST Ready Reckoner /
Author/s: Datey,V.S. |
Title : Behind the Scenes of Indie Film Marketing:
Author/s: Larue, Nicholas |
Title : Research methods and statistics in psychology /
Author/s: Haslam, S. Alexander, |
Title : Statistical Mechanics /
Author/s: Feynman, Richard P. |
Title : Spirituality in Family Counselling and Pschotherapy :
Author/s: Parayil, Thomas Joseph. |
Title : Quantum Computing Fundamentals :
Author/s: Easttom, Chuck., |
Title : Tomb of sand :
Author/s: Shree, Geetanjali. |
Title : Citizen Gallery :
Author/s: Pinto, Jerry. |
Title : Research Anthology:Film -Based elt /
Author/s: Praveen, Chandrasekharan. |
Title : Chromophobia /
Author/s: Batchelor, David. |
Title : Honest Broker :
Author/s: Latoeiro, Pedro. |
Title : Pandemic India :
Author/s: Arnold, David. |