Title : Comparative political analysis:
Author/s: Sharma, Chetna |
Title : Mastering beats in journalism:
Author/s: Dahiya, Surbhi |
Title : Cryptography and network security :
Author/s: Stallings, William |
Title : Patterns of distributed systems/
Author/s: Joshi, Unmesh |
Title : AI for everyone:
Author/s: Goswami, Saptarsi |
Title : Advertising brands and consumer behaviour:
Author/s: Kumar, S Ramesh |
Title : Modern operating systems/
Author/s: Tanenbaum, Andrew S. |
Title : understanding natural language processing:
Author/s: Geetha, T.V |
Title : The art and science of business communication :
Author/s: Chaturvedi, P D |
Title : Financial Markets and Institutions /
Author/s: Mishkin, Frederic S. |
Title : Bayesian analysis with Excel and R /
Author/s: Carlberg, Conrad, |
Title : Project Management:
Author/s: Horine, Gregory M, |